
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Maths and Languages Professional Learning Partnership Exploratory Meeting

Venue: Online
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Event Date: 01/03/2022 16:00 - 17:00

As part of SCILT’s Professional Learning offer for the past few years, our Professional Development Officers have facilitated a number of collaborative projects centring on aspects of practice identified by schools, local authorities and RICs. Those aspects have included parental engagement, strengthening literacy skills across languages, meeting learner entitlement and inspiring interdisciplinary contexts for language learning.

Previous and current Professional Learning Partnerships (PLPs) have brought children and young people, teachers, and families together with charities, bilingual theatre companies, university students, architects, teaching artists, sports professionals and others. All to innovate and make a difference to language learning in a wide range of settings.

PLP partners connect to create something amazing i.e. an exciting IDL programme of work, a performance, redesigned curriculum pathways, multimedia publicity campaigns, and an intergenerational family learning programme. All partners commit to share the learning from the PLP to a variety of audiences. Many stories of powerful impact have already been shared. Discover more about SCILT’s previous Professional Learning Partnerships on our website.

The good news is that a brand new PLP with the Maths Outreach Team at the University of Edinburgh is on the starting blocks and your school, cluster or authority could be involved.

Have you ever thought about connections between studying mathematics and learning a new language? Join mathematicians and linguists from the University of Edinburgh to find out more. 

Together, we will explore how languages work, and where maths comes into play. We will discuss how links between maths and linguistics can be used to spark our students’ interest and help them develop problem solving skills. We will touch on how these unexpected interdisciplinary connections can help us to engage parents and, ultimately, to widen access to University. 


The PLP will develop organically during the partnership process. Maths Outreach colleagues are interested in all of the following:

  • primary
  • secondary BGE (S1-S3), perhaps involving teachers of maths, languages and English
  • parental engagement
  • widening participation

If one or more of those piques your interest too, you are invited to come to an exploratory meeting with colleagues from SCILT and the Maths Outreach Team at 4-5pm, Tuesday 1 March 2022.

This session will be hosted on Zoom, and is open to teachers working in any primary or secondary school in Scotland.

In the session, you will be invited to help SCILT and the Maths Outreach Team colleagues to identify a specific focus for collaboration in the PLP.

Please note that an expression of interest at this stage is not binding.

Contact SCILT and include ‘Maths PLP’ in the subject line, with any queries you have about this exciting opportunity.

Visit the website to register by Friday 25 February.

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