
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Developing Online Teaching Skills

Venue: Open University, Milton Keynes
Contact: Julie Grayson
Telephone: 01908 654 781 (Dr Ursula Stickler)
Visit website

Event Date: 25/10/2013 - 26/10/2013

We would like to invite you to participate in a 2-day workshop on Developing Online Teaching Skills. The workshop will take place on 25–26 October 2013 at the Open University in Milton Keynes.

Developing Online Teaching Skills (DOTS) is a project supported by the Council of Europe's European Centre for Modern Languages ( The project team has created a website with a toolkit of activities focussing on the teaching of languages in online and blended contexts and with the help of digital technologies. These activities, which are available in different languages, target language professionals from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds who want to engage with online teaching or further develop their current practice. The content of the DOTS website is based on an analysis of the needs of language teachers faced with an increasing requirement to move teaching and learning online, keep abreast with latest technological developments, and apply those that are most suitable for their teaching, in a pedagogically sound fashion.

The focus of the workshop will be on participants’ training needs and on the adaptation of the available resources to their teaching contexts. The workshop reflects our belief that pedagogy and technology need to be integrated to ensure successful use of information and communication technologies in the classroom. We will explore the DOTS website (a repository as well as an interactive workspace), look at the modules available and explore its interactive features which facilitate the sharing of experiences and ideas. Participants will be able to work online and engage with the DOTS workspace through interactive and collaborative tasks.

This workshop is provided with support from the ECML and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture. The event, which is limited to 20 local/regional multipliers, is funded by the ECML under the terms of the joint cooperation agreement which includes travel, accommodation and subsistence for the participants. It is free of charge for participants.

If you decide to take part, you will be expected to participate in online preparatory and follow-up activities and, following the event, to disseminate what you have learned about the resources available on the DOTS workspace to fellow teachers and/or other teaching professionals.

Please respond or direct any further information requests to:

Dr Ursula Stickler,, or Sarah Heiser,, copying in Julie Grayson, our administrative support (

Application deadline - 18 October 2013.

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