
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Scottish Learning Festival 2015

Venue: Glasgow
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Event Date: 23/09/2015 - 24/09/2015

The Scottish Learning Festival is the key education event in Scotland welcoming thousands of educational professionals.

SLF 2015 takes place on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 September in the SECC, Glasgow and is now open for registration - so book your free place today!

SLF 2015 gives you access to inspirational keynotes, over 100 professional development seminars where you can engage in activities and learn from practitioners and young people, over 100 exhibitors showcasing educational resources, lively debate at the professional discussions and opportunities for discussion and professional networking with peers and colleagues from across Scotland.

The following seminars will be of particular interest to language teachers:

Wednesday 23 September:

  • Leadership in Gaelic Medium Education (Joan Esson, Education Scotland) 
  • 1+2 languages – where are we now? (Louise Glen, Education Scotland) 
  • Establishing and developing a successful link with France (Thomas Chaurin, Institut français) 
  • Braw Blethers: Scots language networks (Bruce Eunson, Education Scotland) 
  • Scotland, People and Language (Marion Fairweather, BEMIS)

Thursday 24 September:

  • Modern Language Assistants: Developing Global Citizens for a Multilingual World (Iona Peddie, British Council Scotland) 
  • MidVision: A Collaborative Approach to Modern Languages (Alan Wait, Midlothian Education)

Visit the Education Scotland SLF 2015 webpage for the full conference programme and to register your place.

University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages
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