
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Glow Meet - 1+2 Languages Strategy

Venue: Online
Visit website

Event Date: 25/02/2015 16:00 - 16:45

This second Glow TV event in the series hosted by the modern languages team at Education Scotland will focus on developing listening and talking in young learners in a 1+2 context.

There will also be information on the latest developments and support available from Education Scotland. This session is aimed at development officers and practitioners.

Visit the website to register for the event.  A Glow login and password will be required.

The first Glow Meet gave an overview of the 1+2 journey so far and has highlighted the support available now from Education Scotland. If you missed this, you can view it on Education Scotland's professional learning community, Babelon, on Glow #babelon; #glowmeet1; #1+2languages.

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