
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Edinburgh International Book Festival 2015 - Poetic Translation

Venue: Charlotte Square Gardens, Edinburgh
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Event Date: 27/08/2015 17:00 - 18:00

The CPD workshop, Poetic Translation with the Scottish Poetry Library, takes place as part of the festival on Thursday 27 August from 5.00pm–6.00pm.

Think you can’t translate a poem from one language into another? This event will prove you wrong. Mexican poet Juana Adcock and Georgi Gill, Learning Manager at the Scottish Poetry Library, guide you through the craft of creating a nuanced translation. Find out how different cultures express ideas differently and how a creative approach can make a translation come to life.

Piloted in Edinburgh schools, this is a flexible approach to primary school language learning and creative writing with fun, fast-paced exercises.

Visit the Edinburgh International Book Festival website to download the brochure and booking form.

University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages
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