
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

1+2 in Primary Schools: which languages should the children of Scotland learn?

Venue: University of Stirling
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Event Date: 12/11/2015 16:00 - 19:00

As Scotland prepares to introduce a second ‘foreign’ language into the curriculum in primary schools, this event will invite members of the public to critically engage with the government’s policy and consider the benefits of language learning for children in different social and educational contexts.

The guidance from Education Scotland leaves the choice of second language to individual schools to decide. Which language should they choose? And how should they make the choice?

This public, twilight discussion event, at the University of Stirling’s accessible and well-known Management Centre, will offer a unique opportunity for the audience to engage with social scientists, policymakers and language champions working in the field of language and language learning in Scotland.

See the attached flyer and visit the website for further information and to book your place.

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