
Language-related events in Scotland and beyond. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

1+2: Looking Back and Moving Forward

Venue: Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee
Visit website

Event Date: 09/09/2016 09:30 - 16:15

Registration for the national cross-sector conference organised by UCMLS is now open. Our aims for the day are to:

  1. take stock of where we are with Scotland's ambitious language policy and
  2. work towards the creation of a cross-sector action plan for successful implementation of 1+2 by 2020 and beyond.

We intend to present the findings of the online cross-sector survey we conducted over the last few weeks (thanks again to all who responded!). We will also hear from respected colleagues in Initial Teacher Education, local authority, the teaching profession and international business. There will be opportunities to network across sectors and we will make a start on our action plan. The ideas generated from the conference will be further discussed and refined during a series of regional and national follow-up events, and we intend to launch the cross-sector action plan in early March 2017.

Please come and join us on 9 September! Visit the website for programme information and to register.

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