Latest News

A selection of language-related news. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.


CLIL Mondays

11 January 2022 (Learning through Languages UK)

Learning through Languages UK and the Centre for Language Research at Aston are running "CLIL Mondays" on the second Monday of each month from 4.30 to 5.30. This series of online talks is aimed at teachers at primary, secondary and tertiary levels who have an interest in Content and Language Integrated Learning. CLIL Mondays combine short 30-minute talks on aspects of CLIL with Q&A time. One session per term will be open to practitioners for sharing of good practice, you are warmly invited to come and present your CLIL work.

Full programme details and registration links can be found on the CLIL Mondays webpage.


Key subjects to be taught through Irish under plan to boost standards

11 November 2019 (The Irish Times)

Subjects such as physical education, maths and art are to be taught through Irish in about 20 primary, secondary and pre-schools under a new project aimed at boosting the teaching and learning of Irish.

The move has been partly prompted by concern over the quality of teaching and learning of Irish in schools.


My French PE lesson

13 October 2016 (TES)

I have the privilege to work with one of the best PE teachers I know. Her name is Charlotte and we’ve been sharing not only the same office this year, but the same ideas, sometimes, and the same passion for teaching.

[..] But the event I have enjoyed the most was sports week, at the end of the summer term. It was a great chance for me to familiarise myself with one of the new methods in teaching a foreign language: Content and Language Integrated Learning. Shortly- CLIL.


Scepticism can’t keep CLIL from climbing

3 November 2014 (ECML)

Significant developments are keeping CLIL in the news and promise some interesting outcomes in terms of educational practice, training and resources. Indeed the CLIL paradigm is at the centre of various initiatives exploring the relationship between CLIL and competences. For example, the ECML project “Literacies through Content and Language Integrated Learning: effective learning across subjects and languages” (2012-2015) is engaged in mapping out and developing greater awareness of subject-specific academic pluriliteracies.


‘Every learner a language learner, every teacher a language teacher’

3 October 2014 (British Council)

The British Council organised an evening event on 26 September on the European Day of Languages to celebrate language diversity and language learning in UK schools.

‘Every learner a language learner, every teacher a language teacher’ featured case studies from Bordesley Green school in Birmingham and St Austin’s Primary in Liverpool on how they support MFL, CLIL, and EAL learners.

For those who were unable to attend the event, the presentations can now be viewed on YouTube.


Language learning: two for the price of one

2 June 2014 (The Telegraph)

What language learning needs now is a bit of cool 21st-century rebranding, says Heather Martin, integrated learning should be enthusiastically embraced.

"It’s two for the price of one," I told my pupils in September, when they discovered they would be using Spanish in humanities lessons. "You’ll be learning all about kings and queens, mountains, rivers and world religions – but with lashings of extra Spanish on top."


Integrating Content and Language

24 April 2014 (Language Magazine)

Tania Ruiz presents educators’ impressions of the dual-language methodology sweeping Europe.
Similar to other bilingual education methods, the CLIL methodology (content and language integrated learning) is considered a model of good practice in Europe. It has been adopted by a large number of infant and primary schools in Spain, such as schools in the Bilingual Project in Madrid. CLIL is a form of dual-focused learning where emphasis is both on content and on language. Teachers plan their lessons with two sets of objectives, one regarding content and one regarding language. When we talk about CLIL, we’re talking about a new construct of what the curriculum looks like in modern education and how it needs to be implemented.


Students given food technology lessons in foreign languages

18 February 2014 (Get Reading)

It sounds a little like a French lesson but this is one of a number of classes at The Willink School in Burghfield where the language is only half of what the students are being taught. The CLIL (content & language integrated learning) lessons are standard lessons, ie food technology, geography and music, but taught in either French or Spanish.


Acquiring a foreign language improves when learning and teaching involves non-language content

4 February 2014 (Basque Research)

The PhD thesis defended by Jon Ander Merino at the Arts Faculty of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), under the supervision of Professor David Lasagabaster of the Department of English and German, has shown that content and foreign language integrated learning, i.e. teaching through a foreign language involving content of the language itself as well as non-linguistic content, enhances the acquisition of that language. The PhD thesis is entitled, ‘El efecto del Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenido y Lengua Extranjera (AICLE) y su intensidad en las lenguas curriculares: un estudio longitudinal’ (The effect of Content and Foreign Language Integrated Learning [CLIL] and its intensity in curricular languages: a longitudinal study).


Joining the global conversation

15 November 2013 (TES)

Multilingual education is not just good for job prospects - it can also make young people better learners across the curriculum. But those who miss out may be left at a great disadvantage, even if they are native English speakers. William Stewart reports.


Immersion Courses in France and Spain for Primary and Secondary School Teachers

8 November 2013 (Le Français en Ecosse)

Le Français en Ecosse run series of Immersion courses in France and Spain during the summer. There are courses suitable for both Primary and Secondary teachers. Erasmus funding may be available.

To reserve a place on one of these courses please contact Ros Main on

Good practice resource - Languages at the heart of the curriculum: Springfield Lower School

24 October 2013 (Ofsted)

At Springfield Lower School, teaching Italian through an approach based on content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is firmly established. Language lessons use the current topic in the curriculum for their content. Links with Italy and its culture provide rich opportunities to develop the pupils’ understanding and appreciation of other cultures.

This is one of four examples, two primary and two secondary, where pupils make rapid progress in learning modern languages through a curriculum designed to extend opportunities to be immersed in the language studied.


Reigniting their love of MFL

21 March 2013 (SecEd)

A new initiative is encouraging schools to combine language teaching with the teaching of other key subjects. Suzi Bewell takes a look at the immersion approach to MFL. The Association for Language Learning (ALL) has set up FLAME, a new initiative to support CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and bilingual learning.


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