Latest News

A selection of language-related news. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.


Teacher training activities for Spanish teachers

23 January 2025 (Consejería de Educación)

Several training activities for Spanish teachers at all educational levels are taking place in the first half of the year, offered in both face-to-face and online formats by the Consejería de Educación and Instituto Cervantes. The programme also includes methodology and immersion courses in Spain.

Teacher Training Activities January-June 2025

The programme of activities combines online workshops with face-to-face sessions in various cities across the United Kingdom and Ireland. It also includes methodology and immersion courses in Spain. Through the training section on the Ministry of Education's website, our mailing list, and our X account, we will progressively announce the details of each of these courses. Don’t miss the chance to participate in these free workshops and courses, delivered by highly respected professionals and certified by the Ministry of Education! See the attached flyer.

For any inquiries regarding the training programme:

Series of online teacher training seminars

Organised by the Cervantes Institute of Manchester and the University of Edinburgh within the framework of the Cervantes Chair at the University of Edinburgh. If you wish to enrol, use the discount code cervanteseleuk2025 to get 20% off.

Who are these seminars aimed at?

Spanish teachers with training and experience who carry out their work in different areas (secondary school, university, adult education) and who wish to expand their professional training.

Are all sessions online?

The four seminars are online and are taught through the Zoom platform.

What format do they have?

Each seminar consists of three online workshops of three hours each and six hours of tutored autonomous work. Sessions take place on the indicated Fridays from 5pm to 8pm (UK time)

Visit the Instituto Cervantes Manchester website for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Primary Languages and the Curriculum Improvement Cycle

14 January 2025 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland will be hosting two webinars this month for primary teachers on languages and the curriculum improvement cycle:

  • Wednesday 22 January, 16:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 28 January, 16:00-17:00

This will be an opportunity to hear first hand about initial findings and how you can become involved in this transformational work.

Visit the Education Scotland portal to find the webinar joining links.


Upcoming Online Team Teaching for Languages - Live Lessons available for French, Gaelic and Spanish

28 November 2024 (Argyll & Bute Council)

Suitable for P4-7 classes. French and Gaelic are now provided at two levels. Please sign up here.

Teachers learn alongside their pupils in real time and are supported to lead the learning in their own class. The lesson structure alternates between short bursts of direct teaching from the online teacher, followed by the class teachers leading their own class in a game. This format allows the learning to remain active and fully engage the learners. These courses provide on the job professional learning and help teachers make the time for languages in the curriculum.

Each lesson lasts approximately 40 minutes and will take place via GLOW Microsoft Teams. All resources will be available to download in advance of the session and will be stored in the GLOW Team.


French language teachers, we value your input!

15 November 2024 (Institut français)

Between September and November, the Institut français d’Ecosse has been organising free online teachers’ training workshops.

Aware that the days and times did not necessarily suit timetables from teachers across Scotland and wishing to reach out to most teachers teaching French in primary and secondary schools, we invite you to complete a short survey aiming at identifying the best day/time to conduct such trainings.

The survey will take you a few minutes to complete.

Please kindly complete the survey before the extended deadline of 1 December 2024.

The data collected will be stored and used for internal purposes only. 

Thanking you in advance for your input!

The Language Show 2024 on catch up!

12 November 2024 (The Language Show)

If you missed last weekend's virtual event don't worry, everything is now available on catch up!

  • recordings of nearly 80 sessions
  • nearly 90 amazing speakers
  • 50 talks for teachers
  • talks for professionals
  • talks for learners

All this for £12. Visit the Language Show website to obtain your on-demand ticket.


i Teach with Technology webinar series

21 October 2024 (BAAL LLT SIG)

The British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Language Learning and Teaching Special Interest Group (SIG) is offering a series of free webinars during the autumn term 2024 on AI, new technologies and language learning and teaching. These will pair research on language learning technologies with classroom insights from experienced teachers. Discover how innovative tools are shaping the future of education and learn from the experts.

The first event is 'What language educators need to know about AI' (by Zoe Handley and Ana Nino) taking place on 30 October.

Visit the registration website to sign up for this event and all remaining webinars in the series.


Lingobox Learning: New French course for teachers!

10 October 2024 (Lingobox Learning)

Our first full French course for teachers starts on Tuesday 29 October. This course is designed to empower teachers at all levels of French to develop French language skills and build confidence by working with you to create a personalised learning plan which works for you!  

Throughout this 6-week course, we’ll share learning materials every Tuesday (29.10.24 – 03.12.24) so you can work through all learning videos and activities in your own time. All school subscribers to Lingobox will have full access to course materials as ongoing. 

The course also includes a full 2-months individual account access to Lingobox!

The course will cover:

Teaching primary French: Learn about the key aspects of primary French language learning and create a personalised learning and teaching plan which works for you. 

A guide to French phonics: Your go to guide for understanding and teaching French phonics.

Language learning topics: How to plan for, learn and teach your choice of French topic language (eg weather, dates, numbers, school subjects, opinions etc.) in a quick and effective way.

Embedding language into practice: Simple and effective strategies for embedding language into classroom practice including classroom instructions, recycling topic language and some fun French interjections. 

Planning across the curriculum: Explore how to maximise French learning by including language as a part of all interdisciplinary learning.

Planning language learning: Empower yourself with a French language learning plan which is progressive, meaningful and which builds skills and confidence. This session will also look at upcoming cultural contexts and will share a range of exciting ideas which you can pick up and use in class!

Existing individual Lingobox subscribers will be contacted with a course discount code if you would like to add this course onto your subscription.

All course participants will receive a certificate on completion of the course. 

Visit the Lingobox Learning website to find out more.

Any questions, please contact


Opportunities from Goethe-Institut

8 October 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of initiatives to support the teaching and learning of German in schools. Follow the relevant link below to discover more about the upcoming opportunities:

Opportunities from UK-German Connection

19 September 2024 (UK-German Connection)

Don’t miss out on our upcoming opportunities for teachers and schools to promote cultural exchange in the classroom:

  • Professional Enrichment Programme: funded CPD opportunity for teachers of any subject/sector to visit a school in Germany for 1-2 weeks in spring/summer 2025. No German language skills required. Applications close 27 September.
  • Host a Teacher from Germany: free programme for teachers of any subject/sector to host a German colleague and boost your school’s international ethos across curriculum. Visits organised flexibly to suit your school. No German language skills required. Register by 27 September.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more about our offers.


Workshops for teachers of French

19 September 2024 (Institut français)

Calling primary and secondary teachers teaching French across Scotland. Between September and November 2024, the Institut français d’Ecosse will be hosting free online workshops for you on 2 different themes on the following dates:

  • October 11, on the theme of Halloween
  • November 15, on the theme of Christmas

Objectives: Top up your French and/or boost your confidence with language, pronunciation tips and culture around the theme of Halloween.

Contents: Taylor-made practical classroom activities around listening, talking, reading and writing skills.

Visit the Institut français d'Ecosse website for additional information and registration.


CCEd in French at the University of Strathclyde

10 September 2024 (University of Strathclyde)

Are you interested in upskilling your French to GTCS-accredited standard? Then this could be the course for you!

The Certificate of Continuing Education (CCEd) is an intensive beginners’ class that will bring you up to first-year university standard in a year, with the option of continuing your studies into second year and up to university pass degree level within three years.

Classes will be in person on campus in Glasgow during term time.

Further information and application details will be advertised via the SCILT bulletin and SCILT website and the University of Strathclyde website and communication channels.

For more information and to register your interest, the course contact is Joan-Emilie Lefever-Rhodes (

Lingobox Learning: New French course for teachers!

6 September 2024 (Lingobox Learning)

We are delighted to announce our first full French course for teachers, starting on Tuesday 29 October. This course is designed to empower teachers at all levels of French to develop French language skills and build confidence by working with you to create a personalised learning plan which works for you!  

All sessions will be live and online every Tuesday (29.10.24 – 03.12.24) from 19.30 – 20.30 and then recorded and shared so you can access in your own time if you prefer. All school subscribers to Lingobox will have full access to course materials as ongoing.

The course also includes a full 2-months individual account access to Lingobox!

The course will cover:

  • Teaching primary French: Learn about the key aspects of primary French language learning and create a personalised learning and teaching plan which works for you!
  • A guide to French phonics: Your go to guide for understanding and teaching French phonics.
  • Language learning topics: How to plan for, learn and teach your choice of French topic language (e.g. weather, dates, numbers, school subjects, opinions etc.)  in a quick and effective way.
  • Embedding language into practice: Simple and effective strategies for embedding language into classroom practice including classroom instructions, recycling topic language and some fun French interjections!
  • Planning across the curriculum: Explore how to maximise French learning by including language as a part of all interdisciplinary learning.
  • Planning language learning: Empower yourself with a French language learning plan which is progressive, meaningful and which builds skills and confidence.  This session will also look at upcoming cultural contexts and will share a range of exciting ideas which you can pick up and use in class!

To find out more visit the Lingobox Learning website.

Please note, all school subscribers to Lingobox will have full access to course materials as ongoing (Early bird annual subscription price of just £150 for a 1-year school subscription available until the end of September 2024!).

Existing individual Lingobox subscribers will be contacted with a course discount code if you would like to add this course onto your subscription.

All course participants will receive a certificate on completion of the course.

Any questions, please contact


Registration extended for the Scots Language Teacher CPD Course

29 August 2024 (Open University)

We have extended the deadline for all interested in-service practitioners teaching at any level in a Scottish school to register on the second presentation of the Scots Language Masters-level teacher CPD programme starting on 2 September 2024. The online programme is hosted by the Open University in Scotland and designed and delivered in partnership with Education Scotland and Banff Academy.

Through Scottish Government funding we are able to offer free places for all interested teachers on this exciting professional learning opportunity bringing together practitioners from across Scotland.

Teachers on the programme will be able to gain a GTCS professional recognition award for their study.  

Visit the course landing page for more information and the online registration form.  

The deadline to register and be one of only the second cohort of teachers to study the course has been extended to Monday 2 September 2024. Notifications to confirm places and instructions on how to access the programme will be issued as soon as possible after teachers have signed up.

For those who either already have some CPD commitments for the start of the coming academic year, of would prefer to have more time before committing, you are able to indicate whether you’d prefer to start studying in September 2024 or January 2025 in the online form.


OU TELT course – still time to register!

29 August 2024 (Open University)

Teachers Learning to Teach languages (TELT) aims to increase and improve language provision in primary schools. Teachers simultaneously learn a new language and the skills to teach that language in the classroom. The programme carries the GTCS professional recognition award, and can count towards the University of Strathclyde’s Masters in Education as accredited prior learning.

Available languages are French, German, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese.

A webinar on the programme was held in June and a recording of that information session can be found on the Open University YouTube channel.

Registration for the programme commencing October 2024 closes on 5 September.

Visit the Open University’s TELT website at the link below for more information.


Professional learning for new primary teachers

23 August 2024 (SCILT)

Calling new and recent entrants to primary teaching in Scotland. Undergraduate and postgraduate primary education students at Scottish universities and qualified primary teachers in your first four years post-qualification – we mean you! 

If you have an interest in developing your practice relating to the languages - both home and taught, signed and spoken – represented in your classroom, then you will not want to miss SCILT’s ECT Primary Languages Signpost Sessions. Tailored just for you. 

Our Signpost Sessions will be chock full of: 

  • ideas and advice on how to support multilingual pupils and their families

  • strategies for teaching additional languages 

  • the chance to network informally with others at a similar stage in their career across the country 

Join us online on MS Teams, after school on the last Wednesday of the month every second month. It’ll be a friendly, informal opportunity to connect and ask questions, to find support and solutions. Whatever you need, we will point you in the right direction. 

  • 25 September 2024, 16.00–17.00. Signpost 1: First steps in teaching languages in primary 

  • 27 November 2024, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 2: Pedagogies for multilingual primary classrooms 

  • 29 January 2025, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 3: Digital tools for primary languages 

  • 26 March 2025, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 4: Target language phonics 

  • 28 May 2025, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 5: Interdisciplinary language learning 

Sign up for as many as you wish.

Please also find attached flyer which can be shared with colleagues. 

We can’t wait to see you there. 


Related Files

Opportunities from UK-German Connection

22 August 2024 (UK-German Connection)

Don’t miss out on our upcoming opportunities for teachers and schools to promote cultural exchange in the classroom:

  • Professional Enrichment Programme: funded CPD opportunity for teachers of any subject/sector to visit a school in Germany for 1-2 weeks in spring/summer 2025. No German language skills required. Applications close 27 September.
  • Host a Teacher from Germany: free programme for teachers of any subject/sector to host a German colleague and boost your school’s international ethos across curriculum. Visits organised flexibly to suit your school. No German language skills required. Register by 27 September.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more about our offers and to sign up for Q&A webinars. 


OU TELT course - still time to register!

16 August 2024 (Open University)

Teachers Learning to Teach languages (TELT) aims to increase and improve language provision in primary schools. Teachers simultaneously learn a new language and the skills to teach that language in the classroom. The programme carries the GTCS professional recognition award, and can count towards the University of Strathclyde’s Masters in Education as accredited prior learning.

Available languages are French, German, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese.

A webinar on the programme was held in June and a recording of that information session can be found on YouTube.

Registration for the programme commencing October 2024 closes on 5 September.

Visit the Open University’s TELT website at the link below for more information.


Open Access workshops for primary educators - bookings now open!

16 August 2024 (SCILT )

Calling all primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! Between September and November 2024, we will be hosting a series of free workshops just for you.   

The online workshops will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 

The in-person workshop will take place at SCILT HQ in central Glasgow.  

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer which can be shared with your networks. 

Related Files

Polish classes for teachers: An introduction to Polish language and culture

15 August 2024 (The Polish Social and Educational Society)

Teachers, how would you like to learn some basic Polish from a native Polish speaker? Would you like to give it a go? Read on and see if this language learning opportunity might just be thing for you!

The Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow will be running a series of online Polish language classes for teachers in the new term. The classes, led by a Polish native speaker, are designed to provide an introduction to Polish language and culture to support teachers working across all sectors. Whether it’s supporting Polish being taught as an L3 or engaging with Polish pupils and their families, our classes will provide you with some useful phrases and basic grammar to help with this.

The classes will be led by Ania Trusewicz. Ania is an experienced teacher of teaching Polish as a foreign language and is looking forward to welcoming teachers to her online classes in September. Anna has shared some information about her background and experience.

"Cześć! My name is Ania. I am Trilingual. I have completed my teaching course as a teacher of foreign language at University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Toruń (Poland) in 2006. Since moving to Glasgow in 2008 I have been teaching many students both face-to-face and online. I also hold a degree from University of Glasgow (Social Science). I teach with passion and great enthusiasm. My lessons are funny and interesting. I take care of each of my students and make sure that Polish lessons at Sikorski Polish Club are adapted to various levels and individual needs of my students. In my classes I have students who are coming from different professional backgrounds. I will be happy to see you at our online classes!”

Please note the following:

  • Online classes will begin on Monday 16 September
  • Classes will run on Mondays from 4 – 5pm
  • 6-week block - one hour lesson per week
  • All classes are online and will be hosted on Zoom
  • There will be a charge of £20 for a block of 6 lessons
  • Open to all teachers

We look forward to welcoming you to our online Polish classes in September. For more information and to register your place, please email

Upcoming Online Team Teaching for Languages - Live Lessons available for French, Gaelic and Spanish

15 August 2024 (Argyll & Bute Council)

This offer is open to all Scottish primary schools using Glow Teams. Teachers learn alongside their pupils in real time and are supported to lead the learning in their own class. The lesson structure alternates between short bursts of direct teaching from the online teacher, followed by the class teachers leading their own class in a game. This format allows the learning to remain active and fully engage the learners. These courses provide on the job professional learning and help teachers make the time for languages in the curriculum. 

Each lesson lasts approximately 40 minutes and will take place via GLOW Teams. All resources will be available to download in advance of the session and will be stored in the GLOW Team.

Suitable for P4-7 classes. Please sign up via the Live Lessons 2024-25 link. 


Registration now open for the Scots Language Teacher CPD Course

13 August 2024 (Open University)

We are inviting all interested in-service practitioners teaching at any level in a Scottish school to register on the second presentation of the Scots Language Masters-level teacher CPD programme starting on 2 September 2024. The online programme is hosted by the Open University in Scotland and designed and delivered in partnership with Education Scotland and Banff Academy.

Through Scottish Government funding we are able to offer free places for all interested teachers on this exciting professional learning opportunity bringing together practitioners from across Scotland.

Teachers on the programme will be able to gain a GTCS professional recognition award for their study.  

Follow this link to the course landing page for more information and the online registration form: OLCreate: Scots language teacher CPD programme (    

The deadline to register and be one of only the second cohort of teachers to study the course is Wednesday 28 August 2024. Notifications to confirm places and instructions on how to access the programme will be issued by Friday 30 August 2024.

For those who either already have some CPD commitments for the start of the coming academic year, of would prefer to have more time before committing, you are able to indicate whether you’d prefer to start studying in September 2024 or January 2025 in the above online form.


French for Teachers

13 August 2024 (Alliance Française)

The course from Alliance Française Glasgow is aimed at secondary school French teachers and consists of a mix of conversation and grammar. The idea is to discuss current affairs and contemporary topics of France and French speaking countries but also to offer grammar refreshers for the B2 level.

The course will start on 16 September. The classes will last for 2 hours and will take place every two weeks. Most of the classes will be online with an on-site version every 4 weeks in order for participants to meet in person.

Visit the Alliance Française website for full details and to book.


Opportunities from Goethe-Institut

6 August 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of initiatives to support the teaching and learning of German in schools. The following opportunities are available during the coming term. Follow the appropriate link to find out more:

For pupils

  • Debating competition - a chance for teams of four S5 learners of German to actively use the German language in an authentic setting whilst meeting other students from across the UK. Rounds take place between November and March. Apply by 19 October 2024.
  • Discover Careers with German - online business lunch series of live conversations with different people from the world of work whose careers have been shaped by learning German. Aimed at secondary learners, upcoming sessions in October, November and December 2024.
  • Young Goethe Ambassadors - would you like to motivate your students to keep studying German? Invite our Young Goethe Ambassadors into your classroom. Our ambassadors are young German learners who can hold presentations about their experience with German and run small games depending on your needs.

For teachers

French language teacher training

1 August 2024 (Institut français)

Wishing to support French language teachers in primary schools across Scotland the Institut français d’Ecosse offers 3 free 2-hours online courses on 3 different themes on the following dates:

  • September 13, on the theme of European Day of languages
  • October 11, on the theme of Halloween
  • November 15, on the theme of Christmas

Objectives: Top up your French and/or boost your confidence with language, pronunciation tips and culture around the themes.

Contents: Taylor-made practical classroom activities around listening, talking, reading and writing skills.

More information and registration on the Institut français website.


Teaching bursary in Scotland - Modern languages now eligible!

20 June 2024 (Teaching Bursary in Scotland)

The Teaching Bursary Scheme is open to individuals wishing to undertake a one-year PGDE ITE course in Scotland that leads to the award of registered teacher status in Scotland's hardest-to-fill teaching subjects.

This year's eligbile teaching subjects include Modern Languages at secondary level and Gaelic at both secondary and primary.

Teaching Bursary in Scotland 2024 will be open for applications shortly. Visit the website for more information.


UK-German school partnership seminar

18 June 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection is inviting applications for a funded school partnership seminar taking place in Mainz, Germany from 21 to 24 November 2024. Open to UK teachers (all sectors and subject areas) with no active UK-German school partnership who are interested in linking with schools in Germany. The seminar includes school visits to gain insights into school life in Germany.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for full details and to apply by 10 July.


SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2024-25

16 August 2024 (SCILT)

Box fresh and open for bookings! SCILT’s menu of CLPL group workshops for 2024-25.

Up-to-date and interactive, SCILT workshops for teachers are a great way for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of languages pedagogy with our experienced Professional Development Officers.

If you are the person in your department, school, cluster or local authority with a remit to source high quality subject specific professional learning for colleagues, then you will definitely be interested in our brand new menu of CLPL workshops.

For 2024-25, our carefully designed inputs cover a variety of topics related to the learning and teaching of languages:

Primary and Early Years

  • First steps in teaching primary modern languages
  • Valuing linguistic diversity in schools, with families
  • Bringing the languages content to primary interdisciplinary learning
  • Making assessment in primary languages active and accessible
  • Give careers education a languages twist for your primary pupils


  • Teaching Sprints – Small change, big impact
  • Social-Emotional learning for languages
  • Talking and listening
  • Reading and writing
  • BYOW: Build your own workshop

We are always happy to accommodate bespoke CLP requests too. Whatever your colleagues need, just ask and we will design a workshop with tailored content, just for them. 

For more detail about the menu, and to book one or more workshop for the group of teachers that you support, see the professional learning request form.


CCEd in French at the University of Strathclyde

13 June 2024 (University of Strathclyde)

Are you interested in upskilling your French to GTCS-accredited standard? Then this could be the course for you!

The Certificate of Continuing Education (CCEd) is an intensive beginners’ class that will bring you up to first-year university standard in a year, with the option of continuing your studies into second year and up to university pass degree level within three years.

Classes will be in person on campus in Glasgow during term time.

Further information and application details will be advertised via the SCILT bulletin and SCILT website and the University of Strathclyde website and communication channels.

For more information and to register your interest, the course contact is Joan-Emilie Lefever-Rhodes (

UK-German Connection opportunities for teachers

11 June 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK teachers can now apply for the following funded opportunities for 2024-25. Follow the relevant link for more information:

  • Host a Teacher from Germany - Boost your school’s international ethos, pupil motivation and teachers’ professional development by hosting a German teacher (in-person or virtually) for one, two or three weeks during the academic year – no costs involved for UK schools and German does not need to be offered at your school. Register by 1 July for autumn-term visits and by 27 September for visits during the spring and summer term.
  • Professional Enrichment Programme - Funded opportunity for UK teachers to visit a school in Germany for 1-2 weeks, observe lessons and experience the German education system. Throughout the visit, you will have the chance to engage in CPD within an international context and exchange good practice with colleagues. Apply by 12 July to visit a German school in the autumn term, and 27 September for visits during the spring or summer term.

Let's give German a go - in Berlin!

11 June 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you a non-specialist German teacher already delivering German lessons in some shape or form? Would you like to find out why German is the smart choice for your school? Would you like support with getting the ball rolling? Are you interested in setting up a German club at your primary or secondary school?

The Goethe-Institut is offering an exclusive, funded trip to Berlin in November 2024 for primary and secondary school teachers and headteachers that is geared towards introducing German in schools or strengthening its status.

State school teachers and headteachers from the UK  can submit their applications supported by a motivational letter (max 400 words) until 31 August 2024. Successful candidates will be informed soon thereafter.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to apply.


Elevate your teaching - in Berlin!

11 June 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

Boost target language in your classroom! Increase motivation in your young learners! Get to know Germany and the vibrant city of Berlin! 

The Goethe-Institut London is offering secondary school teachers from across the UK the chance to take part in a funded pedagogical training course taking place in Berlin in November 2024.

State school secondary teachers from the UK can submit their applications supported by a motivational letter (up to 400 words) until 31 August 2024. Successful candidates will be informed soon thereafter.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to apply.


Award-winning language expert hosts learning event for Scots teachers

5 June 2024 (Aberdeen Business News)

Modern language teachers across Scotland will have the opportunity to hear from world renowned language specialist, Gianfranco Conti at an innovative training event which turns traditional language teaching on its head. The full-day of immersive learning will take place at St Margaret’s School for Girls in Aberdeen on June 12th from 9am and will equip primary and secondary language teachers with practical learning and teaching activities, encouraging them to use the language specialists’ techniques effectively within their classrooms.


Cultural Enrichment Workshop for Secondary Teachers

30 May 2024 (Institut français)

The Institut français du Royaume-uni (London) invites secondary school teachers to join a free two-part online training workshop on French culture.

During the Cultural Enrichment Workshop for Secondary Teachers you will take part in activities to be used in your classroom to help your pupils deepen their cultural knowledge and vocabulary on various aspects of French culture.

Sessions take place in June/July with limited places available.

Register interest by Friday 14 June.


National Consortium for Languages Education CPD webinar series

23 May 2024 (NCLE)

The National Consortium for Languages Education is thrilled to continue its series of free, research-informed professional development webinars designed to support languages teachers in building their knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence in language teaching pedagogy.


German Pupil Course Group Leaders: Professional development and German immersion for teachers of German

16 May 2024 (UK-German Connection)

Calling all German teachers - a funded CPD opportunity has opened up at the last minute to be a German Pupil Course Group Leader this summer!

As Group Leader, you will accompany 12 talented and enthusiastic young people for 2 weeks in Germany whilst immersing yourself in an intercultural learning environment and gaining new perspectives and insights into teaching. From excursions to activities with host families, your leadership will assist young German learners thrive and achieve their potential during their time in Germany.

Visit our website to find out more and to register your interest for future CPD opportunities too.


Posted in: German, CPD

The Big Question - One step beyond!

19 April 2024 (SCILT)

Last year the SCILT Big Question series focused on the four core skills – listening, reading, writing and talking. This year we plan to go One Step Beyond!  

This series of weekly workshops in May and June aimed at secondary practitioners will take each skill to another level, looking at issues in that area and practical ways to approach them. Come and join us as we examine strategies and share resources and activities! 

Each session will feature the chance to hear from guest practitioners, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to these questions! 

The four sessions are: 

One step beyond listening – interpreting as a tool for learning and teaching 
Tuesday 21 May 16.00-17.00
Interpreting is often seen as a skill that is the preserve of specialists at post-university level, but it is an essential social skill for all learners and a useful language learning tool in preparing them for real-life situations in their jobs and studies. Engaging in active learning through simple interpreting tasks can motivate learners and have huge benefits for their listening and talking skills, and in this session we will look at ways to build this into learning and teaching. 

One step beyond talking – the importance of social-emotional learning in languages 
Wednesday 29 May 16.00-17.00 
Social-emotional learning (SEL) gives a framework for understanding the impact emotions have on learning. In the languages context, this is most visible when we need our learners to talk. This session will explore how SEL techniques can be used to improve learner confidence and self-efficacy, and help us develop an environment where learners feel empowered to use their talking skills with comfort. 

One step beyond the classroom – outdoor learning and languages
Wednesday 5 June 16.00-17.00
Outdoor learning is beneficial for young people’s mental, physical and emotional health. It’s also a great way to support language learning in a fun, relevant, impactful way. In this session, we will look at the advantages of taking language learning outdoors and share ideas and practical tips to make the most of your outdoor spaces.  

One step beyond reading and writing – the use of AI in languages: a blessing or a curse? 
Thursday 13 June 16.00-17.00
What are the implications of AI for languages education in schools? Does it require a total rethink, as suggested in Professor Zhao’s article? In this session we will examine the benefits and issues around the growth of AI and how this can work for learners and for us in languages classes. 

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers; attend as many or as few as you wish! 

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer which can be shared with colleagues.

Related Files

OU TELT course open for registrations

16 April 2024 (Open University)

TEachers Learning to Teach languages (TELT) aims to increase and improve language provision in primary schools. Teachers simultaneously learn a new language and the skills to teach that language in the classroom. The programme is General Teaching Council for Scotland approved, and can count towards postgraduate qualifications.

Available languages are French, German, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese.

Registration is now open for the programme commencing October 2024.

Visit the Open University website for more information.


Professional Development Trainers for German Teachers - Call for Applications!

9 April 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

We are keen to expand our GEM (German Expert Mentors) programme and would like to offer teachers across the UK the opportunity to offer school-to-school support via coaching and training. We are currently looking for German teachers in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland who would like to work for us as professional development trainers for German teachers. On behalf of the Goethe-Institut they will be offering coaching and training courses for German teachers across the UK.

Along with several years of experience in teaching German as a foreign language at a primary or secondary school, applicants must have the support and approval of their headteacher confirming that the school supports their participation in the programme. 

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for full details and to apply. Deadline extended to 7 May 2024.


Immersion courses in Spain

9 April 2024 (Consejería de Educación)

British/Irish teachers of Spanish can apply for a one-week immersion course for Summer 2024 in Ávila, Segovia or Santander (a good command of Spanish is required).

The grant covers the course, accommodation and meals, as well as the cultural programme. The grant does not cover the journey to Spain or the return to the UK. Travel and/or health insurance is also not included

This call is not for Spanish nationals.

Visit the Consejería de Educación website for more information and apply by 24 April 2024.


Certificate of Continuing Education (CCEd) in Mandarin

15 August 2024 (University of Strathclyde)

The online Certificate of Continuing Education (CCEd) in Mandarin at the University of Strathclyde is a qualification that, through live-streamed, evening classes, brings beginners to the equivalent of BA degree level (120 credits) over the course of three years. The course will, therefore, overtake the minimum 80 credits required by the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS) for teaching in a secondary school. For language teachers already in possession of a language teaching qualification accepted by the GTCS, the course will allow them to add Mandarin to the suite of languages they already teach. On completion of 80 credits, the course will include a four-week summer school in China (tuition, accommodation, and food provided) that will count towards the GTCS residency requirement for full registration. 

The course fees are £950 per year. For teachers who are currently employed in a local authority that hosts a Confucius Classroom hub (click this link for a list of participating local authorities), funding may be available to you from your local authority’s hub funding. Please ask your school/LA contact for details. Additional funding sources are currently being explored.

The university is currently accepting applications for the first three-year cycle of this new course, which will be delivered entirely online. Numbers permitting, the course will commence in September 2024. Further information and application details can be found on the University of Strathclyde website.


Communication in the German classroom

7 March 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

Designed for teachers of German, this online training series will explore effective and motivating methods to promote your students' speaking skills. 

Through the two online sessions you will expand your repertoire to support your learners in developing their language skills in German.

The sessions are:

  • Reducing the teacher's speaking time - 15 April
  • Promote interaction and communication through engaging speaking activities - 14 May

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to register for the events. 


French for Teachers

7 March 2024 (Alliance Française)

Are you currently teaching French in a Secondary School and looking for a way to keep your French up to date? Join the Alliance Française Glasgow for our classes dedicated to French Teachers!

This class will enable you to converse in French, discuss the latest trends and topics in French society, review grammar, and connect with other teachers from Scottish schools.

The classes take place online from 6:00pm to 8:00pm with opportunities to meet in person.

Visit the Alliance Française website for more information and to enrol for the September semester.


Certificate of Continuing Education (CCEd) in Italian

5 March 2024 (University of Strathclyde)

A reminder that the University of Strathclyde is currently inviting applications for the latest three-year cycle of the GTCS-approved Certificate of Continuing Education (CCEd) in Italian, due to commence in September 2024.

Details on the course can be found on the CCEd in Italian webpage and applications can be submitted via the online portal.

Any questions/informal enquiries should be addressed to


Online workshops for teachers and Spanish courses for students under 18 in Salamanca

1 March 2024 (Consejería de Educación)

Online workshop

The next in the series of online workshops being run by Consejería de Educación during February and March 2024 takes place 12 March. Follow the link below for more information and to register: 

  • Upcoming workshop, Tuesday 12 March 2024 (16:30-17:30): « La gramática española a través del verso y la poesía», organised alongside Andalucia TRADE and with the collaboration of Maravillas Programas Internacionales.

More information and free registration (before 10 March).

Spanish courses for students under 18 in Salamanca

Cursos Internacionales (University of Salamanca) is offering a programme in Spanish aimed at students under 18.

The programme (ranging from 1 to 2 weeks in length) includes lessons and full board accommodation in a residence, health insurance for the duration of the program, afternoon activities and transfer to and from the airport.

For further information see the attached brochure or email

Related Files

Scotland's Languages Leadership Programme 2024-25 - applications now open!

1 March 2024 (SCILT / Education Scotland)

Applications for Scotland's Languages Leadership Programme (SLLP) 2024-25 are now open!.

The SLLP builds leadership capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Applications are welcome from colleagues with 3 years' teaching experience or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts.

This online programme is delivered jointly by SCILT and Education Scotland. It is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

Core professional learning days take place Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June 2024.

Would you like to know more? Sign up to our online information session taking place on Thursday 21 March

Follow the link below for more information about the programme and to submit your application. Deadline for applications is Monday 29 April


Professional Enrichment Programme: application deadline approaching!

20 February 2024 (UK-German Connection)

The Professional Enrichment Programme offers qualified UK teachers a funded opportunity to visit a German school for 1-2 weeks during the 2023-24 school year to develop skills and knowledge through intercultural exchange.

The programme is open to teachers of all disciplines and you don’t need to have an existing link with Germany to take part. Teachers can either visit their partner school or be matched with a German host school.

Application deadline: 1 March 2024 

A Q&A webinar is being held on Tuesday 27 February at 4.30pm to answer your questions and provide guidance.


German Pupil Courses 2024

9 February 2024 (UK-German Connection)

Applications for UK-German Connection's summer courses for German learners and CPD opportunities for teachers are now open. Encourage your pupils to apply for this unique chance to spend two weeks in Germany, bringing language learning to life!

German Pupil Courses

  • Two-week partly-funded course in July or August for pupils in Year 10 & 12 (England, Wales) / Year 11 & 13 (Northern Ireland) / S3 & S5 (Scotland).
  • Open to enthusiastic and committed students who have been learning German for at least two years and have an interest in experiencing the culture first-hand through excursions, lessons, and staying with a host family.
  • Apply by 1 March 2024

“The opportunity to have German language and cultural lessons at a school, therefore experiencing the school day, and generally connecting with others in the group - as well as host siblings - was invaluable”
(2023 Participant)

CPD opportunity for teachers

  • Paid roles available for qualified secondary UK teachers to act as group leaders on the German Pupil Courses in July or August and accompany a group of pupils to Germany.
  • Immerse yourself in school and cultural life in Germany whilst leading language lessons and workshops in an authentic environment and gaining invaluable leadership skills.
  • Deadline: 1 March 2024

“I am so very grateful to have had the faith shown in me to be a Group Leader. I absolutely loved working with the participants and all the German teachers; there was just such a feel-good atmosphere to the whole experience.”
(2023 Group Leader)

Upcoming Q&A webinars

We’re hosting Q&A webinars for pupils, parents, and teachers throughout the application period to offer guidance and answer your questions. Upcoming dates:

  • Thursday, 22 February
  • Monday, 26 February
  • Wednesday, 28 February

Should you require further information, please don’t hesitate to send us an email at

Teachers sign up for course embedding Scots language into classrooms

6 February 2024 (STV)

More than 120 teachers have signed up to a training course on embedding Scots language into the classroom.

The first-of-its-kind resource is set to be delivered by the Open University, with funding supplied by the Scottish Government.

The current cohort of teachers are from all across Scotland and specialise in different subjects.

Education secretary Jenny Gilruth is set to officially launch the course on Tuesday at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh.

Ms Gilruth said the course is an “important step” towards embedding and protecting the language in Scottish education.


Related Links

Scots language ‘milestone’ reached with course for teachers (TES, 6 February 2024)

Teachers sign up for course embedding Scots language into classrooms (The National, 6 February 2024)

Scots language course for teachers hailed as 'significant step forward' for Scottish Education (The Scotsman, 6 February 2024) - note, subscription required to access article. 

UK-German Connection initiatives

30 January 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of opportunities for UK-German school partnerships. The following initiatives are currently available. Follow the title link for more information:

German Pupil Courses – Applications open

Applications for the German Pupil Courses this summer are now open. These 2-week immersive courses offers UK pupils the opportunity to experience Germany and its culture, language and lifestyle first-hand through spending time with host families and undertaking cultural activities.

Pupils in S3 or S5 who are learning German and are enthusiastic to gain an insight into life in Germany and practise their language skills are encouraged to apply.

Applications are open until 1 March 2024

CPD Opportunity – German Pupil Course Group Leaders

Paid roles are available for secondary teachers to act as group leaders on the summer German Pupil Courses, accompanying a group of 12 pupils to Germany and spend two weeks immersed in the daily life, German language, and culture.

Applications are open until 1 March 2024

Applications for Professional Enrichment Programme are now open

The Professional Enrichment Programme offers qualified UK teachers a funded opportunity to visit a German school for 1-2 weeks during the 2023-24 school year to develop skills and knowledge through intercultural exchange.

The programme is open to teachers of all disciplines and you don’t need to have an existing link with Germany to take part. Teachers can either visit their partner school or be matched with a German host school.

Application deadline: 1 March 2024 

On Thursday, 1 February and Tuesday, 27 February at 4.30pm we are hosting a Q&A webinar to answer your questions and provide guidance.

English in the multilingual classroom

30 January 2024 (British Council)

English in the multilingual classroom is a self-study training course, which is divided into three hour modules. The course will introduce you to multilingualism and what it means. Enrol now to learn how to make your classroom and teaching multilingual so that your learners can learn to celebrate and use many languages in the real world. Access this free course from 6 February 2024.


ECT Language Cafés

26 January 2024 (SCILT)

Are you a Secondary PGDE student, NQT or ECT of Languages? Would you like the chance to network informally with others in the same boat across the country to share ideas and strategies, and even to chat in other languages from time to time? Then come along to our monthly drop-in sessions! These take place online on the last Thursday of each month.

Remaining dates for this academic year are as follows:

  • Thursday 29 February 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 28 March 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 25 April 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 30 May 4.30 – 5.30pm

These sessions will take place on Corporate Teams. Visit our Eventbrite page to book; see you there!


The Languages Gateway - The UK's portal for languages

25 January 2024 (The Languages Gateway)

The Languages Gateway is the UK’s new portal for languages. It's a portal for, and on behalf of, everyone engaged in the sector; a collaborative venture through which we can facilitate access to information, and communicate a clear narrative to prospective and future linguists. The Gateway is designed to support all those interested in languages: learners, families, community groups, teachers, school leaders, academics, policymakers, subject associations. 

The attached briefing note document provides more detail around the site's creation, mission and vision.

Visit the Languages Gateway for opportunities, resources and information about languages and how they link to an understanding and appreciation of cultures and societies.


Related Files

Upcoming training opportunities for teachers of Spanish

25 January 2024 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación offers a range of professional learning opportunities for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant link below to find out more about each upcoming event and to register:

  • 'Artifical intelligences and tasks for the ELE classroom', Tuesday 6 February

    This is the first in a series of online workshops for Spanish teachers from February to March 2024. Register for the free workshop by 4 February.

  • Grants for an immersion course in Spain (Ávila, Segovia and Santander) 

    4 one-week immersion courses in July or August 2024 in Ávila, Segovia or Santander aimed at British/Irish teachers of Spanish.

    The grant covers the course, accommodation and meals, as well as the cultural programme.  The grant does not cover the journey to Spain or the return to the UK. Travel and/or health insurance is also not included.

    This call is not for Spanish nationals. Application period will be announced from March.
  • Immersion course in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), April 2024

    Registration is now open for the Spanih teacher training course "Curso de actualización para el profesorado de ELE: lengua, cultura y didáctica" organised by the University of Santiago de Compostela.

    ​Dates: 8 - 12 April 2024

    Number of hours: 20 (face-to face)

    • Nuevas tecnologías en el aula de ELE
    • Dinámicas de proyecto, actividades cooperativas y pedagogías innovadoras
    • Lengua y cultura española( literatura, cine y música)
    • El Camino de Santiago en el aula el ELE
    • Actividades culturales incluidas en el curso:
    • Visita guiada a la ciudad monumental
    • Visita guiada al Patrimonio Histórico artístico de la Universidad
    • More information about registration, prices and accomodation:

French course for teachers

18 January 2024 (Alliance Française)

Are you currently teaching French in a Secondary School in Scotland and looking for a way to keep your French up to date? The Alliance Française is running a new course commencing 19 February through to June 2024.

'French for Teachers' will enable you to converse in French, discuss the latest trends and topics in French society, review grammar, and connect with other teachers from Scottish schools. Classes will mainly be online, with two dates in-person at the Alliance Française in Glasgow.

Visit the Alliance Française website for more information and to register for the course.


Upcoming UK-German opportunities

16 January 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of opportunities to foster partnerships between schools in the UK and Germany. Follow the relevant links below to learn more about their upcoming initiatives:

For teachers

  • Professional Enrichment Programme - funded opportunity for qualified UK teachers to visit a German school for one or two weeks during the summer term of 2023-24. Apply by 1 March 2024. You can also find out more at the Q&A webinar on 1 February.

For students

  • German pupil courses - open to Year 10 and 12 pupils (and equivalent years in Scotland and Northern Ireland) offering pupils the chance to spend two immersive weeks in Germany experiencing the culture and language. Applications open 24 January and close on 1 March 2024. Teachers of German can also experience the immersion and excitement by applying to be a Group Leader and accompany a group of motivated young people and surround yourself with natives to sharpen your language skills.
  • Café Connect for Schools and Youth Groups - adapted from our classic ‘Café Connect‘, for individual young people, we are now offering this virtual exchange café to partner schools and youth groups as a chance to meet up online in a friendly atmosphere and take part in fun, interactive activities, and group discussions on current topics.
  • Still & Sparkling Youth Newsletter - share this opportunity with creative individuals aged 14+ who would like to contribute to our youth newsletter. Successful submissions will be published in our next edition and featured on our social media channels. Deadline: 9 February 2024.


  • Grants for joint activities - grants are available for schools and youth groups with a partner in Germany for planning visits and group exchange trips. Applications can be submitted at any time provided they reach us at least six weeks before the start of the trip or project. Sign up for Q&A webinars on funding strands on the webpage.

If you have any further questions about the range of opportunities available, email the team at

New resource PALINGUI - making language learning pathways visible in young children

19 December 2023 (ECML)

This resource website supports teachers and educators working with children aged 3 to 12 in making all language learning visible in the education system through observation, documentation, and assessment.

PALINGUI offers essential information about early language learning as well as tools and tasks that will help to observe, document, and assess young children's language learning pathways in a multilingual context.

There are also reflective tools for teachers and educators which invite you to reflect on different aspects of your professional practice and the educational context in which you work. 


Register now for the first GTCS-recognised Scots Language Teacher CPD Course

7 December 2023 (OU / Education Scotland)

We are launching the first ever Scots Language Masters-level teacher CPD programme for in-service teachers teaching at any level in a Scottish school. Hosted by the Open University in Scotland and designed and delivered by the OU in partnership with Education Scotland, this exciting new professional learning opportunity for Scotland’s teachers is now open for registration. There are 25 free places available for this online programme. These places for the first course cohort are funded by the Scottish Government.

The deadline to register and be one of the first 25 teachers to study the course for free is Monday 21st December. Notifications to confirm places will be issued on Tuesday 22nd. For those who either weren’t in the initial 25 for this year, or who already have CPD commitments for this academic year, you will be given priority for cohort 2 which will begin in the 2024-25 academic year. 

Visit the course landing page for more information and the online registration form.


Branching out with languages – workshop series for mainstream and complementary school teachers

7 December 2023 (Bilingualism Matters / SCILT)

Bilingualism Matters and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages are offering a series of free, online professional learning workshops for teachers in complementary and heritage language schools, based in the UK and beyond.

Workshop 1 - The Bigger Picture: The basics of bilingual language development and the role of teachers, parents and communities. This session is run by Prof Antonella Sorace and Katarzyna Przybycien from Bilingualism Matters and the University of Edinburgh.

Workshop 2 - The Language Learning Buzz: Strategies to engage and motivate learners, both online and in the classroom. This session is run by Karen Faulds and Suzanne Ritchie from SCILT. 

Workshop 3 - The Supportive Classroom: Strategies to support learning and encourage positive mindsets within a group of mixed ability learners. This session is run by Karen Faulds and Suzanne Ritchie from SCILT. 

See the attached flyer for more information. You can book a place at these workshops via the Bilingualism Matters website.


Related Files

Bilingual Learners - Postgraduate Diploma

27 November 2023 (University of Edinburgh)

This specialist pathway is designed for teachers who are currently teaching bilingual or multilingual children in contemporary classrooms.

The University of Edinburgh is the only provider in Scotland of a Postgraduate Diploma in this area. Local authorities in Scotland regard this specialist Postgraduate Diploma as a benchmark for practitioners specialising in working with learners who have English as an Additional Language (EAL).

Visit the university website for more information about the programme and to apply.


Professional Enrichment Programme

21 November 2023 (UK-German Connection)

UK teachers interested in visiting a German school in the spring or summer term of 2023-24 can now apply to take part in the UK-German Connection's Professional Enrichment Programme.

Successful applicants will receive a grant to help cover expenses for their in-person visit to a German school on the basis of a brief costing plan.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information about the programme and to apply by Friday 15 December 2023. You can also register for an online Q&A webinar taking place on Monday, 27 November, 4.30-5pm.


CIOL webinars

16 November 2023 (CIOL)

Every month the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) offers new webinars on a variety of topics, free for all to attend as part of the support offered to linguists and the languages profession. Presented by experts in their fields, they give linguists the opportunity to update and broaden their skills and pursue new areas of interest. 

Visit the CIOL website to discover their selection of upcoming sessions and to register attendance.


Summer 2024 Spanish immersion courses and online CPD opportunities

31 October 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The following professional learning opportunities are available for UK teachers of Spanish:

Immersion courses in Salamanca (Summer 2024)

  • Grants to follow a one-week Spanish language course at the University of Salamanca aimed at Spanish teachers in the UK or Ireland: language, culture and teaching resources. Various dates offered during June and July 2024.
  • Visit the Consejería de Educación website for more information and registration.

Free CPD online sessions for teachers of Spanish (13 & 14 November 2023)

  • Register for the free online CPD sessions organised by FEDELE on 13 and 14 November 2023. Ten hours of free training which can be followed live or recorded until 31 December 2023. Certificate of participation will be issued by FEDELE.
  • Full programme and registration on the FEDELE website.

Diversity in German Studies - CPD Workshop series aimed at secondary teachers of German

31 October 2023 (University of Cambridge)

The Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics at the University of Cambridge is hosting a series of workshops which will focus on the theme of diversity as a key point of contact between A-level German teaching, where it features both as a highlighted aspect of contemporary society and as a theme in prescribed literary works and films, and current work in German at University level, where it represents a core principle in curriculum development and broader institutional priorities.

The series will comprise five one-hour online workshops between November 2023 to March 2024 and a concluding in-person event in June/July 2023 (date tbc).

Visit the website for further information and to register. Participation is free.


Digital Deutschstunde-Conference

31 October 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

Join us at the 1st Digital German Teaching Conference and experience more than 30 presentations on the topic of German as a Foreign Language/German as a Second Language. 

Get insights into the contributions for German teachers from our Goethe Institutes in Germany and abroad and our partners. Take part in exciting presentations, join discussions or get active in numerous workshops. 

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information about the online workshops available throughout November and to register attendance.


Online Preparation Course for the Instituto Cervantes Teacher Accreditation Diploma (DADIC)

28 September 2023 (Instituto Cervantes)

The Instituto Cervantes is developing a professional accreditation system consisting of a series of diplomas that certify the professional training of ELE (Spanish as a Foreign Language) teachers - the Instituto Cervantes Teacher Accreditation Diplomas (DADIC): Autonomous, Expert, and Teacher Trainer. These diplomas have indefinite validity and enjoy broad national and international recognition, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain. The first level, the Autonomous DADIC, certifies that the holder possesses the basic competencies required for the professional practice of teaching ELE for general purposes.

This is an introductory course aimed at people with no experience or prior training in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, who wish to obtain the Instituto Cervantes Teaching Accreditation Diploma (autonomous level).

More information is given on the attached flyer or you can visit the Instituto Cervantes website. 


Online and face-to-face workshops for teachers of Spanish

14 September 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Education Office is offering the following free workshops for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant link for more information and to book:

Online workshops - Saturday 23 September, 10:00 - 12:00

Two different workshops with practical ideas and resources to bring to your Spanish classroom:

  • «Dimensión social y cultural de la gastronomía en el aula de ELE», por Alfredo Pérez Berciano, Colegio Delibes
  • «Vacía de información para llenar de contenido: propuestas visuales para una clase comunicativa», por Alejandro Rodríguez López, Hispano Continental

Discover Andalucía - Face-to-face workshops

The following two events have been organised in partnership with Trade Andalucía:

  • London, 3 October (5pm-7pm): Instituto Cervantes, 15-19 Devereux Ct, Temple, London WC2R 3JJ
  • Edinburgh, 4 October (5pm-7pm): The University of Edinburgh, School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, 50 George Square, room G.02, Edinburgh EH8 9LH

​Free registration on a first come, first served basis.

Language Cafés

31 August 2023 (SCILT)

Are you a Secondary PGDE student, NQT or ECT of Languages? Would you like the chance to network informally with others in the same boat across the country to share ideas and strategies, and even to chat in other languages from time to time? Then come along to our new monthly drop-in sessions! These will take place online on the last Thursday of each month, starting in September.

Dates are as follows:

  • Thursday 28 September 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 26 October 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 30 November 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 25 January 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 29 February 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 28 March 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 25 April 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 30 May 4.30 – 5.30pm

These sessions will take place on Corporate Teams. Visit our Eventbrite page to book; see you there!


Conversation course for secondary teachers of German

25 August 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you teaching German at a secondary school in the UK and would like to practice your conversational skills and keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs in German speaking countries?    

This conversation course will be right for you. We will be discussing a wide range of topics based on current newspaper articles, radio programmes and clips from German television. You will be taking away up-to-date materials and, hopefully, inspiration and lots of good ideas for your classroom.

The course comprises seven online lessons taking place between late September 2023 and the end of January 2024.


CCEd in French @ University of Strathclyde

21 August 2023 (University of Strathclyde)

Are you interested in upskilling your French to GTCS-accredited standard? Then this could be the course for you!

The University of Strathclyde continues to offer a three-year Certificate of Continuing Education (CCEd) qualification in Italian and in Spanish and from session 2023-24 the course is now also being offered in French.

The CCEd is an intensive beginners’ class that will bring you up to first-year university standard in a year, with the option of continuing your studies into second year and up to university pass degree level within three years.

Classes will be in person on campus in Glasgow during term time on Tuesday evenings.

Further information and application details are now available on the University of Strathclyde's website.


Workshops for student and early career teachers

18 August 2023 (SCILT)

NEW for 2023-24! Building on our track record of supporting student teachers and early career teachers, this year we have launched a specific menu of workshops tailored to the needs of student teachers and early career teachers in primary and secondary sectors. Importantly, the development of this menu was informed by student teachers, probationer mentors and teacher educators. 

Are you a probationer/ECT support manager or professional learning officer for your local authority?

Are you a programme lead or module lead on an undergraduate or postgraduate ITE programme for primary or secondary teaching at a Scottish university?

Yes? Then workshops from the brand new SCILT ECT Professional Learning menu 2023-24 could complement the content of your existing modules or professional learning programme for the newest entrants to our profession.

Interactive, up-to-date and relevant, these SCILT workshops give student teachers and early career teachers the opportunity to explore aspects of practice with their peers. Online or in person. No charge.

In terms of content, secondary workshops focus on developing practice to support skills development, classroom management and support for application and interview for languages posts. Meanwhile, primary workshops focus on introductory approaches and interdisciplinary contexts for teaching languages eg digital, outdoor, DYW and intercultural understanding.

See the full menu and the booking request form.

Remember, if there is anything particular that your student or early career teachers need, we are always happy to develop bespoke inputs too. Email with any queries.

PS - Also coming soon, sector specific professional learning for student and early career teachers available to book by individuals. Schedules for our new language cafés, themed asynchronous and drop-in style get togethers will also be published very soon.

SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2023-24

17 August 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s brand new CLPL workshop menu for 2023-24 is available for your booking requests. 

Are you responsible for sourcing high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of colleagues in your setting, cluster, local authority or RIC?

You will be interested in our new professional learning offer for all sectors.

The content of the eleven workshops is informed by feedback from teachers and practitioners on their professional learning needs. If your needs are different, we are more than happy to develop the bespoke inputs you and your colleagues require. Just ask.

Always interactive and up-to-date, SCILT workshops provide the opportunity for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of practice with our experienced Professional Development Officers. Our team has a finite capacity, so get in your request as soon as you can.

The focus of workshops for 2023-24 are wide ranging, covering the following issues:

Cross Sector

  • Primary-Secondary Transition

Primary and Early Years

  • Families on board? Developing a family friendly approach to languages in your setting
  • Getting outdoors with languages and learning
  • Celebrating cultural diversity through languages in EY and primary
  • An introduction to multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy
  • Languages in primary: assessing pupils’ learning, evaluating teaching


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum
  • Social-Emotional Learning for languages

For more details, and to make a request for a group visit our Professional Learning webpage.

Note that open access online workshops will also be scheduled across the year. Registration for these will be open to individuals and details will be shared in the SCILT ebulletin in due course.


Coming soon! CCEd in French @ University of Strathclyde

16 June 2023 (University of Strathclyde)

Are you interested in upskilling your French to GTCS-accredited standard? Then this could be the course for you! The University of Strathclyde currently offers a three-year Certificate of Continuing Education (CCEd) qualification in Italian and in Spanish and plans to offer it in French from session 2023-24.

The CCEd is an intensive beginners’ class that will bring you up to first-year university standard in a year, with the option of continuing your studies into second year and up to university pass degree level within three years. 

Classes will be in person on campus in Glasgow during term time on Tuesday evenings.

Further information and application details will be advertised soon via the SCILT bulletin/website and the University of Strathclyde website and communication channels.

For more information and to register your interest, the course contact is Joan-Emilie Lefever-Rhodes (

SALT conference 2023 - call for proposals now open!

13 June 2023 (SALT)

The SALT annual conference will take place on Saturday 28 October 2023 (am) at the University of Strathclyde. 

The event will be a hybrid event. There will be workshops for people attending in-person and workshops for those joining online. 

The theme of this year’s conference is Learners without borders: empowering and inspiring Scotland’s language learners.

If you would like to offer a workshop on a topic relevant to Scotland’s Modern Languages teachers (from any sectors), fill in the form and we will be in touch with you! We are keen to hear from all over Scotland and highlight the excellent practice that is happening across the country. Your session will last a maximum of 45 minutes and can be on any topic that you think will be interesting to ML teachers. 

Submit SALT 2023 proposals here.

If you are planning on attending the event but not presenting, please save the date and sign up will open in September.


Immersion courses and professional learning for teachers of Spanish

8 June 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación in the United Kingdom has several upcoming professional learning opportunities for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant links below for more information and to book your place:


Spanish language course in Salamanca

  • Grants to follow a 1 week Spanish language course in Salamanca aimed at Primary or Secondary teachers during summer. 3 different levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced Spanish. Information and registration on the Consejería de Educación website

Course on Didactics in Castilla y León

  • Grants for a course on didactics aimed at teachers of Spanish in the UK and Ireland. 1 week course during summer in Salamanca, Valladolid, Burgos or Palencia. A high command of Spanish is required. Information and registration on the Consejería de Educación website.


Spanish Day in Edinburgh – Saturday 17 June

  • Face-to-face training day for teachers of Spanish in primary, secondary, university and further education. Free registration.

Spanish Workshops in London – Saturday 24 June

  • Big Spanish Day at the Vicente Cañada Blanch Spanish Institute in London. Aimed at teachers of Spanish, it includes a wide offer of practical workshops on different aspects complemented by other attractive aspects related to culture in Spanish: the gastronomic proposal for lunch and the cultural workshops that close the day: theatre and «sevillanas» dance. Full programme and registration on the Consejería de Educación website.

Free online courses from British Council

30 May 2023 (British Council / FutureLearn)

The following British Council online courses are due to commence shortly. Click on the relevant link for more information and to enrol:

  • Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners - find out about our free 4-week online course 'Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners' starting on 6 June 2023. Enrolment ends on 26 June 2023 and the course closes on 3 July.
  • Exploring Inclusive Pedagogies - ensure you’re meeting every learner’s needs, including those most at risk of exclusion, by developing inclusive teaching skills in this free online 3-week course commencing 12 June 2023.

Polish language classes for primary teachers - register now

19 May 2023 (SCILT / Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow)

Primary teachers, how would you like to learn some basic Polish from a native Polish speaker? Would you like to give it a go? Read on and see if this language learning opportunity might just be thing for you!

Following on from the success of the Polish language classes for teachers run in partnership with SCILT and The Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, we are delighted to announce that a new and revamped block of language classes will begin in the first term of next session. Supported by the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh, these online classes are designed to provide primary teachers with an introduction to basic Polish language and culture and support the teaching and learning of Polish as an L3 in the primary classroom.

Teachers in the past have found the language classes useful and have applied their learning successfully with their learners in the classroom. One teacher commented, “Great course. I have become more confident at both teaching Polish as a L3 and also having a go myself.” Chris Sagan, Chair of the Board of Trustees at The Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, is delighted to partner up with SCILT once again in order to support and encourage the development of Polish as a viable L3 option for primary teachers. Chris is looking forward to seeing more Polish being taught in Scottish primary schools and is looking forward to the new block beginning next session.

This year the new classes will be led by Ania Trusewicz. Ania is an experienced teacher of teaching Polish as a foreign language and is looking forward to welcoming primary teachers to her online classes in September. You can find out more about Ania below:

"Cześć! My name is Ania. I am Trilingual. I have completed my teaching course as a teacher of foreign language at University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Toruń (Poland) in 2006. Since moving to Glasgow in 2008 I have been teaching many students both face-to-face and online. I also hold a degree from University of Glasgow (Social Science). I teach with passion and great enthusiasm. My lessons are funny and interesting. I take care of each of my students and make sure that Polish lessons at Sikorski Polish Club are adapted to various levels and individual needs of my students. In my classes I have students who are coming from different professional backgrounds. I will be happy to see you at our online class: Polish in the Primary classroom!"

The classes will begin in September, however before the first lesson, we will host an online Meet & Greet session where everyone will get a chance to meet each other before the classes start. Please note the following:

  • All classes are online and will be hosted on MS Teams
  • Meet & Greet online introductory session Monday 28 August 4-5pm
  • Language classes scheduled on Mondays from 4 September to 23 October, 4-5pm
  • 6-week block - one hour lesson per week
  • Access to course materials and resources 
  • Free of charge
  • Open to all primary teachers

*Please note: Due to local holidays, there will be no class on Monday 25 September and Monday 16 October.

To register your interest in taking part in these classes please complete the form via the link below. Deadline for registration Friday 9 June.


Workshops for UK teachers of Spanish

16 May 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación has the following professional learning opportunities for UK teachers of Spanish taking place in June 2023. Click on the relevant link below for more information:

3 June, 10:00 - 11:30 (Online):

10 June, 09:30 - 12:30 (Online):

17 June (face-to-face training day):

All the above sessions are free to attend.

Summer course in Spain:

Apply for an immersion course in Spain (Ávila, Segovia and Santander).

Application deadline: 27 May.

8 one-week immersion courses in June, July or August 2023 in Ávila, Segovia or Santander aimed at British/Irish teachers of Spanish (a B2 command of Spanish is required).

The grant covers the course, accommodation and meals, as well as the cultural programme. The grant does not cover the journey to Spain or the return to the UK. Travel and/or health insurance is also not included.

This call is not for Spanish nationals.

Visit the Consejería de Educación website for further information and to apply.

The Big Question: SCILT secondary seminar series

21 April 2023 (SCILT)

Wrestling with writing? Run out of steam with reading? Tearing your hair out with talking? Looking for inspiration with listening?

This year’s Big Question series might just help! This series of weekly workshops in May and June aimed at secondary practitioners will focus on the four core skills: listening, reading, writing and talking. Each week we will look at practical ideas of why and how to approach a different skill. Come and join us as we examine strategies and share resources and activities!

Each session will feature the chance to hear from guest practitioners, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to these questions!

The four seminar dates are:

  • Wednesday 17 May: Reading, with guest practitioner Robbie Kirk, PT Modern Languages, Chryston High
  • Thursday 25 May: Listening, with guest practitioners Liegha Laing & and the team from Meldrum Academy
  • Tuesday 6 June: Writing, with guest practitioner Scott Jordan, Musselburgh Grammar School
  • Wednesday 14 June: Talking, with guest practitioner Joanne Curran, PT Languages (BGE) Larbert High

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers; attend as many or as few as you wish!

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer which can be shared with colleagues.

Related Files

Open University TeLT programme - Registration now open!

20 April 2023 (Open University)

TeLT is the Teachers Learning to Teach Languages programme offered by the Open University, and developed in partnership with SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. Now in its 7th year, this professional learning opportunity is aimed at educators working in the primary sector and carries GTCS Professional Recognition.

Students learn a language – French, German, Mandarin or Spanish - and in parallel, get to put primary language pedagogies into practice with their own pupils. The programme is offered at two levels – beginners and post-beginners. 

Registration for 2023-24 intake is now open. Enrolment closes 7 September 2023. Modules begin in October. 

Visit the TeLT website for full details about how the course works and how to register. For further information please contact:


Professional learning for teachers of Spanish

28 March 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Embassy Education Office has several professional learning opportunities available for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant link below for further information.

Online workshop – Tuesday 25 April (16:30)

  • Aprender a cuestionar: textos y contextos Geniales para desarrollar la competencia crítica en el aula de ELE, by Álvaro Espada Benito (editorial editorial enclave-ELE).. More information and registration via the website link above.

Immersion courses in Salamanca - Dates available June to September 2023

  • One-week Spanish language course - The University of Salamanca, its International Courses and the Junta de Castilla y León, offer scholarships for active Spanish teachers outside of Spain to take a week-long course on Spanish language and culture and didactic updating in Salamanca. Several dates are offered between June and September. Register via the above website link.

Spanish workshop in London - 24 June 2023

  • Save the date! More information and registration coming soon.

Formation d’été des enseignants de français

21 March 2023 (Institut français)

The Institut français du Royaume-Uni and France Éducation international are organising a one-week training course in London where participants will be able to take part in multiple workshops intended to continue to develop their professional practices.

The aim is to support their dynamic career projects to guarantee the success of all students in French. Side events and cultural activities will also be offered to allow participants to meet and share good practices.

Training will take place at our premises in London from 24 to 28 July 2023.

Visit the Institut français website for full details, including fees. Registration deadline: 31 March.


Taking the Lead with Languages

9 March 2023 (Education Scotland)

Have you ever considered how languages could be the key to unlocking leadership potential? Well, this might be the ideal moment to give it some thought as we investigate Scotland’s Languages Leadership Programme as a route worthy of exploration towards leadership opportunities.

Karen Faulds, a primary school teacher prior to joining Scotland's National Centre for Languages (SCILT) in 2019, tells us about her participation in LLP which formed part of her own leadership journey. She describes the programme as a pivotal moment in that journey and confirms it remains the best professional learning experience for her to date. 

Visit the Education Scotland website to read more about Karen's experience. Registration for the 2023-24 is now open. You'll find a link to apply within the article.


CPD opportunities for teachers of Spanish

2 March 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Embassy Education Office has several professional learning opportunities available for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant link below for further information.

Next online workshop – Tuesday 7 March (16:30)

Immersion courses in Salamanca - April 2023

  • One-week Spanish language course - Grants to follow a one-week Spanish language course in Salamanca aimed at primary or secondary teachers at Easter. Four different levels: absolute beginners, beginners, intermediate and advanced Spanish. Register via the website link.
  • Course on Didactics in Salamanca - Grants for a course on didactics aimed at secondary and university teachers of Spanish in the UK and Ireland. One-week course in Salamanca at Easter. Register via the website link.

March 2023: Spanish teacher training UK tour

Edinumen Publishing House and the Consejería de Educación are co- organising a series of face-to-face training sessions for teachers of Spanish to take place throughout March 2023 in five British cities:

  • Manchester, Saturday 11/03/23
  • Oxford, Tuesday 14/03/23
  • London, Wednesday 15/03/23
  • Cambridge, Thursday 16/03/23
  • Glasgow, Saturday 18/03/23

Registration is free and already open. The workshops will be held in Spanish. Visit the website for the programme and registration links.

Scotland’s Languages Leadership Programme 2023-24 – Applications are now open!

24 February 2023 (SCILT)

Applications for Scotland's Languages Leadership Programme 2023-24 (SLLP) open until 5pm on Monday 24 April.

The SLLP builds leadership capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Applications are welcome from colleagues with 3 years' teaching experience or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts. This might include classroom teachers, principal teachers, heads of department, heads of faculty or languages lead practitioners.

This online programme is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

Visit our Professional Learning page for more information about the programme and how to apply. You can also sign up for an online information session which will be hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland on Thursday 23 March.


Online French and Spanish Courses for Secondary Teachers

16 February 2023 (LFEE)

LFEE Europe is again offering their online GTCS-accredited course for Secondary teachers.

Participants to this course will meet the GTCS requirements for residency.

The course will run from March to May 2023.

Visit the LFEE website for further information about the course and fees. 


Summer courses in Germany

8 February 2023 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers summer opportunities for German learners; these bring language-learning to life by combining language lessons with cultural trips and excursions, as well as staying with host families. The application deadline for all programmes is 1 March 2023.

The programmes are open to pupils who have been learning German for at least 2 years and are eager to actively put their German knowledge to use.

These programmes take place on different dates during July and August. More information can be found on the dedicated webpages.

There is also an opportunity for for secondary teachers to act as group leaders on the German Pupil Courses. These are paid roles. Follow the link below for more information:

Aktuelles: Conversation course for secondary teachers

3 February 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you teaching German at a secondary school and would like to practise your conversational skills and keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs in German speaking countries?    

This conversation course will be right for you. We will be discussing a wide range of topics based on current newspaper articles, radio programmes and clips from German television. You will be taking away up-to-date materials and, hopefully, inspiration and lots of good ideas for your classroom.

The course consists of six online sessions February-May 2023 held over Zoom.


2023 French Summer School in Rouen for Primary School Teachers

1 February 2023 (Institut français)

The Institut français du Royaume-Uni and l’Alliance française de Rouen are organising a one-week training course for non-specialist primary school teachers of French who would like to build up their confidence in the language. There are two places available for teachers in Scotland.

Training fees and accommodation will be covered by the Institut français du Royaume-Uni. Participants will have to organise and pay for their journey to and from Rouen, France.

Visit the Institut français website for more information and apply by 28 February 2023.


Languages Week 2023

26 January 2023 (SWEIC)

South West Educational Improvement Collaborative (SWEIC) is excited to launch our programme of professional learning opportunities in celebration of languages week. This year we have a wide selection of inputs, including French, Spanish, Ukrainian, Scots, Gaelic and BSL.

Our Keynote delivered by Education Scotland colleagues is A decade of 1+2 and Scotland’s changing languages landscape.

Visit the SWEIC blog to find out what's planned for the week and how to take part.


Reminder: SCILT 2022-23 workshop menu open for group bookings

20 January 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s CLPL menu for the 2022-23 session is available for bookings. 

If you are looking for high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of experienced colleagues, newly qualified or student teachers in your school, cluster, local authority or RIC, then look no further.  

Always interactive, SCILT menu workshops give you the opportunity to explore practice through exemplification and discussion with colleagues.


  • Engaging parents with languages in the primary and early years
  • Cultural contexts: an engaging approach to primary language learning
  • Get multilingual with DYW in your primary classroom
  • Active assessment in primary languages
  • Multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Tackling controversial issues in challenging times
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum

For more detail about the menu workshops and to book for a group follow the link below.

Open access workshops for individuals in primary and secondary will be available through the year, sign up to the SCILT e-bulletin for more information.


Bookings now open! Open access Wednesdays: Creative spring series

18 January 2023 (SCILT)

Paging primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! On the last Wednesday of each month between January and May 2023, SCILT’s primary professional development officers will host a series of online workshops with a creative twist.  

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams unless otherwise stated and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer with further details of each workshop.

Related Files

Formation d’été des enseignants de français

12 January 2023 (Institut français)

The Institut français du Royaume-Uni and France Éducation international are organising a one-week training course in London where participants will be able to take part in multiple workshops intended to continue to develop their professional practices.

The aim is to support their dynamic career projects to guarantee the success of all students in French. Side events and cultural activities will also be offered to allow participants to meet and share good practices.

Training will take place at our premises in London from 24/07 to 28/07.

Visit the Institut français website for full details, including fees.


New issue of TECLA magazine and upcoming training opportunities

12 December 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Please find below the information about a new issue of TECLA magazine (December 2022) and upcoming training opportunities for teachers of Spanish:

  • Publications. New issue of the magazine TECLA with lots of ideas and resources for Spanish classes. FREE DOWNLOAD!!! 
  • Training opportunities. Have a look at the CPD opportunities we have prepared for the first half of 2023: online sessions, face-to-face training in different locations in the UK, and immersion breaks in Spain during the school holidays of February, April, and July. SAVE THE DATE!!!!: 
  • Next online workshop – Saturday 21 January (10:00): Jornada monográfica en línea sobre aspectos culturales en la enseñanza del español. Free registration.

Open access Wednesdays: Creative spring series

9 December 2022 (SCILT)

Paging primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! On the last Wednesday of each month between January and May 2023, SCILT’s primary professional development officers will host a series of online workshops with a creative twist.  

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams unless otherwise stated and will not be recorded. 

Registration for the first session on 25 January is open now via the link above. Registration for the remaining workshops will open in January 2023, keep an eye on the SCILT e-bulletin for details.

Please also see attached flyer with further details of each workshop.

Related Files

European Language Gazette (November-December 2022)

28 November 2022 (ECML)

The latest issue of the European Language Gazette has just been published.

The ECML's e-newsletter provides up-to-date news about the ECML (events, projects, resources) and other relevant sectors of the Council of Europe as well as of our partners. It focuses on national developments in the field of language education in the member states and beyond.


MEd Education Studies course modules for language practitioners

4 November 2022 (University of Strathclyde)

The School of Education in the University of Strathclyde have developed two new modules as part of the MEd Education Studies course that may be of particular interest to languages practitioners (EYs, primary, secondary MFL, FE, EAL/ESOL, Gaelic).

  • Multilingual and Multicultural Education: Policy, Theory and Practice (commencing Jan 2023)

This module is designed to develop your knowledge of multilingual and multicultural contexts within education and wider society. This module will equip you with core skills for language learning and teaching and consider the role of intercultural education. You will extend your confidence in language teaching approaches within and across the curriculum. This class will encourage you to be reflective and adaptive in your practice.

  • Enacting Social Justice in Language Learning and Teaching (commencing April 2023)

As languages educators, how can we achieve the goal of prioritising equity, diversity, and inclusion in the languages classroom? Using theory, research and examples of innovative approaches for promoting social justice, this module is aimed at language educators in all sectors and is designed to develop your knowledge of a range of contemporary issues in language education. This module aims to develop critical thinking and reflection and consider how these impact on social justice pedagogy and agency for social change.

More information can be found in the attached flyer or visit the University of Strathclyde website.


ICC languages webinars

11 October 2022 (ICC)

The ICC, the international language association, provides foreign languages teaching and learning with exchange of ideas and know-how and sets standards for a transnational network of language learners. The organisation is pleased to announce their next series of webinars from October to January.

  • 19 October 2022 - Negotiating across borders and cultures
  • 24 November 2022 - After COVID: How online language teaching has changed the profession
  • 7 December 2022 - Intercultural encounters in translingual picture books: Literary and pedagogical perspectives
  • 26 January 2023 - “Engaging presentations – Check!“

Visit the website for more information and to register for the online events.


Immersion courses in Spain for teachers

22 September 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Any plans for the Autumn half-term break? Sign up and get a grant for one of the immersion courses in Spain. Full details regarding dates, course content, the grant and application form can be found by following the relevant course header link below:

UK-German funding and hosting opportunities

8 September 2022 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a wide range of initiatives for young people, schools and youth groups. The organisation aims to bring young people in the UK and Germany together through a range of grants, advisory services, networks and programmes – both face-to-face and digitally.

Follow the relevant link below to find out more about their current opportunities:

  • Host a Teacher from Germany - enable primary and secondary pupils to gain an insight into German culture by hosting a teacher from Germany for 2-3 weeks next Spring.
  • Funding - a range of grants for joint activities between schools and youth groups now open for applications.
  • Café Connect - free virtual cultural exchange meetings giving young people aged 14-18 the chance to connect with UK and German peers through fun, interactive activities, group discussions on current topics and informal chat.
  • Voyage Kids - a digital magazine for primary pupils to discover German language and culture.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for information on the full range of services available.


Aktuelles: Conversation course for secondary teachers

1 September 2022 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you a secondary school teacher of German and would like to practice your conversational skills and keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs in German speaking countries?  

This conversation course will be right for you. We will be discussing a wide range of topics based on current newspaper articles, radio programmes and clips from German television. You will be taking away up-to-date materials and, hopefully, inspiration and lots of good ideas for your classroom.

Visit the website for more information and to sign-up for the online course by 1 October.


University of Dundee Graduate Diplomas in French, German and Spanish by Distance Learning

23 August 2022 (University of Dundee)

Registration for the 2022-24 cohort of the Graduate Diplomas in French, German and Spanish by Distance Learning of the University of Dundee is now open until 23 September 2022.

These 2-year online Graduate Diplomas by Distance Learning for part-time study are accredited by the General Teaching Council for Scotland. They are ideally suited for Secondary MFL teachers seeking an additional qualification in French, German, or Spanish.

They aim to provide the challenge of an undergraduate curriculum in the relevant applied language. They carry a rating of 120 SCOTCAT points (SCQF Levels 9-10). The qualification outcome is bench-marked at C1 in the Council of Europe Reference Framework for Languages. Applicants will normally have a pass in Higher the relevant language (or equivalent, such as the French, German, Spanish Intensive/Revision courses by distance-learning).  

At the University of Dundee, we have a long-established tradition of language teaching, both with students at the University and via distance learning. We use a combination of online tools to give students a range of experiences in the language. Experienced staff are responsible for the course design, delivery and student support.

I will certainly recommend the Graduate Diploma to others (Diploma student)

For more information visit the Dundee University website: French GradDip, German GradDip, Spanish GradDip  or to discuss any aspects of the course or your application, please contact Claire Nicoll or

Survey for complementary and Saturday school teachers

19 August 2022 (SCILT/Bilingualism Matters)

Bilingualism Matters and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, are opening up opportunities for professional learning and networking for teachers in complementary and Saturday schools throughout Scotland. 

flyer promoting professional learning opportunity for language teachers in Scotland's complementary and Saturday schools


Deutsch Lehren Lernen (DLL)

12 August 2022 (Goethe-Institut)

Deutsch Lehren Lernen (DLL) is the Goethe-Institut's innovative professional development programme: teachers working in primary, secondary or in adult education can refresh their didactic knowledge and skills. Reflecting on one's own teaching experiences as well as trying out new impulses are central aspects of the DLL courses.

Several online workshops are available throughout the autumn term. Register for all, or select those of interest in the registration form.


Gaelic Education Grants 2022/23

16 June 2022 (Bòrd na Gàidhlig)

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has set up this fund to support those currently working towards a career in Gaelic teaching or Gaelic-medium teachers looking to develop their professional skills.

This scheme is currently open for the 2022/23 academic year until 1 September 2022.

Visit the Bòrd na Gàidhlig website for more information about eligibility and how to apply.


Creative translation webinars for teachers

16 June 2022 (Stephen Spender Trust)

Following the successful launch of our brand new series of creative translation webinars for teachers at primary and secondary schools in 2022, and the extremely positive feedback received from participants, we are planning a new series of webinars in the coming school year 2022-23. 

Visit the Stephen Spender Trust website to find out more about the webinars and to register interest in this professional development opportunity. The website also has resources designed to help teachers to integrate creative translation into their teaching.


University of Strathclyde MEd Education Studies - New languages modules

7 June 2022 (University of Strathclyde)

The School of Education in the University of Strathclyde has developed two new modules as part of the MEd Education Studies course that may be of particular interest to languages practitioners (EYs, primary, secondary MFL, FE, EAL/ESOL, Gaelic).

  • Multilingual and Multicultural Education: Policy, Theory and Practice (commencing Jan 2023)
  • Enacting Social Justice and Change in Language Learning and Teaching (commencing April 2023)

Practitioners who have already completed the SCILT professional learning courses (TELT and/or LLP) and have been awarded GTCS professional recognition, are eligible for accreditation of prior learning (20 Masters level credits for each course) towards gaining a full Masters degree. Likewise, teachers who have recently completed an ITE course at the University of Strathclyde may be eligible for further accreditation.

Further information about these modules and the course generally can be found in the attached information document. Details of the full suite of modules are in the attached MEd Education Studies Module Catalogue 2022-23. 

Information webinar for primary teachers in Scotland keen to learn a new language and how to teach it in their classrooms

7 June 2022 (SCILT)

Teachers Learning to Teach Languages, or TeLT for short, is a blended professional learning programme lasting 9 months that is aimed at practitioners who want to develop their practice in teaching languages to primary aged pupils.

Two information webinars for prospective students on the OU/SCILT TeLT programme are scheduled for:

  • Thursday 16 June, 7pm - 8pm
  • Tuesday 21 June, 7pm - 8pm

These webinars are open to teachers that teach languages primary schools in Scotland. Register here for your preferred webinar date.

Each 60-minute online event will introduce interested primary teachers to the primary languages programme delivered in collaboration by the Open University and SCILT from October 2022 to June 2023, where teachers can study one of four languages from scratch, learn how to teach it and apply their new skills directly as part of the course.

Participants will learn what the programme has to offer, what is required to succeed in becoming a primary languages teacher and gain professional recognition from the GTCS for the study.

Participants will hear about the impact of the study on attitudes and practice of teachers, pupils and the entire school community from OU and SCILT colleagues and find out how the course enables teachers to collaborate with primary schools across Scotland and Wales through in-programme eTwinning.

In addition, they will learn first-hand about experiences studying the course from former students, in-service primary teachers, who are now working as guest tutors on the programme. The guest tutors will also share how studying this programme has boosted their professional opportunities and employability skills.

Teachers working in other parts of the UK can find the information for the programme in their area on the Open University website

Spanish course for teachers: blended learning programme (León, 2022)

31 May 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

The University of León and Mester Academy have organised a Spanish course aimed at British and Irish teachers interested in learning or improving their Spanish language skills.

The blended learning programme consists of 33 hours of self-study online from mid-June plus one week Spanish language course in León (Spain) in August 2022.

  • 3 DIFFERENT LEVELS: absolute beginners, beginners and intermediate
  • A GRANT to cover most of the costs will be offered

All information regarding dates, course content, the grant and the application form can be found on the Spanish Embassy Education Office website.


The Big Question: final spaces remaining!

26 May 2022 (SCILT)

This term we are hosting a series of interactive seminars for secondary languages teachers, based on some of the main themes from our workshops this year, and covering some of the big questions that you might be asking about teaching languages today.

We now have just a few places remaining on Seminar 3: Teaching controversial issues. This session will feature the chance to hear from a guest speaker, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to the big questions!

  • Seminar 3: Teaching controversial issues
    4-5pm, Thursday 9 June
    In this seminar we will look at how can we approach controversial issues such as gender, race, politics and climate in the context of language learning. We will explore strategies for tackling controversial issues safely and effectively in the languages classroom. Our guest in this session will be Lynne Jones of SCILT who will be sharing particularly around areas of gender and immigration.

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers. The session will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded.


Polish classes for teachers - registrations open

19 May 2022 (SCILT / Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow)

Following the successful launch of the Ten Steps to Polish online resource and introductory Polish classes for teachers last session, in collaboration with the Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, we are delighted to announce that the Polish classes for teachers will run again in session 2022/23. The interactive Ten Steps to Polish handbook is designed for teachers to introduce Polish as an L3 and the online classes provide teachers with the opportunity to learn basic Polish in order to support the implementation of the resource in their classroom.

Chris Sagan, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, who has led the programme from its infancy states: 

“We are delighted with the response we have had to our Ten Steps to L3 Polish course. In our introductory year we have taught, via Zoom, basic Polish to teachers across Scotland enabling them to provide L3 Polish to their classes. We look forward with enthusiasm to another year of helping teachers teach Polish in classrooms across Scotland.”

Primary teachers who are interested can register by 20 June 2022 for a block of free online Polish language lessons, led by a native Polish speaker and an experienced primary practitioner. These online classes:

  • begin on Tuesday 30th August
  • will take place 4-5pm on MS Teams
  • will be an hour in length, once a week, for 6 weeks
  • support Ten Steps to L3 Polish and aim to give the class teacher the confidence to lead exciting Polish lessons in school

These classes are aimed at teachers planning to introduce Polish as an L3. Places are limited and offered on a first-come first-served basis. 

For more information about Ten Steps to L3 Polish and/or language classes, please contact SCILT.

Wszystkiego najlepszego.


Immersion course in León - August 2022

17 May 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Any plans for this summer? Sign up for the Teaching and Culture course in León for Spanish Secondary School and University teachers.

We are offering grants for Secondary School and University teachers of Spanish to enrol in our course in León in collaboration with the University of León and Mester Academy during August 2022.

The course content includes a number of areas in relation to teaching Spanish as a foreign language along with cultural activities. There are three starting dates to choose from 31 July-6 August, from 7-13 August, or from 14-20 August 2022. This course will be delivered fully in Spanish therefore we recommend that teachers should have at least a B2 level.

Visit the Spanish Education office website for more information and to apply by 31 May 2022.


Scotland’s Languages Landscape: The ‘Rights’ Approach event, 25 February 2022 - Recordings are now available!

29 April 2022 (SCILT)

We are pleased to announce that event materials are now available to view on our website, including video recordings from Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Keynote speaker, Bernardette Holmes MBE, Independent Languages Policy and Pedagogy Consultant and Plenary speaker, Louise Glen, Senior Education Officer at Education Scotland.

Video presentations taken from breakout discussions, including testimonials and speaker biographies are also available to view and will be of interest to the language teaching community and community-based organisations.

The event welcomed language leads, teachers and the wider languages community to share, celebrate and highlight the importance of valuing language skills and ensuring the rights of all children and young people to a language rich curriculum.


Apply for an immersion course in Spain (Ávila and Segovia)

25 April 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

There are 4 one-week immersion courses taking place in July 2022 in Ávila or Segovia, aimed at British teachers of Spanish (a B2 command of Spanish is required).

The grant covers the course, accommodation (6 nights) and meals, as well as the optional cultural programme. The grant does not cover the journey to Spain or the return to the UK.

This call is not for Spanish nationals.

Application deadline: 7 May 2022.

Visit the website for more information and to apply.


MOOC: Plurilingual Classrooms in Action

25 April 2022 (SCDE Languages Group)

The Scottish Council of Deans of Education Languages Group is very excited to launch their “Plurilingual Classrooms in Action” MOOC on Monday 25 April 2022. 

This free four-week course, which is hosted through FutureLearn at the University of Glasgow, is aligned with the core principles and contexts of the National Framework for Languages: Plurilingualism, diversity, policy and legislation, and transformative practices, and aims to support the teaching and learning of languages in primary classrooms.  

The course consists of a series of short readings, videos, tasks, and opportunities to reflect on the role of languages in and for education. Each of the activities will take no longer than 5 or 10 minutes to complete and aim to provide an overview of language teaching and learning in the 21st century and foster and enhance the creation of effective and engaging learning approaches which support inclusive practices in the classroom. 

More information about the MOOC can be found on the SCDE Languages Group blog along with the National Framework for Languages.

Visit the FutureLearn website to register for the online course.


Primary languages workshop series 2022 - places available

21 April 2022 (SCILT)

There are a small number of places remaining on the final two workshops in the SCILT primary languages series. These workshops are free, take place online, and each focus on a different aspect of primary languages pedagogy.

The workshops are open to any primary teacher or student primary teacher in Scotland. You can attend as many of the workshops in the series as you like. You must register for each workshop separately by clicking on the links below. 

  • Workshop 3: Parental engagement for family learning in languages at primary
    4-5pm, Wednesday 27th April 2022
    We will consider the positive impact that parental engagement and family learning with languages can have on pupils and their families. We will consider the importance of parental engagement in relation to other initiatives within Scottish Education, mainly raising attainment and will share examples of current practice on how schools are engaging with parents/families through languages.
  • Workshop 4: Making languages work for your primary pupils: DYW and 1+2
    4-5pm Wednesday 25th May 2022
    We will look at how your school can make meaningful connections between the language learning and the Developing the Young Workforce agenda, and maybe pick up a Scottish Languages Employability Award along the way! Be inspired by examples from primary schools across the country.

All workshops will take place on Microsoft Teams and will not be recorded.

See attached workshop series flyer which can be distributed to colleagues.

Related Files

One week immersion course for Spanish teachers

29 March 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Any plans for this summer? Sign up for the Teaching and Culture course in Burgos for Spanish Secondary School and University teachers.

We are offering 100 grants for Secondary School and University teachers of Spanish to enrol in our course in Burgos in collaboration with the University of Burgos and Mester Academy during July 2022.

The course content includes a number of areas in relation to teaching Spanish as a foreign language along with cultural activities. There are three starting dates to choose from 3-9 July, from 10-16 July, or from 24-30 July 2022. This course will be delivered fully in Spanish therefore we recommend that teachers should have at least a B2 level.

For all information regarding the course and how to sign up can be found on the Consejería de Educación website.


Join Scotland’s National Languages Leadership Programme Team 2022-23!

25 March 2022 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Applications are now open for critical friends to support and challenge participants as they progress through the 2022-23 programme.


Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme supports local authorities by building capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all.

The critical friend role is suitable for people who:

  • have experience of the national languages leadership programme i.e. 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme (2017-2022) or the Train the Trainer Programme (2014-2016), or
  • are experienced in supporting teacher professional learning either online or face-to-face, preferably at Masters level, and
  • wish to help build the languages leadership capacity in all sectors of Scottish education

As an online programme, Scotland’s National Languages Leadership Programme offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy. The programme provides participants with professional learning and networking opportunities as well as flexible and personalised pathways through Masters level professional learning. 

Objectives of the programme are for participants to develop:

  • an appreciation of leadership skills
  • critical and strategic reflection on their own leadership development
  • an understanding of a range of key issues related to Scotland’s Languages policy

Professional learning and support will be offered to critical friends throughout the year.

For more information, visit the registration page to find out how you can apply to join the LLP team as a critical friend by Tuesday 17 May. A Glow account is required to take part.

If you have any questions about applying for this role, please email and include ‘LLP Critical Friend’ in the subject line.

Related Files

Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme 2022-23 - Submit your application now!

24 March 2022 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme supports local authorities by building capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Open to colleagues with 5 years' experience post probation or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts, this might include: classroom teachers, principal teachers, heads of department, heads of faculty or languages lead practitioners.

This online programme is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

SCILT hosted an online information session on Tuesday 22 March. A recording of the session is now available to find out more about the programme and hear experiences of current participants.

Participants can visit the website for more information and to submit their application. Deadline date to submit applications is Monday 25 April.


Related Files

Registration now open for OU/SCILT TeLT programme

18 March 2022 (SCILT/OU)

TeLT is the Teachers Learning to Teach Languages programme offered by the Open University in partnership with SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. This professional learning opportunity is aimed at educators working in the primary sector and carries GTCS Professional Recognition.

Students learn a language – French, German, Mandarin or Spanish - and in parallel, get to put primary language pedagogies into practice with their own pupils. The programme is offered at two levels – beginners and post-beginners. More information here about how the course works.

Registration for 2022-23 intake is now open. Enrolment closes 8 September. Modules begin in October. More details here on how to register.

Information sessions for local authority officers and prospective applicants will take place in May and June. Dates are to be confirmed.


March Bitesize: Learning for Sustainability / IDL (Primary)

17 March 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland.

In March, the Bitesize session focuses on the primary school and explores how language learning can be in incorporated into a Learning for Sustainability (LfS) context. We will hear how schools have been exploring the Global Goals in addition to key environmental issues such as plastic pollution and the place of languages within this.

Come and join us for a drop-in session to listen and discuss on Wednesday 30 March 2022, 4:00 - 4:45pm on Zoom.

Visit our Bitesize webpage for more information and to register.


Resources for teachers

15 March 2022 (ECML)

The European Centre for Modern Languages encourage excellence and innovation in language teaching and aims to help Europeans learn languages more efficiently. They have just published the following resources which language teachers may find useful. Follow the relevant link for more information:

ECML Language Gazette: Issue 59

7 March 2022 (ECML)

The latest edition of the ECML's Language Gazette is now available online.

Visit the ECML website to access.


Teaching and culture course in Palencia - April 2022

22 February 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Any plans for the Easter holidays? Sign up for the Teaching and Culture course in Palencia for Spanish Secondary School and University teachers.

We are offering 30 grants for Secondary School and University teachers of Spanish to enrol in our course in Palencia in collaboration with the University of Valladolid, INTI and Mester Academy during the Easter holidays.

The course content includes a number of areas in relation to teaching Spanish as a foreign language along with cultural activities. There are two starting dates to choose from 3-8 or 10-15 April. This course will be delivered fully in Spanish therefore we recommend that teachers should have at least a B2 level.

For all information regarding the course and how to sign up, visit the Consejería de Educación website and apply by 4 March 2022.

Please note that this course is separate to the Spanish Language Course we will be running in Palencia with all places now filled.


Bòrd na Gàidhlig provides new resource for career in Gaelic teaching

8 February 2022 (The Herald)

At this time of year, we often think about changing careers so you may find Bòrd na Gàidhlig's new resource useful if you are considering a new career in teaching through the medium of Gaelic.

Following on from the commitments in the National Gaelic Language Plan 2018-23 to recruit, retain and educate Gaelic teachers and to advertise Gaelic teaching as a career, Bòrd na Gàidhlig has created a new resource called a padlet. The padlet complements the existing General Teaching Council for Scotland's leaflet ‘So you want to teach in Gaelic?’.


February Bitesize: Gathering Evidence in Secondary

3 February 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In February 2022, we’re looking at how we can gather evidence to support our judgments about learner progress. We will be joined by Lisa Waygood, Faculty Head of Ancient and Modern Languages at St Columba’s School in Kilmacolm. Come along on 23 February and share your experiences of evidence gathering in your context. What works well? Or not?

Visit our Bitesize webpage to find out more and to register for the event.


SCILT professional learning programme 2021-22 - available to book now!

14 January 2022 (SCILT)

Are you looking for high quality professional learning for colleagues in your school, department, cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative? 

SCILT's programme of professional learning workshops are now available to book for the rest of this session. Choose from our range of primary or secondary workshops, and request a date and time that suits you and your colleagues. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to collaborate with you to develop bespoke input and support. In addition to practical suggestions, SCILT workshops are designed to explore the pedagogy that underpins practice through discussion and reflection with local colleagues. 
Please visit the professional learning page of our website for further information and details of each of the workshops available. Please note, these workshops are intended for group bookings only. 
During 2021-22, we are running webinars and drop-in sessions which are open to everyone. Registration for those will be on an event–by–event basis and will be publicised via the SCILT e-bulletin.


LFEE Europe online course for secondary teachers

13 January 2022 (LFEE)

In consultation with GTCS, LFEE Europe will be offering the 3-week Immersion Course Programme for Secondary Teachers of French and Spanish as an online course. This online course meets GTC Scotland’s policy requirements for language residency.  

Visit the LFEE Europe website for full details of the programme and register by 11 February 2022.


Spanish course for teachers: Blended learning programme

13 January 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Embassy Education office is launching a blended learning programme aimed at teachers working in British or Irish schools: 33 hours of self-study online from February to March + 1 week Spanish language course in Palencia (Spain) in April 2022.

  • 3 DIFFERENT LEVELS: absolute beginners, beginners and intermediate.
  • A GRANT to cover most of the costs will be offered.
  • APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3 February 2022.

All information regarding dates, course contents, the grant and the application form can be found on the Spanish Embassy Education Office website. 


CLIL Mondays

11 January 2022 (Learning through Languages UK)

Learning through Languages UK and the Centre for Language Research at Aston are running "CLIL Mondays" on the second Monday of each month from 4.30 to 5.30. This series of online talks is aimed at teachers at primary, secondary and tertiary levels who have an interest in Content and Language Integrated Learning. CLIL Mondays combine short 30-minute talks on aspects of CLIL with Q&A time. One session per term will be open to practitioners for sharing of good practice, you are warmly invited to come and present your CLIL work.

Full programme details and registration links can be found on the CLIL Mondays webpage.


Online workshops for Spanish teachers (January-March 2022)

9 December 2021 (Consejería de Educación)

La Consejería de Educación en el Reino Unido e Irlanda and Extenda will be organising a new series of online training workshops for teachers of Spanish in the United Kingdom and Ireland during the months of January to March 2022.

Each online session will include a workshop on different methodological aspects related to the teaching of Spanish. Teachers can sign up to attend one or more of the workshops as the themes, the registration and the certification of each session will be independent. In this way teachers can choose to follow the workshops that interest them the most.

The two first of the workshops will take place on Saturday 15 January 2022 (from 10:00 to 12:00). Registration is free and can be done through this link:

For more information about the workshop series, visit the La Consejería de Educación website.


Course: Gender equality in language education

9 December 2021 (British Council)

In this practical four-week course, you will learn to recognise the different kinds of gender bias and stereotypes which exist in language education, some of the barriers people face in terms of gender equality and equity, and how these can be overcome.

Learn more about:

  • Representation in teaching materials
  • Equality in teaching practice
  • Working with gender equality in education

Visit the British Council website for more information and to enrol on the free course commencing 14 December 2021.


Remote CPD in Creative Translation 2022

29 November 2021 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Trust is delighted to be offering a series of webinars for UK teachers for the first time in early 2022, funded by the Foyle Foundation. There are dedicated webinars for Secondary MFL teachers, Secondary English teachers, and Primary teachers.

The 3-webinar course will follow SST's Decode-Translate-Create model, which makes creative translation accessible and easy to adapt to different ages and levels. The first session is scheduled for 12 January 2022.

Visit the website for more information and to register. Sessions are free, but in signing up please note you are committing to attend all three.


November Bitesize: Making languages work for your primary pupils

12 November 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In November 2021, we are looking at how we can combine employability and language skills in the primary classroom. Come along on 24 November to share your ideas and hear what others do too!

Our special guests will be Leanne Duncan, PT at Danestone Primary School, Aberdeen City and Christina MacGregor, P4-7 GME Teacher at Goodlyburn Primary School, Perth & Kinross. Leanne and Christina will tell us about the last year’s achievements by their pupils with activities that integrated languages and employability skills. The languages taught across the two schools are Gaelic, English, French and Chinese.

Find out more, along with the registration link, on our Bitesize webpage.


Making Connections through Learning for Equity and Sustainability

7 October 2021 (Learning for Sustainability Scotland)

Understanding the big issues that shape our world has never been more important. Issues like climate change, health, gender equality, poverty and how to live sustainably affect – and connect – us all: wherever we are in the world.

This is a supported online Professional Learning course for educators. Engagement in this fully funded course will:

  • Support you to create an enabling environment for Learning for Equity and Sustainability in your teaching and setting, and significantly enhance young people's educational experience
  • Inform your own professional development
  • Enhance your participation in the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme, supporting whole setting and cluster approaches
  • Give access to an international network of like-minded teachers

Aligned with current education priorities across UK and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, this fully online professional learning will support you to think about, plan for, and implement, Learning for Equity and Sustainability in your own practice and in your teaching context. 

You will be invited to participate in online discussions and activities in five course modules. Modules will be released fortnightly, starting on 29 October 2021. 

More information and registration for the course on Eventbrite.


Courses: Learning for a sustainable future

7 October 2021 (British Council)

British Council is supporting two courses being delivered by the University of Edinburgh and Sustainability Scotland via FutureLearn on learning for sustainability.

Learning for a Sustainable Future: Live at COP26 - a free short online course

The 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) is being held in Glasgow between 31st October and 12th November 2021. It will bring together heads of state, climate experts and campaigners to agree and accelerate coordinated global action on climate change.

This two-week course, which runs in parallel with the COP26 conference, offers you an opportunity to examine what COP26 is, why it’s important and reflect on how you can add your voice to the call for collective action for a sustainable future.

You’ll explore the broader context of COP26 and consider other key frameworks such as COP15 (The UN Convention on Biological Diversity) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

Explore the issues being discussed at the conference and see and hear responses to the conference themes from children and young people, community groups and ministerial bodies, both nationally and internationally.

There has never been a more urgent need for the world to work together and take collaborative action to secure a sustainable future for people and planet. Do your part and enrol now!:

Learning for a Sustainable Future - 5 week course

There is also still time to sign up for the 5 week course on Learning for a Sustainable Future. Join a personal and professional global learning journey towards a sustainable future. What on Earth could be more important?

On this 5-week course, you’ll explore a range of global, community and school-based contexts and develop an informed personal response to major contemporary challenges faced today. The course is open to everyone and would be suitable for senior learners, or anyone with an interest in sustainability and a willingness to learn and share with others around the world!  Join the course for free today.  Don’t worry if you can’t start on the dates specified – you can enrol once the courses have started.

Language Teaching: Learning from the Past – Teacher Training Packages are now available!

1 October 2021 (HoLLT)

We are delighted to announce that our five teacher training packages are now live.

The materials use the History of Language Learning and Teaching (HoLLT) to help language teachers reflect on language teaching practice and policy today. Five units each take a key theme, with a short introductory video (8-12 minutes), a handbook of activities, and a facilitator’s handbook with further information and guidance. Each handbook also includes a short historical overview and some reading suggestions.

Our themes are:

  1. Differentiation and diversity
  2. What does it mean to teach culture?
  3. Grammar: “The art of speaking well”?
  4. Target language and (m)other tongue use
  5. Making the case for languages – Policy and advocacy

The project is an AHRC-funded collaboration between the University of Nottingham and King’s College London. Many thanks to our Postdoctoral Fellow on the project, Dr Lina Fisher. 

Visit the University of Nottingham website to access the materials, which we hope teachers will find useful.


Grants for professional development seminars in Germany

28 September 2021 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut UK awards scholarships for participation in language courses and professional development seminars (e.g. cultural studies; German as a foreign language theory and practice) in Germany.

You can apply for a scholarship from the Goethe-Institut if you are a teacher of German as a foreign language or are involved in the teacher training of such teachers; this also applies if you work at a PASCH school.

The courses take place at various Goethe-Institut locations around Germany and in Austria. Different options are available depending on your professional requirements.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information about the course choices and submit your funding application by 1 November 2021. 


Conversation course for secondary German teachers

28 September 2021 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you a secondary school teacher of German teaching at a school in Scotland? Would you like to practice your conversational skills and keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs in German speaking countries?  

This conversation course will be right for you. We will be discussing a wide range of topics based on current newspaper articles, radio programmes and clips from German television. You will be taking away up-to-date materials and, hopefully, inspiration and lots of good ideas for your classroom.

The free online course will be held over Zoom between October 2021 and February 2022.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more details and to register by 4 October 2021.


Return to Spain 2021, Segovia edition - Grants for Spanish language teachers - Autumn 2021

17 September 2021 (Consejería de Educación)

Teacher training courses for Spanish teachers based in UK and Ireland (Segovia, October/November 2021).

The deadline for signing up for 1 of the 25 grants of a week’s teacher training programme in Segovia is 26th September. There will be three starting date options to choose from.

Who are the scholarships for?

Teachers (all nationalities can apply) who are at present teaching Spanish in Secondary schools or in Universities in the UK or Ireland.

What is the course about?

The course combines a teacher training programme based on different aspects of teaching Spanish as a foreign language (history, cinema, theatre, games, development of different linguistic skills, gamification, social media…) along with a number of fun and interesting tourist activities. The course is organised by the University of Valladolid, Mester Academy and the Governing Council of Castilla y León.

What is included in the grant?

The course (classes and cultural activities), accommodation and most meals. Those who are selected will only pay 120 euros for administrative fees and their return flight to Madrid. Transfers from Madrid to Segovia are included in the grant.

All information with regards to dates, the course programme, the grant and the application form can be found on the Spanish Embassy Education Office website. 


September Bitesize: Early Years creative puppetry and language learning drop-in

16 September 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student primary teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s Bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In September 2021, we’re looking at language learning in the Early Years and exploring the use of creative puppetry to support this. So join the drop-in on 29 September, share your ideas and experiences and hear what others do too!  

Find out more, along with the registration link, on our Bitesize webpage.


Masters study opportunity for LLP/TTT and TeLT alumni

10 September 2021 (SCILT/University of Strathclyde)

Four questions for Scottish primary and secondary teachers:

  • Are you interested in developing yourself professionally and academically through Masters study?
  • Have you been a participant on the Education Scotland/SCILT course called Languages Leadership Programme (LLP, previously known as Train the Trainer) within the last five years?
  • Have you been a student on the Open University/SCILT programme called Teachers Learning to Teach Languages in Primary School (TeLT) within the last five years?
  • Were you awarded GTCS Professional Recognition from either of these programmes?

If the answer is yes, then you are eligible to accredited prior learning (APL) to the tune of 20 Masters credits, enabling you to transfer onto Masters in Education (MEd) pathways at the School of Education at the University of Strathclyde.

The award of GTCS Professional Recognition from these programmes gives access to the following pathways:


For the MEd Education Studies route contact Angela De Britos

For the MEd Educational Leadership route contact Joanna Holmes

SCILT professional learning programme 2021-22 - available to book now!

27 August 2021 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages? 
Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher of languages in your secondary school? 
Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader? 
Are you looking for high quality professional learning for your colleagues?
If so, you can request a SCILT workshop for colleagues in your school, department, cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative via the link below. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to collaborate with you to develop bespoke input and support. In addition to practical suggestions, SCILT workshops are designed to explore the pedagogy that underpins practice through discussion and reflection with local colleagues. 
Please visit the professional learning page of our website for further information and details of each of the workshops available. Please note, these workshops are intended for group bookings only. 
During 2021-22, we will run webinars and drop-in sessions which will be open to everyone. Registration for those will be on an event–by–event basis and will be publicised via the SCILT e-bulletin.


Opportunities from UK-German Connection

12 August 2021 (UK-German Connection)

Despite the UK no longer being part of the EU, UK-German Connection remains dedicated to supporting partnerships, offering intercultural opportunities, and facilitating connections between schools, youth groups and young people themselves in both countries. 

Current opportunities include the following. Click on the relevant link for more information:

  • Funding for UK-German exchange activities - Schools and youth groups with a partner in Germany can apply for grants for planning visits, taster trips and joint activities, including virtual projects. A series of Q&A webinars will take place throughout September for anyone interested in finding out more about this funding offer.
  • Host a Teacher from Germany - Whether travel is going to be possible or not, you can still bring authentic German language and culture to your classroom in 2021/22. Through the Host a Teacher from Germany programme, your school can host a German teacher (virtually or face-to-face) for one, two or three weeks during the academic year, at no cost. Register by 28 September 2021 (to host in spring and/or summer 2022).
  • UK-German Youth Council - Do you know any top-notch communicators with an interest in UK-German youth relations? There's still time for young people between the ages of 14 and 25 to apply for our UK-German youth council. This network will develop ideas and help co-design programmes and activities for young people in both countries. Applicants from all backgrounds are welcome and German language skills are not a requirement. Deadline: 24 August 2021.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for a full overview of their opportunities and initiatives for young people. Or register to receive their newsletters.


Renew, Refresh, Re-imagine! Scottish Learning Festival theme announced

16 June 2021 (Education Scotland)

The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) is taking place online on Tuesday 21 September until Thursday 23 September 2021 and the theme for this year’s event has been confirmed: ‘Renew, Refresh, Re-imagine: Learning from our experiences and looking to the future.’

SLF is free to attend and the conference programme is developed to support career long professional learning, helping to keep professional practice fresh, up-to-date and relevant.

Further details will follow soon. Register for updates on the Education Scotland website. 


Online training courses for Spanish teachers (October-November 2021)

15 June 2021 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Ministry of Education through the Consejería de Educación offers places to Spanish teachers in British and Irish schools for 30-hour online courses that will take place between October and November 2021 and will be given by the Spanish National Distance Education University (UNED).

Application deadline is on 27 June 2021. These are free of charge training sessions on grammar, language skills, methodology and resources for teaching Spanish in Primary, etc.

Visit the Spanish Ministry of Education website for full details.


SCILT will soon be recruiting a new Professional Development Officer to expand its existing secondary team

11 June 2021 (SCILT)

  • Are you a committed and dynamic secondary teacher of Modern Languages looking for a new challenge?
  • Do you have the leadership skills to support colleagues with inspiring and research-informed professional learning?
  • Do you have the creativity to design and lead projects that shape and improve learning for Scotland’s young people?

If so, then this may be the opportunity for you to develop your skills and support learning at a national level.

More details on the post and application process coming soon!

Enquiries and notes of interest to SCILT

SCILT professional learning programme 2021-22 - book now!

11 June 2021 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages? 
Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher of languages in your secondary school? 
Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader? 
Are you looking for high quality professional learning for your colleagues?
If so, you can request a SCILT workshop for colleagues in your school, department, cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative via the link below. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to collaborate with you to develop bespoke input and support. In addition to practical suggestions, SCILT workshops are designed to explore the pedagogy that underpins practice through discussion and reflection with local colleagues. 
Please visit the professional learning page of our website for further information and details of each of the workshops available. Please note, these workshops are intended for group bookings only. 
During 2021-22, we will run webinars and drop-in sessions which will be open to everyone. Registration for those will be on an event–by–event basis and will be publicised via the SCILT e-bulletin.


IDT Wien 2022: Mit.Sprache.Teil.Haben

31 May 2021 (Goethe-Institut)

The International Conference of German Teachers (IDT) is the largest forum in the field of German as a foreign language worldwide. It not only provides training and mediation between theory and practice, but is also an excellent opportunity for networking. The next IDT will take place 15 - 20 August 2022 in Vienna, Austria.

If you work at a Scottish school or other DaF educational organisation in Scotland and are interested in a scholarship from the Goethe-Institut Glasgow to attend, email to register your interest by 15 June 2021. Visit the Goethe-Institut Glasgow website for more information.


The 2021 Language Show is looking for speakers

18 May 2021 (The Language Show)

Would you like be a speaker at the 2021 virtual Language Show? The show is being delivered online via Zoom between 12-14 November 2021 so you can be based anywhere! Speakers for up to 100 talks in the following areas are being sought:

  • Seminars for language teachers  especially those working in secondary and primary
  • Seminars for learners and language professionals – ways to learn and improve
  • Cultural talks – performances, demonstrations, presentations and experiences that can be delivered on Zoom

Visit the website for more information and submit your suggestion by 6 June 2021.


May Bitesize: Parental Engagement in Schools – Primary & Secondary drop-in

11 May 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student primary teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s Bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In May 2021, we’re looking at parental engagement and how schools approach this in a languages context. So join the drop-in on 26 May, share your ideas and experiences and hear what others do too!  

Find out more, along with the registration link, on our Bitesize webpage.


Vuelve a España - 2021 summer scholarships for Spanish language teachers

4 May 2021 (Consejería de Educación)

Course for Spanish language teachers on language, culture, and gastronomy (University of Valladolid, July 2021)

Open until May 10th the deadline to apply for one of the 50 scholarships to take a week-long course in Valladolid in the month of July 2021.

For whom? For teachers of Spanish in British secondary schools or universities (regardless of nationality (British, Spanish or other).

What? The course combines a varied didactic program (history, cinema, culture, games, language skill development, gamification…) with recreational and tourist activities. It is organized by the University of Valladolid, the Academia Mester, and the Junta de Castilla y León.

What does the scholarship include? The course (classes and cultural program), accommodation, and most of the meals. The selected participants only pay 100€ for management and the plane ticket to Madrid (round trip). Transfers from Madrid airport to Valladolid are also covered by the scholarship.

All the information about the dates, details of the course and the scholarship, and the online application form is available on the Consejería de Educación website.


Online training scholarships for British French teachers

24 April 2021 (Institut français)

This year, the Cultural Service of the French Embassy in London / Institut français in the United Kingdom are supporting 15 grants for online training in partnership with "CAVILAM-Alliance française". Aimed at primary and secondary school teachers from all over the UK, the training consists of a face-to-face course on issues that are essential for the teachers of the 21st-century, such as holding face-to-face and virtual classes.⠀⠀

Visit the Institut français website for more information and apply by 9 May 2021.


Climate action in language education

22 April 2021 (British Council)

Today is Earth Day and British Council is bringing people together around the world through The Climate Connection to meet the challenges of climate change.

Amongst their resources on climate for schools there is a collection to help you integrate environmental issues into language teaching, learning and assessment, including a 3-module professional learning course for language teachers. The first module starts on 28 April 2021.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to register for the course.


Teachers Learning to Teach Languages: OU-SCILT Programme

1 April 2021 (Open University/SCILT)

Registration for the Open University (OU) and SCILT online CPD programme in primary languages, known as TELT, is now open for the 2021 intake. The modules begin on 2 October with induction activities starting on 20 September, and finish in July 2022. The fee in Scotland is £264.00 per module place. Please request registration packs by 30 June 2021.

You can find important information about the programme at our dedicated TELT programme websiteThere you can see which languages and levels we offer, FAQs and what our past students say.

To register, please contact the OU corporate registrations team by writing to NB please also copy into your email.

Please note it is important for prospective TELT students to plan ahead and ensure that they will be able to dedicate sufficient time to their study, because, once the module start date has passed, deferral is not possible. The fee will still be payable and cannot be refunded if students decide to defer or withdraw from studying the module.

Should you have any questions about this programme please contact


Calling all 1+2 LLP/Train the Trainer participants 2014-2019 – Join the Languages Leadership Programme Team!

25 March 2021 (SCILT)

Did you attend Education Scotland and SCILT’s Summer School for the 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme 2017-2019, or Train the Trainer 2014-2016? If so, then this role might be for you!

Scotland’s new Languages Leadership Programme launches in June of this year. To begin with, participants will attend 2 days of online professional learning led by Education Scotland on 18-19 June through a vibrant online LLP learning community using Teams in Glow.

During 2021-22, participants will then take part in the LLP affiliated professional learning of their choice from a menu of LLP affiliated opportunities from Education Scotland, SCILT and LANGS partners. During this time they will complete a number of critical reflection tasks in relation to their leadership activity and LLP affiliated professional learning. Over the course of the year, Critical Friends will each support a small number of participants, providing regular feedback on their critical reflection tasks.

Wondering whether you could be a critical friend?

  • Have you benefitted from taking part in the 1+2 LLP/TTT programme yourself?
  • Have you previously undertaken or would you like to undertake a coaching, mentoring or critical friend role to support colleagues with their professional development?

If so, then you will bring a wealth of commitment, understanding and skills to the new Critical Friend role on this innovative pilot. You will be involved in the evaluation process at different stages during the year and professional learning and support will be provided to you. In addition, Critical Friends will also be supported to submit an individual application for GTCS Professional Recognition. 

Visit the registration page to find out how you can apply to join the LLP team as a Critical Friend by Monday 17 May.

If you have any questions about applying for this role, please email and include ‘LLP’ in the subject line.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Short conversation course for secondary teachers

15 March 2021 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you a secondary school teacher of German teaching at a school in Scotland? Would you like to practice your conversational skills and keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs in German speaking countries?  

This conversation course will be right for you. We will be discussing a wide range of topics based on current newspaper articles, radio programmes and clips from German television. You will be taking away up-to-date materials and, hopefully, inspiration and lots of good ideas for your classroom.

The course will also provide an opportunity for networking and sharing best practice examples amongst German language teachers.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to register by 29 March 2021. Please note, places are limited.


Cultural contexts for primary language learning - March Bitesize

10 March 2020 (SCILT)

This month, SCILT invites you to join us to consider how aspects of bilingual pupils’ home cultures or cultures related to the L2/L3 languages taught in your school can be sourced and shared meaningfully in class.

Learn from and with others in this month’s drop-in session. Our special guests will be a trio of practising teachers with a host of experience who recently contributed to a presentation at a conference in Spain on this topic:

  • Jennifer Maxwell, NQT, Dykesmain Primary School, North Ayrshire
  • Lindsay Allan, Languages Lead, Neilston Primary Primary School, East Renfrewshire - Scottish Education Award 2020 Internationalism and Languages Category Finalist
  • Kirsten Barrett, EAL teacher and eTwinning Ambassador, St Maria Goretti Primary School, Glasgow

Hear how intercultural and international connections have worked for their pupils. Come and share your own experiences and successes.

For the reflective questions and to join us for a drop-in session to discuss this theme on Wednesday 24th March, click on the link below.


ProSign - New resource website for professionals involved in sign language teaching and assessment

11 February 2021 (ECML)

Teachers, teacher educators, curriculum developers, and professionals involved in sign language teaching and assessment will find this new open-access resource website a useful tool.

The resources have been developed in a bottom-up process involving deaf experts and experienced sign language teachers.

Find out more on the ECML website.


Online course for secondary teachers of French & Spanish

28 January 2021 (LFEE)

In light of the continuing COVID crisis, LFEE in consultation with the GTS has decided to offer their three week immersion course as an online alternative from 26 April to 18 June 2021.

More information can be found on the attached document. Applicants should register by 19 February 2021.

Language learning in lockdown

21 January 2021 (British Council)

Has lockdown affected the way you teach languages? 

We heard from teachers in a range of different contexts on how they’ve worked to make sure that young people can still increase their knowledge and skills, whether they are learning, in class, at home or online. Recording of the webinar held on 20 January 2021 is available on the British Council website.


SCILT professional learning leaflet

21 January 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT offers a wide range of professional learning opportunities for pre- and in-service teachers. Primary, secondary. Synchronous, asynchronous. One off, ongoing. Check out our updated CLPL flyer for all the details you need. Download and share with colleagues in your next virtual staff meeting.

Like you, our friendly primary and secondary Professional Development Officers are working online from home at the moment.  Make a booking or send a query to with CLPL in the subject line.  Alternatively, go direct to the Professional Learning area of the website to browse some more.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


2020 Virtual Language Show. Now available on catch-up!

17 November 2020 (Language Show Live)

If you weren't able to join this year's online Language Show which took place 13-15 November, all the brilliant speakers can now be watched on-demand and entirely free of charge.


“A guide to teacher competences for languages in education”: New resource website for teacher educators and designers of teacher education programmes

12 November 2020 (ECML)

The European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) of the Council of Europe is pleased to announce the completion in both English and French of its resource website “A guide to teacher competences for languages in education”, an output of the ECML programme “Languages at the heart of learning” (2016-2019).

This comprehensive resource platform has been developed for teacher educators and those responsible for teacher education programmes. It provides an overview of frameworks and descriptions of language teacher competences in various contexts, as well as national and regional standards or guidelines for all teachers working in public education. Having considered the overview, users can then examine more closely those frameworks that are potentially useful to them in their specific roles.


IDL and languages in primary: November Bitesize

11 November 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT's monthly Bitesize drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s Bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

The November Bitesize event looks at examples of using an IDL approach to support language teaching and learning in the primary classroom.

Visit our Bitesize webpage to find out more about the session taking place on Wednesday 25 November and to register.


Online professional learning workshops from SCILT

23 October 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT is hosting two free online workshops in November and December, open to any primary teacher or student primary teacher. Bookings are now open, find out more about each workshop and register via the links below:


International Education Week 2020

8 October 2020 (British Council)

To celebrate International Education Week 2020 (16-20 November), British Council is offering three opportunities for pupils and language teachers:

  1. 'Welcome to the Arab World' webinar - Friday 20 November from 13:30-14:30

In collaboration with the Qatar Foundation International’s (QFI) Arabic Language and Culture programme a second ‘Welcome to the Arab World’ webinar event for upper secondary pupils (Year 9 and above) from any school.

This event will include sessions ‘An Introduction to Arabic language and cultures’, a session with Zaina Erhaim, a Syrian journalist who was reporting on the Syrian war from within Syria. She is currently a refugee in the UK and the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR)'s Communications Manager. Zaina will speak about her life in Syria before and during the war and as a refugee and a live performance and conversation by Syrian American hip-hop artist Omar Offendum. Now living in Los Angeles, California, Omar is also a designer, poet and peace activist whose work blends Arabic and English words and rhythms.

This event will be a Teams Live broadcast to schools. There will be time for questions from pupils to all the speakers. NB this session is designed for those with no previous knowledge of Arabic

To attend this event, please register by completing our online form

  1. To celebrate International Education Week, British Council and Qatar Foundation International’s (QFI) Arabic Language and Culture programme is delighted to offer two opportunities for primary and lower secondary pupils;
  • An online, traditional, Arabic story-telling workshop for a maximum of 30 participants on Monday 16 November (three slots will be available at 9.00, 10.30 & 13.30).
  • An opportunity to connect your class with a native Arabic speaker through the NaTakallam project  on Tuesday 17 November at 11.00, Wednesday 18 November at 12.00 and Thursday 19 November at 13.00. The speaker will be able to discuss Arabic language and culture with your class, as well as share their own experiences as a refugee.

If you would like to express interest for either of these opportunities please contact  by Monday 19 October and include your school details. Successful applicants will be chosen at random. 

For more information on the Arabic Language and Culture programme at the British Council please visit our website  or email the team .

  1. Languages for all: how do we get there? A solutions-focussed look at practical steps schools can take to transform MFL uptake and success. 

The British Council and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages are proud to present this webinar hosted by the British Council on Monday 16 November 2020 from 16.30–17.30 GMT on Microsoft Teams.

This event will include the following presentations:

1.    Pedagogy in MFL at KS3 and KS4: ways forward for schools.
Presented by Ian Bauckham, CEO of the Tenax Schools Trust and Chair of the Teaching Schools Council’s Modern Foreign Languages Pedagogy Review.

2.    Successful primary-secondary transition: ways to give students the best possible start in Year 7.
Presented by Suzanne O'Farrell, MFL Consultant, ASCL.

3.    Fresh approaches to bringing languages alive through cultural knowledge and international connections.
Presented by Oliver Hopwood, Languages teacher.

Followed by Q&A and discussion.

Register for the webinar on the British Council website.

Action research communities for language teachers: new ECML resource website

28 September 2020 (ECML)

The 'Action research communities for language teachers' website offers resources to support language teachers use action research as a tool for the development of reflective classroom practice, taking them step-by-step through the process of engaging in action research in their respective contexts. It also provides materials for teacher educators in initial teacher education.

Given the challenges teachers and learners have faced during lockdown and the challenges ahead as schools across Europe attempt to return to some kind of normality, the need for teachers to reflect on their practice and to benefit from professional learning communities is greater than ever. These new resources can strengthen teacher development and the provision of quality inclusive language education.


EU 'CATAPULT' project latest developments

25 September 2020 (TELLConsult)

The latest developments in the EU Project 'CATAPULT' - Computer-Assisted Training And Platforms to Upskill Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) Teachers include the realisation of the beta version of the project's Teachers' Community of Practice (CoP) ‘LinguaCoP’. This platform supports LSP teachers to find and share resources and tips and with its matching tool ‘LinguaClick’ facilitates professionals to offer their services, also internationally.

View this short presentation video to see what this online CoP has in store for you and become a member for free.

Furthermore we gladly announce the start of the second (revised) edition of the free online course (MOOC) based on the LSP competence framework on October 10, 2020. Watch this video to get a sneak peek at what course participants can expect. Those interested can already register here

More information about these and other project developments can be found on the website or by following @ProjectCatapult on Twitter.


Lessons learned from lockdown bitesize

18 September 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In September 2020, we’re looking at how learning and teaching of languages has evolved through the experience of lockdown. Share your experiences of delivering language education in innovative ways during an unprecedented situation.

Find out more about the sessions on our Bitesize webpage where you can register for the event relevant to your sector. Both primary and secondary sessions take place 4:00-4:45 on Wednesday 30 September.


Grants for training in Germany 2021

16 September 2020 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut is offering teachers of German grants for courses in Germany in 2021. The courses are aimed at teachers of all levels and offer a variety of topics related to teaching German as a foreign language. So if you would like to improve your lessons and get to know Germany first hand apply now. 

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information.


Teaching Languages in Primary Schools: Putting Research into Practice

15 September 2020 (FutureLearn)

Teaching Languages in Primary Schools: Putting Research into Practice is a short online course offered for free by the University of Southampton and University of Essex on the Futurelearn platform. Open to everyone, the next course begins on 5 October and runs for 3 weeks with approximately 3 hours work per week.

Discover engaging, age-appropriate teaching methods and ideas to enhance your language teaching skills. On this course, you’ll learn practical teaching methods for teaching language and discover engaging tasks and projects for primary school students. Using the latest young language learning research, you’ll be encouraged to reflect and experiment with new resources and improve your current language teaching practice.

Visit the FutureLearn website for more information and to register. 


Spanish teacher toolbox: online workshops to spice up the classes (September-November 2020)

10 September 2020 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación in collaboration with Junta de Castilla y León is offering online training sessions for teachers of Spanish during the months of September, October and November 2020.

The first of the workshops will be on Tuesday 22 September (4:30 pm): “The creative process of the student in the Spanish classroom”. Registration for this first workshop ―which is free of charge― is open until 20 September.

Visit the Consejería de Educación website for programme dates and content of the workshops. 


Success of language teacher SCITT must now 'go viral'

9 September 2020 (TES)

The Department for Education has made a bold pledge as to the percentage of children it wants to be taking the 16+ EBacc, including a foreign language GCSE, within the next five years: 75 per cent by 2022, and 90 per cent by 2025.

However, achieving this will only be possible if there are teachers available to deliver high-quality language lessons.

Indeed, around a third of state schools and a quarter of independent schools report recruitment difficulties, and a proportion says that retention is also a problem.

These difficulties are only likely to be exacerbated by the announcement earlier this month that EU nationals will no longer be eligible for home fee status and student loans from 2021.

This will impact further on teacher supply in languages given that teachers from the EU constitute over a third of MFL teachers in UK secondary schools – and some of them are considering leaving Britain in the wake of Brexit.

However, there is a ray of hope for those concerned about the decline of languages in schools. The government-sponsored National Modern Languages School Centred Initial Teacher Training (NML SCITT) scheme which, as Tes reports today, is having the positive impact that was hoped when it was first envisioned.


CLPL on a theme: bitesize and drop-in professional learning each month

4 September 2020 (SCILT)

From September 2020 to March 2021 the SCILT Professional Development Officers are scheduling a series of themed on-demand and live professional learning that will be open to all in-service and student teachers in Scotland. 

Some months, the theme will be applicable to both primary and secondary teachers, in other months the theme will be sector specific.   

Around the middle of the month, we will post a film or a piece of reading (c.15 minutes) on the SCILT website. Registration will open for the live drop-in on the same theme. 

At the end of the month, the PDO team will host a live drop-in to discuss the bitesize stimulus and the theme in general. The session will last 45 minutes and will feature examples of current practice. Registration is free and open to all teachers and student teachers in Scotland. 


In September we’re kicking off with a theme that’s relevant to both secondary and primary teachers. 

Lessons from lockdown: A look at how our learning and teaching of languages has evolved through the experiences of lockdown. Let’s share our experiences of delivering language education in innovative ways during an unprecedented situation. What works well? What doesn’t? What can we continue to use in post-lockdown practice? Are there methods that actually work better for the “new normal”? 

Watch out for the release of our Lessons from lockdown bitesize film. You’ll be able to watch on demand on the SCILT website from Friday 18 September. 

At the same time, you will be able to register to join the drop-in session at 4pm on Wednesday 30 September. There will be separate drop-ins on the same theme for primary and for secondary teachers or ITE students. 

What’s next?  Themes will be revealed in the first e-bulletin of the month, so you’ll get all the latest details straight to your inbox. 

If you do join in either live or on-demand, you can keep the professional learning conversation going on social media by following and using the hashtags #SCILT_CLPL #SCILT_bitesize #SCILT_dropin.  We are looking forward to connecting with lots of you through this new (to us) approach to professional learning in the coming months. 

CLPL on a theme: bitesize and drop-in professional learning each month

28 August 2020 (SCILT)

From September 2020 to March 2021 the SCILT Professional Development Officers are scheduling a series of themed on-demand and live professional learning that will be open to all in-service and student teachers in Scotland. 

Some months, the theme will be applicable to both primary and secondary teachers, in other months the theme will be sector specific.   

Around the middle of the month, we will post a film or a piece of reading (c.15 minutes) on the SCILT website. Registration will open for the live drop-in on the same theme. 

At the end of the month, the PDO team will host a live drop-in to discuss the bitesize stimulus and the theme in general. The session will last 45 minutes and will feature examples of current practice. Registration is free and open to all teachers and student teachers in Scotland. 

Sound interesting? Themes will be revealed in the first e-bulletin of the month, so you’ll get all the latest details straight to your inbox. We will be revealing our first theme for September in next week’s e-bulletin. 

We are looking forward to connecting with lots of you through this new (to us) approach to professional learning in the coming months. 

Online courses for Spanish language teachers in UK and Ireland (October-November 2020)

26 August 2020 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Ministry of Education offers places for online courses to Spanish language teachers in the UK and Ireland. Online courses will take place between October and November 2020 and will be delivered by the Menéndez Pelayo International University.

Application deadline: from 25 August to 9 September 2020. These are free training courses on different aspects related to methodology and didactics of Spanish: good practices in virtual environments, creation and use of materials, gamification, creativity, cultural aspects.

For more information visit the Ministry of Education website.


Teachers Learning to Teach Languages: OU-SCILT Programme

20 August 2020 (Open University/SCILT)

Teachers Learning to Teach Languages (TELT) is an innovative, distance learning professional learning programme offered by the Open University in partnership with SCILT. The course begins in October and lasts nine months. TELT is open to all primary teachers, and secondary teachers with a secondment in primary, across Scotland. The course materials and tutorials are all delivered online, and we hope to be able to have an optional face to face day school in May 2021 dependent on pandemic safety advice at that time.

Typically Scottish local authorities sponsor their teachers, however a small number of previous participants have financed themselves. If you are interested in finding out if sponsorship is available for you please contact the Languages Development Officer in your local authority.

For more information about self-funding please contact

The aim of the programme is to increase and improve language provision in primary schools. Teachers simultaneously learn a new language and the skills to teach that language in the classroom. The languages strand is offered in four languages – French, German, Mandarin and Spanish – and at two levels – beginners and post-beginners. The pedagogy strand covers a diverse range of pedagogical approaches i.e. embedding an additional language, exploring target language cultures, play and games, interdisciplinary contexts.

What’s the course really like though?  Hear what Mel and Gwen, two previous participants have to say. 

The modules all begin on 3 October, with some induction activities ahead of that, and the fee per module place in Scotland is £258.00

Details of the commitment in terms of time and effort on these modules at the TELT website’s FAQs.

Potential sponsors can use an online Expression of Interest form to let us know about any teachers who are interested in the programme and would have their fees paid by sponsorship from their local authority or individual school. The deadline to submit Expressions of Interest for sponsored places is 31 August. Submitting the Expression of Interest form doesn't commit organisations to going ahead with sponsorship at this stage, or to a particular number of places. Formal registration paperwork would be issued after submission this online form, and the number of places can be increased or decreased following that.

Teachers who are interested but would be paying their own fees (self-funding), should contact The registration deadline for self-funding students is 10 September.

Visit the Open University TELT webpage for more information on the programme.

Similarly, for any other questions you have please don’t hesitate to contact


SCILT professional learning programme 2020-21 - book now!

20 August 2020 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages in your region?

Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher in your secondary school?

Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader?

Are you looking for high quality online professional learning for your colleagues?

If so, check out the menu of online workshops that the Professional Development Officers at SCILT can provide for colleagues in your school or department, your cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative.

Please note, these online workshops are intended for group bookings only.

As always, we are happy to tailor professional learning sessions to meet your specific needs. Please use the same booking form to request bespoke input and/or online workshops from the menu.

Keep your eye on the e-bulletin for news of other professional learning opportunities we will be offering this session.


SCILT professional learning programme 2020-21 - book now!

18 June 2020 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages in your region?

Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher in your secondary school?

Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader?

Are you looking for high quality online professional learning for your colleagues?

If so, check out the newly published menu of online workshops that the Professional Development Officers at SCILT can provide for colleagues in your school or department, your cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative.

Please note, these online workshops are intended for group bookings only.

As always, we are happy to tailor professional learning sessions to meet your specific needs. Please use the same booking form to request bespoke input and/or online workshops from the menu.

We also have lots of other CLPL options ready to launch after the summer holidays too. There will be a mix of anytime and live virtual sessions on a range of interesting themes across the year. All will be open to pre- and in-service primary and secondary teachers.

Keep your eye on the e-bulletin in the new session for news of other professional learning opportunities. In the meantime, the Professional Development team wish you a restful break.


University of Dundee Graduate Diplomas in French, German and Spanish by Distance Learning

17 June 2020 (University of Dundee)

Registration for the 2020-22 cohort of the Graduate Diplomas in French, German and Spanish by Distance Learning of the University of Dundee is now open until 11 September 2020.

These 2 years online Graduate Diplomas by Distance Learning for part-time study are accredited by the General Teaching Council for Scotland. They are ideally suited for Secondary MFL teachers seeking an additional qualification in French, German or Spanish.

'A must for any modern languages teacher.' (Diploma student)

They aim to provide the challenge of an undergraduate curriculum in the relevant practical language. They carry a rating of 120 SCOTCAT points (SCQF Levels 9-10). The qualification outcome is bench-marked at C1 in the Council of Europe Reference Framework for Languages. Applicants will normally have a pass in Higher the relevant language (or equivalent, such as the Dundee Intensive/Revision languages courses by distance-learning).

At the University of Dundee, we have a long-established tradition of language teaching, both with students at the University and via distance learning. We use a combination of online tools to give students a range of experiences in the language. Experienced staff are responsible for the course design, delivery and student support.

'I myself am a language teacher. I have been teaching English in Japan for the last 9 years, so it is with a teacher’s perspective in mind that I tell you that the preparation, delivery and assessment of this diploma was excellent.' (French Diploma student)

'The materials were totally relevant as I need the course for teaching and the topics match that very well. I really enjoyed doing the course and would think about doing it for French (down the road)!' (German Diploma student)

'The course is very interesting with its amazing variety of tasks from different domains in different forms and it has opened my eyes to a brand new world so rich with talented people, their literature and arts. Thank you so much for working so hard in making the whole experience so fulfilling and enriching.' (Spanish Diploma student)

For more information visit the Dundee University website or to discuss any aspects of the course or your application, please contact Claire Nicoll 


Teach SDGs, skills and values with Lyfta

16 June 2020 (Lyfta)

A high quality CPD course that empowers teachers to weave global citizenship into their curriculum with Lyfta.

Free for teachers, SLT and support staff from state funded schools in England and Scotland.

Includes free access to Lyfta’s online platform, content and resources (inc. over 100 lesson & assembly plans).

Course comprised of a 2-hour webinar + support for lesson/assembly planning + 1-hour online review session.

Visit the webite for more information and to register for one of the upcoming sessions:

  • Monday 22 June 2020
  • Tuesday 30 June 2020


Connecting Classrooms - Learning for sustainability

26 May 2020 (Learning for Sustainability Scotland)

Get funding to collaborate locally and internationally on the big issues that shape our world.

Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning is here to help you bring Learning for Sustainability and the Global Goals to life for your learners! There are a host of learning opportunities and support on offer through the Connecting Classrooms programme. Whether you are looking for personal development opportunities, or want to collaborate with other schools.

Visit the website to find out more. Next funding application deadline is 15 June 2020.


Issue to action – an online course for secondary teachers across Scotland with an interest in Global Citizenship

12 May 2020 (Scotdec)

This 6 week online course will start on 19 May 2020 and focuses on Modern Languages, English, Science, Maths and Social Subjects.

See the course leaflet for more information. 

Register for the course on the Eventbrite webpage. 

PGDE: Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Gaelic medium)

7 May 2020 (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig)

If you already have a degree and are interested in teaching through the medium of Gaelic, this a post-graduate diploma in teaching could be the ideal opportunity for you.

Offered by Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, part of the University of the Highlands and Islands network, the one year distance learning course is available in pathways for primary and secondary education. 

Visit the Sabhal Mòr Ostaig website for more information.


On-line workshops for teachers of Spanish in the United Kingdom and Ireland

6 May 2020 (Consejería de Educación)

The Education Office of the Spanish Embassies to the United Kingdom and Ireland together with Extenda, the Andalusian Agency for Foreign Promotion, are organising eight on-line training workshops aimed at teachers of Spanish, which will take place during the months of May and June 2020.

The training sessions include a number of independent workshops based on different methodological aspects related to the teaching of Spanish which can be followed as chosen: each teacher can register for only one of the workshops, for several or for all of them, depending on their interest.

Dates and time: every Tuesday from 16:00 to 17:00 during the months of May and June (from May 12th to June 30th).

A certificate of participation will be delivered by the Spanish Education Office.

Visit the website for more information and to register.


Related Files

Online learning for teachers of German

22 April 2020 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut is running a series of online webinars for trainers and teachers of German as a foreign language. Recordings are also available for those unable to attend the live events.

Visit the website for more information.


Pedagogy Professional Learning for Language Teachers

16 April 2020 (Various)

The following resources have just been added to our Professional Learning for Teachers during the school closures web section:

Pedagogy Professional Learning

  • On Education Scotland’s Digital Learning Community blog you will find collections of online resources to support teaching and learning in a wide range of languages. Click on the Gaelic Education Wakelet and the Modern Languages Wakelet. Resources will be updated over the period of the school closures.
  • Language teachers adapting pedagogy to online delivery may be interested in two new resources created by the languages education experts at the European Centre for Modern Languages. The Treasure Chest and the Wakelet are packed with resources for engaging activities in multiple languages. Activities are differentiated for multilingual pupils and language learners from pre-school to secondary age and will be updated during the period of school closures.

Supporting Bilingual Learners

Further resources are available on our Professional Learning pages.


Professional learning for teachers during the school closures

2 April 2020 (SCILT)

Are you a teacher, a student teacher or aspiring student teacher? Are you looking for some professional learning to do online, at your own time and at your own pace?

Visit our professional learning pages to view our collated list of courses, webinars and materials that are free to access. Scroll down to the 'Professional learning for teachers during the school closures' section.


The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme 2020 - **CANCELLED**

26 March 2020 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Unfortunately, due to the current uncertainty relating to COVID-19, it has been decided with careful consideration to cancel the Summer School this year.
SCILT and Education Scotland will continue to work closely and plan for next summer 2021. Further updates will be communicated in due course.

SCILT and Education Scotland's flagship national leadership programme has been running since 2014 and was recognised at GTCS Excellence in Professional Learning Awards in 2017 and 2018.


Vacancy: Professional Development Officer

3 March 2020 (SCILT/CISS)

Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT) requires a Professional Development Officer to support the network of Scotland’s Confucius classrooms and the learning and teaching of languages across Scotland. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland. The successful candidate will be part of the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools team based within SCILT as the Ramshorn building in Glasgow’s city centre. The centre leads 44 Confucius classrooms across Scotland, including secondary, primary and specialist classrooms.

The Professional Development Officer will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures to develop the learning and teaching of Mandarin in Scottish schools and communities. This would include, for example, leading professional learning workshops and managing projects such as national awards/competitions and other promotional events.

The post holder will support practitioners to turn policy into practice in order to create a positive impact on learners. This will be based on identification of practitioners’ needs, with particular reference to the place of Mandarin and languages in general, within the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish curriculum. The post holder would, therefore, need extensive experience of leading recent initiatives that promote and support language learning.

Please note, the successful candidate need not be a fluent Mandarin speaker.

Visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy portal for full details about the post and to apply by 22 March 2020.


Education Scotland Modern Languages Newsletter

21 February 2020 (Education Scotland)

The latest edition of Education Scotland's newsletter for Modern Languages is now available to view online. This issue includes links to the second suite of resources to support progression from Second to Third level.


Makeathon: Deutsch Digital 2020

19 February 2020 (Goethe-Institut)

There are different opinions on what good media-based foreign language teaching should look like in the 21st century. In 2020, seven Goethe-Institutes in Northwest Europe will be carrying out a project that deals with this problem and wants to address the following questions:
Does digitalisation enable customized learning opportunities? Do digital learning opportunities motivate German learners? Should modern foreign language teaching be project-oriented and multidisciplinary? Does the use of technical devices such as tablets automatically make teaching modern? Does internal differentiation work better with digital media? Does foreign language teaching contribute to the development of media literacy?
The aim of our project is the development of digitally supported, task- and action-oriented teaching scenarios for German lessons.

The highlight of the project is a multi-day Makeathon (from 13 to 15 May 2020) in Germany. During the Makeathon, you will work with German teachers from the Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Norway to develop scenarios for your German lessons with the support of experts. After the Makeathon, you will try out the teaching scenario you have co-developed in your German lessons.
Would you like to be part of the Makeathon and develop teaching scenarios together with other German teachers? There are four places available for teachers in Scotland. Apply until February 28, 2020!


Learning for sustainability

14 February 2020 (Learning for Sustainability Scotland)

Connecting Classrooms is now able to support schools and early learning and childcare settings with funding, free expertise and CLPL to build virtual as well as face-to-face partnerships with schools locally and globally to take action on the big issues that shape our world!

Understanding the big issues that shape our world has never been more important. Issues like climate change, gender equality and how to live sustainably affect – and connect – us all: wherever we are in the world.

Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning is an exciting new programme that supports schools across the globe to collaborate on and learn about these big issues.


Issue to action: Teaching toolkit for a fairer world

11 February 2020 (Scotdec)

An online course for secondary school teachers across Scotland with an interest in Global Citizenship Education.

From the comfort of your own home, at a time and location that suits you, you can take part in the Issue to action in a way that fits around your other commitments.

Open to all Scottish Secondary school teachers of Maths, English, Modern Languages, Science and Social Subjects, Issue to action will connect you with a network of teachers across Scotland and equip you with the skills to teach your subject through a Global Citizenship lens. You’ll come away having undertaken a minimum of 12 hours of CLPL and a subject-specific toolkit of classroom activities, along with inspiration, ideas, a network of like-minded practitioners and practical activities that will empower you to teach through a global citizenship lens.

The course kicks off with a face-to-face meet up of all teachers involved across Scotland on 21 March 2020 in Edinburgh. The remainder of the course is delivered digitally.


Funded summer courses in Germany - applications now open!

6 February 2020 (UK-German Connection)

We offer three summer course opportunities for pupils and teachers, all combining language-learning with cultural trips and excursions, as well as staying with host families. All are part or fully funded. Follow the appropriate link to find out more about each course.

Application deadline for each programme: 1 March 2020.

If you have any questions about the courses, don't hesitate to get in touch with the UK-German Connection team at

Erasmus+ funding deadline extended

3 February 2020 (Erasmus+)

Due to technical issues with the web forms, the European Commission has announced an extension to the first funding deadline of the 2020 Call. The new deadline for online application forms to be submitted is Tuesday 11 February.

Erasmus+ offers funding to UK schools for life-changing international opportunities. You can apply for one or more of the following funding streams:

  • School Education Staff Mobility (Key Action 101):
    Revised application deadline - 11 February 2020 at 11am (UK time)
    School staff can teach, train or job shadow abroad - to develop their professional practice, build relationships with international peers and gain fresh ideas.
  • School Exchange Partnerships (Key Action 229):
    Application deadline - 24 March 2020 at 11am (UK time)
    Pupils and students can take part in international exchanges and study experiences, and staff can do training and teaching assignments overseas - to develop new skills, get inspired and gain vital international experience.
  • Strategic Partnerships for School Education (Key Action 201):
    Application deadline - 24 March 2020 at 11am (UK time)
    Schools can collaborate with international partners - to drive innovation, share best practice, and offer new opportunities to young people.

The funding is open to UK schools and colleges providing general, vocational or technical education to pupils aged 3 – 18 years. Local and regional authorities, school coordination bodies and consortia can also apply.

Please visit the website to find out more and apply for Erasmus+ schools funding now.  There are online guides and video tutorials to assist applicants, but any queries can be directed to the Erasmus+ UK National Agency at:


Immersion courses in France and Spain

17 January 2020 (LFEE)

LFEE Europe has been an international course provider since 2002. Our team of experienced and fully qualified native teachers are committed to promoting French and Spanish language and culture throughout Europe.

Teachers wishing to apply for courses in France and Spain for 2020-2021 can also benefit from Erasmus+ funding to cover the tuition fee, accommodation, subsistence and travel costs. The next funding application deadline is 5 February 2020.

Please contact LFEE Europe as soon as possible to pre-register and receive guidelines to help your application.

For more information, see the course brochure.


Erasmus+ funding for UK schools – apply now!

14 January 2020 (British Council)

Want to inspire your students and teachers – and help them to succeed?

The Erasmus+ 2020 Call is now open for applications. Erasmus+ offers funding to UK schools for life-changing international opportunities. You can apply for one or more of the following funding streams:

  • School Education Staff Mobility (Key Action 101):
    Application deadline - 5 February 2020 at 11am (UK time)
    School staff can teach, train or job shadow abroad - to develop their professional practice, build relationships with international peers and gain fresh ideas.
  • School Exchange Partnerships (Key Action 229):
    Application deadline - 24 March 2020 at 11am (UK time)
    Pupils and students can take part in international exchanges and study experiences, and staff can do training and teaching assignments overseas - to develop new skills, get inspired and gain vital international experience.
  • Strategic Partnerships for School Education (Key Action 201):
    Application deadline - 24 March 2020 at 11am (UK time)
    Schools can collaborate with international partners - to drive innovation, share best practice, and offer new opportunities to young people.

The funding is open to UK schools and colleges providing general, vocational or technical education to pupils aged 3 – 18 years. Local and regional authorities, school coordination bodies and consortia can also apply.

Please visit the website to find out more and apply for Erasmus+ schools funding now.  Any questions? Please contact the Erasmus+ UK National Agency at:


JACT Greek Summer School

7 January 2020 (JACT Summer Schools)

The UK’s largest classical summer school now offers teachers’ Greek courses at Beginner, Intermediate and GCSE levels.

Students cover a large amount of Greek within a scholarly and academically-intensive environment. The courses represent an ideal CPD opportunity for those wishing to acquire new expertise.

Teacher courses in 2020 will last for one week (Sunday to Saturday), with options as follows:

  • Week 1 (26 July - 1 Aug): Beginner - A course for those with little or no Greek at present - no prior knowledge is assumed. 
  • Week 2 (2 - 8 Aug): Intermediate - This course assumes some knowledge. 

It will be possible for teachers to attend the Beginner course in Week 1 and stay on for the Intermediate course in Week 2 if they wish.

Applications will open in January. For the best chance of gaining a course place and/or bursary apply by 31 March 2020.

Visit the JACT Summer Schools Trust website for more information.


Latin / Latin and Classical Studies

16 December 2019 (University of Edinburgh)

The Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Secondary - is a one year (36 week) programme which begins mid-August. Places are available for 2020.

Visit the University of Edinburgh website for more information and to apply.


Japanese online course for teachers

10 December 2019 (Japan Foundation)

Why don’t you teach your pupils Japanese language and culture at your school? We think your pupils will love it!

The Marugoto A1-1 (Katsudoo & Rikai) Tutor Support Course gives a comprehensive introduction to Japanese language and culture. This course will combine online self-study with submission of assignments to a real-life tutor, in addition to live lessons (1 live lesson covers 1 Topic) with the tutor. The course commences 15 January 2020.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information and to register for the course by 18 December 2019.


Professional learning - Issue to action: Teaching toolkit for a fairer world

4 December 2019 (Scotdec)

Scotdec offers this online course for secondary school teachers across Scotland with an interest in Global Citizenship Education.

Open to all Scottish Secondary school teachers of Maths, English, Modern Languages, Science and Social Subjects, Issue to action will connect you with a network of teachers across Scotland and equip you with the skills to teach your subject through a global citizen lens.

From the comfort of your own home, at a time and location that suits you, you can take part in the Issue to action in a way that fits around your other commitments.

Visit the website to find out more and register your interest for the Spring cohort.


SCILT professional learning menu - available for booking!

29 November 2019 (SCILT)

The SCILT professional learning menu for 2019-20 is available for booking. Authorities, clusters or schools may be interested in booking one or more from our range of workshops for primary, secondary and BGE. 

Remember all of our professional learning sessions are free to book by teachers and local authorities. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us.

Details of the workshops available and how to submit a request are on the professional learning pages of our website. 


Course to create new generation of Gaelic-speaking professionals in Scotland

29 October 2019 (The Scotsman)

A new Gaelic 'immersion' course is being set up at Glasgow University to help create a new generation of Gaelic-speaking professionals in Scotland.

The one-year course at Glasgow University will offer an intensive language learning experience for students and adult learners.

Students will undertake eight-months of tuition at the university followed by a three-week residential school at Ceòlas Uibhist, the Gaelic education and cultural centre in South Uist.

The course has been set up with a grant of £455,000 from the Scottish Funding Council.

It comes as Glasgow City Council considers a £16m commitment to build a fourth Gaelic Medium Education (GME) school.

The new course will help meet demand for Gaelic-speaking teachers as pupil numbers rise.


Related Links

Does Scotland have enough Gaelic teachers? (The Scotsman, 30 October 2019)

Gaelic immersion opportunities expanded in Scotland (Scottish Funding Council, 29 October 2019)

Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning

28 October 2019 (Learning for Sustainability Scotland)

Interested in getting involved in Connecting Classrooms? Learning for Sustainability Scotland is running a series of webinars over the next few months. Whether you are an individual school, want to collaborate with other schools as a ‘cluster of interest’, or are looking for personal development opportunities, these webinars will support teachers through the Connecting Classrooms programme. All the webinars are free to attend. 


Erasmus+ newsletter - October 2019

17 October 2019 (Erasmus+)

The latest news from the Erasmus+ UK National Agency is now available to view online. Included in this issue is a statistical animation showcasing funding results broken down across each country in the UK from 2014-2018. Whilst Erasmus+ stories have taken on a Scottish flavour this month, with new additions from Pollokshields Primary School, Glasgow Caledonian University and LEAP Sports Scotland.


Professional Development in Germany

3 October 2019 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut is again able to offer a number of grants to teachers for training in Germany. The offer is aiming at German teachers just embarking on their career, as well as at teachers expanding their commitments to GCSE and A-level. Those who train German language teachers are also able to benefit from the variety of courses.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to apply.


Newsletter for Gaelic education

24 September 2019 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland has published their latest Gaelic education newsletter. This edition includes information on the following:

  • New educational resources
  • Leadership programmes 
  • Sharing effective practice - workshops and resources
  • Professional learning opportunities
  • Links to information and resources from partners supporting Gaelic in the curriculum

Access the newsletter online.


Reigniting the love of languages

17 September 2019 (Erasmus+)

With multilingualism being a key ingredient in making your CV stand out from the crowd, language skills are in high demand.

As well as boosting employability, learning a language also helps people to become more culturally aware, and can even improve cognitive skills in observation, memory and creativity.

In the UK less than half of the working age population can speak a foreign language. The BBC reported earlier this year that foreign language learning was at its lowest level in UK secondary schools since the turn of the millennium.

However, the Erasmus+ programme, which supports language learning in schools, is making a difference by providing funding to UK schools to run vital international activities. 

Ahead of the European Day of Languages on 26 September, let’s take a look at the UK language landscape and how Erasmus+ is helping school staff and pupils to reignite their love of languages.


Host a teacher from Germany

5 September 2019 (UK-German Connection)

There are just over two weeks left to register for this free CPD opportunity to host a teacher from Germany for 1, 2 or 3 weeks in spring/summer 2020.

What are the benefits?

  1. Choose your own timings - it's flexible and fully funded!
  2. Enhance the intercultural dimension in your school community
  3. Share best practice on an international level
  4. Boost speaking confidence in your classrooms
  5. Create a connection with a German school

Deadline: 20 September 2019 to host in spring/summer 2020.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more and to apply.


International school exchange facilitated seminar

27 August 2019 (British Council)

Would you like to set up a student exchange visit but don't yet have a partner school?

For schools looking for a partner school, we still have a few spaces available on our seminar in Germany in the Autumn term 2019, designed to allow schools to set up a partnership and plan your exchange.

All arrangements will be made by the British Council and travel, accommodation and meal costs will be covered.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to apply by 13 September 2019. Be quick, spaces are extremely limited!


Discovery Film Festival 2019

15 August 2019 (Discovery Film Festival)

Discovery is Scotland's International Film Festival for children and young people. Taking place from 19 October to 3 November 2019, the Festival is in its sixteenth year and brings another selection of the best films for young audiences from around the world. With several native language films on offer, language learners have a great opportunity to test their listening and comprehension skills.

Teachers visit the Festival website to take a look at the programme for schools. The programme contains information about associated CPD sessions taking place during August and September which you can attend prior to your school visit.


Inclusion in Practice: The CIRCLE Framework - Secondary

13 August 2019 (Education Scotland)

Inclusion in Practice is a badged professional learning module which has been designed to support equitable professional learning on inclusive practice for education practitioners in secondary schools and local authorities in Scotland.​

It is based on The CIRCLE Framework, a collaboration between practitioners in Edinburgh City, Queen Margaret University and NHS Lothian, that has been adapted for modular learning by Education Scotland.​​

Visit the Education Scotland website for more information about the resource and how to use it to improve practice.


Book now for 2019-20! SCILT professional learning menu

24 May 2019 (SCILT)

The SCILT professional learning menu 2019-20 is now available for booking online! 

Remember all of our professional learning sessions are free to book by teachers and local authorities. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us. 

Participants last year said:

  • The presenter was very helpful and answered all our questions. I feel more confident now.’ (Teacher, East Dunbartonshire) 
  • It was succinct and gave teachers opportunities to compare experiences and share ideas about how to teach the course.’ (Teacher, East Lothian)

To request SCILT input in your school or local authority, please complete the online form via the link below.

Additionally, look out for our newly published series of webinars, running throughout the year. 

New for 2019-20! SCILT series of professional learning webinars

24 May 2019 (SCILT)

New for session 2019/20, a series of SCILT professional learning webinars.

These webinars offer an alternative to our face-to-face workshops. Practitioners may wish to get together to participate in the live streaming of events which will include opportunities for online discussion. Alternatively, the recorded version can be used as a stimulus for collegiate discussion, in-service days or as part of individual practitioners’ professional development.

Registration will be advertised via the weekly SCILT e-bulletin and on the National Modern Languages Hub prior to these publicised dates.

  • Glow login will be required
  • Recordings will be available to watch again on National ML Hub under the Anytime Learning tab

Keep an eye on our e-bulletin and social media channels for details of how to register for these webinars in the new session. 

OU/SCILT primary languages course

31 May 2019 (SCILT/OU)

We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the OU/SCILT primary languages course, which will be running again from October 2019. In light of positive feedback and popularity of the first year of the course, we are now also delighted to offer a second year, post-beginners’ course. The latter would be suitable for those who have successfully completed year 1 and wish to continue their studies, or for those who are looking to begin studying at a more advanced level.

  • The courses will run from October 2019 to July 2020, and will develop language and pedagogy skills; language learning is provided by the Open University and pedagogy is provided by SCILT.  The courses are aligned to the Scottish curriculum and support the 1+2 languages approach.
  • Both courses are delivered online with two opportunities to attend face-to-face day schools. 
  • Learning is very flexible and participants can study at a time and place of their choosing.
  • Each course carries a fee of £252, reflecting the input and student support for the language and pedagogy strands from both organisations.

Funding may be sponsored through your school or Local Authority who can register on your behalf.   Initial registration information must be submitted to the OU by Monday 17 June 2019 and LAs should contact  
Students also have the option to fund the fee themselves. In this case, an interested teacher should contact the OU directly at

Here is some further information:

Beginners level

  • will be offered in a choice of four languages - French, German, Spanish and Mandarin plus study of primary pedagogy with direct application in the classroom.
  • takes students to the end of the equivalent to level A1 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages.
  • allows students to gain 15 university credits for the language study.
  • also gives students the option to gain GTCS recognition for the pedagogy study; all students will receive a certificate on successful completion from SCILT.
  • study hours will be approximately five hours per week, including time spent on the direct application of the new skills in the classroom.

Post-beginners level

  • teachers who have started studying one language in the beginners level of the course would need to continue studying the same language at post-beginners level.
  • teachers who already have some basic knowledge in one of the four languages can directly enrol on the post-beginners level course to further develop their skills in that language and learn about primary languages pedagogy (without having to have studied beginners level).
  • will follow the same format as the beginners level course and will be offered in the same four languages (French, German, Mandarin and Spanish).
  • will teach primary languages pedagogy in more depth and cover:
    • the skills of writing and reading,
    • IDL with a special focus on outdoor learning as well as links with other key subject areas through CLIL,
    • learning and teaching of languages in multilingual contexts/communities.
  • will have the same:
    • number of study hours,
    • assessment structure,
    • accreditation with 15 university credits,
    • optional GTCS recognition for the pedagogy strand, as above ;
  • in their language study, students will reach the equivalent of the end of level A2 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (end of post-beginner level).
  • after completing both courses, students would then be in a good position to go on to study one of the standard language courses at the OU should they want to improve their knowledge of the language even further.

Course codes are as follows:

Beginners level

LXT192 French

LXT193 German

LXT197 Mandarin

LXT194 Spanish

Post-beginners level

LXT191 (language choice will come as a second step once students have registered)

OU/SCILT primary languages course

31 May 2019 (SCILT/OU)

We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the OU/SCILT primary languages course, which will be running again from October 2019. In light of positive feedback and popularity of the first year of the course, we are now also delighted to offer a second year, post-beginners’ course. The latter would be suitable for those who have successfully completed year 1 and wish to continue their studies, or for those who are looking to begin studying at a more advanced level.

  • The courses will run from October 2019 to July 2020, and will develop language and pedagogy skills; language learning is provided by the Open University and pedagogy is provided by SCILT.  The courses are aligned to the Scottish curriculum and support the 1+2 languages approach.
  • Both courses are delivered online with two opportunities to attend face-to-face day schools. 
  • Learning is very flexible and participants can study at a time and place of their choosing.
  • Each course carries a fee of £252, reflecting the input and student support for the language and pedagogy strands from both organisations.

Funding may be sponsored through your school or Local Authority who can register on your behalf.   Initial registration information must be submitted to the OU by Monday 17 June 2019 and LAs should contact  
Students also have the option to fund the fee themselves. In this case, an interested teacher should contact the OU directly at

Here is some further information:

Beginners level

  • will be offered in a choice of four languages - French, German, Spanish and Mandarin plus study of primary pedagogy with direct application in the classroom.
  • takes students to the end of the equivalent to level A1 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages.
  • allows students to gain 15 university credits for the language study.
  • also gives students the option to gain GTCS recognition for the pedagogy study; all students will receive a certificate on successful completion from SCILT.
  • study hours will be approximately five hours per week, including time spent on the direct application of the new skills in the classroom.

Post-beginners level

  • teachers who have started studying one language in the beginners level of the course would need to continue studying the same language at post-beginners level.
  • teachers who already have some basic knowledge in one of the four languages can directly enrol on the post-beginners level course to further develop their skills in that language and learn about primary languages pedagogy (without having to have studied beginners level).
  • will follow the same format as the beginners level course and will be offered in the same four languages (French, German, Mandarin and Spanish).
  • will teach primary languages pedagogy in more depth and cover:
    • the skills of writing and reading,
    • IDL with a special focus on outdoor learning as well as links with other key subject areas through CLIL,
    • learning and teaching of languages in multilingual contexts/communities.
  • will have the same:
    • number of study hours,
    • assessment structure,
    • accreditation with 15 university credits,
    • optional GTCS recognition for the pedagogy strand, as above ;
  • in their language study, students will reach the equivalent of the end of level A2 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (end of post-beginner level).
  • after completing both courses, students would then be in a good position to go on to study one of the standard language courses at the OU should they want to improve their knowledge of the language even further.

Course codes are as follows:

Beginners level

LXT192 French

LXT193 German

LXT197 Mandarin

LXT194 Spanish

Post-beginners level

LXT191 (language choice will come as a second step once students have registered)

Open eTwinning: Project-Based Learning and the Community for Schools in Europe

28 October 2018 (School Education Gateway)

Join this course to learn about eTwinning and how it can help you design a project-based learning experience for your students in cooperation with colleagues across Europe and beyond. During the course, you will learn about the principles of project-based learning and how to start a project in the eTwinning community.

Throughout the activities, we will look at the entire life cycle of a project, starting with the initial idea, including finding a partner and negotiations to design a common project, and ending with the implementation and evaluation of the project. We will include principles of project work and collaboration, as well as the educational use of various ICT tools that facilitate project work. We will also look at the social aspect of collaborative projects, showing eTwinning not only as a platform in which to implement educational projects, but also as a meeting place between colleagues, an environment where we can share ideas and participate in various professional development activities.

Visit the website for more information and to enrol on the free course, commencing 5 November 2018.


Grants for UK-German activities

25 October 2018 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a number of grants for joint activities between schools and youth groups in the UK and Germany.

The next deadline is approaching, so if you have any projects taking place in 2018-19 for which you'd like funding, visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and apply by 31 October 2018.


Gaelic Medium Leadership Award for Teachers & Education Professionals

25 October 2018 (Social Enterprise Academy/SCEL)

There are still a few spaces left on the bespoke leadership programme endorsed by SCEL, designed to meet the needs of emerging leaders in Gaelic Medium Education and Gaelic Learner Education. 

We will explore specific leadership issues faced by the sector, such as implementing CfE, supporting ASN pupils and managing transitions, all within the context of contemporary resource challenges.

You will gain an invaluable insight into your own leadership style and qualities, and a range of tools and techniques to use in your future career.

The programme is for teachers and educational professionals who would like to gain confidence in their ability to be effective, progressive, and self-aware leaders, potentially progressing their careers into head teacher or principal roles.

It will be delivered in Gaelic medium with learning materials provided in both Gaelic and English.


Another record year for Erasmus+ in Scotland

17 October 2018 (British Council)

Scotland's share of Erasmus+ EU funding is up by more than €1m since last year. This means that a record total of €22.3m will be shared by 172 Scottish organisations working across a range of sectors:

€14.1m for universities and higher education institutions
€5.9m for organisations working in vocational education and training
€865k for youth work organisations
€832k for schools
€614k for organisations working in adult education

With further funding results for 2018 yet to be announced, and 2019 calls due to open, the figure will again rise. 

Erasmus+ enables people from the UK to go abroad to study, train, or volunteer and is delivered in the UK by the British Council in partnership with Ecorys UK.

Most of the new funding is for projects between Scotland and European countries. But Erasmus+ also reaches beyond Europe and in turn helps Scotland to do so. 

€3.8m of this year’s figure is shared between ten higher education projects, which will connect Scottish universities and colleges with their counterparts in the USA, South Africa, India, Israel, Palestine, China, Canada, Mexico, amongst many other countries.

If you want to find out more about Erasmus+, information sessions giving an overview of the programme and available funding are being run throughout the UK during autumn. Check the website for more details.


Grants for professional development in Germany

2 October 2018 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut is offering German teachers grants for courses in Germany. The programme includes courses on methodology and didactics, "Landeskunde" as well as specialised language courses for teachers.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and apply now for a course in 2019.


SCILT success at GTCS Excellence in Professional Learning Awards

28 September 2018 (SCILT)

SCILT's 1+2 Language Leadership Programme received a 'Professional Recognition Award for Professional Learning Programmes' at GTC Scotland's second annual Excellence in Professional Learning Awards, held on 20 September 2018. The Programme is delivered through a partnership between SCILT and Education Scotland.

GTCS Chief Executive and Registrar, Ken Muir, said:  "The GTCS Professional Learning Awards programme is about recognising and celebrating the commitment to high quality professional learning and leadership of learning which international research shows has the potential to transform the lives of children and young people in our schools and education settings."

Representing the partnership behind the 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme, Clare Mouat, Professional Development Officer at SCILT and Louise Glen, Senior Education Officer at Education Scotland attended the ceremony. One of six Professional Recognition Award for Professional Learning Programmes awarded on the night, the team’s trophy was presented by Deputy First Minister, John Swinney.

As a recognition of the reaccreditation of the revised programme, Fhiona Mackay, SCILT Director explained: "It’s thoroughly well-deserved for all the hard work that the SCILT team and our partners at Education Scotland put in to making the programme so successful." 

Since the start of the original national languages leadership programme in 2014, over 200 teachers and teacher educators from across Scotland have taken part in the programme.

Details of applications for the next 1+2 Language Leadership Programme will appear in the SCILT e-bulletin in early 2019.


Posted in: 1+2, CPD

Wanted: External assessors for Erasmus+ funding applications and project reports

24 September 2018 (Erasmus+)

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. Each year, UK schools, colleges, universities and youth organisations are invited to apply for funding to support vital international activities, including:

  • International study/traineeship/volunteering placements for students and young people
  • Opportunities for staff to teach or train abroad
  • Collaboration with international partners to drive innovation, cooperation and excellence
  • Opportunities for young people to interact with decision-makers on issues of concern to young people and to influence youth policy

The Erasmus+ UK National Agency (a partnership between British Council and Ecorys UK) is seeking to appoint a pool of external assessors to assess funding applications and project reports submitted under the Erasmus+ programme.

Applicants need to have knowledge and expertise in the sector(s) of the programme which they wish to assess: schools, vocational education and training, adult education, higher education and youth.

If you’re interested, please find out more on the website and register your interest before 6pm on 5 October 2018.


News from the Alliance Française

21 September 2018 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française offers a range of courses and activities for French language learners. Click on the relevant link below to find out more about upcoming events:

Visit the main Alliance Française website for more information about the organisation and their initiatives.


eLearning conference aims for digital revolution in Gaelic learning

19 September 2018 (SCILT)

Twenty representatives from seven local authorities across Scotland attended a conference on digital learning in Gaelic Learner Education at the University of Strathclyde on 14 September 2018. The forum discussed provision for Gaelic language learners online, with the aim of improving the digital offer and increasing the number of Gaelic learners in Scottish secondary schools.

Phyllis Green, who attended the conference on behalf of West Lothian Council, said: “The conference helped raise awareness of how we could support Gaelic learning within our authority. Following on from this event, we plan to make links with e-Sgoil, and with other local authorities, to look at how digital can be exploited to support learning within West Lothian Council.”

Jo Ellson, representing Aberdeenshire Council, commented: “It was particularly valuable to discover what is available in a wider context to support learners digitally, and to see the will of all those attending to take Gaelic learning forward.”

The event was facilitated by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. Delegates included representatives from Further and Higher Education as well as national education organisations, SQA and Scottish Government.

SCILT Professional Development Officer, Eòghan Stewart, said: “The conference allowed us to bring colleagues from Comhairle nan Eilean’s e-Sgoil to meet with representatives from other local authorities in order to build links with one another and with Further and Higher Education institutions. There is an appetite to learn Gaelic amongst young people but it can be unclear how to go about doing this if there is no teacher in the school. With a good digital learning strategy nationally, we hope to increase the numbers learning and, eventually, speaking the language, in line with the aims of the Scottish Government Gaelic Language Plan.”

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s e-Sgoil was established in August 2016. Through a network of staff who deliver online learning, e-Sgoil aims to support the expansion of Gaelic Medium Education locally and nationally. e-Sgoil recently launched an on-line class for National 5 and Higher Gaelic (Learners). This has attracted 12 candidates for the 2018-19 session.

Posted in: Gaelic, CPD

Inspire your students with new funding for global learning

19 September 2018 (British Council)

Connecting Classrooms is back, and we have some exciting updates for the new school year.

If you are thinking about taking your school on an international journey this year, it’s time to take a look at how you can join the new Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme.

You can apply for Connecting Classrooms opportunities either as an individual school, or part of a cluster, which will be overseen by a lead school.

Becoming a lead school provides a host of benefits, including access to grants to develop your cluster, the opportunity to deliver CPD to other schools in your area and cover support for your co-ordinator’s time. 

Visit the website for more information and apply by 28 October to be included in the first round of grant awards.


Erasmus+ funding for schools: twilight sessions

17 September 2018 (Erasmus+)

Interested in funding for international pupil exchanges, staff overseas teaching/training placements and partnerships with schools across Europe?

Erasmus+ and eTwinning offer fantastic opportunities for UK schools to connect with schools across Europe.

Taking place in September to November 2018, we are running free sessions in cities across the UK for school staff interested in beginning or enhancing international collaboration. There's an event in Glasgow on 30 October.

Whilst the twilight session offers a particular focus for schools, there is also a daytime information session more specifically for organisations who are new to the Erasmus+ programme and are considering submitting an Erasmus+ application in 2019.


UK-German Connection - Back to School Newsletter 2018

13 September 2018 (UK-German Connection)

Make this a year to remember for your school; welcome a German teacher, take part in our funded Christmas trips to Germany and support your Language Assistant to become a Cultural Exchange Ambassador!

Find out about these initiatives and more in the UK-German Connection 'Back to School' newsletter.


Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years

12 September 2018 (ECML)

ECML are hosting professionals in early years’ education at a workshop on “Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years – Why it matters and what it looks like for children aged 3-12 years” in Graz, Austria on 12-13 September 2018.

The project is designed to help professionals harness opportunities inherent in linguistically diverse classrooms and use them for the benefit of all pupils. Those involved in early-years education, at whatever level, can in particular find evidence here of good practice and a variety of teaching and learning tools to develop learners’ language competence. 

Visit the ECML website for more details and developments.


Help us continue collaborative cross-sector action for languages

27 August 2018 (SCILT/UCMLS)

To make 1+2 a reality we need to act with one voice for languages! So do join us at the University of Dundee on Saturday, 15 September 2018 for a half-day conference where SCILT/UCMLS evaluate past actions and plan new ones.

We will finish with a networking lunch and wine to celebrate 25 years of UCMLS. For catering purposes, please sign up by 7 September via Eventbrite. 


SQA Higher Modern Languages webinars

27 August 2018 (SQA)

SQA is running three webinars in September covering updates to Higher Modern Languages:

  • Tuesday 4th September 5-6pm

  • Monday 10th September 5-6pm

  • Thursday 27th September 5-6pm

Content will be the same on all three dates. Register on the SQA booking system.

If colleagues are finding they cannot get a place on the webinar they can contact the SQA events team or 0345 213 5580 who would in turn contact colleagues if spaces on webinars become available. 



24 August 2018 (SCILT)


Refreshed and raring to go? Us too! New school year = new SCILT CLPL menu. Featuring a variety of workshops for primary colleagues, for secondary colleagues and one workshop specifically aimed at bringing primary and secondary colleagues together. Our free professional learning is learner-focused, practice-led and evidence-informed. Booking now open! More information on our CLPL menu.

OU/SCILT Teaching Primary Languages programme

There is still time to register for the sector-leading Open University Scotland/SCILT Teaching Primary Languages programme. The course will be available to all primary practitioners but also secondary teachers who teach at primary level. We have produced an FAQ document with further detail about the course for your information.

This blended professional learning programme combines primary languages pedagogy and beginner's language learning.  Choose from beginner's French, German, Mandarin or Spanish. The course fee is £240.00 per student. There are plans to offer teachers, who enrol on the course, a summer school experience which will offer immersion in the language to boost confidence and provide ample opportunities to learn more about the cultures in which the language they are studying is spoken. The summer school is not part of the course, it is optional and can be booked separately. More information on this will be published in due course.

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, don't delay! Speak to your local authority languages Development Officer first, then they can contact Sylvia Warnecke at the Open University ( ) to confirm your enrolment on the programme.

Supporting bilingualism and EAL

23 August 2018 (SCILT)

Education Scotland, Glasgow City Council and SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages) are delighted to be able to offer a free online learning opportunity highlighting the benefits of bilingualism, practical strategies teachers can use to promote and support bilingualism in their classrooms, background information on policy and legislation, and useful resources and links to other sites.

The module has been developed to to support the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy. It will provide practitioners who work with bilingual learners an improved awareness of what bilingualism is and help to promote a more inclusive learning environment. 

See the attached flyer for more information. The free module can be accessed on the Glow website.


Graduate distance learning Diplomas in French or German or Spanish

20 August 2018 (University of Dundee)

New intake: The online Graduate Diplomas in French, German or Spanish are accredited by the General Teaching Council Scotland GTCS for teachers wishing to teach another language. The course runs 2 years part-time and starts in October 2018, University of Dundee.

The courses are taught online and via Skype and suitable for learners with an entry level comparable to a Higher or equivalent.  On completion graduates are expected to be at C1 level (CEFR) .

For further information please see the distance learning page of the University of Dundee website. 

Please contact us at if you wish to discuss any aspect of the courses, or your application. 


Leadership Award for Gaelic Education: 2 and 3 November 2018, 30 November and 1 December 2018

19 August 2018 (Education Scotland)

We are delighted to announce that the Leadership Award for educators of Gaelic Medium Education (GME) organised by Social Enterprise Academy, in collaboration with Education Scotland and Bòrd na Gàidhlig, is being offered in November and December 2018. This is a professional learning opportunity which is tailored to build leadership capacity in GME. It is delivered through the medium of Gaelic. The Leadership Award is endorsed by the Scottish College of Educational Leadership (SCEL), with accreditation by the Institute of Leadership and Management Award at SCQF level 9 and is funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

Visit Education Scotland's learning blog for more information.


Dawn and Meg are on course for fabulous French lessons

17 August 2018 (The Courier)

A French language summer school has ensured that two Fife primary school teachers are fired up to teach their eager pupils le français. 

As pupils across Courier Country head back to school this week, one Fife primary school will be saying “Bienvenue” to the new academic year. Teachers Dawn Allan and Meg Allan (no relation) spent a week in France on a highly sought-after immersion language course, with the aim of enhancing their French lessons at Leuchars Primary School.

Dawn takes up the story: “Meg and I completed a 10-week French evening course at Bell Baxter High School in Cupar two years ago and that was when we first heard about the possibility of attending immersion courses in France or Spain, organised by Le Français en Ecosse,” she says.


Shanghai teacher immersion course 2018

7 August 2018 (CISS)

A group of teachers from Scotland spent two weeks in July immersing themselves in new cultural experiences in Shanghai, China.

A typical day consisted of an early start, breakfast in the Shitang (canteen) followed by Mandarin classes. Everyone greatly enjoyed the lessons as beginners were well supported whilst the more experienced speakers were sufficiently challenged. 

This was followed by a cultuphoto of Shanghai skyline by nightral excursion or experience. For most this was the highlight of the trip as it allowed everyone to apply their learning and to experience authentic Chinese culture.

Highlights in Shanghai included a riverboat cruise by night, showcasing the breath-taking skyline, relaxing from the hustle and bustle experiencing Tai chi, and producing calligraphy and hearing stories behind the characters.

National languages leadership programme

24 July 2018 (SCILT)

Forty-six teachers from 20 different local authorities across Scotland attended a four-day-long summer school at the University of Strathclyde School of Education at the beginning of July 2018. The summer school takes forward the recommendations from the Scottish Government’s flagship policy, “Language learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach” by building capacity and leadership within the teaching profession.

The summer school marks the start of a 12-month professional learning programme, “The 1+2 languages leadership programme”, delivered by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, in partnership with Education Scotland. The programme engages lead language educators in designing, promoting and supporting the provision of effective language learning experiences for young people and high quality professional learning for in- and pre-service teachers.

Content is a balance of theory, research, policy and practice relevant to language learning and as such, it carries accreditation from the General Teaching Council Scotland. The programme was recognised at their inaugural Excellence in Professional Learning Awards in September 2017. Key themes at the summer school this time were parental engagement, inclusive practice and interdisciplinary contexts for language learning.

Opening the summer school, Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT explained: “Now more than ever it is vital that, as educators, we equip Scotland’s children and young people with the skills they will require to operate globally. The languages leadership programme develops language advocates so they can make a powerful argument for language learning and empowers them to influence their local decision makers. The participants leave the programme informed by the latest thinking on policy, theory and practice and able to network and share ideas with peers from across the country.”

Louise Glen, Senior Education Officer (Literacy and Languages) at Education Scotland said: “The Languages Leadership Programme offers a unique opportunity for those interested in leading on languages at school, cluster or local authority level, to examine 1+2 policy in detail and make informed decisions on how the Scottish Government’s ambitious vision for language learning can be realised in their own setting. In terms of CLPL, participants benefit from gaining an overview of not only how the policy is progressing nationally, but also of how language learning contributes to closing the attainment gap and how to evaluate language provision in their own setting, with an eye to ensuring full implementation by 2021.”

In its sixth run in five years, the summer school offered workshops delivered by Education Scotland, Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools, East Lothian Council, Glasgow City Council, Goethe-Institut, Institute Français, Lingo Flamingo, North Ayrshire Council, SCILT and the Royal Zoological Society Scotland. Between them, the participants and presenters had knowledge and experience of learning and teaching Chinese, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Maori, Russian, Scots and Spanish.

Scottish Government's ambition is to expand and improve language learning by 2021, so that young people are equipped with the skills and competencies they need in an increasingly globalised world. From 2021 every child will be entitled to learn a first additional language from P1 and a second by P5. This entitlement continues until the end of S3. This ambition contributes significantly to the Scottish Attainment Challenge agenda.


Posted in: 1+2, CPD

Book now! SCILT and CISS professional learning programmes

8 June 2018 (SCILT/CISS)

The brand new SCILT secondary professional learning menu and CISS professional learning programme for 2018-19 are now available for booking! 

Remember all of our CLPL workshops are free to book by teachers and local authorities. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us. 

To make a booking please email SCILT to receive a link to the request form.

Participants last year said:

It was so refreshing to attend a course which was entirely relevant and where the speaker was so knowledgeable.’ (Teacher, East Lothian) 

Both presentations were very informative and I got a lot out of focussing on the new writing folio as well as using the benchmarks.’ (Teacher, Perth & Kinross)

Primary teachers can sign up now for the OU/SCILT ‘Learning to teach primary languages’ programme in French, Spanish, German or Mandarin. The course is a balance of target language learning and pedagogy. It begins in October and the cost is £240. Find more information via our FAQs and email Sylvia Warnecke, the Staff Tutor at the Open University Scotland to enrol.

Participants in the pilot programme said:

“The tutors have been very encouraging and supportive both in their comments on the forum and during the online tutorials.”

I think [the tuition] has been excellent. Everyone has been so helpful and accommodating!

Additional online and face-to-face professional learning opportunities will be offered by SCILT during the year. To keep up-to-date with these opportunities as they arise, please sign up to the SCILT weekly news bulletin.

Our SCILT/CISS professional learning flyer outlines the diverse types of CLPL opportunities we offer. Please email SCILT with any queries about these options.

150 hours to learn Mandarin – and teach it

7 June 2018 (TES)

Hundreds of primary school teachers will have the chance to learn and teach new languages within seven months, under a scheme being expanded after a successful trial.

The distance-learning programme - the first of its kind in the UK – sees primary teachers study either French, Spanish, German or Mandarin and develop the skills to teach the language in the primary classroom at the same time.

After a pilot involving 54 teachers from 49 Scottish schools across nine local authorities in 2017-18, next year the scheme will be available throughout Scotland. Welsh and Northern Irish schools are also expected to sign up.

Teachers taking part will spend about five hours a week from October to June - around 150 hours in total - but they will start teaching the languages to pupils before completing the course.

The scheme, run by The Open University and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, will be launched in Edinburgh today.


Press Release: Teachers to learn to teach languages in the classroom

7 June 2018 (SCILT/OU)

An innovative scheme teaching primary teachers languages and how to teach those languages to pupils is being expanded across Scotland for the first time. The first of its kind in the UK, the distance learning programme will see primary teachers study French, Spanish, German or Mandarin and develop the skills to teach the language in the classroom at the same time. 

Launching across Scotland today (Thursday 7 June) at an event in Edinburgh where guests will hear from pupils and teachers, the programme is now available to primary school teachers in all local authorities following a successful pilot which featured 54 teachers from 49 schools across nine local authorities in 2017/18. The programme is a partnership between The Open University and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at the University of Strathclyde.

Designed to support the Scottish Government’s ‘1+2’ language policy, which aims to enable all pupils to learn two additional languages from primary level onwards, the programme will link up with the cultural organisations of France, Spain, Germany and China to facilitate immersive summer schools for participating teachers. At the same time, schools will also have the opportunity to make connections with schools in the countries whose language pupils are learning.

Dr Sylvia Warnecke, lecturer in languages and programme lead at The Open University, said:

“The key thing about this programme is its flexibility, meaning that teachers in every part of Scotland – whether urban or rural – will be able to learn together and share their experiences and ideas, helping each other to bring the language they’re learning to life in the classroom.

“We’ve already had teachers from the pilot project tell us that their pupils love it and are really engaged. They have been instrumental in starting after school language clubs and making links with schools in other countries. It’s exciting that all teachers, schools and pupils in every part of Scotland now have the chance to learn together through this programme.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT, said:

“We see this as an important collaboration between our two universities, local authorities and teachers. The course is focused on developing teachers’ confidence so they are able to create exciting and motivating lessons for their pupils. In this way we can make sure that languages feature as an integral part of the Scottish curriculum and that youngsters are given their full entitlement to language learning.

“The teachers’ commitment to developing their skills is humbling. Their willingness to embrace their own learning in order to benefit their pupils’ experience highlights the professionalism and dedication that is the mark of the teaching profession.”

Gwen McCrossan, Principal Teacher for 1+2 Languages, Argyll & Bute, said:

“This course is ideal for the geographical situation of Argyll & Bute. We are delighted to be able to take part, as it provides a quality learning experience for teachers who would otherwise find it difficult to access language training. The course is also unique because it is tailor-made for primary school.”

The pilot project has been shortlisted in the partnership category in this year’s Herald Higher Education Awards. Such is the interest in the programme following its pilot phase and ahead of its wider rollout, it is expected that teachers from Wales and Northern Ireland will join the next presentation starting in October 2018.

A short video featuring teachers who participated in the pilot talking about their experience of the programme is available on YouTube.

Further information on how to sign-up for next year's course is available on SCILT's website

eTwinning: European professional development workshops

6 June 2018 (eTwinning)

This term, why not apply to go on a short, fully-funded workshop in another European country?

Applications are now open for teachers of pupils aged 3-19 across a range of subject areas to attend a fully-funded 2-3 day professional development workshop in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, France and Greece. 

These events are designed to facilitate new eTwinning projects through partner-finding and project planning activities. Workshop themes and subject areas are varied, spanning ICT, Maths, and sustainable development.

Find out about, request a free workshop in the UK or register for one or more of the available opportunities on the eTwinning website. Application deadline: 18 June 2018.


SQA Higher Modern Languages webinars

17 May 2018 (SQA)

Dates for the next Higher Modern Languages webinars are now available to book on the SQA website (login required).

Sessions are available:

  • 4 September
  • 10 September
  • 29 September


"Developing language awareness in subject classes": join the network of the European Centre for Modern Languages/Council of Europe!

8 May 2018 (ECML)

Are you a secondary school teacher of a non-linguistic subject (other than mathematics or history) working in a linguistically and culturally diverse school? Do you teach 12/13 year olds whose first language is different from the language of schooling? Are you interested in sharing your subject expertise and exchanging experiences with European professionals in the field of language in subject teaching? Then this project is for you!


Language Leaders - training week in Cavilam

16 April 2018 (Institut français)

For the third year, the Institut français is offering grants to six Language Leaders of Scotland to attend a one week training course in France.

The course will take place at the Cavilam Alliance française de Vichy from 30 July to 3 August 2018.

The Cavilam is an international centre of excellence for French teachers and teachers' trainers which welcomes teachers from all over the world.

This course is open to all practitioners with a leading role on your 1+2 strategy: in a school, a cluster, or at the council or regional level.

Further information regarding the grants, programme, accommodation/transport and how to apply can be found in the attached documents. Please note that the Institut français covers only the course fee.

The application deadline is 11 May 2018.

Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee Report on Erasmus+

5 April 2018 (Scottish Government)

The Scottish Government's Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee launched a short and focused inquiry into Scotland's participation in the Erasmus+ programme in November 2017. The purpose of the inquiry was to learn more about the opportunities currently available under Erasmus+ and to consider the implications of Scotland no longer participating in the programme after the UK withdraws from the European Union (EU).

The report highlights that Erasmus+ also plays an important role in supporting the Scottish Government’s 1+2 (mother tongue + 2 additional languages) approach to language learning.


European Language Gazette 41 - March/April 2018

3 April 2018 (ECML)

The latest edition of the ECML's Language Gazette is now available on their website. The newsletter includes updates on the organisation's projects along with new initiatives, events and resources of interest to the language teaching community across Europe.


Online learning event: Welcoming refugee and migrant children to mainstream classrooms in Europe

27 March 2018 (British Council eTwinning)

Aimed at teachers of primary and secondary learners aged 4-16, this eTwinning workshop will develop teachers' awareness, confidence and skills in learning about refugee issues, welcoming refugee and migrant children to mainstream classrooms from a social and emotional perspective, and will give a basic introduction to language acquisition and the importance of maintaining and developing mother tongue and home culture.

Visit the website to sign up for the course between 9 - 17 April 2018.


European professional development workshops

22 March 2018 (British Council eTwinning)

This term, why not apply to go on a short, fully-funded workshop in another European country?

Applications are now open for teachers of pupils aged 3-19 across a range of subject areas to attend a fully-funded 2-3 day professional development workshop in Turkey, Latvia, Norway and Armenia. These events are designed to facilitate new eTwinning projects through partner-finding and project planning activities. Workshop themes and subject areas are varied, spanning cultural diversity to SEN and the environment.

Visit the website for more information about each event and submit your application by 31 March 2018. 


Professional development in Germany

21 March 2018 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut is again able to offer a number of grants to teachers for professional development courses in Germany. The offer is aimed at German teachers just embarking on their career, as well as at teachers expanding their commitments to GCSE and A-level. Those who train German language teachers are also able to benefit from the variety of courses.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information about the courses available and how to apply. Please note, teachers in Scotland should apply to the Glasgow office.


OU/SCILT languages course for primary practitioners

15 March 2018 (Open University in Scotland/SCILT)

Due to the success of the initial pilot of the course developed by the OU and SCILT, LXT192/4 Learning to teach languages in primary school (French/Spanish), we are delighted to now be able to extend the offer to all Local Authorities. The course will be offered for the following languages: French (LXT192), German (LXT193), Spanish (LXT194) and Mandarin (LXT197).

For the next presentation of this course starting in October 2018, registration will open on 1 April 2018. The course fee is £240.00 per student.

The course will be available to all primary practitioners but also secondary teachers who teach at primary level. We have produced an FAQ document with further detail about the course for your information.

In order to make the enrolment process as smooth as possible, we advise that in the first instance Development Officers contact Sylvia Warnecke at the Open University ( ) with a list of the names and email addresses of teachers planning to study this in their Local Authority. We aim to complete enrolment by late June 2018 to allow time for planning staffing and timetabling.

And last but not least, we are planning to offer teachers, who enrol on the course, a summer school experience which will offer immersion in the language to boost confidence and provide ample opportunities to learn more about the cultures in which the language they are studying is spoken. The summer school is not part of the course, it is optional and can be booked separately. More information on this will be published in due course.

Policy makers, local councils, local authorities, MSPs and Consulates may also be interested in an event celebrating last years' pilot course, Primary school teachers learning to teach languages - A celebration, being held in Edinburgh on 7 June 2018.

Opportunities from Alliance Française for teachers and students

22 February 2018 (Alliance Française Glasgow )

Read the latest newsletter from Alliance Française.

The newsletter provides information on exam preparation and revision courses for secondary pupils and university students, spring break workshops for children, CPD workshops for primary teachers and twilight training in French for primary schools, as well as an online courses to learn French.


SCEL Teacher Leadership Programme? Go for it!

6 February 2018 (SCILT/SCEL)

Recruitment is now open for the next cohort of the Scottish College of Educational Leadership’s Teacher Leadership Programme (aka SCEL TLP).

‘I’d urge any teacher working in Scotland to sign up for this tremendous professional learning opportunity whatever your career stage, sector and curricular specialism,’ says Lynne Jones, SCILT Professional Development Officer. ‘Since August 2017, I’ve been seconded from SCILT one day a week as a tutor on the SCEL TLP. It’s has been a fascinating experience for me to support teachers as they explore the concept of an enquiring approach to teaching and go on to carry out a small scale investigation into an aspect of their own classroom practice.’

The TLP is open to all post-probation classroom teachers in Scotland and is primarily delivered online through Glow. Throughout the programme participants are supported and challenged by a group of their peers as well as a critical friend and a tutor.

‘Since the programme revolves around blogging and online tutorials,’ adds Lynne, ‘I’m particularly looking forward to the TLP Sharing Summit in June. Participants from right across the country will come together to share their experiences of enquiry and the impact it has had on their leadership of learning.’

The deadline for applications is 31st March 2018. You can find out more information about SCEL TLP.

‘There are some teachers on the current cohort who are enquiring into aspects of ML practice,’ reveals Lynne. ‘It would be great to see even more primary, secondary and special education teachers on the next cohort with a focus on learning and teaching languages next time.’

Feel free to email Lynne Jones with any queries about SCEL TLP.

Thanks to SCEL for allowing us to use this image.

The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme

26 January 2018 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme, the flagship national leadership programme, is now open for registration.

Hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland, The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme is aimed at those who have, or aspire to have, a responsibility for leading languages and developing colleagues’ capacity to deliver the 1+2 approach to languages in their context. The programme is completely free of charge for educators in the public sector and begins with a summer school. This year the summer school takes place from Monday 2 July to Thursday 5 July 2018 at the University of Strathclyde’s city centre campus in Glasgow.

The programme features inputs from a wider variety of speakers with a broad range of expertise in teaching and leading languages from Education Scotland, SCILT, CISS, cultural organisations, local authorities, independent consultancies and other professionals. The inclusion of parallel sessions will offer choice to participants, and the content is a balance of theory, policy and practice around language learning and teaching, leadership, personal reflection and professional evaluation. Get a flavour of the most recent summer school on our website.

The themes of the 2018 summer school are:

  • 1+2 languages: the national picture and the position of languages within the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish Attainment Challenge 
  • Strategic leadership in languages: planning and evaluation 
  • Progression in language learning 
  • Parental and wider engagement in language learning 
  • Raising attainment: practical ways to develop literacy skills across languages 
  • L3 – existing models, diversity of languages 
  • Inclusive practice in languages

The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme:

  • supports local authorities by building capacity and helping them achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all, and  
  • has the option of Professional Recognition from the GTCS for participants

We are offering up to 50 free places at the summer school. Before submitting your application, we would ask you to discuss with your head teacher/line manager the purpose and aims of any subsequent leadership role and how best to capitalise on this professional learning experience.

Attendees will be responsible for claiming all travel expenses directly from their own local authority. This excludes Orkney, Shetland and Western Isles who can claim from SCILT.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided by SCILT for the duration of the week.

Registration opens at 9am on Monday 29 January 2018 through the link below. The link will go live at this time

Registration closes on Saturday 31 March 2018.


Posted in: 1+2, CPD, SCILT news

Brexit risks 'major disaster' for biggest exchange programme in the world

12 January 2018 (TESS)

Brexit will cause a “major disaster” for schools and colleges if it removes access to the biggest student exchange programme in the world, politicians have heard. The potential loss of the long-running Erasmus+ scheme would not only deny thousands of young people potentially life-changing opportunities in other countries, but could also harm teachers’ professional development, according to experts.


SCILT and CISS professional learning programmes

10 January 2018 (SCILT/CISS)

The SCILT and CISS professional learning programmes for 2017-18 are still available to book for the rest of this session. 

Newly added to the SCILT programme, the workshop 'Supporting pupils with the Advanced Higher Portfolio' is now available to request for your local authority.

Remember all of our CLPL workshops are free to book. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us. 

To make a booking please email SCILT to receive a link to the request form.


Opportunities from Alliance Française for teachers and students

9 January 2018 (Alliance Française Glasgow )

Read the latest newsletter from Alliance Française and find out more about enrolling for the new term of French classes for adults and children..

The newsletter provides information on oral revision courses for Higher and Advanced Higher pupils, CPD workshops for primary teachers and twilight training in French for primary schools.


Opportunities from Alliance Française for teachers and students

27 November 2017 (Alliance Française Glasgow )

Read the latest newsletter from Alliance Française and find out more about current CLPL opportunities for teachers. These include the twilight training in primary schools and a new programme of workshops for primary teachers.

The newsletter provides information on oral revision courses for Higher and Advanced Higher pupils and on the Concours de la francophonie 2018.  


Back in work after a fantastic immersion course. I have to say it’s one of the best things I have done in recent years

22 November 2017 (LFEE)

Another positive and inspired round of immersion courses in France and Spain this summer and autumn, now it's time to plan for next year...

Join our team of native speakers in either France or Spain and top up your French or Spanish language skills and understanding of language methodology.

LFEE Europe has been an international course provider since 2002 and recently won a GTCS award for Pedagogy and methodology for the three-week French/Spanish Immersion Programmes and the 12-month Modern Languages Immersion and Methodology Programme.

More information and dates are available through the link below.


CLPL for primary teachers in 2018

21 November 2017 (Alliance Française Glasgow )

Alliance Française is running a new programme of CLPL workshops in French for Primary School teachers in 2018.

  • 10 topics covered over ten weeks, tailored to the needs of Primary School teachers.
  • Suitable as a follow-up to one of our Beginners 1 classes or for French teachers in Primary schools.
  • 4.15-5.45pm between 6th February and 23rd April included. Days of the week will vary; a detailed programme is available below.
  • The cost to attend 10 workshops is £75/teacher.
  • Option to enrol in less than 10 CPDs, please contact us for more information.
  • Certificates of attendance will be given once the programme is completed.
  • Places are limited so booking early is highly recommended.

If you wish to enrol, please contact or visit the Language Office at the Alliance Française as soon as possible:
Alliance Française Glasgow - 3 Park Circus, G3 6AX Glasgow
0141 331 4080

  • Tuesday 6th February 2018: Phonetics / La phonétique
  • Thursday 15th February: Daily life in a Primary School / La vie quotidienne dans une école primaire
  • Thursday 22nd February: Songs from France and the Francophone world / Les chansons françaises/francophones
  • Thursday 1st March: Conducting an activity in French (PE, maths, arts, etc.) / Le français comme langue d’enseignement
  • Tuesday 6th March: Celebrations & calendar / Les fêtes et le calendrier
  • Tuesday 13th March: Resources and activities for year-round festive events / Ressources et activités pour les fêtes
  • Monday 19th March: Indoors and outdoors games / Les jeux d’intérieur et d’extérieur
  • Monday 26th March: Films, Cartoons & TV5 Monde / Les films, dessins animés & TV5 Monde
  • Monday 16th April: Storytelling in French / Raconter des histoires
  • Monday 23rd April: French regions & their delicacies / Les régions de France & leurs spécialités

Masters Level Languages Education Study at the University of Strathclyde

10 November 2017 (University of Strathclyde)

Are you teaching a new language to your pupils, or supporting bilingual learners to learn English and keep up with their home language?

Are you ready to start masters level study in 2018? You don’t have to wait until September 2018!

We are now offering a number of Masters level classes relating to modern languages, English as an additional language and support for bilingual learners, starting in January 2018.

Leadership opportunity for Gaelic teachers

27 October 2017 (SCEL)

Are you a Gaelic teacher or middle leader looking to enhance you leadership capacity? The SCEL endorsed Award in Leadership programme from Social Enterprise Academy is running next month on 3 and 4 November. This programme empowers practitioners to positively influence the teams in which they work.


GTCS Professional Recognition for LFEE Programmes

23 October 2017 (LFEE)

LFEE were delighted – and very proud - to collect a GTCS Professional Recognition Accredited Programme Award last month for our three-week French/Spanish Immersion Programmes and the 12-month Modern Languages Immersion and Methodology Programme. This is following on from having achieved course accreditation three years ago.

Representatives from ten Local Authorities from across Scotland attended the PowerLanguage conference to witness the launch of the NEW PowerLanguage Schools (PLS) website. Feedback from those present was extremely positive and the new site is now available to other practitioners!

Our “off the shelf” L3 in Mandarin was also very popular and will be available in Spanish soon.

Last but not least, we’re very excited to say that Caroline Gordon has joined our team 2 days a week and will be helping us with communication and social media amongst other things!

Contact us for information regarding any of the above projects. We look forward to hearing from you!
photo of LFEE staff with GTCS certificate of recognition


SQA Spanish Appointee Opportunities – 2018 Exam Diet

18 October 2017 (SQA)

SQA is currently advertising the following 2018 Exam Diet Appointee roles for Spanish:

Team Leaders will assist the Higher Principal Assessor with post-examination procedures and support a team of Markers during marking activity.

The Senior Marker will support the AH Principal Assessor with procedural activity across Talking Performance, Portfolio & Papers 1&2.

Support and training will be provided.

Further detail about the roles is available via the links above, where applications may be submitted. Closing date is Sunday 5 November 2017.
Please feel free to forward this information to any practitioners who may be interested in applying.
If you have any queries please contact Elaine Clusker, Qualification Officer:

Teachers become learners with new languages project

17 October 2017 (Open University/SCILT)

Primary school teachers are being given the confidence to teach languages to their pupils through a new project run by The Open University (OU) in Scotland and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages.

Fifty one teachers from schools across nine local authorities are participating in ‘Learning to teach Languages in Primary School’ which will see them learn French or Spanish as well as how to teach the language in class.

The project aims to support the Scottish Government’s “1+2” Language Policy, which has the objective that every pupil will learn two modern foreign languages alongside their mother tongue from primary school onwards.


Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years – Why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3-12

16 October 2017 (ECML)

With over 40 official languages in the member states of the Council of Europe and more than 70 regional and minority languages officially recognized in addition to a number of languages spoken by migrants, it is important that Europe’s language diversity is recognized and acknowledged.

The reality for many European citizens is that in the course of their lives they will need to develop proficiency, not only in their native language, but in a variety of languages. Demands of study, work, travel, relocation and personal development will also mean that skills in new languages will need to be added to their existing repertoire. Therefore, learning the skills required to learn languages is of paramount importance. Furthermore, language learning and identity construction are closely interlinked.

Recognizing the importance of languages in the lives of Europeans and the benefits that early language learning provides, the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) has launched a two-year project "Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years – Why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3-12".

The project is focused on early language learning, from 3 to 12 years of age. The innate curiosity and enthusiasm that children bring to learning during this initial period in their formal education makes it the ideal time to introduce, nurture and motivate learners in the area of additional language learning. Strong foundations, built at this stage in children’s development, will facilitate language learning throughout life and openness to, as well as respect for different cultures, values and traditions.

Find out more on the ECML website.


SCILT/CISS Associates - register now!

12 October 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

New for session 2017/18, SCILT/CISS is compiling a database of partners and stakeholders, including teachers from all sectors, who wish to become associate members of the SCILT/CISS team. Throughout the year, we may contact our associates if we are planning either a project or piece of work where we require additional capacity, expertise or advice.

If you think you might like to work more closely with the team you can find further details and the registration of interest form on the professional learning pages of our website.


SQA vacancies: Modern Languages Event Verifiers

12 October 2017 (SQA)

Are you looking for CPD opportunities? Become an appointee for SQA – apply to be an Event Verifier in Modern Languages. It's a really worthwhile role and great professional development in relation to building confidence about national standards.

Visit the SQA website for more information and to apply by 29 October.


NEW: Training in French in your Primary School

12 October 2017 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française Glasgow is now offering special training designed for Primary School teachers to help them (re-)validate their professional development and accreditation.

Our team can travel to your school for a twilight to teach a 10-hour programme (2hrs per week over 5 weeks) suited for beginners/false beginners.

As well as working on your pronunciation and vocabulary skills, this course will provide you with "ready to teach" ideas and materials which can also be transferred to other languages in the 1+2 context.

Visit the Alliance Française website for further details.


eTwinning face to face workshops

10 October 2017 (eTwinning)

This term, why not apply to go on a short workshop in another European country?

Applications are now open for teachers from Early Years to Upper Secondary to attend a 2-3 day professional development workshop in Ireland and Spain. These events are designed to facilitate new eTwinning projects through partner-finding and project planning activities. Workshop themes and subject areas are varied, spanning e-safety to computational thinking, MFL, history and culture.

Visit the website to find out more and apply by 16/19 October 2017 respectively.


National 5 Modern Languages update

6 October 2017 (SCILT/SQA)

The course specification for National 5 has been updated following the Scottish Government announcement that unit assessments will no longer be mandatory from session 2016-17 at this level. As well as extracting the key points providing an overview of the content and assessment requirements, we now have links to SQA's recording of the National 5 webinar held in April/May and repeated in September/October 2017 on our website.

Other National Qualifications will be reviewed and updated in due course.


GTCS Excellence in Professional Learning Awards

22 September 2017 (SCILT)

On Thursday 21 September, the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS) hosted their first Excellence in Professional Learning Awards held at the Hilton Grosvenor Hotel in Glasgow.

The Excellence in Professional Learning Award for Schools and Learning Communities recognises the central role that leadership at all levels plays in creating and sustaining professional learning environments where teacher professionalism can flourish and bring sustained impact on learning and learners.

Sir Harry Burns, Former Chief Medical Officer for Scotland and Ken Muir, CEO of the GTCS presented this new award to Windygoul Primary School, East Lothian; North Ayrshire Professional Learning Academy and Fife Pedagogy Team and St Ninian’s RC High School, East Dunbartonshire. See the GTCS website for more detail about the individual successes.
In addition, professional learning programmes that have been accredited with Professional Recognition were also celebrated. As such, Lynne Jones Professional Development Officer at SCILT was delighted to accept a trophy on behalf of SCILT and Education Scotland as further validation of the 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme (formerly known as Train the Trainer). Visit the SCILT website for more information about this national, flagship professional learning opportunity.


Alliance Française newsletter - September 2017

19 September 2017 (Alliance Française)

The autumn term has just begun at the Alliance Française in Glasgow. In their latest newsletter, find out more about the upcoming courses and events taking place, including:

  • Beginner course for primary school teachers
  • Grammar course and oral skills course for university students
  • October break workshop for children
  • DELF/DALF exams
  • Distance learning with 'Frantastique' - access a free trial
For all this, and more, see the newsletter online.



15 September 2017 (eTwinning)

eTwinning offers a platform for teachers to communicate, collaborate, share and develop projects with like-minded colleagues across Europe.

Visit the website to find out more about eTwinning and how being part of the community can benefit you and your pupils.


Professional development in Germany

13 September 2017 (Goethe-Institut)

Every year the Goethe-Institut offers an attractive range of residential training and language courses for teachers of German: for primary and secondary teachers, for teachers in further education and teacher trainers:

  • Language Courses
  • Landeskunde
  • Methodology/Teaching Strategies

Deadline for applications: 15 October 2017. 

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information. Teachers from Scotland, please apply to Goethe-Institut Glasgow.


Beginners 1 French Course for Primary School Teachers

7 September 2017 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française Glasgow is running a new 10-week Beginners 1 French course for Primary School teachers between October and December 2017.

This course is suitable for complete beginners.

  • 20 hours of lessons over 10 weeks tailored to the needs of Primary School teachers: classroom and speaking activities, pronunciation, communication, increase your confidence and feel more comfortable speaking French.
  • The course will take take place on Thursdays 3.45 - 5.45 pm between 5 October and 14 December 2017.

Visit the Alliance Française website for more information and to enrol.


French and Spanish courses for nursery and primary teachers

7 September 2017 (SALT)

Offered by Smalltalk Languages, this course is aimed at nursery/primary staff who are currently introducing French/Spanish as part of their curriculum for excellence/1+2 languages programme or intend to do so. Suitable for both complete beginners and people with prior knowledge of the language, the main focus of the course will be on language learning and practical methodology.

On the day participants will look at language from the children’s perspective. They will be shown how to build both their own and the children’s confidence in language skills while learning the importance of adapting and manipulating language for maximum effect.

Visit the SALT website for available dates and locations.


News from UK-German Connection

6 September 2017 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a number of funded opportunities for schools in the UK to link with schools in Germany as well as providing resources and activities for the classroom and professional learning for teachers.

In their latest newsletter you can find out more about current opportunities, including:

  • Deadline reminder: seas and oceans youth seminar
  • Host a Teacher in 2018
  • Voyage kids: back to school special
  • Magical Christmas Trips
  • Partnerships Bursaries
  • Young Europeans Award
  • Looking ahead

Find out more on their website.


National 5 Modern Languages webinars from SQA

5 September 2017 (SQA)

Two additional webinars on the National 5 Modern Languages course will take place on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th September (5-6pm).

These will be of particular interest to colleagues who were unable to participate in the previous webinar sessions on National 5 (April and May 2017).

The September sessions will provide a summary of the materials and documents published (to date) and a review of the new coursework task ‘assignment-writing’ in the National 5 Modern Languages Course. Delegates will also have the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on any aspect of the National 5 Modern Languages Course. To book a place on one of the webinars, colleagues can go to NQ events and CPD page.

Posted in: CPD, SQA

European Language Gazette Issue 37

31 August 2017 (ECML)

The May-July 2017 edition of the European Centre for Modern Language's newsletter is now available online.

The European Language Gazette highlights the latest developments, programmes and initiatives in language education in Europe.


History teachers' professional development tour to Berlin

25 August 2017 (German Embassy)

The German Embassy is inviting applications for their next Professional Development Tour for British Teachers of History to Berlin, Germany, 15 – 21 October 2017.

The purpose of the trip is to give participants a wide-ranging impression of present-day Germany as a background for teaching German history in UK schools. The trip will include highlights of contemporary Berlin, talks with history teachers and teachers’ associations, visits to the German Historical Museum, the Jewish Museum, the Federal Foreign Office, the Reichstag and more.

The tour will be conducted in English. All costs relating to the trip will be covered by the German Federal Foreign Office.

Please see the attached flyer and booking form for more information. Apply by 8 September 2017.

Out now! SCILT and CISS professional learning programmes

25 August 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

The brand new SCILT and CISS professional learning programmes for 2017-18 are now available for booking!

Remember all of our CLPL workshops are free to book. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us. 

To make a booking please email SCILT to receive a link to the request form. 

Additional professional learning opportunities will be offered during the year, for example via Glow or at the University of Strathclyde campus. To keep up-to-date with these occasional opportunities as they arise, please sign up to the SCILT weekly news bulletin.

Bring the world into your school

24 August 2017 (British Council)

We offer many ways to help enhance learning and teaching in schools in Scotland. Raising attainment, building literacy and numeracy, and helping bridge the attainment gap are high on the schools agenda. An international dimension can be motivational for staff and learners, and has been shown to make a real difference in these priority areas.

Our professional development opportunities, curriculum resources and international linking programmes offer a range of exciting and innovative approaches to learning and raising attainment.

Our Bring the World into your School booklet details each of our programmes and shows how they have been developed to strengthen the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence. We also outline how international education can be used across Scotland to improve whole school performance.

Visit the website for more information about the Bring the World into your School initiative, the Learning for Sustainability programme, eTwinning, Erasmus+ funded projects and Language Assistants programme and how these can support and benefit Scottish schools.


International teacher mentoring conference for Hanban teachers across Scotland

24 August 2017 (CISS)

On Friday 10 November, CISS will be facilitating our international teacher mentoring conference for Hanban teachers across Scotland and their mentors in Scottish schools.

Please ensure that the teacher who is mentor attends the day with their mentee as we will have a range of speakers and workshop facilitators including SCEL, GTCS, Staff Development Strathclyde and ourselves. We would like to include other teachers who are interested in mentoring as well as our Hanban teacher mentors so please contact CISS to register.

While it is essential the Hanban teacher mentor can attend, other interested teachers are welcome.

Cross-Sector Hub meetings

24 August 2017 (SCILT)

UCMLS, the professional organisation representing languages staff in Scottish universities, is again holding two sets of regional cross-sector meetings during 2017-18, with support from SCILT.

The first round of meetings will be during the week beginning 11 September 2017. We will present our planned events and initiatives for the coming session, including the new Languages Lost & Found events on 18 November.

Language teachers and staff in schools, colleges and universities are warmly invited to attend. For those who live too far to attend in person we are also offering the option of joining us on one of two virtual meetings via Skype.

Please register for your session choice by Friday 1 September 2017.


Minato Japanese course for teachers

22 August 2017 (Japan Foundation)

A unique opportunity for teachers to start learning Japanese as a complete beginner.

The Marugoto A1-1 (Katsudoo - Activity & Rikai - Grammar) Tutor Support Course gives a comprehensive introduction to Japanese language and culture. This course will combine online self-study with submission of assignments to a real-life tutor, in addition to live lessons with the tutor.

Enrolment deadline: 31 August 2017
Course period: 14 September – 15 December 2017
Course fee: £40 (50% launch discount; usual cost £80)

Each participant needs to have their own individual account and computer (or other suitable internet-enabled device), headphones and webcam to have the opportunity to speak and practice Japanese.

Please note a maximum of 40 people can be accepted on the course. Your suitability for this course will be assessed by the Japan Foundation after your application has been received.

Visit the course website for full details and to register.


Connecting Classrooms course: Learning for sustainability

22 August 2017 (British Council / University of Edinburgh)

  • Are you interested in Learning for Sustainability and implementing it in your school?
  • Do you need practical help and support?
  • Would you benefit from sharing your ideas with other professionals?
  • Are you interested in developing or extending a British Council Professional Partnership with a school overseas?

If you have answered ‘yes' to these questions, then this course is for you!

This professional learning initiative by the University of Edinburgh, in partnership with the British Council, is a timely opportunity for teachers to grapple with what Learning for Sustainability means, what existing and new skills and knowledge are required, and how this might all look in the your school context. This 10-week active learning course takes a Learning for Sustainability approach, which involves critical thinking and problem solving, participation, and practitioner enquiry.

Visit the website to find out more and to register for the free online course commencing 22 September 2017.


National languages leadership programme welcomes its largest cohort yet

28 July 2017 (SCILT)

Fifty-one teachers from twenty-one local authorities across Scotland attended a week-long summer school at the University of Strathclyde School of Education at the beginning of July 2017. The summer school takes forward the recommendations from the Scottish Government’s flagship policy, “Language learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach” by building capacity and leadership skills within the teaching profession.

The course in July marks the start of a twelve-month professional learning programme, “The 1+2 languages leadership programme”, delivered by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, in partnership with Education Scotland. The programme engages lead language educators in designing, promoting and supporting the provision of effective language learning experiences for young people and high quality professional learning for in- and pre-service teachers. Content is a balance of theory, research, policy and practice relevant to language learning and as such, it carries accreditation from the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS).

Opening the Summer School, Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT explained: “This programme will put each participant in an informed position to take forward important roles in facilitating effective professional learning and in championing the creation of a climate in Scotland where language skills make a significant contribution to a fairer, smarter and more successful nation.”

Lisa Adair, a participant and Principal Teacher of Modern Languages at Braeview Academy in Dundee said: “What a brilliant experience the last week has been. So very worthwhile in so many ways – thanks to everyone involved! I have taken away some great ideas, input, insights, and ammunition to help me continue with the campaign to embed the 1+2 policy and maintain the very important place of languages in our Scottish curriculum. I am grateful for this opportunity and for the chance to have met some great colleagues and practitioners.”

Participants came from all sectors, including primary, secondary, higher education and the private sector. They attended workshops delivered by Classics for All; Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools ; EAL Service, Glasgow City Council; Goethe-Institut; Institute Français; Languages for Education Europe; Lingo Flamingo and Stòrlann. Between them, the participants had knowledge and experience of learning and teaching Chinese, French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin and Spanish.

The programme is in its fifth year. This year saw the largest number of participants to date. In the coming months there will be the opportunity for participants to go on to achieve professional recognition in leading learning in languages from GTCS.

Scottish Government's ambition is to expand and improve language learning by 2021, so that young people are equipped with the skills and competencies they need in an increasingly globalised world. From 2021 every child will be entitled to learn a first additional language from P1 and a second by P5. This entitlement continues until the end of S3. This ambition contributes significantly to the Scottish Attainment Challenge agenda.

Posted in: CPD, SCILT news

Certificate of Continuing Education (CCed) in Spanish 2017-18

28 July 2017 (University of Strathclyde)

Applications are open for the University of Strathclyde's Certificate of Continuing Education in Spanish (evening classes).

The CCed course will be of interest to those who wish to learn Spanish, including primary and secondary school teachers and a range of professional people with an interest in the Spanish world and their language. The Certificate provides a General Teaching Council approved qualification, subject to a 13 week residency period in a Spanish speaking country.

See the attached flyer for more information, including how to enrol for the September 2017 intake.

Related Files

Transdisciplinary language experiences using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

27 July 2017 (Language Show London)

This blogpost from Judith McKerrecher outlines the session she will be facilitating on behalf of Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT) and The Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools (CISS) at the Languages Show in London in October 2017.

As well as looking at and discussing the connections to the sustainable development goals, our planet and language learning, the session will explore a variety of contexts for language learning.

Having recently created a new project based professional learning menu, we have carefully considered the SDGs and this is reflected in the choices on offer. For example, the opportunity to combine science experiments with languages, geography, storytelling and outdoor learning or history with language, heritage, culture and nature is a breath of fresh air to language learning. In this way, languages can be used creatively and purposefully in new contexts.


Connecting Classrooms programme

22 June 2017 (British Council)

If you're thinking about collaborating with an overseas partner school next term, Connecting Classrooms could be the programme for you.

The global education programme is brought to you by the British Council in partnership with the Department for International Development (DFID).

It offers a free learning journey which helps you to improve your classroom practice and develop your ideas with like-minded teachers internationally.

By developing and networking with thousands of teachers across the world, the British Council aims to help young people develop the knowledge, skills and values to live and work in a globalised economy.

Listen to participating teachers share their experiences, and learn more about how you can get involved, on the Connecting Classrooms website.


Face to face workshops

19 June 2017 (British Council)

This summer, why not apply to go on a short workshop in another European country?

Applications are now open for teachers from Early Years to Upper Secondary to attend a 2-3 day professional development workshop in France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Slovakia, Tunisia or Spain. These events are designed to facilitate new eTwinning projects through partner-finding and project planning activities. Teachers who register on eTwinning from 19 June until 19 August will also receive free wall maps, passport and homework challenge resources in the post, (designed to help kick-start a simple international project). Workshop themes and subject areas are varied, spanning e-safety to computational thinking, MFL, history and culture.



15 June 2017 (EVALUATE Project)

EVALUATE is a European Policy Experiment project funded by Erasmus+ Key Action 3.

This experimentation will evaluate the impact of telecollaborative learning on student-teachers involved in Initial Teacher Education in the participating European countries and regions. Telecollaboration, also commonly known as Virtual Exchange, involves engaging trainee teachers involved in Initial Teacher Education in task-based interaction and collaborative exchange with fellow trainees in other locations through online communication technologies.

The guiding research question for the study is: “Will participation in telecollaborative exchange contribute to the development of competences which future teachers need to teach, collaborate and innovate effectively in a digitalised and cosmopolitan world?”

A teacher-training event is due to be held in Italy 5-7 July 2017.

Visit the website for more information about the project and how to get involved.


Island teachers ready to Go! Gaelic after pilot training programme

14 June 2017 (Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig)

Seven primary teachers from the Outer Hebrides are about to complete a pilot training course that will enable them to train colleagues in how to teach Gaelic to children in their class.

The programme has been specially constructed by training experts working for Gaelic educational resources organisation Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig as part of the company’s strategic approach to boost the teaching of Gaelic in English Medium Education. The training demonstrates how to make best use of the Go! Gaelic programme of resources, created by a team of language experts, designers and IT professionals at Stòrlann.


UK-German Connection news - Summer 2017

9 June 2017 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a number of opportunities for UK schools to partner with a school in Germany. The following options are currently available. Follow the appropriate link for more information:

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more about all their activities.


New website dedicated to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

5 June 2017 (ECML)

The CEFR was created in order to provide a transparent, coherent and comprehensive basis for the development of language programmes, curriculum guidelines and teaching/learning materials, as well as to assist the assessment of foreign language proficiency.

The Framework is particularly well-known for its 6-level proficiency scale (A1 < C2), which can be divided into different categories in order to create transparent and coherent language proficiency profiles – a major innovation in the domain of European education.

However the CEFR does not begin and end with the levels, nor is it intended as a standardisation instrument. As a reference tool, its aim is to facilitate transparency and coherence in language education at all levels: curricula, teaching, assessment and teacher education.

The new CEFR website offers a range of different resources, contributed by major European institutions and developed in different research projects and investigations.


1+2 Languages Leadership Programme - Registration extended until 11 June!

26 May 2017 (SCILT)

Summer School is on! The national leadership programme formerly known as Train the Trainer has undergone an extensive review over the last year.

Under its new name, The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme, this flagship national leadership programme is open for registration until Sunday, 11th June. The programme has Professional Recognition accreditation from GTCS and is completely free of charge for educators in the public sector. It begins with a Summer School from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th July 2017, taking place at the University of Strathclyde’s city centre campus in Glasgow.

Hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland, The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme is aimed at those who have, or aspire to have, a responsibility for leading languages and developing colleagues’ capacity to deliver the 1+2 approach to languages.

The revised programme features inputs from a wide variety of speakers with an extensive range of expertise in teaching and leading languages. The inclusion of parallel sessions offers choice to participants, and the content is a balance of theory, policy and practice around language learning and teaching, leadership, personal reflection and professional evaluation.

Download the programme

We are offering two free places at the Summer School to each local authority and one free space for each Teacher Education Institution in Scotland. Nominations are sought for representatives from any sector with suitable experience or aspirations.

Interested in participating in The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme? First step is to contact your local authority QIO with your expression of interest.

If you have any questions regarding the leadership programme please contact Emma McLean.

Posted in: 1+2, CPD, SCILT news

Intensive and semi-intensive summer classes in French

23 May 2017 (Alliance Française de Glasgow)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running Summer Classes suitable for all levels between June and September 2017.

Semi-Intensive Courses: enrol in a 4-week French programme suitable for complete beginners, or reinforce your language skills with revisions.

Intensive Courses: brush-up on your French with revisions over the course of 3 days.


Online course: How to succeed in the global workplace

11 May 2017 (British Council)

Beginning your career or starting a new job brings to mind lots of questions, so we’ve designed a course to guide you through those initial weeks and months so you can make a positive start to your career.

You’ll see videos from employers, giving you insights from around the world into what they look for from their employees. You’ll learn how to communicate across cultures and discover the skills to build and maintain relationships with colleagues, managers and clients.

This is a free 4-week course and is hosted online by FutureLearn.


Update to CISS Professional Learning Menu 2016-17

11 May 2017 (CISS)

The CISS 2016-17 professional learning menu 'Making Chinese work for you' has been updated to include two new cross-sector workshops:
  • Parent/carer engagement with the learning of Mandarin
  • Coaching and mentoring for your Hanban teacher/volunteer

Visit the Professional Learning page of the CISS website to find out more and to arrange a learning event.


EOL network ’Learning environments where modern languages flourish’ - 99 partner schools registered

9 May 2017 (ECML)

The EOL ECML project “Learning environments where modern languages flourish” has already succeeded in recruiting 99 partner schools and teachers in ten different countries; we will continue to accept new partner schools until the end of July 2017.

This European network of project partner schools will not only support one another in developing innovative approaches to establishing language friendly learning environments through an exchange of relevant resources, research and practice, but will have dedicated support from the project team throughout the lifespan of their school projects.

Visit the ECML website for more information and to register to join the EOL network.


Link with a German school

24 April 2017 (UK-German Connection)

Broaden your pupils' horizons and enhance your school's international dimension by linking with a German school. Find out how to set up and develop a partnership with a German school, including practical tips and advice on joint activities, projects and visits to Germany.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information.


The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme

20 April 2017 (SCILT)

Summer School is on! The national leadership programme formerly known as Train the Trainer has undergone an extensive review over the last year.

Under its new name, The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme, this flagship national leadership programme will be open for registration from Monday. Invitations will go out to local authority representatives and teacher education institutions. The programme has Professional Recognition accreditation from GTCS and is completely free of charge for educators in the public sector. Beginning with a Summer School which will take place from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th July 2017 at the University of Strathclyde’s city centre campus in Glasgow.

Hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland, The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme is aimed at those who have, or aspire to have, a responsibility for leading languages and developing colleagues’ capacity to deliver the 1+2 approach to languages.

The revised programme features inputs from a wide variety of speakers with an extensive range of expertise in teaching and leading languages. The inclusion of parallel sessions offers choice to participants, and the content is a balance of theory, policy and practice around language learning and teaching, leadership, personal reflection and professional evaluation.

The themes of this updated Summer School are:
  • 1+2 languages: the national picture and the position of languages in the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish Attainment Challenge
  • Strategic leadership in languages: planning and evaluation
  • Progression in language learning
  • Parental and wider engagement in language learning
  • Raising attainment: practical ways to develop literacy skills across languages
  • L3 – existing models, diversity of languages
  • Inclusive practice in languages
  • Supporting bilingual learners
Interested in participating in The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme? Contact your local authority QIO.

Gaelic Enrichment Course for GLE & GME Teachers

7 April 2017 (Ceòlas)

Ceòlas will be running teacher training courses again this year, in July during the Summer School (2--7/7; Dalabrog) and the symposium (23-27/7; Ìochdar).

Six different levels will run, making this course suitable for teachers who are beginners up to fluent who wish to learn Gaelic as it is used within the community. Teachers really enjoy this course, many of whom have not 'experienced' a Gaelic community before.

See the attached flyer or visit the website for more information.


Online Spanish Courses for Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Scotland and Northern Ireland, and PGDE students

30 March 2017 (Consejería de Educación)

The Instituto Cervantes and the Spanish Embassy Education Office in the UK offer Spanish Online Courses for Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Scotland and Northern Ireland, and PGDE students through Aula Virtual de Español Global (AVE Global), an interactive platform specifically designed by the Instituto Cervantes for the teaching and learning of Spanish.

The course is suitable for those with or without previous knowledge of Spanish.

The next course commences 10 April 2017 and lasts for 11 weeks.

Visit the Instituto Cervantes website for more information and to enrol.


Sessional workers for Club Soletes-Familias

28 March 2017 (Club Soletes-Familias)

Club Soletes is a registered charity based in Glasgow, which has been supporting Spanish-speaking families in Glasgow since 2003. Our weekly family group aims to offer a Spanish-speaking environment, to learn and share knowledge and understanding of the Hispanic cultures, and encourage the use of the minority language (Spanish). Since September 2016, our Big Lottery funded mobile library project - La Biciteca - has been travelling around Early Years establishments, parks and public spaces in North West Glasgow offering storytelling and play sessions in Spanish to both our members and the wider community.

We are currently seeking sessional workers to assist in delivering our activities, as and when required.

See the attached document and application form for further information.

Apply by Friday 14 April 2017.

Teachers ‘ill-prepared’ for primary language strategy

14 March 2017 (The Herald)

Teachers have warned an ambitious strategy to expand language learning in Scottish primary schools lacks direction.

The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) teaching union said training for school staff was variable and had led to lower confidence levels in some areas.

The criticism centres on the Scottish Government’s flagship 1+2 languages policy under which primary pupils are to be taught at least two modern languages in addition to their mother tongue, starting in the first year of schooling and adding a second foreign language no later than P5.

The government has argued primaries should incorporate as large a pool of languages as possible, including Portuguese, Punjabi, Urdu and Polish.

However, critics say schools and teacher training universities need a much smaller group of languages to focus on to ensure continuity of study and expertise among staff.

In a letter to councils, Andrea Bradley, EIS assistant secretary for education, said information from primary teachers had identified training that was not of a consistently appropriate standard.

She said members had highlighted a “lack of direction” as to which languages would be taught at which stage as well as “variable quality of teachers’ experience of training course delivery”.

She also said there was “inconsistency” in the duration of training courses and therefore inconsistency in “outcomes for our members in terms of their levels of confidence to teach foreign languages”.

She added: “The EIS therefore calls upon all local authorities to work with Scottish Government to address the issues that are raised here, with a view to ensuring coherence of approach and adequate resourcing in order that the worthy aims of the policy can be met.”

The concerns were echoed by Gillian Campbell-Thow, chairwoman of the Scottish Association for Language Teaching.


Related Links

SALT's response to EIS (SALT, 15 March 2017)

UK-German Connection latest news

21 February 2017 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a number of opportunities for schools in the UK and Germany to develop and maintain partnerships. In their latest Spring 2017 newsletter they highlight the following:
  • With the changing landscape of international relations, we want to make sure we're still offering you the right kind of support to keep your connections with Germany alive.We're currently reviewing the opportunities and services we offer and would like to invite you to tell us what you need now for your schools and pupils. Complete the short survey.
  • Deadline reminder of 1 March for applications for the following summer courses in Germany:

For upcoming deadlines for the rest of the school year, download our calendar of opportunities for 2016-17.

For further information about UK-German Connection and their activities, visit their website.


New Content Announcement for Language Show Scotland 2017!

10 February 2017 (Language Show Live)

Language Show Live, 10-11 March at the SEC, Glasgow

Europe’s largest event dedicated to language teaching and learning is just 1 month away and the teaching seminar, TEFL forum and language class line ups have all been announced and are now live online! Every seminar at this free-to-attend event is fully CPD accredited and packed full of exclusive content. Head online today to claim your free ticket and enjoy all the content that Europe’s premier language event has to offer.

Remember: Alongside our trademark seminar, workshop and panel session line ups we also have our fantastic cultural piazza stage, free language taster classes, over 80 exhibitor and much, much more!
Language Show Live Scotland logo


New and inclusive!

3 February 2017 (SCILT)

Content for the ‘Languages for all’ area of our website is now up. The blog has launched. Pointers to professional learning opportunities are there. Links to relevant materials already on SCILT are listed.

We promise even more to come in the months ahead, so check back regularly for updates.

We’re also very interested to hear your comments about your experiences of inclusive practice in languages. To contact the group, please email SCILT or tweet @Lynne_SCILT using the hashtag #langs4all.


eTwinning Workshops

3 February 2017 (British Council eTwinning)

Interested in eTwinning and partnering with schools across Europe on collaborative projects? Check out the professional development opportunities in the UK and overseas for both primary and secondary sectors.

Visit the British Council eTwinning website for more information.


Summer courses in Germany: Deadline 1 March 2017

1 February 2017 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection has the following summer courses in Germany, which are currently open for applications:
Both programmes combine language learning with cultural trips and excursions, as well as staying with host families.

Not sure about applying? Our mentors are happy to answer your questions. Pupils can contact us to be put in touch.
The application deadline for all programmes is 1 March 2017.

For more information about the courses in Germany and other activities undertaken by UK-German Connection, visit their website.


Professional Learning for Teachers of Gaelic Medium Education (GME)

27 January 2017 (Education Scotland)

Streap, the Postgraduate Teaching Certificate for teachers of GME will start on 4 September 2017. There are a limited number of places available. An induction event takes place in Glasgow on 14 and 15 September 2017. There is now a Facebook page relating to this professional learning. Please email for more information. This programme is currently fully funded by the Scottish Government.

Find out more about the programme on the University of Aberdeen website.


French classes for the new semester

26 January 2017 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française in Glasgow has a number of upcoming courses for the new term. Follow the appropriate link below for more information:

For more information about the Alliance Française visit their website.


UK-German Connection Funding

26 January 2017 (UK-German Connection)

A reminder that the next deadline for grants for UK-German activities is 31 January 2017.

For an 'at a glance' overview of our grants and details about each programme, please visit the UK-German Connection website.


Language Show Scotland – Free event + 20% discount on language classes!

24 January 2017 (Language Show Live)

Scotland’s biggest and most prestigious event dedicated to all things language is back at the SECC in Glasgow on the 10th – 11th of March 2017. Officially sponsored by Education Scotland and the Scottish Government this free to attend event is a must for anyone interested in learning or advancing their languages, exploring job opportunities in the language industry, considering teaching or working abroad, enjoying a fantastic range of international cultural performances and much, much more!


Sample our extensive free seminar programme, meet over 100 top exhibitors like the European Commission, the Chartered Institute of Linguists and the British Council, meet language professional recruiters, enjoy our fantastic array of cultural performances, free language classes and more.

Find out more and register for free today.

Our trademark intensive 2 hour Language Plus classes are also now available online at a heavily discounted early bird rate (over 20% off the standard price!) of just £18. These optional add-ons can be purchased at the end of the free registration process and are certain to add a productive language experience to your day!

Language Show Live Scotland 2017 logo


Glasgow Film Festival 2017

18 January 2017 (Glasgow Film)

The programme for Glasgow Film Festival 2017 has just been announced!

More than 310 separate events and screenings of films from 38 countries will show across the city from 15 – 26 February in one of the UK’s biggest film festivals. The event offers several special screenings for schools, which this year includes the following foreign language options:

  • Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods (PG) - 6-8 February (French, English subtitles)
  • Ma Revolution (N/C 15+) - 3-8 February (French, English subtitles)
  • The Olive Tree (N/C 15+) - 7 February (Spanish/German with English subtitles)
  • Shorts for Wee Ones (N/C 3+) - 9 February (English, French or dialogue free)
  • The Golden Dream (N/C 12+) - 9 February (Spanish & Tzotzil with English subtitles)
  • Zip Zap & The Captain's Island (N/C 8+) - 9 February (Spanish)

There are also CPD opportunities for teachers and workshops for pupils. Visit the 'What's on for Schools' page of the GFT website for full details and to book.

Tickets go on sale to Glasgow Film Festival Members at noon on Thursday 19 January and on general sale at 10am on Monday 23 January.

Visit the GFT website for more information.


CISS professional learning menu update

16 January 2017 (CISS)

The CISS CLPL menu for 2016-17 'Making Chinese work for you!' has been updated.

Visit the CISS website to view the brochure and for information on booking a professional learning session.


Refreshed and ready for anything in 2017!

13 January 2017 (SCILT)

Here at SCILT, our New Year’s Resolution has been to review and refresh the CLPL menu. With your feedback in mind, we have made a few strategic changes that we hope will make a big difference. New on the SCILT website from today – the new and improved CLPL menu.


New term French classes in Glasgow

9 January 2017 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française in Glasgow has a number of upcoming courses for the new term. Follow the appropriate link below for more information:

For more information about the Alliance Française visit their website.


Erasmus+ application support

9 January 2017 (Erasmus+)

The next Erasmus+ funding deadline for Key Action 1 School Staff Mobility is 2 February. For UK schools and colleges, the UK National Agency has guidance documentation, and videos on an introduction to Schools Key Action 1 and completing the eForm.

There is also a Q&A webinar at 4-5pm on 19 January.


LFEE Europe immersion courses in France and Spain 2017-18

6 January 2017 (LFEE)

LFEE Europe has been an international course provider since 2002. Our team of experienced and fully qualified native teachers are committed to promoting French and Spanish language and culture throughout Europe. Funding for all our courses is available through the European Union Erasmus+ Programme.

For more information see the attached flyer or visit the LFEE website.


1+2 languages Development Officers’ conference

15 December 2016 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland, SCILT and UCMLS ran a joint DO conference on Tuesday 29 November with a focus on sharing good practice in implementation strategies for 1+2 languages.

The morning session was given over to a presentation by Professor Angela Scarino, University of South Australia, architect of the Australian languages policy. You can now view Professor Scarino's presentation online.


CPD Workshops for Primary School Teachers in 2017

23 November 2016 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running a programme of CPD workshops in French for Primary school teachers between February and April 2017.

Ten topics will be covered, tailored to the needs of Primary school teachers.

For more information and to enrol, visit the Alliance Française website.


LFEE Europe immersion courses 2017-2018 in France and Spain for primary and secondary teachers

8 November 2016 (LFEE)

The dates for our immersion courses 2017-2018 have just been released. Please visit the LFEE website to find out new dates and further information or see the attached brochure.

Successful applicants receive a grant from the British Council that covers all costs, including flights, accommodation and subsistence, as well as the course fee.

NEW: Immersion follow up

If you have already attended our immersion course in France in the past and wish to attend another course with us, we have created a follow up immersion which will take place in the beautiful city of Avignon in Provence. Please contact us for further information.

Should you wish to participate in our immersion courses in France or Spain from July 2017 to April 2018, please pre-register at and we will send you further information on how to apply to the Erasmus+ European funding for schools.

Do not hesitate to visit our website and blog for more information and to see what your colleagues have said about their course last summer.

A bientôt!


Erasmus+ 2017 deadlines announced

21 October 2016 (Erasmus+)

All the deadlines and information on the types of activities you can apply for are contained in the 2017 Call for Proposals document and the 2017 Programme Guide both of which you can download from the Key Resources page of our website. The Call for Proposals is an overview document containing all the deadlines for 2017, while the Programme Guide contains all the detailed information on how to apply for Erasmus+ funding. You will need to read both documents when planning an application.


Beginners French 1 course for primary teachers

21 September 2016 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow is running a new 10-week Beginners 1 French course specifically designed for primary school teachers between October and December 2016.

The course is suitable for complete beginners and will take place on Wednesdays 3.45-5.45pm between 5 October and 14 December 2016.

For more information and to enrol, visit the Alliance Française website.


Erasmus+ information sessions: Autumn 2016 series

19 September 2016 (Erasmus+)

Erasmus+ will be holding a series of free half-day information sessions in 6 venues across the UK.

The sessions are for any organisation in the UK working in the sectors of education, training, youth or sport. These events will provide an overview of the funding opportunities available under Erasmus+ in 2017, and are primarily intended for newcomers to the programme.

There will be a session in Glasgow on Wednesday 2 November 2016.

For information on all the locations and to register your place, visit the Erasmus+ website.


eTwinning Professional Development Workshops - Autumn 2016

19 September 2016 (eTwinning)

Secondary school teachers and school leaders interested in embedding international practices in their classrooms are invited to apply for one of the professional development workshops taking place this November.

Each workshop aims to share good practice, meet project partners and set up high quality eTwinning projects on the themes below. The selected teachers and school leaders will have the opportunity to meet like-minded educators from Europe, learn innovative approaches and practice new skills.

  • Workshop 1 - Immigration and tolerance (17-19 November, Greece)
  • Workshop 2 - Storytelling (18-20 November, Iceland)
  • Workshop 3 - Strategic Leadership for high quality eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects (24-26 November, UK - Cardiff)

For more information about each workshop and to apply, visit the eTwinning website.


Spanish language course for school teachers and PGDE students

9 September 2016 (Consejería de Educación)

The Instituto Cervantes and the Spanish Embassy Education Office in the UK offer Spanish online courses for primary and secondary school teachers in Scotland and PGDE students through Aula Virtual de Español Global (AVE Global), an interactive platform specifically designed by the Instituto Cervantes for the teaching and learning of Spanish.

The course is suitable for primary and secondary school teachers in Scotland and PGDE students with or without previous knowledge of Spanish.

Course length and dates:

  • 11-week course
  • From 26 September to 4 November 2016
Visit the website for more information and to enrol.


History teacher trip to Berlin: 23 - 29 October 2016

1 September 2016 (German Embassy)

The German Embassy London, together with the Federal Foreign Office, annually organises a professional trip for British teachers of history to Berlin. This year’s History Teacher Tour will take place from 23 to 29 October and is now open for applications until 12 September 2016.

Please pass on this opportunity to your colleagues who teach history.

For more information, please visit the German Embassy website.


Residential training courses in Germany 2017

30 August 2016 (Goethe-Institut)

Every year the Goethe-Institut offers an attractive range of residential training and language courses for teachers of German (specialists and non-specialists) as well as teacher trainers.

Available are language courses, courses on "Landeskunde", methodology and teaching strategies and also courses for teacher trainers.

Apply now for a scholarship from the Goethe-Institut Glasgow. Deadline for applications is 15 October 2016.

Details and application form are available on the Goethe-Institut website.


PG Cert Streap: Gaelic Medium Education

26 August 2016 (University of Aberdeen)

Applications are now invited for a limited number of places remaining on Streap, the Postgraduate Teaching Certificate for teachers of GME, commencing in September 2016.

This part-time programme is fully funded by the Scottish Government.

For more information, visit the University of Aberdeen website.


Cultural Classes in China

25 August 2016 (Claire Smith / CISS)

For 2 weeks in July I had the opportunity to visit Beijing on a language immersion course with a group of 20 teachers from all over Scotland. We were there as guests of the Beijing Culture and Language University to learn Mandarin and experience the culture of this amazing and, at times, intense city.

Language classes were held every morning, with the focus on vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure and pronunciation. As Mandarin is a tonal language it is a challenge to learn but it proved useful when exploring a city where English is not widely spoken! In the afternoon cultural activities were organised. We visited the main landmarks of Beijing, including Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. A trip north took us to the awe-inspiring trip to summer palaceGreat Wall. On the afternoons when we weren’t sightseeing, we stayed on the university campus to learn calligraphy, tai chi and experience a traditional Chinese tea ceremony.

This fantastic opportunity to further my knowledge of Chinese language and culture has enabled me to develop calligraphy classmy practice – in both the teaching of Mandarin and China as an interdisciplinary topic. This term, I will also run a calligraphy class, where pupils will learn an ancient skill and the story behind the Chinese characters. For my own professional development, I am continuing to learn Mandarin through books and podcasts and in December I will take the HSK 1 exam.

This experience, along with the friendships I made and strengthened, is something I will never forget. Beijing is a city like no other – a mixture of ancient architecture and modern structures, of chaos and calm, of communism and capitalism, of east and west. At times it seemed daunting, but led by Meryl, Professional Development Officer from CISS, we were in excellent hands!

group photo on head teacher trip to China 2016

School’s in for summer: Building capacity for the Scottish Government’s 1+2 approach to language learning

12 July 2016 (SCILT)

Capacity within Scottish local authorities to deliver the Government’s flagship policy “Language learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach” was increased recently through a week-long training course at the University of Strathclyde.

Lead educators from across Scotland attended the course at the end of June, which marks the start of a twelve-month professional learning programme, “Train the trainer”. The programme is aimed at developing leadership and sustainability within the policy and is organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages and Education Scotland.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT, said: “Now more than ever, the aims of the 1+2 policy are vital. We should think about the attributes and skills we want our children and young people to develop and the kind of society in which we want them to flourish. This is really what we mean by the four capacities. Language skills not only make our youngsters more employable, but will help create that open, outward looking and welcoming society that we want Scotland to be.”

The programme engages lead language educators in designing, promoting and supporting the provision of effective language learning experiences for all young people and high quality professional learning for in- and pre-service teachers. More than thirty participants from fifteen local authorities attended workshops delivered by Education Scotland, SCILT, the Association of Directors of Education Scotland (ADES) and the Scottish College for Educational Leadership (SCEL). All sectors were represented, from primary to secondary, higher education and initial teacher education.

Anne Marie McGuigan, one of the ML Trainer Team for South Lanarkshire Council, described her positive experiences on the course: “What a journey it has been! I think everyone was feeling a bit apprehensive initially but this quickly changed to encouraged and inspired. Just what was needed in light of political events. Vivent les langues!”

Virginie Bradbury, the 1+2 Staff Tutor for Dundee City Council confirmed: “I feel inspired and more equipped to take this forward.”

Helen Longford, a primary teacher in Midlothian, stated: “I didn’t think I could be more motivated to teach languages, or help others to do so, but after this week it seems I am!”

TTT is a programme that aims to support language leaders in schools and local authorities. It is designed and delivered by SCILT and Education Scotland in collaboration with Richard Talleron of LFEE.

Related Links

For a flavour of the week's activities see our Train the Trainer Summer School 2016 presentation.
Posted in: 1+2, CPD, SCILT news

1+2 languages: progress from first to second level

7 July 2016 (Education Scotland)

This publication from Education Scotland is a suite of advice, frameworks and resources to support primary teachers to plan for depth and progression in modern language learning experiences. These resources were developed in conjunction with primary practitioners who deliver L2 and L3 experiences.

Visit Education Scotland's National Improvement Hub website for more information.


Train the Trainer Summer School 2016

5 July 2016 (SCILT)

Get a feel for all the shenanigans during last week’s Train the Trainer Summer School. Hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland at the University of Strathclyde city centre campus TTT4, brought together a committed group of 40 educators from 15 local authorities and 2 teacher education institutions.


Enquire Connect Engage - leading learning through practitioner enquiry

24 June 2016 (SCEL)

Have you completed a practice-based enquiry project recently? If so, you’re probably looking for a chance to share your findings. In which case, you’ll definitely want to sign up to participate in the Enquire Connect Engage events that SCEL is hosting this autumn.

SCEL supported Pedagoo’s EnquiryMeet last November. Inspired by its success, we have taken the concept of a teacher-led forum to connect over practitioner enquiry and we are running with it!

Enquire Connect Engage, or #scelenquire if you prefer, will provide opportunities for practitioners to share:
  • the findings from their own small scale practice-based enquiry projects, and
  • practical advice on how to go about investigating classroom practice
Visit the SCEL website for information on how to submit your proposal or to register interest in attending.


SQA Understanding Standards events 2016/17

21 June 2016 (SQA)

The SQA will be running a programme of subject-specific Understanding Standards events from October 2016 to January 2017 to help teachers understand the standards required for course assessment in National Qualifications. The majority of these events will focus on course assessment at Advanced Higher, although there will also be a number of additional events for other qualifications where a specific need has been identified.

The events will be led by our Qualifications Development staff and are intended for subject specialists from SQA centres. There will be a maximum of one delegate place per centre, per subject.

Attendance at any of these events can be used to contribute to Continued Professional Development (CPD). CPD certificates will be available on the Events Booking System shortly after each event.

Find out more about the programme of events and how to book your place on the SQA website.


LanguageStrathclyde: A conversation about Language Learning

17 June 2016 (SCILT)

SCILT, Scotland's National Centre for Languages and the School of Education, University of Strathclyde hosted an afternoon of seminars led by language practitioners, students and academics on various strands of language learning including bilingualism, motivation and translanguaging.

SCILT has used Storify to summarise the discussions from the day. Visit our Storify page for a flavour of the event.


Certificate of Continuing Education in Spanish

10 June 2016 (University of Strathclyde)

The School of Humanities at the University of Strathclyde is delighted to invite applications for the Certificate of Continuing Education in Spanish in the academic session 2016-2017.

These evening degree programmes will comprise undergraduate level modules in the language at first, second and third-year levels.

The two first-year modules, Introduction 1A and Introduction 1B, are intensive beginners’ classes. They are suitable for people with some or no knowledge of the language but with previous experience of language learning, and would equally suit those with qualifications in the language from some years ago who wish to refresh their knowledge.

The CCEd provides a General Teaching Council approved qualification and has in previous years appealed to candidates from diverse backgrounds, including secondary school teachers wishing to acquire an additional language, primary school teachers, teachers of classics, musicians and a range of professional people with an interest in the Spanish-speaking world and their languages.

See the attached flyer for more information about the programme or visit the website.


Related Files

New SCILT/CISS Professional Learning Menus for 2016-17

10 June 2016 (SCILT / CISS)

It’s Launch Day! The brand new professional learning menus for SCILT and CISS are out now!

The focus of both CLPL menus is on supporting teachers and making connections between languages and other high profile aspects of Scottish education such as the Developing Young Workforce, raising attainment and parental engagement agendas.

As always, our CLPL comes to local authorities for no charge. Nada, zilch, gratis!

There are both sector specific and cross-sector workshop options to choose from. In addition, we are also happy to develop bespoke inputs to match your particular professional learning needs, just get in touch.

Don’t hang about though! Bookings have already started coming in and calendars at SCILT and CISS are filling up fast. Please contact with your request in writing.

P.S. Remember to keep a look out on the bulletin for other professional learning opportunities that will be taking place at SCILT HQ and on Glow during the year. If you don't already receive our weekly e-bulletin, make sure you don't miss out on updates and subscribe now!


Articulate Language Camps

9 June 2016 (Articulate Language Camps)

Articulate Language Camps are based in Scotland and offer a variety of programmes from school day camps to residential summer camps as well as exam revision and CPD for teachers.

Tuition is offered in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German to learners aged 3-17, with a unique method of teaching through digital media projects, such as animation and podcasting, and adventure activities which take learning into the great outdoors. So, whether campers are taking an archery class in German, singing campfire songs in French or making a film in Spanish, they are having fun while learning in a meaningful way.

New this year is the International Camp in Italian. Find out more from camp leader, Lisa, in this short video 'Una breve introduzione ai nostri programmi' and for further information about Articulate Language Camps and all their programmes, visit the website.


Visit China with Chinese Bridge for UK schools

6 June 2016 (British Council)

Are you interested in encouraging the teaching and learning of Mandarin in your school?

Chinese Bridge is offering an exciting opportunity for school leaders, heads of languages, and local authorities. If you want to invest in your own professional development, link with a school in China, or encourage teaching Mandarin and Chinese culture in school, this Hanban funded visit could be just what you need.

Travel, accommodation and expenses in China will be covered by the programme, but schools must pay for their own flights.

Successful applicants will be offered a place on a week’s visit to China from 22- 29 October 2016 and will be invited to take part in a pre-departure briefing to prepare for the visit.

Only 60 places are available, so visit the British Council Schools Online website to find out more and make sure you apply online by 12 noon on 7 July.


MOOC: Multilingual Learning for a Globalised World

3 June 2016 (Future Learn)

This free 3-week online course, commencing 13 June 2016, will explore multilingual education and how it can impact and improve education and even wider society.

Our languages are an essential part of who we are as human beings. They are instruments of communication and are often a source of dignity and of human pride. Our life experiences and views of the world are bound up in our languages.

In week 3 you can hear about the Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition, where school pupils are invited to express themselves either in the language they speak at home or in one they are learning at school, and which will be run again in Scotland by SCILT in the new term.

For more information about the course and to enrol, visit the Future Learn website.


The UK-German Bears project - apply now to host Alex and Ben

3 June 2016 (UK-German Connection)

Alex and Ben, our UK-German bears, are preparing for their travels again and can't wait to find out who they'll visit next! We can match you up with a German partner school to work with on this fun, interactive three-week project for primary children, which helps them learn about each other's language and culture.

Find out more about the project and available hosting dates on the UK-German Bears website.

UK-German Connection offers a variety of funded activities including professional development opportunities for teachers to visit Germany, the chance to host a German teacher at your school, as well as a Youth Ambassadors programme for young people interested in German language and culture.  See the calendar of opportunities available on the UK-German Connection website for full details.


French summer intensive classes in Edinburgh

2 June 2016 (Institut français)

The Institut français offers one-week summer intensive courses in July and August with a concession fee for teachers. This 15 hour-course will focus on speaking skills through theatre or radio workshops.

Four levels are available : beginners (A1), elementary (A2), intermediate (B1) and advanced (B2)

For more information, see the Summer 2016 brochure or visit the Institut français website for details of all the courses, events and resources they offer.


TeachMeet Connect Launch

31 May 2016 (TeachMeet Scotland)

On Wednesday 21 September 2016 TeachMeet Connect is being launched, a series of TeachMeets happening across Scotland on the same day where teachers will get together and share what they do. Coinciding with the Scottish Learning Festival, this will be a celebration of all the good things happening in classrooms across Scotland and a chance to explore how TeachMeets can support professional development.

Whether you’ve been to loads of TeachMeets before or this will be your first, this is your chance to get connected to other teachers in Scotland who want to share too. We’d love you to get involved and hold a TeachMeet Connect of your own.

Why not set up a TeachMeet devoted to language teaching and learning? It's a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and share ideas and best practice. Visit the website to find out more and to register your interest in taking part.


Teacher Academy: a European response to teachers' professional development needs

25 April 2016 (European Commission)

With rapidly changing societies, Europe’s 5 million teachers are facing an increasing number of challenges and demands in their daily work in the classroom. The Teacher Academy, the School Education Gateway’s new service, is here to help teachers across Europe.

Teachers are increasingly expected to play a key role in addressing some of the challenges for our societies linked to technological, social and economic changes. However, teachers often face a range of barriers to accessing professional development, ranging from a lack of relevant courses and conflicts with work schedules to the high cost for some teachers of taking advantage of what is on offer (OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)).

To address these barriers and support teachers in their daily work in the classroom, the European Commission has now launched Teacher Academy as part of its School Education Gateway portal.


Have your say on the SCILT CLPL menu for 2016/17

21 April 2016 (SCILT)

Here at SCILT we are always striving to provide relevant and instructive career long professional learning opportunities for teachers and educators across Scotland. 

In light of this we have created an online evaluation where we are asking teachers, development officers and others to provide feedback on our CLPL menu for the 2015/16 session.

We have contacted a random selection of people who have attended or organised one of our CLPL sessions since September and asked them to complete the evaluation. However the evaluation is open to anyone, and if you would like to have your say on what the SCILT CLPL menu for 2016/17 should offer then follow the 'Read more' link below to complete the evaluation. 

The evaluation will be available online until Friday 29th April:

Thank you in advance for your time.


Summer courses for UK teachers of Spanish

20 April 2016 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Embassy Education Office offers 11 grants for summer courses in Santander (Spain), aimed at teachers of Spanish in the UK.

These grants are awarded by the Ministry of Education of Spain in collaboration with Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP), and cover course fees, materials, accommodation, meals and activities (journey not included).

If you are interested, please apply from 18 April to 2 May 2016 by following the instructions on the website.


Leadership Award: Gaelic Education

19 April 2016 (Education Scotland)

Social Enterprise Academy and Education Scotland are working in partnership to deliver an Institute of Leadership and Management Award for teachers of Gaelic Education. The next Leadership Award for Gaelic Education will commence on 20 and 21 May 2016. It will be based in Strathpeffer.

If you wish to enrol for this award or require more information visit the Education Scotland learning blog.


eTwinning Generation - Celebrating Ten Years of eTwinning

29 March 2016 (eTwinning)

Thinking about linking your class with another through an eTwinning project? Read the latest publication from the British Council eTwinning team which contains an inspiring collection of testimonials from former participants in eTwinning projects.

Many of the interviewed young people consider eTwinning to be the most motivating
and enjoyable way to learn. Their experiences with eTwinning have helped them to
develop their language and ICT skills, as well as an understanding of different cultures,
in line with the goals set out at the launch of the platform back in 2005. But there is
much more to it.

See the book 'eTwinning Generation - Celebrating Ten Years of eTwinning' and visit the website to find out how to start your own eTwinning journey.


Summer courses in France for French teachers and teacher trainers

21 March 2016 (CLA)

The Centre de Linguistique Appliquée (CLA) in France offers summer pedagogical training courses during July and August for French teachers and teacher trainers.

There are six different courses available, each designed to encourage exchange of ideas and networking.

The courses qualify for Erasmus+ funding. 

More information about the programmes on offer can be found on the attached pdf files or by visiting the CLA website.


Related Files

Spanish course for teachers and PGDE students in Scotland

17 March 2016 (Consejería de Educación)

The Instituto Cervantes and the Spanish Embassy Education Office in the UK offer Spanish online courses for Primary and Secondary school teachers in Scotland as well as PGDE students through Aula Virtual de Español Global (AVE Global), an interactive platform specifically designed by the Instituto Cervantes for the teaching and learning of Spanish.

Information about the new 11-week language course for school teachers (Primary and Secondary) and PGDE students in Scotland, which will take place from 11 April 2016 is available on the attached document.  Enrolment open now!