Latest News

A selection of language-related news. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.


Scotland's Languages Leadership Programme 2025-26 - applications now open!

7 February 2025 (SCILT )

Applications for Scotland's Languages Leadership Programme (SLLP) 2025-26 are now open!.

The SLLP builds leadership capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Applications are welcome from colleagues with 3 years' teaching experience or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts.

This online programme is delivered jointly by SCILT and Education Scotland. It is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

Core professional learning days take place Friday 20 and Saturday 21 June 2025.

Would you like to know more? Sign up to our online information session taking place on Tuesday 11 March

Follow the link below for more information about the programme and to submit your application. Deadline for applications is Monday 31 March


Express Yourself - North East festival of languages

7 February 2025 (Express Yourself NE)

Designed to spark curiosity and inspire young minds, the Express Yourself Festival offers free events, activities and resources for children and young people in schools, community schools and groups from January to March.

Whilst Festival events are mostly aimed at schools within the North East of England, there are a range of events, activities and resources available to all UK schools.

Visit the Express Yourself website to find out more about the Festival.


German Week 2025

6 February 2025 (Goethe-Institut)

Get ready for an exciting week, 17-21 March, dedicated to celebrating the German language no matter where you are in the UK! The Goethe-Institut UK, the German Embassy in London and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) invite you to immerse your pupils and yourself in a series of fun, innovative and didactic activities designed to promote German learning and give a #ShoutOutForGerman!

Visit the dedicated website to find out more and discover how to take part.


SCILT spring 2025 newsletter - send us your stories!

6 February 2025 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our spring 2025 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place before the Christmas break or so far in 2025. We would love to hear from, or your pupils!

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 14th March 2025.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Webinar recording | Where will languages take me?

4 February 2025 (British Council)

If you missed the 'Where will languages take me' webinar hosted by British Council, Goethe Institut Glasgow, Institut Français d'Écosse and the Consejería de Educación as part of Languages Week Scotland, fear not, the recording is now available!

Aimed at secondary learners, watch to hear real stories of how language skills opened doors, from travel to careers, and inspire your students to make languages part of their lives.

The speakers share advice and thoughts for anyone considering their own path with languages.


UK-German Connection initiatives for schools

4 February 2025 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection provides a range of opportunities for schools and youth groups in the UK and Germany to form connections and partnerships. The following initiatives are currently available. Follow the relevant link to find out more:

  • German Pupil Courses - The German Pupil Courses are two-week courses in Germany for UK pupils in Year 10 and Year 12 (and equivalent in Scotland and Northern Ireland) who are studying German. The German Pupil Courses are a great opportunity for young people to experience Germany, its culture, language and lifestyle first hand. Applications are now open until 3 March 2025.
  • German Pupil Course Group Leaders - Become a group leader on the German Pupil Courses and accompany a group of 12 pupils to Germany. This is a great opportunity for your professional development, whilst spending two weeks immersed in German language, daily life and culture. Apply by 3 March 2025.
  • Funding - A variety of grants are available for joint activities between schools and youth groups. Applications for exchanges and partnerships activity taking place after April 2025 are now open! A series of Q&A webinars are scheduled during February and March for those wishing to find out more about UK-German Connection funding programmes.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for further information about the organisation and their full range of opportunities.


Language Trends Scotland: Research into the teaching and learning of modern languages

3 February 2025 (British Council)

The first Language Trends report for Scotland launched on Monday 3 February, and provides a comprehensive overview of modern language teaching and learning across Scottish schools.

The research, conducted by Queen's University Belfast for the British Council, offers an independent overview of modern language provision across primary and secondary schools, both local-authority and independent. It examines current teaching approaches, qualification patterns and international engagement.

The report highlights the decline in Language learning in Scotland at senior levels over the last decade, reflecting the trend across the rest of the UK.


Multi-level language classes ‘challenging’ for Scottish teachers

3 February 2025 (TES)

Nearly two-thirds of Scottish secondary schools now teach foreign languages in classes made up of students with differing levels of ability in order to make language learning “viable”, a report finds.

The British Council Scotland report shows that 64 per cent of secondary schools that participated in a recent survey reported “multi-level” classes being offered to students in S4 as a way of building up numbers. Many schools suggested that language classes would not run otherwise.

At S5, meanwhile, some 49 per cent of schools said that multi-level classes were taught.

The report - published today, at the start of Languages Week Scotland 2025 - states that the teaching of students with different levels of ability is “a key challenge facing language teachers in Scotland”.

One teacher in the survey says that staff are prepared to teach multi-level classes to give students the chance to study languages, but that this can be “very challenging”.


Related Links

Most schools run multi-level language classes to keep them viable, report finds (STV News, 3 February 2025)

Most schools run multi-level language classes to keep them viable, report finds (Ireland Live, 3 February 2025)

Schools teaching languages without qualified staff (The Times, 3 February 2025) - subscription required to access full article.

The surprise language overtaking French as the most popular studied at all senior school levels in Scotland (The Scotsman, 3 February 2025) - subscription required to access full article.

Language Trends Scotland report (British Council, 3 February 2025)

French Pop Video Competition 2025

31 January 2025 (Institut français)

The French Pop Video Competition is a national competition organised by Francophonie UK supported by TV5Monde for all primary and secondary students of French in the UK.

Students get the chance to practice French in a very different and fun way. Not only do they improve their writing skills and enrich their vocabulary by creating their own song/rap lyrics, but they also practise their speaking skills while shooting the video. It's a great opportunity to involve your students in a fun and creative project mixing French, music and video editing!

Entry deadline is 11 May 2025 with an award ceremony to be held in June.

Visit the Institut français website to learn more and register to take part in the competition by 16 March 2025.


Anti-racist Languages Education Professional Learning Resource

31 January 2025 (SCILT)

Our Multilingual Futures is the perfect context for SCILT to launch our first self-directed professional learning resource as part of Languages Week Scotland 2025. The brand new Anti-racist Languages Education Professional Learning Resource is aimed at pre- and in-service primary and secondary teachers of languages. It is built around a recorded conversation with Lauren White and Arnault Kasa, two anti-racist educators teaching in schools in West Lothian. The resource brings together materials that set the scene for anti-racist education in general; shares current subject specific and sector specific anti-racist practice; and signposts opportunities for further engagement. This self-directed resource is organised in three sections and individuals or groups can dip in when and where they choose. We would love to hear from you about how useful and user-friendly you found it. 


Languages Week Scotland 2025

30 January 2025 (Institut français)

The Institut français d'Ecosse is proud to be part of LWS 2025 with a series of free events including poetry readings with three poets writing in French, Scots and English; “Dahomey”, a Golden Bear Award documentary on the restitution of royal treasures to the Kingdom of Dahomey in present day Republic of Benin; a puppet show and bilingual reading for the wee ones…

Visit the Institut français d'Ecosse website for full programme details.


French language teacher training

30 January 2025 (Institut français)

The Institut français d’Ecosse is back this term with free online teacher-training sessions to support French language teachers in primary and secondary schools across Scotland.

All 4 sessions planned this term will be online, on Thursdays from 4 to 5.30pm.

The first session will be held:

  • Thursday 27 February on the theme of “Francophonie”.

The objective of the training is to help you top up your French and/or boost your confidence with language, pronunciation tips and culture around the theme of Francophonie.

How? Through tailor-made practical classroom activities around listening, talking, reading and writing skills.

Whom for? French-language primary school teachers, with different levels of French; all language levels split in two ability groups (self-assessed, beginner to intermediate/advanced).

Two groups run parallel : one for primary school teachers and one for secondary school teachers.

A minimum of 5 registrations is required to consider opening these free training sessions.

Participation is subject to registration. So if you want to join this session, please send an email with the information below to: Charlotte Hyvernaud, Education attachée, Institut français d’Ecosse :

Please give you surname/first name/position/school name and address/level of French/level taught (P1, P2, P3, etc.)

Future sessions:

  • 20 March on the theme of Easter 
  • 24 April on the theme of seasons
  • 15 May on the theme of holidays


SLEA Multilingual

30 January 2025 (SCILT)

The SLEA (Scottish Languages Employability Award) family is expanding once more! We have now launched the SLEA – Multilingual, which aims to encourage and support the development of partnership activities between schools and cultural organisations. The award celebrates and acknowledges schools that adopt inclusive practices; by recognising the value of all languages and integrating them into the school’s ethos, schools can create a dynamic, inclusive, and culturally rich experience for all learners which prepares them to join a global workforce.

For more information and details of how to apply, visit the SLEA – Multilingual webpage.

We look forward to seeing your submissions!


Plan for isles' first Gaelic secondary school

29 January 2025 (BBC)

The Scottish government has offered to fund a feasibility study into establishing the Western Isles' first Gaelic language secondary school.

There is a Gaelic secondary in Glasgow and subjects are taught in the language in other high schools.

Western Isles Council - Comhairle nan Eilean Siar - has asked councillors to approve its plan for a study at a meeting next week.

In a report, the comhairle's education chief officer Donald MacLeod said a secondary school in Stornoway, Lewis, could build on 40 years of GME, including in primary schools.


Teacher training activities for Spanish teachers

23 January 2025 (Consejería de Educación)

Several training activities for Spanish teachers at all educational levels are taking place in the first half of the year, offered in both face-to-face and online formats by the Consejería de Educación and Instituto Cervantes. The programme also includes methodology and immersion courses in Spain.

Teacher Training Activities January-June 2025

The programme of activities combines online workshops with face-to-face sessions in various cities across the United Kingdom and Ireland. It also includes methodology and immersion courses in Spain. Through the training section on the Ministry of Education's website, our mailing list, and our X account, we will progressively announce the details of each of these courses. Don’t miss the chance to participate in these free workshops and courses, delivered by highly respected professionals and certified by the Ministry of Education! See the attached flyer.

For any inquiries regarding the training programme:

Series of online teacher training seminars

Organised by the Cervantes Institute of Manchester and the University of Edinburgh within the framework of the Cervantes Chair at the University of Edinburgh. If you wish to enrol, use the discount code cervanteseleuk2025 to get 20% off.

Who are these seminars aimed at?

Spanish teachers with training and experience who carry out their work in different areas (secondary school, university, adult education) and who wish to expand their professional training.

Are all sessions online?

The four seminars are online and are taught through the Zoom platform.

What format do they have?

Each seminar consists of three online workshops of three hours each and six hours of tutored autonomous work. Sessions take place on the indicated Fridays from 5pm to 8pm (UK time)

Visit the Instituto Cervantes Manchester website for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact:

The Arabic Reading Competition for schools 2025

23 January 2025 (Arabic Teachers' Council)

The Arabic Reading Competition is run by the Arabic Teachers' Council in London and Southern England and open to UK mainstream schools.

The competition promotes a love of reading in Arabic through engaging stories in diverse themes. Participants enhance reading confidence, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary while competing for four prizes, each worth £100 voucher.

Schools benefit by fostering extracurricular activities and excitement, especially among students learning Arabic as a foreign language or as a home, heritage and community language.

Visit the Arabic Teachers' Council website for more information and to register by 7 February 2025 and if you have any further queries about this competition contact:


Register your interest in our Mandarin Virtual Exchange Teacher programme

23 January 2025 (SCILT)

Scottish schools can now register interest in the next block of the Mandarin Virtual Exchange Teacher programme, beginning week commencing 28 April until week commencing 16 June. Over eight weeks, classes will be allocated a pair of student teachers who will work with their class to delivery weekly live streamed Mandarin lessons. The project provides classes for beginner level 1, 2, & 3. The courses are suitable as L3 provision for BGE pupils in P5-7, as well as being suitable for Secondary BGE learners.

There will be an online information meeting (with a choice of two dates on either 4 or 19 February), to give an overview of the course and what is required of Scottish class teachers. Attendance at an information meeting is a requirement to participate in the programme, with the exception of teachers who have previously attended an information session and/or taken part in the VET programme within the last year. Teachers who are new to the programme are required to attend the meeting, even if the school has taken part previously.

Interested teachers should fill out the registration form. More information about the programme can be found on the Virtual Exchange Teachers (VETs) page of the SCILT website, and any questions can be directed to


Opportunities from Goethe-Institut

23 January 2025 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut provides a range of activities and initiatives to support the teaching and learning of German in UK schools. Click on the appropriate link below to discover more about the latest opportunities:

  • Win a foosball table for your school! - the competition invites groups of pupils or entire classes from P6 to S6 in Scotland to submit a creative video with a focus on tips for learning German! Entry deadline 7 February. 
  • German Days Glasgow - interactive workshops and film screenings for school groups on 5 February, 26 March and 13 May.
  • “Exchange2Change” - a creative youth exchange programme between the UK and Germany for young people aged between 14 and 17. As part of a group, exchangers collaboratively develop a creative project, partly virtual and partly during stays in Berlin and London. Through workshops on project-related topics, the participants gain an insight into artistic professional fields, so that the exchange can also serve as a professional internship.

Last but not least, get ready for German Week 2025! Taking place from 17 - 21 March, #ShoutOutForGerman will be a celebration of German language in the UK where Goethe-Institut UK invites you to immerse your pupils and yourself in a series of fun, innovative and didactic activities designed to promote German learning! Visit the website to discover the activities available for primary and secondary schools and register your choices.


Discovering the World of Arabic 2025-26: Secondary course

23 January 2025 (SCILT)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International, has opened registrations for schools who would like to take part in our Discovering the World of Arabic programme in session 2025/26.  

Schools can apply for our longer courses at BGE or SP level, which run from September to March, or select our shorter introductory courses to offer an experience of Arabic as an L3 to their learners. 

All participating schools will receive: 

  • A dedicated live online lesson delivered every week via Glow Teams for each individual school (time to be agreed with each school) 
  • Asynchronous materials to consolidate and further explore Arabic language and Arab cultures 
  • Ongoing support from the SCILT team  
  • Schools that are new to the programme will also be eligible for a start-up grant of £1000, while returning schools will receive £500 to support their classes to continue learning Arabic. Schools can bid for further funding to provide resources and experiences that enhance the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures. 

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for local authority secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and cultures. BGE and Senior Phase courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and specially commissioned writers, with language lessons delivered online by teachers of Arabic. Both courses focus on developing conversational Arabic which will enhance learners’ understanding of Arab cultures and, in the Senior Phase course, their employability skills.  

Discovering the World of Arabic is aimed at non-heritage, beginner learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and develop their portfolio of skills. Schools can choose to take part in the beginner course or, if your class has already completed this course, you can select the post-beginner course to consolidate and deepen Arabic learning. The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language. 

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form via the link below by Friday 25 April 2025. Responses given on the note of interest form may inform the final selection of schools for this opportunity. 

Please contact  if you have any questions.  

DTW Arabic Secondary 2025-26 note of interest registrations

UK/Ukraine school partnerships

17 January 2025 (British Council)

The UK-Ukraine School Partnerships programme is funded by the UK Government, in support of the historic 100-Year Partnership between the UK and Ukraine. It is delivered by the British Council in collaboration with the National Literacy Trust. The programme aims to foster cross-cultural understanding, enhance language and communication skills and promote collaboration between students and teachers from both countries.

Come together with teachers and pupils in Ukraine to share the joy of reading and build an understanding of the stories we tell in our different cultures. Apply now to take part in any cohort. The deadline for applying in Cohort 1 is 28 February 2025.

Visit the British Council website for more information about this unique new programme.


Instant Impact grant

16 January 2025 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection supports schools in the UK and Germany to connect and form partnerships through a range of grants, advisory services, networks and programmes digitally and in-person.

Primary, secondary and SEN schools, FE colleges and youth groups in the UK and Germany can apply for the Instant Impact grant. Up to £2,500 can be awarded to support first-time taster trips/revival trips (one-way) for groups of young people to a partner school or youth group in Germany. 

A language-learning element is welcomed but not compulsory and the majority of the time during the visit must be spent on joint activities with a high level of interaction between the young people from both countries.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for full details and to apply for the grant.


Languages Week Scotland 2025 - Our Multilingual Futures (DYWLive)

16 January 2025 (SCILT/eSgoil/DYW)

To celebrate Languages Week 2025 eSgoil/DYW Live have several exciting sessions taking place led by colleagues at Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT). These include events for both teachers and learners.

  • Tuesday 4 February @ 4.00 – 5.00: Building Their Multilingual Futures (professional learning workshop for teachers)
  • Wednesday 5 February @ 11.00 – 12.00: MY Multilingual Future (interactive webinar for S1-S3)
  • Thursday 6 February @ 2.00 – 3.00: Languages and Our Careers (panel discussion for S1-S6)
  • All week - Senior Phase recorded presentation: Asynchronous resource

Full details and the registration link can be found on the eSgoil website.


Lefèvre Trust - grant funding

10 January 2025 (British Council)

The Lefèvre Trust was set up to enable groups of young people aged 11 to 19 from the UK and France to work together on joint projects. This programme from the Lefèvre Trust supports collaboration between the UK and France through education partnerships that offer young people an international and intercultural experience. 

To apply for a one-off grant of up to £5000 to support international travel for young people, you must be a state-funded UK secondary school and have an existing partnership with a school in France.

Visit the British Council website to find out more and how to apply.

Applications are open until 31 January 2025.


Words for the World 2025

10 January 2025 (SCILT)

We must believe in the power and the strength of our words. Our words can change the world.

- Malala Yousafzai

Words for the World is back, with a brand-new challenge for 2025!

This year’s competition is focused on Water; World Water Day is on 22 March 2025, and several of the Sustainable Development Goals focus on water.

Inspired by Malala’s words, we would love you once again to use your words to show how the world can be a better place. This year, we are asking you to design and write a postcard to the First Minister to show how important water is in our world and what we need to do to look after it.

For full entry information and the postcard template, go to the Words for the World webpage. We look forward to seeing your entries!


Win a foosball table for your school!

5 December 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

Calling all young German learners in Scotland: Are you ready to show off your creativity and passion for learning German?

The competition is open to groups of pupils or entire classes from P6 to S6 in Scotland. The challenge to submit a creative video with a focus on your tips for learning German!

Teachers have until 7 February to submit entries.

Full details on the Goethe-Institut website.


JaLaChamp 2025 – Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK

3 December 2024 (Japan Foundation)

The Japan Foundation invites students to share their thoughts and viewpoints, as well as show their creativity and have fun challenging themselves by entering this contest and using their Japanese!

JaLaChamp, or Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK, is a contest for primary and secondary school students studying Japanese. There are two categories - the speech category, where students give a speech on a theme of their choice, and the video category where students are asked to create an original video either by individual or part of a group.

Students can choose the category/division they apply for according to their age and level of Japanese.

  • Application deadline for Speech Category: Tuesday, 4 February 2025 at 15:00
  • Application deadline for Video Category: Tuesday, 4 March 2025 at 15:00

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information and to apply.


Exciting opportunity to internationalise your curriculum!

3 December 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to offer all primary and secondary state schools the opportunity to have a Chinese language assistant teacher in their school/cluster free of charge in 2025-26!

Your teacher could help deliver L3 Mandarin to primary and secondary BGE classes, lead IDL projects such as Eco Learning Partners organise live-link ups with Chinese schools, team teach with Virtual Exchange Teachers (VETs) team teach with your own staff, work with small groups for speaking activities, support senior phase learners with preparation for NQs alongside the Discovering China programme. This exciting opportunity could complement or supplement any existing Mandarin provision you have. Having a Mandarin language assistant teacher could revolutionise your L3 provision next year.

For more information contact

SCILT Christmas 2024 webpage - now live!

29 November 2024 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your learners, from interactive advent calendars and games, to festive facts, songs and downloadable worksheets. Find resources in BSL, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Mandarin, Polish, Scots, Spanish and Urdu! And discover how Chrismas is celebrated in many countries around the world. 


French boxes from the Institut français UK

26 November 2024 (Institut français)

Need extra resources to teach French? Try the French boxes from the Institut français UK.

Give your pupils the opportunity to discover more of the French language and culture. With our boxes you will have the resources at hand to work on various subjects, with authentic and popular French books.

Boxes are free to borrow but schools must organise and pay for delivery costs.

Visit the Institut français website to find out more and to book your box!


French language teachers, we value your input!

15 November 2024 (Institut français)

Between September and November, the Institut français d’Ecosse has been organising free online teachers’ training workshops.

Aware that the days and times did not necessarily suit timetables from teachers across Scotland and wishing to reach out to most teachers teaching French in primary and secondary schools, we invite you to complete a short survey aiming at identifying the best day/time to conduct such trainings.

The survey will take you a few minutes to complete.

Please kindly complete the survey before the extended deadline of 1 December 2024.

The data collected will be stored and used for internal purposes only. 

Thanking you in advance for your input!

Opportunities from Goethe-Institut

12 November 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of opportunities for teachers and learners of German. Follow the relevant link below to find out more about their latest initiatives:

  • Book Launch "Wuschel auf der Erde" - Based around the new story book illustrated by Axel Scheffler, younger learners are introduced to their first words of German through the adventures of the alien Wuschel and his friends. Includes comprehensive teaching materials for specialist and non-specialist teachers.
  • Football camp with FC Augsburg - Aged 15-17 in February 2025 and passionate about German and football? Apply now to participate in a one-week football camp with the FC Augsburg, Germany, with likeminded young people from all across the UK and Northwestern Europe!
  • “Exchange2Change” - A creative exchange programme for young people aged 14-17 who would like to develop a creative project with young people from Germany. The programme is directed at young people who do not learn German yet.
  • “Unternehmen Deutsch” (Enterprise German) competition - A competition for secondary school classes and university students to get to know German companies in their region and develop a business idea themselves, with fantastic prizes for the best entries. 

Developing a curriculum for Gaelic Medium and Gaelic Learner Education in secondary schools

12 November 2024 (Education Scotland)

Senior leaders, teachers in schools and local authority officers can use this Education Scotland case study to reflect on and review the Gaelic Medium Education (GME) secondary curriculum within their schools. Challenge questions form part of this resource which can be considered in support of planning for improvement.

In preparing this case study, a range of sources were used such as, interviews with staff and senior leaders at the Nicolson Institute.

Access the full resource on the Education Scotland website.


German poster competition: That’s what German means to me!

8 November 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT invites you to use your knowledge of German and the German-speaking world to show what German means to you!

  • Design a poster, including as much German language as you can, to show what the German-speaking world means to you. 
  • Use the title Das bedeutet Deutsch für mich! 
  • Individual or group entries are welcome. Group entries: use the title Das bedeutet Deutsch für uns!
  • Judging categories: P1-4, P5-7, S1-3, S4-6.  
  • Each category includes a “German learners” and “German background” category: 
  • Submissions from children and young people who have learned German in school should submit their posters in the “German learners” category. Please note that this competition is open to all learners regardless of level of German. This includes those with no prior learning. 
  • Those with a home or family background of German, or other experience of learning German outwith mainstream school, should submit their posters in the “German background” category. 
  • Some young people are likely to fall into both categories – in this case, please select the category that best suits their situation. 
  • The closing date is Friday 28th February 2025
  • Entries should be emailed by teachers in the form of a photograph to with German Poster Competition in the email subject line. 
  • A signed Submission and Consent Form should also be sent at the same time for each entry. It is perfectly acceptable to upload a photograph of this form; it is not necessary to scan the document. 
  • In order to assist judging, please ensure that the sections of the Submission Form indicating level of German learning and where the inspiration for the poster came from are completed. 
  • Each entry should state the school name, pupil name and age category in its file name. 
  • Winners will be notified and announced before Easter 2025. 

We look forward to seeing your entries! 

Applications are now open for JaLaChamp 2025!

1 November 2024 (The Japan Foundation)

JaLaChamp, or Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK, is a contest for primary and secondary school students studying Japanese. There are two categories - the speech category, where students give a speech on a theme of their choice, and the video category where students are asked to create an original video either by individual or part of a group.

Students can choose the category/division they apply for according to their age and level of Japanese.

Application deadline for Speech Category: Tuesday, 4th February 2025 at 15:00

Application deadline for Video Category: Tuesday, 4th March 2025 at 15:00


Anti-racist language learning

31 October 2024 (SCILT)

To mark the end of Black History Month 2024, SCILT is delighted to share our interview with Arnault Kasa and Lauren White, teachers in West Lothian who are both alums of Education Scotland’s Building Racial Literacy programme.

In conversation with SCILT professional development officer Suzanne Ritchie, Arnault and Lauren talk about how they and their colleagues at Peel Primary and Bathgate Academy respectively, are developing anti-racist approaches in their practice and through their languages curricula in particular.  

This podcast will form the basis of a self-directed professional learning resource for individuals and groups of teachers – both primary and secondary - that will soon be published on the SCILT website. 


The Great Coffee Break Treasure Hunt 2024!

31 October 2024 (Coffee Break Languages)

Starting on Monday 4 November, join a virtual treasure hunt across Europe and practise your language skills at the same time! In each of the four short episodes (about 8 minutes) you'll discover clues, solve the mystery and practise the language. But this is not just a language lesson – it's a competition, and by taking part you could win some amazing prizes for language learners! Ideally suited for those in S3 upwards. For everything you need to know about this mini series and how to take part in the competition, visit Coffee Break Languages Treasure Hunt.

The podcast episodes will be published on the main podcast feeds for Coffee Break French, German, Spanish and Italian, and as the week goes on the information will be added to the treasure hunt webpage.


Pupils get to secondary and think 'why am I learning Gaelic?'

31 October 2024 (The Herald)

The "over-promotion" of the benefits of bilingualism could be contributing to a 60% drop-off in uptake in Gaelic Medium Education (GME) from primary to secondary, an academic has suggested.

Dr Inge Birne, an expert in the learning and teaching of minority languages, said more needed to be done to promote the "value of Gaelic" to parents and young people.

(Note - subscription required to access full article).


Our World updates!

29 October 2024 (SCILT)

In case you missed it, the popular SEET competition for Secondary School learners is being run by SCILT this year and we have just updated our webpage with some extra support materials for anyone interested in taking part. 

Firstly, you can find the recording of an information session for teachers held on 26 September which will tell you all about the project, what’s involved and what’s changed this year. 

Secondly, you’ll find our fabulous learner support video which includes information, tips, activities and video tutorials for learners to find out how to go about preparing their entry. This video can be played in class with learners and used to introduce the project and get them thinking about their entries.

Both of these resources can be found in the Tutorials dropdown on the Our World page.

Finally, for anyone planning on taking part this year, we have a drop-in support session from 4-5pm on 7 November. Sign up to come along and ask any questions you may have about preparing your entry.  

Wise in 5: Language Learning in Schools

25 October 2024 (OU / PolicyWISE)

This briefing provides a snapshot comparative guide to some of the policies that have been used the address the language learning ‘crisis’ in the UK and Ireland in recent years and promote the learning of languages within schools. It argues that there is significant scope for more cross-nation learning to occur to help inform future solutions to this challenge, with careful consideration for contextual differences. 


Deaf young people in Scotland using BSL reflect on their education

24 October 2024 (BATOD Magazine)

In this journal article, Beverley Ferguson, Rachel O’Neill, Karen Faulds and Moira Ross share an insight into their FEAPDA Congress presentation about the development of a new case study for practitioners in early learning and childcare settings, schools, colleges, and universities to support all deaf children, young people, and their families.

See the attached pdf file for the full article.

Beginner's Japanese - Language and culture taster course

22 October 2024 (eSgoil)

eSgoil, in partnership with Edinburgh University and the Japan Foundation, are offering beginner courses for Japanese Language and Culture.

The courses are aimed at secondary school learners and will be delivered in Microsoft Teams via Glow. They are available at 3 levels: Beginners Level 1, Beginners Level 2 and Beginners Level 3.

Visit the eSgoil website for more information about the courses and dates from November 2024 to January 2025 and to register. Limited places available!


Into Film Festival

22 October 2024 (Into Film)

The Into Film Festival is a free, annual, nationwide celebration of film and education for 5-19 year olds taking place from 8 to 29 November.

This year's programme includes a screening in Glasgow of Room on the Broom followed by a reading of it in Scots language, a German screening in Aberdeen The Teacher’s Lounge, and for fans of the French comic hero Astérix there's still space at the screening in Hamilton!

Visit the Into Film Festival website for full programme details.


Oxford German Olympiad 2025

22 October 2024 (Oxford German Network)

The 13th Oxford German Olympiad is now open!

This year's topic is: Spiel und Sport

The competition is open to upper primary and secondary learners of German, with further categories for group entries (2-4 participants) as well as the Discover German Taster category for those with no prior experience of studying the language. 

Visit the Oxford German Olympiad website for full competition details and guidelines. Closing date for all entries is Thursday 6 March 2025 at 12 noon.


Discovery Film Festival - Schools programme

21 October 2024 (Discovery Film Festival)

The 21st edition of Discovery Film Festival takes place 19 October to 3 November.

This year's schools programme will be entirely on-site at Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA). There are films for different age groups and in different languages with English subtitles. Accompanying teacher resource packs are also available.

Visit the Festival website for full programme details.


i Teach with Technology webinar series

21 October 2024 (BAAL LLT SIG)

The British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Language Learning and Teaching Special Interest Group (SIG) is offering a series of free webinars during the autumn term 2024 on AI, new technologies and language learning and teaching. These will pair research on language learning technologies with classroom insights from experienced teachers. Discover how innovative tools are shaping the future of education and learn from the experts.

The first event is 'What language educators need to know about AI' (by Zoe Handley and Ana Nino) taking place on 30 October.

Visit the registration website to sign up for this event and all remaining webinars in the series.


Language Explorers Scotland – registrations for 2024-25 closing soon!

11 October 2024 (SCILT)

We have had a great response from schools who would like to participate in this year’s languages mentoring programme. If you are interested in taking part, please note that this is the final call for applications before the deadline on Monday 4 November.

The Language Explorers Scotland (LES) programme aims to raise awareness amongst BGE secondary age learners of the far-reaching benefits of language learning by facilitating a short programme of discreet mentoring sessions led by university students with lived experiences of language learning and multiculturalism.

To access further information about the languages mentoring programme, including key dates, and to hear from last year’s student mentors, please visit the LES webpage.  Successful schools should anticipate hosting their languages mentoring sessions between mid-November and the end of February, in liaison with their mentor.

Please note that this programme runs online, therefore it is imperative that interested schools have an adequate technical set-up and internet connection to allow for remote interactions between mentees and mentors. Geographical proximity to a university is not necessary.


DYW Live Languages and Your Career: New dates available to book!

11 October 2024 (SCILT / eSgoil)

We are delighted to be working together with e-Sgoil and DYW Live again this year to deliver the Languages and Your Career webinar. In this session we will explore how languages can contribute to success in a wide range of jobs and career paths. This webinar aims to introduce secondary learners to the importance of languages and their associated skills in the workplace, break down stereotypes of careers that use languages, identify appropriate career pathways, and hear examples of people who use languages in their daily work. It is an interactive session with input from people who use languages in their work.

The Languages and Your Career workshop will be repeated each month on different days and times from October until January. The series will then end with a Languages Week Scotland special event in February. All dates are now available to book:

Tuesday 29 October 2.00 – 3.00

Wednesday 27 November 10.00 – 11.00

Monday 16 December 11.00 – 12.00

Friday 17 January 10.00 – 11.00

Thursday 6 February 2.00 – 3.00

All sessions will take place in Glow Teams.

For more information and registration details, see the e-Sgoil website.


Introduction to Mandarin Course 2024-25

10 October 2024 (SCILT)

e-Sgoil is working with the Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools to offer a 24-week Introduction to Mandarin language and culture to secondary school learners across Scotland.

The course will start w/c 28 October and will be taught via live lessons, delivered on MS Teams on Glow. There will be one 45-minute lesson per week, with options for whole classes to join during the school day, or for individual learners to join after school.

Visit the eSgoil website for more information and to register!

image showing details of the course which can be found on eSgoil's website and Chinese cultural icons


Opportunities from Goethe-Institut

8 October 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of initiatives to support the teaching and learning of German in schools. Follow the relevant link below to discover more about the upcoming opportunities:

Host a French-speaking trainee teacher

8 October 2024 (Haute école pédagogique Vaud)

The University of Teacher Education in the State of Vaud, Switzerland is developing an exchange programme to bring French-speaking trainee teachers to English-speaking countries to undertake two-month placements in secondary schools. 

If you would like to host a participant in your school, see the flyer below for more information and to contact the programme coordinator.

flyer providing full details of the programme including programme contact for more information Camille Dinkel (email:

Nihao China Association

8 October 2024 (SCEN)

The Nihao China Association aims to promote Chinese culture to primary and secondary school students in Scotland through recorded courses and in-person interactions, facilitating cultural exchange between China and the UK. We seek to help students gain a deeper understanding of traditional customs and contemporary developments in China, while also providing opportunities for Chinese university student volunteers in Scotland to foster cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.

See the attached pdf for a detailed outline of the Association's aims and for more information please contact 

Related Files

School Partnership Bursaries: Applications open!

8 October 2024 (UK-German Connection)

We are delighted to launch applications for our School Partnership Bursaries! These bursaries are for schools (primary, secondary, SEN, FE) to keep their UK-German partnerships alive through supporting contact and collaborative engagement between pupils from September 2024 until December 2025.

The primary beneficiaries should be the young people and particularly those who would not otherwise have the opportunity to take part. The £1,000 bursary can support pupils' travel, accommodation and subsistence costs (some teacher costs can also be covered). Reduced bursaries are also available for virtual projects or joint activities for UK pupils during their German partner's visit in the UK.

Applications close 31 October 2024.

Before submitting your application, please visit the UK-German Connection website to familiarise yourself with our updated guidelines. 


Language Ambassadors Online: all sessions for 2024-25 now available to book!

3 October 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT’s Language Ambassadors Online programme is a fully online offer available to all schools across the country. Our interactive monthly online sessions are led by student Language Ambassadors from universities across Scotland who are keen to share their experiences of learning languages and discovering new cultures. You can read more about the programme on our website. Sign up to bring your classes along to any/all of the sessions listed!

Upcoming sessions are as follows:

Wednesday 30 October:  9.00 – 10.00am

Tuesday 26 November:  2.00 – 3.00pm

Friday 24 January:  10.00 – 11.00am

Wednesday 26 February:  11.00am – 12.00pm

Tuesday 18 March:  2.00 – 3.00pm

All sessions will take place on Microsoft Teams. For more information and to book to bring your class(es) along, visit the Language Ambassadors Online programme webpage.


Language Explorers Scotland – registrations for 2024-25 are open!

3 October 2024 (SCILT)

Registrations are open for schools that would like to participate in this year’s Language Explorers Scotland mentoring programme. This programme aims to raise awareness amongst BGE secondary age learners of the far-reaching benefits of language learning by facilitating a short programme of discreet mentoring sessions led by university students with lived experiences of language learning and multiculturalism.

To access further information about the languages mentoring programme, including key dates, and to hear from last year’s student mentors, please visit the Language Explorers Scotland webpage. Successful schools should anticipate hosting their languages mentoring sessions between mid-November and the end of February, in liaison with their mentor.

Please note that this programme runs online, therefore it is imperative that interested schools have an adequate technical set-up and internet connection to allow for remote interactions between mentees and mentors. Geographical proximity to a university is not necessary.


Japanese Language Clubs from Scratch Project

3 October 2024 (Japan Foundation)

Free online course for teachers interested in setting up a Japanese club at their school, no Japanese knowledge necessary. Sign up now to receive a Japanese Club package (including teacher training) so your school can be ready to run a Japanese Club in near future! The course will start on 7 October 2024.

Visit the Japan Foundation website or see the attached flyer for more information!


Related Files

Learning for a sustainable future

3 October 2024 (British Council)

The University of Edinburgh and Learning for Sustainability Scotland, in partnership with the British Council, have created two free short online courses on Coursera which will give you the chance to join a global professional and personal learning journey towards a sustainable future.

The five-week course with a focus on sustainability education and learning commencing 7 October aims to support those who want to bring some of the activities and issues covered into their own educational practice. The second ccourse commencing 11 November runs concurrently with COP29.

Visit the website for more information and to sign up.


JaLaChamp 2025 – Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK

1 October 2024 (Japan Foundation)

Applications for JaLaChamp 2025 are now open! JaLaChamp, or Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK, is a contest for primary and secondary school students studying Japanese. There are two categories - the speech category, where students give a speech on a theme of their choice, and the video category where students are asked to create an original video either individually or as part of a group.

There are different categories for students at different stages of their Japanese study and we welcome applications from heritage language speakers as well as learners, so please share this information with anyone who might be interested!

  • Speech category deadline: 4 February 2025
  • Video category deadline: 4 March 2025

Visit the Japan Foundation website for full details, to see videos from the 2024 JaLaChamp finals day and to apply. 


French Teacher Award 2024

26 September 2024 (Institut français)

Know a teacher who deserves recognition for their great work teaching French? Here's your opportunity to nominate them for the French Teacher Award 2024!

Every year, two teachers of French (one in primary and one in secondary school) are selected by a national jury for their significant and committed contribution to French language education in their school and community.

Teachers can apply for themselves or can apply for their colleagues.

Visit the Insittut français website for more information and to submit your nomination by 21 November 2024.


French Film Festival UK 2024 Learning Programme

26 September 2024 (French Film Festival)

The 2024 selection of French language films for schools in the French Film Festival Learning Programme are all free of charge to every school! The films will be available from 28 October to 18 December and each comes with its own language resources.

You will find full details of the four films – Divertimento, The Little Gang, Vicky and Her Mystery and Funny Birds – in the attached leaflet, along with the booking link. The programme is also available on the French Film Festival Learning Programme webpage.

To participate in the programme simply click the BOOK NOW AUTUMN link to book your films.

After booking you will receive an automatic email confirmation followed by information from the Festival on how to access the films.


There are two competitions open to all schools in Scotland this year:

  • Write your own film review! The best reviews of a film in the programme will win a year’s subscription for their school to a French language magazine appropriate for their age group. Reviews can be up to 250 words, written in French or English, and can contain drawings. Prizes awarded by the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland.

See Page 5 of the Learning Programme.

  • Fais ton cinema! Shoot a video in French to win a class immersion day at the French Institute in March 2025. Open to all primary and secondary schools in Scotland offering French and participating in the French Film Festival UK Learning Programme. Concours de la Francophonie 2025, organised as part of the Mois de la Francophonie.

Further information: Concours de la francophonie 2025.

If at any time you would like to amend your choices or have any queries please contact

Days left to complete ‘crucial’ languages survey for Scottish schools

24 September 2024 (TES)

Teachers and schools have less than a week to complete a short languages survey that could prove “crucial” to the future of the subjects in Scottish schools.

There is deep concern about the declining number of students taking languages in Scotland. The survey from British Council Scotland is seeking views on how languages can be boosted in Scottish education, to “ultimately benefit our students in an increasingly interconnected world”.

[..] The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and it is open until 11.59pm on Monday 30 September. (Note - subscription required to access full article).


Fiestas and Celebrations in Scotland and Valencia

19 September 2024 (International School Partnerships Scotland)

Are you looking for something to engage your class and bring learning Spanish to life? Join us to explore traditions, culture and celebrations in both Spain and Scotland and connect with a Valencian school partner.

This is a highly motivating, inter-disciplinary project for young learners, combining language learning with expressive arts, technologies, social subjects and global citizenship. It can help young people become culturally aware, to learn about their own traditions and celebrations as well as those of others, and foster tolerance and understanding of diversity. Through collaborating and sharing with international partners, young people develop a variety of skills and abilities, including teamwork, creativity, problem solving, inter-cultural competences, leadership, organisation, linguistic confidence, and more.

How can I get involved?

This project is open to primary 5–7 learners and secondary S1–3 learners in any school offering Spanish language. 

We are seeking to involve 10 schools in Scotland and 10 schools in Valencia. We will match you with a partner school to work with on collaborative activities over a 3 month period (November to February). Throughout this time, we will support you with curriculum related resources and a series of activities as you get to know your partner. 

The project will involve a series of teacher webinars, introducing collaborative activities for classes to take part in, centred around traditional fiestas and celebrations. Young people will learn about traditions and festivals in their partner country, and will research their own cultural events in order to share them. Schools are expected to collaborate with their partner on these activities and share their work. 

Want to take the partnership further? We will offer support to schools who wish to take their partnership further and apply for funding to enable a visit to Valencia.

To register your interest, please contact

Strathclyde Language Ambassadors 2024/2025

19 September 2024 (University of Strathclyde)

Time to book your in-school visit!

At the University of Strathclyde, while fully supporting the SCILT’s monthly Language Ambassadors online sessions and Scotland's Languages Explorer's Programme, we are also offering on-site visits.

So, get your learners to discover the joys of engaging with a new culture and learning and being able to use another language by organising a visit from one of our Language Ambassadors teams to your school!

Our Language Ambassadors are students of French, Italian, Mandarin or Spanish, on various degrees, including BA Honours in French and Spanish, International Business and a Modern Language, Law and a Language but also Engineering and Science degrees and they are keen to share their experiences of learning and using their languages as well as discovering new cultures.

This programme is free of charge and provides student role models to promote languages to young people in your school. We aim to encourage your learners to engage with young adults who have decided to study languages at university and to have a positive impact on the number of learners who choose languages as part of their high school curriculum.

Language Ambassadors can deliver a range of activities, such as:

  • Presentation aimed at various levels about their experiences as university language learners, transitioning from school to university, and their experiences abroad, followed by a Q&A session about the benefits of studying languages;
  • ‘Meet & Chat Sessions’ for Senior Phase students who have already selected a language;
  • Micro-presentations as part of a school-wide event.

Please visit the Strathclyde Language Ambassadors webpage or contact the programme leader Cédric Moreau to discover more and book a visit from a Strathclyde Language Ambassadors team in 2024/2025.


Opportunities from UK-German Connection

19 September 2024 (UK-German Connection)

Don’t miss out on our upcoming opportunities for teachers and schools to promote cultural exchange in the classroom:

  • Professional Enrichment Programme: funded CPD opportunity for teachers of any subject/sector to visit a school in Germany for 1-2 weeks in spring/summer 2025. No German language skills required. Applications close 27 September.
  • Host a Teacher from Germany: free programme for teachers of any subject/sector to host a German colleague and boost your school’s international ethos across curriculum. Visits organised flexibly to suit your school. No German language skills required. Register by 27 September.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more about our offers.


SCILT winter newsletter 2024 - send us your stories!

18 September 2024 (SCILT )

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our winter 2024 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place before the summer break or so far this term. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 11 October 2024.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Last chance to complete the first-ever Language Trends Scotland survey! Deadline Monday 30 September!

17 September 2024 (British Council)

Language Trends Scotland is an in-depth survey for all primary and secondary schools across the country. The research will provide an independent overview of the teaching of modern languages in Scotland.

The Language Trends series show general shifts in data and seek to provide a springboard for teachers, school leaders, academics, inspectors, policymakers, school pupils, and the public to consider aspects of language learning more deeply.

How to Participate:

We've designed the survey in collaboration with an expert panel in Scotland - the estimated time to complete is 15 minutes.

Ready to make your voice heard? Visit the British Council Language Trends Scotland webpage for more information and to complete the appropriate survey for your sector.

For any further information, please contact Jane Halstead -


Language Explorers Scotland – registrations for 2024-25 are now open!

13 September 2024 (SCILT)

Registrations are now open for schools that would like to participate in this year’s Language Explorers Scotland mentoring programme. This programme aims to raise awareness amongst BGE secondary age learners of the far-reaching benefits of language learning by facilitating a short programme of discreet mentoring sessions led by university students with lived experiences of language learning and multiculturalism.

An information session for interested schools will take place on Tuesday 1 October from 4-5pm. To book your place at this information session and register your school’s interest in the LES programme, please complete this form by Monday 30 September. A link to the meeting will be shared with registered schools on the morning of Tuesday 1 October. Successful schools should anticipate hosting their languages mentoring sessions between mid-November and the end of February, in liaison with their mentor.

To access further information about the languages mentoring programme, including key dates, and to hear from last year’s student mentors, please visit the LES webpage.

Please note that this programme runs online, therefore it is imperative that interested schools have an adequate technical set-up and internet connection to allow for remote interactions between mentees and mentors. Geographical proximity to a university is not necessary.

Our World is back for 2024-25! 

13 September 2024 (SCILT)

The popular SEET competition for Secondary School learners is being run by SCILT this year. This exciting inter-disciplinary project combines language learning with the art of filmmaking, bringing in aspects such as design, drama, sound and technology within the context of Learning for Sustainability. 

Learners work in teams to create a storyboard for a film, based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals which, if successful they will be given the opportunity to work with a professional filmmaker and turn their ideas into a real short film which will be shown at the film screening showcase and awards ceremony. A great opportunity for budding filmmakers to use their language skills. Further details can be found on the Our World webpage and to find out more, sign up via the link below to come along to our information session on Thursday 26 September!


Maths Week Scotland 2024 - Maths wi nae Borders challenge

13 September 2024 (Maths Week Scotland)

Maths Week Scotland takes place 23-29 September 2024 with the theme Maths Tales, looking at how Maths is used to tell stories.

During the week a range of challenges are available to schools for pupils to test their numeracy, logic and creativity skills.

Maths wi nae Borders is inspired by the annual Mathématiques sans Frontières contest, this mini-competition combines a language element and is for any class to complete together.

The Maths wi nae Borders challenge opens on 16 September.


European Day of Languages Annual Competition for Schools in the UK

12 September 2024 (ALL)

ALLNE, NfLNE and partners are once again organising an annual European Day of Languages writing competition for Schools, and in 2024 it is once more open to the whole country!

The organising committee invites language learners in any key stage to create a piece of text in a language they are learning on the theme: Together.

The intention is that this might form an activity in your school around the European Day of Languages itself (26 September), so the deadline for submission of entries will be Wednesday 9 October 2024.

Visit the ALL website for more information.


The GCHQ National Language Competition 2024

10 September 2024 (GCHQ)

The 2024 GCHQ National Language Competition will run from Monday 18 November - Friday 22 November.            

The National Language Competition (NLC) is a virtual competition where teams from around the UK compete against each other to solve language-based puzzles and score points. The overall winners are then invited to GCHQ’s headquarters in Cheltenham to receive their trophy!

The competition aims to inspire language learning by encouraging secondary BGE students to discover their aptitude for learning languages.

Visit the GCHQ National Language Competition website for more information, to register interest and try out some sample puzzles!


FilmG - Gaelic short film competition

5 September 2024 (FilmG)

The annual FilmG competition is now open!

With two distinct competitionss for Under-18s and Over-18s, participants are challenged to create Gaelic-language films under five minutes in length.

In a change to previous formats, filmmakers are no longer being asked to create a film based on a theme – entries are instead open to the creative license of any subject.

Visit the FilmG website for full details and submit entries by 9 December 2024.


Upcoming offers from the Goethe-Institut

3 September 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of initiatives to support the teaching and learning of German in schools. The following opportunities are available during the coming term. Follow the appropriate link to find out more:

  • Debating competition - the successful debating competition for secondary schools in the United Kingdom is finally returning! This is a great opportunity for students to actively use the German language in an authentic setting, debating social and cultural issues, while getting to know other secondary school students from across the United Kingdom. Rounds take place between November and March. Apply by 19 October 2024.
  • Young Goethe Ambassadors - would you like to motivate your students to keep studying German? Invite our Young Goethe Ambassadors into your classroom. Our ambassadors are young German learners who can hold presentations about their experience with German and run small games depending on your needs.

Exciting opportunity to internationalise your curriculum!

30 August 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to offer all primary and secondary state schools the opportunity to have a Chinese language assistant teacher in their school/cluster free of charge in 2024-25!  

Your teacher could help deliver L3 Mandarin to primary and BGE classes, lead IDL projects such as Eco Learning Partners (ELP) organise live-link ups with Chinese schools, team teach with Virtual Exchange Teachers (VETs), team teach with your own staff, work with small groups for speaking activities, support senior phase learners with preparation for NQs alongside the Discovering China programme. This exciting opportunity could complement or supplement any existing Mandarin provision you have. Having a Mandarin language assistant teacher could revolutionise your L3 provision this year.

For more information contact for more details. 

Themed French workshops for teachers

29 August 2024 (Institut français)

Calling primary and secondary teachers teaching French across Scotland. Between September and November 2024, the Institut français d’Ecosse will be hosting free online workshops for you on 3 different themes on the following dates:

  • September 13, on the theme of European Day of languages
  • October 11, on the theme of Halloween
  • November 15, on the theme of Christmas

Objectives: Top up your French and/or boost your confidence with language, pronunciation tips and culture around the theme of Halloween.

Contents: Tailor-made practical classroom activities around listening, talking, reading and writing skills.

Visit the Institut français d'Ecosse website for additional information and registration.


Register your interest in our Mandarin Virtual Exchange Teacher programme

27 August 2024 (SCILT)

Scottish schools can now register interest in the next block of the Mandarin Virtual Exchange Teacher programme, running from w/c 28 October until w/c 16 December. Over eight weeks, classes will be allocated a pair of student teachers who will work with their class to deliver weekly live streamed Mandarin lessons. The project provides classes for beginner level 1, 2, & 3. The courses are suitable as L3 provision for BGE pupils in P5-7, as well as being suitable for Secondary BGE learners.

There will be an online information meeting (with a choice of two dates on either 12 or 16 September), to give an overview of the course and what is required of Scottish class teachers. Attendance at an information meeting is a requirement to participate in the programme, with the exception of teachers who have previously attended an information session and/or taken part in the VET programme within the last year. Teachers who are new to the programme are required to attend the meeting, even if the school has taken part previously.

You can find more information about the programme, as well as a link to register your interest and attendance at an information meeting (if required), on the Virtual Exchange Teacher project website.


European Day of Languages 2024 - how is your school celebrating?

23 August 2024 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. It aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. What is your school doing in 2024?

If you're looking for inspiration, SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. What about creating a language portrait, designing a treasure hunt or hosting a multilingual film night? You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2024 blogUpload a short description and some colourful photos or email

If you're sharing your celebrations on X, tag @scottishcilt and use the hashtag #coeEDL to share your celebrations with schools across Europe!


Language Explorers Scotland – watch this space 2024-25 registrations!

15 August 2024 (SCILT)

Session 2023-24 saw the first national roll-out of Language Explorers Scotland (formerly Scotland’s Languages Explorers Programme, SLEP), a flagship languages mentoring project run by SCILT in partnership with UCFLS. This mentoring programme was inspired by the success of similar mentoring programmes in the UK. Language Explorers Scotland (LES) aims to raise awareness amongst BGE secondary age learners of the far-reaching benefits of language learning by facilitating a short programme of mentoring sessions led by university students with lived experiences of language learning and multiculturalism.  

Similar projects currently running in Wales and other parts of the UK have demonstrated that small group work with a student mentor can have a positive impact on learners in school, and lead to an increase in the number of learners continuing with languages into higher levels of study. 

LES 2024-25 will run in partnership with universities across Scotland, including the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde, Heriot-Watt University and the Open University. Interested schools can find out more about the mentoring programme and hear from last year’s student mentors on the Language Explorers Scotland webpage. 

This programme runs online, therefore it is imperative that interested schools have an adequate technical set-up and internet connection to allow for remote interactions between mentees and mentors. Geographical proximity to a university is not necessary. Further information, including key dates, can be found on the programme webpage. Registrations of interest will open in late September and the live link will be published in the SCILT weekly ebulletin and on the LES webpage. Successful schools should anticipate hosting their languages mentoring sessions between mid-November and the end of February, in liaison with their mentors. 


French for Teachers

13 August 2024 (Alliance Française)

The course from Alliance Française Glasgow is aimed at secondary school French teachers and consists of a mix of conversation and grammar. The idea is to discuss current affairs and contemporary topics of France and French speaking countries but also to offer grammar refreshers for the B2 level.

The course will start on 16 September. The classes will last for 2 hours and will take place every two weeks. Most of the classes will be online with an on-site version every 4 weeks in order for participants to meet in person.

Visit the Alliance Française website for full details and to book.


Opportunities from Goethe-Institut

6 August 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of initiatives to support the teaching and learning of German in schools. The following opportunities are available during the coming term. Follow the appropriate link to find out more:

For pupils

  • Debating competition - a chance for teams of four S5 learners of German to actively use the German language in an authentic setting whilst meeting other students from across the UK. Rounds take place between November and March. Apply by 19 October 2024.
  • Discover Careers with German - online business lunch series of live conversations with different people from the world of work whose careers have been shaped by learning German. Aimed at secondary learners, upcoming sessions in October, November and December 2024.
  • Young Goethe Ambassadors - would you like to motivate your students to keep studying German? Invite our Young Goethe Ambassadors into your classroom. Our ambassadors are young German learners who can hold presentations about their experience with German and run small games depending on your needs.

For teachers

European Day of Languages - Save the date!

20 June 2024 (Institut français)

On Friday 27 September the Institut français d’Ecosse, together with European consulates and cultural organisations, will be celebrating European Day for Languages in Edinburgh with morning activities aimed at S2 and S3 pupils and two conferences in the afternoon. One of the conferences will focus on how European writers foster creativity and ‘out of the box’ thinking style through language and the other on multilingualism and creativity. They will be followed by a cocktail.

Watch this space for further information to come late August!

You can also contact Charlotte Hyvernaud, Education attachée, Institut français d’Ecosse :

Concours de la francophonie 2025 - now open!

20 June 2024 (Institut français)

The 'Concours de la francophonie' : an annual rendez-vous for schools!

The 'Concours de la francophonie' is organised every year by the Institut français d’Ecosse since its creation in 2016.

For the 2025 edition, there will be two competitions:

  • One for primary school pupils
  • One for secondary school pupils

For the first time the competition associates the Institut français d’Ecosse with the French Film Festival UK Learning Programme (FFF UK).

All primary and secondary schools in Scotland offering French and participating in the French Film Festival UK Learning Programme will be eligible to enter the 'Concours de la francophonie', in line with the rules. Submission deadline: 15 January 2025.

Visit the 'Concours de la francophonie' website for full details.


UK-German school partnership seminar

18 June 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection is inviting applications for a funded school partnership seminar taking place in Mainz, Germany from 21 to 24 November 2024. Open to UK teachers (all sectors and subject areas) with no active UK-German school partnership who are interested in linking with schools in Germany. The seminar includes school visits to gain insights into school life in Germany.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for full details and to apply by 10 July.


French Film Festival UK 2024 Learning Programme

18 June 2024 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK 2024 Learning Programme will once again be bringing French-speaking cinema into schools free of charge this autumn! The programme of four films, each accompanied by learning packs, will run between 28 October and 18 December. This year we are linking up with the French Institute in Scotland for the Francophonie Competition for schools.

Full details will be available on the French Film Festival website shortly and book up your film from mid-August onwards.

The attached programme flyer contains booking links and email contacts for further information about the learning resources and the Francophonie competition.


SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2024-25

16 August 2024 (SCILT)

Box fresh and open for bookings! SCILT’s menu of CLPL group workshops for 2024-25.

Up-to-date and interactive, SCILT workshops for teachers are a great way for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of languages pedagogy with our experienced Professional Development Officers.

If you are the person in your department, school, cluster or local authority with a remit to source high quality subject specific professional learning for colleagues, then you will definitely be interested in our brand new menu of CLPL workshops.

For 2024-25, our carefully designed inputs cover a variety of topics related to the learning and teaching of languages:

Primary and Early Years

  • First steps in teaching primary modern languages
  • Valuing linguistic diversity in schools, with families
  • Bringing the languages content to primary interdisciplinary learning
  • Making assessment in primary languages active and accessible
  • Give careers education a languages twist for your primary pupils


  • Teaching Sprints – Small change, big impact
  • Social-Emotional learning for languages
  • Talking and listening
  • Reading and writing
  • BYOW: Build your own workshop

We are always happy to accommodate bespoke CLP requests too. Whatever your colleagues need, just ask and we will design a workshop with tailored content, just for them. 

For more detail about the menu, and to book one or more workshop for the group of teachers that you support, see the professional learning request form.


Goethe-Institut opportunities for learners of German

11 June 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

Find out more about the upcoming initiatives for schools and learners of German by following the appropriate link:

  • Discover Careers with German - The Business Lunch Series is a series of live online conversations with different people from the world of work whose careers have been shaped by learning the German language. Aimed at pupils S3 upwards with preparatory materials for teachers. Next event takes place 27 June 2024.
  • Karriere Quantum - New programme for 16-18 year-olds and teachers from all over Europe revolving around quantum technologies and the German language. Apply for a place in one of our five innovative one-week camps taking place over 2024 and 2025 in Dublin, Rome, London, Amsterdam and Madrid. 
  • Comic poster exhibition: "Komplett Kafka" - Introduce learners to the life and work of Franz Kafka with this poster exhibition and associated teaching materials. The exhibition can be ordered via the Goethe-Institut website.

Let's give German a go - in Berlin!

11 June 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you a non-specialist German teacher already delivering German lessons in some shape or form? Would you like to find out why German is the smart choice for your school? Would you like support with getting the ball rolling? Are you interested in setting up a German club at your primary or secondary school?

The Goethe-Institut is offering an exclusive, funded trip to Berlin in November 2024 for primary and secondary school teachers and headteachers that is geared towards introducing German in schools or strengthening its status.

State school teachers and headteachers from the UK  can submit their applications supported by a motivational letter (max 400 words) until 31 August 2024. Successful candidates will be informed soon thereafter.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to apply.


Elevate your teaching - in Berlin!

11 June 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

Boost target language in your classroom! Increase motivation in your young learners! Get to know Germany and the vibrant city of Berlin! 

The Goethe-Institut London is offering secondary school teachers from across the UK the chance to take part in a funded pedagogical training course taking place in Berlin in November 2024.

State school secondary teachers from the UK can submit their applications supported by a motivational letter (up to 400 words) until 31 August 2024. Successful candidates will be informed soon thereafter.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to apply.


Enseignant.e FLE spécialiste cours enfants et adolescents

10 June 2024 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française in Glasgow is looking to recruit a teacher specialising in courses for children and young people to start September 2024.

Visit the Alliance Française website for the job specification and application details.


Language Explorers Scotland – watch this space for 2024-25!

10 June 2024 (SCILT)

Session 2023-24 saw the first national roll-out of Language Explorers Scotland (formerly known as Scotland's Languages Explorers Programme, SLEP), a flagship languages mentoring project run by SCILT in partnership with UCFLS. This mentoring programme was inspired by the success of similar mentoring programmes in the UK. Language Explorers Scotland aims to raise awareness amongst BGE secondary age learners of the far-reaching benefits of language learning by facilitating a short programme of mentoring sessions led by university students with lived experiences of language learning and multiculturalism.

Similar projects currently running in Wales and other parts of the UK have demonstrated that small group work with a student mentor can have a positive impact on learners in school, and lead to an increase in the number of learners continuing with languages into higher levels of study.

Language Explorers Scotland 2024-25 will run in partnership with universities across Scotland, including the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde, Heriot-Watt University and the Open University. Interested schools can find out more about the mentoring programme and hear from last year’s student mentors on our Language Explorers Scotland webpage.

Please be aware that this programme runs online, therefore it is imperative that interested schools have an adequate technical set-up and internet connection to allow for remote interactions between mentees and mentors. Geographical proximity to a university is not necessary. Further information, including key dates, can be found on the programme webpage where registrations of interest will open in September and the live link will be published. Successful schools should anticipate hosting their languages mentoring sessions between mid-November and the end of February, in liaison with their mentors.


Cultural Enrichment Workshop for Secondary Teachers

30 May 2024 (Institut français)

The Institut français du Royaume-uni (London) invites secondary school teachers to join a free two-part online training workshop on French culture.

During the Cultural Enrichment Workshop for Secondary Teachers you will take part in activities to be used in your classroom to help your pupils deepen their cultural knowledge and vocabulary on various aspects of French culture.

Sessions take place in June/July with limited places available.

Register interest by Friday 14 June.


DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2024 – ‘What a year! Schlagzeilen aus der Zukunft’

28 May 2024 (DAAD/ILCS)

The deadline for entries to the DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2024 has been extended! All levels of German learners in the UK can take part, use their written German skills and have the chance to win some exciting prizes by putting together the front page of a fictional newspaper in the German-speaking world. 

More information and submission details can be found on the competition website. Submission deadline: EXTENDED TO 20 JUNE.


SCILT Spring 2024 newsletter published

24 May 2024 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT's work to support language learning and teaching, including our language initiatives and research-informed practice. Find out how Languages Week Scotland 2024 was celebrated across the country and hear about the latest inspiring activities from local authorities. There is also an opportunity to read about the work of our partners in supporting and promoting language learning in Scotland.

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


National search to find Teacher of the Year goes live in Scotland

13 May 2024 (The Scotsman)

Nominations are now open in a national Teacher of the Year competition in Scotland. Led by fintech Miconex and sponsored by group collecting platform GiftRound, the competition has £1250 in local gift cards as the prize.

The teacher who is crowned as Teacher of the Year, and their school, will each win a £500 Town & City Gift Card or Scotland Loves Local Gift Card. One person who nominated the Teacher of the Year will also win a £250 local gift card.

It is free for people to nominate their Teacher of the Year, and all types of teachers are eligible including primary and secondary school teachers, higher education teachers, early years teachers and special educational needs teachers in the UK.


Host a Teacher from Germany

14 May 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK schools and further education colleges interested in hosting a teacher from Germany in 2024-25 can register now!

Applicants can host a German teacher (in-person or virtually) for one, two or three weeks during the academic year with no costs involved for UK schools.

The programme is open to teachers of all subjects and German does not need to be offered at your school.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more about the programme. You can also register for one of the Q&A webinar sessions coming up on 20 May and 12 June.


Exciting opportunity to internationalise your curriculum!

3 May 2024 (SCILT/CISS)

SCILT is delighted to offer state primary and secondary schools in Scotland the opportunity to have a Chinese language assistant teacher in their school/cluster free of charge in 2024-25!

Your teacher could help deliver L3 Mandarin to primary and BGE classes, lead IDL projects such as Eco Learning Partners, organise live-link ups with Chinese schools, team teach with Virtual Exchange Teachers, team teach with your own staff, work with small groups for speaking activities, support senior phase learners with preparation for NQs alongside the Discovering China Programme. This exciting opportunity could complement or supplement any existing Mandarin provision you have. Having a Mandarin language assistant teacher could revolutionise your L3 provision next year.

You can register your interest in the opportunity via the online form where you can also sign up to attend an information session on Thursday 23 May at 4pm.

Master's degree research project - participant recruitment

2 May 2024 (Pierre Meziere)

Calling secondary teachers of French! Your input would be appreciated in a research study being conducted for a Master’s dissertation in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition at the University of Oxford.

The project aims to study how teachers of French perceive themselves and what relationship they maintain with the language, especially how labels such as ‘native speaker’ and ‘non-native speaker’ affect their personal and professional identities but also their teaching practices. 

This project is going to take place over two periods: an initial questionnaire followed by a round of interviews in French on a voluntary basis. 

The only requirements are:

  1. to be a teacher of French and
  2. to have experience in the UK (at secondary level preferably)

Link to the initial questionnaire.

Contact if you have any further questions.

Japanese Language Local Project Support Programme 2024-2025

1 May 2024 (Japan Foundation)

Funding is available for promoting Japanese language education in the UK. Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which promote Japanese language education, such as introducing Japanese into the curriculum, creating a Japanese club, supporting formal qualifications or other projects.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information or join one of the Q&A sessions on 8 May. Submit applications by 23 May 2024.


MTOT finalists' work on SCILT's website!

25 April 2024 (SCILT)

We are pleased to announce that the winning and highly commended entries from this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition are now available to view on the SCILT website. As it was the 10th anniversary year since the start of the competition in Scotland, you can also see a short video homage to MTOT over that time.

A massive thank you once again to all the pupils and teachers who participated this year and those who've supported the event previously.


Stephen Spender Prize 2024

23 April 2024 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Prize is the leading annual prize for poetry in translation, with categories for pupils, teachers and individual young people in the UK and Ireland, as well as an Open category for adults from all over the world. The rules are simple: translate into English any poem from any language – from French to Farsi, from Spanish to Somali – and win publication and cash prizes! There's also a Spotlight Prize category which this year celebrates the Portuguese language.

The 2024 prize opens on 1 May, but teachers can register to involve their students now. Visit the Stephen Spender Prize website for more information.


Schools Connect France

22 April 2024 (French Ministry of Education / British Council)

Developed in partnership with the French Ministry of Education and Youth, the Franco-British version of British Council's Schools Connect programme provides teachers with classroom resources and useful information designed to enrich international teaching and learning. 

Working with a wide range of schools across France through projects, events, courses and workshops, the British Council brings the best of UK expertise and innovation in school education and facilitates mutually beneficial relationships between school systems and professionals in France and the UK.

Visit the Schools Connect France website for more information and guidance on establishing a school partnership.


The Big Question - One step beyond!

19 April 2024 (SCILT)

Last year the SCILT Big Question series focused on the four core skills – listening, reading, writing and talking. This year we plan to go One Step Beyond!  

This series of weekly workshops in May and June aimed at secondary practitioners will take each skill to another level, looking at issues in that area and practical ways to approach them. Come and join us as we examine strategies and share resources and activities! 

Each session will feature the chance to hear from guest practitioners, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to these questions! 

The four sessions are: 

One step beyond listening – interpreting as a tool for learning and teaching 
Tuesday 21 May 16.00-17.00
Interpreting is often seen as a skill that is the preserve of specialists at post-university level, but it is an essential social skill for all learners and a useful language learning tool in preparing them for real-life situations in their jobs and studies. Engaging in active learning through simple interpreting tasks can motivate learners and have huge benefits for their listening and talking skills, and in this session we will look at ways to build this into learning and teaching. 

One step beyond talking – the importance of social-emotional learning in languages 
Wednesday 29 May 16.00-17.00 
Social-emotional learning (SEL) gives a framework for understanding the impact emotions have on learning. In the languages context, this is most visible when we need our learners to talk. This session will explore how SEL techniques can be used to improve learner confidence and self-efficacy, and help us develop an environment where learners feel empowered to use their talking skills with comfort. 

One step beyond the classroom – outdoor learning and languages
Wednesday 5 June 16.00-17.00
Outdoor learning is beneficial for young people’s mental, physical and emotional health. It’s also a great way to support language learning in a fun, relevant, impactful way. In this session, we will look at the advantages of taking language learning outdoors and share ideas and practical tips to make the most of your outdoor spaces.  

One step beyond reading and writing – the use of AI in languages: a blessing or a curse? 
Thursday 13 June 16.00-17.00
What are the implications of AI for languages education in schools? Does it require a total rethink, as suggested in Professor Zhao’s article? In this session we will examine the benefits and issues around the growth of AI and how this can work for learners and for us in languages classes. 

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers; attend as many or as few as you wish! 

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer which can be shared with colleagues.

Related Files

Celebrating the learning of Mandarin within Scottish schools

16 April 2024 (SCEN)

SCEN are keen to showcase and promote the learning of Mandarin within schools in Scotland. You are invited to create a short (around five minutes) video to celebrate the learning of Mandarin in your school.

Take a look at the video produced by Boroughmuir High School (and associated primaries) in Edinburgh sharing their thoughts as they continue their Mandarin journey.

Submissions will be promoted and shared on the SCEN website.

For further information, advice and support about making a short film in your school please contact

Italian poster competition - Winners announced!

11 April 2024 (SCILT)

We’re delighted to announce the winners of our recent poster competition for school-aged learners of Italian of any level (including those with no prior learning). The prompt was ‘Cosa significa L’Italia per me’ – what Italy means to me – and we asked learners to include as much Italian language as they were able to. We received some fantastic entries across the four different age categories, and the S1-S3 category was especially popular, so we decided to feature some specially commended entries too. A big thanks to everyone who created a poster for the competition, and to their teachers who sent in all the entries!


The Gimagine Award

11 April 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

The Gimagine Award for young learners (aged 14-18) is finally here! Become one of the first classgroups to enrol in this new online programme to engage your students through fun German videos and bite-sized exercises. Enter your classgroup in the First Finisher’s Competition for a chance to win an invitation to the Sommerfest der deutschen Sprachen on 1 July, hosted by the German Embassy in London! Travel costs will be covered. Submission deadline is 9 June 2024. Please note only state schools are eligible for participation.

Visit the Goethe-Institut Gimagine Award website for more information.


Professional Development Trainers for German Teachers - Call for Applications!

9 April 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

We are keen to expand our GEM (German Expert Mentors) programme and would like to offer teachers across the UK the opportunity to offer school-to-school support via coaching and training. We are currently looking for German teachers in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland who would like to work for us as professional development trainers for German teachers. On behalf of the Goethe-Institut they will be offering coaching and training courses for German teachers across the UK.

Along with several years of experience in teaching German as a foreign language at a primary or secondary school, applicants must have the support and approval of their headteacher confirming that the school supports their participation in the programme. 

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for full details and to apply. Deadline extended to 7 May 2024.


Immersion courses in Spain

9 April 2024 (Consejería de Educación)

British/Irish teachers of Spanish can apply for a one-week immersion course for Summer 2024 in Ávila, Segovia or Santander (a good command of Spanish is required).

The grant covers the course, accommodation and meals, as well as the cultural programme. The grant does not cover the journey to Spain or the return to the UK. Travel and/or health insurance is also not included

This call is not for Spanish nationals.

Visit the Consejería de Educación website for more information and apply by 24 April 2024.


DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2024 – ‘What a year! Schlagzeilen aus der Zukunft’

28 March 2024 (DAAD/ILCS)

The DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2024 is now live! All levels of German learners are invited to take part, use their written German skills and have the chance to win some exciting prizes.

GLC 2024:

This year, the competition takes newspapers as its theme. Entrants are asked to put together the front page of a fictional newspaper in the German-speaking world. The catch: they are writing the final edition of 2024 and must select the most important stories of a year that has not yet finished.

Who knows what the year might bring? How is our understanding of events influenced by the way they are reported? By writing two or three short articles from different categories, participants have complete freedom to imagine how the year might unfold and bring their unique voice and perspective to the reporting. It allows entrants to explore the world of news and German-language media and play with different writing styles.

All winners will be invited to a journalism workshop and prize ceremony in London, with an overnight stay for those coming from outside of London! This will take place in October 2024.

Teaching materials:

We would especially like to draw your attention to the teaching and learning material which we have prepared to accompany the competition this year. A workbook can be found on our website with exercises on topics related to journalism for students at all levels, and which can be used both for classwork and individually. There is also a separate document which compiles background information on the press in Germany, a useful newspaper glossary, German media resources for learners to explore and further teaching materials designed by German organisations explicitly for use in schools!

How to enter:

You can find all information about the competition including the brief, instructions on how to take part and the teaching and learning material on the DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2024 website.

The closing date for entries to the competition is 6 June 2024.


DYW Live - Languages and Your Career

22 March 2024 (SCILT / eSgoil)

SCILT is going to be offering two more online Languages and Your Career sessions before the summer and we'd love to see you there! These sessions will be different from previous ones offered as they will be tailored specifically to particular groups of learners. These will be:

Wednesday 15 May 11.00 - 12.00, a session aimed specifically at Secondary BGE learners (S1-3) which will explore the fun, transferrable employability skills associated with languages. We will examine together how these are a valuable asset in any learner’s skillset.

Tuesday 11 June 2.00 – 3.00, a session aimed directly at Senior Phase pupils just starting new courses. This will look further forward from the perspective of those who have already chosen languages and will include tips on making the most of the language learning experience in school and beyond.

Like previous sessions, these webinars aim to introduce learners to the importance of languages and their associated skills in the workplace, break down stereotypes of careers that use languages, identify appropriate career pathways, and hear examples of people who use languages in their daily work.

Both sessions will take place within the Languages and Your Career Glow Team. Registration is via e-Sgoil.


Your Voice Matters: Survey on Partnerships, Links and Exchanges

18 March 2024 (UK-German Connection)

Share your thoughts on UK-German school partnerships - whether you already have a long-standing partnership, have just started out, or would like to establish a link, UK-German Connection would like to hear your views. We are currently reviewing our opportunities and services that we provide to schools and teachers to determine how we can best support you and your UK-German school partnerships. 

The survey closes on 17 April 2024. Your suggestions will be anonymised and will help us tailor and develop our future offers and support services.

In the survey, you will also have the opportunity to register your interest in a partner-finder seminar with teachers from Germany, expected to take place in Autumn 2024.

Thank you for your participation!


Foyle Young Poets Award 2024

12 March 2024 (Poetry Society)

The Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award is one of the biggest and most prestigious poetry competitions for 11-17 year olds in the world. Every year, 15 top winners and 85 commended poets are chosen; together, they represent some of the most exciting new voices writing today.

This year’s judges are the fantastic Vanessa Kisuule and Jack Underwood, and they can’t wait to read your poems! If you’re aged 11-17, send in your poems for the chance to be among the 100 winners and kick-start your writing career.

Teachers, librarians and youth workers are encouraged to enter class sets of students’ poems using the teacher submission portal.

Poems must be written in English, but you can include phrases in your mother tongue or another language. 

Entry deadline is 31 July 2024.

Visit the website for more information.


Applications to host a Modern Language Assistant for 2024-25 are open now!

29 February 2024 (British Council)

Hosting a Language Assistant helps enhance language learning, boost student results and build cultural capital. Flexible hosting options are available with different placement lengths and sharing possibilities.

Applications to host a Modern Language Assistant for the 2024-25 academic year are now open (29 February – 30 April). To guarantee a Mandarin Chinese Language Assistant, you must submit your application by 28 March.

Our team is well-equipped to support you and we would love to hear from you if you would like to discuss how we could help make it work for you in 2024-25. To speak to a colleague, please email

Visit the British Council website to find out more. 


Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2023-24 winners announced!

23 February 2024 (SCILT)

It gave us great pleasure to welcome pupils, teachers and special guests to our online 10th anniversary Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition awards on 21 February. The date chosen for the event was significant being International Mother Language Day, a day to celebrate all world languages. We were delighted to announce the following winners and highly commended entries in each category:

Mother Tongue


  • Yuexin Li, St Martin's Primary (Winner)
  • Taras Sukhodolskyi, West Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Vova Abramov, West Primary (Highly Commended)


  • Timothy Ishie, St James' Primary (Winner)
  • Artem Bonardchuk, St John Ogilvie Primary ((Highly Commended)
  • Chizara, Rua, Godwin & Mariama, St Maria Goretti Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Hasnain Ali Shah, West Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Kate Kaludova, West Primary (Highly Commended)


  • Lavina Tsang, Craigmount High School (Winner)
  • Alexia Rigg, Glasgow Gaelic School (Highly Commended)
  • Ewen Darroch, Glasgow Gaelic School (Highly Commended)
  • Jenny, Gemma, Sophie, Tess, Asra & Emma, Craigmount High School (Highly Commended)
  • Mairi Stephen, Glasgow Gaelic School (Highly Commended)


  • Nova Senkowska, Mearns Castle High School (Winner)
  • Anotidaishe Mugwagwa, Kirkintilloch High School (Highly Commended)

Other Tongue


  • Naomi & Caellum, Bunessan Primary (Winner)
  • P4 Class, The Glasgow Academy Newlands & MIlngavie (Highly Commended)


  • Alasdair MacDonald, Salen Primary (Winner)
  • Lauren Stewart, Goodlyburn Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Lilia Fournier, George Watson's College (Highly Commended)


  • Amelia Armstrong, Kirkintilloch High School (Winner)
  • Emma Pacci, Bearsden Academy (Highly Commended)
  • Harrison Williams, Craigmount High School (Highly Commended)


  • Natasha Dickson, Kirkintilloch High School (Winner)
  • Abby Leitch, Graeme High School (Highly Commended)
  • Katie MacNeil, Kirkintilloch High School (Highly Commended)

All our finalists will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also receive a trophy and be offered the chance for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward.

This year we were also delighted to host a special strand of the competition focusing on Spanish entries. The winning entries in this category were:

  • Emma Llovera Meneses - Kirklandneuk Primary
  • Axel Llovera Meneses - Kirklandneuk Primary
  • The Language Ambassadors (Araav, Vihaan, Grace, Marc, Alexander, Poppy, Anaya & Maya) - The Glasgow Academy
  • Spanish Club (Brooklyn, Bion, Rishi & Tobi) – Craigmount High School

Teachers with students who entered in this category will be contacted separately regarding their awards which are kindly sponsored by the Instituto Cervantes in Manchester.

It is our intention to host each of the finalists’ poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available to view.

Congratulations again to all our finalists and a big thank you for supporting the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition!

Clydeview Academy pupils make a movie about world peace

23 February 2024 (Greenock Telegraph)

A bunch of rookie movie makers have made the cut by reaching the final of a national film competition.

Pupils at Clydeview Academy created their own storyboard to enter a filmmaking contest run by The Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET).

The project is entitled Our World and aims to encourage global citizenship, language learning and uptake among pupils.

Language teacher Vanessa Hall, who runs the club with colleague Lucy McCue, said: "It started in August, we were trying to widen pupils' use of language and making a film makes it more fun.

"The storyboard was based on the UN's sustainable goals and the pupils used two languages, Ukrainian and French.

"The theme is based on World Peace and is entitled Open Your Eyes."


The Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators

22 February 2024 (University of Oxford)

The Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators is run by Queen's Translation Exchange, University of Oxford. The competition is free to enter and aims to promote language learning across the UK and inspire creativity in the modern languages classroom. 

  • For students of French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Spanish in KS3-5.
  • In addition to the competition task, teachers receive up to 15 sets of resources for each language on translating poetry, fiction, non-fiction for use in the build-up to the competition.
  • Deadline for competition entries: 28 March 2024.
  • Winners selected for 10 geographical areas. National winners selected for each level in each language. All winners and commendations announced on our webpage.
  • Last year over 14,000 pupils across the UK took part and the feedback from teachers was enormously positive.
  • Teachers can register to receive classroom resources and competition tasks on the Anthea Bell Prize website.

For more information visit the website or contact:


Professional Enrichment Programme: application deadline approaching!

20 February 2024 (UK-German Connection)

The Professional Enrichment Programme offers qualified UK teachers a funded opportunity to visit a German school for 1-2 weeks during the 2023-24 school year to develop skills and knowledge through intercultural exchange.

The programme is open to teachers of all disciplines and you don’t need to have an existing link with Germany to take part. Teachers can either visit their partner school or be matched with a German host school.

Application deadline: 1 March 2024 

A Q&A webinar is being held on Tuesday 27 February at 4.30pm to answer your questions and provide guidance.


French Pop Video Competition 2024

20 February 2024 (Institut français)

The French Pop Video Competition is a national competition organised by Francophonie UK supported by TV5Monde for all primary and secondary students of French in the UK.

Students get to engage with French in a creative and fun way, improving writing skills and vocabulary by creating their own lyrics and practising speaking skills by performing and recording their song/rap.

Visit the Institut français website to learn more and register to take part in the competition by 10 March 2024. The deadline for entries is 1 May 2024.


Branching out with languages – workshop series for mainstream and complementary school teachers

13 February 2024 (Bilingualism Matters / SCILT)

Bilingualism Matters and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages are offering a series of free, online professional learning workshops for teachers in complementary and heritage language schools, based in the UK and beyond. The remaining workshops in the series are:

February workshop - The Language Learning Buzz: Strategies to engage and motivate learners, both online and in the classroom. This session is run by Karen Faulds and Suzanne Ritchie from SCILT. 

March workshop - The Supportive Classroom: Strategies to support learning and encourage positive mindsets within a group of mixed ability learners. This session is run by Karen Faulds and Suzanne Ritchie from SCILT. 

See the attached flyer for more information. You can book a place at these workshops via the Bilingualism Matters website.


Related Files

German Pupil Courses 2024

9 February 2024 (UK-German Connection)

Applications for UK-German Connection's summer courses for German learners and CPD opportunities for teachers are now open. Encourage your pupils to apply for this unique chance to spend two weeks in Germany, bringing language learning to life!

German Pupil Courses

  • Two-week partly-funded course in July or August for pupils in Year 10 & 12 (England, Wales) / Year 11 & 13 (Northern Ireland) / S3 & S5 (Scotland).
  • Open to enthusiastic and committed students who have been learning German for at least two years and have an interest in experiencing the culture first-hand through excursions, lessons, and staying with a host family.
  • Apply by 1 March 2024

“The opportunity to have German language and cultural lessons at a school, therefore experiencing the school day, and generally connecting with others in the group - as well as host siblings - was invaluable”
(2023 Participant)

CPD opportunity for teachers

  • Paid roles available for qualified secondary UK teachers to act as group leaders on the German Pupil Courses in July or August and accompany a group of pupils to Germany.
  • Immerse yourself in school and cultural life in Germany whilst leading language lessons and workshops in an authentic environment and gaining invaluable leadership skills.
  • Deadline: 1 March 2024

“I am so very grateful to have had the faith shown in me to be a Group Leader. I absolutely loved working with the participants and all the German teachers; there was just such a feel-good atmosphere to the whole experience.”
(2023 Group Leader)

Upcoming Q&A webinars

We’re hosting Q&A webinars for pupils, parents, and teachers throughout the application period to offer guidance and answer your questions. Upcoming dates:

  • Thursday, 22 February
  • Monday, 26 February
  • Wednesday, 28 February

Should you require further information, please don’t hesitate to send us an email at

Goethe-Institut competitions for schools

8 February 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of opportunities for schools. The following competitions are currently running:

  • Internationale Deutscholympiade (IDO) - the deadline for applications to the Internationale Deutscholympiade 2024 has been extended. Until 18 February 2024, students aged 14-17 can take part in the virtual national preliminaries. There's also an opportunity to become an accompanying teacher for the two UK finalists who take part in the IDO in Göttingen in July.
  • Sustainable Cooking & German Competition with FitGreenMind - open to UK primary and secondary classes. Submission deadline 29 February 2024.
  • Enterprise German competition (“Unternehmen Deutsch”) - this project combines aspects of German, economics, and professional orientation with a motivating competition. School classes from secondary schools in the UK and university students can register by 15 March 2024.

Glasgow Film Festival 2024

8 February 2024 (Glasgow Film Festival)

Taking place from 28 February to 10 March 2024, the Glasgow Film Festival offers a wide range of screenings, including films in different languages.

Visit the GFF website for full programme details.


Celebrate Speaking!

1 February 2024 (British Council)

Join us during February for our festival of language when your students can show off their language skills. This can be a language they are learning at school or one they speak in their community. It’s about sharing a love of language and celebrating the diversity of people in the UK who speak a language other than English. 

It's easy to take part! Visit the British Council website for more information.


Calling all former languages leadership participants

31 January 2024 (SCILT)

If you are one of the nearly 400 educators who have completed the national languages leadership professional learning programme run by SCILT and Education Scotland since 2014 then we want to hear from you!

Like Dr Who, the programme has regenerated several times, each time with the same central aim to build capacity in languages education across Scotland. You may have been at the Summer Schools in Glasgow for Train the Trainer (2014-2017) or the 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme (2017-2019).  Perhaps you were online with Scotland’s Languages Leadership Programme (2020-2022). You may have achieved a GTCS Professional Recognition, then again maybe you haven’t. Whatever the case, all previous participants are welcome to join this new national alumni network.

If took part in any of those scenarios, are you interested in connecting (reconnecting?) with friends, colleagues and peers who are leading, teaching and championing languages education in primary, secondary and special education settings across Scotland?

Yes? Then sign up to the national SLLP alumni network! 

We will seek ideas from network members on the type of opportunities that would be the most useful. Ways to interact, opportunities to connect and support, inspire and motivate each other, to share experiences and hear from other leaders in the field.

The first network meeting is online, 16.00-17.00 Thursday 29 February 2024. Making leap day extra special!

It doesn’t matter when you completed the programme, whether or not you gained GTCS Professional Recognition with us or even if you are now in a different job. There are lots of ways that together, we can continue to strengthen the languages education leadership community in Scotland.

To join the network and register for the first meeting at the same time, please fill in the online form via the link below.


UK-German Connection initiatives

30 January 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of opportunities for UK-German school partnerships. The following initiatives are currently available. Follow the title link for more information:

German Pupil Courses – Applications open

Applications for the German Pupil Courses this summer are now open. These 2-week immersive courses offers UK pupils the opportunity to experience Germany and its culture, language and lifestyle first-hand through spending time with host families and undertaking cultural activities.

Pupils in S3 or S5 who are learning German and are enthusiastic to gain an insight into life in Germany and practise their language skills are encouraged to apply.

Applications are open until 1 March 2024

CPD Opportunity – German Pupil Course Group Leaders

Paid roles are available for secondary teachers to act as group leaders on the summer German Pupil Courses, accompanying a group of 12 pupils to Germany and spend two weeks immersed in the daily life, German language, and culture.

Applications are open until 1 March 2024

Applications for Professional Enrichment Programme are now open

The Professional Enrichment Programme offers qualified UK teachers a funded opportunity to visit a German school for 1-2 weeks during the 2023-24 school year to develop skills and knowledge through intercultural exchange.

The programme is open to teachers of all disciplines and you don’t need to have an existing link with Germany to take part. Teachers can either visit their partner school or be matched with a German host school.

Application deadline: 1 March 2024 

On Thursday, 1 February and Tuesday, 27 February at 4.30pm we are hosting a Q&A webinar to answer your questions and provide guidance.

Discovering the World of Arabic 2024-25: Secondary course

30 January 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International, is opening registrations for schools who would like to take part in our Discovering the World of Arabic programme in session 2024/25.  

For the coming session, schools will be able to access our traditional courses which run from September to March, or select our shorter introductory courses to offer an experience of Arabic as an L3 to their learners. 

All participating schools will receive: 

  • A dedicated live online lesson delivered every week via Glow Teams for each individual school (time to be agreed with each school) 
  • Asynchronous materials to consolidate and further explore Arabic language and Arab cultures 
  • Ongoing support from the SCILT team  
  • Schools that are new to the programme will be eligible for a start-up grant of £2000, while all participating schools can bid for funding to provide resources and experiences that enhance the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures 

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for local authority secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and cultures. BGE and Senior Phase courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and specially commissioned writers, with language lessons delivered online by teachers of Arabic. Both courses focus on developing conversational Arabic which will enhance learners’ understanding of Arab cultures and, in the Senior Phase course, their employability skills.  

Discovering the World of Arabic is aimed at beginner learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and develop their portfolio of skills. The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language. 

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form by Friday 26 April 2024. Responses given on the note of interest form may inform the final selection of schools for this opportunity. 

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions.  

Register your interest in VETs Term 2, April – June 2024

25 January 2024 (CISS)

Scottish schools can now register interest in the next block of the Mandarin Virtual Exchange Teacher programme, running from w/c 22 April – w/c 17 June 2024.  

Over eight weeks, classes will be allocated a pair of student teachers who will work with their class to delivery weekly live streamed Mandarin lessons. The project provides classes for beginner level 1, 2 & 3. The courses are also suitable as L3 provision for BGE pupils in P5-7, as well as being suitable for Secondary BGE learners.

There will be an online information meeting (with a choice of two dates on either 8 or 20 February), to give an overview of the course and what is required of Scottish class teachers. Attendance at an information meeting is a requirement to participate in the programme, with the exception of teachers who have previously attended an information session and/or taken part in the VET programme within the last year. Teachers who are new to the programme are required to attend the meeting, even if the school has taken part previously.

You can find more information about the programme, as well as a link to register your interest and attendance at an information meeting (if required), on the CISS website.

VET flyer


Upcoming training opportunities for teachers of Spanish

25 January 2024 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación offers a range of professional learning opportunities for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant link below to find out more about each upcoming event and to register:

  • 'Artifical intelligences and tasks for the ELE classroom', Tuesday 6 February

    This is the first in a series of online workshops for Spanish teachers from February to March 2024. Register for the free workshop by 4 February.

  • Grants for an immersion course in Spain (Ávila, Segovia and Santander) 

    4 one-week immersion courses in July or August 2024 in Ávila, Segovia or Santander aimed at British/Irish teachers of Spanish.

    The grant covers the course, accommodation and meals, as well as the cultural programme.  The grant does not cover the journey to Spain or the return to the UK. Travel and/or health insurance is also not included.

    This call is not for Spanish nationals. Application period will be announced from March.
  • Immersion course in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), April 2024

    Registration is now open for the Spanih teacher training course "Curso de actualización para el profesorado de ELE: lengua, cultura y didáctica" organised by the University of Santiago de Compostela.

    ​Dates: 8 - 12 April 2024

    Number of hours: 20 (face-to face)

    • Nuevas tecnologías en el aula de ELE
    • Dinámicas de proyecto, actividades cooperativas y pedagogías innovadoras
    • Lengua y cultura española( literatura, cine y música)
    • El Camino de Santiago en el aula el ELE
    • Actividades culturales incluidas en el curso:
    • Visita guiada a la ciudad monumental
    • Visita guiada al Patrimonio Histórico artístico de la Universidad
    • More information about registration, prices and accomodation:

Italian poster competition - Cosa significa l’Italia per me

25 January 2024 (SCILT)

We are launching a new poster competition for school-aged learners of Italian (this includes those with no prior learning). We would love you to use whatever knowledge of Italian and Italy that you have to show what Italy means to you. 

Your challenge:  

  • Design a poster, including as much Italian language as you can, to show what Italy means to you. 
  • Use the title Cosa significa l’Italia per me
  • Individual or group entries are welcome. Group entries: use the title Cosa significa l’Italia per noi
  • Judging categories: P1-4, P5-7, S1-3, S4-6. 
  • This competition is open to all learners regardless of level of Italian. This includes those with no prior learning. The variation in Italian language content that will naturally result from this will be taken into account in the judging process.  
  • Closing date extended to Thursday 7 March 2024
  • Entries should be emailed by teachers in the form of a photograph to with Italian Poster Competition in the email subject line. 
  • A signed Submission and Consent Form (attached below) should also be sent at the same time for each entry. It is perfectly acceptable to upload a photograph of this form; it is not necessary to scan the document. 
  • In order to assist judging, please ensure that the sections of the Submission Form indicating level of Italian learning and where the inspiration for the poster came from are completed. 
  • Each entry should state the school name, pupil name and age category in its file name. 
  • Winners will be notified and announced around Easter 2024. 

A downloadable flyer is attached. 

We look forward to seeing your entries! 

Languages Week Scotland: SCILT/Scotdec special events!

18 January 2024 (SCILT / Scotdec)

To celebrate the LWS 2024 theme of Languages for a Sustainable World, SCILT and Scotdec are pleased to offer two CLPL opportunities on making language learning relevant and motivating with a Global Citizenship approach.

There will be a session for Primary teachers and a separate session for Secondary teachers. Both sessions will offer insights into how languages education can be a catalyst for fostering global awareness, empathy and a sense of responsibility.

More information and booking details via the following links:

Reminder: SCILT ECT Professional learning menu

18 January 2024 (SCILT)

Building on our track record of supporting student teachers and early career teachers, in the 2023-24 session we have launched a specific menu of workshops tailored to the needs of student teachers and early career teachers in primary and secondary sectors. Importantly, the development of this menu was informed by student teachers, probationer mentors and teacher educators. 

Are you a probationer/ECT support manager or professional learning officer for your local authority?

Are you a programme lead or module lead on an undergraduate or postgraduate ITE programme for primary or secondary teaching at a Scottish university?

Yes? Then workshops from the SCILT ECT Professional Learning menu 2023-24 could complement the content of your existing modules or professional learning programme for the newest entrants to our profession.

Interactive, up-to-date and relevant, these SCILT workshops give student teachers and early career teachers the opportunity to explore aspects of practice with their peers. Online or in person. No charge.

In terms of content, secondary workshops focus on developing practice to support skills development, classroom management and support for application and interview for languages posts. Meanwhile, primary workshops focus on introductory approaches and interdisciplinary contexts for teaching languages eg digital, outdoor, DYW and intercultural understanding.

See the full menu above and access the booking request form.

If there is anything particular that your student or early career teachers need, we are always happy to develop bespoke inputs too. Email with any queries.

Remember we also run sector-specific professional learning for student and early career teachers available to book by individuals. Keep an eye on the e-bulletin for further information.

Goethe-Institut opportunities for schools

16 January 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut has a range of initiatives to support the teaching and learning of German in UK schools. The following opportunities are currently available. Follow the appropriate link for more information:

  • Getvico 24 - Call for papers - the virtual German teacher conference that takes you around the world in 24 hours is seeking contributions from those who would like to share their ideas and findings from teaching practice. Abstracts accepted until 15 March 2024.
  • Sustainable Cooking Competition in German - open to UK primary and secondary schools with entries accepted from classes, smaller groups or individuals. The challenge is to find a recipe you like and make it vegan, recording a video of your cooking journey. Submit by 29 February 2024.
  • Dossier: nachhaltige Infrastruktur - if you're interested in teaching sustainable development in industry, innovation, and infrastructure in your classroom this dossier can help prepare you by providing background information, teaching materials for your German classroom and a competition for your students. Enterprise German challenges secondary students to develop a sustainable and innovative product or service.

Upcoming UK-German opportunities

16 January 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of opportunities to foster partnerships between schools in the UK and Germany. Follow the relevant links below to learn more about their upcoming initiatives:

For teachers

  • Professional Enrichment Programme - funded opportunity for qualified UK teachers to visit a German school for one or two weeks during the summer term of 2023-24. Apply by 1 March 2024. You can also find out more at the Q&A webinar on 1 February.

For students

  • German pupil courses - open to Year 10 and 12 pupils (and equivalent years in Scotland and Northern Ireland) offering pupils the chance to spend two immersive weeks in Germany experiencing the culture and language. Applications open 24 January and close on 1 March 2024. Teachers of German can also experience the immersion and excitement by applying to be a Group Leader and accompany a group of motivated young people and surround yourself with natives to sharpen your language skills.
  • Café Connect for Schools and Youth Groups - adapted from our classic ‘Café Connect‘, for individual young people, we are now offering this virtual exchange café to partner schools and youth groups as a chance to meet up online in a friendly atmosphere and take part in fun, interactive activities, and group discussions on current topics.
  • Still & Sparkling Youth Newsletter - share this opportunity with creative individuals aged 14+ who would like to contribute to our youth newsletter. Successful submissions will be published in our next edition and featured on our social media channels. Deadline: 9 February 2024.


  • Grants for joint activities - grants are available for schools and youth groups with a partner in Germany for planning visits and group exchange trips. Applications can be submitted at any time provided they reach us at least six weeks before the start of the trip or project. Sign up for Q&A webinars on funding strands on the webpage.

If you have any further questions about the range of opportunities available, email the team at

Celebrate Speaking

16 January 2024 (British Council)

Practise and celebrate a language your students are learning or use in their community, and take part in a virtual festival of speaking! 

Join us during February for our festival of language when your students can show off their language skills. This can be a language they are learning at school or one they speak in their community. It’s about sharing a love of language and celebrating the diversity of people in the UK who speak a language other than English. 

It's easy to take part! Visit the British Council website for more information.


Global Classroom Pair-Share

16 January 2024 (Global Seal of Biliteracy)

Global Seal of Biliteracy invites language educators to join its third cohort of the Global Classroom Pair-Share.

Global Classroom Pair-Share is a new, innovative way to connect classrooms around the globe with a shared focus on learning language and discovering new places and cultures. If you’re interested in growing your students’ language skills while growing global connections, you are the perfect candidate to participate. Global Classroom Pair-Share provides teachers with FREE professional development, opportunities to collaborate with other language teachers from around the world and participate in multiple real-time and asynchronous classroom interactions.

Teachers can match with another global classroom for three months with an expectation of one shared collaborative project per month. At the end of the three months, teacher participants can receive three free student tests to qualify for a Global Seal of Biliteracy. Signing up for the programme includes free professional development on second language acquisition and lesson design. 

This programme starts in February and is open to language classrooms in mainstream and heritage schools. 

Visit the Global Seal of Biliteracy website for more information and to register by 22 January.


Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators

16 January 2024 (Queen's College Oxford)

Inspired by the life and work of the great translator Anthea Bell, the competition aims to promote language learning across the UK and to inspire creativity in the classroom. By providing teachers with the tools they need to bring translation to life, we hope to motivate more pupils to study modern foreign languages throughout their time at school and beyond.

The Prize is free to enter and open to all secondary schools across the UK. The Prize currently offers French (into Welsh and English), Spanish, German, Italian and Mandarin. Teachers can register for the prize at any point in the year. The competition will run from February to March in 2024. 

Visit the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators website for more information.


Reminder: SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2023-24

11 January 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT’s CLPL workshop menu for 2023-24 is still available for your booking requests. 

Are you responsible for sourcing high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of colleagues in your setting, cluster, local authority or RIC?

You will be interested in our professional learning offer for all sectors.

The content of the eleven workshops is informed by feedback from teachers and practitioners on their professional learning needs. If your needs are different, we are more than happy to develop the bespoke inputs you and your colleagues require. Just ask.

Always interactive and up-to-date, SCILT workshops provide the opportunity for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of practice with our experienced Professional Development Officers. Our team has a finite capacity, so get in your request as soon as you can.

The focus of workshops for 2023-24 are wide ranging, covering the following issues:

Cross Sector

  • Primary-Secondary Transition

Primary and Early Years

  • Families on board? Developing a family friendly approach to languages in your setting
  • Getting outdoors with languages and learning
  • Celebrating cultural diversity through languages in EY and primary
  • An introduction to multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy
  • Languages in primary: assessing pupils’ learning, evaluating teaching


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum
  • Social-Emotional Learning for languages

For more details, and to make a request for a group visit our Professional Learning webpage.

Note that open access online workshops take place across the year. Registration for these will be open to individuals and details will be shared in the SCILT ebulletin.


UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO) 2024

9 January 2024 (UKLO)

UKLO (United Kingdom Linguistics Olympiad) is a language-analysis competition for all ages. We create linguistics puzzles and run competitions for school children to encourage a lifelong interest in the world’s languages.

The competition is offered at four levels of difficulty for KS2 – KS5, and provide Gold, Silver and Bronze awards, as well as participation certificates, at each level.

The highest scoring students proceed through a couple more rounds of testing and coaching before we present them for the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) where they compete against other countries. 

UKLO questions require no preliminary knowledge in language, linguistics or any other subject taught at school. From decoding alien messages to scents and smells, UKLO questions are diverse with over 70 confirmed different variations. There is something for everyone.

Visit the UKLO website to find out more and register to take part by 29 January.


eSgoil online courses for 2024-25

5 January 2024 (eSgoil)

Looking to broaden your learners' horizons and your school's curricular offer? We are offering a range of language NQs and work-related courses for 2024-25, delivered at no cost via live, online and interactive lessons.

Explore the details in the online brochure. 


DYW Live eSgoil Languages Week 2024

12 December 2023 (DYW / eSgoil)

To celebrate Languages Week 2024 we’d like to highlight several exciting courses through DYW Live involving languages. We have sessions for Primary, Secondary and a CLPL for Primary Teachers all around the benefits languages can bring to learners and their future pathways.

Visit the webpage for full details.


Edward Welch: North would be poorer in so many ways without language learning opportunities

11 December 2023 (Press and Journal)

It was a pleasure recently to visit Cults Academy and talk to S3 pupils about the horizons broadened by language learning.

We were joined by a final-year student from the University of Aberdeen, who enthused them with stories about her placement year in France. As many do, she had found her time abroad transformative.

Being part of daily life and culture in another country is a hothouse for language skills. And living on one’s wits in another language is ideal for building personal confidence and resilience.

With their passion for global languages and cultures, our students are ideal ambassadors. They can inspire the next generation of learners and remind them that all the hard work of “getting the grammar right” is worth the effort, because it unlocks the door to new ways of seeing the world.

In partnership with SCILT, Scotland’s national centre for languages, the University of Aberdeen has developed a new language mentoring scheme that pairs languages students with budding linguists in schools.


SCILT Winter newsletter published!

8 December 2023 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published. Read about SCILT's work to support language learning and teaching, including our professional learning opportunities, language promotional activities, and support for language learners at all levels. Find out how schools celebrated European Day of Languages 2023 and read about the latest inspiring initiatives from local authorities. There is also an opportunity to read about the work of our partners to support language learning in Scotland.


Register now for the first GTCS-recognised Scots Language Teacher CPD Course

7 December 2023 (OU / Education Scotland)

We are launching the first ever Scots Language Masters-level teacher CPD programme for in-service teachers teaching at any level in a Scottish school. Hosted by the Open University in Scotland and designed and delivered by the OU in partnership with Education Scotland, this exciting new professional learning opportunity for Scotland’s teachers is now open for registration. There are 25 free places available for this online programme. These places for the first course cohort are funded by the Scottish Government.

The deadline to register and be one of the first 25 teachers to study the course for free is Monday 21st December. Notifications to confirm places will be issued on Tuesday 22nd. For those who either weren’t in the initial 25 for this year, or who already have CPD commitments for this academic year, you will be given priority for cohort 2 which will begin in the 2024-25 academic year. 

Visit the course landing page for more information and the online registration form.


FOKUS, films from Germany 2024

7 December 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

Supported by FilmHub Scotland, the Goethe-Institut Glasgow is celebrating the 8th anniversary of the Scotland-wide German film festival Fokus.

The announced programme showcases the diversity of voices found in German cinema – past and present. Between 9 January – 31 January 2024, Fokus will celebrate the range of German contemporary filmmaking.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for full programme details.


Branching out with languages – workshop series for mainstream and complementary school teachers

7 December 2023 (Bilingualism Matters / SCILT)

Bilingualism Matters and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages are offering a series of free, online professional learning workshops for teachers in complementary and heritage language schools, based in the UK and beyond.

Workshop 1 - The Bigger Picture: The basics of bilingual language development and the role of teachers, parents and communities. This session is run by Prof Antonella Sorace and Katarzyna Przybycien from Bilingualism Matters and the University of Edinburgh.

Workshop 2 - The Language Learning Buzz: Strategies to engage and motivate learners, both online and in the classroom. This session is run by Karen Faulds and Suzanne Ritchie from SCILT. 

Workshop 3 - The Supportive Classroom: Strategies to support learning and encourage positive mindsets within a group of mixed ability learners. This session is run by Karen Faulds and Suzanne Ritchie from SCILT. 

See the attached flyer for more information. You can book a place at these workshops via the Bilingualism Matters website.


Related Files

SCILT Christmas 2023 webpage - now live!

1 December 2023 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your learners, from interactive advent calendars and games, to festive facts, songs and downloadable worksheets. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and many other places around the world!


Subject Choices online workshops

30 November 2023 (eSgoil)

eSgoil's Subject Choices online workshops will run from 4 - 8 December. This is a week of live input to help students navigate the process of subject choices. Each day has a different focus, and Languages are the focus on Wednesday 6 December.

Visit the eSgoil website for full programme details and to register for the workshops.


MTOT entry deadline approaching!

24 November 2023 (SCILT)

Schools who’ve registered for this year’s Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition have until Friday 1 December to submit entries! Submission guidelines are on the SCILT website. 


Motivating students to stick with language learning

20 November 2023 (SecEd)

In an increasingly globalised and diverse world, the role of languages in supporting open communication, effective collaboration, and solving some of the world’s greatest shared challenges seems irrefutable.

Indeed, countless organisations have testified to the central role of international languages to the prosperity of the UK as a whole – economically, socially, and culturally (British Academy et al, 2020) – and yet, uptake of international languages at key curriculum stages continues to decline across the UK (Gorrara et al, 2020; Henderson & Carruthers, 2022).

With the belief that languages are more important now than they were 20 years ago, why are languages so overlooked by learners? And how can we, as practitioners, support a renewed and revitalised understanding of the critical role of languages?


International German Olympiad (IDO) 2024

16 November 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

The International German Olympiad takes place every two years and is the world's largest competition for the German language. Here, participants can prove their German language skills in three levels (A2, B1 and B2). In addition to the focus on language skills, both national and international competitions promote intercultural skills and international teamwork.

The digital national preliminary round for participants from the UK runs from 6 November 2023 to 31 January 2024. Information on how to participate in the national preliminary round can be found on the Goethe-Institut IDO webpage.


Scottish Book Trust 50 word fiction competition

16 November 2023 (Scottish Book Trust)

Each month Scottish Book Trust runs a 50 Word Fiction competition with a prompt to get you started. The November competition prompt is inspired by the theme of this year's Book Week Scotland, Adventure!

The competition includes a category for Gaelic writers, so get creative and submit your entry by 28 November.


Critical Connections: Multilingual digital storytelling online professional development workshops

14 November 2023 (Critical Connections: Multilingual Digital Storytelling Project)

The Critical Connections Project is about enabling young people across the primary and secondary age range to create and share multilingual digital stories. It offers an approach to language learning, literacy and citizenship which recognises that communication is enhanced when plurilingual and digital resources are drawn upon purposefully and creatively. This asynchronous professional learning opportunity provides free to access workshops and invites educators to explore the possibilities of multilingual digital storytelling.

The Critical Connections online professional development workshops are now ready for you to download from the project website:   

Please note:

  1. A first step, especially for those new to multilingual digital storytelling should be to look at the Critical Connections: Handbook for Teachers.
  2. Workshops are based on experience of working on the project over the years and includes input from teachers.
  3. There is material aimed at colleagues new to digital storytelling as well as those operating at a more advanced level.
  4. We recognise that contexts in which the Critical Connections project is taking place differ in various ways and the resource is intended to be used flexibly.
  5. Comments and suggestions welcome.
  6. Downloading workshops works best with Google Chrome


How to successfully increase MFL uptake at GCSE

13 November 2023 (SecEd)

How did one school manage to double the number of students opting for a modern foreign language at GCSE? Raul Ramirez explains.


Subject Choices 2023

3 November 2023 (eSgoil)

eSgoil's Subject Choices online workshops will run from 4 - 8 December. This is a week of live input to help students navigate the process of subject choices. Each day has a different focus, and Languages are the focus on Wednesday.


JaLaChamp 2024 – Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK

2 November 2023 (Japan Foundation)

Applications are now open for JaLaChamp 2024!

JaLaChamp, or Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK, is a contest for primary and secondary school students studying Japanese. There are two categories - the speech category, where students give a speech on a theme of their choice, and the video category where students are asked to create an original video either by individual or part of a group.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information and to enter: 6 December 2023 deadline for speech category; 24 January 2024 deadline for video category.


International Education Week 2023

31 October 2023 (British Council)

Get ready for International Education Week 2023!

Taking place from 13 to 17 November, the event this year celebrates international partnerships.  

We’ve got lots of information and resources to help you open your students’ eyes to the world and build bridges to other cultures.

Join us to explore the power of partnerships to bring schools together across the globe, engaging and motivating students and helping them discover other languages, countries and cultures.

Visit the British Council website to discover the many ways your school can get involved.


French Film Festival learning programme for schools

30 October 2023 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK Learning Programme is once again delighted to bring French-speaking cinema free of charge to schools from 30 October to 15 December 2023!

Each of the four films will be accompanied by new learning packs in French and English. Selected films are all in French with English subtitles.

If you haven't done so already, there's still time to check out the programme and book your screenings. And for budding film critics, there's also the opportunity for pupils in Scotland to submit their film review with the chance to win a prize!

Visit the Festival website for full details.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - next deadline approaching!

26 October 2023 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates schools delivering DYW through languages and school-business partnerships whilst recognising good practice in this area. The award, which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the value of language skills in their school community. 

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 17 November 2023. 

Visit the SLEA webpage for more information.


UK-German Connection funding

24 October 2023 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection's Flexible Funding Scheme supports joint activities and projects between UK and German partner schools and youth groups, including visits or virtual activities.

The next deadline for funding applications is approaching. Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and submit applications by 31 October.


Enterprise German competition

24 October 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

Enterprise German (“Unternehmen Deutsch”) combines aspects of German, economics, and professional orientation with a motivating competition. School classes from secondary schools in the UK and university students who deal with the topic of career orientation in the classroom can participate, if their teacher or professor registers a participating group.

The initiative will take place from September 2023 to July 2024.

For more information, please visit the Goethe Institut website and register by 15 March 2024.


RZSS Programmes for Schools

12 October 2023 (RZSS)

RZSS Science in the Language Class - Many free language resources are available on the Science in Language Class website. There are a wide range of resources for Mandarin, Spanish and French along with free outreach sessions. Next year look out for further resources available in German and Gaelic and a new upper primary course for Spanish. 

Mandarin course - The Mandarin upper primary course is 3 weeks virtual sessions followed by an expert for the day!  (An in-person outreach visit to your school which can include other sessions for additional classes.)

Giants - A free outreach session aimed at upper primary level which can be linked to either Spanish or Mandarin

Stripy Tails - A free outreach session aimed at upper primary level which can be linked to either French or Mandarin

Contact for bookings. All are fully booked to December but there are still a few opportunities left from January 2024. 

See the Beyond the Panda webpage for details and resources. 


International Education Week 2023

10 October 2023 (British Council)

International Education Week 2023 will take place from 13 to 17 November and this year, we’re celebrating international partnerships.  

Join the British Council to explore the power of partnerships to bring schools together across the globe, engaging and motivating students and helping them discover other languages, countries and cultures.

We’ll be planning events and sharing resources over the coming weeks, so keep checking the website!


French Pop Video Competition 2024

9 October 2023 (Institut français)

The French Pop Video Competition is a national competition organised by Francophonie UK supported by TV5Monde for all KS1 to KS5 students of French in the UK.

Students get to engage with French in a creative and fun way, improving writing skills and vocabulary by creating their own lyrics and practising speaking skills by performing and recording their song/rap.

Visit the Institut français website to learn more about the competition and register by 10 March 2024 to take part.


French Teacher Award

9 October 2023 (Institut français)

Nominations are now opened for this year's French Teacher Award!

Each year two teachers of French (one primary, one secondary) are selected in recognition of their significant and committed contribution to French language education in their school and community.

Teachers can apply themselves, or nominate a colleague.

Visit the Institut français website for more information and to submit nominations by 31 October 2023.


French courses in Glasgow for adults and children

3 October 2023 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française in Glasgow is now enrolling for autumn term courses. There are options available for children and adults. Follow the relevant link below for more information and to enrol.

The organisation provides many other opportunities and events to discover French language and culture. Visit their website to find out more.


Discovery Film Festival

2 October 2023 (DCA)

Discovery Film Festival, Scotland’s international film festival for young audiences, is back for its 20th year!

Taking place from 21 October to 5 November, there's another packed programme of the best new films for young audiences from around the world, with free education resource packs to accompany the screenings. The festival will be available both online and at Dundee Contemporary Arts.

Visit the website for full programme details.


Japanese Taster Course

2 October 2023 (eSgoil)

The beginner Japanese course run by University of Edinburgh in conjunction with eSgoil is aimed at pupils S1-S6 who would like an introduction to basic Japanese language and culture. No previous knowledge of Japanese language is required. 

The six-part course runs from November to December 2023.

Visit the website for more information and to register interest.


Oxford German Olympiad 2024

2 October 2023 (University of Oxford)

The 12th Oxford German Olympiad is now open!

This year's topic is: Kafkaesque Kreatures

The competition is all about animals - but from perspectives with a difference. The tasks take inspiration from the animal stories by Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who gave the German and English languages the word kafkaesk / Kafkaesque to describe a weird, disturbing experience.

The competition is open to upper primary and secondary learners of German, with further categories for group or class entries as well as the Discover German Taster category for those with no prior experience of studying the language. 

Visit the Oxford German Olympiad website for full competition details and guidelines. Closing date for all entries is 7 March 2024.


MTOT registration deadline approaching!

28 September 2023 (SCILT)

Schools in Scotland wishing to take part in this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition have until National Poetry Day on 5 October to register!

Visit our website to learn more about the competition and discover poetry resources to help you celebrate National Poetry Day in class as well as prepare for the MTOT competition.

It's the 10th anniversary year of MTOT in Scotland, so join in the celebration - visit our website and register your school now!


Online Preparation Course for the Instituto Cervantes Teacher Accreditation Diploma (DADIC)

28 September 2023 (Instituto Cervantes)

The Instituto Cervantes is developing a professional accreditation system consisting of a series of diplomas that certify the professional training of ELE (Spanish as a Foreign Language) teachers - the Instituto Cervantes Teacher Accreditation Diplomas (DADIC): Autonomous, Expert, and Teacher Trainer. These diplomas have indefinite validity and enjoy broad national and international recognition, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain. The first level, the Autonomous DADIC, certifies that the holder possesses the basic competencies required for the professional practice of teaching ELE for general purposes.

This is an introductory course aimed at people with no experience or prior training in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, who wish to obtain the Instituto Cervantes Teaching Accreditation Diploma (autonomous level).

More information is given on the attached flyer or you can visit the Instituto Cervantes website. 


Invite a team of Strathclyde Language Ambassadors to your school!

28 September 2023 (University of Strathclyde)

At the University of Strathclyde, beyond supporting the Language Ambassadors Online and the Language Explorers Programme, we are still offering on-site visits in 2023-24.

So, get your learners to discover the joys of discovering a new culture and learning and being able to use another language by organising a visit from one of our Language Ambassadors teams to your school!

Our Language Ambassadors are students of French, Italian, Mandarin or Spanish, on various degrees, including BA Honours in French and Spanish, International Business and a Modern Language, Law and a Language but also Engineering and Science degrees and they are keen to share their experiences of learning and using their languages as well as discovering new cultures.

This programme is free of charge and provides student role models to promote languages to young people in your school. We aim to encourage your learners to engage with young adults who have decided to study languages at university and to have a positive impact on the number of learners who choose languages as part of their high school curriculum.

We can deliver a range of activities, such as:

  • A presentation about their experiences as university language learners and their experiences abroad;
  • Q&A sessions about the benefits of studying a language;
  • A small group discussion for Senior phase students who have already selected a language;
  • Micro-presentations as part of a school-wide event

Want to book a visit from a Language Ambassadors team in 2023-24? Simply contact Cédric Moreau now!

Language Ambassadors Online: new sessions available to book!

28 September 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s Language Ambassadors Programme has relaunched as a fully online offer available to all schools across the country. Our interactive monthly online sessions are led by student Language Ambassadors from universities across Scotland who are keen to share their experiences of learning languages and discovering new cultures.

Visit our Language Ambassadors Programme webpage to find out more about the programme and to register to bring your class(es) along to any/all of the sessions listed!


UK-German Connection opportunities

21 September 2023 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection provides opportunities for young people, teachers and schools in the UK and Germany to come together. Their initiatives range from providing grants and bursaries for partnership activities, pupil courses and scholarships, the opportunity to host a teacher from Germany, virtual café sessions for young people to meet in a safe space and much more. The following activity deadlines are fast approaching. Follow the relevant link for more information:

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information about the range of available opportunities.


Virtual Spanish and Latin American Film Festival - University of Stirling / Pragda

21 September 2023 (University of Stirling)

Spanish and Latin American Studies at the University of Stirling are hosting a Spanish and Latin American Film Festival as part of the Spanish Film Club series, made possible with the support of Pragda, SPAIN Arts & Culture, and the Secretary of State for Culture of Spain. 

This term, we are screening two films: 

Carajita available Friday 6th to Friday 13th October 2023 

Niñas araña available Wednesday 8th to Wednesday 15th November 2023 

If you would like your learners to access one or both of these virtual film screenings, please register via this form to receive the sign-in information for the screening room and the associated discussion guides. 

If you have any questions or would like further information about this initiative, please contact Fiona Noble ( 

British Council Language Resources

19 September 2023 (British Council)

The British Council remains committed to supporting the teaching and learning of languages in UK schools.

As part of this the organisation, in partnership with QFI, is restructuring their support for Arabic language teaching and learning in the UK with new events and activities planned for the autumn term. Schools can also apply for grants to introduce the language into their curriculum. Follow the relevant link below for more information:

And with European Day of Languages fast approaching, British Council has developed two new lesson resources to celebrate the event; 'Let's talk about languages' for primary learners and 'Why choose languages' for secondary.

Visit the British Council website to download these resources.


European Day of Languages 2023 - Competition for schools

14 September 2023 (Global School Alliance)

Celebrated on 26 September every year, the European Day of Languages (EDL) is designed to promote the importance of language learning and protecting the linguistic heritage.

To get your pupils involved in this year's event, the Global School Alliance has launched a competition ‘For me, learning a language is…’ and are asking students to tell us what learning a language means to them. It is open to schools with students studying a European language worldwide and aims to showcase the magic and importance of language learning.

Visit the website to find out more and register your school. Deadline for entries is 3 October.


Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2023-24

14 September 2023 (University of Oxford)

Organised by the Queen's Translation Exchange at the University of Oxford, the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators is a UK-wide creative translation competition for students aged 11-18 studying French, German, Italian, Mandarin and Spanish. The competition also runs from French into Welsh.

The 2023-24 prize will launch on 20 September, when creative translation teaching packs will be shared with teachers in time for European Day of Languages on 26 September and International Translation Day on 30 September. These teaching packs are designed to help teachers bring creative translation into the MFL classroom as well as to help students prepare for the competition task.

The competition itself will run over several weeks from 5 February to 28 March 2024. Area and national winners will be announced in May or June 2023. They will receive certificates and national winners will receive book prizes. Over 15,000 students participated in the competition in 2023.  

For those registered, teaching packs for poetry translation will be circulated on 20 September, fiction will follow after October half term, and non-fiction will be released in early January. 

There are a number of related activities run by the Queen's Translation Exchange that teachers and pupils can participate in, details of which can be found on the Opportunities for Schools webpage.

Visit the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators website for more information and to register to receive resources and updates about the competition task. You can also see the list of winners and commendations for last year's competition.

If you have any further queries regarding the competition, you should contact the Translation Exchange team at


DYW Live – Languages and your career is back!

12 September 2023 (SCILT)

We are delighted to be back again this year working together with e-Sgoil and DYW Live to deliver the Languages and Your Career webinar. In this session we will explore how languages can contribute to success in a wide range of jobs and career paths. This webinar aims to introduce secondary learners to the importance of languages and their associated skills in the workplace, break down stereotypes of careers that use languages, identify appropriate career pathways, and hear examples of people who use languages in their daily work. It will be an interactive session with input from people who use languages in their work.

The workshop will repeated each month on different days and times from September until January. The dates on offer are:

Tuesday 26th September: 2.00 – 3.00pm
Wednesday 25th October: 9.30 – 10.30am
Thursday 23rd November: 11.00am – 12.00pm
Monday 18th December: 9.30 – 10.30am
Tuesday 30th January: 2.00 – 3.00pm

All sessions will take place in Glow Teams.

This year, additional materials will be made available to teachers who attend the workshop with their classes to support further promotion of employability with individual languages. Watch this space!

For more information and registration details, visit the e-Sgoil website.


Related Links

DYWLive workshops for primary learners - Make languages work for you

S2 pupil survey: Attitudes to languages

5 September 2023 (NICILT)

We have received the following request from our friends in NICILT, Northern Ireland’s Centre for Languages.

NICILT has organised a short pupil survey for S2 pupils, the aim of which is to gather a snapshot of young peoples’ thoughts about languages. NICILT is really keen to hear about attitudes to languages from pupils who have completed their first year of secondary education (surveys have also been distributed to cohorts in Northern Ireland, England and Wales). NICILT would like to distribute the survey to S2 cohorts and publish the findings from the survey in Autumn 2023, funded by the British Council.

The principal information and consent form is attached and can be downloaded below.

Could Modern Languages PTs willing to let their school participate please complete and return the principal consent form to within 5 days. Once NICILT receives completed principal consent forms, NICILT will email the survey link to you to be distributed to your pupils. The survey can be completed in school or at home. There are no forms to be collected in by teachers – the process is very manageable.  

Host a Teacher from Germany

5 September 2023 (UK-German Connection)

The Host a Teacher from Germany programme enables schools to host a German teacher (in-person or virtually) for one, two or three weeks during the academic year – no costs involved for UK schools.

All schools and further education colleges in the UK can register. The programme is open to teachers of all subjects and German does not need to be offered at your school; visiting teachers are either teachers of English or have good knowledge of the English language.

Schools interested in hosting a German teacher in 2023-24 can now register by 25 September 2023 (to host in the spring and/or summer term).

NEW! UK teachers participating in the Host a Teacher from Germany 2023-24 programme can express their interest in a return visit for one or two weeks during 2023-24.

UK-German Connection will run a Q&A webinar for UK schools on Tuesday 19 September 2023.

Visit the website for more information and to register for the Q&A session.


Spanish cinema in British schools

5 September 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

Bring Spanish cinema to your school! Join the Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival school programme for free (2nd to 6th October) and enjoy a film from the comfort of the classroom. Films for Primary and Secondary level accompanied by worksheets. Book now and get the code for your school.


Remembering Empire

31 August 2023 (STRIDE)

The Remembering Empire project, led by Dr Fiona Barclay at the University of Stirling, uses the findings of research on the French empire in Algeria to produce materials for use by secondary teachers of French. Its aim is to use a complex story of empire to develop Global Citizenship values and support the take-up of languages in Scottish schools.

This article explores the resources in more detail and provides links to the free downloadable materials aimed at two separate ages: S3 and Advanced Higher. 

(Note - A link to the Remembering Empire resources can be found in both the S1-S3 and Senior Phase French classroom resource sections of SCILT's website)


Scottish Languages Employability Award - Congratulations to our latest winners!

31 August 2023 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates innovation in schools delivering DYW through languages, encouraging school-business partnerships and recognising good practice in this area. The award, which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community. 

Our most recent verification date in May 2023 saw 11 schools from 10 different local authorities collect an award. Projects covered a wide range of sectors and included links with football clubs, bakeries, travel agents and much more! Find out about each projects by clicking on the school names below.




The next verification date is 17 November 2023. Visit the SLEA pages of our website to find out how your schools can achieve an award, and keep an eye out in the SCILT e-bulletin for the launch of SLEA Local coming soon!


French Film Festival free learning programme for schools

31 August 2023 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK Learning Programme is once again delighted to bring French-speaking cinema free of charge to schools this November and December! All the films in the selection are in French with English subtitles.

Each of the four films will be accompanied by new learning packs in French and English.

Download the programme and start planning your screenings now!

FFF 2023 In-School Learning Programme

Student Film Review Awards

The Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland will once again award prizes for the best film reviews submitted by students in Scotland.

The Learning Programme is grateful for the generous support of the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland, TotalEnergies, the Institut français worldwide network, the Hugh Fraser Foundation, and SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages).

More information about the Festival can be found on the French Film Festival website.


Concours de la Francophonie 2024

29 August 2023 (Institut français)

Le Concours de la Francophonie 2024 is now open!

The national school competition's aim is to encourage all young French learners and their teachers around Scotland to enjoy the French language. It has always been a great way of celebrating the international day of la francophonie. In 2023, over 500 pupils from 25 schools all over Scotland took part in the competition.

All Scottish primary and secondary schools offering French may enter this competition by submitting a short video of a classroom activity in French.

The theme of the competition this year is: “Paris Olympic Games 2024:  Ouvrons grand les jeux!”

Visit the Institut français website for full details and entry criteria. Submission deadline is 31 January 2024.


Conversation course for secondary teachers of German

25 August 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you teaching German at a secondary school in the UK and would like to practice your conversational skills and keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs in German speaking countries?    

This conversation course will be right for you. We will be discussing a wide range of topics based on current newspaper articles, radio programmes and clips from German television. You will be taking away up-to-date materials and, hopefully, inspiration and lots of good ideas for your classroom.

The course comprises seven online lessons taking place between late September 2023 and the end of January 2024.


European Day of Languages 2023 - how is your school celebrating?

25 August 2023 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. Now in its 22nd year, it aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. What is your school doing in 2023?

If you're looking for inspiration, SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. What about making some multilingual bunting, hosting a languages café, or creating a zine? You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2023 blogUpload a short description and some colourful photos or email

If you're sharing your celebrations on Twitter tag @scottishcilt and use the hashtag #coeEDL to share your celebrations with schools across Europe!


Our World 2023-24

22 August 2023 (SEET)

Registration for the SEET’s Our World project 2023-24 is now open and totally free to enter! Just fill in this quick form to sign up your school:

Our World is a language learning and global citizenship-based filmmaking project for S1 - S6 pupils. It's designed to complement the Curriculum for Excellence and help tackle the Attainment Challenge by providing a free project which uses an interdisciplinary approach to encourage pupils to become more engaged in their language learning.

Teams of 4 (S1 - S6) design a storyboard which outlines the film they propose to make. This year's films must include the use of a language other than English and should touch on the theme of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Each team must choose at least one of the 17 SDGs to focus their film on.

SEET supports teachers and pupils throughout the whole process, starting with our introductory CLPL session for teachers on Tuesday 12 September 2023.

Visit the SEET website for more information and register to take part.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2024 - 10 year anniversary!

18 August 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce that MTOT is back for 2024, and it’s an extra special year - MTOT celebrates its 10th anniversary! 

Over the last decade the competition has evolved from written poems in the beginning, to now focussing on the spoken word. Hearing pupils share their voices and language skills helps bring their poetry to life, and we look forward to seeing what creative brilliance emerges from Scotland’s schools this year. In this 10th anniversary year, we are delighted and very excited to work with our partners at Instituto Cervantes to offer a special prize category for entries in Spanish, one of the most widely taught languages in Scotland’s schools.

So, if you have entered MTOT before, we’d love to welcome you back. If you are new to MTOT, what better year to join than our 10th anniversary year? Our multilingual poetry competition is now open. Visit our MTOT page on the SCILT website for more information and register your school now.

MTOT is 10 years old – come join the celebration!


Scotland's Languages Explorers Programme - launch of national languages mentoring scheme

18 August 2023 (SCILT / UCFLS)

SCILT and UCFLS will launch Scotland’s Languages Explorers Programme (SLEP) nationally for the first time following last session’s successful conclusion of a pilot languages mentoring programme in Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City. 

Inspired by the success of similar mentoring programmes in the UK, the SLEP aims to raise awareness amongst secondary age learners of the far-reaching benefits of language learning by facilitating a short programme of mentoring sessions led by university students with lived experiences of language learning and multiculturalism. The idea was informed by student mentoring programmes currently running in Wales and Sheffield, which have demonstrated that small group work with a student mentor can have a positive impact on learners in school, and lead to an increase in the number of learners continuing with languages into higher levels of study.

SLEP 2023-24 will run in partnership with 7 universities: the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling, Strathclyde and the Open University. Interested schools can find out more about the mentoring programme and hear from last year’s student mentors on the programme webpage.

We are currently taking registrations of interest from schools. If you would like to take part in this year’s mentoring programme, please register your interest by Monday 11 September.

Please be aware that this programme runs online. While geographical proximity to a university is not a prerequisite, it is imperative that interested schools have an adequate technical set-up and internet connection to allow for remote interactions between mentees and mentors. Further information, including key dates, can be found on the programme webpage.


SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2023-24

17 August 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s brand new CLPL workshop menu for 2023-24 is available for your booking requests. 

Are you responsible for sourcing high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of colleagues in your setting, cluster, local authority or RIC?

You will be interested in our new professional learning offer for all sectors.

The content of the eleven workshops is informed by feedback from teachers and practitioners on their professional learning needs. If your needs are different, we are more than happy to develop the bespoke inputs you and your colleagues require. Just ask.

Always interactive and up-to-date, SCILT workshops provide the opportunity for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of practice with our experienced Professional Development Officers. Our team has a finite capacity, so get in your request as soon as you can.

The focus of workshops for 2023-24 are wide ranging, covering the following issues:

Cross Sector

  • Primary-Secondary Transition

Primary and Early Years

  • Families on board? Developing a family friendly approach to languages in your setting
  • Getting outdoors with languages and learning
  • Celebrating cultural diversity through languages in EY and primary
  • An introduction to multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy
  • Languages in primary: assessing pupils’ learning, evaluating teaching


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum
  • Social-Emotional Learning for languages

For more details, and to make a request for a group visit our Professional Learning webpage.

Note that open access online workshops will also be scheduled across the year. Registration for these will be open to individuals and details will be shared in the SCILT ebulletin in due course.


Goethe-Institut: German for schools

8 August 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut in Glasgow are offering the following opportunities for schools in the 2023-24 academic session. Follow the relevant link to find out more:

  • German days for pupils - visit the Goethe-Institut Glasgow with your school class. Your pupils will learn firsthand about German language and culture. We offer various activities designed to show that learning German can be fun and is relevant.
  • German Language Adventure - this fast-paced motivational game aims to spark interest in German culture and language and can be played by up to 100 pupils (P7-S2 level). Can be offered at school or at the Goethe-Institut.

The GCHQ National Language Competition 2023

8 August 2023 (GCHQ)

The 2023 GCHQ National Language Competition will run from Monday 6 November to Friday 10 November 2023.

The National Language Competition (NLC) is a virtual competition where teams from schools around the UK compete against each other to solve language-based puzzles and score points. The overall winners are then invited to GCHQ’s headquarters in Cheltenham to receive their trophy!

With the NLC, GCHQ aims to inspire language learning by encouraging students to discover their aptitude for learning languages.

Visit the competition website for more information and to register interest.


Clydebank school pupils praised after landing top award

6 July 2023 (Clydebank Post)

A Clydebank school was said to have 'impressed judges' on their way to picking up a top educational award for languages.

Pupils across three age groups at St Peter the Apostle High School were praised for their 'passion' for languages such as Gaelic and Spanish as they landed the Gold Scottish Languages Employability Award from SCILT - Gold Scottish Languages Employability Award from SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages and the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools.

The recognition award - launched in 2019 -  was developed by SCILT as a way of delivering DYW (Developing the Young Workforce) through languages, encouraging school-business partnerships and recognising good practice in this area.


MTOT 2022-23 and Voices of Hope

16 June 2023 (SCILT)

Finalists' work from this year's MTOT competition can now be viewed on the SCILT website.

As part of our Mother Tongue Other Tongue poetry competition, SCILT received several entries from young Ukrainian refugees displaced by the war in Ukraine. We wanted the world to be able to access these wonderfully creative and emotive pieces of writing. Our Voices of Hope online exhibition, in partnership with AUGB, will be launched on 21 June as part of Refugee Week Scotland 2023 and will be available on SCILT's website following the launch event.


French Film Festival UK 2023 Learning Programme

15 June 2023 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK 2023 Learning Programme will once again be bringing French-speaking cinema into schools free of charge this autumn! The programme of four films, each accompanied by learning packs, will run between 30 October and 15 December, thanks to the generous support of TotalEnergies, the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland, The James T Howard Trust, SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages).

Full details will be available on the French Film Festival website from mid-August.


Guided partnerships

13 June 2023 (British Council)

If you’re new to international collaboration, a short-term partnership could open the door to a world of opportunities for your school. 

To make getting started even easier, you can apply to join a British Council guided partnership, where a dedicated partnership facilitator will guide you through a short-term, collaborative, curriculum-based project with an overseas partner. 

The next round will take the theme of climate change, a major topic of concern for children around the world. Starting in September 2023 and running through the autumn term, we will facilitate your partnership with a range of curriculum-related activities.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to apply by 14 July 2023.


Language learning in Northern Ireland ‘slowly recovering from pandemic’ – report

13 June 2023 (The National / British Council)

The popularity of learning languages at Northern Ireland’s schools is “slowly recovering from the pandemic”, a report by the British Council has found.

The Language Trends Northern Ireland report found that the decline in language learning at post-primary schools is plateauing, with Spanish emerging as the most popular, overtaking French.

The research was led by Dr Ian Collen, director of the Northern Ireland Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research (NICILT) at Queen’s University Belfast, and follows a previous report which found that language lessons were “hardest hit” during Covid-19.

This year’s report found that Spanish is now the language most frequently taught in Northern Ireland’s schools at both GCSE and A-level, overtaking French as the most popular GCSE language in summer 2021.


SALT conference 2023 - call for proposals now open!

13 June 2023 (SALT)

The SALT annual conference will take place on Saturday 28 October 2023 (am) at the University of Strathclyde. 

The event will be a hybrid event. There will be workshops for people attending in-person and workshops for those joining online. 

The theme of this year’s conference is Learners without borders: empowering and inspiring Scotland’s language learners.

If you would like to offer a workshop on a topic relevant to Scotland’s Modern Languages teachers (from any sectors), fill in the form and we will be in touch with you! We are keen to hear from all over Scotland and highlight the excellent practice that is happening across the country. Your session will last a maximum of 45 minutes and can be on any topic that you think will be interesting to ML teachers. 

Submit SALT 2023 proposals here.

If you are planning on attending the event but not presenting, please save the date and sign up will open in September.


CISS Newsletter - Summer 2023

13 June 2023 (CISS)

The latest edition of the CISS newsletter has been published. Read about the many activities and initiatives going on across the Confucius Classroom Hub Network and CISS’s work to support the learning and teaching of Mandarin, including competitions, online learning and events. 


Immersion courses and professional learning for teachers of Spanish

8 June 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación in the United Kingdom has several upcoming professional learning opportunities for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant links below for more information and to book your place:


Spanish language course in Salamanca

  • Grants to follow a 1 week Spanish language course in Salamanca aimed at Primary or Secondary teachers during summer. 3 different levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced Spanish. Information and registration on the Consejería de Educación website

Course on Didactics in Castilla y León

  • Grants for a course on didactics aimed at teachers of Spanish in the UK and Ireland. 1 week course during summer in Salamanca, Valladolid, Burgos or Palencia. A high command of Spanish is required. Information and registration on the Consejería de Educación website.


Spanish Day in Edinburgh – Saturday 17 June

  • Face-to-face training day for teachers of Spanish in primary, secondary, university and further education. Free registration.

Spanish Workshops in London – Saturday 24 June

  • Big Spanish Day at the Vicente Cañada Blanch Spanish Institute in London. Aimed at teachers of Spanish, it includes a wide offer of practical workshops on different aspects complemented by other attractive aspects related to culture in Spanish: the gastronomic proposal for lunch and the cultural workshops that close the day: theatre and «sevillanas» dance. Full programme and registration on the Consejería de Educación website.

Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival - Free Online School programme - October 2023

6 June 2023 (ESFF)

The Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival will celebrate ten years of Spanish cinema in schools this October.

During the week 2 - 6 October, classrooms across the UK can have online access to three films:

  • Los Futbolísimos (The Footballest)
  • Rara (Weird)
  • CartasVivas (Living Letters) *For S5-S6 only*

Each film will be accompanied by worksheets so that the students can delve deeper into the themes discussed, once the film has been watched.

Visit the ESFF website to book tickets and receive the access code.


Young Scots Writer o the Year Award 2023

6 June 2023 (Scottish Book Trust)

Scottish Book Trust, together with Hands Up for Trad, Scots Hoose, Education Scotland and Scottish Government, are running a competition to find Scotland’s ‘Young Scots writer of the Year’.

Stories, poems, spoken word pieces, comics, videos or other pieces of writing – we want to see it all, as long as it's in Scots and under 2500 words or up to ten minutes.

The competition is open to 11-18 year-olds, and entries should be submitted by midday on Wednesday 21 June 2023.

Visit the Scottish Book Trust website for more information and submission guidelines.


Espacios Increíbles 2022-23 - Winner announced!

5 June 2023 (SCILT)

Congratulations to St Luke’s High School, East Renfrewshire, on winning SCILT's Espacios Increíbles competition 2022-23.

The winner was announced at the final, held online on Wednesday 24 May 2023. A superb effort was made by all six finalist schools (Alva Academy, Dunblane High, Perth Academy, Prestwick Academy, St Andrew’s & St Bride’s High School as well as St Luke’s High School); competition was stiff and the judging panel had a very difficult decision to make.

The interdisciplinary competition for S2-S3 combines Spanish with art, design and technology. Pupils design an amazing space and present their work in Spanish.

St Luke’s High School came out top with their innovative design for a space for quiet reflection and relaxation in the courtyard of Santo Domingo Church in Lima, Peru. Their design was inspired by San Martín de Porres, who is the Patron Saint of Racial Equality, and is buried there.

They clearly demonstrated how they had worked collaboratively, drawing on art, design and Spanish skills to create a feasible and sustainable design which connected well to the local environment and linked to their school.

The other five finalist schools also did an amazing job, with a variety of creative designs meeting the brief for a sustainable space for health and wellbeing including a water tower providing clean drinking water, a library and coffee shop, a hot air balloon raising awareness of climate change, a cube promoting biodiversity and a health centre for the poor.  

All the finalists enjoyed the final and the opportunity to present their designs to a live audience, hear from inspiring guest speakers who spoke about their work in architecture and the opportunities that learning Spanish had given them, and take part in some fun games that tested their Spanish. Congratulations to all our teams for Espacios Increíbles 2023!

Le Foot et La Francophonie 2022-23 - Winners announced!

2 June 2023 (SCILT)

Félicitations to Mearns Castle High, winners of this year’s edition of Le Foot et la Francophonie!

Following the pilot last year, Le Foot was rolled out nationally in 2022-23, engaging over forty schools, from Shetland to Stranraer, and attracting video entries from twenty-four teams across ten schools. Following a shortlisting process conducted by a panel at SCILT, the finalists invited to take part in the live event at the University of Strathclyde on Thursday 1 June came from Biggar High (two teams), Kinross High, Prestwick Academy, Kilmarnock Academy and Mearns Castle High.

As was the case during the pilot edition, Le Foot, an interdisciplinary project incorporating benchmarks, experiences and outcomes in Modern Languages, Physical Education and Health and Wellbeing, generated huge enthusiasm in the schools which integrated the project into their S2 and S3 programmes. Again, participation fired the creative imagination of the learners, some of whom had previously shown limited interest in French, while their teachers built on the legacy of the pilot project by creating and sharing a wealth of new resources covering the four key skills of reading, listening, talking and writing, focussing on the Francophone world and including strong anti-racism messages. The pupils who took part, numbering well over one thousand, were encouraged to consider the vital importance of additional languages to a broad range of careers associated with professional sports.

The six teams of pupils were joined at the final by their teachers and classmates who came along to support them. On the panel of judges were Cédric Moreau (Subject Leader for French, University of Strathclyde), Lisa Hanna (Depute Director of SCILT), Kandi Higgins (Course Leader for PGDE in Modern Languages, University of Strathclyde), Cara Lamb (Course Leader for PGDE in Physical Education, University of Strathclyde) and Mark Cunningham (graduate in Spanish and Education, and qualified football coach). After presenting their football-themed videos in French, the teams performed football drills, which included commands in French, and all pupils present were put through their paces in a range of drills designed and delivered by newly qualified PE teachers from the University’s School of Education. Those in attendance then heard a video message from former Scotland footballer John Collins, who learned French during his two-year spell at AS Monaco, before some closing remarks from Fhiona Mackay (Director of SCILT). The all important winner’s announcement saw Mearns Castle claim the trophy, together with a visit to Hampden Park, where the winning team will be given a French-focussed tour of the stadium and the Scottish Football Museum.

For more information on Le Foot et la Francophonie, including a range of football-themed resources for second and third level BGE French, see the page dedicated to the project on the SCILT website.


Free online courses from British Council

30 May 2023 (British Council / FutureLearn)

The following British Council online courses are due to commence shortly. Click on the relevant link for more information and to enrol:

  • Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners - find out about our free 4-week online course 'Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners' starting on 6 June 2023. Enrolment ends on 26 June 2023 and the course closes on 3 July.
  • Exploring Inclusive Pedagogies - ensure you’re meeting every learner’s needs, including those most at risk of exclusion, by developing inclusive teaching skills in this free online 3-week course commencing 12 June 2023.

Mandarin for BGE

25 May 2023 (Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools)

The CISS Virtual Exchange Teacher (VET) project is back for 2023-24, now open to all Scottish state schools. Offering eight-week blocks of free live-streamed Chinese language and culture classes for primary and secondary BGE. The next block runs from October to December 2023. Find out more about the programme here, and register your interest via this link by 30 June 2023.

SEET's Multilingual Day 2023

19 May 2023 (SEET)

It's our birthday! SEET is proud to be 30 years old this June, and we are using this as an opportunity to raise awareness for language learning in our school communities.

Here at SEET, we are fortunate to work with hundreds of schools each year across the Euroquiz and Our World projects. We would like to use this platform to bring everyone together, have fun with languages and celebrate the hard work of the thousands of young linguists we work with across the country each year.

Interested in taking part? Pupils should work together to organise a language-themed fundraiser at school between March-June. This should be an opportunity to show off creativity and have fun with languages! 50% of proceeds will be allocated to your own school fund, and 50% will be shared with our charity to further support young people with their language learning across Scotland. There will also be prizes for the most unique ideas and for the school that raises the most.

Visit SEET's dedicated web page for full details and to sign up to raise awareness of language learning!


Young Scots Writer o the Year Award 2023

19 May 2023 (Scots Language Centre)

Scottish Book Trust, together with Hands Up for Trad, Scots Hoose, Education Scotland and Scottish Government, are running a competition to find Scotland’s ‘Young Scots writer of the Year’.

The competition is open to 11-18 year-olds, and entries should be submitted by midday on Wednesday 21 June 2023.

Visit the Scots Language Centre website for more information and submission guidelines.


Words for the World winning entries now online!

19 May 2023 (SCILT)

Congratulations again to everyone who took part in our recent Words for the World competition.

Following the awards ceremony on 25 April, and the announcement of the winners’ names, we are now delighted to be able to publish the winning, highly commended and other finalist entries in each category. We are sure that you will be impressed by the fantastic linguistic diversity, creativity and passion that all the finalists show. Well done everyone!

At the awards ceremony we were delighted to be able to share a personal video message from Len Pennie, the well-known Scottish poet and Scots language and mental health advocate, which spoke of the huge difference that all of our words can make; watch her video and be inspired!


German Days Glasgow

16 May 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut Glasgow are offering dates for school visits from June 2023.

Provide your students with a direct and personal look into the German language and culture. Depending on the age group and language level of your students, you can choose a programme from a range of activities for your trip to the Goethe-Institut Glasgow.

Visit the Goethe-Institut Glasgow website for more information and to register your school group.


Workshops for UK teachers of Spanish

16 May 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación has the following professional learning opportunities for UK teachers of Spanish taking place in June 2023. Click on the relevant link below for more information:

3 June, 10:00 - 11:30 (Online):

10 June, 09:30 - 12:30 (Online):

17 June (face-to-face training day):

All the above sessions are free to attend.

Summer course in Spain:

Apply for an immersion course in Spain (Ávila, Segovia and Santander).

Application deadline: 27 May.

8 one-week immersion courses in June, July or August 2023 in Ávila, Segovia or Santander aimed at British/Irish teachers of Spanish (a B2 command of Spanish is required).

The grant covers the course, accommodation and meals, as well as the cultural programme. The grant does not cover the journey to Spain or the return to the UK. Travel and/or health insurance is also not included.

This call is not for Spanish nationals.

Visit the Consejería de Educación website for further information and to apply.

Stephen Spender Prize 2023

12 May 2023 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Prize has now launched! It is the leading annual prize for poetry in translation, with categories for pupils, teachers and individual young people in the UK and Ireland, as well as an Open category for adults from all over the world. The rules are simple: translate into English any poem from any language – from French to Farsi, from Spanish to Somali—and win publication and cash prizes! 

There are some changes for the 2023 edition, including a spotlight on poetry from Ukraine.

Visit the Stephen Spender Prize website for further information and to register to take part.


SCILT Spring 2023 newsletter published

5 May 2023 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning opportunities, knowledge exchange events, competitions and online lessons. Find out how schools celebrated Languages Week Scotland 2023 and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


A Global Citizenship Approach to French - Free new materials for French learners!!

4 May 2023 (Scotdec / University of Stirling / SCILT)

‘Remembering Empire’ is an interdisciplinary learning programme for pupils of French in S3 and AH, developed by Dr Fiona Barclay (University of Stirling) with the support of the AHRC to build language competence and global citizenship values by exploring France’s empire in Algeria. You can read more about the project and materials on SCILT's website.

Join Scotdec for a series of workshops for BGE and AH French teachers alongside Dr Barclay introducing you to the materials, and providing guidance on discussing themes of colonisation, immigration and refugees within the context of a Global Citizenship approach. More information, dates and sign-up information on the flyer attached below.

In addition, SCILT and Scotdec are joining forces to present a webinar on Active Global Citizenship Through Modern Languages on Thursday 1 June, 4-5pm. As well as general strategies, this webinar will also introduce the Remembering Empire project materials. Register for the free event!

Related Files

Words for the World - Winners announced!

4 May 2023 (SCILT)

Congratulations to everyone who took part in this year’s Words for the World competition.

We had a very high standard of entries submitted in a range of formats and different languages. Our young people here in Scotland demonstrated a wealth of linguistic diversity, creativity and immense passion for protecting our planet, our humanity and creating a brighter future for us all.  We were truly humbled and inspired by their work and they should all be incredibly proud of their achievements.

Judging proved exceptionally difficult, but we were delighted to announce the winning entries at an online awards event held last week to celebrate Earth Day. Well done again to the following who were successful in their respective categories and thank you to every pupil who participated in the competition. 


  • Winner – Libby Gow, Goodlyburn Primary
  • Highly commended – Jamie Rettie, Goodlyburn Primary


  • Winner – Sophia Chan, ESMS Junior School
  • Highly commended – Halima Jemal, Toryglen Primary
  • Highly commended – Leena Valluri, Goodlyburn Primary


  • Winner - Deepak Krisna Kumaar, Craigmount High 
  • Highly commended – 1W & 1Q class entry, Holy Rood RC High
  • Highly commended – Rory Turner, Portree High


  • Winner - Dianna-Liza Boychuk, Craigmount High
  • Highly commended - Wessam Kawarit, Craigmount High 

Winners and highly commended entrants will receive a book token and certificate and have their work showcased on the SCILT website in due course, whilst all participants will receive a certificate in recognition of their hard work.

You can find out more about the competition on our Words for the World webpage.


Caitlin learned Ukrainian to welcome her friend to Monifieth High – and won poetry competition

4 May 2023 (Dundee Courier)

When Caitlin Anderson, 14, was asked to look after a Ukrainian refugee joining her school it was the start of a special friendship.

As Caitlin helped Veronika Raziievska, also 14, improve her English and settle into her new surroundings, she decided she should make the effort to learn her language.

And as well as making Veronika’s new life at Monifieth High School a little easier, that resulted in Caitlin winning a national competition for a poem she subsequently wrote in Ukrainian.

When she entered the Mother Tongue Other Tongue contest, Caitlin told Veronika’s story to raise awareness of what she and other refugees had endured as a result of the war in Ukraine.

We met the S2 pupils to hear about their friendship and how that resulted in Caitlin’s award-winning poem.


The Big Question: SCILT secondary seminar series

21 April 2023 (SCILT)

Wrestling with writing? Run out of steam with reading? Tearing your hair out with talking? Looking for inspiration with listening?

This year’s Big Question series might just help! This series of weekly workshops in May and June aimed at secondary practitioners will focus on the four core skills: listening, reading, writing and talking. Each week we will look at practical ideas of why and how to approach a different skill. Come and join us as we examine strategies and share resources and activities!

Each session will feature the chance to hear from guest practitioners, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to these questions!

The four seminar dates are:

  • Wednesday 17 May: Reading, with guest practitioner Robbie Kirk, PT Modern Languages, Chryston High
  • Thursday 25 May: Listening, with guest practitioners Liegha Laing & and the team from Meldrum Academy
  • Tuesday 6 June: Writing, with guest practitioner Scott Jordan, Musselburgh Grammar School
  • Wednesday 14 June: Talking, with guest practitioner Joanne Curran, PT Languages (BGE) Larbert High

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers; attend as many or as few as you wish!

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer which can be shared with colleagues.

Related Files

The Panda Card Project

20 April 2023 (CISS)

To commemorate the final year of the Giant Pandas in Scotland CISS is excited to introduce the Panda Card Project - an opportunity for pupils to design a goodbye card for Yang Guang and Tian Tian, to wish them best wishes for their journey and new life back at home.

All submissions will be collated into a photo book which will be passed on to Edinburgh Zoo and then travel back to China with the pandas. 

Visit the CISS website for more information and submit entries by 26 May 2023.


SEET's Multilingual Day 2023

18 April 2023 (SEET)

It's our birthday! SEET is proud to be 30 years old this June, and we are using this as an opportunity to raise awareness for language learning in our school communities.

Here at SEET, we are fortunate to work with hundreds of schools each year across the Euroquiz and Our World projects. We would like to use this platform to bring everyone together, have fun with languages and celebrate the hard work of the thousands of young linguists we work with across the country each year.

Interested in taking part? Pupils should work together to organise a language-themed fundraiser at school between March-June. This should be an opportunity to show off creativity and have fun with languages! 50% of proceeds will be allocated to your own school fund, and 50% will be shared with our charity to further support young people with their language learning across Scotland. There will also be prizes for the most unique ideas and for the school that raises the most.

Visit SEET's dedicated web page for full details and to sign up to raise awareness of language learning!


Modern Language Assistants

17 April 2023 (British Council)

Applications for Modern Language Assistants in 2023/24 are now open for schools, colleges and universities across the UK through the British Council website.  

Bringing authentic voices into French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, German, Italian and Irish lessons allows students to see the relevance of these languages alongside their cultural context. What's more, in 2021, 92 per cent of host institutions told us their Language Assistants helped improve exam results. These cultural ambassadors enhance lessons and develop intercultural awareness. From speaking practice to fresh cultural insights, their input and encouragement enriches pupil experience, preparing them for future success. 

Please note: The deadline to guarantee a Mandarin Chinese Language Assistant has now passed. We will however accept applications for Mandarin Chinese Language Assistant until 30 April 2023 but there is a chance you may be placed on a waiting list.

Our dedicated team are well-equipped to support with the administrative steps and flexible hosting options are available with different placement lengths and sharing possibilities. Throughout the challenges of the past few years, Language Assistants have proved to be a key tool, and in some cases a ‘lifeline’, for continued pupil engagement with language learning. Back in the classroom, their expertise not only motivates pupils, but provides teachers with in-house professional development and refreshed linguistic materials.

If you have any further questons, please contact us at: LanguageAssistants.UK@BritishCouncil.Org

Visit the British Council website for full details and to apply by 30 April.


Stephen Spender Prize 2023

30 March 2023 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Prize for poetry translation is open to all ages. This year’s prize will launch on 12 May 2023, but teachers are invited to register to involve their students now. All those who register will receive regular resources and activities to help them to integrate creative translation into their teaching.

The rules are simple: translate into English any poem from any language.

This year sees several new categories in the competition, including a special spotlight on poetry from Ukraine.

Visit the website for more information and to sign-up to take part.


'The Languages Local to You' photography competition 2023

28 March 2023 (University of Exeter)

To celebrate the UK's cultural diversity, the Department of Languages, Cultures, and Visual Studies at the University of Exeter are inviting secondary pupils (aged 11-16) to take a photo showing languages other than English in their local area - shop signs, bilingual street signs, film posters, advertisements and so on. Provide a brief caption, describing why and how the language is used in your chosen photograph (up to 100 words).

Schools can select up to three entries to submit to the competition.

The top 30 entries will feature in an exhibition touring Exeter, London, and Sheffield. And there are prizes up for grabs too!

Visit the website for full competition details and how to enter by 28 April 2023.


Professional learning for teachers of Spanish

28 March 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Embassy Education Office has several professional learning opportunities available for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant link below for further information.

Online workshop – Tuesday 25 April (16:30)

  • Aprender a cuestionar: textos y contextos Geniales para desarrollar la competencia crítica en el aula de ELE, by Álvaro Espada Benito (editorial editorial enclave-ELE).. More information and registration via the website link above.

Immersion courses in Salamanca - Dates available June to September 2023

  • One-week Spanish language course - The University of Salamanca, its International Courses and the Junta de Castilla y León, offer scholarships for active Spanish teachers outside of Spain to take a week-long course on Spanish language and culture and didactic updating in Salamanca. Several dates are offered between June and September. Register via the above website link.

Spanish workshop in London - 24 June 2023

  • Save the date! More information and registration coming soon.

RZSS Programmes for Schools

16 March 2023 (RZSS)

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland runs a variety of opportunities for schools linking language learning and their conservation programmes. Follow the relevant links below to find out more about current initiatives:

  • 'Stripy Tails' Family event at Dewars Centre, Perth on 14th and 15th April. StampIT has invited RZSS Stripy Tails along to their youth corner at the ASPS (Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies) Congress. Fascinating facts about the red panda from China and the ring tailed lemur from Madagascar and the programme links to French and Mandarin. Full details on Eventbrite - Stripy Tails at ASPS Congress
    Stripy Tails is also one of the 'Science in the Language Class' outreach programmes for schools. 
  • Beyond the Panda, the RZSS Mandarin programme is fully booked for this school year but taking bookings for 23-24. Beyond the Panda is continuing even though the giant pandas will return to China later this year. RZSS is still a science specialist Confucius Classroom offering virtual sessions, in-person outreach and many resources linked to Mandarin language learning. Visit the Beyond the Panda website for more information.

DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2023

16 March 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

Roads not taken

Oder: Es hätte auch anders kommen können.

Calling all learners and lovers of German in the UK and Ireland! We invite you to look back at turning points from the past century of German – and therefore also European – history. Write a letter or diary entry imagining alternative developments and win one of three trips to Berlin and other exciting prizes!

The competition is open to learners and lovers of German of ALL levels! Jury members will be considering entries in several categories of language experience to ensure a fair assessment!

Exercises and recommended media to help students familiarise themselves with the theme of the competition are available to teachers and lecturers.

Visit the website for more information and submit entries by 3 May 2023.


Words for the World is back!

13 March 2023 (SCILT)

‘We must believe in the power and the strength of our words. Our words can change the world.’ (Malala Yousafzai)

Are you looking for a way to engage your language learners to think about global issues and global citizenship? Our Words for the World competition could be just what you need! Returning for the 2022-23 school session, SCILT is challenging learners to use their words and their languages to show how the world could be a better place.

Participants are invited to use a language (or languages) other than English to show their ideas, hopes or even advice for our world. Submissions can be in any written format, for example a poem, an essay, a cartoon – be creative!

More information about the competition is available on our Words for the World webpage below. The entry deadline for entries is 24 March 2023


Multilingual Day 2023

9 March 2023 (SEET)

It’s our birthday! SEET is proud to be 30 years old this June, and we are using this as an opportunity to raise awareness for language learning in our school communities.

Here at SEET, we are fortunate to work with hundreds of schools each year across the Euroquiz and Our World projects. We would like to use this platform to bring everyone together, have fun with languages and celebrate the hard work of the thousands of young linguists we work with across the country each year.

Interested in taking part? Pupils should work together to organise a language-themed fundraiser at school between March-June. This should be an opportunity to show off creativity and have fun with languages! See the attached flyer for more information.

Visit SEET's dedicated web page for full details and to sign up to raise awareness of language learning!


Related Files

Remembering Empire: Free materials to build global citizenship values and competence in French (S3 and AH)

7 March 2023 (University of Stirling)

Looking for free new materials for French learners? ‘Remembering Empire’ is an interdisciplinary learning programme for pupils of French in S3 and Advanced Higher. Developed by Dr Fiona Barclay (University of Stirling) with the support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, ‘Remembering Empire’ builds language competence and global citizenship values by exploring France’s empire in Algeria. By focusing on the establishment of the colony, life there, and the departure of the settlers when Algeria became independent, learners are encouraged to make connections with Scotland’s history of emigration and colonisation, and with the experiences of refugees today.

The S3 programme consists of five sessions and focuses on an electronic comic book, ‘Entre ici et là-bas’, which tells the story of Jeanne, a young French girl whose family are forced to leave Algeria when it becomes independent. Waiting to board a ship, she reflects on her family’s history, from her great-grandfather who arrived in 1871 and built a farm for his family, to her own experiences of the war that led to independence. We hear about the indigenous Arab population and think about how they experienced this history.

Activities based on the comic include:

  • City/country names and prepositions
  • Asking questions and naming objects (if you had to leave home suddenly, what would you pack in your suitcase?)
  • Describing emotions and using être in the present (how do the different characters feel?)
  • Different daily routines, in Algeria and in France
  • Using the near future (aller + infinitive) to imagine what the characters might do in the future.

Free resources include the comic (available on Webtoons), a video-recording of the comic being read aloud by a native speaker, lesson plans for all sessions with detailed information and interactive activities, and suggested drama activities led by actors with video guides.

For learners taking Advanced Higher French, Remembering Empire offers full support for the portfolio element, including the two required texts (a play and an interview with the playwright). Five sessions of archive footage, readings and activities in French introduce learners to the history and culture of French Algeria and the war which led to independence, and give the background required to study the play.

Six sessions focus on a French play, Les Pieds Tanqués (2012). Set on a pétanque pitch, the play presents the conflicting memories of the Algerian War. Full resources include the interactive electronic text of the play and notes, a written interview with the playwright, Philippe Chuyen, lesson plans with detailed information and classroom activities, a blank fiche de lecture and character profiles for pupils to complete (plus completed versions for teachers), and a video recording of a live performance. The package also includes a plan for a potential AH Portfolio essay question.

Interested? The materials will be available from April 2023. To express an interest and be contacted then, leave your name and contact details on this form:

CPD opportunities for teachers of Spanish

2 March 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Embassy Education Office has several professional learning opportunities available for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant link below for further information.

Next online workshop – Tuesday 7 March (16:30)

Immersion courses in Salamanca - April 2023

  • One-week Spanish language course - Grants to follow a one-week Spanish language course in Salamanca aimed at primary or secondary teachers at Easter. Four different levels: absolute beginners, beginners, intermediate and advanced Spanish. Register via the website link.
  • Course on Didactics in Salamanca - Grants for a course on didactics aimed at secondary and university teachers of Spanish in the UK and Ireland. One-week course in Salamanca at Easter. Register via the website link.

March 2023: Spanish teacher training UK tour

Edinumen Publishing House and the Consejería de Educación are co- organising a series of face-to-face training sessions for teachers of Spanish to take place throughout March 2023 in five British cities:

  • Manchester, Saturday 11/03/23
  • Oxford, Tuesday 14/03/23
  • London, Wednesday 15/03/23
  • Cambridge, Thursday 16/03/23
  • Glasgow, Saturday 18/03/23

Registration is free and already open. The workshops will be held in Spanish. Visit the website for the programme and registration links.

Scotland’s Languages Leadership Programme 2023-24 – Applications are now open!

24 February 2023 (SCILT)

Applications for Scotland's Languages Leadership Programme 2023-24 (SLLP) open until 5pm on Monday 24 April.

The SLLP builds leadership capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Applications are welcome from colleagues with 3 years' teaching experience or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts. This might include classroom teachers, principal teachers, heads of department, heads of faculty or languages lead practitioners.

This online programme is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

Visit our Professional Learning page for more information about the programme and how to apply. You can also sign up for an online information session which will be hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland on Thursday 23 March.


Vive la Francophonie Quiz 2023

24 February 2023 (Institut français)

Test your French and learn more about the culture of the 88 countries which form the Francophonie! The focus of this year's quiz is Tunisia. Make the most of the Francophonie celebrations and get a chance to win books and other exciting prizes!

The quiz will be available online 18-26 March.

Visit the website for more information and to register to take part.

MTOT 2022-23 - Winners announced!

24 February 2023 (SCILT)

Pupils, teachers and special guests joined us online on 21 February to hear the winners of this year’s Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition. The date chosen for the event was significant being International Mother Language Day, a day to celebrate all world languages.

We are delighted to announce the following winners and highly commended entries in each category:

Mother Tongue







Sofia Poliakova

West Primary


Highly commended

Jiya Srikanth

West Primary




Ariana Misankova

West Primary


Highly commended

Arina Fomenko

Williamsburgh PS


Highly commended

Nikola Arimovica

Valley Primary


Highly commended

Misha Levdykov

Kilbarchan Primary




Shadan Alousy

Bishopbriggs Academy


Highly commended

Eve Joshi

Bearsden Academy


Highly commended

Lynn Januschke

Madras College


Highly commended

Michaela Mileva

St Joseph’s Academy




Oleksandra Lotytska

Rosshall Academy


Highly commended

Lucia d’Alessio

Bishopbriggs Academy


Other Tongue







Mabel Sainsbury

Kilmodan Primary


Highly commended

P1 Class

Canaan Lane Primary




Kathryn Morley

Kilmodan Primary


Highly commended

Giles Leigh

Kilmodan Primary


Highly commended

Masha Naumenko

Thorn Primary




Caitlin Anderson

Monifieth High


Highly commended

Laila Strokosch

Mearns Castle High


Highly commended

Molly Innes

Madras College


Highly commended

Zach Bartlett

Madras College




Jessica Smith

Monifieth High


Highly commended

Aiman Mohammad

Renfrew High


Highly commended

Aimee Carroll

Mintlaw Academy


Highly commended

Jessica Smith

Monifieth High


Highly commended

Roux Scott

Loudoun Academy



All our finalists will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also be offered the chance for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive and Kids Poetry Club podcast. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward.

This year we were also delighted to host a special strand of the competition focusing on Ukrainian languages. The winning entries in this category were:

  • Primary – Arina Fomenko, Williamsburgh Primary
  • Secondary – Dianna-Liza Boyckuk, Craigmount High

Teachers with students who entered in this category will be contacted separately regarding their awards.

It is our intention to host each of the finalists’ poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available.

Congratulations again to all our finalists!

French Pop Video Competition 2023 - Deadline extended!

20 February 2023 (Institut français)

With the French Pop Video Competition, students get the chance to practice French in a very different and fun way. Not only do they improve their writing skills and enrich their vocabulary by creating their own lyrics, but they also practice their speaking skills while shooting the video and create lifelong memories related to their French class.

Open to all UK primary and secondary schools. Entries can be from a class, a small group or individuals.

Visit the website for full details and register to take part by 10 March.


Online French and Spanish Courses for Secondary Teachers

16 February 2023 (LFEE)

LFEE Europe is again offering their online GTCS-accredited course for Secondary teachers.

Participants to this course will meet the GTCS requirements for residency.

The course will run from March to May 2023.

Visit the LFEE website for further information about the course and fees. 


Discovering the World of Arabic 2023-24 - secondary course

10 February 2023 (SCILT / QFI)

SCILT continues to work in partnership with Qatar Foundation International to offer our Discovering the World of Arabic programme in session 2023/24. 

For session 2023/24 we are making changes to the way we will deliver Discovering the World of Arabic - Secondary. Participating schools will benefit from:

  • a grant of £2000 to support the school with resources/ materials/ experiences that will enhance learning
  • a dedicated live online lesson every week for each individual school participating (time to be agreed with each school)
  • asynchronous materials to consolidate and further explore Arabic language and Arab cultures
  • ongoing support from SCILT team 

We are currently looking for local authority secondary schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through this programme.  

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for local authority secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and cultures. BGE and Senior Phase courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and specially commissioned writers, with language lessons delivered online by a teacher of Arabic. Both courses focus on developing conversational Arabic which will enhance learners’ understanding of Arab cultures and, in the Senior Phase course, their employability skills. It is aimed at beginner learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and develop their portfolio of skills. 

The courses are delivered using a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams. The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form via the link below by Friday 3 March. Responses given on the note of interest form may inform the final selection of schools for this opportunity.

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions. 


Education Scotland's language resources

9 February 2023 (Education Scotland)

Languages Week Scotland was celebrated from 30 January to 3 February. If you missed it, don’t worry, there are still plenty of resources to support language learners. Browse our languages wakelet for lots of useful links and resources.


Summer courses in Germany

8 February 2023 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers summer opportunities for German learners; these bring language-learning to life by combining language lessons with cultural trips and excursions, as well as staying with host families. The application deadline for all programmes is 1 March 2023.

The programmes are open to pupils who have been learning German for at least 2 years and are eager to actively put their German knowledge to use.

These programmes take place on different dates during July and August. More information can be found on the dedicated webpages.

There is also an opportunity for for secondary teachers to act as group leaders on the German Pupil Courses. These are paid roles. Follow the link below for more information:

Aktuelles: Conversation course for secondary teachers

3 February 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you teaching German at a secondary school and would like to practise your conversational skills and keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs in German speaking countries?    

This conversation course will be right for you. We will be discussing a wide range of topics based on current newspaper articles, radio programmes and clips from German television. You will be taking away up-to-date materials and, hopefully, inspiration and lots of good ideas for your classroom.

The course consists of six online sessions February-May 2023 held over Zoom.


Welcoming Languages: Including a Refugee Language in Scottish Education

3 February 2023 (University of Glasgow)

This collaborative project, carried out by an international team based at the University of Glasgow and at the Arabic Center of the Islamic University of Gaza (Palestine), explores the inclusion of a ‘refugee language’ in Scottish education as a way to enact the idea of ‘integration as a two-way process’ that is at the heart of the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy (Scottish Government, 2018).

The project aimed to show that it is possible to make space in Scottish education for the many languages that New Scots bring with them and to give a space in Scottish schools to a greater number of languages that include those of the people who chose Scotland as their new home.

Visit the website for more information and to read the project's final report.


Write a story featuring a fox

2 February 2023 (Scottish Book Trust)

Each month the Scottish Book Trust runs a writing competition providing a prompt to get you started, but where the story goes from there is entirely up to you. The competition includes four categories: adult writers, all-age Gaelic writers, young writers 5–11 and young writers 12–18. 

This month's stories must include a fox and be no longer than 50 words. Visit the Scottish Book Trust website to enter by 28 February.


Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2022-23

2 February 2023 (Queen's College Oxford)

The Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators competition aims to promote language learning across UK and inspire creativity in the modern languages classroom. Participation is free and entry criteria is as follows:

  • For students of French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Spanish in KS3-5.
  • In addition to competition task, teachers receive up to 15 sets of resources for each language on translating poetry, fiction, non-fiction for use in build-up to competition. 
  • Deadline for competition entries: 3 April 2023
  • Winners selected for 10 geographical areas. National winners selected for each level in each language. All winners and commendations announced on our webpage. 

Last year over 14,000 pupils across the UK took part and the feedback from teachers was enormously positive. Teachers can register to receive classroom resources and competition tasks on the Queen's College Oxford website or for more information contact


JaLaChamp 2023!

2 February 2023 (Japan Foundation)

Applications are now open for the Japan Foundation's new event, The Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK – also known as… JaLaChamp! JaLaChamp is a contest for primary and secondary school students studying Japanese, and consists of two categories: a speech category, and a video category where students are asked to create an original video.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information.


RZSS Programmes for Schools

1 February 2023 (RZSS)

RZSS Stripy Tails

Free online resources are now available. Stripy Tails is one of RZSS language comparison projects, comparing the red panda from China with the ring-tailed lemur from Madagascar and links to either Mandarin or French. Resources are for upper primary level but may be useful for lower secondary. The resources all include sound files by senior pupils. See either Beyond the Panda - Stripy Tails or Science in the Language Class - French.  

Bookings taken now for the accompanying FREE Stripy Tails outreach sessions across Scotland in May and June - contact 


Don't forget there is also Giants a similar programme comparing the giant panda and the giant anteater for Mandarin or Spanish. RZSS Beyond the Panda and Science in the Language Class also have many other free resources and outreach programmes. 


Scottish Education Awards 2023

31 January 2023 (Scottish Education Awards)

Nominations are now open for this year's Scottish Education Awards.

The annual event recognises those who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcases the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

There are several award categories, including the award for Gaelic Education.

Visit the website for more information and submit nominations by 24 February 2023.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - re-launched!

27 January 2023 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award was developed by SCILT and Bòrd na Gàidhlig and launched in 2019 as a way of delivering DYW through languages, encouraging school-business partnerships and recognising good practice in this area. Since then we have received fantastic submissions from primary and secondary schools right across the country, and we have awarded recognition at Bronze, Silver, Gold and even Platinum levels! 

Following review, we are delighted to launch our revised documentation, which is designed to streamline the application process and to give as much guidance as possible to schools who would like to apply. Have a look at the new handbook and application form on our website now – we look forward to receiving your submissions!


Languages Week 2023

26 January 2023 (SWEIC)

South West Educational Improvement Collaborative (SWEIC) is excited to launch our programme of professional learning opportunities in celebration of languages week. This year we have a wide selection of inputs, including French, Spanish, Ukrainian, Scots, Gaelic and BSL.

Our Keynote delivered by Education Scotland colleagues is A decade of 1+2 and Scotland’s changing languages landscape.

Visit the SWEIC blog to find out what's planned for the week and how to take part.


Schools programme

26 January 2023 (Institut français)

All year round, the Institut français d’Écosse offers a variety of language workshops and Immersion days to support pupils and teachers in primary and secondary schools. Give your students the opportunity to be surrounded by the French language and supported by our team of qualified, native-speaking French teachers and friendly staff. Maximum group of 20 pupils.

More information is available on the attached flyer or you can visit the Institut français website.


Related Files

Oxford German Olympiad 2023 - Round 2

24 January 2023 (Oxford German Network)

Round 2 of the Oxford German Olympiad 2023 is now open for entries. Round 1 and Round 2 are separate competitions. You may enter both, but do not need to have entered Round 1 in order to enter Round 2.

The competition is open to secondary students with a choice of two tasks for different age categories in the second round:

  • TASK 1: Oxford German Network Essay or Video Task (ages 13-17)
  • TASK 2: The White Rose Project: Creative translation (ages 16-18)

Visit the competition website for full details and submit entries by 12 noon on 9 March 2023.


Reminder: SCILT 2022-23 workshop menu open for group bookings

20 January 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s CLPL menu for the 2022-23 session is available for bookings. 

If you are looking for high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of experienced colleagues, newly qualified or student teachers in your school, cluster, local authority or RIC, then look no further.  

Always interactive, SCILT menu workshops give you the opportunity to explore practice through exemplification and discussion with colleagues.


  • Engaging parents with languages in the primary and early years
  • Cultural contexts: an engaging approach to primary language learning
  • Get multilingual with DYW in your primary classroom
  • Active assessment in primary languages
  • Multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Tackling controversial issues in challenging times
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum

For more detail about the menu workshops and to book for a group follow the link below.

Open access workshops for individuals in primary and secondary will be available through the year, sign up to the SCILT e-bulletin for more information.


Young Scots Writer o the Year Award 2023

19 January 2023 (Scottish Book Trust)

Are you someone with stories to share? Or a teacher working with young writers we should know about? We're looking for our next Scots writer of the year.

Stories, poems, spoken word pieces, comics, videos or other pieces of writing – we want to see it all, as long as it's in Scots and under 2500 words or up to ten minutes. Open to Scots writers aged 11-18. Enter by 21 June 2023.


Café Connect

16 January 2023 (UK-German Connection)

Our meet-up group, Café Connect gives young people aged 14-18 the chance to get to know other young people through fun, interactive activities, and group discussions on current topics. Take part and make new friends, learn about the other culture, and practise (or even pick up) some German!


German Pupil Courses & German Scholarship Programme

16 January 2023 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection's German summer courses are back!

The German Pupil Courses and German Scholarships Programme will take place as in-person events again this year, after a 3-year (virtual) break. Applications will open on 25 January, and the deadline will be 1 March 2023.

More information about each option is available via the following links:

Concours de la Francophonie 2023

12 January 2023 (Institut français)

Since its launch in 2016 by the Institut français d’Ecosse, le Concours de la francophonie, a national school competition to encourage all young French learners and their teachers around Scotland enjoying French language, has been a great way of celebrating the international day of la francophonie.

Throughout the years, many schools across Scotland have taken part in the competition and we hope to receive great entries this year again!

All Scottish primary and secondary schools offering French may enter this competition by submitting a short video of a classroom activity in French. The theme of the competition this year is : “PLAY” - “JOUER” en français. Deadline extended to 31 January 2023.

Visit the Institut français website or see the attached flyer for more information.


Related Files

UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO) 2023

10 January 2023 (UKLO)

UKLO is a language-analysis competition for all ages. We create linguistics puzzles and run competitions for school children to encourage a lifelong interest in the world’s languages. The highest scoring students proceed through a couple more rounds of testing and coaching before we present them for the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) where they compete against other countries. 

The competition is offered at four levels of difficulty for KS2 – KS5, and provides Gold, Silver and Bronze awards, as well as participation certificates, at each level.

Interested in taking part? Visit the UKLO website to find out more and to register.


Arabic Speaking Competition 2023

15 December 2022 (British Council)

The British Council and QFI invite students to showcase their talents in the Arabic language at our 2023 Arabic Speaking Competition. The competition aims to:

  • Raise the profile of Arabic as a modern world language
  • Increase student’s motivation for learning Arabic
  • Develop vocabulary and improve pronunciation and speaking skills
  • Raise confidence for oral examinations
  • Inspire students to discover more about Arab cultures
  • To celebrate the skills of young people who are studying Arabic language 

Students will participate virtually and be judged by a panel of fluent Arabic speakers. 

Visit the British Council website for full guidance and to register participants by 16 January 2023.


New issue of TECLA magazine and upcoming training opportunities

12 December 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Please find below the information about a new issue of TECLA magazine (December 2022) and upcoming training opportunities for teachers of Spanish:

  • Publications. New issue of the magazine TECLA with lots of ideas and resources for Spanish classes. FREE DOWNLOAD!!! 
  • Training opportunities. Have a look at the CPD opportunities we have prepared for the first half of 2023: online sessions, face-to-face training in different locations in the UK, and immersion breaks in Spain during the school holidays of February, April, and July. SAVE THE DATE!!!!: 
  • Next online workshop – Saturday 21 January (10:00): Jornada monográfica en línea sobre aspectos culturales en la enseñanza del español. Free registration.

School partnership bursaries

12 December 2022 (UK-German Connection)

Keeping up connections between the UK and Germany remains as important as ever. To help keep school partnerships alive, UK-German Connection offers special partnership bursaries of £1,000.00 for you and your partner school.

Applications for the 2022-23 school partnership bursaries are now open until 31 January 2023.


CISS Winter Newsletter

8 December 2022 (CISS)

The most recent CISS Newsletter is now available to view online. 

You can read about events and projects that took place to celebrate 10 years of the Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools plus all the amazing learning and teaching of Mandarin across the hubs and beyond.


RZSS Beyond the Panda

7 December 2022 (RZSS)

RZSS Beyond the Panda offers a range of FREE courses and outreach visits. Please see for full details. 

These include:

  • 5 week course aimed at upper primary but may also be of interest to lower secondary. Four weeks live virtual sessions, followed by an in-person outreach. Linked to Mandarin language learning.
  • Single outreach sessions which compare two RZSS projects and aimed at upper primary:
  • Giants: the giant panda from China and the giant anteater from South America - available in either Mandarin or Spanish.
  • Stripy Tails: (available from April 2023 but bookings open and best to book early) the red panda from China and the ring-tailed lemur from Madagascar - available in either Mandarin or French. 

There may also be availability for lower primary and some opportunities for secondary. For any of the sessions, contact 

Please book in well in advance. Fully booked to April 2023 but spaces available in May and June. 


SCILT Winter 2022 newsletter published!

1 December 2022 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages in Scotland, including the most recent round of Scottish Languages Employability Awards, our professional learning opportunities, motivating competitions and our support for newly arrived people from Ukraine. Find out how schools celebrated European Day of Languages 2022, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


SCILT Christmas 2022 webpage - now live!

1 December 2022 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your learners, from interactive advent calendars and games, to festive facts and downloadable worksheets. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and many other places around the world!


European Language Gazette (November-December 2022)

28 November 2022 (ECML)

The latest issue of the European Language Gazette has just been published.

The ECML's e-newsletter provides up-to-date news about the ECML (events, projects, resources) and other relevant sectors of the Council of Europe as well as of our partners. It focuses on national developments in the field of language education in the member states and beyond.


Gaelic Medium National Discussion

24 November 2022 (e-Sgoil)

A video resource has been produced which can be used by Gaelic Medium class teachers (Primary & Secondary) to facilitate conversations around the National Discussion. The video is designed to be a 'stop & start' activity where learners are encouraged to take time to think through how they would answer each of the 4 questions below:

  • Nuair a tha thu a’ smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn ionnsachadh no foghlam tro mheadhan na Gaidhlig, de na faclan a tha a’ tighinn a-steach ort?
  • Nam biodh cothrom agad sgoil ur a thoiseachadh, de na rudan a bhiodh cudthromach dhut? Carson?  
  • De bhiodh na chuideachadh dhut barrachd Gaidhlig a chleachdadh san sgoil? Carson?
  • Nan robh agad ri recipe a sgriobhadh airson foghlam tro mheadhan na Gaidhlig anns an t-am ri teachd, de na coig rudan a dh’fheumadh a bhith ann?  

The video is presented by Linda Macleod and is available on the e-Sgoil website.


French Film Festival UK Learning Programme 2022

15 November 2022 (French Film Festival)

Over 4500 school students and their teachers are already benefitting from free films and resources offered to all schools by the Festival in partnership with IF Cinema Institut français this autumn and you can too:

  • All films and resources are completely free of charge
  • Films for all ages
  • Available to screen in your own classroom for one month

Visit the French Film Festival website to find out more and book your films.


French Pop Video Competition 2023

15 November 2022 (Institut français)

The French Pop Video Competition is a national competition organised by Francophonie UK in association with the Institut français du Royaume-Uni and supported by TV5Monde.

The competition encourages students to engage with French in a creative way. UK primary and secondary school students can work individually or in groups to create a song in French and shoot a video.

The deadline to submit entries is 1 May 2023.

Once videos have been received regional winners will be selected based on the quality of the lyrics and music, and the originality of video. Regional winners’ music videos will then enter the national competition. Winners of the national competition will be announced during the week of 21 June (World Music Day!).

Visit the competition website for more information and to register to take part.


Concours de la Francophonie 2023

11 November 2022 (Institut français)

Institut français d’Ecosse is proud to announce its 2023 edition of Concours de la Francophonie, a school competition at national level aiming at developing communicative skills in French. The theme this year is 'PLAY' ('JOUER' in French) and there will be winners for each category : P1/P4 - P5/P7 - S1/S3 - S4/S6. Enter by 13 January 2023.

For more information see the attached flyer or contact :

Related Files

Book Week Scotland 2022

10 November 2022 (Scottish Book Trust)

The annual celebration of books and reading across the country takes place 14–20 November. During Book Week, people of all ages and walks of life come together to share the joy of reading.

This year's stories have been shared on the Scottish Book Trust website and a handful of their favourites compiled in a free book. With the event focusing on 'Scotland's Stories' you'll find several told in Scots and Gaelic.

Visit the Book Week Scotland website to discover the events taking place across the week and activities and resources to help you get involved.


International Education Week (14-18 November)

8 November 2022 (British Council)

International Education Week is back!

From 14 to 18 November, we’re coming together to recognise the value of bringing the world into the classroom and celebrate international work happening in schools. 

With this year’s International Education Week taking place during COP27 in Egypt – the UN’s global climate change conference, where world leaders will discuss the future of climate action – we’re focusing on collaborating for a cleaner, greener future. 

As well as offering a range of opportunities to help you and your students take positive action for a greener tomorrow, we’re also showcasing our favourite classroom resources, to help you get started on your international journey. 

Join the free webinar Education Exchange: embedding climate education across the whole curriculum taking place on 16 November which will explore the practice of teachers who are embedding climate education across their whole school curriculum and into some of the harder-to-reach subjects.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to register for the webinar.


MEd Education Studies course modules for language practitioners

4 November 2022 (University of Strathclyde)

The School of Education in the University of Strathclyde have developed two new modules as part of the MEd Education Studies course that may be of particular interest to languages practitioners (EYs, primary, secondary MFL, FE, EAL/ESOL, Gaelic).

  • Multilingual and Multicultural Education: Policy, Theory and Practice (commencing Jan 2023)

This module is designed to develop your knowledge of multilingual and multicultural contexts within education and wider society. This module will equip you with core skills for language learning and teaching and consider the role of intercultural education. You will extend your confidence in language teaching approaches within and across the curriculum. This class will encourage you to be reflective and adaptive in your practice.

  • Enacting Social Justice in Language Learning and Teaching (commencing April 2023)

As languages educators, how can we achieve the goal of prioritising equity, diversity, and inclusion in the languages classroom? Using theory, research and examples of innovative approaches for promoting social justice, this module is aimed at language educators in all sectors and is designed to develop your knowledge of a range of contemporary issues in language education. This module aims to develop critical thinking and reflection and consider how these impact on social justice pedagogy and agency for social change.

More information can be found in the attached flyer or visit the University of Strathclyde website.


French Film Festival Learning Programme 2022

25 October 2022 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival 2022 Learning Programme, offering a selection of films for schools free of charge, is now live!

Check out and download the programme of films for all ages. The programme runs until Christmas.

Simply choose your titles, complete the booking form, then create your account to have free access to all the films and learning packs that go with them.

For more information contact or visit the French Film Festival website.


Why are schools teaching French and German – not Arabic or Somali?

233 October 2022 (Independent)

Earlier this year, Conservative MP Kemi Badenoch stated that the modern foreign languages (MFL) curriculum currently taught in schools does not need decolonising. This is despite Badenoch having no first-hand experience of studying in a UK secondary school, or of teaching in one.


Funding for UK-German partnerships

20 October 2022 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of grants for joint activities between schools and youth groups in the UK and Germany.

The next deadline for their Flexible Funding Scheme is 31 October 2022.

Visit the website for more information and to submit your application.


DYW Live Sessions: Languages and your career

11 October 2022 (e-Sgoil)

Following last year's 'Languages and your career' workshop, e-Sgoil in partnership with SCILT will be hosting a series of sessions over six weeks from the end of October through to early December 2022.

Schools can sign up for as many or as few as they wish; after a first general session, the remaining five weeks will explore how a different language each week can contribute to success in a range of jobs and career paths. These will be interactive workshops featuring input from people working with the language of focus each week. These sessions aim to introduce learners (S2-S4) to the importance of languages and their associated skills in the workplace, break down stereotypes of careers that use languages, identify appropriate career pathways, and hear examples of people who use languages in their daily work.

Visit the e-Sgoil website for more information and to register interest in the sessions.


SCILT winter newsletter 2022 - send us your stories!

7 October 2022 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our winter 2022 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place towards the end of last session or so far in the 2022/23 session. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 21st October 2022.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


FilmG competitions 2022

6 October 2022 (FilmG)

FilmG is an annual Gaelic short film festival which aims to foster and develop new talent for Gaelic media. Now in its 15th edition, the FilmG festival is this year offering two competitions, both focusing on this year's theme 'Buidhe (Yellow)'. Follow the relevant link below for more information:

Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2022-23

3 October 2022 (Queen's College Oxford)

The Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators competition aims to promote language learning across the UK and to inspire creativity in the classroom. By providing teachers with tools to bring translation to life, and to introduce more authentic texts into the classroom, we hope to motivate more pupils to study modern foreign languages throughout their schooling and beyond. 

Schools can register interest in the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2022-23. You will receive creative translation resources for five languages (French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Spanish) and competition tasks. The resources will be made available in September 2022, January 2023, February 2023, and the competition window will be open from mid-February until the end of March 2023.

Visit the website for more information.


Discovery Film Festival 2022

30 September 2022 (DCA)

Discovery Film Festival, Scotland’s international film festival for young audiences, is back for its 19th year, Sat 22 October to Sun 6 November. There's another packed programme of the best new films for young audiences from around the world - and once again the festival will be available both online and at Dundee Contemporary Arts.

Visit the website for full details.


Le Foot et La Francophonie 2022-23

30 September 2022 (SCILT)

We are delighted to announce the national roll-out of Le Foot et La Francophonie 2022-23! Following a successful pilot project with four Glasgow schools last session, we have now opened registrations for expressions of interest in Le Foot et La Francophonie 2022-23. This interdisciplinary project brings together French and professional football, opening learners’ eyes to the relevance of language learning in the world of international sports, focussing on the four core language skills and building awareness of cultures in French-speaking countries across the globe. To find out more and to register your interest in this competition, which is open to pupils in S2 and S3, please visit the SCILT website.

An initial information session for teachers will take place on Thursday 3 November (3.45 - 4.45pm) and schools will be asked to confirm their participation by Friday 11 November.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition

29 September 2022 (SCILT)

A reminder that schools interested in taking part in this year’s MTOT competition have until 6 October (National Poetry Day) to register. The competition provides a great opportunity for all pupils in Scotland P1-S6 to get creative with a language they speak at home (Mother Tongue) or are learning at school (Other Tongue). Students can even enter in both categories!


Oxford German Olympiad 2023

26 September 2022 (Oxford German Network)

The Oxford German Olympiad 2023 is now open for entries! It was launched 26 September 2022, the European Day of Languages.

This year's topic: KOCHKUNST - BACKLUST - ESSKULTUR (The Art of Cooking, Joy of Baking and Culture of Eating).

The competition is open to primary and secondary learners of German, with further categories for group or class entries as well as those with no prior experience of studying the language. So there's something for everyone!

Visit the Oxford German Olympiad website for full competition details and guidelines. Closing date for all entries is Thursday 9 March 2023, at 12 noon.


The Language Ambassadors Programme

23 September 2022 (University of Strathclyde/SCILT)

The Language Ambassadors family has grown!

For 2022-2023, the University of Strathclyde and the University of Stirling will be working together to offer an even greater variety for our visits.

In the coming session, we will be back offering on-site visits, as well as virtual visits.

So, get your learners to discover the joys of learning and being able to use another language by organising a Language Ambassadors visit to your school!

Our Language Ambassadors are students of French, Italian, Mandarin or Spanish, on a range of degree programmes. These include BA Honours in French and Spanish, Professional Education and Languages, International Business and a Modern Language, Law and a Language, Psychology and a European Language, but also Engineering and Science degrees and they are keen to share their experiences of learning and using their languages as well as discovering new cultures.

This programme provides student role models to promote languages to young people and encourage your learners to choose languages as part of their high school curriculum. It is free of charge but we expect the school to cover travelling expenses for ambassadors.

We can deliver a range of activities, such as:

  • A presentation about their experiences as university language learners and their experiences abroad;
  • Q&A sessions about the benefits of studying a language for future study and/or employability;
  • A small group discussion for Senior phase students who have already selected a language;
  • Micro-presentations as part of a school-wide event

Visit the Language Ambassadors Programme website to find out more, and how to book a visit for your school starting October 2022.

If you have any questions about The Language Ambassadors programme, please contact Cédric Moreau and Cristina Johnston.

Immersion courses in Spain for teachers

22 September 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Any plans for the Autumn half-term break? Sign up and get a grant for one of the immersion courses in Spain. Full details regarding dates, course content, the grant and application form can be found by following the relevant course header link below:

The Ramshorn Time Capsule competition 2022 – Winners announced!

22 September 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT and CISS presented a poster competition aimed at S2-S3 learners, to design the contents of their own time capsule – past or present – to join in with the celebration of Glasgow Doors Open Day 2022.

Secondary learners from across Scotland took part in the competition which provided a fantastic opportunity to share their cultural heritage, demonstrate their creativity, and showcase their language skills, both learned at school and used at home.

Congratulations to our winners, Abby Slack, S3 learner from Mearns Castle High School who won the ‘past’ category and to Emerald Li, S3 learner from Mearns Castle High School who won the ‘present’ category.

photo of Abby Slack holding her winning posterphoto of Emerald Li with her winning poster

They were awarded with a £30 voucher and their work was featured in The Ramshorn exhibition as part of Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival on 16 and 17 September 2022. Well done to everyone who took part in this competition, the judging panel were impressed by all entries received and hope that you will participate again next year!

Find out more about the competition on our website.


UK-German funding and hosting opportunities

8 September 2022 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a wide range of initiatives for young people, schools and youth groups. The organisation aims to bring young people in the UK and Germany together through a range of grants, advisory services, networks and programmes – both face-to-face and digitally.

Follow the relevant link below to find out more about their current opportunities:

  • Host a Teacher from Germany - enable primary and secondary pupils to gain an insight into German culture by hosting a teacher from Germany for 2-3 weeks next Spring.
  • Funding - a range of grants for joint activities between schools and youth groups now open for applications.
  • Café Connect - free virtual cultural exchange meetings giving young people aged 14-18 the chance to connect with UK and German peers through fun, interactive activities, group discussions on current topics and informal chat.
  • Voyage Kids - a digital magazine for primary pupils to discover German language and culture.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for information on the full range of services available.


TECLA magazine for Spanish language teachers

6 September 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

The September 2022 edition of TECLA, the magazine for teachers of Spanish, is now available online.

The electronic magazine has lots of ideas and resources for Spanish classes and is free to download! 


Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival: Schools programme

26 August 2022 (ESFF)

The Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival (ESFF) is back with its 9th edition, and we want you all to get involved! We are once again providing our Schools Programme for students learning Spanish as a second language. We are really excited about the two films we are offering this year at our in-person screenings.

To take part in these exciting screenings, all the information you need is in the attached document.

Related Files

MTOT is back for 2022-23!

26 August 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce the return of Mother Tongue Other Tongue, our multilingual poetry competition!

MTOT gives young people of all ages P1 – S6 the opportunity to showcase their language skills and creative talent. Over the years this competition has uncovered a wealth of talented young linguists: they have created songs, rhymes and poems that are unique, funny, clever, emotive and moving. Young people are asked to create an original poem/song/rap in a language other than English:  this can be a language spoken at home, or a language they are learning at school. To enter, the poem should be recorded (audio or video) and sent to us along with a completed entry form. 

Winning entries will receive a range of prizes, including the opportunity to have their poem included in the UK National Children’s Poetry Archive, as well as featuring in a dedicated episode of the international Kids Poetry Club podcast. This year we are highlighting the Ukrainian language, with a special prize on offer for entries from Ukrainian speakers.

Schools are invited to register interest by 6 October 2022 (National Poetry Day). Visit the MTOT webpage for more information.

We look forward to seeing another generation of young poets find their voice!


Language Linking Global Thinking 2022-23

26 August 2022 (SCILT / UCMLS)

SCILT is pleased to confirm the return of the Language Linking Global Thinking programme for the 2022-23 session. Applications are now open for schools wishing to register their interest in taking part this year. 

The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools in Scotland. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend a year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad they keep in regular contact with the partner school using blog posts, emails and other resources. The correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. 

Key points for teachers

  • Please note this is a two-way correspondence, and schools are expected to reply to blog posts, submit questions, and fully engage with their link student. 
  • Training will take place online, you will have the opportunity to learn more about successful links and to meet your link student virtually. 
  • Places are limited and you are not guaranteed a link partner. We will be able to confirm your place in October.
  • There is no cost for schools to participate in the programme.

Visit the LLGT webpage for more information on Language Linking Global Thinking, and to read some of the student blogs from previous years.

To register please complete the form via the link below by Friday 16 September.


Espacios Increíbles 2022-23

26 August 2022 (SCILT)

After the success last session of Espacios Increíbles, our inter-disciplinary learning competition combining Spanish and design, we're delighted to announce Espacios Increíbles 2022-23 is back! After last year’s hotly contested final, we know our previous competitors are keen to take part again this year and try to claim the Espacios Increíbles crown from Kinross High School but we’d like to up the stakes even more and get more schools involved. Any school from across Scotland can take part in this national competition, aimed at S2 and S3 learners of Spanish.

The Espacios Increíbles webpage has been updated with information on previous events and winners along with videos featuring some of our guest speakers at the final. Take a look to see what they had to say about their languages experience, find out more about this year's competition and register your interest in taking part. 


Scotland’s 2020 future vision for language learning & the European 1+2 model 2025 goal

26 August 2022 (UHI)

University of Highlands and Islands is conducting interviews as part of a research study to increase understanding of what teaching methods students encounter.

As a teacher you are in an ideal position to give us valuable first–hand information about your preferred methods of teaching (e.g. how standardised/bespoke are they?). The lead researcher has a limited set of several questions to conduct an email interview at your convenience. Alternatively, MS Teams interviews will take around 15-20 minutes or so.

Your responses to the questions will be kept confidential. Each interview will be assigned a number code to help ensure that personal identifiers are not revealed during the analysis and write up of findings. There is no compensation for participating in this study. However, your participation will be a valuable addition to our research and findings could lead to better understanding of how to assist future government objectives.

The Scottish government response to Professor Muir’s final report and recommendations submitted to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills in February 2022 has been published; feedback and published responses updated 9 March 2022 include a few ongoing concerns about the uptake of foreign language learning.

The aim of this research is to consider nativist and constructivist approaches to language acquisition–specifically–a psychological component associated with cognition during natural language acquisition and how that might manifest in the classroom/teaching space. Consequently, the lead researcher wishes to ask foreign language teachers about the methods they employ as classroom conventions have changed over the last 40 years.

What is involved? Participation entails an interview via your choice of staggered emails, a phone interview or a video conference interview via MS Teams. The interviews entail several questions that should take half an hour. Experience so far indicates email interviews are convenient and provide more time for interviewees to think on and compose comprehensive answers.

Primarily, the research wishes to hear about your teaching methods and/or anything you feel is important to the future of foreign language learning in Scotland. If you wish to be involved further, interview will be completed from August to October 2022. These interviews will only be offered to consenting adults over the age of 18 who are practicing foreign language teachers.

There is no guarantee of any immediate benefit after taking part in this research.

If you are willing to participate please respond by email to Callum Train with your preferred method of interview. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Before commencing you will be provided with a four page participant information sheet that includes data protection details and further UHI contacts.

European Day of Languages 2022 - how is your school celebrating?

25 August 2022 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. Now in its 21st year, it aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. What is your school doing in 2022?

If you're looking for inspiration, SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. Perhaps creating a scavenger hunt, taking a virtual city tour, or designing languages stones? You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2022 blog. Upload a short description and some colourful photos or email

If you're sharing your celebrations on Twitter tag @scottishcilt and use the hashtag #coeEDL to share your celebrations with schools across Europe!


Our World 2022-23

23 August 2022 (SEET)

Our World, the languages and citizenship based filmmaking project for secondary school pupils, is now open for registration!

SEET staff are now offering a CLPL session for teachers to help them feel more confident in taking on Our World with their class. They also offer online school visits for schools who are interested in taking part. These are aimed at pupils participating in the project.

Visit the Our World website for full details.



23 August 2022 (RZSS)

This is an in-person outreach session (limited availability). Giants looks at two very different animals from two very different areas of the world and at two very different languages. The giant anteater from South America and the giant panda from China. The session can be for Spanish only or for Mandarin only or can compare both languages. The pupils will learn about the threats facing these animals along with some of their unique biology. 

Visit the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland website for full details.


New competition - The Ramshorn Time Capsule

19 August 2022 (SCILT / CISS)

SCILT and CISS present a new poster competition aimed at S2-S3 learners in Scotland. Learners are invited to design the contents of their own time capsule – past or present – to join in with the celebration of Glasgow Doors Open Day 2022! This competition is an opportunity for learners to share their cultural heritage, demonstrate their creativity, and showcase their language skills, both learned at school and used at home.

The Ramshorn, a category A-listed building located in the Merchant City of Glasgow, and home of SCILT/CISS, will open its doors during Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival on 16 and 17 September and celebrations will include an exhibition about the building.

Two winning entries will receive a £30 voucher prize and their work will feature at the exhibition during the festival! 

  • Create a poster that shows the design of your time capsule items! 
  • Include what you know or have learned about the history of The Ramshorn and its place in Glasgow to help create your past or present time capsule.
  • Draw and describe five items: descriptions should incorporate at least one language other than English learned at school and/or used at home.
  • Incorporate elements of your own culture and heritage when deciding items.
  • Entries must be hand-drawn and fit on A3 or A4 size paper (a high quality photo or scan of entry) with aid of colouring tools.
  • Entries will be judged on creativity, content and language use.

When: The competition is now open! 

Who: S2-S3 learners in Scotland (state schools only). 

Entry: Follow the link below to find out how your school can take part.

Winners will be announced on 9 September 2022. Deadline for entries is 12 midday on Monday 5 September 2022.

We look forward to seeing your entries!


EDL t-shirt contest 2023

18 August 2022 (ECML)

The European Day of Languages t-shirt contest is now open for submissions for the 2023 edition.

Send in your design/image/graphic by 31 December 2022 for your chance to have your layout on the official 2023 EDL T-Shirt! Bear in mind the design should be about languages, not countries, so avoid using flags or similar.

Visit the ECML website for full details.


SCILT 2022-23 workshop menu open for group bookings

16 August 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT’s CLPL menu for the new session is available for bookings. 

If you are looking for high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of experienced colleagues, newly qualified or student teachers in your school, cluster, local authority or RIC, then look no further.  

Note that open access workshops will be scheduled across the year for individual bookings. Find out more information about the first online and open access series of 2022-23.

Always interactive, SCILT menu workshops give you the opportunity to explore practice through exemplification and discussion with colleagues.


  • Engaging parents with languages in the primary and early years
  • Cultural contexts: an engaging approach to primary language learning
  • Get multilingual with DYW in your primary classroom
  • Active assessment in primary languages
  • Multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Tackling controversial issues in challenging times
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum

For more detail about the menu workshops and to book for a group follow the link below.


The GCHQ National Language Competition 2022

23 August 2022 (GCHQ)

We are running a National Language Competition from 7-11 November 2022 aimed at Year 9 [England/Wales], Year 10 [Northern Ireland] and S3 [Scotland] pupils across the UK. Schools can enter teams of up to four pupils from these year groups to take part. Over the course of five days, teams will score points by tackling a variety of fun, immersive, language-themed challenges hosted on a virtual platform. These will range from easy to difficult, and will involve a mix of different languages, and even made-up languages!

Visit the website for more information and to register to take part.


Buckie High kids speak language of success!

4 July 2022 (Northern Scot)

Buckie High's partnership with a major local employer has seen them scoop a prestigious national award.

For the past six years, BCHS has been working closely with Associated Seafoods Ltd (ASL), who export their salmon and other products across the globe. One of the many benefits accruing from the partnership has been the opportunity to use and expand a range of languages.

Most recently, the school and ASL were able to resume the S1 seafood project, which brought together a whole host of skills.

The hard work has brought its own rewards in that shape of a silver Scottish Languages Employability Award.


Gaelic Education Grants 2022/23

16 June 2022 (Bòrd na Gàidhlig)

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has set up this fund to support those currently working towards a career in Gaelic teaching or Gaelic-medium teachers looking to develop their professional skills.

This scheme is currently open for the 2022/23 academic year until 1 September 2022.

Visit the Bòrd na Gàidhlig website for more information about eligibility and how to apply.


Creative translation webinars for teachers

16 June 2022 (Stephen Spender Trust)

Following the successful launch of our brand new series of creative translation webinars for teachers at primary and secondary schools in 2022, and the extremely positive feedback received from participants, we are planning a new series of webinars in the coming school year 2022-23. 

Visit the Stephen Spender Trust website to find out more about the webinars and to register interest in this professional development opportunity. The website also has resources designed to help teachers to integrate creative translation into their teaching.


Scotland’s Young Makars

16 June 2022 (Scottish Book Trust)

Scotland’s Young Makars is a creative writing project for young poets of secondary school age in Scotland. It aims to enable young people to write, understand and engage with poetry in a wide variety of styles and forms.

The project offers free online poetry workshops and mentoring, culminating in six young makars reading their work on stage at Stanza in March 2023.

Visit the Stanza website for more information and to register interest.


Times Education Commission calls for schooling reset

15 June 2022 (The Times)

Politicians and education experts from across the spectrum have welcomed the final report of The Times Education Commission and said it made a case for change.

[..] The main recommendation of the year-long commission includes the introduction of a British Baccalaureate, an equally rigorous but broader qualification than A-levels including both academic and vocational routes or a combination of the two.

Pupils would take six subjects and the qualification would be based on the International Baccalaureate, an A-level alternative offered mainly in private schools, but customised for the UK. It could be adopted to replace the Highers qualification in Scotland as well as A-levels in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Related Links

APPG Modern Languages response on Twitter (15 June 2022)

Stephen Spender Prize 2022

9 June 2022 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Prize is an annual competition for poetry in translation, with categories for young people (14-and-under, 16-and-under, and 18-and-under) as well as an open category for adults. All entrants must be UK or Irish citizens or residents, or pupils at a British School overseas. Translate into English any poem from any language – ranging from Arabic to Uzbek, from Danish to Somali—and win cash prizes! 

Spotlight prize

Our Spotlight Prize encourages young people to engage with community languages. Our focus for 2022 is Romanian.

Open for entries from 4 May until midnight on Friday 15 July, visit the competition website for more details on how to enter, to meet the judges, and to explore the different prize categories!


University of Strathclyde MEd Education Studies - New languages modules

7 June 2022 (University of Strathclyde)

The School of Education in the University of Strathclyde has developed two new modules as part of the MEd Education Studies course that may be of particular interest to languages practitioners (EYs, primary, secondary MFL, FE, EAL/ESOL, Gaelic).

  • Multilingual and Multicultural Education: Policy, Theory and Practice (commencing Jan 2023)
  • Enacting Social Justice and Change in Language Learning and Teaching (commencing April 2023)

Practitioners who have already completed the SCILT professional learning courses (TELT and/or LLP) and have been awarded GTCS professional recognition, are eligible for accreditation of prior learning (20 Masters level credits for each course) towards gaining a full Masters degree. Likewise, teachers who have recently completed an ITE course at the University of Strathclyde may be eligible for further accreditation.

Further information about these modules and the course generally can be found in the attached information document. Details of the full suite of modules are in the attached MEd Education Studies Module Catalogue 2022-23. 

Japanese Language Local Project Support Programme 2022-2023 – Applications open

7 June 2022 (Japan Foundation)

Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which promote Japanese language education in the UK. 

Projects that fit into one of the four following categories are prioritised:

  • Category 1 - Newly introducing Japanese into the curriculum
  • Category 2 - Supporting GCSE or A-level courses
  • Category 3 - Japanese clubs
  • Category 4 - Projects that enable links between primary/secondary institutions and institutions of higher education

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information, application guidelines and forms.

Apply by 16 June 2022.


Le Foot et la Francophonie

31 May 2022 (SCILT)

Congratulations to Lourdes Secondary School, winners of SCILT’s inaugural edition of Le Foot et la Francophonie!

Le Foot has generated huge enthusiasm in the four Glasgow schools involved in the pilot project. During the autumn of 2021, teachers of French at Knightswood Secondary School, Lourdes Secondary School, Shawlands Academy and St. Roch’s Secondary School, supported by staff from SCILT, produced some high quality teaching materials based on football and the French-speaking world. To ensure that this project was truly interdisciplinary, all stakeholders collaborated on a guidance document outlining benchmarks, experiences and outcomes from Modern Languages, Physical Education and Health and Wellbeing curricular areas. They were supported in this endeavour by input from Physical Education staff in their respective schools, as well as by Cara Lamb, who leads the PGDE Secondary Physical Education course at the University of Strathclyde.

In January, Le Foot was rolled out in S2 classrooms and on school playing fields. Engagement among pupils who had previously shown limited interest in languages was particularly evident, with one of the teachers involved noting that this was “French disguised as football”! The outstanding resources produced and shared by each school cover the four core skills of reading, listening, talking and writing, encompassing the Francophone world and including strong anti-racism messages. Just as importantly, the 750 pupils who took part learned of the relevance of languages to a range of careers in professional sports – an area in which many have a keen interest.

The competitive final took place at the University of Strathclyde on 12 May. The event involved teams of pupils from each of the schools, together with classmates who came along to support them. On the panel of judges were Cédric Moreau (Subject Leader for French, University of Strathclyde), Lisa Hanna (Depute Director, SCILT), Jordan Allison (Head of Charity, Kilmarnock FC) and Mark Cunningham (final-year student in Spanish and Education, and qualified football coach). After presenting a football-themed video in French, the teams performed football drills, which included commands in French. They then heard video messages from John Collins, Christophe Berra and Ismaila Soro, before the winner’s announcement saw Lourdes Secondary School claim the trophy, together with a visit to Hampden Park, where the winning team will be given a French-focussed tour of the stadium and the Scottish Football Museum.

Watch this space for information on Le Foot et la Francophonie being rolled out nationally in 2022-23, together with further details on how your school can get involved.

Spanish course for teachers: blended learning programme (León, 2022)

31 May 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

The University of León and Mester Academy have organised a Spanish course aimed at British and Irish teachers interested in learning or improving their Spanish language skills.

The blended learning programme consists of 33 hours of self-study online from mid-June plus one week Spanish language course in León (Spain) in August 2022.

  • 3 DIFFERENT LEVELS: absolute beginners, beginners and intermediate
  • A GRANT to cover most of the costs will be offered

All information regarding dates, course content, the grant and the application form can be found on the Spanish Embassy Education Office website.


Espacios Increíbles 2022 – Winners announced!

27 May 2022 (SCILT)

Congratulations to Kinross High, Perth & Kinross, on winning SCILT's Espacios Increíbles competition 2021-22.

The winner was announced at the final, held online on Wednesday 25 May 2022. A superb effort was made by all six finalist schools (Alva Academy, Bathgate Academy, Dunblane High, Grange Academy, Wallace High, as well as Kinross High); competition was stiff and judges had a very difficult decision to make.

The interdisciplinary competition for S2-S3 combines Spanish with art, design and technology. Pupils design an amazing space and present their work in Spanish. 

Kinross High came out top with their innovative design for a veterans’ rehabilitation centre in Bolivia. Their design was based on the work of Bolivian architect Freddie Mamani and took as inspiration the colours of the Bolivia Flag: red, green and yellow. The team showed great creativity and presentation skills, with fantastic delivery in Spanish. They clearly demonstrated how they had worked collaboratively, drawing on art, design and Spanish skills to create an innovative and sustainable design.

The other five schools did an amazing job, with a mental health space on a bus, a children's library on a boat, an eco-tourism hotel, underwater art gallery and a UFO-inspired observatory on Robinson Crusoe Island.

More information on this year's final will be on the SCILT website soon as well as details of how your school can enter next year's competition.

The Big Question: final spaces remaining!

26 May 2022 (SCILT)

This term we are hosting a series of interactive seminars for secondary languages teachers, based on some of the main themes from our workshops this year, and covering some of the big questions that you might be asking about teaching languages today.

We now have just a few places remaining on Seminar 3: Teaching controversial issues. This session will feature the chance to hear from a guest speaker, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to the big questions!

  • Seminar 3: Teaching controversial issues
    4-5pm, Thursday 9 June
    In this seminar we will look at how can we approach controversial issues such as gender, race, politics and climate in the context of language learning. We will explore strategies for tackling controversial issues safely and effectively in the languages classroom. Our guest in this session will be Lynne Jones of SCILT who will be sharing particularly around areas of gender and immigration.

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers. The session will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded.


Parental Engagement - NEW - A Practitioner’s Guide

19 May 2022 (SCILT)

We have collated a range of materials to provide practitioners with useful information, including examples of practice across sectors, about engaging parents and families with language learning. This guide features a variety of reading materials, resources, and case studies to equip practitioners working in a variety of contexts with the tools to actively consider how to get parents and families engaged with their child’s language learning.


Immersion course in León - August 2022

17 May 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Any plans for this summer? Sign up for the Teaching and Culture course in León for Spanish Secondary School and University teachers.

We are offering grants for Secondary School and University teachers of Spanish to enrol in our course in León in collaboration with the University of León and Mester Academy during August 2022.

The course content includes a number of areas in relation to teaching Spanish as a foreign language along with cultural activities. There are three starting dates to choose from 31 July-6 August, from 7-13 August, or from 14-20 August 2022. This course will be delivered fully in Spanish therefore we recommend that teachers should have at least a B2 level.

Visit the Spanish Education office website for more information and to apply by 31 May 2022.


SCILT Spring 2022 newsletter published

13 May 2022 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning opportunities, our motivating competitions and our online classes and events. Find out how schools celebrated Languages Week Scotland 2022, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.

This edition also features a special article from Mandy Reeman-Clark, who reflects on 18 years at SCILT and CISS on the occasion of her retirement. 

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


Help with research! Looking for Scottish secondary school language teachers for anti-racism study

9 May 2022 (Bilingualism Matters)

University of Edinburgh PhD candidate Mariel Deluna is investigating teacher perspectives on the relationship between “race”, language, ethnicity, and nationality.

All current Scottish secondary school language teachers are invited to participate in the study.

More information is available on the Bilingualism Matters website.


Stephen Spender Prize 2022

4 May 2022 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Prize is an annual competition for poetry in translation, with categories for young people (14-and-under, 16-and-under, and 18-and-under) as well as an open category for adults. All entrants must be UK or Irish citizens or residents, or pupils at a British School overseas. Translate into English any poem from any language – ranging from Arabic to Uzbek, from Danish to Somali—and win cash prizes!

Open for entries from 4 May until midnight on Friday 15 July, visit the competition website for more details on how to enter, to meet the judges, and to explore the different prize categories!


UK-German connections

29 April 2022 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of initiatives and support to help UK-German school partnerships thrive. Follow the appropriate link below to learn more about the opportunities available to schools and young people:

  • Host a teacher from Germany - UK schools interested in hosting a teacher from Germany in 2022-23 can register now. Q&A webinars are also being offered during May and June for all UK schools interested in finding out more.
  • Funding programmes - A range of grants are available for joint activities between schools and youth groups. Primary, secondary, FE colleges and youth groups can apply now.
  • Still & Sparkling: UK-German Youth Newsletter - Written by young people, for young people, the newsletter is aimed at ages 14-25, and includes content in both English and German. The latest edition is now available online.
  • Café Connect - Sessions are a great opportunity for 14-18 year-olds to practise their German and explore cultural topics with peers in the UK and Germany. Meetings are free to attend and give young people an informal and comfortable environment to make friends and develop linguistic and intercultural skills. 

The organisation is keen to hear from young people about their views on the future of UK-German youth relations and invites young people aged 12-25 to complete a 'Have your say' survey. The survey closes on 24 June 2022.

Scotland’s Languages Landscape: The ‘Rights’ Approach event, 25 February 2022 - Recordings are now available!

29 April 2022 (SCILT)

We are pleased to announce that event materials are now available to view on our website, including video recordings from Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Keynote speaker, Bernardette Holmes MBE, Independent Languages Policy and Pedagogy Consultant and Plenary speaker, Louise Glen, Senior Education Officer at Education Scotland.

Video presentations taken from breakout discussions, including testimonials and speaker biographies are also available to view and will be of interest to the language teaching community and community-based organisations.

The event welcomed language leads, teachers and the wider languages community to share, celebrate and highlight the importance of valuing language skills and ensuring the rights of all children and young people to a language rich curriculum.


The Big Question: SCILT secondary seminar series

29 April 2022 (SCILT)

This term we are hosting a series of interactive seminars for secondary languages teachers, based on some of the main themes from our workshops this year, and covering some of the big questions that you might be asking about teaching languages today.

Each session will feature the chance to hear from a guest practitioner, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to these questions!

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers; attend as many or as few as you wish. Register for each seminar separately via the links below. 

  • Seminar 1: Employability and languages
    4-5pm, Tuesday 17 May
    In this seminar we will consider why and how to make meaningful connections between language learning and the Developing the Young Workforce agenda. Sarah Coats from Musselburgh Grammar School will be our guest in this session, sharing some of the work that she has been involved with in this area, which led to the school achieving the Scottish Languages Employability Award this year.
  • Seminar 2: Encouraging uptake
    4-5pm, Wednesday 25 May
    Across Scotland, we are all facing the challenge of how to encourage learners to continue studying languages when faced with the choice. In this seminar we will have the chance to share ideas and strategies that we have tried or would like to try. France Reid from Dunblane High School will be our guest in this session, sharing the issues that they have faced and how they are seeking to address them.
  • Seminar 3: Teaching controversial issues
    4-5pm, Thursday 9 June
    In this seminar we will look at how can we approach controversial issues such as gender, race, politics and climate in the context of language learning.  We will explore strategies for tackling controversial issues safely and effectively in the languages classroom. Our guest in this session will be Lynne Jones of SCILT who will be sharing particularly around areas of gender and immigration.
  • Seminar 4: Building confidence in talking
    4-5pm, Wednesday 15 June
    Talking is often the area of our subject that learners find most challenging and stressful. In this seminar we will discuss and share practical ideas and activities which help build learner confidence in talking in the target language. Lisa Hanna from SCILT, who is a Visiting Assessor for talking with SQA, will be our guest in this session.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Scottish Languages Employability Award - next deadline 20 May!

21 April 2022 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates innovation by schools in promoting languages and employability together through partnerships with businesses, public bodies and third sector organisations. The award, which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community. 

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 20 May 2022

In January 2022 Musselburgh Grammar School won a bronze award for their 'S3 Life with Languages' careers event. Read about their impressive submission, watch videos from previous winners and access the full award guidelines on our website.

Due to ongoing restrictions, online events and activities will be accepted as evidence towards the award.

If you have any questions about the award or the submission process please contact SCILT


Café Connect

19 April 2022 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a safe space for young people aged 14-18 to participate in an online meet-up group, Café Connect, with the chance to get to know other young people through fun, interactive activities, and group discussions on current topics. 

Taking place twice a month, these online meet-ups are a unique opportunity to exchange with other young people from the UK and Germany in a friendly atmosphere – on topics that interest you! You can join as many sessions as you like and you can get involved even if you don’t speak any German - Tuesday Cafés are mainly in English, whilst Thursday Cafés give learners of German the opportunity to practise speaking the language in an informal atmosphere.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and to register for a meeting. 


BSL: Newsround launches signed weekday bulletins

19 April 2022 (BBC)

Newsround's weekday bulletin is now accessible for people who use British Sign Language (BSL).

The programme will be fully signed, with an in-vision interpreter, each weekday starting from Tuesday 19 April.

It will be available to watch on the Newsround website from lunchtime every Monday to Friday, and will be remain online to watch at a time that suits you or your school.


Writing projects and competitions

19 April 2022 (Scottish Book Trust)

The Scottish Book Trust currently has open projects and competitions for aspiring writers! Follow the relevant link below to find out more about each one:

  • Young Scots Writer of the Year Award - Open to ages 11-18. Writing should be in Scots, whether you write a story, poem, play, song or make a short video.
  • Your Stories: Scotland's Stories - Category for under-16s as well as adults. Write about real life experiences. Entries can be in any form you like – a story, poem, comic strip, play, video, audio file, or letter. Entries welcome in Gaelic, Scots and English.

Both competitions have deadlines in June 2022.

If you need some inspiration, try some of the creative tasks on the StoryCon webpage. StoryCon is Scotland's biggest creative writing and illustration conference for young people which returned in March this year. Recordings of events are available online for a limited time.

Ukrainian resources for schools and families

5 April 2022 (SCILT)

We have collated resources to help support children and families arriving from Ukraine. We hope teachers will find these useful in welcoming young people and their parents into Scottish schools. Please share with your networks!


MTOT 2021-22 - Finalist poems now online!

1 April 2022 (SCILT)

We're delighted to announce the entries from all the finalists of this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition can now be viewed on the SCILT website.

For the first time judges awarded some special commendations for entries which very narrowly missed making the final shortlist and we have some of these also available online.

We hope many of you will be inspired to take part when the 2022-23 edition launches in the Autumn!


One week immersion course for Spanish teachers

29 March 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Any plans for this summer? Sign up for the Teaching and Culture course in Burgos for Spanish Secondary School and University teachers.

We are offering 100 grants for Secondary School and University teachers of Spanish to enrol in our course in Burgos in collaboration with the University of Burgos and Mester Academy during July 2022.

The course content includes a number of areas in relation to teaching Spanish as a foreign language along with cultural activities. There are three starting dates to choose from 3-9 July, from 10-16 July, or from 24-30 July 2022. This course will be delivered fully in Spanish therefore we recommend that teachers should have at least a B2 level.

For all information regarding the course and how to sign up can be found on the Consejería de Educación website.


Grants for joint activities between UK-German schools and youth groups

28 March 2022 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of grants to primary and secondary schools (including SEN schools), FE colleges and youth groups for UK-German activities. 

They also offer school partnership bursaries to help schools maintain existing links with Germany.

Funding applications are now open! Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information on the grants available.


Employ a Mandarin teacher - funding available

25 March 2022 (SCILT/CISS)

State schools in Scotland can apply for funding to employ a Mandarin teacher. So if you are interested in introducing Mandarin as part of your Modern Languages curriculum and want to find out more join the information session on 28 March, details are on the attached flyer.

Applicants wishing to be considered for our new round of funding for GTCS registered teachers of Mandarin Chinese should complete the short form before 5pm, Monday 16 May 2022.


Related Files

Join Scotland’s National Languages Leadership Programme Team 2022-23!

25 March 2022 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Applications are now open for critical friends to support and challenge participants as they progress through the 2022-23 programme.


Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme supports local authorities by building capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all.

The critical friend role is suitable for people who:

  • have experience of the national languages leadership programme i.e. 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme (2017-2022) or the Train the Trainer Programme (2014-2016), or
  • are experienced in supporting teacher professional learning either online or face-to-face, preferably at Masters level, and
  • wish to help build the languages leadership capacity in all sectors of Scottish education

As an online programme, Scotland’s National Languages Leadership Programme offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy. The programme provides participants with professional learning and networking opportunities as well as flexible and personalised pathways through Masters level professional learning. 

Objectives of the programme are for participants to develop:

  • an appreciation of leadership skills
  • critical and strategic reflection on their own leadership development
  • an understanding of a range of key issues related to Scotland’s Languages policy

Professional learning and support will be offered to critical friends throughout the year.

For more information, visit the registration page to find out how you can apply to join the LLP team as a critical friend by Tuesday 17 May. A Glow account is required to take part.

If you have any questions about applying for this role, please email and include ‘LLP Critical Friend’ in the subject line.

Related Files

Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme 2022-23 - Submit your application now!

24 March 2022 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme supports local authorities by building capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Open to colleagues with 5 years' experience post probation or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts, this might include: classroom teachers, principal teachers, heads of department, heads of faculty or languages lead practitioners.

This online programme is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

SCILT hosted an online information session on Tuesday 22 March. A recording of the session is now available to find out more about the programme and hear experiences of current participants.

Participants can visit the website for more information and to submit their application. Deadline date to submit applications is Monday 25 April.


Related Files

Where will languages take me?

18 March 2022 (British Council)

This new collection of videos with accompanying pupil booklet aims to encourage secondary pupils to continue their language education or choose languages as an option.


Community Campfires project to spark new stories

18 March 2022 (Scottish Book Trust)

Scottish Book Trust, the national charity changing lives through reading and writing, has today launched their Community Campfires residencies project. It marks the 14th year of Scottish Book Trust's annual Your Stories campaign and four intensive story making residencies will take place in communities across Scotland via the Story Wagon. The residencies are supported by EventScotland as part of Scotland's Year of Stories 2022.

The Story Wagon will tour: Garnock Valley, North Ayrshire; Greenock, Inverclyde; Lochgelly, Fife and the Western Isles, gathering real life stories from the public. Luke Winter, Navigation Officer of the Story Wagon, will be joined by a team of digital storytellers, filmmakers and podcasters producing content in English and Gaelic.

Visit the website for more information and tour dates from April to June 2022.


German Teacher Award 2022

14 March 2022 (German Embassy)

If you know a truly outstanding German language teacher at your primary or secondary school – make sure that their dedication and excellence get the recognition they deserve!

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in London is pleased to invite nominations for the annual German Teacher Award, now in its 19th successful year. The winners of the Award will be announced in summer, they will receive a personal prize and a certificate.

Please note that headteachers must nominate the German language teacher; unfortunately applications by German language teachers submitted by themselves and applications submitted by pupils cannot be accepted.

Visit the website for more information and submit nominations by 30 April 2022.


"Vive la Francophonie" quiz is back in 2022!

8 March 2022 (Francophonie UK)

To celebrate the International Francophonie Day on Sunday 20 March 2022, the Francophonie Groupe UK is again launching the quiz Vive la Francophonie!

Every year this quiz allows thousands of people in the UK to test their knowledge on the Francophone world in a fun way. In 2022, a special focus will be given to France.

Open to all learners and speakers of French in the UK, including UK primary and secondary schools, the quiz will be available from Sunday 20 March 2022 to Friday 25 March 2022.

The quiz will be available in two categories:

  • a school-aged appropriate version (30 questions for KS2 and KS3)
  • a version for the general public (65 questions for KS4, KS5 and adults)

Two winners will be selected in each category after Friday 25 March 2022.

Register now to receive the quiz on 20 March and get onboard to try to win exciting prizes!


ECML Language Gazette: Issue 59

7 March 2022 (ECML)

The latest edition of the ECML's Language Gazette is now available online.

Visit the ECML website to access.


How to Talk About Migrations? A competition for primary and secondary Scottish schools

4 March 2022 (Migration in Education)

We invite pupils and teachers to participate in this exciting competition that explores how we teach and learn about migration — creatively and with empathy. We live in a world that sees many people on the move, and our pupils may have been part of these experiences themselves. In schools, migration may make the topic of creative projects and classroom activities — a unique opportunity for pupils to learn from each other and about each other.

Through this competition, we want to bring forward the best and most creative ideas on teaching and learning about migrations in Scottish schools. We would like to hear about your teaching activities/practices and/or activities that may enable conversations about migration in schools – from language learning, literature, history, to personal experiences. The competition aims to acknowledge and make visible the cultural and linguistic diversity of Scottish primary and secondary schools. The purpose of this competition is to explore how to raise awareness and learn about migration, and move conversations beyond narrow and often negative stereotypes. We advocate and understand migration as a multifaceted and omnipresent fact of life, and hope that the submissions for this competition will reflect this vision.

Visit the competition webpage for more information and submit entries by 25 April 2022.


Host a Modern Language Assistant in 2022-23

3 March 2022 (British Council)

Applications for Modern Language Assistants in 2022/23 are now open for schools, colleges and universities across the UK through the British Council website until 2 May 2022.

Building cultural capital with MFL

Join us on 16 March for our free webinar exploring how to maximise the potential of MFL to build cultural capital, develop learner confidence and improve exam results. Keep up to date with the conversation on Twitter with #CulturalCapitalMFL. Register here for the webinar.

How Language Assistants can make a difference

Bringing authentic voices into French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, German, Italian and Irish lessons allows students to see the relevance of these languages alongside their cultural context. What's more, in 2021, 92 per cent of host institutions told us their Language Assistants helped improve exam results. These cultural ambassadors enhance lessons and develop intercultural awareness. From speaking practice to fresh cultural insights, their input and encouragement enriches pupil experience, preparing them for future success.

Our dedicated team are well-equipped to support with the administrative steps and flexible hosting options are available with different placement lengths and sharing possibilities. Throughout the challenges of the past few years, Language Assistants have proved to be a key tool, and in some cases a ‘lifeline’, for continued pupil engagement with language learning. Back in the classroom, their expertise not only motivates pupils, but provides teachers with in-house professional development and refreshed linguistic materials.

Contact us

Please contact us at LanguageAssistants.UK@BritishCouncil.Org if you have any further questions.


Mandarin for BGE

25 February 2022 (CISS)

Do you want to include Mandarin in your school's curriculum but don't currently have the resources?

CISS is offering 10-week blocks of live-streamed language and culture classes commencing September 2022. Two courses are available, one for Primary learners, the other for S1-S3. To find out more about each, follow the relevant link:

Register interest by 18 March 2022.

Teaching and culture course in Palencia - April 2022

22 February 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Any plans for the Easter holidays? Sign up for the Teaching and Culture course in Palencia for Spanish Secondary School and University teachers.

We are offering 30 grants for Secondary School and University teachers of Spanish to enrol in our course in Palencia in collaboration with the University of Valladolid, INTI and Mester Academy during the Easter holidays.

The course content includes a number of areas in relation to teaching Spanish as a foreign language along with cultural activities. There are two starting dates to choose from 3-8 or 10-15 April. This course will be delivered fully in Spanish therefore we recommend that teachers should have at least a B2 level.

For all information regarding the course and how to sign up, visit the Consejería de Educación website and apply by 4 March 2022.

Please note that this course is separate to the Spanish Language Course we will be running in Palencia with all places now filled.


Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2021-22

22 February 2022 (University of Oxford)

The Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2022 is now open! Teachers from all over the UK can submit their students' translations of poetry, fiction and non-fiction in French, German, Italian [new!], Mandarin and Spanish, covering all year groups at secondary school from age 11 to 18. Submission deadline is 8 April 2022.

Visit the competition website for more information and to register interest. 


MTOT 2021-22 - Winners announced!

21 February 2022 (SCILT)

Our awards event to announce the winning entries from this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition was held online today, to coincide with International Mother Language Day. It was a great celebration of the languages being spoken and learned in Scotland and we're delighted to announce the winners and highly commended runners-up in each category as follows:

Mother Tongue







Simon Cronje

Netherlee PS


Highly commended

Fabian Choromanski

Gallowhill PS




Sabihah Tubasem

West Primary


Highly commended

Lovelyn Asare

St Catherine’s PS


Highly commended

Sabina Rodrigues da Rosa

West Primary

Brazilian Portuguese

Highly commended

Tanazzal Shah

West Primary


Highly commended

Zamin Amjad Sheikh

Netherlee PS




Melice Monga Lubengi

Lourdes Secondary


Highly commended

Marcel Zuk & Oskar Kolodziej

St Thomas of Aquin’s


Highly commended

Helen Joseph

Lourdes Secondary


Highly commended

Sarah Alradi

Craigmount High




Regina Wyllie

Loudoun Academy


Highly commended

Camran Kouhy

Madras College


Highly commended

Wiktoria Sapko

St Andrew’s Secondary


Other Tongue







Hayley Cowe

Westhill PS


Highly commended

P2 Class

Newcraighall PS




Lucia Conetta

Glasgow Academy


Highly commended

Malaika Ali

Golfhill PS




Grace Ross

Madras College


Highly commended

Deepak Kumaar

Craigmount High

French & German

Highly commended

Caitlin Fraser

Arran High




Brooklynn Faichnie

Aboyne Academy

French, Spanish & Italian

Highly commended

Iona Kellas

Aboyne Academy


Highly commended

Charlotte Reynolds

Aboyne Academy



All pupils will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also receive a trophy as well as the opportunity for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive and Kids Poetry Club podcast. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward. This year also saw a special award sponsored by the Dictionaries of the Scots Language for entries in Scots, which was awarded to Hayley Cowe, our P1-P4 Other Tongue winner!

It is our intention to host each of these poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available.

Congratulations again to all our finalists!

Express Yourself 2022 - Celebrating Speaking

21 February 2022 (ALL/British Council)

There's still time to practise and celebrate a language you are learning, or use in your community, and take part in a virtual festival of speaking! Individuals or groups are invited to prepare and record a short poem, presentation, sketch or dialogue in the target language and share on social media by 28 February 2022.

Full details can be found in the ALLNet E-bulletin Special.


SCILT spring newsletter - send us your stories!

17 February 2022 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our spring 2022 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place in late 2021 or so far in 2022. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 11th March 2022.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Seachdain na Gàidhlig - 21-27 March

17 February 2022 (Seachdain na Gàidhlig)

‘Seachdain na Gàidhlig’, is the first official nationwide language and culture week to be held in Scotland, from 21-27 March 2022.

The week promotes Gaelic to all, both at official events and community initiatives, such as Irish Language Week in Ireland and Gaelic Awareness Month in Nova Scotia. It will enable Gaelic speakers and non-speakers to participate in a variety of ways that suit them; both in Scotland and abroad.

Visit the website for more information or see the flyer for ways to get involved.


TECLA magazine for Spanish language teachers

15 February 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

A new issue of the magazine TECLA with lots of ideas and resources for Spanish classes is now available. It includes an article by Louise Glen: “Implementación de la política de idiomas 1+2 en centros educativos escoceses”. Free download! 


German conversation course for secondary teachers

14 February 2022 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you a secondary German teacher in a school in Scotland? Would you like to practice speaking and keep up to date on current topics in German-speaking countries?

Then this conversation course is for you. We discuss a wide range of topics including current newspaper articles, radio programs and video clips from German television. You will be able to take away up-to-date materials and hopefully inspiration and many good ideas for your lessons.

The course also offers the opportunity for German teachers to network and exchange best practice examples.

Register by 7 March 2022 for the free online course.


10th Anniversary Gift Design Competition

8 February 2022 (CISS)

The Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools (CISS) will be celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2022. To celebrate this milestone CISS is launching an interdisciplinary competition for secondary students across the nation to showcase their business, design and language skills.

We have set two categories which students can choose from and encourage school departments - be that business, design technology or languages - to support and encourage interested students as they develop their pitch.

See the attached flyer and visit the competition webpage for more information. Submit entries by 27 May 2022.


By the numbers: languages uptake in Scotland

4 February 2022 (TES)

The Scottish government's policy is that children should start learning their first additional language when they start school in P1 and then start learning another language from P5. The government says "language learning is an entitlement for all from P1 to S3".

This is known as the 1+2 languages policy, since the expectation is that pupils will learn two languages, as well as their mother tongue.

But to what extent is this long-established policy - which the government originally pledged to fully implement by the beginning of this school year (August 2021) - a reality in Scottish schools?

To mark Languages Week Scotland 2022, we take a look at the data.


February Bitesize: Gathering Evidence in Secondary

3 February 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In February 2022, we’re looking at how we can gather evidence to support our judgments about learner progress. We will be joined by Lisa Waygood, Faculty Head of Ancient and Modern Languages at St Columba’s School in Kilmacolm. Come along on 23 February and share your experiences of evidence gathering in your context. What works well? Or not?

Visit our Bitesize webpage to find out more and to register for the event.


JaViChamp - Japanese Video Championship for Young Learners UK

1 February 2022 (Japan Foundation)

This is a brand-new event for primary and secondary school students studying Japanese in the UK organised by the Japan Foundation, London.

The world is currently changing very quickly. Technology is advancing, and nowadays if you have a computer or a smartphone you can send a message to anyone in the world. In a time like this, we should always have the following questions in our mind: “What message do I want to convey and how?” It is important for us to deliver messages clearly and easily for others to understand.

This event is a contest for young Japanese learners in the UK to use their Japanese and make a video on a topic provided. You can apply individually or as part of a group.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information and apply to take part by 3 May 2022.


Competition: Around the World with Stamps 2022

1 February 2022 (StampIT)

Create a written or video presentation linked to postage stamps. Open to ages 5-15 worldwide. Choose a stamp that inspires you and find out about the person, place, animal or object on the stamp. We encourage you to include some elements in a second language to your own. 

Winners in each age group receive Amazon, equivalent e-vouchers or goods to the value of £40 for the winner and £20 for second place. 

Full details on the attached flyer and more information along with previous winning entries on the StampIT website. Entry deadline: 8 April 2022.


Related Files

Prismatic Jane Eyre translation competition

31 January 2022 (Creative Multilingualism)

The Prismatic Jane Eyre Schools Project and the Stephen Spender Trust are running a translation competition which celebrates all languages spoken in homes and taught in schools across the UK.

Entrants are asked to produce a poem in another language inspired by a selected passage from Jane Eyre. The competition accepts submissions in any language from learners in Key Stages 3-5/S1-6. Up to 100 entries to the competition will be published in a printed anthology, which will also be made available online.

The competition is not designed to be a test of grammar or vocabulary, but how students can reimagine the selected passage from Jane Eyre in a different language and through a new form. The deadline for entries to the competition is 1 March 2022.

The competition guidelines, support materials and selected passages are available on the Prismatic Jane Eyre competition website.


Goethe-Institut opportunities for schools

27 January 2022 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of activities for teachers and learners of German. Click on the relevant link below to find out more about their latest opportunities:

  • The Young Goethe Scheme - offers primary and secondary school German teachers in the UK the opportunity to invite university and A-Level students of German into their classrooms to inspire and motivate younger students to continue with German at GCSE and beyond. 
  • Instagram Music Competition - this competition is aimed at young musicians who have a piece of music by a German composer or artist that they love to play. No knowledge of German is necessary to apply, and we encourage your music departments at school to get involved! Entry deadline 25 February 2022.

Scotland's Year of Stories 2022

25 January 2022 (Education Scotland)

This year has been designated Scotland's Year of Stories and with National Storytelling Week taking place from 30 January to 6 February 2022 it's an ideal time to promote and encourage storytelling in the classroom. But how can we ensure that the stories we share reflect the diversity of our learners? Explore practitioner considerations and resources on Education Scotland's Race Equality and Anti-racist education website.


Making Your Future Brighter With Languages (1+2 December 2021) – Event recordings now available!

21 January 2022 (SCILT)

We are delighted to confirm that the recently launched toolkit for Phase Three of our ERASMUS+ project, Generation Global, now includes recordings of the sessions that took place at the virtual launch events on 1+2 December 2021. Entitled Making Your Future Brighter With Languages, the events, like the toolkit, set out to give young people, parents and carers a wealth of information, ideas and advice about the importance of learning languages.

The first event, on 1 December, which was aimed at young people, featured interactive activities and an interesting and informative panel discussion of young professionals talking about how they use languages in their careers. These recordings could be useful for teachers to show to classes of young people around subject choice times.

On 2 December the event focused on parents, carers and teachers. At this event we enjoyed contributions by Dr Paul Hare (Professional Development Officer, SCILT) and partners from Denmark and Norway, a fascinating panel discussion with representation from employers, educators and careers advisers, and a powerful message from Liz Neil of the British Council on the value of language and intercultural skills to the workforce of the future.

Recordings of all sessions are available on our website.


Discovering the World of Arabic 2022-23 - secondary course

21 January 2022 (SCILT / QFI)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International and the Scottish Refugee Council, is currently looking for local authority secondary schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through our Discovering the World of Arabic programme.  

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for local authority secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and culture. Courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and a specially commissioned writing, with language lessons delivered online by a teacher of Arabic. 

The course will focus on developing conversational Arabic which will enhance learners’ employability skills. It is aimed at learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and develop their portfolio of skills. 

The course is delivered using a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams. The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

Classes are provisionally scheduled as follows and run from August 2022 until March 2023:

  • S1-S3 - Wednesdays 13.30-14.30
  • S4-S6 - Mondays 13.30-14.30

In addition, participating schools will receive ongoing support from the SCILT team and a grant of £2000. This can provide schools with resources and experiences that enhance and support the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures.

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form via the link below by Friday 18 February.

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions. 


Scottish Education Awards 2022

20 January 2022 (Scottish Education Awards)

The Scottish Education Awards celebrate the hard work and success which takes place in Scottish education.

The annual event recognises those who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcases the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

Nominations in each of the award categories, which includes the Gaelic Education Award, are now invited.

Visit the Scottish Education Awards website for more information and submit nominees by 23 February 2022.


British Council Year of the Tiger education pack

18 January 2022 (British Council)

According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, we enter the Year of the Tiger on 1 February 2022.

Our Year of the Tiger education pack celebrates Chinese New Year. Featuring activities to help teachers and pupils learn more about this important spring festival and explore Chinese culture, you can learn about the South China tiger, make a kite, and take part in a Chinese language lesson. 

Visit the British Council website to download the education pack.


Express Yourself 2022 - Celebrating Speaking