Latest News

A selection of language-related news. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

Foreign Language Assistants

Exciting opportunity to internationalise your curriculum!

3 December 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to offer all primary and secondary state schools the opportunity to have a Chinese language assistant teacher in their school/cluster free of charge in 2025-26!

Your teacher could help deliver L3 Mandarin to primary and secondary BGE classes, lead IDL projects such as Eco Learning Partners organise live-link ups with Chinese schools, team teach with Virtual Exchange Teachers (VETs) team teach with your own staff, work with small groups for speaking activities, support senior phase learners with preparation for NQs alongside the Discovering China programme. This exciting opportunity could complement or supplement any existing Mandarin provision you have. Having a Mandarin language assistant teacher could revolutionise your L3 provision next year.

For more information contact

Host a French-speaking trainee teacher

8 October 2024 (Haute école pédagogique Vaud)

The University of Teacher Education in the State of Vaud, Switzerland is developing an exchange programme to bring French-speaking trainee teachers to English-speaking countries to undertake two-month placements in secondary schools. 

If you would like to host a participant in your school, see the flyer below for more information and to contact the programme coordinator.

flyer providing full details of the programme including programme contact for more information Camille Dinkel (email:

Cultural Exchange Ambassadors

1 October 2024 (UK-German Connection)

Is your school hosting a German Language Assistant? Would you like to support and encourage your Language Assistant to organise intercultural projects with pupils and develop competencies in leadership? Your Language Assistant can sign up to be a Cultural Exchange Ambassador!

This network is for Language Assistants in the UK and Germany to develop and lead intercultural projects, bringing cultural exchange and language learning to life beyond the classroom and fostering links between schools. 

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and to apply by 28 October 2024.


Exciting opportunity to internationalise your curriculum!

30 August 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to offer all primary and secondary state schools the opportunity to have a Chinese language assistant teacher in their school/cluster free of charge in 2024-25!  

Your teacher could help deliver L3 Mandarin to primary and BGE classes, lead IDL projects such as Eco Learning Partners (ELP) organise live-link ups with Chinese schools, team teach with Virtual Exchange Teachers (VETs), team teach with your own staff, work with small groups for speaking activities, support senior phase learners with preparation for NQs alongside the Discovering China programme. This exciting opportunity could complement or supplement any existing Mandarin provision you have. Having a Mandarin language assistant teacher could revolutionise your L3 provision this year.

For more information contact for more details. 

Host a Teacher from Germany

14 May 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK schools and further education colleges interested in hosting a teacher from Germany in 2024-25 can register now!

Applicants can host a German teacher (in-person or virtually) for one, two or three weeks during the academic year with no costs involved for UK schools.

The programme is open to teachers of all subjects and German does not need to be offered at your school.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more about the programme. You can also register for one of the Q&A webinar sessions coming up on 20 May and 12 June.


Exciting opportunity to internationalise your curriculum!

3 May 2024 (SCILT/CISS)

SCILT is delighted to offer state primary and secondary schools in Scotland the opportunity to have a Chinese language assistant teacher in their school/cluster free of charge in 2024-25!

Your teacher could help deliver L3 Mandarin to primary and BGE classes, lead IDL projects such as Eco Learning Partners, organise live-link ups with Chinese schools, team teach with Virtual Exchange Teachers, team teach with your own staff, work with small groups for speaking activities, support senior phase learners with preparation for NQs alongside the Discovering China Programme. This exciting opportunity could complement or supplement any existing Mandarin provision you have. Having a Mandarin language assistant teacher could revolutionise your L3 provision next year.

You can register your interest in the opportunity via the online form where you can also sign up to attend an information session on Thursday 23 May at 4pm.

Modern language assistants disappear from Scottish state schools

24 April 2024 (TES)

There are no foreign language assistants working in Scottish state schools this academic year, Tes Scotland can reveal.

While a small number of modern language assistants (MLAs) remain working in Scottish schools, all are operating in the independent sector.

Once a mainstay of many schools’ language-teaching offerings, MLAs appear to have been sacrificed en masse in the midst of councils’ budget crises and a decline in interest in languages in Scottish schools.

Data obtained from the British Council Scotland, which arranges for MLAs to work in schools, shows that in 2023-24, the total number employed in Scotland is 33. None is in a state school.

This was also the case in 2022-23. The last time any MLAs were hosted by local authorities was in 2021-22, when 10 were employed to work in state schools.

(Note - subscription required to access full article).


Employing a Language Assistant in Scotland

16 April 2024 (British Council)

A Language Assistant can make a vital difference to students’ achievement and motivation to learn a language. It can also help schools fulfil Curriculum for Excellence requirements and support the 1+2 languages policy. 

Language Assistants are native speakers of French, German, Italian, Spanish or Mandarin Chinese. They bring the language and culture of their home country to life and motivate students to learn and develop their understanding of the world around them.

Visit the British Council website to discover more and submit your application to host a Language Assistant in session 2024-25 by 30 April.


Applications to host a Modern Language Assistant for 2024-25 are open now!

29 February 2024 (British Council)

Hosting a Language Assistant helps enhance language learning, boost student results and build cultural capital. Flexible hosting options are available with different placement lengths and sharing possibilities.

Applications to host a Modern Language Assistant for the 2024-25 academic year are now open (29 February – 30 April). To guarantee a Mandarin Chinese Language Assistant, you must submit your application by 28 March.

Our team is well-equipped to support you and we would love to hear from you if you would like to discuss how we could help make it work for you in 2024-25. To speak to a colleague, please email

Visit the British Council website to find out more. 


Modern Language Assistants

17 April 2023 (British Council)

Applications for Modern Language Assistants in 2023/24 are now open for schools, colleges and universities across the UK through the British Council website.  

Bringing authentic voices into French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, German, Italian and Irish lessons allows students to see the relevance of these languages alongside their cultural context. What's more, in 2021, 92 per cent of host institutions told us their Language Assistants helped improve exam results. These cultural ambassadors enhance lessons and develop intercultural awareness. From speaking practice to fresh cultural insights, their input and encouragement enriches pupil experience, preparing them for future success. 

Please note: The deadline to guarantee a Mandarin Chinese Language Assistant has now passed. We will however accept applications for Mandarin Chinese Language Assistant until 30 April 2023 but there is a chance you may be placed on a waiting list.

Our dedicated team are well-equipped to support with the administrative steps and flexible hosting options are available with different placement lengths and sharing possibilities. Throughout the challenges of the past few years, Language Assistants have proved to be a key tool, and in some cases a ‘lifeline’, for continued pupil engagement with language learning. Back in the classroom, their expertise not only motivates pupils, but provides teachers with in-house professional development and refreshed linguistic materials.

If you have any further questons, please contact us at: LanguageAssistants.UK@BritishCouncil.Org

Visit the British Council website for full details and to apply by 30 April.


Employ a Modern Language Assistant

16 February 2023 (British Council)

Modern Language Assistants are speakers of French, German, Irish, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish who can help students in the UK build their cultural capital by developing their linguistic and cross-cultural skills. 

Applications to host Modern Language Assistants are now open.

Visit the British Council website to discover how the scheme works and the benefits it can bring to your school.


Employ a Modern Language Assistant

16 January 2023 (British Council)

Modern Language Assistants are speakers of French, German, Irish, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish who can help students in the UK build their cultural capital by developing their linguistic and cross-cultural skills. 

Visit the British Council website to discover how the scheme works and the benefits it can bring to your school.

Requests to host Modern Language Assistants will open on 15 February 2023.


How language assistants can transform MFL teaching

27 April 2022 (TES/British Council)

Language assistants can be a critical tool for unlocking the joy of language learning in the classroom.

The benefits of learning a language at school are vast.  

Of 2,000 UK adults surveyed for a study commissioned by the British Council in November 2020, 73 per cent cited how much easier it made international travel, 70 per cent said it boosted the ability to appreciate and understand different cultures, and 72 per cent said it could broaden career opportunities, too. In fact, people with a second language have a salary up to 7 per cent higher than their colleagues that don't. 

And the benefits of learning a language go beyond the practical. Research also shows that learning a language can improve concentration and alertness, it can make us more empathetic, and far more creative and eloquent in our native tongue.

All of which is perhaps why nearly two-thirds (64 per cent) of those adults surveyed by YouGov wished they had continued with the foreign language skills they first developed in school.

For teachers, though, the reality is that trying to inspire and motivate students to study modern languages in the classroom can sometimes feel like an uphill battle.


Employ a Modern Language Assistant in 2022-23

24 March 2022 (British Council)

Bring language and culture to life by hosting a Modern Language Assistant in 2022-23! 

Modern Language Assistants are speakers of French, German, Irish, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish who can help students in the UK develop their linguistic and cross-cultural skills. 

Requests for hosting a Modern Language Assistant in 2022-23 close on 3 May 2022. Should you wish to host a Mandarin Language Assistant, requests should be submitted by the earlier deadline of 31 March 2022. 


Host a Modern Language Assistant in 2022-23

3 March 2022 (British Council)

Applications for Modern Language Assistants in 2022/23 are now open for schools, colleges and universities across the UK through the British Council website until 2 May 2022.

Building cultural capital with MFL

Join us on 16 March for our free webinar exploring how to maximise the potential of MFL to build cultural capital, develop learner confidence and improve exam results. Keep up to date with the conversation on Twitter with #CulturalCapitalMFL. Register here for the webinar.

How Language Assistants can make a difference

Bringing authentic voices into French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, German, Italian and Irish lessons allows students to see the relevance of these languages alongside their cultural context. What's more, in 2021, 92 per cent of host institutions told us their Language Assistants helped improve exam results. These cultural ambassadors enhance lessons and develop intercultural awareness. From speaking practice to fresh cultural insights, their input and encouragement enriches pupil experience, preparing them for future success.

Our dedicated team are well-equipped to support with the administrative steps and flexible hosting options are available with different placement lengths and sharing possibilities. Throughout the challenges of the past few years, Language Assistants have proved to be a key tool, and in some cases a ‘lifeline’, for continued pupil engagement with language learning. Back in the classroom, their expertise not only motivates pupils, but provides teachers with in-house professional development and refreshed linguistic materials.

Contact us

Please contact us at LanguageAssistants.UK@BritishCouncil.Org if you have any further questions.


Host a Modern Language Assistant in 2022-23

8 February 2022 (British Council)

The British Council Language Assistants team is delighted to announce that applications are open for host institutions to request a Modern Language Assistant for the 2022-23 academic year. The programme has a proud history of supporting the teaching and learning of languages in Scotland and has had a positive impact on the young people who have worked with language assistants in the classroom. Language assistants can support host institutions’ language departments in many ways:

  • Targeted speaking practice
  • Intercultural project work
  • Resource material development
  • Refreshing teachers’ contemporary vocabulary and language use
  • Bringing language alive for our young people

If you want to see our assistants in action, please follow the link to our website where there are videos of assistants in various locations around Scotland.

You will also find detailed guidance on how the programme works and how to request an assistant.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at


Employ a language assistant at your school, college or university

20 April 2021 (British Council)

Bring language and culture to life by hosting a Modern Language Assistant in 2021-22! 

Modern Language Assistants are speakers of French, German, Irish, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish who can help students in the UK develop their linguistic and cross-cultural skills. 

Requests for hosting a Modern Language Assistant in 2021-22 close on 30 April 2021 at 23:59 BST.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to apply.


Related Links

How language assistants can transform MFL teaching (TES, 23 March 2021)

British Council Language Assistants 2021-22

16 February 2021 (British Council)

The British Council Language Assistants programme is delighted to announce the launch of the 2021-22  application window. The deadline for requests is April 30 and this date will be final. There are several changes to the programme for the coming year as a result of external circumstances so please read through all the information on the website. We will be organising online information sessions in the coming weeks so watch this space.

Also, follow us on Twitter at


Boost German and intercultural learning in your school with a Cultural Exchange Ambassador

15 December 2020 (UK-German Connection)

Calling all schools hosting a German Language Assistant! 

We’re expanding our network of Cultural Exchange Ambassadors - Language Assistants can apply now to join a dynamic group, already running fun UK-German projects with their pupils!

While travel is out of bounds, give your pupils an authentic taste of Germany: encourage your German Language Assistant to become a Cultural Exchange Ambassador, join a UK-German network and run a class-to-class project with a German school. 

This programme, offered by UK-German Connection, has wide-reaching benefits:

  • Pupils gain an authentic connection to their German peers, helping improve both their linguistic and cultural understanding and increase their motivation
  • Language Assistants learn & strengthen valuable skills, including project management, teamwork & communication, and benefit from peer-to-peer exchange
  • Schools benefit from curricular-focused projects, which connect their pupils with another country, culture & language

“A brilliant initiative by our FLA, thoroughly enjoyed by all participants, most of whom have now opted for GCSE German.” (Head of German department)

For more information about the programme, visit: 

You can also sign up for an online Q&A session via the above web page.

Deadline: Monday, 18 January 2021

For questions and further information, please contact


Calling all schools hosting a German Language Assistant!

5 October 2020 (UK-German Connection)

*Boost German and intercultural learning in your school with a Cultural Exchange Ambassador*

While travel is out of bounds, give your pupils an authentic taste of Germany: encourage your German Language Assistant to become a Cultural Exchange Ambassador, join a UK-German network and run a class-to-class project with a German school. 

This programme, offered by UK-German Connection, has wide-reaching benefits:

  • Pupils gain an authentic connection to their German peers, helping improve both their linguistic and cultural understanding and increase their motivation
  • Language Assistants learn & strengthen valuable skills, including project management, teamwork & communication, and benefit from peer-to-peer exchange
  • Schools benefit from curricular-focused projects, which connect their pupils with another country, culture & language

“A brilliant initiative by our FLA, thoroughly enjoyed by all participants, most of whom have now opted for GCSE German.” (Head of German department)

More information about the programme can be found on the UK-German Connection Cultural Exchange Ambassadors webpage, where you can also sign up for an online Q&A session on selected dates during October. 

Application deadline: Monday 26 October 2020

For questions and further information, please contact


Why employ a language assistant?

11 August 2020 (British Council)

UK schools, colleges and universities can benefit from a language assistant. They can help enrich classroom activities and bring fresh perspectives to language learning, helping to boost results.

Our language assistants are native speakers of French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Irish, coming from 14 partner countries across the world. They are keen to bring knowledge of their culture and language into your classroom, helping to make your students more socially conscious.

Visit the website to learn about the impact language assistants had in schools in Aberdeenshire and the Western Isles and apply today to host a modern language assistant in your institution.


Coronavirus: French teacher's Hebridean lockdown

9 June 2020 (BBC)

A French language assistant who remained in the Western Isles during the coronavirus lockdown has been praised for the unique contribution she has made to young people's education.

Mathilde Forgerit arrived in Lewis last August for what was her first experience of teaching French abroad.

During the pandemic she has been able to use the islands' digital learning facilities to deliver classes to young people in other parts of Scotland too.

She said that despite being far from her family, the kindness of islanders stopped her from feeling isolated.

[..] Mathilde returned home to France last week, but the comhairle said she had left behind a positive language learning legacy across island schools.

Senior education officer Mary Clare Ferguson said: "She proved to be such an asset and a natural teacher.

"The pupils loved working with her and gained so much insight from a young person about her life in France, her culture and language. She really motivated them to improve their language skills."


Language Assistants programme 2020-21

20 April 2020 (British Council)

The 2020-21 Language Assistants programme is still due to go ahead and applications are now open for the next academic year. We are monitoring the situation as it evolves and are in close communication with our partners overseas on this matter as well as keeping a close eye on government recommendations. If there are any confirmed delays or changes to the 2020-21 programme year, we will inform all schools and assistants that have applied as soon as possible. 

We know that schools, language departments and teachers around Scotland are performing heroics to ensure that their young people maintain their love for languages. One of our language heroes is Mathilde Forgerit, the first ever French language assistant in the Western Isles. Despite the lockdown and being so far from home, Mathilde has chosen to stay in Stornoway, where she continues to teach virtual classes to students across the Western Isles community. You can watch Mathilde’s story in our latest video to find out the difference her contribution made to language learners across the Western Isles even before social distancing. 

We want language assistants to work for you, and understand that every local authority and school is unique. That’s why we can offer a number of flexible hosting and sharing options, allowing you to spread the costs with other schools in your area. As you know, language assistants are bright and motivated additions to any school and bring current and topical trends from their cultures that students love.

We fully appreciate that the current situation has resulted in unprecedented teaching scenarios and we understand that workloads have increased substantially. If you have any questions about any aspect of the Language Assistants programme, please contact us at

An overview of the application stages and the application form can be found on the British Council website.


Modern Language Assistants 2020-21 applications open

14 February 2020 (British Council)

The British Council Language Assistants team is now welcoming requests from host schools, colleges, universities and local authorities for the 2020-21 academic year.

Language Assistants are an invaluable resource for the development of language skills and the raising of inter-cultural awareness. Language Assistants can help learners build their confidence while gaining new cultural insights. Assistants are native speakers of French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Mandarin from our 14 partner countries around the globe.

Visit the website to apply or contact the Language Assistants team for more information at

British Council Language Assistants banner


How language assistants can make a difference in your school

17 October 2018 (TES)

At Dane Royd Junior and Infant School, we’ve been employing modern language assistants (MLA) – mainly European and Chinese language assistants for over 15 years. We also lead training and support for schools within the local authority who employ language assistants.

Our MLAs have been key in boosting not only our teaching of modern foreign languages but also the teaching of global citizenship and British Values. We’ve seen our pupils’ understanding of their cultural heritage and place in the world grow by being able to compare and contrast their experiences and beliefs through their frequent interactions with an MLA.

In supporting other schools, I’ve seen the wealth of activities that MLAs can contribute which enable schools to deepen their language teaching, as well as dramatically improve language skills among pupils. Here are a few of the most effective activities to try in your school.


Where have all the modern language assistants gone?

31 August 2018 (TESS)

The number of modern language assistants in Scotland has taken another tumble this year, Tes Scotland can reveal.

New figures also show that employing MLAs – native speakers who typically spend a year working in Scottish classrooms – is increasingly the preserve of independent schools, with nearly half based in that sector, including all of Edinburgh’s contingent of 18.

Data from the British Council, which arranges for MLAs to work in Scotland, reveals that there are only 61 MLAs, 27 of whom are based in independent schools. This is the lowest figure since current records began in 2003: the next lowest was 72 in 2013-14 and the current number is less than a quarter of the 2005-06 high point of 278. The number of local authorities with MLAs is also falling, from 15 (out of 32) in 2017 to 13 in 2018.

From a recent high of 146 MLAs in Scotland in 2016-17, numbers fell sharply to 80 in 2017-18 – including 23 based in independent schools – with some fearing that this was related to the 2016 vote to leave the EU (“Brexit blamed as language assistant numbers dive”, Tes Scotland, 17 November 2017).

The British Council, however, has played down any suggestion that Brexit has had an impact. Liz Neil, acting head of education for British Council Scotland, says: “The reduction in the number of modern language assistants in Scotland is disappointing and we are working with stakeholders to explore options for addressing the issue – for example, by getting more placements in primary schools where the impact on primary learners can be significant.”

(Note - subscription required to read full article).


Foreign language speakers to be hired for classrooms

22 August 2018 (Irish Times)

(Applies to Ireland) Dozens of native speakers of foreign languages are to be hired to work in school classrooms to help boost the teaching of languages.

These “foreign language assistants” will be provided to schools to support the teaching and learning of languages such as Spanish, German, French and Italian.

Minister for Education Richard Bruton has announced a 25 per cent increase in the number of these assistants, bringing the total number available to schools from this September to 140.

He said the move would help ensure Ireland is well prepared for the challenges that lie ahead such as Brexit and the increasing importance globally of non-English speaking countries.


Employ a language assistant for 2018/19

12 March 2018 (British Council)

Language Assistants provide an interactive language resource for your classroom. We recruit our assistants directly from their home countries, meaning their language and resources are always up-to-date and, importantly, authentic.

Native speakers of French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese and Irish, they help pupils to build their confidence, develop conversational skills, boost motivation for learning, and better understand other cultures. Feedback from schools with a Language Assistant noted an improvement in pupils’ listening and speaking skills.

Not only that, many teachers have found that having a native speaker to talk to and share teaching ideas with can reinvigorate both their teaching practice and their own love for language learning. 

So, with applications now open for the 2018/2019 academic year, there hasn’t been a better time to ensure your classroom has access to the best language learning resource around – a native speaker.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to apply for your language assistant by 31 March 2018. Please note that the deadline for Chinese Language Assistants is 1 June 2018.


Brexit blamed as language assistant numbers dive

17 November 2017 (TESS)

The number of modern-language assistants (MLAs) in Scotland has almost halved in a year, amid fears that Brexit has deterred European students from working in the UK.

Subscription required to access this article.


Teach abroad as an English language assistant

6 November 2017 (British Council)

Applications to become a British Council Language Assistant for 2018-19 are now open!


Erasmus + 2018 information for schools

20 October 2017 (British Council)



If you would like an introduction to the funding opportunities Erasmus+ will provide for schools in 2018, then make sure you book your place at one of the information sessions the UK National Agency is running across the UK this autumn, including 7 November in Belfast and 15 November in Newcastle.


The European Commission expects to announce the 2018 application deadlines by the end of October. The UK is taking part in Erasmus+ as normal in 2018 (please see our Brexit webpage if you or your partners need any reassurance). In 2018, the new School Exchange Partnerships (part of Key Action 2) will be supported by a 40% increase in funding and a simpler application process, so that lots more schools can get involved and benefit from Erasmus+.


School Exchange Partnerships aim to support short-term exchanges of pupils for a minimum of three days at a time, as well as longer term pupil exchanges of up to a year. You can also still arrange staff training and teaching assignments as before. These new partnership opportunities are an ideal way to enable you to visit your eTwinning partners. More information will be provided at the 2018 information sessions and through the application support process from the UK National Agency, so UK schools should gear up for a bumper Erasmus+ year!


If you need any inspiration, please do look at the Erasmus+ schools projects lists for 2017, to see what other schools are doing through Erasmus+:

·         School Staff Mobility funding results (KA101)

·         Schools Education Partnership results (KA201)

·         Schools-only Partnership results (KA219)


You can also watch this Brae High School video, of their Erasmus+ project, which brings the programme to life.

British Council Modern Language Assistants have arrived!

28 August 2017 (British Council)

We were very pleased to welcome our new cohort of Modern Language Assistants (MLAs) to Scotland last week with an induction meeting in Edinburgh.

This year, we have almost 80 assistants from 10 different countries in 8 Local Educational Authorities.

Huge thanks to our colleagues at SCILT who supported the event, as well as Louise Glen from Education Scotland and representatives from the Institut Français and the Spanish Consejería.

If you are interested in hosting a language assistant, or would simply like more information, please email or visit the British Council website.

photo of MLAs


Modern Language Assistants (MLA) Projects 2016-17

15 June 2017 (SCILT / British Council)

Every year language assistants try to make languages really come alive for young people in Scotland's schools, e.g. by initiating a language exchange, participating in language competitions, or by organising immersion days. 

In this blog you can browse through the work of last year's assistants. You can search the slides either by language or by school year group. Enjoy, and we hope you will be inspired to follow in their footsteps!


Chinese Language Assistants grants

23 May 2017 (British Council)

The British Council and HSBC are providing up to ten grants of £3,890 to cover the costs of hosting a Chinese language assistant. Schools can apply individually, or with up to two other schools if intending to share an assistant. Apply by 31 May 2017.


Related Links

Apply for a Chinese language assistant by 31 May

Chinese language assistants are native speakers of Mandarin who have experience of teaching overseas and can support students and teachers across the curriculum. Schools can still apply to host a language assistant for the 2017/18 academic year. Apply by 31 May 2017.

Support language attainment in class with a Modern Language Assistant

8 May 2017 (British Council)

Employing a British Council language assistant is a unique way to broaden your students understanding of the world, improve their language skills and increase their cultural awareness.

Language assistants are dynamic, enthusiastic native speakers of French, Spanish, German, Italian and Mandarin Chinese, and are usually undergraduates or recent graduates. As we recruit language assistants directly from their home countries, their language is up-to-date, the classroom resources they provide are relevant and authentic, and they will be well placed to connect with students on their own level . Simply put, employing a language assistant provides the kind of learning experience that cannot be found elsewhere.

In a recent survey of host schools, Heads of Languages reported improved exam results – raising standards in under-performing students and motivating talented students to achieve more. The support of an Assistant is particularly valuable with the on-going focus on languages in the 1+2 initiative, and can particularly help to complement the development of language teaching in primary schools.

The deadline for applications has been extended to 31 May 2017.

For more information and to apply visit the British Council website.


Apply now for a fully funded Chinese Language Assistant!

28 April 2017 (British Council)

The British Council and HSBC are pleased to announce that up to ten grants of £3,890 will be offered to cover the costs of hosting a Chinese language assistant for the academic year of 2017/18.

This is a pilot scheme for UK schools in 2017/18 and is intended to support the Sustainable Development Goal “ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning”. Successful schools will have the full costs of hosting a Chinese Language Assistant covered from mid-September 2017 to the end of June 2018.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to download an application form.

Application deadline: 31 May 2017.


UK-German Connection latest news

21 February 2017 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a number of opportunities for schools in the UK and Germany to develop and maintain partnerships. In their latest Spring 2017 newsletter they highlight the following:
  • With the changing landscape of international relations, we want to make sure we're still offering you the right kind of support to keep your connections with Germany alive.We're currently reviewing the opportunities and services we offer and would like to invite you to tell us what you need now for your schools and pupils. Complete the short survey.
  • Deadline reminder of 1 March for applications for the following summer courses in Germany:

For upcoming deadlines for the rest of the school year, download our calendar of opportunities for 2016-17.

For further information about UK-German Connection and their activities, visit their website.


Midlothian foreign language students settle in

12 February 2017 (Midlothian Advertiser)

Following the success of the French Modern Language Assistant (MLAs) last year, Midlothian has been lucky enough to employ six MLAs again this year.

They are working across all 32 primary schools, assisting with the implementation of the 1+2 initiative which means that French is being taught in all our primary schools from P1 to P7. Staff have already seen an increase in the confidence and language skills of teachers as well as enthusiasm and progress from pupils!

The MLAs completed a diary of their first impressions and experiences, excerpts of which are below.


Boost language attainment with a Modern Language Assistant

8 February 2017 (British Council)

Modern Language Assistants bring authentic language and culture to the classroom. In a recent survey of host schools, Heads of Languages reported improved exam results – raising standards in under-performing students and motivating talented students to achieve more. The support of an Assistant is particularly valuable with the on-going focus on languages in the 1+2 initiative, and can particularly help to complement the development of language teaching in primary schools.

The British Council Language Assistants programme draws on over 100 years of experience with overseas education authorities to provide a trusted, high quality service.

Applications are now open! For more information visit the British Council website.

In 2016 the Erasmus+ UK National Agency awarded nearly €1.2m+ to Scotland’s schools and colleges for Key Action 2 (KA2) Strategic Partnerships, and 70% of Scottish applications for school-only partnerships were successful. The next Erasmus+ funding deadline is 29 March. If you are planning to apply, access our tailored guidance for school-only applications and school education applications; pre-recorded videos; and telephone support sessions.


Teach English outside the UK

9 December 2016 (British Council)

With year-long and six-month paid placements and light teaching hours, becoming a Language Assistant is a unique way to experience another country and make your CV stand out from the crowd. Applications for the 2017-18 academic year are now open and will close on 28 February 2017.


Language assistants risk being lost in translation

11 November 2016 (TESS)

Most schools still do not have access to a modern language assistant, new figures show, amid fears that the scheme will wither away if a key source of funding is stopped.

Native speakers of foreign languages have long come to Scotland to work in schools and help teachers to bring those subjects to life. But as local authorities cut budgets, their numbers fell as low as 72 by 2013-14.

Figures obtained by TESS show that the provisional number of modern language assistants (MLAs) has risen to 146 this year, including 23 in independent schools.

The data from British Council Scotland – which arranges for MLAs to work in the country – show increased numbers in all five languages that are part of the scheme: French, German, Italian, Mandarin and Spanish.

But there is still some way to go to match the 278 MLAs that were working in schools in 2005-06 – the highest number since existing records began in 2003.

The picture also varies markedly around the country: 18 of Scotland’s 32 local authorities have no MLAs, while Edinburgh has the most with 25, and even a small council like Angus has as many as 19.

Lucy Young, head of education at British Council Scotland, said that councils often used funding from the Scottish government’s 1+2 languages programme to recruit MLAs at an annual cost of about £10,000 per assistant.

Under the programme – being rolled out in all primary schools – pupils are expected to have knowledge of two languages other than their own by the time they reach secondary.

But this key funding is due to be stopped in 2020 – putting schools’ access to MLAs at risk.

Read the full article on TESS online, 11 November 2016 (subscription required).


Spanish Immersion Days for secondary students

2 November 2016 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación and the Spanish Academy of Language and Translation (SALT) offer Spanish Immersion Days for pupils studying at Higher and Advanced Higher level.

Trained MLAs are ready to visit schools and spend a day with students giving them the opportunity to practise Spanish meaningfully with native speakers through oral communication activities, workshops and games.

Visit the website or see the attached flyer for more information and the procedure to book.


Related Files

Modern Language Assistants (MLA) projects 2015-16

30 August 2016 (SCILT and British Council)

Every year language assistants try to make languages really come alive for young people in Scotland's schools, e.g. by initiating a pen pal exchange, participating in language competitions, or by implementing interdisciplinary projects. In this blog you can browse through the work of last year's assistants. You can search the slides either by language or by school year group. Enjoy, and we hope you will be inspired to follow in their footsteps!


Language Assistant adds Spanish flavour to Central Scotland

20 June 2016 (British Council)

In 1989 Mark Milarvie worked as an English Language Assistant in Spain. Now, he is the Principal Teacher of Modern Languages at St Margaret’s High School, North Lanarkshire and has over 20 years’ experience teaching foreign languages. This year he is working with Rafael, a Spanish university student and Modern Language Assistant. Rafael’s time is split between St Margaret’s High School and one of the local feeder primary schools. He is very active in both, helping to enhance the curriculum, and implement the 1+2 language policy.

Read more on the British Council website where you can also find out how to apply to host a language assistant in your school.


Host a primary-trained French Language Assistant - New for 2016-17

11 March 2016 (British Council)

The British Council would like to make as many primary colleagues as possible aware of a brand new opportunity for securing a primary-trained French Language Assistant in 2016-17.

The British Council and the French government have agreed to make it easier for primary schools to benefit from having a French Language Assistant.

  • Assistants will be primary-trained (either recently qualified primary teachers in France, or trainee teachers) and there will be sustained support and training for the trainees and for schools from the British Council
  • Up to 6 schools can now share a single assistant (up from 3 schools), greatly reducing costs
  • The British Council are waiving the £2000 'finders fee' for organising the placement
The attached flyer gives more details. We're really excited about this initiative and we hope colleagues will consider getting involved.

Local authorities/schools would need to apply by early April, so any colleagues who might potentially be interested are invited to get in touch with us (ideally before the Easter break) to explore the various options.

Please contact Claudia Donati at the British Council: or Philip Harding-Esch on

Employ a language assistant in Scottish schools

26 February 2016 (British Council)

Employing a British Council language assistant is a unique way to broaden your students understanding of the world, improve their language skills and increase their cultural awareness.

Language assistants are dynamic, enthusiastic native speakers of French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Russian, and are usually undergraduates or recent graduates. As we recruit language assistants directly from their home countries, their language is up-to-date, the classroom resources they provide are relevant and authentic, and they will be well placed to connect with students on their own level . Simply put, employing a language assistant provides the kind of learning experience that cannot be found elsewhere.

The deadline for applications has been extended to 31 May 2016. Visit the British Council website to find out more and to apply. Follow the relevant section on the webpage to find out specifically about employing a Chinese language assistant.


International School Award

11 February 2016 (British Council)

There are three entry points to the International School Award: Foundation, Intermediate and Accreditation. The level your school is at will depend on how much international work you have already done.

Hosting a language assistant automatically qualifies you for the Foundation Level of the International School Award.

Visit the British Council Schools Online website for more information.


Bring Chinese language and culture alive in the classroom with a Modern Language Assistant

3 February 2016 (British Council)

Mandarin is a vital language of the future - the Chinese economy is expanding rapidly, almost a quarter of internet usage is in Chinese, and it is the most widely spoken language in the world.

Give your students an opportunity to practice, improve and enrich their language skills with a native speaker. There is nothing as satisfying or rewarding as communicating in Mandarin and being understood by someone who speaks the language.

Support your students in becoming effective communicators and prepare them to be global citizens.


Glasgow’s 27 Modern Language Assistants recognised at Scottish Parliament

14 December 2015 (Scottish Parliament)

S4M-15120 sees Anne McTaggart celebrating Glasgow’s 27 Modern Language Assistants:

That the Parliament commends Bailie Cameron, an Executive Member on Glasgow City Council for Children, Young People and Lifelong Learning, for bringing together the 27 modern language assistants (MLAs) in Glasgow to celebrate their contribution to Glasgow’s secondary schools; understands that these native French, Spanish, German and Italian speakers help students learn the valuable skill of language through the use of up-to-date songs, news and current affairs; recognises that the meeting will show appreciation and support for these MLAs working to teach both language and culture to pupils in Scotland; recognises the Glasgow 1+2 approach for funding what it considers a commendable effort to promote the beneficial skill of language in secondary and primary schools; considers that Glasgow is at the forefront of language learning, which can lead to improved job opportunities around the globe, and wishes success to the 27 MLAs in the coming year as they work to help Glasgow’s youth be the best that they can be.

Supported by: Gil Paterson, Sandra White, Jackie Baillie, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Richard Lyle, Drew Smith, David Stewart, Malcolm Chisholm, Liam McArthur, Patricia Ferguson, Hanzala Malik

British Council news

30 November 2015 (British Council Schools Online)

The British Council has a number of resources and partnership working opportunities they offer to schools in the UK.  Below are some of their forthcoming developments with a language or international element which may be of interest to teachers:

  • Shakespeare lives - Designed as a cross-curricular activity pack which could also be part of project with a partner school overseas, this resource will be available mid-December and will be available in Welsh, Chinese and Arabic.
  • Teaching the core skills - In today’s globalised world children not only need to be able to communicate and collaborate; they also need to be prepared to do so interculturally, in diverse and often multilingual settings. More information about teaching the communication and collaboration module can be accessed on page 14 of the brochure: Unlocking a world of potential. Sign up to Schools Online to access the training package.
  • Employ a language assistant in Scottish schools - Employing a British Council Language Assistant is a unique way to broaden your pupils' understanding of the world, improve their language skills and increase their cultural awareness. See the online video. Applications open 4 January 2016.
  • International School Award (ISA) - Read about Portlethen Academy's cross-curricular project which took them to France and earned them an ISA in recognition of the global dimension of their work.

Applications now open for our Language Assistants programme

3 November 2011 (British Council)

With year-long, paid placements and light teaching hours, becoming a Language Assistant is a unique way to experience another country and develop essential transferrable skills. Applications for the 2016-17 academic year are open.

Find out everything you need to know below and hear from Language Assistants placed all around the world on the British Council website.


Language Assistants in the UK - Survey 2015

22 October 2015 (British Council)

As a cultural relations organisation, the British Council believes that competence in and use of several languages is an essential tool to ensure better understanding and cohesion between and within societies. We are currently reviewing all of the work we do to support the teaching and learning of languages in the United Kingdom, and would greatly appreciate the views of serving language teachers in Scotland. You are invited to share your thoughts to help inform our work by completing a short survey.


UK-German FLA/ELA Ambassadors

21 September 2015 (UK-German Connection)

Do you want to inspire your pupils by providing authentic contact to young people in the other country, whilst also improving your own intercultural skills? Then apply for the FLA/ELA Ambassadors Network 2015-16.

The FLA/ELA Ambassadors are a network of language assistants who are working in schools in the UK and Germany. They run small projects, activities, events or clubs in order to inspire and motivate young people in their schools for the language and culture of the other country. Projects should address themes that are of educational value as well as interesting and relevant for the target group.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more about the Ambassador Network and to apply by 19 October 2015.


British Council vacancy: Language Assistants Project Manager

30 July 2015 (British Council Scotland)

British Council Scotland is recruiting a Language Assistants Project Manager post (deadline 7 August) for their Edinburgh office.  

Candidates should apply via the British Council job portal (please search for Pay Band 7 jobs).

See the attached job specification for further information about the role.  Full details about the job and application process can be found on the job portal website.


British Council Language Assistants - still time to apply!

12 May 2015 (British Council)

There are still 2 weeks left to apply for a Language Assistant for 2015/16!

With up to date language, cultural awareness, experience and materials, there is no substitute for a British Council Language Assistant. Giving your students the opportunity to learn with a keen educator who will be speaking in their first language offers benefits that simply cannot be found elsewhere. Unlike local or non-native alternatives, British Council Language Assistants arrive trained and prepared to deliver the highest standards of language teaching and teacher support. Additionally, by working with the British Council your school will benefit from administrative assistance from our dedicated team.

The deadline for applications is 29 May 2015. Don’t delay get your application in today!


Employ a Language Assistant

13 January 2015 (British Council)

Language assistants help bring culture alive in schools across the country and are an ideal way to improve language learning for students and to increase their global awareness, as well as support the implementation of a 1+2 approach to language learning.

Applications to the latest round of the language assistant programme open on January 26 and bids from schools are encouraged to be submitted by the end of March. To help spread the cost, each language assistant can be shared between three schools.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to apply.


Apply now for a Language Assistant. Bring language and culture alive with a native speaker in the classroom

20 March 2014 (British Council)

Support implementation of the 1 + 2 languages policy by hosting a Language Assistant in your school.

The British Council team is on hand at every step and our dedicated online support offers everything you need to get your pupils’ learning experience off to a great start. Our free service includes careful selection of the best candidate to suit your school, guidance on administration and training courses for Language Assistants.

How can Language Assistants help?

Their responsibilities can be tailored to suit your school’s requirements. Assistants can support the teaching of a first (L2) or a second (L3) modern language by:

  • supporting teachers’ language acquisition and improving their cultural knowledge
  • developing lesson plans and delivering classes on topics to complement different subject areas
  • running extra-curricular activities for additional support (e.g. lunch time clubs)
  • working across different areas of the Curriculum for Excellence to develop projects based on cultural themes
  • setting up an international partnership with a school overseas.

Where are they from?

Assistants are native-level speakers of French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Russian. They come from 15 countries in Europe and beyond.

You can also apply for a Chinese Language Assistant for free (by 31 January) or at a heavily subsidised rate (by 28 March). They  work from mid-September 2014 to 26 June 2015.

What do I do next?

Visit our website to find out more about the programme and apply. If you are a local authority school, your local authority should apply on your behalf.

Contact the Languags Assistants programme directly:

You can also read an assistant’s blog on her experience of teaching French in an Angus primary school.

A case study on the use of Foreign Language Assistants in our schools

19 March 2014 (Engage for Education)

Schools in Edinburgh are implementing the Scottish government’s new education policy with the support of Language Assistants in the classroom. With the 1+2 language policy, students must learn two languages in addition to English, providing a unique approach to language learning in the UK.

As a result, local authorities are using additional funding from the Scottish government to support the ‘1+2 languages model’, recruiting Language Assistants and making them accessible across their network schools.


Mandarin in Edinburgh Schools

30 January 2014 (Edinburgh City Council)

During a ministerial visit to Tynecastle yesterday on Thursday 30th January, British Council and Scottish Government promoted foreign language assistants. Dr Alasdair Allan, Minster for Skills and Lifelong Learning (including 1 + 2 languages) met with  Mei Ling, Chinese Language Assistant who taught a S1 class. 

Donna McGinley, CL Modern Languages for Edinburgh City Council on Monday, was interviewed.

Mei Ling was recorded for BBC Radio Scotland and the link to the broadcast is below.


Apply now for a Language Assistant - Bring language and culture alive with a native speaker in the classroom

17 January 2014 (British Council)

Support implementation of the 1 + 2 languages policy by hosting a Language Assistant in your school.

The British Council team is on hand at every step and our dedicated online support offers everything you need to get your pupils’ learning experience off to a great start. Our free service includes careful selection of the best candidate to suit your school, guidance on administration and training courses for Language Assistants.

How can Language Assistants help?

Their responsibilities can be tailored to suit your school’s requirements. Assistants can support the teaching of a first (L2) or a second (L3) modern language by: 

  • supporting teachers’ language acquisition and improving their cultural knowledge
  • developing lesson plans and delivering classes on topics to complement different subject areas 
  • running extra-curricular activities for additional support (eg lunch time clubs) 
  • working across different areas of the Curriculum for Excellence to develop projects based on cultural themes 
  • setting up an international partnership with a school overseas.

Where are they from?

Assistants are native-level speakers of French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Russian. They come from 15 countries in Europe and beyond.

You can also apply for a Chinese Language Assistant for free (by 31 January) or at a heavily subsidised rate (by 28 March). They work from mid-September 2014 to 26 June 2015.

What do I do next?

Visit our website to find out more about the programme and apply. If you are a local authority school, your local authority should apply on your behalf.

You can also read an assistant’s blog on her experience of teaching French in an Angus primary school.


Chinese Language Assistants

13 December 2013 (British Council)

Chinese Language Assistants are native-level speakers of Mandarin. Qualified and experienced teachers in their home country, they bring Chinese language and culture alive in the classroom and through extra-curricular activities. Hosting a Chinese Language Assistant offers the entire school community an opportunity to learn about one of the world’s fastest- growing economies, while gaining language skills and an international perspective. Apply by 31 January 2014.


CISS Newsletter Autumn 2013

12 December 2013 (CISS)

The latest edition of the CISS newsletter has been published. This edition highlights the promotion of Chinese language and culture around the country. Please download the newsletter if you'd like to find out more.

Related Files

Call to set aside cash for school language skills

6 September 2013 (The Herald)

Plans to expand foreign language teaching in Scotland face being undermined by the lack of overseas assistants in the classroom, it has been claimed.

The warning follows figures that show a lack of progress in boosting the numbers of native language speaking staff in schools.  Now the British Funding Council has called for funding for the assistants to be ring-fenced in an attempt to improve the uptake. Councils have employed only 70 foreign language assistants for the 2013/14 school year despite a campaign to increase their use.

Before the onset of council cuts, Scottish schools employed hundreds of the assistants - native speaking staff who work to bring language learning alive, as well as fine-tuning comprehension and pronunciation.

The foreign language assistant programme, run by British Council Scotland, is funded by the Scottish Government, but the money is no longer specifically set aside and most councils have decided to use funding elsewhere.


German FLA Ambassadors

30 August 2013 (UK-German Connection)

If you have a language assistant from Germany in your school this year, then do encourage them to apply to be an FLA Ambassador. They can run a project of their choice in school to enthuse and interest pupils in the German culture and language, and through a small project fund we offer financial support for projects. Deadline: 22 October.

Once they complete the necessary documentation this could 'double up' as their British Council project, and if successful, would be included in the national British Council/SCILT showcase event at the end of April/beginning of May next year.


International Education Week: 18-24 November 2013

20 August 2013 (British Council)

International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to promote the importance of building an international dimension into the education of young people in the UK at primary and secondary levels. We know that familiarity with other cultures and modern foreign languages skills are an essential part of preparing young people to work in the increasingly globalised economy.

The British Council is an authoritative voice on language learning, through our English teaching around the world, and we bring an intercultural dimension to foreign language learning in the UK through sharing our experiences, providing research and data and bringing in examples of international best practice.

This year IEW will support a major policy shift in UK schools. From September 2014 primary schools in England will be required to teach a foreign language to pupils at Key Stage 2 (upper primary). There is also increasing policy support in other UK countries for language learning at primary level.

International Education Week will form the starting point of a longer-term campaign to promote language learning in UK schools, with events taking place throughout the academic year.


Glasgow secondary leading way in modern languages

24 June 2013 (Evening Times)

THE kids at All Saints don't need to be convinced that foreign languages are important.  Because they hear them every day.

Scots-born pupils at this Glasgow comprehensive – thanks to a decade of steady immigration – are now routinely exposed to the chat in an estimated 30 languages.

And, say teachers, it is starting to rub off on them.

So much so that the school is expanding its capacity to teach languages amid solid demand.


Bring a foreign language assistant to your UK classroom

28 May 2013 (British Council)

A British teacher and a Canadian language assistant explain how the British Council’s language assistant programme has benefited their classrooms and careers. UK teachers can apply by 7 June 2013 to have a language assistant next academic year.


Related Links

Number of Chinese language assistants in schools on the rise

1 May 2013 (The Herald)

The number of Chinese language assistants in Scottish schools is on the increase after several years of decline.  The British Council Scotland (BCS) said there had been a doubling of requests from schools for dedicated staff as part of an expansion of Mandarin and Cantonese language learning. This year, there were just five Chinese language assistants working in Scotland with cutbacks blamed for the decline. It was feared numbers might drop further, but councils have so far requested 10 for next year. Although the numbers are small, the impact such assistants can have is significant because they work across a number of schools in a council area.


How to convince your headteacher that a language assistant is essential

12 April 2013 (British Council)

How can you increase your schools language attainment levels and prepare your pupils for working in a global economy? The British Council is hosting a free one off webinar on 17 April that you can dial into from the comfort of your desk. For more details and to register, visit the website.


Apply now for Foreign Language Assistants for 2013/14!

2 April 2013 (British Council)

We are delighted to announce that you can now apply for foreign language assistants to work in schools across your local authority from September 2013. Foreign Language Assistants can support the Governments new 1+2 model for language learning as well as helping to raise the standards of language learning in the classroom and preparing your students to work in a global economy.

To apply, please first register with Schools Online and to find out more information please see our webpage.

In addition, check out the fantastic projects that our assistants completed last year:

FLA project case studies 

The deadline for applications has been extended to 7 June 2013. If you need further information, please email


Related Links

Attend our free webinar on 25 April 2013 to find out how a Language Assistant can help you prepare for changes to the curriculum in 2014 (changes refer to England).  The benefits of a Language Assistant will also feature on the agenda, so if you need ammunition to convince your headteacher, register your attendance now!

FLA Project Initiative 2011-12 Evaluation

6 November 2012 (British Council Scotland and SCILT)

Since November 2010 The British Council Scotland and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, have worked collaboratively to improve the experience of Foreign Language Assistants (FLAs) based in Scotland. The initial focus was on the organisation of the national FLA training day, with additional support from other bodies such as Education Scotland, the cultural organisations and local authorities.

However, despite the evident satisfaction with the support being given by all parties concerned we were faced with dwindling numbers of FLAs. We therefore decided to pull our joint expertise in marketing and promotion in order to raise the profile of FLAs and highlight the value they provide. At the FLA induction meetings in late August and early September 2011 we invited FLAs to consider doing a project. A separate FLA projects booklet provides further details of the successful projects by the FLAs themselves. This can be found on the British Council Scotland website:


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