Latest News

A selection of language-related news. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.


European Day of Languages - Save the date!

20 June 2024 (Institut français)

On Friday 27 September the Institut français d’Ecosse, together with European consulates and cultural organisations, will be celebrating European Day for Languages in Edinburgh with morning activities aimed at S2 and S3 pupils and two conferences in the afternoon. One of the conferences will focus on how European writers foster creativity and ‘out of the box’ thinking style through language and the other on multilingualism and creativity. They will be followed by a cocktail.

Watch this space for further information to come late August!

You can also contact Charlotte Hyvernaud, Education attachée, Institut français d’Ecosse :

Concours de la francophonie 2025 - now open!

20 June 2024 (Institut français)

The 'Concours de la francophonie' : an annual rendez-vous for schools!

The 'Concours de la francophonie' is organised every year by the Institut français d’Ecosse since its creation in 2016.

For the 2025 edition, there will be two competitions:

– One for primary school pupils

– One for secondary school pupils

For the first time the competition associates the Institut français d’Ecosse with the French Film Festival UK Learning Programme (FFF UK).

All primary and secondary schools in Scotland offering French and participating in the French Film Festival UK Learning Programme will be eligible to enter the 'Concours de la francophonie', in line with the rules. Submission deadline: 15 January 2025.

Visit the 'Concours de la francophonie' website for full details.


UK-German school partnership seminar

18 June 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection is inviting applications for a funded school partnership seminar taking place in Mainz, Germany from 21 to 24 November 2024. Open to UK teachers (all sectors and subject areas) with no active UK-German school partnership who are interested in linking with schools in Germany. The seminar includes school visits to gain insights into school life in Germany.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for full details and to apply by 10 July.


French Film Festival UK 2024 Learning Programme

18 June 2024 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK 2024 Learning Programme will once again be bringing French-speaking cinema into schools free of charge this autumn! The programme of four films, each accompanied by learning packs, will run between 28 October and 18 December. This year we are linking up with the French Institute in Scotland for the Francophonie Competition for schools.

Full details will be available on the French Film Festival website shortly and book up your film from mid-August onwards.

The attached programme flyer contains booking links and email contacts for further information about the learning resources and the Francophonie competition.


SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2024-25

14 June 2024 (SCILT)

Box fresh and open for bookings! SCILT’s menu of CLPL group workshops for 2024-25.

Up-to-date and interactive, SCILT workshops for teachers are a great way for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of languages pedagogy with our experienced Professional Development Officers.

If you are the person in your department, school, cluster or local authority with a remit to source high quality subject specific professional learning for colleagues, then you will definitely be interested in our brand new menu of CLPL workshops.

For 2024-25, our carefully designed inputs cover a variety of topics related to the learning and teaching of languages:

Primary and Early Years

  • First steps in teaching primary modern languages
  • Valuing linguistic diversity in schools, with families
  • Bringing the languages content to primary interdisciplinary learning
  • Making assessment in primary languages active and accessible
  • Give careers education a languages twist for your primary pupils


  • Teaching Sprints – Small change, big impact
  • Social-Emotional learning for languages
  • Talking and listening
  • Reading and writing
  • BYOW: Build your own workshop

We are always happy to accommodate bespoke CLP requests too. Whatever your colleagues need, just ask and we will design a workshop with tailored content, just for them. 

For more detail about the menu, and to book one or more workshop for the group of teachers that you support, see the professional learning request form.


Let's give German a go - in Berlin!

11 June 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

Are you a non-specialist German teacher already delivering German lessons in some shape or form? Would you like to find out why German is the smart choice for your school? Would you like support with getting the ball rolling? Are you interested in setting up a German club at your primary or secondary school?

The Goethe-Institut is offering an exclusive, funded trip to Berlin in November 2024 for primary and secondary school teachers and headteachers that is geared towards introducing German in schools or strengthening its status.

State school teachers and headteachers from the UK  can submit their applications supported by a motivational letter (max 400 words) until 31 August 2024. Successful candidates will be informed soon thereafter.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to apply.


Enseignant.e FLE spécialiste cours enfants et adolescents

10 June 2024 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française in Glasgow is looking to recruit a teacher specialising in courses for children and young people to start September 2024.

Visit the Alliance Française website for the job specification and application details.


DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2024 – ‘What a year! Schlagzeilen aus der Zukunft’

28 May 2024 (DAAD/ILCS)

The deadline for entries to the DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2024 has been extended! All levels of German learners in the UK can take part, use their written German skills and have the chance to win some exciting prizes by putting together the front page of a fictional newspaper in the German-speaking world. 

More information and submission details can be found on the competition website. Submission deadline: EXTENDED TO 20 JUNE.


SCILT Spring 2024 newsletter published

24 May 2024 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT's work to support language learning and teaching, including our language initiatives and research-informed practice. Find out how Languages Week Scotland 2024 was celebrated across the country and hear about the latest inspiring activities from local authorities. There is also an opportunity to read about the work of our partners in supporting and promoting language learning in Scotland.

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


National search to find Teacher of the Year goes live in Scotland

13 May 2024 (The Scotsman)

Nominations are now open in a national Teacher of the Year competition in Scotland. Led by fintech Miconex and sponsored by group collecting platform GiftRound, the competition has £1250 in local gift cards as the prize.

The teacher who is crowned as Teacher of the Year, and their school, will each win a £500 Town & City Gift Card or Scotland Loves Local Gift Card. One person who nominated the Teacher of the Year will also win a £250 local gift card.

It is free for people to nominate their Teacher of the Year, and all types of teachers are eligible including primary and secondary school teachers, higher education teachers, early years teachers and special educational needs teachers in the UK.


Host a Teacher from Germany

14 May 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK schools and further education colleges interested in hosting a teacher from Germany in 2024-25 can register now!

Applicants can host a German teacher (in-person or virtually) for one, two or three weeks during the academic year with no costs involved for UK schools.

The programme is open to teachers of all subjects and German does not need to be offered at your school.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more about the programme. You can also register for one of the Q&A webinar sessions coming up on 20 May and 12 June.


Language scheme a 'win-win' for Ballyclare pupils

9 May 2024 (BBC)

Sharing knowledge between schools is a "win-win situation" when it comes to learning a second language, according to a Ballyclare teacher.

Pupils in the County Antrim town have come together to tackle the falling numbers of children who learn a second language in Northern Ireland.

Sixth form students from Ballyclare High School teach language classes to pupils in several local primary schools.

Jonny Nelson, head of Spanish at the school, said the lessons are mutually beneficial for the students.

Learning a second language is not compulsory for primary school children in Northern Ireland.

The 'Language Leaders' scheme allows primary school pupils to get a taste of German, French and Spanish, which they would not otherwise learn on the primary curriculum.

The sixth form students lead lessons including games and interactive activities for younger pupils, while they in turn are provided with leadership and teaching experience.

"Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK at the moment that doesn't have a primary languages programme as part of the curriculum so we have to take the steps to try and instil that knowledge and enthusiasm from day one," Mr Nelson told BBC News NI.


Bookbug Week 2024

7 May 2024 (Scottish Book Trust)

Get ready for Bookbug Says Hello! Bookbug Week takes place from 13–19 May and this year celebrates all the different languages spoken by families across Scotland.

Visit the Bookbug Week website to discover events, activities and resources to help celebrate!


Exciting opportunity to internationalise your curriculum!

3 May 2024 (SCILT/CISS)

SCILT is delighted to offer state primary and secondary schools in Scotland the opportunity to have a Chinese language assistant teacher in their school/cluster free of charge in 2024-25!

Your teacher could help deliver L3 Mandarin to primary and BGE classes, lead IDL projects such as Eco Learning Partners, organise live-link ups with Chinese schools, team teach with Virtual Exchange Teachers, team teach with your own staff, work with small groups for speaking activities, support senior phase learners with preparation for NQs alongside the Discovering China Programme. This exciting opportunity could complement or supplement any existing Mandarin provision you have. Having a Mandarin language assistant teacher could revolutionise your L3 provision next year.

You can register your interest in the opportunity via the online form where you can also sign up to attend an information session on Thursday 23 May at 4pm.

Japanese Language Local Project Support Programme 2024-2025

1 May 2024 (Japan Foundation)

Funding is available for promoting Japanese language education in the UK. Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which promote Japanese language education, such as introducing Japanese into the curriculum, creating a Japanese club, supporting formal qualifications or other projects.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information or join one of the Q&A sessions on 8 May. Submit applications by 23 May 2024.


MTOT finalists' work on SCILT's website!

25 April 2024 (SCILT)

We are pleased to announce that the winning and highly commended entries from this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition are now available to view on the SCILT website. As it was the 10th anniversary year since the start of the competition in Scotland, you can also see a short video homage to MTOT over that time.

A massive thank you once again to all the pupils and teachers who participated this year and those who've supported the event previously.


Stephen Spender Prize 2024

23 April 2024 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Prize is the leading annual prize for poetry in translation, with categories for pupils, teachers and individual young people in the UK and Ireland, as well as an Open category for adults from all over the world. The rules are simple: translate into English any poem from any language – from French to Farsi, from Spanish to Somali – and win publication and cash prizes! There's also a Spotlight Prize category which this year celebrates the Portuguese language.

The 2024 prize opens on 1 May, but teachers can register to involve their students now. Visit the Stephen Spender Prize website for more information.


Schools Connect France

22 April 2024 (French Ministry of Education / British Council)

Developed in partnership with the French Ministry of Education and Youth, the Franco-British version of British Council's Schools Connect programme provides teachers with classroom resources and useful information designed to enrich international teaching and learning. 

Working with a wide range of schools across France through projects, events, courses and workshops, the British Council brings the best of UK expertise and innovation in school education and facilitates mutually beneficial relationships between school systems and professionals in France and the UK.

Visit the Schools Connect France website for more information and guidance on establishing a school partnership.


Celebrating the learning of Mandarin within Scottish schools

16 April 2024 (SCEN)

SCEN are keen to showcase and promote the learning of Mandarin within schools in Scotland. You are invited to create a short (around five minutes) video to celebrate the learning of Mandarin in your school.

Take a look at the video produced by Boroughmuir High School (and associated primaries) in Edinburgh sharing their thoughts as they continue their Mandarin journey.

Submissions will be promoted and shared on the SCEN website.

For further information, advice and support about making a short film in your school please contact

OU TELT course open for registrations

16 April 2024 (Open University)

TEachers Learning to Teach languages (TELT) aims to increase and improve language provision in primary schools. Teachers simultaneously learn a new language and the skills to teach that language in the classroom. The programme is General Teaching Council for Scotland approved, and can count towards postgraduate qualifications.

Available languages are French, German, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese.

Registration is now open for the programme commencing October 2024.

Visit the Open University website for more information.


RZSS Science in the Language Class

16 April 2024 (RZSS)

RZSS Science in the Language Class has three new FREE language linked outreach sessions aimed at upper primary level and available for August 2024 but as places can fill up fast early booking is recommended. 

French: A one hour outreach session linked to RZSS work in the French Polynesia Islands with the Partula snail. We don't just work with the big charismatic animals. We can't forget the importance to the ecosystem of the wee beasties. Learn more about the conservation work with activities linked to French. 

Gaelic: A one hour outreach session linked to RZSS work in Scotland with the Scottish wildcat. RZSS Highland Wildlife Park has a special centre which is breeding the Scottish wildcat for release to the wild. The first release was in 2023. Learn more about the Scottish wildcat with activities linked to Gaelic. 

Spanish: This can be a one hour outreach session or there is the option for a short 2 week course, where in the first week there is a 45 minute live virtual introductory session, followed by a one hour in-person outreach. The session(s) are linked to the RZSS work in South America with the giant armadillo, the giant anteater and the two-toed sloth. Although they seem very different animals, they all belong to a group called Xenarthra which means strange joints! Learn more about this work with activities linked to Spanish.

All are available throughout Scotland including the Islands. However, if further afield (ie not in the Central Belt) then we do need a cluster of schools booking together to come for a few days or a week. Or possibly one school booking a number of sessions over a few days. Sessions are aimed at P4-P7. Maximum number per session is 33. Contact Sandie Robb - for further details and to discuss options. Also see the Science in the Language Class website. 


Young Language Learner Award 2024

16 April 2024 (b small publishing)

The b small Young Language Learner Award invites children aged 6-11 to send in a story or comic written in a language of their choice, other than a mother tongue, with the chance of winning up to 10 books of their choice from the b small publishing website. The theme to write about this year is 'Team Spirit.'

Visit the b small website for more information and to register to receive the free entry pack.


Italian poster competition - Winners announced!

11 April 2024 (SCILT)

We’re delighted to announce the winners of our recent poster competition for school-aged learners of Italian of any level (including those with no prior learning). The prompt was ‘Cosa significa L’Italia per me’ – what Italy means to me – and we asked learners to include as much Italian language as they were able to. We received some fantastic entries across the four different age categories, and the S1-S3 category was especially popular, so we decided to feature some specially commended entries too. A big thanks to everyone who created a poster for the competition, and to their teachers who sent in all the entries!


Professional Development Trainers for German Teachers - Call for Applications!

9 April 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

We are keen to expand our GEM (German Expert Mentors) programme and would like to offer teachers across the UK the opportunity to offer school-to-school support via coaching and training. We are currently looking for German teachers in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland who would like to work for us as professional development trainers for German teachers. On behalf of the Goethe-Institut they will be offering coaching and training courses for German teachers across the UK.

Along with several years of experience in teaching German as a foreign language at a primary or secondary school, applicants must have the support and approval of their headteacher confirming that the school supports their participation in the programme. 

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for full details and to apply. Deadline extended to 7 May 2024.


Immersion courses in Spain

9 April 2024 (Consejería de Educación)

British/Irish teachers of Spanish can apply for a one-week immersion course for Summer 2024 in Ávila, Segovia or Santander (a good command of Spanish is required).

The grant covers the course, accommodation and meals, as well as the cultural programme. The grant does not cover the journey to Spain or the return to the UK. Travel and/or health insurance is also not included

This call is not for Spanish nationals.

Visit the Consejería de Educación website for more information and apply by 24 April 2024.


DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2024 – ‘What a year! Schlagzeilen aus der Zukunft’

28 March 2024 (DAAD/ILCS)

The DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2024 is now live! All levels of German learners are invited to take part, use their written German skills and have the chance to win some exciting prizes.

GLC 2024:

This year, the competition takes newspapers as its theme. Entrants are asked to put together the front page of a fictional newspaper in the German-speaking world. The catch: they are writing the final edition of 2024 and must select the most important stories of a year that has not yet finished.

Who knows what the year might bring? How is our understanding of events influenced by the way they are reported? By writing two or three short articles from different categories, participants have complete freedom to imagine how the year might unfold and bring their unique voice and perspective to the reporting. It allows entrants to explore the world of news and German-language media and play with different writing styles.

All winners will be invited to a journalism workshop and prize ceremony in London, with an overnight stay for those coming from outside of London! This will take place in October 2024.

Teaching materials:

We would especially like to draw your attention to the teaching and learning material which we have prepared to accompany the competition this year. A workbook can be found on our website with exercises on topics related to journalism for students at all levels, and which can be used both for classwork and individually. There is also a separate document which compiles background information on the press in Germany, a useful newspaper glossary, German media resources for learners to explore and further teaching materials designed by German organisations explicitly for use in schools!

How to enter:

You can find all information about the competition including the brief, instructions on how to take part and the teaching and learning material on the DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2024 website.

The closing date for entries to the competition is 6 June 2024.


Your Voice Matters: Survey on Partnerships, Links and Exchanges

18 March 2024 (UK-German Connection)

Share your thoughts on UK-German school partnerships - whether you already have a long-standing partnership, have just started out, or would like to establish a link, UK-German Connection would like to hear your views. We are currently reviewing our opportunities and services that we provide to schools and teachers to determine how we can best support you and your UK-German school partnerships. 

The survey closes on 17 April 2024. Your suggestions will be anonymised and will help us tailor and develop our future offers and support services.

In the survey, you will also have the opportunity to register your interest in a partner-finder seminar with teachers from Germany, expected to take place in Autumn 2024.

Thank you for your participation!


Lingobox Learning Easter activities

14 March 2024 (Lingobox Learning)

Our French Easter Activities blog is now live on the Lingobox Learning website!

The blog is full of great ideas for developing French with your classes in the run up to Easter! You’ll also find our French Easter Bells Story, How to make an Easter Card and How to draw an Easter Egg (all French) on our Youtube channel.

Easter Competition!

To win a 1-year subscription to, simply:

  • Try any Easter activity inspired by our suggestions or using our resources
  • Share a post about it on any social media - Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Threads!
  • Follow Lingobox and mention them in your post @LingoboxLearning (Insta/FB/Threads) @lingbox (Twitter)
  • Post as many times as you like for multiple entries!

Virtual exchange survey

14 March 2024 (PALINGUI Project)

Calling all pre-school and primary teachers!

We are conducting a study as part of the ERASMUS+ project INVITED, which focuses on integrating virtual exchange projects into language teacher education. Our partnership includes Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg and the Universities of Murcia, Strathclyde, Ljubljana, and Warsaw.

We are interested in understanding in-service teachers’ attitudes, experiences, perceived competence, problems, and needs related to virtual exchange. To gather this information, we have created a questionnaire. The goal is to use the data to develop a teacher education module and professional development course.

Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. The gathered information will be used exclusively for the project and will remain strictly anonymous. No personal data will be collected. You have the right to withdraw from the research at any point without providing justification. The questionnaire should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Any queries should be directed to Ingeborg Birnie, UK Coordinator of PALINGUI - Making Language Learning Pathways visible in children age 3-12, based at the University of Strathclyde.

Complete the survey

Gaelic L3 Team Teaching Live Lessons for schools - 6 week block suitable for P5-7

12 March 2024 (Highland Council)

Ideal for schools who would like to introduce Gaelic as an L3 or deliver Gaelic as a short term standalone language. Also provides support for teachers who are new to teaching Gaelic as L3 or would like to refresh their skills in the language.

The aim is to motivate pupils and empower teachers to deliver 1+2 languages entitlement by delivering fun, engaging live online language lessons through a unique team-teaching model facilitated by myself. During these lessons, teachers learn alongside their pupils in real time and lead the learning in their own class. This approach also develops teacher confidence to consolidate the language learning with their pupils during their own class time. This model of delivery provides on the job professional learning to alleviate workload pressures and helps teachers make the time for languages in a crowded curriculum.

The lesson structure alternates between short bursts of direct teaching from the online teacher, followed by the class teachers leading their own class in a game. This format allows the learning to remain active and therefore learners are fully engaged.

Each lesson lasts approximately 40 minutes and will take place via GLOW Teams. All resources will be available to download in advance of the session and will be stored in the GLOW Team. The sessions will run on the following dates, all take place 2.00-2.40pm:

  • Wednesday 17 April
  • Wednesday 24 April
  • Wednesday 1 May
  • Wednesday 8 May
  • Wednesday 15 May
  • Wednesday 22 May

We will cover the basic topics such as Numbers, Introductions & Greetings, Family, Weather etc throughout the course of the programme.

If you would like to enrol your class, please fill in this Google form 

For further information about this Team Teaching model you can read the case study of the recent national pilot (document also attached)

If you have any further questions about the programme, please contact Ruairidh Mackay -

Applications to host a Modern Language Assistant for 2024-25 are open now!

29 February 2024 (British Council)

Hosting a Language Assistant helps enhance language learning, boost student results and build cultural capital. Flexible hosting options are available with different placement lengths and sharing possibilities.

Applications to host a Modern Language Assistant for the 2024-25 academic year are now open (29 February – 30 April). To guarantee a Mandarin Chinese Language Assistant, you must submit your application by 28 March.

Our team is well-equipped to support you and we would love to hear from you if you would like to discuss how we could help make it work for you in 2024-25. To speak to a colleague, please email

Visit the British Council website to find out more. 


Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2023-24 winners announced!

23 February 2024 (SCILT)

It gave us great pleasure to welcome pupils, teachers and special guests to our online 10th anniversary Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition awards on 21 February. The date chosen for the event was significant being International Mother Language Day, a day to celebrate all world languages. We were delighted to announce the following winners and highly commended entries in each category:

Mother Tongue


  • Yuexin Li, St Martin's Primary (Winner)
  • Taras Sukhodolskyi, West Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Vova Abramov, West Primary (Highly Commended)


  • Timothy Ishie, St James' Primary (Winner)
  • Artem Bonardchuk, St John Ogilvie Primary ((Highly Commended)
  • Chizara, Rua, Godwin & Mariama, St Maria Goretti Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Hasnain Ali Shah, West Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Kate Kaludova, West Primary (Highly Commended)


  • Lavina Tsang, Craigmount High School (Winner)
  • Alexia Rigg, Glasgow Gaelic School (Highly Commended)
  • Ewen Darroch, Glasgow Gaelic School (Highly Commended)
  • Jenny, Gemma, Sophie, Tess, Asra & Emma, Craigmount High School (Highly Commended)
  • Mairi Stephen, Glasgow Gaelic School (Highly Commended)


  • Nova Senkowska, Mearns Castle High School (Winner)
  • Anotidaishe Mugwagwa, Kirkintilloch High School (Highly Commended)

Other Tongue


  • Naomi & Caellum, Bunessan Primary (Winner)
  • P4 Class, The Glasgow Academy Newlands & MIlngavie (Highly Commended)


  • Alasdair MacDonald, Salen Primary (Winner)
  • Lauren Stewart, Goodlyburn Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Lilia Fournier, George Watson's College (Highly Commended)


  • Amelia Armstrong, Kirkintilloch High School (Winner)
  • Emma Pacci, Bearsden Academy (Highly Commended)
  • Harrison Williams, Craigmount High School (Highly Commended)


  • Natasha Dickson, Kirkintilloch High School (Winner)
  • Abby Leitch, Graeme High School (Highly Commended)
  • Katie MacNeil, Kirkintilloch High School (Highly Commended)

All our finalists will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also receive a trophy and be offered the chance for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward.

This year we were also delighted to host a special strand of the competition focusing on Spanish entries. The winning entries in this category were:

  • Emma Llovera Meneses - Kirklandneuk Primary
  • Axel Llovera Meneses - Kirklandneuk Primary
  • The Language Ambassadors (Araav, Vihaan, Grace, Marc, Alexander, Poppy, Anaya & Maya) - The Glasgow Academy
  • Spanish Club (Brooklyn, Bion, Rishi & Tobi) – Craigmount High School

Teachers with students who entered in this category will be contacted separately regarding their awards which are kindly sponsored by the Instituto Cervantes in Manchester.

It is our intention to host each of the finalists’ poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available to view.

Congratulations again to all our finalists and a big thank you for supporting the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition!

Professional Enrichment Programme: application deadline approaching!

20 February 2024 (UK-German Connection)

The Professional Enrichment Programme offers qualified UK teachers a funded opportunity to visit a German school for 1-2 weeks during the 2023-24 school year to develop skills and knowledge through intercultural exchange.

The programme is open to teachers of all disciplines and you don’t need to have an existing link with Germany to take part. Teachers can either visit their partner school or be matched with a German host school.

Application deadline: 1 March 2024 

A Q&A webinar is being held on Tuesday 27 February at 4.30pm to answer your questions and provide guidance.


French Pop Video Competition 2024

20 February 2024 (Institut français)

The French Pop Video Competition is a national competition organised by Francophonie UK supported by TV5Monde for all primary and secondary students of French in the UK.

Students get to engage with French in a creative and fun way, improving writing skills and vocabulary by creating their own lyrics and practising speaking skills by performing and recording their song/rap.

Visit the Institut français website to learn more and register to take part in the competition by 10 March 2024. The deadline for entries is 1 May 2024.


Eric Liddell poster competition for primary schools

15 February 2024 (CISS)

The Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools is delighted to collaborate with The Eric Liddell Community to launch a poster competition celebrating the 100th anniversary of Eric Liddell's legendary win at the 1924 Paris Olympics!

The competition is open to all primary schools in Scotland. The deadline for entries is Friday 8 March 2024.

Further details and the submission link can be found on the CISS website or see the attached flyer. Entries submitted via email will not be accepted.

To find out more about The Eric Liddell 100 celebration events, please visit the Eric Liddell Community website.


Related Files

Branching out with languages – workshop series for mainstream and complementary school teachers

13 February 2024 (Bilingualism Matters / SCILT)

Bilingualism Matters and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages are offering a series of free, online professional learning workshops for teachers in complementary and heritage language schools, based in the UK and beyond. The remaining workshops in the series are:

February workshop - The Language Learning Buzz: Strategies to engage and motivate learners, both online and in the classroom. This session is run by Karen Faulds and Suzanne Ritchie from SCILT. 

March workshop - The Supportive Classroom: Strategies to support learning and encourage positive mindsets within a group of mixed ability learners. This session is run by Karen Faulds and Suzanne Ritchie from SCILT. 

See the attached flyer for more information. You can book a place at these workshops via the Bilingualism Matters website.


Related Files

Goethe-Institut competitions for schools

8 February 2024 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of opportunities for schools. The following competitions are currently running:

  • Internationale Deutscholympiade (IDO) - the deadline for applications to the Internationale Deutscholympiade 2024 has been extended. Until 18 February 2024, students aged 14-17 can take part in the virtual national preliminaries. There's also an opportunity to become an accompanying teacher for the two UK finalists who take part in the IDO in Göttingen in July.
  • Sustainable Cooking & German Competition with FitGreenMind - open to UK primary and secondary classes. Submission deadline 29 February 2024.
  • Enterprise German competition (“Unternehmen Deutsch”) - this project combines aspects of German, economics, and professional orientation with a motivating competition. School classes from secondary schools in the UK and university students can register by 15 March 2024.

Hermitage Primary pupils take part in Language Week Scotland

8 February 2024 (Helensburgh Advertiser)

Pupils at a Helensburgh Primary school “thoroughly enjoyed” a week of learning about different cultures around the globe.

Hermitage Primary pupils discovered all about a variety of countries and languages for Language Week Scotland which ran from Monday, January 29 to Friday, February 2.

Children participated in many fun activities including researching and presenting the impact global warming is having on the country their class focused on, listening to and watching short stories and fairy tales in the county’s native language, and learning and performing a traditional dance.


Glasgow Film Festival 2024

8 February 2024 (Glasgow Film Festival)

Taking place from 28 February to 10 March 2024, the Glasgow Film Festival offers a wide range of screenings, including films in different languages.

Visit the GFF website for full programme details.


Celebrate Speaking!

1 February 2024 (British Council)

Join us during February for our festival of language when your students can show off their language skills. This can be a language they are learning at school or one they speak in their community. It’s about sharing a love of language and celebrating the diversity of people in the UK who speak a language other than English. 

It's easy to take part! Visit the British Council website for more information.


French online ‘Live Lessons’ for primary

1 February 2024 (Argyll & Bute Council)

Gwen McCrossan, PT for 1+2 languages for Argyll & Bute Council, is offering a 5-week block of French online ‘Live Lessons’ for primary learners.

Lessons commence Wednesday 28 February and will last 40 minutes from 1.30 to 2.10 pm. These lessons are aimed at P4 learners upwards. The lessons can be used as consolidation of L2 French or as an introduction to French as an L3. The content can be accessed with no prior knowledge of French but the lessons are reasonably fast paced and include team games, which is why they are not suitable for younger learners.  

These lessons have a team teaching element as the games are led by the class teacher in their own classroom. The learning is chunked throughout the lesson between learning online from the expert to consolidating the new learning through playing a game in the class. This keeps the learning active but the teachers feel well supported. All the resources used during the lessons have sound files embedded to support learners and teachers with the pronunciation of key language. Each lesson contains an element of French phonics which practitioners have found to be very beneficial to develop confidence in pronunciation. Suggested follow-up resources and activities are also provided to allow the class teacher to consolidate the learning during the week.

As multiple classes will be attending these lessons, differentiation is not possible. Therefore, it is important that you decide whether the content of the lessons is suitable for your learners. For example, the content may be ideal for a P5 class which needs to revise and consolidate some simple French language. However, it wouldn’t suit a P7 class which had made steady progression in French from P1 onwards.


(each lesson will have a phonics element embedded)

Lesson 1-  Numbers to 16, Greetings & Feelings

Lesson 2- Numbers to 20, Days & Weather

Lesson 3- Numbers to 31, Months & Birthdays, Colours

Lesson 4- Numbers to 31, Family

Lesson 5- Pets & description (Colour, size)

Please complete this form if you would like to sign up for these lessons.

If you would like to learn more about this team teaching model please read this case study which describes last year’s national pilot of this initiative.

Ten Steps to Polish - new updated version

1 February 2024 (SCILT)

For teachers looking to introduce Polish as an L3 learning experience, you might be interested to know that we have updated the existing Ten Steps to Polish resource which is now available on the SCILT website. Ten Steps to Polish aims to introduce primary learners to Polish language and culture through a series of ten lessons. The lessons are based on a storytelling approach whereby a child in Scotland learns they have Polish ancestry. The child then embarks on a journey to Poland and travels to various cities and places of interest, learning about Polish language and culture throughout their travels.

Although the lesson guide and framework remain broadly the same as before, we have replaced the existing sound files with brand new audio and video files which we hope will help with pronunciation and understanding. All new files have been embedded into the resource and are easily accessible. Links within the ‘Suggested resources’ section of the progressive framework have also been updated and now include a few video clips to help reinforce language learning and understanding. We hope you enjoy exploring the updated resource!

Dziękuję/thanks to Ania Trusewicz and Chris Sagan from the Polish Social and Educational Society, Glasgow for helping update Ten Steps to Polish and also for the support from the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh.

You can access Ten Steps to Polish on the SCILT website. 


Calling all former languages leadership participants

31 January 2024 (SCILT)

If you are one of the nearly 400 educators who have completed the national languages leadership professional learning programme run by SCILT and Education Scotland since 2014 then we want to hear from you!

Like Dr Who, the programme has regenerated several times, each time with the same central aim to build capacity in languages education across Scotland. You may have been at the Summer Schools in Glasgow for Train the Trainer (2014-2017) or the 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme (2017-2019).  Perhaps you were online with Scotland’s Languages Leadership Programme (2020-2022). You may have achieved a GTCS Professional Recognition, then again maybe you haven’t. Whatever the case, all previous participants are welcome to join this new national alumni network.

If took part in any of those scenarios, are you interested in connecting (reconnecting?) with friends, colleagues and peers who are leading, teaching and championing languages education in primary, secondary and special education settings across Scotland?

Yes? Then sign up to the national SLLP alumni network! 

We will seek ideas from network members on the type of opportunities that would be the most useful. Ways to interact, opportunities to connect and support, inspire and motivate each other, to share experiences and hear from other leaders in the field.

The first network meeting is online, 16.00-17.00 Thursday 29 February 2024. Making leap day extra special!

It doesn’t matter when you completed the programme, whether or not you gained GTCS Professional Recognition with us or even if you are now in a different job. There are lots of ways that together, we can continue to strengthen the languages education leadership community in Scotland.

To join the network and register for the first meeting at the same time, please fill in the online form via the link below.


Discovering the World of Arabic 2024-25: Primary course

30 January 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International, is looking for local authority primary schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through our Discovering the World of Arabic programme.   

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for primary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and cultures. For learners in local authority primary schools the course will be offered as a ten-week interdisciplinary block of learning and is aimed at P5-P7 pupils. The course is delivered online, through a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams.  

The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language. 

Live classes will be scheduled on Thursdays or Fridays. Schools will have the opportunity to opt for lessons in term 1 (September to December) or term 2 (January to March).  

All participating schools will receive ongoing support from the SCILT team and a loan box containing a range of artefacts. Schools that are new to the programme will also be eligible for a start-up grant of £2000, while all participating schools can bid for funding to provide resources and experiences that enhance the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures. 

Previous participants have told us: 

‘The materials that were provided to the schools were great, the workbooks were very useful throughout the course. The mix of live and recorded sessions was a good idea.’ 

‘We really like the box of resources. We liked learning about the different colours and clothes. We enjoyed using the websites.’ 

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form by Friday 26 April 2024

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions. 

Design a poster to celebrate 100 years since Eric Liddell won gold at the Paris Olympics!

30 January 2024 (CISS)

The Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools is delighted to collaborate with The Eric Liddell Community to launch a poster competition celebrating the 100th anniversary of Eric Liddell's legendary win at the 1924 Paris Olympics! 

The competition is open to all primary schools in Scotland. The deadline for entries is Friday 8 March 2024. Further details and the submission link can be found on the CISS website or see the attached flyer. Entries submitted via email will not be accepted.

To find out more about The Eric Liddell 100 celebration events, please visit the Eric Liddell Community website.


Related Files

Free French and Spanish trials

29 January 2024 (La Jolie Ronde)

To support Languages Week Scotland 2024, La Jolie Ronde are offering Scottish schools now and throughout February, FREE trials of their French and Spanish Scheme of Work for P3-P6. To take up this offer email: (quote SCILT). Plus, parents can book a FREE trial session of a French and/or Spanish class that run through their network of Scottish tutors - your local tutor can be found on the La Jolie Ronde website (for new pupils only).

Early Years and Primary Languages: Show & Tell event

26 January 2024 (SCILT)

Calling early years practitioners, students and in-service primary teachers doing languages! 

If you have interesting nuggets of practice to share, why not sign up for a 3 or 7 minute slot at SCILT’s virtual Early Years and Primary Language Show and Tell in May 2024? Tell us your name and what you’d like to share via the expression of interest form below. 

The event will take place on Tuesday 28 May 16.00-17.15. It will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 


Register your interest in VETs Term 2, April – June 2024

25 January 2024 (CISS)

Scottish schools can now register interest in the next block of the Mandarin Virtual Exchange Teacher programme, running from w/c 22 April – w/c 17 June 2024.  

Over eight weeks, classes will be allocated a pair of student teachers who will work with their class to delivery weekly live streamed Mandarin lessons. The project provides classes for beginner level 1, 2 & 3. The courses are also suitable as L3 provision for BGE pupils in P5-7, as well as being suitable for Secondary BGE learners.

There will be an online information meeting (with a choice of two dates on either 8 or 20 February), to give an overview of the course and what is required of Scottish class teachers. Attendance at an information meeting is a requirement to participate in the programme, with the exception of teachers who have previously attended an information session and/or taken part in the VET programme within the last year. Teachers who are new to the programme are required to attend the meeting, even if the school has taken part previously.

You can find more information about the programme, as well as a link to register your interest and attendance at an information meeting (if required), on the CISS website.

VET flyer


NEW! Multilingual Approaches through Art activity pack

25 January 2024 (MtA Project Partners)

We are excited to announce that the new Multilingual Approaches through Art (MtA) activity pack is now published!!

Funded by the Glasgow Knowledge Exchange Fund and created by those involved in the MtA project, this free activity pack contains a series of 10 activities which aim to inspire teachers and language educators to use art-based approaches in their teaching of languages. These activities use art as a content, medium and method for young people to explore who they are, how they can communicate multilingually, and how they build positive attitudes towards languages and language learning. The MtA activity pack aligns with the Curriculum for Excellence and Es and Os for each activity are referenced throughout.

We have a limited number of printed copies available* and there is also a downloadable digital version too. If you would like to receive a printed copy, please complete the form below.

To order a printed copy (*while stocks last), please complete this MS form.

Or access a digital version of the MtA activity pack.

Thank you!

Picture of MtA pack cover

Upcoming training opportunities for teachers of Spanish

25 January 2024 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación offers a range of professional learning opportunities for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant link below to find out more about each upcoming event and to register:

  • 'Artifical intelligences and tasks for the ELE classroom', Tuesday 6 February

    This is the first in a series of online workshops for Spanish teachers from February to March 2024. Register for the free workshop by 4 February.

  • Grants for an immersion course in Spain (Ávila, Segovia and Santander) 

    4 one-week immersion courses in July or August 2024 in Ávila, Segovia or Santander aimed at British/Irish teachers of Spanish.

    The grant covers the course, accommodation and meals, as well as the cultural programme.  The grant does not cover the journey to Spain or the return to the UK. Travel and/or health insurance is also not included.

    This call is not for Spanish nationals. Application period will be announced from March.
  • Immersion course in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), April 2024

    Registration is now open for the Spanih teacher training course "Curso de actualización para el profesorado de ELE: lengua, cultura y didáctica" organised by the University of Santiago de Compostela.

    ​Dates: 8 - 12 April 2024

    Number of hours: 20 (face-to face)

    • Nuevas tecnologías en el aula de ELE
    • Dinámicas de proyecto, actividades cooperativas y pedagogías innovadoras
    • Lengua y cultura española( literatura, cine y música)
    • El Camino de Santiago en el aula el ELE
    • Actividades culturales incluidas en el curso:
    • Visita guiada a la ciudad monumental
    • Visita guiada al Patrimonio Histórico artístico de la Universidad
    • More information about registration, prices and accomodation:

Italian poster competition - Cosa significa l’Italia per me

25 January 2024 (SCILT)

We are launching a new poster competition for school-aged learners of Italian (this includes those with no prior learning). We would love you to use whatever knowledge of Italian and Italy that you have to show what Italy means to you. 

Your challenge:  

  • Design a poster, including as much Italian language as you can, to show what Italy means to you. 
  • Use the title Cosa significa l’Italia per me
  • Individual or group entries are welcome. Group entries: use the title Cosa significa l’Italia per noi
  • Judging categories: P1-4, P5-7, S1-3, S4-6. 
  • This competition is open to all learners regardless of level of Italian. This includes those with no prior learning. The variation in Italian language content that will naturally result from this will be taken into account in the judging process.  
  • Closing date extended to Thursday 7 March 2024
  • Entries should be emailed by teachers in the form of a photograph to with Italian Poster Competition in the email subject line. 
  • A signed Submission and Consent Form (attached below) should also be sent at the same time for each entry. It is perfectly acceptable to upload a photograph of this form; it is not necessary to scan the document. 
  • In order to assist judging, please ensure that the sections of the Submission Form indicating level of Italian learning and where the inspiration for the poster came from are completed. 
  • Each entry should state the school name, pupil name and age category in its file name. 
  • Winners will be notified and announced around Easter 2024. 

A downloadable flyer is attached. 

We look forward to seeing your entries! 

Year of the Dragon Education Pack

22 January 2024 (British Council)

Chinese New Year is set for 10 February 2024, marking the beginning of the Year of the Dragon and bringing in various traditional celebrations. 

The British Council Year of the Dragon Education Pack is designed to help primary teachers and pupils explore Chinese language and culture through activities and stories relating to the dragon.

Visit the British Council website to access the resource.


Languages Week Scotland: SCILT/Scotdec special events!

18 January 2024 (SCILT / Scotdec)

To celebrate the LWS 2024 theme of Languages for a Sustainable World, SCILT and Scotdec are pleased to offer two CLPL opportunities on making language learning relevant and motivating with a Global Citizenship approach.

There will be a session for Primary teachers and a separate session for Secondary teachers. Both sessions will offer insights into how languages education can be a catalyst for fostering global awareness, empathy and a sense of responsibility.

More information and booking details via the following links:

Reminder: SCILT ECT Professional learning menu

18 January 2024 (SCILT)

Building on our track record of supporting student teachers and early career teachers, in the 2023-24 session we have launched a specific menu of workshops tailored to the needs of student teachers and early career teachers in primary and secondary sectors. Importantly, the development of this menu was informed by student teachers, probationer mentors and teacher educators. 

Are you a probationer/ECT support manager or professional learning officer for your local authority?

Are you a programme lead or module lead on an undergraduate or postgraduate ITE programme for primary or secondary teaching at a Scottish university?

Yes? Then workshops from the SCILT ECT Professional Learning menu 2023-24 could complement the content of your existing modules or professional learning programme for the newest entrants to our profession.

Interactive, up-to-date and relevant, these SCILT workshops give student teachers and early career teachers the opportunity to explore aspects of practice with their peers. Online or in person. No charge.

In terms of content, secondary workshops focus on developing practice to support skills development, classroom management and support for application and interview for languages posts. Meanwhile, primary workshops focus on introductory approaches and interdisciplinary contexts for teaching languages eg digital, outdoor, DYW and intercultural understanding.

See the full menu above and access the booking request form.

If there is anything particular that your student or early career teachers need, we are always happy to develop bespoke inputs too. Email with any queries.

Remember we also run sector-specific professional learning for student and early career teachers available to book by individuals. Keep an eye on the e-bulletin for further information.

Upcoming UK-German opportunities

16 January 2024 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of opportunities to foster partnerships between schools in the UK and Germany. Follow the relevant links below to learn more about their upcoming initiatives:

For teachers

  • Professional Enrichment Programme - funded opportunity for qualified UK teachers to visit a German school for one or two weeks during the summer term of 2023-24. Apply by 1 March 2024. You can also find out more at the Q&A webinar on 1 February.

For students

  • German pupil courses - open to Year 10 and 12 pupils (and equivalent years in Scotland and Northern Ireland) offering pupils the chance to spend two immersive weeks in Germany experiencing the culture and language. Applications open 24 January and close on 1 March 2024. Teachers of German can also experience the immersion and excitement by applying to be a Group Leader and accompany a group of motivated young people and surround yourself with natives to sharpen your language skills.
  • Café Connect for Schools and Youth Groups - adapted from our classic ‘Café Connect‘, for individual young people, we are now offering this virtual exchange café to partner schools and youth groups as a chance to meet up online in a friendly atmosphere and take part in fun, interactive activities, and group discussions on current topics.
  • Still & Sparkling Youth Newsletter - share this opportunity with creative individuals aged 14+ who would like to contribute to our youth newsletter. Successful submissions will be published in our next edition and featured on our social media channels. Deadline: 9 February 2024.


  • Grants for joint activities - grants are available for schools and youth groups with a partner in Germany for planning visits and group exchange trips. Applications can be submitted at any time provided they reach us at least six weeks before the start of the trip or project. Sign up for Q&A webinars on funding strands on the webpage.

If you have any further questions about the range of opportunities available, email the team at

Celebrate Speaking

16 January 2024 (British Council)

Practise and celebrate a language your students are learning or use in their community, and take part in a virtual festival of speaking! 

Join us during February for our festival of language when your students can show off their language skills. This can be a language they are learning at school or one they speak in their community. It’s about sharing a love of language and celebrating the diversity of people in the UK who speak a language other than English. 

It's easy to take part! Visit the British Council website for more information.


Scottish Opera’s free Mandarin teaching resources; a musical and theatrical project for primary pupils

16 January 2024 (Scottish Opera)

Scottish Opera will be celebrating the Chinese Year of the Dragon with a new digital expressive arts project for P6 and P7 pupils: How the Dragon Was Made. Designed for one class of upper school pupils, How the Dragon Was Made aims to improve pupils’ comprehension of Mandarin vocabulary, as well as provide a creative opportunity for performance and an element of peer-to-peer learning. It includes online resources to facilitate a class of pupils to perform their own 20-minute musical show in class, which can be performed for Primary 1-3 classes in school but also families and other guests. 

More information and access to the resources are available on the Scottish Opera website.


Global Classroom Pair-Share

16 January 2024 (Global Seal of Biliteracy)

Global Seal of Biliteracy invites language educators to join its third cohort of the Global Classroom Pair-Share.

Global Classroom Pair-Share is a new, innovative way to connect classrooms around the globe with a shared focus on learning language and discovering new places and cultures. If you’re interested in growing your students’ language skills while growing global connections, you are the perfect candidate to participate. Global Classroom Pair-Share provides teachers with FREE professional development, opportunities to collaborate with other language teachers from around the world and participate in multiple real-time and asynchronous classroom interactions.

Teachers can match with another global classroom for three months with an expectation of one shared collaborative project per month. At the end of the three months, teacher participants can receive three free student tests to qualify for a Global Seal of Biliteracy. Signing up for the programme includes free professional development on second language acquisition and lesson design. 

This programme starts in February and is open to language classrooms in mainstream and heritage schools. 

Visit the Global Seal of Biliteracy website for more information and to register by 22 January.


Reminder: SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2023-24

11 January 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT’s CLPL workshop menu for 2023-24 is still available for your booking requests. 

Are you responsible for sourcing high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of colleagues in your setting, cluster, local authority or RIC?

You will be interested in our professional learning offer for all sectors.

The content of the eleven workshops is informed by feedback from teachers and practitioners on their professional learning needs. If your needs are different, we are more than happy to develop the bespoke inputs you and your colleagues require. Just ask.

Always interactive and up-to-date, SCILT workshops provide the opportunity for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of practice with our experienced Professional Development Officers. Our team has a finite capacity, so get in your request as soon as you can.

The focus of workshops for 2023-24 are wide ranging, covering the following issues:

Cross Sector

  • Primary-Secondary Transition

Primary and Early Years

  • Families on board? Developing a family friendly approach to languages in your setting
  • Getting outdoors with languages and learning
  • Celebrating cultural diversity through languages in EY and primary
  • An introduction to multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy
  • Languages in primary: assessing pupils’ learning, evaluating teaching


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum
  • Social-Emotional Learning for languages

For more details, and to make a request for a group visit our Professional Learning webpage.

Note that open access online workshops take place across the year. Registration for these will be open to individuals and details will be shared in the SCILT ebulletin.


UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO) 2024

9 January 2024 (UKLO)

UKLO (United Kingdom Linguistics Olympiad) is a language-analysis competition for all ages. We create linguistics puzzles and run competitions for school children to encourage a lifelong interest in the world’s languages.

The competition is offered at four levels of difficulty for KS2 – KS5, and provide Gold, Silver and Bronze awards, as well as participation certificates, at each level.

The highest scoring students proceed through a couple more rounds of testing and coaching before we present them for the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) where they compete against other countries. 

UKLO questions require no preliminary knowledge in language, linguistics or any other subject taught at school. From decoding alien messages to scents and smells, UKLO questions are diverse with over 70 confirmed different variations. There is something for everyone.

Visit the UKLO website to find out more and register to take part by 29 January.


New resource PALINGUI - making language learning pathways visible in young children

19 December 2023 (ECML)

This resource website supports teachers and educators working with children aged 3 to 12 in making all language learning visible in the education system through observation, documentation, and assessment.

PALINGUI offers essential information about early language learning as well as tools and tasks that will help to observe, document, and assess young children's language learning pathways in a multilingual context.

There are also reflective tools for teachers and educators which invite you to reflect on different aspects of your professional practice and the educational context in which you work. 


Open Access workshops – spring 2024 bookings now open!

15 December 2023 (SCILT)

Calling all primary teachers across Scotland. We are hosting three online Tuesday twilight workshops with invited guests in February, March and April 2024.   

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland. 

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded.  

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer which can be shared with your networks. 

Related Files

DYW Live eSgoil Languages Week 2024

12 December 2023 (DYW / eSgoil)

To celebrate Languages Week 2024 we’d like to highlight several exciting courses through DYW Live involving languages. We have sessions for Primary, Secondary and a CLPL for Primary Teachers all around the benefits languages can bring to learners and their future pathways.

Visit the webpage for full details.


Professional learning for new primary teachers

8 December 2023 (SCILT)

Calling new and recent entrants to primary teaching in Scotland. Undergraduate and postgraduate primary education students at Scottish universities and qualified primary teachers in your first 4 years post-qualification – we mean you!

If you have an interest in developing your practice relating to the languages - both home and taught – represented in your classroom, then you won’t want to miss SCILT’s ECT Primary Languages Get Together and Signpost Sessions between January and May 2024! 

Looking for:

  • ideas and advice on how to support multilingual pupils and their families
  • strategies for teaching additional languages, or
  • the chance to network informally with others at a similar stage in their career across the country?

Look no further! Join us online on MS Teams, once a month for a friendly and informal opportunity to connect, ask questions, find support and solutions. We will point you in the right direction.

  • 31 January, 16.00–17.00 ECT Primary Languages Get Together, with guest Lorna Anderson, now Lecturer in ITE at Queen Margaret University, previously teacher for Glasgow City Council EAL Service
    Register for the ECT Primary Languages Get Together
  • 28 February, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 1: First steps in teaching languages in primary 
  • 27 March, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 2: Pedagogies for multilingual classrooms 
  • 24 April, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 3: Digital tools for primary languages
  • 29 May, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 4: Outdoor language learning
    Register for the Signpost Sessions - sign up for as many as you wish

Please also find attached flyer which can be shared with colleagues.

We can’t wait to see you there.


Related Files

SCILT Winter newsletter published!

8 December 2023 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published. Read about SCILT's work to support language learning and teaching, including our professional learning opportunities, language promotional activities, and support for language learners at all levels. Find out how schools celebrated European Day of Languages 2023 and read about the latest inspiring initiatives from local authorities. There is also an opportunity to read about the work of our partners to support language learning in Scotland.


Register now for the first GTCS-recognised Scots Language Teacher CPD Course

7 December 2023 (OU / Education Scotland)

We are launching the first ever Scots Language Masters-level teacher CPD programme for in-service teachers teaching at any level in a Scottish school. Hosted by the Open University in Scotland and designed and delivered by the OU in partnership with Education Scotland, this exciting new professional learning opportunity for Scotland’s teachers is now open for registration. There are 25 free places available for this online programme. These places for the first course cohort are funded by the Scottish Government.

The deadline to register and be one of the first 25 teachers to study the course for free is Monday 21st December. Notifications to confirm places will be issued on Tuesday 22nd. For those who either weren’t in the initial 25 for this year, or who already have CPD commitments for this academic year, you will be given priority for cohort 2 which will begin in the 2024-25 academic year. 

Visit the course landing page for more information and the online registration form.


Branching out with languages – workshop series for mainstream and complementary school teachers

7 December 2023 (Bilingualism Matters / SCILT)

Bilingualism Matters and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages are offering a series of free, online professional learning workshops for teachers in complementary and heritage language schools, based in the UK and beyond.

Workshop 1 - The Bigger Picture: The basics of bilingual language development and the role of teachers, parents and communities. This session is run by Prof Antonella Sorace and Katarzyna Przybycien from Bilingualism Matters and the University of Edinburgh.

Workshop 2 - The Language Learning Buzz: Strategies to engage and motivate learners, both online and in the classroom. This session is run by Karen Faulds and Suzanne Ritchie from SCILT. 

Workshop 3 - The Supportive Classroom: Strategies to support learning and encourage positive mindsets within a group of mixed ability learners. This session is run by Karen Faulds and Suzanne Ritchie from SCILT. 

See the attached flyer for more information. You can book a place at these workshops via the Bilingualism Matters website.


Related Files

SCILT Christmas 2023 webpage - now live!

1 December 2023 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your learners, from interactive advent calendars and games, to festive facts, songs and downloadable worksheets. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and many other places around the world!


MTOT entry deadline approaching!

24 November 2023 (SCILT)

Schools who’ve registered for this year’s Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition have until Friday 1 December to submit entries! Submission guidelines are on the SCILT website. 


Scottish Book Trust 50 word fiction competition

16 November 2023 (Scottish Book Trust)

Each month Scottish Book Trust runs a 50 Word Fiction competition with a prompt to get you started. The November competition prompt is inspired by the theme of this year's Book Week Scotland, Adventure!

The competition includes a category for Gaelic writers, so get creative and submit your entry by 28 November.


Critical Connections: Multilingual digital storytelling online professional development workshops

14 November 2023 (Critical Connections: Multilingual Digital Storytelling Project)

The Critical Connections Project is about enabling young people across the primary and secondary age range to create and share multilingual digital stories. It offers an approach to language learning, literacy and citizenship which recognises that communication is enhanced when plurilingual and digital resources are drawn upon purposefully and creatively. This asynchronous professional learning opportunity provides free to access workshops and invites educators to explore the possibilities of multilingual digital storytelling.

The Critical Connections online professional development workshops are now ready for you to download from the project website:   

Please note:

  1. A first step, especially for those new to multilingual digital storytelling should be to look at the Critical Connections: Handbook for Teachers.
  2. Workshops are based on experience of working on the project over the years and includes input from teachers.
  3. There is material aimed at colleagues new to digital storytelling as well as those operating at a more advanced level.
  4. We recognise that contexts in which the Critical Connections project is taking place differ in various ways and the resource is intended to be used flexibly.
  5. Comments and suggestions welcome.
  6. Downloading workshops works best with Google Chrome


Lingobox Learning launch!

10 November 2023 (Lingobox Learning)

Lingobox Learning is delighted to announce that its primary languages resource website, is now live!

To celebrate, Lingobox Learning is offering all Scottish schools and individual teachers two months completely for free! Please just use the Code LINGOBOXLAUNCH at the check-out. The video link below will walk you through the process and in case of any issues, please just contact

Lingobox Free Trial Walkthrough

The website is a bit of a work in progress however Lingobox Learning will be adding lots of new resources over the coming weeks and months! These include songs, games, teaching videos and learning activities.

Lingobox Learning are also running two webinars in November. All details and links for booking are below:

Weds 22nd November 2023 – French Christmas Activities

Monday 27th November 2022 - Active Approaches in Language Learning with Joe Dale

Again, any questions, please just contact


Posted in: Primary, Resources

JaLaChamp 2024 – Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK

2 November 2023 (Japan Foundation)

Applications are now open for JaLaChamp 2024!

JaLaChamp, or Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK, is a contest for primary and secondary school students studying Japanese. There are two categories - the speech category, where students give a speech on a theme of their choice, and the video category where students are asked to create an original video either by individual or part of a group.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information and to enter: 6 December 2023 deadline for speech category; 24 January 2024 deadline for video category.


International Education Week 2023

31 October 2023 (British Council)

Get ready for International Education Week 2023!

Taking place from 13 to 17 November, the event this year celebrates international partnerships.  

We’ve got lots of information and resources to help you open your students’ eyes to the world and build bridges to other cultures.

Join us to explore the power of partnerships to bring schools together across the globe, engaging and motivating students and helping them discover other languages, countries and cultures.

Visit the British Council website to discover the many ways your school can get involved.


French Film Festival learning programme for schools

30 October 2023 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK Learning Programme is once again delighted to bring French-speaking cinema free of charge to schools from 30 October to 15 December 2023!

Each of the four films will be accompanied by new learning packs in French and English. Selected films are all in French with English subtitles.

If you haven't done so already, there's still time to check out the programme and book your screenings. And for budding film critics, there's also the opportunity for pupils in Scotland to submit their film review with the chance to win a prize!

Visit the Festival website for full details.


BSL for primary schools is back

27 October 2023 (SCILT)

We are delighted to announce that online BSL classes for primary learners (P5–P7) will return for a new block starting in January 2024. The classes will be led by BSL tutor Emma McGowan and interpreter Jill Gallacher. Emma is deaf and is the mother of 2 hearing children. Currently, she teaches sign language to families for the National Deaf Children Society. Emma has also taught in various schools where she introduced teachers and children to sign language and shared knowledge and understanding about deaf languages and culture. This is something that Emma has really enjoyed. 

The new BSL team is looking forward to working with primary learners to help them develop their skills and knowledge in BSL. From fingerspelling the alphabet to conducting short conversations in BSL, learners will build up their language skills steadily over the 10-week period. The classes are not only progressive, they are also fun! In this block of learning, there will be an element of storytelling with Emma telling familiar stories in BSL. 

This 10-week block of BSL language learning is intended to support L3 in primary school, in line with Scotland’s languages policy. The weekly lessons will run for 10 consecutive weeks and will begin on Monday 15 January 2024. The lessons are:

  • on MS Teams 
  • on Mondays from 1.30-2.15pm (45 minutes) 
  • open to all state primary schools in Scotland – P5-7 only 
  • free to attend 

If you would like to be considered for a place on the BSL (L3) learning block, please register your interest via the form linked below. Please note that places are limited. 

If you would like any further information, please contact SCILT


UK-German Connection funding

24 October 2023 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection's Flexible Funding Scheme supports joint activities and projects between UK and German partner schools and youth groups, including visits or virtual activities.

The next deadline for funding applications is approaching. Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and submit applications by 31 October.


RZSS Programmes for Schools

12 October 2023 (RZSS)

RZSS Science in the Language Class - Many free language resources are available on the Science in Language Class website. There are a wide range of resources for Mandarin, Spanish and French along with free outreach sessions. Next year look out for further resources available in German and Gaelic and a new upper primary course for Spanish. 

Mandarin course - The Mandarin upper primary course is 3 weeks virtual sessions followed by an expert for the day!  (An in-person outreach visit to your school which can include other sessions for additional classes.)

Giants - A free outreach session aimed at upper primary level which can be linked to either Spanish or Mandarin

Stripy Tails - A free outreach session aimed at upper primary level which can be linked to either French or Mandarin

Contact for bookings. All are fully booked to December but there are still a few opportunities left from January 2024. 

See the Beyond the Panda webpage for details and resources. 


International Education Week 2023

10 October 2023 (British Council)

International Education Week 2023 will take place from 13 to 17 November and this year, we’re celebrating international partnerships.  

Join the British Council to explore the power of partnerships to bring schools together across the globe, engaging and motivating students and helping them discover other languages, countries and cultures.

We’ll be planning events and sharing resources over the coming weeks, so keep checking the website!


French Pop Video Competition 2024

9 October 2023 (Institut français)

The French Pop Video Competition is a national competition organised by Francophonie UK supported by TV5Monde for all KS1 to KS5 students of French in the UK.

Students get to engage with French in a creative and fun way, improving writing skills and vocabulary by creating their own lyrics and practising speaking skills by performing and recording their song/rap.

Visit the Institut français website to learn more about the competition and register by 10 March 2024 to take part.


French Teacher Award

9 October 2023 (Institut français)

Nominations are now opened for this year's French Teacher Award!

Each year two teachers of French (one primary, one secondary) are selected in recognition of their significant and committed contribution to French language education in their school and community.

Teachers can apply themselves, or nominate a colleague.

Visit the Institut français website for more information and to submit nominations by 31 October 2023.


French courses in Glasgow for adults and children

3 October 2023 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française in Glasgow is now enrolling for autumn term courses. There are options available for children and adults. Follow the relevant link below for more information and to enrol.

The organisation provides many other opportunities and events to discover French language and culture. Visit their website to find out more.


Discovery Film Festival

2 October 2023 (DCA)

Discovery Film Festival, Scotland’s international film festival for young audiences, is back for its 20th year!

Taking place from 21 October to 5 November, there's another packed programme of the best new films for young audiences from around the world, with free education resource packs to accompany the screenings. The festival will be available both online and at Dundee Contemporary Arts.

Visit the website for full programme details.


Oxford German Olympiad 2024

2 October 2023 (University of Oxford)

The 12th Oxford German Olympiad is now open!

This year's topic is: Kafkaesque Kreatures

The competition is all about animals - but from perspectives with a difference. The tasks take inspiration from the animal stories by Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who gave the German and English languages the word kafkaesk / Kafkaesque to describe a weird, disturbing experience.

The competition is open to upper primary and secondary learners of German, with further categories for group or class entries as well as the Discover German Taster category for those with no prior experience of studying the language. 

Visit the Oxford German Olympiad website for full competition details and guidelines. Closing date for all entries is 7 March 2024.


Primary languages eTwinning in the UK - sign up to participate

28 September 2023 (Open University)

Give your language lessons some real-life purpose and make connections with colleagues across the UK!

Are you looking for some new ideas to make foreign language learning fun, engaging and relevant? Would you like to find new ways of embedding language policy in the classroom whilst developing your own foreign language speaking and teaching skills? Would you appreciate some help and guidance with planning your language lessons, ideas, and have someone with whom to share your reflections, successes and failures?

Then look no further! Frogston Primary School in Edinburgh in collaboration with The Open University are offering a brand-new eTwinning opportunity for all primary practitioners across the UK. It’s free, totally colleague/pupil-led, designed to enhance and practice your languages teaching, learning and assessment.

In this eTwinning initiative, teachers organise and run on-site and online activities with their students. This involves planning with colleagues from other schools around the UK using ready-made lessons and timeframes provided as a guide.

This is an ideal opportunity to meet teachers and educators who share a vision of engaging and impactful learning, using ICT in a meaningful way, and making the most of 21st-century skills. We will provide lessons, resource ideas, guidance, and an online platform where eTwinners can communicate, create projects, share, and learn together at their own pace in line with their interests and the needs of their classes.

The programme begins on 1 November, after the mid-term break. By signing up, you will:

  • Be put in contact with an eTwinning partner… a class of similar age/stage in a school in a different location from your own, who are learning the same language as you.
  • Be given a portfolio of 6 fully planned eTwinning lessons which are completely adaptable and flexible.
  • Be given a secure digital space where you will find all related materials and in which you can plan with your colleagues.

 To participate, sign up on this Eventbrite page and we will contact you by 1 November 2023 to explain the next steps.


MTOT registration deadline approaching!

28 September 2023 (SCILT)

Schools in Scotland wishing to take part in this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition have until National Poetry Day on 5 October to register!

Visit our website to learn more about the competition and discover poetry resources to help you celebrate National Poetry Day in class as well as prepare for the MTOT competition.

It's the 10th anniversary year of MTOT in Scotland, so join in the celebration - visit our website and register your school now!


Online Preparation Course for the Instituto Cervantes Teacher Accreditation Diploma (DADIC)

28 September 2023 (Instituto Cervantes)

The Instituto Cervantes is developing a professional accreditation system consisting of a series of diplomas that certify the professional training of ELE (Spanish as a Foreign Language) teachers - the Instituto Cervantes Teacher Accreditation Diplomas (DADIC): Autonomous, Expert, and Teacher Trainer. These diplomas have indefinite validity and enjoy broad national and international recognition, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain. The first level, the Autonomous DADIC, certifies that the holder possesses the basic competencies required for the professional practice of teaching ELE for general purposes.

This is an introductory course aimed at people with no experience or prior training in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, who wish to obtain the Instituto Cervantes Teaching Accreditation Diploma (autonomous level).

More information is given on the attached flyer or you can visit the Instituto Cervantes website. 


Language Ambassadors Online: new sessions available to book!

28 September 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s Language Ambassadors Programme has relaunched as a fully online offer available to all schools across the country. Our interactive monthly online sessions are led by student Language Ambassadors from universities across Scotland who are keen to share their experiences of learning languages and discovering new cultures.

Visit our Language Ambassadors Programme webpage to find out more about the programme and to register to bring your class(es) along to any/all of the sessions listed!


UK-German Connection opportunities

21 September 2023 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection provides opportunities for young people, teachers and schools in the UK and Germany to come together. Their initiatives range from providing grants and bursaries for partnership activities, pupil courses and scholarships, the opportunity to host a teacher from Germany, virtual café sessions for young people to meet in a safe space and much more. The following activity deadlines are fast approaching. Follow the relevant link for more information:

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information about the range of available opportunities.


British Council Language Resources

19 September 2023 (British Council)

The British Council remains committed to supporting the teaching and learning of languages in UK schools.

As part of this the organisation, in partnership with QFI, is restructuring their support for Arabic language teaching and learning in the UK with new events and activities planned for the autumn term. Schools can also apply for grants to introduce the language into their curriculum. Follow the relevant link below for more information:

And with European Day of Languages fast approaching, British Council has developed two new lesson resources to celebrate the event; 'Let's talk about languages' for primary learners and 'Why choose languages' for secondary.

Visit the British Council website to download these resources.


DYW Live - Make languages work for you

15 September 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to be working with eSgoil and DYW to offer workshops this session aimed at primary (P4-P7) learners.

Hearing from a diverse range of people who use languages in their careers, the workshop aims to encourage pupils to consider how their talents and interests can be enhanced by language skills and intercultural understanding now and in the future.

Three online sessions are taking place:

  • 14 November 2023
  • 13 March 2024
  • 16 May 2024

Visit the eSgoil website for more details and to register. Early booking is advisable as class numbers are limited.


Related Links

DYWLive workshops for secondary learners - Languages and your career

European Day of Languages 2023 - Competition for schools

14 September 2023 (Global School Alliance)

Celebrated on 26 September every year, the European Day of Languages (EDL) is designed to promote the importance of language learning and protecting the linguistic heritage.

To get your pupils involved in this year's event, the Global School Alliance has launched a competition ‘For me, learning a language is…’ and are asking students to tell us what learning a language means to them. It is open to schools with students studying a European language worldwide and aims to showcase the magic and importance of language learning.

Visit the website to find out more and register your school. Deadline for entries is 3 October.


Welcoming Languages: teaching a ‘refugee language’ to school staff to enact the principle of integration as a two-way process

5 September 2023 (University of Glasgow)

This recently published article discusses the outcomes of the Welcoming Languages project, collaboratively run by the University of Glasgow and the Arabic Center of the Islamic University of Gaza (Palestine). The project taught Arabic as a ‘refugee language’ to primary school staff so they could welcome Arabic speaking children and families.

The article can now be read open access on the publisher's website.


Host a Teacher from Germany

5 September 2023 (UK-German Connection)

The Host a Teacher from Germany programme enables schools to host a German teacher (in-person or virtually) for one, two or three weeks during the academic year – no costs involved for UK schools.

All schools and further education colleges in the UK can register. The programme is open to teachers of all subjects and German does not need to be offered at your school; visiting teachers are either teachers of English or have good knowledge of the English language.

Schools interested in hosting a German teacher in 2023-24 can now register by 25 September 2023 (to host in the spring and/or summer term).

NEW! UK teachers participating in the Host a Teacher from Germany 2023-24 programme can express their interest in a return visit for one or two weeks during 2023-24.

UK-German Connection will run a Q&A webinar for UK schools on Tuesday 19 September 2023.

Visit the website for more information and to register for the Q&A session.


Spanish cinema in British schools

5 September 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

Bring Spanish cinema to your school! Join the Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival school programme for free (2nd to 6th October) and enjoy a film from the comfort of the classroom. Films for Primary and Secondary level accompanied by worksheets. Book now and get the code for your school.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - Congratulations to our latest winners!

31 August 2023 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates innovation in schools delivering DYW through languages, encouraging school-business partnerships and recognising good practice in this area. The award, which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community. 

Our most recent verification date in May 2023 saw 11 schools from 10 different local authorities collect an award. Projects covered a wide range of sectors and included links with football clubs, bakeries, travel agents and much more! Find out about each projects by clicking on the school names below.




The next verification date is 17 November 2023. Visit the SLEA pages of our website to find out how your schools can achieve an award, and keep an eye out in the SCILT e-bulletin for the launch of SLEA Local coming soon!


French Film Festival free learning programme for schools

31 August 2023 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK Learning Programme is once again delighted to bring French-speaking cinema free of charge to schools this November and December! All the films in the selection are in French with English subtitles.

Each of the four films will be accompanied by new learning packs in French and English.

Download the programme and start planning your screenings now!

FFF 2023 In-School Learning Programme

Student Film Review Awards

The Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland will once again award prizes for the best film reviews submitted by students in Scotland.

The Learning Programme is grateful for the generous support of the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland, TotalEnergies, the Institut français worldwide network, the Hugh Fraser Foundation, and SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages).

More information about the Festival can be found on the French Film Festival website.


Concours de la Francophonie 2024

29 August 2023 (Institut français)

Le Concours de la Francophonie 2024 is now open!

The national school competition's aim is to encourage all young French learners and their teachers around Scotland to enjoy the French language. It has always been a great way of celebrating the international day of la francophonie. In 2023, over 500 pupils from 25 schools all over Scotland took part in the competition.

All Scottish primary and secondary schools offering French may enter this competition by submitting a short video of a classroom activity in French.

The theme of the competition this year is: “Paris Olympic Games 2024:  Ouvrons grand les jeux!”

Visit the Institut français website for full details and entry criteria. Submission deadline is 31 January 2024.


European Day of Languages 2023 - how is your school celebrating?

25 August 2023 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. Now in its 22nd year, it aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. What is your school doing in 2023?

If you're looking for inspiration, SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. What about making some multilingual bunting, hosting a languages café, or creating a zine? You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2023 blogUpload a short description and some colourful photos or email

If you're sharing your celebrations on Twitter tag @scottishcilt and use the hashtag #coeEDL to share your celebrations with schools across Europe!


Open Access Workshops - bookings now open!

24 August 2023 (SCILT)

Calling all primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! On the last Wednesday of each month between September and November 2023, SCILT’s primary professional development officers will host a series of online workshops.  

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer.

Related Files

Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2024 - 10 year anniversary!

18 August 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce that MTOT is back for 2024, and it’s an extra special year - MTOT celebrates its 10th anniversary! 

Over the last decade the competition has evolved from written poems in the beginning, to now focussing on the spoken word. Hearing pupils share their voices and language skills helps bring their poetry to life, and we look forward to seeing what creative brilliance emerges from Scotland’s schools this year. In this 10th anniversary year, we are delighted and very excited to work with our partners at Instituto Cervantes to offer a special prize category for entries in Spanish, one of the most widely taught languages in Scotland’s schools.

So, if you have entered MTOT before, we’d love to welcome you back. If you are new to MTOT, what better year to join than our 10th anniversary year? Our multilingual poetry competition is now open. Visit our MTOT page on the SCILT website for more information and register your school now.

MTOT is 10 years old – come join the celebration!


SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2023-24

17 August 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s brand new CLPL workshop menu for 2023-24 is available for your booking requests. 

Are you responsible for sourcing high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of colleagues in your setting, cluster, local authority or RIC?

You will be interested in our new professional learning offer for all sectors.

The content of the eleven workshops is informed by feedback from teachers and practitioners on their professional learning needs. If your needs are different, we are more than happy to develop the bespoke inputs you and your colleagues require. Just ask.

Always interactive and up-to-date, SCILT workshops provide the opportunity for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of practice with our experienced Professional Development Officers. Our team has a finite capacity, so get in your request as soon as you can.

The focus of workshops for 2023-24 are wide ranging, covering the following issues:

Cross Sector

  • Primary-Secondary Transition

Primary and Early Years

  • Families on board? Developing a family friendly approach to languages in your setting
  • Getting outdoors with languages and learning
  • Celebrating cultural diversity through languages in EY and primary
  • An introduction to multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy
  • Languages in primary: assessing pupils’ learning, evaluating teaching


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum
  • Social-Emotional Learning for languages

For more details, and to make a request for a group visit our Professional Learning webpage.

Note that open access online workshops will also be scheduled across the year. Registration for these will be open to individuals and details will be shared in the SCILT ebulletin in due course.


Goethe-Institut: German for schools

8 August 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut in Glasgow are offering the following opportunities for schools in the 2023-24 academic session. Follow the relevant link to find out more:

  • German days for pupils - visit the Goethe-Institut Glasgow with your school class. Your pupils will learn firsthand about German language and culture. We offer various activities designed to show that learning German can be fun and is relevant.
  • German Language Adventure - this fast-paced motivational game aims to spark interest in German culture and language and can be played by up to 100 pupils (P7-S2 level). Can be offered at school or at the Goethe-Institut.

New Edinburgh University degree to address decline in BSL teachers

5 August 2023 (The Herald)

The University of Edinburgh is to create a new undergraduate degree in Primary Education with British Sign Language (BSL) to help tackle a decline in the number of qualified teachers of deaf children. 

Research for/by the National Deaf Children’s Society shows that the number of Teachers of the Deaf (TOD) in Scotland has decreased by 40% in the past decade, with 45% of remaining teachers expected to retire over the next 10 years. In addition, statistics from the Consortium for Research Into Deaf Education found that almost 40% of councils in Scotland did not involve a ToD in the three statutory early years checks. These are regular reviews that assess young children on their development in numerous areas, such as, their hearing, which is where the expertise of a ToD would be crucial for a Deaf child. 

Alison Hendry, the former BSL Development Officer at the University of Edinburgh praised the announcement of the new degree. She said: “I think it is a really positive development because by having the degree, it will allow Deaf people to become Teachers of the Deaf and provide positive role models for young Deaf people coming through the system.”


MTOT 2022-23 and Voices of Hope

16 June 2023 (SCILT)

Finalists' work from this year's MTOT competition can now be viewed on the SCILT website.

As part of our Mother Tongue Other Tongue poetry competition, SCILT received several entries from young Ukrainian refugees displaced by the war in Ukraine. We wanted the world to be able to access these wonderfully creative and emotive pieces of writing. Our Voices of Hope online exhibition, in partnership with AUGB, will be launched on 21 June as part of Refugee Week Scotland 2023 and will be available on SCILT's website following the launch event.


Multilingual Approaches through Art - online exhibition is now live!

16 June 2023 (SCILT / University partners)

On Thursday 8 June 2023 SCILT hosted the Multilingual Approaches through Art online exhibition launch event. The event provided the opportunity to hear from pupils, teachers and partners who participated in the project. Parents and families were invited to come along, and we were delighted to welcome those who could us in celebrating the project and the launch of the pupils’ artwork.

The launch commenced with opening remarks from SCILT and CISS Director Fhiona Mackay. Professor Antonella Sorace, Founder of Bilingualism Matters, spoke about the multilingual approach behind the project, and we heard from project partners Dr Lavinia Hirsu from the University of Glasgow, and Jane Catlin from the University of Strathclyde. Following this, the showcase video was shared where attendees had the opportunity to see a snapshot of some of the artworks the children had created. At this point we were blown away by the creativity on view! Here we had a selection of art that included language portraits, exquisite corpse collaborations, calligrams and work inspired by Chagallian idioms.

Attendees then had the chance to hear from participating teachers about their experience taking part in the project. Teachers from Antonine Primary, Bowhouse Primary, Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar, Mile End School, St Maria Goretti Primary, and Williamston Primary provided feedback with one teacher commenting:

"Despite my love of languages, art and my excitement for the project, I wasn’t initially sure of the impact it could have in my school as the vast majority of pupils have English as their home language. However, the impact that it had was making multilingualism more visible and giving it more value in the eyes of the pupils."

Another teacher commented on combining art and languages saying:

"It was interesting to look at languages in a different way and the project gave me lots of ideas about how to open up languages that we already have in the classroom. It has been great to give the children a chance to use and share their native languages and make connections with them through the medium of art."

For more information about the project, please visit the Multilingual Approaches through Art webpage on the SCILT website via the link below. Here you will be able to access the showcase video, teacher feedback video and of course the wonderful online exhibition. Happy browsing!



French Film Festival UK 2023 Learning Programme

15 June 2023 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK 2023 Learning Programme will once again be bringing French-speaking cinema into schools free of charge this autumn! The programme of four films, each accompanied by learning packs, will run between 30 October and 15 December, thanks to the generous support of TotalEnergies, the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland, The James T Howard Trust, SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages).

Full details will be available on the French Film Festival website from mid-August.


Guided partnerships

13 June 2023 (British Council)

If you’re new to international collaboration, a short-term partnership could open the door to a world of opportunities for your school. 

To make getting started even easier, you can apply to join a British Council guided partnership, where a dedicated partnership facilitator will guide you through a short-term, collaborative, curriculum-based project with an overseas partner. 

The next round will take the theme of climate change, a major topic of concern for children around the world. Starting in September 2023 and running through the autumn term, we will facilitate your partnership with a range of curriculum-related activities.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to apply by 14 July 2023.


Online team-teaching model - A sustainable approach to support language delivery in the primary

13 June 2023 (South West EIC / Northern Alliance)

This pilot delivered French, Spanish and Gaelic live lessons using Microsoft Teams in Glow and was offered to schools across Scotland between January and May 2023.

You can now find out about the far-reaching impact of this initiative by reading the case study attached below.

Language learning in Northern Ireland ‘slowly recovering from pandemic’ – report

13 June 2023 (The National / British Council)

The popularity of learning languages at Northern Ireland’s schools is “slowly recovering from the pandemic”, a report by the British Council has found.

The Language Trends Northern Ireland report found that the decline in language learning at post-primary schools is plateauing, with Spanish emerging as the most popular, overtaking French.

The research was led by Dr Ian Collen, director of the Northern Ireland Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research (NICILT) at Queen’s University Belfast, and follows a previous report which found that language lessons were “hardest hit” during Covid-19.

This year’s report found that Spanish is now the language most frequently taught in Northern Ireland’s schools at both GCSE and A-level, overtaking French as the most popular GCSE language in summer 2021.


SALT conference 2023 - call for proposals now open!

13 June 2023 (SALT)

The SALT annual conference will take place on Saturday 28 October 2023 (am) at the University of Strathclyde. 

The event will be a hybrid event. There will be workshops for people attending in-person and workshops for those joining online. 

The theme of this year’s conference is Learners without borders: empowering and inspiring Scotland’s language learners.

If you would like to offer a workshop on a topic relevant to Scotland’s Modern Languages teachers (from any sectors), fill in the form and we will be in touch with you! We are keen to hear from all over Scotland and highlight the excellent practice that is happening across the country. Your session will last a maximum of 45 minutes and can be on any topic that you think will be interesting to ML teachers. 

Submit SALT 2023 proposals here.

If you are planning on attending the event but not presenting, please save the date and sign up will open in September.


CISS Newsletter - Summer 2023

13 June 2023 (CISS)

The latest edition of the CISS newsletter has been published. Read about the many activities and initiatives going on across the Confucius Classroom Hub Network and CISS’s work to support the learning and teaching of Mandarin, including competitions, online learning and events. 


Immersion courses and professional learning for teachers of Spanish

8 June 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación in the United Kingdom has several upcoming professional learning opportunities for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant links below for more information and to book your place:


Spanish language course in Salamanca

  • Grants to follow a 1 week Spanish language course in Salamanca aimed at Primary or Secondary teachers during summer. 3 different levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced Spanish. Information and registration on the Consejería de Educación website

Course on Didactics in Castilla y León

  • Grants for a course on didactics aimed at teachers of Spanish in the UK and Ireland. 1 week course during summer in Salamanca, Valladolid, Burgos or Palencia. A high command of Spanish is required. Information and registration on the Consejería de Educación website.


Spanish Day in Edinburgh – Saturday 17 June

  • Face-to-face training day for teachers of Spanish in primary, secondary, university and further education. Free registration.

Spanish Workshops in London – Saturday 24 June

  • Big Spanish Day at the Vicente Cañada Blanch Spanish Institute in London. Aimed at teachers of Spanish, it includes a wide offer of practical workshops on different aspects complemented by other attractive aspects related to culture in Spanish: the gastronomic proposal for lunch and the cultural workshops that close the day: theatre and «sevillanas» dance. Full programme and registration on the Consejería de Educación website.

Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival - Free Online School programme - October 2023

6 June 2023 (ESFF)

The Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival will celebrate ten years of Spanish cinema in schools this October.

During the week 2 - 6 October, classrooms across the UK can have online access to three films:

  • Los Futbolísimos (The Footballest)
  • Rara (Weird)
  • CartasVivas (Living Letters) *For S5-S6 only*

Each film will be accompanied by worksheets so that the students can delve deeper into the themes discussed, once the film has been watched.

Visit the ESFF website to book tickets and receive the access code.


Young Scots Writer o the Year Award 2023

6 June 2023 (Scottish Book Trust)

Scottish Book Trust, together with Hands Up for Trad, Scots Hoose, Education Scotland and Scottish Government, are running a competition to find Scotland’s ‘Young Scots writer of the Year’.

Stories, poems, spoken word pieces, comics, videos or other pieces of writing – we want to see it all, as long as it's in Scots and under 2500 words or up to ten minutes.

The competition is open to 11-18 year-olds, and entries should be submitted by midday on Wednesday 21 June 2023.

Visit the Scottish Book Trust website for more information and submission guidelines.


Free online courses from British Council

30 May 2023 (British Council / FutureLearn)

The following British Council online courses are due to commence shortly. Click on the relevant link for more information and to enrol:

  • Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners - find out about our free 4-week online course 'Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners' starting on 6 June 2023. Enrolment ends on 26 June 2023 and the course closes on 3 July.
  • Exploring Inclusive Pedagogies - ensure you’re meeting every learner’s needs, including those most at risk of exclusion, by developing inclusive teaching skills in this free online 3-week course commencing 12 June 2023.

Mandarin for BGE

25 May 2023 (Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools)

The CISS Virtual Exchange Teacher (VET) project is back for 2023-24, now open to all Scottish state schools. Offering eight-week blocks of free live-streamed Chinese language and culture classes for primary and secondary BGE. The next block runs from October to December 2023. Find out more about the programme here, and register your interest via this link by 30 June 2023.

SEET's Multilingual Day 2023

19 May 2023 (SEET)

It's our birthday! SEET is proud to be 30 years old this June, and we are using this as an opportunity to raise awareness for language learning in our school communities.

Here at SEET, we are fortunate to work with hundreds of schools each year across the Euroquiz and Our World projects. We would like to use this platform to bring everyone together, have fun with languages and celebrate the hard work of the thousands of young linguists we work with across the country each year.

Interested in taking part? Pupils should work together to organise a language-themed fundraiser at school between March-June. This should be an opportunity to show off creativity and have fun with languages! 50% of proceeds will be allocated to your own school fund, and 50% will be shared with our charity to further support young people with their language learning across Scotland. There will also be prizes for the most unique ideas and for the school that raises the most.

Visit SEET's dedicated web page for full details and to sign up to raise awareness of language learning!


Polish language classes for primary teachers - register now

19 May 2023 (SCILT / Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow)

Primary teachers, how would you like to learn some basic Polish from a native Polish speaker? Would you like to give it a go? Read on and see if this language learning opportunity might just be thing for you!

Following on from the success of the Polish language classes for teachers run in partnership with SCILT and The Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, we are delighted to announce that a new and revamped block of language classes will begin in the first term of next session. Supported by the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh, these online classes are designed to provide primary teachers with an introduction to basic Polish language and culture and support the teaching and learning of Polish as an L3 in the primary classroom.

Teachers in the past have found the language classes useful and have applied their learning successfully with their learners in the classroom. One teacher commented, “Great course. I have become more confident at both teaching Polish as a L3 and also having a go myself.” Chris Sagan, Chair of the Board of Trustees at The Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, is delighted to partner up with SCILT once again in order to support and encourage the development of Polish as a viable L3 option for primary teachers. Chris is looking forward to seeing more Polish being taught in Scottish primary schools and is looking forward to the new block beginning next session.

This year the new classes will be led by Ania Trusewicz. Ania is an experienced teacher of teaching Polish as a foreign language and is looking forward to welcoming primary teachers to her online classes in September. You can find out more about Ania below:

"Cześć! My name is Ania. I am Trilingual. I have completed my teaching course as a teacher of foreign language at University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Toruń (Poland) in 2006. Since moving to Glasgow in 2008 I have been teaching many students both face-to-face and online. I also hold a degree from University of Glasgow (Social Science). I teach with passion and great enthusiasm. My lessons are funny and interesting. I take care of each of my students and make sure that Polish lessons at Sikorski Polish Club are adapted to various levels and individual needs of my students. In my classes I have students who are coming from different professional backgrounds. I will be happy to see you at our online class: Polish in the Primary classroom!"

The classes will begin in September, however before the first lesson, we will host an online Meet & Greet session where everyone will get a chance to meet each other before the classes start. Please note the following:

  • All classes are online and will be hosted on MS Teams
  • Meet & Greet online introductory session Monday 28 August 4-5pm
  • Language classes scheduled on Mondays from 4 September to 23 October, 4-5pm
  • 6-week block - one hour lesson per week
  • Access to course materials and resources 
  • Free of charge
  • Open to all primary teachers

*Please note: Due to local holidays, there will be no class on Monday 25 September and Monday 16 October.

To register your interest in taking part in these classes please complete the form via the link below. Deadline for registration Friday 9 June.


Words for the World winning entries now online!

19 May 2023 (SCILT)

Congratulations again to everyone who took part in our recent Words for the World competition.

Following the awards ceremony on 25 April, and the announcement of the winners’ names, we are now delighted to be able to publish the winning, highly commended and other finalist entries in each category. We are sure that you will be impressed by the fantastic linguistic diversity, creativity and passion that all the finalists show. Well done everyone!

At the awards ceremony we were delighted to be able to share a personal video message from Len Pennie, the well-known Scottish poet and Scots language and mental health advocate, which spoke of the huge difference that all of our words can make; watch her video and be inspired!


German Days Glasgow

16 May 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut Glasgow are offering dates for school visits from June 2023.

Provide your students with a direct and personal look into the German language and culture. Depending on the age group and language level of your students, you can choose a programme from a range of activities for your trip to the Goethe-Institut Glasgow.

Visit the Goethe-Institut Glasgow website for more information and to register your school group.


Workshops for UK teachers of Spanish

16 May 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación has the following professional learning opportunities for UK teachers of Spanish taking place in June 2023. Click on the relevant link below for more information:

3 June, 10:00 - 11:30 (Online):

10 June, 09:30 - 12:30 (Online):

17 June (face-to-face training day):

All the above sessions are free to attend.

Summer course in Spain:

Apply for an immersion course in Spain (Ávila, Segovia and Santander).

Application deadline: 27 May.

8 one-week immersion courses in June, July or August 2023 in Ávila, Segovia or Santander aimed at British/Irish teachers of Spanish (a B2 command of Spanish is required).

The grant covers the course, accommodation and meals, as well as the cultural programme. The grant does not cover the journey to Spain or the return to the UK. Travel and/or health insurance is also not included.

This call is not for Spanish nationals.

Visit the Consejería de Educación website for further information and to apply.

Stephen Spender Prize 2023

12 May 2023 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Prize has now launched! It is the leading annual prize for poetry in translation, with categories for pupils, teachers and individual young people in the UK and Ireland, as well as an Open category for adults from all over the world. The rules are simple: translate into English any poem from any language – from French to Farsi, from Spanish to Somali—and win publication and cash prizes! 

There are some changes for the 2023 edition, including a spotlight on poetry from Ukraine.

Visit the Stephen Spender Prize website for further information and to register to take part.


SCILT Spring 2023 newsletter published

5 May 2023 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning opportunities, knowledge exchange events, competitions and online lessons. Find out how schools celebrated Languages Week Scotland 2023 and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


Words for the World - Winners announced!

4 May 2023 (SCILT)

Congratulations to everyone who took part in this year’s Words for the World competition.

We had a very high standard of entries submitted in a range of formats and different languages. Our young people here in Scotland demonstrated a wealth of linguistic diversity, creativity and immense passion for protecting our planet, our humanity and creating a brighter future for us all.  We were truly humbled and inspired by their work and they should all be incredibly proud of their achievements.

Judging proved exceptionally difficult, but we were delighted to announce the winning entries at an online awards event held last week to celebrate Earth Day. Well done again to the following who were successful in their respective categories and thank you to every pupil who participated in the competition. 


  • Winner – Libby Gow, Goodlyburn Primary
  • Highly commended – Jamie Rettie, Goodlyburn Primary


  • Winner – Sophia Chan, ESMS Junior School
  • Highly commended – Halima Jemal, Toryglen Primary
  • Highly commended – Leena Valluri, Goodlyburn Primary


  • Winner - Deepak Krisna Kumaar, Craigmount High 
  • Highly commended – 1W & 1Q class entry, Holy Rood RC High
  • Highly commended – Rory Turner, Portree High


  • Winner - Dianna-Liza Boychuk, Craigmount High
  • Highly commended - Wessam Kawarit, Craigmount High 

Winners and highly commended entrants will receive a book token and certificate and have their work showcased on the SCILT website in due course, whilst all participants will receive a certificate in recognition of their hard work.

You can find out more about the competition on our Words for the World webpage.


RZSS Programmes for Schools

2 May 2023 (RZSS)

RZSS Beyond the Panda

Although the giant pandas are returning to China at the end of this year, Beyond the Panda is still continuing.

The new Mandarin upper primary course is 3 weeks virtual sessions followed by an expert for the day! (An in-person outreach visit to your school which can include other sessions for additional classes).

RZSS Science in the Language Class

Choose from one of the outreach sessions linked to Mandarin, Spanish or French. Resources also available in other languages. 

All resources, courses and outreach are free of charge. 

Visit the Beyond the Panda website for details.


Discovering the World of Arabic 2023-24 - primary course

21 April 2023 (SCILT / QFI)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International, is looking for local authority primary schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through our Discovering the World of Arabic programme.  

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for primary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and cultures. Courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and a specially commissioned writing team, with language lessons delivered online by a teacher of Arabic. 

For learners in local authority primary schools the course will be offered as a ten-week interdisciplinary block of learning and is aimed at P5-P7 pupils. The course is delivered using a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams.

The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

Live classes will be scheduled on Thursdays or Fridays, exact time to be confirmed. Schools will have the opportunity to opt for lessons in term 1 (September to December) or term 2 (January to March).

In addition, participating schools will receive ongoing support from the SCILT team, a loan box containing a range of artefacts and a grant of £2000. The grant can provide schools with resources and experiences that enhance the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures.

Previous participants have told us:

"The materials that were provided to the schools were great, the workbooks were very useful throughout the course. The mix of live and recorded sessions was a good idea."

"We really like the box of resources. We liked learning about the different colours and clothes. We enjoyed using the websites."

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form via the link below by Friday 12 May 2023.

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions. 


Open University TeLT programme - Registration now open!

20 April 2023 (Open University)

TeLT is the Teachers Learning to Teach Languages programme offered by the Open University, and developed in partnership with SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. Now in its 7th year, this professional learning opportunity is aimed at educators working in the primary sector and carries GTCS Professional Recognition.

Students learn a language – French, German, Mandarin or Spanish - and in parallel, get to put primary language pedagogies into practice with their own pupils. The programme is offered at two levels – beginners and post-beginners. 

Registration for 2023-24 intake is now open. Enrolment closes 7 September 2023. Modules begin in October. 

Visit the TeLT website for full details about how the course works and how to register. For further information please contact:


The Panda Card Project

20 April 2023 (CISS)

To commemorate the final year of the Giant Pandas in Scotland CISS is excited to introduce the Panda Card Project - an opportunity for pupils to design a goodbye card for Yang Guang and Tian Tian, to wish them best wishes for their journey and new life back at home.

All submissions will be collated into a photo book which will be passed on to Edinburgh Zoo and then travel back to China with the pandas. 

Visit the CISS website for more information and submit entries by 26 May 2023.


Young Language Learner Award 2023

18 April 2023 (b small publishing)

The b small Young Language Learner Award is an exciting story-writing opportunity aimed at 6-11 year olds. Children are encouraged to send in a story or comic written in a language of their choice, other than a mother tongue, with the chance of winning up to 10 books of their choice from the b small website.

Visit the website for more information and to register for the competition entry pack. Entries close 5 June 2023.


SEET's Multilingual Day 2023

18 April 2023 (SEET)

It's our birthday! SEET is proud to be 30 years old this June, and we are using this as an opportunity to raise awareness for language learning in our school communities.

Here at SEET, we are fortunate to work with hundreds of schools each year across the Euroquiz and Our World projects. We would like to use this platform to bring everyone together, have fun with languages and celebrate the hard work of the thousands of young linguists we work with across the country each year.

Interested in taking part? Pupils should work together to organise a language-themed fundraiser at school between March-June. This should be an opportunity to show off creativity and have fun with languages! 50% of proceeds will be allocated to your own school fund, and 50% will be shared with our charity to further support young people with their language learning across Scotland. There will also be prizes for the most unique ideas and for the school that raises the most.

Visit SEET's dedicated web page for full details and to sign up to raise awareness of language learning!


Modern Language Assistants

17 April 2023 (British Council)

Applications for Modern Language Assistants in 2023/24 are now open for schools, colleges and universities across the UK through the British Council website.  

Bringing authentic voices into French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, German, Italian and Irish lessons allows students to see the relevance of these languages alongside their cultural context. What's more, in 2021, 92 per cent of host institutions told us their Language Assistants helped improve exam results. These cultural ambassadors enhance lessons and develop intercultural awareness. From speaking practice to fresh cultural insights, their input and encouragement enriches pupil experience, preparing them for future success. 

Please note: The deadline to guarantee a Mandarin Chinese Language Assistant has now passed. We will however accept applications for Mandarin Chinese Language Assistant until 30 April 2023 but there is a chance you may be placed on a waiting list.

Our dedicated team are well-equipped to support with the administrative steps and flexible hosting options are available with different placement lengths and sharing possibilities. Throughout the challenges of the past few years, Language Assistants have proved to be a key tool, and in some cases a ‘lifeline’, for continued pupil engagement with language learning. Back in the classroom, their expertise not only motivates pupils, but provides teachers with in-house professional development and refreshed linguistic materials.

If you have any further questons, please contact us at: LanguageAssistants.UK@BritishCouncil.Org

Visit the British Council website for full details and to apply by 30 April.


Stephen Spender Prize 2023

30 March 2023 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Prize for poetry translation is open to all ages. This year’s prize will launch on 12 May 2023, but teachers are invited to register to involve their students now. All those who register will receive regular resources and activities to help them to integrate creative translation into their teaching.

The rules are simple: translate into English any poem from any language.

This year sees several new categories in the competition, including a special spotlight on poetry from Ukraine.

Visit the website for more information and to sign-up to take part.


Professional learning for teachers of Spanish

28 March 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Embassy Education Office has several professional learning opportunities available for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant link below for further information.

Online workshop – Tuesday 25 April (16:30)

  • Aprender a cuestionar: textos y contextos Geniales para desarrollar la competencia crítica en el aula de ELE, by Álvaro Espada Benito (editorial editorial enclave-ELE).. More information and registration via the website link above.

Immersion courses in Salamanca - Dates available June to September 2023

  • One-week Spanish language course - The University of Salamanca, its International Courses and the Junta de Castilla y León, offer scholarships for active Spanish teachers outside of Spain to take a week-long course on Spanish language and culture and didactic updating in Salamanca. Several dates are offered between June and September. Register via the above website link.

Spanish workshop in London - 24 June 2023

  • Save the date! More information and registration coming soon.

Kirkcaldy pupils celebrate success in national poetry competition

18 March 2023 (Fife Today)

Pupils from Valley Primary School, Kirkcaldy, have been celebrating their success in a National Poetry Competition, Mother Tongue Other Tongue.

Six P7 pupils wrote original poems in their first language to showcase and celebrate the many languages spoken at Valley Primary School.

As well as entering the competition they also shared their poems at school along with pupils reciting a range of Scots poetry.


RZSS Programmes for Schools

16 March 2023 (RZSS)

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland runs a variety of opportunities for schools linking language learning and their conservation programmes. Follow the relevant links below to find out more about current initiatives:

  • 'Stripy Tails' Family event at Dewars Centre, Perth on 14th and 15th April. StampIT has invited RZSS Stripy Tails along to their youth corner at the ASPS (Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies) Congress. Fascinating facts about the red panda from China and the ring tailed lemur from Madagascar and the programme links to French and Mandarin. Full details on Eventbrite - Stripy Tails at ASPS Congress
    Stripy Tails is also one of the 'Science in the Language Class' outreach programmes for schools. 
  • Beyond the Panda, the RZSS Mandarin programme is fully booked for this school year but taking bookings for 23-24. Beyond the Panda is continuing even though the giant pandas will return to China later this year. RZSS is still a science specialist Confucius Classroom offering virtual sessions, in-person outreach and many resources linked to Mandarin language learning. Visit the Beyond the Panda website for more information.

DAAD/ILCS German Language Competition 2023

16 March 2023 (Goethe-Institut)

Roads not taken

Oder: Es hätte auch anders kommen können.

Calling all learners and lovers of German in the UK and Ireland! We invite you to look back at turning points from the past century of German – and therefore also European – history. Write a letter or diary entry imagining alternative developments and win one of three trips to Berlin and other exciting prizes!

The competition is open to learners and lovers of German of ALL levels! Jury members will be considering entries in several categories of language experience to ensure a fair assessment!

Exercises and recommended media to help students familiarise themselves with the theme of the competition are available to teachers and lecturers.

Visit the website for more information and submit entries by 3 May 2023.


Words for the World is back!

13 March 2023 (SCILT)

‘We must believe in the power and the strength of our words. Our words can change the world.’ (Malala Yousafzai)

Are you looking for a way to engage your language learners to think about global issues and global citizenship? Our Words for the World competition could be just what you need! Returning for the 2022-23 school session, SCILT is challenging learners to use their words and their languages to show how the world could be a better place.

Participants are invited to use a language (or languages) other than English to show their ideas, hopes or even advice for our world. Submissions can be in any written format, for example a poem, an essay, a cartoon – be creative!

More information about the competition is available on our Words for the World webpage below. The entry deadline for entries is 24 March 2023


Multilingual Day 2023

9 March 2023 (SEET)

It’s our birthday! SEET is proud to be 30 years old this June, and we are using this as an opportunity to raise awareness for language learning in our school communities.

Here at SEET, we are fortunate to work with hundreds of schools each year across the Euroquiz and Our World projects. We would like to use this platform to bring everyone together, have fun with languages and celebrate the hard work of the thousands of young linguists we work with across the country each year.

Interested in taking part? Pupils should work together to organise a language-themed fundraiser at school between March-June. This should be an opportunity to show off creativity and have fun with languages! See the attached flyer for more information.

Visit SEET's dedicated web page for full details and to sign up to raise awareness of language learning!


Related Files

CPD opportunities for teachers of Spanish

2 March 2023 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Embassy Education Office has several professional learning opportunities available for UK teachers of Spanish. Follow the relevant link below for further information.

Next online workshop – Tuesday 7 March (16:30)

Immersion courses in Salamanca - April 2023

  • One-week Spanish language course - Grants to follow a one-week Spanish language course in Salamanca aimed at primary or secondary teachers at Easter. Four different levels: absolute beginners, beginners, intermediate and advanced Spanish. Register via the website link.
  • Course on Didactics in Salamanca - Grants for a course on didactics aimed at secondary and university teachers of Spanish in the UK and Ireland. One-week course in Salamanca at Easter. Register via the website link.

March 2023: Spanish teacher training UK tour

Edinumen Publishing House and the Consejería de Educación are co- organising a series of face-to-face training sessions for teachers of Spanish to take place throughout March 2023 in five British cities:

  • Manchester, Saturday 11/03/23
  • Oxford, Tuesday 14/03/23
  • London, Wednesday 15/03/23
  • Cambridge, Thursday 16/03/23
  • Glasgow, Saturday 18/03/23

Registration is free and already open. The workshops will be held in Spanish. Visit the website for the programme and registration links.

Vive la Francophonie Quiz 2023

24 February 2023 (Institut français)

Test your French and learn more about the culture of the 88 countries which form the Francophonie! The focus of this year's quiz is Tunisia. Make the most of the Francophonie celebrations and get a chance to win books and other exciting prizes!

The quiz will be available online 18-26 March.

Visit the website for more information and to register to take part.

Scotland’s Languages Leadership Programme 2023-24 – Applications are now open!

24 February 2023 (SCILT)

Applications for Scotland's Languages Leadership Programme 2023-24 (SLLP) open until 5pm on Monday 24 April.

The SLLP builds leadership capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Applications are welcome from colleagues with 3 years' teaching experience or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts. This might include classroom teachers, principal teachers, heads of department, heads of faculty or languages lead practitioners.

This online programme is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

Visit our Professional Learning page for more information about the programme and how to apply. You can also sign up for an online information session which will be hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland on Thursday 23 March.


MTOT 2022-23 - Winners announced!

24 February 2023 (SCILT)

Pupils, teachers and special guests joined us online on 21 February to hear the winners of this year’s Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition. The date chosen for the event was significant being International Mother Language Day, a day to celebrate all world languages.

We are delighted to announce the following winners and highly commended entries in each category:

Mother Tongue







Sofia Poliakova

West Primary


Highly commended

Jiya Srikanth

West Primary




Ariana Misankova

West Primary


Highly commended

Arina Fomenko

Williamsburgh PS


Highly commended

Nikola Arimovica

Valley Primary


Highly commended

Misha Levdykov

Kilbarchan Primary




Shadan Alousy

Bishopbriggs Academy


Highly commended

Eve Joshi

Bearsden Academy


Highly commended

Lynn Januschke

Madras College


Highly commended

Michaela Mileva

St Joseph’s Academy




Oleksandra Lotytska

Rosshall Academy


Highly commended

Lucia d’Alessio

Bishopbriggs Academy


Other Tongue







Mabel Sainsbury

Kilmodan Primary


Highly commended

P1 Class

Canaan Lane Primary




Kathryn Morley

Kilmodan Primary


Highly commended

Giles Leigh

Kilmodan Primary


Highly commended

Masha Naumenko

Thorn Primary




Caitlin Anderson

Monifieth High


Highly commended

Laila Strokosch

Mearns Castle High


Highly commended

Molly Innes

Madras College


Highly commended

Zach Bartlett

Madras College




Jessica Smith

Monifieth High


Highly commended

Aiman Mohammad

Renfrew High


Highly commended

Aimee Carroll

Mintlaw Academy


Highly commended

Jessica Smith

Monifieth High


Highly commended

Roux Scott

Loudoun Academy



All our finalists will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also be offered the chance for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive and Kids Poetry Club podcast. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward.

This year we were also delighted to host a special strand of the competition focusing on Ukrainian languages. The winning entries in this category were:

  • Primary – Arina Fomenko, Williamsburgh Primary
  • Secondary – Dianna-Liza Boyckuk, Craigmount High

Teachers with students who entered in this category will be contacted separately regarding their awards.

It is our intention to host each of the finalists’ poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available.

Congratulations again to all our finalists!

French Pop Video Competition 2023 - Deadline extended!

20 February 2023 (Institut français)

With the French Pop Video Competition, students get the chance to practice French in a very different and fun way. Not only do they improve their writing skills and enrich their vocabulary by creating their own lyrics, but they also practice their speaking skills while shooting the video and create lifelong memories related to their French class.

Open to all UK primary and secondary schools. Entries can be from a class, a small group or individuals.

Visit the website for full details and register to take part by 10 March.


Join the Digital Empowerment in Language Teaching (DELTEA) project

14 February 2023 (Universities of Southampton & Reading)

Are you a state school primary languages teacher in England or Scotland? Does your school teach French or Spanish to Year 5/Primary 6 students (children aged 9-10 years)? 

Digital Empowerment in Language Teaching (DELTEA) is looking for school partners to work with over our 3-year research project!

If you’re interested in free, research-informed teacher professional development in Digital Literacy skills for the MFL classroom, please get in touch via the form below – we’d love to hear from you!  We can also offer some funding for supply cover.

You can also visit the project website for more information.


Education Scotland's language resources

9 February 2023 (Education Scotland)

Languages Week Scotland was celebrated from 30 January to 3 February. If you missed it, don’t worry, there are still plenty of resources to support language learners. Browse our languages wakelet for lots of useful links and resources.


Welcoming Languages: Including a Refugee Language in Scottish Education

3 February 2023 (University of Glasgow)

This collaborative project, carried out by an international team based at the University of Glasgow and at the Arabic Center of the Islamic University of Gaza (Palestine), explores the inclusion of a ‘refugee language’ in Scottish education as a way to enact the idea of ‘integration as a two-way process’ that is at the heart of the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy (Scottish Government, 2018).

The project aimed to show that it is possible to make space in Scottish education for the many languages that New Scots bring with them and to give a space in Scottish schools to a greater number of languages that include those of the people who chose Scotland as their new home.

Visit the website for more information and to read the project's final report.


Write a story featuring a fox

2 February 2023 (Scottish Book Trust)

Each month the Scottish Book Trust runs a writing competition providing a prompt to get you started, but where the story goes from there is entirely up to you. The competition includes four categories: adult writers, all-age Gaelic writers, young writers 5–11 and young writers 12–18. 

This month's stories must include a fox and be no longer than 50 words. Visit the Scottish Book Trust website to enter by 28 February.


JaLaChamp 2023!

2 February 2023 (Japan Foundation)

Applications are now open for the Japan Foundation's new event, The Japanese Language Championship for Young Learners UK – also known as… JaLaChamp! JaLaChamp is a contest for primary and secondary school students studying Japanese, and consists of two categories: a speech category, and a video category where students are asked to create an original video.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information.


2023 French Summer School in Rouen for Primary School Teachers

1 February 2023 (Institut français)

The Institut français du Royaume-Uni and l’Alliance française de Rouen are organising a one-week training course for non-specialist primary school teachers of French who would like to build up their confidence in the language. There are two places available for teachers in Scotland.

Training fees and accommodation will be covered by the Institut français du Royaume-Uni. Participants will have to organise and pay for their journey to and from Rouen, France.

Visit the Institut français website for more information and apply by 28 February 2023.


RZSS Programmes for Schools

1 February 2023 (RZSS)

RZSS Stripy Tails

Free online resources are now available. Stripy Tails is one of RZSS language comparison projects, comparing the red panda from China with the ring-tailed lemur from Madagascar and links to either Mandarin or French. Resources are for upper primary level but may be useful for lower secondary. The resources all include sound files by senior pupils. See either Beyond the Panda - Stripy Tails or Science in the Language Class - French.  

Bookings taken now for the accompanying FREE Stripy Tails outreach sessions across Scotland in May and June - contact 


Don't forget there is also Giants a similar programme comparing the giant panda and the giant anteater for Mandarin or Spanish. RZSS Beyond the Panda and Science in the Language Class also have many other free resources and outreach programmes. 


Scottish Education Awards 2023

31 January 2023 (Scottish Education Awards)

Nominations are now open for this year's Scottish Education Awards.

The annual event recognises those who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcases the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

There are several award categories, including the award for Gaelic Education.

Visit the website for more information and submit nominations by 24 February 2023.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - re-launched!

27 January 2023 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award was developed by SCILT and Bòrd na Gàidhlig and launched in 2019 as a way of delivering DYW through languages, encouraging school-business partnerships and recognising good practice in this area. Since then we have received fantastic submissions from primary and secondary schools right across the country, and we have awarded recognition at Bronze, Silver, Gold and even Platinum levels! 

Following review, we are delighted to launch our revised documentation, which is designed to streamline the application process and to give as much guidance as possible to schools who would like to apply. Have a look at the new handbook and application form on our website now – we look forward to receiving your submissions!


Languages Week 2023

26 January 2023 (SWEIC)

South West Educational Improvement Collaborative (SWEIC) is excited to launch our programme of professional learning opportunities in celebration of languages week. This year we have a wide selection of inputs, including French, Spanish, Ukrainian, Scots, Gaelic and BSL.

Our Keynote delivered by Education Scotland colleagues is A decade of 1+2 and Scotland’s changing languages landscape.

Visit the SWEIC blog to find out what's planned for the week and how to take part.


Schools programme

26 January 2023 (Institut français)

All year round, the Institut français d’Écosse offers a variety of language workshops and Immersion days to support pupils and teachers in primary and secondary schools. Give your students the opportunity to be surrounded by the French language and supported by our team of qualified, native-speaking French teachers and friendly staff. Maximum group of 20 pupils.

More information is available on the attached flyer or you can visit the Institut français website.


Related Files

French and Spanish free trials

23 January 2023 (La Jolie Ronde)

To support Languages Week Scotland, La Jolie Ronde are offering Schools now and throughout February, FREE trials of their French and Spanish Scheme of Work for P3-P6. To take up this offer email: (quote SCILT). 

Plus, parents can book a FREE trial session of a French and/or Spanish class run through their network of Scottish tutors - local tutors can be found on La Jolie Ronde's website.


Reminder: SCILT 2022-23 workshop menu open for group bookings

20 January 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s CLPL menu for the 2022-23 session is available for bookings. 

If you are looking for high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of experienced colleagues, newly qualified or student teachers in your school, cluster, local authority or RIC, then look no further.  

Always interactive, SCILT menu workshops give you the opportunity to explore practice through exemplification and discussion with colleagues.


  • Engaging parents with languages in the primary and early years
  • Cultural contexts: an engaging approach to primary language learning
  • Get multilingual with DYW in your primary classroom
  • Active assessment in primary languages
  • Multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Tackling controversial issues in challenging times
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum

For more detail about the menu workshops and to book for a group follow the link below.

Open access workshops for individuals in primary and secondary will be available through the year, sign up to the SCILT e-bulletin for more information.


Bookings now open! Open access Wednesdays: Creative spring series

18 January 2023 (SCILT)

Paging primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! On the last Wednesday of each month between January and May 2023, SCILT’s primary professional development officers will host a series of online workshops with a creative twist.  

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams unless otherwise stated and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer with further details of each workshop.

Related Files

Concours de la Francophonie 2023

12 January 2023 (Institut français)

Since its launch in 2016 by the Institut français d’Ecosse, le Concours de la francophonie, a national school competition to encourage all young French learners and their teachers around Scotland enjoying French language, has been a great way of celebrating the international day of la francophonie.

Throughout the years, many schools across Scotland have taken part in the competition and we hope to receive great entries this year again!

All Scottish primary and secondary schools offering French may enter this competition by submitting a short video of a classroom activity in French. The theme of the competition this year is : “PLAY” - “JOUER” en français. Deadline extended to 31 January 2023.

Visit the Institut français website or see the attached flyer for more information.


Related Files

UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO) 2023

10 January 2023 (UKLO)

UKLO is a language-analysis competition for all ages. We create linguistics puzzles and run competitions for school children to encourage a lifelong interest in the world’s languages. The highest scoring students proceed through a couple more rounds of testing and coaching before we present them for the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) where they compete against other countries. 

The competition is offered at four levels of difficulty for KS2 – KS5, and provides Gold, Silver and Bronze awards, as well as participation certificates, at each level.

Interested in taking part? Visit the UKLO website to find out more and to register.


Year of the Rabbit Education Pack

10 January 2023 (British Council)

According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, on 22 January 2023, we’ll be entering the Year of the Rabbit. This marks the start of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

This education pack for primary schools contains teaching resources and activities to help teachers and pupils learn more about this important spring festival and explore Chinese language and culture.

Download the pack from the British Council website.


Arabic Speaking Competition 2023

15 December 2022 (British Council)

The British Council and QFI invite students to showcase their talents in the Arabic language at our 2023 Arabic Speaking Competition. The competition aims to:

  • Raise the profile of Arabic as a modern world language
  • Increase student’s motivation for learning Arabic
  • Develop vocabulary and improve pronunciation and speaking skills
  • Raise confidence for oral examinations
  • Inspire students to discover more about Arab cultures
  • To celebrate the skills of young people who are studying Arabic language 

Students will participate virtually and be judged by a panel of fluent Arabic speakers. 

Visit the British Council website for full guidance and to register participants by 16 January 2023.


New issue of TECLA magazine and upcoming training opportunities

12 December 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Please find below the information about a new issue of TECLA magazine (December 2022) and upcoming training opportunities for teachers of Spanish:

  • Publications. New issue of the magazine TECLA with lots of ideas and resources for Spanish classes. FREE DOWNLOAD!!! 
  • Training opportunities. Have a look at the CPD opportunities we have prepared for the first half of 2023: online sessions, face-to-face training in different locations in the UK, and immersion breaks in Spain during the school holidays of February, April, and July. SAVE THE DATE!!!!: 
  • Next online workshop – Saturday 21 January (10:00): Jornada monográfica en línea sobre aspectos culturales en la enseñanza del español. Free registration.

School partnership bursaries

12 December 2022 (UK-German Connection)

Keeping up connections between the UK and Germany remains as important as ever. To help keep school partnerships alive, UK-German Connection offers special partnership bursaries of £1,000.00 for you and your partner school.

Applications for the 2022-23 school partnership bursaries are now open until 31 January 2023.


Digital Empowerment in Language Teaching (DELTEA) project

12 December 2022 (Universities of Southampton & Reading)

Are you a state school primary languages teacher in England or Scotland? Does your school teach French or Spanish to Year 5/Primary 6 students (children aged 9-10 years)? 

Digital Empowerment in Language Teaching (DELTEA) is looking for school partners to work with over our 3-year research project!

If you’re interested in free, research-informed teacher professional development in Digital Literacy skills for the MFL classroom, please get in touch via the form below – we’d love to hear from you!  We can also offer some funding for supply cover.

Open access Wednesdays: Creative spring series

9 December 2022 (SCILT)

Paging primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! On the last Wednesday of each month between January and May 2023, SCILT’s primary professional development officers will host a series of online workshops with a creative twist.  

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams unless otherwise stated and will not be recorded. 

Registration for the first session on 25 January is open now via the link above. Registration for the remaining workshops will open in January 2023, keep an eye on the SCILT e-bulletin for details.

Please also see attached flyer with further details of each workshop.

Related Files

CISS Chinese New Year Poster Competition 2023

8 December 2022 (CISS)

CISS is delighted to announce a poster competition for primary schools to celebrate the forthcoming Year of the Rabbit!

Deadline for entries: Friday 13 January 2023

CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT AN ENTRY - entries submitted by email will not be accepted.

The competition is open to all primary schools in Scotland.


Design a poster to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit!

Entries will be judged against the criteria below. Please submit a high quality photo or scan of each entry.

Please make sure posters include:

  • The rabbit
  • Mandarin Chinese language/characters
  • The year 2023

The winning entry will receive a prize and be featured online, and the poster will be used as the CISS Chinese New Year e-card!

CISS Winter Newsletter

8 December 2022 (CISS)

The most recent CISS Newsletter is now available to view online. 

You can read about events and projects that took place to celebrate 10 years of the Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools plus all the amazing learning and teaching of Mandarin across the hubs and beyond.


RZSS Beyond the Panda

7 December 2022 (RZSS)

RZSS Beyond the Panda offers a range of FREE courses and outreach visits. Please see for full details. 

These include:

  • 5 week course aimed at upper primary but may also be of interest to lower secondary. Four weeks live virtual sessions, followed by an in-person outreach. Linked to Mandarin language learning.
  • Single outreach sessions which compare two RZSS projects and aimed at upper primary:
  • Giants: the giant panda from China and the giant anteater from South America - available in either Mandarin or Spanish.
  • Stripy Tails: (available from April 2023 but bookings open and best to book early) the red panda from China and the ring-tailed lemur from Madagascar - available in either Mandarin or French. 

There may also be availability for lower primary and some opportunities for secondary. For any of the sessions, contact 

Please book in well in advance. Fully booked to April 2023 but spaces available in May and June. 


SCILT Winter 2022 newsletter published!

1 December 2022 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages in Scotland, including the most recent round of Scottish Languages Employability Awards, our professional learning opportunities, motivating competitions and our support for newly arrived people from Ukraine. Find out how schools celebrated European Day of Languages 2022, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


SCILT Christmas 2022 webpage - now live!

1 December 2022 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your learners, from interactive advent calendars and games, to festive facts and downloadable worksheets. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and many other places around the world!


European Language Gazette (November-December 2022)

28 November 2022 (ECML)

The latest issue of the European Language Gazette has just been published.

The ECML's e-newsletter provides up-to-date news about the ECML (events, projects, resources) and other relevant sectors of the Council of Europe as well as of our partners. It focuses on national developments in the field of language education in the member states and beyond.


Gaelic Medium National Discussion

24 November 2022 (e-Sgoil)

A video resource has been produced which can be used by Gaelic Medium class teachers (Primary & Secondary) to facilitate conversations around the National Discussion. The video is designed to be a 'stop & start' activity where learners are encouraged to take time to think through how they would answer each of the 4 questions below:

  • Nuair a tha thu a’ smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn ionnsachadh no foghlam tro mheadhan na Gaidhlig, de na faclan a tha a’ tighinn a-steach ort?
  • Nam biodh cothrom agad sgoil ur a thoiseachadh, de na rudan a bhiodh cudthromach dhut? Carson?  
  • De bhiodh na chuideachadh dhut barrachd Gaidhlig a chleachdadh san sgoil? Carson?
  • Nan robh agad ri recipe a sgriobhadh airson foghlam tro mheadhan na Gaidhlig anns an t-am ri teachd, de na coig rudan a dh’fheumadh a bhith ann?  

The video is presented by Linda Macleod and is available on the e-Sgoil website.


SEET Euroquiz Project for P6

22 November 2022 (SEET)

The Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET) runs language learning and global citizenship projects for children and young people across Scotland. Euroquiz is an annual project open to all P6 pupils across Scotland, which sees teams of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe and the wider world. Subjects covered include languages, history, geography, culture and European affairs. Heats take place in local authorities from February to April, with the winning teams from all areas progressing to the National Euroquiz Final held in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament in June.

To enter your team, please complete the Registration Form for schools and return to your local authority Euroquiz organiser. All schools in Scotland will receive this information directly from their local authority organiser. If you have not received a form, or do not know who your local organiser is, please get in touch with SEET: 

We recently provided a CLPL session for interested teachers. Please find a full recording of the event here: 

A downloadable flyer for schools is also attached.

More information about Euroquiz available on SEET's website or by emailing


Related Files

Spanish and French live virtual lessons for pupils: 10-week block

17 November 2022 (Argyll & Bute/N Ayrshire Councils)

Stacey Arneil, 1+2 Development officer for North Ayrshire has teamed up with Gwen McCrossan, PT for 1+2 languages for Argyll & Bute Council to offer a 10-week pilot of live virtual lessons in French and Spanish. These lessons are suitable for learners from P4 onwards as the content bridges First and Second Level Experiences and Outcomes. The lessons would also suit as a standalone L3 topic. This offer is open to all Scottish primary schools using Glow Teams.  

Each lesson will last 45 minutes. The same live lesson will run twice in the same week. You can choose to attend one, or the other. It is not necessary to stick to the same day. 

The deadline for sign-up is 21 December 2022.

Follow the link below for more information and to register your class.


French Film Festival UK Learning Programme 2022

15 November 2022 (French Film Festival)

Over 4500 school students and their teachers are already benefitting from free films and resources offered to all schools by the Festival in partnership with IF Cinema Institut français this autumn and you can too:

  • All films and resources are completely free of charge
  • Films for all ages
  • Available to screen in your own classroom for one month

Visit the French Film Festival website to find out more and book your films.


French Pop Video Competition 2023

15 November 2022 (Institut français)

The French Pop Video Competition is a national competition organised by Francophonie UK in association with the Institut français du Royaume-Uni and supported by TV5Monde.

The competition encourages students to engage with French in a creative way. UK primary and secondary school students can work individually or in groups to create a song in French and shoot a video.

The deadline to submit entries is 1 May 2023.

Once videos have been received regional winners will be selected based on the quality of the lyrics and music, and the originality of video. Regional winners’ music videos will then enter the national competition. Winners of the national competition will be announced during the week of 21 June (World Music Day!).

Visit the competition website for more information and to register to take part.


Concours de la Francophonie 2023

11 November 2022 (Institut français)

Institut français d’Ecosse is proud to announce its 2023 edition of Concours de la Francophonie, a school competition at national level aiming at developing communicative skills in French. The theme this year is 'PLAY' ('JOUER' in French) and there will be winners for each category : P1/P4 - P5/P7 - S1/S3 - S4/S6. Enter by 13 January 2023.

For more information see the attached flyer or contact :

Related Files

Book Week Scotland 2022

10 November 2022 (Scottish Book Trust)

The annual celebration of books and reading across the country takes place 14–20 November. During Book Week, people of all ages and walks of life come together to share the joy of reading.

This year's stories have been shared on the Scottish Book Trust website and a handful of their favourites compiled in a free book. With the event focusing on 'Scotland's Stories' you'll find several told in Scots and Gaelic.

Visit the Book Week Scotland website to discover the events taking place across the week and activities and resources to help you get involved.


International Education Week (14-18 November)

8 November 2022 (British Council)

International Education Week is back!

From 14 to 18 November, we’re coming together to recognise the value of bringing the world into the classroom and celebrate international work happening in schools. 

With this year’s International Education Week taking place during COP27 in Egypt – the UN’s global climate change conference, where world leaders will discuss the future of climate action – we’re focusing on collaborating for a cleaner, greener future. 

As well as offering a range of opportunities to help you and your students take positive action for a greener tomorrow, we’re also showcasing our favourite classroom resources, to help you get started on your international journey. 

Join the free webinar Education Exchange: embedding climate education across the whole curriculum taking place on 16 November which will explore the practice of teachers who are embedding climate education across their whole school curriculum and into some of the harder-to-reach subjects.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to register for the webinar.


MEd Education Studies course modules for language practitioners

4 November 2022 (University of Strathclyde)

The School of Education in the University of Strathclyde have developed two new modules as part of the MEd Education Studies course that may be of particular interest to languages practitioners (EYs, primary, secondary MFL, FE, EAL/ESOL, Gaelic).

  • Multilingual and Multicultural Education: Policy, Theory and Practice (commencing Jan 2023)

This module is designed to develop your knowledge of multilingual and multicultural contexts within education and wider society. This module will equip you with core skills for language learning and teaching and consider the role of intercultural education. You will extend your confidence in language teaching approaches within and across the curriculum. This class will encourage you to be reflective and adaptive in your practice.

  • Enacting Social Justice in Language Learning and Teaching (commencing April 2023)

As languages educators, how can we achieve the goal of prioritising equity, diversity, and inclusion in the languages classroom? Using theory, research and examples of innovative approaches for promoting social justice, this module is aimed at language educators in all sectors and is designed to develop your knowledge of a range of contemporary issues in language education. This module aims to develop critical thinking and reflection and consider how these impact on social justice pedagogy and agency for social change.

More information can be found in the attached flyer or visit the University of Strathclyde website.


SCILT/Save the Children – case study now published

1 November 2022 (SCILT)

In partnership with Save the Children, SCILT is delighted to publish a new case study which focuses on parental engagement with languages in the primary and Early Years sectors. Here we look at four primary schools and one ELC, all within the Forth Valley West Lothian RIC, and how they managed to involve parents/families with languages and language learning during the most challenging times of the Covid pandemic. We are thrilled to share the creative ways in which schools got parents involved with languages and the impact this has had.


French Film Festival Learning Programme 2022

25 October 2022 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival 2022 Learning Programme, offering a selection of films for schools free of charge, is now live!

Check out and download the programme of films for all ages. The programme runs until Christmas.

Simply choose your titles, complete the booking form, then create your account to have free access to all the films and learning packs that go with them.

For more information contact or visit the French Film Festival website.


Funding for UK-German partnerships

20 October 2022 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of grants for joint activities between schools and youth groups in the UK and Germany.

The next deadline for their Flexible Funding Scheme is 31 October 2022.

Visit the website for more information and to submit your application.


Beyond the Panda

14 October 2022 (RZSS)

Beyond the Panda is a 5-week progressive programme for P4-P7. Four weeks live virtual sessions and 5th week in person outreach. Now fully booked for the Nov-Dec and Jan-Feb blocks. However, there is availability in the Mar-Apr and May-June blocks. Book early as taken on first come, first served basis. Over the 5 weeks pupils will learn about various Chinese animals, threats, solutions, some Chinese culture while also learning about the Mandarin language and Chinese characters. Key objectives are in the attached pdf. 

Visit the website for further information.


Related Files

SCILT winter newsletter 2022 - send us your stories!

7 October 2022 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our winter 2022 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place towards the end of last session or so far in the 2022/23 session. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 21st October 2022.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Discovery Film Festival 2022

30 September 2022 (DCA)

Discovery Film Festival, Scotland’s international film festival for young audiences, is back for its 19th year, Sat 22 October to Sun 6 November. There's another packed programme of the best new films for young audiences from around the world - and once again the festival will be available both online and at Dundee Contemporary Arts.

Visit the website for full details.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition

29 September 2022 (SCILT)

A reminder that schools interested in taking part in this year’s MTOT competition have until 6 October (National Poetry Day) to register. The competition provides a great opportunity for all pupils in Scotland P1-S6 to get creative with a language they speak at home (Mother Tongue) or are learning at school (Other Tongue). Students can even enter in both categories!


Oxford German Olympiad 2023

26 September 2022 (Oxford German Network)

The Oxford German Olympiad 2023 is now open for entries! It was launched 26 September 2022, the European Day of Languages.

This year's topic: KOCHKUNST - BACKLUST - ESSKULTUR (The Art of Cooking, Joy of Baking and Culture of Eating).

The competition is open to primary and secondary learners of German, with further categories for group or class entries as well as those with no prior experience of studying the language. So there's something for everyone!

Visit the Oxford German Olympiad website for full competition details and guidelines. Closing date for all entries is Thursday 9 March 2023, at 12 noon.


Immersion courses in Spain for teachers

22 September 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

Any plans for the Autumn half-term break? Sign up and get a grant for one of the immersion courses in Spain. Full details regarding dates, course content, the grant and application form can be found by following the relevant course header link below:

Lingobox Learning Monthly Newsletter

22 September 2022 (Lingobox Learning)

Lingobox’s monthly newsletter for September is due out next week. This month we’ll be sharing some exciting new resources to support use of classroom language in French and Spanish and our new greetings song, Bonjour, bonjour! Our blog will focus on top tips for embedding French and Spanish language into classroom daily routines, instructions and everyday practice.

You can sign up for the newsletter on the Lingobox website.


Education Scotland – New resource to support 1+2 languages in primary settings

21 September 2022 (Education Scotland)

This resource, in the form of suggested weekly planners for the school session, is designed to support primary practitioners to plan and deliver languages from P1 through to P7. The resource contains suggested timeframes, contexts for learning, supports progression across the four skills in language learning from Early to Second level and contains links to helpful and free to access resources. The resource can be tailored to suit practitioners’ preferred contexts for learning.

Visit Education Scotland's National Improvement Hub website to access the new resource.


UK-German funding and hosting opportunities

8 September 2022 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a wide range of initiatives for young people, schools and youth groups. The organisation aims to bring young people in the UK and Germany together through a range of grants, advisory services, networks and programmes – both face-to-face and digitally.

Follow the relevant link below to find out more about their current opportunities:

  • Host a Teacher from Germany - enable primary and secondary pupils to gain an insight into German culture by hosting a teacher from Germany for 2-3 weeks next Spring.
  • Funding - a range of grants for joint activities between schools and youth groups now open for applications.
  • Café Connect - free virtual cultural exchange meetings giving young people aged 14-18 the chance to connect with UK and German peers through fun, interactive activities, group discussions on current topics and informal chat.
  • Voyage Kids - a digital magazine for primary pupils to discover German language and culture.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for information on the full range of services available.


TECLA magazine for Spanish language teachers

6 September 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

The September 2022 edition of TECLA, the magazine for teachers of Spanish, is now available online.

The electronic magazine has lots of ideas and resources for Spanish classes and is free to download! 


Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival: Schools programme

26 August 2022 (ESFF)

The Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival (ESFF) is back with its 9th edition, and we want you all to get involved! We are once again providing our Schools Programme for students learning Spanish as a second language. We are really excited about the two films we are offering this year at our in-person screenings.

To take part in these exciting screenings, all the information you need is in the attached document.

Related Files

MTOT is back for 2022-23!

26 August 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce the return of Mother Tongue Other Tongue, our multilingual poetry competition!

MTOT gives young people of all ages P1 – S6 the opportunity to showcase their language skills and creative talent. Over the years this competition has uncovered a wealth of talented young linguists: they have created songs, rhymes and poems that are unique, funny, clever, emotive and moving. Young people are asked to create an original poem/song/rap in a language other than English:  this can be a language spoken at home, or a language they are learning at school. To enter, the poem should be recorded (audio or video) and sent to us along with a completed entry form. 

Winning entries will receive a range of prizes, including the opportunity to have their poem included in the UK National Children’s Poetry Archive, as well as featuring in a dedicated episode of the international Kids Poetry Club podcast. This year we are highlighting the Ukrainian language, with a special prize on offer for entries from Ukrainian speakers.

Schools are invited to register interest by 6 October 2022 (National Poetry Day). Visit the MTOT webpage for more information.

We look forward to seeing another generation of young poets find their voice!


Language Linking Global Thinking 2022-23

26 August 2022 (SCILT / UCMLS)

SCILT is pleased to confirm the return of the Language Linking Global Thinking programme for the 2022-23 session. Applications are now open for schools wishing to register their interest in taking part this year. 

The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools in Scotland. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend a year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad they keep in regular contact with the partner school using blog posts, emails and other resources. The correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. 

Key points for teachers

  • Please note this is a two-way correspondence, and schools are expected to reply to blog posts, submit questions, and fully engage with their link student. 
  • Training will take place online, you will have the opportunity to learn more about successful links and to meet your link student virtually. 
  • Places are limited and you are not guaranteed a link partner. We will be able to confirm your place in October.
  • There is no cost for schools to participate in the programme.

Visit the LLGT webpage for more information on Language Linking Global Thinking, and to read some of the student blogs from previous years.

To register please complete the form via the link below by Friday 16 September.


NEW teacher professional development opportunity: Using art-based methods in developing multilingual approaches to language teaching in Scotland

26 August 2022 (SCILT / Bilingualism Matters)

Scotland is a multilingual country. In 2020 the pupils attending Scottish mainstream schools spoke in total 168 languages. These realities call for different pedagogical approaches. SCILT in collaboration with the University of Glasgow and Bilingualism Matters is looking to address it by:

  • developing teachers’ skills in implementing or applying multilingual and multicultural approaches to language teaching and learning
  • developing links across languages and between languages and art
  • developing links between teachers in community and mainstream schools.

Who is it for?   

  • mainstream primary and complementary school teachers interested in developing multilingual and multicultural approaches to language teaching, 
  • mainstream primary and complementary school teachers interested in developing art-based methods in language teaching.


Four online workshops culminating in the exhibition of children’s work in the spring/summer term. Dates of workshops will be confirmed to registered participants.

Please note:

  • participants will be expected to actively participate in the workshops, test the approaches in their own context and share their plans and experiences with others during the workshops
  • all art materials will be provided

If participating in this project is of interest to you, please register your interest via the form below.

* This project is subject to the success of the funding application. It builds on Polish through Art and Creative Language Practices projects.


Related Files

Perthshire parents reveal why they chose a Gaelic speaking school for their kids

25 August 2022 (The Courier)

Parents have revealed why they chose to send their children to a Gaelic speaking school in Perthshire and the benefits and opportunities it has opened up to their kids.

Mums Emma Allen-Crow and Ruth Birse both chose to send their children to Goodlyburn Primary School – a Gaelic medium education school in Perth, where P1-3 children are fully immersed in the language.

And in doing so, both mums – neither of whom speak Gaelic themselves – say there have been scores of benefits for their children, who are now bilingual.


European Day of Languages 2022 - how is your school celebrating?

25 August 2022 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. Now in its 21st year, it aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. What is your school doing in 2022?

If you're looking for inspiration, SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. Perhaps creating a scavenger hunt, taking a virtual city tour, or designing languages stones? You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2022 blog. Upload a short description and some colourful photos or email

If you're sharing your celebrations on Twitter tag @scottishcilt and use the hashtag #coeEDL to share your celebrations with schools across Europe!



23 August 2022 (RZSS)

This is an in-person outreach session (limited availability). Giants looks at two very different animals from two very different areas of the world and at two very different languages. The giant anteater from South America and the giant panda from China. The session can be for Spanish only or for Mandarin only or can compare both languages. The pupils will learn about the threats facing these animals along with some of their unique biology. 

Visit the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland website for full details.


EDL t-shirt contest 2023

18 August 2022 (ECML)

The European Day of Languages t-shirt contest is now open for submissions for the 2023 edition.

Send in your design/image/graphic by 31 December 2022 for your chance to have your layout on the official 2023 EDL T-Shirt! Bear in mind the design should be about languages, not countries, so avoid using flags or similar.

Visit the ECML website for full details.


SCILT 2022-23 workshop menu open for group bookings

16 August 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT’s CLPL menu for the new session is available for bookings. 

If you are looking for high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of experienced colleagues, newly qualified or student teachers in your school, cluster, local authority or RIC, then look no further.  

Note that open access workshops will be scheduled across the year for individual bookings. Find out more information about the first online and open access series of 2022-23.

Always interactive, SCILT menu workshops give you the opportunity to explore practice through exemplification and discussion with colleagues.


  • Engaging parents with languages in the primary and early years
  • Cultural contexts: an engaging approach to primary language learning
  • Get multilingual with DYW in your primary classroom
  • Active assessment in primary languages
  • Multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Tackling controversial issues in challenging times
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum

For more detail about the menu workshops and to book for a group follow the link below.


Open access Wednesdays

16 August 2022 (SCILT)

Paging primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! On the last Wednesday of each month between August and November 2022, SCILT’s primary professional development officers will host a series of online workshops.  

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland.

Karen and Lynne look forward to welcoming you to explore one or more of these areas of primary languages pedagogy.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. Register for each event separately via the links above.

Plus, there are even more open access workshops to come:

  • Five primary workshops with a creativity twist between January and May 2023
  • A series of online, open access secondary workshops in May and June 2023

Keep an eye out in the ebulletin for further details. 

Youngsters can learns Scots language at Paisley school for the first time

9 July 2022 (Daily Record)

Children from across Renfrewshire will be able to learn their lessons while speaking and writing in Scottish Gaelic at a Paisley school.

For the first time, pupils can benefit from special Gaelic provision, which initially consists of one class at West Primary School, rather than going to a Gaelic school in nearby council areas.


‘One in four’ primaries struggle with weekly language teaching

7 July 2022 (TES)

Weekly language learning does not take place in one in four primary schools, according to survey findings published today.

Primary schools have had a legal responsibility to teach languages since 2014, but there is significant variation in schools’ provision, according to the British Council survey of more than 1,500 state primary, state secondary and private schools.

The survey found that, in practice, weekly language learning does not take place in one in four primary schools because of issues such as split teacher time between year groups (whereby Year 5 might have languages for half the year and Year 6 for the other half), staffing issues and extracurricular activities.

The data revealed significant variation in the amount of time primary pupils spent on languages, with some schools spending less than half an hour on teaching per week, whereas ideally pupils would be taught for at least one hour per week by a teacher with degree-level proficiency in the language.

The survey also showed that four in five primary schools had been teaching languages for more than five years, representing a 2 per cent increase on 2021 and a 5 per cent increase on 2019, with pupils making progress in one foreign language in most of these schools. 

French is the most commonly taught language at primary, and is significantly ahead of Spanish, although this trend is not mirrored at A level.

The survey also found that the government is on track to meet all its targets for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) - apart from languages.


Related Links

Languages learning in ‘slow recovery’ following the pandemic (MSN News/Evening Standard, 7 July 2022)

Children learn sign language to support classmate

28 June 2022 (BBC)

Primary 2 pupils at Omagh Integrated Primary School have learned sign language this year.

They were keen to learn the new skill to support their classmate Callum.

They have also inspired their local neighbourhood police and other emergency services to learn the new skill.


Gaelic Education Grants 2022/23

16 June 2022 (Bòrd na Gàidhlig)

Bòrd na Gàidhlig has set up this fund to support those currently working towards a career in Gaelic teaching or Gaelic-medium teachers looking to develop their professional skills.

This scheme is currently open for the 2022/23 academic year until 1 September 2022.

Visit the Bòrd na Gàidhlig website for more information about eligibility and how to apply.


Creative translation webinars for teachers

16 June 2022 (Stephen Spender Trust)

Following the successful launch of our brand new series of creative translation webinars for teachers at primary and secondary schools in 2022, and the extremely positive feedback received from participants, we are planning a new series of webinars in the coming school year 2022-23. 

Visit the Stephen Spender Trust website to find out more about the webinars and to register interest in this professional development opportunity. The website also has resources designed to help teachers to integrate creative translation into their teaching.


Times Education Commission calls for schooling reset

15 June 2022 (The Times)

Politicians and education experts from across the spectrum have welcomed the final report of The Times Education Commission and said it made a case for change.

[..] The main recommendation of the year-long commission includes the introduction of a British Baccalaureate, an equally rigorous but broader qualification than A-levels including both academic and vocational routes or a combination of the two.

Pupils would take six subjects and the qualification would be based on the International Baccalaureate, an A-level alternative offered mainly in private schools, but customised for the UK. It could be adopted to replace the Highers qualification in Scotland as well as A-levels in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Related Links

APPG Modern Languages response on Twitter (15 June 2022)

Stephen Spender Prize 2022

9 June 2022 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Prize is an annual competition for poetry in translation, with categories for young people (14-and-under, 16-and-under, and 18-and-under) as well as an open category for adults. All entrants must be UK or Irish citizens or residents, or pupils at a British School overseas. Translate into English any poem from any language – ranging from Arabic to Uzbek, from Danish to Somali—and win cash prizes! 

Spotlight prize

Our Spotlight Prize encourages young people to engage with community languages. Our focus for 2022 is Romanian.

Open for entries from 4 May until midnight on Friday 15 July, visit the competition website for more details on how to enter, to meet the judges, and to explore the different prize categories!


University of Strathclyde MEd Education Studies - New languages modules

7 June 2022 (University of Strathclyde)

The School of Education in the University of Strathclyde has developed two new modules as part of the MEd Education Studies course that may be of particular interest to languages practitioners (EYs, primary, secondary MFL, FE, EAL/ESOL, Gaelic).

  • Multilingual and Multicultural Education: Policy, Theory and Practice (commencing Jan 2023)
  • Enacting Social Justice and Change in Language Learning and Teaching (commencing April 2023)

Practitioners who have already completed the SCILT professional learning courses (TELT and/or LLP) and have been awarded GTCS professional recognition, are eligible for accreditation of prior learning (20 Masters level credits for each course) towards gaining a full Masters degree. Likewise, teachers who have recently completed an ITE course at the University of Strathclyde may be eligible for further accreditation.

Further information about these modules and the course generally can be found in the attached information document. Details of the full suite of modules are in the attached MEd Education Studies Module Catalogue 2022-23. 

Japanese Language Local Project Support Programme 2022-2023 – Applications open

7 June 2022 (Japan Foundation)

Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which promote Japanese language education in the UK. 

Projects that fit into one of the four following categories are prioritised:

  • Category 1 - Newly introducing Japanese into the curriculum
  • Category 2 - Supporting GCSE or A-level courses
  • Category 3 - Japanese clubs
  • Category 4 - Projects that enable links between primary/secondary institutions and institutions of higher education

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information, application guidelines and forms.

Apply by 16 June 2022.


Information webinar for primary teachers in Scotland keen to learn a new language and how to teach it in their classrooms

7 June 2022 (SCILT)

Teachers Learning to Teach Languages, or TeLT for short, is a blended professional learning programme lasting 9 months that is aimed at practitioners who want to develop their practice in teaching languages to primary aged pupils.

Two information webinars for prospective students on the OU/SCILT TeLT programme are scheduled for:

  • Thursday 16 June, 7pm - 8pm
  • Tuesday 21 June, 7pm - 8pm

These webinars are open to teachers that teach languages primary schools in Scotland. Register here for your preferred webinar date.

Each 60-minute online event will introduce interested primary teachers to the primary languages programme delivered in collaboration by the Open University and SCILT from October 2022 to June 2023, where teachers can study one of four languages from scratch, learn how to teach it and apply their new skills directly as part of the course.

Participants will learn what the programme has to offer, what is required to succeed in becoming a primary languages teacher and gain professional recognition from the GTCS for the study.

Participants will hear about the impact of the study on attitudes and practice of teachers, pupils and the entire school community from OU and SCILT colleagues and find out how the course enables teachers to collaborate with primary schools across Scotland and Wales through in-programme eTwinning.

In addition, they will learn first-hand about experiences studying the course from former students, in-service primary teachers, who are now working as guest tutors on the programme. The guest tutors will also share how studying this programme has boosted their professional opportunities and employability skills.

Teachers working in other parts of the UK can find the information for the programme in their area on the Open University website

Spanish course for teachers: blended learning programme (León, 2022)

31 May 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

The University of León and Mester Academy have organised a Spanish course aimed at British and Irish teachers interested in learning or improving their Spanish language skills.

The blended learning programme consists of 33 hours of self-study online from mid-June plus one week Spanish language course in León (Spain) in August 2022.

  • 3 DIFFERENT LEVELS: absolute beginners, beginners and intermediate
  • A GRANT to cover most of the costs will be offered

All information regarding dates, course content, the grant and the application form can be found on the Spanish Embassy Education Office website.


Parental Engagement - NEW - A Practitioner’s Guide

19 May 2022 (SCILT)

We have collated a range of materials to provide practitioners with useful information, including examples of practice across sectors, about engaging parents and families with language learning. This guide features a variety of reading materials, resources, and case studies to equip practitioners working in a variety of contexts with the tools to actively consider how to get parents and families engaged with their child’s language learning.


SCILT Spring 2022 newsletter published

13 May 2022 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning opportunities, our motivating competitions and our online classes and events. Find out how schools celebrated Languages Week Scotland 2022, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.

This edition also features a special article from Mandy Reeman-Clark, who reflects on 18 years at SCILT and CISS on the occasion of her retirement. 

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


Stephen Spender Prize 2022

4 May 2022 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Prize is an annual competition for poetry in translation, with categories for young people (14-and-under, 16-and-under, and 18-and-under) as well as an open category for adults. All entrants must be UK or Irish citizens or residents, or pupils at a British School overseas. Translate into English any poem from any language – ranging from Arabic to Uzbek, from Danish to Somali—and win cash prizes!

Open for entries from 4 May until midnight on Friday 15 July, visit the competition website for more details on how to enter, to meet the judges, and to explore the different prize categories!


UK-German connections

29 April 2022 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of initiatives and support to help UK-German school partnerships thrive. Follow the appropriate link below to learn more about the opportunities available to schools and young people:

  • Host a teacher from Germany - UK schools interested in hosting a teacher from Germany in 2022-23 can register now. Q&A webinars are also being offered during May and June for all UK schools interested in finding out more.
  • Funding programmes - A range of grants are available for joint activities between schools and youth groups. Primary, secondary, FE colleges and youth groups can apply now.
  • Still & Sparkling: UK-German Youth Newsletter - Written by young people, for young people, the newsletter is aimed at ages 14-25, and includes content in both English and German. The latest edition is now available online.
  • Café Connect - Sessions are a great opportunity for 14-18 year-olds to practise their German and explore cultural topics with peers in the UK and Germany. Meetings are free to attend and give young people an informal and comfortable environment to make friends and develop linguistic and intercultural skills. 

The organisation is keen to hear from young people about their views on the future of UK-German youth relations and invites young people aged 12-25 to complete a 'Have your say' survey. The survey closes on 24 June 2022.

Scotland’s Languages Landscape: The ‘Rights’ Approach event, 25 February 2022 - Recordings are now available!

29 April 2022 (SCILT)

We are pleased to announce that event materials are now available to view on our website, including video recordings from Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Keynote speaker, Bernardette Holmes MBE, Independent Languages Policy and Pedagogy Consultant and Plenary speaker, Louise Glen, Senior Education Officer at Education Scotland.

Video presentations taken from breakout discussions, including testimonials and speaker biographies are also available to view and will be of interest to the language teaching community and community-based organisations.

The event welcomed language leads, teachers and the wider languages community to share, celebrate and highlight the importance of valuing language skills and ensuring the rights of all children and young people to a language rich curriculum.


BSL as an L3 - register now

28 April 2022 (SCILT / Garvel Deaf Centre)

SCILT, in collaboration with Garvel Deaf Centre in Gourock, Inverclyde will be offering online British Sign Language (BSL) classes to support L3 in primary schools in the 2022-23 school session. 

Applications are now open for schools to register their interest in the ‘BSL as an L3’ programme. The weekly lessons will be suitable for pupils in P5-P7 and are free of charge. In addition to the live lessons, supplementary resources such as video clips will be provided on Teams to support asynchronous learning opportunities.

The block of online classes will:

  • begin on Thursday 8 September
  • run for 10 weeks, with a two-week break in October
  • take place live on Glow Teams 
  • be 45 minutes in length
  • be delivered by an experienced deaf tutor, supported by a BSL interpreter
  • raise deaf awareness
  • promote inclusion and diversity

Schools selected to take part in the programme must attend an information session on Tuesday 7 June at 3.30pm on Teams.

Register your interest by Monday 16 May 2022 via the link below. For more information please contact SCILT. 


MOOC: Plurilingual Classrooms in Action

25 April 2022 (SCDE Languages Group)

The Scottish Council of Deans of Education Languages Group is very excited to launch their “Plurilingual Classrooms in Action” MOOC on Monday 25 April 2022. 

This free four-week course, which is hosted through FutureLearn at the University of Glasgow, is aligned with the core principles and contexts of the National Framework for Languages: Plurilingualism, diversity, policy and legislation, and transformative practices, and aims to support the teaching and learning of languages in primary classrooms.  

The course consists of a series of short readings, videos, tasks, and opportunities to reflect on the role of languages in and for education. Each of the activities will take no longer than 5 or 10 minutes to complete and aim to provide an overview of language teaching and learning in the 21st century and foster and enhance the creation of effective and engaging learning approaches which support inclusive practices in the classroom. 

More information about the MOOC can be found on the SCDE Languages Group blog along with the National Framework for Languages.

Visit the FutureLearn website to register for the online course.


Primary languages workshop series 2022 - places available

21 April 2022 (SCILT)

There are a small number of places remaining on the final two workshops in the SCILT primary languages series. These workshops are free, take place online, and each focus on a different aspect of primary languages pedagogy.

The workshops are open to any primary teacher or student primary teacher in Scotland. You can attend as many of the workshops in the series as you like. You must register for each workshop separately by clicking on the links below. 

  • Workshop 3: Parental engagement for family learning in languages at primary
    4-5pm, Wednesday 27th April 2022
    We will consider the positive impact that parental engagement and family learning with languages can have on pupils and their families. We will consider the importance of parental engagement in relation to other initiatives within Scottish Education, mainly raising attainment and will share examples of current practice on how schools are engaging with parents/families through languages.
  • Workshop 4: Making languages work for your primary pupils: DYW and 1+2
    4-5pm Wednesday 25th May 2022
    We will look at how your school can make meaningful connections between the language learning and the Developing the Young Workforce agenda, and maybe pick up a Scottish Languages Employability Award along the way! Be inspired by examples from primary schools across the country.

All workshops will take place on Microsoft Teams and will not be recorded.

See attached workshop series flyer which can be distributed to colleagues.

Related Files

Scottish Languages Employability Award - next deadline 20 May!

21 April 2022 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates innovation by schools in promoting languages and employability together through partnerships with businesses, public bodies and third sector organisations. The award, which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community. 

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 20 May 2022

In January 2022 Musselburgh Grammar School won a bronze award for their 'S3 Life with Languages' careers event. Read about their impressive submission, watch videos from previous winners and access the full award guidelines on our website.

Due to ongoing restrictions, online events and activities will be accepted as evidence towards the award.

If you have any questions about the award or the submission process please contact SCILT


Author tour with Thomas Harding - The House by the Lake

19 April 2022 (Goethe-Institut)

Primary schools in Scotland have the opportunity to secure a face-to-face workshop in schools with the author of The House by the Lake, Thomas Harding, in Autumn 2022.

The book tells the history of Germany through the story of a house inhabited by a succession of five different families. The author tour aims to facilitate an authentic contact with German culture and history and raise awareness of the German language among schools, teachers and students. 

Teachers in Scotland who would like to participate, please visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to register interest.


Commonwealth Games 2022 Schools Resource

19 April 2022 (British Council)

With the Commonwealth Games due to take place in Birmingham this summer, this schools resource is designed to celebrate the Commonwealth Games of 2022 and the ongoing work that the Commonwealth is doing to improve the lives of its citizens. 

The pack includes a variety of activities for primary learners and offers opportunities to partner with other schools across the Commonwealth to exchange ideas and work together. 

Whilst not specifically aimed at the languages curriculum, there is scope to adapt activities to contain a language focus and explore the cultures of different Commonwealth countries.


BSL: Newsround launches signed weekday bulletins

19 April 2022 (BBC)

Newsround's weekday bulletin is now accessible for people who use British Sign Language (BSL).

The programme will be fully signed, with an in-vision interpreter, each weekday starting from Tuesday 19 April.

It will be available to watch on the Newsround website from lunchtime every Monday to Friday, and will be remain online to watch at a time that suits you or your school.


Ukrainian resources for schools and families

5 April 2022 (SCILT)

We have collated resources to help support children and families arriving from Ukraine. We hope teachers will find these useful in welcoming young people and their parents into Scottish schools. Please share with your networks!


MTOT 2021-22 - Finalist poems now online!

1 April 2022 (SCILT)

We're delighted to announce the entries from all the finalists of this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition can now be viewed on the SCILT website.

For the first time judges awarded some special commendations for entries which very narrowly missed making the final shortlist and we have some of these also available online.

We hope many of you will be inspired to take part when the 2022-23 edition launches in the Autumn!


Grants for joint activities between UK-German schools and youth groups

28 March 2022 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a range of grants to primary and secondary schools (including SEN schools), FE colleges and youth groups for UK-German activities. 

They also offer school partnership bursaries to help schools maintain existing links with Germany.

Funding applications are now open! Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information on the grants available.


Employ a Mandarin teacher - funding available

25 March 2022 (SCILT/CISS)

State schools in Scotland can apply for funding to employ a Mandarin teacher. So if you are interested in introducing Mandarin as part of your Modern Languages curriculum and want to find out more join the information session on 28 March, details are on the attached flyer.

Applicants wishing to be considered for our new round of funding for GTCS registered teachers of Mandarin Chinese should complete the short form before 5pm, Monday 16 May 2022.


Related Files

Join Scotland’s National Languages Leadership Programme Team 2022-23!

25 March 2022 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Applications are now open for critical friends to support and challenge participants as they progress through the 2022-23 programme.


Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme supports local authorities by building capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all.

The critical friend role is suitable for people who:

  • have experience of the national languages leadership programme i.e. 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme (2017-2022) or the Train the Trainer Programme (2014-2016), or
  • are experienced in supporting teacher professional learning either online or face-to-face, preferably at Masters level, and
  • wish to help build the languages leadership capacity in all sectors of Scottish education

As an online programme, Scotland’s National Languages Leadership Programme offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy. The programme provides participants with professional learning and networking opportunities as well as flexible and personalised pathways through Masters level professional learning. 

Objectives of the programme are for participants to develop:

  • an appreciation of leadership skills
  • critical and strategic reflection on their own leadership development
  • an understanding of a range of key issues related to Scotland’s Languages policy

Professional learning and support will be offered to critical friends throughout the year.

For more information, visit the registration page to find out how you can apply to join the LLP team as a critical friend by Tuesday 17 May. A Glow account is required to take part.

If you have any questions about applying for this role, please email and include ‘LLP Critical Friend’ in the subject line.

Related Files

Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme 2022-23 - Submit your application now!

24 March 2022 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme supports local authorities by building capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Open to colleagues with 5 years' experience post probation or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts, this might include: classroom teachers, principal teachers, heads of department, heads of faculty or languages lead practitioners.

This online programme is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

SCILT hosted an online information session on Tuesday 22 March. A recording of the session is now available to find out more about the programme and hear experiences of current participants.

Participants can visit the website for more information and to submit their application. Deadline date to submit applications is Monday 25 April.


Related Files

Community Campfires project to spark new stories

18 March 2022 (Scottish Book Trust)

Scottish Book Trust, the national charity changing lives through reading and writing, has today launched their Community Campfires residencies project. It marks the 14th year of Scottish Book Trust's annual Your Stories campaign and four intensive story making residencies will take place in communities across Scotland via the Story Wagon. The residencies are supported by EventScotland as part of Scotland's Year of Stories 2022.

The Story Wagon will tour: Garnock Valley, North Ayrshire; Greenock, Inverclyde; Lochgelly, Fife and the Western Isles, gathering real life stories from the public. Luke Winter, Navigation Officer of the Story Wagon, will be joined by a team of digital storytellers, filmmakers and podcasters producing content in English and Gaelic.

Visit the website for more information and tour dates from April to June 2022.


Registration now open for OU/SCILT TeLT programme

18 March 2022 (SCILT/OU)

TeLT is the Teachers Learning to Teach Languages programme offered by the Open University in partnership with SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. This professional learning opportunity is aimed at educators working in the primary sector and carries GTCS Professional Recognition.

Students learn a language – French, German, Mandarin or Spanish - and in parallel, get to put primary language pedagogies into practice with their own pupils. The programme is offered at two levels – beginners and post-beginners. More information here about how the course works.

Registration for 2022-23 intake is now open. Enrolment closes 8 September. Modules begin in October. More details here on how to register.

Information sessions for local authority officers and prospective applicants will take place in May and June. Dates are to be confirmed.


March Bitesize: Learning for Sustainability / IDL (Primary)

17 March 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland.

In March, the Bitesize session focuses on the primary school and explores how language learning can be in incorporated into a Learning for Sustainability (LfS) context. We will hear how schools have been exploring the Global Goals in addition to key environmental issues such as plastic pollution and the place of languages within this.

Come and join us for a drop-in session to listen and discuss on Wednesday 30 March 2022, 4:00 - 4:45pm on Zoom.

Visit our Bitesize webpage for more information and to register.


German Teacher Award 2022

14 March 2022 (German Embassy)

If you know a truly outstanding German language teacher at your primary or secondary school – make sure that their dedication and excellence get the recognition they deserve!

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in London is pleased to invite nominations for the annual German Teacher Award, now in its 19th successful year. The winners of the Award will be announced in summer, they will receive a personal prize and a certificate.

Please note that headteachers must nominate the German language teacher; unfortunately applications by German language teachers submitted by themselves and applications submitted by pupils cannot be accepted.

Visit the website for more information and submit nominations by 30 April 2022.


"Vive la Francophonie" quiz is back in 2022!

8 March 2022 (Francophonie UK)

To celebrate the International Francophonie Day on Sunday 20 March 2022, the Francophonie Groupe UK is again launching the quiz Vive la Francophonie!

Every year this quiz allows thousands of people in the UK to test their knowledge on the Francophone world in a fun way. In 2022, a special focus will be given to France.

Open to all learners and speakers of French in the UK, including UK primary and secondary schools, the quiz will be available from Sunday 20 March 2022 to Friday 25 March 2022.

The quiz will be available in two categories:

  • a school-aged appropriate version (30 questions for KS2 and KS3)
  • a version for the general public (65 questions for KS4, KS5 and adults)

Two winners will be selected in each category after Friday 25 March 2022.

Register now to receive the quiz on 20 March and get onboard to try to win exciting prizes!


An Exploration of how Children’s Language Learning can be Transformed when Teachers Place Creativity and Stories at the Centre of the Curriculum and Experiment with Digital Storytelling in the Classroom

7 March 2022 (Modern Languages Open)

This article examines how the teaching of languages can be transformed across the whole-school primary curriculum when teachers and researchers collaborate to make space for creativity and stories. The research presented here looks carefully at this process of transformation and how primary school teachers can become motivated to teach languages in more open-ended and creative ways. The researchers situate the debate within the fractured emergence of Primary Modern Foreign Languages as a subject in England and relate this to the lack of teachers’ proficiency in languages beyond English. In many primary school contexts the teaching of languages is repetitive and highly formulaic, so the researchers wanted to find novel ways to motivate teachers and children to learn languages. This collaborative work on the curriculum by researchers and teachers became part of the Critical Connections Multilingual Digital Storytelling Project (2012–ongoing) where stories and digital technology are used to (re-)engage language learners. The children (7–8 year olds) in this case study created a digital story – Wir gehen auf Drachenjagd (We’re Going on a Dragon Hunt) – for an international digital storytelling festival (June 2019). The research findings demonstrate how the power of stories combined with the digital dimension enabled children to use a new language productively and creatively.


ECML Language Gazette: Issue 59

7 March 2022 (ECML)

The latest edition of the ECML's Language Gazette is now available online.

Visit the ECML website to access.


How to Talk About Migrations? A competition for primary and secondary Scottish schools

4 March 2022 (Migration in Education)

We invite pupils and teachers to participate in this exciting competition that explores how we teach and learn about migration — creatively and with empathy. We live in a world that sees many people on the move, and our pupils may have been part of these experiences themselves. In schools, migration may make the topic of creative projects and classroom activities — a unique opportunity for pupils to learn from each other and about each other.

Through this competition, we want to bring forward the best and most creative ideas on teaching and learning about migrations in Scottish schools. We would like to hear about your teaching activities/practices and/or activities that may enable conversations about migration in schools – from language learning, literature, history, to personal experiences. The competition aims to acknowledge and make visible the cultural and linguistic diversity of Scottish primary and secondary schools. The purpose of this competition is to explore how to raise awareness and learn about migration, and move conversations beyond narrow and often negative stereotypes. We advocate and understand migration as a multifaceted and omnipresent fact of life, and hope that the submissions for this competition will reflect this vision.

Visit the competition webpage for more information and submit entries by 25 April 2022.


Host a Modern Language Assistant in 2022-23

3 March 2022 (British Council)

Applications for Modern Language Assistants in 2022/23 are now open for schools, colleges and universities across the UK through the British Council website until 2 May 2022.

Building cultural capital with MFL

Join us on 16 March for our free webinar exploring how to maximise the potential of MFL to build cultural capital, develop learner confidence and improve exam results. Keep up to date with the conversation on Twitter with #CulturalCapitalMFL. Register here for the webinar.

How Language Assistants can make a difference

Bringing authentic voices into French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, German, Italian and Irish lessons allows students to see the relevance of these languages alongside their cultural context. What's more, in 2021, 92 per cent of host institutions told us their Language Assistants helped improve exam results. These cultural ambassadors enhance lessons and develop intercultural awareness. From speaking practice to fresh cultural insights, their input and encouragement enriches pupil experience, preparing them for future success.

Our dedicated team are well-equipped to support with the administrative steps and flexible hosting options are available with different placement lengths and sharing possibilities. Throughout the challenges of the past few years, Language Assistants have proved to be a key tool, and in some cases a ‘lifeline’, for continued pupil engagement with language learning. Back in the classroom, their expertise not only motivates pupils, but provides teachers with in-house professional development and refreshed linguistic materials.

Contact us

Please contact us at LanguageAssistants.UK@BritishCouncil.Org if you have any further questions.


Paisley primary celebrates different pupils' cultures as part of poetry project

26 February 2022 (Daily Record)

Youngsters at a Paisley Primary school have been celebrating the many different cultures of pupils by taking part in a top poetry competition which celebrates different languages from across the globe.

Three pupils from West Primary were selected for the final of the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, which encourages children to share their experiences of their families culture and traditions in their families.

Sabina Rodrigues De La Rosa, Tanazzal Shah and Sabihah Tubasem were picked by judges for their poems written about their home countries which the school used to help teach their classmates about the variety of cultures within the school.


Mandarin for BGE

25 February 2022 (CISS)

Do you want to include Mandarin in your school's curriculum but don't currently have the resources?

CISS is offering 10-week blocks of live-streamed language and culture classes commencing September 2022. Two courses are available, one for Primary learners, the other for S1-S3. To find out more about each, follow the relevant link:

Register interest by 18 March 2022.

Royal Zoological Society of Scotland programmes for schools

22 February 2022 (RZSS)

The RZSS offers a variety of activities for schools. Bookings are now open for the following programmes:

Beyond the Panda

A 5-week progressive programme for P4-P7. Four weeks live virtual sessions and 5th week in person outreach. Bookings open now for sessions starting in August 2022. Over the 5 weeks pupils will learn about various Chinese animals, threats, solutions, some Chinese culture while also learning about the Mandarin language and Chinese characters. Key objectives are in the attached pdf. 


This new live virtual session looks at two very different animals from two very different areas of the world and at two very different languages. The giant anteater from South America and the giant panda from China. The session will introduce some basic vocabulary in both Spanish and Mandarin and will be aimed at upper primary level. Suitable for any class already studying Spanish or Mandarin or both. Bookings open now for a limited number of sessions starting April 2022. 

Further information for both programmes at


MTOT 2021-22 - Winners announced!

21 February 2022 (SCILT)

Our awards event to announce the winning entries from this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition was held online today, to coincide with International Mother Language Day. It was a great celebration of the languages being spoken and learned in Scotland and we're delighted to announce the winners and highly commended runners-up in each category as follows:

Mother Tongue







Simon Cronje

Netherlee PS


Highly commended

Fabian Choromanski

Gallowhill PS




Sabihah Tubasem

West Primary


Highly commended

Lovelyn Asare

St Catherine’s PS


Highly commended

Sabina Rodrigues da Rosa

West Primary

Brazilian Portuguese

Highly commended

Tanazzal Shah

West Primary


Highly commended

Zamin Amjad Sheikh

Netherlee PS




Melice Monga Lubengi

Lourdes Secondary


Highly commended

Marcel Zuk & Oskar Kolodziej

St Thomas of Aquin’s


Highly commended

Helen Joseph

Lourdes Secondary


Highly commended

Sarah Alradi

Craigmount High




Regina Wyllie

Loudoun Academy


Highly commended

Camran Kouhy

Madras College


Highly commended

Wiktoria Sapko

St Andrew’s Secondary


Other Tongue







Hayley Cowe

Westhill PS


Highly commended

P2 Class

Newcraighall PS




Lucia Conetta

Glasgow Academy


Highly commended

Malaika Ali

Golfhill PS




Grace Ross

Madras College


Highly commended

Deepak Kumaar

Craigmount High

French & German

Highly commended

Caitlin Fraser

Arran High




Brooklynn Faichnie

Aboyne Academy

French, Spanish & Italian

Highly commended

Iona Kellas

Aboyne Academy


Highly commended

Charlotte Reynolds

Aboyne Academy



All pupils will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also receive a trophy as well as the opportunity for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive and Kids Poetry Club podcast. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward. This year also saw a special award sponsored by the Dictionaries of the Scots Language for entries in Scots, which was awarded to Hayley Cowe, our P1-P4 Other Tongue winner!

It is our intention to host each of these poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available.

Congratulations again to all our finalists!

Why do children learn languages more effortlessly than adults?

21 February 2022 (UNRIC)

On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, UNRIC spoke to Dr Eleonore Smalle, a post-doctoral researcher at Ghent University (Belgium) and a lecturer at Tilburg University (the Netherlands), about the mechanisms of cognition and language learning.

Languages play a vital role in preserving our traditions, history and mode of thinking. They impact our identity, communication and education. Multilingual societies exist through their languages, which allow them to transmit traditional knowledge and cultures, achieve quality education and build inclusive societies. Mother-tongue based multilingual education is a key component of inclusion in education.

We asked Dr Eleonore Smalle about the recent findings in the field of language learning. We wanted to know why children are thought to be better language learners than adults, and how cognitive development affects language acquisition across the human life span.


Express Yourself 2022 - Celebrating Speaking

21 February 2022 (ALL/British Council)

There's still time to practise and celebrate a language you are learning, or use in your community, and take part in a virtual festival of speaking! Individuals or groups are invited to prepare and record a short poem, presentation, sketch or dialogue in the target language and share on social media by 28 February 2022.

Full details can be found in the ALLNet E-bulletin Special.


RiPL Classroom Research Scheme March-July 2022: Join our Language Teacher Research Team!

18 February 2022 (RiPL)

Are you a primary school modern languages teacher interested in trying something new? Maybe there is a novel approach to languages teaching that you are curious about, or a resource you have always wanted to explore? As a Classroom Researcher you could receive up to £150 to experiment with teaching ideas.

For more information and how to apply, see the attachment. Submit your proposal by 1 March 2022.

Related Files

SCILT spring newsletter - send us your stories!

17 February 2022 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our spring 2022 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place in late 2021 or so far in 2022. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 11th March 2022.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Seachdain na Gàidhlig - 21-27 March

17 February 2022 (Seachdain na Gàidhlig)

‘Seachdain na Gàidhlig’, is the first official nationwide language and culture week to be held in Scotland, from 21-27 March 2022.

The week promotes Gaelic to all, both at official events and community initiatives, such as Irish Language Week in Ireland and Gaelic Awareness Month in Nova Scotia. It will enable Gaelic speakers and non-speakers to participate in a variety of ways that suit them; both in Scotland and abroad.

Visit the website for more information or see the flyer for ways to get involved.


By the numbers: languages uptake in Scotland

4 February 2022 (TES)

The Scottish government's policy is that children should start learning their first additional language when they start school in P1 and then start learning another language from P5. The government says "language learning is an entitlement for all from P1 to S3".

This is known as the 1+2 languages policy, since the expectation is that pupils will learn two languages, as well as their mother tongue.

But to what extent is this long-established policy - which the government originally pledged to fully implement by the beginning of this school year (August 2021) - a reality in Scottish schools?

To mark Languages Week Scotland 2022, we take a look at the data.


Polish through Art - online exhibition now open!

3 February 2022 (SCILT / Bilingualism Matters)

The Polish through Art online exhibition is now open! Visit our website to see the children's multilingual artwork, which explores their diverse identities, their linguistic competencies and their cultural heritage. Browse their wonderful creations, read their commentaries in their own words, and see the impact of a languages rich classroom. 

About the project

SCILT’s Polish through Art project, developed in collaboration with Bilingualism Matters, showcases through art, a multilingual approach to language teaching. A multilingual approach recognises that each learner has their own individual repertoire and opens the classroom door to languages and experiences learners bring to the classroom. The online exhibition showcases the artwork of each pupil involved in the project from the four particpating mainstream and complementary schools. 


JaViChamp - Japanese Video Championship for Young Learners UK

1 February 2022 (Japan Foundation)

This is a brand-new event for primary and secondary school students studying Japanese in the UK organised by the Japan Foundation, London.

The world is currently changing very quickly. Technology is advancing, and nowadays if you have a computer or a smartphone you can send a message to anyone in the world. In a time like this, we should always have the following questions in our mind: “What message do I want to convey and how?” It is important for us to deliver messages clearly and easily for others to understand.

This event is a contest for young Japanese learners in the UK to use their Japanese and make a video on a topic provided. You can apply individually or as part of a group.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information and apply to take part by 3 May 2022.


Competition: Around the World with Stamps 2022

1 February 2022 (StampIT)

Create a written or video presentation linked to postage stamps. Open to ages 5-15 worldwide. Choose a stamp that inspires you and find out about the person, place, animal or object on the stamp. We encourage you to include some elements in a second language to your own. 

Winners in each age group receive Amazon, equivalent e-vouchers or goods to the value of £40 for the winner and £20 for second place. 

Full details on the attached flyer and more information along with previous winning entries on the StampIT website. Entry deadline: 8 April 2022.


Related Files

We launch a Storytelling Month to celebrate multilingualism and your stories

31 January 2022 (National Literacy Trust)

Today we kick off Storytelling Week by launching the brand-new Storytelling Month to celebrate the value and skill of speaking multiple languages and the ways that these voices and stories shape our community.

The virtual initiative, which forms part of the National Literacy Trust’s Connecting Stories campaign, is to run until International Mother Language Day on February 21 and promote community literacies – with an equal focus on speaking and reading.

Across the month various activities and resources will be made available. With free videos ranging from a reading of Enormous Turnip in Czechthe Little Turtle and Little Rabbit Have a Race in Mandarin Chinese and Romanian fairy stories, Storytelling Month is packed with weekly activities and resources that will help young people and parents build new skills and improve their literacy.


Goethe-Institut opportunities for schools

27 January 2022 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of activities for teachers and learners of German. Click on the relevant link below to find out more about their latest opportunities:

  • The Young Goethe Scheme - offers primary and secondary school German teachers in the UK the opportunity to invite university and A-Level students of German into their classrooms to inspire and motivate younger students to continue with German at GCSE and beyond. 
  • Instagram Music Competition - this competition is aimed at young musicians who have a piece of music by a German composer or artist that they love to play. No knowledge of German is necessary to apply, and we encourage your music departments at school to get involved! Entry deadline 25 February 2022.

Calling all P6 teachers!

27 January 2022 (SEET)

Have you signed up to take part in SEET's Euroquiz this year? There may still be time to register your team. Please visit our website or email for more information.

About Euroquiz

Euroquiz is an annual project open to all P6 pupils across Scotland, which sees teams of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe and the wider world. Subjects covered include languages, history, geography, sport, culture and European affairs. Heats take place in local authorities from February to April, with the winning teams from all areas progressing to the National Euroquiz Final held in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament in June.


Scotland's Year of Stories 2022

25 January 2022 (Education Scotland)

This year has been designated Scotland's Year of Stories and with National Storytelling Week taking place from 30 January to 6 February 2022 it's an ideal time to promote and encourage storytelling in the classroom. But how can we ensure that the stories we share reflect the diversity of our learners? Explore practitioner considerations and resources on Education Scotland's Race Equality and Anti-racist education website.


Making Your Future Brighter With Languages (1+2 December 2021) – Event recordings now available!

21 January 2022 (SCILT)

We are delighted to confirm that the recently launched toolkit for Phase Three of our ERASMUS+ project, Generation Global, now includes recordings of the sessions that took place at the virtual launch events on 1+2 December 2021. Entitled Making Your Future Brighter With Languages, the events, like the toolkit, set out to give young people, parents and carers a wealth of information, ideas and advice about the importance of learning languages.

The first event, on 1 December, which was aimed at young people, featured interactive activities and an interesting and informative panel discussion of young professionals talking about how they use languages in their careers. These recordings could be useful for teachers to show to classes of young people around subject choice times.

On 2 December the event focused on parents, carers and teachers. At this event we enjoyed contributions by Dr Paul Hare (Professional Development Officer, SCILT) and partners from Denmark and Norway, a fascinating panel discussion with representation from employers, educators and careers advisers, and a powerful message from Liz Neil of the British Council on the value of language and intercultural skills to the workforce of the future.

Recordings of all sessions are available on our website.


Discovering the World of Arabic 2022-23 - primary course

21 January 2022 (SCILT / QFI)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International and the Scottish Refugee Council, is currently looking for local authority primary schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through our Discovering the World of Arabic programme.  

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for primary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and culture. Courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and a specially commissioned writing team, with language lessons delivered online by a teacher of Arabic. 

For learners in local authority primary schools the course will be offered as a ten-week interdisciplinary block of learning and is aimed at P5-P7 pupils. The course is delivered using a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams. 

The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

Live classes are provisionally scheduled as follows:

  • Thursdays 14.00-14.45, starting September 2022 

In addition, participating schools will receive ongoing support from the SCILT team and a grant of £2000. This can provide schools with resources and experiences that enhance and support the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures.

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form via the link below by Friday 18 February.

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions. 


Scottish Education Awards 2022

20 January 2022 (Scottish Education Awards)

The Scottish Education Awards celebrate the hard work and success which takes place in Scottish education.

The annual event recognises those who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcases the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

Nominations in each of the award categories, which includes the Gaelic Education Award, are now invited.

Visit the Scottish Education Awards website for more information and submit nominees by 23 February 2022.


British Council Year of the Tiger education pack

18 January 2022 (British Council)

According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, we enter the Year of the Tiger on 1 February 2022.

Our Year of the Tiger education pack celebrates Chinese New Year. Featuring activities to help teachers and pupils learn more about this important spring festival and explore Chinese culture, you can learn about the South China tiger, make a kite, and take part in a Chinese language lesson. 

Visit the British Council website to download the education pack.


Express Yourself 2022 - Celebrating Speaking

14 January 2022 (ALL/British Council)

In 2021, with COVID-19 having had an impact on almost all areas of education but most acutely that of the teaching and learning of MFL, ALL, the British Council and cultural institutes in the United Kingdom combined efforts to devise an exciting event entitled ‘Express Yourself’. This was an opportunity to showcase language learners’ enjoyment of, and commitment to, a language that they are learning, or that is used in their home community (except for English!). We are repeating this in February 2022, in preparation for Spring where we practise and celebrate a language you are learning, or use in your community, and take part in a virtual festival of speaking!

Individuals or groups are invited to prepare and record a short poem, presentation, sketch or dialogue in the target language and share on social media by 28 February 2022.

Full details can be found in the ALLNet E-bulletin Special.


SCILT professional learning programme 2021-22 - available to book now!

14 January 2022 (SCILT)

Are you looking for high quality professional learning for colleagues in your school, department, cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative? 

SCILT's programme of professional learning workshops are now available to book for the rest of this session. Choose from our range of primary or secondary workshops, and request a date and time that suits you and your colleagues. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to collaborate with you to develop bespoke input and support. In addition to practical suggestions, SCILT workshops are designed to explore the pedagogy that underpins practice through discussion and reflection with local colleagues. 
Please visit the professional learning page of our website for further information and details of each of the workshops available. Please note, these workshops are intended for group bookings only. 
During 2021-22, we are running webinars and drop-in sessions which are open to everyone. Registration for those will be on an event–by–event basis and will be publicised via the SCILT e-bulletin.


Spanish course for teachers: Blended learning programme

13 January 2022 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Embassy Education office is launching a blended learning programme aimed at teachers working in British or Irish schools: 33 hours of self-study online from February to March + 1 week Spanish language course in Palencia (Spain) in April 2022.

  • 3 DIFFERENT LEVELS: absolute beginners, beginners and intermediate.
  • A GRANT to cover most of the costs will be offered.
  • APPLICATION DEADLINE: 3 February 2022.

All information regarding dates, course contents, the grant and the application form can be found on the Spanish Embassy Education Office website. 


Alliance Française French classes for the new term

13 January 2022 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française in Glasgow offers a range of French classes for adults, young people and children. Enrolment is now open for the new term commencing 7 February 2022. For more information about upcoming sessions click on the relevant link below:

The organisation also provides a variety of cultural events. Visit their website for more details.


CLIL Mondays

11 January 2022 (Learning through Languages UK)

Learning through Languages UK and the Centre for Language Research at Aston are running "CLIL Mondays" on the second Monday of each month from 4.30 to 5.30. This series of online talks is aimed at teachers at primary, secondary and tertiary levels who have an interest in Content and Language Integrated Learning. CLIL Mondays combine short 30-minute talks on aspects of CLIL with Q&A time. One session per term will be open to practitioners for sharing of good practice, you are warmly invited to come and present your CLIL work.

Full programme details and registration links can be found on the CLIL Mondays webpage.


Would you like to participate in a study on active trilingualism in children?

11 January 2022 (University of Cambridge/Radboud University Nijmegen)

What’s the project about?

Because multilingual families come in all shapes and sizes, this can affect whether and how well children can speak and understand their multiple languages. There has been plenty of research on this topic concerning bilingual children, but very little on trilingual children. In this study we aim to better understand which circumstances allow trilingualism to thrive, and which factors predict whether children will actively use each of their three languages. We hope that our findings will help parents, teachers and other professionals to make better-informed decisions and offer better advice when it comes to raising children trilingually. The study is part of the Q-BEx project, a collaboration between researchers in the UK, France and the Netherlands, where we have designed a new questionnaire to measure how much contact and what kind of contact multilingual children have with each of their languages.
What’s involved?

If you choose to participate, we will ask you to complete the questionnaire. It contains questions about you, your child and the way in which your family members use and understand your different languages. The questionnaire is online and it should take no longer than 20-35 minutes to complete. We will ask you to complete the questionnaire on behalf of one child only, even if you have other children that match the criteria below. 

Who are we looking for exactly?

For this study, we are looking for children who:

  • are between 5 and 10 years old.
  • attend a school where lessons are taught in English, with no more than 2 hours of classes per week in other languages.
  • were born in the UK or Ireland, or moved there before the age of 3 years.
  • heard two languages other than English at home before starting school. This applies even if the child doesn’t speak both languages. For example, if the child’s parents speak one language only to each other but not to the child, we still want you to participate!

How do I take part?

To participate in the project, parents just need to click the following link:

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please contact James Algie (, doctoral researcher at University of Cambridge (UK) and Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands).

“Learning environments where modern languages flourish”

5 January 2022 (ECML)

The European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe and the Tempus Foundation organised an online workshop entitled “Learning environments where modern languages flourish” on 4 November and 9 December 2021.

The goal of the workshop was to help teams create action plans that will be implemented in schools after the workshop to establish a language-friendly environment where foreign languages are taught in a comprehensive way, either as separate subjects or through integration into subjects.

Detailed information about the project along with resources and tools related to the topic are now available on the ECML website.


CISS Chinese New Year Poster Competition 2022

17 December 2021 (CISS)

Chinese New Year poster competition image

The Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools has announced a competition to celebrate the forthcoming year of the tiger! The competition is open to all primary schools in Scotland and the winner will be selected by CISS staff.

CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT AN ENTRY - entries submitted by email will not be accepted.

Deadline for entries: Friday 21 January 2022.


Design a poster to celebrate the Year of the Tiger!

  • Make sure to include the tiger in some way.
  • Include what you know or have learnt about Chinese language and culture.
  • Entries can be handmade (a high quality photo or scan of entry) or designed on the computer/tablet etc.

The winning entry will receive a prize and be featured online, and the poster will be used as the CISS Chinese New Year e-card!

CISS Winter 2021 Newsletter

17 December 2021 (CISS)

The Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools is delighted to publish the brand new Winter 2021 Newsletter, featuring news and updates from CISS projects, Confucius Classroom Hubs, Chinese Exchange Teachers and more updates on Mandarin learning across Scotland. 


Write Away! - Call for submissions

17 December 2021 (Light Bulb Languages)

Issue 8 of Write Away!, the magazine celebrating work being done in primary languages classrooms, has just been published and can be read on the Light Bulb Languages website.

Submissions for issue 9 are now also being invited. Visit the website for more information and get submissions in by 18 February 2022.


Words for the World winning entries published!

17 December 2021 (SCILT)

Congratulations again to everyone who took part in our recent Words for the World competition.

Following our recent awards ceremony, and the announcement of the winners’ names, we are now delighted to be able to publish the winning, highly commended and remaining finalist entries in each category. We are sure that you will agree that the linguistic diversity, creativity and passion that they all show is both impressive and inspiring.


Mind Games: Cracking Code in Maths and Languages

20 January 2022 (SCILT)

Two mind-bending workshops are scheduled for in-service and student teachers during Languages Week Scotland 2022. 

We are aware that Mathematics underpins all STEM subjects, but have you ever thought there are connections between learning mathematics and learning a language?

Join mathematicians and linguists from the University of Edinburgh to explore the topic further.

During the interactive workshops you will have a go at some puzzles and activities at the interface between Mathematics and Linguistics. Together we will explore how language works and where Maths comes into play.

You will have a chance to discuss with Mathematicians and Linguists about similarities between their subjects. You will takeaway practical ideas for your classroom to show how these different disciplines can be interconnected.

The activities we are going to use are mainly aimed at children older than 10 years. However, the approach can be applied to all year groups.

Attendance is free of charge and the event will be hosted online on Zoom.

More information and registration for the appropriate workshop via the links below:

French Pop Video Competition 2022

9 December 2021 (Institut français)

Give the mic to your students and shoot a music video with them! If you believe your class has got talent, this competition is for you!

The Institut français du Royaume-Uni, in association with Francophonie UK, is inviting all teachers of French to submit a short video or animated clip of their class's own French rap or song.

Get the chance to be streamed on our dedicated UK YouTube channel and to compete for the national Francophonie UK School Music Awards as part of the Fête de la Musique in June 2022!

Visit the website for more information and to register for the competition. Submission deadline: 15 April 2022. 


Online workshops for Spanish teachers (January-March 2022)

9 December 2021 (Consejería de Educación)

La Consejería de Educación en el Reino Unido e Irlanda and Extenda will be organising a new series of online training workshops for teachers of Spanish in the United Kingdom and Ireland during the months of January to March 2022.

Each online session will include a workshop on different methodological aspects related to the teaching of Spanish. Teachers can sign up to attend one or more of the workshops as the themes, the registration and the certification of each session will be independent. In this way teachers can choose to follow the workshops that interest them the most.

The two first of the workshops will take place on Saturday 15 January 2022 (from 10:00 to 12:00). Registration is free and can be done through this link:

For more information about the workshop series, visit the La Consejería de Educación website.


SCILT Christmas 2021 webpage - now live!

2 December 2021 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your pupils, from interactive advent calendars and games, to lesson plans and festive facts. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and around the world!


New resources to support bilingualism

30 November 2021 (Twinkl/SCILT/Bilingualism Matters)

What does it mean to be bilingual? Bilingualism is knowing more than one language and the way it affects us is far from simple! Find out all about the different ways we can be bilingual, the effects of bilingualism and some of the benefits to us all with our amazing resources developed for use at First Level alongside the experts at Bilingualism Matters, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, and our teacher team here at Twinkl. The resources are available in English and Gaelic for use in GME contexts and are an ideal way to start celebrating the linguistic landscape in your school.


Gleans Challenge

29 November 2021 (Gleans Alba)

Gaelic L2 and L3 schools the latest Gleans Challenge is here. Why not have a go at singing our Winter song or make your own colourful bodach-sneachda! 


Remote CPD in Creative Translation 2022

29 November 2021 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Stephen Spender Trust is delighted to be offering a series of webinars for UK teachers for the first time in early 2022, funded by the Foyle Foundation. There are dedicated webinars for Secondary MFL teachers, Secondary English teachers, and Primary teachers.

The 3-webinar course will follow SST's Decode-Translate-Create model, which makes creative translation accessible and easy to adapt to different ages and levels. The first session is scheduled for 12 January 2022.

Visit the website for more information and to register. Sessions are free, but in signing up please note you are committing to attend all three.


Write Away! - Call for submissions

26 November 2021 (Light Bulb Languages)

Write Away! is an exciting project from Light Bulb Languages. It's a magazine celebrating the writing that primary children do in their language lessons.

Submissions for issue 8 are now being accepted. Visit the website for submission guidelines and submit work by Friday 10 December 2021.

Previous issues of Write Away! can also be viewed on the website along with lots of language resources for the primary classroom.


Words for the World competition winners!

26 November 2021 (SCILT)

Congratulations to everyone who took part in our Words for the World competition.

The standard of entries was incredibly high, with a wide range of formats submitted and an array of languages. We can be proud of the linguistic diversity we have here in Scotland and the creativity and passion our young people demonstrated for protecting our planet, our humanity and creating a brighter future for us all. We were truly humbled and inspired by their work.

Judging proved exceptionally difficult, but we were delighted to announce the winning entries at an online awards event last week. Well done again to the following who were successful in their respective categories and thank you to every pupil who participated in the competition. 


  • Winner - Leena Valluri, Goodlyburn Primary
  • Highly commended - The Glasgow Academy Newlands & Milngavie class entry


  • Winner - Zofia Zajac, St Patrick's Primary
  • Highly commended - Sophie McGrath, St Vincent's Primary
  • Highly commended - Tristan Naylor, Hyndland Primary


  • Winner - Oriana Strahan, Largs Academy 
  • Highly commended - Deepak Krisna Kummar, Craigmount High 


  • Winner - Daniel Smith, Alva Academy
  • Highly commended - Aiman Mohammad, Renfrew High 

Primary languages workshop series: spring 2022

26 November 2021 (SCILT)

The SCILT Professional Development Team is thrilled to announce that in spring 2022, we will host a series of four free online workshops, each on a different aspect of primary languages pedagogy.

The workshops are open to any primary teacher or student primary teacher in Scotland. You can attend as many of the workshops in the series as you like. You must register for each workshop separately by clicking on the links below. 

  • Workshop 1: Assessing progress in primary languages
    4-5pm, Wednesday 26 January 2022
    We will explore some assessment approaches and tools. We will look at examples of listening, talking, reading and writing in L2 by primary learners. We will refer to Education Scotland’s Modern Languages early – second level benchmarks and first – second level progression framework.
  • Workshop 2: Engaging cultural contexts for primary language learning
    4-5pm, Wednesday 23 February 2022
    We will look at interdisciplinary approaches to support language learning. We will explore a range of activities and resources to develop children’s intercultural understanding, awareness of cultural diversity and multilingualism both globally and locally. We will share examples of current practice in Scottish schools.
  • Workshop 3: Parental engagement for family learning in languages at primary
    4-5pm, Wednesday 27th April 2022
    We will consider the positive impact that parental engagement and family learning with languages can have on pupils and their families. We will consider the importance of parental engagement in relation to other initiatives within Scottish Education, mainly raising attainment and will share examples of current practice on how schools are engaging with parents/families through languages.
  • Workshop 4: Making languages work for your primary pupils: DYW and 1+2
    4-5pm Wednesday 25th May 2022
    We will look at how your school can make meaningful connections between the language learning and the Developing the Young Workforce agenda, and maybe pick up a Scottish Languages Employability Award along the way! Be inspired by examples from primary schools across the country.

All workshops will take place on Microsoft Teams and will not be recorded.

See attached workshop series flyer which can be distributed to colleagues.

Related Files

Little Night of Ideas 2022 - Call for participation

25 November 2021 (Institut français)

The Institut français du Royaume-Uni invites primary and secondary schools in the UK to reflect on the topics of the Night of Ideas 2022 and submit short audio clips (1 min 30 max) based on a set of questions and answers around one of the four sub-themes.

Selected clips will feature during the Little Night of Ideas event to be staged simultaneously in Paris, London, Edinburgh and multiple cities across the world, taking place on Thursday 27 January 2022.

Visit the website for more information and to register participation by 29 November 2021.


Young Scots Writer o the Year Award 2022

23 November 2021 (Scottish Book Trust)

We’re on the lookout for talented young folk aged 11–18 writing and creating in Scots.

Are you a Scots writer with stories to share? Or a teacher working with young writers we should know about? Enter the Young Scots Writer o the Year Award.

We’re looking for stories, poems, spoken word pieces, comics, videos or other pieces of writing – we want to see it all, as long as it’s in Scots and under 1000 words or five minutes.

Visit the Scottish Book Trust website for more information. Submissions accepted until 24 June 2022.


Film screening: Petite Maman

18 November 2021 (Birds Eye View/GFT)

Supported by Birds’ Eye View’s Reclaim The Frame programme, Glasgow Film Theatre will be screening Petite Maman from 19 November to 2 December.

The much-anticipated latest treasure from Céline Sciamma (Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Girlhood), Petite Maman is a sublime modern fairytale about the quiet wonder of mother-daughter relationships. After the death of her beloved grandmother, eight-year-old Nelly meets a mysterious friend in the woods. Together they embark on a fantastical journey of discovery which helps Nelly come to terms with this newfound loss. A favourite of the 2021 Berlin Film Festival, Sciamma’s new masterwork examines childhood, memory and loss with a typically delicate touch, elegantly weaved together into an enchanting and moving depiction of love and acceptance.

The film is in French with English subtitles and is suitable for all.

Visit the GFT website for more information and to book.


International Day of Teachers of French - 2021 Competition

18 November 2021 (Institut français)

The Institut français, the agency in charge of promoting French culture and language abroad, is proud to launch the International Day of Teachers of French Competition to thank teachers of French throughout the UK for their dedicated efforts teaching and promoting the French language and culture, as well as Francophone values.

Enter the competition before the Journée Internationale des Professeurs de français on Friday 26 November 2021 for a chance to win resources and a place on a professional learning workshop.


School competition: How to talk about migrations

16 November 2021 (Migration in Education)

We invite pupils and teachers in primary and secondary schools in Scotland to participate in this exciting competition that explores how we teach and learn about migration — creatively and with empathy. We live in a world that sees many people on the move, and our pupils may have been part of these experiences themselves. In schools, migration may make the topic of creative projects and classroom activities, as a unique opportunity for pupils to learn from each other and about each other.

The competition aims to acknowledge and make visible the cultural and linguistic diversity of Scottish primary and secondary schools. On that basis, submissions could be in English or in other languages to reflect the spirit of the school and of the competition. Teachers or teams of teachers and pupils are invited to submit their best materials that showcase how migration is taught in their respective schools. 

Visit the website for more information and submit entries by Friday 17 December 2021.


£1,000 towards your UK-German partnership - apply now!

15 November 2021 (UK-German Connection)

As travel plans and exchange activity begin to pick up once more, UK-German Connection are again offering partnership bursaries of £1,000 to help schools to keep their UK-German partnerships alive.

The bursaries can support pupil visits and joint activities taking place in 2022 and are open to both UK and German partner schools. Application is via a short online form. Deadline: 31 January 2022.

Find out more and apply on the UK-German Connection website.

If you have any questions, please contact


November Bitesize: Making languages work for your primary pupils

12 November 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In November 2021, we are looking at how we can combine employability and language skills in the primary classroom. Come along on 24 November to share your ideas and hear what others do too!

Our special guests will be Leanne Duncan, PT at Danestone Primary School, Aberdeen City and Christina MacGregor, P4-7 GME Teacher at Goodlyburn Primary School, Perth & Kinross. Leanne and Christina will tell us about the last year’s achievements by their pupils with activities that integrated languages and employability skills. The languages taught across the two schools are Gaelic, English, French and Chinese.

Find out more, along with the registration link, on our Bitesize webpage.


Opportunities from LFEE

9 November 2021 (LFEE )

Festival of Languages… connecting with schools from Scotland, France, Spain and Germany…

Our first Connected Learning Festival celebrates the learning and teaching of English, French and Spanish for upper primary and secondary school pupils.

Through short videos and 3D animations, our characters and their avatars take teachers and their learners from the comfort of their classroom to our virtual land where everything is possible!  

Please click on the link below for free access to the Characters presentations in English, French and Spanish.

Share what learners produce with other schools from other countries on Padlet. Practitioners are given ideas on how to record what is produced by their learners and to create an exhibition which can be shared on Padlet and/or within their own school.

The Turing Programme... Send your learners to France, Spain and Germany….

LFEE Europe will build a consortium to support pupil mobilities in 2022 – 2023.

Should you be interested in sending your learners to one of the above 3 countries, get in touch with us. We will put in a bid which, if successful, will allow schools to get funding to send pupils abroad. The grant will cover all costs for pupils and accompanying teachers: travel expenses and subsistence.

We have partnered with many primary and secondary schools in France, Spain and Germany where the trip will take place. Alternatively, you can find a partner of your choice.

Should you be interested, please email us on:

It would be good to write a little description of a specific theme/project you might be interested in exploring whilst abroad: sustainability, history, geography etc.

Competition Time - Win a French Storybook

8 November 2021 (Little Linguist)

Joyeux Noël, Petite taupe ! is a simple story in French about a mole who is feeling lonely on Christmas Eve. One by one her friends arrive, each bringing something to help her celebrate Christmas. French story-book expert, Nathalie Paris from Nattalingo has selected this book to feature in our competition this month as she thinks it's an excellent choice for Christmas.

Visit the Little Linguist website to enter by 15 November 2021 for your chance to win the book.


Presentations and recordings are now available! Moving Forward with L3: Challenges and Opportunities Event, 10 September 2021

5 November 2021 (SCILT)

If you missed any part of this event, then we have good news for you! Materials are now available on our website to view at your own leisure, including video presentations from Keynote speaker, Joanna McPake, Reader in Education at the University of Strathclyde and Plenary speakers, Dr Łukasz Lutostański, Consul General and Sylwia Spooner, Head of Cultural Affairs at the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh. The event welcomed language leaders and practitioners to share thoughts, ideas, good practice and discuss the challenges we face in embedding L3 into our curricula, including information on the newly launched 10 Steps to Polish Programme, run in conjunction with SCILT.

PowerPoint presentations used from facilitated discussions, including testimonials and speaker biographies are also available to view and will be of interest to the language teaching community.


Poésíæ 2022

4 November 2021 (Poesiae)

Poésíæ and Poésíært, the global poems recitation and art competitions, start on 4 January 2022.

The competitions are free to enter and open to all pupils aged 7-15. Teachers can select from the suggested poems offered in French, German, Italian, Spanish, English or Welsh. Pupils can enter the recital strand of the competition or, for those less confident in doing so, the art competition offers pupils a different medium to express their understanding of the poem.

Visit the Poésíæ website for more information.


All the World is Our Stage

4 November 2021 (AtWiOS)

All the World is Our Stage: Primary pupils never lost in translanguaging is a project exploring creative ways of language learning with the creation of a multilingual performance showcasing both home and school languages. 

A new website has been launched featuring outputs and resources from the project produced in collaboration with pupils and teachers and collated by Eneida García Villanueva, the principal investigator in the project. The materials aim to help practitioners embed pedagogical translanguaging in schools.

Visit the website for more information and to access the resources.


International Education Week

2 November 2021 (British Council)

International Education Week (IEW) is back! Every November we come together to recognise the value of bringing the world into the classroom and celebrate international work in schools. This year's event takes place 15-19 November.

This year we are bringing you The Climate Connection to help you empower your students to take positive action for a greener tomorrow. There are lots of ways you and your school can get involved. Visit the British Council's IEW website to find out about online live events and training, classroom resources, working with international partner schools and more.


How teacher collaboration can boost climate education

1 November 2021 (TES)

In this podcast coinciding with COP26, experts explain the importance of sharing best practice on climate change teaching.

Today's young people are more engaged and passionate than ever about saving the environment. In March 2019, it was estimated that 1.6 million young people across 125 countries participated in climate protests, and a new global survey led by the University of Bath reveals that environmental fears are "profoundly affecting huge numbers of young people".

Many school students are currently avidly reading announcements from the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow. Whether it’s from the news, social media or the latest David Attenborough documentary, young people are constantly being exposed to the impact of climate change. And, as the authors of the global survey suggest, it's vital that we counteract young people's anxieties and harness their enthusiasm by giving them information on how they can connect more strongly with nature, contribute to greener choices at an individual level and join forces with like-minded communities and groups.

Yet climate change and sustainability can be challenging subjects to bring into the classroom. For this latest podcast, Tes spoke with two environmental and sustainability education experts, who explained why collaboration and an outward-looking approach to teaching these subjects are key.


Resources and activities for COP26

29 October 2021 (Highland Council)

The Northern Alliance has put together the following resources which they are happy to share with schools nationally to link in with COP26.

NEW French Dossier! Climate change and the COP26 Conference

29 October 2021 (PowerLanguage)

The PowerLanguage team has created a new French Dossier to help you tackle some topical and essential climate issues with your class, ahead of COP26 in Glasgow. Why not encourage your learners to prepare a podcast or video to present themselves and mention some of the things they care about and want to protect? Adults are welcome to send their testimonies too! You and your learners can use any language you are learning. 

Visit the PowerLanguage website for more information. *Please note the French Dossier is only available to PowerLanguage members.*


Discovery Film Festival - 'Migrants' short animation

25 October 2021 (Highland Council/DCA)

Migrants (a French production) is an 8 minute animation about 2 polar bears who are forced to leave their home due to climate change and they meet brown bears. The film is particularly relevant for COP26 and 1+2 Languages, exploring the issues of global warming. Migrants could be used for primary and secondary. There are excellent free resources to download too with lots of cross curricular activities for primary, and second and third level resources for French.

Originally the film was part of the Shorts for Middles ones Bundle that could be purchased to stream online by schools. However, Migrants has now been made available to stream for £1 during the film festival, up until 7 November. Anyone who wants to watch the film has to create an account and has 48hrs to watch the film once they select Play Now. They can watch the film as many times as they want in the 48hr period.  

German language teachers honoured with prestigious German Teacher Award 2021

19 October 2021 (German Embassy)

The German Teacher Award celebrates the best and most dedicated champions of German in primary and secondary schools across the UK.

Today the awards went to Linda McLean (West Calder High School, West Lothian, Scotland), Erica Schwiening (Saffron Walden County High School, Essex), Stamatia Kalogeropoulou (The Sixth Form College Farnborough, Hampshire) and Alexandra Brown (King David High School, Liverpool).


Making Connections through Learning for Equity and Sustainability

7 October 2021 (Learning for Sustainability Scotland)

Understanding the big issues that shape our world has never been more important. Issues like climate change, health, gender equality, poverty and how to live sustainably affect – and connect – us all: wherever we are in the world.

This is a supported online Professional Learning course for educators. Engagement in this fully funded course will:

  • Support you to create an enabling environment for Learning for Equity and Sustainability in your teaching and setting, and significantly enhance young people's educational experience
  • Inform your own professional development
  • Enhance your participation in the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme, supporting whole setting and cluster approaches
  • Give access to an international network of like-minded teachers

Aligned with current education priorities across UK and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, this fully online professional learning will support you to think about, plan for, and implement, Learning for Equity and Sustainability in your own practice and in your teaching context. 

You will be invited to participate in online discussions and activities in five course modules. Modules will be released fortnightly, starting on 29 October 2021. 

More information and registration for the course on Eventbrite.


Courses: Learning for a sustainable future

7 October 2021 (British Council)

British Council is supporting two courses being delivered by the University of Edinburgh and Sustainability Scotland via FutureLearn on learning for sustainability.

Learning for a Sustainable Future: Live at COP26 - a free short online course

The 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) is being held in Glasgow between 31st October and 12th November 2021. It will bring together heads of state, climate experts and campaigners to agree and accelerate coordinated global action on climate change.

This two-week course, which runs in parallel with the COP26 conference, offers you an opportunity to examine what COP26 is, why it’s important and reflect on how you can add your voice to the call for collective action for a sustainable future.

You’ll explore the broader context of COP26 and consider other key frameworks such as COP15 (The UN Convention on Biological Diversity) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

Explore the issues being discussed at the conference and see and hear responses to the conference themes from children and young people, community groups and ministerial bodies, both nationally and internationally.

There has never been a more urgent need for the world to work together and take collaborative action to secure a sustainable future for people and planet. Do your part and enrol now!:

Learning for a Sustainable Future - 5 week course

There is also still time to sign up for the 5 week course on Learning for a Sustainable Future. Join a personal and professional global learning journey towards a sustainable future. What on Earth could be more important?

On this 5-week course, you’ll explore a range of global, community and school-based contexts and develop an informed personal response to major contemporary challenges faced today. The course is open to everyone and would be suitable for senior learners, or anyone with an interest in sustainability and a willingness to learn and share with others around the world!  Join the course for free today.  Don’t worry if you can’t start on the dates specified – you can enrol once the courses have started.

Oxford German Olympiad 2022

5 October 2021 (Oxford German Network)

The tenth Oxford German Olympiad is now open! This year's topic is der Rhein.

Open to upper primary and secondary learners, entrants choose one of the tasks within their age category and complete the task in German. Individuals, groups or classes can take part.

There's also a Discover German - Taster Competition for those with no prior experience of studying German. 

Visit the competition website for full details. The closing date for all entries is Thursday 10 March 2022 at 12 noon.


Discovery Film Festival 2021

5 October 2021 (Discovery Film Festival)

The eighteenth year of the Discovery Film Festival brings another selection of the best films for young audiences from around the world. Taking place from Saturday 23 October to Sunday 7 November 2021 screenings are available online and in person for Tayside audiences wishing to view their chosen films at Dundee Comtemporary Arts.

Foreign language screenings are subtitled in English. There's also a selection of short films, which are mainly dialogue free, to promote language practice and development.

Visit the Discovery Film Festival website to view the programme for schools and accompanying film resource packs. 


Words for the World competition

5 October 2021 (SCILT)

‘We must believe in the power and the strength of our words. Our words can change the world.’ (Malala Yousafzai)

Are you looking for a way to engage your language learners to think about global issues ahead of the COP26 summit in November? Inspired by Malala’s words, our Words for the World competition could be just what you need! SCILT is challenging learners to use their words and their languages to show how the world could be a better place.

More information about the competition is available on our Words for the World webpage. The entry deadline is 25 October 2021. If you'd like to upload submissions to the Words for the World MS Team, please contact us and provide your Glow email address. Please note, the competition is only open to schools in Scotland.


French Film Festival Learning Programme 2021

5 October 2021 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK’s Learning Programme will be bringing French-speaking cinema into schools again FREE of charge this autumn, between 25 October and 10 December. To accompany the selection of films for different age groups, practitioners will be able to download learning resources to use with their classes.

Students are also invited to submit a review of a film screened in this year's learning programme. The best reviews will be awarded a prize from the Franco-Scottish Society.

See the attached brochures for more information about the programme for schools and how to book.

Language Teaching: Learning from the Past – Teacher Training Packages are now available!

1 October 2021 (HoLLT)

We are delighted to announce that our five teacher training packages are now live.

The materials use the History of Language Learning and Teaching (HoLLT) to help language teachers reflect on language teaching practice and policy today. Five units each take a key theme, with a short introductory video (8-12 minutes), a handbook of activities, and a facilitator’s handbook with further information and guidance. Each handbook also includes a short historical overview and some reading suggestions.

Our themes are:

  1. Differentiation and diversity
  2. What does it mean to teach culture?
  3. Grammar: “The art of speaking well”?
  4. Target language and (m)other tongue use
  5. Making the case for languages – Policy and advocacy

The project is an AHRC-funded collaboration between the University of Nottingham and King’s College London. Many thanks to our Postdoctoral Fellow on the project, Dr Lina Fisher. 

Visit the University of Nottingham website to access the materials, which we hope teachers will find useful.


MTOT 2021-22 - registration deadline approaching!

30 September 2021 (SCILT)

Our multilingual poetry competition offers schools and learners the opportunity to use their language skills creatively, by producing an original poem, song or rap in a language they speak at home (Mother Tongue) or are learning at school (Other Tongue). With a focus on the spoken word, entries are invited in video or audio format.

Teachers, help us find the next generation of multilingual poets! The deadline to register your school is 7 October 2021 (National Poetry Day), and all entries should be submitted by 3 December 2021. 

Visit our MTOT webpage for full details and to sign-up.


New project alert! Polish through Art

30 September 2021 (SCILT / Bilingualism Matters)

Primary teachers, would you like to be involved in an exciting and innovative project focusing on language learning (Polish) through Art? This project, in partnership with Bilingualism Matters, aims to explore and develop skills in applying multicultural and multilingual approaches to (Polish) language teaching in the primary school. We are looking to recruit primary teachers working in mainstream schools and teachers working in the Polish complementary schools.

The project will run over a 5-month period and will feature 4 online workshops/sessions scheduled to take place on:

  • Wed 27 Oct 15.30-17.30 
  • Wed 3  Nov 15.30-17.30 
  • Wed 17 Nov 15.30-17.30
  • Wed 19 Jan 15.30-17.30

All workshops will be delivered on MS Teams and will be a blend of professional learning and practical activities. 

You will work in pairs or small groups with colleagues in the mainstream/complementary schools and will have the chance to plan and share knowledge with each other. There will be the opportunity to contribute to SCILT’s knowledge exchange event taking place in February where you will be able to share your experience from participating in the project with colleagues from across the country. To showcase the pupil’s art, an online gallery will be created in which you and your pupils will have the opportunity to contribute.

If you would like to participate in this new project, please register via the link below. By registering you are committing to attending all 4 workshops.


StampIT - 'Stamp over October’

30 September 2021 (StampIT)

StampIT is re-launching ‘Stamp over October’. This series develops various skills and increases knowledge across the curriculum for the broad general education phase. The range of activities cover experiences and outcomes in many areas within expressive arts; language and literacy; mathematics; sciences; social studies and technologies. The activities will also last beyond October! Take part in as many or as few as you want. StampIT also has it’s ‘Language of Stamps’ series with Spanish, French, Mandarin and Japanese.

There are many challenges and competitions throughout October, please see the website for the activity plans. In addition there are 5 free packs available with some StampIT games, craft materials and stamps to the classes who can send in the best ending to the following sentence: 

'We would love to take part in Stamp over October because...'

Entries by end October. Visit the StampIT website for more information.


Grants for professional development seminars in Germany

28 September 2021 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut UK awards scholarships for participation in language courses and professional development seminars (e.g. cultural studies; German as a foreign language theory and practice) in Germany.

You can apply for a scholarship from the Goethe-Institut if you are a teacher of German as a foreign language or are involved in the teacher training of such teachers; this also applies if you work at a PASCH school.

The courses take place at various Goethe-Institut locations around Germany and in Austria. Different options are available depending on your professional requirements.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information about the course choices and submit your funding application by 1 November 2021. 


Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival: 1st-10th October in person and 14th-17th October online

24 September 2021 (Consejería de Educación)

The 8th edition of ESFF is taking place 1st-10th October in person and 14th-17th October online.

We want to shine a light on the best Spanish language cinema and TV and we are thrilled to be able to bring everyone back together, in the cinema. Our aim is to show a broad range of all different genres of films and so the festival will feature a selection of regional productions including: Ane (David Pérez Sañudo), representing Basque cinema, and Chavalas (Carol Rodriguez Colás) will be providing a glimpse in Catalan cinema. Interspersed with these will be the new TV series Maricón Perdido (Bob Pop) and the highly acclaimed Mientras dure la guerra (Alejandro Amenábar). 

To immerse yourself even more in the programme, make sure to check out the Q&As and panel discussions taking place throughout the festival. We are privileged to be joined by a number of leading academics including: Professor Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles (University of Exeter) who will present the audio-visual project, Cartas Vivas, in which women's voices from the 20th century are brought to life, embodied by leading actresses from the Spanish-speaking world.

We are also proud to commemorate the centenary of Luis García Berlanga with a screening of El Verdugo and A conversation with Spain. This will be followed by a round table discussion to highlight the importance of Berlanga, both in cinema and the cultural legacy he has left us.

School programme of the ESFF includes the film “Klaus” (Primary) and “Los Lobos” (Secondary).

For more information and to book tickets visit the Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival website.


European Day of Languages

23 September 2021 (Council of Europe)

The Council of Europe Director General of Democracy, Snežana Samardžić-Marković, has recorded a video message (4 minutes) to mark the 20th anniversary of EDL. The video, in English, which gives a nice overview of the Day, is available via YouTube.

The latest version of the ‘Secret agent’s language challenges app' is now available in 21 languages and can be downloaded for Apple and Android devices.

Chromebook users can also download the app from the Playstore - by searching for "Language challenges" and clicking on the install button.

Flexible Funding Scheme

23 September 2021 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection's Flexible Funding Scheme supports joint activities and projects between UK and German partner schools and youth groups, including visits or virtual activities.

The grant is open to primary, secondary and SEN schools, FE colleges and youth groups in the UK and Germany. Grants of up to £10,000 are available.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and apply by 1 October 2021.


Into Film Festival 2021

21 September 2021 (Into Film)

The Into Film Festival is a free, annual, nationwide celebration of film and education for children and young people aged 5-19.

For so much of the last year and a half, we have all been deprived of the big screen experience, so it's a joy to once again be able to offer free screenings and special events to young people and teachers across the UK from 10-26 November 2021. 

The programme includes something for everyone, from the latest blockbusters, beloved old favourites, stimulating documentaries, animated adventures, modern foreign language titles, and much, much more.

All films and events are mapped against curricula from across the four UK nations and are accompanied by Into Film resources.

Booking is now open, so visit the Festival website for full programme details and to reserve places. Use the filter to discover foreign language screenings. 


The UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO)

21 September 2021 (UKLO)

UKLO is a competition, like the Mathematical Olympiad or the National Cipher Challenge, for students who are still at school (or equivalent college) – any age, any ability level; but unlike other competitions, our competitors have to solve linguistic data problems. Thanks to our generous academic supporters, it’s completely free to both competitors and schools.

The first round of the competition will take place during February 2022.

Visit the UKLO website to find out more and to register your school.


Maths Week Scotland 2021 - Maths wi nae Borders

21 September 2021 (Maths Week Scotland)

Maths Week Scotland takes place 27 September - 3 October 2021! 

Every day during Maths Week Scotland a new puzzle is set from the Scottish Mathematical Council. Inspired by the annual Mathématiques sans Frontières contest, the Maths wi nae Borders mini-competition contains a language element and is for any class to complete together.

Visit the Maths Week Scotland website for full details and to download a competition pack (available from 27 September 2021).


Case study: Strengthening links to literacy across languages

21 September 2021 (SCILT)

Professional Learning Partnerships (PLPs) are a bespoke part of the SCILT CLPL offer. A PLP is a collaborative and enquiring means of challenging thinking, considering practice and bringing about improvement.

In a recent PLP that ran over two years, teachers in several West Lothian primary schools chose to focus on strengthening literacy skills across languages. They were supported variously by local authority development officers with responsibility for Literacy, PEF and 1+2 Languages, as well as by SCILT and a bilingual theatre practitioner. In year 1, eight schools considered the needs of their learners and the demands of their school improvement plan before settling on a particular pedagogical approach and/or a selection of resources that they were interested in transferring to the context of teaching additional languages. In year 2, three schools collaborated to produce interdisciplinary learning materials and pupil-led drama activities to support reading and performance in L2. Read the West Lothian PLP Case Study on our website.

Each Professional Learning Partnership is unique and based on the needs of the audience and talents of the participating professionals. Examining evidence together, engaging in professional discussion and exploring practical ways forward, each partnership aims to effect positive change that impacts on learners. If you would like to discuss developing a PLP with us, please email with PLP in the subject line.


FilmG competition 2021

16 September 2021 (FilmG)

FilmG is MG ALBA’s Gaelic short film competition which is delivered by Cànan Graphics Studio, the multi-media company based on the Isle of Skye. FilmG was launched in 2008 in order to develop new talent for the Gaelic channel BBC ALBA which was launched in the same year. Over this time it has received more than 700 short films and seen many young people begin their careers in Gaelic television broadcasting.

This year's FilmG is now open for entries. In the Youth category the competition is open to high school classes, independent filmmakers, and primary schools. High school Gaelic classes across Scotland can also take up the offer of 2 day filmmaking workshops to support entrants. 

Visit the FilmG website for more information and get entries in by 13 December 2021.


SCILT winter newsletter - send us your stories!

16 September 2021 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our winter 2021 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This could cover work going on in schools before the summer break, innovative projects taking place during Covid-19, or other language learning celebrations or initiatives. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 8th October 2021.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Opportunities from UK-German Connection

10 September 2021 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection is dedicated to increasing contacts and understanding between young people in the UK and Germany. The organisation offers a number of initiatives, funding, materials and courses enabling joint activities between young people, schools and youth groups in both regions.

Find out about hosting a teacher from Germany, the Café Connect online meet-ups for young people, funding for partnership activities and more on the UK-German Connection website.


Masters study opportunity for LLP/TTT and TeLT alumni

10 September 2021 (SCILT/University of Strathclyde)

Four questions for Scottish primary and secondary teachers:

  • Are you interested in developing yourself professionally and academically through Masters study?
  • Have you been a participant on the Education Scotland/SCILT course called Languages Leadership Programme (LLP, previously known as Train the Trainer) within the last five years?
  • Have you been a student on the Open University/SCILT programme called Teachers Learning to Teach Languages in Primary School (TeLT) within the last five years?
  • Were you awarded GTCS Professional Recognition from either of these programmes?

If the answer is yes, then you are eligible to accredited prior learning (APL) to the tune of 20 Masters credits, enabling you to transfer onto Masters in Education (MEd) pathways at the School of Education at the University of Strathclyde.

The award of GTCS Professional Recognition from these programmes gives access to the following pathways:


For the MEd Education Studies route contact Angela De Britos

For the MEd Educational Leadership route contact Joanna Holmes

European Language Gazette n° 57 - September/October 2021

9 September 2021 (ECML)

The latest edition of the ECML's European Language Gazette is now available. Focusing on the 20th anniversary of the European Day of Languages this issue contains a huge variety of new features, ideas, initiatives and resources to help celebrate the 20th edition in style!


Japanese Language Local Project Support Programme 2021-2022

6 September 2021 (Japan Foundation)

Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which promote Japanese language education in the UK. We prioritise projects that fit into one of the five following categories:

  • Category 1 - Newly Introducing Japanese into the curriculum
  • Category 2 - Supporting GCSE or A-level courses
  • Category 3 - Japanese clubs
  • Category 4 - Projects that enable links between primary/secondary institutions and institutions of higher education
  • Category 5 - Purchasing Japanese language teaching materials and/or books related to Japan (Please note that this Category is for applicants who ONLY wish to apply for these materials)
  • The application deadline for Categories 1-4/Other of the September 2021-22 programme is 30 September 2021.
  • The application deadline for Category 5 of the September 2021-22 programme is 31 October 2021.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for full details and to download an application form.


RZSS Beyond the Panda FREE virtual programmes

6 September 2021 (RZSS)

P1-P3 Two live virtual sessions available after the October break until December but only on Thursdays. Advisable to book now as limited places. Choose from 'Intro to the giant panda' or 'I can see, hear, smell, taste and touch'. Both are based around the giant panda and include some basic Mandarin language learning. Limited places. Contact Sandie Robb - for further details and booking. 

P4-P7 Seven week progressive programme through live virtual sessions. Book now for delivery in January to March 2022 (already fully booked for 2021). Covers many topics on China, its wildlife, endangered species and culture. Ideal for L3 Mandarin or China topic. Includes some basic Mandarin language learning. Key objectives are on the flyer. Limited places. Contact Sandie Robb - for further details and booking. 

All sessions are delivered on Microsoft Teams within GLOW. Enabled by our partnership with CISS and eSgoil. 

Further details and additional resources can be found on the Beyond the Panda website.


Related Files

Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival: programme for schools

6 September 2021 (Consejería de Educación)

The Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival is back for its eight edition and would like to invite you once again to participate in the School Programme aimed at Spanish Learning students.

Due to COVID-19, we are changing the regular format to a Hybrid Event. This means we will be offering two films tailored to Primary and Secondary schools.

Please see attached the information about the films and a pre-recorded virtual workshop by Intersect Madrid for secondary schools.

Related Files

MTOT 2021-22 - Our multilingual poetry competition is back!

3 September 2021 (SCILT)

We are delighted to announce the launch of MTOT 2021-22! This competition offers schools and learners the opportunity to use their language skills creatively, by producing an original poem, song or rap in a language they speak at home (Mother Tongue) or are learning at school (Other Tongue). We are continuing our focus on the spoken word, so entries can be in video or audio format.

Last year, despite all the challenges, MTOT went from strength to strength, and the creativity shown by all those who entered was truly uplifting. Our winners were featured on the Kid’s Poetry Club podcast, and MTOT now has its own dedicated section on the UK Children’s Poetry Archive. As if that wasn’t enough, this year we are also partnering with the Dictionaries of the Scots Language, who are offering a special prize for winning entries in Scots. 

Whatever your language, we want you to find your voice and share it with us. We can’t wait to see what this year’s young poets will produce!

Teachers should register interest by 7 October 2021 (National Poetry Day), and all entries will be submitted by 3 December 2021. 

Visit our MTOT webpage for full details.


French courses for children and teens

2 September 2021 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française Glasgow offers French courses for children aged between 3 and 17 years old as well as Exam Support classes for secondary schools pupils sitting their National 5 or Higher French exams at the end of the academic year and who need extra support with their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Follow the relevant link below to find out more about these course options:

European Day of Languages 2021 - how is your school celebrating?

27 August 2021 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. Now celebrating its 20th year, it aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. What is your school doing in 2021?

If you're looking for inspiration SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. Perhaps a Eurovision-style song contest, a QR code scavenger hunt, or a food festival? You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2021 blog. Send a short description and some colourful photos to or tag @scottishcilt on Twitter. Use the hashtags #coeEDL #20EDL or #happybirthdayEDL to share your celebrations with schools across Europe!


SCILT professional learning programme 2021-22 - available to book now!

27 August 2021 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages? 
Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher of languages in your secondary school? 
Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader? 
Are you looking for high quality professional learning for your colleagues?
If so, you can request a SCILT workshop for colleagues in your school, department, cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative via the link below. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to collaborate with you to develop bespoke input and support. In addition to practical suggestions, SCILT workshops are designed to explore the pedagogy that underpins practice through discussion and reflection with local colleagues. 
Please visit the professional learning page of our website for further information and details of each of the workshops available. Please note, these workshops are intended for group bookings only. 
During 2021-22, we will run webinars and drop-in sessions which will be open to everyone. Registration for those will be on an event–by–event basis and will be publicised via the SCILT e-bulletin.


Climate resources for school teachers

23 August 2021 (British Council)

To help you support positive action towards climate change in your school, here’s a round-up of British Council's online events, programmes and classroom resources, which includes a section for language educators.

All activities support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal on Climate Action.


The Kilted Otter initiative - An extended Scots Gaelic video game jam

19 August 2021 (The Kilted Otter)

Are you creative? Can you draw, sing, tell stories, play music, write poems, think out of the box? Do you want to learn more about Scots language and culture?

No experience necessary! We will take you from zero to game hero in two months!

Teams and individuals are welcome to apply.

Visit the website for more information and to sign up when registration opens on 1 September 2021.


Opportunities from UK-German Connection

12 August 2021 (UK-German Connection)

Despite the UK no longer being part of the EU, UK-German Connection remains dedicated to supporting partnerships, offering intercultural opportunities, and facilitating connections between schools, youth groups and young people themselves in both countries. 

Current opportunities include the following. Click on the relevant link for more information:

  • Funding for UK-German exchange activities - Schools and youth groups with a partner in Germany can apply for grants for planning visits, taster trips and joint activities, including virtual projects. A series of Q&A webinars will take place throughout September for anyone interested in finding out more about this funding offer.
  • Host a Teacher from Germany - Whether travel is going to be possible or not, you can still bring authentic German language and culture to your classroom in 2021/22. Through the Host a Teacher from Germany programme, your school can host a German teacher (virtually or face-to-face) for one, two or three weeks during the academic year, at no cost. Register by 28 September 2021 (to host in spring and/or summer 2022).
  • UK-German Youth Council - Do you know any top-notch communicators with an interest in UK-German youth relations? There's still time for young people between the ages of 14 and 25 to apply for our UK-German youth council. This network will develop ideas and help co-design programmes and activities for young people in both countries. Applicants from all backgrounds are welcome and German language skills are not a requirement. Deadline: 24 August 2021.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for a full overview of their opportunities and initiatives for young people. Or register to receive their newsletters.


New project celebrating multi-culturalism in Edinburgh launches first episode in series of diverse films

11 August 2021 (Starcatchers)

Theatre Sans Accents, Starcatchers and Bilingualism Matters, present “Arts in Tongues” a pilot mini-web series of 6 short episodes presented by Marion Geoffray and filmed by Lucas Chih-Peng Kao about the diverse communities of artists present in Edinburgh and with the specific aim to engage with families and young children through the arts, multiculturalism and multilingualism. 

The project showcases and celebrates diverse communities in Edinburgh, representing the many faces and tongues of people living in Scotland, giving visibility to under-represented diverse bilingual artists in the performing arts industry. The project seeks to demystify language learning and foster a positive attitude towards mixing cultures and traditions starting with early childhood.

Episode one of 'Arts in Tongues' can be viewed now on the Starcatchers website, with the remaining episodes being released online throughout August.


Supported partnerships through Connecting Classrooms

11 August 2021 (British Council)

If you are new to international collaboration a short-term supported partnership with Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning could open the door to a world of opportunities for your school. 

Supported partnerships are designed for state-funded schools that are new to international collaboration who wish to start their global learning journey without grant funding. 

Clusters of participants – representing a maximum of five UK and five overseas schools – work together on a project linked to a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) that is related to Cop26, the UN Climate Change Conference being held in the UK in November 2021. The project will be delivered during a six week period, starting in November 2021, and will be followed by a final evaluation activity. Please note that only one teacher per eligible UK and overseas school can apply to participate in these collaborations.

We will help you develop your project through three one-hour webinars delivered by a global learning practitioner, who will also provide guidance, CPD and support with any questions that you may have.

Visit the Britsh Council Connecting Classrooms website for more information and sign up to take part by 17 September 2021.


ALLNet Cultural Partner Special: The Goethe-Institut

6 August 2021 (ALL)

In this e-bulletin Special from the Association for Language Learning, find out all about the activities and opportunities for teachers and schools from their partner organisation, the Goethe-Institut.

In addition to professional development for teachers of German, and German language resources, there are also initiatives for pupils with no prior knowledge of the language, such as Gaming in German and the Green Sauce Cookery Show.


UK-German Youth Council 2021-22

17 June 2021 (UK-German Connection)

Do you want to join a lively network of young people and support UK-German Connection in the development of new opportunities for young people? Applications are now open for our UK-German Youth Council!

Young people from both countries aged 14-25 can join this consultation forum to develop new ideas and help co-design UK-German programmes and activities. We welcome applications from young people from all backgrounds and with a range of experiences and interests. German language skills are not a requirement. 

Deadline: 24 August 2021.

For more information about other current opportunities for schools, such as funding for UK-German partnership activities and the Host a Teacher from Germany programme, follow the relevant links below.


Save the Date! L3 knowledge exchange event coming soon….

17 June 2021 (SCILT)

L3 Knowledge Exchange Event flyer

We are delighted to announce that our knowledge event Moving Forward with L3: Challenge and Opportunity will take place online on Friday 10 September from 1.30 – 4pm. The event will explore the ways in which primary and secondary schools are incorporating L3 into the curriculum and will consider some of the challenges it poses. Themed parallel sessions will run throughout the afternoon where participants will have the opportunity to consider key points from presentations delivered and engage in professional dialogue with colleagues. This cross sector event is open to primary and secondary practitioners, language leads, PTs, Faculty heads, local authority development officers and relevant members of the school’s leadership team. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this event and further details on how to register will be available soon.

Renew, Refresh, Re-imagine! Scottish Learning Festival theme announced

16 June 2021 (Education Scotland)

The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) is taking place online on Tuesday 21 September until Thursday 23 September 2021 and the theme for this year’s event has been confirmed: ‘Renew, Refresh, Re-imagine: Learning from our experiences and looking to the future.’

SLF is free to attend and the conference programme is developed to support career long professional learning, helping to keep professional practice fresh, up-to-date and relevant.

Further details will follow soon. Register for updates on the Education Scotland website. 


Online training courses for Spanish teachers (October-November 2021)

15 June 2021 (Consejería de Educación)

The Spanish Ministry of Education through the Consejería de Educación offers places to Spanish teachers in British and Irish schools for 30-hour online courses that will take place between October and November 2021 and will be given by the Spanish National Distance Education University (UNED).

Application deadline is on 27 June 2021. These are free of charge training sessions on grammar, language skills, methodology and resources for teaching Spanish in Primary, etc.

Visit the Spanish Ministry of Education website for full details.


SCILT professional learning programme 2021-22 - book now!

11 June 2021 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages? 
Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher of languages in your secondary school? 
Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader? 
Are you looking for high quality professional learning for your colleagues?
If so, you can request a SCILT workshop for colleagues in your school, department, cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative via the link below. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to collaborate with you to develop bespoke input and support. In addition to practical suggestions, SCILT workshops are designed to explore the pedagogy that underpins practice through discussion and reflection with local colleagues. 
Please visit the professional learning page of our website for further information and details of each of the workshops available. Please note, these workshops are intended for group bookings only. 
During 2021-22, we will run webinars and drop-in sessions which will be open to everyone. Registration for those will be on an event–by–event basis and will be publicised via the SCILT e-bulletin.


Ten steps to Polish - handbook published

8 June 2021 (SCILT)

The Ten Steps to L3 Polish handbook has been published on our website.

Based on the theme of storytelling and travel, this resource offers a rich language and cultural learning experience for teachers introducing Polish as an L3. The resource contains a framework of progression for 10 lessons, links to resources to accompany each lesson and embedded audio files to support pronunciation.

This resource has been developed in partnership with the Polish Educational and Social Society in Glasgow and the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh.

Visit the Primary Resources page of our website.  The handbook is under the Polish heading.

Posted in: Primary, Polish

Host a Teacher from Germany - virtually or face-to-face!

4 June 2021 (UK-German Connection)

Whether travel is going to be possible or not, you can still bring authentic German language and culture to your classroom next academic year.

Registration is now open to ‘Host a teacher from Germany’ - virtually or face-to-face - in 2021-22.

We’ll put you in touch with a teacher from Germany and help you to plan your hosting experience, with ideas for presentations, interactive lessons, group language practice sessions and other bilateral activities between your classes.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and to register. You can also sign up there to one of the Q&A webinars to find out more about the scheme. 

To find out about other opportunities offered by UK-German Connection, including the next Café Connect meet ups for young people, see their Summer Newsletter.


BSL as an L3 - register now

4 June 2021 (SCILT / Garvel Deaf Centre)

SCILT has been working, in collaboration with Garvel Deaf Centre in Gourock, Inverclyde to develop a series of online British Sign Language (BSL) classes to support L3 in primary schools. We are delighted that registration is now open for schools to register their interest in the ‘BSL as an L3’ programme. The weekly lessons will be suitable for pupils in P5-P7 and are free of charge. In addition to the live lessons, supplementary resources such as video clips will be provided on Teams to support asynchronous learning opportunities.

The block of online classes will:

  • begin in early September
  • take place live on MS Teams 
  • be 45 minutes in length, once a week, for 10 weeks
  • be delivered by an experienced deaf tutor, supported by a BSL interpreter
  • raise deaf awareness
  • promote inclusion and diversity

Register your interest by 21 June 2021 via the link below. For more information please contact SCILT. To hear of more opportunities from Scotland’s National Centre for Languages please subscribe to our weekly bulletin -


Related Files

Polish classes for primary teachers – registration deadline approaching

3 June 2021 (Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow / Polish Consulate / SCILT)

SCILT has been working, in collaboration with the Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, and supported by the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh, to produce the much-anticipated resource for primary teachers to support the teaching of L3 Polish in the classroom. We are delighted to announce that this resource will soon be launched and made available to primary teachers ahead of session 21/22. This interactive handbook has been designed for teachers, by teachers and is supported by online classes where primary practitioners can build their confidence for teaching Polish. 

Primary teachers who are interested can register by 11 June 2021 for a block of free online Polish language lessons, led by a native Polish speaker and an experienced primary practitioner. These online classes:

  • begin on Tuesday 31st August
  • will take place on MS Teams
  • will be an hour in length, once a week, for 8 weeks
  • take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays – choose the day that suits you best
  • support Ten Steps to L3 Polish and aim to give the class teacher the confidence to lead exciting Polish lessons in school

This L3 programme has been developed to provide a rich language and cultural learning experience, suitable for children from P5-P7.

Chris Sagan, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, has led the programme from its infancy and looks forward to seeing the resource being used in classrooms across the country. He states, “Since 1989 when Poland was released from the grip of Soviet Russia, the country has grown and developed exponentially so that today Poland is one of the new tiger economies of Europe. Poland now takes her place as an equal among the Nations of Europe.

“It is fitting then that we are going to now introduce to classrooms in Scotland an interactive, web-based handbook to assist teachers who choose to teach Polish as an L3 language. The Ten Steps to L3 Polish handbook has been designed to introduce learners and teachers to the customs, culture and traditions of Poland while learning the basics of the language.

“In addition to the handbook, free language lessons for teachers will be offered to provide support and encouragement. We are eager to welcome Scotland’s teachers to both the handbook and lessons and look forward to hearing enthusiastic Polish voices in classrooms across the country.”

These classes are aimed at teachers planning to introduce Polish as an L3. Places are limited and offered on a first-come first-served basis. 

For more information about Ten Steps to L3 Polish and/or language classes, please contact

Wszystkiego najlepszego.


Related Files

Catching up with the rest of the world: The foreign languages revolution in Scottish schools

30 May 2021 (Press and Journal)

Scottish schools are undergoing a revolution in foreign language learning in an attempt to reverse generations of neglect.

After years of being derided as ‘lazy’ linguists abroad, there are plans to produce a multilingual workforce.

Few school systems demand less foreign language learning from their children than those in the UK.

This is not helped by having a native language that is the ‘lingua franca’ of the world.

But a Scottish Government policy is setting out to change all that.

Under the 1+2 Languages initiative, pupils will learn their own language (L1) plus two others (L2 and L3).

The L2 will be taught from Primary 1, and the L3 from Primary 5 to 7. There will be compulsory teaching of at least one foreign language until S3.

Education bosses will fully implement the “ambitious” policy for the start of the 2021-22 school year.

Based on the last Scottish Government survey in 2019, 88% of primary schools – approximately 1,760 schools – were delivering the full L2 entitlement.

This already represents significant progress. Anyone in their 30s who went to a Scottish state school won’t have studied foreign languages until secondary school.

The Scottish Government has spent more than £45million since 2013 on increasing foreign language learning in schools.

Teachers are currently being provided with training and support in readiness for the changes.


Bòrd na Gàidhlig new website

20 May 2021 (Bòrd na Gàidhlig)

The recently renewed website from Bòrd na Gàidhlig includes useful information about all sectors of gaelic education in Scotland, along with guidance documentation.

Resources are all available in the Education section of the website.


The 2021 Language Show is looking for speakers

18 May 2021 (The Language Show)

Would you like be a speaker at the 2021 virtual Language Show? The show is being delivered online via Zoom between 12-14 November 2021 so you can be based anywhere! Speakers for up to 100 talks in the following areas are being sought:

  • Seminars for language teachers  especially those working in secondary and primary
  • Seminars for learners and language professionals – ways to learn and improve
  • Cultural talks – performances, demonstrations, presentations and experiences that can be delivered on Zoom

Visit the website for more information and submit your suggestion by 6 June 2021.


Re-launch of grants for UK-German Partnership activities

17 May 2021 (UK-German Connection)

We’re delighted to announce the re-launch of our new grants for UK-German partnership activities! 

Our refreshed funding offer is similar to the grants we offered before but has been adapted to recent external developments and the changing landscape of international activity.

Schools and youth groups with a partner in Germany can now apply for the following grants: 

  • Partnership Visit Fund - staff planning visits. Visit your partners to kick-start your link and plan future activities. Deadline: rolling.
  • Instant Impact - first-time taster trips for young people. Give your pupils / young people the chance to meet their peers in Germany and gain an insight into the life and culture of your partner school or group. Deadline: rolling.
  • Flexible Funding Scheme - joint thematic projects and activities, including virtual partnership activities and/or reciprocal visits. Work together on thematic activities and engage in intercultural dialogue. Deadlines: 16 July, 1 October 2021.

For an overview of the grants available, as well as guidelines and application forms, please visit the UK-German Connection funding webpage. The page includes the option to sign up for Q&A webinars to find out more about the funding offer. Follow links to the individual grant pages to register for the webinars.

If you have plans for upcoming activities and would like to discuss your ideas, please contact us via - we’re here to help!


Scots leid competition 2021

14 May 2021 (Scottish Book Trust)

Young people aged 11-18 are invited to write a Scots story, poem, play or make a short video inspired by the Scots phrase 'Lang may yer lum reek'. Your story must be in Scots and under 500 words (or five minutes).

Visit the Scottish Book Trust website for more information about the competition and enter by Wednesday 18 August, midday.


French Film Festival UK 2021

13 May 2021 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK’s Learning Programme continues to bring French-speaking cinema to Scotland’s schools throughout May and June 2021.

A selection of films on DVD are available on request and will be sent directly to schools. To accompany the selection of films for different age groups, school screenings are enhanced by online learning resources prepared by Lise Morel. Participating teachers will be able to download these Learning Packs as PDFs to use in the classroom. These resources have been designed in accordance with the Modern Languages Experience and Outcomes for Curriculum for Excellence.

Please note that for schools within attainment challenge authorities, this resource is available free of charge. For further information, email

Zoo Fun with Mandarin (virtual course)

12 May 2021 (RZSS)

This unique course introduces you and your family to the Mandarin language and Chinese characters while also learning about some Chinese animals and their habitats. Designed for 8 years right through to adults but children must be accompanied by an adult. The course is a series of three, one hour live virtual sessions spread across three days. Two opportunities to book. The course will run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10am on 20-22 July and repeated on 27-29 July. The course is for beginners and has had great reviews from previous participants: "Great balance of listening, interaction and engagement. Brilliant resources and a great experience."  Booking is through Eventbrite - Zoo Fun with Mandarin


May Bitesize: Parental Engagement in Schools – Primary & Secondary drop-in

11 May 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student primary teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s Bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In May 2021, we’re looking at parental engagement and how schools approach this in a languages context. So join the drop-in on 26 May, share your ideas and experiences and hear what others do too!  

Find out more, along with the registration link, on our Bitesize webpage.


Partial Early Level Experiences & Outcomes and Benchmarks for modern languages have been published!

11 May 2021 (Education Scotland)

Es & Os and Benchmarks for modern languages for a Primary 1 start to language learning were published on the NIH on Monday, 10th May and represent an important piece of national curricular support for the 1+2 policy. The original Es & Os published in 2009 for modern languages were for curriculum levels 2, 3 & 4 only, as language learning in primary schools at that time traditionally began in P6. When the 1+2 policy was introduced in 2012/13 in schools, Education Scotland provided First Level Es and Os to support practitioners with planning to introduce language teaching from an earlier stage in primary schools; these represented a sufficient resource for a number of years, however, a measure of success of the implementation of the policy has meant that many more schools have language learning fully in place from Primary 1, hence the need for a partial suite of Es & Os and Benchmarks to support teachers with a P1 start to language learning (as the 1+2 policy begins in P1 and is not funded for pre-P1 learning) and comprise eight Es, Os and benchmark statements.


Write Away! - Call for submissions

11 May 2021 (Light Bulb Languages)

Write Away! is an exciting project from Light Bulb Languages. It's a magazine celebrating the writing that primary children do in their language lessons.

We are now accepting submissions for issue 6 up until 23.59 on Friday 21 May 2021.

Visit the website for full submission guidelines.


Beyond the Panda CLPL

5 May 2021 (RZSS)

Beyond the Panda is the RZSS giant panda and Mandarin education programme. RZSS is a science specialist Confucius Classroom and offers a unique programme covering science while learning some of the Mandarin language and Chinese characters. It is designed for cross curricular learning where students investigate and discover more about China, its culture, language, geography, giant pandas and other Chinese wildlife. 

This virtual CLPL course will hope to engage and inspire teaching staff to use the Beyond the Panda online resources with their students in order to develop a love of nature, animals and conservation and in particular to realise the biodiversity of China and the relevance of the Chinese language and culture. Delivered through Microsoft Teams within Glow. 

In partnership with DYWLive and eSgoil, there are three opportunities to book, starting at 4pm on either Tuesday 25th May, Thursday 10th or Thursday 17th June. Booking is through DYWLive, under Professional Learning - Beyond the Panda CLPL 


MTOT 2021 - winner videos now available!

30 April 2021 (SCILT)

In academic session 2020-21, after a short hiatus, SCILT relaunched the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, with a new focus on the spoken word. Learners were invited not only to write a poem in their mother or other tongue, but to perform it so that their words could be heard in their own voice. The work produced by all the young poets who took part was wonderful, especially during this most challenging year. The winning and highly commended video entries from this year's competition in Scotland are now available to view on the MTOT Awards page of SCILT's website.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - next deadline 21 May!

29 April 2021 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) encourages innovation and creativity in the promotion of language skills through meaningful engagement between employers and schools. The award aims to help schools and businesses to build partnerships through languages and supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community.

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 21 May 2021

Due to restrictions over the past year, online events and activities will be accepted as evidence towards the award. To read the full guidelines, watch videos from the pilot schools and read case studies from previous winners, visit the SLEA page on the SCILT website. 

If you have any questions about the award or the submission process please contact SCILT


Online training scholarships for British French teachers

24 April 2021 (Institut français)

This year, the Cultural Service of the French Embassy in London / Institut français in the United Kingdom are supporting 15 grants for online training in partnership with "CAVILAM-Alliance française". Aimed at primary and secondary school teachers from all over the UK, the training consists of a face-to-face course on issues that are essential for the teachers of the 21st-century, such as holding face-to-face and virtual classes.⠀⠀

Visit the Institut français website for more information and apply by 9 May 2021.


Climate action in language education

22 April 2021 (British Council)

Today is Earth Day and British Council is bringing people together around the world through The Climate Connection to meet the challenges of climate change.

Amongst their resources on climate for schools there is a collection to help you integrate environmental issues into language teaching, learning and assessment, including a 3-module professional learning course for language teachers. The first module starts on 28 April 2021.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to register for the course.


French Pop Video Competition 2021

20 April 2021 (Institut français du Royaume-Uni)

Are you looking for an exciting languages project for your students after half term? The Institut français du Royaume-Uni has launched the French Pop Video Competition 2021, a video song contest for all primary and secondary school students in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and the Channel Islands. 

The competition deadline has been extended and teachers now have until 30 April 2021 to submit their students’ video clips in 3 age-categories with a chance to win books, tablets, and attend a special Francophonie UK School Music Awards live music ceremony with the Institut français on the occasion of Fête de la Musique 2021!

Can you sing or rap in French ? Do you have video skills? Then this competition is for you!

To top it all, with the support of Francophonie UK, the Institut français and Alliances françaises du Royaume-Uni will offer a limited number of FREE "Learning French through music" workshops for state-sector schools entering the competition. If you are interested, please contact 

Please spread the word to your students and colleagues, we look forward to your successful participation!



Related Files

Teachers Learning to Teach Languages: OU-SCILT Programme

1 April 2021 (Open University/SCILT)

Registration for the Open University (OU) and SCILT online CPD programme in primary languages, known as TELT, is now open for the 2021 intake. The modules begin on 2 October with induction activities starting on 20 September, and finish in July 2022. The fee in Scotland is £264.00 per module place. Please request registration packs by 30 June 2021.

You can find important information about the programme at our dedicated TELT programme websiteThere you can see which languages and levels we offer, FAQs and what our past students say.

To register, please contact the OU corporate registrations team by writing to NB please also copy into your email.

Please note it is important for prospective TELT students to plan ahead and ensure that they will be able to dedicate sufficient time to their study, because, once the module start date has passed, deferral is not possible. The fee will still be payable and cannot be refunded if students decide to defer or withdraw from studying the module.

Should you have any questions about this programme please contact


Calling all 1+2 LLP/Train the Trainer participants 2014-2019 – Join the Languages Leadership Programme Team!

25 March 2021 (SCILT)

Did you attend Education Scotland and SCILT’s Summer School for the 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme 2017-2019, or Train the Trainer 2014-2016? If so, then this role might be for you!

Scotland’s new Languages Leadership Programme launches in June of this year. To begin with, participants will attend 2 days of online professional learning led by Education Scotland on 18-19 June through a vibrant online LLP learning community using Teams in Glow.

During 2021-22, participants will then take part in the LLP affiliated professional learning of their choice from a menu of LLP affiliated opportunities from Education Scotland, SCILT and LANGS partners. During this time they will complete a number of critical reflection tasks in relation to their leadership activity and LLP affiliated professional learning. Over the course of the year, Critical Friends will each support a small number of participants, providing regular feedback on their critical reflection tasks.

Wondering whether you could be a critical friend?

  • Have you benefitted from taking part in the 1+2 LLP/TTT programme yourself?
  • Have you previously undertaken or would you like to undertake a coaching, mentoring or critical friend role to support colleagues with their professional development?

If so, then you will bring a wealth of commitment, understanding and skills to the new Critical Friend role on this innovative pilot. You will be involved in the evaluation process at different stages during the year and professional learning and support will be provided to you. In addition, Critical Friends will also be supported to submit an individual application for GTCS Professional Recognition. 

Visit the registration page to find out how you can apply to join the LLP team as a Critical Friend by Monday 17 May.

If you have any questions about applying for this role, please email and include ‘LLP’ in the subject line.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Around the world with stamps

15 March 2021 (StampIT)

StampIT has launched its first worldwide competition which is open to 5-15 year olds worldwide!  

Create a presentation linked to postage stamps for a chance to win e-vouchers. Stamps are a great medium to learn about language and culture. The competition encourages children to include some elements in a second language to their own.  

The entry can be a written or video presentation and full details are at the StampIT website. Please read the attached flyer and rules carefully.  

Entrants don’t have to own the stamp or stamps they choose to do their project. They can see a range of stamps within the games and activities on the website which link to Spanish, French, Mandarin, Japanese and Gaelic but they can also choose any stamp from any country worldwide.  

The closing date is 30 April 2021. 


Related Files

Cultural contexts for primary language learning - March Bitesize

10 March 2020 (SCILT)

This month, SCILT invites you to join us to consider how aspects of bilingual pupils’ home cultures or cultures related to the L2/L3 languages taught in your school can be sourced and shared meaningfully in class.

Learn from and with others in this month’s drop-in session. Our special guests will be a trio of practising teachers with a host of experience who recently contributed to a presentation at a conference in Spain on this topic:

  • Jennifer Maxwell, NQT, Dykesmain Primary School, North Ayrshire
  • Lindsay Allan, Languages Lead, Neilston Primary Primary School, East Renfrewshire - Scottish Education Award 2020 Internationalism and Languages Category Finalist
  • Kirsten Barrett, EAL teacher and eTwinning Ambassador, St Maria Goretti Primary School, Glasgow

Hear how intercultural and international connections have worked for their pupils. Come and share your own experiences and successes.

For the reflective questions and to join us for a drop-in session to discuss this theme on Wednesday 24th March, click on the link below.


Mois de la Francophonie 2021 – Royaume-Uni

8 March 2021 (Institut français)

Every year on 20 March, countries around the world celebrate Francophonie through cultural events honouring the French language. On this occasion, the Institut français du Royaume-Uni, the Institut français d’Ecosse, the UK network of Alliances Françaises and the Francophonie UK partners in the UK, dedicate the whole month of March to events and initiatives celebrating the language of Molière, Ramuz and Senghor!

This year, festivities include the National Finals of the Joutes Oratoires Lycéennes, the 3rd edition of the French Pop Video Competition open to all primary and secondary schools across the 4 nations, the return of the Grand Quiz de la Francophonie, a panel discussion on the importance of learning languages for the UK post-Brexit, an exclusive webinar on how to integrate the diversity of Francophone cultures in the French language classroom, the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators and much more. 

Full programme details can be found on the Institut français website. Find out now how you can get involved in celebrating la Francophonie!


Beyond the Panda free virtual sessions

2 March 2021 (RZSS)

Beyond the Panda is taking bookings now for live virtual sessions for next school year, we are fully booked for this year until end of June. Beyond the Panda has an exciting 7/8 week progressive programme for upper primary level, P4-P7. The key objectives are detailed on the second page of the pdf attached. This programme is an exciting introduction to the Mandarin language while learning lots of science. Sandie Robb, a registered teacher but has been working with RZSS for many years and manages the Science Specialist Confucius Classroom delivers these interactive sessions using skulls, models and language games. The programme also links with a native Chinese teacher. Sessions 1- 7 are delivered as live virtual sessions but it is hoped that the 8th session may be delivered as an outreach when restrictions are lifted. In addition, there are two individual sessions for lower primary, P1-P3. Sessions are delivered on Microsoft Teams within Glow.

Further information on the Beyond the Panda website. To book contact 


Related Files

MTOT 2021 - winners announced!

25 February 2021 (SCILT)

Whilst the current pandemic prevented us from hosting this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue celebratory awards event in the stunning Ramshorn Building in Glasgow, we managed to host our very own online red carpet event instead! Pupils, teachers and parents joined us online to hear the winners announced on the afternoon of Friday 19 February, a date especially chosen to tie in with International Mother Language Day on 21 February celebrating all world languages.

We are delighted to announce the following winners and highly commended entries in each category:

Mother Tongue







Zayne Emengo-Okpo

St Aloysius College JS


Highly commended

Eloïse Harkins

St Aloysius College JS




Lucja Lubanska

St Charles’ Primary


Highly commended

Ahmad Raza

Newmains Primary




Pranay Neppalli

Craigmount High


Highly commended

Filip Strzalka

Craigmount High




Chancelvie Bembo

St Benedicts


Highly commended

Lovely Selwyn

Bishopbriggs Academy


Other Tongue







Abbie Rettie

Goodlyburn Primary


Highly commended

Haroon Majid

Braidbar Primary


Highly commended

Stephanie Mackay-Watt

Goodlyburn Primary




Isobel Ross

Braidbar Primary


Highly commended

Evelina Finkova

Goodlyburn Primary




Rona Bryden

Loudoun Academy


Highly commended

Anna d’Alessio

Bishopbriggs Academy


Highly commended

Alistair Hillis





Lewis Fleming

St Thomas Aquinas


Highly commended

Anya Jarvis

Loudoun Academy


Highly commended

Ellie McGill

Carrick Academy



All pupils will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also receive a trophy as well as the opportunity for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive and Kids Poetry Club podcast. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward.

It is our intention to host each of these poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available.

Congratulations again to all our finalists!

German Educational Trainees Across Borders 2021/22

25 February 2021 (Get Across Borders / SCILT)

Expressions of interest are now being taken from local authorities who would like to host a German student teacher for a 6 month placement during the 2021/22 school session.

German trainee teachers from Universities in Mainz, Leipzig and Koblenz are available to work in Scottish schools for a six month placement from September/October 2021 to March/April 2022. Participating students are native German speakers, training to become secondary teachers of English. 

German Educational Trainees (GETs) support language teaching and intercultural understanding, bringing language alive for learners with a trained and motivated native speaker. 

Local authorities interested in hosting GETs should register with SCILT by Friday 26th March. For more information and to register your interest please contact SCILT

Concours de la Francophonie 2021

18 February 2021 (Institut français)

The Institut français d’Ecosse launches le Concours de la Francophonie, a national school competition to encourage all young French learners and their teachers around Scotland and to celebrate the international day of la francophonie.

The competition is open to all Scottish primary and secondary schools offering French. Enter by submitting a short video of classroom activity in French by 15 March 2021.

Visit the Institut français d’Ecosse website for more information.


Mandarin for BGE 2021

18 February 2021 (CISS)

Do you want to include Mandarin in your school's curriculum but don't currently have the resources? CISS is offering 10 week blocks of live-streamed language and culture classes for Primary P5-P7 and Secondary S1-S3 to start in August 2021.

Further information can be found in the attached flyer. Register interest by 12 March 2021.

Related Files

SCILT Lessons from Lockdown Learning

4 February 2021 (SCILT)

During the first period of lockdown last year, from early May until the end of June, SCILT delivered a series of online live language classes which were open to learners across Scotland. With the help of feedback from learners and parents, and the input of external observers, we have examined and evaluated this online learning and teaching experience, and in the report, we share these evaluations and the key lessons learned during this time. We hope that it might prove helpful to teachers in the planning and delivery of online lessons.

We would also love to hear from you! We would really value your thoughts about your experiences of online teaching and any suggestions that you have, either for Professional Learning or support which we could provide, or advice that you would wish to pass on to fellow practitioners. Get in touch at!

Read SCILT Lessons from Lockdown – A review of online learning and teaching

Local teacher celebrates Scotland’s languages landscape

4 February 2021 (La Jolie Ronde)

An enterprising teacher in Hamilton, has celebrated Languages Week Scotland 2021 by holding French online storytelling sessions, all free of charge, for young children in the area.

Sandrine Bache, who runs her French School “La Jolie Ronde French – Hamilton”, teaches extracurricular French classes in two local nurseries and in venues in Hamilton to aged 3 to 12 plus, following the award winning La Jolie Ronde programme.

With ongoing Government school closures and strict guidelines for outsider providers, disruption to extracurricular classes continues. Against all the odds stacked against her and venturing into unknow “ed-tech” territory, Sandrine was determined to keep her students bilingual journey moving, so took her classes online to resounding success from both students and parents.

Languages Week Scotland runs every February with aim of amplifying the voices of people, organisations and events that celebrate multilingualism and the many ways it manifests in Scottish communities. 

Sandrine says “Languages Week usually takes place and is enjoyed each year across Scotland’s schools, however, with lockdown firmly in place and many parents at home with their children, rather than not do anything to celebrate this wonderful event, I decided to hold some fun online storytelling events so both children and families could join in.  Today our “les petites histoires (little stories) was all about creatures in “la forêt” (the forest).  As well as speaking in French to introduce the animals, I also use BSL, British Sign Language, which I feel is so important particularly for Early Years children.  The session was so well received and attended by lots of children and families enjoying and engaging I definitely going to continue with my French tales”.

Sandrine, who is a French native and originally born on the outskirt of Paris, has always had a passion for languages which stemmed from when she was introduced to English when she was just five years old.  She then later studied English, Spanish and Italian finally concentrating on English at University. 

Moving to Scotland eight years ago, she is proud mum to her eight-year-old son who unsurprisingly is bilingual.

Sandrine has several online French classes, for all ages, running across the week and weekend.

For more information about Sandrine’s classes including her FREE Taster Sessions, please email:

Chinese New Year resources

4 February 2021 (CISS)

Learn about Chinese New Year and the Year of the Ox with a range of resources collated on the CISS website. They include some fun videos on this important festival created by the CISS Chinese Exchange Teachers. 


Host a Teacher from Germany - virtually!

3 February 2021 (UK-German Connection)

You can still bring authentic German language and culture to your classroom this year, even if travel isn’t possible at the moment.

Registration is now open to ‘Host a teacher from Germany’ virtually(*) in spring or summer 2021. We’ll put you in touch with a teacher from Germany and help you to plan your virtual hosting experience, with ideas for presentations, interactive lessons, group language practice sessions and other bilateral activities between your classes.

(*) Please note that in registering to host virtually, there will also be the possibility to transfer your hosting experience to a face-to-face visit if you wish, as and when travel is possible again.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more and to register by 23 February 2021.


Discovering the World of Arabic 2021-22

28 January 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International and eSgóil, is currently looking for schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through our Discovering the World of Arabic programme.  

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for both primary and secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and culture. Courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and a specially commissioned writing team of native speakers, with language lessons delivered online by a native speaker of Arabic via e-Sgoil. For learners in primary schools the course will be offered as a ten-week interdisciplinary block of learning and is aimed at P5-P7 pupils. For secondary schools, the course will focus on developing conversational Arabic which will enhance learners’ employability skills and runs until March 2022. It is aimed at S6 senior phase learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and their CVs. Both courses are delivered using a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams. Participating schools will also receive the support of a fully-trained, native speaking, language assistant. The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arabic culture as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

Classes are provisionally scheduled as follows:

  • Primary - Tuesdays and Thursdays 13.30-14.30, starting August 2021
  • Secondary - Mondays and Wednesdays13.30-14.30, starting June 2021

In addition, participating schools will receive ongoing support from the SCILT team and a grant of £2000. This can provide schools with resources and experiences that enhance and support the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arabic culture.

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please contact SCILT at before close of business on Friday 19 February 2021. Please include the following information in your note of interest:

  • Name of school and your nominated contact person
  • Brief reasons for your establishment's interest in this project, and how it would fit into your school's provision for language learning.
  • What ideas you have, if any, for spending the bursary associated with the project.
  • How you would share this learning experience with your wider community (this could be both within your school and externally)?

Express Yourself in Lockdown

21 January 2021 (British Council)

Speaking a language confidently and coherently is an important part of the curriculum throughout the four devolved education departments in the United Kingdom, and forms a critical part of linguistic and cultural development for all learners of languages.

However, the impact of Covid-19 has meant that many pupils have had fewer opportunities to speak the languages they are learning.  Therefore, the Association for Language Learning , the British Council and the cultural and linguistic bodies in the United Kingdom have combined efforts to devise an exciting event entitled ‘Express Yourself in Lockdown’.

This will be an opportunity to showcase language learners’ enjoyment of a language that they are learning or that is normally used in their home community from home (except for English!). 

Visit the British Council website for more information and share performances on the designated social platforms by 28 February 2021.


Languages Week Scotland 2021 - Using film to teach languages

21 January 2021 (Screen Scotland)

Screen Scotland has put together a resource for Languages Week Scotland 2021 on using film to teach languages. See the attached document. There's also a Microsoft Team available to join for all subject teachers looking to teach with film: Screen Scotland: Film Education

SCILT professional learning leaflet

21 January 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT offers a wide range of professional learning opportunities for pre- and in-service teachers. Primary, secondary. Synchronous, asynchronous. One off, ongoing. Check out our updated CLPL flyer for all the details you need. Download and share with colleagues in your next virtual staff meeting.

Like you, our friendly primary and secondary Professional Development Officers are working online from home at the moment.  Make a booking or send a query to with CLPL in the subject line.  Alternatively, go direct to the Professional Learning area of the website to browse some more.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Online French resources

12 January 2021 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française Glasgow has collated a selection of online resources to explore French culture and language learning at home. There's something for all ages - check out the links on the website.


Engage with the wider school community and develop blended learning

12 January 2021 (PowerLanguage)

In order to support Schools and their wider communities, we have created a new package to help with home learning. 

Our PowerLanguage Online Course for Families - available in French or Spanish - has been successfully running in many parts of Scotland since 2016. It was designed to develop the partnership between Schools, pupils and the wider community. Parents and carers can embark on a meaningful and exciting language journey shared by all family members!

  • The course is accessible online or through an App. It contains 6 lessons which follow a gentle progression, reinforcing the key language introduced in Primary Schools. 
  • In each lesson, new structures are presented in French or Spanish, as well as in English, by a native tutor or in an animation. Watch an extract on Vimeo or Youtube
  • The cultural podcasts introduce slices of French/Spanish life and focus on playground games, songs, special monuments and various landscapes. Small tasks are attached to each video. Watch an extract on Vimeo or Youtube.
  • Families can assess their progress through short challenges at the end of each lesson. One of the 3 challenges can be delivered at School, thus reinforcing the link between School and home learning.

A case study on the impact of this Course on families and schools was produced in Scotland in 2016 by Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT). 

You can also watch this video to see the impact of our Course for Families on a school and its wider community in Western Australia.

Cost: in order to make the Course available to all, a licence can be bought by the School and shared with their wider community. The annual cost is £100 per course (French or Spanish). Schools can also buy the course for a one-off fee of £500 per course for indefinite use. (Schools who have previously purchased this Course used some of their PEF funding to cover the cost). 

Level: The course is available in French or Spanish for primary school learners and their families who are beginners/post beginners.

Scottish Schools may wish to launch this Course in advance of Languages Week Scotland (1-5 February 2021). 

Please contact us to find out more or visit our website. 


Year of the Ox Education Pack

11 January 2021 (British Council)

According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, we enter the Year of the Ox on 12 February 2021.

These education resources contain information and activities to help teachers and pupils learn more about this important spring festival and explore Chinese culture. Your pupils can read a version of the traditional story of the New Year Race, create shadow puppets of the main characters and make a traditional Chinese lantern.

These resources are suitable for primary years and adaptable for early secondary years and older.


La Jolie Ronde French and Spanish Free Trials

11 January 2021 (La Jolie Ronde)

During Languages Week Scotland, 1-5 February 2021, FREE TRIALS will be available of La Jolie Ronde's two award winning French and Spanish resources.  

La Jolie Ronde Languages for Children is a leading early language learning organisation offering a proven method of teaching young children French and Spanish. La Jolie Ronde’s award winning programmes are unique, modern and of the highest quality. FREE TRIALS on their resources are available as follows:

  • Little Languages Resource (P1-P3)
  • French and Spanish Resource (P4-P7)
  • French or Spanish free taster Online class

For more information email



French Pop Video Competition 2021

7 January 2021 (Institut français)

Do you think you could sing or rap in French? Do you have the skills to make a video clip for your song? If so, this competition is for you!

Open to any student or groups of students in full time primary or secondary education in the UK. Entries will be judged in 3 age-group categories: 7-11, 12-15, and 16-18.

Visit the competition website for more information. Register and submit entries by 31 March 2021.


Boost German and intercultural learning in your school with a Cultural Exchange Ambassador

15 December 2020 (UK-German Connection)

Calling all schools hosting a German Language Assistant! 

We’re expanding our network of Cultural Exchange Ambassadors - Language Assistants can apply now to join a dynamic group, already running fun UK-German projects with their pupils!

While travel is out of bounds, give your pupils an authentic taste of Germany: encourage your German Language Assistant to become a Cultural Exchange Ambassador, join a UK-German network and run a class-to-class project with a German school. 

This programme, offered by UK-German Connection, has wide-reaching benefits:

  • Pupils gain an authentic connection to their German peers, helping improve both their linguistic and cultural understanding and increase their motivation
  • Language Assistants learn & strengthen valuable skills, including project management, teamwork & communication, and benefit from peer-to-peer exchange
  • Schools benefit from curricular-focused projects, which connect their pupils with another country, culture & language

“A brilliant initiative by our FLA, thoroughly enjoyed by all participants, most of whom have now opted for GCSE German.” (Head of German department)

For more information about the programme, visit: 

You can also sign up for an online Q&A session via the above web page.

Deadline: Monday, 18 January 2021

For questions and further information, please contact


Euroquiz 2021

8 December 2020 (SEET)

Have you registered your teams for the Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET) Euroquiz competition? The annual project is open to all P6 pupils across Scotland, which sees teams of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe and the wider world. Subjects covered include languages, history, geography, culture and European affairs. Heats take place in local authorities from January to March, with the winning teams from all areas progressing to the National Euroquiz Final held in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament in June.

Visit the SEET website for more information and to register.


Cook and learn with Linguacuisine

8 December 2020 (Linguacuisine)

The free Linguacuisine app helps you learn French, German and Spanish while you’re cooking a festive treat! Have fun baking with a friend, learn some new words and then feed your family and friends with a French Bûche de Noël, German Lebkuchen or Spanish Mantecados. You can do it online or by using the attached recipe card. 

Visit the website for lots more recipes in a wide range of languages.


Related Files

SCILT Christmas 2020 webpage - now live!

4 December 2020 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your pupils, from interactive advent calendars and games, to lesson plans and festive facts. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and around the world!


Discovering China is back!

3 December 2020 (CISS)

Connecting Classrooms partnership funding

24 November 2020 (British Council)

There’s no more authentic way for pupils to learn about global issues than by working with their peers in another country.

Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning can help UK-based schools find partner schools in more than 30 countries across Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.

Once you’ve made a connection we have a range of support to help you get started and build a strong and sustainable school partnership, including the best online platforms to use for your international school collaboration. One to one partnerships or cluster groups can also apply for funding to cover a range of activities to share learning. The next funding deadline is 2 December 2020.

Visit the website for more information.


Beyond the Panda free virtual sessions

18 November 2020 (RZSS)

Beyond the Panda flyer

FREE virtual Beyond the Panda sessions available for all primary levels linking science with Mandarin language learning. Delivered on Microsoft Teams within Glow. Fully booked this term but taking bookings now for the new year. Booking up fast! Email

Also see the Beyond the Panda website for follow-on resources.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - videos from pilot schools

13 November 2020 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) aims to help schools and businesses to build partnerships through languages in order to develop young people’s learning about the world of work and the value of language skills.

Videos are now available on our website of two of the SLEA pilot schools talking about their experience of working towards, and submitting evidence for, the award. These include advice from teachers and school co-ordinators, and feedback from pupils who took part in the qualifying events, and would be useful for any teachers considering putting their school forward for the award. Huge thanks to the staff and pupils at St Mary’s Primary School and Bishopbriggs Academy for their fantastic contributions!

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 22nd January 2021. In view of the current restrictions, online events and activities will count towards the award. Please get in touch with Sheena Bell if you have any questions about any aspect of the submission process or if you would like more information about the award generally.


IDL and languages in primary: November Bitesize

11 November 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT's monthly Bitesize drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s Bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

The November Bitesize event looks at examples of using an IDL approach to support language teaching and learning in the primary classroom.

Visit our Bitesize webpage to find out more about the session taking place on Wednesday 25 November and to register.


Oxford German Olympiad 2021

10 November 2020 (Oxford German Network)

The 2021 Oxford German Olympiad run by the Oxford German Network at the University of Oxford is now open.

A range of age-specific tasks can be found on the competition website along with a taster category for entrants with no prior knowledge of German.

All the activities centre around this year's competition theme of Die Alpen.

Visit the website for more information. Closing date for entries: 11 March 2021.


ELAPSE project resources

10 November 2020 (LFEE)

LFEE is delighted to announce that their 2-year Erasmus+ funded project ELAPSE (Embedding Language into Primary and Secondary Education) has been completed.

Visit the LFEE website for information about the lesson plans and resources, all freely available to teachers around the world. 


uTalk Language Games

5 November 2020 (uTalk)

image of uTalk platform

Teachers in Scotland are offered a free trial of an award-winning way of boosting pupils’ spoken language skills which can be used at home or at school.

The uTalk Language Games uses audio of native speakers and interactive games – which run on computers, tablets or smartphones - to boost students’ speaking skills in any of 140 languages including Scottish Gaelic and Scots.

Importantly the uTalk Language Games also give pupils the chance to learn a new language - eg French - from Scottish Gaelic, Scots, Scottish English or 100+ other languages. 

More than 25,000 students have used this language learning method over the last 20 years and for your free trial please contact Vikki at

Run by London-based education company uTalk, students learn independently by playing language games on their devices, scoring points and competing for ranking on an online leaderboard.

There is no age limit and entry costs £5 per person. For more details see

Teacher Miss Kaye Smith, who entered pupils in last year’s uTalk Language Games, says: “I was so happy to connect with uTalk which provided the children at The Glasgow Academy with a new, meaningful and challenging way of engaging with languages. I would encourage language practitioners and students to engage with uTalk and all the wonderful possibilities it can offer. It was an enjoyable and enriching experience for all who took part.”

The uTalk Language Games was previously called the uTalk Junior Language Challenge which won the prestigious Threlford Cup from the Chartered Institute of Linguists for making a significant contribution to fostering the study of languages.


Learn German with the Goethe-Institut

4 November 2020 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut offers a range of initiatives for language teachers and students of German. Here is their latest selection of upcoming opportunities. Click on the relevant link to find out more:

  • Fun Ways to Teach Syntax and Grammar (10 November 2020) - Presentation of a variety of cooperative games and whole class activities which can be easily adapted to different groups at primary level. Register by 9 November.
  • Arsenal Double Club online workshop (12 November 2020) - Open to primary and secondary teachers, the award winning educational programme combining football and language learning will introduce you to their German language learning resources in this online session. Register by 11 November.
  • German Quiz Challenge drop in session (18 November 2020) - This session is to help teachers get to grips with this new and exciting resource for them and their 13-16 year old learners of German. See a presentation of the new German Quiz Challenge app on YouTube.
  • Poetry workshop with world poetry slam champion Harry Baker (27 November and 4 December 2020) - Pupils in Years 10 and 11 are invited to take part in a poetry workshop allowing them to actively use the German language in a fun setting while also getting to know other secondary school students from across the UK. Register by 20 November.
  • Christmas traditions in the German classroom (1 December 2020) - This session for primary teachers will focus on the traditions and rituals around Christmas and how to integrate them into your German lessons. This is a fantastic way to expand cultural knowledge and motivate your students. Register by 30 November.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig calls on young people to help guide Gaelic into a new era

30 October 2020 (Bòrd na Gàidhlig)

Gaelic organisations are asking young people across the country to stand up and be heard as Bòrd na Gàidhlig launch opportunities for their voices to be listened to. 
BnG will be running online surveys for young people based on their opinions and ideas for Gaelic usage and how to increase this within their communities. 
The two surveys, which will be distributed to schools and community groups, are for Primary 5-7, Secondary pupils S1-S6 and for school leavers. The surveys will run until 15 November as the Gaelic development body collates opinions critical to the future of the language and how young people can help contribute to this across Scotland. 

More information can be found on the attached press release or by visiting the Bòrd na Gàidhlig website.


Related Files

P1 & P2 French language teachers needed for Creative Puppetry Research Project

29 October 2020 (Le Petit Monde)

Cover of Lapin is Hungry book

For her Masters in Education’s Final Year Project, Teaching Artist Tania is planning to conduct a case study to research if a play and creative puppetry based approach to learning can bring changes to Early Years language teaching and learning and if any, which ones. Health & Well-Being potential effects will also be analysed and discussed.

For this:

  • She is looking to remotely collaborate with 2 teachers of French language (one P1 and one P2) to deliver 4 lessons each and 2 suitable observers of the sessions. Ideally, the school will be within the Central Belt.
  • The project will be based on the bilingual picture book Lapin is Hungry, which contains food vocabulary and greeting words. Pupils and teachers will make simple puppets and playfully re-enact the story, speaking French in the process.
  • Lessons will be planned and evaluated through a community of practice method (via online chats) and could be part of the usual time allocated to French learning.
  • Teachers’ time could count as CLPL hours.
  • Possible timeline: sparingly from November with lessons delivered in Jan / Feb 2021.

To register your interest or ask any questions, please fill in this short form.

New drive to bring Arabic into Scottish schools

27 October 2020 (TES)

A new initiative aims to bring the teaching of Arabic into both primary and secondary schools in Scotland.

This week the Scottish primaries involved in a new programme offering an insight into Arabic language and culture will receive boxes of Arabic artefacts, such as books, scarves, musical instruments and tea sets.

Scottish schools are open but movement in and out of buildings remains restricted as a result of Covid-19. Scilt, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, has, however, found a way to bring the wider world to pupils at a time when their ability to travel is also much reduced.

The centre, based at the University of Strathclyde, is offering an insight into Arabic language and culture in 15 primary and secondary schools around Scotland. The courses include online lessons from native-speaking teachers of Arabic in the UK and link-ups with native Arabic speakers overseas.

The centre was keen to make the experience tangible, hence the delivery of the boxes.

Scilt director Fhiona Mackay says: “It’s really important that we encourage diversity in language learning. That’s what the 1+2 approach to language learning [in Scotland] should be all about – particularly language three should be an opportunity to explore languages that otherwise children would not be exposed to. It is absolutely right that they should have the chance to experience a language that does not have the same script or alphabet as Latin or Germanic-based languages.

“We also wanted to make sure that children were getting a view of the Arabic world that was not about war, terrorism or refugees. We wanted them to see there is something quite wonderful about this ancient civilisation and help them relate that back to their own experience in Scotland.”

The courses offer learners the chance to explore the secular culture of Arabic nations and to receive a grounding in the Arabic language, which is a first language in more than 20 countries and the fifth most widely spoken in the world.


Action on climate change

26 October 2020 (British Council)

British Council eTwinning is offering free live CPD and resources on climate change throughout November. Help your class to tackle #ClimateChange together with pupils from across the world.

Visit the British Council eTwinning website for more information. As well as the Climate Change November programme, you can also find other ready made step-by-step guides to help you start an international project. 


French Film Festival 2020

23 October 2020 (French Film Festival)

Running from 4 November to 17 December online and in cinemas up and down the UK, the 2020 Fête du cinéma offers a range of films, documentaries and shorts along with a selection specifically aimed at French language learners in schools.

Visit the French Film Festival website for full programme details.


Online professional learning workshops from SCILT

23 October 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT is hosting two free online workshops in November and December, open to any primary teacher or student primary teacher. Bookings are now open, find out more about each workshop and register via the links below:


BSL:  New case study alert!

23 October 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce the publication of its new case study on engaging parents with languages. This study, in conjunction with Education Scotland, highlights how Moorfoot Primary and Garvel Deaf Centre in Gourock support parents of deaf and hearing children with learning BSL. It provides insightful information on how BSL features greatly within the school, in addition to the other languages taught. Parents, pupils and staff share their experience of using and learning BSL and emphasise the value, significance and importance of all language learning and the impact it can have locally and beyond.


International Education Week is back from 16-20 November 2020!

22 October 2020 (British Council)

Every November we come together to recognise the value of bringing the world into the classroom and celebrate international work in schools. This year we are excited to be going online. For the first time ever, we are offering a week of fantastic events that you can access wherever you are in the world.

The line-up is packed with online webinars, ideas and activities to keep us connected by learning and enable young people to take action on the global issues that matter to them today. 

So whether it's a session on increasing language uptake in schools that interests you, or learning about other cultures throughout the world, visit the website for more information about the range of free webinars and activities on offer. 


15-year Anniversary Challenge: Capture Your Connection

20 October 2020 (UK-German Connection)

To celebrate our 15th anniversary, we want to showcase the fantastic connections between the UK and Germany that you have built.

Whether it’s a friendship, tandem partnership, school partnership or youth group exchange or other kind of connection, we’re inviting you to share it creatively and inspire others with your story!

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and submit your entry by 4 November 2020.


Discovery Film Festival 2020

18 October 2020 (Discovery Film Festival)

Welcome to the 17th edition of Discovery Film Festival – the first to be online – and another collection of the finest films handpicked for young audiences from around the world.

All films in the online festival programme will be accessible from Saturday 17 October to Sunday 1 November 2020. There's an exciting collection of shorts and brand-new features with accompanying curriculum-linked resource packs. The added benefit this year is that current restrictions and the move online means access to our programme will now be possible for schools across Scotland and the rest of the UK.

The school's programme includes some new shorts for language practice! Visit the festival website for full programme details.


International Education Week 2020

8 October 2020 (British Council)

To celebrate International Education Week 2020 (16-20 November), British Council is offering three opportunities for pupils and language teachers:

  1. 'Welcome to the Arab World' webinar - Friday 20 November from 13:30-14:30

In collaboration with the Qatar Foundation International’s (QFI) Arabic Language and Culture programme a second ‘Welcome to the Arab World’ webinar event for upper secondary pupils (Year 9 and above) from any school.

This event will include sessions ‘An Introduction to Arabic language and cultures’, a session with Zaina Erhaim, a Syrian journalist who was reporting on the Syrian war from within Syria. She is currently a refugee in the UK and the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR)'s Communications Manager. Zaina will speak about her life in Syria before and during the war and as a refugee and a live performance and conversation by Syrian American hip-hop artist Omar Offendum. Now living in Los Angeles, California, Omar is also a designer, poet and peace activist whose work blends Arabic and English words and rhythms.

This event will be a Teams Live broadcast to schools. There will be time for questions from pupils to all the speakers. NB this session is designed for those with no previous knowledge of Arabic

To attend this event, please register by completing our online form

  1. To celebrate International Education Week, British Council and Qatar Foundation International’s (QFI) Arabic Language and Culture programme is delighted to offer two opportunities for primary and lower secondary pupils;
  • An online, traditional, Arabic story-telling workshop for a maximum of 30 participants on Monday 16 November (three slots will be available at 9.00, 10.30 & 13.30).
  • An opportunity to connect your class with a native Arabic speaker through the NaTakallam project  on Tuesday 17 November at 11.00, Wednesday 18 November at 12.00 and Thursday 19 November at 13.00. The speaker will be able to discuss Arabic language and culture with your class, as well as share their own experiences as a refugee.

If you would like to express interest for either of these opportunities please contact  by Monday 19 October and include your school details. Successful applicants will be chosen at random. 

For more information on the Arabic Language and Culture programme at the British Council please visit our website  or email the team .

  1. Languages for all: how do we get there? A solutions-focussed look at practical steps schools can take to transform MFL uptake and success. 

The British Council and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages are proud to present this webinar hosted by the British Council on Monday 16 November 2020 from 16.30–17.30 GMT on Microsoft Teams.

This event will include the following presentations:

1.    Pedagogy in MFL at KS3 and KS4: ways forward for schools.
Presented by Ian Bauckham, CEO of the Tenax Schools Trust and Chair of the Teaching Schools Council’s Modern Foreign Languages Pedagogy Review.

2.    Successful primary-secondary transition: ways to give students the best possible start in Year 7.
Presented by Suzanne O'Farrell, MFL Consultant, ASCL.

3.    Fresh approaches to bringing languages alive through cultural knowledge and international connections.
Presented by Oliver Hopwood, Languages teacher.

Followed by Q&A and discussion.

Register for the webinar on the British Council website.

Calling all schools hosting a German Language Assistant!

5 October 2020 (UK-German Connection)

*Boost German and intercultural learning in your school with a Cultural Exchange Ambassador*

While travel is out of bounds, give your pupils an authentic taste of Germany: encourage your German Language Assistant to become a Cultural Exchange Ambassador, join a UK-German network and run a class-to-class project with a German school. 

This programme, offered by UK-German Connection, has wide-reaching benefits:

  • Pupils gain an authentic connection to their German peers, helping improve both their linguistic and cultural understanding and increase their motivation
  • Language Assistants learn & strengthen valuable skills, including project management, teamwork & communication, and benefit from peer-to-peer exchange
  • Schools benefit from curricular-focused projects, which connect their pupils with another country, culture & language

“A brilliant initiative by our FLA, thoroughly enjoyed by all participants, most of whom have now opted for GCSE German.” (Head of German department)

More information about the programme can be found on the UK-German Connection Cultural Exchange Ambassadors webpage, where you can also sign up for an online Q&A session on selected dates during October. 

Application deadline: Monday 26 October 2020

For questions and further information, please contact


Class acts: three lockdown teaching stars discuss being back in school

3 October 2020 (The Guardian)

Staff who made headlines for their dedication during closures talk about the joy of reuniting with pupils and the impact of more restrictions.

[..] When James Innes, AKA the “Joe Wicks for French”, made the decision to share videos of his French lessons online over lockdown, he had no idea that he would return to his school a YouTube sensation.


Apply for the new Erasmus+ Key Action 2 deadline

1 October 2020 (Erasmus+)

In response to COVID-19, the European Commission announced a new decentralised call with the deadline of 29 October 2020, 11am (UK time). Schools are invited to apply for Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness (KA226) and Partnerships for Creativity (KA227).

As virtual cooperation opportunities are key to successful partnerships in the Covid-19 context, schools are strongly encouraged to use the eTwinning and the School Education Gateway to find partners and work together before, during and after the project activities. 

Visit the Erasmus+ website to access application forms and guidance documents.


MTOT is back!

1 October 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce the launch of Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2020-21!  This exciting competition is now open, and we want to find the next generation of young multilingual poets in Scotland. The competition has been redesigned to suit our new digital era, and we are inviting young people to submit entries focussing on the spoken word.  Videos, sound files, voiceovers, narrated presentations – whatever format fits best, we want to hear the voices of young linguists showcasing their language and poetry skills. It’s a great time to get involved with the creative side of language learning, so visit our MTOT webpages to find out more.


Action research communities for language teachers: new ECML resource website

28 September 2020 (ECML)

The 'Action research communities for language teachers' website offers resources to support language teachers use action research as a tool for the development of reflective classroom practice, taking them step-by-step through the process of engaging in action research in their respective contexts. It also provides materials for teacher educators in initial teacher education.

Given the challenges teachers and learners have faced during lockdown and the challenges ahead as schools across Europe attempt to return to some kind of normality, the need for teachers to reflect on their practice and to benefit from professional learning communities is greater than ever. These new resources can strengthen teacher development and the provision of quality inclusive language education.


La Fête du Cinéma d’Animation

24 September 2020 (Alliance Française)

The online animated film festival is back with a selection of Francophone animated films which you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home!

From Wednesday 14 to Saturday 31 October you can access and stream for free 2 films and 11 short films.

Visit the Alliance Française website for more information.


European Day of Languages 2020 - competition for schools

21 September 2020 (ALL)

ALLNE, NfLNE and partners are once again organising the annual European Day of Languages Competition for Schools and in 2020 it is again open to anyone! The organising committee invites language learners in any key stage to create a piece of text in a language they are learning on the theme: International city.

Submission deadline: Wednesday 7 October 2020.

Visit the ALL website for more information.


Lessons learned from lockdown bitesize

18 September 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In September 2020, we’re looking at how learning and teaching of languages has evolved through the experience of lockdown. Share your experiences of delivering language education in innovative ways during an unprecedented situation.

Find out more about the sessions on our Bitesize webpage where you can register for the event relevant to your sector. Both primary and secondary sessions take place 4:00-4:45 on Wednesday 30 September.


Les Pépites internationales

17 September 2020 (Institut français)

The Institut français is partnering with the Salon du Livre et de la Presse Jeunesse (SLPJ) in Montreuil to promote French-speaking children's literature to French learners around the world.

In addition to literary selections for 3-14 year olds and associated teaching materials, videoconferences between classes and several authors and illustrators from the book selection are available during October and November 2020.

Visit the Pépites internationales website for more information.


Grants for training in Germany 2021

16 September 2020 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut is offering teachers of German grants for courses in Germany in 2021. The courses are aimed at teachers of all levels and offer a variety of topics related to teaching German as a foreign language. So if you would like to improve your lessons and get to know Germany first hand apply now. 

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information.


Teaching Languages in Primary Schools: Putting Research into Practice

15 September 2020 (FutureLearn)

Teaching Languages in Primary Schools: Putting Research into Practice is a short online course offered for free by the University of Southampton and University of Essex on the Futurelearn platform. Open to everyone, the next course begins on 5 October and runs for 3 weeks with approximately 3 hours work per week.

Discover engaging, age-appropriate teaching methods and ideas to enhance your language teaching skills. On this course, you’ll learn practical teaching methods for teaching language and discover engaging tasks and projects for primary school students. Using the latest young language learning research, you’ll be encouraged to reflect and experiment with new resources and improve your current language teaching practice.

Visit the FutureLearn website for more information and to register. 


All the World is Our Stage: Primary Pupils Never Lost in Translanguaging

14 September 2020 (Creative Multilingualism)

This OWRI-funded project celebrates linguistic diversity and reflects on the multilingual, multicultural and superdiverse society represented in Glasgow today. This multilingual performance supports the teaching and learning journey of primary schooling in non-affluent areas of the city. Pupils work together to choose traditional songs and rhymes and script a multilingual play.

Recordings of a webinar series about the project and associated resources are now available on the Creative Multilingualism website. An article about the project can also be found in TECLA Issue 1/2020 (page 11), the magazine resource for Spanish language learning in the classroom.


SCILT winter newsletter - send us your stories!

11 September 2020 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our winter 2020 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. We'd love to hear about any exciting or innovative work which took place during school closures, or any new projects being introduced this year. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 2nd October 2020.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Spanish teacher toolbox: online workshops to spice up the classes (September-November 2020)

10 September 2020 (Consejería de Educación)

The Consejería de Educación in collaboration with Junta de Castilla y León is offering online training sessions for teachers of Spanish during the months of September, October and November 2020.

The first of the workshops will be on Tuesday 22 September (4:30 pm): “The creative process of the student in the Spanish classroom”. Registration for this first workshop ―which is free of charge― is open until 20 September.

Visit the Consejería de Educación website for programme dates and content of the workshops. 


StampIT language learning resources

7 September 2020 (StampIT)

StampIT offers resources to help teach primary learners different languages using the medium of stamps. Follow the relevant link below to find out more about the latest additions to the resource bank:

  • Let's Look at China - StampIT’s new Let’s Look at China Mandarin learning pack with workbooks, Powerpoint presentation for teachers; detailed CfE links across literacy, arts, language and social studies aimed at upper primary level. Investigates the culture and language of China.  
  • Find out all about StampIT - Sandie Robb, Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies Development Officer and Royal Zoological Society of Scotland Language Project Coordinator, explains the concept in this video and how the various courses and resources can assist with language learning but also include links to the wider curriculum.  

CLPL on a theme: bitesize and drop-in professional learning each month

4 September 2020 (SCILT)

From September 2020 to March 2021 the SCILT Professional Development Officers are scheduling a series of themed on-demand and live professional learning that will be open to all in-service and student teachers in Scotland. 

Some months, the theme will be applicable to both primary and secondary teachers, in other months the theme will be sector specific.   

Around the middle of the month, we will post a film or a piece of reading (c.15 minutes) on the SCILT website. Registration will open for the live drop-in on the same theme. 

At the end of the month, the PDO team will host a live drop-in to discuss the bitesize stimulus and the theme in general. The session will last 45 minutes and will feature examples of current practice. Registration is free and open to all teachers and student teachers in Scotland. 


In September we’re kicking off with a theme that’s relevant to both secondary and primary teachers. 

Lessons from lockdown: A look at how our learning and teaching of languages has evolved through the experiences of lockdown. Let’s share our experiences of delivering language education in innovative ways during an unprecedented situation. What works well? What doesn’t? What can we continue to use in post-lockdown practice? Are there methods that actually work better for the “new normal”? 

Watch out for the release of our Lessons from lockdown bitesize film. You’ll be able to watch on demand on the SCILT website from Friday 18 September. 

At the same time, you will be able to register to join the drop-in session at 4pm on Wednesday 30 September. There will be separate drop-ins on the same theme for primary and for secondary teachers or ITE students. 

What’s next?  Themes will be revealed in the first e-bulletin of the month, so you’ll get all the latest details straight to your inbox. 

If you do join in either live or on-demand, you can keep the professional learning conversation going on social media by following and using the hashtags #SCILT_CLPL #SCILT_bitesize #SCILT_dropin.  We are looking forward to connecting with lots of you through this new (to us) approach to professional learning in the coming months. 

European Day of Languages 2020 - how are you celebrating?

3 September 2020 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. What is your school doing in 2020?

If you're looking for inspiration SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2020 blog! Send a short description and some colourful photos after your event to


Japanese Language Local Project Support Programme 2020-21

1 September 2020 (Japan Foundation)

Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit making activities which promote Japanese-language education in the UK. Priority is given to projects falling within one of the following categories:

  • Introducing Japanese into the curriculum
  • Supporting GCSE or A-level courses
  • Japanese clubs
  • Projects that enable links between secondary institutions and institutions of higher education

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information and apply by 25 September 2020.


CLPL on a theme: bitesize and drop-in professional learning each month

28 August 2020 (SCILT)

From September 2020 to March 2021 the SCILT Professional Development Officers are scheduling a series of themed on-demand and live professional learning that will be open to all in-service and student teachers in Scotland. 

Some months, the theme will be applicable to both primary and secondary teachers, in other months the theme will be sector specific.   

Around the middle of the month, we will post a film or a piece of reading (c.15 minutes) on the SCILT website. Registration will open for the live drop-in on the same theme. 

At the end of the month, the PDO team will host a live drop-in to discuss the bitesize stimulus and the theme in general. The session will last 45 minutes and will feature examples of current practice. Registration is free and open to all teachers and student teachers in Scotland. 

Sound interesting? Themes will be revealed in the first e-bulletin of the month, so you’ll get all the latest details straight to your inbox. We will be revealing our first theme for September in next week’s e-bulletin. 

We are looking forward to connecting with lots of you through this new (to us) approach to professional learning in the coming months. 

Virtual after school programme

26 August 2020 (LFEE)

LFEE Europe has created a virtual after school programme (VASCO programme) to offer live language sessions in French and Spanish for primary pupils.

For more information, see the attached flyer.

Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival (ESFF) - School Programme October 2020

24 August 2020 (Consejería de Educación)

The Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival is back for its seventh edition and it includes a School Programme aimed at Spanish learning students (6, 7 and 8 October). 

Due to COVID-19, the regular format has changed to an Online Event: the film will be available for  48 hours. The way this would work would be through a link sent to teachers, allowing them access to watch the films in class within a set time. In this edition, the School Programme films are ‘Los Futbolísimos’ (P7-S2) and ‘Una vez más’ for (S3-S6). 

This programme for Spanish students gives them the opportunity to better their language skills as well as cultural awareness. ESFF has also prepared a set of post-film activities available for students to delve more deeply into films and practice vocabulary. 

Tickets £25 per class. For tickets reservations and further information, please contact 

SCILT professional learning programme 2020-21 - book now!

20 August 2020 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages in your region?

Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher in your secondary school?

Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader?

Are you looking for high quality online professional learning for your colleagues?

If so, check out the menu of online workshops that the Professional Development Officers at SCILT can provide for colleagues in your school or department, your cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative.

Please note, these online workshops are intended for group bookings only.

As always, we are happy to tailor professional learning sessions to meet your specific needs. Please use the same booking form to request bespoke input and/or online workshops from the menu.

Keep your eye on the e-bulletin for news of other professional learning opportunities we will be offering this session.


UK-German Tandem Challenge: Connect, learn, share

19 August 2020 (UK-German Connection)

With the UK-German Tandem Challenge pupils can keep in touch with their German friend, tandem partner or host brother or sister while discovering each other’s cultures, having fun taking photos and educating others, too!

How does it work?

  • Partners discuss topics from our specially designed challenge board, exploring interesting aspects of both cultures together
  • They take photos to display the topics they discussed
  • Pairs write about their intercultural discoveries and submit their findings which will be shared across UK-German Connection channels in the autumn

It’s a great way to get to know someone better or rejuvenate an existing partnership. You could even take part as a class, pairing up with a class at your partner school and allocating a topic per pair.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and how to take part. You don't have to be learning German to join in.

Available until: 15 September 2020


French Film Festival UK 2020

18 August 2020 (French Film Festival)

The French Film Festival UK’s Learning programme has always been a class act, bringing French-speaking cinema to thousands of pupils and teachers over the years. In these challenging times instead of welcoming school groups to participating cinemas we will bring the festival to you on either DVDs or blu-rays which can be shown to suit your schedules over a two month period. They will be available from 26 October until 18 December 2020. Accompanying a selection of films for different age groups, teachers can find learning resources online prepared by Lise Morel and Edinburgh Film House.

Visit the Festival website for more information about the programme and to book your dates and titles.


StampIT website updated

10 August 2020 (StampIT)

StampIT is the Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies youth programme where children can discover a world of stamps through interactive games and activities. StampIT also provides a number of ideas for teachers to use stamps across the curriculum. Stamps are a great medium for learning about a wide range of subjects including arts, music, history, geography, science, sport, culture and languages.

StampIT is launching ‘Stamp over October’. This series develops various skills and increases knowledge across the curriculum for the broad general education phase. The range of activities cover experiences and outcomes in many areas within expressive arts; language and literacy; mathematics; sciences; social studies and technologies. The activities will also last beyond October!

See the attached flyers for more information and visit the website for a range of games and activities for learners of French, Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese.


Related Files

Host a teacher / Have your say

4 August 2020 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection provide support to schools in the UK wishing to forge partnerships with schools in Germany. The following opportunities are currently open:

Stay international: Host a Teacher from Germany

You can still bring authentic German language and culture to your classroom next year, without going anywhere: welcome a teacher from Germany to any department for 1, 2 or 3 weeks! This free opportunity is now even more flexible; you can host at a time to suit you.

Applications are open throughout the summer period and up to 18 September / 1 December*, and we're here if you have any questions.


  • 18 September (to host later in the autumn term)
  • 1 December (to host in spring/summer 2021)

Find out more and sign up on the Host a Teacher webpage. 

*Schools unable to host so far this year due to Covid-19 do not need to re-register.

Have your say on the future of UK-German opportunities!

In light of the Covid-19 situation and with the changing landscape of international relations, we’re keen to make sure we’re still offering you the right kind of opportunities and support to keep connections with Europe, and in particular with Germany, alive.

We’re reviewing the opportunities and services we offer and would like you to tell us how we can best support you and work with you and your pupils to bring German and Germany alive in your school.

Deadline: 15 September

Complete the form on the Have your say webpage.

Back to school offer

14 July 2020 (La Jolie Ronde)

As schools return from the Summer break, La Jolie Ronde Languages For Children continues their support to Scotland's schools and teachers with a Back To School Offer.  Schools can receive 20% off all French & Spanish resources until 20 September. Simply use promo code: 
  • For French Resources:  BTSFRENCH 
  • for Spanish Resources: BTSSPANISH
at checkout on their online shop or if you'd like an invoice please email your order to quoting SCILT/back to school.

Terms: Not applicable on any current promos, structured course books or for Licensees

SCILT professional learning programme 2020-21 - book now!

18 June 2020 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages in your region?

Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher in your secondary school?

Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader?

Are you looking for high quality online professional learning for your colleagues?

If so, check out the newly published menu of online workshops that the Professional Development Officers at SCILT can provide for colleagues in your school or department, your cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative.

Please note, these online workshops are intended for group bookings only.

As always, we are happy to tailor professional learning sessions to meet your specific needs. Please use the same booking form to request bespoke input and/or online workshops from the menu.

We also have lots of other CLPL options ready to launch after the summer holidays too. There will be a mix of anytime and live virtual sessions on a range of interesting themes across the year. All will be open to pre- and in-service primary and secondary teachers.

Keep your eye on the e-bulletin in the new session for news of other professional learning opportunities. In the meantime, the Professional Development team wish you a restful break.


Be a positive messenger - Homework challenge: Refugees and migrants

17 June 2020 (British Council)

Inspired by Refugee Week’s 20 Simple Acts campaign, we’ve created a homework challenge to help your pupils find out more about the lives of migrants and refugees, show support, and celebrate the contributions they make to societies around the world. The pack offers the chance to explore other cultures and languages.


Coronavirus: French teacher's Hebridean lockdown

9 June 2020 (BBC)

A French language assistant who remained in the Western Isles during the coronavirus lockdown has been praised for the unique contribution she has made to young people's education.

Mathilde Forgerit arrived in Lewis last August for what was her first experience of teaching French abroad.

During the pandemic she has been able to use the islands' digital learning facilities to deliver classes to young people in other parts of Scotland too.

She said that despite being far from her family, the kindness of islanders stopped her from feeling isolated.

[..] Mathilde returned home to France last week, but the comhairle said she had left behind a positive language learning legacy across island schools.

Senior education officer Mary Clare Ferguson said: "She proved to be such an asset and a natural teacher.

"The pupils loved working with her and gained so much insight from a young person about her life in France, her culture and language. She really motivated them to improve their language skills."


Russian Language & Culture Education Pack

6 June 2020 (British Council)

To celebrate Russian Language Day, the British Council has a new teaching resource to help primary teachers introduce some aspects of Russian language and culture to their pupils. It contains lessons and assembly plans, factual information and resources to help pupils develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the rich language and culture of Russia and the lives of young Russians.


German Teacher Award 2020

4 June 2020 (German Embassy)

The deadline for nominations for this year's German Teacher Award has been extended to 30 September 2020.

So if you know of an outstanding German language teacher at your primary or secondary school – make sure that their dedication and excellence get the recognition they deserve!

Please note, pupils and teachers themselves cannot submit a nomination. This must come from the headteacher.

Visit the German Embassy website for more information and to make your nomination.


SEET @ Home: Take Two!

3 June 2020 (SEET)

Whilst we are all carry on with our home learning, SEET continues to offer opportunities for pupils to engage in language learning and citizenship projects from home. Due to such a high demand for our new SEET @ Home project, and the quality of entries for the 'Community in Isolation' theme (judgement of films ongoing), SEET is proud to launch SEET @ Home: Take Two! Once again, all pupils need is access to a smart phone or tablet (any device that shoots video), and to download a free app or two! 

This project is open to all ages (both primary and secondary pupils). We invite pupils to make a short film (maximum 2- minutes) based on the theme 'Sustainability at Home'. We also ask that pupils include at least one language other than English in their films, making this excellent opportunity for pupils to develop and showcase their language learning. Our favourite films will win cinema vouchers! 

If you would like to take part, and we really hope you do, then please get in contact with us by emailing and we will send you more information. Alternatively, you can find more information on our website. We have created an online document that includes a suggested timetable, a list of recommended free apps and a few useful filmmaking tips and tricks which we think will really help.

The deadline for these films is Monday 22 June 2020 at 5pm. Please don’t forget to tweet about your experience using #SEETatHome to @SEET_scotland.


Transform your playground into an outdoor classroom

1 June 2020 (La Jolie Ronde)

Outdoor play is great for encouraging children to be physically active as well as improving health and well-being. So why not transform your playground into an outdoor classroom with one of La Jolie Ronde's award-winning language learning Theme Days? The Theme Days are perfect for small groups of children, across the school, to join in a fun and worthwhile language learning activity, in either French or Spanish, plus "no specialist language skills" required so any teacher or teaching assistant can participate.  

Schools why not replace Sports Day with our Olympic Theme Day? Create your own mini Olympic games! Perfect for pupils to learn all about the history of the games. Includes: Mini Olympic events, templates for coloured flashcards of the events, role play activities, templates for passes, ideas for certificates, 3 board games to revise language learning.

French -

Spanish -

If you're wanting an abundance of playground games, then our Around My School Theme Day ticks all boxes - Such a great topic for everyone to have fun with! There are plenty of outdoor activities in this Theme Day. Includes: Video clips of French/Spanish children showing us their school, lots of typical French/Spanish playground games, a school treasure hunt, and a fun non-uniform day activity to reinforce items of clothing & colours. Buy here:

French -

Spanish -

Celebrate on 14 July, with our Bastille Day Theme Day.  Perfect for teaching pupils all about France's very important holiday. Includes: the story of the storming of the Bastille, ideas for a Bastille Day picnic, traditional French games like pétanque, instructions for making French flags and rosettes. Buy here:

French -

***SPECIAL OFFER FOR SCILT  - We're giving you 20% OFF all our Theme Day, simply use promotional code TD20 at checkout.

We can invoice you as well - simply email your order to quoting SCILT.

New Website Harnesses The Power Of Music And Drama To Teach Welsh And Spanish

27 May 2020 (Wales 247)

Primary school teachers and parents can now harness music and drama to help children learn Welsh and Spanish by using a new, free to use website. 

The website includes more than 30 activities, such as simple drama games and songs in three languages.

Everything needed to lead children through the activities is provided, including full instructions, demonstration videos, downloadable sheet music, lyrics, audio files and suggestions for extension and reflection.


eTwinning - Online training, workshops and courses

26 May 2020 (British Council)

eTwinning offers various free online professional development at both a UK and a European level. 

Visit the website for a full schedule of online events beginning in June 2020, including a one hour introduction to eTwinning.


Connecting Classrooms - Learning for sustainability

26 May 2020 (Learning for Sustainability Scotland)

Get funding to collaborate locally and internationally on the big issues that shape our world.

Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning is here to help you bring Learning for Sustainability and the Global Goals to life for your learners! There are a host of learning opportunities and support on offer through the Connecting Classrooms programme. Whether you are looking for personal development opportunities, or want to collaborate with other schools.

Visit the website to find out more. Next funding application deadline is 15 June 2020.


Watch new PowerLanguage Challenge videos

25 May 2020 (PowerLanguage)

Pupils in Scotland have been using their language skills to produce some quality videos. Take a look at these podcasts made by learners, for learners. Why not take up the challenge in your school? 


Tackling the languages ‘crisis’: Supporting multilingualism in the new curriculum for Wales

13 May 2020 (BERA)

A commitment to languages is front and centre of the Welsh government’s education policies. This is evident in the pledge to achieve 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050 (Welsh Government, 2017) and the Global Futures strategy and plan (Welsh Government, 2016) to build a ‘bilingual plus one nation’. Nonetheless, there remains an alarming decline of uptake of GCSE modern foreign languages (MFL).

What can be done to inspire an uplift for modern foreign languages across Wales in the future?

As a non-compulsory subject beyond KS3, the landscape for language learning in Wales (beyond English and Welsh) has been challenging for the last two decades, with entries for GCSEs in MFL falling by 60 per cent between 2002–2019 (Tinsley, 2019). However, in our article, ‘Multilingual perspectives: Preparing for language learning in the new curriculum for Wales’ (part of a new special issue of the Curriculum Journal), we discuss how the New Curriculum for Wales 2022 could offer hope for arresting and reversing the decline (Gorrara, Jenkins, Jepson, & Machin, 2020).

It focusses on the value of promoting a younger learner’s experience of all languages: Welsh, English and what are now termed ‘international languages’ (encompassing all non-indigenous languages in Wales). In this context, languages are positioned as ‘key to understanding the world around us’ (Welsh Government, 2020).

This commitment to the social and cultural benefits of multiple language learning creates opportunities for schools to diverge from a traditional emphasis on transactional language learning towards a multilingual approach. In our article, we argue that such multilingual practices and methodologies can reinvigorate a younger learner’s connection to languages by making them more dynamic and relevant to our globalised and connected world.


SCILT's COVID response: Live streamed classes

7 May 2020 (SCILT)

This Monday (4 May) saw the launch of the first week of language classes, courtesy of our partnership with e-Sgoil. Demand was far greater than anticipated and despite some issues with registration, valid email addresses and technical challenges, hundreds of youngsters from P1 to Advanced Higher took part in a range of interesting classes. We have now had to stop taking new registrations for BGE and senior phase classes in French and Spanish and Give it a Go Italian as classes are full. Spaces are still available for NQ classes in Gaelic, German, Italian and Mandarin. For secondary pupils who would like to try something new, there are some places available on "Discovering the Arabic World". This gives the opportunity to learn a language that is less frequently taught in schools and explore the fascinating cultures of Arabic speaking countries. Spaces are limited and are allocated on a first come basis.  

See the attached timetable with links to enrol.

Related Files

Fancy a PowerLanguage challenge?

7 May 2020 (PowerLanguage)

Get your learners to take the PowerLanguage Challenge and to create short podcasts in order to teach their language as well as share their culture and passion, and to learn from other young people around the world. Watch the existing videos on and find out how to publish your own creation!

SEET @ Home

4 May 2020 (SEET)

Whilst schools remain closed and we all continue to work from home, we will not let COVID-19 interrupt what SEET does and what we can offer you. We love making films and know that many of you do too. So, whilst schools are out, we are asking you to make short films at home, with a little guidance from us. All you need is a smart phone or tablet (any device that shoots video), and to download a free app or two!

Normally we open our filmmaking project up to young people in S3-S6, but this project is open to all ages  (both primary and secondary pupils). We invite pupils to make a short film (maximum 2-minutes), based on the theme 'Community in Isolation'. As always, we want to see pupils using languages; even if it is just a few words, we want to hear it! Let’s share our films far and wide and connect with communities across the globe. Our favourite films will win cinema vouchers!

If you would like to take part, and we really hope you do, then please get in contact with us by emailing and we will send you more information. This includes a recommended timetable that should allow pupils to make these films within one school week, and some useful tips about filmmaking, amongst other things!

To be in with a chance of winning cinema vouchers, the deadline for film submissions is Monday 1 June 2020 at 3pm. 

Don't forget to tweet about your experiences using the hashtag #SEETatHome to @SEET_scotland. Lights, camera, action!

Virtual activities for school partnerships

30 April 2020 (UK-German Connection)

Have you had to postpone your exchange visits due to the Coronavirus situation? Keep your partnership going with some virtual joint activities!


The Stephen Spender Prize and Polish Spotlight 2020

28 April 2020 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The 2020 Stephen Spender Prize for poetry in translation and the Polish Spotlight are now open for submissions! There are some exciting changes this year – as part of our aim to make the prize more inclusive and vibrant than ever, we are welcoming translations from rap and spoken word, as well as from BSL poetry. There will also be more prizes and commendations in our youth categories.

Stephen Spender Prize

Translate into English any poem from any language – ranging from Arabic to Uzbek, from Danish to Somali—and win cash prizes! There are categories for young people (14-and-under, 16-and-under, and 18-and-under) as well as an open category for adults

The ‘Polish Spotlight’

This is a special strand of the Stephen Spender Prize for the translation of Polish poems. Open to all UK or Irish citizens or residents, or pupils at British Schools overseas, there are usually three age categories for entrants: 18-and-under14-and-under and 10-and-under. Additionally this year there will also be a 16-and-under category. This year, we are inviting entrants to translate one poem from our curated selection of Polish poetry.

Visit the website for more information about both strands of the competition and submit entries by 17 July 2020.


Education Scotland News Digest

24 April 2020 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland's latest news digest is now available to view online. This edition includes resources available to support schools and parents during closures, information about new Gaelic Bookbug stories and the Young Scots Writer of the Year Competition.


Live-streamed classes: SCILT support for schools

22 April 2020 (SCILT/e-Sgoil)

SCILT is delighted to have partnered with e-Sgoil to contribute to their national offer of timetabled, live, online classes that will support youngsters of all ages throughout the period of school closures. 

These interactive, real-time classes are all led by experienced language educators on a secure platform. All participants will require is access to a computer and their Glow password.

Aimed at supporting youngsters who are about to enter new senior phase classes, the NQ courses will focus on providing an overview of the year ahead and will develop the skills required for success at each level. Complementing what will be offered by their own schools and classroom teachers, these courses will give young people the best possible start to their new language courses under the present circumstances.

It is equally important that we create opportunities for language learning throughout all stages of the school curriculum. We have, therefore, developed a range of classes in a variety of languages that will appeal to learners at all ages and stages of the curriculum. Interactive, culturally rich and suitable for family learning, youngsters can explore new languages and cultures that might not be otherwise available to them.

Download the attached flyer for the full timetable and links to enrol. 

Please share this offer as widely as you can so that the maximum possible number of children and young people can benefit from this innovative and creative partnership.

Six ways to bring language learning to life at home

21 April 2020 (BBC Bitesize)

Learning a new language is a great way to spend your time while staying at home - even Harry Styles is doing it!

And guess what? It doesn’t have to be all vocab lists and verb tables.

The first stages of learning a language are often all about you and your life - what time you get up, what you have for breakfast, what your dog watched on TV last night…

We checked in with the director of languages at the Share Trust in West Yorkshire, Juliet Park, about how to make our homes the perfect location for language learning.

Here are our top tips for bringing languages to life at home.


Language learning resources during school closures

21 April 2020 (SCILT/CISS)

If you are a parent or carer looking for materials to support language learning for your child while the schools are closed, we have compiled a list of materials for children of different ages/stages and in different languages. These resources:

  • are free to access
  • children can do independently and
  • can be enjoyed together as a family

They can be found on the 'Home learning' page of the Parents section of our website.


Guidance for home learning

20 April 2020 (Scottish Government)

New guidance to support the home learning of children and young people during the new term has been issued.

It aims to build on the significant amount of positive work that has already been undertaken by teachers and education professionals across Scotland to support learning at home, as well as the advice and resources that are already available.

The guidance covers three main areas:

  • learning and teaching at home: this includes support for digital learning; children who are likely to be disproportionately impacted; and learners with additional support needs
  • parental involvement and engagement: this includes details of local and national support and how local authorities/schools will require a different approach to being updated on a child’s development
  • support for teachers and school leaders: including advice on learning resources; supporting pupils’ and staff health and wellbeing; and on leading colleagues and teams during this period

Visit the Scottish Government website for more information.


Competition - Ich habe einen Traum (I have a dream)

17 April 2020 (German Foreign Office)

Are you between 5 and 19 years old? Do you love books and stories? Do you like to write? If so, please take part in our competition and get your prose, short story, essay or poem published in the next Foreign Office e‑book!

Tell us about your dream for the future. 

All entries submitted in German or English will be edited by professionals and accepted in the following age groups:

  • 10 years and under 
  • 11‑14 years
  • 15‑19 years

The deadline for entries is 1 July 2020. The e-book will then be published and launched in August, when it will be available to download for free.

Visit the German Federal Foreign Office website for more information about the competition. You can also access previous editions of the e-book.


Pedagogy Professional Learning for Language Teachers

16 April 2020 (Various)

The following resources have just been added to our Professional Learning for Teachers during the school closures web section:

Pedagogy Professional Learning

  • On Education Scotland’s Digital Learning Community blog you will find collections of online resources to support teaching and learning in a wide range of languages. Click on the Gaelic Education Wakelet and the Modern Languages Wakelet. Resources will be updated over the period of the school closures.
  • Language teachers adapting pedagogy to online delivery may be interested in two new resources created by the languages education experts at the European Centre for Modern Languages. The Treasure Chest and the Wakelet are packed with resources for engaging activities in multiple languages. Activities are differentiated for multilingual pupils and language learners from pre-school to secondary age and will be updated during the period of school closures.

Supporting Bilingual Learners

Further resources are available on our Professional Learning pages.


More Gaelic TV from BBC Alba to help pupils in lockdown

14 April 2020 (The National)

Gaelic broadcasting bosses are to show more children’s content to support young speakers while schools are off.

Extra programmes on science, maths and other curriculum mainstays will be shown on BBC Alba from today.

The Gaelic-medium channel already runs children’s shows from 5pm-7pm every day. Additional content will also be available on the BBC iPlayer.

It is hoped that “children won’t even realise they are learning and developing their skills” when watching the tailored material.

Margaret Mary Murray, head of service at BBC Alba, said: “We hope these fabulous learning programmes will offer useful support to teachers, parents and carers and fun learning opportunities for children.”


Coronavirus: ‘Pupils need live online teaching’

13 April 2020 (TESS)

Scotland’s e-Sgoil – based in the Western Isles – has revealed its plans to deliver a national timetable of live lessons that will be streamed online in a bid to support teachers and pupils in the wake of the UK wide school closures, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking exclusively to Tes Scotland the e-Sgoil – which has four years’ experience in beaming lessons into schools across the country – said it was hoping to partner with online learning platform Scholar in order to deliver live national qualification lessons in a wide range of subjects, as well as offering some lessons aimed at primary pupils.

Scholar – a partnership between Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and education directors’ association Ades – runs online courses in a range of National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher subjects, providing pupils with learning materials and assessments.

Meanwhile e-Sgoil – which was set up to ensure equal access to courses and subjects for pupils irrespective of where they live – has a team of teachers on its books who have experience of delivering remote lessons in real time in everything from Higher physics, to primary Gaelic. This year it has had a presence in 15 of Scotland’s 32 local authorities.

The plan is to start streaming the lessons incrementally, beginning with maths and languages – thanks to Scotland's National Centre for Languages (Scilt), and Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools.

Together the languages bodies and e-Sgoil plan to offer taster courses in Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Gaelic and Mandarin suitable for primary and secondary pupils, as well as delivering national qualification courses in French, German, Italian, Mandarin and Gaelic.


Around the World resources

8 April 2020 (British Council)

We all know the importance of keeping connected whilst distancing. That’s why we’ve curated a special collection of our favourite resources about life and culture in different countries around the world. Designed by specialists and tested by teachers, our resources are packed with ideas and projects to help you plan face to face or online classes and support parents with home-learning.

Why not plan a virtual trip around the world for your students and choose which countries you’d like to explore together? We’re always here to help you bring the world into your classroom, wherever your classroom is.


Professional learning for teachers during the school closures

2 April 2020 (SCILT)

Are you a teacher, a student teacher or aspiring student teacher? Are you looking for some professional learning to do online, at your own time and at your own pace?

Visit our professional learning pages to view our collated list of courses, webinars and materials that are free to access. Scroll down to the 'Professional learning for teachers during the school closures' section.


uTalk Language Games

1 April 2020 (uTalk)

In case you are looking for fun language learning activities for your schools - we've responded to the need for home learning with a competition, called the uTalk Language Games, the format gives entrants access to any one of our languages -  pupils and teachers from the same school or class can learn together and compete, learning the same language - tracking their scores and rankings on a leaderboard exclusive to their group.

The competition builds on our award-winning Junior Language Challenge competition (JLC) which has helped more than 25,000 children learn languages over the last 15 years, but is now open to all - this has resulted rather amusingly in people of all ages, from grandchildren to grandparents competing against each other - spread around the country - indeed world ... entrance is £5, $5 or €5 and the competition runs until the end of July 2020.


Online beginner Mandarin classes

30 March 2020 (CISS)

banner advertising upcoming online Mandarin beginner classes

Related Files

Beyond the Panda resources for home learning

30 March 2020 (RZSS)

New online books for home learning. Everyone can access these and they include a good mix of science and Mandarin. These are different from our other online content as they don't require to be downloaded and printed. They also all include sound files and Mandarin learning points. 

At present, there are books which provide an online experience of the giant panda expert visit aimed at upper primary level and the Chinese Endangered Species outreach. In addition there is a book version of the Science Specialist Confucius Classroom 'China's animals and habitats'. Finally, a section comparing China and Scotland. This China/Scotland project is in partnership with the JASS scheme.

All the books are available on the Beyond the Panda website.


Coronavirus: Taking small steps into online learning

28 March 2020 (TES)

The huge amount of 'free' apps and online learning offers can feel overwhelming. Here are seven simple steps to follow.


The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme 2020 - **CANCELLED**

26 March 2020 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Unfortunately, due to the current uncertainty relating to COVID-19, it has been decided with careful consideration to cancel the Summer School this year.
SCILT and Education Scotland will continue to work closely and plan for next summer 2021. Further updates will be communicated in due course.

SCILT and Education Scotland's flagship national leadership programme has been running since 2014 and was recognised at GTCS Excellence in Professional Learning Awards in 2017 and 2018.


Supporting online learning - links for practitioners

25 March 2020 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland has compiled resources and links which are intended to support practitioners in developing online opportunities for learning at home. There are resources for all areas of the curriculum which will be supplemented as time goes on. See the Supporting Online Learning webpage on the Education Scotland website.


COVID-19: SCILT and CISS update

24 March 2020 (SCILT/CISS)

Given last week's announcement about the cancellation of the exam diet, the SCILT and CISS teams are refocusing their efforts on supporting the BGE. Officers are currently collating high quality, freely available, online materials into an easily accessible section of the SCILT website. Teachers, parents and youngsters  will be able, therefore, to find interesting resources and activities in a range of languages, appropriate to their age and stage, all in one place. As you can imagine, this is a huge task, but we are determined to have it completed by mid-April. 

In addition, we are currently in discussion with our friends at e-Sgoil so we can provide live streamed classes in Mandarin suitable for beginners in both primary and secondary school stages of the BGE. More news about this and other language learning opportunities via e-Sgoil will be announced nearer the time. 

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Bring the world into your classroom

13 March 2020 (TES/British Council)

We believe every young person should have intercultural and international experience. As the UK’s cultural relations organisation, the British Council creates opportunities for schools and teachers in the UK and worldwide to connect and work together to share ideas and practices.

Our range of international education programmes can help develop teaching skills with funded professional development, connect schools across the globe and bring language learning to life.

TES and the British Council have joined forces to explore different ways to bring the world into the classroom and open the door to a host of international learning opportunities.


Never Such Innocence competition

10 March 2020 (Never Such Innocence)

For the 2019/20 academic year, the Never Such Innocence competition will be bigger than ever! We have expanded our focus to include all conflicts throughout history and today, and have broadened the age range to 9-18. We are also delighted to open a new speechwriting category!

This year’s theme is ‘The Impact of Conflict on Communities’ – We invite young people all across the world to write a poem, speech, or song, or create a piece of art reflecting on how a conflict has or is affecting a community. This conflict could be past or present; international, national or local.

Entries can be in any language.

Visit the competition website for more information and submit entries by 20 March 2020.


PALINGUI – Language learning pathways of young children – Making early language learning visible: webinar recording (5 March 2020) online

10 March 2020 (ECML)

The new PALINGUI project from ECML aims to explore the diverse linguistic journeys of young learners in educational contexts and how to make these visible through a range of methods and tools. These will make it possible to identify, understand and document language learning of children age 3 to 12 and thereby create learning opportunities allowing them to progress along their language learning pathways.

The first project webinar held on 5 March is now available to view online.


German Teacher Award 2020

6 March 2020 (Education Scotland)

The German Embassy is looking for nominations for the German Teacher Award 2020.

Scottish schools have been notable by their absence from this competition, but thanks to the new German Consul General in Scotland, we are now firmly placed to have our fabulous German teachers in the running for this!  

So if your primary or secondary school has an outstanding German teacher who deserves recognition, visit the German Embassy's website or see the attached flyer for more information about the award and how to submit a nomination by 10 April 2020.


Vacancy: Professional Development Officer

3 March 2020 (SCILT/CISS)

Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT) requires a Professional Development Officer to support the network of Scotland’s Confucius classrooms and the learning and teaching of languages across Scotland. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland. The successful candidate will be part of the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools team based within SCILT as the Ramshorn building in Glasgow’s city centre. The centre leads 44 Confucius classrooms across Scotland, including secondary, primary and specialist classrooms.

The Professional Development Officer will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures to develop the learning and teaching of Mandarin in Scottish schools and communities. This would include, for example, leading professional learning workshops and managing projects such as national awards/competitions and other promotional events.

The post holder will support practitioners to turn policy into practice in order to create a positive impact on learners. This will be based on identification of practitioners’ needs, with particular reference to the place of Mandarin and languages in general, within the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish curriculum. The post holder would, therefore, need extensive experience of leading recent initiatives that promote and support language learning.

Please note, the successful candidate need not be a fluent Mandarin speaker.

Visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy portal for full details about the post and to apply by 22 March 2020.


eTwinning Spring Campaign - Climate Change and Environmental Challenges

2 March 2020 (eTwinning)

We are launching the eTwinning Spring Campaign around the annual theme of Climate Change and Environmental Challenges on 2 March.

Our Spring Campaign in 2020 celebrates eTwinning and eTwinners on a local level while raising awareness on climate change and environmental challenges.

During this campaign, eTwinners are encouraged to get inspired by the annual theme and to create on-site events in their schools and the classrooms! Activities and resources are aimed at both experienced eTwinners and newcomers.

Visit the website for more information about how to get involved.


Gaelic-English book sent to Moray primary schools

28 February 2020 (The Northern Scot)

A children's book written in a mixture of English and Gaelic has been sent to primary schools in Moray.

Bheat an Sù (The Zoo Vet) was sent to schools all across Scotland. It's the first bilingual book from the educational publisher Twinkl, which creates books and online resources used across the world.

The book provides an accessible and inclusive route into Gaelic for all learners, regardless of their background or previous experience of the language. The book has been designed to help schools deliver the Scottish Government's Languages 1+2 policy, where all pupils have the opportunity to learn one other language from primary one and a second from primary five.


Language Linking Global Thinking 2020-21 - registrations now open

28 February 2020 (SCILT)

Applications are still being taken for this programme with the intention of it running as planned in session 2020/21. Please get in touch if you have any questions.
SCILT is now inviting schools to register their interest in taking part in the Language Linking Global Thinking project for session 2020-21. 
The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend a year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad they keep in regular contact with the partner school using blog posts, emails and other resources. The correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. New for this year - you can now be linked with a CISS scholar spending a year in China! Just complete the registration form with 'Mandarin' as your preferred language for a link. 

Key points for teachers

  • Please note this is a two-way correspondence, and schools are expected to reply to blog posts, submit questions, and fully engage with their link student. 
  • A representative from the school, ideally the class teacher using the link, must attend the training afternoon on 12th June in Glasgow. 
  • There is no cost for schools to participate in the programme, however schools will need to cover travel costs for teachers attending the training session. Students are expected to visit their link school before they go abroad, and schools may wish to help with the travel costs for that visit.

Visit the LLGT webpage for more information on Language Linking Global Thinking, and to read some of the student blogs from previous years.

Please note places are limited. Please email to request a registration form. 


Creativity with Languages in Schools: bringing research into the classroom

27 February 2020 (Creative Multilingualism)

Having already featured some of the inspiring work of the Creative Multilingualism initiative on episode 3 of the #mfltwitterati podcast, I was delighted to have the opportunity to attend one of their recent free events at SOAS in central London in person to find out more, writes Joe Dale.

The day focused on the theme of creativity in languages in schools and showcased the work that the Creative Multilingualism team of researchers have carried out with secondary and primary schools since the start of the project, encouraging students to engage more creatively with language learning.


Gaelic CLPL Opportunity - Streap: Postgraduate Certificate in Gaelic Medium Education

24 February 2020 (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig)

The fully funded Postgraduate Certificate in Gaelic Medium Education (Streap) is a Master’s Level qualification of 60 credits at SCQF Level 11. 

The programme is aimed at Gaelic speaking GTCS registered teachers (nursery, primary or secondary) who are seeking Gaelic medium education CLPL, or those who are currently in English medium education and who wish to further develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in order to teach in Gaelic medium education. 

Visit the website for more information and apply now for September 2020 start.


French pop video competition 2020

24 February 2020 (Institut français)

Do you think you could sing or rap in French? Do you have the skills to make a video clip for your song? If so, this competition is for you!

The competition is open to any student or groups of students in full time education in the national-curriculum primary and secondary schools of England, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and the Channel Islands, in 3 age-group categories: 7-11, 12-15, and 16-18.

Entries should be original compositions around 3 minutes long and must be performed in French.

Visit the competition website for more information and submit entries by 3 April 2020.


Education Scotland Modern Languages Newsletter

21 February 2020 (Education Scotland)

The latest edition of Education Scotland's newsletter for Modern Languages is now available to view online. This issue includes links to the second suite of resources to support progression from Second to Third level.


Edinburgh's fight for Gaelic school immortalised in new book

19 February 2020 (The Scotsman)

It was a fight that deeply divided language activists and their opponents and rumbled on in the Capital for 14 long years.

Now the campaign to have a dedicated Gaelic primary school in the Capital has been turned into a new book.

Ever since 2013 the city has had its first Gaelic medium education (GME) school at Bun-Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, a formerly mothballed primary school in Bonnington.

Previously the Gaelic “school” had been simply a unit within Tollcross Primary.

Às na Freumhan, “From the Grassroots”, by Gaelic language expert Tim Armstrong tells the story of the sometimes bitter debate which raged around the subject of Gaelic medium education in the late 20th and early 21st centuries and the fight to get agreement for Taobh na Pàirce to be built.


Makeathon: Deutsch Digital 2020

19 February 2020 (Goethe-Institut)

There are different opinions on what good media-based foreign language teaching should look like in the 21st century. In 2020, seven Goethe-Institutes in Northwest Europe will be carrying out a project that deals with this problem and wants to address the following questions:
Does digitalisation enable customized learning opportunities? Do digital learning opportunities motivate German learners? Should modern foreign language teaching be project-oriented and multidisciplinary? Does the use of technical devices such as tablets automatically make teaching modern? Does internal differentiation work better with digital media? Does foreign language teaching contribute to the development of media literacy?
The aim of our project is the development of digitally supported, task- and action-oriented teaching scenarios for German lessons.

The highlight of the project is a multi-day Makeathon (from 13 to 15 May 2020) in Germany. During the Makeathon, you will work with German teachers from the Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Norway to develop scenarios for your German lessons with the support of experts. After the Makeathon, you will try out the teaching scenario you have co-developed in your German lessons.
Would you like to be part of the Makeathon and develop teaching scenarios together with other German teachers? There are four places available for teachers in Scotland. Apply until February 28, 2020!


Welsh language education scheme rolls out across Wales

17 February 2020 (BBC)

A scheme to help preschool children learn Welsh more quickly is being rolled out across the country.

Croesi'r Bont, or Crossing the Bridge, has been developed by Mudiad Meithrin, which runs most Welsh-medium early years provision.

The focus is on ensuring staff at playgroups and primary school teachers use the same language patterns.

The aim is to ease the transition into Welsh-medium education for children whose families do not speak Welsh.

Mudiad Meithrin is taking a key role in the Welsh Government's aim of one million Welsh speakers by 2050.


Corpus Christi Primary pupils celebrate tapas night at Tennent’s Cook School

14 February 2020 (Clydebank Post)

Pupils from Corpus Christi Primary School marked the end of a weekly cooking club by celebrating a Spanish tapas night.

Youngsters who attend Spanish Club “El Club Español Familiar” along with family members, travelled to Tennent’s Cook School last Thursday - coinciding with Language Week Scotland.

The event marked their final week with a family celebration theme to apply all of their new language skills.


Multilingualism and additional language learning

13 February 2020 (RiPL)

Summaries of research papers that relate to multilingualism and additional language learning are available on the Research in Primary Languages (RiPL) website. Each summary is worded to be reader-friendly, and covers no more than one side of A4.


eTwinning 2020 Annual Theme - Climate Change and Environmental Challenges

12 February 2020 (eTwinning)

Supporting the European Green Deal, eTwinning acknowledges that students of today are the adults of tomorrow most likely to experience the effects of climate change. That is why it is imperative to learn to live sustainably in order to counteract climate change and other environmental challenges.

2020 is the year of 'climate change and environmental challenges' for eTwinning. It's free to sign up, meet and partner with teachers from schools in 44 countries and start an international classroom project.

See the website for more information and get involved.


Scotland-China Association primary schools competition 2020

6 February 2020 (Scotland-China Association)

Open to all pupils in P5, P6 and P7 in Scottish schools, this year's competition from the Scotland-China Association asks students to design a kite.

Kites have been made and flown all over the world for thousands of years, and are very popular in China. The aim of the competition is to inspire the creativity of Scottish primary school pupils and to encourage them to learn more about Scotland and China. Entries should explore ideas which demonstrate understanding of links between Scotland and China through the design for a kite. We are working in partnership with RZSS Edinburgh Zoo, where the prize giving will be held.

Individual or group entries are welcomed and should take one of the following forms:

  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Craftwork (for example an actual kite)
  • Writing
  • Photography
  • Video/media/film (no more than 10 minutes long)
  • Embroidery/stitching/textile

See the attached flyer for more information and the entry form, which must accompany all submissions. The deadline for entries is 15 May 2020.


The Linguacuisine ‘LinguaChef’ Prize 2020

3 February 2020 (Newcastle University)

The LinguaChef Prize will be awarded to the person who uploads the best language learning recipe using the Linguacuisine recipe author software during the period 1 February to 15 June 2020. The prize consists of a payment of £200 plus a LinguaChef Gold Certificate. There are 2 runner-up prizes with £50 each plus a LinguaChef Silver Certificate. All will feature on the front page of all Linguacuisine media and the recipes will be promoted around the world on the website.

The language learning recipe can involve learning any language and any recipe. Entry to the competition is open to all and is free.

Visit the website for full details and submit entries by 15 June 2020. For any queries regarding the competition, contact Professor Paul Seedhouse -



Watch young girl's hilarious rendition of well-known Scots poem ‘A Dug, A Dug’

29 January 2020 (Daily Record)

An Uddingston girl set the internet on fire this week with her hilarious rendition of a well-known Scots poem.

Youngster Amari Tade has amassed over 460,000 views online after her mum, Lindsay, uploaded the clip of the seven-year-old practising the role of the dad in Scots language poem ‘A Dug, A Dug’ by Bill Keys.

Amari, whose dad is former professional football player Gregory Tade, was tasked with learning the poem off by heart for a school recital as part of their Burns Day celebrations.

And the pupil took the internet by storm with her cute reactions to her mum, who reads the part of the child who pesters their dad for a ‘dug’.


Science Specialist Confucius Classroom / Beyond the Panda

29 January 2020 (RZSS)

The RZSS offer the following education programmes to support the teaching and learning of Mandarin in schools.

  • Science Specialist Confucius Classroom - limited FREE sessions at Edinburgh Zoo extended to June 2020. We have two sessions available within our Specialist Classroom. Please note the updated conditions. Please see the attached pdf for details. 
  • Beyond the Panda - new booklet available which details the overall Beyond the Panda programme and provides guidance on the website. The booklet includes a planning and learning map detailing various Mandarin language topics, the games within the programme and where to find them. See the attached pdf for more information.

Write Away!

24 January 2020 (Light Bulb Languages)

Write Away! is a magazine celebrating the writing that primary children do in their language lessons.

All primary schools across the UK are now invited to enter submissions for Issue 4. The closing date is 23.59 on Friday 31 January 2020.

Visit the Light Bulb Languages website for full submission guidelines and to read previous editions of the magazine.


German Educational Trainees Across Borders 2020/21

23 January 2020 (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz / SCILT)

Expressions of interest are now being taken from local authorities who would like to host a German student teacher for a 6 month placement during the 2020/21 school session.

German trainee teachers from Universities in Mainz, Leipzig and Koblenz are available to work in Scottish schools for a six month placement from September/October 2020 to March/April 2021. Participating students are native German speakers, training to become secondary teachers of English. 

German Educational Trainees (GETs) support language teaching and intercultural understanding, bringing language alive for learners with a trained and motivated native speaker. 

Local authorities interested in hosting GETs should register with SCILT by Friday 31st January. For more information and to register your interest please contact SCILT


Language competitions

22 January 2020 (RZSS)

RZSS and our partner StampIT have launched language competitions. All are based on a fantastic activity which covers many curriculum objectives starting with just one postage stamp. Tell the story of a Spanish, French, Chinese or in fact any country/language stamp. Full details are on the attached pdf leaflets. There are specific leaflets for Spanish, French and Mandarin. There is also another leaflet 'Stamps from around the World' and for this competition any topic (including any language) can be entered. This activity links to the RZSS & StampIT language series.

The competition will continue to run each year, therefore there is no time limit for entries. However for entries to be shown in the 2020 Scottish Annual Congress, please send by 1 March 2020. Entries are encouraged from all age groups. Example pages are shown but younger pupils can still enter and possibly draw around the stamp and write a word or two in the language as appropriate. Pupils can enter more than one of the competitions.

Check out the attached leaflets for more information on each of the competitions. If anyone has difficulty in finding stamps, please contact Sandie Robb -

Scottish Education Awards 2020

16 January 2020 (Education Scotland)

If you haven't already done so, make sure you get your nominations in for the 2020 Scottish Education Awards! The awards celebrate the hard work and success which takes place in Scottish education.

The annual event recognises those who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcases the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

Among the wide range of categories are the awards for Gaelic Education and the Internationalism and Languages award. 

Visit the Scottish Education Awards website for further information and to submit your nomination by 14 February 2020.


Erasmus+ funding for UK schools – apply now!

14 January 2020 (British Council)

Want to inspire your students and teachers – and help them to succeed?

The Erasmus+ 2020 Call is now open for applications. Erasmus+ offers funding to UK schools for life-changing international opportunities. You can apply for one or more of the following funding streams:

  • School Education Staff Mobility (Key Action 101):
    Application deadline - 5 February 2020 at 11am (UK time)
    School staff can teach, train or job shadow abroad - to develop their professional practice, build relationships with international peers and gain fresh ideas.
  • School Exchange Partnerships (Key Action 229):
    Application deadline - 24 March 2020 at 11am (UK time)
    Pupils and students can take part in international exchanges and study experiences, and staff can do training and teaching assignments overseas - to develop new skills, get inspired and gain vital international experience.
  • Strategic Partnerships for School Education (Key Action 201):
    Application deadline - 24 March 2020 at 11am (UK time)
    Schools can collaborate with international partners - to drive innovation, share best practice, and offer new opportunities to young people.

The funding is open to UK schools and colleges providing general, vocational or technical education to pupils aged 3 – 18 years. Local and regional authorities, school coordination bodies and consortia can also apply.

Please visit the website to find out more and apply for Erasmus+ schools funding now.  Any questions? Please contact the Erasmus+ UK National Agency at:


Discover the Arabic world – A unique experience for Scotland’s schools

10 January 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International and eSgóil is currently looking for ten state schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world with an innovative new pilot project. 

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for both primary and secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and culture.  Courses will be co-created by the SCILT team and a specially commissioned writing team of native speakers, with language lessons delivered online by a native speaker of Arabic via e-Sgoil. For learners in primary schools the course will be offered as a ten-week inter-disciplinary block of learning.  For secondary schools, the course will focus on developing employability skills and be aimed at S6 senior phase learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and their CVs.  Participating schools will also receive the support of a fully-trained, native speaking, language assistant. The lessons will give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arabic culture as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

In addition to teaching support and professional learning opportunities, schools participating in the pilot phase will also receive a grant of £2000.  This can provide schools with resources and experiences that enhance and support the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arabic culture.

If you would like your school to be considered to take part in the pilot, please note your interest at SCILT before close of business on Friday 31 January 2020.

School Partnership Bursaries for 2019-20

9 January 2020 (UK-German Connection)

Did you run any activities with your German partner school last year?

School partnership bursaries are available once more to help you to keep your UK-German partnership alive.

All you need to do is answer a few short questions about your partnership activities last year and your plans for 2020.

For further details and to enter your information, please visit the UK-German Connection website and submit your information by 31 January 2020. 


Into Film Scots language events

7 January 2020 (Into Film)

Into Film are hosting fantastic FREE Scots Language Events this month in Edinburgh, Dumfries and Aberdeen. Enjoy a screening of the Highway Rat followed by a reading of the story in Scots by a special guest.

Visit the website now to secure your place - tickets are going fast!


UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO)

7 January 2020 (UKLO)

UKLO is a competition for students who are still at school (or equivalent college) – any age, any ability level, where competitors have to solve linguistic data problems. It’s free to enter and offers participants the chance to be the team selected for entry in the International Linguistics Olympiad. In recent years the UK teams in the international competition have been very successful.  

Round 1 of the competition takes place 3-7 February 2020.

To find out more and to register to take part, visit the UKLO website.


French Pop Video Competition 2020

6 January 2020 (Institut français)

Do you think you could sing or rap in French? Do you have the skills to make a video clip for your song? If so, this competition is for you!

The competition is open to any student or groups of students in full time education in the national-curriculum primary and secondary schools of England, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and the Channel Islands, in 3 age-group categories: 7-11, 12-15, and 16-18.

Entries should be original compositions around 3 minutes long and must be performed in French.

Visit the competition website for more information and submit entries by 3 April 2020.


SEND: Why your school should sign up to BSL

3 January 2020 (TES)

How can you make inclusion a key part of your curriculum? One mainstream primary in London has taken the radical step of including British Sign Language – so that every child learns to use it. Headteacher Dani Lang and deaf instructor Tina Kemp explain how it’s benefited deaf and hearing pupils alike

It’s Tuesday morning and a Year 5 class are doing their daily maths lesson. A child looks confused and puts her hand up, but before the teacher can come over, the boy next to her puts his pencil down and signs “Can I help?”

The girl smiles back at him and signs that she can’t work out the answer and points to the question in her maths book. His quick, nimble fingers sign back to help her overcome her confusion about place value, and then they both pick up their pencils and continue with their work.

All this, without a single audible word uttered. This fluent interaction in British Sign Language (BSL) is common at Brimsdown Primary School in Enfield. We are a mainstream primary in North London with a hearing impairment resource base (HIRBiE). This is not an intervention tool, it’s a teaching tool. HIRBiE runs staff and family signing lessons during the day and after school, and teaches BSL to all children from Nursery to Year 6 in class time.

It works for us and we firmly believe it could – and should – work for you, too.

Admittedly, it has taken us some time to get to this point: HIRBiE has been operating for 13 years in the school but its full integration into the school day has been going on only for the past four years.

HIRBiE was set up because there were (and still are) a number of deaf children and staff at the school, and the leadership firmly believed that every child deserved the right to be treated equally and to receive the same quality of education. However, leaders also felt there was a need to bridge the gap between hearing and deaf people and so took the decision to make BSL a significant part of our school curriculum.

(Note - subscription required to access full article).


Why we offer Mandarin and Spanish, not German and French

20 December 2019 (TES)

Secondary head Chris Woolf explains why he ditched the modern language stalwarts in favour of giving all students the chance to learn Mandarin and Spanish.

It was very quiet. There was no one to talk to. There were no phones to ring. There was no one knocking on the door. Getting in early to make some progress before students and staff arrived for the day was pointless: they wouldn’t be here for another nine months. It was June 2015 and I had been appointed founding headteacher of Pinner High School.

Much of the next year was spent making and enacting plans. But foremost in my mind, on those quiet days when the school had not yet come into being, was the curriculum. What should it look like?

A lot of it would be traditional, of course: English, maths, science. However, there was an opportunity to make it a bit more exciting, too. This is how we came to ditch French and German, teaching Mandarin and Spanish to every child in the school instead.

Mandarin teaching has increased over the past 20 years but it is still offered by only a minority of state schools. Even then, it is usually in addition to the more traditional languages. We didn’t want it to be an add-on – we wanted it to be the main event.

Meanwhile, the number of students taking Spanish at GCSE has soared, while French has fallen markedly. But trying to counter the former and respond to the latter were not our only drivers.

Governors asked appropriately challenging questions. Why? What’s wrong with French and German? Through telling audiences about our language options as I toured local primaries to promote the school, I honed my response. When schools first started teaching modern foreign languages, we looked to our nearest neighbours in Europe for the most useful ones to learn: French and German.

But the world has changed. If we look to the future, we want jobseekers of the 2020s to be equipped for success, and that means a more dynamic approach. Teaching students in an English-speaking school Mandarin and Spanish means that they get to study the top three most widely spoken languages in the world. That must be a good thing.

Having settled on Mandarin and Spanish, I had to consider who would be eligible for these languages. This was an easy decision: everyone. We are a truly inclusive school and we believe that everyone can access the same curriculum, given the proper support.

Then I had to actually make it happen. I had expected recruiting Mandarin teachers to be difficult. However, when I advertised, there was a strong field to pick from and we now have brilliant colleagues.

(Note - subscription required to access full article).


Chinese New Year

19 December 2019 (British Council)

Get ready to celebrate Chinese New Year on 25 January 2020!

This education resource from the British Council is packed full of exciting ideas and activities from across the curriculum, helping you and your pupils celebrate Chinese New Year 2020 and the Year of the Rat.

Play the sound files and practice saying the names of different Chinese festivals and greetings in Mandarin. Read a traditional story about a pair of ambitious rat parents trying to find a husband for their daughter. Get creative making rat finger puppets, Tangram puzzles and steamed rice dumplings. Learn together about Tomb Sweeping Day, the Spring, Moon and Dragon Boat Festivals and read letters from Chinese children about how they celebrate with their friends and families.

This resource is suitable for primary years and adaptable for early secondary years and older.


European Language Gazette Issue 49

19 December 2019 (ECML)

The latest issue of the European Language Gazette is now available.

The e-newsletter provides up-to-date news about the ECML (events, projects, resources), other relevant sectors of the Council of Europe, as well as our partners. The current issue is dedicated to the ECML 25th Anniversary Conference "Languages at the heart of learning: 25 years of inspiring innovation" (Graz, Austria, 5-6 December 2019), the forthcoming resources resulting from the ECML programme 2016-19 "Languages at the heart of learning programme" and the launch of the new programme 2020-23 "Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences".


School partnership bursaries

16 December 2019 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection is again offering bursaries of £1,000 to help keep UK-German school partnerships alive. The bursaries can support pupil visits and joint activities taking place in 2020.

Visit the website to find out more and submit your application by 31 January 2020.


The Glasgow school using play to boost literacy and numeracy

6 December 2019 (TESS)

From making imaginary pizzas to becoming interior designers for a doll’s house, learning through play isn’t just for the youngest pupils, argue two Glasgow teachers. They tell Emma Seith how they are using it to support children who speak English as an additional language – and to connect with colleagues around the world.

Have you heard the tale about play-based learning, a viral Facebook page and one of Scotland’s most diverse communities? It involves two young teachers in Glasgow, who have gained thousands of followers around the world for their imaginative use of play in the classroom.

The magic happens at Holy Cross Primary in the Govanhill area, which serves a truly multicultural community. Holy Cross has a significant Romanian and Slovakian pupil population, and there are a large number of children with Pakistani heritage, many of whom speak Urdu and Punjabi. Overall, 80 per cent of pupils speak English as an additional language – something that proved challenging for Rebecca Meighan and Claire Scally when they were both teaching P1.

So, what are they doing that has struck such a chord with teachers around the world?

Meighan and Scally quickly realised that before they could push on with reading and writing skills, they needed to first build up their pupils’ English vocabulary. But they didn’t want to simply show pictures – they wanted pupils to be able to “see and touch and feel these objects”. The solution was to enable them to acquire language in a more natural way: to let them play.

“When we got to teaching phonics, initial sounds and word blends, we were finding it really difficult because the children were coming either with little English or no English at all,” explains Scally. “You always start with the letter S – the ‘sss’ sound – but when we were trying to get them to think of words that start with the letter S, they were just looking at us blankly.”

Meighan and Scally decided to change tack. After brainstorming words with the sound they wanted children to learn that week, they set up play activities related to that sound. For instance, with the “V” sound, one activity was to make a volcano erupt (with lava produced by combining vinegar and baking soda). The children were also given the chance to role-play being a vet; one of the suggested activities was taking a pet dog for a vaccination.

The plan achieved the desired result: instead of looking blank when they were asked to give examples of words featuring the sound they were working on, the children were able to reel off a list. And, importantly, they remembered these words because they had been immersed in a world (albeit an imaginary one) where they were relevant.

“We knew that if we gave children the chance to interact with these objects – to do and not just see – they would remember them and gain some more language from that,” explains Meighan.

Meighan and Scally set up The Power of Play Facebook page to collaborate with teachers outside their school ( They quickly discovered that teachers across the UK – as well as from Finland, Norway, Australia, Canada and New Zealand – were on similar journeys and wanted to introduce more play into their classrooms.

At the time of writing, the page had attracted more than 17,000 followers and 16,000-plus likes. Some of Meighan and Scally’s posts, meanwhile, have attracted hundreds of comments.

Many Facebook commenters ask them where they get their resources from, including the miniature apples decorating their cardboard apple trees, brightly painted numbers with googly eyes and “bones” (dog biscuits) used for Halloween activities.

What they have created is a community of teachers helping each other. The ideas that go down well, they say, are the ones that are relatively easy to do, and which feature resources that can be adapted and used again.

(Note - subscription required to access full article)


Scottish Education Awards 2020

4 December 2019 (Scottish Education Awards)

The Scottish Education Awards celebrate the hard work and success which takes place in Scottish education.

The annual event recognises those who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcases the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

Among the wide range of categories are the awards for Gaelic Education and the Internationalism and Languages award. 

Nominations are now invited.

Visit the Scottish Education Awards website for further information and to submit your nomination by 14 February 2020.


Greenock pupils impress First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in a show at the Scottish Parliament

3 December 2019 (Greenock Telegraph)

It's a case of mind your languages for Greenock school pupils who impressed First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as they put on a superb show at the Scottish Parliament.

Whinhill Primary were invited to bring their culture and diversity showcase to Holyrood and blew everyone away with a special performance.

The Greenock school uses performing arts to bring languages to life and the children were able to express themselves in Gaelic, German and Tamil.

Inverclyde MSP Stuart McMillan arranged for them to come to parliament and said they proved great ambassadors.


SCILT professional learning menu - available for booking!

29 November 2019 (SCILT)

The SCILT professional learning menu for 2019-20 is available for booking. Authorities, clusters or schools may be interested in booking one or more from our range of workshops for primary, secondary and BGE. 

Remember all of our professional learning sessions are free to book by teachers and local authorities. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us.

Details of the workshops available and how to submit a request are on the professional learning pages of our website. 


SCILT Christmas 2019 webpage now live

29 November 2019 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your pupils, from songs and games to lesson plans and festive facts. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and around the world!


‘Know your place, show your place’ photo competition

28 November 2019 (Queens University Belfast)

This competition invites you to consider the linguistic ‘ingredients’ that make up place-names, and capture elements of these as they exist today in a photo

  • Entries welcome from individuals and schools
  • Cash prizes for both categories
  • Easy to enter, email some details and the photo to
  • Closes 31st Dec
  • Funded by the ‘Language Acts and World Making project

Visit the website for more information.


Education Scotland Gaelic Newsletter

20 November 2019 (Education Scotland)

The November 2019 edition of Education Scotland's newsletter for Gaelic Medium Education is now available to view online.

Topics in this issue include:

  • National Improvement Hub resources to support GME in the curriculum
  • Music and wellbeing resources
  • Professional learning and leadership opportunities
  • Early years support
  • Sharing effective practice to support improvement


SEET school competitions reminder

20 November 2019 (SEET)

Have you registered your school yet for either of the competitions run by the Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET)?

The Euroquiz project is open to all P6 pupils across Scotland and sees teams of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe and the wider world. Subjects covered include languages, history, geography, culture and European affairs. Heats commence January 2020.

Our World is a film making project for S3-S6 pupils asking them to use modern languages to express thoughts on topics such as migration and sustainable tourism through the media of film. Deadline for storyboard submissions is 3 December 2019.

More information about each project and how to register can be found on the attached document or visit the SEET website.


Related Files

Hour of Code 2019

19 November 2019 (Turn It On)

The ‘Hour of Code™’ is an initiative by Computer Science Education Week and to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming and this year will be celebrated in Computer Science Education Week, 9th – 15th December 2019. Try a one-hour tutorial designed for all ages in over 45 languages. Join millions of students and teachers in over 180 countries starting with an Hour of Code.

Now in its fourth year there are even more resources out there for schools to use free of charge. The Hour of Code initiative is a really good opportunity for schools that are not that confident in following the computing curriculum to try it out with students for just one hour as well as some good activities for those that are already teaching it. 

On the Hour of Code website there are activities created by many partners for a variety of subjects so that you can bring an hour of code into any lesson, for students, and teachers, of any ability.


RZSS China Mobile Library - What's on offer?

7 November 2019 (RZSS)

The RZSS China Mobile Library is available throughout Scotland free of charge. Choose from the 'panda pack package' which includes panda expert visits with free panda packs of resources or Chinese Endangered Species outreach sessions. More information can be found on the attached pdf flyer. Please include all the details requested in your email if you wish to book. 

RZSS Science Specialist Confucius Classroom - What's on offer?

7 November 2019 (RZSS)

RZSS Specialist Confucius Classroom has limited free places for two sessions at Edinburgh Zoo.

  • Our P3-P4 'It makes Panda Sense' session is available to book from October through to December.
  • Our P5-P7 'China's animals and habitats will be available from January to April but bookings are being taken now. The P5-P7 session is in our new amazing immersive space!

Please read the attached pdf flyer for more information and please include all the details requested in your email if you wish to book. 

Spanish stamp competition

7 November 2019 (RZSS)

RZSS and partner StampIT have launched a great new Spanish competition. It's a fantastic activity which covers many curriculum objectives all starting with just one postage stamp. Tell the story of a Spanish stamp. Full details about the competition and how to enter are on the attached pdf leaflet. This activity links to the RZSS & StampIT Spanish language pack (but you don't need the pack to enter).

The competition will continue to run each year, therefore there is no time limit for entries. Entries will be entered as appropriate to the current year competition, so schools can just send in when complete. All age levels can enter in primary and secondary.

Related Files

International Education Week 2019

5 November 2019 (British Council)

International Education Week takes place 18-22 November 2019, and British Council has a range of ways to help your school #BeInternational.

International partnerships have changed the lives of pupils in thousands of schools. Pupils who have learnt new languages, developed their understanding of different cultures, and discovered more about the global issues that affect us all. Here are some of the ways you can participate in International Education Week 2019:

  • Take the #BeInternational languages quiz 
  • Enter our Unexpected Voices speechwriting competition
  • Partner with a school in Europe through eTwinning 
  • Partner with a school outside Europe with Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning 
  • Download The Great Languages Challenge and get your students to design their own challenges for their classmates or peers in their partner school overseas.
  • Apply for funding to take your students on an international exchange
  • Get recognised for your international work through the International School Award . 
  • Share your international activity with us using the hashtag #BeInternational 

Visit the British Council website to find out more.


Entries sought for Scots writing competition

3 November 2019 (Grampian Online)

Entries are being sought for an annual Scots language writing competition.

The Keith branch of the Traditional Music and Song Association of Scotland are looking for entries for the Charles Murray Writing Competition, which encourages the passing down of the Scots language from generation to generation.

The competition was launched to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Charles Murray, an Alford-born poet, and is now into its sixth year.

Work entered into the competition can be prose or poetry and can be written about anything – but has to be in Scots. The competition is open to anyone, of any age, but must be written by two or more people of different generations – for example mother and daughter or grandfather and grandson.


School competitions for learners of German

28 October 2019 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut currently has the following opportunities for schools teaching German. Click on the relevant link for more information:

Visit the main Goethe-Institut website for more information about the organisation and the full range of activities offered.


Concours de la Francophonie

28 October 2019 (Institut français)

The Institut français d'Ecosse has launched their annual Concours de la Francophonie for schools, which aims to encourage all young French learners and their teachers around Scotland to celebrate the international day of la francophonie.

​All Scottish primary and secondary schools offering French may enter this competition by submitting a short video of a classroom activity in French.

Entries can be submitted in four categories: P1/P4 - P5/P7 - S1/S3 - S4/S6.

The submission deadline is 20 January 2020. 

This school competition is sponsored by TOTAL E&P, the Franco Scottish Society and is organised in partnership with the Alliance française de Glasgow, SALT, SCILT and the University of Edinburgh.

Visit the Institut français website for more information and to discover previous competition winners.


Get ready for Hallowe'en!

25 October 2019 (Various)

A selection of spooktastic activities to celebrate Hallowe’en in the languages classroom:

do your :bit competition

22 October 2019 (British Council)

There’s a new opportunity for Connecting Classrooms partnership schools – the do your :bit competition!

do your :bit is a coding competition, which encourages children and teenagers to combine creativity and technology in solutions for the Global Goals, using BBC micro:bit handheld computers.  

The partnership resource has been produced to help schools collaborate on the do your :bit design challenge and enter the competition. Completing this unit together will give pupils opportunities to develop core skills in digital literacy, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity, communication and collaboration, and citizenship. 

Visit the British Council Connecting Classrooms website to find out more about the competition and how to get involved.


Prestigious Scottish school to open Chinese campus

22 October 2019 (ECNS)

Architects have begun construction on the Chinese outpost of a top-ranked Scottish school that will offer bilingual education to elementary and high school students.

Fettes Guangzhou is a collaborative venture between Chinese education company Bright Scholar and Edinburgh-based Fettes College, opened in 1870, which counts former United Kingdom prime minister Tony Blair among its alumni.

Set to open in September next year, Fettes Guangzhou will be the brand's first international campus.

The school will be dual-curricular, offering up to 2,000 students aspects of both the British and Chinese education systems. Fettes Guangzhou will teach boys and girls and take full boarders as well as day students.

"Fettes Guangzhou will be a true reflection of Fettes College internationally, fully adopt our ethos, provide an outstanding academic education, focus on sector-leading pastoral care and introduce a wealth of co-curricular activities to broaden the horizons of all of its students," said Bruce Dingwall, who is deputy chair of the Fettes Trust.

Situated on the northern outskirts of Edinburgh, Fettes College was named Scotland's top independent secondary school in 2018 by The Sunday Times School Guide, which uses results from General Certificate of Secondary Education, A-Level, and International Baccalaureate exams to determine its rankings.

Several high-profile individuals have attended Fettes, including 2015's Nobel Prize in Economics winner Angus Deaton, Academy Award-winning actress Tilda Swinton, and sinologist Roderick Mac-Farquhar, who served as director of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University.

Bright Scholar is China's largest operator of international and bilingual schools, and the company has made a string of investments in British education in recent years.


French Film Festival 2019

17 October 2019 (French Film Festival)

The 27th French Film Festival takes place throughout the UK during November and December 2019.

Visit the Festival website to discover screenings near you. Educational packs are available to accompany the following films:

  • La Famille Bélier
  • Gus petit oiseau, grand voyage
  • Une colonie


Unleashing the creative potential of linguistic diversity in our classrooms

15 October 2019 (Creative Multilingualism)

Many of our students are already multilingual, but our classrooms often don’t reflect this. In our action research project, we were amazed by the transformation that occurred when we invited students to use their home languages in class.

Imagine walking into any science or humanities-based lesson in a UK school or elsewhere in which all of the students are engaged in the same task yet using different languages. For most of us that would probably be an unusual sight. Yet we have to ask ourselves why. Why does this seem such an unlikely scenario when our schools commonly serve a multicultural and multilingual student body with home languages that are not English? If we are to promote multilingualism and encourage students to learn languages other than English, shouldn’t we also value and welcome all the languages that already exist in our school communities?

Think of the wealth of knowledge and intercultural exchange as well as language learning opportunities that students from different backgrounds can bring to the classroom. Also, when charged with the education of children whose primary home language is not English, we need to consider how we can facilitate and encourage our students’ development in their home language too. Multiple longitudinal studies by UNESCO have consistently revealed that a student’s academic proficiency in their home language plays a significant role in their success in additional language learning and across the whole curriculum.


Funding for Gaelic education

11 October 2019 (Scottish Government)

The Scottish Government is to provide £2 million of capital support towards a fourth Gaelic primary school in Glasgow.

The new school, likely to be in the north-east of the city, is being built to meet demand for Gaelic medium education.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney announced the investment as he formally opened the 116th Royal National Mod in Glasgow.


Gaelic Play Warns of Climate Change Crisis

9 October 2019 (Stornoway Gazette)

A new Gaelic language play about climate change is nearing the end of a successful six week national tour of Gaelic medium primary schools.

An Rabhadh (The Warning), performed by Artair Donald and Katie Hammond, highlights the concerns regarding climate change and points to the positive changes that can be made to reduce waste and our carbon footprint.

The tour, which started at the end of August, will visit 47 schools across Scotland, taking in the central belt, Perthshire, Aberdeen, Argyllshire, Skye and Lochalsh and the Western Isles.

The final leg will include visits to schools in the Highland Council area, East Kilbride and the Isle of Tiree.

Aimed at upper primary pupils, the play has been produced through Fèisean nan Gàidheal’s Gaelic language theatre-in-education project Meanbh-chuileag and was written and directed by Angus Macleod, Drama Officer with Fèisean nan Gàidheal. He explained: “The play features two environmentally-friendly aliens who are on a mission to rescue Earth in the year 2119.

“Unfortunately they find that reversing the effects of environmental damage is not possible but a time-travelling gizmo enables a journey back to 2019 to warn the planet’s occupants before it’s too late.”


Discovery Film Festival 2019

8 October 2019 (Discovery Film Festival)

This year's Discovery Film Festival takes place from 19 October to 3 November. Now in its sixteenth year, the festival brings another selection of the best films for young audiences from around the world. With several native language films on offer, and a programme for schools, language learners have a great opportunity to test their listening and comprehension skills.


Write Away!

7 October 2019 (Light Bulb Languages)

Write Away! is a magazine celebrating the writing that primary children do in their language lessons.

All primary schools across the UK are now invited to enter submissions for the next issue. The closing date is 23.59 on Friday 29 November 2019.

Visit the Light Bulb Languages website for full submission guidelines and to read previous editions of the magazine.


eTwinning – what it is and why UK educators should get in quick

4 October 2019 (London Connected Learning Centre)

London Connected Learning Centre’s Peter Lillington reports back from last week’s UK eTwinning Conference.

If you’re a UK educator of 3-19 year olds and you haven’t yet heard of eTwinning – get up to speed and get in quick (and certainly before 31 October). eTwinning is a free online community for schools in Europe and some neighbouring countries, which allows you to find partners and collaborate on projects within a secure network and potentially access Erasmus+ funding.

This fantastic initiative is supported in the UK by the British Council and of the 670,000 registrations on the platform, more than 27,000 are teachers from the UK. Take a look to get a flavour of some of the projects that show the power of online international collaboration between schools: from coding, robotics, Lego and laughter to challenging perceptions on migration, language learning, history and inclusion.


Professional Development in Germany

3 October 2019 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut is again able to offer a number of grants to teachers for training in Germany. The offer is aiming at German teachers just embarking on their career, as well as at teachers expanding their commitments to GCSE and A-level. Those who train German language teachers are also able to benefit from the variety of courses.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to apply.


Modern Languages Newsletter - October 2019

3 October 2019 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland's latest Modern Languages Newsletter is now available online. This edition includes an update on 1+2 policy on the delivery of L3 in the secondary context.


Into Film Festival 2019

3 October 2019 (Into Film)

The Into Film Festival is a free, annual, nationwide celebration of film and education for 5-19 year olds.

Taking place from 6-22 November 2019 in various locations across the country, film titles will include premieres and the latest blockbusters alongside old favourites, documentaries, animations, short films, modern foreign language titles and much more, all mapped against curricula from across the four UK nations, and supported by the Festival's various educational resources.

Visit the website to discover screenings near you.


Oxford German Olympiad 2020

3 October 2019 (Oxford German Network)

The Oxford German Olympiad competition 2020 is now open!

The 2020 theme is Natur und Technik.

There are four age categories with different competition tasks for each, which can be found on the competition webpage. There is also a category for group/class submissions as well as a Discover German - Taster Competition for those with no prior knowledge of the language.

Visit the website for full details. Submission deadline is 13 March 2020.


Why you Should Introduce Writing Early in MFL

3 October 2019 (Teachwire)

Writing is often the skill that is left alone by the teachers of MFL beginners: “They’ll get mixed up with English… we have to focus on speaking… it’s too hard.”

However, learners will start to write in the new language whether we want them to or not, on any scrap of paper they can find, while we’re teaching.

They like to note down words to help them with speaking activities, for example. Primary language learners enjoy writing – it’s seen as “proper work” – and being able to write successfully in another language gives them a great sense of achievement.

What is writing all about in language learning? We want learners to:

  • Make intelligible marks on a piece of paper or other surface, and have the confidence to form those marks correctly
  • Put the marks together in a way that forms words, sentences and texts, according to the rules and conventions of the languages they’re studying
  • Give meaning to the words and use them to communicate

So, when children write in the foreign language, we want them to form the individual shapes and letters correctly, to be attentive to accuracy and spell correctly, and to understand structure and grammar and in order to create sentences that communicate.


UK-German Bears Project

1 October 2019 (UK-German Connection)

The UK-German Bears project is a free two-week bilateral programme, which puts pupils not only in touch with Alex, the teddy bear from Germany, but also with a German school class. The German class hosts Ben, the British teddy bear, at the same time as the UK school hosts Alex, making this a fun, interactive way for primary children to learn about each other’s language and culture! 

If you'd like to host the Bears, dates are still available in the 2019-20 academic session.

Visit the website for more information and to register interest.


School links in Spain 2019-20

30 September 2019 (Consejería de Educación)

Looking for a partner school in Spain in the 2019-20 academic year? The Spanish Embassy Education Office in the UK and Ireland can help. They will only promote the links between schools. Any actions decided upon by the schools will be their exclusive responsibility. 

Visit the website to find out more and to make an enquiry.


Developing multilingualism in primary schools in Wales: an impact study

30 September 2019 (British Council)

The British Council report sampled 10 primary schools across Wales, surveying both headteachers, staff and pupils, and interviewed stakeholders from the four regional consortia. By surveying schools who had already used both traditional and innovative methods of including languages in the school’s curriculum the report looks ahead and is able to analyse the benefits of embedding international languages, discussing the differing approaches and make recommendations for other schools based on best practice.

The report outlines some of the innovative methods teachers are using to integrate international languages into the classroom. 

The headteachers surveyed in the report saw international languages provision as representing the international ethos and aspirations of their school and supporting children to become ‘global citizens’.

Pupils themselves recognised this; “We like languages because you can go to other countries and meet people, travel the world, do good jobs”.  


French classes in Glasgow

24 September 2019 (Alliance Française)

The autumn term has now started at the Alliance Française in Glasgow. Below is information on some of the upcoming events and activities this session. Click on the appropriate link for more information:

To find out more about the full range of courses and activities on offer, visit the Alliance Française website.


Newsletter for Gaelic education

24 September 2019 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland has published their latest Gaelic education newsletter. This edition includes information on the following:

  • New educational resources
  • Leadership programmes 
  • Sharing effective practice - workshops and resources
  • Professional learning opportunities
  • Links to information and resources from partners supporting Gaelic in the curriculum

Access the newsletter online.


Magical Christmas Trips for primary and secondary schools - deadline reminder: 24 September

19 September 2019 (UK-German Connection)

Apply for funding of up to £10,000 for a Christmas trip to a partner school in Germany this year!

These visits offer primary pupils the chance to get a taste of Germany at Christmas time, meet their German peers and get involved in some seasonal cultural activity. Secondary pupils have the opportunity to brush up their German and develop their skills as young leaders.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information.


Maths Week Scotland – Maths wi nae Borders

19 September 2019 (Maths Week Scotland)

As part of Maths Week Scotland, pupils of all ages can participate in the 'Maths wi nae borders' competition, which requires students to respond to one of the questions in either Gaelic or Scots.

The competition is inspired by 'Mathématiques sans frontières'. North Lanarkshire Council, the University of the West of Scotland and Heriot Watt University work together to encourage young language learners to apply their knowledge in a Maths setting.

This stimulating and light-hearted competition for secondary schools combines Maths and Modern Languages and aims to motivate pupils in both their Maths and Language Learning. The first question requires an explanation in a foreign language. 

Teachers look out for the e-mail inviting you to take part in 'Mathématiques sans frontières' in January 2020.

Meanwhile get your classes involved this Maths Week in the 'Maths wi nae borders' competition. Entry deadline 18 October 2019.

Visit the website for more information.


Reigniting the love of languages

17 September 2019 (Erasmus+)

With multilingualism being a key ingredient in making your CV stand out from the crowd, language skills are in high demand.

As well as boosting employability, learning a language also helps people to become more culturally aware, and can even improve cognitive skills in observation, memory and creativity.

In the UK less than half of the working age population can speak a foreign language. The BBC reported earlier this year that foreign language learning was at its lowest level in UK secondary schools since the turn of the millennium.

However, the Erasmus+ programme, which supports language learning in schools, is making a difference by providing funding to UK schools to run vital international activities. 

Ahead of the European Day of Languages on 26 September, let’s take a look at the UK language landscape and how Erasmus+ is helping school staff and pupils to reignite their love of languages.


Translanguaging has made it to Scottish primary education and it is alive and 'coleando'!

11 September 2019 (Creative Multilingualism)

All the World is Our Stage: primary pupils never lost in translanguaging, a multilingual performance showcasing heritage and school languages, has brought pupils and teachers from Whinhill Primary School together with actress-singer, Rebecca Cameron, and creative language learning social enterprise, The Language Hub.

Warm and welcome feelings and emotions engulfed me the first time I set foot in Whinhill. Bilingual signs in English and Gaelic adorn the school, leaving no wall silent, and as you venture inside, the building also speaks through imagery and words in French. What a pleasure to the eye, and a delicacy for the soul!

The school currently offers Gaelic and French under the 1+2 language approach to language learning, and hosts a Gaelic Medium Education (GME) unit allowing pupils to learn through the medium of Scottish Gaelic.

The multilingual realities of our pupils is not always acknowledged, or even recognised, in the school context. English as the societal and school language can stifle pupils’ heritage languages. This project sought to combat that by raising awareness about multilingualism and celebrating linguistic diversity through the performing arts. 

Visit the website to read the full article, which contains links to the resources used in the project.


UK-German Connection - Back to School Newsletter 2019

9 September 2019 (UK-German Connection)

As the new school year gets underway, find out about the latest selection of initiatives from UK-German Connection in their autumn newsletter.

This edition includes information about the following opportunities:

  • Host a Teacher from Germany in 2020
  • Youth Seminars in Germany
  • Magical Christmas trips
  • UK-German bears - Alex and Ben


Host a teacher from Germany

5 September 2019 (UK-German Connection)

There are just over two weeks left to register for this free CPD opportunity to host a teacher from Germany for 1, 2 or 3 weeks in spring/summer 2020.

What are the benefits?

  1. Choose your own timings - it's flexible and fully funded!
  2. Enhance the intercultural dimension in your school community
  3. Share best practice on an international level
  4. Boost speaking confidence in your classrooms
  5. Create a connection with a German school

Deadline: 20 September 2019 to host in spring/summer 2020.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more and to apply.


International school exchange facilitated seminar

27 August 2019 (British Council)

Would you like to set up a student exchange visit but don't yet have a partner school?

For schools looking for a partner school, we still have a few spaces available on our seminar in Germany in the Autumn term 2019, designed to allow schools to set up a partnership and plan your exchange.

All arrangements will be made by the British Council and travel, accommodation and meal costs will be covered.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to apply by 13 September 2019. Be quick, spaces are extremely limited!


Embedding languages policy in primary schools in England: summary of the RiPL White Paper proposing solutions

27 August 2010 (MEITS)

Since the 1960s, the implementation of primary languages learning in England has been subject to a number of false starts and has tended to be localised, vulnerable to change and variable in quality (Burstall 1974; Wade and Marshall 2009; Cable et al. 2010). For the first time in the history of language learning, the review of the National Curriculum in 2012 set out to include the teaching of a foreign language to children aged 7 to 11 as a statutory requirement. The new foreign language programme of study (2013) stipulated that children should make substantial progress in one language, either a modern language or an ancient language such as Latin or Greek. The choice of which language to teach was left to individual schools.


SCILT vacancy - Professional Development Officer

22 August 2019 (SCILT)

SCILT requires a Professional Development Officer to advise and support primary schools across Scotland with language learning and teaching. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward Scotland’s agenda for languages at a strategic level.

The Professional Development Officer will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures for teachers of languages. This would include, for example, leading professional learning, managing projects, assuming responsibility for national awards/competitions and other language related events.

It is expected that the postholder will support practitioners in turning policy into practice to create a positive impact on learners. This will be based on identification of practitioners’ needs, with particular reference to the aims of the National Improvement Framework, the 1+2 languages policy and Developing the Young Workforce. The postholder would need extensive experience of leading recent modern language initiatives in a primary school context. Established expertise in creative approaches to learning, teaching and assessment is essential.

Ideally, the post holder will have experience of external partnership working with the aim of developing interesting contexts for learning and intercultural awareness. The successful candidate will be competent in the use of digital technologies and will have the ability to work not only on her/his own initiative but also as part of a team. Excellent organisational, ICT and communication skills are essential, as is an ability to be flexible and responsive to our stakeholders’ needs.

Visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy portal for further information and to apply. Closing date: 3 September 2019.


Beyond the Panda resources - update

19 August 2019 (RZSS)

The China Mobile Library panda packs are now available online and free! Although the expert visits and outreach have been free of charge since November 2018, the resources in the panda packs used to be either on loan or available to purchase. They are now available online to all - under the China Mobile Library section. 

Associated expert visits and outreach sessions are still free and include different materials and resources which are only available on booking. These enhance the learning from the panda packs. Free teaching training sessions can also be booked. See the attached document for more information and visit the website.


Related Files

Discovery Film Festival 2019

15 August 2019 (Discovery Film Festival)

Discovery is Scotland's International Film Festival for children and young people. Taking place from 19 October to 3 November 2019, the Festival is in its sixteenth year and brings another selection of the best films for young audiences from around the world. With several native language films on offer, language learners have a great opportunity to test their listening and comprehension skills.

Teachers visit the Festival website to take a look at the programme for schools. The programme contains information about associated CPD sessions taking place during August and September which you can attend prior to your school visit.


EU Code Week 2019

14 August 2019 (European Schoolnet Academy)

Are you keen on bringing innovation to your classroom but don't know where to start? Why not get involved with Code Week this October? Teachers from all subject areas with no prior experience of coding are invited to join the EU Code Week - Deep Dive MOOC run by the European Schoolnet Academy. The five-week course begins on 16 September 2019. Enrol and discover how you can incorporate coding into your subject lessons.

Visit the website for more information.


Into Film Awards 2020

13 August 2019 (Into Film)

The Into Film Awards is the best place to showcase young filmmaking talent, with categories designed to highlight the large pool of young creatives in the UK. Setting out to discover and honour the most talented filmmakers, reviewers, Into Film Clubs and educators, we encourage children and young people aged 5-19 from all backgrounds and with all abilities to get involved.

The 6th annual Into Film Awards will take place in March 2020, and this year sees some exciting new changes. Entering the Awards now not only gives you the chance to be nominated and join us at our star-studded ceremony in London, but this year, every single verified submission will also be entered into a prize draw to win £1,000 worth of filmmaking equipment for the filmmakers, film clubs or schools!

Visit the Into Film website for more information about the award categories and submit your entry by 6 December 2019.

The site also contains a wide range of films and teaching materials, including a selection for the languages classroom.


How to make children citizens of the world

9 August 2019 (TES)

One head explains how a partnership with a school in Palestine has helped pupils to gain a new perspective on the world.

In the 21 years that I have worked at Lockerbie Primary School, we have developed our international curriculum to help change the perception of what most people think of when they hear Lockerbie – the air tragedy in 1988 – and instead showcase our town to the world in a more positive light and help broaden pupils’ horizons, too.

We’ve done this in numerous ways, from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, which provides funding to schools for international activities, to working on a number of British Council eTwinning projects, most notably Hands of the World, which brings children of the world together through music and Makaton.

But the international connection that has sparked the most joy over the years has been our link with the Al Shurooq School for Blind Children in Palestine.

The partnership began in 2005 after a series of emails between me and Al Shurooq’s founder, Helen Shehadeh. Our local minister, who met her on a visit to Bethlehem, introduced me to her.

By the end of the year, as pupils, parents and members of the wider school community looked on, I was using my mobile phone and a microphone to talk to Helen during our Christmas assembly. Two of our P7 pupils, aged 11, then spoke with two pupils from Al Shurooq about their respective schools and how they celebrate the festive season, before wishing each other a “happy and peaceful Christmas”. It was one of the most moving moments in my whole career.

Around five years ago we moved on to focused, whole-school joint curricular projects after Ruba Aburdeinah was appointed as the new director at Al Shurooq.

These mini-projects have primarily centred on the United Nations’ International Day of Peace in September. Every year each of my 12 primary classes, plus our nursery classes and Learning Centre for children aged 2-18 with complex and continuing needs, exchanges work on the theme of peace with a different partner school from around the world. Last year, we exchanged items with schools in 15 different countries, with our Learning Centre pupils making “peace postcards” to send to Al Shurooq.

Music has proved to be a unifying force, too, with students using the World Voice Songbook to learn about each other’s cultures through traditional songs in each other’s language.

We have also enhanced pupils’ understanding of life in Palestine through the Culture in a Box project. This eTwinning initiative asks pupils to choose 10 items they think best represent their culture and explain why. These items then go into a shoebox, which is exchanged with boxes from schools in other countries.

Refugee Week is also an important focus for us, once again prompted by our connection with Al Shurooq. This year we took part in Refugee Week’s Ration Challenge, which asked people to eat and drink the same as a Syrian refugee living in a camp in Jordan for a week. Our class teachers also led themed activities throughout the week and we invited parents and the wider community to attend a Time for Reflection assembly.

(Note - subscription required to access full article).


Bring the world into your classroom

8 August 2019 (TES/British Council)

We believe every young person should have intercultural and international experience. As the UK’s cultural relations organisation, the British Council creates opportunities for schools and teachers in the UK and worldwide to connect and work together to share ideas and practices.

Our range of international education programmes can help develop teaching skills with funded professional development, connect schools across the globe and bring language learning to life.

TES and the British Council have joined forces to explore different ways to bring the world into the classroom and open the door to a host of international learning opportunities.

Visit the TES and British Council websites to access a wide range of resources and information.


eTwinning free 'Culture in a Box' resource

8 August 2019 (eTwinning)

British Council is giving away free classroom resources to UK teachers to help kick start an international project. Culture in a Box is a ready-made, easy-to-run project, making it easy for your class to exchange aspects of UK culture with that of another school in one (or more) eTwinning countries. The resource is designed to help you to kick start an international project with pre-prepared, cross-curricular activities spanning key stages one to five.

Register on the eTwinning platform before 15 September 2019. The 'Culture in a Box' ready-made resource will then be posted to your school in September.

Visit the website for more information.


New for 2019-20! SCILT series of professional learning webinars

24 May 2019 (SCILT)

New for session 2019/20, a series of SCILT professional learning webinars.

These webinars offer an alternative to our face-to-face workshops. Practitioners may wish to get together to participate in the live streaming of events which will include opportunities for online discussion. Alternatively, the recorded version can be used as a stimulus for collegiate discussion, in-service days or as part of individual practitioners’ professional development.

Registration will be advertised via the weekly SCILT e-bulletin and on the National Modern Languages Hub prior to these publicised dates.

  • Glow login will be required
  • Recordings will be available to watch again on National ML Hub under the Anytime Learning tab

Keep an eye on our e-bulletin and social media channels for details of how to register for these webinars in the new session. 

OU/SCILT primary languages course

31 May 2019 (SCILT/OU)

We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the OU/SCILT primary languages course, which will be running again from October 2019. In light of positive feedback and popularity of the first year of the course, we are now also delighted to offer a second year, post-beginners’ course. The latter would be suitable for those who have successfully completed year 1 and wish to continue their studies, or for those who are looking to begin studying at a more advanced level.

  • The courses will run from October 2019 to July 2020, and will develop language and pedagogy skills; language learning is provided by the Open University and pedagogy is provided by SCILT.  The courses are aligned to the Scottish curriculum and support the 1+2 languages approach.
  • Both courses are delivered online with two opportunities to attend face-to-face day schools. 
  • Learning is very flexible and participants can study at a time and place of their choosing.
  • Each course carries a fee of £252, reflecting the input and student support for the language and pedagogy strands from both organisations.

Funding may be sponsored through your school or Local Authority who can register on your behalf.   Initial registration information must be submitted to the OU by Monday 17 June 2019 and LAs should contact  
Students also have the option to fund the fee themselves. In this case, an interested teacher should contact the OU directly at

Here is some further information:

Beginners level

  • will be offered in a choice of four languages - French, German, Spanish and Mandarin plus study of primary pedagogy with direct application in the classroom.
  • takes students to the end of the equivalent to level A1 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages.
  • allows students to gain 15 university credits for the language study.
  • also gives students the option to gain GTCS recognition for the pedagogy study; all students will receive a certificate on successful completion from SCILT.
  • study hours will be approximately five hours per week, including time spent on the direct application of the new skills in the classroom.

Post-beginners level

  • teachers who have started studying one language in the beginners level of the course would need to continue studying the same language at post-beginners level.
  • teachers who already have some basic knowledge in one of the four languages can directly enrol on the post-beginners level course to further develop their skills in that language and learn about primary languages pedagogy (without having to have studied beginners level).
  • will follow the same format as the beginners level course and will be offered in the same four languages (French, German, Mandarin and Spanish).
  • will teach primary languages pedagogy in more depth and cover:
    • the skills of writing and reading,
    • IDL with a special focus on outdoor learning as well as links with other key subject areas through CLIL,
    • learning and teaching of languages in multilingual contexts/communities.
  • will have the same:
    • number of study hours,
    • assessment structure,
    • accreditation with 15 university credits,
    • optional GTCS recognition for the pedagogy strand, as above ;
  • in their language study, students will reach the equivalent of the end of level A2 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (end of post-beginner level).
  • after completing both courses, students would then be in a good position to go on to study one of the standard language courses at the OU should they want to improve their knowledge of the language even further.

Course codes are as follows:

Beginners level

LXT192 French

LXT193 German

LXT197 Mandarin

LXT194 Spanish

Post-beginners level

LXT191 (language choice will come as a second step once students have registered)

OU/SCILT primary languages course

31 May 2019 (SCILT/OU)

We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the OU/SCILT primary languages course, which will be running again from October 2019. In light of positive feedback and popularity of the first year of the course, we are now also delighted to offer a second year, post-beginners’ course. The latter would be suitable for those who have successfully completed year 1 and wish to continue their studies, or for those who are looking to begin studying at a more advanced level.

  • The courses will run from October 2019 to July 2020, and will develop language and pedagogy skills; language learning is provided by the Open University and pedagogy is provided by SCILT.  The courses are aligned to the Scottish curriculum and support the 1+2 languages approach.
  • Both courses are delivered online with two opportunities to attend face-to-face day schools. 
  • Learning is very flexible and participants can study at a time and place of their choosing.
  • Each course carries a fee of £252, reflecting the input and student support for the language and pedagogy strands from both organisations.

Funding may be sponsored through your school or Local Authority who can register on your behalf.   Initial registration information must be submitted to the OU by Monday 17 June 2019 and LAs should contact  
Students also have the option to fund the fee themselves. In this case, an interested teacher should contact the OU directly at

Here is some further information:

Beginners level

  • will be offered in a choice of four languages - French, German, Spanish and Mandarin plus study of primary pedagogy with direct application in the classroom.
  • takes students to the end of the equivalent to level A1 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages.
  • allows students to gain 15 university credits for the language study.
  • also gives students the option to gain GTCS recognition for the pedagogy study; all students will receive a certificate on successful completion from SCILT.
  • study hours will be approximately five hours per week, including time spent on the direct application of the new skills in the classroom.

Post-beginners level

  • teachers who have started studying one language in the beginners level of the course would need to continue studying the same language at post-beginners level.
  • teachers who already have some basic knowledge in one of the four languages can directly enrol on the post-beginners level course to further develop their skills in that language and learn about primary languages pedagogy (without having to have studied beginners level).
  • will follow the same format as the beginners level course and will be offered in the same four languages (French, German, Mandarin and Spanish).
  • will teach primary languages pedagogy in more depth and cover:
    • the skills of writing and reading,
    • IDL with a special focus on outdoor learning as well as links with other key subject areas through CLIL,
    • learning and teaching of languages in multilingual contexts/communities.
  • will have the same:
    • number of study hours,
    • assessment structure,
    • accreditation with 15 university credits,
    • optional GTCS recognition for the pedagogy strand, as above ;
  • in their language study, students will reach the equivalent of the end of level A2 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (end of post-beginner level).
  • after completing both courses, students would then be in a good position to go on to study one of the standard language courses at the OU should they want to improve their knowledge of the language even further.

Course codes are as follows:

Beginners level

LXT192 French

LXT193 German

LXT197 Mandarin

LXT194 Spanish

Post-beginners level

LXT191 (language choice will come as a second step once students have registered)

Write Away!

28 May 2019 (Light Bulb Languages)

Write Away! is an exciting new project from Light Bulb Languages.

It's a magazine celebrating the writing that primary children do in their language lessons.

Open to all primary schools across the UK, submissions are now invited for issue 2. Closing date is 23.59 on Friday 27 September 2019.

Visit the Light Bulb Languages website for full submission guidelines.


Slump in school language learning hits Scottish universities

6 November 2018 (The Herald)

The number of students from Scotland learning a modern language at university has fallen by more than 500 in the past five years.

New figures show 3,400 students chose languages at a Scottish university in 2016/17 compared to nearly 4,000 in 2012/13.

The decline, which shows numbers are falling for German, French, Russian and Spanish, has sparked fears Scotland will become increasingly isolated in the world, particularly following Brexit.

This summer, opposition politicians called on the Scottish Government to launch an inquiry into the decline in the number of pupils studying modern languages at school.

The drop has been blamed partly on curriculum reforms which mean pupils experience a broader education in the first three years of secondary.

That means exam subjects are chosen a year later than previously with a shorter time to prepare - resulting in some subjects getting squeezed out.

Professor Vicente Perez de Leon, Head of the School of Modern Languages at Glasgow University, said the school squeeze was hitting university recruitment.

And he argued language learning at school should be protected and resourced to ensure numbers increase.

“Languages are something that can open possibilities for employment abroad or having better jobs here,” he said.

“They can open minds and allow students to make connections with new people, new cultures and new literature. It should be a priority within the curriculum.”

Dr Dan Tierney, an independent languages expert, said the decline was also fuelled by the closure of some university departments.


International Education Week 2018

29 October 2018 (British Council)

Teachers and school leaders in the UK and across the world are being encouraged to bring the world into their classrooms to celebrate International Education Week (IEW).

Each year, the British Council encourages schools to celebrate International Education Week to promote the benefits of international collaboration, languages and cultural exchange. During International Education Week, 12-16 November, The British Council is focusing on global communication and particularly language learning, believing these skills are more important now than ever. That is why this year’s theme is ‘Be International’.

Visit the British Council International Education Week website to find out more about how your students can take part in the Great Schools Online challenge and to access the IEW teaching resources.


La Jolie Ronde free trials

29 October 2018 (La Jolie Ronde)

FREE TRIALS available of La Jolie Ronde's two award winning French and Spanish resources and classes.

La Jolie Ronde Languages For Children is a leading early language learning organisation offering a proven method of teaching young children French and Spanish. La Jolie Ronde’s award winning programmes are unique, modern and of the highest quality. FREE TRIALS on their resources are available as follows:

P1-P3 - Little Languages Resource - FREE TRIAL AVAILABLE

Little Languages is a unique resource for introducing languages to P1-P3. It provides the perfect solution for introducing some of the different languages and cultures from around the world. To support the non-specialist and as a guide to aid the expert language teacher, Little Languages enables you to start teaching straightaway!

Activities demonstrated in French and Spanish:

  • Additional vocabulary & songs in Italian, Chinese, Hindi and African Shona
  • Includes fun, play-based activities including IWB material
  • Real life DVD clips featuring children from around the world

Product contains detailed lesson plans in a sturdy ring binder & software featuring:

  • Lesson plans
  • Resources
  • IWB activities and games
  • Colourful classroom wall frieze (5 x 2m lengths)
  • DVD clips
  • Also includes French and Spanish traditional and original songs plus songs from other languages
P4-P7 - French and Spanish Resource - FREE TRIAL AVAILABLE

La Jolie Ronde’s award winning resource contains everything you need to help plan and implement your policy for teaching a language in one go. The resource is a flexible four-year programme providing support to teachers with no previous experience of teaching languages and a guide for the more experienced, who can modify to suit. One of the biggest benefits of the resource is that everything is already pre-prepared and planned, so you can literally start teaching straightaway!

  • Perfect for the non-specialist or an aid for the more experienced languages teacher
  • Split into two schemes – for years P4-P5 and P6-P7
  • Plenty of material to fill two years and four years
  • Pre-prepared lessons, divided into short sessions for flexibility
  • Comprehensive and detailed lesson notes
FREE French or Spanish Class

Years of development, dedication and experience in the sector of early language learning, La Jolie Ronde has become the market leader, committed to offering the best possible start to young learners. Through their loyal network of over 560 tutors, who teach in over 1,660 centres, they currently teach in the region of 20,500 children. To find your nearest French or Spanish class and book your FREE TASTER CLASS, visit La Jolie Ronde website.

For your FREE RESOURCE OR CLASS TRIALS simply email your request to La Jolie Ronde quoting SCILT - email

Open eTwinning: Project-Based Learning and the Community for Schools in Europe

28 October 2018 (School Education Gateway)

Join this course to learn about eTwinning and how it can help you design a project-based learning experience for your students in cooperation with colleagues across Europe and beyond. During the course, you will learn about the principles of project-based learning and how to start a project in the eTwinning community.

Throughout the activities, we will look at the entire life cycle of a project, starting with the initial idea, including finding a partner and negotiations to design a common project, and ending with the implementation and evaluation of the project. We will include principles of project work and collaboration, as well as the educational use of various ICT tools that facilitate project work. We will also look at the social aspect of collaborative projects, showing eTwinning not only as a platform in which to implement educational projects, but also as a meeting place between colleagues, an environment where we can share ideas and participate in various professional development activities.

Visit the website for more information and to enrol on the free course, commencing 5 November 2018.



25 October 2018 (SEET)

SEET is delighted to announce that registration is now open for Euroquiz 2018-19!

Euroquiz is an annual project open to all P6 pupils across Scotland, which sees teams of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe and the wider world. Subjects covered include languages, history, geography, culture and European affairs. Heats take place in every local authority from January to March, with the winning teams from all areas going forward to the National Euroquiz Final held in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament in May.

See the attached flyer to find out more about how your school can get involved and visit the website to watch the Euroquiz Highlights Film for a taste of the Euroquiz journey, including interviews with previous participants and teachers.


Related Files

Grants for UK-German activities

25 October 2018 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a number of grants for joint activities between schools and youth groups in the UK and Germany.

The next deadline is approaching, so if you have any projects taking place in 2018-19 for which you'd like funding, visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and apply by 31 October 2018.


Calls for Scots children to be taught Chinese and Urdu

24 October 2018 (The Scotsman)

A new study suggests more pupils could learn Chinese and Urdu as part of a shake up in learning foreign languages.

The independent think tank, Reform Scotland, has published a report calling for a fresh approach to be taken towards the education of languages in Scottish schools.

The report indicates a practical model of learning should be introduced to help adapt to changing demand.

The number of Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) entries in “traditionally taught” languages has decreased over the last 20 years, with entries for higher grade French down by 18.2% and entries for German at the same level reduced by 58.4%.

In contrast, entries for higher Spanish exams increased by 219.8% increased over the same period, while Chinese entries have increased by 17.8% in the past two years.

Reform Scotland argue this highlights a changing global economy, with Asia seen as a growing economic market.

The report also calls for an end to distinctions between “community” and “modern” languages so that learning reflects the increasing number of communities in Scotland speaking languages such as Polish, Arabic and Urdu.

Reform Scotland Director Chris Deerin said: “If we want to see genuine growth in language skills in Scotland, rather than just paying lip service to the idea, we need to rethink our approach.

“There is a danger the languages currently on offer within the education system are not keeping up with Scottish or global society.

“We need to think much more freely - as many other countries do - about how best to equip ourselves to thrive in the modern global economy. Brexit, the shift of power from West to East, and Scotland’s pressing need to secure greater economic growth, all demand fresh ideas.”


ELAPSE – Embedding Languages across Primary and Secondary Education

23 October 2018 (ALL)

In September, we received some fantastic news from the British Council – ALL is part of a successful KA2 ERASMUS +application and along with our partners has been awarded funding for the ELAPSE project.

ELAPSE (Embedding Languages Across Primary and Secondary Education) aims to develop primary and secondary language teachers’ awareness of CLIL and soft CLIL methodology transnationally and build teachers’ confidence and expertise to adopt a cross-curricular approach to the planning and delivery of language lessons. It will involve the creation of a good practice guide as well as resources for teachers of English, French, German and Spanish as additional languages while focusing on Literacy, Numeracy, STEM subjects and Health and Wellbeing. There will also be an online course and training opportunities for teachers in participating countries.


Get ready for Hallowe'en!

23 October 2018 (Various)

It's that time of year again and to help celebrate Hallowe'en in the languages classroom we've compiled a range of spooky resources! Click on the relevant link below for more information:

Schools awarded the European Quality Label 2018

23 October 2018 (eTwinning)

We are pleased to announce the schools awarded the European Quality Label 2018! A total of 1204 projects received the Quality Label for their outstanding work. See the list of the distinguished schools, teachers' name and the project that got them their Quality Label.

Congratulations to all the Scottish schools on the list who have been recognised with an award!

If you'd like to get involved with eTwinning and collaborative projects with schools overseas, visit the website to find out how you can get involved and be rewarded with a Quality Label for your school.


Pupils teach us why it’s important to learn about other countries

16 October 2018 (British Council)

This year, pupils from Kinlochbervie in the Scottish Highlands took part in our Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme by partnering with Sachangwan Secondary School and Nguzu River Primary in Kenya. 

The distance between the schools, which we are reliably told by Kinlochbervie students is exactly 4623 miles as the crow flies, didn’t stop students speaking, giving tours of their schools and teaching each other about their culture.

Via letters, and a video directed by S1 pupils, Kinlochbervie students told their Kenyan peers about otters, lochs, shinty, fishing and snow. In a video response, the Sachangwan students showed off their impressive school grounds, sang, and planted trees in honour of the partnership. There were dance performances on both sides and in footage yet unseen by British Council Scotland, the Kenyan students learned to ceilidh dance.

However the partnership didn’t stop at school tours and dancing. The Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme , delivered by the British Council in partnership with the Department of International Development, provides teachers with the resources and training to teach internationally. As part of this, partnered schools work together on a project focusing on one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

Kinlochbervie and Sachangwan students chose to focus on gender equality, exploring the issue as part of their Modern Studies (High School) and Citizenship (Primary School) courses. In the summer, P5-S2 pupils hosted an event in Kinlochbervie to celebrate their work on the project. The event featured live performances from the Scottish pupils and video performances by Kenyan pupils around the gender equality theme.


Book Week Scotland 2018

12 October 2018 (Scottish Book Trust)

Book Week Scotland is a week-long celebration of books and reading that takes place every November. This year's event is taking place from Monday 19 – Sunday 25 November 2018.

There are a range of events, some with specific appeal to Gaelic and Scots readers. Visit the website to find out more on these and other ways you can get involved. Why not host a foreign language reading club or book sale?


Inspiring schools: John Paul II Primary, Castlemilk

11 October 2018 (British Council)

Every day at British Council Scotland we hear about how international learning benefits Scottish schools, teachers and pupils. Making this happen is a core part of our work, and we are keen to spread the message far and wide.

Last month, we visited John Paul II Primary School in Castlemilk, where a partnership with a school in Spain has had a powerful effect on pupils. We also heard from our partners at Glasgow City Council, which is a leading example of good practice when it comes to local authorities creating international and intercultural opportunities for their schools.  


Edinburgh Council to open new Gaelic schools by 2024

10 October 2018 (The Scotsman)

The city council will press ahead with proposals to open new primary and secondary Gaelic schools despite a “problematic” shortage of teachers who speak the language.

The authority hopes to open a new primary school in 2023 where pupils are taught through the medium of Gaelic - while a secondary school could follow by 2024. A host of short-term improvements will also be taken forward.

The council is facing a growing demand for Gaelic education but council officers admit that at the Bun-Sgoil Taobh na Pairce primary school, “as the school has grown, the recruitment of sufficient Gaelic-speaking teachers has proven to be problematic.”

Conservative education spokesman, Cllr Callum Laidlaw, said: “Clearly, there’s a demand for it in Edinburgh for primary expansion. There’s a problem with the citywide catchment area for the current primary school with transport, which is provided by the council. If we move forward with any expansion of primary GME, I would like to see that geographic problem tackled by building it in the south west of the city.

“As it stands, the plan demonstrates ambition rather than reality. There’s a significant recruitment challenge the council has to address first before it moves forward. We need to focus on delivering the six priority high schools in the Wave 4 funding before we commit to the GME secondary school.”

The primary school in Bonnington now has 20 Gaelic-speaking teachers. At James Gillespie’s High School, the city’s Gaelic Medium Education (GME) secondary school, a recruitment drive has helped fill vacancies – but fewer lessons than expected have been taught in Gaelic.


French Film Festival 2018

9 October 2018 (French Film Festival)

The 26th French Film Festival takes place during November throughout the UK.

School screenings are supported by free Learning Resources prepared by Institut français d’Écosse and Edinburgh Filmhouse. These resources have been designed in accordance with the Modern Languages outcomes and experiences for the Curriculum for Excellence.

Visit the website for full programme details, booking information and to download the accompanying learning resources.


The British Council's International School Award

8 October 2018 (British Council)

The International School Award (ISA) can help with your vision for school improvement. If you are writing your School Improvement Plan, and you’re looking for something new that has a proven track record of making a difference, then the International School Award could be what you are looking for.

It works in all profiles of schools: primary and secondary, inner-city and rural, thriving and struggling. Everyone has something to gain.

Experienced head teachers like Kevin McCabe, now Director of Improvement at Drb Ignite Multi-Academy Trust, testify to the ISA’s effectiveness as a tool to change the culture of your school. It does this by opening up the classroom to the world, giving the students the motivation they need to change the way they work and enriching the curriculum with cross-curriculum work.

Visit the website for more information and to register interest. Action plans should be submitted by 18 November 2018.


Grants for professional development in Germany

2 October 2018 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut is offering German teachers grants for courses in Germany. The programme includes courses on methodology and didactics, "Landeskunde" as well as specialised language courses for teachers.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and apply now for a course in 2019.


Global Treasure Apps / Rocket Fund £100 Boost

27 September 2018 (Global Treasure Apps)

Global Treasure Apps allow schools to publish their own local walking tour content. These tours could be of a local tourist attraction or of the local area. The school could choose to develop the content in L2 or L3, providing students with a practical, hands-on approach to language learning.

Global Treasure Apps workshops are on the school crowd funding site Rocket Fund. Rocket Fund are currently offering a £100 funding boost to the first 50 projects launched before 5th October.

Visit the site to find out about a project at Edinburgh Castle where digital and language students at Edinburgh College worked together to produce a digital treasure trail.


News from the Alliance Française

21 September 2018 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française offers a range of courses and activities for French language learners. Click on the relevant link below to find out more about upcoming events:

Visit the main Alliance Française website for more information about the organisation and their initiatives.


Inspire your students with new funding for global learning

19 September 2018 (British Council)

Connecting Classrooms is back, and we have some exciting updates for the new school year.

If you are thinking about taking your school on an international journey this year, it’s time to take a look at how you can join the new Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme.

You can apply for Connecting Classrooms opportunities either as an individual school, or part of a cluster, which will be overseen by a lead school.

Becoming a lead school provides a host of benefits, including access to grants to develop your cluster, the opportunity to deliver CPD to other schools in your area and cover support for your co-ordinator’s time. 

Visit the website for more information and apply by 28 October to be included in the first round of grant awards.


Into Film Awards 2019

18 September 2018 (Into Film)

Submissions to the 2019 Into Film Awards are now open!

The Into Film Awards is the best place to showcase young filmmaking talent, with categories designed to highlight the large pool of young creatives in the UK. Set out to find the most talented filmmakers, reviewers, Into Film Clubs and educators, we encourage children and young people aged 5-19 from all backgrounds and with all abilities to get involved. 

A great place to start is by entering the 'Film of the Month' competition. These entries are also eligible for submission to the Into Film Awards. Why not get your students to create a short film in the language they are learning?

You have until 14 December 2018 to get your entries in and there are resources and guides on the website to help you.


Into Film Festival 2018

18 September 2018 (Into Film)

The Into Film Festival is a free, annual, nationwide celebration of film and education for 5-19 year olds.

This year's festival takes place from 7-23 November with UK-wide events and screenings. There are some foreign language options included in the 'Visions of Europe' selection of the programme.

Visit the website for more information and to find events near you.


Erasmus+ funding for schools: twilight sessions

17 September 2018 (Erasmus+)

Interested in funding for international pupil exchanges, staff overseas teaching/training placements and partnerships with schools across Europe?

Erasmus+ and eTwinning offer fantastic opportunities for UK schools to connect with schools across Europe.

Taking place in September to November 2018, we are running free sessions in cities across the UK for school staff interested in beginning or enhancing international collaboration. There's an event in Glasgow on 30 October.

Whilst the twilight session offers a particular focus for schools, there is also a daytime information session more specifically for organisations who are new to the Erasmus+ programme and are considering submitting an Erasmus+ application in 2019.


17 September, 2018 - Minister Bruton Launches Campaign to Encourage Learning of Foreign Languages & Announces Funding for School Exchanges

17 September 2018 (Department of Education and Skills (Ireland))

(Applies to Ireland) The Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton T.D. today (17th September 2018) launched a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of foreign languages and announced new funding for teacher upskilling and school language exchanges.  

The campaign is aimed at school principals, teachers, guidance counsellors, parents, students and higher level institutions. Embassies, cultural services and bodies such as IBEC and Enterprise Ireland (EI) are also involved in supporting the campaign to raise awareness of the importance of learning foreign languages.  The campaign will be supported by a new website ( which will act as a one stop shop for schools, parents and students on language learning. 


Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition 2018-19

14 September 2018 (SCILT)

Today we're launching the 2018-19 Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition in Scotland.

All students who are learning a language at school, college or university, or who speak a native language at home, can get involved in celebrating their linguistic and cultural diversity through creative poetry writing as there are options to enter in either the Mother Tongue or Other Tongue category. All entries must be the students' own, original work.

For more information about this year's competition and previous events, visit our MTOT website and register to take part! The closing date for registrations is 26 October 2018.


The Local Storytelling Campaign

13 September 2018 (SISF)

The Scottish International Storytelling Festival (SISF) takes place 19-31 October. Across Scotland, schools and communities are encouraged to take part in an initiative that celebrates the art of storytelling under the theme Growing Stories. The Local Campaign, running from Monday 17 September – Friday 30 November, aims to highlight how stories help communities connect, grow together and play a vital part in preserving heritage and cultures for new generations.

To celebrate, audiences are invited to book a storyteller for a local event, strike-up new community activity and engagement with storytelling. 

Visit the Scottish International Storytelling Festival website for more information and suggested ways to take part.


CBeebies, CBBC go Gaelic

13 September 2018 (Kidscreen)

BBC Studios has inked a deal with Scottish channel BBC ALBA to bring content from CBeebies and CBBC into Scotland starting on September 17. The Gaelic-language channel is run by Gaelic media service MG ALBA, in partnership with the BBC.

Preschool channel CBeebies will run on ALBA for an hour every evening, ending with a nightly bedtime story, and followed by an hour of Gaelic CBBC content.

The partnership effectively quadruples the amount of original Gaelic children’s content on BBC ALBA, where the CBeebies and CBBC branded blocks will have a similar look and feel to their English-language versions, but with some new talent presenting in the Gaelic children’s zones alongside existing BBC personalities.


UK-German Connection - Back to School Newsletter 2018

13 September 2018 (UK-German Connection)

Make this a year to remember for your school; welcome a German teacher, take part in our funded Christmas trips to Germany and support your Language Assistant to become a Cultural Exchange Ambassador!

Find out about these initiatives and more in the UK-German Connection 'Back to School' newsletter.


Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years

12 September 2018 (ECML)

ECML are hosting professionals in early years’ education at a workshop on “Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years – Why it matters and what it looks like for children aged 3-12 years” in Graz, Austria on 12-13 September 2018.

The project is designed to help professionals harness opportunities inherent in linguistically diverse classrooms and use them for the benefit of all pupils. Those involved in early-years education, at whatever level, can in particular find evidence here of good practice and a variety of teaching and learning tools to develop learners’ language competence. 

Visit the ECML website for more details and developments.


'Host a Teacher' Programme: free CPD opportunity

10 September 2018 (UK-German Connection)

Welcome a teacher from Germany to any department in your school for 1, 2 or 3 weeks in 2019 to give your pupils a real-life learning context for German language and culture.

What are the benefits?

  1. Choose your own timings - it's flexible and free!
  2. Enhance the intercultural dimension in your school community
  3. Share best practice on an international level
  4. Boost speaking confidence in your classrooms
  5. Create a connection with a German school

"The guest teacher's input into our curriculum was excellent. She came equipped with resources and lessons, which she delivered to our classes, helping to boost the numbers opting for German."

To find out how you can take part, please visit the UK-German Connection website and apply by 21 September 2018 to host in spring or summer.


Curriculum for GLE and GME

10 September 2018 (Education Scotland)

e-Sgoil is an interactive, real-time teaching facility which uses Glow, Office 365 and Vscene to support the teaching of Gaelic and through Gaelic in any school in Scotland. It supports the curriculum for 1+2, Gaelic Learner and Gaelic Medium Education. A short promotional video is available on the Education Scotland learning blog.


Maths Week Scotland - Mathématiques sans frontières / Maths wi nae borders

7 September 2018 (North Lanarkshire Council)

As part of Maths Week Scotland, pupils of all ages can participate in the 'Maths wi nae borders' competition, which requires students to respond to one of the questions in either Gaelic or Scots.

The new competition is inspired by 'Mathématiques sans frontières'. North Lanarkshire Council, the University of the West of Scotland and Heriot Watt University work together to encourage young language learners to apply their knowledge in a Maths setting.

This stimulating and light-hearted competition for secondary schools combines Maths and Modern Languages and aims to motivate pupils in both their Maths and Language Learning.  S4 classes attempt 10 questions and S5 classes 13 questions.  Ideally a whole class should tackle groups of questions in order to complete the test within the 60 minutes allowed.

The first question require an explanation in a foreign language.  It is hoped that this competition will encourage cross-curricular working and teamwork.

This year 42 teams from 27 schools took part in 'Mathématiques sans Frontières', the winning team in S4 was Girvan Academy and the S5 winners and overall winning school was Grange Academy.

Look out for the e-mail invitation inviting you to take part in January 2019.

CLPL for Beyond the Panda

5 September 2018 (RZSS)

Would you like to find out more about 'Beyond the Panda' and what it offers to assist Mandarin language learning? As the first science specialist Confucius Classroom in the world, we would like to invite you to a FREE session for teachers at RZSS Edinburgh Zoo on Tuesday 6 November 2018. 

Find out answers to these questions and more:

  • What is a 'panda box'?
  • How can our programme mix science with language? 
  • What else does the programme offer?
  • What does a science specialist Confucius Classroom mean? 

Two CLPL sessions available 10.30-12.30 and 3.00-5.00 on Tuesday 6 November. Booking essential as limited to 20 teachers per session. Open to Primary and Secondary teachers. 

Meet Sandie Robb, the RZSS language specialist along with Hù Wáng, our Confucius Classroom teacher. 

Contact  or 07963 070654 to book a place. 

Fifth dedicated Gaelic school officially opened

4 September 2018 (Holyrood)

A new Gaelic primary - the fifth school dedicated to the language in Scotland – has been officially opened in Skye.

Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh in Portree is the third Gaelic medium school in the Highland Council area.

It opened to its 133 primary and 47 nursery pupils in April this year, with Education Secretary John Swinney attending a special opening ceremony on Monday.

He said: “It is a pleasure to be involved in supporting Highland Council to realise their vision for the Gaelic language. 

“We are seeing growing demand from parents for access to Gaelic medium education across the country which clearly demonstrates that the Scottish Government’s commitments to supporting the language are a having a positive result. 

“I commend Highland Council for their actions and look forward to working with them on future projects.”

Gaelic medium education is available in 14 out of 32 Scottish local authorities to all children and young people.


The Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival (ESFF)

27 August 2018 (Consejería de Educación)

The fifth Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival (ESFF) will run from 4 -13 October 2018. Primary and secondary schools are invited to take part in its School Programme.

Also, to link with the Year of Young People, special workshops and screenings have been prepared that will explore Spanish language, cinema and youth.

More information and how to book places can be found on the attached invitation letters.

European Day of Languages 2018

24 August 2018 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated across Europe on the 26th of September every year. It aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone.

SCILT is helping schools across Scotland to celebrate by distributing materials developed by the ECML. These resources are free to order and act as excellent prizes and rewards.

Visit our European Day of Languages 2018 webpage for information on how to order packs, for ideas on how to celebrate, and to find out how your school could feature in our EDL 2018 blog.


Magical Christmas Trip

21 August 2018 (UK-German Connection)

Would you like to take part in a Magical Christmas Trip this year and build on or set up a partnership with a school in Germany?

These visits offer primary pupils the chance to get a taste of Germany at Christmas time, meet their German peers and get involved in some seasonal intercultural activity. Secondary pupils have the opportunity to brush up on their German and practice their skills as young leaders.

There are two options for getting involved:

  • apply to take part in a visit to Berlin run by UK-German Connection to set up a link to a school in Berlin
  • apply for funding and organisational support to run your own Christmas visit to an existing partner school anywhere in Germany.

Application deadline: 18 September 2018.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information.


Deaf Science Club

20 August 2018 (Glasgow Science Centre)

Due to popular demand, Glasgow Science Centre is running a second Deaf Science Club starting on Saturday 8 September 2018. 

The fortnightly science club has been created for Deaf, BSL users and those hard of hearing.

Budding scientists aged 6–14 years old can explore the Universe in the Planetarium, see a live science show full of spectacular demonstrations and get hands-on in workshops.


Japanese Language Local Project Support Programme 2018-19

20 August 2018 (Japan Foundation)

If your school is interested in introducing Japanese into the curriculum, supporting Japanese at GCSE or A-Level or starting a Japanese Club, you could be eligible for funding.

Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which promote Japanese language education in the UK.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information and apply by 22 September 2018.


Steep year-on-year drop in languages entries

17 August 2018 (TESS)

French causes particular concern, but ‘more pupils than ever learning languages’ in Scotland


Concours de la francophonie 2019

16 August 2018 (Institut français)

The Institut français d’Ecosse launched in 2016 le concours de la francophonie, a national school competition to encourage all young French learners and their teachers around Scotland to celebrate the international day of la francophonie.

All Scottish primary and secondary schools offering French may enter this competition by submitting a short video of a classroom activity in French. Entry deadline: January 2019.

Visit the Institut français d’Ecosse website for more information. 


Institut français d'Ecosse After School Club

16 August 2018 (Institut français)

Paris, c'est parti!

This is the Autumn theme for the new Institut français d'Ecosse After School Club!

The programme, aimed at children from P1 to P7, is the fruit of a collaboration between French Drama company Theatre Sans Accents, the puppet theatre company Le Petit Monde and the institute.

So needless to say, fun and creativity will be at the fore front of all the activities!

For more information, please visit the Institut français d'Ecosse website and click on the 'Autumn Classes 2018' PDF for details.


Concours de la francophonie 2018 - final report

17 July 2018 (Institut français d'Ecosse)

The Concours de la francophonie was launched in 2016 by the Institut français d'Ecosse to support and encourage teachers and learners in primary and secondary schools and to showcase the vitality of French learning in Scottish schools in the context of the 1+2 policy.

To enter the competition schools sent in a short film of a class activity in French.

See the attached document for full details of the 2018 competition, winners and photographs.

A National Framework for Languages supporting implementation of 1+2

19 June 2018 (SCDE)

The Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) Languages Group, which represents all language strands within the Schools of Education across Scottish Universities, has created a National Framework for Languages (NFfL) and associated digital resource to support teacher educators and teachers at all stages of their careers, with the aim of transforming the 1 + 2 Languages Policy in Scotland into purposeful classroom pedagogies promoting plurilingualism and pluriliteracies.

The NFfL is based on four overarching principles: plurilingualism, diversity, policy and legislation and transformative practice, and reflects the strands of the Professional Standards established by GTCS. For each of these strands the NFfL has identified a series of statements which encourage practitioners to consider a broad and inclusive understanding of the role of language in and for learning. These statements are linked to the associated digital resources: a reflective tool and digital resource bank.
The reflective tool includes a personal biography based on Pepelino and the European Language Portfolio as well as a series of reflective questions. These reflective questions are directly linked to the statements of the NFfL and aim to support teachers in evaluating their own practices.

The digital resource bank was created after a systematic review of the international literature covering formal language learning across all ages and stages, the increasingly complex demands of plurilingual and pluricultural classrooms and the need to develop a shared understanding of the role of languages for learning, which addresses the fundamental role played by languages (including the learners’ first language) in developing global citizens.

The NFfL and accompanying digital resources are now being piloted and can be accessed on the National Framework for Languages (NFfL) website.

Further information can be obtained from Ingeborg Birnie (


Host a Teacher from Germany

12 June 2018 (UK-German Connection)

Opportunity for UK schools to boost their intercultural dimension by welcoming a teacher from Germany to any department for one, two or three weeks this school year.

This free programme provides pupils with a real-life learning context for German language and culture and offers teachers the chance to share best practice on an international level.

Hosting can take place at any time during the school year.

Application deadlines - 26 July for autumn 2018 hosting slots and 21 September to host in spring/summer 2019.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information.


The 50-Word Fiction Competition

8 June 2018 (Scottish Book Trust)

Can you write a story in just 50 words? Each month we’ll provide a prompt to get you started, but where the story goes from there is entirely up to you.

The competition includes four categories, Adult Writers, All-age Gaelic Writers, Young Writers 5-11 and Young Writer 12-18. The entries will be judged by a panel and the four winning stories will be published on our website two weeks after the closing date.

Entries for our June competition are currently open. The prompt is to 'write a story set on a beach'. Submit your story by Tuesday 3 July 2018 at noon. 

Visit the Scottish Book Trust website for more information.


Stephen Spender Trust - Polish Spotlight

7 June 2018 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The "Polish Spotlight" is a new strand of the Stephen Spender Prize for 2018, with entries in three categories: 18-and-under, 14-and-under and 10-and-under. You do not have to be fluent in Polish to enter the prize: it is open to all those interested in trying their hand at translation. To enter translate any Polish poem into English.

Resources for teachers to introduce poetry translation as a classroom activity, and suggestions of Polish poems for translation, are available on the Stephen Spender Trust website.

Entries should be submitted by 5 October 2018.


150 hours to learn Mandarin – and teach it

7 June 2018 (TES)

Hundreds of primary school teachers will have the chance to learn and teach new languages within seven months, under a scheme being expanded after a successful trial.

The distance-learning programme - the first of its kind in the UK – sees primary teachers study either French, Spanish, German or Mandarin and develop the skills to teach the language in the primary classroom at the same time.

After a pilot involving 54 teachers from 49 Scottish schools across nine local authorities in 2017-18, next year the scheme will be available throughout Scotland. Welsh and Northern Irish schools are also expected to sign up.

Teachers taking part will spend about five hours a week from October to June - around 150 hours in total - but they will start teaching the languages to pupils before completing the course.

The scheme, run by The Open University and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, will be launched in Edinburgh today.


Press Release: Teachers to learn to teach languages in the classroom

7 June 2018 (SCILT/OU)

An innovative scheme teaching primary teachers languages and how to teach those languages to pupils is being expanded across Scotland for the first time. The first of its kind in the UK, the distance learning programme will see primary teachers study French, Spanish, German or Mandarin and develop the skills to teach the language in the classroom at the same time. 

Launching across Scotland today (Thursday 7 June) at an event in Edinburgh where guests will hear from pupils and teachers, the programme is now available to primary school teachers in all local authorities following a successful pilot which featured 54 teachers from 49 schools across nine local authorities in 2017/18. The programme is a partnership between The Open University and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at the University of Strathclyde.

Designed to support the Scottish Government’s ‘1+2’ language policy, which aims to enable all pupils to learn two additional languages from primary level onwards, the programme will link up with the cultural organisations of France, Spain, Germany and China to facilitate immersive summer schools for participating teachers. At the same time, schools will also have the opportunity to make connections with schools in the countries whose language pupils are learning.

Dr Sylvia Warnecke, lecturer in languages and programme lead at The Open University, said:

“The key thing about this programme is its flexibility, meaning that teachers in every part of Scotland – whether urban or rural – will be able to learn together and share their experiences and ideas, helping each other to bring the language they’re learning to life in the classroom.

“We’ve already had teachers from the pilot project tell us that their pupils love it and are really engaged. They have been instrumental in starting after school language clubs and making links with schools in other countries. It’s exciting that all teachers, schools and pupils in every part of Scotland now have the chance to learn together through this programme.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT, said:

“We see this as an important collaboration between our two universities, local authorities and teachers. The course is focused on developing teachers’ confidence so they are able to create exciting and motivating lessons for their pupils. In this way we can make sure that languages feature as an integral part of the Scottish curriculum and that youngsters are given their full entitlement to language learning.

“The teachers’ commitment to developing their skills is humbling. Their willingness to embrace their own learning in order to benefit their pupils’ experience highlights the professionalism and dedication that is the mark of the teaching profession.”

Gwen McCrossan, Principal Teacher for 1+2 Languages, Argyll & Bute, said:

“This course is ideal for the geographical situation of Argyll & Bute. We are delighted to be able to take part, as it provides a quality learning experience for teachers who would otherwise find it difficult to access language training. The course is also unique because it is tailor-made for primary school.”

The pilot project has been shortlisted in the partnership category in this year’s Herald Higher Education Awards. Such is the interest in the programme following its pilot phase and ahead of its wider rollout, it is expected that teachers from Wales and Northern Ireland will join the next presentation starting in October 2018.

A short video featuring teachers who participated in the pilot talking about their experience of the programme is available on YouTube.

Further information on how to sign-up for next year's course is available on SCILT's website

Briefing on Gaelic Education

7 June 2018 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland's latest briefing on Gaelic Education is now available on their website.


eTwinning: European professional development workshops

6 June 2018 (eTwinning)

This term, why not apply to go on a short, fully-funded workshop in another European country?

Applications are now open for teachers of pupils aged 3-19 across a range of subject areas to attend a fully-funded 2-3 day professional development workshop in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, France and Greece. 

These events are designed to facilitate new eTwinning projects through partner-finding and project planning activities. Workshop themes and subject areas are varied, spanning ICT, Maths, and sustainable development.

Find out about, request a free workshop in the UK or register for one or more of the available opportunities on the eTwinning website. Application deadline: 18 June 2018.


Radio Edutalk: Gillian Campbell-Thow on ‘Language Learning in Scottish Education’

5 June 2018 (Radio Edutalk)

Listen to Gillian Campbell-Thow talk about ‘Language Learning in Scottish Education’ broadcast on Radio Edutalk on 5 June 2018.


SALT Modern Languages competition for schools

18 May 2018 (SALT)

Entries are now being accepted for the #SALT18 competition!

Primary, secondary and senior phase students are invited to produce a promotional video, poster or presentation in the language of their choice. 

Find out more on the SALT website. Entry deadline is 7 September 2018.


Call out to young film-makers in Scotland

10 May 2018 (National Library of Scotland)

A competition opens today (10 May) which invites young people to show in film what Scotland means to them. The competition has been organised by the National Library of Scotland and the Scottish Youth Film Festival as part of the Year of Young People.

Anyone under 19 years of age can submit a one-minute film on any theme, in any language and in any genre.

Visit the National Library of Scotland website for more information.


Aberdeen primary school announces official launch of Mandarin language hub

7 May 2018 (Evening Express)

An Aberdeen primary school has announced its new hub for promoting the teaching of Mandarin.

Danestone School launched its Confucius Classroom, which will be a central location for all Aberdeen-based primary schools teaching the language to pupils.

It aims to boost skills in children in line with Scotland’s 1+2 languages policy, which allows every child the opportunity to learn two languages in addition to their mother tongue by 2020.

The hub concept promotes joint planning of cultural activities, sharing ideas and resources to stimulate the learning and teaching of Chinese language and culture. The launch event included children singing in Mandarin, and a mixture of Scottish music and dance.


“Beairteas” seeking to add richness to Gaelic education

2 May 2018 (Fèisean nan Gàidheal)

Fèisean nan Gàidheal have launched a new initiative through their Fèisgoil project to help increase Gaelic language skills by creating and strengthening inter-generational links. 

With support from the Scottish Government, Fèisean nan Gàidheal is now seeking assistance from Gaelic speakers to establish Beairteas.

What is it?

Beairteas is an intergenerational programme to match community-based fluent Gaelic speakers with schools and community groups. Their richness of language, specialist knowledge of Gaelic culture and many other subjects about which they could speak in Gaelic, would provide a valuable resource for pupils. This would complement the sterling work being done by teachers in Gaelic education.


Gaelic education is very successful and an essential component in growing a new generation of Gaelic speakers. Teachers work extremely hard to immerse children in the language and deliver a range of subjects through the medium of Gaelic.

Gaelic speakers involved in almost any walk of life have a tremendous amount to offer Gaelic education. The Curriculum for Excellence encourages work and engagement with people in communities.

Beairteas aims to complement schoolwork, offering opportunities for children to communicate in Gaelic with people other than their teachers. Engaging them with Gaelic speakers with specialist knowledge of the work they do or have done, as well as any interesting pastimes in which they may have been involved, will strengthen the language skills of the young people giving them a breadth of vocabulary they may not pick up through their daily schoolwork.

You may be a police officer, involved in the health service, community work or a trade. You may have specialist knowledge of Gaelic songs, history, traditional stories, war, sport or working in other countries. You may be involved in fishing, crofting, gardening, photography, weaving, cooking or almost anything in which you could engage young people through the medium of Gaelic.

Would you be willing to be involved?

If you would enjoy working with young people and are passionate about the revitalisation of Gaelic, Fèisean nan Gàidheal would like to hear from you. Work will be paid, but dependent on schools engaging with the Beairteas scheme. If you have any questions, please call Eilidh Mackenzie, Fèisgoil Manager on 01463 225559 or e-mail any queries to

More information is available on the organisation's website.


Yell school joins Chinese culture programme

1 May 2018 (Shetland News)

The Chinese ambassador to the UK was in Yell on Tuesday (1 May) to launch Shetland's second Confucius Classroom Hub.

Mid Yell Junior High School is now part of the Confucius programme, which aims to teach Scottish youngsters about Chinese culture and Mandarin language, after Sandwick Junior High School joined in 2016.

Ambassador Liu Xiaoming and his wife Hu Pinghua visited Yell alongside minister-counselor for education Wang Yongli and representatives of the Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools.

They met councillors and staff from Shetland Islands Council, as well as Mid Yell pupils who entertained the guests with traditional Shetland music and songs - as well as Chinese songs and dance.


Related Links

Good Evening Shetland (BBC Shetland, 1 May 2018) Listen to the news item about the new Confucius Hub from 00:48 onwards.

Confucius Classroom Hub launched at Mid Yell JHS (Shetland Islands Council, 1 May 2018)

Competition: Eine Welt für dich und mich

30 April 2018 (Goethe-Institut)

The German Foreign Office is looking for children and teens who love writing and who would like to publish their own texts: Along the lines of “A world for you and me” young authors from around the world are invited to depict their fantasies, hopes and dreams.

Children and teens up to 19 years old can participate. Entries can be short stories, essays, poems or songs consisting of no more than 3000 characters (including spaces) and can be written in either German or English.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for further information. Entry deadline is 15 July 2018.


National Digital Learning Week (14-18 May)

24 April 2018 (Education Scotland)

National Digital Learning Week is an annual Education Scotland event where teachers and learners from all schools in Scotland are encouraged to take part in digital learning and teaching activities.

There are loads of ways to get involved in #NDLW18; the sky is the limit! 

To help get things started Education Scotland are launching 2 main activities:  

  • An exclusive National Digital Story telling activity for 30 schools across Scotland with famous children’s author Lari Don. 
  • A digital story telling activity schools can enjoy in their local setting.

Why not use the local opportunity to create a digital story with your pupils in the language they are learning?

Find out more on the Education Scotland Glow blog.


Summer workshops for children

23 April 2018 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française Glasgow is pleased to announce it will be running special French workshops for children aged 5-10 in late June / early July.

This is an ideal opportunity for children of all levels to find out more about French language and culture through fun activities such as arts & crafts, songs, games, etc.

Visit the website for further information.


MTOT celebration event - webpage now live!

20 April 2018 (SCILT)

The celebration event for this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition took place on Saturday 17 March at the University of Strathclyde. 

Visit the SCILT website to see the full list of winners and to view the anthology of winning poems. You can also find photos from the event and read some of the feedback received from pupils, parents and teachers. 


Spanish sessions at the Zoo!

18 April 2018 (RZSS)

Spanish Days are being replaced with Spanish sessions at Edinburgh Zoo.

Suitable for P4-P7 and S1-S2, schools can now book their own date and time to suit.

Costs as per education rates at Edinburgh Zoo - £7 per pupil, with 1 adult per 7 children free of charge (Primary) and 1 adult per 10 children free of charge (Secondary). See how to book on the website. 

Please use the booking form and choose 'Science in the Language Class - Spanish'.

Free resources are available to download to help your visit.

Spanish Packs are available at £50+VAT and £6 post and packing - details also on the website.

For further information or to purchase a pack contact Sandie Robb.


China stories: 500 words competition

17 April 2018 (University of Liverpool)

A new 500-word short story competition – with entries judged by best-selling author Philip Pullman – is being launched ahead of the 2018 Liverpool Literary Festival.

The China Stories competition is looking for submissions across a broad range of categories. Winners will see their work published in a special anthology and take part in a writing session with the Royal Society of Literature, as well as receiving vouchers to spend as they wish.

Stories can be about anything, but to coincide with Liverpool’s China Dream season all entries should have a Chinese theme.

Entries are invited from primary and secondary students and should be submitted by 20 July 2018.

Further information can be found on the University of Liverpool website.


Language Leaders - training week in Cavilam

16 April 2018 (Institut français)

For the third year, the Institut français is offering grants to six Language Leaders of Scotland to attend a one week training course in France.

The course will take place at the Cavilam Alliance française de Vichy from 30 July to 3 August 2018.

The Cavilam is an international centre of excellence for French teachers and teachers' trainers which welcomes teachers from all over the world.

This course is open to all practitioners with a leading role on your 1+2 strategy: in a school, a cluster, or at the council or regional level.

Further information regarding the grants, programme, accommodation/transport and how to apply can be found in the attached documents. Please note that the Institut français covers only the course fee.

The application deadline is 11 May 2018.

£8.7million Gaelic School opens in Portree

16 April 2018 (Press and Journal)

Pupils from Portree will today attend different primary schools for the first time as a new Gaelic School opens its doors.

The school becomes the fifth dedicated Gaelic specific school across Scotland – and the third in the Highland region – to offer pupils the opportunity to be educated in the form of Gaelic medium education.

The construction phase of the £8.7million project began in September 2016 and concluded this month as parents and friends of the school will gather at the end of this week to celebrate the schools opening with a family ceilidh.


Related Links

New beginnings as Gaelic school opens in Portree (West Highland Free Press, 19 April 2018)

Row over £10m Gaelic school opening on Isle of Skye (The Scotsman, 20 April 2018)

Isle of Skye's Gaelic-only school 'will divide community' (The Herald, 21 April 2018)

Together arts project for schools

10 April 2018 (UK-German Connection)

Together is a creative arts project, which invites young people to produce poetry, art, or songs on the themes of hope and unity, inspired by the shared history between the UK and Germany to mark the WW1 Centenary.

Open to all young people aged 9-16 working in groups or individually, projects should be on the theme of hope and unity, inspired by the First World War. Poetry and songs can be in English, German, Gaelic or Welsh.  Art work can be in any medium.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information. Entry deadline is Friday 15 June 2018.


Pupils' French connection on language learning day

5 April 2018 (Dumbarton Reporter)

Budding linguists at St Mary’s Primary School in Alexandria celebrated their language skills with a French learning day.

Pupils were put into mixed groups of P1-3 and P4-7 and spent the day taking part in various activities including games, STEM tasks and letting their creative sides loose with some art.

The children also welcomed their parents into school for an afternoon to involve them in the fun and to show off their newly-acquired language skills.



4 April 2018 (The Language Magician)

THE LANGUAGE MAGICIAN online game was launched at Language World UK on 23 March 2018, and the game with many of its resources are already available on the website – free for teachers to access thanks to Erasmus+ funding.

THE LANGUAGE MAGICIAN is an online game that draws in Primary children of all ages and challenges their language skills - in French, German, Italian, Spanish or English. It’s a game they like to play again so that they can do better, and it is also a tool for teachers to capture data about how their pupils do.

A final conference of the project is to be held in London on 19 May 2018, by which time all the accompanying project resources will be available.

To find out more about the game and conference see the attached flyer or visit the LANGUAGE MAGICIAN website. 


Related Files

Japan Foundation Local Grant Programmes 2018-19

3 April 2018 (Japan Foundation)

Japan Foundation (JF) London is now accepting grant applications for UK based Japan related projects taking place in 2018-19 through our local support programmes.

Grants of up to £3,000 are available to schools seeking to promote the introduction of Japanese into the curriculum (or onto the main school timetable) at primary and secondary levels, supporting Japanese qualifications in school or introducing the language as an extra-curricular activity. 

For more information and to apply by 4 May 2018, see the online information sheet and application form.


European Language Gazette 41 - March/April 2018

3 April 2018 (ECML)

The latest edition of the ECML's Language Gazette is now available on their website. The newsletter includes updates on the organisation's projects along with new initiatives, events and resources of interest to the language teaching community across Europe.


Graeme High pupil wins multilingual poetry award

2 April 2018 (Falkirk Herald)

The multilingual talents of budding poets from Graeme High and Moray Primary were celebrated in the 2018 Mother Tongue Other Tongue awards. 

Graeme High pupil Danai Nikitea was crowned the winner of the Mother Tongue category during a prestigious ceremony at University of Strathclyde on March 17. 

While Kole Murray from Moray Primary and Harely Ewen and Simi Singh, both from Graeme High, were Highly Commended in the Other Tongue category. 

These students used their language skills to create and share poetry for the ceremony.


Scottish Education Awards 2018 - Finalists announced!

29 March 2018 (Daily Record)

Following an editorial campaign running in the Daily Record, the finalists for this year's Scottish Education Awards have been announced.

Finalists will attend the prestigious awards ceremony at Glasgow's Doubletree by Hilton Glasgow Central on June 6th, where each of the fifteen winners will be announced.

Details of all the finalists can be found in the Daily Record news article online.

Congratulations and good luck to the schools shortlisted in the language-related categories!


Related Links

Falkirk district schools aiming for top marks at Education Awards (Falkirk Herald, 16 April 2018)

Online learning event: Welcoming refugee and migrant children to mainstream classrooms in Europe

27 March 2018 (British Council eTwinning)

Aimed at teachers of primary and secondary learners aged 4-16, this eTwinning workshop will develop teachers' awareness, confidence and skills in learning about refugee issues, welcoming refugee and migrant children to mainstream classrooms from a social and emotional perspective, and will give a basic introduction to language acquisition and the importance of maintaining and developing mother tongue and home culture.

Visit the website to sign up for the course between 9 - 17 April 2018.


Young People in Scotland 2018 YOYP - New National Lottery "Spark a Change" Fund

22 March 2018 (YOYP/National Lottery)

To mark the Year of Young People 2018, a new National Lottery fund has been launched to help young people #SparkAChange in their lives. Grants between £3,000 and £10,000 are available for heritage, community and sports projects which are run by and for young people aged eight to 26. Funding is available for projects which encourage positive mental health for young people and inspire them to lead active lives. 

We’re all aware of the positive mental health benefits of language learning, so why not encourage your students to set up a language project, perhaps a community language class or an outdoor language adventure trail? Visit the Lottery Fund website for more information and to apply by one of the two funding deadlines - 30 April 2018 or 18 June 2018.


European professional development workshops

22 March 2018 (British Council eTwinning)

This term, why not apply to go on a short, fully-funded workshop in another European country?

Applications are now open for teachers of pupils aged 3-19 across a range of subject areas to attend a fully-funded 2-3 day professional development workshop in Turkey, Latvia, Norway and Armenia. These events are designed to facilitate new eTwinning projects through partner-finding and project planning activities. Workshop themes and subject areas are varied, spanning cultural diversity to SEN and the environment.

Visit the website for more information about each event and submit your application by 31 March 2018. 


German Teacher Award 2018

21 March 2018 (Goethe-Institut)

The German Embassy is pleased to announce to award the 15th German Teacher Award. The award recognises outstanding achievements by individual teachers of German and pays tribute to the work of German language teachers in primary and secondary schools in the UK. 

Teachers will be selected who have made an outstanding and dedicated contribution to German teaching within the curriculum and beyond, e.g. through: 

  • a record of successful teaching at a school, including innovative language teaching 
  • successful introduction of German teaching at a school, e.g. in a primary school as a first foreign language or in a secondary school as a new language 
  • established and successful link activities with Germany, e.g. projects and exchanges, bilingual projects, curriculum projects 
  • use of German language in subjects other than German
  • local or regional outreach activities.  

Nominations must be submitted and signed by the head teacher by Monday 7 May 2018.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to download the application form.


Scotland-Russia Forum news bulletin

20 March 2018 (SRF)

The latest news and events from the Scotland-Russia Forum (SRF) can be found in their March 2018 news bulletin. This edition includes information about Russian taster events and materials for schools, so why not take a look and find out how to introduce the language to your pupils?


OU/SCILT languages course for primary practitioners

15 March 2018 (Open University in Scotland/SCILT)

Due to the success of the initial pilot of the course developed by the OU and SCILT, LXT192/4 Learning to teach languages in primary school (French/Spanish), we are delighted to now be able to extend the offer to all Local Authorities. The course will be offered for the following languages: French (LXT192), German (LXT193), Spanish (LXT194) and Mandarin (LXT197).

For the next presentation of this course starting in October 2018, registration will open on 1 April 2018. The course fee is £240.00 per student.

The course will be available to all primary practitioners but also secondary teachers who teach at primary level. We have produced an FAQ document with further detail about the course for your information.

In order to make the enrolment process as smooth as possible, we advise that in the first instance Development Officers contact Sylvia Warnecke at the Open University ( ) with a list of the names and email addresses of teachers planning to study this in their Local Authority. We aim to complete enrolment by late June 2018 to allow time for planning staffing and timetabling.

And last but not least, we are planning to offer teachers, who enrol on the course, a summer school experience which will offer immersion in the language to boost confidence and provide ample opportunities to learn more about the cultures in which the language they are studying is spoken. The summer school is not part of the course, it is optional and can be booked separately. More information on this will be published in due course.

Policy makers, local councils, local authorities, MSPs and Consulates may also be interested in an event celebrating last years' pilot course, Primary school teachers learning to teach languages - A celebration, being held in Edinburgh on 7 June 2018.

Employ a language assistant for 2018/19

12 March 2018 (British Council)

Language Assistants provide an interactive language resource for your classroom. We recruit our assistants directly from their home countries, meaning their language and resources are always up-to-date and, importantly, authentic.

Native speakers of French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese and Irish, they help pupils to build their confidence, develop conversational skills, boost motivation for learning, and better understand other cultures. Feedback from schools with a Language Assistant noted an improvement in pupils’ listening and speaking skills.

Not only that, many teachers have found that having a native speaker to talk to and share teaching ideas with can reinvigorate both their teaching practice and their own love for language learning. 

So, with applications now open for the 2018/2019 academic year, there hasn’t been a better time to ensure your classroom has access to the best language learning resource around – a native speaker.

Visit the British Council website for more information and to apply for your language assistant by 31 March 2018. Please note that the deadline for Chinese Language Assistants is 1 June 2018.


New competition launched - LinguaChef 2018!

13 February 2018 (SCILT / City of Glasgow College)

We are thrilled to announce that we are working in partnership with City of Glasgow College to host a pilot version of a new SCILT competition called LinguaChef. The competition brings together two of our favourite topics – languages and food! As well as practising linguistic and culinary skills, pupils will work on their wider social, literacy, numeracy and financial skills.

Pupils from P1 – S6 are invited to work in teams of four to submit a recipe for an international dish symbolic of a country where either a language they are learning in school or a language that pupils use at home is spoken. So we are expecting to see some exciting recipes from France, Spain, Germany, South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Poland, Russia, the Middle East or even as far as China or Japan. We are also encouraging pupils to be creative, for example they could incorporate a bit of Scottish ‘fusion’ into their recipe to give it a twist.

Three semi-finalists from each age category will be selected based on their submitted recipes and they will then be invited to the grand finale with a chance to prepare, cook and present their dish in the professional kitchens at City of Glasgow College. An overall winner from each category will be chosen to win a prize for themselves and their school. Their recipes will also feature in the first ever SCILT cook book.

There are four age categories:

o P1-P3

Primary categories to present a
SWEET dish that could be a cake, biscuit, pudding or dessert for example

o P4-P7

o S1-S3

Secondary categories to present a
SAVOURY dish that would be eaten as a main course

o S4-S6

Recipes should include an introduction/explanation of the dish, a list of ingredients and the method. It can be submitted as a video clip (3 mins max) or as a PPT including photos of steps involved and the final dish, and possibly a voice-over too if pupils would like to add audio. Younger primary pupils in particular may find a video clip easier to submit as it does not require writing although if they choose to submit a PPT version we understand they may require some adult help with this.

A costings sheet will also be provided to help pupils with their financial education skills and to stay within budget.

Key dates and deadlines

Friday 9th March - Deadline for teachers to register interest using the online form
Friday 27th April - Submit entries via email to SCILT
Early May (tbc) - Judging of videos/PPTs to select semi-finalists
Friday 22nd June - Grand Finale at City of Glasgow College

After registration closes on 9th March, teachers will receive a further email with detailed guidelines, exemplar entries, costings sheets and an entry form. However, if you have any queries in the meantime then please contact Angela de Britos by email ( ).

Register now via the online form

Nihongo Cup 2018 - Applications Open!

8 January 2018 (Japan Foundation London)

Japan Foundation London is delighted to announce that the Nihongo Cup Japanese Speech Contest for Secondary Schools in the UK is open for applications!

Nihongo Cup, the Japanese Speech Contest for Secondary School students, is accepting applications across three categories: Key Stage 3, Pre-GCSE Key Stage 4/5, and Post GCSE Key Stage 4 and 5.

Finalists will be invited to perform their speech at Conway Hall in front of a panel of judges and VIPs from the field of Japanese language education and Japan-UK relations, for the chance to win some fantastic prizes – including a trip to Japan!

Applications will close on 23rd March 2018 (Friday) and finals day will take place on 16 June 2018 (Saturday). Finals will take place at Conway Hall in London.


Christmas competition for primary schools

7 December 2017 (Goethe-Institut)

Christmas time in Germany is special and possibly a little different from the UK’s traditions during the festive season. The film Christmas time in Germany explains mostly in pictures, what usually happens in Germany in December and can be used in your lessons. Teachers can print out the entry form for their pupils (versions with questions in English or German depending on what level is needed are downloadable). Pupils are supposed to watch the film at home again and answer the questions on the entry form in order to receive a small gift. They should add a greeting for Felix and Franzi in German. Teachers can either send their pupils’ entry forms to the Goethe-Institut in one batch or pupils send us their entries individually. We will send small presents via the schools to everyone doing his homework.


CLPL for primary teachers in 2018

21 November 2017 (Alliance Française Glasgow )

Alliance Française is running a new programme of CLPL workshops in French for Primary School teachers in 2018.

  • 10 topics covered over ten weeks, tailored to the needs of Primary School teachers.
  • Suitable as a follow-up to one of our Beginners 1 classes or for French teachers in Primary schools.
  • 4.15-5.45pm between 6th February and 23rd April included. Days of the week will vary; a detailed programme is available below.
  • The cost to attend 10 workshops is £75/teacher.
  • Option to enrol in less than 10 CPDs, please contact us for more information.
  • Certificates of attendance will be given once the programme is completed.
  • Places are limited so booking early is highly recommended.

If you wish to enrol, please contact or visit the Language Office at the Alliance Française as soon as possible:
Alliance Française Glasgow - 3 Park Circus, G3 6AX Glasgow
0141 331 4080

  • Tuesday 6th February 2018: Phonetics / La phonétique
  • Thursday 15th February: Daily life in a Primary School / La vie quotidienne dans une école primaire
  • Thursday 22nd February: Songs from France and the Francophone world / Les chansons françaises/francophones
  • Thursday 1st March: Conducting an activity in French (PE, maths, arts, etc.) / Le français comme langue d’enseignement
  • Tuesday 6th March: Celebrations & calendar / Les fêtes et le calendrier
  • Tuesday 13th March: Resources and activities for year-round festive events / Ressources et activités pour les fêtes
  • Monday 19th March: Indoors and outdoors games / Les jeux d’intérieur et d’extérieur
  • Monday 26th March: Films, Cartoons & TV5 Monde / Les films, dessins animés & TV5 Monde
  • Monday 16th April: Storytelling in French / Raconter des histoires
  • Monday 23rd April: French regions & their delicacies / Les régions de France & leurs spécialités

Tiptoe into French language with bilingual picture book 'Lapin is hungry'

6 November 2017 (Le Petit Monde)

Le Petit Monde, the puppet theatre company specialised in introducing Artistic Director Tania Czajka's native French language to young children since 2008, is currently working on a picture book based on its puppet characters.

Like all Tania's shows, the story is bilingual, features lots of healthy foods and, crucially, can be understood by all non French speakers.

Accompanied by an illustrated glossary, an audio version and a Teaching Pack, it will make a great resource for Early Years French lessons.

Tania and her team are currently crowdfunding to get Lapin is Hungry published. Schools can pledge in exchange of signed copies, shows, workshops and other goodies!

For more information on how to support this unique project, please visit the link below or contact Tania directly.


‘Sing songs to learn Gaelic’, say education experts

23 October 2017 (Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig)

A second language can be learned more easily when it is taught through music, was the message given out at the Royal National Mod in Lochaber earlier this month.

Jackie Mullen, a consultant trainer for the Go! Gaelic programme being run by Gaelic educational resources organisation Stòrlann, has seen first hand how effective music is as a learning tool. The Go! Gaelic programme includes a comprehensive programme of online resources that are used in primary schools across the country to teach some Gaelic to children who are in English Medium Education.

Visit the website or see the attached press release for more information.


UK-German Connection opportunities

17 October 2017 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a number of initiatives and opportunities for partnerships between schools in Germany and the UK. Click on the relevant link below to find out more about their latest initiatives:

  • School Partnership Bursaries - Special **school partnership bursaries of £1,000** are currently available to help keep you UK-German partnership alive and help cover any costs arising from recent changes to safeguarding regulations. All you need to do is answer a few short questions about your partnership activities this year and your plans for next year by **7 November 2017**.
  • Young Europeans Award - Are your pupils interested in European issues? Encourage them to enter the competition and win a trip to Warsaw! With the UK (and UK-German Connection) as a partner for 2017-18, pupils are invited to team up with young people from Germany, Poland and France and enter with a project on the theme 'To be or not to be... a European.’

To find out more about other activities the organisation provides, you can also visit the UK-German Connection website.


Teachers become learners with new languages project

17 October 2017 (Open University/SCILT)

Primary school teachers are being given the confidence to teach languages to their pupils through a new project run by The Open University (OU) in Scotland and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages.

Fifty one teachers from schools across nine local authorities are participating in ‘Learning to teach Languages in Primary School’ which will see them learn French or Spanish as well as how to teach the language in class.

The project aims to support the Scottish Government’s “1+2” Language Policy, which has the objective that every pupil will learn two modern foreign languages alongside their mother tongue from primary school onwards.


Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years – Why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3-12

16 October 2017 (ECML)

With over 40 official languages in the member states of the Council of Europe and more than 70 regional and minority languages officially recognized in addition to a number of languages spoken by migrants, it is important that Europe’s language diversity is recognized and acknowledged.

The reality for many European citizens is that in the course of their lives they will need to develop proficiency, not only in their native language, but in a variety of languages. Demands of study, work, travel, relocation and personal development will also mean that skills in new languages will need to be added to their existing repertoire. Therefore, learning the skills required to learn languages is of paramount importance. Furthermore, language learning and identity construction are closely interlinked.

Recognizing the importance of languages in the lives of Europeans and the benefits that early language learning provides, the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) has launched a two-year project "Inspiring language learning and teaching in the early years – Why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3-12".

The project is focused on early language learning, from 3 to 12 years of age. The innate curiosity and enthusiasm that children bring to learning during this initial period in their formal education makes it the ideal time to introduce, nurture and motivate learners in the area of additional language learning. Strong foundations, built at this stage in children’s development, will facilitate language learning throughout life and openness to, as well as respect for different cultures, values and traditions.

Find out more on the ECML website.


NEW: Training in French in your Primary School

12 October 2017 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française Glasgow is now offering special training designed for Primary School teachers to help them (re-)validate their professional development and accreditation.

Our team can travel to your school for a twilight to teach a 10-hour programme (2hrs per week over 5 weeks) suited for beginners/false beginners.

As well as working on your pronunciation and vocabulary skills, this course will provide you with "ready to teach" ideas and materials which can also be transferred to other languages in the 1+2 context.

Visit the Alliance Française website for further details.


eTwinning face to face workshops

10 October 2017 (eTwinning)

This term, why not apply to go on a short workshop in another European country?

Applications are now open for teachers from Early Years to Upper Secondary to attend a 2-3 day professional development workshop in Ireland and Spain. These events are designed to facilitate new eTwinning projects through partner-finding and project planning activities. Workshop themes and subject areas are varied, spanning e-safety to computational thinking, MFL, history and culture.

Visit the website to find out more and apply by 16/19 October 2017 respectively.


Euroquiz 2018

9 October 2017 (SEET)

Euroquiz, the annual project for P6 pupils in Scotland, is once again open for those wishing to participate in 2018.

The project, which sees team of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe and the wider world, includes coverage of foreign languages, history, geography, sport, culture and European affairs.

Heats take place in every local authority from January to March 2018, with the winning teams from all areas going forward to the National Euroquiz Final held in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament in May 2018.

Visit the Scottish European Education Trust (SEET) website for more information about Euroquiz and how to register your school to take part.


Inside the UK’s first bilingual English and Chinese primary school

7 October 2017 (Financial Times)

As a girl growing up in an English-speaking household in Singapore, Prema Gurunathan grudgingly studied Mandarin. Now a mother in west London, she is taking no chances with her own son.

When he turned one Ms Gurunathan insisted their household in Hammersmith speak Mandarin for half of each week. She recruited an au pair from east Asia (she prefers not to say exactly where, for fear of tipping off the competition). And last month, she and her husband enrolled the three-and-a-half year-old at Kensington Wade in London, Britain’s first primary school to offer full Mandarin immersion for its pupils.

“It’s intellectual, it’s cultural and it’s ‘future-proofing’, if you will,” said Ms Gurunathan, a self-confessed “tiger mom” and policy wonk, explaining her school choice. “And it’s fun.”


Gaelic World War II project resource

27 September 2017 (Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig)

An interdisciplinary resource which aims to provide Gaelic Medium Education teachers with a ‘one stop shop’ of topic-specific material for the classroom was launched at the national An t-Alltan conference for GME practitioners held in Aviemore last week.

An Dàrna Cogadh was developed by Gaelic educational resources organisation Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig in response to Gaelic Medium Education practitioners’ requests for a comprehensive teaching package, based online, on the subject of World War Two.

The online resource brings together many informative Gaelic texts and books— some created especially for this project — with a rich variety of other material from the wider world, including web, print and video. It is designed to support teachers delivering this subject in the primary sector.

Visit the website to access the resource and for more information see the attached press release.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition 2017-18

22 September 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

Today sees the launch of this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition and we're delighted to announce the addition of a category for students in further and higher education, enabling all Scottish educational establishments to participate.

Whether pupils are learning a language at school, college or university, or whether they speak a native language at home, everyone can get involved in celebrating their linguistic and cultural diversity through creative poetry writing as there are options to enter in either the Mother Tongue or Other Tongue category. Even if you've taken part in the competition before, please note and read the new rules and criteria as only original work will be considered.

For more information about this year's competition and previous events, visit our MTOT website and register to take part! Closing date for registrations is 27 October 2017.


Keith Grammar and associated primaries – new 1+2 Case Study!

22 September 2017 (SCILT)

Keith Grammar School promotes an inclusive policy where the school and local community are encouraged to work together to provide young people with academic and vocational opportunities. Strong links with local businesses and employers contribute to high numbers of young people moving into positive destinations after leaving school. This Case Study looks at how teachers across sectors (early years through to S6) have worked creatively and collaboratively to ensure that their learners are afforded their full entitlement to learning two languages.


Scots language writing competition

20 September 2017 (Education Scotland)

2017 is the year of History, Heritage & Archaeology . To celebrate, Education Scotland are launching a Creative Writing competition at the Scottish Learning Festival on 20 September. Learners of any and all ages are invited to enter to win Scots Language books for their school. Learners should write a poem or short story of not more than 750 words in length. The story or poem must be written in Scots language – though can be in any dialect of Scots, as broad or unique as the writer would like.

Log onto Glow and join the Scots blether to be kept up to date on all information on the competition. Go to the Visit Scotland website for more info on the 2017 Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology.


Glasgow named one of the top cities in the world to learn about Chinese language and culture

20 September 2017 (Glasgow Live)

Glasgow is officially home to a world leader in the teaching of Chinese language and culture.

The Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools (CISS) has been appointed a Model Confucius Institute by the global headquarters, Hanban.

The centre, based at the University of Strathclyde, is one of only 40 facilities out of 500 across the globe to be given the status.

Bosses have also announced the institute, which is open to people from all over the country, is set for a move to a new HQ at the university's Ramshorn Theatre.

The Grade A-Listed building is being given a £2 million refurbishment - which includes a substantial investment by Hanban - to develop it as a publicly-accessible hub for learning and cultural exchange.

The new premises will have the capacity to host performances, conferences and exhibitions.

A plaque marking the new status of the institute was unveiled at a conference attended by Scottish Higher Education Minister Shirley-Anne Somerville.

Liu Xiaoming, China’s Ambassador to the UK, was also a keynote speaker at the event, held to mark the fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Institute.

Strathclyde Principal Professor Sir Jim McDonald said: “As a leading international university, we are extremely proud of our academic links around the globe and our diverse student and staff community.

“This prestigious accolade for our Confucius Institute reflects the important role it plays in improving understanding of Chinese language and culture across Scotland, and we congratulate everyone involved on their fantastic achievement.

“I’m particularly pleased that the Institute’s move to its new headquarters on campus will enable even more schools, businesses and community groups to benefit from increased educational and economic opportunities, with a further 10 Confucius Classroom Hubs being announced today.”


Related Links

China bolsters Confucius Institute culture scheme in Scotland (The Times, 20 September 2017)

Confucius Hub opens at Braehead Primary (Stirling Council, 21 September 2017)

Magical Christmas Trips deadline reminder: 26 September

19 September 2017 (UK-German Connection)

There's still time to apply to take part in a Magical Christmas Trip to Germany this year!

These visits offer primary pupils the chance to get a taste of Germany at Christmas time, meet their German peers and get involved in some seasonal intercultural activity. Secondary pupils have the opportunity to brush up on their German and practice their skills as young leaders.

There are two options for getting involved: either by applying to take part in a visit to Berlin run by UK-German Connection or by applying for funding to run your own Christmas visit to a partner school anywhere in Germany.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information and to apply by 26 September 2017.


Language Perfect Northern Championships 2017

18 September 2017 (Language Perfect)

The 2017 Language Perfect Northern Championships dates have been announced!

Join schools from the northern hemisphere 7-14 November for a week of online competition, and celebration of language learning!

Visit the website to find out about how the competition works and register to take part.



15 September 2017 (eTwinning)

eTwinning offers a platform for teachers to communicate, collaborate, share and develop projects with like-minded colleagues across Europe.

Visit the website to find out more about eTwinning and how being part of the community can benefit you and your pupils.


Host a Teacher from Germany

15 September 2017 (UK-German Connection)

Would you like to have authentic German cultural input in your school? Through the Host a Teacher from Germany programme, your school can host a German teacher for two or three weeks during the academic year, at no cost.

All schools and FE colleges from the whole of the UK can take part. The UK coordinating teacher does not need to be a teacher of German, and German does not need to be on the school’s curriculum; visiting teachers are either teachers of English or have good knowledge of the English language.

There's still time to apply. Closing deadline is 21 September 2017.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information.


Languagenut and SCILT exclusive

15 September 2017 (Languagenut)

Languagenut is a professional teaching tool that offers teaching resources across 21 modern foreign languages. 

It is the perfect tool to support the 1+2 approach to language learning, as all audio files are recorded by native speakers. With a range of games, songs and stories, Languagenut supports the four key skills of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. 

In addition, Languagenut offers special integrated tools which allow teachers both create their own classes and content, and also set and track homework, generate certificates and evaluate students’ progress in real time. These timesaving tools help teachers to deliver more personalised teaching and customise lessons to fit each individual.

Accessible at school and at home, Languagenut helps to bridge the gap between classroom and home learning.

We’ve collaborated with SCILT to give Scottish schools free exclusive access to Languagenut for 45 days! Visit the website to register.


ECML Think tank - Language learning pathways

13 September 2017 (ECML)

The aim of the new ECML think tanks is to create a network of expertise from across ECML member states and beyond which can advise the ECML secretariat on how to address a range of key priorities in language education.

The first step in the think tank process is the development of an online questionnaire for each theme which is then disseminated as widely as possible so that a picture of the current state-of-play emerges, revealing both success stories as well as challenges. 

You are invited to share your views and experiences on language learning pathways in the online survey by midnight (CET), Sunday 1 October 2017, and you might be selected to participate in the think tank meeting in January 2018.

Visit the ECML website to find out more about the think tanks.


Professional development in Germany

13 September 2017 (Goethe-Institut)

Every year the Goethe-Institut offers an attractive range of residential training and language courses for teachers of German: for primary and secondary teachers, for teachers in further education and teacher trainers:

  • Language Courses
  • Landeskunde
  • Methodology/Teaching Strategies

Deadline for applications: 15 October 2017. 

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information. Teachers from Scotland, please apply to Goethe-Institut Glasgow.


ALL Language Teacher of the Year Award 2018

7 September 2017 (ALL)

Do you know an inspirational primary or secondary teacher?

The Association for Language Learning (ALL) are now looking for nominations in the two categories for the 2018 awards – which are now open to teachers throughout the UK.

The award scheme aims to support and promote language teaching, recognise the efforts and achievements of language teachers, encourage and disseminate exciting, motivating practice among language teachers and raise the profile of language teaching as a career.

Visit the ALL website for more information about each award and how to make a nomination.


Beginners 1 French Course for Primary School Teachers

7 September 2017 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française Glasgow is running a new 10-week Beginners 1 French course for Primary School teachers between October and December 2017.

This course is suitable for complete beginners.

  • 20 hours of lessons over 10 weeks tailored to the needs of Primary School teachers: classroom and speaking activities, pronunciation, communication, increase your confidence and feel more comfortable speaking French.
  • The course will take take place on Thursdays 3.45 - 5.45 pm between 5 October and 14 December 2017.

Visit the Alliance Française website for more information and to enrol.


French and Spanish courses for nursery and primary teachers

7 September 2017 (SALT)

Offered by Smalltalk Languages, this course is aimed at nursery/primary staff who are currently introducing French/Spanish as part of their curriculum for excellence/1+2 languages programme or intend to do so. Suitable for both complete beginners and people with prior knowledge of the language, the main focus of the course will be on language learning and practical methodology.

On the day participants will look at language from the children’s perspective. They will be shown how to build both their own and the children’s confidence in language skills while learning the importance of adapting and manipulating language for maximum effect.

Visit the SALT website for available dates and locations.


Education Scotland Gaelic news

6 September 2017 (Education Scotland)

The latest edition of Education Scotland's Gaelic e-bulletin is now available.


News from UK-German Connection

6 September 2017 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a number of funded opportunities for schools in the UK to link with schools in Germany as well as providing resources and activities for the classroom and professional learning for teachers.

In their latest newsletter you can find out more about current opportunities, including:

  • Deadline reminder: seas and oceans youth seminar
  • Host a Teacher in 2018
  • Voyage kids: back to school special
  • Magical Christmas Trips
  • Partnerships Bursaries
  • Young Europeans Award
  • Looking ahead

Find out more on their website.


How to improve children’s language awareness at primary school

4 September 2017 (The Conversation)

Young children have a lot to fit into each school day. So making the best use of the little time allocated to learning a foreign language is paramount. In England, state primary schools have been required to offer children aged seven to 11 a foreign language since 2014. This seems to chime with the common assumption, supported by research, that the earlier we start learning a foreign language, the better we will eventually be able to speak it.

Yet the situation is quite different when learners have just a few hours’ exposure each week. In these circumstances – unlike full immersion in a second language – younger is not necessarily better. Large-scale classroom-based research in Spain has shown that after the same number of lessons, students who began learning after age 18 achieved greater success in English than students who started at age eight, 11 or 14.

A likely reason for the different effects of starting age in different learning environments is the type of learning mechanism in operation. Primarily, young children learn implicitly – without effort or awareness. By contrast, adolescents and adults can learn explicitly, with the intention to learn and with conscious effort. Implicit learning only works well if there is ample exposure to language input, while explicit learning can work even with little language input. So having just a few hours a week of language lessons at a young age doesn’t meant a child will learn that language successfully.


Bilingual story book readings

1 September 2017 (The Language Hub)

The Language Hub in Glasgow provides regular bilingual story book sessions at Hillhead Library. The sessions are free to attend and, whilst aimed at pre-school children, everyone is welcome.

The next event takes place on 5 September with a Spanish/English reading of 'The Gruffalo'.

Further readings of different stories in a range of languages will take place during the Autumn. For details of all the available sessions from September to November visit the Language Hub's website.


Gaelic ‘bear hunting’ kids are internet sensations

30 August 2017 (The Scotsman)

A group of primary school children from the east end of Glasgow have become internet sensations after their Gaelic musical version of ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ went viral on YouTube. Views of the film, which features youngsters from Caledonia Primary enacting the story in their school grounds in Baillieston, have climbed to nearly 2.2 million.

The film, made with the help of the Grounds for Learning charity, is just under five minutes long and shows the pupils from P1 and 2 ‘hunting’ for a bear. Dressed in oilskins and wellies, they go splashing through the mud and creeping through concrete tunnels, while they sing the words to Tha Sinn a’ Dol a Shireadh Mathan, a Gaelic version of the kids classic story by Michael Rosen.


Cross-Sector Hub meetings

24 August 2017 (SCILT)

UCMLS, the professional organisation representing languages staff in Scottish universities, is again holding two sets of regional cross-sector meetings during 2017-18, with support from SCILT.

The first round of meetings will be during the week beginning 11 September 2017. We will present our planned events and initiatives for the coming session, including the new Languages Lost & Found events on 18 November.

Language teachers and staff in schools, colleges and universities are warmly invited to attend. For those who live too far to attend in person we are also offering the option of joining us on one of two virtual meetings via Skype.

Please register for your session choice by Friday 1 September 2017.


Concours de la francophonie 2018

18 August 2017 (Institut français)

The Institut français d'Ecosse is pleased to launch this year's concours de la francophonie, a national school competition to encourage all young French learners and their teachers around Scotland to celebrate the international day of la francophonie.

All Scottish primary and secondary schools offering French may enter this competition by submitting a short video of a classroom activity in French.

Visit the Institut français website to find out more about the competition and how to enter by 19 December 2017.


'The Smart Choice: German' schools network

15 August 2017 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut is accepting applications to join the schools' network 'The Smart Choice: German'.

In 2016 the Goethe-Institut set up 19 Digital German Networks in the United Kingdom. It is now looking to build on this success and to identify further networks of secondary and/or primary schools that have the intention to start, facilitate and strengthen the teaching of German. 

At least three schools need to build a network. The lead partner can apply for the funding with the Goethe-Institut. It can be a secondary school supporting feeder schools or a cluster of primary schools reaching out to a secondary school teaching German. It can also be three primary schools in one area wanting to make a start with German or already having started with it.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website to find out more and to apply by 30 September 2017.


Beyond the Panda programme for schools

15 August 2017 (RZSS)

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) Beyond the Panda programme has been further revised and contains some new materials, in particular the new P1-P3 panda boxes. 

The programme now has two main parts:

  1. China Mobile Library - loan of the panda boxes followed by an expert visit
  2. Outreach workshops - Education Officer led workshops

See the attached brochure for full details of the Beyond the Panda programme. 

There's also an opportunity for schools to book a Beyond the Panda special event at Edinburgh Zoo during 'The Giant Lanterns of China' installation between December 2017 and February 2018. The session will include whole class interactive activities and Mandarin language games. See more information and how to book on The Giant Lanterns of China brochure attached.

You can also visit the website for more information about the RZSS and its activities.


Braehead Primary School Stirling - Getting to grips with languages!

15 August 2017 (SCILT/CISS/Braehead PS)

The children of Braehead Primary have been making languages come alive through a collaborative project with Historic Environment Scotland (HES) at Stirling Castle. This project saw P5 pupils working in groups on a number of different tasks. The end result was a virtual tour of Stirling Castle in Chinese, signage in Chinese, language training for castle tour guides and maps of the castle in Chinese. Learners' literacy skills benefited from the project, and their understanding about the world of work increased.

You can see the film in Chinese, set within the castle walls, on the school’s YouTube channel. The film will be entered for the British Film Festival awards in London in October.

The project had a positive impact on the wider school community.  The school has recently launched a Chinese character challenge. This is a whole-school competition where one character a week is introduced on their interactive wall in the dining hall – highly visible to all. At the end of term, pupils and teachers will take part in a quiz based on these characters with Chinese-themed prizes up for the taking! Pupils continue to produce language podcasts in Chinese and other languages. The podcasts can be accessed via the Braehead Primary Languages Café on the school’s website.

There are six classes at Braehead learning Chinese as L3 from P4 to P6. The P5s are the trailblazers and have been learning the language for nearly two years.

Read the full case study of the project for replicable ideas for your own school context to support partnership working and help your school deliver on Developing the Young Workforce.

photo of Braehead PS Stirling Castle project wall displayBraehead PS What I have learnt wall display


French classes in Edinburgh

15 August 2017 (Institut français)

The Institut français d'Ecosse is enrolling for their autumn classes commencing September 2017.

Classes and workshops are offered for all ages (toddlers to adults), from complete beginners to fluent speakers.

Visit the website for more information and to enrol.


Concours de la francophonie 2017 - final report

15 August 2017 (Institut français)

The Concours de la francophonie was launched in 2016 by the Institut français d'Ecosse to showcase the vitality of the French language in Scottish schools and to encourage all learners from P1 to S6.

To enter the competition schools sent in a short film of a class activity in French.

See the attached document for full details of the 2017 competition, winners and photographs.

Magical Christmas Trips 2017

15 August 2017 (UK-German Connection)

Would you like to take part in a Magical Christmas Trip this year and build on or set up a partnership with a school in Germany?

These visits offer primary pupils the chance to get a taste of Germany at Christmas time, meet their German peers and get involved in some seasonal intercultural activity. Secondary pupils have the opportunity to brush up on their German and practice their skills as young leaders.

There are two options for getting involved:
  • apply to take part in a visit to Berlin run by UK-German Connection to set up a link to a school in Germany
  • apply for funding and organisational support to run your own Christmas visit to an existing partner school anywhere in Germany
To find out more, please visit the UK-German Connection's website and apply by 26 September 2017.


French drama workshops

15 August 2017 (Theatre sans Accents)

Whether you want to perfect your French or your English, Theatre Sans Accents has the right workshop to suit your needs and your level!

No need to be fluent or an experienced actor, everyone is welcomed in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere!

Bookings are now being taken for Autumn term classes, with early bird discounts available.

Follow the appropriate link below to find out more about classes for adults and children:

For children:

For adults:

You can find out more about Theatre sans Accents and their other activities on the website.


Autumn term French classes

14 August 2017 (Alliance Française)

French classes for adults and children will start at the Alliance Française in Glasgow on 11 September 2017.

Visit the website for full details and to find out about Open Days where you can visit, meet staff and have your language level assessed to establish the best course for you.


Gaelic school planned for Edinburgh as demand soars

11 August 2017 (The Times)

A dedicated Gaelic school could open in Edinburgh to cope with rising pupil numbers and soaring demand.

Edinburgh city council expects there to be more pupils than places at James Gillespie’s High School, where Gaelic education is currently provided, as soon as 2021.

The number of new pupils starting this month at Taobh na Pàirce primary, Edinburgh’s only Gaelic primary school, has also been far higher than anticipated.


Pupils who learn in second language ‘catch up on listening skills within a year'

7 August 2017 (TES)

Seven- and eight-year-olds from immigrant families make faster progress than their native-speaking peers, research shows.

Primary pupils who learn in a language other than the one they speak at home start out with poorer listening and reading skills, but “catch up” with native-speaking peers within one school year, researchers have found.

In a paper in the British Educational Research Journal, researchers from Ghent University in Belgium also looked at how pupils' listening and reading comprehension was affected by the proportion of their classmates who spoke a different language at home.

They found that classes with a greater proportion of non-native-speaking students achieved lower than average results at the start of the year, but by the end of the year this link had "disappeared".


Language immersion in Australian schools

4 August 2017 (ABC News)

Video report from ABC News on South Australia's Department for Education and Child Development's (DECD) language immersion programmes in schools.

The news story highlights that in just six months students at two schools have immersed themselves in the French and Chinese language.

See the video online on the DECD Facebook page, or read an earlier published news item 'Adelaide schools finding success with bilingual classes in French and Chinese' on the policy (ABC, 23 June 2017).


Gaelic e-bulletin - June 2017

21 June 2017 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland's latest Gaelic e-bulletin has just been issued and can be accessed online.


Top tips for kids learning a foreign language in Glasgow

13 June 2017 (Glasgow Live)

It's no secret that Glaswegians, and Brits, are guilty of being reluctant to speak foreign languages.

However Glasgow City Council, along with many other local authorities, are under increasing pressure to make foreign language learning one of their top priorities in education - particularly at primary level.

And it appears they have good reason to do so.

Studies show that children who study a language from as young as three years old possess better critical thinking skills and score higher in maths and problem solving.

It can also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimers in later years.

Of course, leaning a language takes time and dedication.

But according to Rose McGinty, principal teacher at Glasgow's first Spanish immersion camp for children, Oso Spanish, there are plenty of ways to make language learning effective and great fun.

South American Spanish Day @ The Zoo

11 June 2017 (Preston Street Primary)

Thursday the 8th June was an important date for P6 and not because Theresa May decided to have her snap election that day. P6 at Preston Street Primary managed to secure themselves an opportunity to attend a South American Spanish Day event at Edinburgh Zoo.

To start the day off P6 had a short introduction via a video from Dr. Arnaud Desbiez who manages the RZSS South American projects. This was followed by Sandie Robb explaining a new initiative ‘Science in the Language Class’ which links to RZSS conservation projects to language learning. This led into a fun quiz which covered facts about some South American animals and included Spanish questions on numbers, colours and parts of the body. Afterwards, a gentleman by the name of Xabier San Isidro told us his story of how his love for languages shaped his life.


UK-German Connection news - Summer 2017

9 June 2017 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a number of opportunities for UK schools to partner with a school in Germany. The following options are currently available. Follow the appropriate link for more information:

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more about all their activities.


Are Chinese-English bilingual schools the future of primary education?

7 June 2017 (The Telegraph)

There are just two classrooms at Kensington Wade, a shiny new independent prep school opening in west London in September, and at a glance, they look the same. Colourful charts cover the walls, storybooks line the shelves, the odd toy lies around. Peer a little closer, however, and a certain difference becomes clear.

“There isn’t a word of English in here,” the headmistress, Jo Wallace, says as we pause in one of them. It’s true – the charts contain only Chinese symbols, the books are in Mandarin, and laid out are traditional oriental fans, scrolls and artwork. Even the school’s world map, which might normally have Europe at the centre of the picture, instead shows gives Asia and the Pacific the limelight.

“That’s what we mean by this being totally immersive learning,” Wallace says, “the children will switch as soon as they’re in here, and that’s how they’ll begin to think in two ways.”


Japanese Language Local Project Support Programme 2017

5 June 2017 (Japan Foundation)

The Japan Foundation London is looking for non-profit-making projects or activities which promote Japanese language education. You can apply for up to £3,000.

We prioritise projects that fit into one of the three following categories:
  1. Introducing Japanese into the curriculum at a primary or secondary school
  2. Supporting GCSE or A-level Japanese courses
  3. Introducing Japanese extracurricular club or enrichment subject at a primary or secondary school
The next deadline to apply for funding is Friday 16 June 2017.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information.


Host a teacher from Germany

2 June 2017 (UK-German Connection)

Would you like to have authentic German cultural input in your school? Through the Host a Teacher from Germany programme, your school can host a German teacher for two or three weeks during the academic year, at no cost.

All schools and FE colleges from the whole of the UK can take part. The UK coordinating teacher does not need to be a teacher of German, and German does not need to be on the school’s curriculum; visiting teachers are either teachers of English or have good knowledge of the English language.

Offers from UK schools to host teachers from Germany in 2017-18 are now being accepted. Application deadlines are 10 July 2017 / 21 September 2017.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information.


Edinburgh International Film Festival 2017

31 May 2017 (EIFF)

The programme for this year's Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF) taking place from 21 June to 2 July 2017 has just been published.

The event will showcase films from 46 countries so there are plenty of opportunities to test your language skills!

For more information about what's on offer, visit the EIFF website.


Falkirk win at Euroquiz final

16 May 2017 (SEET)

Congratulations to the P6 team from Comely Park Primary School, who won the Scottish European Educational Trust’s National Euroquiz Final 2017, which took place in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament on 15th May 2017.

Team members Tamsin Gold, Edwin Walker, Robyn Dewar-Young and Jaymie Jones were crowned SEET’s Euroquiz Champions 2017 at the national final. The winners were closely followed by St Leonard’s Primary School team from South Lanarkshire, in a nail-biting final round. Sciennes Primary School from Edinburgh also did incredibly well, winning the prize for third place.

Euroquiz is run by the Scottish European Educational Trust, a non-political charity, which promotes education about language learning, Europe and the wider world amongst Scotland’s young people.

See the attached press release for full details about this year's competition and participating schools.

If your school might like to take part in future competitions, visit the SEET website for more information.


Related Files

Related Links

Third Place in Euroquiz 2017! (Sciennes Primary School, 15 May 2017) - post includes photos and links to the event on Parliament TV.

Young Language Learner Award - 2017

15 May 2017 (B small publishing)

The Young Language Learner Awards are back!

B small publishing are inviting children and young people to write a four-page story in a foreign language they are learning (choose from Chinese, English, French, German, Italian or Spanish) to be in with a chance of winning books worth £50.

One winner will be picked from the under 6 category and one winner from the 6 and over entries.

Visit the website for full details and to submit entries by 15 June 2017.


EOL network ’Learning environments where modern languages flourish’ - 99 partner schools registered

9 May 2017 (ECML)

The EOL ECML project “Learning environments where modern languages flourish” has already succeeded in recruiting 99 partner schools and teachers in ten different countries; we will continue to accept new partner schools until the end of July 2017.

This European network of project partner schools will not only support one another in developing innovative approaches to establishing language friendly learning environments through an exchange of relevant resources, research and practice, but will have dedicated support from the project team throughout the lifespan of their school projects.

Visit the ECML website for more information and to register to join the EOL network.


MTOT 2016-17 celebration event webpage now live

5 May 2017 (SCILT)

We're pleased to announce the SCILT website has been updated and details of this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition award celebration held at the SEC, Glasgow in March are now available.

Here you can see photos of our winning performers, read the anthology of winning entries, access press articles and see feedback from pupils, teachers and parents.


Link with a German school

24 April 2017 (UK-German Connection)

Broaden your pupils' horizons and enhance your school's international dimension by linking with a German school. Find out how to set up and develop a partnership with a German school, including practical tips and advice on joint activities, projects and visits to Germany.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information.


Sabhal Mòr Ostaig to offer new degree course for Gaelic teachers

23 April 2017 (SALT)

Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (SMO), the National Centre for Gaelic Language and Culture, is to deliver a new Gaelic teaching degree.

The BA (Hons) Gaelic and Education recently received validation from the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and accreditation from the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS ) and the first cohort of students will begin the course in September.

The course will be part of Sabhal Mòr’s degree pathway and will be taught through the medium of Gaelic and will focus on immersion and bilingual teaching practices in schools. This is the first time that SMO has taken the lead role in delivering a teacher training degree, and the course is designed for either secondary teaching (Gaelic as a subject) or Gaelic-medium primary teaching.


Photo exhibition workshops for primary schools: “Objectif sport”

20 April 2017 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française in Glasgow is organising educational workshops around sport and the French language in May and June. Through games and activities in French, pupils will learn about sport, sporting events and the values attached to them.

The workshops are designed for primary school pupils and their teachers (P3/P6) who visit the photo exhibition and are free of charge.

See the attached flyer for more information and booking instructions.

Education Scotland Modern Languages newsletter - April 2017

18 April 2017 (Education Scotland)

The latest edition of Education Scotland's Modern Languages newsletter is now available.


Blantyre primary school children celebrate the language and culture of Spain

12 April 2017 (Daily Record)

St Joseph’s Primary School in Blantyre embraced the Scottish Government’s approach to modern languages learning by celebrating the language and culture of Spain last week.

During a dedicated Spanish week of events aimed at developing learners’ use of the Spanish language pupils learned about the Spanish culture and Spanish-speaking countries worldwide.

Learners participated in a range of stimulating experiences and opportunities which supported them in their journey towards Global Citizenship by enabling them to deepen and extend their knowledge and understanding of Spanish cities, food, music, dance, architecture, sport, famous people, festivals, film and media.


Japanese for young learners - 6 week teacher course

30 March 2017 (Japanese for Young Learners project)

This course, organised by the Japanese for Young Learners Projects, aims to introduce teachers to Japanese language and culture for use in the classroom. Teachers will be introduced to Japanese language for beginners and to cultural learning activities such as origami and Japanese food.

The course will include developing literacy in Japanese and an introduction to Japanese reading and writing - easier than you think!

The course is being delivered in partnership with the University of Edinburgh and the Japan Foundation, UK. It takes place over six weeks, commencing Thursday 20 April.

Visit the website to register for this free professional development opportunity and see the press article below relating to the project's pilot in Liberton Primary School, Edinburgh.


Related Links

Edinburgh primary leads way with Japanese lessons pilot (Edinburgh Evening News, 27 March 2017)

French at the Alliance Française in Glasgow

27 March 2017 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française has a number of upcoming opportunities for French language learners in Glasgow. Follow the relevant link below for more information:
  • Spring Break Revision Classes April 2017 (3-7 April) - preparation courses for pupils sitting Nat 5, Higher and Advanced Higher French this year and University students due to sit exams later this year.
  • Easter workshop for primary school pupils (3-7 April) - children will learn about French language and culture through fun Easter-themed activities.
  • Term D adult courses now enrolling - classes available at all levels from Beginner to Advanced, along with specialised courses such as Conversation, Current Affairs, Grammar and Phonetics. New term commences 18 April 2017.
  • New adult classes - Beginners, Lunchtime Conversation Class, Phonetics Class, Grammar Class commencing from 18 April 2017.

For further information about the Alliance Française and their full range of activities, visit their website.


Edinburgh primary leads way with Japanese lessons pilot

27 March 2017 (Edinburgh Evening News)

They already love manga, Pokemon and Nintendo and now schoolchildren in the Capital have been given the chance to learn about the language behind some of their favourite pastimes.

Liberton Primary School has become a language trailblazer thanks to a new scheme designed to introduce youngsters to Japanese from an early age.

The Japanese for Young Learners project has seen two P5 classes give the language a go, as well as learning about the history and culture of the far eastern country.

While Liberton already teaches a number of other languages – such as French, German, Spanish and Mandarin – it is the first Edinburgh primary school in many years to add Japanese to its offering.


Jackie Kay celebrates pupils’ multilingual poetry success

24 March 2017 (SCILT)

The multilingual talents of budding young poets from across Scotland were celebrated at a prestigious award ceremony in Glasgow. Jackie Kay, Scotland's Makar, presented the prizes.

Primary and secondary students from Aberdeenshire, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, Stirling and West Lothian used their language skills to create and share poetry for this year’s Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition. Winners received their prizes on the main Piazza stage at the SEC Glasgow on Saturday 11 March 2017 as part of the wider Languages Show Live Scotland event. Their work is published in an anthology.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue is an exciting project which celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing and showcases the many languages which are used by children and young people across Scotland, in school and at home. The competition is organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, based at University of Strathclyde. Jackie Kay is the patron of the competition.

One teacher said of the event: “Taking part in the Mother Tongue Other Tongue poetry competition was a very worthwhile endeavour. Pupils really enjoyed creating poems in another language and interesting language based discussions were generated. The emphasis on celebrating all languages from across the globe was a great message to share with pupils and they especially enjoyed mixing their own language with the languages they are learning at school. We will definitely be taking part again next year.”

Whilst one of the pupils summed up their feelings: “I feel happy, proud and special.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT, says: “Mother Tongue Other Tongue is a celebration of the many languages that are spoken and learned by children and young people across Scotland. The collection of their poems weaves a rich tapestry of voices that honours cultural diversity and pays testament to the wealth of Scotland’s many languages and cultures. We were delighted to see such a high calibre of entries this year, submitted in 35 different languages. Our congratulations go to the winners and to all who took part in the competition.”

Mother Tongue invites children who do not speak English as a first language to write a poem, rap or song in their mother tongue and share their inspiration. Other Tongue encourages children learning another language in school to use that language creatively with an original poem, rap or song in that other tongue. Prizes are awarded in both categories.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue supports the Scottish Government initiative, ‘Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach’ by allowing pupils to apply their language learning in a creative way. The competition provides children who do not have English as their first language an opportunity to celebrate their mother tongue.

The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. One of the key drivers is improved literacy. Through reflecting on poetry in their mother tongue and creating poetry in another tongue, learners are developing their literacy skills.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue is supported by the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland, creative writer Juliette Lee and the Scottish Poetry Library.

Details of the winners and the anthology are published on the SCILT website.
MTOT 2016-17 winners with Jackie Kay


Curriculum for Excellence Benchmarks

23 March 2017 (Education Scotland)

The Benchmarks in modern languages provide clarity on the national standards expected from first to fourth curricular level.

They draw together and streamline a wide range of previous assessment guidance (including significant aspects of learning, progression frameworks and annotated exemplars) into one key resource to support teachers’ and other practitioners’ professional judgement of children’s and young people’s progress.

The Benchmarks will also support consistency in teachers’ professional judgements and will help teachers to ensure that young people achieve the pace of progress they need right across the Broad General Education.

The Benchmarks can be accessed on Education Scotland's National Improvement Hub along with Benchmarks exemplification to support practitioners to use the Benchmarks.


Gaelic e-bulletin

17 March 2017 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland's March e-bulletin for Gaelic education is now available online.


Learning a language should be compulsory in schools, says report

16 March 2017 (BBC News)

(Applies to Northern Ireland) Learning a foreign language should be made compulsory in primary schools here, a new report has said.

In Northern Ireland, learning a second language is not a statutory part of the primary school curriculum.

In England and Scotland, by contrast, primary school pupils are expected to learn a foreign language.

The review of primary languages in Northern Ireland has been carried out by researchers from Stranmillis University College. The authors surveyed language learning at over 100 schools.

They found that Spanish and French were most popular in schools where languages were taught. Some pupils also learned German or Mandarin.

However, not all primary schools taught an additional language.

This led the authors to conclude that there was "a lack of equity in provision for children" across the country.


Teachers ‘ill-prepared’ for primary language strategy

14 March 2017 (The Herald)

Teachers have warned an ambitious strategy to expand language learning in Scottish primary schools lacks direction.

The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) teaching union said training for school staff was variable and had led to lower confidence levels in some areas.

The criticism centres on the Scottish Government’s flagship 1+2 languages policy under which primary pupils are to be taught at least two modern languages in addition to their mother tongue, starting in the first year of schooling and adding a second foreign language no later than P5.

The government has argued primaries should incorporate as large a pool of languages as possible, including Portuguese, Punjabi, Urdu and Polish.

However, critics say schools and teacher training universities need a much smaller group of languages to focus on to ensure continuity of study and expertise among staff.

In a letter to councils, Andrea Bradley, EIS assistant secretary for education, said information from primary teachers had identified training that was not of a consistently appropriate standard.

She said members had highlighted a “lack of direction” as to which languages would be taught at which stage as well as “variable quality of teachers’ experience of training course delivery”.

She also said there was “inconsistency” in the duration of training courses and therefore inconsistency in “outcomes for our members in terms of their levels of confidence to teach foreign languages”.

She added: “The EIS therefore calls upon all local authorities to work with Scottish Government to address the issues that are raised here, with a view to ensuring coherence of approach and adequate resourcing in order that the worthy aims of the policy can be met.”

The concerns were echoed by Gillian Campbell-Thow, chairwoman of the Scottish Association for Language Teaching.


Related Links

SALT's response to EIS (SALT, 15 March 2017)

The Junior Language Challenge 2017

14 March 2017 (Junior Language Challenge)

Calling all Scottish primary schools! The Junior Language Challenge is the UK’s only language challenge for primary schools, introducing children to new, exciting languages and encouraging them to become independent learners, while raising money for charity. The first language this year is French.

There are great prizes to be won, including a family holiday to Africa!

Visit the JLC website to find out more and to register a school or an individual. (Please note there is an entry charge per child with all proceeds going to the educational charity, onebillion).


Chinese L3 resources

13 March 2017 (CISS)

In order to build capacity for L3 in Scottish schools throughout Scotland, CISS has focused on developing a variety of resources. The latest L3 materials can be used to support the introduction of Mandarin as the L3 by using stimulating cultural contexts, whilst carefully building in progression. They are the first of a series of L3 resources which will support non-specialist Chinese teachers – including complete beginners! – as well as specialist Chinese teachers. The resources favour a gentle progression and will help practitioners embed Chinese into their learning context. These resources can be used as stand-alone resources or in conjunction with The Happy Emperor ebooks 1-5.


SALT schools competition 2017

11 March 2017 (SALT)

There are four categories in this years competition: Primary & BGE, National 5, Higher, and Advanced Higher.

The theme is I love Languages Because and students can submit their entries in any format (PowerPoint, poster, song, poem, etc).

Visit the SALT website for further information and to submit entries by 26 May 2017.


Pupils celebrate success at multilingual poetry competition

9 March 2017 (Renfrewshire 24)

Six bilingual pupils from Renfrewshire have scooped up awards at a national poetry competition for their creative writing talents.

Of the 14 awards up for grabs through the ‘Mother Tongue Other Tongue’ competition run by SCILT – Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, six were awarded to pupils from St John Ogilvie Primary School, St James Primary School and Castlehead High School, who had written poetry in their native tongue in order to share their “other voices”.

Renfrewshire EAL (English as an additional language) teachers helped support bilingual pupils to create a collection of poems written in languages such as; Polish, Hungarian, Chinese, Punjabi, Catalan, Arabic, Greek, Filipino, Korean and Dutch.


Mapping Chinese survey

9 March 2017 (SCEN)

At the meeting of Confucius Institute Directors last year, we all decided that it would be a great help if we shared information about the teaching and learning of Mandarin at all levels in Scotland. We want to map all the opportunities to learn Chinese accurately, and to share it with everyone to help with productive links between schools, colleges, universities and businesses.

We would like to invite primary and secondary school teachers to complete our online survey to help gather this data.

Visit the SCEN website for the survey link. Please complete by 31 March 2017.


Glasgow says ‘fáilte’ to a new Gaelic primary school

9 March 2017 (The Herald)

Soaring demand for Gaelic education in Scotland’s largest city has led to the need for a third primary school.

Glasgow City Council is recommending a formal consultation on a new school because the two existing primaries are already full with demand expected to grow.

The increasing numbers of primary pupils in Gaelic Medium Education (GME) also means there is a need to ensure enough places are available at secondary.


Related Links

Call for third Gaelic school in Glasgow (BBC News, 10 March 2017)

Glasgow needs new Gaelic school amid growing demand (The Scotsman, 10 March 2017)

UK-German Connection initiatives for schools

7 March 2017 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German connection have the following opportunities they'd like teachers and schools to be aware of:
  1. What do you need now? Have your say.
    It’s now more important than ever to maintain connections with Europe. With this in mind, we’re reviewing the opportunities and support we offer schools and are asking teachers for their input on what schools currently need in order to keep links with Germany alive. We’ve put together a short questionnaire for you to have your say and would be grateful for your feedback. Complete the survey.

  2. Plastic Pirates
    There’s now another chance for UK and German partner schools to apply for funding to get together in Germany and undertake research on Germany’s rivers and oceans.

Articulate Language Camps 2017

1 March 2017 (Articulate Language Camps)

Articulate Language Camps run an International Camp (12-17 year olds) and Launch Camp (6-11 year olds) each summer in Scotland.

The International camp brings together young people aged 12-17 from across Europe and beyond to share their language and culture and provides the opportunity to learn French, Spanish, German, Italian or English.

The Launch camp gives young campers the chance to experience the same languages in a fun and interactive way, learning through digital media projects and outdoor activities.

Find out more in the Articulate Language Camps videos on YouTube where you will also find links to their online brochure and registration form. Follow the relevant link below for more information about each camp:
You can find out more about Articulate Language Camps by visiting their main website.


Fairtrade Fortnight

28 February 2017 (SCILT / Traidcraft)

#mfltwitterati it’s Fairtrade Fortnight! Please tweet @scottishcilt and @FairtradeUKEd the lesson ideas and resources that you’re using with your learners as a meaningful context for language learning #Fairtrade.

We’ve already found these from @traidcraft, tell us what you think.
  • Explore the world of cocoa production in Côte d’Ivoire with a range of teaching resources for learners of French at 2nd level, 3rd level and in the Senior Phase.
  • Explore a range of resources relating to Apicoop - honey and blueberry producers in Chile. Aimed at 2nd level learners of Spanish materials include a poster, an advert and a game.


UK-German Connection latest news

21 February 2017 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection offers a number of opportunities for schools in the UK and Germany to develop and maintain partnerships. In their latest Spring 2017 newsletter they highlight the following:
  • With the changing landscape of international relations, we want to make sure we're still offering you the right kind of support to keep your connections with Germany alive.We're currently reviewing the opportunities and services we offer and would like to invite you to tell us what you need now for your schools and pupils. Complete the short survey.
  • Deadline reminder of 1 March for applications for the following summer courses in Germany:

For upcoming deadlines for the rest of the school year, download our calendar of opportunities for 2016-17.

For further information about UK-German Connection and their activities, visit their website.


The Junior Language Challenge 2017

17 February 2017 (Junior Language Challenge)

The Junior Language Challenge is the UK’s only language challenge for primary schools, inspiring a love of languages at a young age and encouraging children to become independent learners, while raising money for charity.

The JLC 2017 will open on 10 March, but registration starts now - visit the website sign-up pages to register a school or an individual. (Please note there is an entry charge per child with all proceeds going to the onebillion charity).


Passeport pour la Francophonie

14 February 2017 (SCILT)

SCILT are delighted to announce that Passeport pour la Francophonie is now live on its website.

This online resource focuses on French-speaking countries around the world. Angus, from Scotland invites you to join him on a journey as he travels to member countries of the Oranisation Internationale de la Francophonie and meets new friends.

Aude from France, Assouan from Egypt, Nyanga from Gabon, Menembe from Madagascar and Takakoto from Polynesia describe their daily lives, as well as the history and geography of the countries.

The website includes:

  • Information for primary practitioners about teaching language skills and developing learners’ cultural awareness through interdisciplinary learning.
  • Activities and resources for supporting interconnected teaching of languages.

Use together with the European Language Portfolio and pupils can record their achievements and progress in languages.

Please note this resource was developed by Education Scotland in 2012 and given to SCILT to host from 2017 onwards.


Agenda: So much to be gained from young people learning modern languages

12 February 2017 (Sunday Herald)

Does language learning have a place in the Scottish curriculum? Yes. Are modern languages and their teachers under pressure in secondary schools? Yes. Has there been a better opportunity for promoting language learning in our schools ? No.

Language learning has a vital place in Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) on a learner journey from 3-18 but in a manner that does not see it as the preserve of the secondary school.

It has always baffled me that traditionally in Scotland, given its place in Europe, we started language learning so late in a child’s development.

The earlier we expose children to learning languages, the better their chance is of seeing this as something that is just part of their culture.

From a child development point of view, there’s much research to confirm that children are more receptive educationally and emotionally to language learning from an early age.

They soak it up and acquire language skills at a great pace. We know that bilingualism not only helps the cognitive development of the child but also that children who are in bilingual education such as Gaelic Medium Education also attain and achieve at least as well as, in many cases better, than their monoglot peers. They are fluent in two languages and are learning a third by the age of 11. In addition, there is another plus to early exposure to acquiring additional languages; most parents like it, understand it and support schools that promote it.

The Scottish Government-led 1+2 languages programme is a long-term policy commitment started in 2011 due to run until 2021, aimed at making it normal for all children and young people in Scotland to learn languages from primary one.


Gaelic Translation Competition!

10 February 2017 (Education Scotland)

This translation competition is open to all children and young people in both Gaelic Learner and Gaelic Medium Education.

There are nine English and eight Gaelic posters of Scotland’s scientists available on the National Improvement Hub. One of the Gaelic posters is missing- Alexander Graham Bell.

Children and young people are invited to translate a short biography on Alexander Graham Bell into Gaelic. This is an exciting opportunity to have your work shared nationally and to feature alongside the other eight scientist biographies available on the National Improvement Hub. Your work could support learners of Gaelic across Scotland.

For more information visit the Education Scotland Learning Blog. Entries should be submitted by 3 March 2017.


Statutory guidance on Gaelic Education published

10 February 2017 (TESS)

Statutory guidance on Gaelic education has been published, spelling out the process that will allow parents under law to request a Gaelic unit for their child. Another key document has also been published: the public consultation on the National Gaelic Language Plan 2017–2022 runs until 6 May.

Read the full item in TESS online, 10 February 2017, under the 'A week in primary' section (subscription required).


MTOT 2016-17 winners announced!

10 February 2017 (SCILT)

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate everyone who took part in this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition for schools in Scotland. We had a wonderful variety of entries and appreciated the creative effort that went into the submissions.

Selecting the finalists for this year's anthology was incredibly difficult for the judges. However, after considerable deliberation, we're pleased to now be able to announce the winners in each category along with highly commended entries which will also feature in the MTOT anthology of poems.

Mother Tongue





P1 – P3


Jan Piwowarczyk (Polish)

St Benedict’s Primary


Highly commended

Kacper Jodelka (Polish)

St John Ogilvie Primary

P4 – P6


Laith Kabour (Arabic)

St John Ogilvie Primary


Highly commended

Ashley Li (Mandarin)

St James’ Primary


Highly commended

Amira Shaaban and Aidah Abubaker (Swahili)

St Rose of Lima Primary


Highly commended

Caroline Rotimi and Joolade Adekoya (Yoruba)

St Maria Goretti Primary

P7 – S1


Miriam Espinosa (Catalan)

St James’ Renfrew



Highly commended

Lemuel Pascual (Filipino)


St James’ Renfrew


Highly commended

Noemi Dzurjanikova (Slovak)

St Rose of Lima

S2 – S3


Stefan Benyak (Hungarian)

Castlehead High


Highly commended

Éva Tallaron (French)

Royal High

Senior Phase


Boglarka Balla (Hungarian)

Graeme High


Highly commended

Ayesha Mujeb (Urdu)

George Heriot’s


Highly commended

Nadya Clarkson (Russian)

George Heriot’s


Other Tongue





P1 – P3


Julia Gawel (Scots)

Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral Primary

P4 – P6


Nathan Watson and Aiden Wardrop (French)

Johnshaven Primary



Highly commended

Jack Shaw (German)

Gartcosh Primary



Eva Campbell (German)

Gartcosh Primary

P7 – S1


Rosalind Turnbull (French)

Doune Primary


Highly commended

Samuel Kassm, Theo Wilson, Emma Cullen and Darren Campbell (French, Spanish, Italian, Urdu, Scots)

Battlefield  Primary

S2 – S3


Simi Singh (French)

Graeme High


Highly commended

Ciara Wilkie (French)

St Margaret’s Academy

Senior Phase


Jordanna Bashir (French)

Shawlands Academy


Highly commended

Holly Mincher (Spanish)

St Andrew’s


Highly commended

Rachel Cairns (French)

Graeme High

Well done to everyone who took part in the competition. It's been a marvellous celebration of the various languages spoken in our communities. You should all be very proud of your work.

To mark participation in the competition, registered schools will shortly be sent a certificate which can be printed out and presented to pupils who took part. The finalists above will be invited in due course to receive theirs at the MTOT celebration event on 11 March.

Thank you all once again and keep writing!

Boost language attainment with a Modern Language Assistant

8 February 2017 (British Council)

Modern Language Assistants bring authentic language and culture to the classroom. In a recent survey of host schools, Heads of Languages reported improved exam results – raising standards in under-performing students and motivating talented students to achieve more. The support of an Assistant is particularly valuable with the on-going focus on languages in the 1+2 initiative, and can particularly help to complement the development of language teaching in primary schools.

The British Council Language Assistants programme draws on over 100 years of experience with overseas education authorities to provide a trusted, high quality service.

Applications are now open! For more information visit the British Council website.

In 2016 the Erasmus+ UK National Agency awarded nearly €1.2m+ to Scotland’s schools and colleges for Key Action 2 (KA2) Strategic Partnerships, and 70% of Scottish applications for school-only partnerships were successful. The next Erasmus+ funding deadline is 29 March. If you are planning to apply, access our tailored guidance for school-only applications and school education applications; pre-recorded videos; and telephone support sessions.


Le concours de la francophonie competition winners

8 February 2017 (SALT / Institut français)

Winners of the 2017 Concours de la francophonie, a competition run by the Institut français d'Ecosse for schools in Scotland, have now been announced!

Visit the SALT website for more information about the winners in each category.


eTwinning Workshops

3 February 2017 (British Council eTwinning)

Interested in eTwinning and partnering with schools across Europe on collaborative projects? Check out the professional development opportunities in the UK and overseas for both primary and secondary sectors.

Visit the British Council eTwinning website for more information.


UK-German Connection Funding

26 January 2017 (UK-German Connection)

A reminder that the next deadline for grants for UK-German activities is 31 January 2017.

For an 'at a glance' overview of our grants and details about each programme, please visit the UK-German Connection website.


Language Show Scotland – Free event + 20% discount on language classes!

24 January 2017 (Language Show Live)

Scotland’s biggest and most prestigious event dedicated to all things language is back at the SECC in Glasgow on the 10th – 11th of March 2017. Officially sponsored by Education Scotland and the Scottish Government this free to attend event is a must for anyone interested in learning or advancing their languages, exploring job opportunities in the language industry, considering teaching or working abroad, enjoying a fantastic range of international cultural performances and much, much more!


Sample our extensive free seminar programme, meet over 100 top exhibitors like the European Commission, the Chartered Institute of Linguists and the British Council, meet language professional recruiters, enjoy our fantastic array of cultural performances, free language classes and more.

Find out more and register for free today.

Our trademark intensive 2 hour Language Plus classes are also now available online at a heavily discounted early bird rate (over 20% off the standard price!) of just £18. These optional add-ons can be purchased at the end of the free registration process and are certain to add a productive language experience to your day!

Language Show Live Scotland 2017 logo


Lanarkshire school is bringing Gaelic language and culture into centre of Scotland

24 January 2017 (Daily Record)

Lanarkshire may not be known as a hotbed of Gaelic but a little school are doing their best to reintroduce the language to the wider community.

Gartcosh Primary have been nominated for the Gaelic Education Award at this year’s Scottish Education Awards.

Rachel Neilly is one of four teachers at the village primary who has done the Gaelic Learning in Primary Schools course and teaches the language to primaries five to seven.

All children from primary two upwards learn German but the upper three classes have Gaelic as a third language.

They also learn about the culture in the Highlands and islands as part of their studies.


Scottish Education Awards 2017

19 January 2017 (Scottish Education Awards)

The Scottish Education Awards celebrate the hard work and success which takes place in Scottish education. They recognise the achievements of people who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcase the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

There's still time to submit nominations for the Awards, so get your entries in for the Making Languages Come Alive (Primary) and Gaelic Education/Duais Foghlam Gàidhlig.awards before the closing date of 15 February 2017.

Visit the Scottish Education Award website to make your nomination.


Pass the Panda across Scotland

19 January 2017 (RZSS)

Conservation charity the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) is excited to announce the official launch of its brand new ‘Panda Pass It On’ game for schools. The game, which is part of the conservation organisation’s Beyond the Panda education programme, launched at four schools in all four corners of Scotland on Tuesday 17 January: St. Patrick’s, South Ayrshire; Lasswade High, Midlothian, Portree Primary, Isle of Skye and Forehill Primary, Aberdeen.

With only four copies of the game available, the intention is for schools to keep the fun, learning resource for a week before passing it on to other schools. The panda games will hopefully make their way across Scotland, with each school logging their location through a QR code on the back of the game, which will allow RZSS to follow the games as they travel.

Sandie Robb, Senior Education Officer at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, said: “I’m incredibly excited about the launch of the Panda Pass It On game. It is the first of its kind and is a fun way for children to learn more about China, its history, culture and language as well as their famous animals, the giant pandas. It will be really interesting to track the games as they travel to different schools.”

The game forms an introduction to the Beyond the Panda education programme, which is designed to promote cross-curricular learning, with pupils investigating and discovering more about China. The materials cover Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes in science, topical science, social studies, language and literacy. This is delivered through an outreach programme with fun, interactive games led by an education officer from RZSS, or in the case of the Panda Pass It On game, by itself.

The programme is sponsored by the Confucius Institute for Scotland at the University of Edinburgh with support from the Scotland China Education Network and the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools at the University of Strathclyde.

For more information, please visit the RZSS Beyond the Panda website.

picture of children playing gamepicture of children playing


Glasgow Film Festival 2017

18 January 2017 (Glasgow Film)

The programme for Glasgow Film Festival 2017 has just been announced!

More than 310 separate events and screenings of films from 38 countries will show across the city from 15 – 26 February in one of the UK’s biggest film festivals. The event offers several special screenings for schools, which this year includes the following foreign language options:

  • Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods (PG) - 6-8 February (French, English subtitles)
  • Ma Revolution (N/C 15+) - 3-8 February (French, English subtitles)
  • The Olive Tree (N/C 15+) - 7 February (Spanish/German with English subtitles)
  • Shorts for Wee Ones (N/C 3+) - 9 February (English, French or dialogue free)
  • The Golden Dream (N/C 12+) - 9 February (Spanish & Tzotzil with English subtitles)
  • Zip Zap & The Captain's Island (N/C 8+) - 9 February (Spanish)

There are also CPD opportunities for teachers and workshops for pupils. Visit the 'What's on for Schools' page of the GFT website for full details and to book.

Tickets go on sale to Glasgow Film Festival Members at noon on Thursday 19 January and on general sale at 10am on Monday 23 January.

Visit the GFT website for more information.


United Kingdom Linguistics Olympiad 2017

17 January 2017 (UKLO)

UKLO is a competition for students who are still at school (or equivalent college) – any age, any ability level – in which they have to solve linguistic data problems. Thanks to our generous academic supporters, it’s completely free to both competitors and schools.

The UK Olympiad also enters at least one team in the International Linguistics Olympiad.

The United Kingdom Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO) for 2017 will soon get underway with round 1 taking place from 6-10 February.

If you are interested in finding out more about the competition and registering your school to take part, visit the UKLO website.


CISS professional learning menu update

16 January 2017 (CISS)

The CISS CLPL menu for 2016-17 'Making Chinese work for you!' has been updated.

Visit the CISS website to view the brochure and for information on booking a professional learning session.


Japan days for schools

16 January 2017 (RZSS)

Come along to our Japan days at RZSS Highland Wildlife Park, held in partnership with the Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies youth StampIT programme.

Experience a day at the park to visit the Japanese macaques along with an educational session using games and activities to learn about Japanese language and culture. Suitable for P6/7 and S1 levels. Entrance to the park is free for these special pilot events but places are limited and booking is essential.

Places available on Wednesday 8 March or Wednesday 15 March 2017. First come, first served. Contact Sandie Robb for further details and booking information.

Refreshed and ready for anything in 2017!

13 January 2017 (SCILT)

Here at SCILT, our New Year’s Resolution has been to review and refresh the CLPL menu. With your feedback in mind, we have made a few strategic changes that we hope will make a big difference. New on the SCILT website from today – the new and improved CLPL menu.


Erasmus+ application support

9 January 2017 (Erasmus+)

The next Erasmus+ funding deadline for Key Action 1 School Staff Mobility is 2 February. For UK schools and colleges, the UK National Agency has guidance documentation, and videos on an introduction to Schools Key Action 1 and completing the eForm.

There is also a Q&A webinar at 4-5pm on 19 January.


Oxford German Olympiad 2017

6 January 2017 (Oxford University)

The Oxford German Olympiad 2017 is open to UK pupils aged from 9 to 18 with a range of different tasks to suit different age groups. There is also an open competition for groups or classes of 4+ participants.

This year's theme is Deutsch(e) jenseits von Deutschland - German(s) beyond Germany.

Visit the Oxford German Olympiad website for more information and to enter by 17 March 2017.


French writing competition launched from space!

2 January 2017 (Culturethèque)

An exciting French writing competition has just been launched by French astronaut, Thomas Pesquet, from the International Space Station.

Young people, up to the age of 25, are invited to write a short piece in French based on le Petit Prince and submit their entries by 28 February 2017.

See Thomas speaking about the competition on the launch video and find out how to enter on the Culturethèque website.


Language Futures

13 December 2016 (ALL)

Language Futures is an exciting approach for schools interested in developing languages beyond the classroom.

Initially a KS3 approach, Language Futures is now being adopted by primary schools with a range of primary-focused guidance and resources being developed over 2016-17.

Its core purpose is to generate deep engagement with learning and to encourage learners to take responsibility for their learning both within and beyond the classroom. Increasing motivation and engagement are integral to the approach with learners not only choosing the language they wish to learn, but also exercising choice in elements of what and how to learn. A core feature of the approach is the personalised support offered to pupils by mentors who are volunteers from the local community with an in-depth knowledge and fluency in a particular language, recruited to provide good models of the language.

Visit the ALL website for further information on launching Language Futures in your school.


Ofsted annual report: Primary emphasis on spelling and grammar risks narrowing the curriculum

1 December 2016 (TES)

Report also warns that secondary heads do not realise that the primary curriculum has changed and still think that pupils' progress is measured in levels
The emphasis on reading, writing, spelling and grammar at primary school risks narrowing the curriculum, today's Ofsted annual report states.

This means that subjects such as science and modern foreign languages can suffer as a result.

The report says: “The underlying importance of literacy means that reading, writing, spelling and grammar remain of the utmost importance in the primary curriculum.

“However, this clear emphasis, which has been embraced successfully by the vast majority of primary schools, can create a risk that the curriculum becomes narrowed.”

Evidence from inspections shows that science and foreign languages end up suffering, because not enough time is available for in-depth study, the report stated.

Foreign languages were particularly affected. None of the primary schools inspected this year spent more than two hours a week on language study. The majority – more than two thirds – spent less than an hour on foreign languages.


School Partnership Bursaries

29 November 2016 (UK-German Connection)

Do you have a link with a German school? Have your schools engaged in any joint activities in 2016?

Keeping up connections between the UK and Germany is now more important than ever. To help you to keep your school partnership alive, UK-German Connection is offering schools special partnership bursaries of £1,000.

It's easy to apply. Just complete a short online questionnaire by 7 December 2016.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information.


Special musical gift delights guests at Celtic and FC Barcelona's pre-game lunch

23 November 2016 (FC Barcelona)

Before today’s game between Celtic and Barça, the directors of the two clubs enjoyed a lunch organised by UEFA in a restaurant close to the hotel where the Catalans are staying.

FCB was represented at the event by vice-president Manel Arroyo, the commissioner for Espai Barça Jordi Moix and directors Silvio Elías, Pau Vilanova and Xavier Vilajoana.

And there was an unexpected surprise for them before the meal was served, when the choir from Dalmarnock Primary School performed the Barça anthem!

See the video on the FC Barcelona website.


Concours de la Francophonie 2017

23 November 2016 (Alliance Française)

L’Institut Français d’Écosse and the Alliance Française de Glasgow, in partnership with SCILT, are delighted to launch the 2nd edition of the Concours de la Francophonie which encourages young French learners and their teachers across Scotland to celebrate French language and the international Journée mondiale de la francophonie taking place in March each year..

To participate, you need to submit a short video (max 5mins) in French such as a dialogue, a song a short drama piece, etc. There are four categories:

  • P1-P4,
  • P5-P7,
  • S1-S3
  • S4-S6.

The four winning teams will be invited to the University of Edinburgh on Friday 17 March 2017 to take part in a special day of workshops in French and the awards ceremony.

For more information and to enter the competition by 14 December visit the Alliance Française or Institut Français website.


CPD Workshops for Primary School Teachers in 2017

23 November 2016 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running a programme of CPD workshops in French for Primary school teachers between February and April 2017.

Ten topics will be covered, tailored to the needs of Primary school teachers.

For more information and to enrol, visit the Alliance Française website.


Oxford German Olympiad 2017

16 November 2016 (Oxford German Network)

The Oxford German Olympiad 2017 is now open! This year's theme is Deutsch(e) jenseits von Deutschland - German(s) beyond Germany.

The competition is open to UK pupils aged from 9 to 18 with a range of different tasks to suit different age groups. There is also an open competition for groups or classes of 4+ participants.

Visit the Oxford German Olympiad website for more information. Entry deadline is 17 March 2017.


UK-German Connection news

9 November 2016 (UK-German Connection)

The latest funded opportunities from UK-German Connection can be found on their website via the appropriate links below:

For more information about UK-German Connection and their full range of activities, visit their website.


Make Time for Languages! - International Education Week 2016

8 November 2016 (British Council)

A reminder that this year's International Education Week (IEW), taking place from 14-18 November, has a focus on languages.

Find out how you can get involved by visiting the British Council's IEW website.


LFEE Europe immersion courses 2017-2018 in France and Spain for primary and secondary teachers

8 November 2016 (LFEE)

The dates for our immersion courses 2017-2018 have just been released. Please visit the LFEE website to find out new dates and further information or see the attached brochure.

Successful applicants receive a grant from the British Council that covers all costs, including flights, accommodation and subsistence, as well as the course fee.

NEW: Immersion follow up

If you have already attended our immersion course in France in the past and wish to attend another course with us, we have created a follow up immersion which will take place in the beautiful city of Avignon in Provence. Please contact us for further information.

Should you wish to participate in our immersion courses in France or Spain from July 2017 to April 2018, please pre-register at and we will send you further information on how to apply to the Erasmus+ European funding for schools.

Do not hesitate to visit our website and blog for more information and to see what your colleagues have said about their course last summer.

A bientôt!


SALT 2016 Schools Poster Competition winners

7 November 2016 (SALT)

After a fantastic response to the 2016 Schools Poster Competition, the winning entries can now be seen on the SALT website.


First Chinese classroom to open for Moray school pupils

4 November 2016 (Press and Journal)

School pupils in Moray will be transported from the north-east to the Far East with the opening of the region’s first Chinese classroom.

The Confucius base is scheduled to open at Elgin Academy at the end of the month with language and culture lessons for students. Two Chinese-speaking teachers will be based in the classroom, but will take lessons at five other secondary schools and eight primary schools in the region.

The initiative will also open up the opportunity for pupils and staff to take part in courses in the Asian country.


Scots Makar, Jackie Kay, supports MTOT

4 November 2016 (SCILT)

We are delighted to have Jackie Kay, the national laureate, as patron for this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition for schools in Scotland.

Hear Jackie's message supporting the aims and values of the competition in the video on our MTOT webpage.


Fokus: Films from Germany 2016/17

3 November 2016 (Goethe-Institut)

Returning to Scottish screens from 25 November 2016 to 28 January 2017, is this nation-wide event featuring 12 innovative, inspiring and challenging films by Germany-based directors. We have selected a wide array of topics and cinematic styles that shed light on current debates and discourses in Germany.

The following screenings are specifically for school groups:

For full programme details visit the Goethe-Institut website.


Shakespeare Lives in Schools Day

3 November 2016 (British Council)

Shakespeare Lives in Schools Day will be marked in schools all over the world by children of all ages on Friday 2 December 2016. We are inviting you and your school to join in a global celebration of Shakespeare in this special 400th anniversary year.

Visit the British Council Schools Online website to discover how you can get involved. Many of the suggested activities could be adapted to the languages classroom or worked on with an overseas partner school.


Euroquiz 2016-17

24 October 2016 (SEET)

SEET is very pleased to announce that Euroquiz 2016-17 has now officially launched! We run an annual Euroquiz for P6 pupils, promoting education about Europe and encouraging the development of foreign language skills and intercultural competencies amongst young people in Scotland.

If you are interested in finding out more about Euroquiz, visit the SEET website where you can watch our promo video, or contact Primary schools will receive information via their local authority including a registration form.


Digital Days competition for schools

21 October 2016 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut London invites German teachers and their pupils to take part in this competition series requiring language and computer skills alike! The topic this year is Digital D.

Several categories for different levels of language skills are provided. Primary teachers and secondary teachers can choose which competition they think suits their students’ best.

To take part in the competition, visit the website and submit the registration form by 10 November 2016.


Erasmus+ 2017 deadlines announced

21 October 2016 (Erasmus+)

All the deadlines and information on the types of activities you can apply for are contained in the 2017 Call for Proposals document and the 2017 Programme Guide both of which you can download from the Key Resources page of our website. The Call for Proposals is an overview document containing all the deadlines for 2017, while the Programme Guide contains all the detailed information on how to apply for Erasmus+ funding. You will need to read both documents when planning an application.


Concours de la francophonie 2017

21 October 2016 (Institut français)

The Institut français d'Écosse is pleased to announce the launch of the second edition of our new Concours de la francophonie to encourage all young French learners and their teachers across Scotland.

The competition is open to primary and secondary pupils and involves producing a short video in French which should be submitted by 14 December 2016.

See the attached flyer for more information about the competition and how to take part. You can also see pictures from the first edition competition on the Institut français website.


Related Files

French Film Festival school screenings

17 October 2016 (Institut français)

This year's French Film Festival takes place from 4 November - 1 December and is the only festival of francophone films in the UK.

There are screenings for primary and secondary school pupils taking place around Scotland during this time.

See the attached flyer for details of the school screenings and contact information for bookings.

Visit the French Film Festival website for the full programme.


Related Files

Films for language learning

13 October 2016 (ALL)

The Association for Language Learning (ALL) has a focus on film this fortnight. Visit the website for links to useful film resources and the upcoming film festivals taking place this autumn around the UK. Each festival offers a selection of foreign language film screenings.

  • Discovery Film Festival (22 October - 6 November 2016) - Scotland's international film festival for young audiences.
  • Into Film Festival (9 - 25 November 2016) - a free nationwide celebration of film and education for 5-19 year olds.
  • French Film Festival (4 November - 1 December 2016) - the only festival of francophone films in the UK.
Visit the ALL website for more information.


ALL Language Teacher of the Year Awards 2017

11 October 2016 (ALL)

Calling all head teachers, heads of department, language coordinators and ALL primary hub leaders! Do you know a very special primary or secondary language teacher?

If you know a teacher who inspires pupils through superb teaching and supports colleagues by sharing their expertise and ideas, then why not nominate them for an Association for Language Learning (ALL) Language Teacher of the Year Award 2017?

Open to teachers throughout the UK.

Visit the ALL website for full details and submit your nomination by Friday 21 October 2016.


How a deaf teenager from Congo found her voice in poetry

6 October 2016 (STV News)

For most of her life, it seemed as though Keren Mingole would never have a place to call home.

Forced to escape war-torn country of DR Congo, the 16-year-old has been brought up in Scotland from a very early age. Not only faced with the difficulty of communicating with strangers, Keren also had to learn British Sign Language.

[..] In 2015, an opportunity arose for Keren to explore and draw from her difficult experiences as a child through a multilingual poetry contest.

The Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition explores cultural identity, and allows pupils from P1-S6 to enter creative pieces of work and celebrate the many different languages used in schools throughout the UK.

Pupils from across Scotland are currently participating in the multi-cultural competition, which is officially endorsed by Nobel Peace prize winner Malala Yousafzai. Scottish Makar Jackie Kay is also the official patron.

Keren won the 2015 Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition with her poem 'Who am I?' - a composition of her journey from her native home to her current home, Scotland.


Related Links

National Poetry Day (STV News, 6 October 2016) See Jackie Kay and one of last year's MTOT winners, Keren Mingole, talk about poetry in their lives (the programme is available on iPlayer until 13/09/16 - watch from 28:50).

Language Ambassadors Programme

6 October 2016 (University of Strathclyde)

Now in its 5th year, the Language Ambassadors Programme is offering visits to Secondary or Primary schools (and other formats too). As Language Ambassadors we will talk about our varied experiences as language learners and do our best to encourage your pupils to follow in our footsteps…

Motivation, experiences abroad, transition to First year at university, job prospects, university courses… This is what we can tell them about.

Boost your young learners’ motivation, invite us in!

For more information see the Language Ambassadors website and to organise a visit, simply contact: Cédric Moreau,

Language Ambassadors at Strathclyde photo


Celebrate National Poetry Day!

6 October 2016 (SCILT)

Today is National Poetry Day and the theme this year is 'Messages'. To mark the occasion we've created our own triolet poem in French on this theme.

You can see the poem on the National Poetry Day webpage of our MTOT website. We hope it will provide some inspiration for those taking part in the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition in Scotland! There are lots of other poetry resources on our website too. So take a look and get creative!


Magical Christmas Trips - deadline reminder: Monday 3 October 2016

28 September 2016 (UK-German Connection)

Give your primary pupils the chance to experience Germany's Christmas culture in a real-life setting! This four-day visit to Berlin will give them the chance to meet German children of the same age and get involved in seasonal intercultural activities.

Two options now available: apply for a visit run by UK-German Connection or receive funding to organise your own!


Latin should be taught in every state primary school, says leading academic

22 September 2016 (The Independent)

Latin and Classics should be taught in every primary school and not limited to the middle and upper classes, a leading academic has said.

Professor Dennis Hayes, an expert from the University of Derby and Chair of the College of Education Research Committee, has warned that Latin and ancient Greek along with modern languages are in danger of becoming “the preserve of public schools”.


Beginners French 1 course for primary teachers

21 September 2016 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow is running a new 10-week Beginners 1 French course specifically designed for primary school teachers between October and December 2016.

The course is suitable for complete beginners and will take place on Wednesdays 3.45-5.45pm between 5 October and 14 December 2016.

For more information and to enrol, visit the Alliance Française website.


Chryston HS part of the Smart Choice: German Network

19 September 2016 (Chryston High School)

Chryston High School has now been named as the first Scottish school on the Goethe Institut’s Smart Choice: German network.

The network recognises the school’s commitment to German as a foreign language and the support that the school offers to our feeder primary schools.

Part of the project involves setting up a digital network which will allow us to strengthen our partnership with our feeder primary schools while promoting the benefits of learning German.


Related Links

The Smart Choice: German - Schools' Network - Goethe-Institut website containing information about the network and how schools can get involved.

Deutsch mit Karla and Kai

9 September 2016 (Goethe-Institut)

‘Deutsch mit Karla & Kai’ is a scheme of work that follows on from the ‘Deutsch mit Felix & Franzi’ programme. It is intended for children who have finished two years of German at primary level, having had around 40 minutes of German per week.

‘Deutsch mit Karla & Kai’ consists of 6 chapters, each of which opens with a video clip. The films introduce the new learning and teaching content in a playful way. The learners will already have a basic knowledge of German. They will therefore be able to access completely new structures and vocabulary in the context of the stories.

Access the resource on the Goethe-Institut website.


MTOT - Free creative poetry workshops for teachers

9 September 2016 (SCILT)

Once again, we are delighted to be able to offer FREE poetry workshops for primary and secondary teachers at four different venues across Scotland.

Teachers will work with Juliette Lee, a poet and creative writer, for a half-day workshop to develop their own creativity, explore poetry and the impact of language we use. We hope that teachers will leave inspired and able to take back some ideas and examples to work with their own pupils who will then submit their poems/rhymes/raps/songs into the MTOT competition.

Teachers do not have to attend one of the workshops to register their school for the MTOT competition although the workshops are a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills in teaching poetry, languages and to gather ideas to take back into the classroom. Due to the creative and interactive nature of these workshops, places are limited to 15 teachers at each venue, therefore we advise you to book your place early.

Details of the workshops are as follows. Click on the appropriate workshop link below to register for the event.

  • Saturday 24 September, 10.00 – 12.30; Dundee University, Dundee (deadline for registration Friday 16 September)
  • Friday 30 September, 13.30 – 16.00; The Open University in Scotland, Edinburgh (deadline for registration 6pm Monday 26 September)
  • Saturday 1 October, 10.00 – 12.30; Inverness College - UHI, Inverness (deadline for registration 6pm Monday 26 September)
  • Saturday 8 October, 12.00 – 14.30; University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (deadline for registration Friday 30 September) PLEASE NOTE EVENT NOW FULL!
For more information about the competition visit the MTOT page on our website and register your school to take part!


ALL Language Teacher of the Year Awards 2017

5 September 2016 (ALL)

Calling all head teachers, heads of department, language coordinators and ALL primary hub leaders!

Do you know a very special primary or secondary language teacher?

If you know a teacher who inspires pupils through superb teaching and supports colleagues by sharing their expertise and ideas, then why not nominate them for an Association for Language Learning (ALL) Language Teacher of the Year Award 2017?

Now open to teachers throughout the UK.

Visit the ALL website for full details and submit your nomination by Friday 21 October 2016.


Travel grants for UK schools with partnerships in Germany

5 September 2016 (British Council)

The UK is the partner country for this year’s Oceans and Seas focussed Year of Science organised by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). Together with our UK partners the British Council Germany, the UK Science & Innovation Network and UK-German Connection, we invite you to take part in a collaborative Citizen Science Project working on the “Plastic Pirates” project together with your German partner school.

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research has agreed to bear the travel and accommodation costs incurred by British partner schools who take part in the project.

Would you and your pupils like to become Plastic Pirates? If so, get in touch with your German partner school if they are also taking part in the programme. They should then let the Editorial Office of the Science Year know who will help you organise your research trip to Germany.

Visit the British Council or UK-German Connection websites for more information.


MTOT 2016-17 launch!

2 September 2016 (SCILT)

We're delighted to announce the launch of this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition and are thrilled to welcome the new Scots Makar, Jackie Kay, as the competition's patron.

Whether pupils are learning a language at school, or whether they speak a native language at home, everyone can get involved in celebrating their linguistic and cultural diversity through creative poetry writing as there are options to enter in either the Mother Tongue or Other Tongue category.

We are in the process of finalising poetry workshops for teachers, which will take place towards the end of September/beginning of October. Further details will follow soon.

In the meantime, you can find out more about this year's competition and previous events on our MTOT website and register your school to take part!


Funding for Japanese Language Education Projects held in the UK

1 September 2016 (Japan Foundation)

Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which promote Japanese language education in the UK. We prioritise projects that fit into one of the three following categories:

  • Introducing Japanese into the school curriculum
  • Supporting formal Japanese courses and qualifications
  • Japanese clubs
The next funding application deadline is 16 September 2016.

For more information about the programme and how to apply, visit the Japan Foundation website.


Film screenings for schools at Edinburgh Filmhouse

25 August 2016 (Edinburgh Filmhouse)

The Edinburgh Filmhouse invites primary and secondary teachers to an informal meeting and introduction to their autumn schools programme on Monday 29 August 2016.

On Monday 5 September there will also be a free screening for teachers to watch one of the films from the forthcoming French Film Festival and discuss practical ways it can be used with pupils.

Visit the Filmhouse website for full details of these events and film screenings for schools during the autumn term.


Bilingualism workshops

25 August 2016 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to be able to offer a series of national workshops in collaboration with Bilingualism Matters and Glasgow City Council’s EAL Service which will showcase the benefits of bilingualism and consider practical strategies teachers can use to promote bilingualism in their classrooms. We will offer ideas on how to engage bilingual learners more and support literacy skills across both languages.

These free workshops are aimed at general class practitioners across Early Years, Primary and Secondary, not specifically for the MFL and languages community so please feel free to distribute to all teachers across your network or Local Authority.

Attached is a flyer with further information about dates, venues and how to book.

Please note there are only a few remaining places on the Aberdeen workshop - all other venues are now full.

Related Files

Calendar of UK-German opportunities 2016-17

18 August 2016 (UK-German Connection)

Plan ahead for the new school year with this at-a-glance overview of UK-German opportunities and deadlines, now available on the UK-German Connection website.


1+2 Case Study - Renfrew High School

16 August 2016 (SCILT)

Renfrew High School is a six-year, non-denominational comprehensive school which serves the burgh of Renfrew. It is situated on the south side of the River Clyde several miles to the west of Glasgow. Its associated primaries are Arkleston Primary School, Kirklandneuk Primary School and Newmains Primary School The school was opened in 1975 and has a capacity of 1287.

In addition to the current provision of French as L2, find out how Renfrew High and its associated primaries are taking a cluster approach to delivering Spanish as an L3.


The small but wonderful world of puppet theatre - Le Petit Monde

4 August 2016 (Creative Scotland)

Le Petit Monde is a puppet theatre company based in Edinburgh, creating shows that introduce young children and their families to the French language and culture through authentic French-speaking puppets.

We spoke to Artistic Director Tania Czajka about developing her practice and her latest creation - The Wonderful World of Lapin - which appears as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe next week.


Beyond the Panda

1 August 2016 (RZSS)

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland's 'Beyond the Panda' programme for schools has been designed to enable learners to explore a variety of topics within the overall context of giant pandas and China. The programme offers different activities to cater for primary and secondary pupils.

See the attached flyer for more information and how to get involved. Or visit the RZSS website for more information about the organisation and their work.


Related Files

What keeps me awake at night: 'Inadequate provision of modern foreign languages in primary schools'

31 July 2016 (TES)

Teaching and learning languages needs to be taken seriously, says one French teacher.

Did foreign language teaching become a statutory part of the primary curriculum back in 2014, or was that just my imagination?

Because, as we reach the end of another school year, I find myself thoroughly disappointed – and here’s why.

Having learned no more French than she did at nursery, my 10-year-old daughter has tried to use her role within the school council to campaign for better French lessons at her school, not just because she is passionate about learning languages, but because all her friends are, too.

“We only get 15 minutes,” they exclaim.

I know that, of course, for many primary schools, language teaching becoming compulsory at key stage 1 and 2 means nothing more than business as usual and many children are benefitting from well structured, fun and engaging lessons.

However, I also know that I am not the only one to be experiencing exasperation at the inadequate and quite often inaccurate provision of modern foreign languages in UK primary schools.


1+2 languages: progress from first to second level

7 July 2016 (Education Scotland)

This publication from Education Scotland is a suite of advice, frameworks and resources to support primary teachers to plan for depth and progression in modern language learning experiences. These resources were developed in conjunction with primary practitioners who deliver L2 and L3 experiences.

Visit Education Scotland's National Improvement Hub website for more information.


Enquire Connect Engage - leading learning through practitioner enquiry

24 June 2016 (SCEL)

Have you completed a practice-based enquiry project recently? If so, you’re probably looking for a chance to share your findings. In which case, you’ll definitely want to sign up to participate in the Enquire Connect Engage events that SCEL is hosting this autumn.

SCEL supported Pedagoo’s EnquiryMeet last November. Inspired by its success, we have taken the concept of a teacher-led forum to connect over practitioner enquiry and we are running with it!

Enquire Connect Engage, or #scelenquire if you prefer, will provide opportunities for practitioners to share:
  • the findings from their own small scale practice-based enquiry projects, and
  • practical advice on how to go about investigating classroom practice
Visit the SCEL website for information on how to submit your proposal or to register interest in attending.


LanguageStrathclyde: A conversation about Language Learning

17 June 2016 (SCILT)

SCILT, Scotland's National Centre for Languages and the School of Education, University of Strathclyde hosted an afternoon of seminars led by language practitioners, students and academics on various strands of language learning including bilingualism, motivation and translanguaging.

SCILT has used Storify to summarise the discussions from the day. Visit our Storify page for a flavour of the event.


Comic take on French language lessons

16 June 2016 (BBC News)

Children at a Glasgow primary school have been using comics to help them learn French.

Artist Rossie Stone, who is dyslexic, decided to try a different approach to picking up another language and designed the comic strips to be educational and fun.

The move has been popular with teachers and pupils with the project now being rolled out in five schools across Scotland.

BBC Scotland's Catriona Renton has gone back to school to report from Glasgow.

See the video report on the BBC website.


The Smart Choice: German schools' network

15 June 2016 (Goethe-Institut)

This opportunity is currently not available.

Host a Teacher from Germany 2016-17 - deadline approaching

13 June 2016 (UK-German Connection)

Add an international dimension to your classroom by hosting a teacher from Germany. Schools can now apply to host a teacher from Germany for two or three weeks. Application deadline: 21 September 2016*

* Please note: If you're planning to host a teacher in the autumn term, please make sure that your application reaches UK-German Connection before the end of the summer term.

For more information about the scheme and to apply, visit the UK-German Connection website.


Edinburgh International Film Festival modern languages screenings for schools

10 June 2016 (EIFF)

The following modern language screenings are being offered for schools in Scotland:

  • French language primary screening (P4-P7) - The Canterville Ghost
    21 June 2016, 10.00 am, Cineworld Fountain Park
  • Spanish language secondary screening - The Olive Tree
    22 June 2016, 10:00 am, Cineworld Fountain Park
Visit the Edinburgh International Film Festival website for more information and to make a booking.


New SCILT/CISS Professional Learning Menus for 2016-17

10 June 2016 (SCILT / CISS)

It’s Launch Day! The brand new professional learning menus for SCILT and CISS are out now!

The focus of both CLPL menus is on supporting teachers and making connections between languages and other high profile aspects of Scottish education such as the Developing Young Workforce, raising attainment and parental engagement agendas.

As always, our CLPL comes to local authorities for no charge. Nada, zilch, gratis!

There are both sector specific and cross-sector workshop options to choose from. In addition, we are also happy to develop bespoke inputs to match your particular professional learning needs, just get in touch.

Don’t hang about though! Bookings have already started coming in and calendars at SCILT and CISS are filling up fast. Please contact with your request in writing.

P.S. Remember to keep a look out on the bulletin for other professional learning opportunities that will be taking place at SCILT HQ and on Glow during the year. If you don't already receive our weekly e-bulletin, make sure you don't miss out on updates and subscribe now!


Articulate Language Camps

9 June 2016 (Articulate Language Camps)

Articulate Language Camps are based in Scotland and offer a variety of programmes from school day camps to residential summer camps as well as exam revision and CPD for teachers.

Tuition is offered in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German to learners aged 3-17, with a unique method of teaching through digital media projects, such as animation and podcasting, and adventure activities which take learning into the great outdoors. So, whether campers are taking an archery class in German, singing campfire songs in French or making a film in Spanish, they are having fun while learning in a meaningful way.

New this year is the International Camp in Italian. Find out more from camp leader, Lisa, in this short video 'Una breve introduzione ai nostri programmi' and for further information about Articulate Language Camps and all their programmes, visit the website.


Scottish Education Award Winners 2016

9 June 2016 (SCILT / Education Scotland)

The Scottish Education Awards took place on 8 June in the Glasgow City Hotel. Congratulations to the winning schools in the language categories!

  • St Michael's Primary, Dumfries & Galloway - Making Languages Come Alive
  • Abercorn School, Glasgow - Gaelic Education
For more information about the awards and the finalists in each category, visit the Scottish Education Awards website.


An effective way to kick start primary languages

7 June 2016 (ilanguages)

In September 2014 KS2 modern language teaching became compulsory in English primaries for children from the age of 7. Given that the vast majority of primary teachers are not trained or confident linguists this has been a challenge for many schools; especially as the new curriculum requires considerable learner progress in the four years leading up to secondary school.

Juliet Park and Wendy Adeniji, practising teachers and nationally renowned trainers and authors of creative resources decided to develop a scheme of work which would support teachers of all linguistic abilities. Additionally, they wanted to ensure that teachers had a comprehensive set of integrated resources which would work in harmony and be easy to follow.

The resources include pedagogical approaches which were presented at the language show in Glasgow in March such as Kagan co operative learner and Talk4Writing. These approaches raise engagement and also literacy levels and are equally useful to other areas of the curriculum.

The packs also include two effective approaches to teaching French and Spanish phonics, a key element for improving learner confidence in pronunciation and making the sound spelling link. Songs have also been embedded into the scheme from the Aberdeen based company The Language Factory.

To ensure children can get further practice between lessons, an app to support the scheme is being launched in the autumn.

The reaction from teachers using the ilanguages resources has been overwhelming and it is fast becoming the scheme of choice in England.

Helen Walker from Hursthead school says ‘my learners have made double the progress than in the past and I am an experienced teacher’

Richard Williams from High Lane school commented that he is a complete beginner in French but he ‘can rely on the resources do the talking because it’s such a user friendly scheme’.

Teachers can download free starter packs from the ilanguages website.

Juliet and Wendy are now looking to set up regional hubs in Scotland to support teachers in the 1+2 initiative. This will include expert training on the delivery of French and Spanish to regional networks and access to free resources.

If you would like to become a regional hub to support your local network please contact Juliet on First come first served! 

Find out more about ilanguages and what they can offer to primary and secondary schools on their website.


The UK-German Bears project - apply now to host Alex and Ben

3 June 2016 (UK-German Connection)

Alex and Ben, our UK-German bears, are preparing for their travels again and can't wait to find out who they'll visit next! We can match you up with a German partner school to work with on this fun, interactive three-week project for primary children, which helps them learn about each other's language and culture.

Find out more about the project and available hosting dates on the UK-German Bears website.

UK-German Connection offers a variety of funded activities including professional development opportunities for teachers to visit Germany, the chance to host a German teacher at your school, as well as a Youth Ambassadors programme for young people interested in German language and culture.  See the calendar of opportunities available on the UK-German Connection website for full details.


Funding for Japanese Language Education Projects held in the UK

1 June 2016 (Japan Foundation)

Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which promote Japanese language education in the UK. We prioritise projects that fit into one of the three following categories:

  • Introducing Japanese into the school curriculum
  • Supporting formal Japanese courses and qualifications
  • Japanese clubs

The next funding application deadline is 17 June 2016.

For more information about the programme and how to apply, visit the Japan Foundation website.


Donkey Xote for Primary Schools in the Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival

31 May 2016 (Consejería de Educación)

After the great success of previous years, Edinburgh University, in collaboration with the Consejería de Educación, is going to launch the third Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival (ESFF) from 6-13 October 2016. We would be glad to share this experience with you. For this reason we are currently planning our programme which also includes an animation film particularly suitable for primary school pupils (P6 and P7).

See the attached flyer for more information.

Summer French story sessions for children

31 May 2016 (East Lothian Council)

30 minute French story sessions for children aged 4 to 7 years old are being held in different locations across East Lothian during the summer holidays.

Visit East Lothian Council's website for more information.


Science and languages 'marginalised in primary schools'

19 May 2016 (BBC News)

Applies to England

Pupils are leaving primary school unprepared for the rigours of science and foreign languages at secondary level, Ofsted's chief inspector says. Sir Michael Wilshaw said the focus on the "three Rs" had pushed other compulsory subjects "to the margins of the curriculum" in primary schools.


Launch of High Five Spanish

9 May 2016 (Radio Lingua)

Radio Lingua is delighted to announce the launch of High Five Spanish which follows a similar model to our French resource. Learners can join Scottish learner Sophie who is learning Spanish, in Spain, with her friends Marina and Miguel.

We’re making the trial version of High Five Spanish available to all schools until 30 June. All existing High Five French schools are ‘pre-approved’ and the Spanish trial will automatically appear on their account. Any other schools should register for the free trial on the Radio Lingua High Five Spanish website and we’ll set up trial accounts for them. The free trial provides access to the first ten lessons of the series including video and audio resources, teachers’ notes, classroom ideas and activity sheets for pupils.

Visit the High Five Spanish website for full details about the resource.


"The Art of Music - Ooh La La La"

6 May 2016 (TESS)

Some 1,000 children gathered in Perth for a musical event celebrating an imaginative approach to the national 1+2 primary school languages policy.

"The Art of Music Ooh La La La" brought P5-7s to the city's concert hall to sing French songs inspired by famous paintings.

Read the full item in TESS online 6 May 2016 edition, page 8, 'A week in primary' section (subscription required).


Related Links

Singing days get a French twist in 2016 (Perth & Kinross Council, April 2016)

Bookbug Week 2016

5 May 2016 (Scottish Book Trust)

Bookbug Week 2016 will take place between 16-22 May and will celebrate ‘Around the world with Bookbug’.

This international theme will inspire children and adults alike to explore songs and rhymes from around the globe. A whole host of fun story, song and rhyme activities for children will be taking place in local libraries and community venues.

Visit the Scottish Book Trust website for a list of dates and venues around Scotland.


eTwinning webinar training May 2016

3 May 2016 (eTwinning)

Want to get started on your eTwinning journey? The following two webinar sessions will help you find out all you need to know.

  • Step 1 - Finding your eTwinning partner (17 May, 4.30-5.30pm)
  • Step 2 - Starting your eTwinning project (19 May, 4.30-5.30pm)

Visit the webinar website to find out more and sign up for one or both of the sessions.

For more information about eTwinning generally and see example projects, visit the British Council's eTwinning website.


SALT schools modern languages competition 2016

30 April 2016 (SALT)

The SALT schools competition 2016 is open to all students studying a modern language in a Scottish primary or secondary school.

This year’s topic is Friendship and Solidarity and pupils are invited to submit a poster, Powerpoint presentation, or a short video (maximum 3 mins) containing foreign language expressions related to the topic.

Entry deadline is 2 September 2016.

Visit the SALT website for more information and a poster to download for your classroom.


Colours of the Alphabet screenings in Scotland

29 April 2016 (Colours of the Alphabet)

Liz Lochhead will be launching the Scottish preview tour of 'Colours of the Alphabet' at the GFT on 11 May and taking part in a post screening discussion on the relationship between language and childhood with director Alastair Cole and producer Nick Higgins.

The launch event will mark the opening night of a run of 11 screenings and discussions across Scotland during which the filmmakers and guest contributors will discuss the issue of mother-tongue education and the impact of teaching additional languages in primary schools.

Visit the website for a full list of dates and venues and to secure your tickets. Places are limited.


MTOT 2015-16 Celebration Event held at Language Show Live

29 April 2016 (SCILT)

The celebration event for MTOT 2015-16 saw 20 award winners receive their prizes on the main Piazza stage at the SECC on Saturday 12 March 2016 as part of the wider Language Show Live Scotland event.

Pupils took the opportunity to perform their poems and rhymes to the audience, showcasing the many languages used by children and young people both in school and at home. The event drew in a huge crowd, with passers-by stopping to also see and hear their work.

Find out more about the day on our MTOT Celebration Event webpage, where you can also find links to the list of winners, pupil videos and recitals, the anthology, press articles and photos from the event.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone again for their support and participation, which helped make the competition and celebration such a success. We hope to run MTOT again next year, so make sure you sign up to our e-bulletin for updates, or follow us on our social media sites Twitter or Facebook.


The Language Magician - German for children

28 April 2016 (Goethe-Institut)

One of the main aims of this Erasmus+ project is to develop an assessment tool to be used in primary schools called THE LANGUAGE MAGICIAN. The game will be fun for the children, build on their language and IT-skills and provide information on their progression. It will support teachers by giving them a tool to assess their pupils’ abilities using non-threatening testing methods and hopefully also increase the enjoyment of learning a foreign language at this age.

The project is still under development, but visit the Goethe-Institut website to find out more.


Speaking your language blog

25 April 2016 (SCILT)

Speaking your language is a new blog showcasing current classroom practice. The first post from Dalmarnock Primary School highlights the importance of:

  • having lots of staff who have undertaken language upskilling,
  • celebrating the cultural diversity of the school community, and
  • learning about the culture(s) as well as the language
Read their entry on our new blog now.


A poetry competition has showcased the language skills of primary pupils who speak English as a second language

8 April 2016 (TESS)

Entries to Mother Tongue Other Tongue were submitted in 36 languages.

(Read the item in TESS online, page 8, under the 'a week in primary' feature - subscription required)


Stonehouse Primary and Nursery launch Scots language book

31 March 2016 (Daily Record)

Stonehouse Primary and Nursery pupils have created and published their own booked called A Daunner Roon Stonehoose.

The book was written in Scots to celebrate the history and continued use of the Scots dialect.

Published by Whitewater Publishing with the support of publisher, Mary Thomson, every child in the nursery and school have contributed to the poems and stories in the book.

Each piece in the book describes life in Stonehouse, from playing in the park to going to school to popping out to the Post Office!


Pupils explore life of the poets

29 March 2016 (Southern Reporter)

The Abbotsford Trust and Burgh Primary School, 
Galashiels have been working on a project exploring Sir Walter Scott’s famous home.

Primary 6 pupils have recently visited Abbotsford to try out three different sessions from the Abbotsford Schools Programme.

Pupils explored the historic house and wrote poems based on the treasures that Sir Walter Scott collected, and met Mrs Oakley, a visitor from Scott’s day with lots of weird and wonderful traditional tales to share.

They also discovered Sir Walter’s life and work in the visitor centre exhibition and created drawings of the house and its grotesque clay gargoyles.

Pupils then used what they discovered and learned back in the classroom to create a timeline of Scott’s life, where they also investigated differences between life then and now using a range of primary sources.

Pupils also created interactive games, thought about planning and budgeting for a visit too Abbotsford, identified French vocabulary to describe some of the artefacts in the house and wrote their own evaluation reports reflecting on their visits.


Scottish island authority explores teaching Japanese in primary schools

25 March 2016 (TESS)

Orkney has already started trial projects on Japanese culture and language in its two secondaries, Kirkwall Grammar and Stromness Academy with plans now to extend provision to its primaries.

Read the item in TESS, page 8, under 'A week in primary'. (Subscription required).


Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2015-16 finale!

15 March 2016 (SCILT)

Our Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition came to its finale at the Languages Show Live at the SECC, Glasgow on Saturday 12 March. Pupils, parents and teachers celebrated the children’s creativity at the event which gave the opportunity for the children and young people to perform their poems to the audience.

The event drew in a huge audience, with passers-by stopping to also hear their poetry and see them being presented with trophies and prizes from Atta Yaqub, SFA Equity Officer and actor, and Juana Adcock, bilingual poet and translator. The MTOT 2015/16 anthology was also launched, with children and teachers taking home copies containing their wonderful poems.

With over 400 children participating, the hardest task was to decide upon our winners and highly commended entries from each category. Our award winners are as follows:




Mother Tongue



P1 - 3 (Winner)

Simon Paulicek (Czech)

St Paul’s, Shettleston

P1 - 3  (Highly Commended)

Emili Harris (German)

Preston Street Primary

P4 – 6 (Winner)

Daniel Homstol (Norwegian)   

Bishopton  Primary

P4 – 6  (Highly Commended)

Milmante Dzisevic (Russian)

St Fergus  Primary

P4 – 6 (Highly Commended)

Andras Poszmik (Hungarian)

St Anne’s  Primary

P7 – S1 (Winner)

Weronika Jargielo (Polish)

Douglas Academy

P7 – S1 (Highly Commended)

Blanka Szopa (Polish)

St Paul’s  Primary

P7 – S1 (Highly Commended)

Nina Bourdarias (French)

Inveralmond Community High

S2 – 3 (Winner)

Keren Mingole  (BSL)

St Roch’s Secondary

S2 – 3 (Highly Commended)

Solange Becquart (French)

Ellon Academy

Senior (Winner)

Lin Meng  (Mandarin)

Ellon Academy




Other Tongue



P1 – 3 (Winner)

Freya Mole (BSL)

Preston Street Primary

P4 - 6 (Winner)

Khadidja Chaher (French)

Netherlee Primary

P4 - 6 (Highly Commended

Avelon Mungersdorf (French)

St Ninian’s Primary

P7 – S1 (Winner)

Ailbhe Murphy (Gaelic) 

Glasgow Gaelic School

P7 – S1 (Highly Commended)

Maggie Lawson (French)

Douglas Academy

S2 – 3 (Winner)

Gregor Murray (Spanish)

St Margaret’s Academy

S2 – 3 (Highly Commended)

Aimee Campbell (French)

Inveralmond CHS

Senior (Winner)

Ronan McCart (Spanish)

St Margaret’s Academy

Senior (Highly Commended)

Eleanor Pain (Italian)

George Heriot’s School


Once we have published photographs from the day and the on-line version of the anthology, we will post via the weekly e-bulletin.  If you don't already receive the news bulletin you can sign-up to receive this each Friday during term time.

UWS Research Project on 1+2

15 March 2016 (UWS)

We are seeking to make contact with primaries who would want to take part into our 1+2 Team Research Project.

We are investigating Primary School practitioners' perception of issues associated with the implementation of the 1+2 Language policy in terms of management (recommendations and related issues), staff engagement, pedagogy and methodologies. Other possible aspects to be considered could be the perceived impact on pupils' engagement and attainment. We have started to work with local primaries but we need more to participate in this project!

If interested, please contact:

Host a primary-trained French Language Assistant - New for 2016-17

11 March 2016 (British Council)

The British Council would like to make as many primary colleagues as possible aware of a brand new opportunity for securing a primary-trained French Language Assistant in 2016-17.

The British Council and the French government have agreed to make it easier for primary schools to benefit from having a French Language Assistant.

  • Assistants will be primary-trained (either recently qualified primary teachers in France, or trainee teachers) and there will be sustained support and training for the trainees and for schools from the British Council
  • Up to 6 schools can now share a single assistant (up from 3 schools), greatly reducing costs
  • The British Council are waiving the £2000 'finders fee' for organising the placement
The attached flyer gives more details. We're really excited about this initiative and we hope colleagues will consider getting involved.

Local authorities/schools would need to apply by early April, so any colleagues who might potentially be interested are invited to get in touch with us (ideally before the Easter break) to explore the various options.

Please contact Claudia Donati at the British Council: or Philip Harding-Esch on

French Beginners 1 course for primary school teachers

10 March 2016 (Alliance Française)

There are still a few places left on the new 10-week Beginners 1 French course for Primary School teachers being run by Alliance Française de Glasgow between March and May 2016:

  • This course is suitable for complete beginners
  • 20 hours of lessons over 10 weeks tailored to the needs of Primary School teachers: classroom and speaking activities, pronunciation, communication, increase your confidence and feel more comfortable speaking French
  • The course will take place on Wednesdays 3.45-5.45pm commencing 16 March 2016. (Please note this is a week later than originally advertised)

Visit the Alliance Française website for full details and to enrol.


News from the Institut français d'Ecosse

8 March 2016 (Institut français)

The Institut français d'Ecosse supports the learning and teaching of French in Scotland and encourages cross-cultural exchange. The latest opportunities to highlight include:

  • La francophonie - from 12 to 20 March 2016 French language and Francophonie is celebrated around the world. The dis moi dix mots website has a variety of activities to take part in online or in class with your pupils.
  • 1+2 workshops for primary schools - new French workshops for your primary class: French children books, science experiments or geography... Learn both the language and the pedagogy to conduct these activities in your class. Have a look at the training catalogue online.
  • Summer intensive courses - new one-week intensive classes in July and in August. If you are not traveling to France this summer, enjoy our French immersion class in Edinburgh! See the Summer 2016 online brochure for details.
For more information about the Institut français and what they can offer, visit their website.


How to…teach a trilingual primary curriculum

4 March 2016 (TES)

Blending English, Thai and Mandarin Chinese into a seamless experience.

(Read the full article on pages 44-45 of TES online - subscription required).


Concours de la francophonie 2016 - winners announced!

3 March 2016 (Institut français)

The Institut français d’Ecosse, in partnership with SCILT, launched in 2016 le concours de la francophonie, a new national competition to encourage all young French learners and their teachers around Scotland and to celebrate the international day of la francophonie.

Winners of this 2016 edition can be seen on the Institut français website.


Related Links

Concours de la francophonie (East Lothian Council, 4 March 2016) - winning P1-4 video entry from Cockenzie Primary School.

Beginners 1 Course for Primary School Teachers March-May 2016

25 February 2016 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running a new 10-week Beginners 1 French course for Primary School teachers between March and May 2016:

  • This course is suitable for complete beginners
  • 20 hours of lessons over 10 weeks tailored to the needs of Primary School teachers: classroom and speaking activities, pronunciation, communication, increase your confidence and feel more comfortable speaking French
  • The course will take place on Wednesdays 3.45-5.45pm between 9 March and 25 May 2016.

Visit the Alliance Française website for full details and to enrol by Wednesday 2 March.


Junior Language Challenge

16 February 2016 (Junior Language Challenge)

The Junior Language Challenge 2016 will open to schools and individuals on 11 March and the first language this year will be… Romanian!

The Junior Language Challenge is the UK’s only language challenge for primary schools, inspiring a love of languages at a young age and encouraging children to become independent learners.

Please note there is an entry fee with all proceeds being donated to charity.

Visit the Junior Language Challenge website for more information or see the YouTube video of last year's final.


CPD - Task-based language teaching using ICT

16 February 2016 (UWS - PETALL)

This Continuing Professional Development course will allow language teachers to further develop their knowledge of a range of ICT applications and ICT mediated strategies.

This course is appropriate for teachers of modern foreign languages in primary and secondary
schools in Scotland. 

This course will introduce and explain the principles of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)
with specific reference to the work of Ellis, Willis and Nunan. It will introduce participants to the
EU-funded PETALL project including its background, aims and objectives. Particular focus will be
placed on the samples of good practice that teachers can freely access, download and adapt from
the PETALL project website.

The course will be delivered via two face-to-face sessions on 27 February and 26 March as well as online.

More information is available on the attached flyer.

Making languages come alive!

2 February 2016 (Education Scotland)

Does your school:

  • Develops a culture which actively promotes the value of learning languages within the school and wider community?
  • Enable pupils to use language skills as a means to communicate in school routines and to learn about other people and other parts of the world?
  • Work effectively within its cluster group to implement the 1+2 policy for language learning?
  • Shares the benefits of language learning with parents and the extended school community?
  • Celebrates achievement in language learning?

The 'Making language come alive' awards is open for nominations from PRIMARY schools across Scotland which can demonstrate the above and the impact this has on learners, the school and the wider community.

Nominations close 12pm 15 February 2016 so there is still time to apply!

The Gaelic Education Awards is also open for nominations.


Oxford German Olympiad

29 January 2016 (Oxford German Network)

The Oxford German Olympiad 2016 is open for submissions from primary and secondary pupils.

This year's theme is 'Deutscher Humor - nichts zum Lachen? You can find the full guidelines and instructions for taking part on the website along with a flyer for your school.

Entries should be submitted online before noon on Friday 4 March 2016.


Och aye: School kids get a lesson in traditional Scottish language from writer Hamish MacDonald

25 January 2016 (Daily Record)

The newly appointed ’Scots Scriever’ visited Kirktonholme Primary school to teach the language.

Hamish MacDonald gave a talk to pupils at the school last week as part of a Scots learning focus during the month of January.

Hamish is the first Scots Scriever - and is the appointed national writer of Scots Language.

Hamish recited his own poems and others that the children had been studying in class and discussed their meanings and sounds.

Children were given a chance to hear ‘The Gruffalo’s Wean,” a book originally written in English but now translated into Scots, as well as a Scots book from the 1500s about an owl.


1 + 2 approach to language learning 'PanTayside'

19 January 2016 (Education Scotland)

Pan Tayside has produced a video showcasing the 'PanTayside' approach to implementing the 1+2 languages policy. Dundee City Council, Angus Council and Perth and Kinross Council are working together and sharing expertise in order to create the sustainable delivery of language learning across the three authorities.

See the video on the Education Scotland website.


SCEN Learning of Chinese Project

14 January 2016 (CISS)

Plans are once again in action for the SCEN Learning of Chinese Project in East Lothian primary schools. A wide range of schools will be participating in the programme which started in 2012 and which is growing in momentum as the years progress. The programme is supported by Chinese student volunteers from Edinburgh University via EUSA and the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools along with research led by Bilingualism matters and evaluative evidence collected, analysed and presented by an Educational Consultant in languages.

You can read more about this project on the CISS website.


Weans’ Wurds

12 January 2016 (Education Scotland)

How many Scots words do you know? What about your friends and family? When and where do you use these words?

Have you noticed that some people in different parts of Scotland use different Scots words from you?

Here is a chance to share your words with those collected by classes from other parts of the country on the Scots Learners' site (Glow login required).

Find out more on Education Scotland's learning blog.


UK-German Connection programmes and funding

7 January 2016 (UK-German Connection)

The next deadline for grants to fund projects and partnerships between UK and German schools is 31 January 2016.

See the full programme of opportunities available and deadline dates for each.

Some programmes have rolling dates, such as the UK-German Bears Project, a free three-week bilateral programme, which puts pupils not only in touch with Alex, the teddy bear from Germany, but also with a German school class. The German class hosts Ben, the British teddy bear, at the same time as the UK school hosts Alex, making this a fun, interactive way for primary children to learn about each other’s language and culture! The bears come with a wide range of downloadable resources with ideas for short-term bilateral activities, which tie in with primary curriculum topics wherever possible.  There are still some hosting dates available for February 2016. If you're interested in taking part, find out more on the Bears Project webpage.

For more information about all the programmes offered by the UK-German Connection, visit their website.


World Arabic Language Day - 18 December

18 December 2015 (British Council)

It's World Arabic Language Day so why not learn about the language and culture with this resource from British Council Schools Online?


Year of the Monkey education pack

17 December 2015 (British Council)

Discover what 2016's Year of the Monkey symbolises using our new pack filled with fun activities for primary pupils based on Chinese culture and traditions. Start preparing for Chinese New Year, explore the mythology behind the Chinese zodiac and uncover what the Year of the Monkey actually means in 2016. 


MTOT deadline for submissions – 18 December

15 December 2015 (SCILT)

Last chance to submit entries for this year’s MTOT multilingual poetry competition!  You have until midnight 18 December to get your entries in.

Thanks to all those who have participated. We look forward to seeing all the great work which has been produced and will be in touch again in the New Year once judging has taken place. 

If you still need to submit your pupils’ entries, follow the guidance in the Teacher's Pack within the RESOURCES tab on our MTOT pageOr see the MTOT blog where you can also find submission guidelines.


Concours de la francophonie - coming soon!

15 December 2015 (Institut français)

The Institut français is delighted to present le concours de la francophonie, a new competition for all primary and secondary French learners across Scotland, in partnership with SCILT.

To participate, schools have to submit a video (filmed with tablets, phones or other devices) of a small piece in French: a song, a dialogue, a play etc. So, if you had prepared something with your students for les rencontres théâtrales, you just need to film the performance. This way, all schools across Scotland will be able to take part.

There are four categories:

  • P1/P4
  • P5/P7
  • S1/S3
  • S4/S6.

The competition will be held in two phases, semi-finals at the council level, and finals at the national level. The two best productions of each category will win the following: 

  • P1/P4 students and schools who may not be able to travel to Edinburgh in a day will win an immersion day in their school, with French native speakers. 
  • P5 to S6 students who are able to travel will be invited to celebrate la journée mondiale de la francophonie in Edinburgh on 18 March, with French immersion activities and an award ceremony.

Creativity is a key element of this student led competition; dialogues, reportages, interviews and all other forms are possible. In addition, jury will look at the command of the French language, which will be adapted to your students level. Finally, we encourage the participation of all students in the classroom.

More details about the competition will be available in January.


CPD workshops for primary teachers in 2016

9 December 2015 (Alliance française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running 10 CPD workshops for primary school teachers between February and April 2016.

Visit the website for full programme details and to enrol by 29 January 2016.


Learning languages through stories - competition

26 November 2015 (One Third Stories)

One Third Stories are keen to get children everywhere excited about speaking foreign languages and are inviting primary pupils to help make a storybook that makes learning a new language simple and fun in their new competition.

Visit the One Third Stories website for more information and to enter your school.  Entries can be in French, German or Spanish and must be submitted by 18 December 2015.


Scotland-China Association Primary Schools Art Competition 2016

23 November 2015 (SCEN/SCA)

For 50 years, the SCA has been a society of people in Scotland furthering interest in the culture, history and modern progress of China. Help to celebrate this connection in painting, drawing, calligraphy, poetry, video or sound.

There are 3 entry categories:

  • P1-3
  • P4-5
  • P6-7

The closing date for entries is 25 March 2016.  Prize-giving will take place on Friday 27 May 2016, with the Tom Murray Memorial Prize to be awarded to the school with the best standard of entries.

Please register your interest by the end of 2015 with:

For more information, visit the SCA website.


CPD Workshops for Primary School Teachers in 2016

18 November 2015 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running 10 CPD workshops for Primary School teachers between February-April 2016.

  • 10 topics covered over 10 weeks, tailored to the needs of Primary School teachers
  • Suitable as a follow-up to our Beginners 1 class or for French teachers in Primary schools
  • Thursday, 4.15-5.45pm between 11 February and 28 April included
  • The cost to attend these 10 CPDs is £73/teacher. Please note this is a special fee offered by the Alliance Française de Glasgow to promote modern languages
  • Option to enrol in less than 10 CPDs, please contact us for more information
  • Certificates of attendance will be handed out once the programme is completed
  • Places are limited so booking early is highly recommended

If you wish to enrol, please contact or visit the Language Office at the Alliance Française by Friday 29 January 2016.  Visit the website for full programme and enrolment details.


New German ebook

13 November 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT, the Goethe Institute and LFEE are pleased to announce the launch of a new German e-book aimed at learners from P7 to S2. If your school has taken part in the Goethe Institute’s German Adventure project, or even if it hasn’t, you will be find this interactive book an enjoyable way to develop German language skills while discovering more about the culture of the EU’s most populated country.


Oxford German Olympiad

10 November 2015 (Oxford German Network)

The Oxford German Olympiad 2016 is open for submissions!

This year's theme is 'Deutscher Humor – nichts zum Lachen?' with different tasks applicable to the various age categories being judged.

You can find the full guidelines and instructions for taking part on the Oxford German Olympiad website along with a downloadable flyer for your school.

Entries must be submitted before the deadline at noon on Friday 4 March 2016.


Digital Days competition

10 November 2015 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut London invites German teachers and their pupils to take part in this unique competition series.  The topic for this year's competition is Geschenke - Gifts.

Five categories for different levels of language skills are provided. Primary teachers and secondary teachers can choose which competition they think suits their students best.

Please register by sending an email to by 13 November 2015.

More information is available on the Goethe-Institut website.


Euroquiz 2016

9 November 2015 (SEET)

The Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET) runs an annual Euroquiz for P6 pupils, which sees teams of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe. Subjects covered include history, geography, sport, culture, languages and the European Union.

Heats take place in local authorities from January to March, with the winning teams from all areas going forward to the national final in May.

Plans for Euroquiz 2016 are now underway and schools are invited to register their interest with their local authority Euroquiz co-ordinator.

Further information about the competition and preparation materials are available on the SEET website.


Fokus: Films from Germany - Screenings for schools

5 November 2015 (Goethe-Institut)

Fokus: Films from Germany is a Scotland-wide event featuring innovative, inspiring and challenging films by Germany-based directors.

We’re delighted to be screening two films to schools: one; Rettet Raffi!, an entertaining comedy about the adventures of a boy and his pet hamster, aimed at young children, and the other one, Who Am I – Kein System Ist Sicher, a gripping thriller set in the world of underground computer hackers aimed at older children.

The festival is jointly organized by Goethe-Institut Glasgow and Filmhouse Edinburgh.

See the ;attached flyers for further information about the screenings and how to book or visit the Goethe-Institut website..


Primary classroom resources on SCILT website

3 November 2011 (SCILT)

SCILT have updated the primary classroom resources hosted on the SCILT website for French, German and Gaelic.

These resources are for primary teachers to use in their classrooms and have been developed by SCILT and our partner organisations. Further updates to Spanish and Chinese are to follow.


Christmas Around the World Project 2015

2 November 2015 (Mr P's ICT blog)

As a follow-up to the successful project last year, we will once again be looking to connect classrooms across the world. In the lead up to Christmas, you can deepen your understanding of different Christmas traditions by asking other children from around the world about how they celebrate Christmas in their community.

This is a great IDL opportunity combining global connections with ICT.

Visit the website to register your class for this free project!


1+2 Case Study - Corseford School

30 October 2015 (SCILT)

Corseford School in Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire supports children and young people with complex health, education, movement and communication needs. They are using inclusive pedagogies and technologies such as alternative and augmentative communication systems to support the teaching and learning of Spanish. One of two schools in the country run by Capability Scotland, Corseford School was the proud recipient of the 'Making Languages Come Alive' category in the Scottish Education Awards 2015.

Read about their experiences and how other schools are implementing the 1+2 languages policy in the Case Studies on the 1+2 section of our website.


Book readings at the Language Hub

21 October 2015 (The Language Hub)

The Language Hub in Glasgow is pleased to announce that from Winter 2015 it will be adding weekly and monthly reading sessions to its timetable for different age groups and languages.

Information on the readings scheduled for October and November can be found on the attached files.

The events are free, but donations are welcome.

For more information about the Language Hub visit their website.


All pupils to learn two foreign languages by high school

13 October 2015 (Edinburgh Evening News)

It's the pioneering programme aimed at making ­language learning as easy as un, deux, trois.

Every pupil in the Capital will receive lessons in at least two foreign languages by the time they leave primary school under radical plans aimed at helping them keep pace with peers across Europe.

City bosses have confirmed they want to introduce the new scheme, called 1+2, by the start of 2017 – three years ahead of a national deadline set for 2020.

Youngsters will be offered classes in core languages including French, Spanish and Mandarin, as well as Gaelic, Scots and “heritage” tongues such as Polish and Farsi.

The Edinburgh roll-out is part of a Scottish Government-led initiative which will see all children learn a second language from P1 and have experience of a third from P5 at the latest.

Parent leaders in the city have hailed the development and said it would help prepare youngsters for the modern world.


Last chance to enrole for pnline Spanish course for teachers and PGCE students

2 October 2015 (Consejería de Educación)

The Instituto Cervantes and the Spanish Embassy Education Office in the UK offer Spanish Online Courses for Primary and Secondary School Teachers and PGCE students through Aula Virtual de Español Global (AVE Global), an interactive platform specifically designed by the Instituto Cervantes for the teaching and learning of Spanish.

The course is suitable for Primary and Secondary School Teachers and PGCE students with or without previous knowledge of Spanish and will run from October 2015 to March 2016.

See the attached flyer for more details and enrolment information.

Related Files

eTwinning Weeks

1 October 2015 (eTwinning)

Want to start your eTwinning journey?  "Follow me" is the theme for the 2015 eTwinning Weeks, which run until 9 October.

During this time you will have the chance to get all the information you need to embark on your eTwinning journey by exploring sample projects and reading testimonials from ambassadors who'll provide valuable tips to help you on your way.

Visit the eTwinning website to find out more.


Schools Online

25 September 2015 (British Council)

School's Online is the British Council's international learning programme for schools and teachers.

The programme helps to develop international education in your school by creating meaningful connections with educational institutions on a global scale.

Embedding international learning into your classroom also deepens students' understanding and respect for the world around them.

By registering with Schools Online you will gain access to classroom resources, professional development courses and form relationships with schools across the world.

Visit the British Council's Schools Online website for more information.


Into Film Festival 2015

23 September 2015 (SecEd)

The annual Into Film Festival takes place from November 4 to 20, with a host of screenings, workshops and resources available for schools, including foreign language options.

This article previews the event.  For further information and to book tickets visit the Into Film Festival website.


Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival

23 September 2015 (Consejería de Educación)

The second Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival is just round the corner. From 2-10 October 2015 there will be screenings of 16 contemporary films in Spanish at the Filmhouse Edinburgh, plus a number of talks/discussions by experts and directors. A week of wonderful varied cinema. An event worth making time for! Please come and enjoy this with us, and spread the word to all your friends.

See the festival website for full programme details and how to obtain tickets.


CPD Workshops for Primary School Teachers in 2015/16

17 September 2015 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running a programme of CPDs in French for Primary School teachers in 2015/16.

  • Ten topics covered over ten weeks, tailored to the needs of Primary School teachers
  • Suitable as a follow-up to our Beginners 1 class or for French teachers in Primary schools
  • Thursdays, 4.15-5.45pm between 29 October 2015 and 24 March 2015

Full programme details are available on the Alliance Française website.  If you wish to enrol, please contact or visit the Language Office at the Alliance Française by Friday 23 October. 


Literacy through Latin

16 September 2015 (University of Edinburgh)

The program Literacy through Latin connects volunteers who know Latin with classrooms in Edinburgh Council primary schools. We use Latin to introduce new lessons on language and culture for P5 and P6 students because we believe that the history and culture of Classics remain valuable in the modern world.

Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence aims to shape successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, and effective contributors. For all of these learning Latin (‘the maths of the humanities’) is incredibly efficient. Short, fun language lessons help students to unlock another side of their creativity. Cultural explorations unfold the significance and memory of the Roman world today.

Autumn 2015 will see the beginning of this program from the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh.

Visit their website for more information.


MTOT - Free Creative Poetry Workshops for Teachers

4 September 2015 (SCILT)

In taking MTOT to a national level this year, we are delighted to be able to offer FREE poetry workshops for primary and secondary teachers at four different venues across Scotland.

Teachers will work with Juliette Lee, a poet and creative writer, for a half-day workshop to develop their own creativity, explore poetry and the impact of language we use, including our Mother Tongue and also experimenting with poetry in an Other Tongue too. We hope that teachers will leave inspired and able to take back some ideas and examples to work with their own pupils who will then submit their poems/rhymes/raps/songs into the MTOT competition.

Due to high levels of interest for the competition in general, we have decided to leave registration for schools open until Friday 9 October. Teachers do not have to attend one of the workshops to register their school for the MTOT competition although the workshops are a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills in teaching poetry, languages and to gather ideas to take back into the classroom.

Spaces are still available at the following workshop:

  • Friday 9 October, 13.30 – 16.30 ; Open University, Edinburgh (deadline for registration Friday 2 October)

Register by completing the MTOT workshop registration form on the SCILT website.

For more information about MTOT and to register your school to take part in the competition visit the MTOT 2015-16 page of our website.


Carey Mulligan, Sir Ian McKellen and Michael Sheen lend support to schools' film festival

2 September 2015 (TES)

Major film stars including Carey Mulligan, Sir Ian McKellen and Michael Sheen are backing the Into Film festival this year.

The Into Film festival is the world’s largest film festival for pupils and teachers. Supported by TES, it invites 450,000 primary and secondary children to participate in watching and making films.

The event, which will be held between 4 and 20 November in 520 cinemas around the country, will include preview screenings, film-making workshops and question-and-answer sessions with industry experts. These will all be accompanied by teaching resources.

Tickets are now available for more than 2,700 screenings of more than 150 films, held around the country. This includes a number of foreign language films.  Check the Into Film Festival website for full details and to book.


MTOT 2015-16 registration extended

1 September 2015 (SCILT)

Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) 2015-16 has launched in Scotland!

The multilingual poetry competition celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing. Mother Tongue encourages children who do not speak English as a first language to share a remembered poem from their mother tongue. Other Tongue encourages children learning another language in school to write an original poem in that other tongue.

The competition was successfully piloted in Glasgow last year and we're delighted to now offer all primary and secondary schools in Scotland the chance to participate.

Take a look at our MTOT 2015-16 webpages for full details about this year's competition. You'll also find a section on previous events and testimonials from those who took part, as well as links to the MTOT blog and a host of other useful resources, including the teacher's pack containing the categories, criteria and rules.

During September and October there will be some Saturday workshops available for teachers from schools registered for the competition. There will be a limited number of places which will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so watch for more details about these soon and ensure you don't miss out!

Register your school for MTOT now*! Deadline extended to 9 October 2015.

*Some schools are reporting an issue with accessing the online registration form. If your authority is also blocking the page, we would suggest registering from a home PC or emailing us to be registered manually.


Multicultural Edinburgh school records song with 25 languages

1 September 2015 (The Scotsman)

IT’S the city’s most multicultural school, with dozens of ­different languages spoken by its 300 pupils.

Now a new school song is set to celebrate the diversity of life at Dalry Primary School for the first time.


Python overtakes French as the most popular ‘language’ taught in primary schools

1 September 2015 (Ocado Group)

(Applies to England) The programming language Python has overtaken French as the most popular language taught in primary schools, according to a new survey released today.

Six out of 10 parents want their primary school age children to learn the coding language over French. While 75% of primary school children said they would rather learn how to programme a robot than learn the modern foreign language.


Beginner French course for primary teachers in Scotland

27 August 2015 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running a new 10-week Beginners 1 French course for Primary School teachers between October and December 2015.

Visit the Alliance Française website for full details and register using the attached enrolment form.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2015-16 launch

21 August 2015 (SCILT)

Today sees the launch of Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) 2015-16 in Scotland!

The multilingual poetry competition celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing. Mother Tongue encourages children who do not speak English as a first language to share a remembered poem from their mother tongue. Other Tongue encourages children learning another language in school to write an original poem in that other tongue.

The competition was successfully piloted in Glasgow last year and we're delighted to now offer all primary and secondary schools in Scotland the chance to participate.

Take a look at our MTOT 2015-16 webpages for full details about this year's competition.  You'll also find a section on previous events and testimonials from those who took part, as well as links to the MTOT blog and a host of other useful resources, including the teacher's pack containing the categories, criteria and rules.

During September and October there will be some Saturday workshops available for teachers from schools registered for the competition.  There will be a limited number of places which will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so watch for more details about these soon and ensure you don't miss out!

Register your school for MTOT now*!  Deadline 31 August 2015.

*Some schools are reporting an issue with accessing the online registration form.  If your authority is also blocking the page, we would suggest registering from a home PC or emailing us to be registered manually.


Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival - Moon Festival

20 August 2015 (British Council)

The Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is the second most important festival in the Chinese lunar calendar after Chinese New Year. This year the festival will fall on 27 September.

To tie in with the Festival, the British Council has developed an education pack to help primary schools celebrate the event with lesson plans, an assembly plan, activities and supporting materials.

Download the free pack now from the British Council website.


Funding for UK-German activities

14 August 2015 (UK-German Connection)

Schools can apply for grants for joint projects or activities with a German partner school, anniversary celebrations and preliminary visits for teachers.

The next deadline for grants is 31 October 2015 (the next deadline after this will be 31 January 2016).

Funding deadlines for the various opportunities on offer can be found on the attached document or visit the UK-German Connection website for full details of the opportunities available.


The German Language Adventure

11 August 2015 (Goethe-Institut)

Start the new school year with a motivational boost for your pupils. New dates are available to visit the Goethe-Institut Glasgow with your class and tackle the 16 challenges on German language and culture.

The game is suitable for pupils P7-S2.  Available dates are:

  • Monday 24 August 2015 (10:30 - 12:15)
  • Monday 31 August 2015 (10:30 - 12:15)

Booking is essential.  Visit the Goethe-Institut website for details.


UK-German Bears Project for primary schools

14 July 2015 (UK-German Connection)

Would your primary school like to take part in UK-German Connection’s Bears project for three weeks in the next academic year?

Two travelling bears Alex and Ben visit primary schools in the UK and Germany at the same time for three weeks. The bears come with downloadable resources, lesson plans and activities, which allow the children to learn German and about Germany in a fun way.

It's a free programme which puts pupils not only in touch with Alex, the teddy bear from Germany, but also with a German school class. Each participating teacher receives access to a special online Bears area, with songs, interactive games and quizzes. In addition, pupils can record Alex's adventures in the Bears blog and online photo album.

If you don't have a partner school for the project, don't worry! UK-German Connection can help you find a partner, also on a short-term project basis.

For more information about the programme visit the UK-German Connection website and if you're interested in hosting, please contact UK-German Connection by using the Bears project sign-up form:.


Win £4000 to get more of your students to aim higher!

19 June 2015 (British Academy / SCILT)

British Academy Schools Language Awards (BASLA) 2015

The deadline for applications is now approaching!  You have until 30 June to apply for the 2015 Schools Language Awards.

As part of its programme to support and champion the learning of languages, the British Academy is again offering a series of Awards to schools and colleges throughout the UK for the encouragement of excellence in language learning. This year the Awards focus on activity which encourages more students to take language learning to a higher level.

The Awards are intended to encourage schools to find imaginative and effective ways of improving take up and enthusiasm for language learning into S5, S6 and beyond, which build partnerships and address the social imbalance in the profile of language learners at higher levels.

The Awards are open to all secondary schools and colleges and cover all languages other than English, including those learnt as community languages. A total of 15 Awards of £4000 each will be made to schools throughout the UK and at least one Award will go to a winning proposal from Scotland. One outstanding project from across the UK will receive an additional £2000.

Supplementary education

The British Academy are also offering Awards for innovative and exciting projects throughout the UK that encourage larger numbers of supplementary school students to take language learning to a higher level – the sort of level where they can use the language in the workplace and their future careers to benefit others. Schools could win £4,000 or more to put their ideas into action.

The deadline for applications for both awards is Tuesday 30 June 2015. See the attached document or visit the British Academy website for more information and to apply.


Related Files

Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition going nationwide in 2015-16!

19 June 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) is an exciting multilingual poetry project which celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing, and showcases the many languages which are spoken and learned by young people in school and at home. After a very successful pilot of the competition in the Glasgow area last year, SCILT are excited to announce the roll-out of MTOT across the country from August 2015. 2015/16 will build on the success of last year’s initiative and see the competition go nationwide allowing all pupils from P1 – S6 to participate in collaboration with our partner universities.

The winning poems, as well as a wider selection of commendable entries, will be compiled and published in a Mother Tongue Other Tongue anthology. There will be additional prizes, so start thinking now about how you might get involved.

September will see the official launch of the competition with poetry and creative writing workshops for teachers taking place at our HE partner institutions across the country (dates and venues tbc). Registration to take part in the competition and to attend the teachers’ poetry workshop launch events will open in August 2015. More information on how to register and book a place on a workshop will be available to schools early in the new school year.

Why not visit our MTOT 2015-16 webpage where you'll find all the information you need, including links to our poetry resources page, where we have collated a number of downloadable poetry and language materials as well as links to useful websites. You could also read the 2014 winning poems featured in our anthology for some further inspiration and find out about last year's competition and celebration event, or take a look at the MTOT website from Routes into Languages North West and Manchester Metropolitan University to see how the competition ran in England and Wales last year.


Spanish assembly at Nethermains Primary

19 June 2015 (Nethermains Primary)

Mrs Cane’s P4 class at Nethermains Primary School in Falkirk performed an assembly earlier this month to celebrate the Spanish language and culture they had learned across the year. During the year, the language has become increasingly embedded and they have improved their understanding of their own culture and language values. Recently, they confidently presented their learning by way of a fully Spanish speaking assembly, using various songs and drama with the aid of two translators to assist with language barriers.

Read the post and watch a video of the assembly on the Primary Language Learning – Falkirk blog.


Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival for Schools

15 June 2015 (Consejería de Educación)

After the great success of last year, The Hispanic Studies of Edinburgh University, in collaboration with the Consejería de Educación (Spanish Embassy Education Office), is going to launch the second Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival (ESFF) from 2 - 10 October 2015 and would love to share this experience with schools in Scotland. For this reason, they are currently planning their programme, which also includes three Spanish films with English subtitles, particularly suitable for primary and secondary school pupils.

Please see the attached invitation letters for primary and secondary schools, which also include information on how to book.

Vive le Fringe!

9 June 2015 (Institut français)

For the past five years, the Institut Français has been a venue at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Under the banner ‘Vive le Fringe’, we have been bringing French companies to the Fringe and presenting an eclectic and ambitious programme of French theatre, circus and children’s shows.

The 2015 programme features three shows dedicated to young audiences for which we’ve been devising post-performance workshops for schools in order to complement the viewing and allow classes to make the most of their visit to the Institut français and to the Fringe. You can find out more details about each show by clicking on the relevant link below.

Out now: CISS and SCILT’s 2015-16 Career Long Professional Learning menu!

5 June 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

The new menu of workshops from SCILT and CISS are now available for bookings from August!

SCILT and CISS aim to provide high quality professional learning opportunities to support the teaching and learning of languages across all sectors and all parts of the country. Authorities, clusters or schools may be interested in booking one or more of the workshops from the SCILT and CISS Professional Learning Programmes for 2015-16. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to develop bespoke input and support.

Visit the pages below to view the menus for 2015-16, to read testimonials from previous workshop attendees and for information on how to book a workshop:

Book now for the start of the new session and remember all our services and workshops are absolutely free of charge!

Unlocking Languages at Dalmarnock

5 June 2015 (Dalmarnock Post blog)

Hola, Bonjour, Kalh mepa, ciao , – only some of the wonderful greetings you’ll hear first thing every morning in our school. At Dalmarnock we believe that learning languages unlocks many doors for our children and we embraced the new Scottish Language Initiative 1+2. Have a look at all the wonderful experiences the children are enjoying!


Funding for Japanese Language Education Projects held in the UK

3 June 2015 (Japan Foundation)

Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which will have a significant and wide impact on the promotion of Japanese language education throughout the UK, or in their local area. For example, conferences on Japanese language education, seminars for teachers, projects to produce Japanese language teaching materials, etc. We also welcome projects that introduce Japanese into the curriculum, or bring it into the timetable at Schools or Universities. Priority is given to the following: 

  • Projects with a wide impact on Japanese language education
    Up to £3,000 for projects that contribute widely to the maintenance and strengthening of Japanese language education, e.g. conferences on Japanese language education, seminars for teachers, projects to produce Japanese language teaching materials, projects by organisations working in partnership, which benefit not only the institution applying for the programme, but which have a beneficial effect on others. 
  • Introducing Japanese to schools or universities 
    • Up to £3,000 for projects that promote the introduction of Japanese into the curriculum (or onto the main school timetable) at primary and secondary schools. Or projects that support the introduction of Japanese language classes at university - as part of our Primary Japanese Campaign, primary schools that would like to introduce Japanese as their main language in the new Key Stage 2 curriculum will be able to maintain their project by re-applying for funding twice for the same project. This means primary schools will be able to apply for up to a total of £9,000 over three years
    • Up to £1,000 for projects in primary or secondary schools that introduce Japanese as an extra-curricular activity or enrichment subject, even if this is not within the school timetable. These activities must continue for at least a year to qualify for the grant

The next application deadline for the 2015-16 programme is 19 June 2015. 

Further information and how to apply is available on the attached flyer.

Inspiring: 1 Plus 2 – language Learning in Scotland

28 May 2015 (fiplv)

1 plus 2 aims at giving every primary school pupil the opportunity to learn their own language plus two more. In South Lanarkshire schools language learning is no longer limited to language lessons but can be found throughout the school day from registration to the home time bell. Stars staff and pupils of Neilsland Primary School, St Bride’s (Bothwell) Primary School, St Cuthbert’s Primary School and Stonehouse Primary School. Watch this inspiring video.


Learners International - new resource for schools!

28 May 2015 (British Council/Education Scotland)

British Council in partnership with Education Scotland has today launched a new online resource to help schools and pre-school centres improve outcomes for pupils and staff through international engagement.

The resource is designed to support schools in their journey of continuous improvement in learning through partnerships with educational establishments in other countries.  Working in partnership the aim is to develop learners' skills and attitudes that are necessary to participate effectively in a globalised world.

International engagement involves learning about other countries:

  • their cultures
  • education systems
  • languages
  • the global themes of interest to us all
  • and by forming a partnership with educational establishments abroad and/or being involved in global learning programmes

The aim of the partnerships are:

  • to improve knowledge and skills across curriculum areas
  • to challenge stereotypes and prejudices
  • and to make learners aware of the possibilities that exist for learning and work outside Scotland

This, by extension, allows learners to understand Scotland and its place in the world. Partnerships allow those involved the opportunity to share ideas in pedagogy and the space to reflect on their own practice; and in so doing, improve the quality of learning and teaching. Partnerships can be developed digitally or can also involve face to face meetings between staff and/or learners.

Find out more about Learners International on the Education Scotland website.


SALT Modern Languages Competition 2015

26 May 2015 (SALT)

Learners in all Scottish schools are invited to design a poster on the subject of food and healthy eating. You can create your entry using any form of media you prefer as long as it’s written in the language you’re learning.  Closing date for entries is 25 June 2015. 

For more information visit the SALT website.


Parlez-vous Francais? — language lessons plan for primary schools in Perth and Kinross

26 May 2015 (The Courier)

French could be the first foreign tongue taught in Perth and Kinross primary schools under plans to ensure children learn a second language.

The Scottish Government has committed to introduce a new norm for language learning based on the European Union’s 1+2 model.

It envisages every child having an opportunity to learn two languages in addition to their first language by 2020.

The first modern language will be introduced from Primary 1, with the second language commencing no later than Primary five.

Following an audit of modern language skills carried out in Perth and Kinross primary schools in November 2013, it was found that French is the most commonly known language among school staff.

Of the 249 identified language skills, nearly two-thirds indicated French as a known language. German was the second most known language, followed by Spanish.

The audit showed that among primary staff 10 languages are spoken to some level, including Mandarin, Italian, Russian and Ukrainian, with some teachers having skills in more than one language.


The 2015 Junior Language Challenge

19 May 2015 (EuroTalk)

The Junior Language Challenge is an annual online competition for primary school children in the UK. Entrants should be aged 10 and under on 1 September 2015. If you’re a teacher, you can register a school group, or if you’re a parent you can register your child individually. Registration opens from 19 March with round one closing 19 June 2015. A small entry fee applies which will be donated to Onebillion, a charity that works to bring basic education to children in some of the world’s poorest countries.

For more information and to register for this year’s competition, visit the Junior Language Challenge 2015 website.


Related Links

Getting children interested in Russia - new website and competition!

19 May 2015 (Scotland-Russia Forum)

Find out about Russia – website and competition for 5-12 year olds

The Scotland-Russia Forum (SRF), an independent voluntary organisation based in Edinburgh, has launched a new website and competition to promote Russian in Scottish schools. 

Find out about Russia is a new website for children with sections on the Russian language, space, history, science, ballet, food and others. Each section has been written by SRF volunteers, some specialist in their chosen subject, others students and even one school pupil. 

To launch the website, SRF have announced a competition for primary school children aged 5-12: children are invited to illustrate a folk tale, to write their own version of other Russian tales, or to suggest activities for the website. There will be prizes for all categories and all age groups – and some of the competitors’ material may be included in the website. The deadline for entries is 1 July 2015.

SRF offer taster language / culture presentations in schools, particularly primary schools, in line with the Scottish Government’s 1+2 policy, which creates the opportunity for Russian to be made available as L3 from P5.  The tasters are very popular with children who are always delighted to find they can decipher words in the Russian alphabet.

SRF believes it is important that children growing up in Scotland are aware of Russia’s rich cultural heritage, its huge contribution to space exploration, wonderful folk tales, dramatic history, beautiful language, and other aspects of Russian life. With this knowledge they, and the adults they will become, will be able to make sense of current affairs in Russia and seek to do business there in later life.

For more information contact Jenny Carr from Scotland-Russia Forum, tel: 0131 560 1486.

Related Links

Read about when Jenny Carr from SRF visited Sciennes Primary School to promote the new website and competition.

Giant panda online game

18 May 2015 (RZSS)

Danestone Primary P7 have designed a giant panda online game. It was created by the help of AVC Media and was part of Edinburgh Zoo's Beyond the Panda Take Action Challenge. Pupils presented the game at the recent SCEN China Day and had an official launch on Friday at their school. It has some language matching games. Take a look and why not play!


Digital European Language Portfolio (ELP)

15 May 2015 (SCILT)

For anyone who has been experiencing difficulties using the electronic version of our European Language Portfolio, please note the technical glitch has now been resolved. The ELP is available on the following pages of our website:

The UK-German Bears Project - new hosting dates available!

12 May 2015 (UK-German Connection)

With a set of resources, a range of interactive online features and a focus on joint Bears activities with a project partner school in Germany, Alex and Ben bring a fun and accessible international dimension to the primary school classroom!

There are new dates now available from Autumn 2015 through to the Summer term 2016 where your school can host Alex the bear.

Visit the UK-German Connection website to find out more and to apply to join the project. There are also links to Alex’s blog and his adventures and discoveries presented on the Voyage Kids website.


Animated French resource for First Level

11 May 2015 (Education Scotland)

This animated video resource aims to support and stimulate young language learners by exemplifying pronunciation in French and allowing them to match the written and spoken word. They also aim to support practitioners by offering a platform that can lead to wider learning opportunities.


Euroquiz 2015 Final

11 May 2015 (SEET/Scottish Parliament)

Well done to all the teams who took part in this year’s Euroquiz final in the Scottish Parliament, but especially to the winners, Carmondean Primary School from West Lothian.

For more information about the competition, see the attached press release or visit the SEET website.


Related Files

Related Links

Primary school Euroquiz 2015 – winners (Education Scotland blog, 12 May 2015)

Launch of AILA Research Network in Early Language Learning

7 May 2015 (BAAL)

We are pleased to announce the launch of the ELL Network – newly accepted as an AILA Research Network for the three-year period January 2015-December 2017. With the launch of this international network we hope to raise the profile of research in early languages learning (including foreign, second and minority languages), contributing to the growth of national and regional research groups and stimulating new research on a range of themes in the field. Over the three-year period our principal aims are:

  1. To create synergies across research areas concerned with young children learning additional languages in school and pre-school contexts worldwide; 
  2. To set out a comprehensive agenda for research in the field of early language learning.

Do visit our Network to learn more. Active researchers in the field of Early Language Learning (ages 3-12 years) are most welcome to join the group, contribute to planned events/publications and help to build our aims.

For any queries please contact Janet Enever - ELL-REN convenor by email at or by telephone on +46 (0)90 786 56 74.


Edinburgh International Book Festival - Baillie Gifford Schools Programme

4 May 2015 (Edinburgh International Book Festival)

Tickets are now on sale for the Edinburgh International Book Festival Baillie Gifford Schools Programme, with lots of exciting events running from 24 August to 1 September 2015.

This year the programme has a real focus on languages and internationalism, featuring authors with stories from afar; events about translation and adaptation; and an exploration of the different ways that stories can be told. We’ve also got some language-themed CPD events running throughout the Festival.   Find out more through the following links, or visit the website to see the programme and booking details.

CPD events:

  • The Gift of Bilingualism 
    Thursday 20 August, 7.00pm – 8.00pm
    How can bilingual families be supported and each mother tongue acknowledged and respected?
  • Poetic Translation with the Scottish Poetry Library
    Thursday 27 August, 5.00pm–6.00pm
    Think you can’t translate a poem from one language into another? This event will prove you wrong. Piloted in Edinburgh schools, this is a flexible approach to primary school language learning and creative writing with fun, fast-paced exercises.

Event for primary schools:


MOOC: Games in schools (2nd round)

29 April 2015 (European Schoolnet Academy)

Primary and secondary teachers are welcome to join this exciting MOOC exploring the potential of games-based learning in schools. The course is being run jointly by European Schoolnet and ISFE (The Interactive Software Federation of Europe) and is entirely free. The course will examine the opportunities but also challenges offered by integrating games into our teaching and learning and will provide practical examples of gaming tools and activities to use in your daily teaching practice. We will be learning through a mix of video, interactive activities and discussions as well as sharing of resources.

The first question we will explore is, why use computer games in schools? We will then look at a range of games which do not necessarily have an educational purpose but can be used nicely for thematic learning on topics such as gravity, planets, construction, and many others. However, we will also explore games that have an explicit pedagogical focus and are designed to help students learn anything from Maths to Languages.

The course commences on 18 May 2015 and runs for 6 weeks. Visit the European Schoolnet Academy website for more information and to sign up.


Into Film Festival 2015

28 April 2015 (Into Film)

The Into Film Festival is a free and annual celebration of film and education for schools and young people across the UK.

The Festival, formerly known as the National Youth Film Festival, takes place from 4–20 November 2015. It aims to help educators bring learning to life for 5-19 year olds by inspiring young people to watch, make and understand film in new and creative ways.

There will be a series of foreign language films to choose from (with English subtitles) with dates and locations to be announced closer to the event.  In the meantime, teachers can register interest now on the Into Film website and be informed as soon as bookings are possible.


1+2 learning events - registration now open!

24 April 2015 (SCILT)

To support the 1+2 language learning model SCILT and Education Scotland are offering the following learning events during May/June for language practitioners in Scotland.  Click on the appropriate link for further information and to register your attendance.

Senior phase learning events 

L3 learning events 

Project Trust and SCILT promote global citizenship

21 April 2015 (Project Trust)

Project Trust’s Global Citizenship Programme sends passionate and enthusiastic Returned Volunteers who have become Global Citizenship Ambassadors into primary and secondary schools to provide interactive educational sessions about global issues they’ve had unique first-hand experience of overseas. Lucy Hughes (Cambodia 2012/13) and Ben Haldane (Namibia 2013/14) ran a session at Kinross High School talking about their experiences of learning another language, presenting alongside our partners SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages).


Support for updated Modern Languages Experiences and Outcomes

20 April 2015 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland have published a PowerPoint to support the reflection on and engagement with the newly updated Modern Languages Experiences and Outcomes, which now contain First Level Experiences and Outcomes.


Call for Mandarin and Arabic to be taught from primary school

9 April 2015 (Holyrood Magazine)

Studying a foreign language should be compulsory from the year children start school in order for Scottish firms to compete in the international export market, a business group has urged.

Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Arabic and Russian have been pinpointed by the Scottish Chambers of Commerce (SCC) as “international languages of business” that must be made mandatory in the education curriculum from primary 1 onwards.

It has called on government to implement the measure by 2020 to ensure Scottish businesses have sufficient cultural and language skills to tap into a number of growing economies.

The demand is among a number of 'business asks', which also include staying in the European Union, set out as part of the Scottish Business Voice Campaign, led by the Scottish Chambers of Commerce Network.


Radio Edutalk

7 April 2015 (Radio Edutalk)

This Radio Edutalk podcast was taken at a recent meeting of the Practitioner Enquiry Network in West Lothian.

Jane Keegan, 1+2 Development Officer and Lynne Jones, Professional Development Officer at SCILT talk about the first phase of a small scale collaborative research project investigating attitudes to learning languages before and after the transition from primary to secondary.

Access the podcast on the Radio Edutalk website.


Scotland Russia Forum – new website is worth a look

5 April 2015 (The Edinburgh Reporter)

Which country sent the first human into space? Who was Pavlov (and what happened to his dog?) Was Ivan the Terrible really such a baddie? Where can you take a train journey that lasts 8 days (and not because you’re waiting for a connection…)? Where is the ‘Venice of the North’? And which famous author cried when he had to do Maths?

The country is of course Russia, and you can find the answers to all these questions on a new website created by the Scotland-Russia Forum, primarily for children aged 5-12 (though I must say I found it very interesting too). Realising that few schools currently teach the Russian language, the Forum decided to introduce children to aspects of the country’s culture in a new way; the website Find Out About RUSSIA covers topics such as Russian food, space travel, folk stories and the ballet – plus a guide to deciphering the Russian alphabet.


Primary Modern Languages Programme stopped in Northern Ireland

31 March 2015 (BBC News)

Tuesday was the final day of funding for the foreign languages programme for primary schools.
The Primary Modern Languages Programme has been scrapped as part of Department of Education's cuts for the new financial year.

Four hundred and thirteen schools in Northern Ireland have had staff come in to teach Spanish, Irish or Polish. Eighty-six teachers are employed under the scheme, most working in a handful of schools for a few hours at a time.

The Department of Education said the decision was regrettable but necessary, given the budget cuts they are facing and the fact that the scheme cost £900,000 a year.


Modern Languages Experiences and Outcomes at First Level

30 March 2015 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland has published Experiences and Outcomes at First Level for Modern Languages. These new Experiences and Outcomes will allow practitioners delivering  Modern Languages as part of the Scottish Government 1+2 languages policy to benchmark learners’ progress in the skills of listening and talking, reading and writing.


Related Links

All information on the 1+2 approach to language learning including the new experiences and outcomes can be found in the modern languages section of the Education Scotland website.

Learning events coming soon!

27 March 2015 (SCILT)

Senior phase learning events

Recommendation 16 of the ‘1+2 Report’ states: ‘The Working Group recommends that schools provide all young people with flexible opportunities and encouragement to study more than one modern language to the level of a National Qualification Unit or course, in the senior phase, whether in their own school or through cluster arrangements with other schools.’

Would you like to:

  • expand provision in the senior phase? 
  • boost the number of young people continuing with a language beyond the broad general education? 
  • hear what others are doing and have an opportunity to discuss possibilities with colleagues?

If so, you may find inspiration at the senior phase learning events in May. Each event will have three different speakers talking about the courses they offer in the senior phase. They will say what they do to attract young people to study languages. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussion with colleagues and representatives from SCILT and Education Scotland.

The dates are:

  • Saturday May 9 in Aberdeen 
  • Saturday May 16 in Dunfermline

Venues to be confirmed. Each event will last a morning. The opportunity to register for one or both of these events will be available soon.

L3 learning events

Recommendation 4 of the ‘1+2 Report’ states: ‘The Working Group recommends that a second additional language (L3) be introduced for pupils at a later stage in the primary school. The time for introduction of the L3 language would be…….no later than P5.’

Recommendation 11 states: ‘The Working Group recommends schools develop language learning for L3 during the broad general education, choosing from a range of approaches………’

As one would expect, schools and authorities are at different stages in their preparations for L3. Further guidance on L3 has been produced by Education Scotland and is available on their website and the SCILT website - 'A 1+2 approach to language learning - Further guidance on L3 within the 1+2 policy' under the Guidance tab. A range of approaches to the delivery of L3 in both primary and secondary schools is described in the guidance. Understandably, L3 remains the area where most schools and local authorities are still at the planning stage or are at the early stages of delivery.

There will be two learning events for L3.

  • Saturday 30 May in Glasgow - L3 in the primary school 
  • Saturday 6 June in Stirling - L3 in the secondary school

Venues to be confirmed but both events will last a morning and will take place in the central belt. Each will involve three presentations where speakers describe how they have begun working on L3 in their school or local authority. Much of this work is relatively new and some is at the trialling stage. Each speaker offers a different approach.

There will be dedicated time to ask questions and to engage in discussion with colleagues. Each event will be supported by representatives from SCILT and Education Scotland. The opportunity to register a place for one or both of these events will be available soon.

Write an Easter Card to Felix and Franzi

24 March 2015 (Goethe Institut London)

All primary school teachers of German with their students are invited to take part in Goethe Institut London's special Easter activity. Let your students write an Easter card in German to our two hand puppets Felix and Franzi.


Funding boost for ambitious languages strategy

20 March 2015 (Herald)

Thousands of primary pupils are to benefit from extra funding to teach foreign languages as part of an ambitious strategy for schools.

All pupils are expected to be learning two languages, in addition to their mother tongue, by the time they leave primary under the controversial 1+2 policy.

The plan, which councils are expected to deliver by 2020, brings Scotland into line with many other European countries where learning a second language starts in early primary school and learning three languages is common.


Digital European Language Portfolio (ELP)

19 March 2015 (SCILT)

We have now created a digital version of the European Language Portfolio enabling primary pupils to record their language learning journeys electronically.  You can find the ELP on the primary section of the SCILT website.


UK-German Bears Project

18 March 2015 (UK-German Connection)

Primary schools, would you like to host our UK-German bears? With a set of resources, a range of interactive online features and a focus on joint Bears activities with a project partner school in Germany, Alex and Ben bring a fun and accessible international dimension to the primary school classroom! New dates are now available for 2015-16.


Compulsory languages in primary schools: does it work?

18 March 2015 (British Council blog)

A quiet revolution happened in English primary schools last September, representing a historic curriculum change: language-learning was made compulsory for all children between seven and 11. Teresa Tinsley and Kathryn Board, who wrote the new Language Trends survey, examine the effect of the change.


Multilingual families: 'Even our dog uses three languages'

13 March 2015 (The Guardian)

No matter what your family’s heritage, parenting has a common lexicon: brush your teeth, look up from that screen or stop bashing your brother can be found in most family phrasebooks.

But what if the language you were born with differs from the one your kids use daily at school, or if you and your partner each have different native languages?

Today almost one in five children in UK primary schools now has a mother tongue other than English. According to Professor Antonella Sorace, director of the Bilingualism Matters centre at Edinburgh University, the demand for information and advice on how to navigate the challenges of bilingual parenting is now “enormous”.


Articulate Language Camps

12 March 2015 (Articulate Language Camps)

Easter Revision Day

This Easter, we are offering National 5 and Higher pupils the chance to revise for their French exams with the support of qualified language teachers. Pupils can take part in a variety of listening, reading and writing projects to help them prepare for their upcoming SQA assessments. The Revision Day will give them a chance to leave their textbooks for a while, learn in a relaxed and supportive environment and have a little fun with the foreign language.

The revision day camp will take place of Wednesday 8 April. For just £12, pupils can join us from 10am until 5pm at the Glasgow Gaelic School in the city centre. To reserve a place or request an information pack, pupils should call 07791 698945 or email us at

Launch Camp

At our two-day residential summer programme for children aged 6-11, young campers get the chance to experience French, Spanish or German or improve their existing language skills in a fun and interactive way. Our camp ‘launches’ campers into the world of language learning through projects, play and songs. From making a film in Spanish and going on a forest scavenger hunt to singing campfire songs in German and taking an archery class in French.

For more information on dates, prices, location and the programme, please visit our website, Articulate Language Camps, or get in touch at

International Camp

Our week-long summer programme brings together young people aged 12-17 from all over Europe to share their language and their culture. With options to learn French, Spanish, German or English, campers can teach one another and practise their speaking and listening skills with young native speakers of the languages they are studying. With a variety of digital media project classes and outdoor sport activities, the programme is full of adventure and excitement.

To hear from previous campers or to find out more information about dates, prices, location and the programme, please visit our website, Articulate Language Camps,  or get in touch at


How to travel the world from your classroom and get pupils excited about water conservation

9 March 2015 (TES)

Looking for an interdisciplinary project for your pupils?  Martin Crabbe, geography teacher at Glebe School, Bromley and Chair of London Sustainable Schools Network is a champion of encouraging students to show citizenship and collaborate with one another to improve the local environment. Here he tells us why he’s signed up to Global Action Plan’s water education project for 8-14 year olds, to teach his pupils about their use of water and why it matters.

There are many benefits for schools and pupils taking part in the Global Action Water Explorer project, including:

  • collaboratng with and learning from other students across the world
  • improving wider skills, including ICT, presentation, communication, team working and language skills
  • a way to reduce your school's water impact and work towards Eco-School certification

These are just a few of the advantages to be gained.  Read on to find out about Glebe School's experiences and follow the link below to access all the information you need to get your school involved in the Water Explorer project.


Welcome to Mexico

3 March 2015 (British Council)

To celebrate the visit of the President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto to the UK, we have put together some resources to help schools to celebrate Mexico and the Spanish language. These include

  • A PowerPoint presentation about Mexico that can be used in an assembly
  • A story in Spanish and in English by the Latin American Children’s laureate Francisco Hinojosa (who is from Mexico) El peor senora del mundo/The worst woman in the world 
  • Two lesson ideas using the story – a writing activity and a Spanish activity 
  • An art activity based on the work of Mexican artist Diego Rivera

Access the resource pack on the British Council website.


#DigiLearnScot - Have You Got the 1+2 Factor?

27 February 2015 (Education Scotland / SCILT)

Next week, as part of Digital Learning Week, sees the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning launch 1+2 Factor, an exciting new competition which aims to showcase the learning and teaching of languages in schools across Scotland. Individual classes, schools or clusters are invited to use any of the tools within Glow to create a learning space which will help with the implementation of 1 + 2.

On the 1+2 Factor site within GLOW you can find important dates, useful links and documents to help create your learning experiences.

Join us on Glow TV on Wednesday 4th March at 12:30 PM to find out how to get involved in this nationwide event for Scottish education establishments.  Register on the #DigiLearnScot - Have You Got the 1+2 Factor? webpage

So what are you waiting for? Create, Collaborate, Innovate.

Please note, Glow login required to access.


Mair Scots in Scuils

25 February 2015 (Education Scotland)

Each year throughout January pupils from Kirktonholme Primary and Nursery in East Kilbride take part in a multi disciplinary programme of learning around Scots language and culture. They have fully embedded the teaching of Scots in a whole-school approach. For more details, view their short film.


Online Spanish course for teachers, undergraduate BA students and postgraduate PGDE students

19 February 2015 (Consejería de Educación)

The Instituto Cervantes and the Spanish Embassy Education Office in the UK offer Spanish online courses for teachers, undergraduates and PGDE students through Aula Virtual de Español (AVE), an interactive platform specifically designed by the Instituto Cervantes for the teaching and learning of Spanish.

The course is suitable for primary and secondary school teachers, undergraduate BA and PGDE students with or without previous knowledge of Spanish and will run from April to October 2015.

*Please note that this course will not qualify secondary teachers to teach Spanish in a secondary school.

See the attached flyer for more details and enrolment information.

Why UK teachers needn't fear teaching Chinese

17 February 2015 (British Council Voices)

Is teaching Mandarin Chinese as daunting as it sounds? The British Council's Charlotte Ogilvie hears from a few UK teachers, and shares some useful resources for teaching the language to primary school children.


How to teach … German

16 February 2015 (The Guardian)

Deutschland ist wunderschön! Our collection of lesson ideas and resources will help you get students excited about learning German.


Les Rencontres Théâtrales 2015

13 February 2015 (Le français en Écosse )

We hope rehearsals are now well under way for the theatre competition in French! If you're not enrolled yet with your class, you can still do so until 20 February. The competition takes place in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen from 24 to 31 March.


Les Ateliers du Primaire: French children books, songs & games

13 February 2015 (Le français en Écosse )

Attend this monthly workshop for primary teachers at the Institut français!

This new regular programme offers primary teachers a free training session on the first Thursday of the month with tools and resources for their class. The first workshop will show you how to use French children books, songs and games in your primary class (P1-P3). Teachers who attend 4 of these sessions in a school year will receive a 6 hours training certificate from the Institut français.

This is a free event “en français”. Please sign in before Friday 27 February:


Happy Emperor and other stories

13 February 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

We have great pleasure in launching three new exciting Mandarin ebooks. These motivating stories, activities and suggestions will engage younger learners and will develop their literacy and language skills. We really hope you enjoy using them and please let us know how you have incorporated them into your classroom.

Download the three books in the ‘Happy Emperor’ series through the link below.


Beginners 1 (full beginners) and Beginners 2 (follow-up/false beginners) class for primary school teachers

12 February 2015 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running a new French course for primary school teachers, suitable for complete beginners and teachers who completed our Beginners 1 course or have a false beginners level

  • 20 hours of lessons over 10 weeks tailored to the needs of primary school teachers: classroom and speaking activities, pronunciation, communication, increase your confidence and feel more comfortable speaking French
  • Thursdays, 3.45-5.45pm 
  • 12 March to 28 May 2015 inclusive. (Please note there will be no classes on Thursday 9 and 16 April) 
  • The cost to attend this course is £80/teacher. Please note this is a special fee offered by the AF Glasgow to promote modern languages
  • A certificate of attendance will be handed out by the end of the course
  • Places are limited so early booking is recommended

If you wish to enrol in this course, please contact or visit the Language Office at the Alliance Française by Friday 6 March.

  • Alliance Française de Glasgow - 3 Park Circus, Glasgow, G3 6AX
  • Tel. +44 (0)141 331 4080
  • email:

Or visit the website to download the enrolment form.


Ellon pupils impress with Scots writing

12 February 2015 (Ellon Times)

Young Ellon storytellers helped local housebuilder Barratt celebrate Burns Night by taking part in a Scots language-themed writing competition.

Ellon Primary School P7 pupils were tasked with writing about celebrating at home, and in memory of Scotland’s national poet. The 29 children told their stories about weddings, birthdays, Christmas and New Year using Scots verse.

The team at Barratt Homes was so impressed they decided to donate £100 of book tokens to the school.


Primary school pupils set to learn three languages by 2020

4 February 2015 (Evening Express)

Primary school pupils look set to learn three languages by 2020 – and one may be Mandarin.

Under a Scottish Government initiative, councils are to ensure all children learn two languages as well as their mother tongue.

The report – called Language Learning in Scotland: a 1+2 Approach – recommends that by 2020, all pupils should have access to modern language classes from P1.

Training for teachers to provide improved language education is already under way in some North-east council areas. And it has emerged one of the languages pupils could take up in primary school is Mandarin.


School support activities from Scottish universities

3 February 2015 (SCILT/UCMLS)

SCILT has worked with UCMLS to collate the opportunities available from Scottish universities to support language teaching and learning in schools across the country. We hope schools will access these opportunities to support the work being done in the classroom.


Language linking, global thinking!

27 January 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT is shortly going to be looking for schools interested in taking part in the Language Linking Global Thinking initiative in session 2015/16. 

The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend as year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad, the partner school keeps in regular contact with the student by emailing, sending postcards and other resources. The two-way correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. 

This initiative has been piloted this year in three local authorities, and SCILT is now extending it to schools across Scotland. We will be looking for schools to register their interest in the next few weeks. Please note places are strictly limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 

More information on Language Linking Global Thinking 2014-15.

Some of the students have used blogs to facilitate their contact with the schools. Read the student blogs.

BSL and Makaton signing classes for Highland pupils

25 January 2015 (The Scotsman)

Nursery and primary school pupils in the Highlands will be the first in Scotland to be taught sign language as part of the new curriculum.

Smithton Primary, on the outskirts of Inverness, will teach youngsters both British Sign Language (BSL) and Makaton – a form of signing for those with special educational needs or communication disorders that is popularly used by Mr Tumble on the CBeebies show Something Special.

The move at the school has been welcomed by the British Deaf Association and the Scottish Association of Sign Language Interpreters.

It has come about after the Scottish Government’s announcement that all primary age children should have two additional languages as well as their first language.


News from LFEE

22 January 2015 (LFEE)

See the attached newsletter from Le français en Ecosse (LFEE) for information on the following:

  • Erasmus+ guidelines for teachers wishing to apply to LFEE courses in France and Spain 2015-16.
  • Primary professional learning opportunities for teachers in Scotland.
  • Training for secondary teachers, including spaces available for 3 week course in Lyon and resources on embedding ICT into teaching practice.

You can also visit the LFEE website for more information about the training available for Scottish language teachers.


Related Files

Funding opportunities for UK-German activities

21 January 2014 (UK-German Connection)

Do you need funding for activities with your German partner school? UK-German Connection has grants available for UK-German projects, activities and anniversary celebrations. The next deadline for grants for UK-German activities is 31 January 2015 (the next deadline after this will be 31 May 2015).


Year of the Sheep Education Pack

15 January 2015 (British Council)

Celebrate Chinese New Year, the Year of the Sheep, on 19 February. Introduce pupils to the differences and similarities between the lives, languages and cultures of people in China and the UK with the Year of the Sheep primary education pack, available to download now on the British Council website.


Beyond the Panda - new version now available to book!

13 January 2015 (SCEN)

The original Beyond the Panda programme was launched last year, but this brand new version introduces some new areas and most of all has exciting new games and models unique to RZSS.

The outreach involves numerous skills where the pupils investigate, discover, extract information and provide solutions. 

The workshop is for P5-7 where the pupils learn about China and the giant panda while playing educational games: for example, jigsaws comparing habitat and political maps; a giant panda timeline game; a closer look at bamboo and now a section on Chinese characters and simple Mandarin. Sessions are 1.5 hours and maximum number of pupils 36.

For more information and how to book, visit the SCEN website.


Joining the Culture Club

9 January 2015 (TESS)

My five-year-old daughter and I speak a fair bit of Spanish in the house. On one occasion she couldn’t find exactly the right words to let me know that she was hot, so she just said, “Mama, hace calor [it’s hot],” and wiped her hand over her brow in drama-queen style.

The amateur dramatics were exactly the gesture I use for temperature and weather when I am teaching. I was so pleased that instead of not saying anything, my daughter had worked out that she could convey the same message in a different way.


Connecting Classrooms funding

7 January 2015 (British Council)

Apply for funding for your school partnership now! This is the last grant application round for the current Connecting Classrooms funding offer. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to get funding to collaborate directly with international peers. Connecting Classrooms brings challenging global issues to life through meaningful cross-cultural relationships.

The grant supports visits from at least one teacher from each of the schools in your partnership. Make sure you submit your application for funding in 2015 by the deadline of 30 January 2015.

For more information and to apply, visit the British Council Schools Online website.


French film essay competition 2015

6 January 2015 (University of Oxford)

The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages at Oxford University is looking for budding film enthusiasts in Years 7-11 (P7-S4) and 12-13 (S5-S6) to embrace the world of French cinema. To enter the competition, students in each age group are asked to re-write the ending of a film in no more than 1500 words.   Work can be done in English or French.

See the University website for more information and how to apply before 27 March 2015.


Les Rencontres Théâtrales 2015

16 December 2014 (Institut français)

The Institut français has been organizing les Rencontres Théâtrales for many years. It is a unique experience for your primary and secondary school students to perform in French on a stage. These past years, les rencontres took place in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen.

In 2015, les Rencontres Théâtrales will take place in Edinburgh on 26 March at Broughton High School.  The date for Glasgow will be announced soon.

If you'd like to organise les Rencontres Théâtrales in your council, please contact Thomas Chaurin, Education Attaché for France in Scotland.

For more information about les Rencontres Théâtrales, see the video trailer.


SCEN competition

9 December 2014 (SCEN)

A reminder that the closing date for the SCEN competition is drawing near!

Entries for the SCEN Competition, in collaboration with The Scottish Review and its Editor Kenneth Roy, should be a written article (maximum 850 words for senior students, 200 words for primary and S1-S2 students) on the following:

'Why all Scottish students should have the opportunity to learn Chinese'

The winning entry will be published in The Scottish Review!

  • Senior Prize (senior phase school pupils; university and college students and young professionals): £250
  • Junior Prize (upper primary and lower secondary pupils: £100!

Closing Date: 15 December 2014.

Please send entries electronically to the Convener of SCEN:

Beyond the Panda education project - new website!

2 December 2014 (RZSS)

Thanks to a partnership with Jaguar Land Rover (China), Sandie Robb, Senior Education Officer for the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland got the opportunity recently to visit Chengdu and Ya'an - along with 10 students and 4 staff from Lasswade High School. You can see an excellent video of the trip on the 'Beyond the Panda' new website, which not only includes a wealth of information on the giant panda project but has excellent lesson plans and activities.

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland outreach sessions 'Beyond the Panda' and 'Giants' are still available for schools, however they are always revised and redeveloped each year to build on new resources and ideas. Please email Sandie Robb,, for full details.


West Lothian school wins prestigious International School Award

24 November 2014 (Daily Record)

A West Lothian school has won a prestigious accolade for its work in bringing the world into the classroom.

Williamston Primary School in Livingston has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award.

It’s a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding work in international education, such as through links with partner schools overseas. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need to live and work as global citizens.


Bilingual storytelling

24 November 2014 (Gathered Together/BEMIS)

See the YouTube interview with a parent involved in a bilingual storytelling group at St Albert’s Primary School.


Giant Pandas - Modern languages: Second level resource

24 November 2014 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland has developed a new website on the Giant Pandas.  The website provides access to relevant, contextualised resources to support learning and teaching about giant pandas through Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes.

The resource features information about the arrival of Scotland’s giant pandas, current information about their life at Edinburgh Zoo, an image gallery, videos and learning journeys for languages, sciences and health and wellbeing.

Language teachers will particularly appreciate the second level learning resources which develop understanding and knowledge of the giant pandas through the medium of the modern language.

A learning journey takes learners through a number of foreign language tasks that will build on their knowledge of pandas and allow them to make comparisons between life in Scotland and life in China.

There are also two activity booklets - one in French and one in German - which contain a variety of challenges linked to cross-curricular themes.


The UK-German Bears Project

18 November 2014 (UK-German Connection)

UK primary schools, would you like a visit from our German bear Alex? With a set of resources, a range of interactive online features and a focus on joint Bears activities with a project partner school in Germany, Alex and Ben bring a fun and accessible international dimension to the primary school classroom!

New dates for 2015 are now available.  For more information visit the UK-German Connection website.


SCEN Competition

18 November 2014 (SCEN)

We invite entries for the SCEN Competition, in collaboration with The Scottish Review and its Editor Kenneth Roy. The challenge is to write an article (maximum 850 words for senior students, 200 words for primary and S1-S2 students) on the following:

'Why all Scottish students should have the opportunity to learn Chinese'

The winning entry will be published in The Scottish Review!

  • Senior Prize (senior phase school pupils; university and college students and young professionals): £250
  • Junior Prize (upper primary and lower secondary pupils: £100!

Closing Date: 15 December 2014.

Please send entries electronically to the Convener of SCEN:

Chinese New Year workshops in your school

12 November 2014 (SALT)

Dragons in Europe invite you to bring the wonderfully vibrant and inspiring Chinese New Year celebrations to your school.

The rise of China as an economic and global power has led to the rapid spread of Chinese culture and customs round the world and Chinese language skills are now in high demand. Exploring this fascinating culture is a cross-curricula journey. There will be mythical animal tales, traditional activities, Chinese character writing and lots of smiles. Workshops will include some basic language learning, lots of culture and topical gifts for the children to take away.

*Please note there is a charge for the workshops.*


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks - “Cinquains”

12 November 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for helping learners to write simple poems in the target language. These are published through our “Creative Bag of Tricks” series on the MTOT blog. The first of our items about short form poetry, “Cinquains”, is available to read now.

This is #6 in the "Creative Bag of Tricks" series.  If you've missed any of the previous activities these can still be accessed via the blog archive.


Falkirk primary pupils to learn 'two or more' languages

11 November 2014 (BBC News)

Children at Falkirk primary schools could be taught two or more foreign languages under new council plans. Falkirk Council has proposed using £300,000 of national funding to offer extra classes in languages including Mandarin and German in all schools.

All pupils would have access to French and Spanish classes from primary one, with extra languages no later than P5.

The authority wants to train primary school teachers so that all pupils are learning additional languages by 2020.


Related Links

More lessons in languages (Falkirk Council, 11 November 2014)

'Make the most of your partner school' webinars

11 November 2014 (British Council)

For this year's International Education Week (17 - 21 November) the British Council is running a series of webinars aimed at UK teachers on 'Make the most of your partner school'.

There are a variety of sessions during November and December for both primary and secondary levels partnering with French, German and Spanish schools.

For dates and times of all the sessions on offer and to register for your chosen webinar, visit the registration webpage.


Related Links

For other suggestions as to how schools can get involved in this year's IEW, visit the British Council's International Eduction Week 2014 website or see the IEW toolkit for schools.

Dundee kids’ taste of France

10 November 2014 (Dundee Evening Telegraph)

Bonjour, parlez-vous Francais? Non? Well, no worries — head along to Dundee’s Hillside Primary School and you’ll get French lessons from the children there.

For the past two years, children throughout the school have been learning and speaking French on a daily basis. Now they’ve decided the time is right to show off their language skills to the Tele.

And mighty impressive they were, too, as they discussed names, ages and what they were having for lunch in fairly fluent French.


How my school integrates languages into the primary curriculum

10 November 2014 (Guardian Teacher Network)

Teacher Heather Martin on why integrating Spanish in every aspect of her school – such as assemblies, tutor time, history and geography – is the key to language learning success.


Write a Christmas Card to Felix and Franzi

6 November 2014 (Goethe-Institut)

Primary teachers of German, along with their students, are invited to send a Christmas Card in German to Felix and Franzi in order to win a great surprise.

Visit the Goethe-Institut London website for more information.

Don’t forget there are also lots of fun ideas and teaching materials for primary learners on the German with Felix and Franzi webpage.


Spanish Course for Primary Teachers in Scotland

6 November 2014 (Consejería de Educación)

A 25-hour course, organised by the Spanish Embassy Education Office in the United Kingdom in collaboration with SALT, Spanish Academy of Language and Translation in Edinburgh, consisting of two parts: a language-focused one and a methodology-related one, dealing with language teaching strategies and methods for primary teachers.

Further information and enrolment details are available on the Spanish Academy of Language & Translation website or see the attached flyers.


The European eTwinning Prize Competition 2015

6 November 2014 (eTwinning)

To join the competition, projects must have been awarded the European Quality Label in any year of the project’s lifespan. Only the partners of a project who have received the European Quality Label can apply for and win a European Prize. All projects must demonstrate that they have been active in the 2013-2014 school year.

Prizes are available for primary through to secondary ages with special category prizes also being awarded in the 2015 competition.


East Lothian Early Chinese Learning Project

5 November 2014 (SCILT/CISS)

The Scottish China Educational Network, in partnership with Edinburgh University and CISS has been working in conjunction with primary schools in East Lothian to encourage the early learning of Mandarin.

The project involved native speaking students working in conjunction with class teachers to deliver Mandarin lessons to children at P1. The evaluation, carried out by Fiona Pate HMI, makes for interesting reading and provides a thoughtful and valuable insight into how native speakers can be used to enhance primary language learning.

See the report below.

Double Club German

31 October 2014 (UK-German Connection)

With Germany as the current winners of the World Cup, now has never been a better time to kick-start a programme combining football and learning German! Double Club German is an award-winning educational programme for primary and secondary pupils using Arsenal FC to show pupils that language learning can be fun! Teachers have access to a range of recently updated resources, including detailed, step-for-step teachers' notes, interactive PowerPoint presentations and a brand-new, bright and colourful pupils' workbook.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact Steve Eadon, Double Club Languages Coordinator at - expressions of interest will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Note: if organising Double Club German sessions as an after-school activity is not feasible at your school, it can also be run as an activity in lessons or during the lunch-hour.

Double Club German is a project developed and run in partnership between Arsenal FC, the Goethe-Institut London and UK-German Connection.  More information is available on the Arsenal Double Club website.

New resources now include interactive video activities with Arsenal winger and German U19 international, Serge Gnabry. The full set of videos is available to all teachers participating in Double Club: German, however two sample videos are publicly available. 


Voyage Kids: St Martin's Day special

31 October 2014 (UK-German Connection)

St. Martin's Day is fast approaching (11 November), and children throughout Germany are looking forward to making lanterns and singing songs at a traditional St. Martin's Day procession. Why not teach your pupils about these fascinating German customs with the voyage kids St. Martin's Day Special?

  • Teach your pupils how kids celebrate St. Martin's Day in Germany
  • St. Martin's Day memory game. How quickly can your pupils find the pairs? 
  • Basteln - Make a colourful St. Martin's Day lantern
  • Laterne, Laterne & Ich geh' mit meiner Laterne songs – sing along with your pupils! (featuring recordings from UK primary schools)

Access the resources on the UK-German Connection website.


European Language Portfolio (ELP)

28 October 2014 (SCILT)

Celebrate and record language learning in and out of school with the SCILT ELP. This Prezi explains how. Also check out the Prezi alongside highlighting ‘What SCILT can do for you’.


New eTwinning website

28 October 2014 (eTwinning UK)

If you’ve already been involved in eTwinning, enter the competition by 3 November 2014 to tell us how eTwinning has influenced your teaching.

For those yet to experience eTwinning, the site contains information on funding available, professional workshops and resources to help you get started and a video and case studies outlining eTwinning projects and their impact.


Vacancy: Professional Development Officer

23 October 2014 (SCILT)

SCILT urgently requires a Professional Development Officer to support primary schools as they continue to develop their strategy for the implementation of the 1+2 languages policy. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland.

The Professional Development Officer will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures for primary language learning. This would include, for example, leading professional learning workshops and managing projects, national awards/competitions and other promotional events.

For more information and an application form, visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy webpage.


The Language Ambassadors are here!

23 October 2014 (University of Strathclyde)

This year again we are offering to visit schools (Secondary or Primary) to talk about our varied experiences as language learners and try to enthuse pupils to follow in our footsteps.

Motivation, experiences abroad, transition to first year at university, job prospects, university courses…this is what we can tell you about.

Boost your young learners’ motivation, invite us in!

For more information visit the Language Ambassadors Programme webpage and to organise a visit contact:

Cédric Moreau,


Department urged to reinstate language programme at primary level

23 October 2014 (Irish Times)

Calls have been made for the Department of Education and Skills to reinstate a modern language programme at primary level that was shut down two years ago.

In a consultation document on its planned strategy on foreign languages, the department said the decision to terminate the Modern Languages in Primary School Initiative had been made “in light of concerns about curriculum overload at primary level”.


Euroquiz 2015

21 October 2014 (SEET)

The Scottish European Educational Trust runs an annual Euroquiz for P6 pupils, which sees teams of four pupils working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe. Subjects covered include history, geography, sport, culture, languages and the European Union. Heats take place in local authorities from January to March each year, with the winning team from each authority area competing in the national final, which takes place in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament in May.

Registration is now open for Euroquiz 2015!  For more information about the competition and registration, visit the SEET website.


Youngsters shine at Mod as Gaelic medium teaching goes on growing

14 October 2014 (Herald)

The growth in the number of children entering Gaelic-medium education in their first primary year is continuing, with a rise of at least 11 per cent to be confirmed for this session.


Are curriculum changes enough to get young people hooked on languages?

14 October 2014 (Guardian)

Applies to England

Compulsory languages at primary school level may be a positive step, but does it address the bigger picture?


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks

9 October 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for developing creative writing skills through the “Creative Bag of Tricks” series published on the MTOT blog. The fourth item, “I am” poems, is available to read now.


Glasgow modern languages newsletter - Autumn 2014

9 October 2014 (Glasgow City Council)

Read about the latest language activities and events which have been taking place in Glasgow's schools in the attached Autumn newsletter.

Oor Wullie has fun weys tae lairn Scots

8 October 2014 (National Library of Scotland)

A website to help primary schoolchildren learn Scots is launched today by the National Library of Scotland.

The 'Oor Wullie guide tae Scots language' site uses the famous cartoon character to get six-to 11-year-olds thinking about and using Scots words.

Several schools across Scotland worked with the Library to develop and test the learning activities, which include quizzes, a 'comic maker' and a word search.


The Shelterbox Spanish challenge

3 October 2014 (ALL)

The traditional topic of House and Home can be... dry, so the ShelterBox Spanish Challenge takes an age-appropriate look at this theme, encouraging a creative voice for year 8 Spanish students, or even year 9 beginners, through a powerful and engaging theme.

The competition brings together really useful language (vocabulary, grammar and genuine communication) and can be run at any time during the academic year before the final deadline of Wednesday 24th June, 2015. How long you and your students decide to spend on the project is entirely up to you! It really is designed to make your life as easy and effective as possible.


‘Every learner a language learner, every teacher a language teacher’

3 October 2014 (British Council)

The British Council organised an evening event on 26 September on the European Day of Languages to celebrate language diversity and language learning in UK schools.

‘Every learner a language learner, every teacher a language teacher’ featured case studies from Bordesley Green school in Birmingham and St Austin’s Primary in Liverpool on how they support MFL, CLIL, and EAL learners.

For those who were unable to attend the event, the presentations can now be viewed on YouTube.


Immersion courses in France and Spain 2015-16

3 October 2014 (LFEE)

LFEE now has course dates available in 2015 and 2016 for both primary and secondary teachers in either France or Spain.

The courses are fun and motivating and will help you implement the Scottish Government 1+2 language initiative and enhance your Professional Review and Development profile.

Funding for all courses is available through the European Union Erasmus+ Programme (formerly Comenius In-Service Training).  Please contact LFEE as soon as possible to pre-register and receive guidelines to help you apply for the Erasmus+ funding. Expected Erasmus+ application deadline: January 2015.

Full course details and how to register are available on the attached brochure or visit the LFEE website.

Along with LFEE we have other partner/cultural organisations who also offer professional learning opportunities both in Scotland and overseas.  Details can be accessed via the professional learning page on our website.


Resources for the German classroom

26 September 2014 (Goethe Institut)

Web links, teaching materials for Secondary and Primary, ideas for cross-curricular projects, films to compliment classroom teaching as well as content for Broad General Education within the context of Modern Language teaching – all this and more is listed as downloads or available online for German learners and practitioners.


Bellerin visits Spanish Double Club

26 September 2014 (Arsenal Football Club)

Hector Bellerin visited Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School in Islington to meet children studying Spanish through the Arsenal Double Club ahead of European Day of Languages on Friday.


British Council award for Bo’ness primary

22 September 2014 (Linlithgow Gazette)

A local primary school is celebrating after securing a prestigious award for making pupils aware of foreign cultures.

The International School Award from the British Council is a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding work in international education. Bo’ness Public Primary School pupils worked with children in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Kenya.

They also held an international education day where they learned about other cultures.



19 September 2014 (GrowStoryGrow)

Every year, to help celebrate the European Day of Languages, GrowStoryGrow opens up its site allowing children all over the world to experience over a hundred enchanting stories, in several different languages, for free.

This year the GrowStoryGrow is free to use from 22 - 29 September 2014 and to link with this year's centenary of World War 1 there is a very poignant story about Remembrance Day.

Visit the website for further information and to access the materials.


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks

16 September 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for developing creative writing skills through the “Creative Bag of Tricks” series published on the MTOT blog. The third item, “Calligrams”, is available to read now.


Can Northern Ireland learn lessons from the world's only Manx-speaking school?

15 September 2014 (BBC News)

As you approach the front gates it is clear this is not an ordinary school. The pupils do not look twice at the camera or recording equipment; TV and radio crews are here all the time.

In the playground some of the children whisper in English. They know they should not be speaking the language, even though the school is in the very heart of the British Isles.

About 70 pupils attend Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, the world's only Manx-speaking school.  The primary school is situated in St John's village in the Isle of Man and the children are taught all their lessons solely in Manx Gaelic.


CPD Workshops for Primary School Teachers in 2014/15

11 September 2014 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running a programme of CPDs in French for Primary School teachers:

  • 10 topics covered over ten weeks, tailored to the needs of Primary School teachers
  • Suitable as a follow-up to our Beginners class or for French teachers in Primary schools
  • Thursdays, 4.15-5.45pm between 30th October 2014 and 26th March 2015.

For full programme details, visit the Alliance Française website.  Enrolment deadline: 24 October 2014.


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks

10 September 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for developing creative writing skills through the “Creative Bag of Tricks” series published on the MTOT blog. The second item, “Metaphor”, is available to read now.


Love Languages - French (resource)

10 September 2014 (Into Film)

Interactive languages resource using film to teach French in primary. This is a cross-curricular second level resource with CfE links for Technologies, Expressive Arts, Social Studies, as well as Literacy and Languages and comes with teachers' notes, activity sheets and an accompanying Powerpoint.


Progress and preparedness in primary languages

10 September 2014 (University of Reading)

The Final Report and the Executive Summary from the Nuffield Foundation funded research into the teaching of French in primary schools are now available to download. The site also contains resources, presentations and video from the Primary Languages Conference, held at University of Reading, Institute of Education on 5th June 2014.


Languages and the Christmas Truce

9 September 2014 (British Council)

Learn some new languages and all about the Christmas truce during WW1 with this activity from the Football Remembers pack.


Primary languages starter pack

9 September 2014 (British Council)

Our primary languages starter pack contains materials to support teaching of languages in UK primary schools.


Launch of Gaelic immersion course for teachers

5 September 2014 (University of Strathclyde)

Gaelic language teaching in Scotland's schools is being boosted by a University of Strathclyde training programme. The Gaelic Immersion for Teachers (GIfT) course at Strathclyde offers qualified teachers who have learned Gaelic to intermediate level the chance to become fluent speakers of the language and learn the specialist skills needed for working in Gaelic medium classrooms.


Related Links

Teachers to start Gaelic course (Evening Times, 6 September 2014)

Scholarships for teacher training in Germany

8 September 2014 (Goethe-Institut)

Every year the Goethe-Institut offers an attractive range of residential training and language courses for teachers of German (specialists and non-specialists) as well as teacher trainers.

Courses include: 

  • Language Courses (2 or 4 weeks) 
  • Landeskunde (1 to 3 weeks) 
  • Methodology/Teaching Strategies (2 to 4 weeks) 
  • Courses for Teacher Trainers (1 or 2 weeks)

Scholarships are available from the Goethe-Institut.  For full details and to apply by 15 October 2014 visit their website.


Chinese mid-Autumn Festival - primary education pack

5 September 2014 (British Council)

The Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is the second most important festival in the Chinese lunar calendar after Chinese New Year. This year the festival will fall on 8 September. To tie in with the festival, our education pack helps primary schools across the UK explore Chinese culture and language.


Language teaching help announced for teachers

5 September 2014 (BBC News)

A network of foreign language teaching hubs is to be set up across England to boost the language skills of teachers. It follows fears that many teachers do not have the skills to implement the new curriculum which requires foreign language teaching in primary schools.


Eurotoolbox 2014-15

4 September 2014 (Goethe-Institut London)

The Eurotoolbox consists of 5 specially chosen collections of children's and youth literature from Europe in the original language - German, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian, with between 12 and 15 books in each language.

The exhibition of books is free to borrow for 2-4 weeks at a time and is available from September.

Visit the Eurotoolbox launch webpage for more information about the collections and contact Mariella Riccobono at the Italian Cultural Institute to arrange a booking slot: 


Voyage Kids - back to school special

3 September 2014 (UK-German Connection)

Why not start the new school year by teaching your pupils all about school life in Germany with the 'voyage kids' Back to School special? If you're feeling creative, you could even get started the German way by making 'Schultüten', using our handy step-by-step instructions!

The Back to School Special includes:

  • Find out: A typical school day in Germany 
  • Basteln: Make a Schultüte! 
  • Memory game: How quickly can your pupils find the matching pairs? 
  • 'School words' quizzes

If you're busy planning lessons, you might be interested in our calendar of features, which gives you a 'heads up' about forthcoming seasonal and topical specials on voyage kids.


Kids, Eat Your Verts - Languages Are Good For You

3 September 2014 (Huffington Post)

As we dumped a bucket over my daughter's head on Monday, we noticed the only thing that's squeezing the Ice Bucket Challenge out of social media timelines this week...

Across the country, proud parents have been posting pictures of their newly uniformed kids, posing with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, on the morning of their first day at a new school - my son started his today.

And, this time round, the start of the new school year brings with it a potentially life-changing new development: from now on, primary school children over the age of seven will have to learn a foreign language. Zut alors!


Primary school language lessons not translating to secondaries

2 September 2014 (The Guardian)

Lack of co-ordination between primary schools means secondary pupils can start with totally different linguistic skills.


Japanese teaching resources

1 September 2014 (Japan Foundation)

The Japan Foundation has released two new resources for teaching Japanese - the Japanese Taster Lesson Sample Activity Pack, and the JFL Scheme of Work for Primary Schools. These resources are absolutely free to download and use straight away!

You can find out more about the resources on the Japan Foundation website.


Five-year-olds to be taught computer programming and foreign languages

1 September 2014 (The Telegraph)

(Relates to England) Primary school children will be given compulsory lessons in computer coding and foreign languages under a new national curriculum introduced for the first time this week.


Opportunities for schools with Germany

28 August 2014 (UK-German Connection)

UK-German Connection has a number of current and upcoming opportunities for activities with Germany this term:

  • Host a teacher from Germany - application deadline 19 September 2014.
  • First World War Centenary - call on 020 7824 1570 for information on funding available for thematic UK-German learning activities around the First World War.
  • Funding for UK-German activities - the next deadline for grants for UK-German activities is 31 October 2014.
  • The Bears Project - teddies, Alex and Ben, bring a fun and accessible international dimension to the primary school classroom!
  • FLA Ambassadors network - if you have a language assistant from Germany in your school this year, then do encourage them to apply to be an FLA Ambassador. They can apply for funding to run a small project.  Application deadline 20 October 2014.

You can also find an overview of all deadlines for UK-German activity in 2014-15 on the website.


European Day of Languages 2014 - SCILT webpage now live

22 August 2014 (SCILT)

Each year September 26th marks the European Day of Languages (EDL). It's all about finding ways to get people in schools, colleges and the wider community excited about languages. How you celebrate is up to you!

SCILT has launched the European Day of Languages 2014 webpage where you can finds lots of ideas for how your school can celebrate. You can also order EDL materials for your school like posters, stickers and pens.

Let us know how you celebrate, and you could even feature in our EDL 2014 blog!


P2-P7 Primary Language Learning framework

19 August 2014 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland has published the Primary Language Learning framework for P2-P7. This part of the framework complements the P1 guidance issued in December 2013.

The framework contains advice and support for practitioners who are introducing, or planning to introduce the teaching of a modern language from P1-P7. It contains learning maps to aid planning for teaching the first modern language (L2) as well as an overview of the essential Knowledge about Language required for children to progress in their language learning. There are film clips of primary language teaching, sound files of useful classroom language, progression grids and useful web links to support practitioners in their preparation and delivery of a contextualised modern language experience.


Related Links

A link to the Education Scotland guidance materials can also be found on SCILT's 'Essentials for Planning in Primary' webpage.

German Language Adventure at the Goethe-Institut Glasgow - register now!

19 August 2014 (Goethe-Institut)

The motivational game, suitable for P7 to S3 pupils, enables classes to discover German culture and language through a series of interactive challenges.  Teachers now have the opportunity to visit the Goethe-Institut with their class and tackle the German Language Adventure.

New bookings are now invited for dates from 20 September onwards.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information and to see what previous participants have said about the project.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2014 - new competition for Glasgow schools

19 August 2014 (SCILT)

Schools in Glasgow have been sent an email inviting them to enter the new multilingual poetry competition, Mother Tongue Other Tongue. The competition celebrates the diversity of cultures and languages spoken and learned by young people at school and at home and invites young people to be creative and find their own voice through poetry, lullabies, rap or songs. Full details are available on our website


1+2 Pilot Schools: planning and materials published

13 August 2014 (SCILT)

New to the 1+2 section of our website is the ‘Planning and materials from pilot schools’ page. Here you will find a selection of plans and resources, many with sound files, that were created and/or used by 4 of the primary schools during their 1+2 pilot project. 

All documents and presentations can be downloaded, used and adapted to kickstart or refresh your school’s primary language learning (PLL).

Each pilot project had a different aim and was supported by SCILT and Education Scotland differently, in order to best meet the school’s needs. To find out more details about all ten 1+2 pilot projects read the 1+2 pilot evaluations.

COMING SOON: Key messages from the pilot schools from the 2014 1+2 Learning Events.


French courses for Autumn 2014

1 August 2014 (Institut français)

The Institut français d’Ecosse is offering a range of French courses for both teachers and pupils starting in September 2014.  Follow the appropriate links below for full details:


East Lothian pupils learn Chinese

20 June 2014 (Bilingualism Matters)

If you live in East Lothian, chances are that in a primary school near you is a group of pupils who love nothing better than running around the playground singing “happy Birthday to you” in Chinese.

On 12 June, over 400 primary school pupils, teachers and parents gathered in Musselburgh to celebrate the hugely successful Early Learning of Chinese project . There was singing, traditional Chinese dancing, and even a Chinese version of the hokey-cokey – no mean feat!


Foreign language learning in primary schools – Scottish Parliament enquiry

19 June 2014 (Scottish Parliament)

The European and External Relations Committee will meet on 26 June 2014 and receive a report from Scottish Government on the learning of foreign languages in primary schools.

To read the report, open this PDF Meeting Agenda and scroll down to Annexe C (p16).


Primary languages: How our partners and supporters can help

19 June 2014 (British Council)

We have compiled resources and opportunities from professional development courses to online libraries and free teaching materials. Visit the Schools Online website and select a language or organisation to find out more.


Glasgow Modern Languages Summer 2014 Newsletter

19 June 2014 (Glasgow City Council)

Take a look at all the stimulating articles about Glasgow schools' languages projects in the attached newsletter.

At least 1.1m pupils speak English as a second language

12 June 2014 (The Telegraph)

The number of schoolchildren speaking English as a second language has soared by a third in just five years amid fresh concerns that immigration may be putting a strain on the education system.

Official figures show that the number of pupils who speak another language in the home exceeded 1.1 million for the first time this year.

The proportion of non-native speakers in primary schools has now reached almost one-in-five following a year-on-year increase over the last decade.


Related Links

More primary pupils speak a foreign tongue (The Times, 13 June 2014)

Spanish Primary Teacher Training Seminars in Spain

12 June 2014 (Consejería de Educación)

The Regional Government of Castilla y León (Spain), in cooperation with Instituto Español Murallas de Ávila (IEMA), an organisation which promotes Spanish Language and Culture in Ávila, Spain, invites British Primary School teachers of Spanish to participate in one of their Spanish Teacher Training Seminars in the World Heritage City of Ávila, Spain. Scholarships are available.

For more information please contact IEMA School director: Dr. Rainer Rutkowski. Telephone 0034-920 222 773 or visit the IEMA website.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2014

12 June 2014 (SCILT)

On Wednesday 28th of May, poets and young people from Glasgow schools celebrated the launch of the Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition at the University of Strathclyde. SCILT is running the pilot competition for Glasgow schools from the start of the 2014-15 session. Take a look at the highlights of the launch event on our website and find out more about the competition and how your school can take part. Invitations to register in MTOT will be issued to schools throughout Glasgow in August so make sure you get involved!


New FLAME website

10 June 2014 (ALL)

FLAME is an initiative led by the Association for Language Learning to support the integration of language learning with other curriculum subjects. They hope that the initiative will increase the number of primary and secondary schools that combine subject and language teaching, and that in this way help to transform the quality of language learning in schools. It’s called FLAME Plus and includes information about FLAME and links to cross-curricular primary resources.


German language courses for primary teachers

5 June 2014 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut Glasgow has a number of exciting programmes to support teachers in delivering the Scottish Government's initiative of enabling pupils in Scotland to learn two languages in addition to their mother tongue by 2020.

Two specially tailored language courses – locally and in Germany - offer a first step for teachers in the PRIMARY sector, who are keen to embrace and contribute to the new developments with confidence.  Follow the links below to find out more about each course and to secure your place:

Other support also available to language teachers:

  • The German Language Adventure – the popular motivation game for pupils and teachers – will be on offer in the new term throughout Scotland
  • Film resources and screenings for all age groups at the Goethe-Institut and your local cinema will sharpen cultural awareness and classroom practice will be enhanced by our resources and CPD seminars

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for a full listing of events, resources and professional development opportunities.


Strictly 1,000 Words competition

2 June 2014 (Language Show Live / Speak to the Future)

Strictly 1,000 Words is a national competition for language learners in schools, universities and language enthusiasts everywhere to produce a short video containing no more than 1,000 words in another language. Videos must be no more than 2 minutes long and contain up to 1,000 words in another language.

See the website for entry criteria. Deadline for applications is 11 July 2014.


TES Languages Week: 2 - 6 June 2014

29 May 2014 (TES)

Applies to English curriculum

Between 2 and 6 June, we'll be bringing you Languages Week, celebrating all things MFL and looking at the changes to the national curriculum for primary and secondary and giving you blogs, live chats and resource recommendations to help you make the transition from September.

Ahead of the week, why not have a read of the national curriculum chats that have been led by our languages adviser, Rachel Hawkes over the past few months. You can also head over to our languages forum, where you can join fellow teachers discussing all things MFL.


Anger as no primary slot available for Gaelic nursery boy

27 May 2014 (The Evening Times)

Parents who sent their son to a Gaelic nursery have slammed city education bosses for denying him a place at Gaelic primary school.

Christine and Iain Agnew are keen to support Scotland's language and so sent son Archie to a Gaelic nursery school in Anniesland. But the four-year-old has now been denied a place at Glasgow Gaelic School.

Christine, 39, said: "My son has been going to a Gaelic nursery for the past two years. "To get into the Gaelic school they say you have to show commitment to the language. Well, I'm not sure how else I could have shown that commitment. We haven't been given a straight answer as to why Archie has been refused a place and I would really like the council to reconsider."

Christine, from Clydebank, said she has lodged an appeal, as have two other mums who are in a similar position. But she believes there should be enough primary provision in the city to accommodate all children who are in the city's Gaelic nurseries.


Related Links

Gaelic is part of Scotland's heritage (Evening Times, 29 May 2014)

High Five French now available

23 May 2014 (Radio Lingua)

Radio Lingua is delighted to announce that their new resource for primary French learners is now available. High Five French is a collection of video and audio resources featuring Scottish learner Emma and French native speaker Mathilde in a colourful, interactive and engaging format. The resource includes challenge activities, worksheets and teachers' notes with background information, cultural references and classroom ideas. Find out more at the Radio Lingua Schools website.


How are primary schools preparing to teach languages?

20 May 2014 (The Guardian)

(Relates to England) From linking up with local secondaries to international collaborations, primary schools are busy getting the right resources in place.


School records bilingual fairytales

19 May 2014 (Portsmouth News)

Bilingual children celebrated their talents by taking part in a unique storytelling project with their parents. Ranvilles Infant School in Fareham organised a project to support children who speak a second language. Children and parents have been working to retell the stories in both English and their first language. A local artist then helped create a storyboard of the two tales, which children across the school helped to design.


The Japan Webpage Contest for Schools 2014-15 - coming soon!

19 May 2014 (Japan Foundation)

The Japan Webpage Contest for Schools will be running again this 2014-15, and will be open for bookings soon!

We know that many schools are teaching Japanese or doing other projects about Japan, and we want to hear more about it. This contest is open to any UK primary or secondary school that is teaching Japanese or doing any kind of project related to Japan. Your school does not need to be teaching Japanese to enter the contest. To enter the contest, all you need to do is make a simple webpage about the work that your school is doing with Japanese or Japan. This could be a blog, a wiki, or a page that's part of your school's website. We hope to start announcing other details, including prizes and dates for the Award Ceremony, very soon! For information about the previous contests, including links to the amazing websites entered, please visit the official Japan Webpage Contest for Schools website.


e-Stòras, a new resource for Gaelic Medium Education

19 May 2014 (Comhairle nan Eilean Siar)

The Multimedia Unit of the Education and Children’s Services Department of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has developed a new website to support 3-18 Gaelic Medium Education. Resources support Gàidhlig as well as a range of other curricular areas. The website is being continuously updated with new materials to enhance young people’s learning opportunities through the medium of Gaelic.  For more information, visit the website or contact


Our pupils have 63 first languages and our lessons have to reflect that

16 May 2014 (Guardian)

Diverse backgrounds are a huge strength, says primary school teacher Alex Lee. But it's important gifted students aren't neglected in the focus on English skills.


Modern languages competition 2014

16 May 2014 (SALT)

For this year’s competition you are invited to design a poster, slide presentation or short video with pictures and text on the subject ‘FESTIVALS‘. Entry is open to any individual pupil/student or group of pupils/students in any Scottish school. The use of a language other than English must feature on the entry.  The closing date for submissions is 20 June.

Visit the SALT website for full details.


The b small Young Linguist of the Year Award 2014

14 May 2014 (bsmall publishing)

The b small Young Language Learner of the Year Award is open to all children in the UK aged 6 - 11 years and will run throughout the spring and summer terms. Children can enter their stories in French, Spanish, German, Italian, or, for the first time this year, Mandarin.

You can enter in one of two categories according to your age: 6-9 years or 9-11 years. We have included nine year olds in both categories in case you want to enter with your class.

Closing date for entries is 2 June 2014.


Euroquiz 2014 winners!

13 May 2014 (SEET)

Congratulations to the Euroquiz team from Crossford Primary school in Dunfermline who won the Scottish European Educational Trust’s National Euroquiz Final, which took place in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament yesterday (12th May 2014).

Team members Lewis Mackintosh, Matthew Twaddle, Ben Knowles and Blair Kerr came out on top with their fingers on the buzzers. They won against Crown Primary School, who were defending last year’s Highland title, in a close run final round. Allan’s Primary School in Stirling also did excellently, coming in at third place.

Download the attached press release for more information or visit the SEET website where you can view a recording of the event.


Related Files

Related Links

Photos from the Euroquiz 2014 final (Scottish Parliament, 13 May 2014)

Using Skype in the primary language classroom

12 May 2014 (eTwinning)

Diana Linford, French teacher at Eastburn Junior and Infant School and Steeton Primary School, not only gained a national Quality Label but scooped the ‘Creative Language Learning’ prize at the 2013 eTwinning Conference in the UK.

Her eTwinning project used Skype in the primary classroom to enable effective communications between pupils at Eastburn (near Keighley, Yorkshire) and l’Ecole de Vouillers (Champagne-Ardennes, France).

Diana Linford gives us her account of how she created such an innovative project with Magali Grapton from her French partner school.


Football remembers the 1914 Christmas truce

9 May 2014 (British Council)

An education pack from the British Council is launching today to commemorate the truce. The pack contains accounts from soldiers from Germany, France, Belgium and India who were there in 1914 and wrote about what they had seen.

There is a section of the pack with resources in French and German that can be used to support MFL teaching, as well as video material in those languages

The pack acts as preparation for a mass participation call to action in December 2014 when clubs at every level of the game in the UK (and beyond we hope) will play matches to commemorate the Truce.

We hope that schools will select from these activities, adapt the suggestions and resources for their own use and for use with partner schools, and join in this special Centenary event.


Euroquiz 2014 final - 12 May

8 May 2014 (SEET)

The Euroquiz final will take place on 12 May 2014 in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.  31 teams, from primary school across Scotland, have won coveted places in the grand final of the Scottish European Educational Trust's Euroquiz, sponsored by the European Parliament.

Over 1700 pupils from 425 schools have taken part in the local heats between January and April this year, and the winning teams from each of them will now compete in the final.

Euroquiz is a competition for Primary 6 pupils, which encourages them to develop their knowledge about Europe and the European Union. It also helps build on their core skills through communication and teamwork. Questions are asked on history, geography current affairs, culture, languages, sport and the European Union. This is the seventh year the Euroquiz has been held in the Scottish Parliament, and this year’s event is sponsored by the European Parliament and the Scottish Government.

The pupils, representing 31 of Scotland’s local authority areas, take part in 3 rounds. This year’s event includes a language round which we developed with SCILT. The questions test the pupils’ knowledge of French, German and Spanish. The top two teams then go head to head in the fourth and final round.

You can support your local team, or even take the quiz yourself, by watching the event live at:

Tune in for a 1pm start!


SCA Primary Schools Competition 2014

6 May 2014 (SCEN)

The Scotland-China Association Primary Schools Competition 2014, incorporating the Tom Murray Memorial Prize and sponsored by the Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools, aims to stimulate interest in Chinese culture amongst primary school children in Scotland.

The subject of the 2014 competition is 'Festivals celebrated in China'. 

Children are encouraged to explore Chinese culture and to enjoy expressing what they learn.

There are three categories for entries - P1-3, P4-5, and P6-7. Entries can be in one of the following formats :

  • written work
  • two- or three-dimensional work (up to A2 or 40cm x 40cm x 40cm respectively)
  • video or DVD

Closing date for entries is 6 June 2014.

See the attached flyer for more information or visit the SCEN website for further details of the competition and how to enter.


Related Files

“Mother Tongue Other Tongue” Poet Laureate Education Project Coming Soon to Glasgow!

2 May 2014 (SCILT)

From August 2014, SCILT will be piloting the inspiring multi-lingual poetry competition and Poet Laureate Education Project, Mother Tongue Other Tongue, in Glasgow schools. If you are a teacher in a Glasgow primary or secondary school who is looking for a creative way to motivate language learning and celebrate all the languages spoken by your learners, go to our webpage to read more about what MTOT can offer you.


SCILT’s Junior European Language Portfolio available for download now!

2 May 2014 (SCILT)

Are you looking for innovative ways to:

  • encourage your learners to reflect on and take responsibility for their learning? 
  • celebrate wider language and intercultural learning experiences?
  • ease transition between stages and sectors?

SCILT has become the first organisation in Scotland to successfully register a European Language Portfolio(ELP) with the Council of Europe. Visit our webpage for more information on how you can start using the ELP with your learners now!

Please hit 'Control' and F5 simultaneously to ensure you are viewing the most up-to-date version of these pages.


Musical language lessons for school singers

1 May 2014 (ITV News)

Hundreds of children from schools across the North East have been taking part in a Eurovision-style Song Contest.

The event, at the Gala Theatre in Durham, was aimed at improving their language skills.

Around 400 children from 27 schools are singing in languages from Lithuanian to Spanish, Polish to Norwegian.


German IT Competition: Digital Days - Reisefieber

29 April 2014 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut London invites German teachers and their pupils to take part in this unique competition series requiring language and computer skills alike! Fun and steep learning curves are guaranteed when you take on one of these tasks:

  • Watching a video animation clip to solve a German city puzzle
  • Doing a digital treasure hunt about Germany’s UNESCO sites
  • Taking part in a sports commentary reading competition by recording or filming your class/group (texts will be provided)
  • Completing your own German comic inventing a funny storyboard
  • Using your own creativity to write an e-postcard
  • Doing the sound recording for the Felix & Franzi-Reise animation clip and come up with creative German dialogues
  • Special: Finding German traces in your neighbourhood and present them

… and all you need is a computer.

Seven categories for different levels of language skills are provided. Primary teachers and secondary teachers can choose which competition they think suits their students’ best.

Please register by sending a registration form to by 20th May 2014 and you will be sent a USB-stick. All the categories are explained and the relevant materials are provided. The materials are also suitable for work offline.

Visit the Goethe-Institut London website for full details and the registration form.


UK’s young people to benefit from €1 billion Erasmus+ fund

28 April 2014 (British Council)

The European Commission has announced it will make available almost €1 billion over seven years to help people in the UK to gain crucial international skills under the new Erasmus+ programme, managed in the UK by the British Council and Ecorys.

Hundreds of thousands of young people in the UK will be able to access the new programme over the next seven years in order to study, train, gain work experience and volunteer across the EU and further afield.

More than 30,000 young people per year – the equivalent of over 70 fully-laden jumbo jets – are expected to gain opportunities to expand their horizons under the programme. This represents a 50 per cent increase on the number of UK young people receiving grants compared with the EU’s previous Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action programmes, which Erasmus+ will replace.


Related Links

Erasmus+ launches across Europe (The Pie News, 30 April 2014)

Language World 2014: ALL Joined Up - catch up on what you missed!

22 April 2014 (ALL)

Language World is the annual flagship event of ALL, with two days of professional development for teachers, the largest UK exhibition of language teaching resources directly aimed at teachers, a social event, and a chance for teachers from all over the country to meet up with their subject community to celebrate language teaching and learning.

Language World 2014 took place last week at the University of Lancaster, and our theme this year was All Joined Up. The conference focussed on the need for teachers across sectors to work with one another to make language learning from age 7 onwards exciting, meaningful and successful. This year’s successful event showcased valuable and inspiring work which language teachers and language teaching professionals could learn from and use in their own practice.

If you didn't get the opportunity to join us this year, don't worry - we don't want anyone feeling left out! Speakers presentations and handouts are available through the link below.


Call for more language learning in primary schools

9 April 2014 (BBC News)

Primary schoolchildren in Wales should be taught in three languages, according to Plaid Cymru.
The party has launched a paper examining a European model where learning multiple languages from an early age is normal. The paper also looks at ways to improve the teaching of the Welsh language.

Plaid education spokesperson Simon Thomas said employers have highlighted modern foreign languages as a skills gap.


How ICT can connect children from around the world

8 April 2014 (British Council blog)

How can ICT help children learn about people from other cultures? Teacher Wilma Gordon has this week won an eTwinning European prize for an online school project which joined together primary school pupils from around Europe. Here, she explains the benefits of using ICT in the classroom and tells us about some useful tools.


Related Links

Do you believe in European Identity? They did (eTwinning, 9 April 2014) This Thursday (8th April 2014) students and teachers involved in eTwinning projects were in Palais des Academies where the award ceremony of 6 winning projects (out of 300) took place. See the full blog of the eTwinning Prize event, 2014, including the Special Project winners of the Mevlana Prize for Intercultural Understanding – Winner project: e-cultural Kaleidoscope, a collaboration involving Mid Calder Primary.

Gaelic Poetry Competition....!

8 April 2014 (Creative Scotland)

Struileag has launched a major new poetry competition, giving you the chance to win great prizes!

Struileag is a multi-faceted project, creating a live stage event to be performed during the Glasgow Commonwealth Games as part of the year of Homecoming, an interactive story-telling website, a TV programme, a book, a CD album and many other exciting elements, such as this competition!

Poems must be in Scottish Gaelic, be unpublished and under 50 lines in length. The deadline for entry is the 17th of May.

For full details visit the Creative Scotland website.


Madrid visits for primary and secondary schools doing an exchange project

4 April 2014 (Consejería de Educación)

The Education Authorities of the Regional Government of Madrid offer the possibility of hosting students and teachers from domestic and overseas schools wanting to do an exchange project with a Spanish school in the Madrid Region.

Levels. Primary and Secondary school.
Groups. 15 to 50 students.

Accommodation. 2 possibilities: in hosting families or at the CIE, Centro de Intercambios Escolares (School Exchange Hostel).

The prices of the CIE, including lodging and 3 meals, are as follows:

  • 6 nights / 7 days: 145 Euros per person.
  • 5 nights / 6 days: 110 Euros per person.

Deadline to apply: 25th April.

Should you want to find a partner school in Spain, please email

Find more information in the attached file.

Related Files

Felix and Franzi Songs now available

2 April 2014 (Goethe-Institut)

The songs and lyrics accompanying the Felix and Franzi primary materials are now available as a free download from our website. There is also an appendix available providing further information and materials such as flashcards, cultural tips as well as explanations on grammar and sounds.


Rencontres Théâtrales 2014

4 April 2014 (Institut français)

The Institut français d’Ecosse is organising the Rencontres théâtrales on 12 June in Glasgow.

Please register your school before 30 April 2014.

Download the attached registration form or visit the Institut français website for more information.


Related Files

Mid Calder Primary School scoops an eTwinning European Prize

2 April 2014 (eTwinning)

Next week, Wilma Gordon (Mid Calder Primary School in Scotland) will be travelling to Brussels, joining 150 teachers and pupils from across Europe, to pick up an eTwinning European prize.
‘eCultural Kaleidoscope’ has won the Mevlana Prize for Intercultural Understanding (Sponsored by the eTwinning National Support Service of Turkey).

This is a huge achievement and down to the sheer dedication of pupils and teachers involved in the partnership. Wilma tells us all about her involvement in eTwinning as well as the award winning project.


Glasgow Schools Modern Languages Newsletter

31 March 2014 (Glasgow City Council)

The latest Modern Languages Newsletter from Glasgow schools has been published. This issue contains: 

  • Interdisciplinary Projects at Celtic Learning Centre
  • Eurozone Crisis IP at Bellahouston Academy
  • Louis Pasteaur languages / science project
  • Euroquiz 2014 in Thornwood Primary
  • Bannerman High's Chinese events
  • Italian events at St Charles' Primary

Paques en France (resource)

27 March 2014 (Institut français)

Did you know ther is no easter bunny in France, but a lot of flying bells which bring Easter eggs to the French children? Discover through this free ressource online for P5-P7 the tradition of "Paques en France" with your class.


French course for primary school teachers at beginner level

27 March 2014 (Institut français)

The Institut francais in Edinburgh will be running a new French course for primary school teachers at a beginner/post beginner level on Wednesdays from 23 April to 25 June 2014. Please register by 11 April 2014.

Visit the Institut français website for full details.


The Voyage: Easter Special

27 March 2014 (UK-German Connection)

The voyage Easter special will be online from 31 March, featuring quizzes, articles and recipes on Easter in Germany and the UK - read about the Ostereiersuche and Osterfeuer, and try your hand at making an Osterzopf!

Easter in Germany 

Ostern in Großbritannien


Extending listening sticks (primary resource)

25 March 2014 (Primary Language Learning Today)

The blog outlines the use of “Listening Sticks” and how these could be used to encourage children to practise listening and responding for key information. The sticks can contain any core language you have been practising.


Language learning in primary and secondary schools in England

25 March 2014 (CfBT)

Based upon the findings from the 2013/14 Language Trends survey, this report assesses the state of language teaching in English primary and secondary schools.


Apply now for a Language Assistant. Bring language and culture alive with a native speaker in the classroom

20 March 2014 (British Council)

Support implementation of the 1 + 2 languages policy by hosting a Language Assistant in your school.

The British Council team is on hand at every step and our dedicated online support offers everything you need to get your pupils’ learning experience off to a great start. Our free service includes careful selection of the best candidate to suit your school, guidance on administration and training courses for Language Assistants.

How can Language Assistants help?

Their responsibilities can be tailored to suit your school’s requirements. Assistants can support the teaching of a first (L2) or a second (L3) modern language by:

  • supporting teachers’ language acquisition and improving their cultural knowledge
  • developing lesson plans and delivering classes on topics to complement different subject areas
  • running extra-curricular activities for additional support (e.g. lunch time clubs)
  • working across different areas of the Curriculum for Excellence to develop projects based on cultural themes
  • setting up an international partnership with a school overseas.

Where are they from?

Assistants are native-level speakers of French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Russian. They come from 15 countries in Europe and beyond.

You can also apply for a Chinese Language Assistant for free (by 31 January) or at a heavily subsidised rate (by 28 March). They  work from mid-September 2014 to 26 June 2015.

What do I do next?

Visit our website to find out more about the programme and apply. If you are a local authority school, your local authority should apply on your behalf.

Contact the Languags Assistants programme directly:

You can also read an assistant’s blog on her experience of teaching French in an Angus primary school.

Articulate Language Camps 2014

20 March 2014 (Articulate Language Camps)

Articulate Language Camps are back for summer 2014. There is something for everyone with their range of summer camps bringing foreign language to life, bringing together language learners from all over Europe and engaging children through digital media projects and outdoor adventure sport.

  • Launch Camp is our two-day camp (for ages 7-12) which gives children an authentic summer camp experience without them being away from home for too long. Our team of young teachers and experienced ‘mums’ make sure everyone feels safe and cared for with a 1:4 adult to child ratio.
  • International Camp brings together young people (aged 13-17) from all over the world so that they can make friends and learn from young native speakers of the language they are studying.

Visit the Articulate Language Camps website for more information.


Languages on Screen

19 March 2014 (Languages on Screen)

Languages on Screen is an exciting new educational resource that puts French, German, Spanish and Italian - and soon Gaelic, short films online for free download and use in schools across Scotland. With a Glow username and password you have free access to these educational resources - you simply login to this site via Glow. If you don’t have a login you can request one via the website.


Welsh pupils disadvantaged by lack of foreign language options

15 March 2014 (Guardian)

Decision to scrap languages from Welsh Baccalaureate will disadvantage Welsh economy and culture, ministers told.


Into Film

13 March 2014 (Into Film)

Into Film seeks to put film at the heart of children and young people's learning, contributing to their cultural, creative and personal development. Our UK-wide programme of learning through and about film provides 5-19 year olds with unparalleled opportunities to see, think, make and imagine. Visit our website for details of the free resources and opportunities available in your area to support all curriculum areas.


Les timbrés de l'orthographe spelling competition

13 March 2014 (Alliance Française)

Test your level of French by participating in an international competition, "les Timbrés de l’orthographe" !

Organised by the Fondation Alliance Française and les Éditions de l’Opportun, an international spelling competition will take place on Saturday 5th April at 2pm at the Alliance Française de Glasgow. Test your abilities in French with a spelling bee and try to win a one-week trip Paris to attend the final!

This competition will be divided into two categories - Francophone and non-Francophone participants - and is open to anyone aged 8 years and over.

You must register in advance if you wish to take part in this competition; the deadline is Wednesday 2nd April.   Visit the Alliance Française website for full details.


German Educational Trainees Across Borders 2014

13 March 2014 (SCILT)

Does your school teach German? Would you like to enhance the German learning experience for your pupils?

SCILT and the German Consulate General have sent local authorities in Scotland an invitation to host a German student teacher for a six month placement in primary or secondary schools.

If you think that your learners would benefit from regular contact with a native speaker, please speak to the person in your LA with responsibility for Modern Languages. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 30th April.

For further information, please email

Young Language Learner of the Year 2014

12 March 2014 (b small)

Calling all promising 6 - 11 year old linguists!

The b small Young Language Learner of the Year Award, supported by Little Linguist, is open to all children in the UK aged 6 - 11 years and will run until 2nd June '14.

Children are invited to submit a simple story or cartoon strip in French, Spanish, German, Italian, or, for the first time this year, Mandarin. We're looking for simple, illustrated stories that will engage and inspire young language learners.

The winning entry will be made into an e-book and the lucky winner will win a library of £100 of b-small language titles for their school.


Related Links

Visit the main b small Little Linguist website for information on last year's winners.

Junior Language Challenge 2014

12 March 2014 (Eurotalk)

The Junior Language Challenge is an annual competition for primary school age children across the UK. Its goal is to encourage under-elevens and help them feel confident in their ability to learn any language, not just one, and not just those traditionally covered in the classroom.

This year's competition will launch on Thursday 20th March at the Education Show in Birmingham.
The first round language this year will be Italian, but we will be also offering Dutch as an alternative language for those children who already learn or speak Italian.

If you'd like to know more please visit the website or email us at


Early start to French & how children learn their own and other languages from an early age - Resources from EduTalk available

28 February 2014 (EduTalk)

Maryse Payen-Roy is part of the Modern Languages Support and Development Team at Glasgow City Council. In this show, Maryse talks about her professional learning and research, the 1+2 languages policy, the work of SALT and SCILT, and the focus of this episode: ‘Early start to French & How children learn their own and other languages from an early age’.

Listen again to this podcast and access the resources from the above CLPL session.


LEAP: funded professional development courses 2014

21 February 2014 (LEAP)

Take advantage of funding opportunities to improve learning and teaching while expanding the European Dimension in your curriculum!

Language Education And Partnerships (LEAP) offers a range of professional development courses for staff in primary, secondary, further and adult education. Their courses focus on the development of Learning & Teaching within the delivery and development of languages.  Courses are available in France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

These immersion courses, which can be funded through the new Erasmus+ programme, are purposefully designed to enhance teaching practice while further developing language skills and intercultural understanding as a tool for generating original resources.

The deadline for funding applications is 17 March 2014, in respect of courses starting from 01 July 2014. Visit the LEAP website for more information, or simply contact the team on 01922 724993 or email


Erasmus+ French immersion courses for teachers

20 February 2014 (Institut français)

Primary and secondary teachers in Scotland are lucky as they have a great choice for immersion courses in France. Here is a selection of immersion courses specially designed for teachers. These courses are run by organisations which are accredited by the French Ministry of Education and are easy to recognise as they have the "label Qualite FLE".

Funding for all these courses is available through the new European Erasmus+ programme. Successful applicants will receive funding which covers all expenses - course tuition fee, accommodation, subsistence and travel.

See the attached spreadsheet for details of the courses available and how to apply.

French course for Primary school teachers at beginner level

20 February 2014 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running a new French course for primary school teachers at a beginner/false beginner level. 

  • 20 hours over 10 weeks tailored to the needs of primary schools teachers (classroom and speaking activities, pronunciation, communication, confidence) 
  • Thursdays, 3.45-5.45pm 
  • 6 March to 22 May 2014 (incl. No classes on 10th and 17th April) 

The cost to attend this course is £80 (please note this is a special fee offered by the Alliance Française Glasgow to promote modern languages).

Places are limited so early booking is recommended.

If you wish to enrol for this course, please contact or visit the Language Office at the Alliance Française by Friday 28th February 2014.

Venue and contact:

  • Alliance Française de Glasgow- 3 Park Circus - G3 6AX - Glasgow 
  • Tel. +44 (0)141 331 4080


Introduction to iPads in the primary language classroom

18 February 2014 (Lisibo)

See the presentation shared at the #ililc4 conference last week on using iPads in the primary language classroom.  The blog also includes links to further ideas and information including lists of useful apps.


Arsenal DC Challenges - Brazil World Cup 2014

17 February 2014 (Routes into Languages (London))

This activity aims to harness the enthusiasm surrounding the Brazil 2014 World Cup and provide an ideal opportunity for your students to:

  • learn more about Brazil and the Brazilian World Cup
  • pick up some basic Portuguese
  • develop their team work and creativity whilst drawing on a range of skills across ICT, Geography, Languages, Numeracy, Art and Design and PE.


World Stories

14 February 2014 (Global Dimension)

One in eight children in the UK speaks a language other than English as their first language. This website is a growing collection of short stories, both new and traditional, from all around the world. The stories are available in English, plus their original language, and can be read and listened to online, or downloaded, all for free.


Voyage Kids - Karneval Special

11 February 2014 (UK-German Connection)

Karneval / Fasching is on its way! That's right, from 27 February to 5 March, large parts of Germany will descend into a jamboree of fancy dress, sweet-throwing and general merrymaking. Why not teach your pupils all about it with the voyage kids Karneval special?

This year's special includes an interactive 'through the telescope' feature, an online jigsaw, a quiz, and, of course, the ever-popular Karneval-esque song by a singing hairdresser! (with worksheet and PPTs to teach the vocabulary in the song).


The school teaching Chinese Mandarin

4 February 2014 (CBBC Newsround)

From September primary schools across England will have to teach foreign languages. Most students will learn European languages like French, German or Spanish - but Nel visited a school where students are learning the Chinese language Mandarin - see Nel's video report.


Promoting spontaneous speaking

3 February 2014 (TES)

Templates to make it quick and easy to include varied speaking activities in lessons. Examples are in French and German but these could be adapted to any language/key stage.

You will need a TES userid and password to access the resource.


Red tape cut for Chinese teacher visits

3 February 2014 (Herald)

Teachers heading to Scotland to promote the Chinese language will be given leave to remain in the UK for a further year after five staff were at the centre of a row.


How to celebrate the Winter Olympics - primary Spanish resource

3 February 2014 (Zapatito Ingles blog)

A selection of ideas to help celebrate the Winter Olympics with your primary Spanish learners.


How schools cope with teaching children who speak 14 different languages

31 January 2014 (Telegraph)

How the schools where nine in ten pupils do not speak English as their first language help bring their pupils up to speed.


French for bilingual children

31 January 2014 (Institut français)

In association with la petite Ecole, the Institut français offers workshops in French for children who are growing up with a bilingual background using CLIL methodlogy (learning and improving language skills through other topics like science and arts).


Japanese Language Local Project Support Programme 2014-15

29 January 2014 (Japan Foundation)

The criteria of the Japan Foundation’s Local Project Support Programme has changed for 2014-2015.  If your school is considering introducing Japanese, you might be able to take advantage of this funding programme.

Institutions can apply for up to £3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which will have a significant and wide impact on the promotion of Japanese language education throughout the UK, or in their local area. Priority is given to the following:

  • Projects with a wide impact on Japanese language education - up to £3,000 for projects that contribute widely to the maintenance and strengthening of Japanese language education, eg conferences on Japanese language education, seminars for teachers, projects to produce Japanese language teaching materials, projects by organisations working in partnership, which benefit not only the institution applying for the programme, but which have a beneficial effect on others etc. 
  • Introducing Japanese to schools or universities:
    • Up to £3,000 for projects that promote the introduction of Japanese into the curriculum (or onto the main school timetable) at primary and secondary schools. Or projects that support the introduction of Japanese language classes at university. 
      As part of our Primary Japanese Campaign, primary schools that would like to introduce Japanese as their main language in the new Key Stage 2 curriculum from September 2014, will be able to maintain their project by re-applying for funding twice for the same project. This means primary schools will be able to apply for up to a total of £9,000 over three years. 
    • Up to £1,000 for projects in primary or secondary schools that introduce Japanese as an extra-curricular activity or enrichment subject, even if this is not within the school timetable. These activities must continue for at least a year to qualify for the grant.

There will be four application deadlines for the 2014-15 programme: April 1st 2014, June 20th 2014, September 26th 2014 and November 28th 2014. This funding will last until March 2015.

For further information about the programme and the application process, visit the Japan Foundation website.


How to teach … Chinese New Year

27 January 2014 (Guardian)

From making paper lanterns to learning about the culture and language of China, Chinese New Year lends itself to many vibrant classroom activities.


A Chinese New Year story for children

27 January 2014 (GrowStoryGrow)

A video, lesson plan and resources to support this Chinese New Year story for young learners.


New P1 languages guidance adds to 1+2 strategy

24 January 2014 (TESS)

Advice on modern language teaching in P1 has been published by Education Scotland. The guidance offers tips on how to incorporate languages into the curriculum, as well as sound files of classroom vocabulary in a variety of languages. It aims to enable primary schools to continue implementing the 1+2 language strategy. Film clips of classes using their new language skills and information on training is also included in the new guidance.


Related Links

Rencontres Theatrales - drama competition for schools 2014

24 January 2014 (Institut français)

Each year the Institut français d’Ecosse organises the Rencontres théâtrales, a drama competition in French for primary and secondary schools.  This year the competition will take place on the following dates:

  • Edinburgh (24 March 2014)
  • Aberdeen (31 March 2014)
  • Glasgow (12 June 2014)

Visit the Insitut français website for further information and to register your school.  Registrations for the March events should be submitted by 31 January 2014.


Primary schools in Wales 'should teach foreign languages'

23 January 2014 (BBC News)

Primary school children in Wales should be taught foreign languages to boost the number studying them later, the National Centre for Languages has said.

Welsh government figures show a drop in pupils choosing a language at GCSE and A-level.
In 2005, 12,826 children studied a language at GCSE, but in 2014 it has fallen by a third to 8,601.

A government spokesperson said primary schools are encouraged to teach languages.

The number of teenagers studying a language at A-level has more than halved to 668 from 1,467.
A government spokesperson said they were looking at ways to improve secondary school take up.

The Welsh Conservatives said the figures were disappointing because the economy is so dependent on international links.

The National Centre for Languages (CILT Cymru) said primary school children in England and Scotland do learn a language.


Related Links

Schools science project aims to boost foreign language take-up (BBC News, 21 December 2013)

Free classroom resources for international learning

23 January 2014 (British Council)

Bring the world into your classroom.  Our new guide to international learning gives you easy access to our projects, resources and professional development courses. Whatever your current level of experience, we have a wealth of opportunities to suit you. From setting up a partnership, to running a project and achieving the International School Award, there is plenty to explore as you embark on your journey with us.

British Council Connecting Classrooms also offer grants of up to £1,500 for partnerships between schools in the UK and other countries.  Applications are currently open until 31 January 2014.


Glasgow Youth Film Festival 2014

22 January 2014 (Glasgow Film Festival)

The Glasgow Youth Film Festival 2014 runs from 31 January to 7 February 2014 and offers a programme of screenings for both primary and secondary schools, including foreign language films:


  • Le Gruffalo et le petit Gruffalo (French)
  • Sputnik (German)


  • Playground Chronicles (Chroniques d’une cour de récré) (French)
  • Sputnik (German)
  • O Apóstolo (Spanish)

Full details of all the screenings and how to book are on the Glasgow Film Festival website.


7th National Russian Essay Competition 2014

18 January 2014 (Russian Teachers’ Group UK (RTG))

Students learning Russian in schools, colleges and universities in the UK, as well as heritage learners from Russian-speaking families and adult learners, are invited to take part in the 7th National Russian Essay Competition. This is a high-profile event which will give your students a chance to win great prizes including cash (1st prize - £100) and see their essays published on-line! It is a great opportunity for students to be creative, compete nationwide with their peers and raise the profile of Russian. The deadline for submitting entries is 11 March 2014. Judges will review the entries in March and April, and winners will be announced by 30 April 2014.


Edinburgh Zoo and SCILT's short story competition

17 January 2014 (Edinburgh Zoo/SCILT)

Open to any P5-P7 pupils who have studied Chinese culture and/or some Chinese. 

A little reminder that the short story competition deadline is 31st January 2014.

Please do support this competition. The winning entry will be presented to the Chinese Consulate. Also the story will be translated (or subtitles added to a video etc) into Chinese and Gaelic. In addition there will be a small token prize for the group or class from Edinburgh Zoo.

Please remember that the story is a class entry but can take any format - it could even be of a mixed format - allowing the whole class to be involved. If it easier to work in smaller groups then we will accept up to 5 entries from the one class.  Criteria - a short story, video, presentation on anything about China, Chinese culture and/or the giant panda.

It also doesn't have to be very long - we are looking for quality and not quantity!

For example:

  • a short story 
  • 3-5 minute video 
  • short Powerpoint presentation 
  • set of drawings/pictures/photographs with descriptions/anecdotes

Entries can be sent as jpegs; Powerpoint presentations; videos; etc and can be emailed to this address or sent by post on CD Roms/DVD to the address below.

Similarly, written material can be emailed as pdf or word documents or sent by post to the address below.

Sandie Robb 罗桑迪
Senior Education Officer, Discovery & Learning,
Royal Zoological Society of Scotland 苏格兰皇家动物协会
134 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 6TS

tel: 0131 314 0335, mobile: 07963 070654

Film Screenings for Schools - Sputnik

16 January 2014 (Goethe-Institut)

Enhance language learning by linking it to a wider context of culture, history and aspects across the curriculum. As part of the Glasgow Youth Film Festival the GFT in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Glasgow introduce the comedy SPUTNIK to pupils in the greater Glasgow area.

Set against the background of the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 – this ‘superb adventure’ opens up questions regarding the historical event. To quote Markus Dietrich, the director: “ But no matter what the politicians thought or kept silent about then: for me, the fall of the Wall wasn’t a world-changing event, but rather a superb adventure”.

Screenings take place at the Glasgow Film Theatre on Friday 31 January 2014 and Friday 7 February 2014 at 10.15 am and are suitable for P6-S3 pupils.

Prior booking required. Tickets are free for Glasgow local authority schools and cost £3 per pupil for other schools. Accompanying teachers attend free of charge.

Visit the Goethe Institut website for further details and how to book.


New Paul Hamlyn resources now available

15 January 2014 (Film Club)

In 2013 we launched three exciting inclusion projects alongside The Paul Hamlyn Foundation, focusing on using film to help students who face different forms of disadvantage.

The project is well underway now, with approximately 50 schools on each strand — Identity and Belonging, Rural Inclusion and SEN Inclusion. Now, a new selection of films have been added to each strand, along with brand new resources for each. These additions now mean that each film on the project has a free, accompanying resource to really enrich their screenings.


Plus ... que + age! - resource

15 January 2014 (TES)

Useful lesson starter or online homework listening practice for introducing comparisons in French. 'Plus .. que' + age. Useful for encouraging chat about birthdays and being older or younger than somebody else. Suitable for Primary to early Secondary levels. You will need a TES userid and password to access the resource.


Teach Scots to kids as standard says leading head

13 January 2014 (The Scotsman)

Scots should be put at the centre of the Scottish Government’s initiative to promote language learning in the country’s schools, it has been claimed.

Headteacher Isabel Lind said the Scots language was a valuable educational tool and should be included in the 1+2 initiative, which seeks to have children learning two foreign tongues alongside English at primary school.


Advance Notice - Training the MLPS Trainers

7 January 2014 (SCILT)

By popular request, SCILT, Education Scotland and partners will host a five day summer school, week beginning 30 June 2014. Each local authority will be offered two places for those staff who will be expected to deliver MLPS training in response to the recommendations in the 1+2 report.

Please keep the date in your diary. Further details will follow in due course.

Languages to be compulsory in English primary schools

7 January 2014 (BBC News)

It will be compulsory for primary school children aged seven and above to learn another language, from September 2014 in England.

The government is encouraging schools to adopt a wider variety of languages after a study found that teenagers at schools in England had the worst language skills in Europe.

Tim Muffett reports in this video footage.



6 January 2014 (Teachersmedia)

Teacher’s Media International provide online professional development services for the education sector. Sign up for free to access a range of video clips sharing best practice in both primary and secondary modern language classroom settings.


Ni hao ma? Children as young as five set the pace with a love for Mandarin

26 December 2013 (The Independent)

Children as young as five are already learning Mandarin in British schools, as David Cameron pushes for it to replace French and German in classrooms across the country.

Pupils at RJ Mitchell Primary in Elm Park, Havering, north London, are among the first of their age group to have the lessons. The numbers learning Mandarin are set to swell in the new year as other schools react to the Prime Minister’s exhortation this month to make it the main modern foreign language in schools.


Guidance for teaching a first modern language in P1

18 December 2013 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland have issued new guidance to support language learning in P1. This resource offers a number of supportive approaches and helpful weblinks, along with examples of how primary teachers are delivering modern languages in the classroom.

The guidance will be useful to practitioners who are teaching, or planning to teach, a modern language in P1.

It contains suggestions on the integration of modern languages into everyday classroom situations. There are also soundfiles to support practitioners in using modern languages in class.

Publication of guidance for P2-P7 will follow in Spring and Summer 2014.


Free Christmas stories

17 December 2013 (GrowStoryGrow)

GrowStoryGrow is offering some free stories for Christmas in English, French, Spanish and German - the nativity amongst others.

Visit the website and log in (via the red button on the top right hand side of the screen)
username: Christmas
password: stories


Glasgow Modern Languages Festive Newsletter 2013

17 December 2013 (Glasgow City Council)

Download the newsletter to learn about the range of language and cultural events which have taken place within Glasgow's schools.

Related Files

Pupils as young as four to be taught Chinese

16 December 2013 (Edinburgh Evening News)

Children as young as four will be given lessons in ­Mandarin under radical plans to equip them for a world in which China is an emerging superpower.

The drive will see dozens of native Chinese speakers from Edinburgh University visit classrooms across the Capital and East Lothian as teachers bid to spark an enduring ­interest in foreign languages.

Co-ordinated by the ­Scotland-China Education Network, the programme is being rolled out as the Scottish Government works towards a target of having every child learn two foreign languages on top of their mother tongue, with the first taken in P1 and the second by P5.


Related Links

Chinese classes P1 for pupils (The Herald, 17 December 2013)

New £3m Gaelic school to be built on Skye

16 December 2013 (The Scotsman)

Highland Council is to receive £3 million over two years to build a new Gaelic school in Portree, on the Isle of Skye.

Minister for Scotland’s Languages Alasdair Allan made the announcement during a visit to the site of the new school, where building work will begin in 2015.

An additional £250,000 will also be invested in Gaelic learning for early years, to encourage sustained growth in the number of pupils going through Gaelic medium education (GME) and encourage parents to choose bilingual schooling.


Related Links

Funding offered for new Gaelic school (BBC, 16 December 2013)

CISS Newsletter Autumn 2013

12 December 2013 (CISS)

The latest edition of the CISS newsletter has been published. This edition highlights the promotion of Chinese language and culture around the country. Please download the newsletter if you'd like to find out more.

Related Files

The Early Learning of Chinese Project

12 December 2013 (SCEN)

Primary school pupils across East Lothian are currently benefitting from an exciting new language learning initiative co-ordinated by the Scotland-China Education Network (SCEN).

The Early Learning of Chinese project launched in October and will see Chinese speaking students from the University of Edinburgh volunteer their time to help deliver P1 Mandarin lessons between November and the end of the school year. The project is being piloted as part of the Scottish Government's 1+2 language learning proposal, a product of the National Languages Working Group.


Related Links

Languages - 'Exotic' Mandarin offered to students as young as 5 (TESS, 13 December 2013)

Footballers give pupils language goals

10 December 2013 (The Guardian)

Football clubs across the country are using sport to cultivate children's interest in learning other languages.

"If I could say anything to Santi Cazorla? I don't know the Spanish words yet, but I'd say: 'You're a wicked footballer.'" Suraiya Farah, a year-five pupil at Primrose Hill primary school in north London, has just finished a taster Spanish session with the Arsenal Double Club and she is eager to put her new skills to use.

Arsenal is one of a number of clubs, including Newcastle United and Hull City, that runs a language Double Club, a cross-curricular course that uses football to teach students a foreign language.

The after-school sessions are made up of two halves: the first takes place in a classroom, where students are taught football-related vocabulary, and the second encourages children to practise their language skills out on the pitch.


Threat to primary language GCSEs scheme

10 December 2013 (The Guardian)

It's a familiar scene: a GCSE language class, and today the students are learning vocabulary related to family life. They are poring over a cheerfully illustrated worksheet. But what's unusual is the language being taught, which is Turkish, and the ages of the class members. Rather than teenagers, these students are 10 and 11 years old – with some adults alongside.

This after-school class, being taught at Randal Cremer primary school in Hackney, east London, is part of the GCSE Family Language project, which allows primary children whose first language is not English to study for a GCSE in their mother tongue, alongside a parent or other adult family member.


Year 7 looking for conjugations of “Vivir” in the article ¡Vivimos aquí!

9 December 2013 (One Year in Spanish blog)

Sue’s Y7 students are doing detective work: They are looking for conjugations of “Vivir” in the article ¡Vivimos aquí!  I always thought this is a great starter to learning verbs: familarizing oneself with the way its conjugations look through discovering them in an authentic text.  Additionally, knowing the various ways a verb can look is a great tool for accessing written texts. It’s a fantastic reading tool. See how many conjugations your students can find in our article!


Festive Phrases: free video lessons each day of December

2 December 2013 (Radio Lingua Schools)

Access our daily episodes of Festive Phrases and learn to say “Happy Christmas” or “Happy New Year” to 2.6 billion people around the world!

The Festive Phrases course is available to members only, but you can sign up for a free account with Radio Lingua Schools.


What’s Hot? – Fancy Flash Cards

29 November 2013 (TES)

An introduction to colour words in Spanish for your early primary learners.  You will need a TES userid and password to access the resources.


Euroquiz 2014

26 November 2013 (SEET)

The Scottish European Educational Trust runs an annual Euroquiz for P6 pupils, which sees teams of four pupils working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe. Subjects covered include history, geography, sport, culture, languages and the European Union.

Heats take place in local authorities from January to March each year, with the winning team from each authority area competing in the national final, which takes place in the debating chamber of the Scottish Parliament in May.

Registration for the 2014 Euroquiz is now open. 

Visit the SEET website for all the details plus a selection of resources to help prepare for the competition.


My best lesson - Turn language learning into a guessing game

22 November 2013 (TES)

What is the eternal fascination with guessing games? Shakespeare's work is full of riddles, the Victorians played charades, my own offspring loved Pictionary and schoolchildren will grab a pen and play hangman at any opportunity.

As a teacher of languages - French, Spanish and English as a foreign language - I have always tried to tap into this fascination as a way of helping students of all ages to learn vocabulary and structures.


Film can have a leading role in education

19 November 2013 (The Guardian)

Film can be a powerful educational tool, especially for children with disabilities and from deprived backgrounds. So how can we place it at the heart of young people's learning experiences?

Film clubs are being run in more than 7,000 schools, with 220,000 young people watching, discussing and reviewing film. This service provides, for free, a curated catalogue of DVDs, curriculum-linked guides, film-making tutorials and a members magazine. It also offers masterclasses in film-making, reviewing and programming, and gives film club members the opportunity to post reviews on its website.

The Film Club website has films to suit a wide age-range including foreign language options.


Related Links

To participate in Film Nation UK's Filmclub programme, which offers free access to thousands of films and education resources, visit: Film Club or email

The Voyage/Voyage Kids Christmas Specials

18 November 2013 (UK-German Connection)

The festive season approaches, and our websites for both primary and secondary pupils will be full of UK-German seasonal cheer with our Christmas Special!

Your pupils can: 

  • find out about St. Nikolaus and Knecht Ruprecht - Have they earned presents or the Rute on 6 December? 
  • practise their festive vocab with a Christmas memory game and jigsaw 
  • sing along to German carols such as Stille Nacht and Kling, Glöckchen 
  • learn Christmas facts, play games and enter this year's Christmas competition in our interactive Advent calendar (online from 1 December) 
  • learn how to bake a Lebkuchenhaus and Herrenplätzchen

Follow the links below to the relevant magazine pages:


International Education Week 2013 (18-24 November)

18 November 2013 (British Council)

As part of our wider work in the international education sector, we champion and support foreign language learning in the UK.

To celebrate International Education Week 2013, lots of new resources are available to help you with your language skills. Visit our website for the many ways you can get involved now.

There is also the opportunity to join a live debate on Thursday 21 November 11:00-13:00 GMT asking the questions:

  • What languages do you speak and where do you speak them?
  • Why do you think it is important to speak other languages?

Join pupils around the world to share your views. Find out how to join the debate by visiting the Commonwealth Class debate website.

There are a couple of 5 minute films on the debate website - one from a very diverse school in Glasgow on the languages the pupils speak and what they think about languages and one from Australia about a primary school where half the curriculum is delivered in Mandarin. You could show the films early in the week, have a discussion, then some of the pupils can send in their responses on Thursday or in advance of the debate - #LearnALanguage.


The Smart Choice: German at Primary Schools in the UK

15 November 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

As an introduction to German in primary schools we have created a short 10-minute film for teachers about how easy it is to include German in the timetable. The clip is available to view online or you can order a hard copy of the video on DVD, free of charge, for parents evenings or staff meetings. 

Also available: The Smart Choice: German at Secondary Schools in the UK - a similar film prepared for the secondary audience.


New youth profile on the Auf Deutsch website

15 November 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

In this new video clip Felix is telling about his life in a small village in Bavaria and in particular about his project “Plant-for-the-planet”. The video is available with English subtitles and in addition an interactive transcript is provided to make it easily accessible to young learners.


Molly le chat

11 November 2013 (Sylvia Duckworth)

A Google Presentations interactive story where you choose the adventure Molly the cat takes.

Also see how to make a “choose your own adventure” story with Google apps via the link below.


Additional French Film Festival schools screening

11 November 2013 (Creativity Portal)

Edinburgh Filmhouse have added an additional date to their school screenings during the French Film Festival 2013 (until 24 Nov). The additional show is:

Wednesday 20th November, 10am (101 min)
Suitable for P7 – S4
In French and Senegalese with English subtitles

Visit the website for more information.


Immersion Courses in France and Spain for Primary and Secondary School Teachers

8 November 2013 (Le Français en Ecosse)

Le Français en Ecosse run series of Immersion courses in France and Spain during the summer. There are courses suitable for both Primary and Secondary teachers. Erasmus funding may be available.

To reserve a place on one of these courses please contact Ros Main on

Double Club primary and secondary resources updated

8 November 2013 (UK-German Connection)

A reminder that the primary and secondary versions of the award-winning Arsenal FC Double Club: German resources have been updated for the 2013-14 season.

In particular, the primary module has been completely overhauled, with detailed, step-for-step teachers' notes, interactive PowerPoint presentations and a brand-new, bright and colourful pupils' workbook.

Visit the Double Club website for more information.


What's hot?

1 November 2013 (TES)

Resources for the MFL classroom from TES:

  • Onze, douze, treize - an activity for practising counting in French for lower primary pupils.
  • Spanish scenes - a worksheet on towns and neighbourhoods for senior phase Spanish lessons. Fantastic for revision of key vocabulary and for practising dictionary skills.

You will need a TES userid and password to access these resources.


Si, Si, Si publication for primary Spanish

1 November 2013 (Consejería de Educacíon)

Si, Si, Si is an effective tool for teaching Spanish to children from five years. The materials have been designed in such a way that they can be used by teachers with limited Spanish proficiency in most educational settings. Each volume includes: lesson plans, vocabulary cards, worksheets, audio and video scripts, songs, multimedia activities and flash animations.


‘German with Felix and Franzi’

31 October 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

‘German with Felix and Franzi’ is a brand new resource to support the teaching of German in the Primary School.

The content has been developed by German native speakers in partnership with UK primary teachers. Children will be introduced to the language by a frog called Felix Frosch and a duck called Franzi Ente. A central element of the course is to enable the children to develop cultural awareness of aspects of life in German speaking countries as well as creating a love for language learning.

The resource is free to download from the Goethe-Institut website. 


Voyage Kids - St. Martin's Day Special (German resource)

30 October 2013 (UK-German Connection)

St. Martin's Day is fast approaching (on 11 November), and children throughout Germany are looking forward to making lanterns and singing songs at a traditional St. Martin's Day procession.

Why not teach your pupils about these fascinating German customs with the Voyage Kids St. Martin's Day Special?

  • Teach your pupils how kids celebrate St. Martin's Day in Germany
  • St. Martin's Day memory game. How quickly can your pupils find the pairs? 
  • Basteln - Make a colourful St. Martin's Day lantern
  • Laterne, Laterne & Ich geh' mit meiner Laterne songs – sing along with your pupils! (featuring recordings from UK primary schools)


Introducing High Five French

29 October 2013 (Radio Lingua)

Coming soon from Radio Lingua: learn French with Emma and Mathilde in our audio and video French lessons for children.

High Five French is aimed at learners aged 8-11 and encourages children to build their language skills, increase their understanding and to develop an awareness of another culture. Topics covered include greetings, personal information, birthdays, home, family, pets, clothes, sports and pastimes.

Full details of the course will be released in the coming weeks and months.


Meet the Australian children fluent in Mandarin

29 October 2013 (BBC News)

Australia's politicians often talk about the importance of building ties with Asia. Successive governments have promised to increase the number of schools teaching Asian languages, but in fact the number of children in high school learning Asian languages is falling. The BBC's Jon Donnison has been to one of the country's few bilingual schools.


Monsters University Helps you Learn Spanish with Translated Trailers

28 October 2013 (Learning Spanish for Beginners)

Learn Spanish with ‘Monsters University’! Really engaging way to learn using a movie trailer.


French Film Festival - screenings for schools

25 October 2013 (Institut français)

The French Film Festival UK will take place from 7 November to 7 December in 7 cities in Scotland: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Bo’ness, Kirckaldy, Dundee, Inverness and Aberdeen.

The cinemas will screen two films for schools: Le jour des corneilles (Days of the Crows), an animated fantasy film for primary schools and Comme un lion (Little Lion), a compelling drama about a young Senegalese dreaming of becoming a professional football player in France.

Teacher can find free resources on: and get more information on the French Film Festival website in the “Learning” section.


Good practice resource - Languages at the heart of the curriculum: Springfield Lower School

24 October 2013 (Ofsted)

At Springfield Lower School, teaching Italian through an approach based on content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is firmly established. Language lessons use the current topic in the curriculum for their content. Links with Italy and its culture provide rich opportunities to develop the pupils’ understanding and appreciation of other cultures.

This is one of four examples, two primary and two secondary, where pupils make rapid progress in learning modern languages through a curriculum designed to extend opportunities to be immersed in the language studied.


The HSBC/British Council Link2Learn Awards 2013

22 October 2013 (British Council)

We are offering a final chance to enter the Link2Learn competition. Please apply for this fantastic awards opportunity by Tuesday 29 October in order to win a grant for your school.

The Link2Learn Awards, supported by HSBC Global Education Programme, recognise and reward UK schools, International Co-ordinators and local authorities for their work in forming and sustaining international school partnerships.

Enter the competition to win a cash prize to support your existing international school partnerships. All educational institutions with students aged 3 to 18 are eligible to enter the competition, i.e. nurseries, schools (including special schools) and colleges. They must have worked with a partner school in another country for at least one year.

Visit the website for further information and how to enter.


Videofrancaisful. You Tube Channel of video clips

19 October 2013 (TES)

Video clips on a variety of topics, themes and skill areas for your French classroom. Use as starters, motivators and presentations to engage your students with the target language. Always check the clip before use in the classroom as a wide range of age groups are catered for.

You will need a TES userid and password to access the materials.


Shopping for food - how much does it/do they cost?

17 October 2013 (TES)

This activity develops the use of the question 'How much does it/do they cost?' in Spanish and the response using euros. Incorporates cross-curricular themes: literacy and numeracy in the primary classroom.

You will need a TES userid and password to access the materials.


Auf Wiedersehen, pupils: UK's first Anglo/German state primary school opens

16 October 2013 (The Independent)

There are hopes that it will lead to a more enlightened attitude to learning languages, reports Richard Garner.

This is the country's first bilingual state school in German and English, which began taking pupils from the age of four at the start of the autumn term. For four-year-olds, the German is simple. Morning assembly brings with it a round of "happy birthday" for any child celebrating that day – and it is sung in both languages.


Introductions: Meeting & Greeting in French

15 October 2013 (TES)

Simple introductions in French for young beginners. A video to add a bit of joy to learning French if you have online access to YouTube. It introduces them to Billy - star of lots of other free resources by agreenmouse.

You will need a TES userid and password to access these materials.


Dragon premieres at the Citizens Theatre

15 October 2013 (CISS)

In conjunction with the Confucius Institute at Glasgow University, CISS was given the opportunity to take 350 pupils from all over Scotland to see the premiere of the play Dragon at the Citizens Theatre. This wonderful co-production between the National Theatre of Scotland, Tianjin Children’s Art Theatre and Vox Motus is highly unusual given that there are no words spoken throughout the play. The audience is invited to take a visual and emotional journey using their imagination. The use of puppetry, illusion and music allows this to happen.


Related Files

Why I became a primary teacher: to get children hooked on languages

13 October 2013 (The Guardian)

Diana Linford tells Emily Drabble how having her daughter refired her passion for teaching and why she thinks languages must start at primary school.


Halloween ideas for modern languages

11 October 2013 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland’s resource calendar contains links to a selection of Hallowe’en resources in French, German, Italian and Spanish.


Discovery Film Festival 2013 - language films for schools

10 October 2013 (Dundee Contemporary Arts)

The Discovery Film Festival 2013 takes place between 19 October and 3 November and offers a variety of foreign language films for all ages.

Opening this year's festival is the UK premiere of 'Victor and the Secret of Crocodile Mansion' – a hugely enjoyable mystery thriller that will have all the family guessing as to exactly what lies behind the secrets of Crocodile Mansion. Suspenseful and atmospheric, it’s a classic Hitchcockian mystery for thrill seekers aged eight upwards. Screening is in German with English subtitles and open to the public.

For schools, there is a programme of events running from 22 - 31 October, with screenings suitable for primary and secondary students in a variety of languages including French, German, Spanish, Russian and Japanese.

See the DCA website for full programme details.

The schools programme and booking information can also be accessed directly via the link below.


Inspiring Projects

10 October 2013 (Speak to the Future)

We’re highlighting inspiring projects happening across the country which are promoting languages to the wider public – showing those in the languages community what you could do, and helping to give those outside an insight into the value of languages and language learning.

There are a host of projects and websites covering a number of languages for all ages – take a look and see what will inspire you.


Hallowe’en activities in French

8 October 2013 (La Souris)

A selection of Hallowe’en themed games and activities for your pre-school and primary French learners.


The German Language Adventure: Discover Germany in 16 challenges

8 October 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

Available from mid October 2013, the Goethe-Institut are offering a new opportunity for pupils ready to embrace a new language. This free, motivational game is suitable for P7 to S3, with the main target group being S2 and S3 before subject choice.

This unique motivational game sends its participants on a discovery tour through 16 cities in Germany and Austria cities, each with an interactive task to complete.

A team of native German speakers will visit your school and set up a German adventure course with 16 discovery stations for a half-day of interactive German language fun.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for full details and to register your interest.


French Film Festival 2013 - Schools Programme

8 October 2013 (Filmhouse)

As part of the French Film Festival 2013 (Fri 12 Nov to Thu 25 Nov) Filmhouse are screening these fantastic new films for Edinburgh schools:

  • Little Lion - Tuesday 12 November, 10am (101 min)
    Suitable for P7 - S4
  • Day of the Crows - Tuesday 19 November, 10am (96 min)
    Suitable for 8+, P5 - S2

Tickets for both films are £2.60 per pupil, teachers free. To book please call our Duty Manager on 0131 228 2688 or email


Join the debate: language packs for schools and businesses

7 October 2013 (The Guardian)

The British Academy and the Guardian are holding a national Language Festival throughout November 2013 to celebrate the UK's diverse cultural richness and raise the profile of language learning among learners of all ages. Throughout November, the festival will provide a platform for schools, higher education institutions, policy makers and businesses from across the UK to discuss, debate and explore the academic, cultural and economic benefits of language learning.

To celebrate the launch of the Language Festival, we have created a series of downloadable packs for primary and secondary schools, as well as businesses, to provide ideas for organising your own language-related events.


12 Traditional Games in Spanish

5 October 2013 (Spanish Playground)

Traditional games in Spanish teach language and culture. These 12 games are from Latin America and Spain. All of them incorporate language, so they are excellent to play with children learning Spanish. In addition to vocabulary and common grammatical structures, the games are culturally relevant and fun.


CISS 2013-14 professional learning menu now available!

4 October 2013 (SCILT/CISS)

Are you a teacher of Mandarin?  
Are you a teacher considering introducing Mandarin into your school?  

The new Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools professional learning menu offers a variety of workshops to help you introduce, develop and embed Chinese language learning across the 3-18 curriculum. Relevant to practitioners in all sectors, the workshops draw on good practice from across the country and offer an opportunity for professional dialogue and the sharing of ideas and materials. Whether you are an experienced teacher of Mandarin looking for help with the senior phase, or you are just getting started and are looking for practical ways of introducing Chinese culture and language into your class, the CISS team is here to help!

Visit the CISS professional development page to view the 'Chinese Learning - let's work together' menu.

eTwinning opportunities for Scottish schools

3 October 2013 (SCILT)

The following opportunities have arisen for Scottish schools to become involved in an eTwinning project. These teachers would like to find schools in Scotland to partner with: 

  • Spain - secondary school with pupils between 12-18 years
  • Italy - primary school with pupils between 6-13 years

If you would like further information on either of these schools you should contact SCILT in the first instance on

Body Parts Bingo French/Spanish/German

2 October 2013 (TES)

Body parts bingo cards which can be used in any languages. Print and laminate them so they can be used with board pens, be wiped off and re-used over and over again.

You will need a TES userid and password to access the resource.


I'm teaching my son to speak French

2 October 2013 (The Guardian)

How hard will it be to teach a five-year-old French? Follow one mother's home-grown linguistic travails over the coming months.


Tree Seasons - free resource

1 October 2013 (GrowStoryGrow)

A free Autumn story in English, French and Spanish which teaches colours, weather, seasons and sentence-building, of course!  You can access this story with all its resources from the 1st of October to the 25th.


Breaking down language barriers

1 October 2013 (Leicester Mercury)

Pupils as young as four are getting the chance to learn new languages at Uplands Infants.

With many different cultures at the school, staff believe it's never too early to get started. For the past week, children have been immersed in all things French. Not only have they taken part in a simulated flight to Paris, they have also been learning songs in French and enjoying some of its culinary delights, as well as building their versions of the Eiffel Tower.


The importance of languages in the curriculum

30 September 2013 (Great Education Debate)

Teaching foreign languages to English speaking children in a world where the international lingua franca is English is a proposition that deserves some exploration and justification. In non-English speaking countries, learning English is more akin to studying a key skill or a core subject, such as mathematics. There is no reason even to hesitate over its importance or centrality, just as no one in medieval Europe would have questioned the importance of Latin in the curriculum of the educated.
However, for us, it is different. How does one justify the inclusion of a (randomly or historically chosen) language in the curriculum for our secondary or primary schools?


Funding deadline for UK-German activities - 31 October

27 September 2013 (UK-German Connection)

The next deadline for grants for UK-German activities is 31 October 2013, for projects taking place in 2014.

Our grants are:

CHALLENGE FUND: for joint thematic activities between UK and German schools in all curriculum areas.

CHALLENGE FUND - WORLD OF WORK: for UK-German school partnerships undertaking work experience or enterprise-related activities.

CELEBRATORY FUND: for activities in celebration of partnership anniversaries between UK and German schools.

If you have any questions about the above grants or would like to discuss your ideas or your project dates, please contact my colleague Frederike Müller either by email on or by telephone (020 7824 1570).

The next application deadline for these funds after October is 31 January 2014.


Celebrate EDL 2013 with Babelzone

25 September 2013 (Linguanet)

In celebration of the European Day of Languages 2013 we are allowing everyone to access the popular online learning website 'Babelzone' from now until the end of September for FREE.

This special offer is ideal for MFL teachers celebrating the European Day of Languages, and for young French and Spanish learners. Packed full of songs, animated stories, games, worksheets and phonics, Babelzone is an exciting interactive resource for the classroom.  

To login go to the Babelzone home page and login with these details:

Username: babelzone
Password: LCFCLUBS2013


Cartoons in Spanish

24 September 2013 (RTVE)

Ideal for your early Spanish learners. Cartoons including Peppa Pig, Spongebob, Postman Pat and many more favourites from the Spanish channel RTVE.


British Council Schools Online

24 September 2013 (British Council)

Find out how you can tap into British Council’s Schools Online worldwide network. At Step one you are new to international learning and the British Council’s offer to schools. ‘Make a start’ is designed to inspire you to start your international journey with us. Whatever you are looking for, we have a wealth of opportunities to suit you.

Access our new brochure and wallchart to discover how an international dimension can be developed in your school. From curriculum resources to professional development courses and partnership funding, we have everything you need to bring the world into your classroom.


Tres Saltos – Three Jumps

23 September 2013 (Spanishbootcamp)

Try some active Spanish lesson resources with your primary learners.  ‘Tres Saltos’ is another really simple game which gets the children actively involved in learning a language as well as physically fit. The game moves along at a nice pace and it’s only the next day when the children realise how much of a workout it is! It really works the legs and the core muscles when done properly.


Related Links

La Lucha - ‘La Lucha’ is a favourite game for many of the children. So easy to play, extremely visual and kinaesthetic, perfect for a bit of competition.

French matinée at the Institut français on 5 October 2013

20 September 2013 (Institut français)

Primary school teachers are invited to take part in our “French matinée for primary teachers in Scotland” on 5 October 2013 in Edinburgh. All primary school teachers will get the opportunity to practice classroom activities in French (at an elementary level A2) around the topic “First contact in French? Pas de panique!”

The application form is available on the Institut français website.  Apply by 30 September 2013.


Language films at the first National Youth Film Festival

19 September 2013 (ALL)

Free screenings of foreign language films to inspire young people From Therese Desqyeyroux to Wadjda, from Clara and the Secret of the Bears to AninA, over 30 foreign films in languages including French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Arabic and Hindi will be on offer at the first National Youth Film Festival, taking place from 21 Oct – 08 Nov 2013.

This groundbreaking new Festival is free to school groups all over the UK and offers young people aged 5-19 the chance to enjoy a wide variety of films, learn about film-making and meet film industry professionals. Linked to a packed programme of over 1600 free screenings, Q&A’s, workshops and events are over 100 teaching resources, including several related to the curriculum, to enable teachers to use screenings to bring learning to life, develop review writing and critical skills, or teach pupils about film and filmmaking. These range from a Beginner’s Guide to French Movies, to teaching ideas for, and guides to, individual films to encourage post-screening discussions and continued work back in the classroom.

Visit the ALL website for full details.



17 September 2013 (GrowStoryGrow)

Every year, to help celebrate the European Day of Languages, GrowStoryGrow opens up its site for two weeks allowing children all over the world to experience over a hundred enchanting stories, in 5 different languages, for free.

Visit the website for further information and to access the materials.


Mid-Autumn Festival: China Education Pack

16 September 2013 (British Council)

The Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is the second most important festival in the Chinese lunar calendar after Chinese New Year. This year the festival will fall on 19 September.

To tie in with the festival, the British Council has created an education pack to help primary schools across the UK explore Chinese culture and language.

Focusing on the most famous story associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival, the legend of the great archer Hòu Yì and his love for the moon goddess Cháng É, the pack is designed to introduce young people to Chinese festivals, legends and geography.


New French resources online for P1-P4

13 September 2013 (Institut français)

The Institut français has produced many activities around "Les nombres / numbers" which are free to download from their website.


Funding for Japanese Language Education Projects held in the UK

9 September 2013 (Japan Foundation)

Institutions can apply for up to 3000 for non-profit-making projects or activities which will have a significant and wide impact on the promotion of Japanese language education throughout the UK, or in their local area. For example, conferences on Japanese language education, seminars for teachers, projects to produce Japanese language teaching materials, etc. We also welcome projects that introduce Japanese into the curriculum, or bring it into the timetable at Schools or Universities.

The next deadline for the 2013-14 programme is 27 September 2013.

Visit the Japan Foundation website for more information and to apply.

You may also wish to join their Primary Japanese Campaign 2014, which has been launched to support primary schools and teachers offering, or hoping to offer, Japanese language teaching.

You can read more about the campaign, and register to receive campaign updates and free, exclusive campaign stickers by following the link below.


NAR Gaelic exemplars

9 September 2013 (Education Scotland)

Over the past few weeks, Education Scotland has published a number of new assessment and moderation exemplars, produced by practitioners, on the National Assessment Resource. This includes examples of innovative assessment practice in Gaelic in both primary and secondary sectors. The Gaelic exemplars may also be of interest to teachers of Modern Languages looking for creative ways to assess the broad general education. 

Access the materials  (you will need your Glow username and password)


Modern Language Screenings at Filmhouse

4 September 2013 (Creativity Portal)

A schools screening of a Modern Language film provides familiarity with the language and fosters appreciation of another culture. Filmhouse offers the best international cinema year-round and is home to the French Film Festival and many others. Our schools screenings are £2.60 (teachers free). To book, please contact the Duty Manager on 0131 228 2688 or email


What does the future hold for primary languages?

4 September 2013 (The Guardian)

A shortage of qualified teachers. A mismatch with secondary school options. Can languages in primary schools overcome the challenges ahead?

Despite the fact that you can at least get by using English in many parts of the world, there is a growing recognition that monolingual British schoolchildren are becoming ever more disadvantaged by their lack of language skills – a lack that is mirrored virtually nowhere else on the planet.


The bears project

3 September (UK-German Connection)

An exciting way for UK children learning German at primary school and their counterparts in Germany learning English at Grundschule to join up for a short-term bilateral project. The Bears arrive in the form of real soft toys, and come with a suitcase of easy to use materials designed to introduce young pupils to learning some basic German and interesting facts about Germany.

Visit the UK-German Connection website for more information.


FILMCLUB - French themed Scalarama resources

2 September 2013 (FILMCLUB)

Throughout September FILMCLUB will be going "tous les francais" and be challenging your clubs to screen a film from a special French topic from the FILMCLUB website. So dig out your berets, get baking those croissants and download our special resources which include fun ways to decorate your film club room as well as games and costume ideas.

Resources are available for primary and secondary on the website.


All we learn is bonjour... why language lessons bore young pupils

2 September 2013 (Daily Mail)

Boring, repetitive language classes are letting down a generation of young pupils, a survey suggested yesterday.

Language classes will become compulsory next year for Key Stage 2 pupils – those aged seven to 11 – in English state schools.

But the research warned urgent improvements were needed in teaching, with many primary pupils saying they were repeatedly taught basics such as counting to ten or saying ‘bonjour’.

Those in Year 7, the first year of secondary school, complained they had to redo topics completed at primary school because some of their new classmates were starting from scratch.


Related Links

Children criticise language lessons (Daily Express, 3 September 2013)

Voyage Kids 'Back to School' special

28 August 2013 (UK-German Connection)

The traditional 'Back to School' special is now online on the Voyage Kids website. Why not start the new school year by teaching your primary pupils all about school life in Germany? If you're feeling creative, you could even get started the German way by making Schultüten, using our handy step-by-step instructions!

The Back to School special includes:

  • Find out: A typical school day in Germany 
  • Basteln: Make a Schultüte! 
  • Memory game: How quickly can your pupils find the matching pairs? 
  • 'School words' quizzes

Lesson planning:

To help you plan and get the most out of our seasonal special features, we've created a calendar overview of all of the specials throughout the year. These include our Christmas and Easter specials, as well as topical specials (e.g. the Birthday special), which vary from year to year.


Mandarin Explorer

27 August 2013 (Mandarin Explorer)

'Mandarin Explorer' is a platform for learners of Mandarin that is created & owned by Gabriella Belcher, an experienced Mandarin teacher based in Hong Kong. These visual tools are designed for Mandarin teachers & learners.


Lesson Plans - European Day of Languages, 26 September

23 August 2013 (TESS)

TESS has produced 10 lesson plans for the MFL classroom to help celebrate the European Day of Languages on 26 September.

You will need a TES userid/login to access the materials.


European Day of Languages 2013 - SCILT webpage now live

22 August 2013 (SCILT)

Each year September 26th marks the European Day of Languages (EDL) and is all about finding a way to get people in schools, colleges and the wider community excited about languages. How you celebrate is up to you!

SCILT have launched our European Day of Languages 2013 webpage, where you can finds loads of ideas on how your school can celebrate. You can also order EDL 2013 materials like posters, stickers and pens.

Visit our EDL 2013 webpage here and let us know how you intend to bring languages into your school this year!

Materials to support IDL learning in French

22 August 2013 (SCILT)

The following websites contain materials which could be used to support interdisciplinary learning in French:

For secondary learners: - short clips explaining aspects of science.

Culturetheque - online comics with a historical focus.

For primary learners:

Milan schools - register for authentic downloadables to support IDL in French.

International Education Week: 18-24 November 2013

20 August 2013 (British Council)

International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to promote the importance of building an international dimension into the education of young people in the UK at primary and secondary levels. We know that familiarity with other cultures and modern foreign languages skills are an essential part of preparing young people to work in the increasingly globalised economy.

The British Council is an authoritative voice on language learning, through our English teaching around the world, and we bring an intercultural dimension to foreign language learning in the UK through sharing our experiences, providing research and data and bringing in examples of international best practice.

This year IEW will support a major policy shift in UK schools. From September 2014 primary schools in England will be required to teach a foreign language to pupils at Key Stage 2 (upper primary). There is also increasing policy support in other UK countries for language learning at primary level.

International Education Week will form the starting point of a longer-term campaign to promote language learning in UK schools, with events taking place throughout the academic year.


Connecting Classrooms Professional Development

19 August 2013 (British Council)

Connecting Classrooms are offering a range of free Professional Development face to face courses across the UK this term. Course topics include ‘an introduction to international learning’ to ‘intercultural practice’ to ‘partnership journeys’.

A full list of locations and dates of courses is available on our website.

If you can’t attend a course in person, take our online courses in your own time and at your own pace.


Glasgow has started the journey to implementation of 1+2 languages starting at early years!

19 August 2013 (Engage for Education)

Maureen McKenna, Executive Member for Education, Glasgow City Council said: “Glasgow has been working on a sustained and planned approach in the development of languages in the city to enhance the learning and teaching in our schools.

“Glasgow was ably represented on the Scottish Government languages working group by Gillian Campbell-Thow, an experienced principal language teacher who also has a city-wide language remit and support role for our schools in all sectors.

Glasgow is in the process of proactively working to encourage the uptake of 1 + 2 languages in primary schools across the city with more and more teachers being trained. This session primary teachers have the chance to train in French, Spanish, German, Italian and Gaelic. Early years training will be available in French, Spanish, Gaelic, Polish and Arabic.


French matinées for primary teachers

16 August 2013 (Institut français)

The Institut français in Edinburgh is offering 3 matinée sessions at elementary (A2) level on Saturday 21 September, 19 October and 23 November 2013 from 9.45am to 1pm.

This is a refresher course for already MLPS trained teachers who teach French from P5 to P7.

Through the matinées, teachers will experience topic based activities for their classroom and will have the opportunity to brush up and extend their knowledge of French.

Fee: £60 for all 3 matinées.

Visit the website to register and for details of other CPD opportunities for teachers of French.


Edinburgh opens first dedicated Gaelic school

16 August 2013 (The Scotsman)

The opening of Edinburgh’s first dedicated Gaelic school has been hailed as a “landmark day” for the capital.

A total of 213 pupils, including 53 primary one youngsters, have enrolled for the new school, where lessons will be taught entirely in Gaelic.

The school, which has 30 Gaelic-speaking staff, replaces the Gaelic medium education unit that had been based in the capital’s Tollcross primary since 1982.


Twilight French course for primary teachers

16 August 2013 (Institut français)

The Institut français in Edinburgh is offering a beginners/postbeginners (A1) course on Wednesdays from 4.15-6.15pm from 18 Sept-27 November 2013.

Fee: £60.

This course open to all primary teachers who need to learn very basic skills in French.

Contact for more information or visit the website to download the registration form.

On the website you will also find details of other CPD courses available for teachers of French, run by the Institut français in Edinburgh or the Alliance Française in Glasgow.


French Number Line – Numbers with words 1-20

9 August 2013 (TES)

A simple French Number Line to be used on display in a classroom. This could be printed full size or reduced to print in multiples to make flashcards. A lovely free teaching resource for an Early Years or Primary classroom.


Language Lessons: Letter from Education Scotland Chief Executive to The Scotsman

5 August 2013 (The Scotsman)

I am concerned that your front page headline “Plan to teach Gaelic in every Primary” (2 August), may have misled your readers. Neither the government’s strategy for improving language learning in Scottish education, commonly known as the 1+2 Strategy, nor our draft Gaelic language plan, which we launched last week, seek to prescribe which specific languages should to be learned by pupils in any particular school in Scotland.


Short films for language learning

2 August 2013 (Languages on Screen)

Short films can make fantastic authentic texts for language learners. 

Languages on Screen has a selection of shorts that is freely available to Scottish educators with a GLOW log in, and each is accompanied with teaching resources. Most appropriate for secondary learners. Films in German, French, Spanish and Italian.

Several of the shorts on the Screening Shorts and Moving Image Education websites have a soundtrack though no spoken word. Discussion and response to these films could be done in the target language. Teaching resources are also provided to accompany all of the films are provided. In addition, thanks to a creative commons licence, the shorts are available for download for education purposes. The films could then be imported into Windows Movie Maker and learners could add their own audio track in the target language. Potentially suitable for secondary and primary learners.

Also available to buy for primary learners of French, is the ‘Ciné-mini’ DVD from British Film Institut which also includes teaching resources.

Plan to teach Gaelic in every Scots primary school

2 August 2013 (The Scotsman)

Every primary school pupil in Scotland should be taught Gaelic, according to the government agency responsible for developing the school curriculum and carrying out school inspections.


Related Links

‘Call Kaye’ 1+2 Language Initiative and Gaelic (BBC Radio Scotland, 2 August 2013)  Listen from 05:02. Programme is available until Thursday 8 August.

Gaelic Language Plan Consultation (Education Scotland, 1 August 2013) 

Schools to be given choice on Gaelic teaching (BBC News, 2 August 2013)

Magical Christmas Trips 2013

1 August 2013 (UK-German Connection)

The application process for our Magical Christmas Trip to Berlin for primary and secondary pupils is now open.

The visit offers primary pupils the chance to get a taste of Germany at Christmas time, meet their German peers and get involved in some seasonal intercultural activity. Secondary pupils have the opportunity to brush up on their German and practice their skills as young leaders.

For full details of the programme and how to apply, visit the UK-German Connection website.  

Application deadline: 30 September 2013.


Gaelic medium primary department for Caithness

30 July 2013 (BBC News)

The first Gaelic medium primary school department in Caithness is to open at the start of the new school session in August, Highland Council has said.

It will be based at Mount Pleasant Primary School in Thurso which is home to a Gaelic nursery with 19 children.


Rise in numbers of Gaelic pupils in P1

15 July 2013 (BBC News)

The number of children going into P1 Gaelic-medium education rose by 6% during 2012-13, according to the language's national body.


Related Links

Setback for Gaelic as number of new pupils rises by just 28 (The Herald, 16 July 2013)

Gaelic board failing in bid to meet pupils target (The Scotsman, 16 July 2013)


Time to make space for a languages curriculum

4 July 2013 (TESS)

Insufficient funding, no guidance on which languages to teach and a lack of clarity on teacher training are just three of the reported problems. There is no shortage of challenges facing the 1+2 language initiative in Scottish primary schools.

Throw in the vexed implementation of Curriculum for Excellence and securing the success of 1+2 - whereby all children should start a second language in Primary 1 and a third no later than in Primary 5 - starts to look like a tall order.

But it is clear that prioritising languages from as early as possible in the lives of Scottish children is crucial. In 2011, a survey of language provision in secondaries by Scotland's national centre for languages, SCILT, showed that languages uptake in S4 had dropped in a third of schools and remained static in more than half, compared with 2007.


Can the 1+2 strategy add up without more funding?

5 July 2013 (TESS)

The Scottish government has set its languages target for 2020, but with a shortage of money and resources the initiative may struggle to succeed.

The scale of the ambition has to be applauded. The size of what the Scottish government hopes to achieve by 2020 with its 1+2 language strategy is vast. All children are to learn a second language from Primary 1 and to start a third language no later than in Primary 5.


Voyage Kids website questionnaire

25 June 2013 (UK-German Connection)

Help us shape the future of voyage kids and win goodies for the classroom!

With the changing educational landscape in mind, we are currently in the process of evaluating the voyage kids website to ensure that it continues to meet teachers' needs and remains a useful source of information, ideas and features for use both in and out of the classroom.

As a UK primary teacher, your input in this review is vital! To take part, all you need to do is fill in a very brief questionnaire - this is designed mainly to gain an impression of how you use voyage kids and which features you find most useful, as well as gathering your suggestions for new content and features.

You can download the questionnaire from our website.

Your input and ideas would be greatly appreciated! If you can spare a few moments to take part, please fill in the questionnaire and send it back to us at by Monday 22 July.

As a little 'thank you' for completing the questionnaire, we will be delighted to send you a pack of voyage kids 'animals / fairy tales' postcards for use in the classroom. We also have some fantastic goodies to give away to the senders of the most informative questionnaires, including picture dictionaries and geographical jigsaw puzzles - perfect for teaching geography in German!


Rencontres théâtrales drama competition for schools

20 June 2013 (Institut français)

The results of the competition which took place on Tuesday 11th June 2013 at Whitehill secondary school in Glasgow are now available on the Institut français d'Ecosse website.


CPDs in 2013/2014

20 June 2013 (Institut français)

Twighlight courses for beginners, French matinees to upskill your French or a French day to experience classroom activities in French? There is a wide CPD offering for primary teachers in 2013/2014 at the Institut français in Edinburgh.  Full details are on the website.  Get in touch!


Opportunities and funding for your UK-German school partnership

15 June 2013 (UK-German Connection)

Would you like to undertake a joint project with a German school? Are you interested in professional development? Could your German do with brushing up?

Visit the UK-German Connection website for up-to-date information on UK-German opportunities for you and your pupils, including seminars, events, courses and funding programmes.

The next funding application deadline is 31 October 2013.


Lesson Plans - La Bella Durmiente

14 June 2013 (TESS)

Bring language to life by retelling the story of Sleeping Beauty in Spanish.


Schools from across Scotland fight it out for Cuach na Cloinne 2013

13 June 2013 (Stornoway Gazette)

More than 50 young Gaels from across Scotland will head to Inverness this week, all with their eye on some sporting glory. The Cuach na Cloinne Finals 2013 will take place on Thursday (June 13th), with schools from across Scotland battling it out for this year’s title.

[..]Gaelic-speaking Inverness City Provost Councillor Alex Graham added: “Cuach na Cloinne is a national football competition, which creates an opportunity for young people from schools across Scotland who attend Gaelic Medium Education to meet and compete against each other and combines their Gaelic linguistic and footballing skills in an inclusive and entertaining manner..."


End of term German activities

7 June 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

Looking for end of term activities? Have a browse on our resources pages. You will find presentations on topics such as recycling, Berlin, Frst day of School, Birthday celebrations and many more.


St Elizabeth’s Spanish Day celebrates Government’s 1+2 Approach to Languages Pilot

6 June 2013 (Engage for Education)

St Elizabeth’s held a Spanish Day to celebrate their involvement in the Scottish Government’s 1+2 Approach to Languages Pilot. Every class was timetabled to participate in a variety of activities which were either led by their teacher or by visitors supporting the day.


Opportunities and funding for your UK-German school partnership

5 June 2013 (UK-German Connection)

Would you like to undertake a joint project with a German school? Are you interested in professional development? Could your German do with brushing up? Visit the UK-German Connection website for up-to-date information on UK-German opportunities for you and your pupils, including seminars, events, courses and funding programmes. The next funding application deadline is 31 October 2013.


Articulate Language Camps in Scotland

30 May 2013 (Articulate Language Camps)

Articulate Language Camps will be running a range of language-learning summer camps this summer just north of Glasgow. You can find out more about the camps themselves by visiting the website

In order to help spread the word about what they are offering, Kara from Articulate is spending June on a tour of Scottish schools. She is offering assemblies about why it is important to learn languages and mini language and digital media workshops for free. She will also be able to offer places to the young people at the net cost of running the camps. This is open to all primary and secondary schools.

If you are interested in Kara visiting your school before the end of term, email her at or call her on 07791698945.


Beyond the Panda

17 May 2013 (Edinburgh Zoo)

This three part outreach programme from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland is aimed at pupils in P5-P7 and will give them the opportunity to find out more about China and the Society's conservation work as they look at the following topics:

  • The Panda—Learning about the giant panda
  • China—Discovering China - past and present
  • Our World—Taking action in our world

The programme costs £100 which includes a 2 hour workshop, resource pack and additional support. Discounts are available if schools book two workshops. For full details of the programme, please download the Beyond the Panda pdf file or contact Sandie Robb,

This programme is run in partnership with CISS, SCEN, other Confucius Institutes and Confucius Hubs.

Related Files

Learn German with fun!

15 May 2013 (Learn German Easily)

This website is full of funny things in German and English – for example: basic lessons, jokes, stories, articles, learning tips, songs and much more.

There are materials available for use across all levels from beginner basics to Advanced Higher.


Highland winners in Euroquiz final: Cradlehall primary school wins at the Scottish Parliament

15 May 2013 (SEET)

Congratulations to the P6 team from Cradlehall Primary School in Inverness who won the Scottish European Educational Trust’s national Euroquiz final, which took place in the Scottish Parliament on 13 May 2013.

The quiz is run by the Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET) with almost 1300 pupils from 315 schools competing in the heats held across 29 of the 32 local authorities throughout the school year.

For the first time this year, the event has attracted Scottish Government funding to support the inclusion of a language component in the Euroquiz. In the language round participants had to demonstrate their understanding of simple questions and phrases spoken in French, German, Spanish and Italian.

Full details of the Euroquiz final and all the participating schools can be found on the attached flyer.  Or you can visit the SEET website for more information about the competition.


Related Files

New assembly packs - Exam stress

14 May 2013 (BBC World Class)

See our new assembly packs for primary and secondary pupils. The packs contain scripts for teachers alongside a World Class film called 'Gaokao fever,' which is about the notoriously difficult Gaokao exams in China.


Languages in UK schools: where we are vs where we need to be

13 May 2013 (Guardian)

What more could and should we be doing with languages in schools? Louise Tickle takes a look at the language learning landscape in the UK.


Language learning: teaching tips and creative lesson ideas

12 May 2013 (Guardian)

Guardian Education Q&A: Join us to share advice and ideas on bringing languages to life in schools, Thursday 16 May 2013, 6pm to 8pm.

There have been a glut of reports criticising the state of languages in the UK; it's been found that we're lagging behind other countries, not preparing our graduates for the global job market and not doing enough to encourage students to stick with languages. So, what can we do to catch up?



Related Links

How to teach ... languages creatively (The Guardian, 13 May 2013)  The Guardian Teacher Network has plenty of resources to help you inject some passion into your language lessons.

My best languages lesson: putting Spanish into practice with online books (The Guardian, 14 May 2013)

Junior Language Challenge 2013

10 May 2013 (ALL)

The Junior Language Challenge is an annual competition run by EuroTalk, for children under 11 across the British Isles. Over six months, children can learn up to three new languages, starting with Spanish, and compete against other young linguists for a chance to become Junior Language Challenge Champion 2013. If you already study or speak Spanish, we can change the language to German for you.

Entry costs just £2.50 per child, which is donated to Brighter Start, a charity providing educational resources to schools in Malawi.

For more details, please visit the Eurotalk website, email or telephone 0207 371 7711.


Teaching one plus two languages for under 12s is examined

10 May 2013 (Scottish Parliament)

Teaching primary children two languages in addition to their mother tongue will be examined as the topic of debate in the Scottish Parliament today (Friday 10 May) as part of an inquiry by the European and External Relations Committee. Teachers, policy makers and European organisations are coming together to discuss the findings so far of the Committee’s languages inquiry and look together at the issues before the Committee publishes its report.


Strathdevon Primary to Fly Clacks Flag at Scottish Parliament

7 May 2013 (Clackmannanshire Council)

Pupils from Strathdevon Primary School in Dollar will fly the flag for Clackmannanshire in the national finals of the Scottish European Trust's Euroquiz at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh next week.

The school children will come up against 29 other primary schools from around Scotland, from as far afield as Stornoway, in a bid to lift the coveted prize.

The final will held on Monday13th May, on the floor of the Scottish Parliament debating chamber at Holyrood.


Related Links

School children from across Scotland to take part in annual Euroquiz event (Scottish Parliament, 8 May 2013)

Website of the month - Hwb

6 May 2013 (SCILT)

Hwb now includes all the content from the NGfL Wales website and hosts a resources section, 'find and use', including materials for language learning in French, German, Spanish and Welsh from primary through to senior phase.


Digital Days - a new competition series for learners of German

2 May 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

The Goethe-Institut London invites German teachers and their students to take part in this unique competition series. German and IT is THE combination! Fun and steep learning curves guaranteed when you take on one of these tasks:

  • solving a family puzzle
  • inventing and performing a song text 
  • telling a joke 
  • doing a research puzzle about Germany’s Magic Cities 
  • producing your own mini - film in German 
  • taking part in a news reading competition

… and all you need is a computer.

Six categories for different levels of language skills are provided. Primary teachers and secondary teachers can choose which competition they think suits their students best.

Please register your interest with by 3rd June 2013.


"Märchenwelten" Drama Competition – Results

1 May 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

In 2012 the Goethe-Institut Glasgow invited learners of German to take part in a competition, involving theatrical interpretations from one of the Brother Grimms’ fairy tales. The outcome of this project showed the great enthusiasm, linguistic skills and the creative abilities of young scots, who embrace modern languages. 29 Scottish secondary and primary schools took part. Apart from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, special prizes for particular artistic or linguistic achievements were awarded. Congratulations to the participants and prize winners.

Category ‘Secondary Schools’:

  • Royal High School – 1st Prize
  • Holly Brook Academy, George Heriot’s School – 2nd Prize
  • Hutchesons’ Grammar School – 3rd Prize

Category ‘Primary Schools’:

  • Corstorphine Primary School – 1st Prize
  • Beaconhurst School – 2nd Prize

Special prizes were awarded to:

  • Beaconhurst School - for modern interpretation of a fairy tale
  • Bucksburn Academy - for costumes and set
  • Castlebrae Community High School - for animated adaptation of a fairy tale
  • Eyemouth High School - for creative script
  • Kemnay Academy - for German language
  • Morrison’s Academy - for humoristic interpretation of a fairy tale

The 1st Prizes will be awarded at the GALA opening of the fairy tale exhibition “Märchenwelten” on 8th May. All other winners and participants received their prizes/awards and a certificate by post. The prize winning entries have been compiled on a DVD which is now available from the Goethe-Institut - please e-mail our Language Department for a free copy.

Further information about the competition is available on the Goethe-Institut website.


‘Motivate the demotivated’

26 April 2013 (SCILT)

Looking for ways to inspire and motivate your language students? Using film in the classroom is a great way to combine interdisciplinary learning and generate enthusiasm amongst your pupils for language learning.  These projects were filmed in three different Scottish schools involving pupils from P7 to S6 who worked together to create their own animated movies using skills they developed in Modern Languages, Art and ICT. Have a look at these video clips to see what can be achieved and hear feedback from some of the pupils who took part.


'Märchenwelten' - exhibition for primary and secondary schools

25 April 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

Visit us and experience our interactive “Märchenwelten” exhibition from Tuesday 7 May 2013 to Thursday 23 May 2013 at the Goethe-Institut Glasgow. We offer tours with activities for children, ages 9 to 14; for learners of German and pupils interested in this central aspect of German culture.

Tours available in German and in English.  Registration is essential.

For further information and to register for this free event, visit our website or download the attached registration form.

Language practitioners are also invited to attend the exhibition's Opening Gala event on 8 May.  Follow the link below for further details.


Language Perfect World Championships 2013

23 April 2013 (ALL)

The Language Perfect World Championships for 2013 has just been launched. This year’s event will take place from 20 - 30 May.

The Language Perfect World Championships is the largest online languages competition on the planet. Students compete for their class, school and country against other students from around the world, by earning points in a range of foreign languages.  It’s all about motivating students to get excited about languages, learning, and having fun at the same time!

ALL, which is an official partner in the competition, is delighted to announce that this year, we will have a special trophy to give away to the top scoring school in the UK. We’ll let you have more details as soon as we have them!

For further information about the competition and to register, follow the link below to the Language Perfect World Championships 2013 website.


Walpurgisnacht (resource)

22 April 2013 (Voyage Kids)

Teach your primary German pupils about Walpurgisnacht (Walpurgis Night) - the night from 30 April to 1 May. Legend has it that on this night, witches hold a festival on the Blocksberg mountain to await the arrival of spring. People throughout Germany use this occasion to welcome the beginning of May and warmer weather. There is usually lots of singing and dancing.

With Spring around the corner, there is also a resource for pupils to learn some really useful German spring words! Follow the 'Der Früling' link below.


Related Links

Der Frühling

Edinburgh Gaelic Primary seeks bilingual janitor

16 April 2013 (The Scotsman)

The Capital’s first Gaelic primary school is to launch a drive for bilingual janitors and dinner ladies as part of radical moves to offer “total immersion” language-learning. Teachers at Parkside Primary – or Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirc – said they hoped its dining hall and corridors would soon resound to phrases such as “Cuir air falabh na truinnsearan agaibh!” (“clear away your plates!”) and Cus còmhraidh! (“too much chat!”).


SALT Poster Competition 2013

16 April 2013 (SALT)

Design a poster or leaflet with illustrations and text on the subject “Promoting Scotland to visitors coming to the Commonwealth Games”.

Entry is open to any individual pupil/student or group of pupils/students in any Scottish school. The age limit is up to and including 18.  There will be two age categories: Primary and Secondary. A separate ICT prize may also be awarded. 

The use of a language other than English must feature on the entry. There should be between 30 and 100 words in total. The entry should be no bigger than A3. 

There will be awards of up to £25 for winning entries and many other prizes.

The closing date for the competition will be 20 June 2013.

See the attached flyer for further information and how to enter.

Related Files

No snags on this fine silk road

5 April 2013 (TES)

Twelve children from St Luke's Primary in North Ayrshire took centre stage last month at a masterclass in interdisciplinary learning, run by the Tapestry Partnership in Glasgow.

The young people led the audience on a journey along "The Silk Road to Scotland" - the theme of one of Tapestry's interdisciplinary programmes, which explores the links between Eastern Asia, North Africa and Europe created by the trade in silk and other products over thousands of years.


eTwinning Network event in Sofia, Bulgaria, 25nd-28th April

26 March 2013 (eTwinning)

Are you interested in finding a partner school from Europe to start an eTwinning project?

The British Council eTwinning team is giving up to 4 teachers from the UK the chance to travel to Sofia to meet and network with other European teachers at a joint eTwinning event

Taking place from Thursday 25th to Sunday 28th April, this event is open to teachers working with students aged 3-11 teaching any subject. It will include sessions on how to use eTwinning, how to use ICT tools and how to fit eTwinning into your school life.

All workshop sessions will be delivered concurrently in German, French and English, so this event would in particular suit someone who can speak either French or German. However, this is not a prerequisite.

The British Council will cover travel, accommodation and meal expenses as well as your participation fee. Supply cover is not included.

Visit the eTwinning website for further information and to apply by 7 April 2013.


Language World 2013: Music to my ears

24 March 2013 (My Languages blog - Isabelle Jones)

Download the slides and reference sheet for my session on using music in the languages classroom presented at Language World 2013.


Anti-European sentiment 'turning children off learning languages'

20 March 2013 (The Guardian)

(Relates to England)  Report finds A-level entries for French and German fell by half between 1996 and 2012, with language GCSEs also in decline. Anti-European sentiment is turning teenagers off modern foreign languages, experts have suggested.


Related Links

Language learning in primary and secondary schools in England 2012 (CfBT, 20 March 2013)  CfBT Education Trust today published the results of national surveys of primary and secondary schools, revealing the multiple challenges for languages within the new English National Curriculum.

Anti-European attitudes 'turning pupils off languages' (The Telegraph, 20 March 2013)

Europhobia, language trends and scratchy labels (Alcantara Communications, 21 March 2013)

Languages barrier may persist despite EBac boost (TES, 22 March 2013)

Learn German with Songs

18 March 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

On 18 and 19 April 2013 Martina Schwarz, songwriter and performer, will visit Springburn Nursery, Glasgow and Primary Schools in Paisley and Fife. Her resource “Learn German with songs” and “Learn more German with songs” has been a popular teaching resource for Primary schools and provided lots of fun and enthusiasm among pupils and teachers.

Visit the Goethe-Institut website for more information about these resources.


'Märchenhaftes Theater' - Competition for Primary and Secondary Schools

18 March 2013 (Goethe-Institut Glasgow)

To celebrate the Grimm-year 2012 the Goethe-Institut Glasgow would like to invite learners of German to take part in the drama competition: 'Märchenhaftes Theater'.

This opportunity provides pupils with a platform to practice their German in a fun way, to carry out a project as a team and learn to work in a group. With the help of their teachers pupils are asked to perform a short scene which relates to a situation from one of the Brother Grimm’s fairy-tales.

Entries to this competition should be approximately 5 minutes long and must be submitted as a video file.  Deadline for submissions is 30 March 2013.

This competition is available to two categories:

•Category 1: P6/P7
•Category 2: S1/S2

For more information and to register visit the Goethe-Institut website.


My Spanish students write their own plays to improve their English vocab

18 March 2013 (The Guardian)

Role play and interactive technology helped primary teacher Jeremy Dean increase his foreign students' English vocabulary at a language immersion school in Spain.  I work in Spain and teach English to Spanish six and seven-year-olds. No, I don't just teach them English, I also teach them science, numeracy, history, the whole primary curriculum, in English.


Could your language project inspire others and win a top prize?

15 March 2013 (SCILT)

Applications are now open for the 2013 European Language Label, and schools from across the UK are invited to apply.

This year’s theme is ‘Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning’, and the Award is open to schools in the Primary and Secondary sector, as well as FE and HE institutions. This award is a great opportunity for the innovative work being done in languages in Scotland to be recognised across the UK and Europe.

The European Language Label (ELL) is an award for innovative language-learning projects. It rewards creative ways to improve the quality of language teaching, motivate learners and make the best of available resources. Winning projects may use European Language Label on stationery and websites and, in addition, all winners receive prizes of books, vouchers or teaching materials from the Award sponsors. The awards are presented at a prize-giving ceremony on European Day of Languages, 26th September.

For more information, including the online application form, please visit the ELL website or contact  For inspiration, follow the link below to see some of the previous winning projects.

The application deadline is Sunday 21 April 2013.

Previous winners from Scotland have included St Roch’s Secondary School in Glasgow in 2011 and Mid Calder Primary in 2009.


St Ronan's pupils triumph at Euroquiz

12 March 2013 (Scottish Borders Council)

Five pupils from St. Ronan's Primary School have made it through to the final of the national Euroquiz competition. They will represent the Scottish Borders at the national final to be held at the Scottish Parliament in May.

The Euroquiz is designed as a way for children to learn about Europe and its rich history and culture and is organised by the Scottish European Educational Trust. The quiz included questions on geography, languages, the European Union, culture, history and sport.


Jewish Community Secondary School young entrepreneurs hope to boost children's language skills

11 March 2013 (Times Series)

Young entrepreneurs are hoping to boost children's love of languages with their hand-designed activities book. Fifteen teenagers at Jewish Community Secondary School in New Barnet made the book Flying Away with Languages as part of their Young Enterprise scheme. The group, known as TryLingual, were inspired by Michael Gove’s plans to provide more emphasis on languages in primary schools and are hoping the book will prove popular with schoolchildren across Barnet.


Easter Special (German)

5 March 2013 (Voyage Kids)

Easter is on its way, and children across Germany are looking forward to such seasonal activities as baking Easter cakes, going to Easter bonfire celebrations and, in some areas, even decorating village wells. Why not introduce your pupils to some seasonal German customs in the run-up to the Easter holidays with the 'voyage kids' Easter Special? Including:

  • Can your pupils guess who's hiding in the Easter egg? Complete the jigsaw to find out! 
  • Colour your own Easter eggs the traditional German way with easy-to-make vegetable dyes. 
  • Teach useful vocabulary with our Easter memory game. 
  •  Fun facts about 'Ostereiersuchen' (Easter egg hunts), Easter cakes and 'Osterbrunnen' (decorated village wells)


Related Links

Did you know that April Fools' Day is celebrated in Germany?

New French course for Primary school teachers at a beginner level

28 February 2013 (Alliance Française)

The Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running a new French course for Primary school teachers at a beginner level:

20 hours over 10 weeks tailored to the needs of Primary schools teachers (classroom and speaking activities, pronunciation, communication, confidence), Thursdays, 4-6pm, 14 March to 30 May 2013 (inclusive).

The cost to attend this course is £80 (please note this is a special fee offered by the AF Glasgow to promote modern languages). Places are very limited so early booking is recommended.

To enrol, please contact or visit the Language Office at the Alliance Française by Friday 8th March 2013:

  • Alliance Française de Glasgow- 3 Park Circus - G3 6AX – Glasgow 
  • Tel +44 (0)141 331 4080 

ICT to Support Modern Languages in the Primary School

27 February 2013 (Glow Scotland blog)

Malcolm Wilson, ICT Curriculum Development Officer in the Curriculum Support Team of Falkirk Council Education Services, presented a session with primary class teachers on a variety of ICT resources to support teaching Modern Languages in the Primary School.


Make Your Own Comic Book - a special competition for budding artists across the UK

27 February 2013 (Institut Français)

Calling all comics devotees: BD&Comics Passion is back at the Institut français in London from May 30th to June 2nd 2013! Workshops, live drawing, concerts and movies galore are on the agenda, with some of the greatest writers and illustrators. And since you love comics, why not make one yourself? If you’re aged 7 to 17 and live in the UK, you can participate in our nationwide contest and stand a chance to win amazing prizes! Whether you make it on your own, as a class project, or with friends…entries can be submitted in French or English or both.

For more information and how to enter, download the attached flyer.

Related Files

Say sayonara to languages that have not made the list

22 February 2013 (TES)

(Relates to England)
Community languages such as Urdu, Polish and Hebrew have been excluded from the new primary national curriculum despite opposition from the majority of responses to a government consultation. Ministers have decided that key stage 2 pupils should study one or more of a list of languages restricted to French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Spanish, Latin or ancient Greek.
But 61 per cent of the 562 teachers, parents, schools, universities, unions and other organisations and individuals who expressed a view believe the primary national curriculum should cover a much wider range of languages.


MFL - Step on the gas

22 February 2013 (TES)

The topic of climate change provides a great opportunity to look at how different countries are tackling the problem. Once you get them started, pupils could pick one issue from the country in question and research it themselves. They could then present their findings in simple forms such as posters, giving them plenty of focused practice in the target language.


MSP visits Fife schools as part of languages inquiry

15 February 2013 (Scottish Parliament)

The teaching of languages in two Fife primary schools will be under the spotlight on Monday as Roderick Campbell MSP, member of the European and External Relations Committee, visits Balmerino Primary School in Gauldry and Leuchars Primary School in Leuchars.


Fasching / Karneval

8 February 2013 (UK-German Connection)

It's that time of year again when large parts of Germany descend into a jamboree of fancy dress, sweet-throwing and general high jinx. That's right, Fasching / Karneval is almost here, and you can teach your pupils all about it with the 'voyage kids' Karneval special!

This year's special includes an interactive 'through the telescope' feature, an online jigsaw, a quiz, and, of course, the ever-popular Karneval-esque song by a singing hairdresser! (with worksheet and brand new PPTs to teach the vocabulary in the song).


German Language Films at Glasgow Film Festival & Glasgow Youth Film Festival

7 February 2013 (Goethe-Institute)

The Glasgow Film Festival 2013 is about to start. We are particularly pleased about the wide range of contributions from Germany to the sections cinema, music and education projects, supported by the Goethe-Institut Glasgow for this year’s programme:

  • Kaddish for a Friend (age 12+) - Tuesday 12 February, 12:45, Glasgow Film Theatre 
    94 mins, German with English subtitles.
  • Mercy (Gnade) (age 12+) - Monday 18 February, 20:30 / Tuesday 19 February, 13:15, Cineworld
    131 mins, German, Norwegian & English with English subtitles.
  • Reported Missing (age 12+) - Wednesday 20 February, 19:00 / Thursday 21 February, 15:45, Cineworld 
    86 mins, German with English subtitles.

Further information is available from the Goethe-Institut Glasgow Filmpages.

We also would like to draw your attention to German-language films featured in this year’s festival programme:

  • Wickie and the Treasure of the Gods (age 8+) - Sat 9 February, 13:30, GFT,
  • Lore (age 15) - Fri 15 February, 18:00, GFT/ Sat 16 February, 19:00, Cineworld
  • Cloud Atlas (age 15) - Sun 17 February, 19:15, GFT & Mon 18 February 13:15, GFT
  • Kuma (age 15+) - Mon 18 February, 18:45, Cineworld / Tue 19 February, 13:45, Cineworld
  • Museum Hours (age 12+) - Fri 22 February, 18:00, GFT / Sun 24 February, 12:45, Cineworld

Further information is available from the Glasgow Film Festival website.


New Glasgow Gaelic school

7 February 2013 (Scottish Government)

The Scottish Government is investing £800,000 in a new Gaelic school for Glasgow, it was announced today. The Gaelic Medium Education primary school will be part of the Glendale Campus in Pollokshields.


Related Links

Glasgow's second Gaelic school to open in Pollokshields area (BBC News, 7 February 2013)

New Gaelic school to open in Glasgow (The Herald, 8 February 2013) 

Start of new German courses - enrol now!

6 February 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

The new spring/summer semester at the Goethe-Institut Glasgow will start on 11 February. If you are interested in enrolling in one of our courses, please contact us as soon as possible. If you are unsure about the level or suitable class we will advise further.


Multilingual Mr Men

1 February 2013 (TES Resources)

Mr Men books are a great topic for language lessons. Excellent for learning new vocabulary and practising verbs and idioms, the books are almost guaranteed to be funny, which makes them perfect for a Red Nose Day class. Secondary school pupils love inventing new Mr Men using words such as "sarcastic", "worried" and "technophobe" in English. By translating these into the target language, they will learn some quite subtle new vocabulary in a memorable way.


Languages expert hits out at 'unclear' report

1 February 2013 (TESS)

The government-commissioned report into languages that calls for children to start learning a second language in P1 and a third in P5 has come under fire for lack of clarity.


TES webchat - How learning foreign languages can improve students' understanding of English

31 January 2013 (TES)

TES MFL subject adviser Rachel Hawkes looks at how foreign languages learning can support literacy without us needing to use English. The chat will be an informal way for you to share ideas on the topic as well as ask questions and seek advice from Rachel and each other.


J-Basic Online for Teachers

1 February 2013 (Japan Foundation)

The first term of Japan Foundation's online Japanese course for teachers 2013 will start on 25 February, and is now open for enrolment. The 8-week online course is for teachers with a basic level of Japanese who would like to build up their language skills.

Deadline for enrolment: 12 February 2013


Learn Languages with Arsenal FC

31 January 2013 (European Commission)

Arsenal Double Club Languages is the north London football club’s innovative education programme for children that are learning French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese at school.

The programme uses Arsenal and football as a theme to inspire school children to learn a language. The Club produces fun, relevant learning materials in collaboration with specialist language partners including the Goethe Institute, Institut Français and the Consejería de Educación. These resources include colourful workbooks that are filled with language activities based around football, and also a DVD featuring one of the Gunners’ players speaking in their native language.


Professional recognition

28 January 2013 (SCILT)

Congratulations to Gwen McCrossan from Argyll and Bute, who has received professional recognition from GTCS for her work in MLPS French. Gwen’s creative approach has integrated language learning into the wider curriculum through her skilful use of puppets, story-telling and ICT, to name but a few. If you would like to apply for professional recognition, please visit the GTCS website.


Snakes and Dragons Chinese New Year Competition

25 January 2013 (British Council)

Simply answer a question on Chinese New Year for a chance to win a book token for your school.


Teaching languages in Hamilton primary school examined by MSPs

25 January 2013 (Scottish Parliament New Release)

The teaching of languages in a Hamilton primary school is under the spotlight today as two Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) visit St Elizabeth’s in Eddlewood, Hamilton.


You're never too young to learn Mandarin

January 23 2013 (British Council)

Two UK primary school teachers explain how teaching Mandarin has benefitted learners and teachers alike.


Peace and Cooperation School Award 2013

23 January 2013 (Consejería de Educación)

Peace and Cooperation and the World Association of Early Childhood Educators (AMEI-WAECE) invite students and teachers from around the world to engage in Creativity for Peace using art as an expression of Cultural Identity for knowledge, outreach and understanding between people.

Entries are invited in the following age categories, with six diplomas to be awarded in each category and eight prizes of 300 Euros:

  1. Free drawing (up to 6 year-olds)
  2. Drawing with written message (7 to 12 year-olds)
  3. Mural or group work (12 to 15 year-olds)
  4. Free art (16 to 18 year-olds)

Works can be submitted in any of the 6 official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French, English or Russian) and should be submitted by July 5th, 2013 to the headquarters of Peace and Cooperation in Madrid by mail or email.

Visit the website or download the attached flyer for further information.


Related Files

Inverness Gaelic school set to grow in size

19 January 2013 (BBC News)

A Gaelic medium education school in Inverness at the centre of difficulties with the appointment of a head teacher looks set to increase in size.


MFL - Shopping en francais

18 January 2013 (TES)

Shopping online in a foreign language is such fun that pupils absorb new vocabulary without too much effort. Words in the target language are illustrated with photographs without the need for intervening translation. It is a great way to connect the new words with the reality they describe.


New semester at the Goethe-Institut

17 January 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

For full details of all the language courses and examinations available at the Goethe-Institut in Glasgow for Spring/Summer 2013 visit the website, or view the information pages below.


The Job Profile is Decisive – Foreign Languages in the Workplace

17 January 2013 (Goethe-Institut)

In today's professional world, knowledge of foreign languages is an indispensable skill and a must-have on any resume. Still, studies show that while good foreign language skills play an increasingly important role in the workplace, every situation is different.


International School Awards

17 January 2013 (British Council)

Do you want international recognition for your school? Do you want to learn more about schools in other countries and be at the forefront of cultural exchanges among young people? If so, then you could bid for an International School Award (ISA) under the Connecting Classrooms programme.


Les Misérables

15 January 2013 (Mary Glasgow Plus)

With the latest Hollywood adaptation of the Victor Hugo novel now released, this article in French can be used to discuss the story in your language class. Different versions are available to suit all levels from P7 to the senior phase.


Chinese New Year Packs

15 January 2013 (Chinese Made Easy)

CME Books Europe are distributing (on behalf of Dragons in Europe) packs to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the snake.  For more details and to order please see attached document.

Related Files

Modern Languages Newsletter – January 2013

14 January 2013 (Glasgow City Council)

To read about all the latest language events and activities within Glasgow schools, download the January newsletter.

British Council China Education Pack

14 January 2012 (British Council)

The ‘Snakes and Dragons’ Education Pack is a free resource for UK Primary Schools that is available to download from the British Council Schools Online website. With a specific focus on China and Chinese culture, the (physical) pack is designed to support UK young peoples’ education about the world around them and to help them gain an understanding of other countries and cultures in preparation for life as global citizens.

British Council have made this pack because they believe that given China is the world's second biggest economy - and set to continue that upward trajectory - a good understanding of China will help prepare our young people for life in a global society and work in a global economy. Of course, China is just one of many countries that our children will need to understand and be able to engage with in their future lives and many UK schools are already involved in international education work through programmes like Comenius, Connecting Classrooms, Language Assistants, or the International School Award. More information about these programmes can be found at the Schools Online website as well as many other resources that support teaching and learning about global citizenship.


Bring Spain to your Classroom

14 January 2013 (eTwinning)

Spanish primary and secondary schools are looking for English speaking partner schools. eTwinning provides advice on three easy ways to link up with schools in Spain.


Professional Learning Resource for Modern Languages

11 January 2013 (Education Scotland)

Education Scotland have supplemented the advice in the Modern Languages Principles and Practice paper to support primary and secondary practitioners in making assessment decisions about learners’ achievement and progress. The Professional Learning Paper gives further guidance and information on significant aspects of learning and outlines what breadth, challenge and application looks like in the Modern Languages classroom.

The “Modern Languages: key aspects of achievement” document gives further, useful support to help practitioners moderate the experiences and outcomes and details what can be reasonably expected from learners who have achieved second and third level in Modern Languages.


Modern Languages - Topsy-turvy learning

11 January 2013 (TESS)

Recently, we made a short film in Spanish with a small group of Year 4 (P4) pupils. It won a competition and caused a stir. Now we have a learning epidemic, with children leading the way, writes Heather Martin.


MFL - Making a meal of it

11 January 2013 (TES)

World travel and a Monty Python sketch will get pupils talking.
Learning a new language can take you anywhere. Pupils sometimes need reminding of this to motivate them. In the cold grip of January, they are learning words that could one day take them to new worlds.


Sounds like a success in any language

11 January 2013 (TES)

Had I read "Buenos dias, bilingualism" (4 January) six years ago, I might have thought: "Here comes a crackpot idea that will cause chaos for 18 months, then be reformed or rethought for a further year, before being forgotten without fanfare." Now I think: "About time too. Why has this taken so long?" It's not as if reforms have been thin on the ground recently.


Related Links

Buenos dias, bilingualism (TES, 4 January 2013)

Languages drive is crucial for Scotland's future, MSPs told

10 January 2013 (STV News)

Children as young as nine will be taught three languages amid rising immigration, tourism and increasing demand for workers that speak more than just English, MSPs have heard.

The Scottish Government has set aside £4m for a pilot project to ensure Scotland's economy does not suffer as a result of its citizens' relatively poor language skills.


Additional beginners Chinese class now available

9 January 2013 (Confucius Institute Edinburgh)

Due to high demand we have now arranged an additional beginners Chinese class on Thursday evenings starting from 14 January for ten weeks.

This class is suitable for absolute beginners and over the course of the term students will learn the basics of Chinese pronunciation, practice basic conversations and be taught Pinyin.


Scotland-Russia Forum news

9 January 2013 (SRF)

The latest round-up of news and events from the SRF is now available to download.

This edition includes a request from a casting agency seeking Russian-speaking actors, including children/teens, for a film to be shot in the UK between March and July 2013. 

If you need to brush up on your Russian first, the next Чай н Чат (tea and chat) at the Scotland-Russia Institute in Edinburgh is on 31 January.

Related Files

“Take Away China 2013”

8 January 2013 (Ricefield Arts Centre)

James Thomson, director of Ricefield Arts Centre, would like to offer an opportunity to schools to take part in the launch of “Take Away China 2013” on 12 February, the beginning of the Year of the Snake. This is the third year of “Take Away China” – the notion being to take a small part of China away with you from each event. Schools are invited to participate in forming a long snake. The idea is to form a snake made of twenty willow lantern sections with each section being supported by 4 or 6 pupils from each school or hub.  Download the attached file for more information.

If you feel your hub or school might be interested in this opportunity, please contact

French film screenings for children

8 January 2013 (Institut français)

The Institut français d'Ecosse will be screening two animated films for young children in January and February:

  • Le Chat du Rabbin (for children aged 6+) - Tuesday 22 January 18:30-20:00 / Wednesday 23 January 11:00-12:30
  • Mia et le Migou (for children aged 3+) - Saturday 16 February 11:00-12:30

Both films are in French with English subtitles.  Visit the website for more information.


ALL Language Perfect World Championships 2013

8 January 2013 (ALL)

Registration is now open for one of the world's largest online language competitions taking place from 20 - 30 May 2013.

The European Commission recently awarded the competition a European Language Label for being an innovative language-learning project.

For more details and to apply, visit the website.  The first 500 schools to register get 50 free entries!


The Times Stephen Spender Prize for poetry translation 2013

8 January 2013 (Stephen Spender Trust)

The Times Stephen Spender Prize for poetry translation 2013 has been launched. Entrants should translate a poem from any language, classical or modern, into English to enter this competition. Winning entries will be published in a booklet and cash prizes will be awarded. The closing date for entries is Friday 24th May 2013.


Why study languages calendar 2013

7 January 2013 (Language Box)

The why study languages calendar has been produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies and includes a variety of languages, beginning in January with Italian. This is the first of a 12-month series lasting until December 2013.  The calendar can be downloaded or printable versions can be ordered.


Funding for UK-German activities - deadline reminder

7 January 2013 (UK German Connection)

Please note the upcoming application deadlines for the Challenge Fund and Celebratory Fund programmes from the UK German Connection: 31st January and 31st May 2013.


*       Enhance the international dimension in your school and get pupils involved in cross-curricular projects!

*       UK-German Connection provides grants for joint thematic activities in all curriculum areas, with or without a language element. The fund is designed to encourage young people to explore topics of their choice and develop their skills in an international and hands-on context.

*       Funding can go towards project resources, joint activities and reciprocal partner visits.

*       For further details, please see:

*       NEW! The new Challenge Fund - World of Work funding programme specifically supports partnerships undertaking work experience or enterprise-related activities as part of their partnership visits:


*       Provides grants to support activities in celebration of partnership anniversaries.

*       Further details and an application form can be found here:

If you have any questions about the above programmes or would like to discuss your ideas, please contact Lucy Farrant either by email at or by telephone (020 7824 1570).

Accent is on language as Scots coaches prepare to start SFA’s UEFA Pro Licence course

6 January 2013 (Daily Record)

Football has become global. And Scotland’s managers are about to follow suit.

The latest candidates for the SFA’s UEFA Pro Licence will gather at Hampden today to kick off the two-year course they now need to boss at the elite level of European football.

But for the first time since the course began in 1999, candidates must learn a second language as part of their studies.


New study of how Gaelic affects brain functions

20 December 2012 (BBC News)

Scientists are to investigate changes in brain functions among people who are fluent in English and Gaelic.  The study involving Glasgow and Edinburgh universities will require its test subjects to speak Gaelic exclusively for about 40 days.


Related Links

Mapping the bilingual brain (Radio Lab blog, 12 December 2012)

Key Findings: Languages in Primary Education

19 December 2012 (Language Rich blog)

Language Rich Europe research provides a rich source of cross-national insights into multilingualism across the education sectors. You can browse all the national/regional profiles or simply focus on primary education by reading on.


Recent reports stress the importance of language skills for business

17 December 2012 (European Commission)

Communication and languages are crucial to business in a globalised economy. New evidence found in two reports published in the UK and in Ireland.


Having difficulties convincing your school to spend money on MFL?

14 December 2012 (Brilliant Teaching Resources)

As MFL Coordinator, you know that teaching foreign languages is important.  But does everyone else in your school? To help you convince them of the importance of MFL, we have produced an information sheet: 10 Reasons for Teaching Foreign Languages in Primary School.


Language Learning in Scotland: a 1 + 2 Approach

14 December 2012 (Teaching Scotland blog)

Tom Hamilton, Director of Education and Professional Learning at GTCS, talks about the teaching of languages report.


Primary adds success by teaching 1+5

14 December 2012 (TESS)

The prospect of teaching 1+2 languages from P1 is a daunting one for many in the primary sector.

But today, the Scottish Parliament's European and External Relations Committee will launch an inquiry into the teaching of languages in primary - at a school where 1+5 is the norm.

At Dalmarnock Primary, in the east end of Glasgow, pupils have access to French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Greek, in addition to their home language of English.


Inquiry into language teaching

14 December 2012 (BBC News)

A Holyrood committee has launched an inquiry into language teaching in Scottish primary schools.
It follows research suggesting Scotland lags behind many other countries in linguistic skills.


Related Links

Scottish Parliament launches inquiry into foreign language learning (Language Rich blog, 17 December 2012)

English is second language at 'best' primary

13 December 2012 (BBC News)

Most of the pupils at the school that tops the latest primary school league tables do not speak English at home, and 80% are from Asian backgrounds.


Spanish Christmas resources

13 December 2012 (Mary Glasgow Plus)

You will find a variety of Spanish resources about Christmas posted on this Pinterest board. You will need to register to download the resources, however registration is free. The articles are all available to suit learners at different levels, from P7 to S6.


Wirkin Wi Wirds – Modren Scots Grammar

13 December 2012 (Engage for Education)

Modren Scots Grammar: Wirkin Wi Wirds is one of the recent projects undertaken by Scottish Language Dictionaries to celebrate their first ten years.
The book accords with Curriculum for Excellence in that it seeks to give readers an understanding of how language works and to give them the tools with which to discuss Scots, English and other modern languages.


A few Christmas activities for the second week of Advent

12 December 2012 (ALL)

Here are some ideas for celebrating Christmas with your class, from ALL.  They cover different languages and different levels.

Language Rich Europe in the Netherlands – Multilingualism in Business and Education

11 November 2012 (Language Rich Europe blog)

As part of the Language Rich Europe project, we are holding workshops across Europe to discuss the findings and plan the next steps. In this blog post, Lorcan Murray, an intern at British Council Netherlands, writes about the workshop held in Utrecht in November.


Les Français en NBA

11 December 2012 (Mary Glasgow Plus)

Covering the topic of sport in your French language class? This article on French basketball players in the American NBA is a useful resource to introduce the sport. Different versions are available, adapted for use with pupils from P7 upwards.


School partnerships improve pupils' and teachers' language skills

11 December 2012 (European Commission)

A new study on the impact of partnerships between schools in different countries has found that pupils significantly improved their skills, including foreign languages.


'Speak a foreign language and secure a job here'

7 December 2012 (TESS)

The ability to speak foreign languages is not only important in finding work abroad - it is becoming ever more crucial for getting a job in Scotland.  That was one of the most compelling messages from businesswoman Rebecca Trengove, guest speaker at a languages conference in Stirling.


Christmas websites

7 December 2012 (SCILT)

We have pulled together a list of our favourite Christmas websites for teachers to use in class. These websites cover Christmas in France, Germany, Spain and around the world.


Opportunities and resources from the Goethe-Institut

6 December 2012 (Goethe-Institut)

Resources for Primary German 
Presentations on German customs and traditions with Teachers’ Notes - newly added presentations ”German festivals and customs: Christmas” and “Birthday Celebrations”.

Promoting German for your school
A new DVD “The smart choice: German” is available free of charge from the Goethe Institut Glasgow.

"Vorsprung mit Deutsch”.  A website for German learners where you will find a lot of opportunities and ideas of how to take advantage, improve and make the most of your language skills. 

Festive phrases advent calendar

6 December 2012 (Radio Lingua)

With Festive Phrases you can learn a festive greeting each day of December, and you’ll soon be able to say “Merry Christmas”, “Happy New Year” or “Happy Holidays” to many millions of people around the world. In each short video Radio Lingua director Mark is joined by a native speaker of the language, and we’ll provide some background information about the number of speakers, where the language is spoken and much more.


School Partnerships

5 December 2012 (British Council)

Is your school involved in a partnership between the UK and another country? If so, you could be eligible for our exciting new funding offer for school partnerships, from the Connecting Classrooms programme. The deadline for applications is 11 February 2013. For more information on eligibility and how to apply visit our website.


Scottish Education Awards 2013

3 December 2012 (Education Scotland)

Nominations for the 2013 awards are now open. Categories include the Global Citizenship Award, which recognises the achievements of schools and pre-schools that have adopted a whole school approach to global citizenship, and the Gaelic Awareness Award in recognition of schools and pre-schools who are providing opportunities for all children to develop fluency in the Gaelic language and culture. Visit the Scottish Education Awards website for more information and to submit a nomination.


Roald Dahl gets the Gaelic treatment for schools

2 December 2012 (Scotland on Sunday)

His works have been translated into 34 languages but now a new market is opening up for Roald Dahl – Gaelic.


New National Qualifications – November 2012 update

30 November 2012 (SQA)

The latest progress on the new national qualifications from the SQA, including a reminder of the CfE subject implementation dates being run throughout Scotland. Modern Language events are taking place in February 2013 and places can be booked via the SQA website.


New CPD for primary and secondary teachers

29 November 2012 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce we have expanded our Professional Learning menu to include further options for Primary and Secondary teachers from our colleagues, the Institut Français and the Consejería de Educación. To download the new menus visit the relevant Professional Development pages on our website.


Millionaire sports stars (resource)

28 November 2012 (Mary Glasgow Plus)

Read this article in Spanish about the richest athletes in the world. Different versions are available, adapted for use with pupils from P7 to S4.


CISS Newsletter Autumn 2012

27/11/2012 (CISS)

The first CISS newsletter has now been published. This edition includes stories on Chinese language and cultural activities and events in schools across Scotland, as well as information on the work that CISS has been doing over the past few months. I’m sure you will agree it is a great showcase of all the fabulous work being done across Scotland to promote Chinese language and culture. Many thanks to those of you who contributed.

You can download the newsletter from the CISS website.


Nutella (French resource)

27 November 2012 (Mary Glasgow Plus)

Article in French about the nutritional and environmental impact of the spread, Nutella. Adapted for use with pupils from P7 – S5.


EDL 2012 blog

27 November 2012 (SCILT)

Our EDL2012 blog is now live! For a sneaky peek to see how the prize winning and other schools celebrated 26th September visit our EDL 2012 blog. There’s still time to add details of your school’s EDL, please send a short description of the event and any photos or film you would like included in your post to our Information Officer.

If you are already thinking ahead to 21st February 2013 (International Mother Language Day) or 9th May 2013 (Europe Day) or even the next European Day of Languages on 26th September 2013, all our EDL blogs over recent years have lots of great ideas that you might want to borrow or adapt for your own celebrations.


Improving language opportunities for Scotland’s young people

27 November 2012 (Engage for Education)

Sarah Breslin, Director of SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages at the University of Strathclyde, talks about the importance of the Scottish Government’s 1+2 languages policy.


Foreign language skills 'cost Scottish businesses'

27 November 2012 (BBC News)

A widespread lack of language skills could be damaging Scotland's ability to trade abroad, a report has suggested.  The British Council study warned there was a tendency among Scottish firms to limit their export markets to English-speaking countries.


Related Links

Fears raised for overseas trade as young Scots shy away from studying foreign languages (The Scotsman, 27 November 2012)
A crisis in foreign language teaching across Scottish education is damaging overseas trade, the British Council warns today.

Analysis: Speaking the lingo goes to prove that it’s not only travel that broadens the mind (The Scotsman, 27 November 2012)

Leaders: Greater language skills key to breaking trade barriers (The Scotsman, 27 November 2012)

Crisis in study of languages a risk to trade (The Herald, 27 November 2012)
A lack of foreign language skills is limiting the ability of Scottish companies to tap into lucrative overseas export markets, according to a new report.

Kaye asks why Scots are so bad at learning foreign languages (Call Kaye, BBC Radio Scotland, 27 November 2012) - programme available until 3 December 2012.

Trade danger of language teaching cuts (Scottish Daily Express, 27 November 2012)

Language cuts 'will hit Scottish economy' (Morning Star, 27 November 2012)

Language Rich Europe - Scotland (British Council, 2012)

French Christmas resources for primary and secondary classes

26 November 2012 (Institut français d'Ecosse)

The Institut français d'Ecosse has produced some new resources about Noël (Christmas) for use with primary and S1-S3 pupils.

The resources can be accessed from the Institut français website.


Related Links

Noël for S1-S3

Booking now open for Jan-Mar 2013 classes

23 November 2012 (Confucius Institute Edinburgh)

Bookings are now being taken for language classes at the Confucius Institute for Scotland for the winter term starting from week beginning 14 January 2013.

Visit the website for full details of all the classes on offer.


Report on SCEN China Youth Summit

23 November 2012 (Confucius Institute Edinburgh)

The SCEN China Youth Summit at Gleneagles on 12 November, known as the G50 after the 50 schools, universities and other organisations represented and in memory of the famous G8 Summit held at Gleneagles in 2005 was an inspiring day for all those who attended the event.


Voyage Kids - Christmas special (German)

23 November 2012 (UK-German Connection)

The festive season approaches, and the 'voyage kids' website is full of UK-German seasonal cheer with our Christmas Special!

Your pupils can:

  • find out about St. Nikolaus and Knecht Ruprecht - have they earned presents or the 'Rute' on 6 December? 
  • practise their festive vocab with a Christmas memory game and jigsaw
  • sing along to German carols such as 'Stille Nacht' and 'Kling, Glöckchen' 
  • learn Christmas facts, play games and enter this year's Christmas competition in our interactive Advent calendar
  • learn how to bake a 'Lebkuchenhaus' and 'Herrenplätzchen' 
  • upload their own home-made German Christmas cards

If you are singing German Christmas carols such as 'Stille Nacht' or 'Kling, Glöckchen' with your pupils in the next few weeks, just send us a recording as an MP3, and we'll put it online. (All participating classes will receive 'voyage kids' goodies, so don't forget to mention your school name and address, class name, and number of pupils.)


Related Links

Many thanks to the pupils of Vicarage Park Primary School, Kendal, and Logie Primary School, Dunphail, for their marvellous renditions of the St. Martin's Day 'Laterne, Laterne' song.

New report published on Sustainable International School Partnerships

23 November 2012 (Education Scotland)

British Council Scotland and Education Scotland have recently published ‘Sustainable International School Partnerships – Make the Difference’.

Effective practices, challenges, opportunities and a framework for reflection combine to illustrate how the development of sustainable international school partnerships can ‘make the difference’ within Curriculum for Excellence. This new publication draws on the experience of practitioners who have been closely involved in developing international school partnerships.


Une chanson sur les cadeaux de Noël

22 November 2012 (Mary Glasgow Plus)

Feeling Christmassy? Download this French resource about Christmas presents, which is suitable for P7-early secondary students. You will need to register to access the resource, but registration is free.


MFL Christmas songs

21 November 2012 (CânSing)

New material for Christmas is now on the CânSing website with versions of the Christmas song ‘O holy night’ in Spanish (Santa la noche) and German (Heilige Nacht).


Related Links

Heilige Nacht

Seventh attempt to find Gaelic school head as Swede misses out

20 November 2012 (The Scotsman)

A flagship Gaelic school is still without a headteacher after the only applicant – a Swede who isn’t fluent in the language – failed to get the job.


Related Links

Videominute International Contest (2012-2013)

19 November 2012 (Consejería de Educación)

The Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, is pleased to announce details of the Videominute International Contest 2012-13 with 1000 Euros on offer for the winner. The competition is open to all ages and requires individuals or groups to submit a video lasting no longer than one minute. Any submissions in a language other than Spanish must be subtitled in Spanish or English. A maximum of 5 entries are permitted. For further information and how to apply visit the Videominute website, where you can also view previous competition entries.


More primary schools to offer Latin and ancient Greek

17 November 2012 (The Telegraph)

Applies to England
Latin and ancient Greek are to make a comeback in state schools under Government plans to introduce compulsory language lessons for seven-year-olds. The list also features Mandarin – because of the growing importance of China as an economic power – plus French, German, Spanish and Italian.


It's worth having a word about Wordles

16 November 2012 (TESS)

Whatever your teaching style or subject, you could benefit from creating 'word clouds', writes Dan Roberts. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that's certainly true of the Wordle website, where teachers or pupils can generate their own customised "word clouds".


Feature: Chinese learning flourishes in Scotland

13 November 2012 (Xinhuanet)

Gleneagles, Britain, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- It used to be the place where the G8 summit was held in July 2005, and on Monday another event, dubbed G50, was staged at the same venue.
But this time the participants are 50 high school students from across Scotland who were exchanging their joys and hardships in learning the Chinese language.


English - MFL - singing their praises

9 November 2012 (TES)

Religion can be hard for small children to grasp as it involves abstract ideas. So it helps to have an activity that allows you to discuss world religions in a way that children of all faiths and none can relate to.

Start by asking pupils what problems people all over the world have. Put these words on the board and teach them in the target language.


Pedagogy unplugged – understanding how children learn

8 November 2012 (SecEd)

From teacher collaboration to how children learn, the work of Professor Bill Lucas is providing a blueprint for 21st century education.


Clipbank MFL learning resources

8 November 2012 (Channel 4)

Follow the links to see previews of Channel 4’s learning portal, Clipbank.  Clips are available for learners of French, German and Spanish, all addressing a particular topic, or area of grammar in the target language:




Please note this is a preview only.  To access the resources you will need to subscribe to the service.


QR codes for language learning

7 November 2012 (eTwinning)

eTwinning Ambassador Joe Dale shares his fantastic ideas on using QR codes to improve students language skills in today's article 'Bringing Language Learning to Life: teaching tips, tech and ideas' on the Guardian Teacher Network.


Related Links

If you are a language teacher looking to reenergise your lessons and make language learning more meaningful to a 21st century learner check out the full range of innovative ideas on the Guardian Teacher Network.

Teaching in multicultural classrooms: tips, challenges and opportunities

7 November 2012 (The Guardian Teacher Network)

What does a range of nationalities in class bring to the teaching and learning experience? A collection of teachers give us a glimpse into their multicultural classrooms.


New SCEN website launched

7 November 2012 (SCEN)

The Scotland China Education Network invites you to visit its new website and discover how it is promoting the learning of Chinese and about China in Scottish schools.


Gaelic numeracy questions available in NAR

7 November 2012 (Education Scotland)

The National Assessment Resource now includes approximately 200 numeracy questions in Gaelic, which can be combined to form customised packages for assessment in the classroom at first, second and third level.


Memrise vocabulary learning resource

7 November 2012 (Memrise)

Do you have trouble learning new words in a foreign language?  Memrise makes vocabulary learning fast, fun and effective.  Memrise improves your ability to learn vocabulary by adding three powerful ingredients to normal flashcards…what’s more, it’s free to use!


Related Links

Les sports – French interactive wordsearch

6 November 2012 (MFL Sunderland)

Introduce a fun element to learning French sports vocabulary with this online interactive wordsearch from MFL Sunderland. 


Language Apps

6 November 2012 (Linguascope)

A range of Linguascope apps for individual learners are available from the Apple app store (vocabulary, verbs, word of the day, news, Linguatrivia, Talking Dice...). If you would like to advertise the apps to your students, we have a new colourful A2 poster for you to display in the classroom. If you would like to receive some posters free of charge, simply drop us an e-mail ( with your name, school, school address and the number of posters required.

For more information about the apps, visit our website.


Teaching and Learning in the Global Classroom

5 November 2012 (eTwinning)

This week the Guardian Teachers Network are exploring issues around global awareness and understanding in schools. Various articles and blog posts will be available to explore throughout the week.


Primary Languages Classroom Awards

2 November 2012 (Primary Languages Classroom Awards)

The Primary Languages Classroom Awards are a way of celebrating the teaching and learning of languages (including English) in UK primary schools, highlighting its positive impact on both the whole school and the local community and honouring teachers and schools that support language development in both English and the child’s home language. The awards are sponsored by the French and German Embassies, EMASUK, Little Bridge, Golden Daffodils, Little Linguist, Brilliant Marketing and Brilliant Publications, and are supported by the Association of Language Learning and many others.

Visit the website to find out more, see this year’s winners and download an application form.
Entries are now open and must be received by 31 Dec 2012 for inclusion in the 2013 awards.


German teaching resources - Christmas special for primary schools

2 November 2012 (Goethe Institut London)

The Goethe Institut in London have created an area of their website where you will find useful resources you could use in your primary school in the pre-Christmas period.


Interview: Sarah Breslin

2 November 2012 (TESS)

The director of SCILT, Scotland's National Centre for Languages based at the University of Strathclyde, talks about the 1+2 policy, the benefits of CfE and how to persuade pupils to stick with languages.


Related Links

A reader's response to the TESS Interview: Sarah Breslin (2 November)

"This has been a most interesting article to read. Many thanks to Sarah for all her hard work and support of the MFL teachers in Scotland. We are lucky to have such a fantastic professional with great personality. The 1+2 is an ambitious but not impossible goal to achieve - if all stakeholders are willing to work together for the benefit of generations to come."  (rosered27, TES Letters, 9 November 2012)

James Bond – Skyfall (resource)

30 October 2012 (Mary Glasgow Plus)

Bring 007 to the classroom with this article in French about the new James Bond movie, Skyfall. Several versions are available, adapted for use with pupils from P7 upwards.


Kristen Stewart interview in French

25 October 2012 (Mary Glasgow Plus)

Read the magazine interview with Kristen Stewart, the American actress best known for her role as Bella Swan in the Twilight Saga. The interview is in French and is adapted for different levels from KS3 (P7) upwards.


Free CPD workshops for teachers of Chinese

24 October 2012 (SCILT/CISS)

SCILT/CISS are offering two workshops for teachers of Chinese on 9 November 2012 at the University of Strathclyde. These workshops are free and are open to anyone involved in the delivery of Chinese in Scottish schools (teachers, probationer teachers, Tianjin teachers, CLAs etc).

For more information download the flyer.

To book email Katie Hawkins

Related Files

German resources - St. Martin's Day Special

23 October 2012 (Voyage Kids)

St. Martin's Day is just around the corner (on 11 November), and children throughout Germany will be celebrating by making lanterns and singing traditional songs. Why not teach your pupils about these fascinating German customs with the 'voyage kids' St. Martin's Day Special?

  • Find out - Teach your pupils how kids celebrate St. Martin's Day in Germany.
  • St. Martin's Day memory game. How quickly can your pupils find the pairs?
  • Basteln - Make a colourful St. Martin's Day lantern.
  • Laterne, Laterne' & 'Ich geh' mit meiner Laterne' songs – sing along with your pupils! (featuring recordings from UK primary schools)


Posted in: Primary, German

Funded In-Service Training Courses for teachers in France, Germany, Italy and Spain (2013)

23 October 2012 (Language Education And Partnerships (LEAP))

Language Education And Partnerships (LEAP) offer a range of in-service training courses for existing and aspiring teachers in primary, secondary, further and adult education, designed to develop your understanding of the teaching and learning of language and culture. These courses, which can be funded through a Comenius or Grundtvig In-service-training grant, are available throughout 2013. They provide an excellent opportunity for you to enhance your teaching methodology while improving your language skills and cultural knowledge. Next deadline for funding applications: 16 January 2013.


Focus on German Fairy Tales

18th October 2012 (Goethe Institute Glasgow)

The Goethe-Institut Glasgow is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Brothers Grimms' tales by offering many various events reflecting Germany´s rich cultural history:

  • Filmscreenings
  • Illustrated Talk / Live Storytelling
  • Workshops / Discussions

Find our more by downloading the related PDF.

Related Files

MFL - Festival atmosphere

19 October 2012 (TES)

Go beyond Halloween to discover customs from around the world. For many schools, Halloween this year falls within the autumn break, but do not overlook the opportunity to insert a fun, culture-based lesson before or after the holidays. Why not broaden it beyond spiders, witches, ghosts and ghouls? Explore other countries' traditions for festivals at this time of year, including their food, festivities and music. Lessons based on these holidays can be fun and you can still weave in some specific vocabulary or grammar objectives.


Rencontres Théâtrales Drama Competition for Schools 2013

10th October 2012 (Institut Français d'Ecosse)

Every year, the Institut français d’Ecosse organises Les Rencontres théâtrales, a drama competition for schools, in Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Glasgow. In 2013, Les Rencontres Théâtrales in Glasgow will take place on Tuesday 11 June 2013 at Whitehill Secondary school. The deadline for registration is 17 May 2013. To apply for the Glasgow event, download the attached documents.

The Edinburgh event is taking place on Wednesday 13 March 2013 at Broughton High school and the date for Aberdeen will be announced shortly. For further details of the Inter-Schools Drama Competition 2013 and to see examples of last year's entries please visit the Institut Français website.


World Class – BBC’s international project for schools

10 October 2012 (BBC)

Join the BBC's World Class to celebrate International Education Week during the week of 12-16 November.

International Education Week (IEW) is a British Council initiative giving schools a chance to learn more about education around the world, and to celebrate their own international links and partnerships. For IEW week in 2012, the main theme is entitled 'Use your Voice'. During the week, World Class will be hosting a series of live, interactive debates, in which pupils from across the world can offer their opinions on a range of topics. Email to book into a live debate.


University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages