Latest News

A selection of language-related news. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

SCILT news

Filmmaking competition boosts language and interdisciplinary skills in 1000 Scottish secondary pupils

5 July 2024 (SCILT/SEET)

On 12 June 2024, partners and trustees of the Scottish European Education Trust (SEET) welcomed learners from 23 Scottish secondary schools to Brodies LLP in Glasgow in order to showcase students’ work and celebrate their achievements in this year’s Our World competition.  

Congratulations to the winning teams from Clydeview Academy, Park School, Prestwick Academy, Ardrossan Academy, Thurso High, Bellahouston Academy and The Glasgow Academy! 

Partners and trustees alike expressed their pleasure at witnessing such diversity within Scotland’s education communities, as represented by the 54 schools participating in the Junior and Senior competitions. 

Our World is a languages and citizenship themed filmmaking project for secondary school pupils. Run by SEET, the project supports Curriculum for Excellence and the aspirations of the Scottish Government Attainment Challenge through an interdisciplinary approach that encourages pupils to become more engaged in their language learning.  

In total 1000 pupils participated in the Our World competition this year. Twenty-three teams reached the national final; 19 teams in the Junior category (S1-S3) and four teams in the Senior category (S4-S6), representing 19 local authorities and one independent school. 

The first phase of the competition ran from September to December and teams of four designed a storyboard for the film they proposed to make. The second phase included an all-day filmmaking workshop, where teams turned their storyboards into real films, working with media professionals to produce and edit their films. This phase runs from February to March. The final stage of Our World is the award ceremony in June when all participating teams are invited to attend a premiere to showcase the films they have made. 

Thank you to SEET's funders as well as generous individual donors. We are grateful for support from partner organisations and local authorities.   

SEET is particularly grateful to SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages for their assistance in managing this year’s final. 

Our World 2024 winners: 









Local authority 





Clydeview Academy 


Best camerawork 

Ouvrez Vos Yeax 

Peace, justice and strong institutions 


Park School 

East Ayrshire 

Best acting 

Street Beat 

No poverty 


Prestwick Academy 

South Ayrshire 

Best use of theme 

The Homeless Man 

Zero Hunger 


Ardrossan Academy 

North Ayrshire 

Best use of language 


Gender equality 


Thurso High School 


Best overall production 

The Difference 

Peace, justice and strong institutions 


Thurso High School 


Peer choice award (voted on by fellow pupils) 

The Difference 

Peace, justice and strong institutions 














Bellahouston Academy 


Innovative language use 

BBQ News 

No poverty / Zero Hunger 


The Glasgow Academy 


Best overall production 

A Better Life 

Decent work and economic growth 


Bellahouston Academy 


Peer choice award (voted on by fellow pupils) 

BBQ News 

No poverty / Zero Hunger 



The Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET) is an independent, non-political charity committed to promoting international education, skills development and language learning amongst children and young people in Scotland. 

For more information on Our World, please contact SCILT:   

Moving Forward with Languages Conference – Save the date!

20 June 2024 (SCILT)

Building on the success of the “Moving Forward with Languages” workshop series, SCILT has teamed up with languages departments from universities across Scotland to run not one, but two language conference days specifically for Higher and Advanced Higher language learners and their teachers!  

Registrations will open in August for the first conference day, which will take place on Wednesday 11 September at the University of Strathclyde. The second conference day will take place in early December and the date will be confirmed early in the new session.  

Both conference days will feature an in-person programme for those who can attend physically, and a separate online programme for those who would like to attend  virtually. Workshops will cover a range of languages, and learners will have the chance to gather advice and tips on the languages that they are learning right now and get a flavour of what it is like to study languages at university level. 

If you would like to receive more information about these conferences after the summer break, please register your interest via the form link below.


NEW! BSL case study now published

18 June 2024 (SCILT / Education Scotland / BDA)

SCILT, Education Scotland and the British Deaf Association (BDA) have developed a case study that provides an insight into the experiences and challenges of Deaf young people in Scotland attending secondary school, college, or university. The case study focuses on what supported the Deaf young people to effectively engage and achieve in an educational setting. It also considers the benefits and opportunities of having Deaf and hearing parents involved in the wider life of the school and how they engaged in their child’s learning.

This case study highlights the need for understanding the opportunities, challenges, and experiences that Deaf young people can face in education. It also provides an insight into what supportive approaches allow them to engage in their learning which, is key to improving their outcomes.

In addition to the case study, there are reflective questions to help practitioners consider their practice in relation to the experiences and challenges of Deaf children and young people attending school, college, or university in Scotland.


SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2024-25

14 June 2024 (SCILT)

Box fresh and open for bookings! SCILT’s menu of CLPL group workshops for 2024-25.

Up-to-date and interactive, SCILT workshops for teachers are a great way for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of languages pedagogy with our experienced Professional Development Officers.

If you are the person in your department, school, cluster or local authority with a remit to source high quality subject specific professional learning for colleagues, then you will definitely be interested in our brand new menu of CLPL workshops.

For 2024-25, our carefully designed inputs cover a variety of topics related to the learning and teaching of languages:

Primary and Early Years

  • First steps in teaching primary modern languages
  • Valuing linguistic diversity in schools, with families
  • Bringing the languages content to primary interdisciplinary learning
  • Making assessment in primary languages active and accessible
  • Give careers education a languages twist for your primary pupils


  • Teaching Sprints – Small change, big impact
  • Social-Emotional learning for languages
  • Talking and listening
  • Reading and writing
  • BYOW: Build your own workshop

We are always happy to accommodate bespoke CLP requests too. Whatever your colleagues need, just ask and we will design a workshop with tailored content, just for them. 

For more detail about the menu, and to book one or more workshop for the group of teachers that you support, see the professional learning request form.


Teachers of German in Scotland (TOGS)

11 June 2024 (SCILT)

Suzanne Ritchie, Professional Development Officer at SCILT, is reaching out to German teachers to join a network for Teachers of German in Scotland (TOGS). This network aims to build a community to share experiences, practice and ideas, to highlight initiatives and potential partnerships, and to build support to enable German to grow in Scottish schools.

If you are a teacher of German in a primary or secondary school in Scotland (either currently teaching it or keen to introduce it) and you are interested in receiving more information in the months ahead, please add your name to the mailing list. Suzanne will be in touch with more information after the summer break. 


Language Explorers Scotland – watch this space for 2024-25!

10 June 2024 (SCILT)

Session 2023-24 saw the first national roll-out of Language Explorers Scotland (formerly known as Scotland's Languages Explorers Programme, SLEP), a flagship languages mentoring project run by SCILT in partnership with UCFLS. This mentoring programme was inspired by the success of similar mentoring programmes in the UK. Language Explorers Scotland aims to raise awareness amongst BGE secondary age learners of the far-reaching benefits of language learning by facilitating a short programme of mentoring sessions led by university students with lived experiences of language learning and multiculturalism.

Similar projects currently running in Wales and other parts of the UK have demonstrated that small group work with a student mentor can have a positive impact on learners in school, and lead to an increase in the number of learners continuing with languages into higher levels of study.

Language Explorers Scotland 2024-25 will run in partnership with universities across Scotland, including the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde, Heriot-Watt University and the Open University. Interested schools can find out more about the mentoring programme and hear from last year’s student mentors on our Language Explorers Scotland webpage.

Please be aware that this programme runs online, therefore it is imperative that interested schools have an adequate technical set-up and internet connection to allow for remote interactions between mentees and mentors. Geographical proximity to a university is not necessary. Further information, including key dates, can be found on the programme webpage where registrations of interest will open in September and the live link will be published. Successful schools should anticipate hosting their languages mentoring sessions between mid-November and the end of February, in liaison with their mentors.


New job profile on SCILT website

20 May 2024 (SCILT)

The job profiles on our website demonstrate a range of careers where languages are used. The latest addition comes from Aileen Chilvers-Grierson, a German-speaker and former Video Game Localisation Tester.

Because of the languages she listed on her LinkedIn profile, Aileen was headhunted for the role of Video Game Localisation Tester. Aileen tells us about her day-to-day work testing games and about the friends she met in this role.

Teachers, use Aileen's profile along with others on our website to highlight the benefits of language learning to your pupils.


Posted in: SCILT news

Exciting opportunity to internationalise your curriculum!

3 May 2024 (SCILT/CISS)

SCILT is delighted to offer state primary and secondary schools in Scotland the opportunity to have a Chinese language assistant teacher in their school/cluster free of charge in 2024-25!

Your teacher could help deliver L3 Mandarin to primary and BGE classes, lead IDL projects such as Eco Learning Partners, organise live-link ups with Chinese schools, team teach with Virtual Exchange Teachers, team teach with your own staff, work with small groups for speaking activities, support senior phase learners with preparation for NQs alongside the Discovering China Programme. This exciting opportunity could complement or supplement any existing Mandarin provision you have. Having a Mandarin language assistant teacher could revolutionise your L3 provision next year.

You can register your interest in the opportunity via the online form where you can also sign up to attend an information session on Thursday 23 May at 4pm.

The Scottish Languages Review

3 May 2024 (SCILT)

Check out the latest instalment of The Scottish Languages Review, now live on the SCILT website. Issue 37 of our online journal for language practitioners throughout Scotland and beyond contains, as always, a range of interesting contributions; from the experience of Chinese exchange teachers in Scottish primary schools to the use of creative puppetry in languages pedagogy, and from the relevance of intercultural understanding in the Curriculum for Excellence to the challenges around the provision and delivery of Arabic in Scotland and other European nations, the authors’ pieces are both thought provoking and insightful. In addition, see the editorial for details of the new range of submissions we are hoping to attract … You never know: your own article could appear in Issue 38!


Scottish Languages Employability Award - recent winners and new Green award launch!

26 April 2024 (SCILT)

Today sees the launch of our latest Scottish Languages Employability Award - SLEA Green! This new award recognises and celebrates partnerships between schools and organisations in which languages, global citizenship and intercultural competencies are fostered to prepare local learners for their role as part of a global workforce.

Find out more and download the SLEA Green handbook on our website

The most recent round of SLEA verifications in November 2024 saw five schools from four different local authorities collect an award. You can read about these varied and inspiring submissions below: 



The next verification date for the Scottish Languages Employability Award, SLEA Local and SLEA Green is 17 May 2024. Visit the SLEA pages of our website to find out how your school can achieve an award!


MTOT finalists' work on SCILT's website!

25 April 2024 (SCILT)

We are pleased to announce that the winning and highly commended entries from this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition are now available to view on the SCILT website. As it was the 10th anniversary year since the start of the competition in Scotland, you can also see a short video homage to MTOT over that time.

A massive thank you once again to all the pupils and teachers who participated this year and those who've supported the event previously.


The Big Question - One step beyond!

19 April 2024 (SCILT)

Last year the SCILT Big Question series focused on the four core skills – listening, reading, writing and talking. This year we plan to go One Step Beyond!  

This series of weekly workshops in May and June aimed at secondary practitioners will take each skill to another level, looking at issues in that area and practical ways to approach them. Come and join us as we examine strategies and share resources and activities! 

Each session will feature the chance to hear from guest practitioners, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to these questions! 

The four sessions are: 

One step beyond listening – interpreting as a tool for learning and teaching 
Tuesday 21 May 16.00-17.00
Interpreting is often seen as a skill that is the preserve of specialists at post-university level, but it is an essential social skill for all learners and a useful language learning tool in preparing them for real-life situations in their jobs and studies. Engaging in active learning through simple interpreting tasks can motivate learners and have huge benefits for their listening and talking skills, and in this session we will look at ways to build this into learning and teaching. 

One step beyond talking – the importance of social-emotional learning in languages 
Wednesday 29 May 16.00-17.00 
Social-emotional learning (SEL) gives a framework for understanding the impact emotions have on learning. In the languages context, this is most visible when we need our learners to talk. This session will explore how SEL techniques can be used to improve learner confidence and self-efficacy, and help us develop an environment where learners feel empowered to use their talking skills with comfort. 

One step beyond the classroom – outdoor learning and languages
Wednesday 5 June 16.00-17.00
Outdoor learning is beneficial for young people’s mental, physical and emotional health. It’s also a great way to support language learning in a fun, relevant, impactful way. In this session, we will look at the advantages of taking language learning outdoors and share ideas and practical tips to make the most of your outdoor spaces.  

One step beyond reading and writing – the use of AI in languages: a blessing or a curse? 
Thursday 13 June 16.00-17.00
What are the implications of AI for languages education in schools? Does it require a total rethink, as suggested in Professor Zhao’s article? In this session we will examine the benefits and issues around the growth of AI and how this can work for learners and for us in languages classes. 

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers; attend as many or as few as you wish! 

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer which can be shared with colleagues.

Related Files

Italian poster competition - Winners announced!

11 April 2024 (SCILT)

We’re delighted to announce the winners of our recent poster competition for school-aged learners of Italian of any level (including those with no prior learning). The prompt was ‘Cosa significa L’Italia per me’ – what Italy means to me – and we asked learners to include as much Italian language as they were able to. We received some fantastic entries across the four different age categories, and the S1-S3 category was especially popular, so we decided to feature some specially commended entries too. A big thanks to everyone who created a poster for the competition, and to their teachers who sent in all the entries!


DYW Live - Languages and Your Career

22 March 2024 (SCILT / eSgoil)

SCILT is going to be offering two more online Languages and Your Career sessions before the summer and we'd love to see you there! These sessions will be different from previous ones offered as they will be tailored specifically to particular groups of learners. These will be:

Wednesday 15 May 11.00 - 12.00, a session aimed specifically at Secondary BGE learners (S1-3) which will explore the fun, transferrable employability skills associated with languages. We will examine together how these are a valuable asset in any learner’s skillset.

Tuesday 11 June 2.00 – 3.00, a session aimed directly at Senior Phase pupils just starting new courses. This will look further forward from the perspective of those who have already chosen languages and will include tips on making the most of the language learning experience in school and beyond.

Like previous sessions, these webinars aim to introduce learners to the importance of languages and their associated skills in the workplace, break down stereotypes of careers that use languages, identify appropriate career pathways, and hear examples of people who use languages in their daily work.

Both sessions will take place within the Languages and Your Career Glow Team. Registration is via e-Sgoil.


Vacancy - Professional Development Assistant

19 March 2024 (SCILT/CISS)

Scotland's National Centre for Languages (SCILT) and the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools (CISS), requires a 1.0 FTE Professional Development Assistant to support its growing online Mandarin teaching programme. This is an exciting opportunity to work at a national level and drive forward the strategic languages’ agenda in Scotland. 

The Professional Development Assistant will be a GTCS registered teacher of Mandarin. They will be responsible for teaching a range of certificated and non-certificated Mandarin classes. It is likely that this will be done online from home, with the possibility of some face-to-face classes. They will also support a range of projects with the University of Strathclyde, our partners in the Confucius classroom hubs and communities.

Visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy portal for more information and to apply. Closing date: 7 April 2024.


Opportunities for Turing funding 2024-25

8 March 2024 (SCILT / ISPS)

SCILT, in partnership with International School Partnerships Scotland (ISPS), is seeking to create mobility opportunities for Scotland’s schools. We are creating a consortium which will bid for funding from the Turing Scheme to support this. This opportunity is open to all state secondary schools in Scotland, and we are currently seeking expressions of interest from those who:


  • Already have a partnership with a school in any country


  • Are interested in working with a partner school in Spain

Subject to a successful bid, schools will be given funding that will enable them to work in collaboration with their international partner school. The aim will be for schools to co-design a bespoke visit that will support language learning and deepen cultural understanding.

SCILT will submit the Turing bid on behalf of the consortium and will facilitate the reporting process. Through our partners at ISPS, we can also help schools to find an appropriate partner, and be supported and mentored throughout the project, including the management of the mobility visits to partner schools.

Schools will be responsible for the organisation and management of all aspects of the visit, and for submitting monthly reports to SCILT.

To submit your expression of interest, fill in the form below by 12 noon on Thursday 14 March 2024. Places will be limited to 6 schools, and a maximum of 30 learners per school, accompanied by three staff members.

We appreciate the short notice of the opportunity, however all Turing bids must be submitted by 21 March.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a speculative call, and all projects will be dependent on the successful outcome of the Turing application. All mobilities will have to be completed by 30 June 2025.


Scotland's Languages Leadership Programme 2024-25 - applications now open!

1 March 2024 (SCILT / Education Scotland)

Applications for Scotland's Languages Leadership Programme (SLLP) 2024-25 are now open!.

The SLLP builds leadership capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Applications are welcome from colleagues with 3 years' teaching experience or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts.

This online programme is delivered jointly by SCILT and Education Scotland. It is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

Core professional learning days take place Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June 2024.

Would you like to know more? Sign up to our online information session taking place on Thursday 21 March

Follow the link below for more information about the programme and to submit your application. Deadline for applications is Monday 29 April


SCILT/CISS Digital Internship open for applications

28 February 2024 (SCILT/CISS)

Are you currently in S5? 

Do you love languages? 

Do you enjoy creating and sharing content on social media? 

Would you like to work with other young people and enhance your CV? 

Well, this role might be for you! 

We are inviting committed, dynamic young people to apply for our year-long digital internship programme.  This would see you using social media regularly and collaborating effectively with a team to demonstrate your love of languages and where they can take you.  This is an excellent opportunity to experience working with digital professionals in a languages environment and enhance your final year at school. 

Please note that interns will be home-based and the opportunity is open to young people across the country. This is an unpaid internship. Interns are expected to commit two to four hours per week for one academic year to the project (June – May). Successful applicants must attend a training day on Friday 7 June 2024. This will be held in Glasgow and travel expenses from outside Glasgow will be covered. Those who cannot attend this day will not be allowed to proceed onto the programme. 

Teachers, download this flyer to raise awareness of this opportunity amongst your S5 pupils. 

Application details 

Please download and read the Information Pack. It includes the Job Description and Person Specification. 

Please download and complete the Application Form. Applications must be submitted with a letter of reference from your Faculty Manager or Principal Teacher of Modern Languages.  

Completed applications must be returned by email to SCILT  by Sunday 31 March 2024

Wondering whether to apply?

Here’s what some of our previous interns have said about the experience: 

“The highlight was getting to work with other people I hadn't met before (working on my teambuilding and communication skills), getting to represent a national organisation, creating our own content and deciding ourselves how we wanted to run our social media accounts.” 

“I loved producing high quality content and collaborating with the other interns. It was really exciting later on in the year when we started to get more interaction on our channels.” 

“Meeting new people who share my same passion for languages and coming together to create something valuable was a high point for me.” 


Posted in: SCILT news

Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2023-24 winners announced!

23 February 2024 (SCILT)

It gave us great pleasure to welcome pupils, teachers and special guests to our online 10th anniversary Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition awards on 21 February. The date chosen for the event was significant being International Mother Language Day, a day to celebrate all world languages. We were delighted to announce the following winners and highly commended entries in each category:

Mother Tongue


  • Yuexin Li, St Martin's Primary (Winner)
  • Taras Sukhodolskyi, West Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Vova Abramov, West Primary (Highly Commended)


  • Timothy Ishie, St James' Primary (Winner)
  • Artem Bonardchuk, St John Ogilvie Primary ((Highly Commended)
  • Chizara, Rua, Godwin & Mariama, St Maria Goretti Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Hasnain Ali Shah, West Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Kate Kaludova, West Primary (Highly Commended)


  • Lavina Tsang, Craigmount High School (Winner)
  • Alexia Rigg, Glasgow Gaelic School (Highly Commended)
  • Ewen Darroch, Glasgow Gaelic School (Highly Commended)
  • Jenny, Gemma, Sophie, Tess, Asra & Emma, Craigmount High School (Highly Commended)
  • Mairi Stephen, Glasgow Gaelic School (Highly Commended)


  • Nova Senkowska, Mearns Castle High School (Winner)
  • Anotidaishe Mugwagwa, Kirkintilloch High School (Highly Commended)

Other Tongue


  • Naomi & Caellum, Bunessan Primary (Winner)
  • P4 Class, The Glasgow Academy Newlands & MIlngavie (Highly Commended)


  • Alasdair MacDonald, Salen Primary (Winner)
  • Lauren Stewart, Goodlyburn Primary (Highly Commended)
  • Lilia Fournier, George Watson's College (Highly Commended)


  • Amelia Armstrong, Kirkintilloch High School (Winner)
  • Emma Pacci, Bearsden Academy (Highly Commended)
  • Harrison Williams, Craigmount High School (Highly Commended)


  • Natasha Dickson, Kirkintilloch High School (Winner)
  • Abby Leitch, Graeme High School (Highly Commended)
  • Katie MacNeil, Kirkintilloch High School (Highly Commended)

All our finalists will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also receive a trophy and be offered the chance for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward.

This year we were also delighted to host a special strand of the competition focusing on Spanish entries. The winning entries in this category were:

  • Emma Llovera Meneses - Kirklandneuk Primary
  • Axel Llovera Meneses - Kirklandneuk Primary
  • The Language Ambassadors (Araav, Vihaan, Grace, Marc, Alexander, Poppy, Anaya & Maya) - The Glasgow Academy
  • Spanish Club (Brooklyn, Bion, Rishi & Tobi) – Craigmount High School

Teachers with students who entered in this category will be contacted separately regarding their awards which are kindly sponsored by the Instituto Cervantes in Manchester.

It is our intention to host each of the finalists’ poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available to view.

Congratulations again to all our finalists and a big thank you for supporting the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition!

SCILT spring 2024 newsletter - send us your stories!

14 February 2024 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our spring 2024 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place before the Christmas break or so far in 2024. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 15th March 2024.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Posted in: SCILT news

Ten Steps to Polish - new updated version

1 February 2024 (SCILT)

For teachers looking to introduce Polish as an L3 learning experience, you might be interested to know that we have updated the existing Ten Steps to Polish resource which is now available on the SCILT website. Ten Steps to Polish aims to introduce primary learners to Polish language and culture through a series of ten lessons. The lessons are based on a storytelling approach whereby a child in Scotland learns they have Polish ancestry. The child then embarks on a journey to Poland and travels to various cities and places of interest, learning about Polish language and culture throughout their travels.

Although the lesson guide and framework remain broadly the same as before, we have replaced the existing sound files with brand new audio and video files which we hope will help with pronunciation and understanding. All new files have been embedded into the resource and are easily accessible. Links within the ‘Suggested resources’ section of the progressive framework have also been updated and now include a few video clips to help reinforce language learning and understanding. We hope you enjoy exploring the updated resource!

Dziękuję/thanks to Ania Trusewicz and Chris Sagan from the Polish Social and Educational Society, Glasgow for helping update Ten Steps to Polish and also for the support from the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh.

You can access Ten Steps to Polish on the SCILT website. 


Calling all former languages leadership participants

31 January 2024 (SCILT)

If you are one of the nearly 400 educators who have completed the national languages leadership professional learning programme run by SCILT and Education Scotland since 2014 then we want to hear from you!

Like Dr Who, the programme has regenerated several times, each time with the same central aim to build capacity in languages education across Scotland. You may have been at the Summer Schools in Glasgow for Train the Trainer (2014-2017) or the 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme (2017-2019).  Perhaps you were online with Scotland’s Languages Leadership Programme (2020-2022). You may have achieved a GTCS Professional Recognition, then again maybe you haven’t. Whatever the case, all previous participants are welcome to join this new national alumni network.

If took part in any of those scenarios, are you interested in connecting (reconnecting?) with friends, colleagues and peers who are leading, teaching and championing languages education in primary, secondary and special education settings across Scotland?

Yes? Then sign up to the national SLLP alumni network! 

We will seek ideas from network members on the type of opportunities that would be the most useful. Ways to interact, opportunities to connect and support, inspire and motivate each other, to share experiences and hear from other leaders in the field.

The first network meeting is online, 16.00-17.00 Thursday 29 February 2024. Making leap day extra special!

It doesn’t matter when you completed the programme, whether or not you gained GTCS Professional Recognition with us or even if you are now in a different job. There are lots of ways that together, we can continue to strengthen the languages education leadership community in Scotland.

To join the network and register for the first meeting at the same time, please fill in the online form via the link below.


Discovering the World of Arabic 2024-25: Secondary course

30 January 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International, is opening registrations for schools who would like to take part in our Discovering the World of Arabic programme in session 2024/25.  

For the coming session, schools will be able to access our traditional courses which run from September to March, or select our shorter introductory courses to offer an experience of Arabic as an L3 to their learners. 

All participating schools will receive: 

  • A dedicated live online lesson delivered every week via Glow Teams for each individual school (time to be agreed with each school) 
  • Asynchronous materials to consolidate and further explore Arabic language and Arab cultures 
  • Ongoing support from the SCILT team  
  • Schools that are new to the programme will be eligible for a start-up grant of £2000, while all participating schools can bid for funding to provide resources and experiences that enhance the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures 

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for local authority secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and cultures. BGE and Senior Phase courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and specially commissioned writers, with language lessons delivered online by teachers of Arabic. Both courses focus on developing conversational Arabic which will enhance learners’ understanding of Arab cultures and, in the Senior Phase course, their employability skills.  

Discovering the World of Arabic is aimed at beginner learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and develop their portfolio of skills. The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language. 

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form by Friday 26 April 2024. Responses given on the note of interest form may inform the final selection of schools for this opportunity. 

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions.  

Discovering the World of Arabic 2024-25: Primary course

30 January 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International, is looking for local authority primary schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through our Discovering the World of Arabic programme.   

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for primary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and cultures. For learners in local authority primary schools the course will be offered as a ten-week interdisciplinary block of learning and is aimed at P5-P7 pupils. The course is delivered online, through a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams.  

The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language. 

Live classes will be scheduled on Thursdays or Fridays. Schools will have the opportunity to opt for lessons in term 1 (September to December) or term 2 (January to March).  

All participating schools will receive ongoing support from the SCILT team and a loan box containing a range of artefacts. Schools that are new to the programme will also be eligible for a start-up grant of £2000, while all participating schools can bid for funding to provide resources and experiences that enhance the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures. 

Previous participants have told us: 

‘The materials that were provided to the schools were great, the workbooks were very useful throughout the course. The mix of live and recorded sessions was a good idea.’ 

‘We really like the box of resources. We liked learning about the different colours and clothes. We enjoyed using the websites.’ 

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form by Friday 26 April 2024

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions. 

ECT Language Cafés

26 January 2024 (SCILT)

Are you a Secondary PGDE student, NQT or ECT of Languages? Would you like the chance to network informally with others in the same boat across the country to share ideas and strategies, and even to chat in other languages from time to time? Then come along to our monthly drop-in sessions! These take place online on the last Thursday of each month.

Remaining dates for this academic year are as follows:

  • Thursday 29 February 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 28 March 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 25 April 4.30 – 5.30pm
  • Thursday 30 May 4.30 – 5.30pm

These sessions will take place on Corporate Teams. Visit our Eventbrite page to book; see you there!


Early Years and Primary Languages: Show & Tell event

26 January 2024 (SCILT)

Calling early years practitioners, students and in-service primary teachers doing languages! 

If you have interesting nuggets of practice to share, why not sign up for a 3 or 7 minute slot at SCILT’s virtual Early Years and Primary Language Show and Tell in May 2024? Tell us your name and what you’d like to share via the expression of interest form below. 

The event will take place on Tuesday 28 May 16.00-17.15. It will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 


NEW! Multilingual Approaches through Art activity pack

25 January 2024 (MtA Project Partners)

We are excited to announce that the new Multilingual Approaches through Art (MtA) activity pack is now published!!

Funded by the Glasgow Knowledge Exchange Fund and created by those involved in the MtA project, this free activity pack contains a series of 10 activities which aim to inspire teachers and language educators to use art-based approaches in their teaching of languages. These activities use art as a content, medium and method for young people to explore who they are, how they can communicate multilingually, and how they build positive attitudes towards languages and language learning. The MtA activity pack aligns with the Curriculum for Excellence and Es and Os for each activity are referenced throughout.

We have a limited number of printed copies available* and there is also a downloadable digital version too. If you would like to receive a printed copy, please complete the form below.

To order a printed copy (*while stocks last), please complete this MS form.

Or access a digital version of the MtA activity pack.

Thank you!

Picture of MtA pack cover

Italian poster competition - Cosa significa l’Italia per me

25 January 2024 (SCILT)

We are launching a new poster competition for school-aged learners of Italian (this includes those with no prior learning). We would love you to use whatever knowledge of Italian and Italy that you have to show what Italy means to you. 

Your challenge:  

  • Design a poster, including as much Italian language as you can, to show what Italy means to you. 
  • Use the title Cosa significa l’Italia per me
  • Individual or group entries are welcome. Group entries: use the title Cosa significa l’Italia per noi
  • Judging categories: P1-4, P5-7, S1-3, S4-6. 
  • This competition is open to all learners regardless of level of Italian. This includes those with no prior learning. The variation in Italian language content that will naturally result from this will be taken into account in the judging process.  
  • Closing date extended to Thursday 7 March 2024
  • Entries should be emailed by teachers in the form of a photograph to with Italian Poster Competition in the email subject line. 
  • A signed Submission and Consent Form (attached below) should also be sent at the same time for each entry. It is perfectly acceptable to upload a photograph of this form; it is not necessary to scan the document. 
  • In order to assist judging, please ensure that the sections of the Submission Form indicating level of Italian learning and where the inspiration for the poster came from are completed. 
  • Each entry should state the school name, pupil name and age category in its file name. 
  • Winners will be notified and announced around Easter 2024. 

A downloadable flyer is attached. 

We look forward to seeing your entries! 

Languages Week Scotland: SCILT/Scotdec special events!

18 January 2024 (SCILT / Scotdec)

To celebrate the LWS 2024 theme of Languages for a Sustainable World, SCILT and Scotdec are pleased to offer two CLPL opportunities on making language learning relevant and motivating with a Global Citizenship approach.

There will be a session for Primary teachers and a separate session for Secondary teachers. Both sessions will offer insights into how languages education can be a catalyst for fostering global awareness, empathy and a sense of responsibility.

More information and booking details via the following links:

Reminder: SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2023-24

11 January 2024 (SCILT)

SCILT’s CLPL workshop menu for 2023-24 is still available for your booking requests. 

Are you responsible for sourcing high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of colleagues in your setting, cluster, local authority or RIC?

You will be interested in our professional learning offer for all sectors.

The content of the eleven workshops is informed by feedback from teachers and practitioners on their professional learning needs. If your needs are different, we are more than happy to develop the bespoke inputs you and your colleagues require. Just ask.

Always interactive and up-to-date, SCILT workshops provide the opportunity for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of practice with our experienced Professional Development Officers. Our team has a finite capacity, so get in your request as soon as you can.

The focus of workshops for 2023-24 are wide ranging, covering the following issues:

Cross Sector

  • Primary-Secondary Transition

Primary and Early Years

  • Families on board? Developing a family friendly approach to languages in your setting
  • Getting outdoors with languages and learning
  • Celebrating cultural diversity through languages in EY and primary
  • An introduction to multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy
  • Languages in primary: assessing pupils’ learning, evaluating teaching


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum
  • Social-Emotional Learning for languages

For more details, and to make a request for a group visit our Professional Learning webpage.

Note that open access online workshops take place across the year. Registration for these will be open to individuals and details will be shared in the SCILT ebulletin.


Open Access workshops – spring 2024 bookings now open!

15 December 2023 (SCILT)

Calling all primary teachers across Scotland. We are hosting three online Tuesday twilight workshops with invited guests in February, March and April 2024.   

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland. 

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded.  

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer which can be shared with your networks. 

Related Files

Professional learning for new primary teachers

8 December 2023 (SCILT)

Calling new and recent entrants to primary teaching in Scotland. Undergraduate and postgraduate primary education students at Scottish universities and qualified primary teachers in your first 4 years post-qualification – we mean you!

If you have an interest in developing your practice relating to the languages - both home and taught – represented in your classroom, then you won’t want to miss SCILT’s ECT Primary Languages Get Together and Signpost Sessions between January and May 2024! 

Looking for:

  • ideas and advice on how to support multilingual pupils and their families
  • strategies for teaching additional languages, or
  • the chance to network informally with others at a similar stage in their career across the country?

Look no further! Join us online on MS Teams, once a month for a friendly and informal opportunity to connect, ask questions, find support and solutions. We will point you in the right direction.

  • 31 January, 16.00–17.00 ECT Primary Languages Get Together, with guest Lorna Anderson, now Lecturer in ITE at Queen Margaret University, previously teacher for Glasgow City Council EAL Service
    Register for the ECT Primary Languages Get Together
  • 28 February, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 1: First steps in teaching languages in primary 
  • 27 March, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 2: Pedagogies for multilingual classrooms 
  • 24 April, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 3: Digital tools for primary languages
  • 29 May, 16.00–16.45. Signpost 4: Outdoor language learning
    Register for the Signpost Sessions - sign up for as many as you wish

Please also find attached flyer which can be shared with colleagues.

We can’t wait to see you there.


Related Files

SCILT Winter newsletter published!

8 December 2023 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published. Read about SCILT's work to support language learning and teaching, including our professional learning opportunities, language promotional activities, and support for language learners at all levels. Find out how schools celebrated European Day of Languages 2023 and read about the latest inspiring initiatives from local authorities. There is also an opportunity to read about the work of our partners to support language learning in Scotland.


SCILT Christmas 2023 webpage - now live!

1 December 2023 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your learners, from interactive advent calendars and games, to festive facts, songs and downloadable worksheets. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and many other places around the world!


MTOT entry deadline approaching!

24 November 2023 (SCILT)

Schools who’ve registered for this year’s Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition have until Friday 1 December to submit entries! Submission guidelines are on the SCILT website. 


Certificate of Continued Education (CCEd) in Mandarin

17 November 2023 (SCILT/CISS)

SCILT is currently in the planning stages with the faculty of Humanities and Social Science (HaSS) at the University of Strathclyde and partners in China to develop a Certificate of Continued Education (CCEd) in Mandarin. It is envisaged that the onlinelive-streamed course will be aimed at GTCS registered teachers of languages who would like to add Mandarin to the repertoire of languages they are qualified to teach. The course will be delivered over three years offering a full 120 credits, plus a summer school in China that will count towards the GTCS residency requirement. We are considering ways to make funding available for teachers in state schools in Scotland to help meet the costs of fees and to contribute to the cost of their salaries once they are fully qualified and teaching the language to National Qualification level. We are hopeful that the first cohort of this new CCEd course will start their studies in September 2024.

If you think this might be of interest to you, in order to help us plan and ascertain the potential appetite for such a scheme, we would be grateful if you could fill out this form or scan the QR code below to register your interest by Friday 1 December 2023.

QR code to register interest in Certificate of Continued Education in Mandarin

BSL for primary schools is back

27 October 2023 (SCILT)

We are delighted to announce that online BSL classes for primary learners (P5–P7) will return for a new block starting in January 2024. The classes will be led by BSL tutor Emma McGowan and interpreter Jill Gallacher. Emma is deaf and is the mother of 2 hearing children. Currently, she teaches sign language to families for the National Deaf Children Society. Emma has also taught in various schools where she introduced teachers and children to sign language and shared knowledge and understanding about deaf languages and culture. This is something that Emma has really enjoyed. 

The new BSL team is looking forward to working with primary learners to help them develop their skills and knowledge in BSL. From fingerspelling the alphabet to conducting short conversations in BSL, learners will build up their language skills steadily over the 10-week period. The classes are not only progressive, they are also fun! In this block of learning, there will be an element of storytelling with Emma telling familiar stories in BSL. 

This 10-week block of BSL language learning is intended to support L3 in primary school, in line with Scotland’s languages policy. The weekly lessons will run for 10 consecutive weeks and will begin on Monday 15 January 2024. The lessons are:

  • on MS Teams 
  • on Mondays from 1.30-2.15pm (45 minutes) 
  • open to all state primary schools in Scotland – P5-7 only 
  • free to attend 

If you would like to be considered for a place on the BSL (L3) learning block, please register your interest via the form linked below. Please note that places are limited. 

If you would like any further information, please contact SCILT


Scottish Languages Employability Award - next deadline approaching!

26 October 2023 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates schools delivering DYW through languages and school-business partnerships whilst recognising good practice in this area. The award, which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the value of language skills in their school community. 

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 17 November 2023. 

Visit the SLEA webpage for more information.


SLEA - Local

6 October 2023 (SCILT)

The SLEA (Scottish Languages Employability Award) family is expanding! We have now launched the SLEA – Local, which aims to encourage and support the development of partnership activities involving a number of schools within a local area or network. The SLEA – Local recognises and rewards employability-focused partnerships organised at a wider local level by teachers, DYW officers or cluster leads.

For more information and details of how to apply, as well as the chance to read about our very first winners from Ayshire Chamber of Commerce and surrounding schools, visit the SLEA – Local webpage.

To find out more about how this fits in with the SLEA family, see the main SLEA award webpage.

And watch this space for the next family member, coming in 2024; the SLEA – Green!


Languages beyond school

28 September 2023 (SCILT)

Are you a student, or do you know a student, considering pursuing language studies beyond secondary education? Check out the Beyond School section of the SCILT website. The site lists university and college language courses here in Scotland, links to UCAS and university guides UK-wide, and help and advice on study abroad options and volunteering overseas.

It's a useful resource for teachers and Careers Guidance staff to highlight to students as the UCAS application process is now underway.


MTOT registration deadline approaching!

28 September 2023 (SCILT)

Schools in Scotland wishing to take part in this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition have until National Poetry Day on 5 October to register!

Visit our website to learn more about the competition and discover poetry resources to help you celebrate National Poetry Day in class as well as prepare for the MTOT competition.

It's the 10th anniversary year of MTOT in Scotland, so join in the celebration - visit our website and register your school now!


Language Ambassadors Online: new sessions available to book!

28 September 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s Language Ambassadors Programme has relaunched as a fully online offer available to all schools across the country. Our interactive monthly online sessions are led by student Language Ambassadors from universities across Scotland who are keen to share their experiences of learning languages and discovering new cultures.

Visit our Language Ambassadors Programme webpage to find out more about the programme and to register to bring your class(es) along to any/all of the sessions listed!


European Day of Languages 2023 - feature in our blog!

28 September 2023 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages took place on Tuesday 26 September, what has your school been doing to celebrate?

Upload a short description and some photos via our online form and we'll feature you in our EDL 2023 blog! Some entries may even be featured in the SCILT winter newsletter.


DYW Live - Make languages work for you

15 September 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to be working with eSgoil and DYW to offer workshops this session aimed at primary (P4-P7) learners.

Hearing from a diverse range of people who use languages in their careers, the workshop aims to encourage pupils to consider how their talents and interests can be enhanced by language skills and intercultural understanding now and in the future.

Three online sessions are taking place:

  • 14 November 2023
  • 13 March 2024
  • 16 May 2024

Visit the eSgoil website for more details and to register. Early booking is advisable as class numbers are limited.


Related Links

DYWLive workshops for secondary learners - Languages and your career

SCILT winter 2023 newsletter - send us your stories!

12 September 2023 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our winter 2023 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place before the summer break or so far this session. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 13th October 2023.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


DYW Live – Languages and your career is back!

12 September 2023 (SCILT)

We are delighted to be back again this year working together with e-Sgoil and DYW Live to deliver the Languages and Your Career webinar. In this session we will explore how languages can contribute to success in a wide range of jobs and career paths. This webinar aims to introduce secondary learners to the importance of languages and their associated skills in the workplace, break down stereotypes of careers that use languages, identify appropriate career pathways, and hear examples of people who use languages in their daily work. It will be an interactive session with input from people who use languages in their work.

The workshop will repeated each month on different days and times from September until January. The dates on offer are:

Tuesday 26th September: 2.00 – 3.00pm
Wednesday 25th October: 9.30 – 10.30am
Thursday 23rd November: 11.00am – 12.00pm
Monday 18th December: 9.30 – 10.30am
Tuesday 30th January: 2.00 – 3.00pm

All sessions will take place in Glow Teams.

This year, additional materials will be made available to teachers who attend the workshop with their classes to support further promotion of employability with individual languages. Watch this space!

For more information and registration details, visit the e-Sgoil website.


Related Links

DYWLive workshops for primary learners - Make languages work for you

New job profile on SCILT's website

8 September 2023 (SCILT)

The job profiles on our website demonstrate a range of careers where languages are being used. The latest addition comes from Simran Kaur, Equality and Diversity Engagement Officer at the University of Strathclyde.

Simran's language skills have enabled her to work as a translator and they also prove useful in her role at the university where so many different languages are spoken on campus.

Teachers, use Simran's profile along with others on our website to highlight the benefits of language learning to your pupils.


Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival - we're taking part!

1 September 2023 (SCILT/CISS)

The Ramshorn, home of SCILT and CISS, is opening its doors to the public as part of Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival 2023!

Join us on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 September for a unique chance to explore this historic building as part the festival’s ‘sensory city’.

Visit our exhibition area where you will be able to look, listen, and touch. Book a guided tour and take a look behind the scenes at the recent renovation project. Learn more about some of the graveyard’s famous residents, and how their work shaped the lives of people in Glasgow and across the Atlantic.

Work created by young people in Scotland’s schools will feature throughout the exhibition, demonstrating the value of language learning and cultural understanding in our communities.

You will also be able to explore the graveyard by completing our digital trail. The trail was created by young people in Glasgow City schools and is available in 10 languages.

The Ramshorn is a category A-listed building in the Merchant City, built between 1824-26, and designed by English architect Thomas Rickman in the Gothic Revival style.

Free of charge and open to all. We hope to see you there!


Posted in: SCILT news

Scottish Languages Employability Award - Congratulations to our latest winners!

31 August 2023 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates innovation in schools delivering DYW through languages, encouraging school-business partnerships and recognising good practice in this area. The award, which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community. 

Our most recent verification date in May 2023 saw 11 schools from 10 different local authorities collect an award. Projects covered a wide range of sectors and included links with football clubs, bakeries, travel agents and much more! Find out about each projects by clicking on the school names below.




The next verification date is 17 November 2023. Visit the SLEA pages of our website to find out how your schools can achieve an award, and keep an eye out in the SCILT e-bulletin for the launch of SLEA Local coming soon!


Language Ambassadors Programme - European Day of Languages launch

31 August 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s Language Ambassadors Programme is relaunching this year! We will be offering interactive monthly online sessions led by student Language Ambassadors from universities across Scotland. These sessions are designed to promote languages to young people and to encourage learners to choose languages as part of their learning experience by hearing directly from near-peer role models. Our Language Ambassadors are students of various languages on a range of degree programmes who are keen to share their experiences of learning languages and discovering new cultures.

The first session will take place on European Day of Languages itself, Tuesday 26 September 11.00 – 11.45. The session will take place on Microsoft Teams. For more information and to book to bring your class(es) along, visit our Eventbrite booking page.

Please note: Some universities will also able to offer in-person Language Ambassador visits to individual schools throughout the year. These allow the opportunity for language students to deliver presentations, participate in discussions and support events in schools. These are arranged directly between schools and universities. A list of university contacts is coming soon to our website – watch this space!

European Day of Languages 2023 - how is your school celebrating?

25 August 2023 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. Now in its 22nd year, it aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. What is your school doing in 2023?

If you're looking for inspiration, SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. What about making some multilingual bunting, hosting a languages café, or creating a zine? You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2023 blogUpload a short description and some colourful photos or email

If you're sharing your celebrations on Twitter tag @scottishcilt and use the hashtag #coeEDL to share your celebrations with schools across Europe!


Open Access Workshops - bookings now open!

24 August 2023 (SCILT)

Calling all primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! On the last Wednesday of each month between September and November 2023, SCILT’s primary professional development officers will host a series of online workshops.  

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer.

Related Files

Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2024 - 10 year anniversary!

18 August 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce that MTOT is back for 2024, and it’s an extra special year - MTOT celebrates its 10th anniversary! 

Over the last decade the competition has evolved from written poems in the beginning, to now focussing on the spoken word. Hearing pupils share their voices and language skills helps bring their poetry to life, and we look forward to seeing what creative brilliance emerges from Scotland’s schools this year. In this 10th anniversary year, we are delighted and very excited to work with our partners at Instituto Cervantes to offer a special prize category for entries in Spanish, one of the most widely taught languages in Scotland’s schools.

So, if you have entered MTOT before, we’d love to welcome you back. If you are new to MTOT, what better year to join than our 10th anniversary year? Our multilingual poetry competition is now open. Visit our MTOT page on the SCILT website for more information and register your school now.

MTOT is 10 years old – come join the celebration!


Moving forward with languages: workshops for Higher and Advanced Higher learners

18 August 2023 (SCILT / University partners)

Following the success of last year’s 'Moving Forward with Languages' workshops, SCILT has once again teamed up with languages departments from universities across Scotland to present a series of workshops during term one of the 2023-24 session.

Suitable for pupils studying any language at Higher or Advanced Higher level, learners will get tips, encouragement and support from lecturers which will help with course preparation now, and focus on the future, by finding out what it’s like studying languages at university level. Please note that language-specific examples will vary depending on the partner university's language offer. However, strategies, tips and advice will apply to all languages.

Registrations are now open. Please feel free to share the dates and topics with learners below:

The workshops will take place online via MS Teams and will not be recorded. 

Please note that, due to SCILT’s funding conditions, priority is given to pupils attending state schools. If you do not attend a state school please email to enquire about places.

Please also see attached flyer which can be distributed to pupils or colleagues. 

Workshops for student and early career teachers

18 August 2023 (SCILT)

NEW for 2023-24! Building on our track record of supporting student teachers and early career teachers, this year we have launched a specific menu of workshops tailored to the needs of student teachers and early career teachers in primary and secondary sectors. Importantly, the development of this menu was informed by student teachers, probationer mentors and teacher educators. 

Are you a probationer/ECT support manager or professional learning officer for your local authority?

Are you a programme lead or module lead on an undergraduate or postgraduate ITE programme for primary or secondary teaching at a Scottish university?

Yes? Then workshops from the brand new SCILT ECT Professional Learning menu 2023-24 could complement the content of your existing modules or professional learning programme for the newest entrants to our profession.

Interactive, up-to-date and relevant, these SCILT workshops give student teachers and early career teachers the opportunity to explore aspects of practice with their peers. Online or in person. No charge.

In terms of content, secondary workshops focus on developing practice to support skills development, classroom management and support for application and interview for languages posts. Meanwhile, primary workshops focus on introductory approaches and interdisciplinary contexts for teaching languages eg digital, outdoor, DYW and intercultural understanding.

See the full menu and the booking request form.

Remember, if there is anything particular that your student or early career teachers need, we are always happy to develop bespoke inputs too. Email with any queries.

PS - Also coming soon, sector specific professional learning for student and early career teachers available to book by individuals. Schedules for our new language cafés, themed asynchronous and drop-in style get togethers will also be published very soon.

Scotland's Languages Explorers Programme - launch of national languages mentoring scheme

18 August 2023 (SCILT / UCFLS)

SCILT and UCFLS will launch Scotland’s Languages Explorers Programme (SLEP) nationally for the first time following last session’s successful conclusion of a pilot languages mentoring programme in Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City. 

Inspired by the success of similar mentoring programmes in the UK, the SLEP aims to raise awareness amongst secondary age learners of the far-reaching benefits of language learning by facilitating a short programme of mentoring sessions led by university students with lived experiences of language learning and multiculturalism. The idea was informed by student mentoring programmes currently running in Wales and Sheffield, which have demonstrated that small group work with a student mentor can have a positive impact on learners in school, and lead to an increase in the number of learners continuing with languages into higher levels of study.

SLEP 2023-24 will run in partnership with 7 universities: the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling, Strathclyde and the Open University. Interested schools can find out more about the mentoring programme and hear from last year’s student mentors on the programme webpage.

We are currently taking registrations of interest from schools. If you would like to take part in this year’s mentoring programme, please register your interest by Monday 11 September.

Please be aware that this programme runs online. While geographical proximity to a university is not a prerequisite, it is imperative that interested schools have an adequate technical set-up and internet connection to allow for remote interactions between mentees and mentors. Further information, including key dates, can be found on the programme webpage.


SCILT CLPL workshop menu 2023-24

17 August 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s brand new CLPL workshop menu for 2023-24 is available for your booking requests. 

Are you responsible for sourcing high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of colleagues in your setting, cluster, local authority or RIC?

You will be interested in our new professional learning offer for all sectors.

The content of the eleven workshops is informed by feedback from teachers and practitioners on their professional learning needs. If your needs are different, we are more than happy to develop the bespoke inputs you and your colleagues require. Just ask.

Always interactive and up-to-date, SCILT workshops provide the opportunity for you and your colleagues to explore aspects of practice with our experienced Professional Development Officers. Our team has a finite capacity, so get in your request as soon as you can.

The focus of workshops for 2023-24 are wide ranging, covering the following issues:

Cross Sector

  • Primary-Secondary Transition

Primary and Early Years

  • Families on board? Developing a family friendly approach to languages in your setting
  • Getting outdoors with languages and learning
  • Celebrating cultural diversity through languages in EY and primary
  • An introduction to multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy
  • Languages in primary: assessing pupils’ learning, evaluating teaching


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum
  • Social-Emotional Learning for languages

For more details, and to make a request for a group visit our Professional Learning webpage.

Note that open access online workshops will also be scheduled across the year. Registration for these will be open to individuals and details will be shared in the SCILT ebulletin in due course.


MTOT 2022-23 and Voices of Hope

16 June 2023 (SCILT)

Finalists' work from this year's MTOT competition can now be viewed on the SCILT website.

As part of our Mother Tongue Other Tongue poetry competition, SCILT received several entries from young Ukrainian refugees displaced by the war in Ukraine. We wanted the world to be able to access these wonderfully creative and emotive pieces of writing. Our Voices of Hope online exhibition, in partnership with AUGB, will be launched on 21 June as part of Refugee Week Scotland 2023 and will be available on SCILT's website following the launch event.


Multilingual Approaches through Art - online exhibition is now live!

16 June 2023 (SCILT / University partners)

On Thursday 8 June 2023 SCILT hosted the Multilingual Approaches through Art online exhibition launch event. The event provided the opportunity to hear from pupils, teachers and partners who participated in the project. Parents and families were invited to come along, and we were delighted to welcome those who could us in celebrating the project and the launch of the pupils’ artwork.

The launch commenced with opening remarks from SCILT and CISS Director Fhiona Mackay. Professor Antonella Sorace, Founder of Bilingualism Matters, spoke about the multilingual approach behind the project, and we heard from project partners Dr Lavinia Hirsu from the University of Glasgow, and Jane Catlin from the University of Strathclyde. Following this, the showcase video was shared where attendees had the opportunity to see a snapshot of some of the artworks the children had created. At this point we were blown away by the creativity on view! Here we had a selection of art that included language portraits, exquisite corpse collaborations, calligrams and work inspired by Chagallian idioms.

Attendees then had the chance to hear from participating teachers about their experience taking part in the project. Teachers from Antonine Primary, Bowhouse Primary, Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar, Mile End School, St Maria Goretti Primary, and Williamston Primary provided feedback with one teacher commenting:

"Despite my love of languages, art and my excitement for the project, I wasn’t initially sure of the impact it could have in my school as the vast majority of pupils have English as their home language. However, the impact that it had was making multilingualism more visible and giving it more value in the eyes of the pupils."

Another teacher commented on combining art and languages saying:

"It was interesting to look at languages in a different way and the project gave me lots of ideas about how to open up languages that we already have in the classroom. It has been great to give the children a chance to use and share their native languages and make connections with them through the medium of art."

For more information about the project, please visit the Multilingual Approaches through Art webpage on the SCILT website via the link below. Here you will be able to access the showcase video, teacher feedback video and of course the wonderful online exhibition. Happy browsing!



Calling teachers of Italian in Scotland!

15 June 2023 (SCILT)

Dr Paul Hare, Professional Development Officer at SCILT and Senior Teaching Fellow in Italian at the University of Strathclyde, is in the early stages of designing a project to bring together teachers of Italian in Scotland - practising, dormant and newly qualified. The vision is to create a community, to make teachers of Italian feel more connected, and to facilitate the sharing of ideas and resources, which will hopefully, in turn, enable Italian to grow in Scottish schools. If you are a teacher of Italian in a school in Scotland (either currently teaching it or keen to introduce it) and interested in receiving more information in the months ahead, please send Paul an email ( and he’ll add you to the database.

Espacios Increíbles 2022-23 - Winner announced!

5 June 2023 (SCILT)

Congratulations to St Luke’s High School, East Renfrewshire, on winning SCILT's Espacios Increíbles competition 2022-23.

The winner was announced at the final, held online on Wednesday 24 May 2023. A superb effort was made by all six finalist schools (Alva Academy, Dunblane High, Perth Academy, Prestwick Academy, St Andrew’s & St Bride’s High School as well as St Luke’s High School); competition was stiff and the judging panel had a very difficult decision to make.

The interdisciplinary competition for S2-S3 combines Spanish with art, design and technology. Pupils design an amazing space and present their work in Spanish.

St Luke’s High School came out top with their innovative design for a space for quiet reflection and relaxation in the courtyard of Santo Domingo Church in Lima, Peru. Their design was inspired by San Martín de Porres, who is the Patron Saint of Racial Equality, and is buried there.

They clearly demonstrated how they had worked collaboratively, drawing on art, design and Spanish skills to create a feasible and sustainable design which connected well to the local environment and linked to their school.

The other five finalist schools also did an amazing job, with a variety of creative designs meeting the brief for a sustainable space for health and wellbeing including a water tower providing clean drinking water, a library and coffee shop, a hot air balloon raising awareness of climate change, a cube promoting biodiversity and a health centre for the poor.  

All the finalists enjoyed the final and the opportunity to present their designs to a live audience, hear from inspiring guest speakers who spoke about their work in architecture and the opportunities that learning Spanish had given them, and take part in some fun games that tested their Spanish. Congratulations to all our teams for Espacios Increíbles 2023!

Le Foot et La Francophonie 2022-23 - Winners announced!

2 June 2023 (SCILT)

Félicitations to Mearns Castle High, winners of this year’s edition of Le Foot et la Francophonie!

Following the pilot last year, Le Foot was rolled out nationally in 2022-23, engaging over forty schools, from Shetland to Stranraer, and attracting video entries from twenty-four teams across ten schools. Following a shortlisting process conducted by a panel at SCILT, the finalists invited to take part in the live event at the University of Strathclyde on Thursday 1 June came from Biggar High (two teams), Kinross High, Prestwick Academy, Kilmarnock Academy and Mearns Castle High.

As was the case during the pilot edition, Le Foot, an interdisciplinary project incorporating benchmarks, experiences and outcomes in Modern Languages, Physical Education and Health and Wellbeing, generated huge enthusiasm in the schools which integrated the project into their S2 and S3 programmes. Again, participation fired the creative imagination of the learners, some of whom had previously shown limited interest in French, while their teachers built on the legacy of the pilot project by creating and sharing a wealth of new resources covering the four key skills of reading, listening, talking and writing, focussing on the Francophone world and including strong anti-racism messages. The pupils who took part, numbering well over one thousand, were encouraged to consider the vital importance of additional languages to a broad range of careers associated with professional sports.

The six teams of pupils were joined at the final by their teachers and classmates who came along to support them. On the panel of judges were Cédric Moreau (Subject Leader for French, University of Strathclyde), Lisa Hanna (Depute Director of SCILT), Kandi Higgins (Course Leader for PGDE in Modern Languages, University of Strathclyde), Cara Lamb (Course Leader for PGDE in Physical Education, University of Strathclyde) and Mark Cunningham (graduate in Spanish and Education, and qualified football coach). After presenting their football-themed videos in French, the teams performed football drills, which included commands in French, and all pupils present were put through their paces in a range of drills designed and delivered by newly qualified PE teachers from the University’s School of Education. Those in attendance then heard a video message from former Scotland footballer John Collins, who learned French during his two-year spell at AS Monaco, before some closing remarks from Fhiona Mackay (Director of SCILT). The all important winner’s announcement saw Mearns Castle claim the trophy, together with a visit to Hampden Park, where the winning team will be given a French-focussed tour of the stadium and the Scottish Football Museum.

For more information on Le Foot et la Francophonie, including a range of football-themed resources for second and third level BGE French, see the page dedicated to the project on the SCILT website.


Jacqueline Munro-Lafon Essay Prize 2023 - Winners announced!

1 June 2023 (SCILT)

The final of this year’s Jacqueline Munro-Lafon Essay Prize took place on Tuesday 30 May. This prize, run in partnership between the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland and SCILT, was established in 2021 in honour of Madame Jacqueline Munro-Lafon’s long and active life in the Franco-Scottish Community.

The awards ceremony was held on Zoom with opening remarks and announcement of the winner by Lord Brodie, President of the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland. Mme Laurence Païs, Consule Générale de France and Directrice de l’Institut Français d’Écosse.

First place and runners-up spots were closely contested, with the awards ultimately going to the following:

First place

  • Lola Guatelli (Robert Gordon’s College)


  • Toby Reid (Harlaw Academy)
  • Renata Csapai (St Margaret’s Academy)

Highly commended for reaching the final six were also:

  • Dishan Aloysius (Holyrood Secondary School)
  • Maya McGowan (Bearsden Academy)
  • Ailie Wright (Inverkeithing High School)

Congratulations go to these finalists and to all those who took part in this competition! The standard of French was very high indeed and judging decisions came down to the finest of margins.

The 2023 awards ceremony will shortly be published on both the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland and SCILT websites.

Research into 1+2: Exciting PhD Opportunity!

24 May 2023 (SCILT)

Are you, or you do know, a Masters or post-Masters student? Are you interested in doing a PhD in research around Scotland’s languages landscape? Then this could be the project for you!

An Evaluation of the Scottish Government’s 1+2 Language Policy and its Relation to Uptake of Languages in National Exams is a fully funded Collaborative Doctoral Award studentship working with the University of Stirling, the University of Glasgow and Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT).

This project will evaluate the outcomes of the 1+2 policy and provide an assessment of the factors that contribute to the educational context for language learning in schools. It will include a minimum of six months based at SCILT and will make an important contribution to knowledge about Scotland’s evolving languages landscape.

Closing date: Monday 5th June.

More details and application information through the link below.


Polish language classes for primary teachers - register now

19 May 2023 (SCILT / Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow)

Primary teachers, how would you like to learn some basic Polish from a native Polish speaker? Would you like to give it a go? Read on and see if this language learning opportunity might just be thing for you!

Following on from the success of the Polish language classes for teachers run in partnership with SCILT and The Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, we are delighted to announce that a new and revamped block of language classes will begin in the first term of next session. Supported by the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh, these online classes are designed to provide primary teachers with an introduction to basic Polish language and culture and support the teaching and learning of Polish as an L3 in the primary classroom.

Teachers in the past have found the language classes useful and have applied their learning successfully with their learners in the classroom. One teacher commented, “Great course. I have become more confident at both teaching Polish as a L3 and also having a go myself.” Chris Sagan, Chair of the Board of Trustees at The Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, is delighted to partner up with SCILT once again in order to support and encourage the development of Polish as a viable L3 option for primary teachers. Chris is looking forward to seeing more Polish being taught in Scottish primary schools and is looking forward to the new block beginning next session.

This year the new classes will be led by Ania Trusewicz. Ania is an experienced teacher of teaching Polish as a foreign language and is looking forward to welcoming primary teachers to her online classes in September. You can find out more about Ania below:

"Cześć! My name is Ania. I am Trilingual. I have completed my teaching course as a teacher of foreign language at University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Toruń (Poland) in 2006. Since moving to Glasgow in 2008 I have been teaching many students both face-to-face and online. I also hold a degree from University of Glasgow (Social Science). I teach with passion and great enthusiasm. My lessons are funny and interesting. I take care of each of my students and make sure that Polish lessons at Sikorski Polish Club are adapted to various levels and individual needs of my students. In my classes I have students who are coming from different professional backgrounds. I will be happy to see you at our online class: Polish in the Primary classroom!"

The classes will begin in September, however before the first lesson, we will host an online Meet & Greet session where everyone will get a chance to meet each other before the classes start. Please note the following:

  • All classes are online and will be hosted on MS Teams
  • Meet & Greet online introductory session Monday 28 August 4-5pm
  • Language classes scheduled on Mondays from 4 September to 23 October, 4-5pm
  • 6-week block - one hour lesson per week
  • Access to course materials and resources 
  • Free of charge
  • Open to all primary teachers

*Please note: Due to local holidays, there will be no class on Monday 25 September and Monday 16 October.

To register your interest in taking part in these classes please complete the form via the link below. Deadline for registration Friday 9 June.


Words for the World winning entries now online!

19 May 2023 (SCILT)

Congratulations again to everyone who took part in our recent Words for the World competition.

Following the awards ceremony on 25 April, and the announcement of the winners’ names, we are now delighted to be able to publish the winning, highly commended and other finalist entries in each category. We are sure that you will be impressed by the fantastic linguistic diversity, creativity and passion that all the finalists show. Well done everyone!

At the awards ceremony we were delighted to be able to share a personal video message from Len Pennie, the well-known Scottish poet and Scots language and mental health advocate, which spoke of the huge difference that all of our words can make; watch her video and be inspired!


SCILT Spring 2023 newsletter published

5 May 2023 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning opportunities, knowledge exchange events, competitions and online lessons. Find out how schools celebrated Languages Week Scotland 2023 and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


A Global Citizenship Approach to French - Free new materials for French learners!!

4 May 2023 (Scotdec / University of Stirling / SCILT)

‘Remembering Empire’ is an interdisciplinary learning programme for pupils of French in S3 and AH, developed by Dr Fiona Barclay (University of Stirling) with the support of the AHRC to build language competence and global citizenship values by exploring France’s empire in Algeria. You can read more about the project and materials on SCILT's website.

Join Scotdec for a series of workshops for BGE and AH French teachers alongside Dr Barclay introducing you to the materials, and providing guidance on discussing themes of colonisation, immigration and refugees within the context of a Global Citizenship approach. More information, dates and sign-up information on the flyer attached below.

In addition, SCILT and Scotdec are joining forces to present a webinar on Active Global Citizenship Through Modern Languages on Thursday 1 June, 4-5pm. As well as general strategies, this webinar will also introduce the Remembering Empire project materials. Register for the free event!

Related Files

Words for the World - Winners announced!

4 May 2023 (SCILT)

Congratulations to everyone who took part in this year’s Words for the World competition.

We had a very high standard of entries submitted in a range of formats and different languages. Our young people here in Scotland demonstrated a wealth of linguistic diversity, creativity and immense passion for protecting our planet, our humanity and creating a brighter future for us all.  We were truly humbled and inspired by their work and they should all be incredibly proud of their achievements.

Judging proved exceptionally difficult, but we were delighted to announce the winning entries at an online awards event held last week to celebrate Earth Day. Well done again to the following who were successful in their respective categories and thank you to every pupil who participated in the competition. 


  • Winner – Libby Gow, Goodlyburn Primary
  • Highly commended – Jamie Rettie, Goodlyburn Primary


  • Winner – Sophia Chan, ESMS Junior School
  • Highly commended – Halima Jemal, Toryglen Primary
  • Highly commended – Leena Valluri, Goodlyburn Primary


  • Winner - Deepak Krisna Kumaar, Craigmount High 
  • Highly commended – 1W & 1Q class entry, Holy Rood RC High
  • Highly commended – Rory Turner, Portree High


  • Winner - Dianna-Liza Boychuk, Craigmount High
  • Highly commended - Wessam Kawarit, Craigmount High 

Winners and highly commended entrants will receive a book token and certificate and have their work showcased on the SCILT website in due course, whilst all participants will receive a certificate in recognition of their hard work.

You can find out more about the competition on our Words for the World webpage.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - next deadline 19 May!

27 April 2023 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates innovation in schools delivering DYW through languages, encouraging school-business partnerships and recognising good practice in this area. The award, which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community. 

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 19 May 2023

If you're looking for inspiration you can read about our most recent award winners via the case studies on our website. You will also find the full application guidelines and submission form.

If you have any questions about the award or the submission process please contact SCILT


The Big Question: SCILT secondary seminar series

21 April 2023 (SCILT)

Wrestling with writing? Run out of steam with reading? Tearing your hair out with talking? Looking for inspiration with listening?

This year’s Big Question series might just help! This series of weekly workshops in May and June aimed at secondary practitioners will focus on the four core skills: listening, reading, writing and talking. Each week we will look at practical ideas of why and how to approach a different skill. Come and join us as we examine strategies and share resources and activities!

Each session will feature the chance to hear from guest practitioners, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to these questions!

The four seminar dates are:

  • Wednesday 17 May: Reading, with guest practitioner Robbie Kirk, PT Modern Languages, Chryston High
  • Thursday 25 May: Listening, with guest practitioners Liegha Laing & and the team from Meldrum Academy
  • Tuesday 6 June: Writing, with guest practitioner Scott Jordan, Musselburgh Grammar School
  • Wednesday 14 June: Talking, with guest practitioner Joanne Curran, PT Languages (BGE) Larbert High

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers; attend as many or as few as you wish!

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer which can be shared with colleagues.

Related Files

Discovering the World of Arabic 2023-24 - primary course

21 April 2023 (SCILT / QFI)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International, is looking for local authority primary schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through our Discovering the World of Arabic programme.  

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for primary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and cultures. Courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and a specially commissioned writing team, with language lessons delivered online by a teacher of Arabic. 

For learners in local authority primary schools the course will be offered as a ten-week interdisciplinary block of learning and is aimed at P5-P7 pupils. The course is delivered using a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams.

The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

Live classes will be scheduled on Thursdays or Fridays, exact time to be confirmed. Schools will have the opportunity to opt for lessons in term 1 (September to December) or term 2 (January to March).

In addition, participating schools will receive ongoing support from the SCILT team, a loan box containing a range of artefacts and a grant of £2000. The grant can provide schools with resources and experiences that enhance the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures.

Previous participants have told us:

"The materials that were provided to the schools were great, the workbooks were very useful throughout the course. The mix of live and recorded sessions was a good idea."

"We really like the box of resources. We liked learning about the different colours and clothes. We enjoyed using the websites."

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form via the link below by Friday 12 May 2023.

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions. 


Words for the World is back!

13 March 2023 (SCILT)

‘We must believe in the power and the strength of our words. Our words can change the world.’ (Malala Yousafzai)

Are you looking for a way to engage your language learners to think about global issues and global citizenship? Our Words for the World competition could be just what you need! Returning for the 2022-23 school session, SCILT is challenging learners to use their words and their languages to show how the world could be a better place.

Participants are invited to use a language (or languages) other than English to show their ideas, hopes or even advice for our world. Submissions can be in any written format, for example a poem, an essay, a cartoon – be creative!

More information about the competition is available on our Words for the World webpage below. The entry deadline for entries is 24 March 2023


SCILT/CISS Digital Internship 2023 - applications now open!

3 March 2023 (SCILT/CISS)

Are you currently in S5?

Do you love languages?

Do you enjoy creating and sharing content on social media?

Would you like to work with other young people and enhance your CV?

Well, this role might be for you!

We are inviting committed, dynamic young people to apply for our year-long digital internship programme.  This would see you using social media regularly and collaborating effectively with a team to demonstrate your love of languages and where they can take you.  This is an excellent opportunity to experience working with digital professionals in a languages environment and enhance your final year at school.

Please note that interns will be home-based and the opportunity is open to young people across the country. This is an unpaid internship. Successful applicants must attend a training day on Friday 9 June 2023. This will be held in Glasgow and travel expenses from outside Glasgow will be covered. Those who cannot attend this day will not be allowed to proceed onto the programme.

Application details

Please download and read the Information Pack (PDF). It includes the Job Description and Person Specification.

Please download and complete the Application Form (Word). Applications must be submitted with a letter of reference from their Faculty Manager or Principal Teacher of Modern Languages. 

Completed applications must be returned to by Sunday 2 April 2023.


Wondering whether to apply? Here’s what some of our previous interns have said about the experience:

“The highlight was getting to work with other people I hadn't met before (working on my teambuilding and communication skills), getting to represent a huge national organisation, creating our own content and deciding ourselves how we wanted to run our social media accounts.”

“I loved producing high quality content and collaborating with the other interns. It was really exciting later on in the year when we started to get more interaction on Twitter.”

“Meeting new people who share my same passion for languages and coming together to create something valuable was a high point for me.”


Teachers, please click on the image below to download the flyer and raise awareness of this opportunity amongst your S5 pupils.

Posted in: SCILT news

Scotland’s Languages Leadership Programme 2023-24 – Applications are now open!

24 February 2023 (SCILT)

Applications for Scotland's Languages Leadership Programme 2023-24 (SLLP) open until 5pm on Monday 24 April.

The SLLP builds leadership capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Applications are welcome from colleagues with 3 years' teaching experience or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts. This might include classroom teachers, principal teachers, heads of department, heads of faculty or languages lead practitioners.

This online programme is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

Visit our Professional Learning page for more information about the programme and how to apply. You can also sign up for an online information session which will be hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland on Thursday 23 March.


MTOT 2022-23 - Winners announced!

24 February 2023 (SCILT)

Pupils, teachers and special guests joined us online on 21 February to hear the winners of this year’s Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition. The date chosen for the event was significant being International Mother Language Day, a day to celebrate all world languages.

We are delighted to announce the following winners and highly commended entries in each category:

Mother Tongue







Sofia Poliakova

West Primary


Highly commended

Jiya Srikanth

West Primary




Ariana Misankova

West Primary


Highly commended

Arina Fomenko

Williamsburgh PS


Highly commended

Nikola Arimovica

Valley Primary


Highly commended

Misha Levdykov

Kilbarchan Primary




Shadan Alousy

Bishopbriggs Academy


Highly commended

Eve Joshi

Bearsden Academy


Highly commended

Lynn Januschke

Madras College


Highly commended

Michaela Mileva

St Joseph’s Academy




Oleksandra Lotytska

Rosshall Academy


Highly commended

Lucia d’Alessio

Bishopbriggs Academy


Other Tongue







Mabel Sainsbury

Kilmodan Primary


Highly commended

P1 Class

Canaan Lane Primary




Kathryn Morley

Kilmodan Primary


Highly commended

Giles Leigh

Kilmodan Primary


Highly commended

Masha Naumenko

Thorn Primary




Caitlin Anderson

Monifieth High


Highly commended

Laila Strokosch

Mearns Castle High


Highly commended

Molly Innes

Madras College


Highly commended

Zach Bartlett

Madras College




Jessica Smith

Monifieth High


Highly commended

Aiman Mohammad

Renfrew High


Highly commended

Aimee Carroll

Mintlaw Academy


Highly commended

Jessica Smith

Monifieth High


Highly commended

Roux Scott

Loudoun Academy



All our finalists will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also be offered the chance for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive and Kids Poetry Club podcast. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward.

This year we were also delighted to host a special strand of the competition focusing on Ukrainian languages. The winning entries in this category were:

  • Primary – Arina Fomenko, Williamsburgh Primary
  • Secondary – Dianna-Liza Boyckuk, Craigmount High

Teachers with students who entered in this category will be contacted separately regarding their awards.

It is our intention to host each of the finalists’ poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available.

Congratulations again to all our finalists!

SCILT spring 2023 newsletter - send us your stories!

17 February 2023 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our spring 2023 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place towards the end of 2022 or so far in 2023 . 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 10th March 2023.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Discovering the World of Arabic 2023-24 - secondary course

10 February 2023 (SCILT / QFI)

SCILT continues to work in partnership with Qatar Foundation International to offer our Discovering the World of Arabic programme in session 2023/24. 

For session 2023/24 we are making changes to the way we will deliver Discovering the World of Arabic - Secondary. Participating schools will benefit from:

  • a grant of £2000 to support the school with resources/ materials/ experiences that will enhance learning
  • a dedicated live online lesson every week for each individual school participating (time to be agreed with each school)
  • asynchronous materials to consolidate and further explore Arabic language and Arab cultures
  • ongoing support from SCILT team 

We are currently looking for local authority secondary schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through this programme.  

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for local authority secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and cultures. BGE and Senior Phase courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and specially commissioned writers, with language lessons delivered online by a teacher of Arabic. Both courses focus on developing conversational Arabic which will enhance learners’ understanding of Arab cultures and, in the Senior Phase course, their employability skills. It is aimed at beginner learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and develop their portfolio of skills. 

The courses are delivered using a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams. The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form via the link below by Friday 3 March. Responses given on the note of interest form may inform the final selection of schools for this opportunity.

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions. 


Languages Week Scotland 2023 - the countdown is on!

30 January 2022 (SCILT)

Languages Week Scotland is a celebration of language learning and multilingualism in Scotland. With only 3 weeks to go, Languages Week Scotland 2023 will take place from 30 January – 3 February and will be a week of activity across the country.

The theme for 2023 is “Languages for a peaceful world”. SCILT has put together lots of ideas to support you in celebrating Languages Week Scotland in your school. Visit the Languages Week Scotland website to find out more.


Languages Week Scotland 2023

30 January 2023 (SCILT)

Languages Week Scotland begins today and runs from 30 January to 3 February 2022! The theme this year is “Languages for a peaceful world” and SCILT has put together lots of ideas to support you in celebrating Languages Week Scotland in your school, workplace, community or family. Visit the Languages Week Scotland website to find out more.

SCILT has also set a series of Daily Challenges running throughout the week. Challenge and celebrate languages and creativity! Find our more on the Languages Week Scotland website or follow the @LangsWeekScot Twitter account to receive the challenges each day. 

Follow @LangsWeekScot on Twitter for all the latest updates throughout the week, and don't forget to share how you celebrate using #ScotlandLovesLanguages.

Posted in: SCILT news

Scottish Languages Employability Award - re-launched!

27 January 2023 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award was developed by SCILT and Bòrd na Gàidhlig and launched in 2019 as a way of delivering DYW through languages, encouraging school-business partnerships and recognising good practice in this area. Since then we have received fantastic submissions from primary and secondary schools right across the country, and we have awarded recognition at Bronze, Silver, Gold and even Platinum levels! 

Following review, we are delighted to launch our revised documentation, which is designed to streamline the application process and to give as much guidance as possible to schools who would like to apply. Have a look at the new handbook and application form on our website now – we look forward to receiving your submissions!


Reminder: SCILT 2022-23 workshop menu open for group bookings

20 January 2023 (SCILT)

SCILT’s CLPL menu for the 2022-23 session is available for bookings. 

If you are looking for high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of experienced colleagues, newly qualified or student teachers in your school, cluster, local authority or RIC, then look no further.  

Always interactive, SCILT menu workshops give you the opportunity to explore practice through exemplification and discussion with colleagues.


  • Engaging parents with languages in the primary and early years
  • Cultural contexts: an engaging approach to primary language learning
  • Get multilingual with DYW in your primary classroom
  • Active assessment in primary languages
  • Multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Tackling controversial issues in challenging times
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum

For more detail about the menu workshops and to book for a group follow the link below.

Open access workshops for individuals in primary and secondary will be available through the year, sign up to the SCILT e-bulletin for more information.


Bookings now open! Open access Wednesdays: Creative spring series

18 January 2023 (SCILT)

Paging primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! On the last Wednesday of each month between January and May 2023, SCILT’s primary professional development officers will host a series of online workshops with a creative twist.  

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams unless otherwise stated and will not be recorded. 

Registrations for all workshops are open now via the links above. Please also see attached flyer with further details of each workshop.

Related Files

Free live streamed Mandarin NQ classes with CISS

9 January 2023 (SCILT/CISS)

You can now register interest to take part in our online National Qualification Mandarin classes with our GTCS Mandarin teachers.

Please see the flyer for more information, a teacher testimonial and the link to register your interest. If you cannot access the registration link through the flyer you can find the form here:

All the information is also available on the CISS website.


Related Files

Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland - French Essay Prize 2023 registration is open!

9 January 2023 (SCILT/Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland)

For the third year running, the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland wish to award an essay prize to commemorate Madame Jacqueline Munro-Lafon’s long and active life in the Franco-Scottish Community. The competition provides a fantastic opportunity for AH French candidates to showcase their French writing skills.

Last year’s essay focused on themes arising from COP26 in Glasgow. This year, we would like candidates to reflect on the platform enjoyed by international sporting events and whether those engaged with such events should, or should not, use this platform to make political or societal changes.

The winning entry will be awarded a prize of £500. and will be published in the annual bulletin of the Franco-Scottish Society. The two runner-up winners will be awarded £100 each. Schools are invited to submit a maximum of three finalist entries.

Visit our website for further information and how to register by 5pm on Friday 27 January.

Madame Munro-Lafon was born in Paris on 27 January 1921 and experienced huge changes during her life in France and Scotland. She studied journalism and during her years as a student she became politically active, with a particular interest in demonstrating for the rights of workers and of women. In her working life she promoted French culture throughout Scotland for the French Institute in Glasgow. In later life she maintained an interest in the arts, left-wing politics and in current affairs. Madame Munro-Lafon celebrated her 100th birthday on 27 January 2021 before passing away peacefully on 13 February, a fortnight after her birthday. To learn more about Madame Munro-Lafon, learners may wish to refer to the following video link - Une soirée avec Madame Jacqueline Munro-Lafon.


Posted in: SCILT news, LWS

Open access Wednesdays: Creative spring series

9 December 2022 (SCILT)

Paging primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! On the last Wednesday of each month between January and May 2023, SCILT’s primary professional development officers will host a series of online workshops with a creative twist.  

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams unless otherwise stated and will not be recorded. 

Registration for the first session on 25 January is open now via the link above. Registration for the remaining workshops will open in January 2023, keep an eye on the SCILT e-bulletin for details.

Please also see attached flyer with further details of each workshop.

Related Files

SCILT Winter 2022 newsletter published!

1 December 2022 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages in Scotland, including the most recent round of Scottish Languages Employability Awards, our professional learning opportunities, motivating competitions and our support for newly arrived people from Ukraine. Find out how schools celebrated European Day of Languages 2022, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


SCILT Christmas 2022 webpage - now live!

1 December 2022 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your learners, from interactive advent calendars and games, to festive facts and downloadable worksheets. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and many other places around the world!


Languages at work

18 November 2022 (SCILT)

During last week's Careers Week Scotland we highlighted a range of professions where languages are useful via our social media channels.

We have now uploaded these short videos to our website should teachers wish to share these with pupils.

Visit our Careers Week Scotland webpage.


Places available - Moving forward with languages: workshops for Higher and Advanced Higher learners

2 November 2022 (SCILT / University partners)

SCILT, together with languages departments from universities across Scotland, have teamed up to present this unique series of workshops during term one of the 2022-23 session.

Suitable for pupils studying any language at Higher or Advanced Higher level, learners will get tips, encouragement and support from lecturers which will help with course preparation now, and focus on the future by finding out what it’s like studying languages at university level.

There are still places available on the two remaining workshops:

Registration is open via the links above, each workshop covers a different topic so learners may sign up for as many workshops as they wish. The workshops will take place online via Zoom and will not be recorded. 

Please note that, due to SCILT’s funding conditions, priority is given to pupils attending state schools. If you do not attend a state school please email to enquire about places.

SCILT/Save the Children – case study now published

1 November 2022 (SCILT)

In partnership with Save the Children, SCILT is delighted to publish a new case study which focuses on parental engagement with languages in the primary and Early Years sectors. Here we look at four primary schools and one ELC, all within the Forth Valley West Lothian RIC, and how they managed to involve parents/families with languages and language learning during the most challenging times of the Covid pandemic. We are thrilled to share the creative ways in which schools got parents involved with languages and the impact this has had.


DYW Live: Languages and Your Career

27 October 2022 (SCILT)

Following on from the Languages and Your Career workshop offered by SCILT in conjunction with eSgoil last year, this year we are offering a series of sessions over six weeks focusing on different languages and how they are used in the workplace. After a first general session, the remaining five weeks will explore how a different language each week can contribute to success in a range of jobs and career paths. These will be interactive online workshops featuring input from people working with the language of focus each week. The sessions aim to introduce learners to the importance of languages and their associated skills in the workplace, break down stereotypes of careers that use languages, identify appropriate career pathways, and hear examples of people who use languages in their daily work.

These workshops are all stand-alone; schools can sign up for the individual session(s) most relevant to their context. Schools can sign up for as many or as few as they wish!

Sessions take place on Microsoft Teams in Glow.

Session 1: Languages and Your Career - Tues 1 Nov 2-3pm

This session will introduce the importance of languages in the workplace. We will look at stereotypes of careers involving languages, pathways using languages and examples of successful businesses/sectors which use languages regularly.

Session 2: French and Your Career - Wed 9 Nov 2-3pm

Session 3: Spanish and Your Career - Thurs 17 Nov 2-3pm

Session 4: German and Your Career - Tues 22 Nov 2-3pm

Session 5: Gaelic and Your Career - Wed 30 Nov 2-3pm

Session 6: Other Languages and Your Career - Thurs 8 Dec 2-3pm

This session will include other most commonly taught and/or certificated languages in schools, particularly Italian, Mandarin and Arabic.

For details of how to register, please go to the eSgoil website.


Creative Translation

20 October 2022 (SCILT)

Hello SCILT followers!

Are you familiar with the idea of Creative Translation?

Are you a primary or secondary teacher in Scotland?

Have you used any of the amazing Creative Translation teaching resources from the Stephen Spender Trust with your pupils? Have you previously supported your pupils to enter the Stephen Spender Prize or the Queen’s College Translation Exchange’s Anthea Bell Prize?

If so, we’d love to hear from you.

To share your experience, email and put CREATIVE TRANSLATION in the subject line.

SCILT winter newsletter 2022 - send us your stories!

7 October 2022 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our winter 2022 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place towards the end of last session or so far in the 2022/23 session. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 21st October 2022.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Ukrainian for Teachers

7 October 2022 (SCILT)

With the increasing number of Ukrainian children attending Scottish schools, SCILT has teamed up with the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB) to provide Ukrainian language support for teachers who have pupils from Ukraine in their school and/or classroom.

We are delighted to partner up with AUGB to provide ' An Introduction to Ukrainian’ language classes which will be open to teachers from all sectors working in state schools in Scotland. The Ukrainian language classes will cover themes such as useful phrases and classroom language that will be helpful when supporting Ukrainian pupils in school. The weekly online classes will run for a period of 6 weeks and will be delivered by an experienced teacher who is a native speaker of Ukrainian.

  • Block of 6 online Ukrainian language classes
  • Classes will run weekly on Thursdays from 3 November to 8 December
  • Classes will take place on MS Teams from 4pm – 5pm
  • Open to teachers working in all sectors in Scottish state schools

SCILT is delighted to work in partnership with AUGB to offer such support to teachers so if you would like to take part in the Ukrainian language classes, please register your interest through the link below.

Please note places are limited. You will be asked to provide a brief outline of the reasons for your interest in these classes, and your answer will be used during the selection process. 

Registration deadline Tuesday 25 October. 


Posted in: SCILT news

Le Foot et La Francophonie 2022-23

30 September 2022 (SCILT)

We are delighted to announce the national roll-out of Le Foot et La Francophonie 2022-23! Following a successful pilot project with four Glasgow schools last session, we have now opened registrations for expressions of interest in Le Foot et La Francophonie 2022-23. This interdisciplinary project brings together French and professional football, opening learners’ eyes to the relevance of language learning in the world of international sports, focussing on the four core language skills and building awareness of cultures in French-speaking countries across the globe. To find out more and to register your interest in this competition, which is open to pupils in S2 and S3, please visit the SCILT website.

An initial information session for teachers will take place on Thursday 3 November (3.45 - 4.45pm) and schools will be asked to confirm their participation by Friday 11 November.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition

29 September 2022 (SCILT)

A reminder that schools interested in taking part in this year’s MTOT competition have until 6 October (National Poetry Day) to register. The competition provides a great opportunity for all pupils in Scotland P1-S6 to get creative with a language they speak at home (Mother Tongue) or are learning at school (Other Tongue). Students can even enter in both categories!


European Day of Languages - how did you celebrate?

29 September 2022 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. It aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone.

SCILT would love to find out how schools across Scotland marked the day, and plan to share the celebrations through our EDL 2022 blog. If you would like us to include your activities, please submit a description and a few photos through this link, or email us with a description of your activities and a few photos.


The Language Ambassadors Programme

23 September 2022 (University of Strathclyde/SCILT)

The Language Ambassadors family has grown!

For 2022-2023, the University of Strathclyde and the University of Stirling will be working together to offer an even greater variety for our visits.

In the coming session, we will be back offering on-site visits, as well as virtual visits.

So, get your learners to discover the joys of learning and being able to use another language by organising a Language Ambassadors visit to your school!

Our Language Ambassadors are students of French, Italian, Mandarin or Spanish, on a range of degree programmes. These include BA Honours in French and Spanish, Professional Education and Languages, International Business and a Modern Language, Law and a Language, Psychology and a European Language, but also Engineering and Science degrees and they are keen to share their experiences of learning and using their languages as well as discovering new cultures.

This programme provides student role models to promote languages to young people and encourage your learners to choose languages as part of their high school curriculum. It is free of charge but we expect the school to cover travelling expenses for ambassadors.

We can deliver a range of activities, such as:

  • A presentation about their experiences as university language learners and their experiences abroad;
  • Q&A sessions about the benefits of studying a language for future study and/or employability;
  • A small group discussion for Senior phase students who have already selected a language;
  • Micro-presentations as part of a school-wide event

Visit the Language Ambassadors Programme website to find out more, and how to book a visit for your school starting October 2022.

If you have any questions about The Language Ambassadors programme, please contact Cédric Moreau and Cristina Johnston.

The Ramshorn Time Capsule competition 2022 – Winners announced!

22 September 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT and CISS presented a poster competition aimed at S2-S3 learners, to design the contents of their own time capsule – past or present – to join in with the celebration of Glasgow Doors Open Day 2022.

Secondary learners from across Scotland took part in the competition which provided a fantastic opportunity to share their cultural heritage, demonstrate their creativity, and showcase their language skills, both learned at school and used at home.

Congratulations to our winners, Abby Slack, S3 learner from Mearns Castle High School who won the ‘past’ category and to Emerald Li, S3 learner from Mearns Castle High School who won the ‘present’ category.

photo of Abby Slack holding her winning posterphoto of Emerald Li with her winning poster

They were awarded with a £30 voucher and their work was featured in The Ramshorn exhibition as part of Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival on 16 and 17 September 2022. Well done to everyone who took part in this competition, the judging panel were impressed by all entries received and hope that you will participate again next year!

Find out more about the competition on our website.


Languages Week Scotland - save the date!

22 September 2022 (SCILT)

Languages Week Scotland is a celebration of language learning and multilingualism in Scotland. Now in its fifth year, Languages Week Scotland 2023 will take place from 30 January – 3 February and will be a week of activity across the country.

The theme for 2023 is “Languages for a peaceful world”. Language skills build trust and deepen diplomatic and cultural relations between countries and cultures; they allow for an appreciation that other cultures have different ways of doing things, building social cohesion and improving social mobility. Language skills facilitate in the individual the development of a wide spectrum of soft-skills and attributes including communication, diplomacy, negotiation and empathy[1].

Languages Week Scotland 2023 aims to celebrate how languages – spoken and signed – equip us as individuals and as a society to contribute to a peaceful world. Educational establishments, community-based groups, arts and sports organisations, social enterprises and businesses – large and small – are invited to engage with the week. Follow the hashtag #ScotlandLovesLanguages and the dedicated Twitter account @LangsWeekScot.

[1] Statements taken from reports published by the British Council and the British Academy. Access these through the SCILT website.

Languages beyond school

20 September 2022 (SCILT)

Pupils considering furthering their language studies beyond secondary education will find a wealth of information on the Beyond School section of the SCILT website. The site contains listings of university and college language courses here in Scotland, links to UCAS and university guides UK-wide, as well as help and advice on study abroad options and volunteering overseas.

It's a useful resource for teachers and Careers Guidance staff to be aware of and highlight to students as the UCAS application process is now underway.


New job profile on SCILT's website

20 September 2022 (SCILT)

We have a bank of job profiles on our website from a diverse range of occupations where languages are being used. Teachers use these to promote the benefits of language learning to pupils and to encourage uptake in schools.

Our latest addition comes from architect, Estefanía Macchi, who tells us language skills have opened up opportunities she may not otherwise have had and helped widen the spectrum of sources she can consult for her studies or work.


Jacqueline Munro-Lafon Essay Prize 2022 - Winners announced!

9 September 2022 (SCILT/Franco-Scottish Society)

The Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland, in partnership with SCILT, ran the second iteration of the Jacqueline Munro-Lafon Essay Prize in 2022. This prize was established in honour of Madame Jacqueline Munro-Lafon’s long and active life in the Franco-Scottish Community.

Pupils from across Scotland took part in the competition, which provides a fantastic opportunity for AH French candidates to showcase their French writing skills in a national competition. The Jacqueline Munro-Lafon French Essay Prize mirrors elements of the writing marking guidelines for AH French and offers pupils an opportunity to compete for a first-place prize of £500 and recognition on a national stage.

Candidates produced some very high quality essays. The winners were announced at an awards ceremony held by Zoom on Tuesday 31 May 2022. A recording of this, along with a list of the winning entries, is now available on the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland website.

This session’s competition will be launched before Christmas and registration for schools will open in January 2023. For more information, please visit our webpage. 


The Ramshorn, home of SCILT and CISS, will open its doors to the public later in the month

2 September 2022 (SCILT / CISS)

The Ramshorn, home of SCILT and CISS, will open its doors to the public for the very first time at Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 September 2022, to bring you Ramshorn in Flux.

During your visit, you can expect to see our new exhibition area to give you a taste of the Ramshorn’s history, renovation and current uses of the building that supports, promotes and celebrates all languages. Work created by young people in Scotland’s secondary schools will feature throughout the exhibition highlighting the changing place of The Ramshorn in the community and will put a spotlight on the use of language skills, both learned at school and used at home. 

Take a look behind the scenes at the most recent renovation project and book a free guided tour with us to secure your place. Spaces are limited, therefore we recommend booking early to avoid disappointment. 

Interactive workshops in lantern making and Chinese bookmark making will be available during both days. These activities are suitable for all ages and booking is not required.

The Ramshorn is a category A-listed building in the Merchant City, built between 1824-26, and designed by English architect Thomas Rickman in the Gothic Revival style. Come and join us as we take you on a journey and introduce you to the fascinating history of the former ‘Ramshorn Kirk’ and surrounding graveyard. You will also be able to explore the graveyard by completing our digital trail. Created by young people in Glasgow City schools, the trail is available in 10 languages.

Free of charge and open to all ages. We hope to see you there!


MTOT is back for 2022-23!

26 August 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce the return of Mother Tongue Other Tongue, our multilingual poetry competition!

MTOT gives young people of all ages P1 – S6 the opportunity to showcase their language skills and creative talent. Over the years this competition has uncovered a wealth of talented young linguists: they have created songs, rhymes and poems that are unique, funny, clever, emotive and moving. Young people are asked to create an original poem/song/rap in a language other than English:  this can be a language spoken at home, or a language they are learning at school. To enter, the poem should be recorded (audio or video) and sent to us along with a completed entry form. 

Winning entries will receive a range of prizes, including the opportunity to have their poem included in the UK National Children’s Poetry Archive, as well as featuring in a dedicated episode of the international Kids Poetry Club podcast. This year we are highlighting the Ukrainian language, with a special prize on offer for entries from Ukrainian speakers.

Schools are invited to register interest by 6 October 2022 (National Poetry Day). Visit the MTOT webpage for more information.

We look forward to seeing another generation of young poets find their voice!


New! Early Years Creative Puppetry Case Study

26 August 2022 (SCILT)

We are beyond delighted to share with you our brand new case study that focuses on language learning in the Early Years! The Early Years Creative Puppetry project, or EYCP as it has become lovingly known, focuses on the work of a professional learning partnership (PLP) that took place during the Spring and Summer terms of 2022. The PLP involved around 40 teachers and early years practitioners from 20 schools and early learning centres across Scotland, alongside Tania Czajka, bilingual author, qualified early years practitioner and Teaching Artist and two Professional Development Officers from SCILT.

The EYCP project highlights how the use of puppet-making and bilingual storybooks can be an effective approach to support language learning at Early Level within a play-based setting. Here we share what the project entailed for educators and children, as well as the impact it has had on all participating partners.

You can access the case study directly on our website.

Access this and other case studies for Professional Learning Partnerships on our dedicated webpage. 


Language Linking Global Thinking 2022-23

26 August 2022 (SCILT / UCMLS)

SCILT is pleased to confirm the return of the Language Linking Global Thinking programme for the 2022-23 session. Applications are now open for schools wishing to register their interest in taking part this year. 

The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools in Scotland. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend a year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad they keep in regular contact with the partner school using blog posts, emails and other resources. The correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. 

Key points for teachers

  • Please note this is a two-way correspondence, and schools are expected to reply to blog posts, submit questions, and fully engage with their link student. 
  • Training will take place online, you will have the opportunity to learn more about successful links and to meet your link student virtually. 
  • Places are limited and you are not guaranteed a link partner. We will be able to confirm your place in October.
  • There is no cost for schools to participate in the programme.

Visit the LLGT webpage for more information on Language Linking Global Thinking, and to read some of the student blogs from previous years.

To register please complete the form via the link below by Friday 16 September.


NEW teacher professional development opportunity: Using art-based methods in developing multilingual approaches to language teaching in Scotland

26 August 2022 (SCILT / Bilingualism Matters)

Scotland is a multilingual country. In 2020 the pupils attending Scottish mainstream schools spoke in total 168 languages. These realities call for different pedagogical approaches. SCILT in collaboration with the University of Glasgow and Bilingualism Matters is looking to address it by:

  • developing teachers’ skills in implementing or applying multilingual and multicultural approaches to language teaching and learning
  • developing links across languages and between languages and art
  • developing links between teachers in community and mainstream schools.

Who is it for?   

  • mainstream primary and complementary school teachers interested in developing multilingual and multicultural approaches to language teaching, 
  • mainstream primary and complementary school teachers interested in developing art-based methods in language teaching.


Four online workshops culminating in the exhibition of children’s work in the spring/summer term. Dates of workshops will be confirmed to registered participants.

Please note:

  • participants will be expected to actively participate in the workshops, test the approaches in their own context and share their plans and experiences with others during the workshops
  • all art materials will be provided

If participating in this project is of interest to you, please register your interest via the form below.

* This project is subject to the success of the funding application. It builds on Polish through Art and Creative Language Practices projects.


Related Files

Espacios Increíbles 2022-23

26 August 2022 (SCILT)

After the success last session of Espacios Increíbles, our inter-disciplinary learning competition combining Spanish and design, we're delighted to announce Espacios Increíbles 2022-23 is back! After last year’s hotly contested final, we know our previous competitors are keen to take part again this year and try to claim the Espacios Increíbles crown from Kinross High School but we’d like to up the stakes even more and get more schools involved. Any school from across Scotland can take part in this national competition, aimed at S2 and S3 learners of Spanish.

The Espacios Increíbles webpage has been updated with information on previous events and winners along with videos featuring some of our guest speakers at the final. Take a look to see what they had to say about their languages experience, find out more about this year's competition and register your interest in taking part. 


European Day of Languages 2022 - how is your school celebrating?

25 August 2022 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. Now in its 21st year, it aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. What is your school doing in 2022?

If you're looking for inspiration, SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. Perhaps creating a scavenger hunt, taking a virtual city tour, or designing languages stones? You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2022 blog. Upload a short description and some colourful photos or email

If you're sharing your celebrations on Twitter tag @scottishcilt and use the hashtag #coeEDL to share your celebrations with schools across Europe!


New competition - The Ramshorn Time Capsule

19 August 2022 (SCILT / CISS)

SCILT and CISS present a new poster competition aimed at S2-S3 learners in Scotland. Learners are invited to design the contents of their own time capsule – past or present – to join in with the celebration of Glasgow Doors Open Day 2022! This competition is an opportunity for learners to share their cultural heritage, demonstrate their creativity, and showcase their language skills, both learned at school and used at home.

The Ramshorn, a category A-listed building located in the Merchant City of Glasgow, and home of SCILT/CISS, will open its doors during Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival on 16 and 17 September and celebrations will include an exhibition about the building.

Two winning entries will receive a £30 voucher prize and their work will feature at the exhibition during the festival! 

  • Create a poster that shows the design of your time capsule items! 
  • Include what you know or have learned about the history of The Ramshorn and its place in Glasgow to help create your past or present time capsule.
  • Draw and describe five items: descriptions should incorporate at least one language other than English learned at school and/or used at home.
  • Incorporate elements of your own culture and heritage when deciding items.
  • Entries must be hand-drawn and fit on A3 or A4 size paper (a high quality photo or scan of entry) with aid of colouring tools.
  • Entries will be judged on creativity, content and language use.

When: The competition is now open! 

Who: S2-S3 learners in Scotland (state schools only). 

Entry: Follow the link below to find out how your school can take part.

Winners will be announced on 9 September 2022. Deadline for entries is 12 midday on Monday 5 September 2022.

We look forward to seeing your entries!


Moving forward with languages: workshops for Higher and Advanced Higher learners

19 August 2022 (SCILT / University partners)

SCILT, together with languages departments from universities across Scotland, have teamed up to present this unique series of workshops during term one of the 2022-23 session.

Suitable for pupils studying any language at Higher or Advanced Higher level, learners will get tips, encouragement and support from lecturers which will help with course preparation now, and focus on the future by finding out what it’s like studying languages at university level.

Registration is now open via the links below, each workshop covers a different topic so learners may sign up for as many workshops as they wish:

The workshops will take place online via Zoom and will not be recorded. 

Please note that, due to SCILT’s funding conditions, priority is given to pupils attending state schools. If you do not attend a state school please email to enquire about places.

Survey for complementary and Saturday school teachers

19 August 2022 (SCILT/Bilingualism Matters)

Bilingualism Matters and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, are opening up opportunities for professional learning and networking for teachers in complementary and Saturday schools throughout Scotland. 

flyer promoting professional learning opportunity for language teachers in Scotland's complementary and Saturday schools


SCILT 2022-23 workshop menu open for group bookings

16 August 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT’s CLPL menu for the new session is available for bookings. 

If you are looking for high quality professional learning related to languages pedagogy for groups of experienced colleagues, newly qualified or student teachers in your school, cluster, local authority or RIC, then look no further.  

Note that open access workshops will be scheduled across the year for individual bookings. Find out more information about the first online and open access series of 2022-23.

Always interactive, SCILT menu workshops give you the opportunity to explore practice through exemplification and discussion with colleagues.


  • Engaging parents with languages in the primary and early years
  • Cultural contexts: an engaging approach to primary language learning
  • Get multilingual with DYW in your primary classroom
  • Active assessment in primary languages
  • Multilingual approaches to primary pedagogy


  • Policy, planning and practice in BGE (in partnership with Education Scotland)
  • Emerging contexts for language learning
  • Tackling controversial issues in challenging times
  • Talking and listening
  • Using language skills across the curriculum

For more detail about the menu workshops and to book for a group follow the link below.


Open access Wednesdays

16 August 2022 (SCILT)

Paging primary teachers and primary education students across Scotland. Keep your Wednesdays free! On the last Wednesday of each month between August and November 2022, SCILT’s primary professional development officers will host a series of online workshops.  

These workshops are free and open to all primary teachers and primary education students in Scotland.

Karen and Lynne look forward to welcoming you to explore one or more of these areas of primary languages pedagogy.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded. Register for each event separately via the links above.

Plus, there are even more open access workshops to come:

  • Five primary workshops with a creativity twist between January and May 2023
  • A series of online, open access secondary workshops in May and June 2023

Keep an eye out in the ebulletin for further details. 

Moving forward with languages: workshops for Higher and Advanced Higher learners

9 June 2022 (SCILT / University partners)

Bookings open now via our website

SCILT, together with languages departments from universities across Scotland, have teamed up to present this unique series of workshops during term one of the 2022-23 session.

Suitable for pupils studying any language at Higher or Advanced Higher level, learners will get tips, encouragement and support from lecturers which will help with course preparation now, and focus on the future by finding out what it’s like studying languages at university level.

Registrations will open in August 2022, in the meantime you can share the dates and topics with pupils below:

  • Saturday 10 September: The University of Strathclyde team will help you to use news articles to brush up your translation techniques.
  • Saturday 1 October: Join the University of Stirling team who will guide you through critical analysis of film – with a twist!
  • Saturday 29 October: Let the University of Edinburgh team help you unravel the mysteries of grammar!
  • Saturday 12 November: Want to expand your vocabulary? Then this workshop, led by the University of Glasgow team, is one for you.
  • Saturday 26 November: The University of Aberdeen team will help you to develop your skills of critical analysis by working with images and build confidence in expressing your ideas in another language. 
  • Saturday 10 December: The University of Dundee will show you how to become a confident speaker by developing your confidence through presenting in another language.

Please also see attached flyer which can be distributed to pupils or colleagues. 

Information webinar for primary teachers in Scotland keen to learn a new language and how to teach it in their classrooms

7 June 2022 (SCILT)

Teachers Learning to Teach Languages, or TeLT for short, is a blended professional learning programme lasting 9 months that is aimed at practitioners who want to develop their practice in teaching languages to primary aged pupils.

Two information webinars for prospective students on the OU/SCILT TeLT programme are scheduled for:

  • Thursday 16 June, 7pm - 8pm
  • Tuesday 21 June, 7pm - 8pm

These webinars are open to teachers that teach languages primary schools in Scotland. Register here for your preferred webinar date.

Each 60-minute online event will introduce interested primary teachers to the primary languages programme delivered in collaboration by the Open University and SCILT from October 2022 to June 2023, where teachers can study one of four languages from scratch, learn how to teach it and apply their new skills directly as part of the course.

Participants will learn what the programme has to offer, what is required to succeed in becoming a primary languages teacher and gain professional recognition from the GTCS for the study.

Participants will hear about the impact of the study on attitudes and practice of teachers, pupils and the entire school community from OU and SCILT colleagues and find out how the course enables teachers to collaborate with primary schools across Scotland and Wales through in-programme eTwinning.

In addition, they will learn first-hand about experiences studying the course from former students, in-service primary teachers, who are now working as guest tutors on the programme. The guest tutors will also share how studying this programme has boosted their professional opportunities and employability skills.

Teachers working in other parts of the UK can find the information for the programme in their area on the Open University website

Drop-in for Ukrainian families

31 May 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT will be hosting a weekly drop-in for newly arrived families from Ukraine, every Wednesday from 15 June 2022, 12-2pm. The drop-in sessions will be held at The Ramshorn on Ingram Street in Glasgow and are aimed at Ukrainian families looking to meet other families and support one another. There is no cost to attend.

A flyer is attached with details of these sessions. We welcome teachers to share this with any families they know who would be interested in coming along. SCILT will be delighted to meet them.

Click on the image in Ukrainian or English to download the flyer.


Posted in: SCILT news

Le Foot et la Francophonie

31 May 2022 (SCILT)

Congratulations to Lourdes Secondary School, winners of SCILT’s inaugural edition of Le Foot et la Francophonie!

Le Foot has generated huge enthusiasm in the four Glasgow schools involved in the pilot project. During the autumn of 2021, teachers of French at Knightswood Secondary School, Lourdes Secondary School, Shawlands Academy and St. Roch’s Secondary School, supported by staff from SCILT, produced some high quality teaching materials based on football and the French-speaking world. To ensure that this project was truly interdisciplinary, all stakeholders collaborated on a guidance document outlining benchmarks, experiences and outcomes from Modern Languages, Physical Education and Health and Wellbeing curricular areas. They were supported in this endeavour by input from Physical Education staff in their respective schools, as well as by Cara Lamb, who leads the PGDE Secondary Physical Education course at the University of Strathclyde.

In January, Le Foot was rolled out in S2 classrooms and on school playing fields. Engagement among pupils who had previously shown limited interest in languages was particularly evident, with one of the teachers involved noting that this was “French disguised as football”! The outstanding resources produced and shared by each school cover the four core skills of reading, listening, talking and writing, encompassing the Francophone world and including strong anti-racism messages. Just as importantly, the 750 pupils who took part learned of the relevance of languages to a range of careers in professional sports – an area in which many have a keen interest.

The competitive final took place at the University of Strathclyde on 12 May. The event involved teams of pupils from each of the schools, together with classmates who came along to support them. On the panel of judges were Cédric Moreau (Subject Leader for French, University of Strathclyde), Lisa Hanna (Depute Director, SCILT), Jordan Allison (Head of Charity, Kilmarnock FC) and Mark Cunningham (final-year student in Spanish and Education, and qualified football coach). After presenting a football-themed video in French, the teams performed football drills, which included commands in French. They then heard video messages from John Collins, Christophe Berra and Ismaila Soro, before the winner’s announcement saw Lourdes Secondary School claim the trophy, together with a visit to Hampden Park, where the winning team will be given a French-focussed tour of the stadium and the Scottish Football Museum.

Watch this space for information on Le Foot et la Francophonie being rolled out nationally in 2022-23, together with further details on how your school can get involved.

Espacios Increíbles 2022 – Winners announced!

27 May 2022 (SCILT)

Congratulations to Kinross High, Perth & Kinross, on winning SCILT's Espacios Increíbles competition 2021-22.

The winner was announced at the final, held online on Wednesday 25 May 2022. A superb effort was made by all six finalist schools (Alva Academy, Bathgate Academy, Dunblane High, Grange Academy, Wallace High, as well as Kinross High); competition was stiff and judges had a very difficult decision to make.

The interdisciplinary competition for S2-S3 combines Spanish with art, design and technology. Pupils design an amazing space and present their work in Spanish. 

Kinross High came out top with their innovative design for a veterans’ rehabilitation centre in Bolivia. Their design was based on the work of Bolivian architect Freddie Mamani and took as inspiration the colours of the Bolivia Flag: red, green and yellow. The team showed great creativity and presentation skills, with fantastic delivery in Spanish. They clearly demonstrated how they had worked collaboratively, drawing on art, design and Spanish skills to create an innovative and sustainable design.

The other five schools did an amazing job, with a mental health space on a bus, a children's library on a boat, an eco-tourism hotel, underwater art gallery and a UFO-inspired observatory on Robinson Crusoe Island.

More information on this year's final will be on the SCILT website soon as well as details of how your school can enter next year's competition.

The Big Question: final spaces remaining!

26 May 2022 (SCILT)

This term we are hosting a series of interactive seminars for secondary languages teachers, based on some of the main themes from our workshops this year, and covering some of the big questions that you might be asking about teaching languages today.

We now have just a few places remaining on Seminar 3: Teaching controversial issues. This session will feature the chance to hear from a guest speaker, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to the big questions!

  • Seminar 3: Teaching controversial issues
    4-5pm, Thursday 9 June
    In this seminar we will look at how can we approach controversial issues such as gender, race, politics and climate in the context of language learning. We will explore strategies for tackling controversial issues safely and effectively in the languages classroom. Our guest in this session will be Lynne Jones of SCILT who will be sharing particularly around areas of gender and immigration.

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers. The session will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded.


Parental Engagement - NEW - A Practitioner’s Guide

19 May 2022 (SCILT)

We have collated a range of materials to provide practitioners with useful information, including examples of practice across sectors, about engaging parents and families with language learning. This guide features a variety of reading materials, resources, and case studies to equip practitioners working in a variety of contexts with the tools to actively consider how to get parents and families engaged with their child’s language learning.


Polish classes for teachers - registrations open

19 May 2022 (SCILT / Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow)

Following the successful launch of the Ten Steps to Polish online resource and introductory Polish classes for teachers last session, in collaboration with the Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, we are delighted to announce that the Polish classes for teachers will run again in session 2022/23. The interactive Ten Steps to Polish handbook is designed for teachers to introduce Polish as an L3 and the online classes provide teachers with the opportunity to learn basic Polish in order to support the implementation of the resource in their classroom.

Chris Sagan, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, who has led the programme from its infancy states: 

“We are delighted with the response we have had to our Ten Steps to L3 Polish course. In our introductory year we have taught, via Zoom, basic Polish to teachers across Scotland enabling them to provide L3 Polish to their classes. We look forward with enthusiasm to another year of helping teachers teach Polish in classrooms across Scotland.”

Primary teachers who are interested can register by 20 June 2022 for a block of free online Polish language lessons, led by a native Polish speaker and an experienced primary practitioner. These online classes:

  • begin on Tuesday 30th August
  • will take place 4-5pm on MS Teams
  • will be an hour in length, once a week, for 6 weeks
  • support Ten Steps to L3 Polish and aim to give the class teacher the confidence to lead exciting Polish lessons in school

These classes are aimed at teachers planning to introduce Polish as an L3. Places are limited and offered on a first-come first-served basis. 

For more information about Ten Steps to L3 Polish and/or language classes, please contact SCILT.

Wszystkiego najlepszego.


SCILT Spring 2022 newsletter published

13 May 2022 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning opportunities, our motivating competitions and our online classes and events. Find out how schools celebrated Languages Week Scotland 2022, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.

This edition also features a special article from Mandy Reeman-Clark, who reflects on 18 years at SCILT and CISS on the occasion of her retirement. 

If you would like to contribute an article to a future edition of the newsletter you can read the submission guidelines on our website, and email your entries to SCILT


The Big Question: SCILT secondary seminar series

29 April 2022 (SCILT)

This term we are hosting a series of interactive seminars for secondary languages teachers, based on some of the main themes from our workshops this year, and covering some of the big questions that you might be asking about teaching languages today.

Each session will feature the chance to hear from a guest practitioner, and the opportunity to discuss and share with fellow teachers, and hopefully together to come up with some answers to these questions!

Seminars are free to attend and are open to all secondary languages teachers and student teachers; attend as many or as few as you wish. Register for each seminar separately via the links below. 

  • Seminar 1: Employability and languages
    4-5pm, Tuesday 17 May
    In this seminar we will consider why and how to make meaningful connections between language learning and the Developing the Young Workforce agenda. Sarah Coats from Musselburgh Grammar School will be our guest in this session, sharing some of the work that she has been involved with in this area, which led to the school achieving the Scottish Languages Employability Award this year.
  • Seminar 2: Encouraging uptake
    4-5pm, Wednesday 25 May
    Across Scotland, we are all facing the challenge of how to encourage learners to continue studying languages when faced with the choice. In this seminar we will have the chance to share ideas and strategies that we have tried or would like to try. France Reid from Dunblane High School will be our guest in this session, sharing the issues that they have faced and how they are seeking to address them.
  • Seminar 3: Teaching controversial issues
    4-5pm, Thursday 9 June
    In this seminar we will look at how can we approach controversial issues such as gender, race, politics and climate in the context of language learning.  We will explore strategies for tackling controversial issues safely and effectively in the languages classroom. Our guest in this session will be Lynne Jones of SCILT who will be sharing particularly around areas of gender and immigration.
  • Seminar 4: Building confidence in talking
    4-5pm, Wednesday 15 June
    Talking is often the area of our subject that learners find most challenging and stressful. In this seminar we will discuss and share practical ideas and activities which help build learner confidence in talking in the target language. Lisa Hanna from SCILT, who is a Visiting Assessor for talking with SQA, will be our guest in this session.

The sessions will be hosted on MS Teams and will not be recorded.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Scotland’s Languages Landscape: The ‘Rights’ Approach event, 25 February 2022 - Recordings are now available!

29 April 2022 (SCILT)

We are pleased to announce that event materials are now available to view on our website, including video recordings from Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Keynote speaker, Bernardette Holmes MBE, Independent Languages Policy and Pedagogy Consultant and Plenary speaker, Louise Glen, Senior Education Officer at Education Scotland.

Video presentations taken from breakout discussions, including testimonials and speaker biographies are also available to view and will be of interest to the language teaching community and community-based organisations.

The event welcomed language leads, teachers and the wider languages community to share, celebrate and highlight the importance of valuing language skills and ensuring the rights of all children and young people to a language rich curriculum.


BSL as an L3 - register now

28 April 2022 (SCILT / Garvel Deaf Centre)

SCILT, in collaboration with Garvel Deaf Centre in Gourock, Inverclyde will be offering online British Sign Language (BSL) classes to support L3 in primary schools in the 2022-23 school session. 

Applications are now open for schools to register their interest in the ‘BSL as an L3’ programme. The weekly lessons will be suitable for pupils in P5-P7 and are free of charge. In addition to the live lessons, supplementary resources such as video clips will be provided on Teams to support asynchronous learning opportunities.

The block of online classes will:

  • begin on Thursday 8 September
  • run for 10 weeks, with a two-week break in October
  • take place live on Glow Teams 
  • be 45 minutes in length
  • be delivered by an experienced deaf tutor, supported by a BSL interpreter
  • raise deaf awareness
  • promote inclusion and diversity

Schools selected to take part in the programme must attend an information session on Tuesday 7 June at 3.30pm on Teams.

Register your interest by Monday 16 May 2022 via the link below. For more information please contact SCILT. 


Primary languages workshop series 2022 - places available

21 April 2022 (SCILT)

There are a small number of places remaining on the final two workshops in the SCILT primary languages series. These workshops are free, take place online, and each focus on a different aspect of primary languages pedagogy.

The workshops are open to any primary teacher or student primary teacher in Scotland. You can attend as many of the workshops in the series as you like. You must register for each workshop separately by clicking on the links below. 

  • Workshop 3: Parental engagement for family learning in languages at primary
    4-5pm, Wednesday 27th April 2022
    We will consider the positive impact that parental engagement and family learning with languages can have on pupils and their families. We will consider the importance of parental engagement in relation to other initiatives within Scottish Education, mainly raising attainment and will share examples of current practice on how schools are engaging with parents/families through languages.
  • Workshop 4: Making languages work for your primary pupils: DYW and 1+2
    4-5pm Wednesday 25th May 2022
    We will look at how your school can make meaningful connections between the language learning and the Developing the Young Workforce agenda, and maybe pick up a Scottish Languages Employability Award along the way! Be inspired by examples from primary schools across the country.

All workshops will take place on Microsoft Teams and will not be recorded.

See attached workshop series flyer which can be distributed to colleagues.

Related Files

Scottish Languages Employability Award - next deadline 20 May!

21 April 2022 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates innovation by schools in promoting languages and employability together through partnerships with businesses, public bodies and third sector organisations. The award, which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community. 

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 20 May 2022

In January 2022 Musselburgh Grammar School won a bronze award for their 'S3 Life with Languages' careers event. Read about their impressive submission, watch videos from previous winners and access the full award guidelines on our website.

Due to ongoing restrictions, online events and activities will be accepted as evidence towards the award.

If you have any questions about the award or the submission process please contact SCILT


Ukrainian resources for schools and families

5 April 2022 (SCILT)

We have collated resources to help support children and families arriving from Ukraine. We hope teachers will find these useful in welcoming young people and their parents into Scottish schools. Please share with your networks!


MTOT 2021-22 - Finalist poems now online!

1 April 2022 (SCILT)

We're delighted to announce the entries from all the finalists of this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition can now be viewed on the SCILT website.

For the first time judges awarded some special commendations for entries which very narrowly missed making the final shortlist and we have some of these also available online.

We hope many of you will be inspired to take part when the 2022-23 edition launches in the Autumn!


Employ a Mandarin teacher - funding available

25 March 2022 (SCILT/CISS)

State schools in Scotland can apply for funding to employ a Mandarin teacher. So if you are interested in introducing Mandarin as part of your Modern Languages curriculum and want to find out more join the information session on 28 March, details are on the attached flyer.

Applicants wishing to be considered for our new round of funding for GTCS registered teachers of Mandarin Chinese should complete the short form before 5pm, Monday 16 May 2022.


Related Files

Join Scotland’s National Languages Leadership Programme Team 2022-23!

25 March 2022 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Applications are now open for critical friends to support and challenge participants as they progress through the 2022-23 programme.


Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme supports local authorities by building capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all.

The critical friend role is suitable for people who:

  • have experience of the national languages leadership programme i.e. 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme (2017-2022) or the Train the Trainer Programme (2014-2016), or
  • are experienced in supporting teacher professional learning either online or face-to-face, preferably at Masters level, and
  • wish to help build the languages leadership capacity in all sectors of Scottish education

As an online programme, Scotland’s National Languages Leadership Programme offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy. The programme provides participants with professional learning and networking opportunities as well as flexible and personalised pathways through Masters level professional learning. 

Objectives of the programme are for participants to develop:

  • an appreciation of leadership skills
  • critical and strategic reflection on their own leadership development
  • an understanding of a range of key issues related to Scotland’s Languages policy

Professional learning and support will be offered to critical friends throughout the year.

For more information, visit the registration page to find out how you can apply to join the LLP team as a critical friend by Tuesday 17 May. A Glow account is required to take part.

If you have any questions about applying for this role, please email and include ‘LLP Critical Friend’ in the subject line.

Related Files

Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme 2022-23 - Submit your application now!

24 March 2022 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Scotland's National Languages Leadership Programme supports local authorities by building capacity to achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all. Open to colleagues with 5 years' experience post probation or equivalent, who are interested in developing approaches to language learning and in implementing change in their own contexts, this might include: classroom teachers, principal teachers, heads of department, heads of faculty or languages lead practitioners.

This online programme is free of charge to state schools and offers participants the opportunity to engage with the most up-to-date information from Education Scotland and other agencies involved in the delivery of Scotland’s languages policy.

SCILT hosted an online information session on Tuesday 22 March. A recording of the session is now available to find out more about the programme and hear experiences of current participants.

Participants can visit the website for more information and to submit their application. Deadline date to submit applications is Monday 25 April.


Related Files

Registration now open for OU/SCILT TeLT programme

18 March 2022 (SCILT/OU)

TeLT is the Teachers Learning to Teach Languages programme offered by the Open University in partnership with SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. This professional learning opportunity is aimed at educators working in the primary sector and carries GTCS Professional Recognition.

Students learn a language – French, German, Mandarin or Spanish - and in parallel, get to put primary language pedagogies into practice with their own pupils. The programme is offered at two levels – beginners and post-beginners. More information here about how the course works.

Registration for 2022-23 intake is now open. Enrolment closes 8 September. Modules begin in October. More details here on how to register.

Information sessions for local authority officers and prospective applicants will take place in May and June. Dates are to be confirmed.


SCILT/CISS digital internship now open for applications

18 March 2022 (SCILT/CISS)

Are you currently in S5?

Do you love languages?

Do you enjoy sharing your news, views and opinions on social media?

Would you like to work with other young people and enhance your CV?

Well, this role might be for you!

We are inviting committed, dynamic young people to apply for our year-long digital internship programme.  This would see you using social media regularly and collaborating effectively with a team to demonstrate your love of languages and where they can take you.  This is an excellent opportunity to experience working with digital professionals in a languages environment and enhance your final year at school.

Please note that interns will be home-based and the opportunity is open to young people across the country. This is an unpaid internship. Successful applicants must commit to attending a training day on Friday 10 June 2022. We plan to hold this in Glasgow, covid restrictions permitting. Travel expenses will be covered for those who need to travel from outside Glasgow to attend the training.

Application details

Please download and read the Information Pack (PDF). It includes the Job Description and Person Specification.

Please download and complete the Application Form (Word). Applications must be submitted with a letter of reference from your Faculty Manager or Principal Teacher of Modern Languages.

Completed applications must be returned to by midnight on Monday 2 May 2022 (please note this is a new, extended deadline).


Wondering whether to apply? Here’s what some of our previous interns have said about the experience:

  • “The highlight was getting to work with other people I hadn't met before (working on my teambuilding and communication skills), getting to represent a huge national organisation, creating our own content and deciding ourselves how we wanted to run our social media accounts.”
  • “I loved producing high quality content and collaborating with the other interns. It was really exciting later on in the year when we started to get more interaction on Twitter.”
  • “Meeting new people who share my same passion for languages and coming together to create something valuable was a high point for me.”


Teachers, please download this flyer to raise awareness of this opportunity amongst your S5 pupils.

Posted in: SCILT news

March Bitesize: Learning for Sustainability / IDL (Primary)

17 March 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland.

In March, the Bitesize session focuses on the primary school and explores how language learning can be in incorporated into a Learning for Sustainability (LfS) context. We will hear how schools have been exploring the Global Goals in addition to key environmental issues such as plastic pollution and the place of languages within this.

Come and join us for a drop-in session to listen and discuss on Wednesday 30 March 2022, 4:00 - 4:45pm on Zoom.

Visit our Bitesize webpage for more information and to register.


MTOT 2021-22 - Winners announced!

21 February 2022 (SCILT)

Our awards event to announce the winning entries from this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition was held online today, to coincide with International Mother Language Day. It was a great celebration of the languages being spoken and learned in Scotland and we're delighted to announce the winners and highly commended runners-up in each category as follows:

Mother Tongue







Simon Cronje

Netherlee PS


Highly commended

Fabian Choromanski

Gallowhill PS




Sabihah Tubasem

West Primary


Highly commended

Lovelyn Asare

St Catherine’s PS


Highly commended

Sabina Rodrigues da Rosa

West Primary

Brazilian Portuguese

Highly commended

Tanazzal Shah

West Primary


Highly commended

Zamin Amjad Sheikh

Netherlee PS




Melice Monga Lubengi

Lourdes Secondary


Highly commended

Marcel Zuk & Oskar Kolodziej

St Thomas of Aquin’s


Highly commended

Helen Joseph

Lourdes Secondary


Highly commended

Sarah Alradi

Craigmount High




Regina Wyllie

Loudoun Academy


Highly commended

Camran Kouhy

Madras College


Highly commended

Wiktoria Sapko

St Andrew’s Secondary


Other Tongue







Hayley Cowe

Westhill PS


Highly commended

P2 Class

Newcraighall PS




Lucia Conetta

Glasgow Academy


Highly commended

Malaika Ali

Golfhill PS




Grace Ross

Madras College


Highly commended

Deepak Kumaar

Craigmount High

French & German

Highly commended

Caitlin Fraser

Arran High




Brooklynn Faichnie

Aboyne Academy

French, Spanish & Italian

Highly commended

Iona Kellas

Aboyne Academy


Highly commended

Charlotte Reynolds

Aboyne Academy



All pupils will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also receive a trophy as well as the opportunity for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive and Kids Poetry Club podcast. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward. This year also saw a special award sponsored by the Dictionaries of the Scots Language for entries in Scots, which was awarded to Hayley Cowe, our P1-P4 Other Tongue winner!

It is our intention to host each of these poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available.

Congratulations again to all our finalists!

SCILT spring newsletter - send us your stories!

17 February 2022 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our spring 2022 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This is a chance to showcase innovative projects, language learning celebrations or initiatives which took place in late 2021 or so far in 2022. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 11th March 2022.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Polish through Art - online exhibition now open!

3 February 2022 (SCILT / Bilingualism Matters)

The Polish through Art online exhibition is now open! Visit our website to see the children's multilingual artwork, which explores their diverse identities, their linguistic competencies and their cultural heritage. Browse their wonderful creations, read their commentaries in their own words, and see the impact of a languages rich classroom. 

About the project

SCILT’s Polish through Art project, developed in collaboration with Bilingualism Matters, showcases through art, a multilingual approach to language teaching. A multilingual approach recognises that each learner has their own individual repertoire and opens the classroom door to languages and experiences learners bring to the classroom. The online exhibition showcases the artwork of each pupil involved in the project from the four particpating mainstream and complementary schools. 


February Bitesize: Gathering Evidence in Secondary

3 February 2022 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In February 2022, we’re looking at how we can gather evidence to support our judgments about learner progress. We will be joined by Lisa Waygood, Faculty Head of Ancient and Modern Languages at St Columba’s School in Kilmacolm. Come along on 23 February and share your experiences of evidence gathering in your context. What works well? Or not?

Visit our Bitesize webpage to find out more and to register for the event.


Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland - French Essay Prize 2022 - Register your interest now!

28 January 2022 (SCILT/Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland)

Following on from the inaugural French essay competition in 2021, the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland wish again to award an essay prize in 2022 to commemorate the long life and work of Madame Jacqueline Munro-Lafon and her service to the Franco-Scottish Community.

This competition is aimed at Advanced Higher learners of French. This year, we would like you to reflect on the changes that you would like to see happen within your lifetime. All essay submissions must present a reflection on society in France and Scotland.

The winning entry will be awarded a prize of £500, and their essay will also be published in the annual Bulletin of the Franco-Scottish Society. Two runner-up prizes of £100 will be awarded by SCILT.

  • A maximum of three entries can be submitted from each school. Register your interest for your school to get involved by 5pm on 25 February.

Visit the Eventbrite webpage for further information and how to register.


Making Your Future Brighter With Languages (1+2 December 2021) – Event recordings now available!

21 January 2022 (SCILT)

We are delighted to confirm that the recently launched toolkit for Phase Three of our ERASMUS+ project, Generation Global, now includes recordings of the sessions that took place at the virtual launch events on 1+2 December 2021. Entitled Making Your Future Brighter With Languages, the events, like the toolkit, set out to give young people, parents and carers a wealth of information, ideas and advice about the importance of learning languages.

The first event, on 1 December, which was aimed at young people, featured interactive activities and an interesting and informative panel discussion of young professionals talking about how they use languages in their careers. These recordings could be useful for teachers to show to classes of young people around subject choice times.

On 2 December the event focused on parents, carers and teachers. At this event we enjoyed contributions by Dr Paul Hare (Professional Development Officer, SCILT) and partners from Denmark and Norway, a fascinating panel discussion with representation from employers, educators and careers advisers, and a powerful message from Liz Neil of the British Council on the value of language and intercultural skills to the workforce of the future.

Recordings of all sessions are available on our website.


New job profiles on SCILT's website

21 January 2022 (SCILT)

Our job profiles cover a wide range of careers where languages are being used. We have two new additions to our collection:

  • Fraser Fulton is a musician, tour manager and backline technician for touring musical artists. He tells us because he spends most of his time on tour, especially in German-speaking countries, speaking German has been invaluable to him. His knowledge of the language helps build contact and trust very quickly.
  • Gregor Anderson is a mechanical engineer with a company involved in the design and production of lasers. He says his language skills gave him an edge when applying for his job - not just the fact he could speak German, but rather that he'd travelled and spent time in another country and culture. 

Teachers share these profiles with your pupils to highlight the benefits of language learning for life and work.

Discovering the World of Arabic 2022-23 - primary course

21 January 2022 (SCILT / QFI)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International and the Scottish Refugee Council, is currently looking for local authority primary schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through our Discovering the World of Arabic programme.  

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for primary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and culture. Courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and a specially commissioned writing team, with language lessons delivered online by a teacher of Arabic. 

For learners in local authority primary schools the course will be offered as a ten-week interdisciplinary block of learning and is aimed at P5-P7 pupils. The course is delivered using a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams. 

The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

Live classes are provisionally scheduled as follows:

  • Thursdays 14.00-14.45, starting September 2022 

In addition, participating schools will receive ongoing support from the SCILT team and a grant of £2000. This can provide schools with resources and experiences that enhance and support the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures.

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form via the link below by Friday 18 February.

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions. 


Discovering the World of Arabic 2022-23 - secondary course

21 January 2022 (SCILT / QFI)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International and the Scottish Refugee Council, is currently looking for local authority secondary schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through our Discovering the World of Arabic programme.  

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for local authority secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and culture. Courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and a specially commissioned writing, with language lessons delivered online by a teacher of Arabic. 

The course will focus on developing conversational Arabic which will enhance learners’ employability skills. It is aimed at learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and develop their portfolio of skills. 

The course is delivered using a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams. The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arab cultures as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

Classes are provisionally scheduled as follows and run from August 2022 until March 2023:

  • S1-S3 - Wednesdays 13.30-14.30
  • S4-S6 - Mondays 13.30-14.30

In addition, participating schools will receive ongoing support from the SCILT team and a grant of £2000. This can provide schools with resources and experiences that enhance and support the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arab cultures.

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please complete the note of interest form via the link below by Friday 18 February.

Please contact SCILT if you have any questions. 


SCILT professional learning programme 2021-22 - available to book now!

14 January 2022 (SCILT)

Are you looking for high quality professional learning for colleagues in your school, department, cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative? 

SCILT's programme of professional learning workshops are now available to book for the rest of this session. Choose from our range of primary or secondary workshops, and request a date and time that suits you and your colleagues. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to collaborate with you to develop bespoke input and support. In addition to practical suggestions, SCILT workshops are designed to explore the pedagogy that underpins practice through discussion and reflection with local colleagues. 
Please visit the professional learning page of our website for further information and details of each of the workshops available. Please note, these workshops are intended for group bookings only. 
During 2021-22, we are running webinars and drop-in sessions which are open to everyone. Registration for those will be on an event–by–event basis and will be publicised via the SCILT e-bulletin.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - next deadline 21 January!

12 January 2022 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates innovation by schools in promoting languages and employability together through partnerships with businesses, public bodies and third sector organisations. The award, which is available at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community. 

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 21 January 2022

Visit the SLEA page on our website to read about Danestone Primary School, whose partnership with Subsea 7 recently earned them a Bronze award. You can also access the full award guidelines and watch videos from previous winners.

Due to ongoing restrictions, online events and activities will be accepted as evidence towards the award.

If you have any questions about the award or the submission process please contact SCILT


Words for the World winning entries published!

17 December 2021 (SCILT)

Congratulations again to everyone who took part in our recent Words for the World competition.

Following our recent awards ceremony, and the announcement of the winners’ names, we are now delighted to be able to publish the winning, highly commended and remaining finalist entries in each category. We are sure that you will agree that the linguistic diversity, creativity and passion that they all show is both impressive and inspiring.


Mind Games: Cracking Code in Maths and Languages

20 January 2022 (SCILT)

Two mind-bending workshops are scheduled for in-service and student teachers during Languages Week Scotland 2022. 

We are aware that Mathematics underpins all STEM subjects, but have you ever thought there are connections between learning mathematics and learning a language?

Join mathematicians and linguists from the University of Edinburgh to explore the topic further.

During the interactive workshops you will have a go at some puzzles and activities at the interface between Mathematics and Linguistics. Together we will explore how language works and where Maths comes into play.

You will have a chance to discuss with Mathematicians and Linguists about similarities between their subjects. You will takeaway practical ideas for your classroom to show how these different disciplines can be interconnected.

The activities we are going to use are mainly aimed at children older than 10 years. However, the approach can be applied to all year groups.

Attendance is free of charge and the event will be hosted online on Zoom.

More information and registration for the appropriate workshop via the links below:

The Language Ambassadors

14 December 2021 (University of Strathclyde/SCILT)

The Language Ambassadors are back……and they have gone VIRTUAL!

Get your learners involved to discover the joys of learning and being able to use another language by organising a Virtual Language Ambassadors visit to your school!

Our Language Ambassadors are students of French, Italian or Spanish, on various degrees, including BA Honours in French and Spanish, International Business and a Modern Language, Law and a Language but also Engineering and Science degrees.

This programme is free of charge and provides student role models to promote languages to young people and encourage your learners to choose languages as part of their high school curriculum.

We can deliver a range of activities online, such as:

  • A virtual presentation about their experiences as university language learners and their experiences abroad;
  • Q&A sessions about the benefits of studying a language;
  • A small group discussion for Senior phase students who have already selected a language;
  • Micro-presentations as part of a school-wide event

Visit our website to find out more, and how to book a virtual visit for your school!

If you have any questions about The Language Ambassadors programme, please contact Cédric Moreau.


Languages Week Scotland 2022 - how will you celebrate?

13 December 2021 (SCILT)

Languages Week Scotland 2022 will take place during the week 31 January - 4 February 2022, and SCILT hopes that as many children, families and communities as possible will engage with the week. It is inviting educational establishments to celebrate and share the work they do in and with spoken and signed languages other than English. For ideas for how your educational establishment can celebrate Languages Week Scotland 2022, please visit the Languages Week Scotland pages on the SCILT website or follow Languages Week Scotland on Twitter.

SCILT would love to know how you celebrate Languages Week Scotland 2022, so please use the hashtag #ScotlandLovesLanguages on Twitter to share the languages used or learned at home, in school or in your wider community. 

The theme for 2022 is “The 'Rights' Approach - incorporating learners' rights within Scotland's languages landscape” and the aim is to amplify the voices of people, organisations and events that celebrate multilingualism and the many ways it supports the rights of children as embodied in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Careers toolkit launched

3 December 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT launched our latest toolkit at two events this week, one for young people and one for parents/carers/teachers. The toolkit and events are part of our three-year Generation Global project, which seeks to address the gap in intercultural and language skills that we have in this country.

In the preceding two years of the project, we have published toolkits to support business leaders and careers advisers/school managers. This latest toolkit 'Making your future brighter with languages'  is designed to give young people, parents and carers information, ideas and advice about learning languages; why it is important and how to go about it. As well as this, the toolkit includes a series of short video clips of young professionals talking about the relevance and value of languages and intercultural skills in their career areas. All of this aims to support the young people who are our ‘Generation Global’, our dual-competency workforce of the future.

The launch events this week were recorded, and recordings will be available on our website shortly.

Access the toolkit 


SCILT Christmas 2021 webpage - now live!

2 December 2021 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your pupils, from interactive advent calendars and games, to lesson plans and festive facts. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and around the world!


New resources to support bilingualism

30 November 2021 (Twinkl/SCILT/Bilingualism Matters)

What does it mean to be bilingual? Bilingualism is knowing more than one language and the way it affects us is far from simple! Find out all about the different ways we can be bilingual, the effects of bilingualism and some of the benefits to us all with our amazing resources developed for use at First Level alongside the experts at Bilingualism Matters, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, and our teacher team here at Twinkl. The resources are available in English and Gaelic for use in GME contexts and are an ideal way to start celebrating the linguistic landscape in your school.


Words for the World competition winners!

26 November 2021 (SCILT)

Congratulations to everyone who took part in our Words for the World competition.

The standard of entries was incredibly high, with a wide range of formats submitted and an array of languages. We can be proud of the linguistic diversity we have here in Scotland and the creativity and passion our young people demonstrated for protecting our planet, our humanity and creating a brighter future for us all. We were truly humbled and inspired by their work.

Judging proved exceptionally difficult, but we were delighted to announce the winning entries at an online awards event last week. Well done again to the following who were successful in their respective categories and thank you to every pupil who participated in the competition. 


  • Winner - Leena Valluri, Goodlyburn Primary
  • Highly commended - The Glasgow Academy Newlands & Milngavie class entry


  • Winner - Zofia Zajac, St Patrick's Primary
  • Highly commended - Sophie McGrath, St Vincent's Primary
  • Highly commended - Tristan Naylor, Hyndland Primary


  • Winner - Oriana Strahan, Largs Academy 
  • Highly commended - Deepak Krisna Kummar, Craigmount High 


  • Winner - Daniel Smith, Alva Academy
  • Highly commended - Aiman Mohammad, Renfrew High 

SCILT Winter 2021 newsletter published!

26 November 2021 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter is here!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning opportunities, our motivating competitions and our online events. Find out how schools celebrated European Day of Languages 2021, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives including projects involving STEM, virtual live lessons and links with business. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland, including links to free resources and online learning opportunities.


Primary languages workshop series: spring 2022

26 November 2021 (SCILT)

The SCILT Professional Development Team is thrilled to announce that in spring 2022, we will host a series of four free online workshops, each on a different aspect of primary languages pedagogy.

The workshops are open to any primary teacher or student primary teacher in Scotland. You can attend as many of the workshops in the series as you like. You must register for each workshop separately by clicking on the links below. 

  • Workshop 1: Assessing progress in primary languages
    4-5pm, Wednesday 26 January 2022
    We will explore some assessment approaches and tools. We will look at examples of listening, talking, reading and writing in L2 by primary learners. We will refer to Education Scotland’s Modern Languages early – second level benchmarks and first – second level progression framework.
  • Workshop 2: Engaging cultural contexts for primary language learning
    4-5pm, Wednesday 23 February 2022
    We will look at interdisciplinary approaches to support language learning. We will explore a range of activities and resources to develop children’s intercultural understanding, awareness of cultural diversity and multilingualism both globally and locally. We will share examples of current practice in Scottish schools.
  • Workshop 3: Parental engagement for family learning in languages at primary
    4-5pm, Wednesday 27th April 2022
    We will consider the positive impact that parental engagement and family learning with languages can have on pupils and their families. We will consider the importance of parental engagement in relation to other initiatives within Scottish Education, mainly raising attainment and will share examples of current practice on how schools are engaging with parents/families through languages.
  • Workshop 4: Making languages work for your primary pupils: DYW and 1+2
    4-5pm Wednesday 25th May 2022
    We will look at how your school can make meaningful connections between the language learning and the Developing the Young Workforce agenda, and maybe pick up a Scottish Languages Employability Award along the way! Be inspired by examples from primary schools across the country.

All workshops will take place on Microsoft Teams and will not be recorded.

See attached workshop series flyer which can be distributed to colleagues.

Related Files

November Bitesize: Making languages work for your primary pupils

12 November 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In November 2021, we are looking at how we can combine employability and language skills in the primary classroom. Come along on 24 November to share your ideas and hear what others do too!

Our special guests will be Leanne Duncan, PT at Danestone Primary School, Aberdeen City and Christina MacGregor, P4-7 GME Teacher at Goodlyburn Primary School, Perth & Kinross. Leanne and Christina will tell us about the last year’s achievements by their pupils with activities that integrated languages and employability skills. The languages taught across the two schools are Gaelic, English, French and Chinese.

Find out more, along with the registration link, on our Bitesize webpage.


Presentations and recordings are now available! Moving Forward with L3: Challenges and Opportunities Event, 10 September 2021

5 November 2021 (SCILT)

If you missed any part of this event, then we have good news for you! Materials are now available on our website to view at your own leisure, including video presentations from Keynote speaker, Joanna McPake, Reader in Education at the University of Strathclyde and Plenary speakers, Dr Łukasz Lutostański, Consul General and Sylwia Spooner, Head of Cultural Affairs at the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh. The event welcomed language leaders and practitioners to share thoughts, ideas, good practice and discuss the challenges we face in embedding L3 into our curricula, including information on the newly launched 10 Steps to Polish Programme, run in conjunction with SCILT.

PowerPoint presentations used from facilitated discussions, including testimonials and speaker biographies are also available to view and will be of interest to the language teaching community.


A Conversation with Lilian Thuram

29 October 2021 (SCILT)

On Thursday, 10 June 2021, SCILT hosted an online conversation with the French anti-racism campaigner and World Cup winning footballer, Lilian Thuram, to mark the launch of My Black Stars, a translation of Thuram’s bestselling 2010 volume, Mes Etoiles Noires. Over the past decade, the Lilian Thuram Foundation for Education against Racism has been at the forefront of the fight for racial equality in France, and this was a great opportunity to bring its work to the attention of an English-language audience.

The conversation, led by Cédric Moreau and David Murphy, from Modern Languages at the University of Strathclyde, took place in French, and a video of the event is now available on YouTube (with the option of French or English sub-titles).

This should be a great resource for French teachers looking to introduce students to issues around racism and inclusion. In addition, the publisher of My Black Stars has a great resource on its blog: a recording of Lilian Thuram reading the introduction to the book in French, plus readings in English by students from the Universities of Strathclyde and Stirling of some sample chapters.

Creative Puppetry with French in the Early Years

7 October 2021 (SCILT)

Calling all P1 teachers and Early Years Practitioners! Would you like to be involved in developing language learning in your school through storytelling and creative puppetry? This new project could be something for you! 

SCILT, in collaboration with Tania Czajka, is looking to recruit P1 teachers and EYPs to take part in an exciting project which explores French in the Early Years with puppet making. Tania, an experienced Early Years Practitioner, author of bilingual book 'Lapin is Hungry', teaching artist and creator of Le Petit Monde theatre has devised this creative approach to support teachers and EYPs in teaching languages at Early Level. This approach is based on the bilingual book ‘Lapin is Hungry’ with the creative puppetry element integrated throughout. Pupils will have the opportunity to create their own puppets based on the characters in the book and develop their French language skills through play. Please note that all art and craft resources will be provided free of charge to all participating schools.

If you would like to register your interest, please follow the link below.


Words for the World competition

5 October 2021 (SCILT)

‘We must believe in the power and the strength of our words. Our words can change the world.’ (Malala Yousafzai)

Are you looking for a way to engage your language learners to think about global issues ahead of the COP26 summit in November? Inspired by Malala’s words, our Words for the World competition could be just what you need! SCILT is challenging learners to use their words and their languages to show how the world could be a better place.

More information about the competition is available on our Words for the World webpage. The entry deadline is 25 October 2021. If you'd like to upload submissions to the Words for the World MS Team, please contact us and provide your Glow email address. Please note, the competition is only open to schools in Scotland.


Espacios Increíbles 2021-22 - Register your interest now!

1 October 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce Espacios Increíbles is back for its 3rd year and it is bigger and better than before! We are looking for lots of budding architects and designers from S2 and S3 to take part in our Spanish competition to create an ‘Amazing Space.’

This competition combines aspects of design with Spanish language skills as they present their Espacio Increíble to a panel of judges and a live audience. Espacios Increíbles is a great way of introducing your pupils to different career pathways open to them when they study a language and encouraging uptake of Spanish in the Senior Phase.

To find out more visit our Espacios Increíbles webpage and register your school’s interest, by Monday 8 November.


MTOT 2021-22 - registration deadline approaching!

30 September 2021 (SCILT)

Our multilingual poetry competition offers schools and learners the opportunity to use their language skills creatively, by producing an original poem, song or rap in a language they speak at home (Mother Tongue) or are learning at school (Other Tongue). With a focus on the spoken word, entries are invited in video or audio format.

Teachers, help us find the next generation of multilingual poets! The deadline to register your school is 7 October 2021 (National Poetry Day), and all entries should be submitted by 3 December 2021. 

Visit our MTOT webpage for full details and to sign-up.


New project alert! Polish through Art

30 September 2021 (SCILT / Bilingualism Matters)

Primary teachers, would you like to be involved in an exciting and innovative project focusing on language learning (Polish) through Art? This project, in partnership with Bilingualism Matters, aims to explore and develop skills in applying multicultural and multilingual approaches to (Polish) language teaching in the primary school. We are looking to recruit primary teachers working in mainstream schools and teachers working in the Polish complementary schools.

The project will run over a 5-month period and will feature 4 online workshops/sessions scheduled to take place on:

  • Wed 27 Oct 15.30-17.30 
  • Wed 3  Nov 15.30-17.30 
  • Wed 17 Nov 15.30-17.30
  • Wed 19 Jan 15.30-17.30

All workshops will be delivered on MS Teams and will be a blend of professional learning and practical activities. 

You will work in pairs or small groups with colleagues in the mainstream/complementary schools and will have the chance to plan and share knowledge with each other. There will be the opportunity to contribute to SCILT’s knowledge exchange event taking place in February where you will be able to share your experience from participating in the project with colleagues from across the country. To showcase the pupil’s art, an online gallery will be created in which you and your pupils will have the opportunity to contribute.

If you would like to participate in this new project, please register via the link below. By registering you are committing to attending all 4 workshops.


European Day of Languages 2021 - feature in our blog!

23 September 2021 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages celebrates it's 20th anniversary on Sunday 26th September. What has your school been doing to celebrate?

Send a description of your activities and a few photos and we'll include you in our EDL 2021 blog! Some entries may even be featured in the SCILT winter newsletter.

Complete the form via the link below or send an email to And you can tag @scottishcilt on Twitter!


Case study: Strengthening links to literacy across languages

21 September 2021 (SCILT)

Professional Learning Partnerships (PLPs) are a bespoke part of the SCILT CLPL offer. A PLP is a collaborative and enquiring means of challenging thinking, considering practice and bringing about improvement.

In a recent PLP that ran over two years, teachers in several West Lothian primary schools chose to focus on strengthening literacy skills across languages. They were supported variously by local authority development officers with responsibility for Literacy, PEF and 1+2 Languages, as well as by SCILT and a bilingual theatre practitioner. In year 1, eight schools considered the needs of their learners and the demands of their school improvement plan before settling on a particular pedagogical approach and/or a selection of resources that they were interested in transferring to the context of teaching additional languages. In year 2, three schools collaborated to produce interdisciplinary learning materials and pupil-led drama activities to support reading and performance in L2. Read the West Lothian PLP Case Study on our website.

Each Professional Learning Partnership is unique and based on the needs of the audience and talents of the participating professionals. Examining evidence together, engaging in professional discussion and exploring practical ways forward, each partnership aims to effect positive change that impacts on learners. If you would like to discuss developing a PLP with us, please email with PLP in the subject line.


Languages beyond school

17 September 2021 (SCILT)

If you have pupils considering language study once they move on from secondary education, the Beyond School section of our website contains a wealth of information about university and college language courses, study abroad and volunteering opportunities overseas. With links to UCAS and university guides it's also a useful resource for careers guidance staff to be aware of and highlight to students as the UCAS application process gets underway.


September Bitesize: Early Years creative puppetry and language learning drop-in

16 September 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student primary teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s Bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In September 2021, we’re looking at language learning in the Early Years and exploring the use of creative puppetry to support this. So join the drop-in on 29 September, share your ideas and experiences and hear what others do too!  

Find out more, along with the registration link, on our Bitesize webpage.


SCILT winter newsletter - send us your stories!

16 September 2021 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our winter 2021 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This could cover work going on in schools before the summer break, innovative projects taking place during Covid-19, or other language learning celebrations or initiatives. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 8th October 2021.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Masters study opportunity for LLP/TTT and TeLT alumni

10 September 2021 (SCILT/University of Strathclyde)

Four questions for Scottish primary and secondary teachers:

  • Are you interested in developing yourself professionally and academically through Masters study?
  • Have you been a participant on the Education Scotland/SCILT course called Languages Leadership Programme (LLP, previously known as Train the Trainer) within the last five years?
  • Have you been a student on the Open University/SCILT programme called Teachers Learning to Teach Languages in Primary School (TeLT) within the last five years?
  • Were you awarded GTCS Professional Recognition from either of these programmes?

If the answer is yes, then you are eligible to accredited prior learning (APL) to the tune of 20 Masters credits, enabling you to transfer onto Masters in Education (MEd) pathways at the School of Education at the University of Strathclyde.

The award of GTCS Professional Recognition from these programmes gives access to the following pathways:


For the MEd Education Studies route contact Angela De Britos

For the MEd Educational Leadership route contact Joanna Holmes

Languages Week Scotland 2022 - save the date!

6 September 2022 (SCILT)

We are pleased to announce that Languages Week Scotland 2022 will run from 31 January - 4 February 2022. The theme is "The 'Rights' Approach - incorporating learners' rights within Scotland's languages landscape" and we hope that schools and learners, universities and colleges, businesses and social enterprises, community and arts organisations across the country will join with us in celebrating the signed and spoken languages used and learned across Scotland.

Follow the dedicated Twitter account @LangsWeekScot for all the latest news, and don't forget to use the hashtag #scotlandloveslanguages to share how you celebrate.

MTOT 2021-22 - Our multilingual poetry competition is back!

3 September 2021 (SCILT)

We are delighted to announce the launch of MTOT 2021-22! This competition offers schools and learners the opportunity to use their language skills creatively, by producing an original poem, song or rap in a language they speak at home (Mother Tongue) or are learning at school (Other Tongue). We are continuing our focus on the spoken word, so entries can be in video or audio format.

Last year, despite all the challenges, MTOT went from strength to strength, and the creativity shown by all those who entered was truly uplifting. Our winners were featured on the Kid’s Poetry Club podcast, and MTOT now has its own dedicated section on the UK Children’s Poetry Archive. As if that wasn’t enough, this year we are also partnering with the Dictionaries of the Scots Language, who are offering a special prize for winning entries in Scots. 

Whatever your language, we want you to find your voice and share it with us. We can’t wait to see what this year’s young poets will produce!

Teachers should register interest by 7 October 2021 (National Poetry Day), and all entries will be submitted by 3 December 2021. 

Visit our MTOT webpage for full details.


European Day of Languages 2021 - how is your school celebrating?

27 August 2021 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. Now celebrating its 20th year, it aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. What is your school doing in 2021?

If you're looking for inspiration SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. Perhaps a Eurovision-style song contest, a QR code scavenger hunt, or a food festival? You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2021 blog. Send a short description and some colourful photos to or tag @scottishcilt on Twitter. Use the hashtags #coeEDL #20EDL or #happybirthdayEDL to share your celebrations with schools across Europe!


SCILT professional learning programme 2021-22 - available to book now!

27 August 2021 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages? 
Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher of languages in your secondary school? 
Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader? 
Are you looking for high quality professional learning for your colleagues?
If so, you can request a SCILT workshop for colleagues in your school, department, cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative via the link below. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to collaborate with you to develop bespoke input and support. In addition to practical suggestions, SCILT workshops are designed to explore the pedagogy that underpins practice through discussion and reflection with local colleagues. 
Please visit the professional learning page of our website for further information and details of each of the workshops available. Please note, these workshops are intended for group bookings only. 
During 2021-22, we will run webinars and drop-in sessions which will be open to everyone. Registration for those will be on an event–by–event basis and will be publicised via the SCILT e-bulletin.


The Jacqueline Munro-Lafon Essay Prize 2021 - Winners announced!

16 August 2021 (SCILT/Franco-Scottish Society)

The Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland, in partnership with SCILT (Scotland's National Centre for Languages), established an essay prize in honour of Madame Jacqueline Munro-Lafon’s long and active life in the Franco-Scottish Community and to mark her one hundredth birthday.

Pupils from across Scotland took part in the competition and produced a high quality of essays. The winners were announced at an awards ceremony held by Zoom on Tuesday 15 June 2021. A recording of this, along with a list of the winning entries, is now available on the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland website.


Save the Date! L3 knowledge exchange event coming soon….

17 June 2021 (SCILT)

L3 Knowledge Exchange Event flyer

We are delighted to announce that our knowledge event Moving Forward with L3: Challenge and Opportunity will take place online on Friday 10 September from 1.30 – 4pm. The event will explore the ways in which primary and secondary schools are incorporating L3 into the curriculum and will consider some of the challenges it poses. Themed parallel sessions will run throughout the afternoon where participants will have the opportunity to consider key points from presentations delivered and engage in professional dialogue with colleagues. This cross sector event is open to primary and secondary practitioners, language leads, PTs, Faculty heads, local authority development officers and relevant members of the school’s leadership team. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this event and further details on how to register will be available soon.

SCILT will soon be recruiting a new Professional Development Officer to expand its existing secondary team

11 June 2021 (SCILT)

  • Are you a committed and dynamic secondary teacher of Modern Languages looking for a new challenge?
  • Do you have the leadership skills to support colleagues with inspiring and research-informed professional learning?
  • Do you have the creativity to design and lead projects that shape and improve learning for Scotland’s young people?

If so, then this may be the opportunity for you to develop your skills and support learning at a national level.

More details on the post and application process coming soon!

Enquiries and notes of interest to SCILT

SCILT professional learning programme 2021-22 - book now!

11 June 2021 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages? 
Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher of languages in your secondary school? 
Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader? 
Are you looking for high quality professional learning for your colleagues?
If so, you can request a SCILT workshop for colleagues in your school, department, cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative via the link below. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to collaborate with you to develop bespoke input and support. In addition to practical suggestions, SCILT workshops are designed to explore the pedagogy that underpins practice through discussion and reflection with local colleagues. 
Please visit the professional learning page of our website for further information and details of each of the workshops available. Please note, these workshops are intended for group bookings only. 
During 2021-22, we will run webinars and drop-in sessions which will be open to everyone. Registration for those will be on an event–by–event basis and will be publicised via the SCILT e-bulletin.


BSL as an L3 - register now

4 June 2021 (SCILT / Garvel Deaf Centre)

SCILT has been working, in collaboration with Garvel Deaf Centre in Gourock, Inverclyde to develop a series of online British Sign Language (BSL) classes to support L3 in primary schools. We are delighted that registration is now open for schools to register their interest in the ‘BSL as an L3’ programme. The weekly lessons will be suitable for pupils in P5-P7 and are free of charge. In addition to the live lessons, supplementary resources such as video clips will be provided on Teams to support asynchronous learning opportunities.

The block of online classes will:

  • begin in early September
  • take place live on MS Teams 
  • be 45 minutes in length, once a week, for 10 weeks
  • be delivered by an experienced deaf tutor, supported by a BSL interpreter
  • raise deaf awareness
  • promote inclusion and diversity

Register your interest by 21 June 2021 via the link below. For more information please contact SCILT. To hear of more opportunities from Scotland’s National Centre for Languages please subscribe to our weekly bulletin -


Related Files

Polish classes for primary teachers – registration deadline approaching

3 June 2021 (Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow / Polish Consulate / SCILT)

SCILT has been working, in collaboration with the Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, and supported by the Polish Consulate in Edinburgh, to produce the much-anticipated resource for primary teachers to support the teaching of L3 Polish in the classroom. We are delighted to announce that this resource will soon be launched and made available to primary teachers ahead of session 21/22. This interactive handbook has been designed for teachers, by teachers and is supported by online classes where primary practitioners can build their confidence for teaching Polish. 

Primary teachers who are interested can register by 11 June 2021 for a block of free online Polish language lessons, led by a native Polish speaker and an experienced primary practitioner. These online classes:

  • begin on Tuesday 31st August
  • will take place on MS Teams
  • will be an hour in length, once a week, for 8 weeks
  • take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays – choose the day that suits you best
  • support Ten Steps to L3 Polish and aim to give the class teacher the confidence to lead exciting Polish lessons in school

This L3 programme has been developed to provide a rich language and cultural learning experience, suitable for children from P5-P7.

Chris Sagan, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Polish Social and Educational Society in Glasgow, has led the programme from its infancy and looks forward to seeing the resource being used in classrooms across the country. He states, “Since 1989 when Poland was released from the grip of Soviet Russia, the country has grown and developed exponentially so that today Poland is one of the new tiger economies of Europe. Poland now takes her place as an equal among the Nations of Europe.

“It is fitting then that we are going to now introduce to classrooms in Scotland an interactive, web-based handbook to assist teachers who choose to teach Polish as an L3 language. The Ten Steps to L3 Polish handbook has been designed to introduce learners and teachers to the customs, culture and traditions of Poland while learning the basics of the language.

“In addition to the handbook, free language lessons for teachers will be offered to provide support and encouragement. We are eager to welcome Scotland’s teachers to both the handbook and lessons and look forward to hearing enthusiastic Polish voices in classrooms across the country.”

These classes are aimed at teachers planning to introduce Polish as an L3. Places are limited and offered on a first-come first-served basis. 

For more information about Ten Steps to L3 Polish and/or language classes, please contact

Wszystkiego najlepszego.


Related Files

Espacios Increíbles - winners announced

27 May 2021 (SCILT)

Congratulations to Holy Cross High School, Hamilton on winning SCILT's Espacios Increíbles competition 2020-21.

The winner was announced at the final, held online on Wednesday 19 May 2021.

A superb effort from all four finalist schools (Dunblane High School, Kinross High School, Prestwick Academy, as well as Holy Cross High) with stiff competition and a very difficult decision for the judges.

The competition for S3 pupils takes an IDL approach, and combines Spanish with art, design and technology, with pupils designing an amazing space and presenting their work in Spanish. 

Holy Cross came out on top with their innovative design for a children's hospital, which took into consideration the needs of the children and elements for their enjoyment, as well as thinking about the environment. Teamwork and working to their strengths were evident throughout and their presentation was slick during the live final. The Spanish was excellent and the language used was embedded in their learning.

The other 3 schools did an amazing job with innovative and sustainable designs for a cultural and arts centre, a sustainable restaurant and a scientific research observatory in the rainforest. Amazing ideas using amazing creativity!

More information on this year's final will be on the SCILT website soon as well as details of how your school can enter next year's competition.   

SCILT Spring 2021 newsletter published

14 May 2021 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter is here!

Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning offer, our motivating competitions and our online events. Find out how schools celebrated Languages Week Scotland 2021, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.


May Bitesize: Parental Engagement in Schools – Primary & Secondary drop-in

11 May 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student primary teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s Bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In May 2021, we’re looking at parental engagement and how schools approach this in a languages context. So join the drop-in on 26 May, share your ideas and experiences and hear what others do too!  

Find out more, along with the registration link, on our Bitesize webpage.


MTOT 2021 - winner videos now available!

30 April 2021 (SCILT)

In academic session 2020-21, after a short hiatus, SCILT relaunched the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, with a new focus on the spoken word. Learners were invited not only to write a poem in their mother or other tongue, but to perform it so that their words could be heard in their own voice. The work produced by all the young poets who took part was wonderful, especially during this most challenging year. The winning and highly commended video entries from this year's competition in Scotland are now available to view on the MTOT Awards page of SCILT's website.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - next deadline 21 May!

29 April 2021 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) encourages innovation and creativity in the promotion of language skills through meaningful engagement between employers and schools. The award aims to help schools and businesses to build partnerships through languages and supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community.

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 21 May 2021

Due to restrictions over the past year, online events and activities will be accepted as evidence towards the award. To read the full guidelines, watch videos from the pilot schools and read case studies from previous winners, visit the SLEA page on the SCILT website. 

If you have any questions about the award or the submission process please contact SCILT


Presentations now available! Scotland’s Languages Landscape: Equity in Diversity Event, 26 February 2021

20 April 2021 (SCILT)

If you missed any part of this event, then we have good news for you! Materials are now available on our website to view at your own leisure, including video presentations from Deputy First Minister, John Swinney, Keynote speaker, Dr Stacey Margarita Johnson, Assistant Director of the Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee and Plenary speaker, Louise Glen, Senior Education Officer at Education Scotland, highlighting the importance of providing all learners with access to a wide range of language and intercultural experiences.

PowerPoint presentations used from facilitated discussions, including testimonials and speaker biographies are also available to view and will be of interest to the language teaching community and community-based organisations.


Teachers Learning to Teach Languages: OU-SCILT Programme

1 April 2021 (Open University/SCILT)

Registration for the Open University (OU) and SCILT online CPD programme in primary languages, known as TELT, is now open for the 2021 intake. The modules begin on 2 October with induction activities starting on 20 September, and finish in July 2022. The fee in Scotland is £264.00 per module place. Please request registration packs by 30 June 2021.

You can find important information about the programme at our dedicated TELT programme websiteThere you can see which languages and levels we offer, FAQs and what our past students say.

To register, please contact the OU corporate registrations team by writing to NB please also copy into your email.

Please note it is important for prospective TELT students to plan ahead and ensure that they will be able to dedicate sufficient time to their study, because, once the module start date has passed, deferral is not possible. The fee will still be payable and cannot be refunded if students decide to defer or withdraw from studying the module.

Should you have any questions about this programme please contact


Calling all 1+2 LLP/Train the Trainer participants 2014-2019 – Join the Languages Leadership Programme Team!

25 March 2021 (SCILT)

Did you attend Education Scotland and SCILT’s Summer School for the 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme 2017-2019, or Train the Trainer 2014-2016? If so, then this role might be for you!

Scotland’s new Languages Leadership Programme launches in June of this year. To begin with, participants will attend 2 days of online professional learning led by Education Scotland on 18-19 June through a vibrant online LLP learning community using Teams in Glow.

During 2021-22, participants will then take part in the LLP affiliated professional learning of their choice from a menu of LLP affiliated opportunities from Education Scotland, SCILT and LANGS partners. During this time they will complete a number of critical reflection tasks in relation to their leadership activity and LLP affiliated professional learning. Over the course of the year, Critical Friends will each support a small number of participants, providing regular feedback on their critical reflection tasks.

Wondering whether you could be a critical friend?

  • Have you benefitted from taking part in the 1+2 LLP/TTT programme yourself?
  • Have you previously undertaken or would you like to undertake a coaching, mentoring or critical friend role to support colleagues with their professional development?

If so, then you will bring a wealth of commitment, understanding and skills to the new Critical Friend role on this innovative pilot. You will be involved in the evaluation process at different stages during the year and professional learning and support will be provided to you. In addition, Critical Friends will also be supported to submit an individual application for GTCS Professional Recognition. 

Visit the registration page to find out how you can apply to join the LLP team as a Critical Friend by Monday 17 May.

If you have any questions about applying for this role, please email and include ‘LLP’ in the subject line.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Cultural contexts for primary language learning - March Bitesize

10 March 2020 (SCILT)

This month, SCILT invites you to join us to consider how aspects of bilingual pupils’ home cultures or cultures related to the L2/L3 languages taught in your school can be sourced and shared meaningfully in class.

Learn from and with others in this month’s drop-in session. Our special guests will be a trio of practising teachers with a host of experience who recently contributed to a presentation at a conference in Spain on this topic:

  • Jennifer Maxwell, NQT, Dykesmain Primary School, North Ayrshire
  • Lindsay Allan, Languages Lead, Neilston Primary Primary School, East Renfrewshire - Scottish Education Award 2020 Internationalism and Languages Category Finalist
  • Kirsten Barrett, EAL teacher and eTwinning Ambassador, St Maria Goretti Primary School, Glasgow

Hear how intercultural and international connections have worked for their pupils. Come and share your own experiences and successes.

For the reflective questions and to join us for a drop-in session to discuss this theme on Wednesday 24th March, click on the link below.


MTOT 2021 - winners announced!

25 February 2021 (SCILT)

Whilst the current pandemic prevented us from hosting this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue celebratory awards event in the stunning Ramshorn Building in Glasgow, we managed to host our very own online red carpet event instead! Pupils, teachers and parents joined us online to hear the winners announced on the afternoon of Friday 19 February, a date especially chosen to tie in with International Mother Language Day on 21 February celebrating all world languages.

We are delighted to announce the following winners and highly commended entries in each category:

Mother Tongue







Zayne Emengo-Okpo

St Aloysius College JS


Highly commended

Eloïse Harkins

St Aloysius College JS




Lucja Lubanska

St Charles’ Primary


Highly commended

Ahmad Raza

Newmains Primary




Pranay Neppalli

Craigmount High


Highly commended

Filip Strzalka

Craigmount High




Chancelvie Bembo

St Benedicts


Highly commended

Lovely Selwyn

Bishopbriggs Academy


Other Tongue







Abbie Rettie

Goodlyburn Primary


Highly commended

Haroon Majid

Braidbar Primary


Highly commended

Stephanie Mackay-Watt

Goodlyburn Primary




Isobel Ross

Braidbar Primary


Highly commended

Evelina Finkova

Goodlyburn Primary




Rona Bryden

Loudoun Academy


Highly commended

Anna d’Alessio

Bishopbriggs Academy


Highly commended

Alistair Hillis





Lewis Fleming

St Thomas Aquinas


Highly commended

Anya Jarvis

Loudoun Academy


Highly commended

Ellie McGill

Carrick Academy



All pupils will receive a certificate and book token. Winning entrants will also receive a trophy as well as the opportunity for their poems to feature in The Children's Poetry Archive and Kids Poetry Club podcast. We will be in contact with schools shortly about taking these extra special opportunities forward.

It is our intention to host each of these poems on the SCILT website and we'll announce when these are available.

Congratulations again to all our finalists!

German Educational Trainees Across Borders 2021/22

25 February 2021 (Get Across Borders / SCILT)

Expressions of interest are now being taken from local authorities who would like to host a German student teacher for a 6 month placement during the 2021/22 school session.

German trainee teachers from Universities in Mainz, Leipzig and Koblenz are available to work in Scottish schools for a six month placement from September/October 2021 to March/April 2022. Participating students are native German speakers, training to become secondary teachers of English. 

German Educational Trainees (GETs) support language teaching and intercultural understanding, bringing language alive for learners with a trained and motivated native speaker. 

Local authorities interested in hosting GETs should register with SCILT by Friday 26th March. For more information and to register your interest please contact SCILT

New job profile on SCILT's website

23 February 2021 (SCILT)

We have a bank of job profiles on our website from a diverse range of occupations where languages are being used. Teachers use these to promote the benefits of language learning to pupils and to encourage uptake in schools.

Our latest addition comes from Leah Duncan-Karrim, who is studying Mandarin at university. Leah tells us how her knowledge of the language has opened up niche opportunities for her in her role as a sales assistant for luxury fashion brands.


SCILT spring newsletter - send us your stories!

16 February 2021 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our spring 2021 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. This could cover work going on in schools before Christmas, as well as innovative projects taking place during school closures, Languages Week Scotland celebrations or other languages initiatives. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 12th March 2021.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


10 questions with… Fhiona Mackay

12 February 2021 (TESS)

Tes Scotland sits down with Fhiona Mackay to talk languages, legacies and Laurie Lee

Fhiona Mackay is director of SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, where she has been working since 2012. Before that she was a principal teacher of modern languages, who became a passionate advocate not only of her subjects but also for the life-changing benefits of school trips.

She talks to Tes Scotland about why she thinks she has the best job in the country – and why pupils must be shown that languages are so much more than subjects on a school timetable.

A subscription is required to read this article


Posted in: SCILT news

Madame Jacqueline Munro-Lafon essay competition

11 February 2021 (SCILT/Franco-Scottish Society Scotland)

Jacqueline Munro-Lafon essay competition flyer

In honour of Madame Jacqueline Munro-Lafon’s long and active life in the Franco-Scottish Community, the Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland wish to award an essay prize in her name this year to mark her one hundredth birthday.

This competition is aimed at Advanced Higher learners of French. All essay submissions must present a reflection on life and society from 1921 to 2021 in France and Scotland, to take into account Madame Munro-Lafon’s life and interests.

The winning entry will be awarded a prize of £500, and their essay will also be published in the annual Bulletin of the Franco-Scottish Society. Two runner-up prizes of £100 will be awarded by SCILT.

  • A maximum of three entries can be submitted from each school. Register your interest for your school to get involved by 5pm on 1 March.

Visit the Eventbrite webpage for further information and how to register.


Latest SLEA recipient announced!

9 February 2021 (SCILT)

We are delighted to announce Renfrew High School in Renfrewshire as the latest recipient of the Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) in recognition of their successful partnership working in promoting languages as a key skill for employment.

The school received a Bronze Award for the 'Braehead Brochure' project with their partner Braehead shopping centre. The awarding panel commented: “Renfrew High School’s project and submission is a really interesting and practical one. It has a strong sense of purpose and a tangible, useful outcome.”

Congratulations to everyone involved on their excellent achievement! 

The SLEA, developed by SCILT in partnership with Bòrd na Gàidhlig, encourages innovation and creativity in the promotion of language skills through meaningful engagement between employers and schools. Read more about Renfrew High School's project, and find out how to submit your own entry for the Award, on the SCILT website.


SCILT Lessons from Lockdown Learning

4 February 2021 (SCILT)

During the first period of lockdown last year, from early May until the end of June, SCILT delivered a series of online live language classes which were open to learners across Scotland. With the help of feedback from learners and parents, and the input of external observers, we have examined and evaluated this online learning and teaching experience, and in the report, we share these evaluations and the key lessons learned during this time. We hope that it might prove helpful to teachers in the planning and delivery of online lessons.

We would also love to hear from you! We would really value your thoughts about your experiences of online teaching and any suggestions that you have, either for Professional Learning or support which we could provide, or advice that you would wish to pass on to fellow practitioners. Get in touch at!

Read SCILT Lessons from Lockdown – A review of online learning and teaching

Discovering the World of Arabic 2021-22

28 January 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International and eSgóil, is currently looking for schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world through our Discovering the World of Arabic programme.  

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for both primary and secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and culture. Courses have been co-created by the SCILT team and a specially commissioned writing team of native speakers, with language lessons delivered online by a native speaker of Arabic via e-Sgoil. For learners in primary schools the course will be offered as a ten-week interdisciplinary block of learning and is aimed at P5-P7 pupils. For secondary schools, the course will focus on developing conversational Arabic which will enhance learners’ employability skills and runs until March 2022. It is aimed at S6 senior phase learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and their CVs. Both courses are delivered using a mix of live and recorded classes, with supplementary materials being shared via Glow Teams. Participating schools will also receive the support of a fully-trained, native speaking, language assistant. The lessons give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arabic culture as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

Classes are provisionally scheduled as follows:

  • Primary - Tuesdays and Thursdays 13.30-14.30, starting August 2021
  • Secondary - Mondays and Wednesdays13.30-14.30, starting June 2021

In addition, participating schools will receive ongoing support from the SCILT team and a grant of £2000. This can provide schools with resources and experiences that enhance and support the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arabic culture.

Places are limited for this opportunity, so if you would like your school to be considered to take part, please contact SCILT at before close of business on Friday 19 February 2021. Please include the following information in your note of interest:

  • Name of school and your nominated contact person
  • Brief reasons for your establishment's interest in this project, and how it would fit into your school's provision for language learning.
  • What ideas you have, if any, for spending the bursary associated with the project.
  • How you would share this learning experience with your wider community (this could be both within your school and externally)?

SCILT professional learning leaflet

21 January 2021 (SCILT)

SCILT offers a wide range of professional learning opportunities for pre- and in-service teachers. Primary, secondary. Synchronous, asynchronous. One off, ongoing. Check out our updated CLPL flyer for all the details you need. Download and share with colleagues in your next virtual staff meeting.

Like you, our friendly primary and secondary Professional Development Officers are working online from home at the moment.  Make a booking or send a query to with CLPL in the subject line.  Alternatively, go direct to the Professional Learning area of the website to browse some more.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


SCILT Live Lessons for Senior Phase Learners

14 January 2021 (SCILT/eSgoil)

During the current lockdown, SCILT is delighted to support our partners at eSgoil by offering live language lessons. These will be available to all Senior Phase learners in Scotland – learners can register through the eSgoil website.

Daytime Study Support

  • Higher French – Thursdays at 11.15
  • National 5 French – Tuesdays at 11.15
  • Higher Spanish – Tuesdays at 14.15
  • National 5 Spanish – Wednesdays at 09.30

You can register for Daytime Study Support Sessions here-

SCILT is continuing to offer evening support sessions for Advanced Higher:

  • Advanced Higher Spanish – Wednesdays at 17.00
  • Advanced Higher French – Thursdays at 17.00

You can register for Evening Study Support Sessions here -

eSgoil is offering a wide range of support for learners of all ages throughout lockdown, and SCILT is proud to support them and Scotland’s educational community through these challenging times.

Languages Week Scotland

7 January 2021 (SCILT)

Languages Week Scotland 2021 will take place during the week 1–5 February. The theme is ‘Celebrating Scotland’s languages landscape’ and the aim is to amplify the voices of people, organisations and events that celebrate multilingualism and the many ways it manifests in Scottish communities. 

Follow the hashtag #scotlandloveslanguages or the dedicated Twitter account @LangsWeekScot to find out what is happening or to share anything you will do with your learners to mark the week.

Schools can download the Languages Week Scotland logo from the SCILT website (Resources for Languages Week Scotland). Please add to emails and other promotional materials to show your support. 

Keep your eye out for daily challenges from 1-5 February, which will engage learners whether in the classroom or at home.

SCILT Christmas 2020 webpage - now live!

4 December 2020 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your pupils, from interactive advent calendars and games, to lesson plans and festive facts. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and around the world!


SCILT Winter 2020 newsletter published

27 November 2020 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter is here! Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning offer, our motivating competitions and our programme of support during school closures. Find out how schools celebrated European Day of Languages, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.


Making Space for Languages (1 October) – Event recordings now available!

26 November 2020 (SCILT)

We are delighted to confirm the recently launched toolkit for Phase Two of our ERASMUS+ project, Generation Global, now includes recordings of the sessions that took place at the virtual launch event on 1 October. Entitled Making Space for Languages, the event brought together education professionals, from a range of organisations and backgrounds, to discuss the importance of languages and intercultural studies to all fields of study.

As well as compelling contributions by Fhiona Mackay (Director of SCILT), Laurence Findlay (Director of Education and Children’s Services, Aberdeenshire Council), Louise Glen (Senior Education Officer for Languages, Education Scotland), Dr Paul Hare (Professional Development Officer, SCILT) and partners from Denmark and Norway, visitors to the website will be able to view a fascinating panel discussion involving professionals from a broad range of academic disciplines, all of whom agree that a knowledge of languages gives an extra dimension across the full spectrum of careers.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - videos from pilot schools

13 November 2020 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) aims to help schools and businesses to build partnerships through languages in order to develop young people’s learning about the world of work and the value of language skills.

Videos are now available on our website of two of the SLEA pilot schools talking about their experience of working towards, and submitting evidence for, the award. These include advice from teachers and school co-ordinators, and feedback from pupils who took part in the qualifying events, and would be useful for any teachers considering putting their school forward for the award. Huge thanks to the staff and pupils at St Mary’s Primary School and Bishopbriggs Academy for their fantastic contributions!

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 22nd January 2021. In view of the current restrictions, online events and activities will count towards the award. Please get in touch with Sheena Bell if you have any questions about any aspect of the submission process or if you would like more information about the award generally.


IDL and languages in primary: November Bitesize

11 November 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT's monthly Bitesize drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s Bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

The November Bitesize event looks at examples of using an IDL approach to support language teaching and learning in the primary classroom.

Visit our Bitesize webpage to find out more about the session taking place on Wednesday 25 November and to register.


Online professional learning workshops from SCILT

23 October 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT is hosting two free online workshops in November and December, open to any primary teacher or student primary teacher. Bookings are now open, find out more about each workshop and register via the links below:


BSL:  New case study alert!

23 October 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce the publication of its new case study on engaging parents with languages. This study, in conjunction with Education Scotland, highlights how Moorfoot Primary and Garvel Deaf Centre in Gourock support parents of deaf and hearing children with learning BSL. It provides insightful information on how BSL features greatly within the school, in addition to the other languages taught. Parents, pupils and staff share their experience of using and learning BSL and emphasise the value, significance and importance of all language learning and the impact it can have locally and beyond.


Gathering robust evidence - Secondary drop-in

9 October 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In October 2020, we’re looking at how we can gather robust evidence to support our judgments about learner progress. Share your experiences of evidence gathering in your context. What works well? Or not?

This month, the drop-in will take place on Zoom between 4pm - 4:45pm on Wednesday 28th October. Before the drop-in, you should:

  • Watch the interview, through the link below, at any time before joining the drop-in.
  • Follow and use #SCILT_bitesize on Twitter, tag @scottishcilt.

More information, including the interview and reflective questions, as well as details for how to register for the drop-in, are available through the link below.


eSgoil study support webinars

1 October 2020 (eSgoil/SCILT)

SCILT is proud to partner with colleagues at e-Sgoil in order to offer additional support to sixth year language learners.

Free live webinar lessons for young people studying Advanced Higher French and Spanish are available on line for eight weeks from the beginning of November.

Advanced Higher Spanish

Wednesdays 5 pm from 4 November 2020

Advanced Higher French

Thursdays 5 pm from 5 November 2020

Going by the response to previous live-streamed lessons, interest is likely to be high.  Please encourage young people to sign up as quickly as possible to guarantee their place. They will need their pupil Glow login details and Scottish Candidate Number to register.

More information and the registration link can be found on the eSgoil website.


EDL 2020 - how did you celebrate?

1 October 2020 (SCILT)

How did you celebrate European Day of Languages this year? 

Email us a short description and some photos of your activities, and we will feature you in our EDL blog for 2020. We may even include your story in our next SCILT newsletter. 

We already have our first blog entries uploaded, be sure to take a look!


MTOT is back!

1 October 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce the launch of Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2020-21!  This exciting competition is now open, and we want to find the next generation of young multilingual poets in Scotland. The competition has been redesigned to suit our new digital era, and we are inviting young people to submit entries focussing on the spoken word.  Videos, sound files, voiceovers, narrated presentations – whatever format fits best, we want to hear the voices of young linguists showcasing their language and poetry skills. It’s a great time to get involved with the creative side of language learning, so visit our MTOT webpages to find out more.


Unity Wall - invitation to schools

23 September 2020 (SCILT)

We invited public figures to submit a message to welcome children and young people back to school in August 2020. These messages are in a language other than English, and we are delighted to feature such a wide range of languages. We hope these short films will inspire learners.

We invite learners and classes to create their own messages, in a language other than English, and share a positive message on unity and inclusion. If you would like to submit a video to be included on our wall, please contact SCILT


Posted in: SCILT news

Lessons learned from lockdown bitesize

18 September 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT monthly drop-ins are free, themed virtual events that are open to teachers and student teachers working in Scotland. Drop-ins are an opportunity to share your thoughts on that month’s bitesize resource and/or share your own experience on the theme.

In September 2020, we’re looking at how learning and teaching of languages has evolved through the experience of lockdown. Share your experiences of delivering language education in innovative ways during an unprecedented situation.

Find out more about the sessions on our Bitesize webpage where you can register for the event relevant to your sector. Both primary and secondary sessions take place 4:00-4:45 on Wednesday 30 September.


SCILT winter newsletter - send us your stories!

11 September 2020 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our winter 2020 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages. We'd love to hear about any exciting or innovative work which took place during school closures, or any new projects being introduced this year. 

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 2nd October 2020.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Languages beyond school

4 September 2020 (SCILT)

If you have pupils considering language study once they move on from secondary education, the Beyond School section of our website contains a wealth of information about university and college language courses, study abroad and volunteering opportunities overseas. With links to UCAS and university guides it's also a useful resource for careers guidance staff to be aware of and highlight to students as the UCAS application process gets underway.


CLPL on a theme: bitesize and drop-in professional learning each month

4 September 2020 (SCILT)

From September 2020 to March 2021 the SCILT Professional Development Officers are scheduling a series of themed on-demand and live professional learning that will be open to all in-service and student teachers in Scotland. 

Some months, the theme will be applicable to both primary and secondary teachers, in other months the theme will be sector specific.   

Around the middle of the month, we will post a film or a piece of reading (c.15 minutes) on the SCILT website. Registration will open for the live drop-in on the same theme. 

At the end of the month, the PDO team will host a live drop-in to discuss the bitesize stimulus and the theme in general. The session will last 45 minutes and will feature examples of current practice. Registration is free and open to all teachers and student teachers in Scotland. 


In September we’re kicking off with a theme that’s relevant to both secondary and primary teachers. 

Lessons from lockdown: A look at how our learning and teaching of languages has evolved through the experiences of lockdown. Let’s share our experiences of delivering language education in innovative ways during an unprecedented situation. What works well? What doesn’t? What can we continue to use in post-lockdown practice? Are there methods that actually work better for the “new normal”? 

Watch out for the release of our Lessons from lockdown bitesize film. You’ll be able to watch on demand on the SCILT website from Friday 18 September. 

At the same time, you will be able to register to join the drop-in session at 4pm on Wednesday 30 September. There will be separate drop-ins on the same theme for primary and for secondary teachers or ITE students. 

What’s next?  Themes will be revealed in the first e-bulletin of the month, so you’ll get all the latest details straight to your inbox. 

If you do join in either live or on-demand, you can keep the professional learning conversation going on social media by following and using the hashtags #SCILT_CLPL #SCILT_bitesize #SCILT_dropin.  We are looking forward to connecting with lots of you through this new (to us) approach to professional learning in the coming months. 

European Day of Languages 2020 - how are you celebrating?

3 September 2020 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated on 26 September each year. What is your school doing in 2020?

If you're looking for inspiration SCILT has compiled lots of ideas for primary, secondary and parents & families on our EDL webpage. You will also find links to competitions, blogs and websites with a huge range of celebration ideas and activities. 

Let us know how you celebrate and we'll include you in our EDL 2020 blog! Send a short description and some colourful photos after your event to


CISS Alumni Association webinar series

1 September 2020 (CISS)

The CISS Alumni Association has organised a webinar series which aims to showcase the various experiences the alumni have had with further education, jobs, internships and Mandarin.

The webinars take place on Zoom on 8, 15 and 22 September at 6:30pm and will last just over an hour. 

The speakers are all alumni who will talk about their experiences after the scholarship and the impact the scholarship has had on such opportunities. (Please note - the scholarship opportunity is only available to Confucius hub schools, however all pupils considering studying abroad will hear about the resulting benefits of pursuing similar initiatives).

The details of each webinar are below:

  • 1st Webinar – Education
    8 September at 6:30pm
    Speakers: Sara Cassidy, Leah Duncan-Karim, Grace Paterson
  • 2nd Webinar –Jobs
    15 September at 6:30pm
    Speakers: Cameron Smyth, Connor Cloughley, Natalie Hotchkiss
  • 3rd Webinar – Internships and Summer jobs
    22 September at 6:30pm
    Speakers: Erin Duffy, Owen Wilson, Robin Wilson

All school pupils and teachers are welcome and we kindly ask you to pass on these details to all interested parties. 

Please register via this link and the details of the Zoom will be made available to you.


CLPL on a theme: bitesize and drop-in professional learning each month

28 August 2020 (SCILT)

From September 2020 to March 2021 the SCILT Professional Development Officers are scheduling a series of themed on-demand and live professional learning that will be open to all in-service and student teachers in Scotland. 

Some months, the theme will be applicable to both primary and secondary teachers, in other months the theme will be sector specific.   

Around the middle of the month, we will post a film or a piece of reading (c.15 minutes) on the SCILT website. Registration will open for the live drop-in on the same theme. 

At the end of the month, the PDO team will host a live drop-in to discuss the bitesize stimulus and the theme in general. The session will last 45 minutes and will feature examples of current practice. Registration is free and open to all teachers and student teachers in Scotland. 

Sound interesting? Themes will be revealed in the first e-bulletin of the month, so you’ll get all the latest details straight to your inbox. We will be revealing our first theme for September in next week’s e-bulletin. 

We are looking forward to connecting with lots of you through this new (to us) approach to professional learning in the coming months. 

Unity Wall

21 August 2020 (SCILT)

Public figures welcome children and young people back to school on our Unity Wall, with messages from MSPs, footballers and others. Thank you to everyone who took the time to contribute.

These messages are in languages other than English. We are delighted to feature such a wide range of languages on our Unity Wall, and hope these short films will inspire pupils or classes to create their own messages. If you would like your video to be included on our wall, please contact SCILT


Teachers Learning to Teach Languages: OU-SCILT Programme

20 August 2020 (Open University/SCILT)

Teachers Learning to Teach Languages (TELT) is an innovative, distance learning professional learning programme offered by the Open University in partnership with SCILT. The course begins in October and lasts nine months. TELT is open to all primary teachers, and secondary teachers with a secondment in primary, across Scotland. The course materials and tutorials are all delivered online, and we hope to be able to have an optional face to face day school in May 2021 dependent on pandemic safety advice at that time.

Typically Scottish local authorities sponsor their teachers, however a small number of previous participants have financed themselves. If you are interested in finding out if sponsorship is available for you please contact the Languages Development Officer in your local authority.

For more information about self-funding please contact

The aim of the programme is to increase and improve language provision in primary schools. Teachers simultaneously learn a new language and the skills to teach that language in the classroom. The languages strand is offered in four languages – French, German, Mandarin and Spanish – and at two levels – beginners and post-beginners. The pedagogy strand covers a diverse range of pedagogical approaches i.e. embedding an additional language, exploring target language cultures, play and games, interdisciplinary contexts.

What’s the course really like though?  Hear what Mel and Gwen, two previous participants have to say. 

The modules all begin on 3 October, with some induction activities ahead of that, and the fee per module place in Scotland is £258.00

Details of the commitment in terms of time and effort on these modules at the TELT website’s FAQs.

Potential sponsors can use an online Expression of Interest form to let us know about any teachers who are interested in the programme and would have their fees paid by sponsorship from their local authority or individual school. The deadline to submit Expressions of Interest for sponsored places is 31 August. Submitting the Expression of Interest form doesn't commit organisations to going ahead with sponsorship at this stage, or to a particular number of places. Formal registration paperwork would be issued after submission this online form, and the number of places can be increased or decreased following that.

Teachers who are interested but would be paying their own fees (self-funding), should contact The registration deadline for self-funding students is 10 September.

Visit the Open University TELT webpage for more information on the programme.

Similarly, for any other questions you have please don’t hesitate to contact


SCILT professional learning programme 2020-21 - book now!

20 August 2020 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages in your region?

Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher in your secondary school?

Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader?

Are you looking for high quality online professional learning for your colleagues?

If so, check out the menu of online workshops that the Professional Development Officers at SCILT can provide for colleagues in your school or department, your cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative.

Please note, these online workshops are intended for group bookings only.

As always, we are happy to tailor professional learning sessions to meet your specific needs. Please use the same booking form to request bespoke input and/or online workshops from the menu.

Keep your eye on the e-bulletin for news of other professional learning opportunities we will be offering this session.


SCILT professional learning programme 2020-21 - book now!

18 June 2020 (SCILT)

Are you a local authority officer with responsibility for languages in your region?

Are you a Head of Faculty, Head of Department or Principal Teacher in your secondary school?

Are you a lead language practitioner or primary school leader?

Are you looking for high quality online professional learning for your colleagues?

If so, check out the newly published menu of online workshops that the Professional Development Officers at SCILT can provide for colleagues in your school or department, your cluster, local authority or regional improvement collaborative.

Please note, these online workshops are intended for group bookings only.

As always, we are happy to tailor professional learning sessions to meet your specific needs. Please use the same booking form to request bespoke input and/or online workshops from the menu.

We also have lots of other CLPL options ready to launch after the summer holidays too. There will be a mix of anytime and live virtual sessions on a range of interesting themes across the year. All will be open to pre- and in-service primary and secondary teachers.

Keep your eye on the e-bulletin in the new session for news of other professional learning opportunities. In the meantime, the Professional Development team wish you a restful break.


Latest SLEA recipients announced!

17 June 2020 (SCILT)

The latest verification round of the Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) has taken place, and two more schools were delighted to receive recognition for their successful partnership working in promoting languages as a key skill for employment.

Bathgate Academy in West Lothian received a Bronze Award for their projects with partners including Clarke Fire Protection Products, Mitsubishi and WL Gore. The awarding panel commented: “The links made with local businesses are strong and purposeful and have excellent long-term potential.”

Broughton High School in Edinburgh received a Gold Award for their projects with a range of partners, including Visit Scotland, The Balmoral Hotel and Social Bite. The awarding panel commented: “The projects are impressive in the variety of ways in which they convey the importance of languages to pupils, fostering the importance of citizenship and cultural understanding as well as language skills.”

Congratulations to both schools on their excellent achievements! 

The SLEA, developed by SCILT in partnership with Bòrd na Gàidhlig, encourages innovation and creativity in the promotion of language skills through meaningful engagement between employers and schools. Find out how to submit your entry for the next verification round on the SCILT website.


SCILT's COVID response: Live streamed classes

7 May 2020 (SCILT)

This Monday (4 May) saw the launch of the first week of language classes, courtesy of our partnership with e-Sgoil. Demand was far greater than anticipated and despite some issues with registration, valid email addresses and technical challenges, hundreds of youngsters from P1 to Advanced Higher took part in a range of interesting classes. We have now had to stop taking new registrations for BGE and senior phase classes in French and Spanish and Give it a Go Italian as classes are full. Spaces are still available for NQ classes in Gaelic, German, Italian and Mandarin. For secondary pupils who would like to try something new, there are some places available on "Discovering the Arabic World". This gives the opportunity to learn a language that is less frequently taught in schools and explore the fascinating cultures of Arabic speaking countries. Spaces are limited and are allocated on a first come basis.  

See the attached timetable with links to enrol.

Related Files

SCILT Spring 2020 newsletter published

7 May 2020 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published. Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning partnerships, our support for DYW and our new 'Discovering the Arabic World' initiative. Find out how schools celebrated Languages Week Scotland, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.


SCILT's languages lockdown playlist

23 April 2020 (SCILT/CISS)

Are you looking for something to lighten your lockdown spirits? Well we might have just the thing!

The SCILT and CISS team have compiled a YouTube playlist of our favourite songs sung in or featuring languages other than English. From French chanteuses to K-pop, there's something for everyone. You might even discover your new favourite artist!

So far you can hear Arabic, Cantonese, Estonian, French, Gaelic, German, Irish, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Mongolian, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Welsh, and we’ll keep adding more.

Visit our YouTube channel to watch, listen, or dance along in your living room.  


Live-streamed classes: SCILT support for schools

22 April 2020 (SCILT/e-Sgoil)

SCILT is delighted to have partnered with e-Sgoil to contribute to their national offer of timetabled, live, online classes that will support youngsters of all ages throughout the period of school closures. 

These interactive, real-time classes are all led by experienced language educators on a secure platform. All participants will require is access to a computer and their Glow password.

Aimed at supporting youngsters who are about to enter new senior phase classes, the NQ courses will focus on providing an overview of the year ahead and will develop the skills required for success at each level. Complementing what will be offered by their own schools and classroom teachers, these courses will give young people the best possible start to their new language courses under the present circumstances.

It is equally important that we create opportunities for language learning throughout all stages of the school curriculum. We have, therefore, developed a range of classes in a variety of languages that will appeal to learners at all ages and stages of the curriculum. Interactive, culturally rich and suitable for family learning, youngsters can explore new languages and cultures that might not be otherwise available to them.

Download the attached flyer for the full timetable and links to enrol. 

Please share this offer as widely as you can so that the maximum possible number of children and young people can benefit from this innovative and creative partnership.

Language learning resources during school closures

21 April 2020 (SCILT/CISS)

If you are a parent or carer looking for materials to support language learning for your child while the schools are closed, we have compiled a list of materials for children of different ages/stages and in different languages. These resources:

  • are free to access
  • children can do independently and
  • can be enjoyed together as a family

They can be found on the 'Home learning' page of the Parents section of our website.


Professional learning for teachers during the school closures

2 April 2020 (SCILT)

Are you a teacher, a student teacher or aspiring student teacher? Are you looking for some professional learning to do online, at your own time and at your own pace?

Visit our professional learning pages to view our collated list of courses, webinars and materials that are free to access. Scroll down to the 'Professional learning for teachers during the school closures' section.


Scottish Languages Employability Award - apply now!

2 April 2020 (SCILT/CISS)

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) celebrates innovation by schools in promoting languages and employability together through partnerships with businesses, public bodies and third sector organisations. The award, which is available initially at bronze, silver and gold levels, supports teachers in raising awareness of the importance of languages in their school community.  

For full guidelines, case studies and futher information visit the SLEA page on the SCILT website.

The next deadline for submissions is Friday 15 May 2020


The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme 2020 - **CANCELLED**

26 March 2020 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Unfortunately, due to the current uncertainty relating to COVID-19, it has been decided with careful consideration to cancel the Summer School this year.
SCILT and Education Scotland will continue to work closely and plan for next summer 2021. Further updates will be communicated in due course.

SCILT and Education Scotland's flagship national leadership programme has been running since 2014 and was recognised at GTCS Excellence in Professional Learning Awards in 2017 and 2018.


COVID-19: SCILT and CISS update

24 March 2020 (SCILT/CISS)

Given last week's announcement about the cancellation of the exam diet, the SCILT and CISS teams are refocusing their efforts on supporting the BGE. Officers are currently collating high quality, freely available, online materials into an easily accessible section of the SCILT website. Teachers, parents and youngsters  will be able, therefore, to find interesting resources and activities in a range of languages, appropriate to their age and stage, all in one place. As you can imagine, this is a huge task, but we are determined to have it completed by mid-April. 

In addition, we are currently in discussion with our friends at e-Sgoil so we can provide live streamed classes in Mandarin suitable for beginners in both primary and secondary school stages of the BGE. More news about this and other language learning opportunities via e-Sgoil will be announced nearer the time. 

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SCILT Digital Internship 2020-21 - applications open

9 March 2020 (SCILT)

Do you love languages?

Are you currently in S5?

Would you like to work with other young people and enhance your CV?

Do you enjoy sharing your news, views and opinions on social media?

Well, this role might be for you!

We are looking for committed, dynamic young people to join our team as SCILT interns.  This would see you using social media regularly and collaborating effectively with a team to demonstrate your love of languages and where they can take you.  This is an excellent opportunity for the right person to experience a professional work internship and enhance their sixth year at school.

Please note that interns will be home-based and the opportunity is open to young people across the country. This is an unpaid internship.

Successful applicants must attend a training day in Glasgow. Please note that the application documents state that the training day will be held in June. We now intend to run this training day in August 2020

Application details

Please download and read the Information Pack. It includes the Job Description and Person Specification.

Please download and complete the Application Form. Applications must be submitted with a letter of reference from your Faculty Manager or Principal Teacher of Modern Languages.

Completed applications must be returned to by Friday 24 April 2020.

Wondering whether to apply? Here’s what some of our previous interns have said about the experience:

  • “My highlights were getting to work with other people I hadn't met before, representing a national organisation, creating our own content and deciding ourselves how we wanted to run our social media accounts.”
  • “I loved producing high quality content and collaborating with the other interns. It was really exciting later on in the year when we started to get more interaction on Twitter.”
  • “Meeting new people who share my same passion for languages and coming together to create something valuable was a high point for me.”

Living Languages 2020

6 March 2020 (SCILT/University of Strathclyde)

Due to the current situation concerning COVID-19 the events below have been postponed until further notice. Please keep an eye on the SCILT e-bulletin for details of further Living Languages events in the future. 

Living Languages 2020 is a joint initiative from Languages@Strathclyde and SCILT, focusing on employability.

This series of events offers language learners at all stages an opportunity to hear from high-profile guests and early career graduates, from a variety of sectors, on the role of languages in their professional lives.

Guests will share their experiences through a relaxed conversation format and the audience will be encouraged to ask questions. These events allow learners to hear about languages in the workplace as well as practise their own language skills.

Living Languages 2020 Programme

Registrations are now open for the following events in the series:

  • Monday 23 March - A conversation with Paul Sheerin, Chief Executive Scottish Engineering
  • Monday 30 March - A conversation with Ben Sharrock, Writer and Director and Irune Gurtubai, Film Producer
  • Tuesday 28 April - A conversation with Karen Betts, Chief Executive Scottish Whisky Association and former Diplomat

Vacancy: Professional Development Officer

3 March 2020 (SCILT/CISS)

Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT) requires a Professional Development Officer to support the network of Scotland’s Confucius classrooms and the learning and teaching of languages across Scotland. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland. The successful candidate will be part of the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools team based within SCILT as the Ramshorn building in Glasgow’s city centre. The centre leads 44 Confucius classrooms across Scotland, including secondary, primary and specialist classrooms.

The Professional Development Officer will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures to develop the learning and teaching of Mandarin in Scottish schools and communities. This would include, for example, leading professional learning workshops and managing projects such as national awards/competitions and other promotional events.

The post holder will support practitioners to turn policy into practice in order to create a positive impact on learners. This will be based on identification of practitioners’ needs, with particular reference to the place of Mandarin and languages in general, within the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish curriculum. The post holder would, therefore, need extensive experience of leading recent initiatives that promote and support language learning.

Please note, the successful candidate need not be a fluent Mandarin speaker.

Visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy portal for full details about the post and to apply by 22 March 2020.


Language Linking Global Thinking 2020-21 - registrations now open

28 February 2020 (SCILT)

Applications are still being taken for this programme with the intention of it running as planned in session 2020/21. Please get in touch if you have any questions.
SCILT is now inviting schools to register their interest in taking part in the Language Linking Global Thinking project for session 2020-21. 
The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend a year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad they keep in regular contact with the partner school using blog posts, emails and other resources. The correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. New for this year - you can now be linked with a CISS scholar spending a year in China! Just complete the registration form with 'Mandarin' as your preferred language for a link. 

Key points for teachers

  • Please note this is a two-way correspondence, and schools are expected to reply to blog posts, submit questions, and fully engage with their link student. 
  • A representative from the school, ideally the class teacher using the link, must attend the training afternoon on 12th June in Glasgow. 
  • There is no cost for schools to participate in the programme, however schools will need to cover travel costs for teachers attending the training session. Students are expected to visit their link school before they go abroad, and schools may wish to help with the travel costs for that visit.

Visit the LLGT webpage for more information on Language Linking Global Thinking, and to read some of the student blogs from previous years.

Please note places are limited. Please email to request a registration form. 


SCILT summer newsletter - send us your stories!

17 February 2020 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our summer 2020 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages.

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 13th March 2020.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter. Submissions can be sent to


Languages Week Scotland

31 January 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to support Languages Week Scotland 2020. Languages Week Scotland is a national celebration of language learning and will be marked by schools across the country. It will showcase the wide range of languages learned and spoken in Scotland.

Languages Week Scotland is a week of events and activities taking place in schools around the country. Now in its second year, Language Week Scotland takes place from 3 – 7 February 2020.

The Depute First Minister, John Swinney, supports Languages Week Scotland and will attend the launch on 4 February 2020 at the Scottish Parliament where he will meet with young learners and hear from the business community on the value of languages to Scottish employers.

SCILT is hosting a Knowledge Exchange event in Glasgow on 25 February in order for local authority representatives to celebrate their languages journey and share their achievements. The event will put a spotlight on inspirational practice.

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT, states: “Language learning enriches lives and opens doors to opportunities.  It encourages our youngsters to be curious about the world, widens horizons and develops understanding of other people, cultures, traditions and ways of life.  Through learning other languages, we also develop a deeper understanding of our mother tongues and a greater appreciation of our own heritage.  In other words, language learning builds tolerance and cohesion by giving us a way of recognising our similarities while celebrating what makes us different and unique.  In short, it makes us citizens of the world.”

Nathan Epemolu, intern at SCILT and student of International Business and French at the University of Strathclyde, says of his language learning journey: “Learning languages has given me a chance to discover other cultures and has helped me see how unique we all are.  It has allowed me to understand that we are all humans and has broken down any us/them-related ideas that I may have had if I only spoke my native tongue.”

Last year, Languages Week Scotland saw SCILT launch its Spanish and architectural design competition, Espacios Increíbles, in partnership with the University of Strathclyde.

During the same week, Glasgow City Council held their annual language award ceremony for Glasgow schools, the Polish Consulate published a collection of resources to support Polish language learning in the primary school, and a group of S5 learners from Larbert High appeared on BBC Scotland’s The Nine to share their love for language learning with the nation.

A social media campaign #ScotlandLovesLanguages ran through the duration of the week. Schools were able to share and celebrate the languages learned and spoken in their classrooms.

SCILT is working with LANGS (Languages Network Group Scotland) and Education Scotland to deliver Languages Week Scotland.

Follow the hashtag #ScotlandLovesLanguages and discover how Scotland celebrates language learning this February.

Are you celebrating Languages Week Scotland in your school?  Why not share your work on Twitter with the hashtag #ScotlandLovesLanguages.

More information on the benefits of language learning, as well as the 1+2 Approach to Language Learning in Scotland, are available in our publication Languages in a Nutshell.

The Scottish economy needs a workforce with strong language abilities. It is vital that young people leave school with the skills they will need for a successful future in a global society.

Studies have shown that learning a language can have many benefits, including a positive effect on literacy, improved critical thinking skills and the development of intercultural understanding, empathy, tolerance and appreciation of diversity.

Posted in: SCILT news

Espacios Increíbles 2020 – Get your school involved!

24 January 2020 (SCILT)

Following the successful pilot last year, this exciting competition, using Spanish, design team work and creativity is now officially open to secondary schools across all local authorities in Scotland to take part in this year.

Aimed at S3, learners will work in teams to research and design a building in a Spanish speaking area. They will present their design in Spanish, and then go forward to represent their school at national level. The finalists will take part in a live event at the University of Strathclyde where their designs will be judged by industry professionals and academics. The winners (as part of their prize) will have their model made in 3D by the School of Architecture.

This highly motivating project for learners has had a positive effect on uptake in the senior phase for those schools who participated in the pilot in 2019. The skills focus delivers on key aspects of Developing the Young Workforce. The learner materials that are designed to fulfil evidence requirements for achieving Level 4 Benchmarks are available on the SCILT website, and can be easily adapted to suit your chosen group. 

Visit the Eventbrite page to find out more and register your interest by Friday 27 March 2020. 


German Educational Trainees Across Borders 2020/21

23 January 2020 (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz / SCILT)

Expressions of interest are now being taken from local authorities who would like to host a German student teacher for a 6 month placement during the 2020/21 school session.

German trainee teachers from Universities in Mainz, Leipzig and Koblenz are available to work in Scottish schools for a six month placement from September/October 2020 to March/April 2021. Participating students are native German speakers, training to become secondary teachers of English. 

German Educational Trainees (GETs) support language teaching and intercultural understanding, bringing language alive for learners with a trained and motivated native speaker. 

Local authorities interested in hosting GETs should register with SCILT by Friday 31st January. For more information and to register your interest please contact SCILT


Discover the Arabic world – A unique experience for Scotland’s schools

10 January 2020 (SCILT)

SCILT, in partnership with Qatar Foundation International and eSgóil is currently looking for ten state schools in Scotland who would be interested in opening the door to the Arab world with an innovative new pilot project. 

The collaboration will provide an opportunity for both primary and secondary schools to offer L3 learning experiences in Arabic language and culture.  Courses will be co-created by the SCILT team and a specially commissioned writing team of native speakers, with language lessons delivered online by a native speaker of Arabic via e-Sgoil. For learners in primary schools the course will be offered as a ten-week inter-disciplinary block of learning.  For secondary schools, the course will focus on developing employability skills and be aimed at S6 senior phase learners who are seeking to enhance their language learning experience and their CVs.  Participating schools will also receive the support of a fully-trained, native speaking, language assistant. The lessons will give learners the chance to explore aspects of Arabic culture as well as providing a solid linguistic foundation for learning the world’s fifth most spoken language.

In addition to teaching support and professional learning opportunities, schools participating in the pilot phase will also receive a grant of £2000.  This can provide schools with resources and experiences that enhance and support the language learning and promote a positive experience of Arabic culture.

If you would like your school to be considered to take part in the pilot, please note your interest at SCILT before close of business on Friday 31 January 2020.

New job profile on the SCILT website

10 January 2020 (SCILT)

We have a range of job profiles on our website showcasing careers where languages are being used. The latest addition to our collection comes from Ruth Sillars-Mathouillot, a Relationship Manager for a bank based in Luxembourg.

Ruth tells us language learning offers an enriching experience, providing the ability to socialise with people of different cultures and backgrounds. 

Teachers use this resource with your pupils to support the Developing the Young Workforce initiative and highlight the benefits of language learning as a life skill.


New job profile on the SCILT website

6 December 2019 (SCILT)

The job profiles on our website cover a range of careers where languages are in use. Our most recent addition comes from Marion Geoffray, a theatre maker and drama teacher, who is the artistic director of Theatre Sans Accents, an innovative bilingual theatre company in Edinburgh.

Marion performs in several languages and believes immersing yourself in the language and culture is the most effective way to learn and to have fun!

Teachers use this resource with your pupils to support the Developing the Young Workforce initiative and highlight the benefits of language learning as a life skill.


Latest edition of the SCILT newsletter published

29 November 2019 (SCILT)

The winter 2019 edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published. Read about SCILT’s work to support the learning and teaching of languages, including our professional learning offer, our new DYW toolkit and the Scottish Languages Employability Award. Find out how schools celebrated the European Day of Languages this year, and hear from local authorities about their latest inspiring initiatives. There is also the opportunity to read about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.


SCILT professional learning menu - available for booking!

29 November 2019 (SCILT)

The SCILT professional learning menu for 2019-20 is available for booking. Authorities, clusters or schools may be interested in booking one or more from our range of workshops for primary, secondary and BGE. 

Remember all of our professional learning sessions are free to book by teachers and local authorities. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us.

Details of the workshops available and how to submit a request are on the professional learning pages of our website. 


SCILT Christmas 2019 webpage now live

29 November 2019 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your pupils, from songs and games to lesson plans and festive facts. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and around the world!


New job profile on SCILT's website

8 November 2019 (SCILT)

We have job profiles on our website covering a wide range of careers where languages are in use. Our latest addition comes from Mark McLaughlin, a Researcher in International Law, whose language skills have enabled him to live and work in China. Mark tells us learning the language of the place you're living really helps you get an understanding of the country's culture. 

Teachers use this resource with your pupils to support the Developing the Young Workforce initiative and highlight the benefits of language learning as a life skill.


Advanced Higher pupil workshops - bookings now open

8 November 2019 (SCILT)

Returning for session 2019-20, SCILT will be delivering workshops for pupils studying Advanced Higher modern languages. Bookings are currently open for:

  • Stirling - Tuesday 26 November 10am-12, University of Stirling (this workshop is now fully booked, however you can register on the waiting list via Eventbrite in case of any cancellations)
  • Glasgow - Wednesday 4 December 10am-12, University of Strathclyde (this workshop is now fully booked, however you can register on the waiting list via Eventbrite in case of any cancellations)
  • Glasgow - Friday 6 December 10am-12, University of Strathclyde (this workshop is now fully booked, however you can register on the waiting list via Eventbrite in case of any cancellations)
  • Dundee - Monday 9 December 10am-12, University of Dundee
  • Edinburgh - Tuesday 10 December 10am-12, University of Edinburgh
  • Inverness - Wednesday 11 December 11am-1pm, Millburn Academy

This is a pupil workshop which will focus on what is required at Advanced Higher level and give tips on how to approach key elements of the course. We will look at ways of tackling:

  • the overall purpose question in the reading
  • the discursive writing
  • the portfolio
  • the talking

This will also be an opportunity to meet with your peers and set up links so you can support one another in your studies.

Schools should register on behalf of their pupils. Please indicate when registering how many pupils will be attending. While this event is for pupils, teachers may wish to attend and this should be reflected in the numbers when you register.

Speakers of Arabic - call for writers

24 October 2019 (SCILT)

SCILT is currently planning to develop materials to support the learning and teaching of Arabic as an L3 option for primary and secondary schools in Scotland. 
If you are a fluent speaker of Arabic, ideally with an understanding of Scottish education, and would like to contribute to the development of these materials by joining our working group, please note your interest by contacting SCILT by close of business on Monday 11 November 2019.

Full support will be given by the SCILT professional development officers on policy, the Scottish curriculum and appropriate methodology. Contributors will be paid as SCILT associates for their time and expertise.

The Ramshorn and Graveyard Digital Trail - now available!

23 October 2019 (SCILT)

If you find yourself in the Merchant City area of Glasgow why not complete our new 'The Ramshorn and Graveyard' digital trail? Pupils from Glasgow Gaelic School, Holyrood Secondary, Shawlands Academy and St Roch's Secondary worked with SCILT and Global Treasure Apps to create a multilingual trail around the new SCILT and CISS premises. The trail encourages visitors to learn about the history of the area by following clues set by the pupils, and gives people the chance to test their language skills.

The Ramshorn and Graveyard Digital Trail is available to download from Global Treasure Apps in Arabic, English, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Mandarin, Polish, Spanish and Urdu.

Find Global Treasure Apps on the App store or Google Play


The Ramshorn Renovation

7 October 2019 (University of Strathclyde)

Find out more about the Ramshorn Theatre renovation that was completed in summer 2019, with Estates Services managing the project.

The Ramshorn is a category A-listed building, reflecting its regional importance and local interest. Working with listed buildings comes with its own challenges, as it was necessary to preserve the unique architectural and historical features of the church.

This project saw the transformation of a neglected historic building into a bright modern office environment and multi-use space. The old theatre space and the hall were turned into flexible event and teaching spaces that will act as a hub for cultural exchange, performances and engagement work with schools, scholars, local government and the public.

[..] SCILT and CISS are settling in well in their new home, and are thrilled to be giving the building a new purpose and continuing the story of the Ramshorn.


Languages Beyond School

4 October 2019 (SCILT)

Do you have students looking to continue or develop their language studies when they leave school? Our aim is to provide all the information necessary for students to make an informed choice about their future language learning. To that end we invite visitors to the Beyond School pages of our website to submit feedback by completing a short survey. Responses are anonymous and will be used to help improve the user experience. We would appreciate it if teachers could share the survey with learners and encourage them to respond.

Whether they want to follow a course of study in the UK or further afield, work or volunteer abroad, the Beyond School section of our website has links to language courses at further and higher education establishments in Scotland along with opportunities UK-wide and in Europe. The site also outlines the support Scottish universities can provide to teachers and schools in their language learning.

As the UCAS application process gets underway, make sure pupils and careers guidance staff are aware of the information available on our website.

EDL blog 2019

19 September 2019 (SCILT)

How are you planning to celebrate European Day of Languages 2019? 

Email us a short description and some photos after your event, and we will feature you in our EDL blog for 2019. We may even include your story in our next SCILT newsletter. 

If you are still looking for ideas on how to celebrate you can visit our EDL webpage which has lots of suggestions for activities, downloadable resources and links to useful websites. 


Call for help!

12 September 2019 (SCILT)

You will no doubt have seen in the news the terrible situation our colleagues at Woodmill High School in Fife are facing. Janet Monaghan, the Principal Teacher of Languages there, has asked SCILT if the languages community could help her replace some of the materials that she and her colleagues have lost in the fire. Janet is determined to keep the learning experience for her young people as normal as possible and this is our chance to help her ensure that her youngsters don’t miss out. If you can help, please email us at with details of any materials you’re able to share with her. In particular she is focusing on the senior phase and is looking for the following resources:

  • A4 plastic wallets
  • Foolscap folders
  • CD Players
  • DVDS (French/German/Italian films or video clips)
  • Verb Tables book (French / German)
  • French, German and Italian pocket dictionaries
  • French Hachette or Collins Grammar plus dictionaries (for Higher)
  • German Collins and Grammar dictionary
  • Plastic boxes (for storage)
  • French & German literature e.g. le petit prince
  • Show me boards/erasers/pens
  • External Hard drives
  • Voice recorders
  • USBs
  • Notebooks/tablets
  • Studio 1, 2,3
  • Echo 1,2,3
  • Stimmt 1,2,3
  • Study Guides - Nat 5 and Higher French and German

SCILT will be in touch about collating and distributing the materials to her.

SCILT winter newsletter - send us your stories!

12 September 2019 (SCILT)

Do you have a story to share with the languages community?

We are currently taking submissions for our winter 2019 newsletter. This is a great opportunity to promote what has been happening in your school or local authority with regard to languages.

We are looking for articles of a maximum of 300 words, with a couple of colourful photos. The deadline for contributions is Friday 4th October 2019.

Visit our website to read the full submission guidelines, and to view previous editions of the newsletter.


New job profile on the SCILT website

23 August 2019 (SCILT)

We have job profiles on our website covering a wide range of careers where languages are in use. Our latest addition comes from Stephanie Mitchell, a Civil Servant in the Scottish Government who has previously worked in Europe and Asia, thanks to her language skills. Stephanie shares her experiences and how vital languages have been throughout her life and career. 

Teachers use this resource with your pupils to support the Developing the Young Workforce initiative and highlight the benefits of language learning as a life skill.


SCILT vacancy - Professional Development Officer

22 August 2019 (SCILT)

SCILT requires a Professional Development Officer to advise and support primary schools across Scotland with language learning and teaching. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward Scotland’s agenda for languages at a strategic level.

The Professional Development Officer will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures for teachers of languages. This would include, for example, leading professional learning, managing projects, assuming responsibility for national awards/competitions and other language related events.

It is expected that the postholder will support practitioners in turning policy into practice to create a positive impact on learners. This will be based on identification of practitioners’ needs, with particular reference to the aims of the National Improvement Framework, the 1+2 languages policy and Developing the Young Workforce. The postholder would need extensive experience of leading recent modern language initiatives in a primary school context. Established expertise in creative approaches to learning, teaching and assessment is essential.

Ideally, the post holder will have experience of external partnership working with the aim of developing interesting contexts for learning and intercultural awareness. The successful candidate will be competent in the use of digital technologies and will have the ability to work not only on her/his own initiative but also as part of a team. Excellent organisational, ICT and communication skills are essential, as is an ability to be flexible and responsive to our stakeholders’ needs.

Visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy portal for further information and to apply. Closing date: 3 September 2019.


The Ramshorn: Our new home in pictures

12 August 2019 (SCILT/CISS)

On Monday 8 July 2019, SCILT and CISS opened the doors to our beautiful new location in The Ramshorn, right in the heart of Glasgow’s Merchant City.

Our new location provides us with more space to house our team, with new development officers joining us soon. It will also enable us to host meetings, showcases and events, on-site, with all the latest technology at our fingertips.

This renovated, former church is steeped in history, and funding from Hanban (Confucius Institute Headquarters) and the University of Strathclyde has breathed new life into the 200-year-old building. Within easy walking distance from both Queen Street and Central stations in Glasgow, it will be very easy for our stakeholders and friends to visit. We look forward to welcoming you very soon.

Our new address is: SCILT | The Ramshorn | 98 Ingram Street | University of Strathclyde | Glasgow | G1 1EX. All our telephone numbers remain the same.

We have shared some images below to give you a flavour of our new home in this well-known landmark.


SCILT office

CISS office

Exhibition area

Exhibition area

Meeting room


Meeting room



Stained glass windows

Entrance on Ingram St

Posted in: SCILT news

Our new website

12 August 2019 (SCILT)

We have launched our new-look website this week. The stylish new design takes on board feedback from stakeholders, preserves the centre’s colour-scheme and, most importantly, is mobile-friendly. It is the result of a year-long project, and we are excited to share the outcomes with you.

The process was rigorous. We began by consulting the University’s Enhanced Web Development Service, who supported the existing website. This was followed by a year-long consultation with primary and secondary practitioners and other interested parties, through focus groups and online questionnaires. The results were fascinating. We were pleased to receive comments such as, “the site is very user friendly and I use it often to keep up to date”, “[the site] has trustworthy resources on it and lots of important information that is easily accessible”, and “[it is] an excellent resource – the most challenging thing for me is making the time to look at it regularly!

We received much helpful criticism, which we have tried to address. “There’s a lot of text which makes it seem a bit heavy going. A lot of clicks to get through to other info too” and “The website is a little ‘dry’ looking. More pictures and a more aesthetically pleasing font would help this”. Further, feedback on website content included, “Parental engagement is a very current issue and more advice on that would be so useful” as well as “Offering more CPD opportunities for teachers and students to showcase their progress in the teaching and learning of languages through the website would support me in my role”. Thanks to everyone who was involved in this process.

Overall, it was heartening to hear that so many of our target audience visit the website regularly and find it useful and easy to navigate, and we were keen to build on this and ensure that content on the new site should be relevant and accessible. Now, after a year of work led by our information officer, Sarah Macfarlane, we reach an exciting moment, and we are delighted that the website is unveiled now and ready for you to explore.

Our regular visitors should be happy to discover that their favourite sections remain, albeit with a new look. Our news pages continue to be updated on a daily basis with all the latest language-related news, opportunities, events and resources. Our job profiles are now easier to navigate using a drop-down menu. Our regular competitions and awards are presented in a more visually appealing format.

We are pleased to introduce some new features to you. The website now has a tailored search function, meaning you will be able to find exactly what you are looking for, quickly and easily. We have a new section aimed directly at parents, and a separate, additional section to support practitioners in parental engagement. And don’t forget to check out our new professional learning opportunities for session 2019-20

Work is still ongoing. Over the coming months we will update content in the Senior Phase. Look out also for further information on the exciting new Languages Employability Award. Thanks to everyone who has been involved in informing our work. If you would like to add your voice, or provide feedback on the new site, or if you have noticed anything out-of-place, please do get in touch through our feedback form. We would love to hear from you.

Posted in: SCILT news

Book now for 2019-20! SCILT professional learning menu

24 May 2019 (SCILT)

The SCILT professional learning menu 2019-20 is now available for booking online! 

Remember all of our professional learning sessions are free to book by teachers and local authorities. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us. 

Participants last year said:

  • The presenter was very helpful and answered all our questions. I feel more confident now.’ (Teacher, East Dunbartonshire) 
  • It was succinct and gave teachers opportunities to compare experiences and share ideas about how to teach the course.’ (Teacher, East Lothian)

To request SCILT input in your school or local authority, please complete the online form via the link below.

Additionally, look out for our newly published series of webinars, running throughout the year. 

New for 2019-20! SCILT series of professional learning webinars

24 May 2019 (SCILT)

New for session 2019/20, a series of SCILT professional learning webinars.

These webinars offer an alternative to our face-to-face workshops. Practitioners may wish to get together to participate in the live streaming of events which will include opportunities for online discussion. Alternatively, the recorded version can be used as a stimulus for collegiate discussion, in-service days or as part of individual practitioners’ professional development.

Registration will be advertised via the weekly SCILT e-bulletin and on the National Modern Languages Hub prior to these publicised dates.

  • Glow login will be required
  • Recordings will be available to watch again on National ML Hub under the Anytime Learning tab

Keep an eye on our e-bulletin and social media channels for details of how to register for these webinars in the new session. 

OU/SCILT primary languages course

31 May 2019 (SCILT/OU)

We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the OU/SCILT primary languages course, which will be running again from October 2019. In light of positive feedback and popularity of the first year of the course, we are now also delighted to offer a second year, post-beginners’ course. The latter would be suitable for those who have successfully completed year 1 and wish to continue their studies, or for those who are looking to begin studying at a more advanced level.

  • The courses will run from October 2019 to July 2020, and will develop language and pedagogy skills; language learning is provided by the Open University and pedagogy is provided by SCILT.  The courses are aligned to the Scottish curriculum and support the 1+2 languages approach.
  • Both courses are delivered online with two opportunities to attend face-to-face day schools. 
  • Learning is very flexible and participants can study at a time and place of their choosing.
  • Each course carries a fee of £252, reflecting the input and student support for the language and pedagogy strands from both organisations.

Funding may be sponsored through your school or Local Authority who can register on your behalf.   Initial registration information must be submitted to the OU by Monday 17 June 2019 and LAs should contact  
Students also have the option to fund the fee themselves. In this case, an interested teacher should contact the OU directly at

Here is some further information:

Beginners level

  • will be offered in a choice of four languages - French, German, Spanish and Mandarin plus study of primary pedagogy with direct application in the classroom.
  • takes students to the end of the equivalent to level A1 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages.
  • allows students to gain 15 university credits for the language study.
  • also gives students the option to gain GTCS recognition for the pedagogy study; all students will receive a certificate on successful completion from SCILT.
  • study hours will be approximately five hours per week, including time spent on the direct application of the new skills in the classroom.

Post-beginners level

  • teachers who have started studying one language in the beginners level of the course would need to continue studying the same language at post-beginners level.
  • teachers who already have some basic knowledge in one of the four languages can directly enrol on the post-beginners level course to further develop their skills in that language and learn about primary languages pedagogy (without having to have studied beginners level).
  • will follow the same format as the beginners level course and will be offered in the same four languages (French, German, Mandarin and Spanish).
  • will teach primary languages pedagogy in more depth and cover:
    • the skills of writing and reading,
    • IDL with a special focus on outdoor learning as well as links with other key subject areas through CLIL,
    • learning and teaching of languages in multilingual contexts/communities.
  • will have the same:
    • number of study hours,
    • assessment structure,
    • accreditation with 15 university credits,
    • optional GTCS recognition for the pedagogy strand, as above ;
  • in their language study, students will reach the equivalent of the end of level A2 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (end of post-beginner level).
  • after completing both courses, students would then be in a good position to go on to study one of the standard language courses at the OU should they want to improve their knowledge of the language even further.

Course codes are as follows:

Beginners level

LXT192 French

LXT193 German

LXT197 Mandarin

LXT194 Spanish

Post-beginners level

LXT191 (language choice will come as a second step once students have registered)

New job profile on the SCILT website

9 November 2018 (SCILT)

The job profiles on our website cover a range of professions where languages are being used. 

We have a new profile from David Cant, Managing Director of Albion (Overseas) Ltd, a company which helps UK businesses to enter the Russian market. After learning French and German at school, David tells us that he took up Russian by chance at university - a choice which became life-changing.

Teachers use our profiles in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how languages can play a part.


Language Trends Scotland

5 November 2018 (SCILT)

SCILT has published Language Trends Scotland 2012-2018.

Finding include:

  • Entries at Higher in Modern Languages have recently experienced a drop in entries but are still above 2012 levels. Relative to the S5-S6 cohort, however, there has been an increase.
  • Entries at Advanced Higher in Modern Languages are on an upward trend overall, with a slight decline in 2018. Relative to the S6 cohort, uptake has also increased.
  • Entries at Advanced Higher in the lesser studied languages (Gaelic Learners, Italian and Mandarin) have been variable.
  • Entries below Higher in Modern Languages dropped significantly after 2012, the year which marked the official end of the 'Languages for All policy. Relative to the S4-S6 cohort, languages have higher percentage uptake than two of the three sciences (Biology, Physics), with only Chemistry showing a percentage increase.


New job profile on the SCILT website

2 November 2018 (SCILT)

We have a range of job profiles on our website where language skills are being used. The latest addition comes from Erin Duffy, a student of Spanish and Linguistics at the University of Glasgow.

Erin is currently teaching in Spain and tells us her knowledge of languages has also enabled her to study and work in China. Her language skills have been integral to the job opportunities she has acquired and helped her form friendships across the globe.

Teachers, share Erin's profile with your pupils to demonstrate the advantages and benefits of learning languages.


Support for DYW agenda

28 September 2018 (SCILT)

SCILT has published a series of videos demonstrating the value of languages in a variety of sectors. Contributors include Judy Murray and Jim Fleeting from the SFA. The series looks at languages in the creative industries, hospitality and tourism, engineering, health and business. 

To complement this resource, SCILT has produced a toolkit to support schools in organising their own business and language events. These might include:

  • careers fairs
  • promotional talks
  • partnerships with schools and individual businesses
  • business brunches


Languages Beyond School

21 September 2018 (SCILT)

As the UCAS application process gets underway, make sure any pupils thinking of continuing their language studies check out the Beyond School section of our website.

This section contains useful information to help senior pupils decide on the different language courses and options available once they have left school, at college, university or as part of a gap year. There are links to courses available in Scotland and across the UK.

Pupils, parents, guidance and careers staff should all find this section of our website useful.


Advanced Higher pupil workshops - Glasgow and Edinburgh

21 September 2018 (SCILT)

Due to high demand for our events earlier in September, we are running three more Advanced Higher pupil workshops. These are taking place in:

  • Glasgow - Monday 8th October 10am-12 midday, University of Strathclyde
  • Glasgow - Monday 8th October 2-4pm, University of Strathclyde (this event is now fully booked, you can register on the waiting list on Eventbrite)
  • Edinburgh - Thursday 11th October 11am-1pm, University of Edinburgh

This is a pupil workshop which will focus on what is required at Advanced Higher level. We will look at ways of tackling;

  • the overall purpose question in the reading
  • the discursive writing
  • the portfolio
  • the talking

This will also be an opportunity to meet with your peers and set up links so you could support one another in your studies. 

Schools should register on behalf of their pupils. Please indicate when registering how many pupils will be attending. While this event is for pupils, teachers may wish to attend and this should be reflected in the numbers when you register.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition 2018-19

14 September 2018 (SCILT)

Today we're launching the 2018-19 Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition in Scotland.

All students who are learning a language at school, college or university, or who speak a native language at home, can get involved in celebrating their linguistic and cultural diversity through creative poetry writing as there are options to enter in either the Mother Tongue or Other Tongue category. All entries must be the students' own, original work.

For more information about this year's competition and previous events, visit our MTOT website and register to take part! The closing date for registrations is 26 October 2018.


The return of Business Brunches 18-19: Language skills in the world of work

7 September 2018 (SCILT)

Would you like to invite 10 of your S3-S6 pupils to discover the benefits of language skills in the world of work and engage with a variety of dynamic employers to encourage learners to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their education, and beyond school? Look no further….

For the fifth year in succession, SCILT, in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce and the University Council of Modern Languages Scotland will be hosting a series of five Business Brunch events in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness over the course of December this year, and January 2019.  Registration will open at 9am on Friday 14th September.

Find out more on our Business Brunches webpage.


Support for promoting languages via DYWScot Founders4Schools

30 August 2018 (SCILT/CISS/Founders4Schools)

SCILT/CISS would like to bring the DYWScot Founders4Schools online platform to the attention of all teachers, especially language teachers looking for support for promotional events.

This free platform allows teachers to explore businesses in their area and invite them to visit their school to attend language promotions, careers events, deliver workshops or meet with school parents.

To find a business in your area simply visit the Founders4Schools website and select 'Create event+'. Enter the school postcode, and the platform will allow you to explore who is available to support your event. You can select what type of support you are looking for and your preferred date.
Remember requests do not necessarily have to be only for one-off events, and you may be able to build a lasting relationship with the business contact.

Visit the DYWScot Founders4Schools website for more information. 


Help us continue collaborative cross-sector action for languages

27 August 2018 (SCILT/UCMLS)

To make 1+2 a reality we need to act with one voice for languages! So do join us at the University of Dundee on Saturday, 15 September 2018 for a half-day conference where SCILT/UCMLS evaluate past actions and plan new ones.

We will finish with a networking lunch and wine to celebrate 25 years of UCMLS. For catering purposes, please sign up by 7 September via Eventbrite. 


Updates from SQA - Modern Languages

24 August 2018 (SCILT/SQA)

Revised Higher Specimen Question Papers for use in session 2018-19 onwards are now available on the main Higher Modern Languages webpage.  Revised marking instructions for Directed Writing are currently only available in the Specimen Question papers.

Exemplars of Higher Directed Writing valid from session 2018/19 with associated commentary written in line with the revised marking instructions for Directed Writing are now available.  There are currently 8 exemplars in French and Spanish with other languages available in due course.

Exemplars of Higher Assignment-writing valid from session 2018/19 with associated commentary written in line with the marking instructions for assignment-writing are now available. There are currently 6 exemplars in French, German and Spanish, with other languages available in due course.

All exemplars can be found on

Exemplars of talking performances at Higher valid from session 2018/19 are now available. These include associated commentary written in line with the marking instructions for performance-talking.  Exemplars of talking performances at National 5 are also available. Both can be found on the understanding standards area on the SQA secure website.



24 August 2018 (SCILT)


Refreshed and raring to go? Us too! New school year = new SCILT CLPL menu. Featuring a variety of workshops for primary colleagues, for secondary colleagues and one workshop specifically aimed at bringing primary and secondary colleagues together. Our free professional learning is learner-focused, practice-led and evidence-informed. Booking now open! More information on our CLPL menu.

OU/SCILT Teaching Primary Languages programme

There is still time to register for the sector-leading Open University Scotland/SCILT Teaching Primary Languages programme. The course will be available to all primary practitioners but also secondary teachers who teach at primary level. We have produced an FAQ document with further detail about the course for your information.

This blended professional learning programme combines primary languages pedagogy and beginner's language learning.  Choose from beginner's French, German, Mandarin or Spanish. The course fee is £240.00 per student. There are plans to offer teachers, who enrol on the course, a summer school experience which will offer immersion in the language to boost confidence and provide ample opportunities to learn more about the cultures in which the language they are studying is spoken. The summer school is not part of the course, it is optional and can be booked separately. More information on this will be published in due course.

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, don't delay! Speak to your local authority languages Development Officer first, then they can contact Sylvia Warnecke at the Open University ( ) to confirm your enrolment on the programme.

European Day of Languages 2018

24 August 2018 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated across Europe on the 26th of September every year. It aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone.

SCILT is helping schools across Scotland to celebrate by distributing materials developed by the ECML. These resources are free to order and act as excellent prizes and rewards.

Visit our European Day of Languages 2018 webpage for information on how to order packs, for ideas on how to celebrate, and to find out how your school could feature in our EDL 2018 blog.


Supporting bilingualism and EAL

23 August 2018 (SCILT)

Education Scotland, Glasgow City Council and SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages) are delighted to be able to offer a free online learning opportunity highlighting the benefits of bilingualism, practical strategies teachers can use to promote and support bilingualism in their classrooms, background information on policy and legislation, and useful resources and links to other sites.

The module has been developed to to support the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy. It will provide practitioners who work with bilingual learners an improved awareness of what bilingualism is and help to promote a more inclusive learning environment. 

See the attached flyer for more information. The free module can be accessed on the Glow website.


SCILT weekly news bulletin – key messages from June 2018 survey

20 August 2018 (SCILT)

In June 2018, we invited subscribers to SCILT’s news bulletin to take part in a survey to establish how the bulletin is currently used and whether the bulletin could better meet the needs of subscribers in terms of content and delivery. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. Key messages are below. 

Key messages

The bulletin aims to share key research, policy, news, events, opportunities and resources relating to language teaching and learning with language professionals across Scotland. It is distributed once a week by email.

SCILT’s bulletin is found to be useful

100% of respondents agree or strongly agree with the statement ‘I find SCILT’s e-bulletin useful’.

SCILT news is considered to be the most useful section of the bulletin

Subscribers find SCILT news the most useful section followed by news from language and educational organisations. Languages in the press is considered to be the least useful section.

Of the types of content in the bulletin, 18% of subscribers consider this to be the most useful. This is followed by CLPL opportunities (17%) and recently published reports and research (15%).
Updates on qualifications and policy updates as well as classroom resources were next (14% each).

Funding opportunities were deemed to be the least useful (8%).

Subscribers suggest content within the bulletin could be improved to include examples of good practice; languages across sectors; updates from Government; cross-curricular developments and opportunities.
The majority of bulletin subscribers find the bulletin easy to use

Suggestions to improve usability include introducing a drop-down menu and reducing the number of clicks to get to an article. SCILT will consider these suggestions within the parameters of MailChimp functionality.

The majority of subscribers would like to continue to receive the bulletin on a weekly basis.
Subscribers take action as a result of receiving the bulletin

This includes signing up pupils for an event (16%); entering pupils for a competition or making pupils aware of an opportunity (15%); signing up to a professional learning opportunity (14%); using a new resource to support their teaching (13%); obtaining information leaflets or promotional literature (12%). Subscribers also stated that they had shared information from the bulletin with colleagues.

Posted in: SCILT news

New job profiles on the SCILT website

17 August 2018 (SCILT)

The job profiles on our website cover a range of professions where languages are being used. 

We have two new profiles for the start of the new school session:

  • Lorne Gillies is an award winning journalist whose language skills have enabled her to connect with people around the world, whilst helping her understanding of English.
  • Ian Ross is a specialist in international trade and investment. Dealing with several Chinese companies, he tells us cultural awareness is as important as learning the language.

Teachers use our profiles in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how languages can play a part.

External review of SCILT published

13 August 2018 (SCILT)

As part of our self-evaluation and quality improvement activities, SCILT commissioned Bruce Robertson OBE to conduct an in-depth, external review of the organisation. The final report was published in August 2018. It has given us important insights into how we can best move forwards in a changing educational landscape. 


Posted in: SCILT news

SLR Summer 2018 edition online now

13 August 2018 (SCILT)

Read contributions from the United States, Wales, Finland/France and Scotland on language promotion efforts, mentoring from university students, students' use of the target language in class, the impact of combining art with languages in a primary class, and strategies for increasing language uptake in the senior phase.  Check out our other sections to find links to: the new National Framework for Languages (Selected Publications), more contributions from the American perspective (Selected Articles), the national UCMLS conference for all language stakeholders on 15 September (Selected Events).  


STEM and language skills recognised as a valuable combination

25 June 2018 (SCILT)

Glasgow Gaelic School was recognised for their work with languages and STEM at a ceremony on 8 June 2018 at Glasgow Science Centre. The ceremony was part of the Young Engineers & Science Clubs (YESC) Scotland annual celebration of STEM and Glasgow Gaelic School received the Languages Award.

This is the first time languages have been recognised at this event, and the school were awarded for a project that focused on developing their local school community to make it more sustainable, eco-friendly and safer. The all-female team won £100 and a trophy for their school.

The new Languages Award has been introduced in partnership with SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, based at the University of Strathclyde. It recognises the link between languages and STEM. Competency in languages opens the doors to international STEM markets and results in more and better communication. Teams competed for the Award in Gaelic, German and Spanish to showcase the work that has being done in their clubs over the year. 

The annual ‘Celebration of STEM’ event at Glasgow Science Centre marked 30 years of STEM clubs in Scottish schools. Over 250 pupils from 44 primary and secondary schools across the country took part in challenges such as ‘Don’t Waste a Drop’ and ‘Knots to Watts’. It was also an opportunity to demonstrate the excellent and diverse activities taking place in their clubs.

YESC Scotland is a Scotland-wide primary and secondary school education programme run by the Scottish Council for Development and Industry and supported by public and private sector members. Their projects are designed to grow interest and spark enthusiasm in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects by encouraging young people to have a go at fun, hands-on activities and experiments. Pupils work alongside their teachers, real engineers and scientists putting their problem-solving skills to the test on themed investigations that will feed their curiosity and fire their imagination.

For more information on YESC Scotland, visit their website.

Posted in: SCILT news

Culinary and language skills put to the test

25 June 2018 (SCILT/City of Glasgow College)

A new cookery competition saw almost 50 school children from across Scotland attend City of Glasgow College to test their culinary and language skills.

The LinguaChef competition is a partnership between Scotland’s flagship college and SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages).

It brings together languages and food; challenging primary and secondary school pupils to create an international main dish from a country whose language they are learning in school, or which is spoken at home.

May Donald, Curriculum Head for Food at City of Glasgow College, oversaw the competition and said:

“I jumped at the chance for our college to be part of this new and exciting competition and look forward to being involved again in the future. We are used to hosting high profile events but this was one with a twist given the widely differing age ranges of the competitors.

“The contest also offered us an ideal opportunity to engage with potential future students as those taking part got to see round our incredible facilities at City campus, while some of our own students assisted on the day which provided a great learning experience for them.”

Angela de Britos, SCILT at Strathclyde University, said:

“LinguaChef is a fantastic way of showcasing both the culinary and linguistic skills of pupils in primary and secondary schools across Scotland. We see this as an opportunity to have fun with food and languages whilst honing other important skills such as team-work, communication and IT. This is another great example of the cross- sector work going on in the languages community in Scottish schools, colleges and universities and we are thrilled to be working with our colleagues from City of Glasgow College in this initiative.”

Pupils from Marr College in Ayrshire who won the S1-S3 category said:

“It was really fun and I’d definitely do it again. I feel like I learned a lot of skills in cooking, languages and working with my team.” Their teacher added: “This was a fantastic opportunity for the pupils to research the history and background of a dish, work together and learn new vocabulary in the target language.”

Margaret Aitken, Curriculum Head, Languages said:

“We are delighted to work with SCILT to promote language learning and especially in a vocational context. It was so pleasing to see the enthusiasm of the pupils and the high standard of entries”.

The recipe for the main dish, including ingredients and instructions, were given both in the language of the chosen country and in English. Three finalists from each of the age categories were selected to attend Grand Finale where they had the chance to prepare, cook and present their dish to the professional chefs and judges at City of Glasgow College.

The pupils got the chance to discuss their dish with the judges (mainly in English but with bonus points for use of target language too) and decorate their presentation table with artefacts representing the country and culture.

Posted in: SCILT news

Book now! SCILT and CISS professional learning programmes

8 June 2018 (SCILT/CISS)

The brand new SCILT secondary professional learning menu and CISS professional learning programme for 2018-19 are now available for booking! 

Remember all of our CLPL workshops are free to book by teachers and local authorities. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us. 

To make a booking please email SCILT to receive a link to the request form.

Participants last year said:

It was so refreshing to attend a course which was entirely relevant and where the speaker was so knowledgeable.’ (Teacher, East Lothian) 

Both presentations were very informative and I got a lot out of focussing on the new writing folio as well as using the benchmarks.’ (Teacher, Perth & Kinross)

Primary teachers can sign up now for the OU/SCILT ‘Learning to teach primary languages’ programme in French, Spanish, German or Mandarin. The course is a balance of target language learning and pedagogy. It begins in October and the cost is £240. Find more information via our FAQs and email Sylvia Warnecke, the Staff Tutor at the Open University Scotland to enrol.

Participants in the pilot programme said:

“The tutors have been very encouraging and supportive both in their comments on the forum and during the online tutorials.”

I think [the tuition] has been excellent. Everyone has been so helpful and accommodating!

Additional online and face-to-face professional learning opportunities will be offered by SCILT during the year. To keep up-to-date with these opportunities as they arise, please sign up to the SCILT weekly news bulletin.

Our SCILT/CISS professional learning flyer outlines the diverse types of CLPL opportunities we offer. Please email SCILT with any queries about these options.

New for session 2018-19 - Advanced Higher workshops for pupils

8 June 2018 (SCILT)

New for session 2018-19, SCILT will be delivering three workshops for pupils studying Advanced Higher modern languages. These will take place in:

  • Glasgow - Wednesday 5th September 2-4pm, University of Strathclyde (Please note this event is now full. You can join the waiting list on Eventbrite in case places become available closer to the event)
  • Dundee - Thursday 6th September 2-4pm, University of Dundee (Please note this event is now full. You can join the waiting list on Eventbrite in case places become available closer to the event)
  • Inverness - Monday 10th September 11am-1pm, Millburn Academy

This is a pupil workshop which will focus on what is required at Advanced Higher level. We will look at ways of tackling;

  • the overall purpose question in the reading
  • the discursive writing
  • the portfolio
  • the talking

This will also be an opportunity to meet with your peers and set up links so you could support one another in your studies. 

Schools should register on behalf of their pupils. Please indicate when registering how many pupils will be attending. While this event is for pupils, teachers may wish to attend and this should be reflected in the numbers when you register.


Press Release: Teachers to learn to teach languages in the classroom

7 June 2018 (SCILT/OU)

An innovative scheme teaching primary teachers languages and how to teach those languages to pupils is being expanded across Scotland for the first time. The first of its kind in the UK, the distance learning programme will see primary teachers study French, Spanish, German or Mandarin and develop the skills to teach the language in the classroom at the same time. 

Launching across Scotland today (Thursday 7 June) at an event in Edinburgh where guests will hear from pupils and teachers, the programme is now available to primary school teachers in all local authorities following a successful pilot which featured 54 teachers from 49 schools across nine local authorities in 2017/18. The programme is a partnership between The Open University and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at the University of Strathclyde.

Designed to support the Scottish Government’s ‘1+2’ language policy, which aims to enable all pupils to learn two additional languages from primary level onwards, the programme will link up with the cultural organisations of France, Spain, Germany and China to facilitate immersive summer schools for participating teachers. At the same time, schools will also have the opportunity to make connections with schools in the countries whose language pupils are learning.

Dr Sylvia Warnecke, lecturer in languages and programme lead at The Open University, said:

“The key thing about this programme is its flexibility, meaning that teachers in every part of Scotland – whether urban or rural – will be able to learn together and share their experiences and ideas, helping each other to bring the language they’re learning to life in the classroom.

“We’ve already had teachers from the pilot project tell us that their pupils love it and are really engaged. They have been instrumental in starting after school language clubs and making links with schools in other countries. It’s exciting that all teachers, schools and pupils in every part of Scotland now have the chance to learn together through this programme.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT, said:

“We see this as an important collaboration between our two universities, local authorities and teachers. The course is focused on developing teachers’ confidence so they are able to create exciting and motivating lessons for their pupils. In this way we can make sure that languages feature as an integral part of the Scottish curriculum and that youngsters are given their full entitlement to language learning.

“The teachers’ commitment to developing their skills is humbling. Their willingness to embrace their own learning in order to benefit their pupils’ experience highlights the professionalism and dedication that is the mark of the teaching profession.”

Gwen McCrossan, Principal Teacher for 1+2 Languages, Argyll & Bute, said:

“This course is ideal for the geographical situation of Argyll & Bute. We are delighted to be able to take part, as it provides a quality learning experience for teachers who would otherwise find it difficult to access language training. The course is also unique because it is tailor-made for primary school.”

The pilot project has been shortlisted in the partnership category in this year’s Herald Higher Education Awards. Such is the interest in the programme following its pilot phase and ahead of its wider rollout, it is expected that teachers from Wales and Northern Ireland will join the next presentation starting in October 2018.

A short video featuring teachers who participated in the pilot talking about their experience of the programme is available on YouTube.

Further information on how to sign-up for next year's course is available on SCILT's website

Vacancy - CISS Professional Development Officer

31 May 2018 (SCILT/CISS)

The Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools, based within Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, requires a Professional Development Officer to support its network of Confucius Classroom hubs. There are currently 44 hubs (with a further 3 pending approval) across Scotland, including secondary, primary and specialist hubs. This is an exciting opportunity to work at a national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland.

Closing date: 19 June 2018


OU/SCILT course nominated for the Herald Higher Education awards 2018

30 May 2018 (SCILT/OU Scotland)

SCILT, together with The Open University in Scotland, has been named as a finalist in  the Herald Higher Education Awards 2018. 'Primary School Teachers Learning to Teach Languages’ project, facilitated as a partnership between SCILT and OU Scotland, is shortlisted for the Partnership Award. The award winners will be announced on June 28 in Glasgow.


Smithycroft pupils learn the value language skills in the construction industry

22 May 2018 (SCILT)

Young people from Smithycroft Secondary had the opportunity to engage with the construction industry at an event held at University of Strathclyde on 16 May 2018. S3 students presented plans for a dream house, drawn up in French, to a panel of experts. The challenge demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education. Through partnership working with a local business, pupils had a chance to develop their understanding about the world of work and gain meaningful employability skills.

The panel of experts included Derek Hill, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Architecture at the University of Strathclyde, Elizabeth Norton, Development Officer for Italian and Latin at Glasgow City Council, Matt Hodgman, Depute Head from Smithycroft Secondary and Janette Kelso from Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT).

A teacher attending the event said: “This was a fantastic project and showcase event for our pupils - for many it was their first time in a university environment. It has made our learners think more deeply about the importance of language learning and the possibilities and opportunities it may open up to them in the future.”

One of the young people added to this, and commented: “Presenting in front of others was scary but once we got started we really enjoyed it – we were surprised how well we did! It made me think a lot more about using French with another subject or in another type of job.”

The event was organised by Smithycroft Secondary’s Modern Languages Department with support from SCILT, working in partnership with local business Dreamstones.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Projects such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This business engagement event supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy.

Latest edition of SCILT newsletter published

22 May 2018 (SCILT)

Read about SCILT’s latest efforts to celebrate and promote languages, including promoting skills for work, parental engagement and cross-sector working. There are some inspiring stories from local authorities as well as an opportunity to find out more about the work our partners have been doing to support language learning in Scotland.


Posted in: SCILT news

New promotional postcards available designed by learners

21 May 2018 (SCILT)

Earlier this year, SCILT invited pupils in S1-S3 to design a promotional postcard for SCILT to use at events to give to pupils and parents to promote the importance of language learning. The winning postcard was to contain key messages on the value of language skills and to have an eye-catching design.

We received 86 entries from seven schools. There were lots of great designs and many of them contained clear, powerful messages.

In the end we selected two winners:

We are delighted that both winners could attend the Word Wizard final to collect their certificates and prizes.

Their designs are now available for schools to order from the SCILT website.



Business Brunches 2018 webpage now live!

18 May 2018 (SCILT)

The Business Brunches took place earlier on this year across Scotland, and supported DYW and the Scottish Attainment Challenge by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. 

Take a journey through the entire series of events and explore some of the highlights for yourself, such as:
  • A taste of what really went on at these events and why languages play an important role in the world of work by viewing our Business Brunch video located on the main page
  • Inspiring quotes and uploads of presentations from a handful of business leaders who were present that you can share with your own learners
  • Feedback received from pupils who participated
  • Images, tweets, press releases and more

Read through our resources and materials which you may find useful to promote languages for employability in your own school. 

Important news! Business Brunches will be returning for year 2018/19. Further details will be announced on the SCILT website and through our e-bulletin after the summer with instructions on how you can register your school to attend. Keep your eyes peeled! 


Word Wizard Final 2018: Motivating young people in their language learning

18 May 2018 (SCILT/CISS)

S1-S3 pupils from across Scotland took part in the national final of Word Wizard at the Scottish Parliament on 11 May 2018. Word Wizard is a multilingual spelling competition for pupils learning French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin and Spanish. Forty-eight learners from ten local authorities and independent schools competed in the final in front of an audience of teachers, supporters and guests.
Each year pupils and teachers report that the competition increases motivation, enhances language performance and improves attitudes to language learning. Word Wizard promotes literacy skills amongst pupils and helps schools develop partnership working with universities.

A teacher entering pupils into the final commented: “It provided our pupils with a huge sense of motivation and excitement for learning languages.” 

A pupil competing in the final said: “I liked learning new vocabulary and getting to show it off to everyone.”

Word Wizard is organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at University of Strathclyde, in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland. 

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT said of the competition: “It’s wonderful to see so many young people taking part in the Word Wizard competition representing a wide range of local authorities. Having an understanding of another language can really transform a person’s life and encourages the development of a whole range of important skills. Through such events, SCILT aims to offer teachers really motivating ways of enhancing the curriculum so that Scottish young people can reap the benefits of learning languages.”

Word Wizard supports the Scottish Government initiative, “Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach” by offering a diversity of languages as recommended by the report. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. One of the key drivers is improved literacy. 

In March 2018, 190 pupils from 14 local authorities and independent schools competed in semi-finals in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh to battle it out for a place at the prestigious final. 

Word Wizard is supported by the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland (UCMLS) and the final was sponsored by Joan McAlpine MSP

Full details of the winners and further information on the competition can be found on the SCILT website.


SCILT/CISS supporting promotional events

18 May 2018 (SCILT/CISS)

The SCILT/CISS team are now taking requests for input at promotional events for next session. Input at your promotional event may include:

  • Talks promoting the value of language learning to classes/year groups/assemblies
  • Providing a stall at your event such as careers fairs, parents nights or business and language events
In order to ensure all schools have the opportunity to benefit from our involvement, we are now requesting that you complete an online application form. 

You will be asked to outline how a promotional event might support your uptake in the senior phase, if applicable, and what other measures you are putting in place to address the Attainment Agenda, National Improvement Framework and Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce.

All requests for the 2018/19 session must be received by 31st October 2018 in order for schools and the SCILT/CISS team to plan effectively. 

Please email SCILT in the first instance to receive a link to the request form. 

New job profile on SCILT's website

4 May 2018 (SCILT)

For relevant, labour-market focused career advice on languages, direct from the workplace, read our latest Job Profile on Michael Dewar, whose love of languages has led to him working as a language tutor. Teachers, use this resource in your classroom to enhance learning about the world of work.


MTOT celebration event - webpage now live!

20 April 2018 (SCILT)

The celebration event for this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition took place on Saturday 17 March at the University of Strathclyde. 

Visit the SCILT website to see the full list of winners and to view the anthology of winning poems. You can also find photos from the event and read some of the feedback received from pupils, parents and teachers. 


Scottish students in China

8 April 2018 (Scottish Government)

Scottish students will get the opportunity to live and study in China through funding for the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools Scholarship Programme.

The £754,000 investment in the work of the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools (CISS) was announced as First Minister Nicola Sturgeon met some of the current scholars in Beijing on the first day of her visit to China. She learned how the scheme has helped to build links between young people in both countries, improving language skills and widening horizons for those taking part.

Applications for the programme are open to 6th year pupils in Confucius Classroom Hubs around Scotland. So far 70 Scottish students have been awarded scholarships.


Young poets’ multilingual talents celebrated

26 March 2018 (SCILT)

The multilingual talents of young poets from across Scotland were celebrated at a prestigious award ceremony at University of Strathclyde on 17 March 2018.

Children and young people from primary, secondary and early years used their language skills to create and share poetry as part of this year’s Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition. In addition, for the first time this year the competition was open to Scotland’s Further and Higher Education sectors.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue is an exciting competition that celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing and showcases the many languages used by children and young people across Scotland, in education and at home. The competition is organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, based at University of Strathclyde. Jackie Kay is the patron of the competition.

This year, over 100 entries were submitted from across Scotland. Winning and Highly Commended entries came from schools in Renfrewshire, Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, Falkirk, Edinburgh, North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire and West Lothian as well as from the University of West of Scotland, University of Dundee, University of Edinburgh, and City of Glasgow College.

One teacher said of the competition: “I am extremely proud of all our pupils. It was a wonderful chance to hear so many beautiful languages being celebrated. Thank you for this opportunity.”

Another teacher added: "Mother Tongue Other Tongue gives my quieter pupils confidence and self-worth."

One of the young competitors commented: “It has been an amazing experience.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT, said: “Mother Tongue Other Tongue is a celebration of the many languages that are spoken and learned by young people across Scotland. The collection of their poems weaves a rich tapestry of voices that honours cultural diversity and pays testament to the wealth of Scotland’s many languages and cultures. We were delighted to see such a high calibre of entries this year, submitted in 29 different languages. Our congratulations go to the winners and to all who took part in the competition.”

Mother Tongue invites competitors who do not speak English as a first language to write a poem, rap or song in their mother tongue and share their inspiration. Other Tongue encourages competitors learning another language to use that language creatively with an original poem, rap or song in that other tongue. Prizes are awarded in both categories.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue is supported by creative writer Juliette Lee, the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland, Languages in Colleges and the Scottish Poetry Library.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue supports the Scottish Government initiative, ‘Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach’ by allowing pupils to apply their language learning in a creative way and by providing children who do not have English as their first language with an opportunity to celebrate their mother tongue.

The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. One of the key drivers is improved literacy. Through reflecting on poetry in their mother tongue and creating poetry in another tongue, learners are developing their literacy skills.


New job profile on SCILT's website

23 March 2018 (SCILT)

The job profiles on our website cover a range of professions where languages are being used. 

Our latest addition comes from Ross Yuill, a student and front desk associate for the Marriott Hotel whose interest in Korea and its culture led to him learning the language. He's been able to apply these skills in the workplace with visiting guests.

Teachers use our profiles in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how languages can play a part.


SQA course reports for National 5 Modern Languages 2017

22 March 2018 (SCILT/SQA)

We have summarised the Course Reports for National 5 Modern Languages. These reports highlight areas where candidates performed well in the 2017 exam and areas where they encountered difficulty.

They contain sound advice for both teachers and pupils in the run up to this year's exam diet.

The full report for each language can be accessed on the SQA website under the Verification and Course Reports tab.


Registrations now open for Language Linking Global Thinking 2018-19

22 March 2018 (SCILT)

SCILT is now inviting schools to register their interest in taking part in the Language Linking Global Thinking initiative in session 2018/19. 

The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend a year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad, the partner school receives regular contact from the student through emails, sending postcards and other resources. The correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. 

Key points for teachers

  • Please note this is a two-way correspondence, and schools are expected to reply to blog posts, submit questions, and fully engage with their link student. 
  • A representative from the school, ideally the class teacher using the link, must attend the training day on 8th June in Glasgow. 

If you would like to request a link for this project in session 2018-19, please complete the registration form

Visit the LLGT webpage for more information on Language Linking Global Thinking, and to read some of the student blogs from previous years.

SCILT Digital Internship

16 March 2018 (SCILT)

Do you love languages?

Are you currently in fifth year?

Would you like to work with other young people and enhance your CV?

Do you enjoy sharing your news, views and opinions on social media?

Well, this role might be for you!

We are looking for committed, dynamic young people to join our team as SCILT interns. This would see you using social media regularly and collaborating effectively with a team to demonstrate your love of languages and where they can take you, on a national, international and global level. This is an excellent opportunity for the right person to experience a professional work internship and enhance their sixth year at school.

Please note that interns will be home-based and the opportunity is open to young people across the country. Successful applicants must commit to attending a training day in Glasgow on Tuesday 12 June 2018.

Application details

Please download and read the Information Pack. It includes the Job Description and Person Specification.

Please download and complete the Application Form. Applications must be submitted with a letter of reference from your Principal Teacher of Modern Languages or your Head Teacher.

Completed applications must be returned by email to SCILT by 8 April 2018.

For any further information, please contact SCILT.

Teachers, please raise awareness of this opportunity amongst your S5 pupils.

Posted in: SCILT news

1+2 Case Study - James Young High School

16 March 2018 (SCILT)

The James Young High School (JYHS) is a six year, non-denominational, co-educational, comprehensive school with four associated primary schools in West Lothian. This case study focuses on the partnership approach between the secondary and associate primaries in the implementation of the 1+2 policy. 

In the JYHS cluster all learners study French as L2 throughout the broad general education until the end of S3 and German is delivered as an L3 on the continuum model.

Read the case study on the 1+2 section of our website.


SQA course reports for Higher Modern Languages 2017

16 March 2018 (SCILT/SQA)

We have summarised the Course Reports for Higher Modern Languages. These reports highlight areas where candidates performed well in the 2017 exam and areas where they encountered difficulty. They contain sound advice for both teachers and pupils in the run up to this year's exam diet. They can be found in the Senior Phase section of our website.

The full report for each language can be accessed on the SQA website under the Verification and Course Reports tab.


OU/SCILT languages course for primary practitioners

15 March 2018 (Open University in Scotland/SCILT)

Due to the success of the initial pilot of the course developed by the OU and SCILT, LXT192/4 Learning to teach languages in primary school (French/Spanish), we are delighted to now be able to extend the offer to all Local Authorities. The course will be offered for the following languages: French (LXT192), German (LXT193), Spanish (LXT194) and Mandarin (LXT197).

For the next presentation of this course starting in October 2018, registration will open on 1 April 2018. The course fee is £240.00 per student.

The course will be available to all primary practitioners but also secondary teachers who teach at primary level. We have produced an FAQ document with further detail about the course for your information.

In order to make the enrolment process as smooth as possible, we advise that in the first instance Development Officers contact Sylvia Warnecke at the Open University ( ) with a list of the names and email addresses of teachers planning to study this in their Local Authority. We aim to complete enrolment by late June 2018 to allow time for planning staffing and timetabling.

And last but not least, we are planning to offer teachers, who enrol on the course, a summer school experience which will offer immersion in the language to boost confidence and provide ample opportunities to learn more about the cultures in which the language they are studying is spoken. The summer school is not part of the course, it is optional and can be booked separately. More information on this will be published in due course.

Policy makers, local councils, local authorities, MSPs and Consulates may also be interested in an event celebrating last years' pilot course, Primary school teachers learning to teach languages - A celebration, being held in Edinburgh on 7 June 2018.

SQA course reports for Advanced Higher Modern Languages 2017

9 March 2018 (SCILT/SQA)

We have summarised the Course Reports for Advanced Higher Modern Languages. These reports highlight areas where candidates performed well in the 2017 exam and areas where they encountered difficulty. They contain sound advice for both teachers and pupils in the run up to this year's exam diet. They can be found in the Senior Phase section of our website.

The full report for each language can be accessed on the SQA website under the Verification and Course Reports tab.


Languages Network Group Scotland (LANGS)

1 March 2018 (SCILT)

Dear colleagues

We have decided to cancel the meeting on Friday, March 2 in view of the severe weather warnings around the country which will make travelling very difficult for many of our members. Apologies for the short notice but we felt this was the sensible choice to make for everyone's safety and comfort.

We will carry the planned agenda forward to the June meeting which will take place on June 1st in the University of Dundee.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience this will cause if you have already planned your trip but I'm sure you will all understand.

Best wishes

Mandy (SCILT)

Business brunches inspire Scotland’s future global workforce in Aberdeen

19 February 2018 (SCILT)

Young people from twelve schools across the north east of Scotland had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the Aberdeen Altens Hotel on 7 February 2018. 109 learners from S3-S4 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “The event was informative and interesting and drew pupils' attention to how having a language can be an asset in the workplace here, in Scotland. It showed pupils a wide variety of jobs, and how languages can benefit travel and working abroad. The day was very much what I had hoped it would be.”

One of the young people added to this and commented: “The event really demonstrated to me the usefulness of languages and how they can be combined with study and work in so many fields. I came away buzzing with information about possible careers.”

James Bream, Director of Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) in the North East said: “The North East of Scotland is a region with a global outlook, but language take-up in schools is a concern as we look to a future, which will require even more international trade. Business support for this SCILT event was clear with a range of speakers hoping to ‘inspire a generation’ by telling stories about how languages have proved beneficial for them. DYW North East hope these inspirational people can encourage our learners to make languages a choice for their future.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at University of Strathclyde, in partnership with DYW North East together with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland (UCMLS). Schools represented were Harlaw Academy, Kincorth Academy, Hazlehead Academy, Mintlaw Academy, Meldrum Academy, Aboyne Academy, Banchory Academy, Westhill Academy, Portlethen Academy, Banff Academy, Turriff Academy and Cults Academy.

Companies attending included TOTAL UK LTD, University of Aberdeen, Hoover Ferguson, Hydra Offshore, Ernst and Young and the Scottish Dance Theatre. The Open University in Scotland, Skills Development Scotland, Project Trust and Dragados UK supported the event by hosting a stall in the Marketplace.

Marion Spöring, Senior Lecturer (Languages and European Studies) at the University of Dundee and Chair of UCMLS said: “The learning of languages is not only fun, but also essential for the future employment opportunities of our young people in Scotland. Languages set the foundation for varied careers, for future engineers as well as artists and in tourism, to name but a few.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT said: “In these times of uncertainty, it is even more important than ever that we equip our young people with the skills they will need for life beyond school. We want them to be outward-looking and able to operate in an interdependent world. Events such as these highlight the importance of language skills and intercultural competencies in the world of work.

“The business leaders who speak at these events give of their own time because they understand how much these skills are needed and valued by employers and how vital they are for Scotland’s business community. This kind of collaboration is an example of how education and business sectors can work together for their mutual benefit so that we can support young people and help them develop the portfolio of skills that employers require in their workforce.”

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Through hearing from a range of business leaders and interacting with employees, the aspirations of the young people who attended were raised.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy.

The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2018.

More information on SCILT’s 2018 Business Brunches.


Building with Lingo

16 February 2018 (SCILT/CISS)

Children, young people and their families are invited to attend an action-packed family languages event, hosted by Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT), and the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools (CISS), on Saturday 17th March 2018, from 12:15 to 16:00hrs at the University of Strathclyde.

The event is free. Please register through the link below.

SCILT would appreciate it if teachers and schools could pass this information on to families.

Register by 2 March 2018.


Related Files

New competition launched - LinguaChef 2018!

13 February 2018 (SCILT / City of Glasgow College)

We are thrilled to announce that we are working in partnership with City of Glasgow College to host a pilot version of a new SCILT competition called LinguaChef. The competition brings together two of our favourite topics – languages and food! As well as practising linguistic and culinary skills, pupils will work on their wider social, literacy, numeracy and financial skills.

Pupils from P1 – S6 are invited to work in teams of four to submit a recipe for an international dish symbolic of a country where either a language they are learning in school or a language that pupils use at home is spoken. So we are expecting to see some exciting recipes from France, Spain, Germany, South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Poland, Russia, the Middle East or even as far as China or Japan. We are also encouraging pupils to be creative, for example they could incorporate a bit of Scottish ‘fusion’ into their recipe to give it a twist.

Three semi-finalists from each age category will be selected based on their submitted recipes and they will then be invited to the grand finale with a chance to prepare, cook and present their dish in the professional kitchens at City of Glasgow College. An overall winner from each category will be chosen to win a prize for themselves and their school. Their recipes will also feature in the first ever SCILT cook book.

There are four age categories:

o P1-P3

Primary categories to present a
SWEET dish that could be a cake, biscuit, pudding or dessert for example

o P4-P7

o S1-S3

Secondary categories to present a
SAVOURY dish that would be eaten as a main course

o S4-S6

Recipes should include an introduction/explanation of the dish, a list of ingredients and the method. It can be submitted as a video clip (3 mins max) or as a PPT including photos of steps involved and the final dish, and possibly a voice-over too if pupils would like to add audio. Younger primary pupils in particular may find a video clip easier to submit as it does not require writing although if they choose to submit a PPT version we understand they may require some adult help with this.

A costings sheet will also be provided to help pupils with their financial education skills and to stay within budget.

Key dates and deadlines

Friday 9th March - Deadline for teachers to register interest using the online form
Friday 27th April - Submit entries via email to SCILT
Early May (tbc) - Judging of videos/PPTs to select semi-finalists
Friday 22nd June - Grand Finale at City of Glasgow College

After registration closes on 9th March, teachers will receive a further email with detailed guidelines, exemplar entries, costings sheets and an entry form. However, if you have any queries in the meantime then please contact Angela de Britos by email ( ).

Register now via the online form

MTOT 2017-18 winners announced!

9 February 2018 (SCILT)

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate everyone who took part in this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition in Scotland. The poems we received were inspiring, creative, funny and thought-provoking. We were delighted to receive so many entries and had an incredibly difficult time selecting those we felt were most deserving of a place in the 2017-18 MTOT anthology. Thank you to all who participated! 

We are pleased to announce this year’s successful entries as follows:

Mother Tongue





P4 – P6


Julia Wólszczak (Polish)

St James' Primary


Highly commended

Rayan Al-Boushi (Arabic)

St Albert's Primary


Highly commended

Zinaida Benya (Hungarian)

St James' Primary

P7 – S1


Nora Dhanou Rodriguez (Spanish)

West Primary


Highly commended

Bahadar Esakhiel (Pashto)

East Fulton Primary


Highly commended

Mohamad Al Chouhel (Arabic)

Williamsburgh Primary

S2 – S3


Erika Aitkenhead (Russian)

Kirkintilloch High

Senior Phase


Danai Nikitea (Greek)

Graeme High


Highly commended

Sayma Hossain (Italian)

Craigroyston Community High


Highly commended

Anett Ziegler (Hungarian)

Johnstone High 



Su Min Lai (Chinese)

University of Dundee


Highly commended

Yinuo Wang (Chinese)

University of Dundee


Highly commended

Hong Lin (Chinese)

City of Glasgow College


Other Tongue





Early Years


St Bridget's Early Years Class (Gaelic)

St Bridget's Primary

P4 – P6


Ava Stewart (German)

Gartcosh Primary


Highly commended

Kole Murray (Spanish)

Moray Primary


Highly commended

Nathan Decuyper (German)

Gartcosh Primary

P7 – S1


Maria Stewart (Irish)

St Mari Goretti Primary

S2 – S3


Emily McNally (French)

St Margaret's Academy


Highly commended

Ella Blake, Ashley Forrest, Hollie Speirs, Ilari Tsiko, William Wilson (French)

Craigroyston Community High


Highly commended

Harley Ewen (French)

Graeme High

Senior Phase


Maria Dorot (Spanish)

Craigroyston Community High


Highly commended

Simi Singh (French)

Graeme High


Highly commended

Jasmin Jardine (French)

Loudoun Academy

FE/HE Winner Arnault Bembo (Spanish) University of the West of Scotland
  Highly commended Farah Nabila Binti Mohd Zin and Nurul Syakirah Binti Ahmad Ghazali (Japanese and Italian) University of Dundee and University of Edinburgh

Well done to everyone who took part in the competition. It's been a marvellous celebration of the various languages spoken in our communities. You should all be very proud of your work.

To mark participation in the competition, registered schools and institutions will shortly be sent a certificate which can be printed out and presented to pupils who took part. The finalists above will be invited in due course to receive theirs at the MTOT celebration event on 17 March.

Thank you all once again and keep writing!

Business brunches inspire Scotland’s future global workforce in Edinburgh

6 February 2018 (SCILT)

Young people from twenty schools across the Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders areas had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at Dynamic Earth on 30 January 2018. 208 learners from S3 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “The presentations were relevant. Pupils could relate to the speakers, especially those from Scotland. They really highlighted languages as an additional skill that give you the edge, which is an important message for our learners.”

One of the young people added to this, and commented: “I learnt that knowing a language can bring you a lot of opportunities and can be fun.”

Leanne Banks, Industry and Education Partnership Manager at Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian regional group, and one of the organisers, stated: “Allowing young people to hear directly from businesses across a wealth of sectors highlighted why continuing with their language(s) at school could be so beneficial to opening up a world of opportunities beyond school. With a variety of industry led workshops and exhibitors speaking directly with young people, everyone had opportunities to be informed and inspired. The day was action packed from start to finish and the feedback received from young people and teachers has been so positive we ought to start planning for the next one to make it bigger and better for 2019.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at University of Strathclyde, in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian, West Lothian and Borders regional groups together with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland (UCMLS). Schools represented were Beeslack Community High, Broughton High, Drummond Community High, Dunbar Grammar, Firrhill High, Liberton High, Newbattle Community High, North Berwick High, Portobello High, Preston Lodge High, Ross High, St Augustine's High, St David's High, Galashiels Academy, Kelso High, Peebles High, Armadale Academy, Bathgate Academy, St Kentigern's Academy and Whitburn Academy.

Companies attending included China-Britain Business Council, GlobalScot, The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, NHS, JPMorgan, Skyscanner, Food and Drink Federation Scotland and College Development Network, Asia Scotland Institute and Asia Scotland Partnership for the Environment. Apex Hotels, Dig It! 2017 Archaeology Scotland, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh College, Farne Salmon, Napier University, University of Edinburgh, Historic Environment Scotland, Laing O'Rourke, Languages by KLothian, Macdonald hotels, Multrees Walk, Project Trust, Royal Air Force, Scotland-Russia Forum, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Tourist Guide Association and The Open University in Scotland supported the event by hosting a stall in the Marketplace.

Marion Spöring, Senior Lecturer (Languages and European Studies) at the University of Dundee and Chair of UCMLS said: “The learning of languages is not only fun, but also essential for the future employment opportunities of our young people in Scotland. Languages set the foundation for varied careers, for future engineers as well as artists and in tourism, to name but a few.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT said: “In these times of uncertainty, it is even more important than ever that we equip our young people with the skills they will need for life beyond school. We want them to be outward-looking and able to operate in an interdependent world. Events such as these highlight the importance of language skills and intercultural competencies in the world of work.

“The business leaders who speak at these events give of their own time because they understand how much these skills are needed and valued by employers and how vital they are for Scotland’s business community. This kind of collaboration is an example of how education and business sectors can work together for their mutual benefit so that we can support young people and help them develop the portfolio of skills that employers require in their workforce.”

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Through hearing from a range of business leaders and interacting with employees, the aspirations of the young people who attended were raised.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy.

The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2018.

More information on SCILT’s 2018 Business Brunches.


New job profile from the hospitality industry

5 February 2018 (SCILT)

For relevant, labour-market focused career advice on languages, direct from the workplace, read our latest Job Profile. Willie Cameron is a founding Director of The Cobbs Group of Companies, which has hotels, coffee shops, retail units and a bakery in various locations throughout Scotland. In this job profile, Willie discusses the value of languages in Hospitality. Teachers, use this resource in your classroom to enhance learning about the world of work.


SCILT postcard competition – can your learners help to promote languages?

SCILT (29 January 2018)

SCILT is inviting pupils in S1-S3 to design a promotional postcard that SCILT will use at events to give to pupils to promote the importance of language learning.

The winning postcard will contain key messages on the value of language skills and will have an eye-catching design.

The pupil who designs the winning postcard will be awarded £25 amazon vouchers and be invited to attend the Word Wizard finals in the Scottish Parliament on 11 May 2018 to receive their prize.

  • Postcards should be designed on two sides of A4. Please bear in mind that this will be shrunk to postcard size.
  • The maximum word count for each side of the design is 100 words. 
  • Postcards should contain key messages on language learning. Please visit our website to find reports and suitable sources ( Reports and facts can be found on the Business pages, the Beyond School pages and in the leaflets in the Learners & Parents pages. 
  • Teachers may wish to work with a group of pupils or a class on this, but students should each submit their own work and entries will be judged on an individual basis. 
  • Pupils can design their own visuals or download pictures from the Internet. Any images need to be covered by CC0. We have listed some suitable websites below. 
  • If any photos of pupils are used, appropriate permissions need to be in place. The postcard will be uploaded onto our website and will be printed and distributed widely. It may also be used on social media. 
  • All sources for statements and images should be clearly stated on the cover sheet. 
  • We will add logos and web addresses. SCILT reserves the right to edit as appropriate. 
  • Entries must be submitted with cover sheet
  • Entries should be sent electronically to SCILT by 30 March 2018.
Some suggested websites for images

Unsplash: High-resolution photos licensed under CC0 which means you can copy, modify, distribute, and use the photos for free, without asking permission from or providing attribution to the photographer or Unsplash. You don't need to create an account to download.

Pexels: No attribution needed and you don't need an account to download the photos. These photos are also licensed under CC0.

Pixabay: All images and videos on Pixabay are released free of copyright under CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like. Attribution is not required and there are thousands of photos to choose from.

Business brunch in Inverness inspires Scotland’s future global workforce

26 January 2018 (SCILT)

Young people from thirteen schools across Highland, Moray and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the Kingsmills Hotel in Inverness on 22 January 2018. 112 learners from S3-S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of languages in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “Pupils had the opportunity to see that languages are important and valued in the workplace in different sectors. The event encouraged them to consider the importance of a second language in progressing in the world we live in.”

One of the young people added to this, and commented: “I learned about some of the opportunities languages can provide, and the paths along which language learning can take you. I was surprised at the diverse range of jobs where languages play a role.”

Andy Maxtone, Programme Manager at Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Inverness and Central Highland and one of the organisers said: “We were delighted to be involved with the event in Inverness. Having a second language can have a profound influence on the lives of young people. It was very inspiring to hear the speakers bring to life the abundance of career and lifestyle opportunities that can be gained through learning a language.

“It is vital that we retain our young talent here in the Highlands and, with so many Highland businesses trading globally, it was hugely helpful for our young people to learn that a second language is as valuable at home as it is abroad.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at University of Strathclyde, in partnership with DYW Inverness and Central Highland and the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland (UCMLS). Schools represented were The Nicolson Institute, Inverness Royal Academy, Tain Royal Academy, Inverness High School, Charleston Academy, Fortrose Academy, Alness Academy, Ullapool High School, Keith Grammar School, Dingwall Academy, Culloden Academy and Nairn Academy. Companies attending included Inverness Chamber of Commerce, BBC Alba, The Grant Arms Hotel, pentahotel Inverness and Visit Loch Ness and Cobbs Group. Skills Development Scotland, Culloden Battlefield, Project Trust, The Open University in Scotland and University of the Highlands and Islands supported the event by hosting a stall in the Marketplace.

Marion Spöring, Senior Lecturer (Languages and European Studies) at the University of Dundee and Chair of UCMLS said: “The learning of languages is not only fun, but also essential for the future employment opportunities of our young people in Scotland. Languages set the foundation for varied careers, for future engineers as well as artists and in tourism, to name but a few.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT said: “In these times of uncertainty, it is even more important than ever that we equip our young people with the skills they will need for life beyond school. We want them to be outward-looking and able to operate in an interdependent world. Events such as these highlight the importance of language skills and intercultural competencies in the world of work.

“The business leaders who speak at these events give of their own time because they understand how much these skills are needed and valued by employers and how vital they are for Scotland’s business community. This kind of collaboration is an example of how education and business sectors can work together for their mutual benefit so that we can support young people and help them develop the portfolio of skills that employers require in their workforce.”

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Through hearing from a range of business leaders and interacting with employees, the aspirations of the young people who attended were raised.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy.

The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2018.



The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme

26 January 2018 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme, the flagship national leadership programme, is now open for registration.

Hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland, The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme is aimed at those who have, or aspire to have, a responsibility for leading languages and developing colleagues’ capacity to deliver the 1+2 approach to languages in their context. The programme is completely free of charge for educators in the public sector and begins with a summer school. This year the summer school takes place from Monday 2 July to Thursday 5 July 2018 at the University of Strathclyde’s city centre campus in Glasgow.

The programme features inputs from a wider variety of speakers with a broad range of expertise in teaching and leading languages from Education Scotland, SCILT, CISS, cultural organisations, local authorities, independent consultancies and other professionals. The inclusion of parallel sessions will offer choice to participants, and the content is a balance of theory, policy and practice around language learning and teaching, leadership, personal reflection and professional evaluation. Get a flavour of the most recent summer school on our website.

The themes of the 2018 summer school are:

  • 1+2 languages: the national picture and the position of languages within the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish Attainment Challenge 
  • Strategic leadership in languages: planning and evaluation 
  • Progression in language learning 
  • Parental and wider engagement in language learning 
  • Raising attainment: practical ways to develop literacy skills across languages 
  • L3 – existing models, diversity of languages 
  • Inclusive practice in languages

The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme:

  • supports local authorities by building capacity and helping them achieve a sustainable model for leading language learning and teaching for all, and  
  • has the option of Professional Recognition from the GTCS for participants

We are offering up to 50 free places at the summer school. Before submitting your application, we would ask you to discuss with your head teacher/line manager the purpose and aims of any subsequent leadership role and how best to capitalise on this professional learning experience.

Attendees will be responsible for claiming all travel expenses directly from their own local authority. This excludes Orkney, Shetland and Western Isles who can claim from SCILT.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided by SCILT for the duration of the week.

Registration opens at 9am on Monday 29 January 2018 through the link below. The link will go live at this time

Registration closes on Saturday 31 March 2018.


Posted in: 1+2, CPD, SCILT news

Scottish Languages Review & Digest – Issue 33 online!

19 January 2018 (SCILT)

Contributing authors and their topics: Jim Cummins (teaching in multilingual classrooms) Julia Hofweber & Suzanne Graham (creative texts in language teaching); Elizabeth Clingan & Sandra Coles (teaching multi-composite classes in Scottish primary schools); Elizabeth Murray (Scottish primary school teachers’ views on 1+2 policy); and Edward Bugler (working as a British Council Language Assistant in Quebec). There are also links to interesting articles in other journals, recent language publications and upcoming events.


Glasgow Business Brunch inspires Scotland’s future global workforce

16 January 2018 (SCILT)

Young people from fourteen schools across the west of Scotland had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the University of Strathclyde on 12 January 2018. 128 learners from S3-S5 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of languages in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “Pupils were hugely inspired by all of the speakers. It was good for them to hear the many ways in which languages can be used. It was poignant that all of the speakers highlighted the fact that languages will be more important than ever post-Brexit and, furthermore, that languages are not only an asset in terms of job opportunities but help to break down barriers and unite people.”

One of the young people added to this and commented: “I learnt that languages are relevant to a wide range of jobs. I will definitely consider languages going forward.”

Jo Heinemeier from Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP, one of the exhibitors, stated: “Being able to communicate with people from other cultures will enrich your life and career in immeasurable ways. Foreign languages are the key to expanding your opportunities across the world.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland. Schools represented were Dumbarton Academy, Grange Academy, St Ninian's High (East Dunbartonshire), Hyndland Secondary, Dalziel High, Linwood High, Shawlands Academy, Renfrew High, St Mungo’s Academy, Kilsyth Academy, Douglas Academy, Carluke High, Marr College and Calderside Academy. Companies attending included Shepherd and Wedderburn, Bank ABC, Keppie Design, Russian Centre ‘Haven’, GlobalScot and Radio Lingua. Project Trust, The Open University in Scotland, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Food and Drink Federation Scotland and College Development Network, Investment 2020 and University of Strathclyde supported the event by hosting a stall in the Marketplace.

Marion Spöring, Senior Lecturer (Languages and European Studies) at the University of Dundee and Chair of UCMLS said: “The learning of languages is not only fun, but also essential for the future employment opportunities of our young people in Scotland. Languages set the foundation for varied careers, for future engineers as well as artists and in tourism, to name but a few.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT said: “In these times of uncertainty, it is even more important than ever that we equip our young people with the skills they will need for life beyond school. We want them to be outward-looking and able to operate in an interdependent world. Events such as these highlight the importance of language skills and intercultural competencies in the world of work.

“The business leaders who speak at these events give of their own time because they understand how much these skills are needed and valued by employers and how vital they are for Scotland’s business community. This kind of collaboration is an example of how education and business sectors can work together for their mutual benefit so that we can support young people and help them develop the portfolio of skills that employers require in their workforce.”

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Through hearing from a range of business leaders and interacting with employees, the aspirations of the young people who attended were raised.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy. The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2018.


Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce - launch of 2018 Business Brunch series

15 January 2018 (SCILT)

Young people from twelve schools across Dundee and the surrounding area had the opportunity to engage with local businesses in the first of a series of Business Brunch events, held at the University of Dundee on 10 January 2018. 118 S3 learners heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The event demonstrated the relevance of languages in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “The Business Brunch showed pupils that knowing a language can have a positive impact on them in a variety of ways and can help at various stages of their lives, both in and out of work.”

One of the young people added to this and commented: “I discovered that a language can be very useful when competing in the jobs market. It was fascinating to discover the practical applications of knowing a language in a work context, for example helping to negotiate with colleagues in another country.”

Donald Mackenzie, Factory Personnel Manager at Michelin Tyre PLC and one of the keynote speakers told the learners: “Speaking and understanding another language allows me to do a job, to connect with more people and to work in a different environment. In my case, knowledge of a language facilitates my role rather than being a job in itself!”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at University of Strathclyde, in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland (UCMLS). Schools represented were Craigie High, Woodmill High, Blairgowrie High, Beath High, Montrose Academy, Grove Academy, Webster’s High, McLaren High, Graeme High, Holyrood Secondary, Brechin High and Levenmouth Academy. Companies attending included Michelin Tyre PLC, University of Dundee, Valentine International Business Connections LLP, Scottish Dance Theatre, Outplay Entertainment and Tokheim UK Ltd. Scotland-Russia Forum, Project Trust, The Open University in Scotland and Skills Development Scotland supported the event by hosting a stall in the Marketplace.

Marion Spöring, Senior Lecturer (Languages and European Studies) at the University of Dundee and Chair of UCMLS said: “The learning of languages is not only fun, but also essential for the future employment opportunities of our young people in Scotland. Languages set the foundation for varied careers, for future engineers as well as artists and in tourism, to name but a few.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT added: “In these times of uncertainty, it is even more important than ever that we equip our young people with the skills they will need for life beyond school. We want them to be outward-looking and able to operate in an interdependent world. Events such as these highlight the importance of language skills and intercultural competencies in the world of work.

“The business leaders who speak at these events give of their own time because they understand how much these skills are needed and valued by employers and how vital they are for Scotland’s business community. This kind of collaboration is an example of how education and business sectors can work together for their mutual benefit so that we can support young people and help them develop the portfolio of skills that employers require in their workforce.”

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Through hearing from a range of business leaders and interacting with employees, the aspirations of the young people who attended were raised.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy.

The event is the first of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2018.



SCILT and CISS professional learning programmes

10 January 2018 (SCILT/CISS)

The SCILT and CISS professional learning programmes for 2017-18 are still available to book for the rest of this session. 

Newly added to the SCILT programme, the workshop 'Supporting pupils with the Advanced Higher Portfolio' is now available to request for your local authority.

Remember all of our CLPL workshops are free to book. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us. 

To make a booking please email SCILT to receive a link to the request form.


SCILT newsletter - latest edition published

14 December 2017 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published. Read how schools have developed partnerships with other schools in the area, with business and other external partners, and with schools across Europe, and the impact this has had on learning and teaching. Find out how European Day of Languages was celebrated, about Spanish at the zoo and about SCILT’s own work to celebrate and promote languages, including Word Wizard, our Business Brunches and Language Linking Global Thinking.


Posted in: SCILT news

SCILT Christmas webpage now live!

1 December 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your pupils, from songs and games to interactive advent calendars. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and around the world!


St Thomas Aquinas Secondary new 1+2 Case Study: language uptake into the senior phase

17 November 2017 (SCILT)

St Thomas Aquinas RC Secondary is a Roman Catholic, co-educational, secondary school based in the West End of Glasgow. As the catchment area is the largest of any school in Glasgow, St Thomas Aquinas serves a very diverse set of local communities that contributes to the multi-ethnic nature of the school. All learners in the St Thomas Aquinas learning community study Spanish throughout the broad general education until the end of S3. This case study focuses on language uptake from the broad general education into the senior phase through a journey of self-evaluation.


Languages beyond school

6 November 2017 (SCILT)

As the UCAS application process gets underway, make sure any pupils thinking of continuing their language studies checks out the Beyond School section of our website.

This section contains useful information to help senior pupils decide on the different language courses and options available once they have left school, at college, university or as part of a gap year. There are links to courses available in Scotland and across the UK.

Pupils, parents, guidance and careers staff should all find this section of our website useful.


Posted in: SCILT news

Languages Lost and Found Saturday 18 November

6 November 2017 (SCILT/UCMLS)

As part of the UK’s annual Being Human Festival the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland (UCMLS) has organised Languages Lost and Found, a series of events where local workshops, exhibitions and demonstrations make visible the often hidden richness and diversity of languages and cultures in Scottish society. There are seven participating venues in Dundee, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow, Inverness, Kilbirnie and Oban. Check out the full details through the link below – hope to see you at one of the events!

UCMLS gratefully acknowledges the support from Scotland's National Centre for Languages and British Council Scotland. Special thanks go to the AHRC Modern Languages Leadership Fellow, Professor Janice Carruthers, who funded some of the administrative costs.


Word Wizard 2018 - new semi-final added!

3 November 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

SCILT's Word Wizard competition is returning for its fifth year and we are delighted to announce we are adding a fourth semi-final date!

In addition to the semi-finals already taking place at the Universities of Strathclyde, Aberdeen and Dundee, in collaboration with the UCMLS, this year we will be holding another semi-final at Edinburgh College. 

Word Wizard is a multilingual spelling competition open to S1-S3 pupils learning French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin or Spanish. The competition provides a perfect opportunity for language teachers to address The Attainment Challenge by allowing pupils of all levels the chance to excel in language learning. Word Wizard develops skills in acquisition of vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, recall and public speaking; not to mention the many literacy outcomes it addresses. This hugely motivating competition encourages links with other curricular areas and with health and wellbeing, culminating in a high profile celebration of language learning.

Visit SCILT's Word Wizard webpage to find out more about this year's competition and to register your school.


New job profile on SCILT website!

30 October 2017 (SCILT)

For relevant, labour-market focused career advice on languages, direct from the workplace, read our latest Job Profile on Claire Pembleton, whose languages have enabled her to work in teaching, management and sales. Teachers, use this resource in your classroom to enhance learning about the world of work.


The return of Business Brunches: Language skills in the world of work

27 October 2017 (SCILT)

We are delighted to announce that SCILT, in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce and the University Council of Modern Languages Scotland, will be hosting a series of five Business Brunch events across Scotland over the course of January and February 2018. These events will take place in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness.

Aimed specifically at S3 – S6 pupils, these events will demonstrate the relevance of language skills in a work context with the intention of encouraging pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education and beyond.

Schools will be invited to nominate up to ten pupils who will be able to discover how languages can enhance communication skills, motivation and employability opportunities in line with 'Developing the young workforce', Scotland’s youth employment strategy, and the National Improvement Framework.

Young people will hear from a wide range of dynamic business leaders who view languages as a key skill in today’s globalised world and engage with exhibitors whilst enjoying refreshments.

The purpose of the exhibitor gallery is to present opportunities to speak with representatives from a variety of businesses. Young people will be able to ask questions directly and discover more about the range of careers and employment opportunities available within each of the sectors present.

The networking with exhibitors will be followed by a keynote speaker after which pupils will be invited to listen to two interesting presentations. They will be allocated groups prior to the event and will be able to hear first-hand the important role that languages play in the business community. To finish off the day, an inspirational speaker will address pupils.

This is the fourth year we have offered this successful opportunity to schools.

Business Brunches 2018 Registration
  • 10 January 2018: University of Dundee
    Registration will open on 3 November 2017
  • 12 January 2018: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
    Registration will open on 3 November 2017
  • TBC - 22 January 2018: Kingsmills Hotel, Inverness
    Registration will open on 3 November 2017
  • 30 January 2018: Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh
    For this event only, places are restricted to S3 pupils and to the following authorities:
    City of Edinburgh, East Lothian. Midlothian, Scottish Borders and West Lothian
    Register now via Marketplace.
    You will be asked to create an account if you do not have a login to the Marketplace, and will be directed to the page once you have signed up.
  • 7th February, 2018: The Aberdeen Altens Hotel, Aberdeen
    Registration will open on 3 November 2017


Teachers become learners with new languages project

17 October 2017 (Open University/SCILT)

Primary school teachers are being given the confidence to teach languages to their pupils through a new project run by The Open University (OU) in Scotland and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages.

Fifty one teachers from schools across nine local authorities are participating in ‘Learning to teach Languages in Primary School’ which will see them learn French or Spanish as well as how to teach the language in class.

The project aims to support the Scottish Government’s “1+2” Language Policy, which has the objective that every pupil will learn two modern foreign languages alongside their mother tongue from primary school onwards.


SCILT/CISS Associates - register now!

12 October 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

New for session 2017/18, SCILT/CISS is compiling a database of partners and stakeholders, including teachers from all sectors, who wish to become associate members of the SCILT/CISS team. Throughout the year, we may contact our associates if we are planning either a project or piece of work where we require additional capacity, expertise or advice.

If you think you might like to work more closely with the team you can find further details and the registration of interest form on the professional learning pages of our website.


Paul Belmonte, BSL / English Interpreter

10 October 2017 (SCILT)

My World of Work have created a video to complement our job profile of Paul Belmonte, who works as a BSL / English interpreter. This video can be used in the classroom, together with Paul's Job Profile, to enhance learners' understanding about the world of work.


National 5 Modern Languages update

6 October 2017 (SCILT/SQA)

The course specification for National 5 has been updated following the Scottish Government announcement that unit assessments will no longer be mandatory from session 2016-17 at this level. As well as extracting the key points providing an overview of the content and assessment requirements, we now have links to SQA's recording of the National 5 webinar held in April/May and repeated in September/October 2017 on our website.

Other National Qualifications will be reviewed and updated in due course.


European Day of Languages - SCILT blog

5 October 2017 (SCILT)

How did you celebrate the European Day of Languages 2017? Visit our EDL 2017 blog to see how schools used fashion shows, poetry slams and lots of food to celebrate the linguistic diversity of Europe this year!

If you would like to feature in our EDL blog then send a description of your activities and some colourful photos to The best entries might even make it into the next SCILT newsletter!


New job profile on SCILT website! Clare O'Toole - Law with Spanish student

29 September 2017 (SCILT)

For relevant, labour-market focused career advice on languages, direct from the workplace, read our latest Job Profile on Clare O'Toole, Law with Spanish student. Teachers, use this resource in your classroom to enhance learning about the world of work.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition 2017-18

22 September 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

Today sees the launch of this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition and we're delighted to announce the addition of a category for students in further and higher education, enabling all Scottish educational establishments to participate.

Whether pupils are learning a language at school, college or university, or whether they speak a native language at home, everyone can get involved in celebrating their linguistic and cultural diversity through creative poetry writing as there are options to enter in either the Mother Tongue or Other Tongue category. Even if you've taken part in the competition before, please note and read the new rules and criteria as only original work will be considered.

For more information about this year's competition and previous events, visit our MTOT website and register to take part! Closing date for registrations is 27 October 2017.


GTCS Excellence in Professional Learning Awards

22 September 2017 (SCILT)

On Thursday 21 September, the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS) hosted their first Excellence in Professional Learning Awards held at the Hilton Grosvenor Hotel in Glasgow.

The Excellence in Professional Learning Award for Schools and Learning Communities recognises the central role that leadership at all levels plays in creating and sustaining professional learning environments where teacher professionalism can flourish and bring sustained impact on learning and learners.

Sir Harry Burns, Former Chief Medical Officer for Scotland and Ken Muir, CEO of the GTCS presented this new award to Windygoul Primary School, East Lothian; North Ayrshire Professional Learning Academy and Fife Pedagogy Team and St Ninian’s RC High School, East Dunbartonshire. See the GTCS website for more detail about the individual successes.
In addition, professional learning programmes that have been accredited with Professional Recognition were also celebrated. As such, Lynne Jones Professional Development Officer at SCILT was delighted to accept a trophy on behalf of SCILT and Education Scotland as further validation of the 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme (formerly known as Train the Trainer). Visit the SCILT website for more information about this national, flagship professional learning opportunity.


Keith Grammar and associated primaries – new 1+2 Case Study!

22 September 2017 (SCILT)

Keith Grammar School promotes an inclusive policy where the school and local community are encouraged to work together to provide young people with academic and vocational opportunities. Strong links with local businesses and employers contribute to high numbers of young people moving into positive destinations after leaving school. This Case Study looks at how teachers across sectors (early years through to S6) have worked creatively and collaboratively to ensure that their learners are afforded their full entitlement to learning two languages.


European Day of Languages 2017

25 August 2017 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated across Europe on 26 September every year. It aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. 

SCILT is helping schools across Scotland to celebrate by distributing materials developed by the ECML. These resources are free to order and act as excellent prizes and rewards. Visit our European Day of Languages webpage for information on how to order packs, for ideas on how to celebrate, and to find out how your school could feature in our EDL2017 blog.


Out now! SCILT and CISS professional learning programmes

25 August 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

The brand new SCILT and CISS professional learning programmes for 2017-18 are now available for booking!

Remember all of our CLPL workshops are free to book. You find a date and a venue and get in touch with us. 

To make a booking please email SCILT to receive a link to the request form. 

Additional professional learning opportunities will be offered during the year, for example via Glow or at the University of Strathclyde campus. To keep up-to-date with these occasional opportunities as they arise, please sign up to the SCILT weekly news bulletin.

SCILT/CISS supporting promotional events

25 August 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

The SCILT/CISS team are available to support language promotion events in your school. A promotional event may include talks at assemblies, business and language events, career fairs, parents' nights and other similar input. 

In order to ensure all schools have the opportunity to benefit from our involvement, we are now requesting that you complete an online application form. 

You will be asked to outline how a promotional event might support your uptake in the senior phase, if applicable, and what other measures you are putting in place to address the Attainment Agenda, National Improvement Framework and Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce.

All requests for the 2017/18 session must be received by 31st October 2017 in order for schools and the SCILT/CISS team to plan effectively. 

Please email SCILT in the first instance to receive an application form. 

Business Language Champions

25 August 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

The Business Language Champions (BLC) scheme helps schools and businesses to build partnerships through languages in order to support teachers in developing young people’s learning about the world of work and their understanding of the value of language skills to their future employability.

Find out more about BLCs via the case studies section of our website. 

To request a business link for your school email SCILT to receive a link to the online registration form.


SCILT/CISS Associates - register now!

24 August 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

New for session 2017/18, SCILT/CISS is compiling a database of partners and stakeholders, including teachers from all sectors, who wish to become associate members of the SCILT/CISS team. Throughout the year, we may contact our associates if we are planning either a project or piece of work where we require additional capacity, expertise or advice.

If you think you might like to work more closely with the team and help us enlarge the 'SCILT/CISS family', then please follow the link below to complete the registration of interest form.


Cross-Sector Hub meetings

24 August 2017 (SCILT)

UCMLS, the professional organisation representing languages staff in Scottish universities, is again holding two sets of regional cross-sector meetings during 2017-18, with support from SCILT.

The first round of meetings will be during the week beginning 11 September 2017. We will present our planned events and initiatives for the coming session, including the new Languages Lost & Found events on 18 November.

Language teachers and staff in schools, colleges and universities are warmly invited to attend. For those who live too far to attend in person we are also offering the option of joining us on one of two virtual meetings via Skype.

Please register for your session choice by Friday 1 September 2017.


New job profile on SCILT's website

18 August 2017 (SCILT)

The job profiles on our website cover a range of professions where languages are being used.

Our latest addition comes from Emma Gallacher, whose language skills have taken her from Scotland to the Costa Blanca, where she now works as receptionist for an established Real Estate firm. She firmly believes learning the language has enabled her to settle and integrate into the Spanish way of life.

Teachers use our profiles in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how language skills can play a part.


Braehead Primary School Stirling - Getting to grips with languages!

15 August 2017 (SCILT/CISS/Braehead PS)

The children of Braehead Primary have been making languages come alive through a collaborative project with Historic Environment Scotland (HES) at Stirling Castle. This project saw P5 pupils working in groups on a number of different tasks. The end result was a virtual tour of Stirling Castle in Chinese, signage in Chinese, language training for castle tour guides and maps of the castle in Chinese. Learners' literacy skills benefited from the project, and their understanding about the world of work increased.

You can see the film in Chinese, set within the castle walls, on the school’s YouTube channel. The film will be entered for the British Film Festival awards in London in October.

The project had a positive impact on the wider school community.  The school has recently launched a Chinese character challenge. This is a whole-school competition where one character a week is introduced on their interactive wall in the dining hall – highly visible to all. At the end of term, pupils and teachers will take part in a quiz based on these characters with Chinese-themed prizes up for the taking! Pupils continue to produce language podcasts in Chinese and other languages. The podcasts can be accessed via the Braehead Primary Languages Café on the school’s website.

There are six classes at Braehead learning Chinese as L3 from P4 to P6. The P5s are the trailblazers and have been learning the language for nearly two years.

Read the full case study of the project for replicable ideas for your own school context to support partnership working and help your school deliver on Developing the Young Workforce.

photo of Braehead PS Stirling Castle project wall displayBraehead PS What I have learnt wall display


National languages leadership programme welcomes its largest cohort yet

28 July 2017 (SCILT)

Fifty-one teachers from twenty-one local authorities across Scotland attended a week-long summer school at the University of Strathclyde School of Education at the beginning of July 2017. The summer school takes forward the recommendations from the Scottish Government’s flagship policy, “Language learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach” by building capacity and leadership skills within the teaching profession.

The course in July marks the start of a twelve-month professional learning programme, “The 1+2 languages leadership programme”, delivered by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, in partnership with Education Scotland. The programme engages lead language educators in designing, promoting and supporting the provision of effective language learning experiences for young people and high quality professional learning for in- and pre-service teachers. Content is a balance of theory, research, policy and practice relevant to language learning and as such, it carries accreditation from the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS).

Opening the Summer School, Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT explained: “This programme will put each participant in an informed position to take forward important roles in facilitating effective professional learning and in championing the creation of a climate in Scotland where language skills make a significant contribution to a fairer, smarter and more successful nation.”

Lisa Adair, a participant and Principal Teacher of Modern Languages at Braeview Academy in Dundee said: “What a brilliant experience the last week has been. So very worthwhile in so many ways – thanks to everyone involved! I have taken away some great ideas, input, insights, and ammunition to help me continue with the campaign to embed the 1+2 policy and maintain the very important place of languages in our Scottish curriculum. I am grateful for this opportunity and for the chance to have met some great colleagues and practitioners.”

Participants came from all sectors, including primary, secondary, higher education and the private sector. They attended workshops delivered by Classics for All; Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools ; EAL Service, Glasgow City Council; Goethe-Institut; Institute Français; Languages for Education Europe; Lingo Flamingo and Stòrlann. Between them, the participants had knowledge and experience of learning and teaching Chinese, French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin and Spanish.

The programme is in its fifth year. This year saw the largest number of participants to date. In the coming months there will be the opportunity for participants to go on to achieve professional recognition in leading learning in languages from GTCS.

Scottish Government's ambition is to expand and improve language learning by 2021, so that young people are equipped with the skills and competencies they need in an increasingly globalised world. From 2021 every child will be entitled to learn a first additional language from P1 and a second by P5. This entitlement continues until the end of S3. This ambition contributes significantly to the Scottish Attainment Challenge agenda.

Posted in: CPD, SCILT news

Coming soon: SCILT Associates

23 June 2017 (SCILT)

New for session 2017/18, SCILT is compiling a database of partners and stakeholders, including teachers from all sectors, who wish to become associate members of the SCILT team.

Throughout the year, we may contact our associates if we are planning either a project or piece of work where we require additional capacity, expertise or advice.

If you think you might like to work more closely with the team and help us enlarge the 'SCILT family', then please keep your eye on the bulletin at the start of the new session when we will be able to give further information and sign up details.

New approach to SCILT/CISS promotional events

23 June 2017 (SCILT/CISS)

SCILT and CISS are currently reviewing their strategy for promotional events. In order to ensure all schools have the opportunity to benefit from our involvement, we are now requesting that you complete an online application form. You will be asked to outline how a promotional event might support your uptake in the senior phase and what other measures you are putting in place to address the Attainment Agenda, National Improvement Framework and Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce.

Please contact us at SCILT ( in the first instance. An application form will be sent to you once finalised.

SLR Issue 32 online

16 June 2017 (SCILT)

A must read! Two teachers write about their efforts of raising the status of languages in their school, with quite different outcomes. We also hear about an exciting new UK-wide initiative for languages, a mindset-changing dual-language immersion programme in the USA and a group of Edinburgh University students tell us about the impact of working with refugees in Germany. Do check out the other sections of the SLR as well – Selected publications – eg summaries of recent research on L2 impact, Selected articles (from other journals) e.g. those from the new ‘Languages, Society and Policy’ journal, and Selected events e.g. Scotland-EU Relations as Brexit Talks Unfold with Fiona Hyslop MSP.


Modern Language Assistants (MLA) Projects 2016-17

15 June 2017 (SCILT / British Council)

Every year language assistants try to make languages really come alive for young people in Scotland's schools, e.g. by initiating a language exchange, participating in language competitions, or by organising immersion days. 

In this blog you can browse through the work of last year's assistants. You can search the slides either by language or by school year group. Enjoy, and we hope you will be inspired to follow in their footsteps!


1+2 FAQS for practitioners: revised and refreshed

13 June 2017 (SCILT)

Following a wide-ranging consultation with the profession earlier this academic session, our 1+2 FAQs for practitioners have been updated and uploaded to the SCILT website.

Sincere thanks go to all the primary and secondary teachers who took the time to participate in our survey.

If you have any further questions about the 1+2 Approach, please contact


1+2 Languages Leadership Programme - Registration extended until 11 June!

26 May 2017 (SCILT)

Summer School is on! The national leadership programme formerly known as Train the Trainer has undergone an extensive review over the last year.

Under its new name, The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme, this flagship national leadership programme is open for registration until Sunday, 11th June. The programme has Professional Recognition accreditation from GTCS and is completely free of charge for educators in the public sector. It begins with a Summer School from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th July 2017, taking place at the University of Strathclyde’s city centre campus in Glasgow.

Hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland, The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme is aimed at those who have, or aspire to have, a responsibility for leading languages and developing colleagues’ capacity to deliver the 1+2 approach to languages.

The revised programme features inputs from a wide variety of speakers with an extensive range of expertise in teaching and leading languages. The inclusion of parallel sessions offers choice to participants, and the content is a balance of theory, policy and practice around language learning and teaching, leadership, personal reflection and professional evaluation.

Download the programme

We are offering two free places at the Summer School to each local authority and one free space for each Teacher Education Institution in Scotland. Nominations are sought for representatives from any sector with suitable experience or aspirations.

Interested in participating in The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme? First step is to contact your local authority QIO with your expression of interest.

If you have any questions regarding the leadership programme please contact Emma McLean.

Posted in: 1+2, CPD, SCILT news

Word Wizard competition: Motivating young people in their language learning

26 May 2017 (SCILT)

S1-S3 pupils from across Scotland took part in the national final of Word Wizard at the Scottish Parliament on 12 May 2017. Word Wizard is a multilingual spelling competition for pupils learning French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin and Spanish. Forty-nine learners from nine local authorities and independent schools competed in the final in front of an audience of teachers, supporters and guests. Each year pupils and teachers report that the competition increases motivation, enhances language performance and improves attitudes to language learning.

A teacher entering pupils into the final commented: “Practice for the competition has seen pupils increase in their confidence and has allowed pupils to be competitive with each other in a different way.”

A pupil competing in the final said: “I liked learning new words; it gave me a head start in class.”

Another competing pupil said: “I enjoyed performing in front of the crowd, but most of all watching and listening to the other languages, which was inspiring.”

Word Wizard is organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at University of Strathclyde, in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland. In March 2017, 170 pupils from 20 local authorities and independent schools competed in semi-finals in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee to battle it out for a place at the prestigious final.

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT added: “It’s wonderful to see so many young people taking part in the Word Wizard competition representing a wide range of local authorities. Having an understanding of another language can really transform a person’s life and encourages the development of a whole range of important skills. Through such events, SCILT aims to offer teachers really motivating ways of enhancing the curriculum so that Scottish young people can reap the benefits of learning languages.”

Word Wizard supports the Scottish Government initiative, “Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach” by offering a diversity of languages as recommended by the report.

The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. One of the key drivers is improved literacy. The competition promotes literacy skills amongst pupils and helps schools develop partnership working with universities.

Word Wizard is supported by the European Commission and the final was sponsored by Colin Beattie, MSP.

Full details of the winners and further information on the competition can be found on the SCILT website.



Latest edition of SCILT newsletter published

26 May 2017 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published and features stories from across the country on how partnership working across sectors and with external partners, including business and the wider community, is enhancing language learning for all our young people. You will also be able to find out more about some innovative, replicable projects, including a French trail in the local community and using Google Expedition in the language classroom.


Posted in: SCILT news

Vacancy - Professional Development Officer

8 May 2017 (SCILT)

SCILT requires a Professional Development Officer to support secondary schools as they continue to develop their strategy for the implementation of the 1+2 languages policy. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland.

The Professional Development Officer will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures for teachers of languages. This would include, for example, leading professional learning workshops, managing projects, national awards/competitions and other promotional events.

Closing date: Tuesday 16 May 2017


Related Files

Posted in: SCILT news

MTOT 2016-17 celebration event webpage now live

5 May 2017 (SCILT)

We're pleased to announce the SCILT website has been updated and details of this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition award celebration held at the SEC, Glasgow in March are now available.

Here you can see photos of our winning performers, read the anthology of winning entries, access press articles and see feedback from pupils, teachers and parents.


New job profile on SCILT's website

28 April 2017 (SCILT)

The job profiles on our website cover a range of professions where languages are being used.

Our latest addition comes from Charlie Foot, founder of Bili, the online language exchange platform for schools. Charlie explains how speaking to people in their own language creates opportunities for much deeper connections and cultural understanding.

Teachers use our profiles in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how language skills can play a part.


Business Brunch 2017 events webpage now live!

25 April 2017 (SCILT)

A series of five successful Business Brunch events organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland took place this year where 535 learners from S3-S6 were given the opportunity to hear from a wide range of exciting business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company.

The events demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

Find out more about the events on our new Business Brunch 2017 webpage.


UCMLS 1+2 action plan published!

25 April 2017 (SCILT / UCMLS)

Following our final consultation with stakeholders at the national UCMLS conference in Glasgow on 10 March 2017 we have produced our cross-sector Action Plan in support of Scotland's 1+2 language policy, and it is now available online. Click below for more details but please REFRESH THE PAGE to get the latest version of the webpage!
Marion Spöring, UCMLS chair.


New job profile on the SCILT website

21 April 2017 (SCILT)

We have a selection of job profiles on our website demonstrating languages being used in a wide range of professions.

Our latest addition comes from David Rodger, Area Manager at Amazon Germany. He tells how people engage with you and realise you're on their side if you demonstrate the willingness to understand their language and culture.

Teachers use our profiles in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how language skills can play a part.


The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme

20 April 2017 (SCILT)

Summer School is on! The national leadership programme formerly known as Train the Trainer has undergone an extensive review over the last year.

Under its new name, The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme, this flagship national leadership programme will be open for registration from Monday. Invitations will go out to local authority representatives and teacher education institutions. The programme has Professional Recognition accreditation from GTCS and is completely free of charge for educators in the public sector. Beginning with a Summer School which will take place from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th July 2017 at the University of Strathclyde’s city centre campus in Glasgow.

Hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland, The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme is aimed at those who have, or aspire to have, a responsibility for leading languages and developing colleagues’ capacity to deliver the 1+2 approach to languages.

The revised programme features inputs from a wide variety of speakers with an extensive range of expertise in teaching and leading languages. The inclusion of parallel sessions offers choice to participants, and the content is a balance of theory, policy and practice around language learning and teaching, leadership, personal reflection and professional evaluation.

The themes of this updated Summer School are:
  • 1+2 languages: the national picture and the position of languages in the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish Attainment Challenge
  • Strategic leadership in languages: planning and evaluation
  • Progression in language learning
  • Parental and wider engagement in language learning
  • Raising attainment: practical ways to develop literacy skills across languages
  • L3 – existing models, diversity of languages
  • Inclusive practice in languages
  • Supporting bilingual learners
Interested in participating in The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme? Contact your local authority QIO.

New job profile on the SCILT website

31 March 2017 (SCILT)

We have a selection of job profiles on our website demonstrating languages being used in a wide range of professions.

Our latest addition comes from Jane Robb, PhD student at the Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich. Jane has studied several languages, including French, German and Spanish and says her Spanish language skills enable her to conduct fieldwork and live and work in Guatemala.

Teachers use our profiles in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how language skills can play a part.


Language Linking Global Thinking 2017/18 - Registrations of interest

30 March 2017 (SCILT)

SCILT is now inviting schools to register their interest in taking part in the Language Linking Global Thinking initiative in session 2017/18. 

The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend a year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad, the partner school keeps in regular contact with the student by emailing, sending postcards and other resources. The two-way correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. 

If you would like to take part in this project for session 2017-18, please complete the registration form

Visit the SCILT LLGT webpage for more information on Language Linking Global Thinking, including the blogs students have used to facilitate their contact with the schools.


Jackie Kay celebrates pupils’ multilingual poetry success

24 March 2017 (SCILT)

The multilingual talents of budding young poets from across Scotland were celebrated at a prestigious award ceremony in Glasgow. Jackie Kay, Scotland's Makar, presented the prizes.

Primary and secondary students from Aberdeenshire, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, Stirling and West Lothian used their language skills to create and share poetry for this year’s Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition. Winners received their prizes on the main Piazza stage at the SEC Glasgow on Saturday 11 March 2017 as part of the wider Languages Show Live Scotland event. Their work is published in an anthology.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue is an exciting project which celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing and showcases the many languages which are used by children and young people across Scotland, in school and at home. The competition is organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, based at University of Strathclyde. Jackie Kay is the patron of the competition.

One teacher said of the event: “Taking part in the Mother Tongue Other Tongue poetry competition was a very worthwhile endeavour. Pupils really enjoyed creating poems in another language and interesting language based discussions were generated. The emphasis on celebrating all languages from across the globe was a great message to share with pupils and they especially enjoyed mixing their own language with the languages they are learning at school. We will definitely be taking part again next year.”

Whilst one of the pupils summed up their feelings: “I feel happy, proud and special.”

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT, says: “Mother Tongue Other Tongue is a celebration of the many languages that are spoken and learned by children and young people across Scotland. The collection of their poems weaves a rich tapestry of voices that honours cultural diversity and pays testament to the wealth of Scotland’s many languages and cultures. We were delighted to see such a high calibre of entries this year, submitted in 35 different languages. Our congratulations go to the winners and to all who took part in the competition.”

Mother Tongue invites children who do not speak English as a first language to write a poem, rap or song in their mother tongue and share their inspiration. Other Tongue encourages children learning another language in school to use that language creatively with an original poem, rap or song in that other tongue. Prizes are awarded in both categories.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue supports the Scottish Government initiative, ‘Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach’ by allowing pupils to apply their language learning in a creative way. The competition provides children who do not have English as their first language an opportunity to celebrate their mother tongue.

The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. One of the key drivers is improved literacy. Through reflecting on poetry in their mother tongue and creating poetry in another tongue, learners are developing their literacy skills.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue is supported by the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland, creative writer Juliette Lee and the Scottish Poetry Library.

Details of the winners and the anthology are published on the SCILT website.
MTOT 2016-17 winners with Jackie Kay


Summary of SQA Course Reports for National 5 Modern Languages

23 March 2017 (SCILT)

We have summarised the Course Reports for National 5 Modern Languages and Gàidhlig. These reports highlight areas where candidates performed well in the 2016 exam and areas where they encountered difficulty.

They contain sound advice for both teachers and pupils in the run up to this year's exam diet.

The full report for each language can be accessed on the SQA website under the Verification and Course Reports tab.

The summary reports are attached below and can also be found on the Senior Phase, Essentials for Planning page on the SCILT website under the SQA Qualifications tab.


New job profile on SCILT's website

17 March 2017 (SCILT)

For relevant, labour-market focused career advice on languages, direct from the workplace, read our latest Job Profile from Lynn Sheppard, Masters Student and travel writer, former English teacher, diplomat and civil servant.

Lynn tells how languages have not only helped in all her diverse job roles, but in developing and maintaining personal and professional relationships around the globe. Language skills have given her a cultural insight into how others think and behave.

Teachers, use this resource in your classroom to enhance learning about the world of work.


Summary of SQA Course Reports for Higher and AH Modern Languages 2016

16 March 2017 (SCILT)

We have summarised the Course Reports for Higher and Advanced Higher Modern Languages and Gàidhlig. These reports highlight areas where candidates performed well in the 2016 exam and areas where they encountered difficulty.

They contain sound advice for both teachers and pupils in the run up to this year's exam diet.

The full report for each language can be accessed on the SQA website under the Verification and Course Reports tab.

The summary reports are attached below and can also be found on the Senior Phase, Essentials for Planning page on the SCILT website under the SQA Qualifications tab.


Language Show Live Scotland 2017

14 March 2017 (SCILT)

Thank you to everyone who came to see us at Language Show Live Scotland at the SEC last weekend! It was a fabulous event and great to meet so many teachers, pupils and language professionals and to find out how we can help support you all in learning, teaching and promoting languages. If you left an enquiry with us, we’re currently working our way through these and you should have a response within the next week or two, if you haven’t had one already.

We were so proud of our Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry winners who came along to the event and recited their poems for us on Saturday morning. Thank you so much to the teachers who took this initiative forward in school and of course to all the pupils who took part. We will be uploading the winners’ anthology and photos from the event to the website in due course, so keep watching the bulletin for updates on this.

If you didn’t make it along, our PDO Lynne Jones provides a flavour of the show in this video:

New job profile on SCILT's website

10 March 2017 (SCILT)

We have a range of Job Profiles on our website designed for teachers to use in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how language skills can play a part.

Our latest addition comes from Kirsten Matthews, a Distillery Tour Guide and Public Service Interpreter. Kirsten tells us her language skills make it possible for her to perform a service and to help people in her roles.

You can see Kirsten's profile on our website.


New Job Profile on the SCILT website

3 March 2017 (SCILT)

For relevant, labour-market focused career advice on languages, direct from the workplace, read our latest Job Profile from Sandie Robb, Senior Education Officer for the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS).

Working on conservation projects around the globe, Sandie explains how knowing even a little of a language is respectable and polite when working with colleagues worldwide.

Teachers, use this resource in your classroom to enhance learning about the world of work.


New student profile on SCILT's website

24 February 2017 (SCILT)

We have a range of Job Profiles on our website designed for teachers to use in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how language skills can play a part.

Our latest addition comes from Emma Therer, a student of German and Linguistics, whose aim is to become a translator and interpreter. She believes languages are key in getting to know people and to learn about other cultures.

Read her profile and others on our website now.


New job profile on SCILT's website

17 February 2017 (SCILT)

For relevant, labour-market focused career advice on languages, direct from the workplace, read our latest Job Profile from Katie Targett-Adams, a professional singer and harpist currently based in Hong Kong. Teachers, use this resource in your classroom to enhance learning about the world of work.


1+2 FAQs for parents and carers

17 February 2017 (SCILT)

The Scottish Government’s Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach was published in 2012. It aims to enable children and young people to study two languages in addition to their mother tongue in all Scottish primary and secondary schools.

As local authorities and schools move towards full implementation of the 1+2 Approach to language learning, and in light of the National Improvement Plan, SCILT is looking to refresh the Frequently Asked Questions for parents and carers area of our website. We would invite parents and carers to tell us what their current questions are around the 1+2 Approach. Please submit your burning questions through the link below.


Posted in: 1+2, SCILT news

Business brunches: Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce

14 February 2017 (SCILT)

Young people from eleven schools across the north east of Scotland had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the Beach Ballroom in Aberdeen on 9 February 2017. 116 learners from S3-S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “Today’s event gave learners the opportunity to engage with local employers and discover the relevance of language skills here, in their local area. Pupils were able to see that they might even need a language that is not taught at their school, but the skills they develop whilst learning any language are transferable and therefore valuable.”

One of the young people added to this and commented: “I learnt that no matter what career you pursue, it can be very useful to be able to speak a different language. It can broaden your horizons.”

Virginie Jégat from TOTAL E&P UK LIMITED and one of the workshop leaders stated: “Here at TOTAL E&P UK we see on a daily basis the benefit of languages in the workplace. The ability to speak another language adds huge value to the business experience, whilst increasing cultural understanding within the workforce and towards our clients.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at University of Strathclyde in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland. Companies attending included Aberdeen City Council, University of Aberdeen, The Chester Hotel, China-Britain Business Council, VisitScotland, TOTAL E&P UK LIMITED and Scottish Dance Theatre. Schools represented were Banchory Academy, Banff Academy, Buckie High School, Dyce Academy, Harlaw Academy, Hazlehead Academy, Inverurie Academy, Meldrum Academy, Mintlaw Academy, Peterhead Academy and The Gordon Schools.

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Through hearing from a range of business leaders and interacting with employees, the aspirations of the young people who attended were raised.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy. The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2017.


Passeport pour la Francophonie

14 February 2017 (SCILT)

SCILT are delighted to announce that Passeport pour la Francophonie is now live on its website.

This online resource focuses on French-speaking countries around the world. Angus, from Scotland invites you to join him on a journey as he travels to member countries of the Oranisation Internationale de la Francophonie and meets new friends.

Aude from France, Assouan from Egypt, Nyanga from Gabon, Menembe from Madagascar and Takakoto from Polynesia describe their daily lives, as well as the history and geography of the countries.

The website includes:

  • Information for primary practitioners about teaching language skills and developing learners’ cultural awareness through interdisciplinary learning.
  • Activities and resources for supporting interconnected teaching of languages.

Use together with the European Language Portfolio and pupils can record their achievements and progress in languages.

Please note this resource was developed by Education Scotland in 2012 and given to SCILT to host from 2017 onwards.


MTOT 2016-17 winners announced!

10 February 2017 (SCILT)

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate everyone who took part in this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition for schools in Scotland. We had a wonderful variety of entries and appreciated the creative effort that went into the submissions.

Selecting the finalists for this year's anthology was incredibly difficult for the judges. However, after considerable deliberation, we're pleased to now be able to announce the winners in each category along with highly commended entries which will also feature in the MTOT anthology of poems.

Mother Tongue





P1 – P3


Jan Piwowarczyk (Polish)

St Benedict’s Primary


Highly commended

Kacper Jodelka (Polish)

St John Ogilvie Primary

P4 – P6


Laith Kabour (Arabic)

St John Ogilvie Primary


Highly commended

Ashley Li (Mandarin)

St James’ Primary


Highly commended

Amira Shaaban and Aidah Abubaker (Swahili)

St Rose of Lima Primary


Highly commended

Caroline Rotimi and Joolade Adekoya (Yoruba)

St Maria Goretti Primary

P7 – S1


Miriam Espinosa (Catalan)

St James’ Renfrew



Highly commended

Lemuel Pascual (Filipino)


St James’ Renfrew


Highly commended

Noemi Dzurjanikova (Slovak)

St Rose of Lima

S2 – S3


Stefan Benyak (Hungarian)

Castlehead High


Highly commended

Éva Tallaron (French)

Royal High

Senior Phase


Boglarka Balla (Hungarian)

Graeme High


Highly commended

Ayesha Mujeb (Urdu)

George Heriot’s


Highly commended

Nadya Clarkson (Russian)

George Heriot’s


Other Tongue





P1 – P3


Julia Gawel (Scots)

Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral Primary

P4 – P6


Nathan Watson and Aiden Wardrop (French)

Johnshaven Primary



Highly commended

Jack Shaw (German)

Gartcosh Primary



Eva Campbell (German)

Gartcosh Primary

P7 – S1


Rosalind Turnbull (French)

Doune Primary


Highly commended

Samuel Kassm, Theo Wilson, Emma Cullen and Darren Campbell (French, Spanish, Italian, Urdu, Scots)

Battlefield  Primary

S2 – S3


Simi Singh (French)

Graeme High


Highly commended

Ciara Wilkie (French)

St Margaret’s Academy

Senior Phase


Jordanna Bashir (French)

Shawlands Academy


Highly commended

Holly Mincher (Spanish)

St Andrew’s


Highly commended

Rachel Cairns (French)

Graeme High

Well done to everyone who took part in the competition. It's been a marvellous celebration of the various languages spoken in our communities. You should all be very proud of your work.

To mark participation in the competition, registered schools will shortly be sent a certificate which can be printed out and presented to pupils who took part. The finalists above will be invited in due course to receive theirs at the MTOT celebration event on 11 March.

Thank you all once again and keep writing!

Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce in Edinburgh

7 February 2017 (SCILT)

Young people from 14 schools across Scotland had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at Surgeons’ Hall, Edinburgh on 30 January 2017. 140 learners from S3 to S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “Pupils are much more engaged in language learning as a result of attending the event. They are now aware of the relevance of language skills in the wider world. The speakers really brought to life the things we emphasise in class and showed them how languages are important.”

One of the young people added to this, and commented: “I learnt that languages are important and can help your career in lots of different ways. It was inspiring to discover the range of careers involving languages and to hear real life experiences of languages in the workplace.”

Sonia Valcarcel from VisitScotland, one of the workshop leaders, stated: “Speaking another language made me free to travel around the world, meet amazing people and work in some great jobs within the tourism sector. I would encourage all the young people attending today to consider language skills seriously when planning for their future.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at University of Strathclyde in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland. Companies attending included Asia Scotland Institute, VisitScotland, National Galleries Scotland, National Library of Scotland, GlobalScot and China-Britain Business Council. Schools represented were Armadale Academy, Dalbeattie High School, Dunfermline High School, Eastwood High School, Greenfaulds High School, Kelso High School, Larbert High School, Lornshill Academy, Newbattle Community High School, Preston Lodge High School, St Modan's High School, St Ninian's High School, Trinity Academy and Whitburn Academy.

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Through hearing from a range of business leaders and interacting with employees, the aspirations of the young people who attended were raised.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy. The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2017.

More information on SCILT’s 2017 Business Brunches.

Josh Martin, student of Psychology & German and part-time racing driver

3 February 2017 (SCILT)

Our Job Profiles are designed for teachers to use in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how language skills can play a part.

Our latest addition comes from student and part-time racing driver, Josh Martin, who appreciates how languages are key in helping him communicate with fans around the world and in negotiating sponsorship deals.

Read his profile and others on our website now.


New and inclusive!

3 February 2017 (SCILT)

Content for the ‘Languages for all’ area of our website is now up. The blog has launched. Pointers to professional learning opportunities are there. Links to relevant materials already on SCILT are listed.

We promise even more to come in the months ahead, so check back regularly for updates.

We’re also very interested to hear your comments about your experiences of inclusive practice in languages. To contact the group, please email SCILT or tweet @Lynne_SCILT using the hashtag #langs4all.


Business brunches: Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce in Inverness

31 January 2017 (SCILT)

Young people from ten schools across the north of Scotland had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the Kingsmill Hotel, Inverness on 25 January 2017. 90 learners from S3 and S4 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “Today’s event has highlighted to learners the variety of benefits of having another language. It also gave them a real insight into how other people, aside from teachers, use languages in their jobs.”

One of the young people added to this, and commented: “The quality of speakers was brilliant and the event made me understand how my language skills really are important. I know now that I should seriously consider carrying on with them next year.”

Iain Hamilton, Head of Creative Industries at Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the keynote speaker, stated: “Our work is based on creating networks of people who can work together to achieve more. Making an effort to speak to partners in their own languages, even if it is limited, helps to create trust and a much more productive relationship. It’s a sign of willingness to make a real partnership.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages based at University of Strathclyde, in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland. Companies attending included HIE Creative Industries, XpoNorth Music, Scottish Football Association, National Trust for Scotland (Culloden Battlefield), The Tomatin Distillery Co Ltd, GlobalScot, and DIAGEO Glen Ord Distillery. Schools represented were Alness Academy, Dingwall Academy, Farr High School, Fortrose Academy, Keith Grammar School, Kingussie High School, Millburn Academy, Plockton High School, Thurso High School and Ullapool High School.

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Through hearing from a range of business leaders and interacting with employees, the aspirations of the young people who attended were raised.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy. The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2017.

More information on SCILT’s 2017 Business Brunches.

New Job Profile on SCILT's website

27 January 2017 (SCILT)

Inspire the future generation with relevant career advice on languages direct from the workplace via the Job Profiles on our website. These resources are designed for teachers to use in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how language skills can play a part.

Our latest addition comes from modern languages teacher, Olivia Ingleby, who tells how language skills helped her discover new places, cultures and the varied opportunities that brought prior to becoming a languages teacher.


German Educational Trainees Across Borders 2017-18

26 January 2017 (SCILT/German Consulate General)

Expressions of interest are now being taken from local authorities who would like to host a German student teacher for a 6 month placement during the 2017-18 school session.

German trainee teachers from Universities in Mainz, Leipzig, Koblenz and Saarland are available to work in Scottish schools for a six month placement from September/October 2017 to March/April 2018. Participating students are native German speakers, training to become secondary teachers of English. 

German Educational Trainees (GETs) support language teaching and intercultural understanding, bringing language alive for learners with a trained and motivated native speaker. 

For more information please see the attached 'GET_2017_Information Sheet'. 

Local authorities interested in hosting GETs should complete and return the Note of Interest form by Friday 10th February.

Related Files

Business brunches: Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce in Dundee

24 January 2017 (SCILT)

Young people from eight schools across Tayside and Fife had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the University of Dundee on 18 January 2017. 70 learners from S3-S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “Today’s event has given my pupils real food for thought. Before, I think most of them would have said that you would only really use languages in teaching or translating. However, having heard from the different speakers, they have realised very quickly that languages are used for much more than that.”

One of the young people added to this, and commented: “The event today showed me that, even if you haven’t specialised in language study, for example getting a degree in a modern language, there is still a high chance you will end up using language skills in a small or large part of your job and that knowing a language can open up many more opportunities.”

Dawn Hartley from Scottish Dance Theatre, one of the workshop leaders, stated: “Our dancers come from all over the world, and our choreographers too. We travel to many different countries so we’re constantly grateful for all the various language skills our staff have – we always need them!”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages as part of a series of cross-sector partnership activities with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland. Companies attending included Michelin, Valentine International Business Connections LLP, Scottish Dance Theatre, Tokheim Ltd, Outplay Entertainment Ltd and University of Dundee. Schools represented were Brechin High School, Bell Baxter High School, Harris Academy, Montrose Academy, Morrison’s Academy, Webster's High School, Craigie High School and Braeview Academy.

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Marion Spöring, Chair of UCML Scotland added: “The learning of languages is not only fun, but also essential for future employment opportunities of our young people in Scotland. Languages set the foundation for varied careers, for future engineers as well as artists and in tourism, to name but a few.”

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Through hearing from a range of business leaders and interacting with employees, the aspirations of the young people who attended were raised.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy. The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2017.

More information on SCILT’s 2017 Business Brunches.

Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce - Business Brunch launch

23 January 2017 (SCILT)

Young people from thirteen schools across the west of Scotland had the opportunity to engage with local businesses in the first of a series of Business Brunch events, held at University of Strathclyde on 13 January 2017. 130 learners from S3-S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The event demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “Today’s event was a fantastic opportunity. It has given my pupils a deeper appreciation that language learning is not just about the words but that being able to speak a language can break down so many barriers in so many different ways, including our own perceptions of people and countries.”

One of the young people added to this and commented: “I learned that cultural awareness and language skills are an important aspect of day-to-day business and also important to bigger companies. Language and cultural awareness is important in helping understand foreign business partners and in earning their trust.”

Eric Balish, Director of Trade Finance Scotland and Ireland at Bank ABC and one of the workshop leaders told the learners: “Life is a competition. Most of your competitors speak at least two and perhaps multiple languages. Speaking English is simply not enough to thrive and prosper now, far less in the future. Our business is anchored in financing international trade. We have a particular focus on trade into the Middle East and North Africa and also Brazil. However, we operate throughout Europe. As a consequence it is vital that we can communicate in a broad range of languages.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland. Companies attending included Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP, Radio Lingua, Keppie Design, Bank ABC and Russian Centre ‘Haven’. Schools represented were St Luke's High School, Caldervale High School, Marr College, Duncanrig Secondary School, Shawlands Academy, Holyrood RC Secondary School, Hyndland Secondary School, Largs Academy, Kirkintilloch High School, Trinity High School, St Margaret Mary’s Secondary, Williamwood High School and Clydebank High School.

Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. The targets laid out in the Scottish Attainment Challenge are about achieving equity in educational outcomes, with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap. Through hearing from a range of business leaders and interacting with employees, the aspirations of the young people who attended were raised.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy. The event is the first of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2017.


New STEM job profile on SCILT's website

20 January 2017 (SCILT)

If you're looking for relevant career advice on languages direct from the workplace, read the Job Profiles on our website. These resources are designed for teachers to use in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work and how language skills can play a part.

Our latest addition comes from John Barry, a former petroleum engineer and manager with Shell, who explains how his language skills helped him to develop his career with the company.


1+2 Frequently Asked Questions for practitioners

20 January 2016 (SCILT)

As we move towards full implementation of the 1+2 Approach to language learning, and in light of the National Improvement Plan, SCILT is looking to refresh the Frequently Asked Questions for practitioners in the 1+2 area of our website. We would like practitioners to tell us what their current questions are around the 1+2 Approach. Please submit your burning question(s) through the link below.


Posted in: 1+2, SCILT news

Education Scotland weblinks

13 January 2017 (SCILT)

Visitors to Education Scotland’s websites will have noticed that significant changes have been made, and here at SCILT we have received a number of enquiries from teachers looking for Education Scotland content. We have pulled together the information below, based on what we know at the moment, and hope it will help practitioners to find what they are looking for.

Previous content has been significantly streamlined onto four sites:

The updated services were launched in December 2016 and Education Scotland Digital Services team is working throughout January to ensure the services are fully functional. If you can’t find the resource you are looking for, please do check back on Education Scotland sites throughout January 2017. In the meantime, please bear with us here at SCILT while we ensure all links from our website to Education Scotland are live.

Some content will not move onto the new websites. Education Scotland has explained that all the content on the old sites was reviewed and updated by education specialists “who have considered the type and quantity of information required to support and challenge practitioners to achieve educational improvement”. Find out more about the changes and some guidance on how to find content from the Education Scotland Corporate website.

SCILT now hosts Passeport pour la francophonie on our website. This resource has been migrated directly from Education Scotland. Links and content will not be updated.

SCILT will be hosting the former Maximising Potential resource on our website. The resource is currently being reviewed and updated by the ‘Languages for all’ short-life working group. Once the resource has been reviewed (and renamed!), we will promote it via our weekly news bulletin.

Education Scotland has assured us that core resources from A 1+2 approach to modern languages will be uploaded onto the National Improvement Hub. Not all of them are available yet, but it is worth checking the site periodically for updates.

We have learnt that the Giant Pandas site is no longer available. In time, some of the content will appear on the Beyond the Panda website developed by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland.

Core content for NQ Modern Languages has been migrated to the National Qualifications site and is live. Visit these pages and select the language you are looking for.

Core Modern Languages content is available through Education Scotland’s Corporate site, including Modern Languages Es&Os and Principles and Practice papers. Visit the site and search for “modern languages”. There has been a significant reduction in content compared with the previous Modern Languages pages on the Education Scotland site, but some content can be found on the National Improvement Hub so it is worth checking there too.

Modern Languages NAR content is still available. In time, this will be superseded by the Languages Benchmarks, which are due for publication soon on the National Improvement Hub.

Education Scotland Case studies around 1+2 implementation will be available in time on the National Improvement Hub. In the meantime, don’t forget SCILT has a range of Case Studies available, by stage, on the 1+2 section of our website.

Education Scotland YouTube channel remains unchanged, and you can access all the videos that have previously been uploaded here. These include 1+2 languages: Progress from first to second level.

Posted in: SCILT news

New Job Profile on the SCILT website

13 January 2017 (SCILT)

Our Job Profiles provide relevant, labour-market focused career advice on languages, direct from the workplace.

Teachers, use them in your classroom to enhance learning about the world of work.

Read our new Job Profile from Dawn Hartley, Head of Creative Learning at Scottish Dance Theatre.


Refreshed and ready for anything in 2017!

13 January 2017 (SCILT)

Here at SCILT, our New Year’s Resolution has been to review and refresh the CLPL menu. With your feedback in mind, we have made a few strategic changes that we hope will make a big difference. New on the SCILT website from today – the new and improved CLPL menu.


Regional Cross-Sector Hub Meetings, Round 2

13 January 2017 (SCILT / UCMLS)

UCMLS (University Council for Modern Languages Scotland) is again holding a second round of regional cross-sector hub meetings during January and February.

Participants will have the opportunity to meet with university colleagues to discuss current and future collaborative events in support of the Scottish Government's 1+2 language policy. Comments will feed into the UCMLS cross -sector action plan in support of 1+2, due to be launched on Friday 10 March 2017 at Glasgow City Chambers.

  • Central Hub: Saturday 14 January 2017, 10-11.30, University of Dundee, Dalhousie Building, Room 2G13 (Registrations for the Central Hub meeting have now closed but if you wish to attend please send an email to
  • North Hub: Wednesday 1 February 2017, 4-5.30 pm, University of Aberdeen, Sir Duncan Rice Library, Top Floor, Room 1. Please register by 25 January
  • West Hub: Thursday, 2 February 2017, 5-6.30 pm, City of Glasgow College, Cathedral Street, Glasgow. Meet in Cafe Zero. Please register by 27 January
  • East Hub: Friday, 24 February 2017, 2-4 pm, Open University, 10 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh. Room tbc. Registration will open once room details have been confirmed so please look out for the update!

Calderglen 1+2 Case Study

15 December 2016 (SCILT)

Calderglen is a six-year non-denominational, comprehensive school in East Kilbride, established after the merger of Hunter and Claremont High Schools. It serves approximately 1,600 pupils and shares a campus with Sanderson High School for young people with additional support needs.

The school uses an innovative and dynamic approach to the curriculum. Read how pupils benefit from creative language learning strategies and for interesting ideas for the implementation of 1+2.


UCMLS - Second round of regional cross-sector hub meetings

15 December 2016 (SCILT / UCMLS)

We are holding a second round of regional cross-sector hub meetings in January/February where we are seeking your views in preparation for the UCMLS action plan in support of the 1+2 language policy (Launch date: 10 March, in Glasgow!).

Dates for Central and North Hub are already decided, those for East and West Hub will be announced in the New Year.

First up, though is the Central Hub meeting, which will be held at the University of Dundee (Dalhousie, Room 2G13) on Saturday 14 January 2017, 10-12 (Registration from 9.30). The North Hub meeting will be at the University of Aberdeen, on Wednesday 1 February (Library, top floor).

Please check for updates on the SCILT website.


Latest edition of SCILT newsletter published

2 December 2016 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published. In this issue, read about how European Day of Languages was celebrated across the country. You will find many inspiring ways languages have been promoted across all sectors, including partnerships with local businesses, creation of comic books, Language Ambassador partnerships between primary and secondary and mentoring schemes. You will also be able to read about the successful initiatives run by our partners to give our learners many opportunities to enjoy and celebrate language learning.


Posted in: SCILT news

SCILT Christmas webpage now live!

2 December 2016 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled a range of online resources for use with your pupils, from songs and games to interactive advent calendars. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and around the world!


Support for adult language learning on the SCILT website

28 November 2016 (SCILT)

Language learning is for all ages. Visit our Adult Learners pages to find out the range of language learning opportunities in your area and online. You can also read about the benefits of learning a new language at any age, some tips to motivate you and testimonials from other adult language learners to encourage and inspire you!


New job profile on the SCILT website

11 November 2016 (SCILT)

Our Job Profiles are designed to be used in the classroom to enhance learning about the world of work. They provide really relevant careers advice on languages, direct from the workplace, and cover a range of sectors. See our latest addition:
  • Claire Murphy, Translator - a translator at the European Commission, Claire speaks Spanish, German and Italian and is currently learning French. She explains how cultural knowledge is as important as language skills in her role.
See this and other job profiles on our website now.


Word Wizard 2017 - registrations now open!

4 November 2016 (SCILT/CISS)

SCILT's Word Wizard competition is returning for a fourth year and we are delighted to announce that registrations are now open!

Word Wizard is a multilingual spelling competition open to S1-S3 pupils learning French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin or Spanish. The competition provides a perfect opportunity for language teachers to address The Attainment Challenge by allowing pupils of all levels the chance to excel in language learning. Word Wizard develops skills in acquisition of vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, recall and public speaking; not to mention the many literacy outcomes it addresses. This hugely motivating competition encourages links with other curricular areas and with health and wellbeing, culminating in a high profile celebration of language learning.

Visit SCILT's Word Wizard webpage to find out more about this year's competition and to register your school. 


Scots Makar, Jackie Kay, supports MTOT

4 November 2016 (SCILT)

We are delighted to have Jackie Kay, the national laureate, as patron for this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition for schools in Scotland.

Hear Jackie's message supporting the aims and values of the competition in the video on our MTOT webpage.


Business Brunches 2017

28 October 2016 (SCILT)

For the third year in succession SCILT, in partnership with University Council for Modern Languages (UCMLS) will be hosting a series of Business Brunch events across Scotland in January and February 2017. These will take place in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen and Inverness.

Aimed specifically at S3 - S6 pupils, these events will demonstrate the relevance of language skills in a work context with the intention of encouraging pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education.

Registration is now open for the Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen events. (Edinburgh and Inverness will open soon).

To find out more and to register by 21 November, visit our Business Brunch 2017 webpage.


Business partnership develops language and employability skills

28 October 2016 (SCILT)

Read about how a partnership between Queen Margaret Academy and Alex Begg enabled S1 pupils studying Chinese to develop their language and employability skills, as well as an understanding of the textile industry.


SCILT response to ‘Brexit and Languages'

18 October 2016 (SCILT)

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages has launched Brexit and Languages: A checklist for Government negotiators and officials highlighting four essential language-specific objectives of the Brexit process. The APPG on Modern Languages will be presenting the document to the leaders of the main political parties, MPs and Peers.

SCILT welcomes the publication of this document. Fhiona Mackay, Director of SCILT, said: "Now, more than ever, it is vital that we equip Scotland’s children and young people with the necessary skills that will allow them to operate globally.

"This week saw a call from Westminster MPs and peers who form the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages for post-Brexit protection for language skills so that the UK can 'succeed as a world leader in free trade and international relations'.

"Scotland has indeed benefitted greatly from the opportunities afforded by Erasmus + funding. It has supported teachers to develop their language skills and has enabled fruitful educational partnerships between Scottish schools and their counterparts in other European countries. The German Educational Trainee programme that SCILT facilitates is made possible largely by Erasmus + funding. Similarly, the British Council Language Assistants have made a huge contribution to Scottish education, as have all the native speaking language teachers across the country who hail originally from other parts of the EU.

"Certainly we need an education system that continues to develop multilingualism, thus guaranteeing the future of the UK’s trade, security, and diplomacy. However, we also need to think about the language of welcome; language skills help build a more open, tolerant and ultimately cohesive society that values all peoples and cultures. That is the kind of Scotland our children and young people deserve."

Posted in: SCILT news, Brexit

Supporting Bilingual Learners in the Mainstream Classroom

13 October 2016 (University of Strathclyde/SCILT)

Do you work with bilingual learners? Would you like to develop your ability to support them to develop their linguistic competence and to learn through English in mainstream primary or secondary classrooms?

This course is designed to enable you to understand and act on theories of bilingual learning and policy to support bilingual learners in Scottish schools, and to gain experience of current classroom-based practice in Scotland and around the world.

The next course starts on 14 January and runs from January to December 2017 at the University of Strathclyde. Classes are held at the University on Saturdays, on average once a month. See the attached leaflet for further information.

For information on other initiatives and organisations supporting bilingualism and multilingualism in Scotland, visit the EAL and Bilingualism webpages in the Learners and Parents section of the SCILT website.


Celebrate National Poetry Day!

6 October 2016 (SCILT)

Today is National Poetry Day and the theme this year is 'Messages'. To mark the occasion we've created our own triolet poem in French on this theme.

You can see the poem on the National Poetry Day webpage of our MTOT website. We hope it will provide some inspiration for those taking part in the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition in Scotland! There are lots of other poetry resources on our website too. So take a look and get creative!


SCILT promotes languages skills for the tourism sector

4 October 2016 (SCILT)

Two schools engaged with local businesses to demonstrate to their pupils the value of languages skills in the tourist industry. Find out about the impact on the learners in our two new BLC case studies:

Scottish Dolphin Centre and Milne's High School

Sheraton Hotel and Holy Rood High School

European Day of Languages - SCILT blog

30 September 2016 (SCILT)

How did you celebrate the European Day of Languages 2016? Visit our EDL 2016 blog to hear how schools used cooking, bingo, green screens and Eurovision to celebrate the linguistic diversity of Europe this year!

If you would like to feature in our EDL blog then send some colourful photos and a description of your activities to


Language skills for the tourism sector

29 September 2016 (Skills Development Scotland)

An action plan to help tourism employers develop the skills they need for further growth has been launched by the industry. The Skills Investment Plan for Scotland’s Tourism Sector features a three-year programme of initiatives aimed at helping Scotland’s tourism businesses improve skills in key areas and to attract new talent.

Industry consultations highlighted the requirement for further work in ensuring staff have the experience to deliver a high quality visitor experience, including a need to promote tourism as a career option to those studying languages.

Through increased internationalisation, Scotland will attract growing numbers of visitors from new or emerging markets. It is important that businesses and destinations understand and respond to their visitors’ customs and expectations, while also looking to enhance the foreign language skills of their workforce.

Read about some of the work schools are doing to promote language skills for the tourism industry through partnerships with local businesses in our Business Language Champions case studies.

Access the full report on the Skills Development Scotland website.

European Day of Languages - ideas and blog

23 September 2016 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages takes place on Monday 26th September and we're delighted that so many schools around the country are celebrating this year. If you need any last minute inspiration for your class there are lots of ideas and links on the SCILT EDL webpage.

Let us know how you celebrate we will feature you in our EDL 2016 blog. If you include some colourful photos your article could even appear in our next newsletter!


Business Language Champions at Burgh Primary

23 September 2016 (SCILT)

Pupils at Burgh Primary in the Scottish Borders had the opportunity to find out how languages are relevant to a career in tourism when they visited Abbotsford House, a heritage site near Galashiels. P6 pupils visited the attraction for a series of workshops supporting learning across the curriculum and demosstrating to pupils the relevance of language skills in their local community.


Languages 'Beyond School'

16 September 2016 (SCILT)

As the UCAS application process gets underway, make sure any pupils thinking of continuing their language studies checks out the Beyond School section of our website.

This section contains useful information to help senior pupils decide on the different language courses and options available once they have left school, at college, university or as part of a gap year. There are links to courses available in Scotland and across the UK.

Pupils, parents, guidance and careers staff should all find this section of our website useful.


UCMLS Cross-Sector Initiatives

16 September 2016 (SCILT)

Please check out a new section on our website, dedicated to the cross-sector work by UCMLS, and register for one of the all-important regional cross-sector meetings on 22 September (North and Central Hubs), 28 September (West Hub) and 30 September (East Hub). You'll find out more about the recent cross-sector conference and UCMLS plans for the next six months.


New student profiles on the SCILT website

16 September 2016 (SCILT)

New additions to our job profile section this term come from students currently undertaking courses which also allow them to develop their language skills.

Our two latest profiles come from students in the Tourism sector:

  • Amy-Jo Fairbairn, who is studying for a HND in Travel and Tourism at the City of Glasgow college.
  • Gail Leslie who, after completing her HND course in Travel and Tourism, is now embarking on a degree in Business Studies at UWS..
Whilst choosing different languages to learn, both can see the value of language skills for their future careers and personal lives.

Read their profiles and others on our website.


MTOT - Free creative poetry workshops for teachers

9 September 2016 (SCILT)

Once again, we are delighted to be able to offer FREE poetry workshops for primary and secondary teachers at four different venues across Scotland.

Teachers will work with Juliette Lee, a poet and creative writer, for a half-day workshop to develop their own creativity, explore poetry and the impact of language we use. We hope that teachers will leave inspired and able to take back some ideas and examples to work with their own pupils who will then submit their poems/rhymes/raps/songs into the MTOT competition.

Teachers do not have to attend one of the workshops to register their school for the MTOT competition although the workshops are a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills in teaching poetry, languages and to gather ideas to take back into the classroom. Due to the creative and interactive nature of these workshops, places are limited to 15 teachers at each venue, therefore we advise you to book your place early.

Details of the workshops are as follows. Click on the appropriate workshop link below to register for the event.

  • Saturday 24 September, 10.00 – 12.30; Dundee University, Dundee (deadline for registration Friday 16 September)
  • Friday 30 September, 13.30 – 16.00; The Open University in Scotland, Edinburgh (deadline for registration 6pm Monday 26 September)
  • Saturday 1 October, 10.00 – 12.30; Inverness College - UHI, Inverness (deadline for registration 6pm Monday 26 September)
  • Saturday 8 October, 12.00 – 14.30; University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (deadline for registration Friday 30 September) PLEASE NOTE EVENT NOW FULL!
For more information about the competition visit the MTOT page on our website and register your school to take part!


Scottish Languages Review Issue 31

6 September 2016 (SCILT)

The summer edition of the Scottish Languages Review and Digest has been published. In our new edition: two perspectives on modern languages and inclusion, using an iTunes app to improve student's study skills, a Scottish Languages Baccalaureate project report and a look at the impact of the Mother Tongue Other Tongue initiative. Plus: recent language-related publications, upcoming events, and links to articles from other journals.

The Scottish Languages Review is THE electronic journal for language practitioners in Scotland. It is published twice a year by SCILT.


Posted in: SCILT news

MTOT 2016-17 launch!

2 September 2016 (SCILT)

We're delighted to announce the launch of this year's Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition and are thrilled to welcome the new Scots Makar, Jackie Kay, as the competition's patron.

Whether pupils are learning a language at school, or whether they speak a native language at home, everyone can get involved in celebrating their linguistic and cultural diversity through creative poetry writing as there are options to enter in either the Mother Tongue or Other Tongue category.

We are in the process of finalising poetry workshops for teachers, which will take place towards the end of September/beginning of October. Further details will follow soon.

In the meantime, you can find out more about this year's competition and previous events on our MTOT website and register your school to take part!


Modern Language Assistants (MLA) projects 2015-16

30 August 2016 (SCILT and British Council)

Every year language assistants try to make languages really come alive for young people in Scotland's schools, e.g. by initiating a pen pal exchange, participating in language competitions, or by implementing interdisciplinary projects. In this blog you can browse through the work of last year's assistants. You can search the slides either by language or by school year group. Enjoy, and we hope you will be inspired to follow in their footsteps!


Introducing a second additional language (L3) - new case studies published

29 August 2016 (SCILT)

SCILT have published new case studies to highlight practice in two clusters to introduce a second additional language (L3) in line with the recommendations in “Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach”.

A joined-up approach to constructing a language learning continuum from primary into secondary has resulted in excellent collegiate working between sectors, empowering staff to deliver 1+2 using effective, distributed leadership. 1+2 funding was allocated to staff development, facilitating staff across sectors to contribute towards the full implementation of the policy.


Posted in: SCILT news

New student profile on the SCILT website

26 August 2016 (SCILT)

A new addition to our job profile section this term comes from Euan Kerr, an aeronautical engineering student at the University of Strathclyde.

Euan aims to pursue a career in engineering and appreciates that language skills will help him broaden his options and secure work overseas.

With that in mind, when Euan spent his third year studying abroad in Prague he chose to take up learning Czech as part of his studies. Having learned French at school helped him pick up a new language and making the effort to speak Czech gained respect with the local community.

So if you have pupils considering STEM subjects when they leave school, they should perhaps take a leaf from Euan's book and consider language electives too.

Read Euan's full profile on our website.


EDL packs 2016 out of stock!

26 August 2016 (SCILT)

SCILT's packs of materials to celebrate European Day of Languages 2016 have now sold out! We are delighted to know there are so many schools on board to celebrate this year’s event.

Don’t worry if you are too late to order materials. You can still visit our website for a range of ideas and resources to help your school to mark the day. We would love to hear how schools across Scotland celebrate the day. Email us ( with a short summary and some photos, and we will feature your event on this year’s EDL blog.


Bilingualism workshops

25 August 2016 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to be able to offer a series of national workshops in collaboration with Bilingualism Matters and Glasgow City Council’s EAL Service which will showcase the benefits of bilingualism and consider practical strategies teachers can use to promote bilingualism in their classrooms. We will offer ideas on how to engage bilingual learners more and support literacy skills across both languages.

These free workshops are aimed at general class practitioners across Early Years, Primary and Secondary, not specifically for the MFL and languages community so please feel free to distribute to all teachers across your network or Local Authority.

Attached is a flyer with further information about dates, venues and how to book.

Please note there are only a few remaining places on the Aberdeen workshop - all other venues are now full.

Related Files

European Day of Languages 2016

19 August 2016 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated across Europe on the 26th of September every year. It aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone.

SCILT is helping schools across Scotland to celebrate by distributing materials developed by the ECML. These resources are free to order and act as excellent prizes and rewards.

Visit our European Day of Languages 2016 webpage for information on how to order packs, for ideas on how to celebrate, and to find out how your school could feature in our EDL2016 blog.


1+2 Case Study - Douglas Academy

18 August 2016 (SCILT)

Douglas Academy is a six year non-denominational, co-educational, comprehensive school serving Milngavie, Craigton and Baldernock. The current school roll is 994.

The school demonstrates a strong ethos of fairness and equality and encourages a strong pupil voice at both departmental and whole school level. Read how pupils and teachers work together to make the language department such a success and for some interesting ideas on the implementation of 1+2.


1+2 Case Study - Renfrew High School

16 August 2016 (SCILT)

Renfrew High School is a six-year, non-denominational comprehensive school which serves the burgh of Renfrew. It is situated on the south side of the River Clyde several miles to the west of Glasgow. Its associated primaries are Arkleston Primary School, Kirklandneuk Primary School and Newmains Primary School The school was opened in 1975 and has a capacity of 1287.

In addition to the current provision of French as L2, find out how Renfrew High and its associated primaries are taking a cluster approach to delivering Spanish as an L3.


Business Language Champions at Broughton High School

15/08/2016 (SCILT)

Pupils at Broughton High School in Edinburgh had the opportunity to find out how languages are relevant to a career in hospitality when they visited The Balmoral Hotel.

S3 pupils attended a series of workshops to develop their understanding of the hospitality industry as well as their intercultural awareness and interview skills.

The Modern Languages Department at Broughton High School found this to be an invaluable experience for the pupils, particularly the impact of visiting a workplace.

A pupil who took part in the project said: “I learned a lot about cultural awareness and about how The Balmoral Hotel goes about things. I have learned to think more about my response to someone of a different culture.”

The visit to Harvey Nichols was part of the wider Business Language Champions project running in the school. Business Language Champions is run by SCILT and helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships to equip young people with international communication and employability skills for their future careers.

After the initial visit, learners were tasked with developing an internal information leaflet which would support the hotel, sharing their knowledge of relevant Chinese language and culture with the hotel staff.


Enhancing Employability through Language Skills and Intercultural Learning

9 August 2016 (SCILT)

As part of our cross-sector collaboration, SCILT teamed up with the Open University Scotland to hold an event to support and promote language learning in the College sector. ‘Enhancing Employability through Language Skills and Intercultural Learning’ brought together colleagues from Further Education with representatives from both public and private sectors to focus on the importance of languages and intercultural understanding as key skills in developing Scotland’s young workforce. Recognising the benefits of language learning to individuals, trade, business and society as a whole, the Scottish Funding Council has made this one of their strategic priorities, aiming to increase the number of young people with practical language skills.

More information can be found on the attached summary report from the event.

School’s in for summer: Building capacity for the Scottish Government’s 1+2 approach to language learning

12 July 2016 (SCILT)

Capacity within Scottish local authorities to deliver the Government’s flagship policy “Language learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach” was increased recently through a week-long training course at the University of Strathclyde.

Lead educators from across Scotland attended the course at the end of June, which marks the start of a twelve-month professional learning programme, “Train the trainer”. The programme is aimed at developing leadership and sustainability within the policy and is organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages and Education Scotland.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT, said: “Now more than ever, the aims of the 1+2 policy are vital. We should think about the attributes and skills we want our children and young people to develop and the kind of society in which we want them to flourish. This is really what we mean by the four capacities. Language skills not only make our youngsters more employable, but will help create that open, outward looking and welcoming society that we want Scotland to be.”

The programme engages lead language educators in designing, promoting and supporting the provision of effective language learning experiences for all young people and high quality professional learning for in- and pre-service teachers. More than thirty participants from fifteen local authorities attended workshops delivered by Education Scotland, SCILT, the Association of Directors of Education Scotland (ADES) and the Scottish College for Educational Leadership (SCEL). All sectors were represented, from primary to secondary, higher education and initial teacher education.

Anne Marie McGuigan, one of the ML Trainer Team for South Lanarkshire Council, described her positive experiences on the course: “What a journey it has been! I think everyone was feeling a bit apprehensive initially but this quickly changed to encouraged and inspired. Just what was needed in light of political events. Vivent les langues!”

Virginie Bradbury, the 1+2 Staff Tutor for Dundee City Council confirmed: “I feel inspired and more equipped to take this forward.”

Helen Longford, a primary teacher in Midlothian, stated: “I didn’t think I could be more motivated to teach languages, or help others to do so, but after this week it seems I am!”

TTT is a programme that aims to support language leaders in schools and local authorities. It is designed and delivered by SCILT and Education Scotland in collaboration with Richard Talleron of LFEE.

Related Links

For a flavour of the week's activities see our Train the Trainer Summer School 2016 presentation.
Posted in: 1+2, CPD, SCILT news

Train the Trainer Summer School 2016

5 July 2016 (SCILT)

Get a feel for all the shenanigans during last week’s Train the Trainer Summer School. Hosted by SCILT and Education Scotland at the University of Strathclyde city centre campus TTT4, brought together a committed group of 40 educators from 15 local authorities and 2 teacher education institutions.


LanguageStrathclyde: A conversation about Language Learning

17 June 2016 (SCILT)

SCILT, Scotland's National Centre for Languages and the School of Education, University of Strathclyde hosted an afternoon of seminars led by language practitioners, students and academics on various strands of language learning including bilingualism, motivation and translanguaging.

SCILT has used Storify to summarise the discussions from the day. Visit our Storify page for a flavour of the event.


New job profile on SCILT's website

17 June 2016 (SCILT)

Highlight the value of languages in the world of work to your pupils. We have a range of job profiles on the SCILT website in which people from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives. See our latest addition:
  • Rosemary Graham, Tour Guide - Rosemary's knowledge of the German language enabled her to live and work in Germany teaching and making jewellery. Now she uses her language skills to guide tourists around Scotland.
See this and other job profiles on our website now.


Word Wizard Competition: Motivating young people in their language learning

14 June 2016 (SCILT)

S1-S3 pupils from across Scotland took part in the National Final of Word Wizard at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on 24 May 2016. Word Wizard is a multilingual spelling competition for pupils learning French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin and Spanish. 46 learners from eight local authorities and independent schools competed in the final in front of an audience of teachers, supporters and guests.

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland. 187 pupils from 22 local authorities and independent schools competed in semi-finals in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee in March 2016 to battle it out for a place at the prestigious final.

Each year pupils and teachers report that the competition increases motivation, enhances language performance and improves attitudes to learning and self-evaluation. SCILT is delighted to provide pupils with this opportunity, and to give them the chance to meet other young language learners at the National Final.

A teacher entering pupils into the final commented: “Word Wizard helped raise the profile of modern languages within the school. Pupils increased their vocabulary and improved their pronunciation.”

A pupil competing in the final said: “It is a good experience which I feel has further developed my language learning.” Another competing pupil said: “I really enjoyed the competition and it has helped me gain confidence.”

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT added: “It’s wonderful to see so many young people taking part in the Word Wizard competition representing an increasingly wide range of local authorities. Having an understanding of another language can really transform a person’s life and encourages the development of a whole range of important skills. By offering such events, SCILT aims to offer teachers really motivating ways of enhancing the curriculum so that Scottish young people can reap the benefits of learning languages.”

Word Wizard supports the Scottish Government initiative, “Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach” by offering a diversity of languages as recommended by the report. The competition promotes literacy skills amongst pupils and helps schools develop partnership working with universities.

Full details of the winners and further information on the competition can be found on the SCILT website.


Related Links

French award for student Christine (Ellon Times, 15 June 2016)
Posted in: SCILT news

Word Wizard Final 2016!

10 June 2016 (SCILT/CISS)

S1-S3 pupils from across Scotland took part in the National Final of Word Wizard at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on 24 May 2016. 46 learners from eight local authorities and independent schools competed in French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin and Spanish in front of an audience of teachers, supporters and guests.

Visit our Word Wizard Final 2016 webpage to read the full list of prizewinners and to see photos from the event.


New SCILT/CISS Professional Learning Menus for 2016-17

10 June 2016 (SCILT / CISS)

It’s Launch Day! The brand new professional learning menus for SCILT and CISS are out now!

The focus of both CLPL menus is on supporting teachers and making connections between languages and other high profile aspects of Scottish education such as the Developing Young Workforce, raising attainment and parental engagement agendas.

As always, our CLPL comes to local authorities for no charge. Nada, zilch, gratis!

There are both sector specific and cross-sector workshop options to choose from. In addition, we are also happy to develop bespoke inputs to match your particular professional learning needs, just get in touch.

Don’t hang about though! Bookings have already started coming in and calendars at SCILT and CISS are filling up fast. Please contact with your request in writing.

P.S. Remember to keep a look out on the bulletin for other professional learning opportunities that will be taking place at SCILT HQ and on Glow during the year. If you don't already receive our weekly e-bulletin, make sure you don't miss out on updates and subscribe now!


Business Language Champions at Trinity High

8 June 2016 (SCILT)

Pupils at Trinity High School in Edinburgh had the opportunity to find out how languages are relevant to a career in retail recently when they visited Harvey Nichols in Edinburgh.

S2 pupils met with a range of employees at the department store and found out how important languages can be to make the shopping experience more personal for customers from other countries. They also found out about the range of employability skills that can be developed through the study of languages.

The teacher leading on this project stated, “We as staff were able to see that our learners were fully connecting the fact that learning languages can be of huge practical benefit in a professional context.”

An S3 pupils at Trinity Academy who took part in the project said: “I learnt what a key role languages play in the working world. I didn’t realise how important languages were.”

The Learning and Development Partner at Harvey Nichols said of the visit: “The team really enjoyed getting involved and it was a great development opportunity for them to come and speak to the students about what they do and how languages help them in their daily work.”

The visit to Harvey Nichols was part of the wider Business Language Champions project running in the school. Business Language Champions is run by SCILT and helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships to equip young people with international communication and employability skills for their future careers.

Following the visit, pupils worked to develop phrase books in different languages, aimed at shop floor staff in order to support them when serving customers from different countries.


SCILT publishes new Business Language Champions case study

02 June 2016 (SCILT)

Business Language Champions helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships to equip young people with international communication and employability skills for their future careers. A partnership between Walkers Shortbread and Elgin Academy demonstrated to S3 pupils the importance of languages in the food and drink industry, and the importance of this industry to the Scottish economy. The project demonstrated how the learning of a language can enhance their career prospects as well as developing their skills for learning, life and work.

Pupils were tasked with creating cue cards for the Walkers Shortbread International Sales Team to use on future trips to China. The cue cards had to be in Chinese. They then worked with the Chinese teacher to create the content for these cue cards, carrying out research in their own time. To conclude the project, the young people delivered presentations to support the work they had done on their cue cards directly to the International Sales Team, an impressive achievement and one which was positively acknowledged by staff at Walkers Shortbread.


SCILT publishes new Business Language Champions case study

27 May 2016 (SCILT)

Business Language Champions helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships to equip young people with international communication and employability skills for their future careers. A partnership between Outplay Entertainment and Woodmill High School demonstrated to S3 pupils the importance of languages in creative industries, particularly the gaming industry. As well as developing employability skills within an interdisciplinary context, learners considered marketing strategies for promoting Outplay's products and undertook a project advertising one of Outplay Entertainment’s games in French and German.


Posted in: SCILT news

Latest edition of SCILT newsletter published

25 May 2016 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published.

This last term we have been busy promoting and celebrating language learning with our MTOT competition and Business Brunch events. Scottish schools have had success at a national level with BASLA award winners and EU Mock Council participants. And there are many inspiring local initiatives ensuring languages continue to thrive across the country.


Posted in: SCILT news

The benefits of teaching languages outdoors

24 May 2016 (innovate)

In the beginning, human beings were not designed to spend hours each day surrounded by brick walls. They were naturally programmed for survival, for the great outdoors with its unpredictability, and each day provided naturally occurring learning opportunities which were a necessity if our ancient ancestors were to survive.

While Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland, and in many cases, the natural creativity and ingenuity of our teachers, seeks to promote and facilitate interdisciplinary learning and contextualised learning, more of us are literally taking learning outside, beyond the four walls. The importance of this can be justified both on a national and international level. The new How Good is our School 4 specifically mentions as one of its aims “to increase Learning for Sustainability.”


SCILT publishes new Business Language Champions case study

20 May 2016 (SCILT)

Business Language Champions helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships to equip young people with international communication and employability skills for their future careers. A partnership between Johnstons of Elgin and Elgin Academy demonstrated to S2 pupils the importance of languages in the textile industry as well as developing employability skills within an interdisciplinary context. Learners considered marketing strategies for promoting textile goods in China and delivered a presentation to a “Dragon’s Den” judging panel.


SCILT publishes new Business Language Champions case study

12 May 2016 (SCILT)

Business Language Champions helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships to equip young people with international communication and employability skills for their future careers. A partnership between Jurys Inn Glasgow and Lourdes Secondary School demonstrated to S3 pupils the importance of languages in the hospitality industry. Learners created an information brochure in French for tourists to Glasgow. They found out about further skills that are important in the workplace.


New job profile on SCILT's website

12 May 2016 (SCILT)

Let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work. We have a range of job profiles on the SCILT website in which people from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives. See our latest addition:
See this and other job profiles on our website now.


Business Brunch 2016 events webpage now live!

6 May 2016 (SCILT)

SCILT, in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland (UCMLS), held a series of Business Brunch events (formerly Business Breakfast) across Scotland, during January and February this year where pupils from S3-S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company.

Find out more about the events on our new webpage.


MTOT 2015-16 Celebration Event held at Language Show Live

29 April 2016 (SCILT)

The celebration event for MTOT 2015-16 saw 20 award winners receive their prizes on the main Piazza stage at the SECC on Saturday 12 March 2016 as part of the wider Language Show Live Scotland event.

Pupils took the opportunity to perform their poems and rhymes to the audience, showcasing the many languages used by children and young people both in school and at home. The event drew in a huge crowd, with passers-by stopping to also see and hear their work.

Find out more about the day on our MTOT Celebration Event webpage, where you can also find links to the list of winners, pupil videos and recitals, the anthology, press articles and photos from the event.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone again for their support and participation, which helped make the competition and celebration such a success. We hope to run MTOT again next year, so make sure you sign up to our e-bulletin for updates, or follow us on our social media sites Twitter or Facebook.


Speaking your language blog

25 April 2016 (SCILT)

Speaking your language is a new blog showcasing current classroom practice. The first post from Dalmarnock Primary School highlights the importance of:

  • having lots of staff who have undertaken language upskilling,
  • celebrating the cultural diversity of the school community, and
  • learning about the culture(s) as well as the language
Read their entry on our new blog now.


Have your say on the SCILT CLPL menu for 2016/17

21 April 2016 (SCILT)

Here at SCILT we are always striving to provide relevant and instructive career long professional learning opportunities for teachers and educators across Scotland. 

In light of this we have created an online evaluation where we are asking teachers, development officers and others to provide feedback on our CLPL menu for the 2015/16 session.

We have contacted a random selection of people who have attended or organised one of our CLPL sessions since September and asked them to complete the evaluation. However the evaluation is open to anyone, and if you would like to have your say on what the SCILT CLPL menu for 2016/17 should offer then follow the 'Read more' link below to complete the evaluation. 

The evaluation will be available online until Friday 29th April:

Thank you in advance for your time.


New job profile on SCILT's website

21 April 2016 (SCILT)

We have a range of job profiles on the SCILT website to let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives. See our latest addition:
  • Ross Noble, Conference Interpreter - his role as conference interpreter at the European Commission gives him the chance to use all of his languages every day and to learn about varied and interesting topics.
See this and other job profiles on our website now.


SQA National 5 Modern Languages Course Reports Summary

19 April 2016 (SCILT)

We have summarised the SQA National 5 Course Reports for all languages. These reports contain important information on how candidates performed in last year's exams. Teachers may find it useful to share some of the key messages of these reports with candidates in advance of this year's exams.

The summary document can be found on the Essentials for Planning in the Senior Phase section of our website.


Advanced Higher French resource: Silence de la mer

19 April 2016 (SCILT)

We have developed a pack of resources on Silence de la Mer which are suitable for Advanced Higher French pupils who have limited teaching input.

The pack includes information on the Specialist Study Unit; suggested timescales; character analysis; themes; suggested portfolio titles and a glossary of vocabulary.

The resource can be accessed on the Senior Phase French AH resources section of our website.


New job profile on the SCILT website

1 April 2016 (SCILT)

We have a range of job profiles on the SCILT website to let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives. See our latest profile now:

  • Amanda Attfield, Exploration Geologist - Amanda speaks Finnish, German, Spanish and is now learning Russian to help in her current job role. She tells how her love of languages has made her more employable, taken her around the globe and helped forge connections with local people and their cultures.
See this and other job profiles on our website now.


Young poets’ multilingual talents celebrated

22 March 2016 (SCILT)

The multilingual talents of budding young poets from across Scotland were celebrated at a prestigious award ceremony in Glasgow.

Primary and secondary students from Aberdeenshire, East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Renfrewshire, West Lothian and George Heriot’s School in Edinburgh used their language skills to create and share poetry for this year’s Mother Tongue Other Tongue multilingual poetry competition. Winners received their prizes on the main Piazza stage at the SECC on Saturday 12 March 2016 as part of the wider Languages Show Live Scotland event. Their work is published in an anthology.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue is an exciting project which celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing and showcases the many languages used by children and young people across Scotland, in school and at home. The competition is organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, based at University of Strathclyde. This year over 400 pupils from across Scotland took part in the competition.

Ruth Cunningham, EAL teacher from Renfrewshire, said of the competition: “Being part of the Mother Tongue Other Tongue project has been a privilege. I have heard the ‘other voices’ of my bilingual pupils, witnessed them careful craft their poems, laugh about the differences in language and, above all, feel valued and respected for their ability to speak with another voice. This event has opened my eyes to the importance of supporting children to continue to learn in their mother tongue and of engaging with my pupils’ voices, in whatever language that may be.”

One of the young competitors commented: “I had a great time writing the poem and getting my prize was exciting. It makes me more eager to learn and write in different languages.”

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT, added: “Mother Tongue Other Tongue is a celebration of the many languages that are spoken and learned by children and young people across Scotland. The collection of their poems weaves a rich tapestry of voices that honours cultural diversity and pays testament to the wealth of Scotland’s many languages and cultures. We were delighted to see such a high calibre of entries this year, submitted in 36 different languages. Our congratulations go to the winners and to all who took part in the competition.”

Mother Tongue invites children who do not speak English as a first language to share a lullaby, poem, rap or song from their mother tongue and to write about why this piece is important to them. Other Tongue encourages children learning another language in school to use that language creatively with an original poem, rap or song in that other tongue. Prizes are awarded in both categories.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue supports the Scottish Government initiative, “Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach” by allowing pupils to apply their language learning in a creative way. The competition provides children who do not have English as their first language with an opportunity to celebrate their mother tongue. This year saw over 150 entries submitted from primary and secondary pupils across the country. The competition was supported by the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland and creative writer Juliette Lee. Prizes were presented at the ceremony by actor Atta Yaqub and Juliette Lee.

Full details of the winners and further information on the competition can be found on the SCILT website.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2015-16 finale!

15 March 2016 (SCILT)

Our Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition came to its finale at the Languages Show Live at the SECC, Glasgow on Saturday 12 March. Pupils, parents and teachers celebrated the children’s creativity at the event which gave the opportunity for the children and young people to perform their poems to the audience.

The event drew in a huge audience, with passers-by stopping to also hear their poetry and see them being presented with trophies and prizes from Atta Yaqub, SFA Equity Officer and actor, and Juana Adcock, bilingual poet and translator. The MTOT 2015/16 anthology was also launched, with children and teachers taking home copies containing their wonderful poems.

With over 400 children participating, the hardest task was to decide upon our winners and highly commended entries from each category. Our award winners are as follows:




Mother Tongue



P1 - 3 (Winner)

Simon Paulicek (Czech)

St Paul’s, Shettleston

P1 - 3  (Highly Commended)

Emili Harris (German)

Preston Street Primary

P4 – 6 (Winner)

Daniel Homstol (Norwegian)   

Bishopton  Primary

P4 – 6  (Highly Commended)

Milmante Dzisevic (Russian)

St Fergus  Primary

P4 – 6 (Highly Commended)

Andras Poszmik (Hungarian)

St Anne’s  Primary

P7 – S1 (Winner)

Weronika Jargielo (Polish)

Douglas Academy

P7 – S1 (Highly Commended)

Blanka Szopa (Polish)

St Paul’s  Primary

P7 – S1 (Highly Commended)

Nina Bourdarias (French)

Inveralmond Community High

S2 – 3 (Winner)

Keren Mingole  (BSL)

St Roch’s Secondary

S2 – 3 (Highly Commended)

Solange Becquart (French)

Ellon Academy

Senior (Winner)

Lin Meng  (Mandarin)

Ellon Academy




Other Tongue



P1 – 3 (Winner)

Freya Mole (BSL)

Preston Street Primary

P4 - 6 (Winner)

Khadidja Chaher (French)

Netherlee Primary

P4 - 6 (Highly Commended

Avelon Mungersdorf (French)

St Ninian’s Primary

P7 – S1 (Winner)

Ailbhe Murphy (Gaelic) 

Glasgow Gaelic School

P7 – S1 (Highly Commended)

Maggie Lawson (French)

Douglas Academy

S2 – 3 (Winner)

Gregor Murray (Spanish)

St Margaret’s Academy

S2 – 3 (Highly Commended)

Aimee Campbell (French)

Inveralmond CHS

Senior (Winner)

Ronan McCart (Spanish)

St Margaret’s Academy

Senior (Highly Commended)

Eleanor Pain (Italian)

George Heriot’s School


Once we have published photographs from the day and the on-line version of the anthology, we will post via the weekly e-bulletin.  If you don't already receive the news bulletin you can sign-up to receive this each Friday during term time.

SCILT job profile posters

14 March 2016 (SCILT)

SCILT's job profile posters are now available to download from our website. Teachers will be able to use these to promote languages in the classroom and beyond. The posters include some of the profiles featured in our Job Profile booklet, as well as some general facts on the benefits of language learning.

These posters can be downloaded as PDF from the Job Profile section of our website, under the 'Careers with languages' tab.

SCILT at Language Show Live

10 March 2016 (SCILT)

We’ll be at Language Show Live Scotland at the SECC in Glasgow for the 2-day celebration of all things languages this weekend, so if you’re attending come and see us at stand 432. Our CISS colleagues will be based at stand 440 and we’re also running a number of seminars over the course of the event.

See the Language Show Live website for more information. Hope to see you there!


World Book Day - 3 March

3 March 2016 (SCILT)

Why not celebrate World Book Day with books in different languages? Here are some suggested websites:

Language Linking Global Thinking - promoting languages and global citizenship!

1 March 2016 (SCILT)

SCILT is inviting schools interested in taking part in the Language Linking Global Thinking initiative in session 2016/17 to register now. 

The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend a year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad, the partner school keeps in regular contact with the student by emailing, sending postcards and other resources. The two-way correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. 

If you would like to take part in this project for session 2016-17, please email SCILT. Places are limited.

More information on Language Linking Global Thinking, including the blogs students have used to facilitate their contact with the schools.

New job profile on the SCILT website

19 February 2016 (SCILT)

We have a range of job profiles on the SCILT website to let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

Our latest profile features Adam Williams. a Spacecraft Operations Engineer working for the European Space Agency on the ExoMars mission, whose goal is to send a robotic vehicle to Mars to try and find evidence of past or present life on Mars. He explains how beneficial language skills are when working with a diverse range of international colleagues.

See this and other job profiles on our website now.


Business brunches: Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce in Aberdeen

15 February 2016 (SCILT)

Young people from 14 schools across Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the Beach Ballroom on 10 February 2016. 140 learners from S3-S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending said: “The event was very informative, provided usable information and generated excitement about language learning. We had the opportunity to ask questions directly of people in the industry.”

One of the young people added to this and commented: “The Brunch has really helped me with my subject choices. The event was very enjoyable and I recommend it to anyone who is still undecided about further language study. It really explained how important it is to learn a language.”

Meryl James and Janette Kelso, part of the team behind the event, said: “Languages improve your overall being. They help with formation of synapses in your brain and increase its overall capacity to function; it's a workout for your brain really. Research from Edinburgh University shows the risk of developing dementia is greatly reduced if you study a language. Memory capacity is increased – which is useful for anything in life – and you can develop many transferable skills through learning a language, including communication skills, analytical skills, as well as creative and flexible thinking. Don’t miss out!”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages (UCML) Scotland. Companies attending included Visit Scotland, Chester Hotel Aberdeen and TOTAL E&P UK LTD. Schools represented were Harlaw Academy, Bucksburn Academy, Hazlehead Academy, Northfield Academy, Cults Academy, Meldrum Academy, Mearns Academy, Westhill Academy, Peterhead Academy, Portlethen Academy, Mackie Academy, Fraserburgh Academy, Banff Academy and Turriff Academy.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy.

The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2016 which build on the successful series of Business Breakfasts in January 2015.

More information on SCILT’s 2016 Business Brunches.


New job profile on the SCILT website

12 February 2016 (SCILT)

We have a range of job profiles on the SCILT website to let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

Our latest profile features Susan Brown, a Blue Badge Tourist Guide in Scotland, who tells us how important language skills have been in her career at home and abroad.

See this and other job profiles on our website now.


Business brunches: Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce in Edinburgh

9 February 2016 (SCILT)

Young people from 15 schools across Scotland had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the Surgeons’ Hall Quincentenary Conference Centre on 2 February 2016. 140 learners from S3-S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending said: “This was really engaging for the pupils. One of the speakers said he had no interest in learning another language but now he couldn't have secured his job without it – this is what pupils need to hear.”

One of the young people added to this and commented: “I enjoyed seeing all the different companies and finding out about the opportunities that are out there with languages. It was interesting and inspiring learning about the jobs and the different cultures.”

Callam Fletcher, Interim CEO of Asia Scotland Institute, stated in his keynote speech: “I went to Valencia with Erasmus during my IT degree and loved it! I knew French, and Spanish and French are quite similar. Later, I founded an IT company in the Czech Republic. At the beginning I had no Czech, but I knew from my experience of French and Spanish that I would learn it. Companies all over the world are becoming more international and language is one of those resources that unlocks opportunities.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages (UCML) Scotland. Companies attending included Asia Scotland Institute, National Galleries Scotland and Scotsman Hotel. Schools represented were Armadale Academy, Bathgate Academy, Blairgowrie High School, Dunfermline High School, Newbattle Community High School, Penicuik High School, Preston Lodge High School, St Kentigern’s Academy, The James Young High School, Trinity Academy, The Royal High School, Stirling High School, St Margaret’s Academy, Larbert High School and Alva Academy.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy.

The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2016 which build on the successful series of Business Breakfasts in January 2015.

More information on SCILT’s 2016 Business Brunches.

Business brunches: Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce in Renfrewshire

8 February 2016 (SCILT)

Young people from ten schools across west of Scotland had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the University of West of Scotland Paisley Campus on 28 January 2016. 140 learners from S3-S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending said: “The event was very interesting and demonstrated to pupils how languages are used in the workplace. Pupils hadn't made the connection between having a language with the sort of companies represented at the event.”

One of the young people added to this and commented: “I learned lot about how languages are valuable in the world and that learning a second language is of increasing importance.”

Gillian Black, Regional Sales Manager at the Macdonald Crutherland House Hotel, stated in the plenary: “How you interact, how you hold yourself and get to know the culture along with the language is very important in the world of hospitality. We will soon be hosting a group from China and are busy learning phrases in Chinese. I have a range of languages I tap into – it's about building a relationship.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages (UCML) Scotland. Companies attending included Rolls Royce, Clansman Dynamics and Holiday Inn. Schools represented were Gryffe High School, Renfrew High School, Johnstone High School, Linwood High School, Lourdes Secondary, Bannerman High School, Holyrood Secondary, Balfron High School, Bearsden Academy, Barrhead High School.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy.

The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2016 which build on the successful series of Business Breakfasts in January 2015.

More information on SCILT’s 2016 Business Brunches.

Business brunches: Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce in Inverness

1 February 2016 (SCILT)

Young people from ten schools across Highland had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at Kingsmills Hotel on 26 January 2016. 140 learners from S3-S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending said: “This was an enjoyable and highly informative opportunity to speak to successful people who can partially or entirely attribute their success to use of language. The Business Brunch certainly makes it clear to learners that languages are important.”

One of the young people added to this and commented: “I found out how languages help you go further and can give you a head start. It was interesting to find out how many jobs you can get even if you only know a bit of the language.” UHI Student Language Ambassador, Susan Dearness, who was part of a team supporting the event stated: “I knew right from an early age that I wanted to do languages. When I started travelling and doing seasonal work in Europe I realised how important a language is. I’ve had fantastic jobs and opportunities because of languages. The emphasis on global citizenship these days and the growing awareness of how important a knowledge of languages can be means that students won't be faced with the fallacy that “Everyone speaks English”!”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages (UCML) Scotland. Companies attending included BBC, The Museum of Scottish Lighthouses and Kanaird Shipping. Schools represented were Culloden Academy, Plockton High School, Inverness Royal Academy, Alness Academy, Ullapool High School, Charleston Academy, Farr High School, Lochaber High School, Inverness High School, Grantown Grammar and Fortrose Academy.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world. This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy.

The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2016 which build on the successful series of Business Breakfasts in January 2015.

More information on SCILT’s 2016 Business Brunches.

Business brunches: Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce in Dundee

25 January 2015 (SCILT)

Young people from ten schools across Tayside and Fife had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the University of Dundee on 20 January 2016. 140 learners from S3-S5 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending said: “The event was very interesting and demonstrated to pupils how languages are used in the workplace. The presentation from Outplay Entertainment showed that there are more opportunities for linguists in the games industry than we thought, and illustrated another field that uses languages.”

One of the young people added to this and commented: “I learned lot about how languages are valuable in the world and that learning a second language is of increasing importance.”

Professor Karl Leydecker, Vice-Principal (Learning & Teaching) at University of Dundee, stated in the plenary: “Languages give you that extra something, not just for your job but for all areas in life. When the European students attend our Enterprise Gym, we see that they have the confidence to take a challenge on. Everyone is looking out to the world. It's never too late to pick up a language.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages (UCML) Scotland. Companies attending included Glamis Castle, Volpa and Valentine International Business Connections LLP. Schools represented were Beath High School, Blairgowrie High School, Carnoustie High School, Glenalmond College, Harris Academy, Madras College, Montrose Academy, Perth Grammar, St John’s Roman Catholic High School and Webster’s High School.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Marion Spöring, University of Dundee and Chair of UCML Scotland, said: “It was great to see the enthusiasm and feel the buzz of over a hundred pupils who were finding out about the many exciting ways languages open up employment opportunities in local and global businesses. From creative and heritage industries, computer gaming and worldwide marketing – there are breakthroughs to be made and multilingual people are the key for success in business.”

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy. The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2016 which build on the successful series of Business Breakfasts in January 2015.


Inspiring Scotland’s future global workforce in Glasgow

18 January 2016 (SCILT)

Young people from fourteen schools across the west of Scotland had the opportunity to engage with local businesses at the University of Strathclyde on 13 January 2016. 140 learners from S3-S6 heard from a range of business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth and success of their company. The Business Brunch demonstrated the relevance of language skills in a work context and aimed to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

A teacher attending the event said: “The speaker demonstrated the value of languages to learners and it was powerful for them to see this in a commercial context. The event gave learners lots to think about in terms of their future careers.” One of the young people added to this, and commented: “When one of the speakers spoke to us in seven languages, this is what influenced me the most to consider languages in the future. His languages seemed to have been very beneficial to his career.”

David Ross from Keppie Design, one of the workshop leaders, stated: “People are what make business work. If you can speak languages it makes life much easier. It's a fallacy that the world speaks English.”

The event was organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages in partnership with the University Council for Modern Languages Scotland. Companies attending included Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP, Barclays Bank and IBM. Schools represented were Bellshill Academy, Belmont House School, Bishopbriggs Academy, Cathkin High School, Dumbarton Academy, Hillhead High School, Irvine Royal Academy, John Ogilvie High, Kilmarnock Academy, Lenzie Academy, Moffat Academy, Our Lady and St Patrick's High, Our Lady's High Cumbernauld and Uddingston Grammar.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Meaningful employer engagement and providing relevant careers advice are both key recommendations of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, “Developing the young workforce”. This Business Brunch supported these aims by giving young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the role of languages in the business world.

This collaboration between schools and businesses supported Scotland’s International Policy to equip young people with international communication and employability skills that they will need in our increasingly globalised society and economy.

The event is one of a series of Business Brunches being held across Scotland in January and February 2016 which build on the successful series of Business Breakfasts in January 2015.

More information on SCILT’s 2016 Business Brunches.

New job profile on the SCILT website

14 January 2016 (SCILT)

We have a range of job profiles on the SCILT website to let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

Our latest profile features Andrew Muir, who lived and studied in Scotland but now works in London as a Character Animator on a children's TV series. He tells us why language learning is important and the opportunities this can offer him to expand his career overseas.

See this and other job profiles on our website now.


SQA Higher Modern Languages Course Reports (2015)

7 January 2016 (SCILT / SQA)

We have summarised the Higher Modern Languages Course Reports and highlighted the key messages across all the languages.

These reports contain information on how candidates performed in the 2015 exam diet and give important advice on how to prepare candidates for forthcoming examinations, as well as for the Performance of Talking

The full reports can be accessed on the SQA website.


German Educational Trainees Across Borders 2016/17

7 January 2016 (SCILT)

Expressions of interest are now being taken from local authorities who would like to host a German student teacher for a 6 month placement during the 2016-17 school session.

German trainee teachers from Universities in Mainz, Leipzig and Koblenz are available to work in Scottish schools for a six month placement from September/October 2016 to March/April 2017. Participating students are native German speakers, training to become secondary teachers of English. 

German Educational Trainees (GETs) help to boost language learning and intercultural dialogue in schools whilst providing an invaluable opportunity to enhance their classroom practice.

For more information please see attached the 'GET Flyer' and 'GET_2016_Information Sheet'. 

Local authorities interested in hosting GETs should complete and return the Note of Interest form by Friday 29th January.  

Related Files

Scottish Languages Review Issue 30

5 January 2015 (SCILT)

The winter edition of the Scottish Languages Review and Digest is out! You can access individual articles or download the complete issue, which includes summaries of (and links to) recent language publications, articles from other journals and upcoming language conferences.

In this edition we have responses and updates to articles from earlier editions. Dombrowski et al respond to the article by Scott on language statistics in Scottish schools in Issue 29 and Lindner et al continue the story of the Chaoyang English Project, first written about in Issue 25. McColl revisits her own reflections on the Scottish Government’s 1+2 language policy from Issue 24 and looks more concretely into target language use in the classroom. McCrossan reports on how the creative practices she described in Issue 26 have been developed further and applied in a number of early years classes across her local authority. Finally, ‘newcomer’ Price provides an account of how she introduced self and peer-assessment practices into her secondary school language department.

The Scottish Languages Review is THE electronic journal for language practitioners in Scotland. It is published twice a year by SCILT.


Languages for work at James Young High

21 December 2015 (SCILT)

On the 10 December 2015, S3 pupils at James Young High in Livingston had the opportunity to participate in a language morning to celebrate the second year of the Business Language partnership with the Dalmahoy Marriott Hotel and Country Club.

This partnership was established through the Business Language Champions programme which is facilitated by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. The programme helps schools and businesses to build partnerships through languages in order to give young people a real and engaging context for their language learning and to provide learners with an insight into the world of work.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Partnerships such as these are a really important way of providing young people with high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves and of demonstrating to them the value of language skills in our increasingly globalised world”.

Business Language Champions demonstrates to young people how the learning of a language can enhance their career prospects and develop their skills for learning, life and work. This year the project will involve the S3 pupils working collaboratively to create a nature trail guide and floor plan for the hotel in German.

The launch event was organised by the Modern Languages Department at the James Young High in Livingston with support from SCILT. Throughout the morning the students had the opportunity to engage with a variety of speakers from the hotel itself and language ambassadors from universities across Scotland, all promoting the benefits of having a language as part of their skill set.


MTOT deadline for submissions – 18 December

15 December 2015 (SCILT)

Last chance to submit entries for this year’s MTOT multilingual poetry competition!  You have until midnight 18 December to get your entries in.

Thanks to all those who have participated. We look forward to seeing all the great work which has been produced and will be in touch again in the New Year once judging has taken place. 

If you still need to submit your pupils’ entries, follow the guidance in the Teacher's Pack within the RESOURCES tab on our MTOT pageOr see the MTOT blog where you can also find submission guidelines.


Latest edition of SCILT newsletter is sure to make you smile

15 December 2015 (SCILT)

The most recent edition of SCILT’s newsletter has been published on our website.

Find out how languages have been marked and celebrated by Scottish schools, including SCILT’s Word Wizard and MTOT competitions. There are reports on BASLA successes and on the forthcoming Language Show Live Scotland. As ever, news from local authorities and cultural organisations demonstrates the great work being done to promote languages to Scottish young people. And finally, you will see for yourself that European Day of Languages 2015 made lots of our learners smile!


Posted in: SCILT news

MTOT deadline approaching!

10 December 2015 (SCILT)

Entries have been arriving thick and fast in our inboxes here at SCILT. It is fantastic to see the hard-work and enthusiasm of your pupils in a multitude of languages being creative in such a wide variety of themes from football to holidays, memories of family to recent terrorist events in Paris.

Just a reminder that the closing date for entries is 18 December. All the information and documentation you need to enter pupils' work can be found in the Teacher's Pack within the RESOURCES tab on our MTOT page.  Those of you following our MTOT blog can also find submission guidelines there.


BB is back!

4 December 2015 (SCILT)

Due to popular demand, SCILT, in partnership with University Council for Modern Languages (UCMLS) is delighted to announce that we will be hosting a series of Business Brunch events (formerly Business Breakfast) across Scotland next year! Last chance to register for all events 4 December (except Edinburgh - 10 December)!

Aimed specifically at S3 - S6 pupils, each event will provide learners with the opportunity to hear from a wide range of dynamic business leaders who view language skills as key to the growth of the success of their organisations and why they compete successfully in a globalised market.
Most importantly, it will give young people the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the variety of careers and employment opportunities that are open to people who can demonstrate language skills on their CV.

In addition, we will highlight the benefits of offering the SVQ unit 'Building your own Employability Skills' from the Languages for Life and Work Award, because it can be an effective stepping stone for the employability context in National 4/5, Higher and Advanced Higher.

To find out more and register interest for these events, visit our Business Brunches 2016 webpage.


SCILT Christmas webpage now live!

3 December 2015 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ways to bring the festive season to your languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled resources from around the world for use with your pupils, from songs and games to interactive advent calendars. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and around the world!


MTOT blog

2 December 2015 (SCILT)

In the latest MTOT blogpost we share 10 fun poetry ideas.


Word Wizard 2016 - last chance to register!

26 November 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

Registrations for Word Wizard 2016 close on Monday 30th November, don't miss out on the chance to enter this motivating and challenging competition!

Open to S1-S3 pupils to compete in French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin or Spanish, Word Wizard provides learners with the opportunity to improve their vocabulary, pronunciation and memory skills in a competition format. 

In partnership with UCMLS this year we have semi-finals in Aberdeen, Dundee and Glasgow. Sign up now to receive the first set of word lists and start practising!


Language Show Live is coming to Scotland!

19 November 2015 (Language Show Live Scotland)

Following the continued success of Europe’s longest running premier language event, hosted in London for the past 27 years, Language Show Live is excited to be opening its doors to Glasgow this 11-12 March at the SECC for two inspirational days packed with free educational seminars, language classes, live forums and cultural performances in an incredible celebration of languages.

Language Show Live Scotland is your chance to join thousands of language teachers, learners, translators, interpreters, linguists and job seekers who love languages as much as you.

Applications for the event programme are now open.

If you’re an experienced speaker and would like to be part of the Language Show Scotland programme click on the link to find out more about the several ways to participate and apply.

The deadline to receive all applications is Sunday 29 November.

Visit the Language Show Live Scotland website for more information about the event.


Making languages count for my child – new leaflet from SCILT

17 November 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT’s new leaflet for parents promoting the entitlement to language learning for all learners from P1 until the end of S3 has been published.

The leaflet 'Making languages count for my child' provides information on this entitlement as well as answering common questions about language learning and giving parents advice on how they can support their children in learning languages.

This leaflet will be a powerful tool for language teachers, Support for Learning colleagues and Senior Management, and it will equip you with the information you need to convince parents that language learning really is for all!

To order copies of this leaflet for your school visit the Learners and Parents pages of our website. Further SCILT resources are available from this page. Although all our products are free of charge, we ask in return that you briefly explain how you intend to use them.

For language learning in action, read our case study of Corseford School, where inclusive pedagogies and technologies are supporting the teaching and learning of Spanish amongst children and young people with complex health, education, movement and communication needs.


Posted in: 1+2, SCILT news

New German ebook

13 November 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT, the Goethe Institute and LFEE are pleased to announce the launch of a new German e-book aimed at learners from P7 to S2. If your school has taken part in the Goethe Institute’s German Adventure project, or even if it hasn’t, you will be find this interactive book an enjoyable way to develop German language skills while discovering more about the culture of the EU’s most populated country.


New job profile on the SCILT website

6 November 2015 (SCILT)

Let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work by visiting the 'Job Profiles' section of the SCILT website. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

The latest profile is from Catherine McNicol, a PhD researcher at the University of Exeter, working in the Environment and Sustainability Institute in Cornwall.

SCILT has worked to make all of the job profiles more useful for teachers and learners by organising them by workplace sector.

See Catherine's profile and others on our website now.


Word Wizard 2016 - regional semi-finals added!

5 November 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

Registrations for Word Wizard 2016 are now open for your French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin and Spanish pupils to develop their vocabulary, spelling and memory skills.

This year we have 3 semi-finals in venues across the country - in the Universities of Strathclyde, Dundee and Aberdeen. Schools can now choose to attend the semi-final which is most convenient for them.

The Stage 1 word lists were sent to registered schools this week, so sign up now to take part in this exciting and motivating competition!


Language Trends 2014-2015

5 November 2015 (SCILT)

We have conducted a brief analysis of published SQA language statistics at SCQF levels 4-7 in 2014 and 2015.

See the 'Language Trends in Scotland 2014-15' report on our website.


Primary classroom resources on SCILT website

3 November 2011 (SCILT)

SCILT have updated the primary classroom resources hosted on the SCILT website for French, German and Gaelic.

These resources are for primary teachers to use in their classrooms and have been developed by SCILT and our partner organisations. Further updates to Spanish and Chinese are to follow.


1+2 Case Study - Corseford School

30 October 2015 (SCILT)

Corseford School in Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire supports children and young people with complex health, education, movement and communication needs. They are using inclusive pedagogies and technologies such as alternative and augmentative communication systems to support the teaching and learning of Spanish. One of two schools in the country run by Capability Scotland, Corseford School was the proud recipient of the 'Making Languages Come Alive' category in the Scottish Education Awards 2015.

Read about their experiences and how other schools are implementing the 1+2 languages policy in the Case Studies on the 1+2 section of our website.


Word Wizard 2016 - registrations now open!

30 October 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

Scotland's National Centre for Languages and Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools, in partnership with The University of St Andrews, are proud to announce the return of Word Wizard for its third year!

Motivate your French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin and Spanish pupils by taking part in this spellbinding multilingual spelling competition! 

Building on the success of last year's competition, this year we are holding 3 semi-finals across the country - hosted by the universities of Strathclyde, Dundee and Aberdeen. 

Visit our Word Wizard 2016 webpage for more information and to download the Teacher's Pack and Registration form. 


SCILT marks EDL at Galashiels Academy

21 October 2015 (SCILT)

A recent careers event highlighted the importance of language skills to Galashiels Academy pupils. S3 pupils participated in the event held in the school on 23 September 2015. It aimed to demonstrate the value of language skills for Scotland’s future workforce and to encourage pupils to consider the relevance of languages for their personal development as well as for further study and future career opportunities.

The event was organised by Galashiels Academy Modern Languages Department with support from SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are valuable because they allow young people to receive careers advice directly from employers. It's important that Scottish youngsters enter the workforce with a wide range of skills and attributes; those who have learned a language can offer enhanced communication skills, a greater level of inter-cultural sensitivity and highly developed literacy. These competencies are valued by the business community and this event has demonstrated to leaners how ability in languages other than English can give a competitive edge in an increasingly globalised job market.”

Modern Languages Principal Teacher, Cedric Raffier, said: “It was a very worthwhile experience for all the pupils who took part. They went away from it with a broader understanding of the importance that languages play in communication, both at a personal and professional level, and with some idea of taking their language learning further as they progress with their education.”

Beth Tope from local business ProStrakan demonstrated the importance of language and cultural understanding to the success of a business with an international client base. Rugby star Gregor Townsend shared how useful being able to communicate in another language can be for sportsmen playing at an international level. Professor Nik Gisborne from the University of Edinburgh introduced pupils to the world of linguistics.

This event marked European Day of Languages 2015.

For more information on SCILT’s work to promote the benefits of language learning for business and employment, please visit the Business pages of our website.

Availability of past papers for all Modern Languages qualifications

21 October 2015 (SCILT/SQA)

We have been advised by the SQA that there are no plans to remove 'old NQ' materials out with the SQA retention policy. That is that all past paper materials on the site is available for 5 years after the examination - so from now 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011 materials are available.

SQA only clears copyright for the years the materials are published and therefore centres should not store materials out with that period.

There has been no specific communication to centres on this matter as there has not been a change to policy or practice.

Past materials can be found on the SQA website.


SCILT supports careers event at Balfron High School

20 October 2015 (SCILT)

Balfron High School pupils learnt the importance of language skills at a careers event held in the school on 9 October 2015. The event was organised by the school’s Modern Languages Department in partnership with local businesses in order to demonstrate the value of language skills in a work context and encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the Senior Phase and beyond school.

S3-S6 pupils participated in the event which was supported by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are an opportunity for young people to receive high quality careers advice directly from employers. It’s vital that Scottish youngsters enter the workforce with relevant skills and attributes; those who have learned a language can offer enhanced communication skills, a greater level of inter-cultural sensitivity and highly developed literacy. These competencies will be highly valued by future employers and this event has clearly demonstrated how having skills in an additional language can enable young people to compete in an increasingly globalised job market.”

Rebekah, S3 pupil, said: “I now know that languages help a lot more than I thought before when it comes to jobs that are not necessarily based on languages, like teaching or translating, and that languages can make you more employable. I will take languages more seriously now that I know more about them.”

Lewis, also S3, said “I enjoyed hearing about different types of jobs. This event has changed my view of languages.”

Participants heard first hand from different companies on how important language and cultural understanding were to the success of their business. These included Pernod Ricard, Glengoyne Distillery and the Scottish Tourist Guides Association. Language ambassadors from Strathclyde and Stirling Universities delivered sessions on the variety of language study options available as well as sharing their experiences of a gap year studying abroad.

This event was part of the wider Future Pathways initiative at Balfron High School which encourages pupils to consider their individual learning journey and prepare them for becoming part of a highly competent Scottish workforce.

For more information on SCILT’s work to promote the benefits of language learning for business and employment please visit the Business pages of our website.

Language learning for international gaming

6 October 2015 (SCILT)

Woodmill High School links with Outplay Entertainment

The value of language skills for employment was made clear to Woodmill High School pupils at a recent visit from a gaming industry expert. On 30 September 2015, Thomas Hulvershorn, Operation and Analytics Manager at Outplay Entertainment, addressed S3 pupils at an event marking the start of a partnership between Outplay Entertainment and the school.

Mr Hulvershorn explained to pupils how language skills play an important role in the gaming industry, particularly in terms of international marketing and in making games accessible globally to players in their own language.

Janet Monaghan, Principal Teacher of Modern Languages, said: “We are delighted to have made this link with Outplay Entertainment. It will make the Media unit pupils are about to study so much more relevant and meaningful.”

Thomas Cameron, S3 pupil said: “I thought that it was good to learn about how languages could help you get a job and it gave me a new perspective on looking at languages.”

The partnership is facilitated by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, as part of their Business Language Champions scheme. The partnership is facilitated by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages, as part of their Business Language Champions scheme. Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “It is important that our young people are aware of the benefits that learning a language can bring them. It’s important for them to understand that language qualifications are not just for those who wish to be interpreters or teachers! Language skills enhance any candidate’s CV and the enhanced communication skills and cultural sensitivity they foster is a tremendous attribute to any working environment.”

During his visit, Mr Hulvershorn shared his own experience of learning languages and how he did not appreciate the significant role languages would play in his later professional life. He talked to the pupils about the gaming industry, particularly the process of designing and making games. He set pupils the task of creating a poster promoting one of the company’s games in French or German.

The visit marked the launch of Business Language Champions at Woodmill High School. This scheme helps schools and businesses to build partnerships through languages to equip young people with the international communication and employability skills that they will need for their future careers. Business Language Champions is facilitated by SCILT and runs in schools across Scotland.

More information on SCILT’s Business Language Champions.

If you would like to organise a BLC in your own school or local authority, SCILT would be delighted to support you. Contact us.

South Ayrshire pupils understand the value of language skills

5 September 2015 (SCILT)

A recent event highlighted the importance of language skills to South Ayrshire secondary pupils. 240 pupils from schools across South Ayrshire participated in a Business Breakfast held on 22 September 2015 at Queen Margaret Academy in Ayr. The event aimed to demonstrate to pupils the value of language skills in a business context and to encourage pupils to continue with their language studies into the Senior Phase.

The event was organised by South Ayrshire Education Department, Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce and SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages.

Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT said: “Events such as these are a really important way of affording young people high quality careers advice delivered by the business people themselves. It's important that Scottish youngsters can enter the workforce with a wide range of skills and attributes; those who have learned a language can offer enhanced communication skills, a greater level of inter-cultural sensitivity and highly developed literacy. These competencies are all highly valued by the business community and this event has clearly demonstrated how having ability in languages other than English can make our young people more competitive in an increasingly globalised job market.”

Toni, S3 pupil from Queen Margaret Academy said: "I'm interested in Engineering and it was really useful to talk to an engineering company about why having another language is really important to their business. The speaker also said they were trying to promote women in engineering, so that's good news for me! I am definitely going to choose to do a language in S5/S6 now!"

Taylor, S3 pupil from Ayr Academy said: "I liked that we got to talk to a wide variety of local companies and businesses that use languages not just people who translate as a job."

Calvin, S3 pupil also from Ayr Academy said: "I didn't realise all these companies were out there and how important having another language has been to their business."

The event opened and closed with an inspirational talk from two businesses on the importance of language learning. Throughout the day pupils visited a marketplace where they could talk to representatives from a range of companies about how languages benefit their business. Pupils also attended two workshops where companies presented on how they use languages in their business dealings.

For more information on SCILT’s work to promote the benefits of language learning for business and employment, please visit the business pages of the SCILT website.

If you would like to organise something similar in your own school or local authority, SCILT would be delighted to support you. Contact us.

MTOT 2015 blog

2 October 2015 (SCILT)

Our Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) blog is up and running again for the 2015-16 competition!

Take a look at the first post and images from the creative poetry workshop which took place at the University of Strathclyde on 19 September.

There are also links to the 'Creative Bag of Tricks' series of blogs from last year.

Don't forget we have a wealth of resources on our MTOT 2015 webpage.  The latest addition in the resources tab is a powerpoint presentation showing examples of Mother Tongue Other Tongue poetry.


EDL 2015 blog

2 October 2015 (SCILT)

How did you celebrate the European Day of Languages 2015? Visit our EDL 2015 blog to hear how schools used language cafés, Bollywood dancing, calligraphy and singing to celebrate language learning in Europe this year!

If you would like to feature in our EDL blog then send some colourful photos and a description of your activities to


New Languages and Literacy leaflet available from SCILT!

2 October 2015 (SCILT)

Hot off the press! SCILT has just developed a new leaflet for parents that promotes the positive connections between language learning and literacy skills. The leaflet Developing Literacy Through Language Learning: a guide for parents gives an interesting insight into language learning in Scottish schools and demonstrates how learning additional languages can play an important role in helping children and young people develop their literacy skills in their mother tongue.

To order copies of Developing Literacy Through Language Learning: a guide for parents for your school visit the Learners and Parents pages of our website where you will find a range of SCILT resources. Download and complete the order form and email it back to us at

Although these products are free of charge, we would ask in return that you briefly explain how you intend to use them in your establishment.


New job profile on SCILT's website

24 September 2015 (SCILT)

The Rugby World Cup 2015 is underway and the latest job profile added to our website is from someone very much involved in the sport:

  • Sylvain Diez, Rugby Development Officer in Ayr

Let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work by visiting the 'Job Profiles' section of the SCILT website. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

SCILT has worked to make all of the job profiles more useful for teachers and learners by organising them by workplace sector.

See Sylvain's profile and others on our website now.


EDL 2015 - not long to go!

17 September 2015 (SCILT)

It's now only one week until the European Day of Languages 2015, how is your school celebrating?

If you are still looking for ideas there are plenty for primary and secondary classes on our EDL webpage, along with links to websites and other resources.

Let us know how you celebrate and we will feature you in our EDL 2015 blog. We will even pick some of the most innovative events to highlight in our next newsletter!

Email with a short blurb and some colourful pictures from your event, ensuring you have the relevant photo permissions. 


Language study beyond school

11 September 2015 (SCILT)

Do you have students looking to further or develop their language learning on leaving school? Make sure they know about the Beyond School section of the SCILT website. With useful information on different language courses and options available here in Scotland, there are also links to UCAS and language courses UK-wide to help their selection process and the transition from school.

The section includes advice and information on:

  • The benefits of language learning for you and your career 
  • Undergraduate language courses at Scottish and UK universities 
  • Options for combining languages with other degree subjects 
  • Beginner and refresher language courses and modules at Scotland’s colleges 
  • The gap year – opportunities to study, work or volunteer abroad 
  • The student voice – blogs, advice, hints and tips from those who’ve been there

The site also outlines the support Scottish universities can provide to teachers and schools in their language teaching and staff professional development.

So please make your language teaching professionals, pupils and guidance staff aware of the ‘Beyond School’ website. It’s got their language needs covered!


MTOT - Free Creative Poetry Workshops for Teachers

4 September 2015 (SCILT)

In taking MTOT to a national level this year, we are delighted to be able to offer FREE poetry workshops for primary and secondary teachers at four different venues across Scotland.

Teachers will work with Juliette Lee, a poet and creative writer, for a half-day workshop to develop their own creativity, explore poetry and the impact of language we use, including our Mother Tongue and also experimenting with poetry in an Other Tongue too. We hope that teachers will leave inspired and able to take back some ideas and examples to work with their own pupils who will then submit their poems/rhymes/raps/songs into the MTOT competition.

Due to high levels of interest for the competition in general, we have decided to leave registration for schools open until Friday 9 October. Teachers do not have to attend one of the workshops to register their school for the MTOT competition although the workshops are a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills in teaching poetry, languages and to gather ideas to take back into the classroom.

Spaces are still available at the following workshop:

  • Friday 9 October, 13.30 – 16.30 ; Open University, Edinburgh (deadline for registration Friday 2 October)

Register by completing the MTOT workshop registration form on the SCILT website.

For more information about MTOT and to register your school to take part in the competition visit the MTOT 2015-16 page of our website.


New job profiles on the SCILT website

4 September 2015 (SCILT)

Let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work by visiting the 'Job Profiles' section of the SCILT website. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

NEW to the job profiles section:

  • Ken Lindsay, Brand Ambassador, Chivas Brothers highlights the importance of language skills when representing the company overseas
  • Dylan Kelly, Marketing Manager, Old Course Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa stresses that not only language skills but cultural awareness is important in the tourism and leisure industry
  • Sharz Din, Creative Director, Vidal Sassoon says even a little language can go a long way in his role

SCILT has worked to make all of the job profiles more useful for teachers and learners by organising them by workplace sector.

See these and other job profiles on our website now.


Register now for Regional Cross-sector meeting in Aberdeen

4 September 2015 (SCILT)

After the very successful cross-sector ENGAGE event held at the University of Strathclyde in May, we are pleased to announce that the first of the regional cross-sector hub meetings will be taking place in September.

The regional hubs will present opportunities for teachers, 1+2 Development Officers and university languages and education staff to network and plan joint initiatives to support and promote language learning. We would urge you to attend one of these initial meetings which will be the catalyst for subsequent collaborations.

There is still time to register for the following meeting:

  • Friday 18 September 14.00 – 16.00 Aberdeen University

To register attendance, please email SCILT ( by Thursday 10 September 2015 with the following information:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Organisation
  • Job title

Please note there will be a limited number of places which will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Further details, including venue information, will be emailed to participants after the closing date.

Happy Emperor and other stories

4 September 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

We are very pleased to publish the 5th animated e-book in the Happy Emperor series. This new adventure sees the Happy Emperor and his friends celebrating the Moon Festival and will help teachers develop children’s talking and listening, reading and writing skills in Mandarin.

Including interactive activities for use on a whiteboard, PC or tablet, the e-book presents an engaging way of introducing and practising simple vocabulary including food, clothes and telling the time. We hope you’ll enjoy using the e-book and would love to hear what you think of it and how you’ve used it with your learners.


MTOT 2015-16 registration extended

1 September 2015 (SCILT)

Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) 2015-16 has launched in Scotland!

The multilingual poetry competition celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing. Mother Tongue encourages children who do not speak English as a first language to share a remembered poem from their mother tongue. Other Tongue encourages children learning another language in school to write an original poem in that other tongue.

The competition was successfully piloted in Glasgow last year and we're delighted to now offer all primary and secondary schools in Scotland the chance to participate.

Take a look at our MTOT 2015-16 webpages for full details about this year's competition. You'll also find a section on previous events and testimonials from those who took part, as well as links to the MTOT blog and a host of other useful resources, including the teacher's pack containing the categories, criteria and rules.

During September and October there will be some Saturday workshops available for teachers from schools registered for the competition. There will be a limited number of places which will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so watch for more details about these soon and ensure you don't miss out!

Register your school for MTOT now*! Deadline extended to 9 October 2015.

*Some schools are reporting an issue with accessing the online registration form. If your authority is also blocking the page, we would suggest registering from a home PC or emailing us to be registered manually.


EDL 2015: Ideas to celebrate in your school

28 August 2015 (SCILT)

This year SCILT's European Day of Languages packs have been more popular than ever! We are now officially out of stock, having sent materials to over 70 schools and posting out more than twice as many packs as last year.

However, there are still lots of ways to celebrate EDL in your school and SCILT has put together great ideas to support you in your celebrations. We have grouped them into primary and secondary ideas and provided a suggested timeframe for each activity.

Visit our EDL 2015 webpage to download our suggestions and to find many more ideas and resources.


Supporting language teachers

24 August 2015 (SecEd)

Scotland's National Centre for Languages works to develop and improve the learning and teaching of languages. Petra McLay describes some of the support on offer to teachers and schools.


Regional cross-sector meetings with universities

21 August 2015 (SCILT)

After the very successful cross-sector ENGAGE event held at the University of Strathclyde in May, we are pleased to announce that the first of the regional cross-sector hub meetings will be taking place in September.

The regional hubs will present opportunities for teachers, 1+2 Development Officers and university languages and education staff to network and plan joint initiatives to support and promote language learning. We would urge you to attend one of these initial meetings which will be the catalyst for subsequent collaborations.

The meeting dates and venues are as follows:

  • Wednesday 9 September 16.30 – 18.00 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
  • Friday 11 September 13.30 – 15.30 Edinburgh University
  • Saturday 12 September 10.00 – 12.00 Dundee University
  • Friday 18 September 14.00 – 16.00 Aberdeen University

To register attendance, please email SCILT ( by Tuesday 1 September (for Glasgow, Edinburgh & Dundee) OR Thursday 10 September 2015 (for Aberdeen) with the following information:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Organisation
  • Job title
  • Event you wish to attend

Please note there will be a limited number of places which will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.  Further details, including room numbers at each venue, will be emailed nearer to each event after you have registered.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2015-16 launch

21 August 2015 (SCILT)

Today sees the launch of Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) 2015-16 in Scotland!

The multilingual poetry competition celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing. Mother Tongue encourages children who do not speak English as a first language to share a remembered poem from their mother tongue. Other Tongue encourages children learning another language in school to write an original poem in that other tongue.

The competition was successfully piloted in Glasgow last year and we're delighted to now offer all primary and secondary schools in Scotland the chance to participate.

Take a look at our MTOT 2015-16 webpages for full details about this year's competition.  You'll also find a section on previous events and testimonials from those who took part, as well as links to the MTOT blog and a host of other useful resources, including the teacher's pack containing the categories, criteria and rules.

During September and October there will be some Saturday workshops available for teachers from schools registered for the competition.  There will be a limited number of places which will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so watch for more details about these soon and ensure you don't miss out!

Register your school for MTOT now*!  Deadline 31 August 2015.

*Some schools are reporting an issue with accessing the online registration form.  If your authority is also blocking the page, we would suggest registering from a home PC or emailing us to be registered manually.


Word Wizard 2015 final - now with photos!

13 August 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

After announcing the Word Wizard 2015 prizewinners back in June, we have now published the photos from the Final in the Scottish Parliament on 29th May. 

Visit our Word Wizard 2015 Final webpage for the full list of prizewinners and to view the photos via our Flickr album. 

You can download any of the photos by right clicking on the image and selecting 'Save as'.


European Day of Languages 2015

13 August 2015 (SCILT)

The European Day of Languages (EDL) is celebrated across Europe on the 26th of September every year. It aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone.

SCILT is helping schools across Scotland to celebrate by distributing materials developed by the ECML. These resources are free to order and act as excellent prizes and rewards.

Visit our European Day of Languages 2015 webpage for information on how to order packs, for ideas on how to celebrate, and to find out how your school could feature in our EDL2015 blog.


School’s in for summer: Building capacity for the Scottish Government’s 1+2 language learning policy

9 July 2015 (SCILT)

Thirty nine teachers from twenty-one local authorities across Scotland came to the University of Strathclyde city centre campus for the week-long Train the Trainer Summer School jointly hosted by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages and Education Scotland.

Opening the Summer School, Fhiona Fisher, Director of SCILT explained: ‘The aim of ‘Train the Trainer’ is to engage lead learners in designing, promoting and supporting the provision of high quality professional learning for teachers and effective language learning experiences for young people. This programme will put each participant in an informed position with important roles in facilitating effective professional learning and in championing the creation of a climate in Scotland where language skills make a significant contribution to a fairer, smarter and more successful nation.’

Between them, the participants had knowledge and experience of learning and teaching French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Latin, Russian, Spanish and Welsh. The jam-packed week included many practical ideas for primary language learning as well as academic reading, opportunities for networking and problem-solving.

Andrew O’Halloran, teacher in Dumfries & Galloway: ‘I can now see a way forward to increase professionalism and thus better serve pupils in the long term, while consolidating 1+2.’

Sandra Coles, teacher in Aberdeenshire: ‘Train the Trainer has been very helpful. I am really looking forward to becoming involved in this.’

In the coming months there will be the opportunity for participants to go on to achieve Professional Recognition in leading learning in languages from GTC Scotland on the back of this Summer School.

While Summer School is now out, the learning never really stops, and for more information on SCILT’s work to promote the benefits of language learning, please go to

Posted in: 1+2, SCILT news

Win £4000 to get more of your students to aim higher!

19 June 2015 (British Academy / SCILT)

British Academy Schools Language Awards (BASLA) 2015

The deadline for applications is now approaching!  You have until 30 June to apply for the 2015 Schools Language Awards.

As part of its programme to support and champion the learning of languages, the British Academy is again offering a series of Awards to schools and colleges throughout the UK for the encouragement of excellence in language learning. This year the Awards focus on activity which encourages more students to take language learning to a higher level.

The Awards are intended to encourage schools to find imaginative and effective ways of improving take up and enthusiasm for language learning into S5, S6 and beyond, which build partnerships and address the social imbalance in the profile of language learners at higher levels.

The Awards are open to all secondary schools and colleges and cover all languages other than English, including those learnt as community languages. A total of 15 Awards of £4000 each will be made to schools throughout the UK and at least one Award will go to a winning proposal from Scotland. One outstanding project from across the UK will receive an additional £2000.

Supplementary education

The British Academy are also offering Awards for innovative and exciting projects throughout the UK that encourage larger numbers of supplementary school students to take language learning to a higher level – the sort of level where they can use the language in the workplace and their future careers to benefit others. Schools could win £4,000 or more to put their ideas into action.

The deadline for applications for both awards is Tuesday 30 June 2015. See the attached document or visit the British Academy website for more information and to apply.


Related Files

Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition going nationwide in 2015-16!

19 June 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) is an exciting multilingual poetry project which celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing, and showcases the many languages which are spoken and learned by young people in school and at home. After a very successful pilot of the competition in the Glasgow area last year, SCILT are excited to announce the roll-out of MTOT across the country from August 2015. 2015/16 will build on the success of last year’s initiative and see the competition go nationwide allowing all pupils from P1 – S6 to participate in collaboration with our partner universities.

The winning poems, as well as a wider selection of commendable entries, will be compiled and published in a Mother Tongue Other Tongue anthology. There will be additional prizes, so start thinking now about how you might get involved.

September will see the official launch of the competition with poetry and creative writing workshops for teachers taking place at our HE partner institutions across the country (dates and venues tbc). Registration to take part in the competition and to attend the teachers’ poetry workshop launch events will open in August 2015. More information on how to register and book a place on a workshop will be available to schools early in the new school year.

Why not visit our MTOT 2015-16 webpage where you'll find all the information you need, including links to our poetry resources page, where we have collated a number of downloadable poetry and language materials as well as links to useful websites. You could also read the 2014 winning poems featured in our anthology for some further inspiration and find out about last year's competition and celebration event, or take a look at the MTOT website from Routes into Languages North West and Manchester Metropolitan University to see how the competition ran in England and Wales last year.


Word Wizard 2015 Final!

18 June 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

On Friday 29th May 42 talented linguists competed in the National Finals of Word Wizard 2015. 

Visit our 2015 Final webpage to read all about this year's event and our impressive competitors. Photos from the event will be published soon.


Latest edition of SCILT's newsletter published

12 June 2015 (SCILT)

This edition looks at how schools have been working with different partners to promote language learning, including how SCILT has been supporting these partnerships. These include links with business, universities, cultural organisations and students on their year abroad. There is the opportunity to read about SCILT's successful Business Breakfasts and our inaugral Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition. Finally, there is an article on language learning at Corseford School, winners of the 'Making languages come alive' category of the 2015 Scottish Education Awards.


Posted in: SCILT news

Out now: CISS and SCILT’s 2015-16 Career Long Professional Learning menu!

5 June 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

The new menu of workshops from SCILT and CISS are now available for bookings from August!

SCILT and CISS aim to provide high quality professional learning opportunities to support the teaching and learning of languages across all sectors and all parts of the country. Authorities, clusters or schools may be interested in booking one or more of the workshops from the SCILT and CISS Professional Learning Programmes for 2015-16. 

Whatever your professional learning needs, we will endeavour to meet them. If you have specific requirements we are happy to develop bespoke input and support.

Visit the pages below to view the menus for 2015-16, to read testimonials from previous workshop attendees and for information on how to book a workshop:

Book now for the start of the new session and remember all our services and workshops are absolutely free of charge!

Scottish Languages Review - latest issue published

1 June 2015 (SCILT)

The latest issue of the Scottish Languages Review has been published. Issue 29 includes:

  • a review of research related to language learning in the primary school, which is very relevant to the implementation of 1+2.
  • two opportunities to look back in time and examine Scotland’s language education from a statistical and qualitative point of view.
  • two discussions on language policy issues in other Anglophone contexts.

The Scottish Languages Review is THE electronic journal for language practitioners in Scotland and aims to provide language teachers, students, and researchers in Scotland with a strong voice in relation to all aspects of language teaching and learning; promote discussion amongst language practitioners across all education sectors about mutual areas of interest or concern;encourage greater debate between language learning theory and practice.


1+2 learning events – last chance to register!

22 May 2015 (SCILT)

To support the 1+2 language learning model SCILT and Education Scotland are offering a series of learning events during May/June for language practitioners in Scotland.  Click on the appropriate link for further information and to register your attendance.

L3 learning event: Saturday 6 June in Stirling - L3 in the secondary school  Register by 30 May

Digital European Language Portfolio (ELP)

15 May 2015 (SCILT)

For anyone who has been experiencing difficulties using the electronic version of our European Language Portfolio, please note the technical glitch has now been resolved. The ELP is available on the following pages of our website:

Vacancies: Professional Development Officer (2 posts)

12 May 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT requires two Professional Development Officers to support secondary schools as they continue to develop their strategy for the implementation of the 1+2 languages policy. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland. The Professional Development Officers will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures for teachers of languages. This would include, for example, leading professional learning workshops and managing projects, national awards/competitions and other promotional events. It is expected that the post holders will support practitioners to turn policy into practice to create a positive impact on learners. This will be based on identification of practitioners’ needs, with particular reference to the aims of Curriculum for Excellence and the implementation of the 1+2 languages policy.

For the full job specification and how to apply visit the Stathclyde University vacancies webpage.

Closing date for applications is 25 May 2015.


SCILT Business Breakfasts webpage now live

8 May 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT was delighted to host three motivational Business Breakfast events in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen at the beginning of this year. Our main aim was to support S3-S6 pupils in the uptake of language learning in the senior phase by providing schools with an opportunity to hear from various dynamic speakers who view language skills as a key part to the success of their businesses.

We have uploaded presentations and photographs from the event onto our website. You might find the presentations useful to use with your pupils to promote the benefits of languages.

Visit our Business Breakfasts 2015 webpage for more information.


1+2 learning events - registration now open!

24 April 2015 (SCILT)

To support the 1+2 language learning model SCILT and Education Scotland are offering the following learning events during May/June for language practitioners in Scotland.  Click on the appropriate link for further information and to register your attendance.

Senior phase learning events 

L3 learning events 

Working together for languages learning - The 1+2 Factor

27 March 2015 (Education Scotland/SCILT)

Children are growing up in a multilingual world and the ability to communicate effectively is crucial if they are to play their full part as global citizens.

To support the implementation of the 1+2 languages policy, we have organised a national initiative which will culminate in an event at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall in September.

The 1+2 Factor is open to all Scottish education establishments and the aim is to showcase the learning and teaching of languages in Scottish schools and encourage the use of digital technology.

Find out more on Glow on the national 1+2 Factor site and 1+2 Factor blog.


Materials from Scottish Government 1+2 planning event

27 March 2015 (SCILT/Scottish Government)

The National Languages Strategic Implementation Group (SIG) hosted an ADES/Education Scotland led event on planning for implementation of language learning 1+2 model. A summary paper from the event, together with presentations delivered at the event, are available to download from the SCILT website.

The event was held on Friday 13th March at James Young High School, Livingston, West Lothian.


Posted in: 1+2, SCILT news

Learning events coming soon!

27 March 2015 (SCILT)

Senior phase learning events

Recommendation 16 of the ‘1+2 Report’ states: ‘The Working Group recommends that schools provide all young people with flexible opportunities and encouragement to study more than one modern language to the level of a National Qualification Unit or course, in the senior phase, whether in their own school or through cluster arrangements with other schools.’

Would you like to:

  • expand provision in the senior phase? 
  • boost the number of young people continuing with a language beyond the broad general education? 
  • hear what others are doing and have an opportunity to discuss possibilities with colleagues?

If so, you may find inspiration at the senior phase learning events in May. Each event will have three different speakers talking about the courses they offer in the senior phase. They will say what they do to attract young people to study languages. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussion with colleagues and representatives from SCILT and Education Scotland.

The dates are:

  • Saturday May 9 in Aberdeen 
  • Saturday May 16 in Dunfermline

Venues to be confirmed. Each event will last a morning. The opportunity to register for one or both of these events will be available soon.

L3 learning events

Recommendation 4 of the ‘1+2 Report’ states: ‘The Working Group recommends that a second additional language (L3) be introduced for pupils at a later stage in the primary school. The time for introduction of the L3 language would be…….no later than P5.’

Recommendation 11 states: ‘The Working Group recommends schools develop language learning for L3 during the broad general education, choosing from a range of approaches………’

As one would expect, schools and authorities are at different stages in their preparations for L3. Further guidance on L3 has been produced by Education Scotland and is available on their website and the SCILT website - 'A 1+2 approach to language learning - Further guidance on L3 within the 1+2 policy' under the Guidance tab. A range of approaches to the delivery of L3 in both primary and secondary schools is described in the guidance. Understandably, L3 remains the area where most schools and local authorities are still at the planning stage or are at the early stages of delivery.

There will be two learning events for L3.

  • Saturday 30 May in Glasgow - L3 in the primary school 
  • Saturday 6 June in Stirling - L3 in the secondary school

Venues to be confirmed but both events will last a morning and will take place in the central belt. Each will involve three presentations where speakers describe how they have begun working on L3 in their school or local authority. Much of this work is relatively new and some is at the trialling stage. Each speaker offers a different approach.

There will be dedicated time to ask questions and to engage in discussion with colleagues. Each event will be supported by representatives from SCILT and Education Scotland. The opportunity to register a place for one or both of these events will be available soon.

Business Language Champions - new case study published

23 March 2015 (SCILT)

S3 learners at Brechin High School benefitted from a visit from the Royal Navy and language workshops which culminated in an interdisciplinary project in which learners had to use their language skills in humanitarian crisis scenarios. This project helped to highlight the importance of both language skills and knowledge in a real life scenario. It also allowed the learners to use transferable skills like team work, organisation, working to a deadline and applying language knowledge to a practical situation.

SCILT’s Business Language Champions programme helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships that equip young people with the international communication and employability skills they need for their future careers.


SAVE THE DATE! Train the Trainer Summer School

20 March 2015 (SCILT)

SAVE THE DATE! Train the Trainer Summer School will be taking place from Monday 29th June to Friday 3rd July 2015 at the University of Strathclyde city centre campus in Glasgow. If you have, or aspire to have, a responsibility for primary languages in your local authority, then you’ll be interested in attending this extended professional learning opportunity. Hosted by Education Scotland and SCILT, this course has Professional Recognition in Leadership from the GTCS pending. 

According to previous TTT participants the course is ‘informative’, ‘practical’ and ‘all excellent’. 

Registration details will be issued to QIOs very soon. In the meantime, be PLL proactive, save the date and be ready to say yes when your QIO invites you to represent your local authority at this Summer School.

Posted in: 1+2, SCILT news

MTOT Celebration Event

19 March 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT was delighted to have received over 100 entries to the first ever Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) competition in Scotland! 

On Saturday 7 March our MTOT stars were invited to a special celebration event in the Burns room of the Mitchell Library.  Many of our MTOT stars took to the stage to read or sing their poems and songs before being presented with their own copy of the MTOT Anthology by Jim Carruth, Glasgow's Poet Laureate.

Visit our MTOT Celebration Event webpage to find out more about the event, see the photos and read the winning poems.


Digital European Language Portfolio (ELP)

19 March 2015 (SCILT)

We have now created a digital version of the European Language Portfolio enabling primary pupils to record their language learning journeys electronically.  You can find the ELP on the primary section of the SCILT website.


New job profile on the SCILT website

13 March 2015 (SCILT)

Let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work by visiting the 'Job Profiles' section of the SCILT website. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.
NEW to the job profiles section:

  • Stuart Broomfield - Manager, Macdonald Holyrood Hotel stresses the value of being able to communicate with guests in their own language.

SCILT has worked to make all of the job profiles more useful for teachers and learners by organising them by workplace sector. 

See this and other job profiles on our website now.


Would you like to contribute to our cross-sector discussion on the 1+2 language policy?

6 March 2015 (SCILT / University of Strathclyde)

In order to support the Government’s commitment to the 1+2 language policy the Cabinet Secretary for Education has asked the Scottish Funding Council “to consider the relevant recommendations in the SG Language Working Group Report and develop with the sector a strategy for growing the number of graduates with practical language skills”. You can read the full Letter of Guidance for 2015-16.

Our joint SCILT/UCMLS event on 6 May will give you the opportunity to make your views known and help shape the development of the strategy. For more information and to sign up for this event, visit the website.


#DigiLearnScot - Have You Got the 1+2 Factor?

27 February 2015 (Education Scotland / SCILT)

Next week, as part of Digital Learning Week, sees the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning launch 1+2 Factor, an exciting new competition which aims to showcase the learning and teaching of languages in schools across Scotland. Individual classes, schools or clusters are invited to use any of the tools within Glow to create a learning space which will help with the implementation of 1 + 2.

On the 1+2 Factor site within GLOW you can find important dates, useful links and documents to help create your learning experiences.

Join us on Glow TV on Wednesday 4th March at 12:30 PM to find out how to get involved in this nationwide event for Scottish education establishments.  Register on the #DigiLearnScot - Have You Got the 1+2 Factor? webpage

So what are you waiting for? Create, Collaborate, Innovate.

Please note, Glow login required to access.


Language linking, global thinking! - register interest

20 February 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT is inviting schools interested in taking part in the Language Linking Global Thinking initiative in session 2015/16 to register now. 

The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend a year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad, the partner school keeps in regular contact with the student by emailing, sending postcards and other resources. The two-way correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. 

This initiative has been piloted this year in three local authorities, and SCILT is now extending it to schools across Scotland. 

If you would like to take part in this project for session 2015-16, please email SCILT. Places are strictly limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Schools who took part in the pilot are invited to register interest in the same way if they wish to continue the project into a second year.

More information on Language Linking Global Thinking 2014-15.

Some of the students have used blogs to facilitate their contact with the schools. Read the student blogs.

Happy Emperor and other stories

13 February 2015 (SCILT/CISS)

We have great pleasure in launching three new exciting Mandarin ebooks. These motivating stories, activities and suggestions will engage younger learners and will develop their literacy and language skills. We really hope you enjoy using them and please let us know how you have incorporated them into your classroom.

Download the three books in the ‘Happy Emperor’ series through the link below.


New job profiles on the SCILT website

6 February 2015 (SCILT)

Let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work by visiting the 'Job Profiles' section of the SCILT website. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

We have 3 new additions to the section:

  • Peter Cawston - a GP who describes how languages have helped enrich his career and broaden his perspectives
  • Dr Sophie Williams - a lecturer in conservation science, currently based in China, who shares her experience of learning Chinese
  • Caroline McManus - former cabin crew, now teaching English in Barcelona, tells how her ability to speak Spanish has proved beneficial

See these and other job profiles on our website now.


School support activities from Scottish universities

3 February 2015 (SCILT/UCMLS)

SCILT has worked with UCMLS to collate the opportunities available from Scottish universities to support language teaching and learning in schools across the country. We hope schools will access these opportunities to support the work being done in the classroom.


Language linking, global thinking!

27 January 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT is shortly going to be looking for schools interested in taking part in the Language Linking Global Thinking initiative in session 2015/16. 

The project links students on their year abroad with primary and secondary schools. Students communicate with a designated class in their partner school during the course of the year to illustrate how enriching it is to spend as year abroad using a language other than English. 

While the student is abroad, the partner school keeps in regular contact with the student by emailing, sending postcards and other resources. The two-way correspondence between student and class brings the language alive for pupils and shows them the real relevance of learning a language. 

This initiative has been piloted this year in three local authorities, and SCILT is now extending it to schools across Scotland. We will be looking for schools to register their interest in the next few weeks. Please note places are strictly limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 

More information on Language Linking Global Thinking 2014-15.

Some of the students have used blogs to facilitate their contact with the schools. Read the student blogs.

Promotional postcard

27 January 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT have produced a postcard to highlight the advantages of continuing language learning to complement future studies, whether at college or university, and to highlight the options available. It will be particularly useful for supporting senior pupils make choices about their paths beyond school.

Lots more information on the options available beyond school is available from the Beyond School pages of our website.

If your school is interested in ordering this leaflet, please visit the Learners and Parents pages on our website, where you will also find our 'Inspiring Scotland's Young People...' leaflet and the 'Loving our Languages' bookmark, as well as our '1+2 parent information leaflet'. To order any of these materials please complete the order form and email it back to us. Although these products are free of charge, we would ask in return that you briefly explain how you intend to use them in your establishment.


1+2 Parent leaflet

27 January 2015 (SCILT)

SCILT would like to remind colleagues that our 1+2 information leaflet for parents is available to order for your school. If your school ordered leaflets last term you can now order more. 

The parent leaflet will help to address any questions parents may have about the 1+2 approach to language learning. It will be really useful for parents’ evenings.

If your school is interested in ordering this leaflet, please visit the Learners and Parents pages on our website, where you will also find our 'Inspiring Scotland's Young People...' leaflet and the 'Loving our Languages' bookmark. To order any of these materials please complete the order form and email it back to us. Although these products are free of charge, we would ask in return that you briefly explain how you intend to use them in your establishment.


SQA External Examiner's Higher Modern Languages reports 2014 - key messages

18 December 2014 (SCILT)

We have extracted and summarised the key messages from the SQA external examiner's reports for Higher Modern Languages 2014, which can be found on our website.


Vacancy: Depute Director - SCILT

17 December 2014 (SCILT)

SCILT urgently requires a Deputy Director to support schools as they continue to develop their strategy for the implementation of the 1+2 languages policy. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland.

The Depute Director’s key role will be to assist the Director in the strategic decision making process that will ensure that SCILT becomes the “one stop shop” for support services for modern language practitioners in schools; establishes itself as a key national partner for government in terms of language policy and implementation and is considered a key reference point for all organisations involved in language education.

For more information and an application form, visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy webpage (vacancy ref 232/2014). Closing date for applications: 11 January 2015.


New job profile on the SCILT website

16 December 2014 (SCILT)

Let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work by visiting the 'Job Profiles' section of the SCILT website. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

Our latest addition to the section comes from Verena Gräfin von Roedern, Head of the German Consulate General in Edinburgh, who talks about the many reasons why we should learn German.

See this and other job profiles on our website now.


SCILT winter newsletter published

16 December 2014 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published. This edition includes stories about how European Day of Languages 2014 was celebrated across Scotland. You can also read about how SCILT and our partners have been supporting the work being done in schools across Scotland to implement 1+2 and the new qualifications. We hope you enjoy reading about the great work being done in our schools to promote and celebrate languages.


Posted in: SCILT news

New job profile on the SCILT website

11 December 2014 (SCILT)

Let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work by visiting the 'Job Profiles' section of the SCILT website. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

Our latest addition to the section comes from the Reverend Alan Miller, who describes his language learning experiences and passion for Chinese.

See this and other job profiles on our website now.


New Spanish resources on the SCILT website

10 December 2014 (SCILT)

The Professional Development Officers at SCILT have developed materials for use with Spanish learners. 

New Higher
  • Gang Culture
  • Media
  • Volunteering

Access these materials through the Classroom Resources section of our website.


SQA N5 Modern Languages Course Reports 2014

9 December 2014 (SCILT/SQA)

SCILT has extracted and summarised key messages from the SQA N5 Modern Languages course reports for 2014.  These can be found in the attached document, which is also available on the Essentials for Planning in the Senior Phase section of our website.

This is a generic summary across all N5 Modern Languages.  The full reports can be accessed on the SQA website.


The latest issue of the Scottish Languages Review has been published.

8 December 2014 (SCILT)

The Scottish Languages Review is THE electronic journal for language practitioners in Scotland. This latest issue features articles relating to the high profile 1+2 languages policy: readers can find out about language training for Child Development Officers in one local authority; one Curriculum Leader’s perspective on 1+2 implementation; and an evaluation of a French immersion course for primary BEd students at one university.

A secondary school writes about introducing British Sign Language; a parent shares her experiences of bringing up two children bilingually, one with additional support needs; and there is an overview of an investigative project on the language learning experience in Scottish schools.


Posted in: SCILT news

Strathclyde’s Confucius Institute wins global award

8 December 2014 (University of Strathclyde)

A Scotland-wide centre for the promotion of Chinese language and learning has been named global Confucius Institute of the Year.

The Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools (CISS), based at the University of Strathclyde, was awarded the accolade by Hanban, a public institution affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education.

The Institute provides support to more than 300 schools across the country, furthering the teaching of Chinese language and culture.


Related Links

Centre in Glasgow wins Chinese language award (The Herald, 8 December 2014)

Centre wins Chinese language award (The Scotsman, 8 December 2014)

Centre wins Chinese language award (The Courier, 8 December 2014) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (The Evening Telegraph, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Motherwell Times, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (East Lothian News, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (The Glasgow South and Eastwood Extra, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Brechin Advertiser, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Fraserburgh Herald, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (The Southern Reporter, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (The Galloway Gazette, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Forfar Dispatch, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Berwickshire News, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Stornoway Gazette, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Fife Today, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Midlothian Advertiser, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Linlithgow Gazette, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Kirkintilloch Herald, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Hawick News, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Inverurie Herald, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Buchan Observer, 08.12.14) 

Centre wins Chinese language award (Falkirk Today, 08.12.14)

New job profile on the SCILT website

5 December 2014 (SCILT)

Let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work by visiting the 'Job Profiles' section of the SCILT website. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

Our latest addition to the section comes from Heloise Allan, Head of Education for Project Trust, an educational charity specialising in overseas volunteering in 34 countries for school-leavers aged 17-19.

See this and other job profiles on our website now.


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks #6

4 December 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for helping learners to write simple poems in the target language. These are published through our “Creative Bag of Tricks” series on the MTOT blog. The second of our items about short form poetry, “Chinese Portraits”, is available to read now on the blog.


SCILT Christmas webpage now live!

4 December 2014 (SCILT)

Are you looking for ideas to bring Christmas into your modern languages classroom? 

SCILT have compiled resources from around the world for use with your pupils, from songs and games to interactive advent calendars. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and many other countries!


Motivate and inspire - new French and German resources on the SCILT website

27 November 2014 (SCILT)

Looking for interesting resources to inspire and motivate your learners? The Professional Development Officers at SCILT and Kirsten Herbst-Gray from Langholm Academy in Dumfries and Galloway have developed these materials for use with German and French learners. 

Access these new resources through the following pages of our website:


  • S1-S3
     - Tourism: my home town
     - Projekt Deutschland
     - Trading with Germany

  • New Higher


New job profiles on SCILT’s website

21 November 2014 (SCILT)

Let your pupils see that languages are valuable in the world of work by visiting the 'Job Profiles' section of the SCILT website. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.
NEW to the job profiles section: 

  • Chris Cusack explains how languages have helped him in his music career
  • Martin Peterson of Shell shares his view of languages in the world of business

See these and other job profiles on our website now.


International Education Week: Language Linking, Global Thinking

18 November 2014 (Project Trust / SCILT)

Project Trust and SCILT have been developing ways for the two organisations to support each other's work, not least through the Language Linking, Global Thinking pilot programme. 

In this blogpost, read how volunteering overseas inspires young people to engage with language learning, and how in turn those young people can motivate pupils to learn languages in UK schools.


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks - “Cinquains”

12 November 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for helping learners to write simple poems in the target language. These are published through our “Creative Bag of Tricks” series on the MTOT blog. The first of our items about short form poetry, “Cinquains”, is available to read now.

This is #6 in the "Creative Bag of Tricks" series.  If you've missed any of the previous activities these can still be accessed via the blog archive.


New BLC Case Study live on SCILT website

6 November 2014 (SCILT)

SCILT’s Business Language Champions programme helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships that equip young people with the international communication and employability skills they need for their future careers.

This case study shows how a partnership between Kilwinning Academy and the Scottish Football Association demonstrated to pupils that languages are necessary in all walks of life. S3 learners visited the Scottish Football Museum and took part in a range of activities which highlighted the relevance of learning French.


Vacancy: Professional Development Officer

4 November 2014 (SCILT)

SCILT urgently requires a Professional Development Officer to support schools as they continue to develop their strategy for the implementation of the 1+2 languages policy. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland.

The Professional Development Officer will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures for primary language learning. This would include, for example, leading professional learning workshops and managing projects, national awards/competitions and other promotional events.

For more information and an application form, visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy webpage (vacancy ref 211/2014).  Closing date for applications: 16 November 2014.


Languages for their future: support your students as they consider studying languages beyond school

31 October 2014 (SCILT)

Do you have students who are thinking about continuing with languages when they leave school? As the UCAS application process gets underway, the Beyond School section of our website contains useful information to help them decide on the different language courses and options available:

There’s lots of information on…

  • Languages – the benefits for you and your career
  • Undergraduate language courses at Scottish and UK universities – what’s available where
  • Enhance your degree – options for combining languages with other subjects
  • The gap year – opportunities to study, work or volunteer abroad
  • Student experiences – advice from those who’ve been there, done it and got the t-shirt!

Please make your pupils, guidance and careers staff aware of the ‘Beyond School’ website. It covers all their language needs -


Word Wizard 2015 now launched!

30 October 2014 (SCILT/CISS)

Our exciting spelling competition Word Wizard has now officially launched for school session 2014-15!

Visit our Word Wizard 2015 webpage to download the Teacher's Pack and registration form. School are advised to register to take part by Friday 28th November.


European Language Portfolio (ELP)

28 October 2014 (SCILT)

Celebrate and record language learning in and out of school with the SCILT ELP. This Prezi explains how. Also check out the Prezi alongside highlighting ‘What SCILT can do for you’.


The gap year – advice from those who’ve been there, done it and got the t-shirt!

28 October 2014 (SCILT)

The first posts from our students abroad have been published on our Language Linking Global Thinking blog. Why not share them with your class so they can find out more about living abroad and the advantages of studying languages. 

'Language linking, global thinking’ links students who are about to embark on year of study or voluntary work overseas, with a class in a primary or secondary school in this country. The student corresponds with the class throughout the year, sharing their experiences of living abroad. Find out more about our students' experiences through their blogs.


Word Wizard - returning for session 2014-15!

23 October 2014 (SCILT/CISS)

Scotland's National Centre for Languages and Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools, in partnership with The University of St Andrews, are proud to announce the return of Word Wizard for its second year!

Following on from the success of last year's competition we are once again inviting S1-S3 learners of French, Gaelic, German, Mandarin and Spanish to take part in this spellbinding competition.

We are currently taking registrations of interest from schools and the competition will officially be launched at the end of October 2014. If you would like to receive updates on the competition please email indicating which languages you are interested in entering.

Visit our Word Wizard webpage to download our 2014-15 flyer with more information on the competition. 


Vacancy: Professional Development Officer

23 October 2014 (SCILT)

SCILT urgently requires a Professional Development Officer to support primary schools as they continue to develop their strategy for the implementation of the 1+2 languages policy. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland.

The Professional Development Officer will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures for primary language learning. This would include, for example, leading professional learning workshops and managing projects, national awards/competitions and other promotional events.

For more information and an application form, visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy webpage.


BLC Case Study live on SCILT website

21 October 2014 (SCILT)

SCILT’s Business Language Champions programme helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships that equip young people with the international communication and employability skills they need for their future careers.

This case study shows how a partnership between Priorsford Primary and Holland & Sherry, a world renown cloth merchant based in Peebles, provided a local context to show young people the opportunities that arise from learning a modern language. The whole school was involved in this BLC project which raised learners’ awareness of what Holland & Sherry does in their local town while building learners’ language skills.


Motivating the demotivated: SCILT job profiles

21 October 2014 (SCILT)

Show your pupils that languages are valuable in the world of work by visiting the 'Job Profiles' section of the SCILT website. People from a range of sectors - including sport, marketing, technology and many more - explain how language learning has influenced their professional lives.

NEW to the job profiles section:

  • Susan Young shows us her unusual office, and tells us how she turned her passion in life into her job.
  • Amy Baxter shares her story with us in a new video interview just added to her job profile.


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks

20 October 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue poetry competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for developing creative writing skills through the “Creative Bag of Tricks” series published on the MTOT blog. The fifth item, “Cut-ups”, suggests three engaging activities suitable for learners at a range of ages and stages.


European Day of Languages - SCILT blog

09 October 2014 (SCILT)

How did you celebrate the European Day of Languages this year?

SCILT have created an EDL2014 blog to showcase some of the great activities that Scottish schools took part in to celebrate the European Day of Languages on September 26th. You can see the fantastic entries we've had so far via the link to our blog below.

If you haven't sent us your story yet we'd love to hear from you! You can send a short description of your day plus some colourful photographs to and we'll feature it on the blog. We hope to include a selection of the best stories in our next SCILT newsletter.


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks

9 October 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for developing creative writing skills through the “Creative Bag of Tricks” series published on the MTOT blog. The fourth item, “I am” poems, is available to read now.


New job profile on the SCILT website

7 October 2014 (SCILT)

Communicating in another language doesn't necessarily mean you have to speak it.  Confused?  All will be revealed by interpreter, Paul Belmonte, in the latest job profile added to our website.


Languages for a career in Chemistry - new job profile on SCILT website

30 September 2014 (SCILT)

Find out how languages helped Professor Phillip Hogan in his career in Chemistry and Surface Physics by reading SCILT's new job profile, available from our website.

Our job profiles aim to showcase why a range of successful people in the business and sporting worlds consider that learning a language is really important. This is a useful resource to inspire pupils to study languages and highlight how doing so may benefit their future career.


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks

16 September 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for developing creative writing skills through the “Creative Bag of Tricks” series published on the MTOT blog. The third item, “Calligrams”, is available to read now.


1+2 Parent Leaflet

16 September 2014 (SCILT)

SCILT are delighted to announce the publication of our 1+2 information leaflet for parents. The parent leaflet will help to address any questions parents may have about the 1+2 approach to language learning. It will be really useful for parents’ evenings.

If your school is interested in ordering this leaflet, please visit the 1+2 FAQs pages on our website, fill in the form and send it back to us. Although these products are free of charge, we would ask in return that you briefly explain how you intend to use them in your establishment.


Posted in: 1+2, SCILT news

Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) 2014 - Mandarin for life and work seminar

11 September 2014 (SCILT/CISS)

Come along and hear how to develop learners’ employability skills through learning and teaching of Mandarin! The workshop will demonstrate the practice that is taking place in Broughton High School, Edinburgh. In particular, we will share how this modern language department has developed learners’ employability skills and gained accreditation for them through the SQA Language for Life and Work Award. You will also hear about what Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools can do for you and discuss ideas for linking businesses and schools to create a meaningful context for learning that develops young people's language skills and their understanding of the world of work.

For further details on this and the other language-related seminars at the September event, see the Scottish Learning Festival brochure on the Education Scotland website, where you can also book your seminar place.


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks

10 September 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for developing creative writing skills through the “Creative Bag of Tricks” series published on the MTOT blog. The second item, “Metaphor”, is available to read now.


Professional learning opportunities from Cultural Organisations

8 September 2014 (SCILT)

A number of SCILT's partner cultural organisations provide language courses for teachers. These courses aim to train teachers in a new language or to upgrade their current language skills and can range from half-day workshops to immersion courses abroad.

SCILT has compiled a grid of the immersion courses available from our partner cultural organisations, with information on the required level of language for participants, the teaching stage for which the course prepares them and whether there is funding available. We have also provided links to the cultural organisations that provide language courses for teachers here in Scotland. 

Visit the Professional Learning pages in the School Managers section of our website to view the courses on offer.


MTOT blog: The Creative Bag of Tricks

26 August 2014 (SCILT)

To support activities for the Mother Tongue Other Tongue competition, SCILT is sharing practical ideas for developing creative writing skills through the “Creative Bag of Tricks” series published on the MTOT blog. The first item, “Colour Charts”, is available to read now.


SALT Conference 2014

22 August 2014 (SCILT)

The Scottish Association for Language Teaching is holding its annual conference on Saturday 1 November at the University of Strathclyde from 8.45 to 15.30. Online bookings can be made from mid September so watch this space for further information.

You can find out more about SALT on their website.


European Day of Languages 2014 - SCILT webpage now live

22 August 2014 (SCILT)

Each year September 26th marks the European Day of Languages (EDL). It's all about finding ways to get people in schools, colleges and the wider community excited about languages. How you celebrate is up to you!

SCILT has launched the European Day of Languages 2014 webpage where you can finds lots of ideas for how your school can celebrate. You can also order EDL materials for your school like posters, stickers and pens.

Let us know how you celebrate, and you could even feature in our EDL 2014 blog!


Scottish Learning Festival 2014

21 August 2014 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Attending the Scottish Learning Festival? Come along and hear how forging a link with an external organisation or business can enhance the language learning experience for pupils in Scottish schools. The Business Language Champions: Making language learning real! seminar will demonstrate how the business partnership between the Scottish Football Association and the Modern Languages Department in Kilwinning Academy enhanced the learning experience and impacted on up-take in the Senior Phase.

For further details on this and the other language-related seminars at the September event, see the Scottish Learning Festival brochure on the Education Scotland website, where you can also book your seminar place. 


Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2014 - new competition for Glasgow schools

19 August 2014 (SCILT)

Schools in Glasgow have been sent an email inviting them to enter the new multilingual poetry competition, Mother Tongue Other Tongue. The competition celebrates the diversity of cultures and languages spoken and learned by young people at school and at home and invites young people to be creative and find their own voice through poetry, lullabies, rap or songs. Full details are available on our website


1+2 Updated Support Documents

14 August 2014 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

In light of discussions with the languages community, Education Scotland has updated the key messages from the 1+2 report, produced further information about language continuity and developed a support paper to help local authorities and schools identify priorities and plan their strategic approach to 1+2.

To access the most recent recommendations and support documents for schools and local authorities, please visit the 'Supporting self-evaluation and strategic planning' section of our 1+2 webpages.  To ensure you are viewing the most current version, refresh the page by simultaneously pressing the CONTROL and F5 keys on your keyboard.

Posted in: 1+2, SCILT news

1+2 updated support documents

14 August 2014 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

In light of discussions with the languages community, Education Scotland has updated the key messages from the 1+2 report, produced further information about language continuity and developed a support paper to help local authorities and schools identify priorities and plan their strategic approach to 1+2.

To access the most recent recommendations and support documents for schools and local authorities, please visit the 'Supporting self-evaluation and strategic planning' section of our 1+2 webpages.


1+2 Pilot Schools: planning and materials published

13 August 2014 (SCILT)

New to the 1+2 section of our website is the ‘Planning and materials from pilot schools’ page. Here you will find a selection of plans and resources, many with sound files, that were created and/or used by 4 of the primary schools during their 1+2 pilot project. 

All documents and presentations can be downloaded, used and adapted to kickstart or refresh your school’s primary language learning (PLL).

Each pilot project had a different aim and was supported by SCILT and Education Scotland differently, in order to best meet the school’s needs. To find out more details about all ten 1+2 pilot projects read the 1+2 pilot evaluations.

COMING SOON: Key messages from the pilot schools from the 2014 1+2 Learning Events.


Word Wizard Final photos and video

20 June 2014 (SCILT)

Photos from the Word Wizard Final, featuring all of our great winners, and now available to view via our Word Wizard Final webpage. 

We also have a short video, filmed throughout the day, giving some background to the competition and showcasing the wonderful skills demonstrated by all of our spellers.


BLC Case Study live on our website

17 June 2014 (SCILT)

SCILT’s Business Language Champions programme helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships that equip young people with the international communication and employability skills they need for their future careers. This case study shows how a partnership between Montrose Academy and Loch Duart, a salmon company that specialises in sustainable, high quality produce with offices in Scotland and France, gave the young people in S3 a real and engaging context for their learning of French. The project raised the bar for the pupils who benefited from seeing first-hand how languages and business work together.


1+2 Case Study – Calderglen High School

17 June 2014 (SCILT)

The most recent of our case studies showcasing how schools across Scotland are responding to the recommendations in 'Language Learning in Scotland: A 1 + 2 Approach' has been published on our website. Find out how Calderglen is sustaining deep and progressive language learning experiences in two languages from primary to the broad general education.


Posted in: 1+2, SCILT news

British Academy Schools Languages Award 2014 - deadline extended

20 May 2014 (SCILT)

The British Academy is offering a total of 14 Awards of £4000 each for projects throughout the UK that encourage larger numbers of students to take languages to advanced and degree level.

The Awards are open to all UK secondary schools, supplementary schools and FE colleges – and organisations supporting them.

The deadline to apply for the British Academy Schools Language Awards has been extended to 18 July 2014.

Visit the BASLA webpage for further information.

You can also view SCILT's Glow Meet held on 12 May to provide key information and helpful insights to BASLA success. You will need a Glow userid and password to access the Glow Meet recording.


Word Wizard Final 2014 webpage

13 June 2014 (SCILT)

Following the announcement of the Word Wizard winners last week we now have a web page celebrating the final. We will be publishing photos from this fantastic event soon! 

Details of the 2015 competition will be announced later this year so stay tuned.


Project Trust

13 June 2014 (SCILT)

Are you looking for inspiring ways to promote the learning of languages in primary or secondary schools? Project Trust may have something to offer you!

Visit our website to hear the experiences of volunteers who have completed a gap year in various countries.


Out now: CISS and SCILT’s 2014-15 Career Long Professional Learning menu!

13 June 2014 (SCILT/CISS)

The new menu of workshops from SCILT and CISS are now available for bookings from August. They offer a wide range of professional learning opportunities for practitioners, leaders and decision-makers across all stages. Bespoke professional learning workshops are also available on request. So get your diaries and pens at the ready - the CISS and SCILT teams are ready and willing to come to a place near you!

Book now for the start of the new session and remember all our services and workshops are absolutely free of charge!

Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2014

12 June 2014 (SCILT)

On Wednesday 28th of May, poets and young people from Glasgow schools celebrated the launch of the Mother Tongue Other Tongue (MTOT) multilingual poetry competition at the University of Strathclyde. SCILT is running the pilot competition for Glasgow schools from the start of the 2014-15 session. Take a look at the highlights of the launch event on our website and find out more about the competition and how your school can take part. Invitations to register in MTOT will be issued to schools throughout Glasgow in August so make sure you get involved!


1+2 Case Study – Houston Primary

10 June 2014 (SCILT)

The most recent of our case studies showcasing how schools across Scotland are responding to the recommendations in 'Language Learning in Scotland: A 1 + 2 Approach' has been published on our website. Houston Primary highlights some of the issues to be taken into consideration for progressive planning to introduce the first additional language from nursery through to P7.


Word Wizard finals

6 June 2014 (SCILT)

Last Friday, 30th May, saw the final of our new Word Wizard competition take place in the prestigious venue of the Scottish Parliament. 60 pupils from schools across Scotland took part in the semi-finals in the morning, and over 100 pupils, teachers and guests enjoyed the final in the Members’ Restaurant. The day opened with an inspiring speech from Maureen Watt MSP and ended with a vote of thanks from Annette Zimmermann of the University of St Andrews, who supported us in running the competition. We were delighted to have Graham Blythe from the European Commission and Ms. Lv Yanxia from the Chinese Consulate present the shields and cups to the winners. The pupils demonstrated excellent skills in spelling, vocabulary and character recognition, and displayed great confidence in doing so in front of an audience.

The winners in each category were:

French Beginner:

  • 1st Elspeth Nicol – Ross High School
  • 2nd Amelie Davidson – St Joseph’s Academy
  • 3rd Robert Brewer – The Glasgow Academy

French Intermediate:

  • 1st Owen Wilson – Greenwood Academy
  • 2nd Steffi Graham-McGill – James Hamilton Academy
  • 3rd Emma Rattray – Dollar Academy

Gaelic Beginner:

  • 1st Anna Gallagher – St Ninian’s High School (East Renfrewshire)

German Beginner:

  • 1st Fraser Anderson – Stewart’s Melville College
  • 2nd Charlotte Caskie – Lomond School
  • 3rd Florence Macgregor – The Mary Erskine School

German Intermediate:

  • 1st Eilish Murphy – St Margaret’s School for Girls
  • 2nd Freja Arnlund – The Mary Erskine School
  • 3rd Fiona Todman – Queen Anne High School

Mandarin Beginner:

  • 1st Francesca Tassieri – Hillhead High School
  • 2nd Charlotte Johns – Dollar Academy
  • 3rd William Cox – Perth High School

Mandarin Intermediate:

  • 1st Ines Bertaso – St Ninian’s High School (East Renfrewshire)
  • 2nd Ivan Myachykov – Hillhead High School
  • 3rd Jack Mitchell-Luker – Williamwood High School

Spanish Beginner:

  • 1st Paul Gillon – John Ogilvie High School
  • 2nd Georgie Cassidy – Dollar Academy
  • 3rd Erin McIntyre – The Glasgow Academy

Spanish Intermediate:

  • 1st Rosie Hutcheon – The Glasgow Academy
  • 2nd Caitlin Barrie – John Ogilvie High School
  • 3rd Ella McPherson – St Margaret’s School for Girls

We would like to congratulate all pupils who reached the finals and every pupil who took part in the competition in their schools over the past year.

We hope to see lots of you entering the competition next year!

1+2 pilot projects: key messages and next steps

23 May 2014 (Education Scotland / SCILT)

Evaluations of the 1+2 pilot projects have been published.

Education Scotland carried out an evaluation visit to each of the ten pilot projects and prepared an overall summary report. The evaluation visits for the ten pilots took place between June 2013 and April 2014. These evaluations indicate interim progress with the original aims of the projects and work is ongoing in the pilot schools.

The pilot programme for the ‘1+2 report’ began in June 2012 with an initial identification of possible pilot schools. The first of the primary pilots began in November 2012. In the case of the secondary school pilots, planning took place over session 2012-13 and the pilots began with the new session 2013-14.

The evaluations represent a very positive start to delivering the recommendations of the ‘1+2 report’.

Read the evaluations on our website.


SCILT newsletter

23 May 2014 (SCILT)

The latest issue of SCILT’s newsletter has been published.

Find out more about how SCILT have been supporting schools over the last term through our CLPL programme, promotional events and our 'Business Language Champions' scheme. This issue also introduces our forthcoming project, 'Language linking, global thinking'. As always, our newsletter is jam-packed full of stories of how schools and other organisations across Scotland have been promoting and celebrating languages!


Posted in: SCILT news

SCA Primary Schools Competition 2014

6 May 2014 (SCEN)

The Scotland-China Association Primary Schools Competition 2014, incorporating the Tom Murray Memorial Prize and sponsored by the Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools, aims to stimulate interest in Chinese culture amongst primary school children in Scotland.

The subject of the 2014 competition is 'Festivals celebrated in China'. 

Children are encouraged to explore Chinese culture and to enjoy expressing what they learn.

There are three categories for entries - P1-3, P4-5, and P6-7. Entries can be in one of the following formats :

  • written work
  • two- or three-dimensional work (up to A2 or 40cm x 40cm x 40cm respectively)
  • video or DVD

Closing date for entries is 6 June 2014.

See the attached flyer for more information or visit the SCEN website for further details of the competition and how to enter.


Related Files

“Mother Tongue Other Tongue” Poet Laureate Education Project Coming Soon to Glasgow!

2 May 2014 (SCILT)

From August 2014, SCILT will be piloting the inspiring multi-lingual poetry competition and Poet Laureate Education Project, Mother Tongue Other Tongue, in Glasgow schools. If you are a teacher in a Glasgow primary or secondary school who is looking for a creative way to motivate language learning and celebrate all the languages spoken by your learners, go to our webpage to read more about what MTOT can offer you.


SCILT’s Junior European Language Portfolio available for download now!

2 May 2014 (SCILT)

Are you looking for innovative ways to:

  • encourage your learners to reflect on and take responsibility for their learning? 
  • celebrate wider language and intercultural learning experiences?
  • ease transition between stages and sectors?

SCILT has become the first organisation in Scotland to successfully register a European Language Portfolio(ELP) with the Council of Europe. Visit our webpage for more information on how you can start using the ELP with your learners now!

Please hit 'Control' and F5 simultaneously to ensure you are viewing the most up-to-date version of these pages.


Exhibition of Third-year Students’ Research Projects in French, Italian & Spanish

1 May 2014 (SCILT)

Creativity, research and languages proved a great combination again last month in the 2nd annual ‘Exhibition of Third-year Students’ Research Projects in French, Italian & Spanish’ from the School of Humanities at University of Strathclyde. Groups of third-year students were given 'carte blanche' to research any aspect of life or identity in a country where the target language is spoken. Investigations ranged from art to women’s suffrage by way of gypsy culture, fashion, independence and music.

Led by lecturers Caroline Verdier and Lidia Acosta, the research challenge also features in two new SCILT blogs. Secondary learners considering studying Italian, Spanish or French at university might want to check out this student blog which details one of the groups’ process and learning in the course of their research project, or this poster blog showcasing the research posters in all three languages.

Information on both this year's and last year's Third Year Languages Research Projects can also be found on SCILT's 'Beyond School' section of the website.


1+2 FAQs

25 March 2014 (SCILT)

A number of queries and questions have been raised via email and at our professional learning events around the 1+2 languages initiative. We have addressed these queries which can be found on the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page on the 1+2 section of our website.


Posted in: 1+2, SCILT news

Job profiles

18 March 2014 (SCILT)

More profiles of people who have found languages useful in their work have been uploaded onto the SCILT website. Read about successful people in the business and sporting worlds and see why they consider that learning a language is really important.

Recent additions include: 

  • Melville Petrie, Director of PAI Ltd, on the challenges of learning and working with Mandarin and Arabic 
  • Euan Johnston, Marketing Manager at Bellcom Worldwide, on his love of German and how this has helped his career
  • Ian Fyfe, Human Resources Director and SFA Referee on languages as an important skill for SFA coaches

This is a useful resource to inspire pupils to study languages and highlight how doing so may benefit their future career.

Visit our Job Profiles and Careers webpage for more information.


German Educational Trainees Across Borders 2014

13 March 2014 (SCILT)

Does your school teach German? Would you like to enhance the German learning experience for your pupils?

SCILT and the German Consulate General have sent local authorities in Scotland an invitation to host a German student teacher for a six month placement in primary or secondary schools.

If you think that your learners would benefit from regular contact with a native speaker, please speak to the person in your LA with responsibility for Modern Languages. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 30th April.

For further information, please email

SQA Verification process is changing!

27 February 2014 (SCILT/SQA)

Are you aware of the latest changes to the SQA Verification process which will take place with immediate effect? The main changes are highlighted below:

  • “The third round (of verification), due to start in April, will now focus on verifying the Added Value Unit assessment and the internally assessed components of Course assessment, with a greater emphasis on subjects where there has been most change.”
  • “For the 2014/15 academic session, the approach to verification will involve supporting and strengthening teachers’ experience in applying standards. The first round of the quality assurance system will involve the delivery of understanding standards events using exemplar materials. There will also be more targeted quality assurance activity of Unit and Course assessments, with the second round focusing on Unit assessment and the third round focusing on Course assessment.”

Further information and details can be found on the SQA website.


Latest edition of Scottish Languages Review published

18 February 2014 (SCILT)

Issue 27 of the Scottish Languages Review has been published.

This edition looks at the range of projects that Foreign Language Assistants can implement. There is an article on teaching Mandarin tones to Anglophone learners and an article on a module which assesses the progress and gains made by university students during their residence abroad. We look at the support that can be provided by university language professional to help teachers’ efforts in implementing and evaluating action research projects. We report on the successes and challenges of the ‘Routes into Languages’ initiative in England and Wales and consider its potential for Scotland.


Auld Lang Syne - Nanjing Little Red Flower Art Troupe with Douglas Academy Chamber Choir

10/02/2014 (CISS)

Auld Lang Syne performed at a special concert of the Nanjing Little Red Flower Children's Art Troupe with Douglas Academy Chamber Choir at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow on 7th February 2014. Filmed for the forthcoming documentary on the Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools by Mark Pentleton.


Related Links

East meets west as Douglas Academy choir welcome Chinese students (Milngavie & Bearsden Herald, 13 February 2014)

3rd year BA research posters blog

4 February 2014 (SCILT)

Along with her Spanish and Italian colleagues, Caroline Verdier, Teaching Fellow in French at the University of Strathclyde, challenged 3rd Year students to work in groups on a research project.  The groups had 'carte blanche' to research any aspect of life or identity in a country where the target language is spoken. Subjects included independence movements in Spain and Scotland, the representation of Ancient Rome in cinema and on television and the status of Paris in the world of fashion.  There were also some case studies about businesses such as of Renault, Zara and Veuve Cliquot.

Information about the rationale, the research process and the findings were distilled and displayed in a poster.  The posters were very creative, many were interactive and had 3D elements.  An exhibition to showcase all the posters took place in the McCance Conservatory in April 2013.  During Spring 2014, posters and abstracts from this year’s 3rd Year students will be added to the blog.

This blog would be a good tool to support pupils involved in research for the IP strand of the Languages Baccalaureate.


Latest edition of SCILT newsletter published

03/01/2014 (SCILT)

The latest edition of SCILT's newsletter has been published, in which we announce the launch of our new Word Wizard competition and report back on the success of Scotland's first Modern Languages Spelling Bee. Read about the exciting work which local authorities, cultural organisations and SCILT staff have been doing to promote and celebrate languages across the country. 


Posted in: SCILT news

1+2 is coming to a place near you!

31 January 2014 (SCILT)

Do you want to find out more about ways of taking the 1+2 language policy forward in your establishment?
Would you like the opportunity to discuss the policy and share strategies with other practitioners?
SCILT is organising a series of regional 1+2 events. Schools that have already taken part in the1+2 pilots will present their experiences of implementing the policy. There will also be opportunities for you to share your ideas in discussion groups.

Date and Time










Participating Pilot Schools



Saturday 29th March 


Registration 9.00am 


9.30 - 12.30



University of Strathclyde, Glasgow







Dalmarnock Primary School, Glasgow




St Elizabeth’s Primary School, South Lanarkshire



Saturday 26th April 


Registration 9.30am 


10.00 – 13.00



Hazlehead Academy,Aberdeen



Langlands Primary School, Angus




Tough Primary School, Aberdeenshire



Saturday 10th May 


Registration 9.00am 


9.30 – 13.00







Stirling –  St Modan's High School



St Modan’s High School, Stirling




Anderson High School, Shetland




Lochyside Primary School, Highland



Saturday 17th of May 


Registration 9.00am 


9.30 – 12.30



Perth – Perth High School











Madras College, Fife




Hillside Primary School, Dundee



To register, please email with details of your name, school, education authority and which event(s) you would like to attend. Please note that places are limited and will be allocated strictly on a first come, first served basis.

SQA Principal Assessor Reports 2013 - key messages

31 January 2014 (SCILT/SQA)

We have begun extracting the key messages from the 2013 SQA Principal Assessor reports and reports for French and German 2013 exams are now on our website with data for Chinese, Spanish and Italian to follow shortly. 

Practitioners may find these condensed versions useful for sharing information with colleagues and learners and could be used as part of your quality assurance to inform your improvement agenda.


Chinese New Year 2014

24 January 2014 (CISS)

Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important holiday in the Chinese Calender. On 31st January 2014 we will say goodbye to the year of the snake and welcome the year of the horse.

Visit the CISS Chinese New Year 2014 page for ideas and resources to introduce the year of the horse to your classroom.

This page will be live from 5pm on Friday 24th January.


Subject choices - promoting languages

23 January 2014 (SCILT)

If you are looking for ways of persuading pupils, parents and school managers that learning Modern Languages is a positive choice, then look no further. The team at SCILT have prepared some materials, ideas and suggestions that may help you.


Edinburgh Zoo and SCILT's short story competition

17 January 2014 (Edinburgh Zoo/SCILT)

Open to any P5-P7 pupils who have studied Chinese culture and/or some Chinese. 

A little reminder that the short story competition deadline is 31st January 2014.

Please do support this competition. The winning entry will be presented to the Chinese Consulate. Also the story will be translated (or subtitles added to a video etc) into Chinese and Gaelic. In addition there will be a small token prize for the group or class from Edinburgh Zoo.

Please remember that the story is a class entry but can take any format - it could even be of a mixed format - allowing the whole class to be involved. If it easier to work in smaller groups then we will accept up to 5 entries from the one class.  Criteria - a short story, video, presentation on anything about China, Chinese culture and/or the giant panda.

It also doesn't have to be very long - we are looking for quality and not quantity!

For example:

  • a short story 
  • 3-5 minute video 
  • short Powerpoint presentation 
  • set of drawings/pictures/photographs with descriptions/anecdotes

Entries can be sent as jpegs; Powerpoint presentations; videos; etc and can be emailed to this address or sent by post on CD Roms/DVD to the address below.

Similarly, written material can be emailed as pdf or word documents or sent by post to the address below.

Sandie Robb 罗桑迪
Senior Education Officer, Discovery & Learning,
Royal Zoological Society of Scotland 苏格兰皇家动物协会
134 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 6TS

tel: 0131 314 0335, mobile: 07963 070654

Performance of Nanjing Little Red Flower Art Troupe

16 January 2014 (CISS)

In celebration of Chinese New Year 2014, the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools is delighted to offer you the unique opportunity to attend a performance by the world famous Nanjing Little Red Flower Art Troupe. The troupe comes from one of China's first children's art institutions to combine formal education with artistic performance. They have won various awards at national and local children's dance and music competitions, and toured over 20 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, America and Africa.

We are inviting pupils, teachers and members of the public to attend for free. Please join us to experience this magical performance of traditional Chinese dance and music.  Details are on the attached invitation.

To secure a place at this event please register by completing the attached booking form and return it to by Friday 31st January. Please note that there are two forms, one for schools and one for individuals.


Posted in: Chinese, SCILT news

Mandarin immersion course for teachers July 2014

10 January 2014 (CISS)

CISS will be running a Mandarin immersion course for teachers in Scotland this summer in partnership with the Tianjin Education Commission and Hanban. This course is suitable for primary or secondary teachers who are looking to teach beginners’ level Mandarin Chinese or introduce Chinese/China in their schools.

The course will take place in Tianjin between the 12th and 27th July 2014.

All costs for tuition, accommodation and food (3 meals a day) will be covered. In order to ease organisation, CISS will book flights and arrange visas for all participants but we will not cover the cost of this. The estimated cost for flights and visas will be roughly £1000. Participants will also be responsible for the cost of their own insurance.

To register for this course, please email by Friday 31 January.

Summary of National 3, 4, 5 and Higher Qualifications

10 January 2014 (SCILT/SQA)

We have produced an at-a-glance summary of the National 3, 4, 5 and Higher Qualifications for languages in a table format.

The document can be downloaded below, or found on the Senior Phase section of our website.


1+2 Secondary School Case Studies

7 January 2014 (SCILT)

We now have two new case studies uploaded on our website. Read how Breadalbane Academy and Queen Anne High School are working to embrace the recommendations in the 'Language Learning in Scotland: A 1 + 2 Approach' report. To ensure you are viewing the most up-to-date pages on our website, please refresh the page by pressing the CONTROL and F5 key simultaneously.


Advance Notice - Training the MLPS Trainers

7 January 2014 (SCILT)

By popular request, SCILT, Education Scotland and partners will host a five day summer school, week beginning 30 June 2014. Each local authority will be offered two places for those staff who will be expected to deliver MLPS training in response to the recommendations in the 1+2 report.

Please keep the date in your diary. Further details will follow in due course.

Advance Notice - 1+2 Learning Events

7 January 2014 (SCILT)

In association with partners, SCILT intends to hold a learning event in a location near you on a Saturday morning during March or April 2014. This event will provide an opportunity to share good practice nationally and learn more about the experiences of the pilot schools.

The date for the event nearest to your local area will be announced in the near future along with further information.

University of Strathclyde Languages Ambassadors Programme

7 January 2014 (SCILT/University of Strathclyde)

Are you planning a languages event in your school?  Do you need some help promoting language learning to your students?  Why not arrange a visit from one of the student Languages Ambassadors from Strathclyde University's award-winning programme?

The Languages Ambassadors Programme is designed to provide support to schools by sending teams of two or three students to deliver a range of activities such as:

  • A general presentation by students about their experiences as language learners
  • Practical workshops or class-based activities focussing on fun language development
  • Q&A sessions about the benefits of studying a foreign language

As role models the Ambassadors will share their experiences and their successes, and they will also be honest about the challenges they have faced studying a foreign language.

Visit the Languages Ambassadors webpage to find out more and, if you would like to participate in the programme, please contact Cedric Moreau, Senior Language Teaching Fellow:


Beyond School - new section of the SCILT website

6 December 2013 (SCILT)

Our new ‘Beyond School’ section on the SCILT website offers help and advice to young people about the many ways they can continue to develop their language skills, whether by making the transition from school to a course at university or by studying, working or volunteering overseas. As well as general help and advice on making the move to university and courses available, there are links to potential career paths and opportunities and what support is available to schools to help promote languages as a subject choice at university.


SCILT Christmas webpage now live!

29 November 2013 (SCILT)

Looking for ideas to bring Christmas into your Modern Foreign Languages classroom?

SCILT have compiled resources from around the world for use with your students, from songs to advent calendars to games. Find out how Christmas is celebrated in France, Germany, Spain and many other countries!


Professional learning opportunities from Cultural Organisations

21 November 2013 (SCILT)

A number of SCILT’s partner cultural organisations provide professional learning opportunities for modern languages teachers. These courses aim to train teachers in a new language or upgrade their current language skills, and can range from half-day workshops to immersion courses abroad.

SCILT have compiled a grid of the courses available, with information on the required level of language for participants, the teaching stage for which the course prepares them and whether there is funding available.

Please visit the Professional Learning page on the School Managers section of our website to view the courses on offer.


And the Autumn Series GLOW Meets are GO!

21 November 2013 (SCILT)

If you missed this week’s ‘Using native speakers in the classroom: a guide to good practice’ GLOW Meet with Dr Hannah Doughty then you can access the slides and journal in the SHARE section at

To join the other Autumn Series meetings at 4pm on Wednesday 27th November, 4th and 11th December then go to the CONNECT area at and select TAKE PART in the grey web meeting room.  You will need a GLOW userid and password to access.

  • 27th November, Christian Baert presents ‘What SCILT can do for you’
  • 4th December, Dr Hannah Doughty presents a ‘Support session for Baccalaureate and their mentors’
  • 11th December, Janette Kelso presents ‘The new National Qualifications’


SCILT Glow Meet: Wednesday 20th November

13 November 2013 (SCILT)

The countdown is most definitely on! No, not to Christmas, but to the first of SCILT’s Autumn series of Glow Meets of course.

When: Wednesday 20th November
Time: 4pm-5pm

Title: Using native speakers in the classroom: a guide to good practice 

Host: Dr Hannah Doughty
Suitable for teachers and managers from all sectors, this session will provide information about the types of native speakers you could invite into your classroom and will explore a range of strategies that native speakers could use to complement your language lesson.

If you intend to participate in this Glow Meet, please collect the materials you need from the KEY RESOURCES in the SHARE section of the #mlscilt professional learning community.

Should you have any questions you would like Dr Doughty to address in the Glow Meet, please add a question in the SUPPORT section of #mlscilt or send an e-mail entitled ‘Glow Meet question’ to

To join the meeting on Wednesday 20th November, go to the CONNECT area and select TAKE PART in the grey web meeting room.

SQA Frequently Asked Questions - update

12 November 2013 (SCILT/SQA)

In September we compiled and published a list of questions we have been frequently asked at Outreach events regarding the New Qualifications and worked in partnership with SQA to answer these questions.

The SQA have now requested the following amendments to the Q&A document, which are highlighted in bold text:

Section B

How many contexts must be covered at National 4?
A minimum of two of the four contexts of Society, Learning, Employability and Culture, must be covered at National 4 (this previously indicated all four contexts).

Section D

How many contexts must be covered at National 5?
All four contexts of Society, Learning, Employability and Culture, must be covered in order to prepare candidates for the Course Assessment where all 4 contexts are represented across Reading and Listening assessments.

You can see the full list of FAQs on the Senior Phase section of our website.


Vacancy: Professional Development Officer

11 November 2013 (SCILT)

SCILT is currently looking for a new Professional Development Officer on a seconded or fixed term basis. If you are a solution-focussed, creative practitioner, experienced at leading languages in a secondary context and would like to join our dynamic team then please follow the link below to the University of Strathclyde vacancies website. 


Trend of Modern Language Entries at SCQF Levels 4-5

01 November 2013 (SCILT)

SCILT have produced a document with statistics on Modern Language Entries at SCQF Levels 4-5 from 2009-2013. This is in addition to the statistics previously published:
- Trend of Modern Language Entries and Attainment at Higher in French, German and Spanish
- Trend of Modern Language Entries and Attainment at Higher in the lesser studied languages (Italian, Gaelic for Learners, Mandarin, Urdu and Russian)

Visit our Statistics on languages in Scotland page to download the PDFs.

SCILT's Autumn Series of GLOW Meets

31 October 2013 (SCILT)

The SCILT Autumn series of GLOW Meets will take place on Wednesdays in November and December, from 4-5pm. Pencil the following dates into your professional learning diaries!

  1. Wednesday 20th November 4pm-5pm
    Using native speakers in the classroom: a guide to good practice
    : Find out about the types of native speakers you could invite into your classroom. Explore a range of strategies that native speakers could use to complement your language lesson.
    Potential audience: Teachers and managers from all sectors
    Host: Dr Hannah Doughty, Professional Development Officer, SCILT
  2. Wednesday 27th November 4pm-5pm
    What SCILT can do for you
    : Provide an overview of the main services SCILT provides for practitioners from Early Years to FE and HE.
    Audience: Early Years, Primary, Secondary, ASN, FE and HE teaching staff as well as Managers and LA decision-makers with responsibility for teacher CPD
    Host: Christian Baert, Professional Development Officer, SCILT
  3. Wednesday 4th December 4pm-5pm
    Support session for Baccalaureate Candidates and their Mentors
    : Exchange information on the topics chosen by the candidates. Suggest some ways of researching the topics chosen by the candidates. Consider some of the challenges that candidates may face – and ways of surmounting them.
    Audience: Secondary teachers
    Host: Dr Hannah Doughty, Professional Development Officer, SCILT
  4. Wednesday 11th December 4pm-5pm
    Discussion around the new National Qualifications
    : Forum to share and discuss successes, challenges and questions about any aspect of the new National 4 and National 5 qualifications in the Senior Phase.
    Audience: Heads of ML Departments, Principal Teachers and Secondary ML teachers
    Host: Janette Kelso, Professional Development Officer, SCILT

Participate through the CONNECT section of the #mlscilt community on the day at . Sign up details coming soon.


GLOW Meet - Using native speakers in the classroom: a guide to good practice

29 October 2013 (SCILT)

First up in #mlscilt’s Autumn Series of GLOW Meets is ‘Using native speakers in the classroom: a guide to good practice.’

  • WHEN: Wednesday 20th November, 4pm-5pm
  • WHAT: Find out about the types of native speakers you could invite into your classroom. Explore a range of strategies that native speakers could use to complement your language lesson.
  • WHO: Secondary ML teachers, Principal Teachers and Heads of ML Departments
  • HOST: Dr Hannah Doughty, Professional Development Officer, SCILT

Add your profile to the #mlscilt professional learning community on the JOIN section and participate or watch again in the CONNECT section of

The sign up page for this GLOW Meet will go live soon or you can join in directly on the day.


TeachMeet Languages Glasgow 2013

11 October 2013 (SCILT)

Only three weeks to go until TeachMeet Languages Glasgow 2013! Sponsored by the Scottish Association for Language Teaching, this will be an informal opportunity to share interesting resources and inspiring practice in the learning and teaching of languages. A bijou professional learning event, #TMLangsGlas13 is open to all so sign up to present or to learn from others. See you there.


SCILT’s Autumn Series of GLOW Meets

10 October 2013 (SCILT)

It’s official! SCILT’s Autumn Series of GLOW Meets will be on Wednesdays through November and December, from 4-5pm.

  • Wednesday 20th November 4pm-5pm. Using native speakers in the classroom: a guide to good practice.
  • Wednesday 27th November 4pm-5pm. What SCILT can do for you.
  • Wednesday 4th December 4pm-5pm. Support session for Baccalaureate Candidates and their Mentors.
  • Wednesday 11th December 4pm-5pm. Discussion around the new National Qualifications.

More details to follow. Sign up pages will be live very soon.

CISS 2013-14 professional learning menu now available!

4 October 2013 (SCILT/CISS)

Are you a teacher of Mandarin?  
Are you a teacher considering introducing Mandarin into your school?  

The new Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools professional learning menu offers a variety of workshops to help you introduce, develop and embed Chinese language learning across the 3-18 curriculum. Relevant to practitioners in all sectors, the workshops draw on good practice from across the country and offer an opportunity for professional dialogue and the sharing of ideas and materials. Whether you are an experienced teacher of Mandarin looking for help with the senior phase, or you are just getting started and are looking for practical ways of introducing Chinese culture and language into your class, the CISS team is here to help!

Visit the CISS professional development page to view the 'Chinese Learning - let's work together' menu.

Word Wizard competition now launched!

4 October 2013 (SCILT)

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new spelling competition, Word Wizard! This competition is aimed at encouraging S1-S3 pupils, studying French, German, Spanish, Mandarin and Gaelic, to learn vocabulary, and have fun at the same time. More details on the competition, and information on how to register your interest, are now available on the Word Wizard page on our website.


eTwinning opportunities for Scottish schools

3 October 2013 (SCILT)

The following opportunities have arisen for Scottish schools to become involved in an eTwinning project. These teachers would like to find schools in Scotland to partner with: 

  • Spain - secondary school with pupils between 12-18 years
  • Italy - primary school with pupils between 6-13 years

If you would like further information on either of these schools you should contact SCILT in the first instance on

Learning journey - Scottish tourism

2 October 2013 (SCILT)

More from Game On! SCILT and Education Scotland have developed a learning journey designed to support the learning and teaching of modern languages at 3rd level.

Using the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games as a context this learning journey suggests opportunities for learners to explore ideas about how to promote Scotland as a destination to foreign visitors and encourages them to consider the importance of being able to communicate in different languages. Learners are also encouraged to consider the sustainability of the tourist industry by considering the impact of tourism on the environment, examining Eco-tourism projects overseas and designing similar projects in Scotland.

A Game On GLOW Meet to introduce all the literacy and languages learning journeys will take place later in the year. On your marks for GLOW tv!

The resource is available to download now at the Game On! website.


Game On Scotland! Commonwealth Games language resources

26 September 2013 (Education Scotland/SCILT)

Learning ideas around the context of the Commonwealth Games are available at the Game On! website.

SCILT and Education Scotland have developed a learning journey designed to support the learning and teaching of modern languages at primary level.


SQA Frequently Asked Questions

26 September 2013 (SCILT/SQA)

We have compiled a list of questions we have been frequently asked at Outreach events regarding the New Qualifications. We have worked in partnerships with SQA to answer these questions as fully as we can.

Download the attached document.

Related Files

Statistics on language uptake and attainment

24 September 2013 (SCILT)

SCILT have produced two documents with statistics on language uptake and attainment at Higher grade from 2008-2013. One provides statistics on French-German-Spanish and one on lesser studied modern languages (Italian, Gaelic learners, Urdu, Mandarin). 

Visit our Statistics on languages in Scotland page to download the PDFs.

SQA signs agreement with SCILT

23 September 2013 (SQA)

SQA has signed a new agreement with SCILT – Scotland’s National Centre for Languages at the University of Strathclyde – in an effort to promote the benefits of learning a second or indeed third language.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations explores the possibilities of working more closely together to support the development of modern languages provision within schools and colleges.


SALT Conference 2013 - booking now open!

20 September 2013 (SALT/SCILT)

The Scottish Association for Language Teaching is holding its annual conference on 2 November, 2013 at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

Joe Dale will be keynoting at the conference and presenting our theme "Promoting Excellence" and there will be a wide range of sessions covering language learning from early years to further and higher education. There is a real focus on teaching and learning as well as the chance to get a an update on the bigger picture of languages in Scotland.

Full programme details and how to register for the event are available on our events page.


SCILT’s 2013-14 professional learning menu now available!

20 September 2013 (SCILT)

The ‘Languages for all: innovate, motivate, inspire’ menu offers a wide range of professional learning opportunities for practitioners, leaders and decision-makers across all stages.  Bespoke professional learning available on request.  Diaries and pens at the ready, get booking!

Visit our professional development pages to view the 'Languages for all: innovate, motivate, inspire' menu.

Posted in: CPD, SCILT news

Word Wizard Competition! New for school session 2013-2014

17 September 2013 (SCILT)

We are pleased to announce that our brand new spelling competition, Word Wizard, will be launched very shortly.

This competition is aimed at encouraging S1- S3 pupils, studying French, German, Spanish, Mandarin and Gaelic, to learn vocabulary, and have fun at the same time.

If you want to motivate your pupils, and take part in this new initiative, watch this space for details of how to register.

Out next week: SCILT’s 2013-14 professional learning menu!

13 September 2013 (SCILT)

The ‘Languages for all: innovate, motivate, inspire’ menu will offer a wide range of professional learning opportunities for practitioners, leaders and decision-makers across all stages. Bespoke professional learning available on request. Diaries and pens at the ready, get booking!

SALT Annual Conference: Promoting Excellence

30 August 2013 (SALT/SCILT)

The Scottish Association for Language Teaching is holding its annual conference on 2 November 2013 in the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

Joe Dale will be keynoting at the conference and presenting our theme "Promoting Excellence" and there will be a wide range of sessions covering language learning from early years to further and higher education. There is a real focus on teaching and learning as well as the chance to get an update on the bigger picture of languages in Scotland. There will be contributions from speakers directly involved in its development and the role of languages in the curriculum as well as sessions for students and NQTs. The specialist publishers' exhibition, including stands from various language organisations, will form an integral part of the conference as well.

The programme will include 3 seminar sessions with a range of seminars/workshops in each for delegates to choose from.

Full details will be available on the SALT and SCILT webpages soon. 

The SALT website is currently under review and due for re-launch in the near future, but you can follow @SALTALBA on Twitter for updates.

1+2 Clarification and Key Messages

26 August 2013 (SCILT/Education Scotland)

Education Scotland has identified the key messages from the 'Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach' report to help local authorities and schools identify priorities and plan their strategic approach to 1+2. This can now be accessed on the 1+2 section of our website, alongside the ‘Supporting self-evaluation and planning for improvement’ audit tool Education Scotland also developed to help Local Authorities identify their priorities and next steps for taking forward the recommendations.


European Day of Languages 2013 - SCILT webpage now live

22 August 2013 (SCILT)

Each year September 26th marks the European Day of Languages (EDL) and is all about finding a way to get people in schools, colleges and the wider community excited about languages. How you celebrate is up to you!

SCILT have launched our European Day of Languages 2013 webpage, where you can finds loads of ideas on how your school can celebrate. You can also order EDL 2013 materials like posters, stickers and pens.

Visit our EDL 2013 webpage here and let us know how you intend to bring languages into your school this year!

Scottish Languages Review – Issue 26 now published

7 June 2013 (SCILT)

This edition includes a look at the use of languages in the financial services sector. There is an article from a baccalaureate student on his experience of researching the use of language skills in the United Nations and contribution from a former Advanced Higher pupil in three languages outlining her journey to successful professional freelance linguist. We look a creative approaches to modern language teaching in the primary school, and an action research project which provides evidence of how children with severe social, emotional and behavioural needs benefitted from their language learning experience.


Posted in: SCILT, SCILT news

SCILT's Summer Glow Meets

6 June 2013 (SCILT)

SCILT's Summer Series of GLOW is now over. If you want to revisit them, share them with others, or if you missed out the first time round, you can view them at #mlscilt.

Remember to leave an intention on the CHANGE page of the #mlscilt professional learning community afterwards.

NEWS JUST IN: SCILT GLOW Meet re-commissioned for a new series in the autumn!


Language learning in action: first National Modern Languages Spelling Bee

6 June 2013 (SCILT)

School pupils from the Highlands to the Borders tested their linguistic skills in the final of Scotland's first National Modern Languages Spelling Bee, at the Scottish Parliament on Friday 31 May.

In the spirit of “1+2”, pupils demonstrated their knowledge of vocabulary and spelling in French, German or Spanish before an audience of parents, teachers, fellow pupils and invited guests.

Congratulations to all the pupils who took part in the competition and especially to those who competed so admirably in Friday's final.

The winners in each category were:

1st Manon Robinson – Glen Urquhart High School
2nd Jessica Fowler – The Nicolson Institute
3rd Ellis Wright – Boclair Academy
4th Veronica Haughey – The Glasgow Academy

1st Amy Spence – Carluke High School
2nd Zainab Munir – The Glasgow Academy
3rd Jack Anderson – Carluke High School
4th Rosie Hutcheon – The Glasgow Academy

1st Jodie Howlett – Bo’ness Academy
2nd Ben Gallacher – Paisley Grammar School
3rd Ben Hewitt – Paisley Grammar School
4th Yanna Zubido – Paisley Grammar School

We are in the process of developing a page on our website to showcase the final, including photos and video footage of proceedings, so please keep checking back!

Feedback from the inaugural event has been positive and encouraging and we will use this to build on our experience to make the Spelling Bee Competition even better next year.  We will be sending out details of the competition for 2014 at the start of the new term in August so please do sign up! 

If you'd like further information about this year's competition please visit our website.


Related Files

Related Links

Language learning in action: first National Modern Languages Spelling Bee (University of Strathclyde Press Release, 30 May 2013)

First National Scottish Spelling Bee Competition (Charleston Academy, 2 June 2013)

Manon Robinson - First in National Scottish Spelling Bee Competition (Glenurquhart High School, 3 June 2013)

Language Learning in Action: First ever National Modern Languages Spelling Bee in Scotland #scottishbee

31 May 2013 (Engage for Education)

On Friday, 31st May, S1 pupils from the Highlands to the Borders will take part in the grand finale of the first ever National Modern Languages Spelling Bee to take place in Scotland. In the spirit of “1+2”, finalists will battle it out in French, German or Spanish to an audience of proud teachers, parents, fellow pupils and invited guests. The event will take place in the Scottish Parliament, thanks to the kind sponsorship of Maureen Watt, SNP MSP for Aberdeen South and North Kincardine.


SCILT's Summer Glow Meets

30 May 2013 (SCILT)

This week’s #mlscilt GLOW Meet was ‘Bringing French to Life Through an Interdisciplinary Journey’. Don’t worry if you didn’t catch it.  Simply, log in to GLOW, access the workshop resources and watch again.

Ready for more?  Go to the #mlscilt professional learning community and look for the advert in the LEARN area for the final Meet of SCILT’s Summer Series.  Next up ‘Broad General Education in the secondary school: don’t throw the baby out with the bath water’’ presented by Fhiona Fisher on Tuesday 4 June at 4pm.


SCILT's summer Glow Meets

SCILT (24 May 2013)

If you missed this week’s #mlscilt Glow Meet, don’t worry. Log in to Glow, collect the workshop materials and watch ‘Gathering Evidence and Reporting’ again on the CONNECT page of the #mlscilt professional learning community.

For details of the remaining two Glow Meets in this summer's series, go to the #mlscilt professional learning community and visit the LEARN area. Next up, ‘Bringing French to life through an interdisciplinary journey’ presented by Fhiona Fisher on Tuesday 28th May at 4pm.

Latest edition of SCILT newsletter published

20 May 2013 (SCILT)

Find out how SCILT have been supporting ML teachers over the last term, and read about Scotland's first Modern Languages Spelling Bee – an exciting new initiative organised by SCILT, the final will be held in the Scottish Parliament on 31st May! As always, the newsletter is full of inspiring stories from local authorities and the cultural organisations on how languages are being promoted and celebrated across Scotland.


Posted in: SCILT news

Latest edition of CISS newsletter published

13 May 2013 (SCILT / CISS)

The Spring 2013 edition of the CISS newsletter has been published. This edition showcases some of the exciting events that happened across Scotland to celebrate Chinese New Year, as well as some of the work being done in early years, primary and secondary schools to promote Chinese.


Posted in: Chinese, SCILT news

Italian texts

10 May 2013 (SCILT)

SCILT has sourced a selection of texts in Italian which teachers may find helpful. These texts can be used for a variety of purposes. You may want to use them based on a common theme to help deliver the Added Value Unit at National 4. They could also be used in conjunction with Bloom’s Taxonomy to help pupils develop Higher Order Thinking Skills.

Access the texts on our website.


Website of the month - Hwb

6 May 2013 (SCILT)

Hwb now includes all the content from the NGfL Wales website and hosts a resources section, 'find and use', including materials for language learning in French, German, Spanish and Welsh from primary through to senior phase.


Glow Meet – Developing Language Skills Through Phonics, 14th of May at 4.00pm

3 May 2013 (SCILT )

The workshop will consider the place of phonics in the languages classroom and will explore the benefits of developing phonological awareness in young language learners. Based on current research, this session will also offer practical, tried and tested suggestions that will have a positive impact in your classroom.

Finding it couldn’t be easier on our new professional learning community. Go to, look for the SCILT advert, sign up and download the materials you will need to take part. We look forward to seeing you there!


Related Links

SCILT – Developing Language Skills through Phonics (Glow Scotland, 9 May 2013)

‘Motivate the demotivated’

26 April 2013 (SCILT)

Looking for ways to inspire and motivate your language students? Using film in the classroom is a great way to combine interdisciplinary learning and generate enthusiasm amongst your pupils for language learning.  These projects were filmed in three different Scottish schools involving pupils from P7 to S6 who worked together to create their own animated movies using skills they developed in Modern Languages, Art and ICT. Have a look at these video clips to see what can be achieved and hear feedback from some of the pupils who took part.


Job profiles

19 April 2013 (SCILT)

SCILT have uploaded profiles of people who have found languages useful in their work. Read about successful people in the business and sporting worlds and see why they consider that learning a language is really important. This is a useful resource to inspire pupils to study languages and highlight how doing so may benefit their future career.


Related Links

The Only Way is Languages!” is a new DVD from Routes into Languages which also aims to inspire young people to study languages at school, college and university and to get them thinking of the different kind of careers they could go into with their language skills.

Planning for improvement

16 April 2013 (SCILT)

At this time of year the focus for many of you will be on reviewing this year’s work and identifying areas for development to inform your new improvement plan. SCILT can offer you some useful documents that could help you with this process.

The key messages have been extracted by the SCILT team from this year’s Principal Assessors’ Reports. These abridged versions are available on our website and could help you identify some key areas for development. We have also developed an audit tool to help you plan for the 1+2 approach to Modern Languages. Although initially aimed at supporting local authorities, the tool could be easily adapted to help planning at school level too.

Furthermore, if approaches to assessment are likely to figure highly on your improvement plans, then SCILT can help you navigate the NAR with our NAR Guidance tool and if you want your department to really get to grips with the BGE and those Es and Os, then the Key Aspects of Achievement and the Modern Languages: Guidance Paper could give you the extra information you need to come to an agreed understanding of the standards and expectations in Modern Languages.

The team at SCILT is always ready to support professional learning through our Outreach events. Please let us know what you think your priorities and development areas might be in 2013/14. Your information and comments will help us review this year’s work and will ensure that next year’s menu of workshops is tailored to meet your professional learning needs.

Coming soon! GLOW Meets for language practitioners

11 April 2013 (SCILT)

Get ready for all the action, join #mlscilt on the National PL Community.  A series of wide ranging workshops by GLOW Meet open to all primary and secondary languages practitioners coming very soon!  Details to follow shortly, so keep checking back.


Experience China 2013

27 March 2013 (CISS)

Hanban is pleased to announce that the application to the immersive teacher training course Experience China 2013 is now open.

The course will be running from July 22nd to August 9th this year for three weeks. It is an introductory course to Chinese language and culture, and is aimed at the secondary and possibly primary teachers who are looking to teach beginner’s level Mandarin Chinese in their schools (secondary placements will have priority.) All in-country costs are generously covered by the office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban); travel and visa costs, however, are not included.

Please find more details and how to apply from the e-flyer attached. The course guide is available on the IOE Confucius Institute for Schools webpage from which you can also read about last year’s Experience China course.

Apply by 19 April 2013.

If you have any questions, please get in touch at or


Related Files

Could your language project inspire others and win a top prize?

15 March 2013 (SCILT)

Applications are now open for the 2013 European Language Label, and schools from across the UK are invited to apply.

This year’s theme is ‘Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning’, and the Award is open to schools in the Primary and Secondary sector, as well as FE and HE institutions. This award is a great opportunity for the innovative work being done in languages in Scotland to be recognised across the UK and Europe.

The European Language Label (ELL) is an award for innovative language-learning projects. It rewards creative ways to improve the quality of language teaching, motivate learners and make the best of available resources. Winning projects may use European Language Label on stationery and websites and, in addition, all winners receive prizes of books, vouchers or teaching materials from the Award sponsors. The awards are presented at a prize-giving ceremony on European Day of Languages, 26th September.

For more information, including the online application form, please visit the ELL website or contact  For inspiration, follow the link below to see some of the previous winning projects.

The application deadline is Sunday 21 April 2013.

Previous winners from Scotland have included St Roch’s Secondary School in Glasgow in 2011 and Mid Calder Primary in 2009.


1+2 Case Study published on SCILT website

8 March 2013 (SCILT)

The first of our case studies showcasing how schools across Scotland are responding to the recommendations in 'Language Learning in Scotland: A 1 + 2 Approach' has been published on our website. Westercraigs Nursery in Glasgow celebrates the range of languages spoken by the children at home as well as offering specific learning experiences in French, Italian and Gaelic. Find out more about how the nursery promotes the importance and value of learning languages to the children and their families.


Fair Trade Fortnight – resources

1 March 2013 (SCILT)

If your school is involved in Fair Trade Fortnight, you may well find these resources useful. SCILT has sourced these resources from YouTube and Glow.

Related Links


For those of you teaching French, a school in Aberdeen has posted interesting teaching materials in the “Resources and Sharing” section of the National Glow Site. This link will take you directly to the folder, but you will need your Glow login.


You Tube is an open forum where anyone can post clips and comments. Please check the appropriateness of all content before using with your class.

Spanish Videos:

French Videos:

Italian Videos:

German Videos:

Guidance on NAR

29 January 2013 (SCILT)

Are you bamboozled by NAR? Do you need help to find materials relevant to language teaching? SCILT has developed a PowerPoint to guide you through the suggested assessment approaches that focus on Modern Languages.


Professional recognition

28 January 2013 (SCILT)

Congratulations to Gwen McCrossan from Argyll and Bute, who has received professional recognition from GTCS for her work in MLPS French. Gwen’s creative approach has integrated language learning into the wider curriculum through her skilful use of puppets, story-telling and ICT, to name but a few. If you would like to apply for professional recognition, please visit the GTCS website.


SCILT Vacancy - Professional Development Officer

18 January 2013 (SCILT)

Due to recent staffing changes, a vacancy for a Professional Development Officer at SCILT/CISS has arisen.

This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and support the planning and implementation of the new “1+2” Languages Policy. The turnaround time for applications is tight – the deadline is the 28th January – and we hope to interview on the 4th or 5th February.

This post is available on secondment or as a fixed-term contract to 31st March 2015, with strong possibility of extension beyond that date.

For further details and an application pack, please visit the HR website.


Christmas websites

7 December 2012 (SCILT)

We have pulled together a list of our favourite Christmas websites for teachers to use in class. These websites cover Christmas in France, Germany, Spain and around the world.


New CPD for primary and secondary teachers

29 November 2012 (SCILT)

SCILT is delighted to announce we have expanded our Professional Learning menu to include further options for Primary and Secondary teachers from our colleagues, the Institut Français and the Consejería de Educación. To download the new menus visit the relevant Professional Development pages on our website.


CISS seal cutting workshop

29 November 2012 (CISS)

On Friday 2nd November 2012, the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools ran three hugely successful seal cutting workshops in collaboration with Hanban, Confucius Institute Headquarters. 113 pupils from Hub Schools across Scotland attended.  Here is a video taken of the event: 

Posted in: Chinese, SCILT news

EDL 2012 blog

27 November 2012 (SCILT)

Our EDL2012 blog is now live! For a sneaky peek to see how the prize winning and other schools celebrated 26th September visit our EDL 2012 blog. There’s still time to add details of your school’s EDL, please send a short description of the event and any photos or film you would like included in your post to our Information Officer.

If you are already thinking ahead to 21st February 2013 (International Mother Language Day) or 9th May 2013 (Europe Day) or even the next European Day of Languages on 26th September 2013, all our EDL blogs over recent years have lots of great ideas that you might want to borrow or adapt for your own celebrations.


Latest edition of SCILT newsletter published

20 November 2012 (SCILT)

The latest edition of the SCILT newsletter has been published. It includes stories on language activities and events from schools across Scotland, including how schools celebrated this year's European Day of Languages. SCILT updates readers on the pilot schools and the 1+2 languages agenda. There are also details on SCILT's new website and the brand new competition we are running this year - the Spelling Bee! As ever, readers will be interested to read about the great work of our partners in promoting languages in Scotland, including a fabulous new website from Education Scotland supporting languages in the primary school.


University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages