National Qualifications
9 January 2025 (SCILT)
Do you have learners who would like to add another language qualification to their portfolio, but don’t have time or capacity within the department to run this? SCILT can help! Our Discovering China Live online classes prepare learners for National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Mandarin qualifications.
You can now register interest to take part in our online National Qualification Mandarin classes with our GTCS Mandarin teachers.
Please see the attached flyer below for more information, a teacher testimonial and the link to register your interest.
For full details of the course, please see the Discovering China programme page on the SCILT website where you can also find the registration link. The 2025-26 handbook will be added shortly.
10 December 2024 (Institut français)
Do your students need a boost in preparing for French AH? They could join the Institut français’ online 8-hour workshop.
The workshop aims to help prepare for the Advanced Higher in French in the 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The workshop will be delivered by an experienced and qualified French native-speaking teacher, familiar with Scottish national exams.
Fridays, from 1.30 to 3.30 pm.
17, 24, 31 January and 7 February.
Online with Zoom.
To register for the online course, please visit the Institut français website.
3 December 2024 (SQA)
The SQA has added a guidance document on the use of pronouns and gender-neutral language to their Modern Languages webpage.
The document can also be accessed from within the Advanced Higher Modern Languages tab on the page.
31 October 2024 (SQA)
SQA recruits approximately 11,000 teachers and lecturers as markers for the National Qualifications exam diet every year. Recruitment for the 2025 exams is currently underway, with opportunities available across all subjects and levels.
SQA markers play a key role in supporting the exam diet, ensuring the consistent application of national standards. They gain valuable insight into SQA processes, procedures and national standards. It also provides the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge and gather evidence for continuing professional development. Full training and support is provided.
To find out more about the marker role and eligibility or apply, please visit the SQA website.
15 October 2024 (SQA)
The SQA has added the following documents to their Advanced Higher Modern Languages page:
- AH Modern Languages Portfolio Writing Answer Booklets published
- AH Chinese Languages, German, French and Gaelic course reports published
24 September 2024 (e-Sgoil)
Registration for e-Sgoil's 2024-25 Study Support programme is now open!
Open to senior phase students in Scotland working towards national qualifications, the weekly evening Study Support webinars during term time cover a wide range of subjects and levels. Supporting materials are also available.
Visit the website now to see the timetable and register for sessions starting from 28 October 2024.
23 September 2024 (SQA)
From today (Monday 23 September), SQA will start publishing its 2024 National Qualifications course reports.
The reports provide teachers and lecturers with a summary of how learners have performed in their exams and coursework for each subject at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher level over the past year.
First reports published include ESOL and Latin. Remaining subject reports will be available by the end of October 2024.
22 August 2024 (The Conversation)
The 2024 GCSE results reveal that more young people in schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are opting to study a language. French and Spanish remain the most popular languages, with increases of 2.9% and 6.2% from last year respectively.
German, once in steady decline, has gone up by 3.5% compared to last year, but has still seen fewer entries than in 2022. Meanwhile, only 16,429 students took a GCSE in a classical subject – which includes Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew and Latin.
The most significant surges in interest have been for Irish (a 14.8% rise) and what is referred to as “other modern languages” (8.1%). This relates to all modern languages except French, German, Irish, Spanish and Welsh. It includes non-European languages such as Mandarin and Arabic as well as some common home and community languages, such as Polish, Portuguese and Urdu.
6 August 2024 (TES)
Annual Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) results data has been published today.
SQA exam results for 2024 have led to overall A-C pass rates for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher dropping across the board when compared with 2023.
At Higher the A-C pass rate was 74.9 per cent this year compared with 77.1 per cent in 2023 (74.8 per cent in 2019).
The disadvantage-related attainment gap widened at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher; the gap is now slightly wider than it was in 2019.
[..] This year is being hailed a record-breaking year for achievement of vocational qualifications [..] in areas such as mental health and wellbeing, computer games development, sports and fitness, employability, personal finance and modern languages.
Language courses for pupils at Edinburgh College
2 May 2024 (Edinburgh College)
School pupils who find their chosen language qualification is not offered in their school can study their NQ language course online for free with Edinburgh College.
The college offers National 5 courses in French, German and Spanish as well as Higher and Advanced Higher French, German, Italian and Spanish.
See the attached flyer for details.
5 March 2024 (eSgoil)
Registration for eSgoil's Easter Study Support 2024 is now open!
Easter Study Support is for Senior Phase learners who are working towards National Qualifications. This year there are seventy-four different webinar Teams, covering a wide range of subjects and levels.
Live, interactive and free, the sessions will support learners towards final exams.
Visit eSgoil's website for the full timetable and to register for the webinars.
12 February 2024 (SQA)
The SQA has recently published Common Questions documentation for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher on their Modern Languages webpage.
22 January 2024 (SQA)
The SQA has added Word versions of the Coursework portfolio writing booklet. These can be found in the Coursework dropdown menu of the Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage.
5 January 2024 (eSgoil)
Looking to broaden your learners' horizons and your school's curricular offer? We are offering a range of language NQs and work-related courses for 2024-25, delivered at no cost via live, online and interactive lessons.
Explore the details in the online brochure.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Language Learning,
National Qualifications,
Partnership Working,
News from language & education organisations,
21 December 2023 (BBC)
British Sign Language (BSL) will be taught as a GCSE in England from September 2025, the government says.
It says the qualification will be open to all pupils, who will learn about 1,000 signs, as well as an important life skill and advance inclusivity.
Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said the subject will "open so many doors for young people".
The exams regulator Ofqual will review and accredit the syllabus before it can be taught in schools and colleges.
The curriculum has been finalised after a 12-week public consultation with input from parents, teachers and organisations from the deaf and hearing communities.
7 December 2023 (CISS)
Do you have learners who would like to add another language qualification to their portfolio, but don’t have time or capacity within the department to run this? CISS can help! Our Discovering China Live online classes prepare learners for National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Mandarin qualifications.
You can now register interest to take part in our online National Qualification Mandarin classes with our GTCS Mandarin teachers.
Please see the flyer below for more information, a teacher testimonial, and the link to register your interest. The registration link is also available here:
For full details of the course, please see the CISS website. The 2024-25 handbook will be added shortly.
20 November 2023 (SQA)
Every year SQA recruits approximately 11,000 teachers and lecturers as markers for the National Qualifications exam diet. Recruitment for the 2024 exams is currently underway, with opportunities available across all subjects and levels including languages.
SQA markers play a key role in supporting the exam diet, ensuring the consistent application of national standards. They gain valuable insight into SQA processes, procedures and national standards for a subject and level. It provides the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge, as well as allowing you to gather evidence for continuing professional development.
You can apply to be a marker if you are currently teaching the subject(s) you wish to mark and have been doing so for a minimum of two years. Full training will be provided.
To find out more about the marker role or apply, please visit the SQA website.
Certificate of Continued Education (CCEd) in Mandarin
17 November 2023 (SCILT/CISS)
SCILT is currently in the planning stages with the faculty of Humanities and Social Science (HaSS) at the University of Strathclyde and partners in China to develop a Certificate of Continued Education (CCEd) in Mandarin. It is envisaged that the online, live-streamed course will be aimed at GTCS registered teachers of languages who would like to add Mandarin to the repertoire of languages they are qualified to teach. The course will be delivered over three years offering a full 120 credits, plus a summer school in China that will count towards the GTCS residency requirement. We are considering ways to make funding available for teachers in state schools in Scotland to help meet the costs of fees and to contribute to the cost of their salaries once they are fully qualified and teaching the language to National Qualification level. We are hopeful that the first cohort of this new CCEd course will start their studies in September 2024.
If you think this might be of interest to you, in order to help us plan and ascertain the potential appetite for such a scheme, we would be grateful if you could fill out this form or scan the QR code below to register your interest by Friday 1 December 2023.
30 October 2023 (SQA)
Visiting assessment (performance talking) guidance and STL forms have been published on the SQA's Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage. These can be found in the Visiting Examining dropdown section.
17 October 2023 (The Guardian)
GCSEs in Italian and Polish are to be assessed digitally in England from 2026, with plans to move at least one large-entry subject such as English to partial digital assessment by the end of the decade, a major exam board has announced.
England’s largest exam provider, AQA, said that subject to regulatory approval, the reading and listening components of the two language GCSEs would be examined through digital assessment for the first time.
5 October 2023 (eSgoil)
Registration for eSgoil's Study Support programme is now open!
Study Support is for Senior Phase learners who are working towards National Qualifications, with weekly evening webinars during term time covering a wide range of subjects and levels, including Gaelic, French and Spanish.
Visit the eSgoil website for full programme details and to register. Programme commences week beginning 30 October.
3 October 2023 (TES)
Learning a language is seen as too hard by many pupils in Northern Ireland, leading to concerns among teachers about poor uptake of languages at GCSE level.
The finding is particularly galling for languages teachers because it emerges in a new report that shows students who do take these subjects typically find them “fun and engaging”.
These concerns about the uptake of languages echo trends in other parts of the UK, with data from Scotland in August showing a downturn in interest at exam level - despite a long-established policy to teach two additional languages in primary school - and similar worries about GCSE and A-level entries in England.
(Note - subscription required to access full article)
4 September 2023 (SQA)
Updates have been added to the SQA Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage.
New specimen question papers can be found in the Past Papers and Marking Instructions section and an assessment resources summary in the Course Support section.
SQA Advanced Higher Modern Languages: new resources to support with performance-talking
1 September 2023 (SQA)
From session 2023-24, the Advanced Higher Modern Languages performance-talking coursework task returns to its usual format, with a duration of approximately 20 minutes. The requirement to discuss aspects of the portfolio has also been reinstated.
We have created two new SQA Academy courses to help you with this coursework task. An updated performance-talking audio presentation is also available from our Understanding Standards website.
SQA Academy course – Performance-talking
This course provides an overview of what the Advanced Higher performance-talking assessment involves – including its purpose, structure, preparation for the assessment, the Subject Topic List (STL) form and how performance-talking is assessed.
SQA Academy course – A day in the life of a visiting assessor
This second course outlines the role of the Modern Languages performance-talking visiting assessor and describes what happens before, during and after the assessment of performance-talking. You may find it useful to share this course with your learners.
Access the courses from the SQA Academy website
SQA Understanding Standards – updated audio presentation
An updated audio presentation on the Advanced Higher performance-talking for session 2023-24 is also available from the Modern Languages pages of the Understanding Standards website (select the language, then ‘presentations’ from the page menu).
View the performance-talking audio presentation.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Language Learning,
National Qualifications,
News from language & education organisations,
24 August 2023 (The Conversation)
Figures for GCSEs taken in 2023 show that entries for GCSEs in languages have increased slightly from last year. Despite this, the number of pupils taking a modern foreign language stands at less than 60% of those that did in the peak year of 2001.
The decline in the number of pupils taking modern foreign languages at GCSE dates back to the government’s decision to make the subject optional from 2004. At this point, the number of students taking an exam in the subject declined sharply and have never recovered.
24 August 2023 (The British Academy)
The British Academy welcomes the growing popularity of economics, history and some modern languages such as Spanish, Arabic, Urdu and Chinese at GCSE level, but calls for more work to arrest the decline in other humanities and social sciences.
Earlier this month, the British Academy joined forces with the British Science Association to urge teachers, parents and students to consider the benefits of studying a mix of subjects across the humanities, the sciences and the social sciences, in line with the British Academy’s recently launched Connected Knowledge campaign.
10 August 2023 (TES)
New Scottish national data shows a drop in uptake of languages at Higher since 2019, the last year before the Covid pandemic.
The decrease in French entries is particularly steep and, after many years as the most popular language in Scottish schools, uptake is now lower than for Spanish.
However, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (widely known as SCILT) says there is better news in National 5 figures, which suggest there may be the beginnings of a comeback from the Covid years.
(Note - subscription required to access full article)
Related Links
Exams 2023: Tackling the decline in languages in state schools (TES, 8 August 2023) - Note, subscription required to access full article
A-Level and other level 3 results 2023: The main trends in grades and entries (FFT Education Data Lab, 17 August 2023) - Subjects with the largest fall in entries are Spanish, French and German.
A-Levels 2023: 10 key trends for teachers to know about (TES, 17 August 2023) - Languages in decline.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Language Learning,
National Qualifications,
Languages in the press,
8 August 2023 (TES)
Vocational subjects will be all the rage on A-level and GCSE results days in England this year, with data showing how subject choices are changing with the times.
For example, computing entries will be up by around 10 per cent, while provisional GCSE entries for business studies are up by 27 per cent since 2019 and A-level entries in the subject are up by 34 per cent.
But as one field of study grows, another shrinks, and modern foreign languages are some of the hardest hit subjects. Entries for German, for example, have dropped by 17 per cent, while French stagnated with just 0.3 per cent growth.
This is not good news - language and intercultural skills are needed in the UK as it repositions itself on the global stage after Brexit and the Covid pandemic.
Unfortunately, though, the resource for language learning is not the same in every school and there is concerning evidence of a growing social divide.
(Note - subscription required to access full article)
Related Links
A-Level and other level 3 results 2023: The main trends in grades and entries (FFT Education Data Lab, 17 August 2023) - Subjects with the largest fall in entries are Spanish, French and German.
29 June 2023 (TES)
Spanish is set to overtake French as the most popular GCSE language choice at schools in England, a new report has predicted.
The new Language Trends 2023 report, conducted by the British Council, has found that having been the most selected language at A level for the last four years, Spanish now looks set to replicate that popularity at GCSE level.
While Spanish, French and German remain the most popular languages at GCSE, German is falling increasingly behind, and there were more than 35,000 entries for other modern languages, the highest number recorded so far.
Related Links
Two in three state secondary schools in England teach just one foreign language (The Guardian, 29 June 2023)
British Council Language Trends Report 2023 (British Council, 29 June 2023) - Language teaching in primary and secondary schools in England
21 June 2023 (FE News)
A new future-focused French GCSE, designed to better equip all students for life and careers in a global setting, has received full approval from Ofqual for first teaching in 2024.
The reformed qualification from leading awarding body Pearson Edexcel, has been developed in close partnership with schools, language experts and multilinguists to reduce the continued decline in language uptake at GCSE and A level.
Paving the way for updates to Pearson’s language GCSEs in German and Spanish, the new French qualification (for first assessment in 2026), is specifically designed to be more inclusive and accessible to students, with real-world content that reflects and represents the diverse backgrounds, experiences and abilities of young learners today.
3 June 2023 (National World)
Education experts have told NationalWorld the government needs a 10-year plan for foreign language teaching in schools - after figures showed the number of students taking French, German and Spanish A Levels fell again this year in England.
Business leaders are also calling for a “fundamental change” in approach so the next generation of UK entrepreneurs are “born global”. Ministers say they’re spending nearly £15 million improving teaching and promoting the benefits of language learning.
The exams regulator Ofqual said on Thursday (1 June) there were just 2,210 German A Level entries this summer - a fall of 17% on last year, the biggest percentage drop of any subject on the curriculum, and 24% down on five years ago.
1 June 2023 (The Guardian)
Languages and the creative arts are falling out of favour among GCSE and A-level students, who are increasingly opting for more vocational subjects such as computing and business studies.
Provisional figures for England show exam entries for German have fallen by 17% for A-level students and 6% for GCSE studies, while Spanish and French have fallen 13% at A-level, although there has been a 5% increase for Spanish GCSEs, and French entries stayed at a similar level.
Language courses for pupils at Edinburgh College
27 April 2023 (Edinburgh College)
School pupils who find their chosen language qualification is not offered in their school can study their NQ language course online for free with Edinburgh College.
The college offers National 5 courses in French, German and Spanish as well as Higher and Advanced Higher French, German, Italian and Spanish.
See the attached flyer for details.
2 March 2023 (e-Sgoil)
Registration for e-Sgoil's Easter study support sessions is now open.
Please note, even if you've been attending term-time evening classes you must register separately for the Easter programme.
Sessions are free to learners. Visit the website to view the timetable and sign up for your preferred sessions. Various classes available for French, German, Gaelic/Gàidhlig and Spanish from National 5 to Advanced Higher.
9 January 2023 (SCILT/CISS)
You can now register interest to take part in our online National Qualification Mandarin classes with our GTCS Mandarin teachers.
Please see the flyer for more information, a teacher testimonial and the link to register your interest. If you cannot access the registration link through the flyer you can find the form here:
All the information is also available on the CISS website.
6 December 2022 (Education Scotland / e-Sgoil)
Learn Gaelic, Scotland’s oldest National Language, online with other students from across Scotland via e-Sgoil, working in partnership with UHI Outer Hebrides.
Courses Available: National 5 Gaelic Learners, Higher Gaelic Learners, National 5 Gaidhlig (fluent speakers), Higher Gaidhlig (fluent speakers).
Frequency: Twice weekly, draft timetable available but this can be flexible to some degree to meet the needs of Learners.
Format: Online lessons via Microsoft Teams.
Offered at both National 5 and Higher, and with courses designed by award-winning staff, Gaelic comes alive through regular, interactive, online lessons, and quality digital support materials.
Learning Gaelic opens doors to many things, including exciting career choices, further education, Scottish culture, history, geography, tourism and wellbeing. Now is your chance to become part of this rich and rewarding world.
The National 5 and Higher courses are designed to help develop skills and knowledge rapidly, getting even those learners with no Gaelic at the start of the course to a level of confidence and fluency quickly. Self-study and independent learning are important elements of the course but there is a wealth of support and resources at your fingertips.
You will meet and make friends with other young people from across Scotland.
This course may be most attractive to students with interests in languages, traditional music, outdoor activities, the media, citizenship, history, or indeed any subject matter.
Gabh an cothrom! Seize the opportunity!
Visit the website or register provisional interest here and someone will be in touch to discuss with you:
Places available - Moving forward with languages: workshops for Higher and Advanced Higher learners
2 November 2022 (SCILT / University partners)
SCILT, together with languages departments from universities across Scotland, have teamed up to present this unique series of workshops during term one of the 2022-23 session.
Suitable for pupils studying any language at Higher or Advanced Higher level, learners will get tips, encouragement and support from lecturers which will help with course preparation now, and focus on the future by finding out what it’s like studying languages at university level.
There are still places available on the two remaining workshops:
Registration is open via the links above, each workshop covers a different topic so learners may sign up for as many workshops as they wish. The workshops will take place online via Zoom and will not be recorded.
Please note that, due to SCILT’s funding conditions, priority is given to pupils attending state schools. If you do not attend a state school please email to enquire about places.
31 October 2022 (SQA)
The SQA has now published this year's course reports for AH Gaelic (Learners), German and Spanish.
These can be found on the Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage within the Course Reports section.
233 October 2022 (Independent)
Earlier this year, Conservative MP Kemi Badenoch stated that the modern foreign languages (MFL) curriculum currently taught in schools does not need decolonising. This is despite Badenoch having no first-hand experience of studying in a UK secondary school, or of teaching in one.
20 October 2022 (SQA)
SQA has now published the 2022 Advanced Higher Italian course report.
Visit the Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage for more information.
11 October 2022 (SQA)
SQA is recruiting markers for the external assessment of National Courses in 2022-23. Opportunities are available across all subjects and levels, and full training will be provided. Visit the SQA website to find out more.
22 September 2022 (SQA)
The SQA has published this year's course reports for Advanced Higher French and Advanced Higher Chinese languages.
These can be found on the SQA Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage under Course Reports.
1 September 2022 (e-Sgoil)
Online study support sessions for learners in Scotland are again being offered by e-Sgoil. Registration for the autumn term evening webinars opens 5 September.
Visit the e-Sgoil website for details and sign-up information.
Free online French Higher and Advanced Higher workshops funded by the Franco-Scottish Society starting at the end of September
1 September 2022 (Edinburgh College)
In collaboration with Franco-Scottish Society, Edinburgh College is again offering free online courses for Higher and Advanced Higher French pupils commencing September 2022.
See the relevant flyer below for full details:
25 August 2022 (TES)
GCSE German, Spanish and French results 2022.
[..] while provisional entries were up this year, the final number of students to sit the exam fell across all three subjects.
(Note - subscription required to access full article).
22 August 2022 (TES)
The government’s English Baccalaureate subject target at GCSE is “done for” and “will be quietly phased out” because not enough pupils are studying a modern language for it to be met, a new report claims today.
The report, looking ahead to this week’s GCSE results, has suggested the measure will be succeeded by Attainment 8, which “allows for a wider range of subjects and does not depend on taking a language”.
The prediction is made by Professor Alan Smithers in his report published by the University of Buckingham’s Centre for Education and Employment Research (CEER).
The EBacc is made up of English language and literature, double science, maths, a humanities subject and a modern foreign language.
It was created as a performance measure in 2011 by the government to encourage schools to ensure more pupils study traditional academic subjects.
Speaking ahead of GCSE results day this Thursday, Professor Smithers said that ”provisional entries for GCSEs in England suggest there is no great revival of interest” in modern languages.
(Note - subscription required to access full article)
18 August 2022 (Edinburgh College)
School pupils who find their chosen language qualification is not offered in their school can study their NQ language course online for free with Edinburgh College.
In collaboration with Franco-Scottish Society, the college is again offering free online courses for Higher and Advanced Higher French pupils commencing September 2022.
See the attached flyers for full details. Links are also available on the Beyond School Supporting Schools section of the SCILT website.
18 August 2022 (Education Scotland)
e-Sgoil, in partnership with UHI Outer Hebrides, is offering N5 and Higher e-Learning for Gaelic (Learners). This flexible route into Gaelic Learning may be of interest to senior phase learners, in particular those in S6 with an interest in languages, culture or music. Further information can be found in the flyer below and by visiting e-Sgoil's website.
9 August 2022 (News Headlines UK)
The number of pupils studying modern languages, science and maths at higher level has fallen significantly, figures released by the Scottish Qualifications Authority show.
Only 505 students took higher German in 2022, compared to 780 students in 2020, while the number of students taking French and Spanish at higher level also fell significantly.
Around 3,165 students took Higher Level French in 2020, a number that dropped to 2,500 this year. A total of 2,900 students took Higher Level Spanish in 2020, a drop to 2,465 this year.
The reasons for the sharp drop in the number of students studying modern languages at higher level are not clear, but the question of the affordability of language teaching in schools has been addressed by Holyrood’s inquiry education committee before the pandemic.
Related Links
SQA results: Huge drop in pupils taking Higher languages and sciences (The Herald, 9 August 2022) - Note, subscription required to access full article.
Moving forward with languages: workshops for Higher and Advanced Higher learners
9 June 2022 (SCILT / University partners)
SCILT, together with languages departments from universities across Scotland, have teamed up to present this unique series of workshops during term one of the 2022-23 session.
Suitable for pupils studying any language at Higher or Advanced Higher level, learners will get tips, encouragement and support from lecturers which will help with course preparation now, and focus on the future by finding out what it’s like studying languages at university level.
Registrations will open in August 2022, in the meantime you can share the dates and topics with pupils below:
- Saturday 10 September: The University of Strathclyde team will help you to use news articles to brush up your translation techniques.
- Saturday 1 October: Join the University of Stirling team who will guide you through critical analysis of film – with a twist!
- Saturday 29 October: Let the University of Edinburgh team help you unravel the mysteries of grammar!
- Saturday 12 November: Want to expand your vocabulary? Then this workshop, led by the University of Glasgow team, is one for you.
- Saturday 26 November: The University of Aberdeen team will help you to develop your skills of critical analysis by working with images and build confidence in expressing your ideas in another language.
- Saturday 10 December: The University of Dundee will show you how to become a confident speaker by developing your confidence through presenting in another language.
Please also see attached flyer which can be distributed to pupils or colleagues.
CISS NQ Mandarin offer 2022-2023
31 March 2022 (CISS)
CISS is happy to be able to share the first details of our offer of live-streamed Mandarin NQ classes for the upcoming 2022-2023 session. This will allow schools to expand their provision for Mandarin, particularly those who do not have access to a GTCS registered teacher of Mandarin and are therefore unable to offer NQ classes. The details in the attached document will allow these courses to be added to course choice forms. The offer consists of three courses: National 4, National 5, and Higher. The start date is tentatively scheduled for early to mid-June 2022.
Please see the attached document for further information and register your interest by Friday 8 April at this link:
Online language NQ courses for school pupils with Edinburgh College
25 March 2022 (Edinburgh College)
Edinburgh College offers a range of online NQ language courses. These can be accessed across Scotland and all Scottish school pupils qualify for a full fee waiver. The courses provide a great option for pupils whose schools may not currently offer the language course on their curriculum.
The following options are available, with German and Italian new additions this year at Advanced Higher level:
- Advanced Higher and Higher: French, German, Italian and Spanish
- National 5: French, German and Spanish
Exam arrangements: Though enrolled with Edinburgh College, pupils still sit their exams at their own school (including the Adv Higher speaking exam).
See the attached flyer for more information and how to enrol.
14 March 2022 (SQA)
The SQA has published updated revision support notes for learners of Advanced Higher modern languages.
Visit the SQA Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage. Updated documents can be found in the 2022 revision support for learners dropdown section.
Posted in:
Language Learning,
National Qualifications,
News from language & education organisations,
14 February 2022 (SQA)
Advanced Higher Modern Languages performance-talking visiting assessment guidance for centres has just been published.
Visit the SQA Advanced Higher Modern Languages page, Visiting Examining section for more information.
4 February 2022 (TES)
The Scottish government's policy is that children should start learning their first additional language when they start school in P1 and then start learning another language from P5. The government says "language learning is an entitlement for all from P1 to S3".
This is known as the 1+2 languages policy, since the expectation is that pupils will learn two languages, as well as their mother tongue.
But to what extent is this long-established policy - which the government originally pledged to fully implement by the beginning of this school year (August 2021) - a reality in Scottish schools?
To mark Languages Week Scotland 2022, we take a look at the data.
30 November 2021 (Alliance Française)
The Alliance Française in Glasgow is running online Revision Courses in February for pupils who are due to sit their Higher and Advanced Higher oral examinations in 2022.
Visit their website for more information and to book.
27 November 2021 (The National)
A qualification for British Sign Language (BSL) should be introduced into the Scottish curriculum, SNP delegates agreed.
More children should be taught BSL in primary and secondary schools as well as promoting the job as a BSL interpreter as a career pathway could help plug the current gaps.
Brian Ferguson, South Lanarkshire councillor, was the first deaf BSL user elected to a council in Scotland.
He told delegates, through BSL, that despite there being an estimated 6000 deaf BSL users in Scotland who need interpreting services, there are only around 50 to 60 interpreters.
This means there is one interpreter for every 109 deaf BSL users.
9 November 2021 (SQA)
SQA is currently recruiting additional Visiting Assessors (VAs) of Advanced Higher Modern Languages performance-talking. VAs who have previously carried out this role do not need to reapply.
We would welcome applications for the following languages:
- French
- Gaelic (Learners)
- German
- Mandarin (Simplified)
- Spanish
VAs will receive training/support and will complete a training exercise prior to attending a briefing event on Saturday 29 January 2022 in Glasgow.
Centre visits (dependent on Scottish Government health guidance) will be completed throughout mid-February to late March 2022. Up to 5 release days may be required to fulfil this role (number of release days is flexible).
Release fees and/or own time fees would be paid, as well as travel expenses.
Further detail, including selection criteria, is available via the link below, where you can submit your application. Deadline: 12 December.
If you need any further information, please contact
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Language Learning,
Language Teaching,
National Qualifications,
News from language & education organisations,
9 November 2021 (SQA)
Visiting assessing documents have been added for modern languages subjects at Advanced Higher.
Visit the SQA Modern Languages Advanced Higher webpage for more information.
25 October 2021 (SQA)
Understanding Standards resources published for National 5 to Advanced Higher Modern Languages in session 2020-21 have been updated for session 2021-22.
The resources for Modern Languages are available on SQA Understanding Standards website.
7 October 2021 (SQA)
Recruitment for new markers who would like to be considered for a marking team for 2022 is now underway.
A Marker marks candidates’ work in line with detailed marking instructions and in accordance with SQA policy and procedures. The prime role is to ensure consistent application of national standards when marking candidate submission(s).
Opportunities are available across all subjects and levels, and full training will be provided.
Visit the SQA website for more information and apply by 19 December 2021.
21 September 2021 (SQA)
The SQA has published Advanced Higher Modern Languages Portfolio Answer Booklets. These can be found under the Coursework section of the SQA's AH Modern Languages webpage.
Posted in:
Language Learning,
Language Teaching,
National Qualifications,
News from language & education organisations,
14 September 2021 (e-Sgoil)
During Autumn 2021 e-Sgoil is offering a programme of real time interactive Study Support Webinars.
A variety of subjects are on offer at different levels from National 4 to Advanced Higher.
The webinars include sessions for students of French, Spanish and Gaelic. Classes have just started so there's still time for pupils to register.
Visit the e-Sgoil website for more information.
16 August 2021 (SQA)
Visit the SQA website for the updated Advanced Higher Modern Languages course overview for session 2021-22.
12 August 2021 (UCML)
A breakdown of languages results across the UK from the UCML.
Online language NQ courses with Edinburgh College
18 June 2021 (Edinburgh College)
Higher and Advanced Higher French workshops
With funding from the Franco-Scottish Society, Edinburgh College is pleased to offer free online courses for Higher and Advanced Higher French pupils, which will be delivered from September 2021. Their aim is to provide additional support to pupils who get limited time for speaking practice so that they feel more confident for their speaking exam. Open to any Higher or Advanced Higher French pupil who would benefit from additional input, wherever they are in Scotland.
Follow the appropriate link below for further information and an application form:
Free online language NQ courses for school pupils with Edinburgh College
School pupils who find their chosen language qualification is not offered in their school can study their NQ language course online for free with Edinburgh College. The following options are available:
- National 5 and Higher: French, German, Italian and Spanish.
- Advanced Higher: French and Spanish.
- Exam arrangements: Though enrolled with Edinburgh College, pupils still sit their exams at their own school (including the Adv Higher speaking exam).
These online courses can be accessed across Scotland and all Scottish school pupils qualify for a full fee waiver.
See the online modern languages course flyer for more information.
20 May 2021 (Bòrd na Gàidhlig)
The recently renewed website from Bòrd na Gàidhlig includes useful information about all sectors of gaelic education in Scotland, along with guidance documentation.
Resources are all available in the Education section of the website.
11 May 2021 (Education Scotland)
Es & Os and Benchmarks for modern languages for a Primary 1 start to language learning were published on the NIH on Monday, 10th May and represent an important piece of national curricular support for the 1+2 policy. The original Es & Os published in 2009 for modern languages were for curriculum levels 2, 3 & 4 only, as language learning in primary schools at that time traditionally began in P6. When the 1+2 policy was introduced in 2012/13 in schools, Education Scotland provided First Level Es and Os to support practitioners with planning to introduce language teaching from an earlier stage in primary schools; these represented a sufficient resource for a number of years, however, a measure of success of the implementation of the policy has meant that many more schools have language learning fully in place from Primary 1, hence the need for a partial suite of Es & Os and Benchmarks to support teachers with a P1 start to language learning (as the 1+2 policy begins in P1 and is not funded for pre-P1 learning) and comprise eight Es, Os and benchmark statements.
22 April 2021 (SQA)
The SQA has added a new additional resource document on Gathering key evidence and provisional results. This can be found in the Understanding Standards dropdown section of the AH Modern Languages page on their website.
21 April 2021 (e-Sgoil)
e-Sgoil's Term 4 study support sessions for senior phase students in Scotland will commence 26 April 2021. They offer a wide range of real-time, interactive Study Support webinar lessons to help consolidate pupils' school-based learning. The timetable includes sessions for N5, Higher and Advanced Higher French and Spanish.
Visit the e-Sgoil website for full details and to book. Pupils will need their Glow login details and Scottish Candidate Number.
11 March 2021 (e-Sgoil)
e-Sgoil is offering an Easter programme (6-16 April) of real-time, interactive webinars covering Nat 4 to Advanced Higher, for Scottish learners in the Senior Phase. The programme is not designed to deliver whole course content but will focus on key aspects of the subject(s) and hints and tips on how to be successful in assessments.
Visit the e-Sgoil website for full programme details and to book.
8 March 2021 (SQA)
The SQA has updated information in the Understanding Standards section of their Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage. The section contains additional resources for the 2020-21 session.
25 February 2021 (TES)
In 2017, I looked back on my 46 years of modern languages teaching. Despite fond memories, I felt unease. I sensed a disconnect between pupils’ competences and Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) results. I have met Higher pupils whose A grade left them floundering and unable to create spontaneous, simple German.
Three years’ research answered the question: have German teaching and testing – which I used as an exemplifier for modern languages – failed Scottish pupils?
The SQA decision at the end of January to ditch the talking element of Advanced Higher shows that they continue to fail Scottish pupils and confirms my research findings.
eSgoil Easter study support
25 February 2021 (eSgoil)
Calling all teachers of Advanced Higher French, Spanish or German!
e-Sgoil is currently planning it's Easter Study Support programme. We are looking for experienced teachers who could deliver AH Webinars. There are three one hour sessions over the two weeks (6-16th April).
Please get in touch for further information - email
Mandarin for BGE 2021
18 February 2021 (CISS)
Do you want to include Mandarin in your school's curriculum but don't currently have the resources? CISS is offering 10 week blocks of live-streamed language and culture classes for Primary P5-P7 and Secondary S1-S3 to start in August 2021.
Further information can be found in the attached flyer. Register interest by 12 March 2021.
CISS Nat 4, Nat 5 and Higher online Mandarin offer 2021-2022
2 February 2021 (CISS)
CISS is happy to be able to share the first details of our offer of live-streamed Mandarin NQ classes for the upcoming 2021-22 session. This will allow schools to expand their provision for Mandarin, particularly those who do not have access to a GTCS registered teacher of Mandarin and who have, therefore, been unable to offer NQ classes. The following details will allow these courses to be added to course choice forms. The official start date is still to be decided and will be confirmed as soon as circumstances allow.
Please register your school’s interest now
The offer consists of three courses: National 4, National 5 and Higher.
National 4
9.30 – 10.30
National 5
9.30 – 10.30
9.30 – 10.30
9.30 – 10.30
Please read carefully the following information:
- Learners can access the course from at school or at home. All they will require is access to the internet and their Glow account. All assessments will need to be undertaken in school under controlled conditions, supervised by a teacher.
- The online teacher is PVG checked and GTCS registered. She will provide and mark all teaching and assessment materials, and gather evidence of learners’ attainment. Schools will be responsible for:
- obtaining approval to present these qualifications from SQA
- presenting candidates for the relevant SQA qualifications
- administering exams
- ensuring that any assessment arrangements to which pupils are entitled are in place.
A designated GTCS class teacher must be assigned to support the delivery of Mandarin in your school. This teacher will be responsible for:
- attendance and supervision of learners for each lesson
- regular liaison with the GTCS Mandarin teacher via email/ virtual face-to-face conversation
- co-ordinating reporting to parents
- accessing and distributing class materials on Glow and uploading pupil work.
- facilitating assessments.
The class teachers will not have responsibility for language teaching. However, there is an expectation that they will help facilitate the learning. They will also require time to deal with the administration associated with the course(s). This, therefore, requires a timetabled commitment from a member of staff.
Teaching materials, resources and assessments will be available for download.
Once notes of interest have been collated, further details will follow. An online meeting will be arranged for all participating schools. This will give an opportunity for staff to network with each other and to clarify any questions they may have.
Please get in touch at should you require additional, specific information.
29 January 2021 (TESS)
Modern languages teachers have hit out at Scotland’s exam body over its decision not to assess students' ability to speak the language they are learning as part of the Advanced Higher qualification this year.
In the most recent guidance produced by the Scottish Qualifications Authority, published last week, modern languages teachers have been told that, at Advanced Higher level, they are to base their teacher-estimated grades on reading, translation, listening and writing, but not on their students' ability to speak the language.
Modern languages teachers who spoke to Tes Scotland described the move as a “dumbing down” of the qualification, arguing that the key skill for a linguist to acquire is the ability to communicate.
7 January 2021 (Alliance Française)
The Alliance Française Glasgow is running online revision courses during January and February for those scheduled to sit Higher and Advanced Higher French exams in 2021.
Visit the website for more information and to enrol.
30 November 2020 (Alliance Française)
The Alliance Française in Glasgow is holding special online Revision Courses in January/February for pupils who are due to sit their Higher and Advanced Higher oral examinations in 2021.
Visit the website for more information and to book.
26 November 2020 (SQA)
SQA has reviewed its visiting assessment arrangements for Advanced Higher Gàidhlig performance-talking and Modern Languages performance-talking assessments in session 2020–21.
Visit the SQA website for more information.
9 November 2020 (SQA)
Advanced Higher course reports for the 2019 diet have been added to the SQA website for Gaelic (Learners), German and Spanish.
6 November 2020 (SQA)
The SQA has produced a document providing subject-level guidance to SQA approved centres on gathering key evidence to support estimates for National 5 Modern Languages in session 2020–21.
You should read this guidance alongside National Courses: guidance on gathering evidence and producing estimates and the SQA Academy resource, Quality assurance of estimates for National Courses (links are contained in the publication).
This document also includes information on subject-level assessment resources. Available now to view online.
1 October 2020 (Language Learning Scotland)
Calling all S5 and S6 Modern Languages students studying French, German Spanish and Mandarin. From 12-16 October 2020, Language Learning Scotland is running a virtual language immersion week. Come along to learn more about the culture, the course and so much more!
Meet like-minded language lovers and hear talks from native young people and industry professionals. Get help and advice on navigating your way through Higher and Advanced Higher with tips for memorising grammar and vocabulary.
Visit the LLS website for more information and to apply.
1 October 2020 (eSgoil/SCILT)
SCILT is proud to partner with colleagues at e-Sgoil in order to offer additional support to sixth year language learners.
Free live webinar lessons for young people studying Advanced Higher French and Spanish are available on line for eight weeks from the beginning of November.
Advanced Higher Spanish
Wednesdays 5 pm from 4 November 2020
Advanced Higher French
Thursdays 5 pm from 5 November 2020
Going by the response to previous live-streamed lessons, interest is likely to be high. Please encourage young people to sign up as quickly as possible to guarantee their place. They will need their pupil Glow login details and Scottish Candidate Number to register.
More information and the registration link can be found on the eSgoil website.
e-Sgoil Study Support Webinars
11 September 2020 (e-Sgoil)
Young people from across Scotland are participating in a series of live study support webinar lessons being delivered by e-Sgoil.
Building on the success of the e-Sgoil ‘lockdown’ offer - where over 3,000 young people from across the country participated in real-time e-Sgoil lessons from their homes - the package of study support seeks to complement the work being done by schools by providing free, live, interactive webinar lessons in an extensive range of courses at Level 5 (National 5) and Level 6 (Higher).
Twenty courses are currently on offer in the evenings, in a range of subjects including French, Gaelic, Gaidhlig, Mandarin, Spanish, Business Management, Chemistry, Computing Science, Eachdraidh, English, History, Maths, Music, Physics and RMPS.
e-Sgoil Study Support live webinar lessons are scheduled to run for a period of eight weeks in the first instance and employ a ‘flipped’ learning approach, where participants undertake prior learning using supplied resources before attending the real-time 45-minute webinar lesson, hosted in Glow. All e-Sgoil live webinar lessons are delivered by subject specialists and are scheduled after school in the evening.
Angus Mclennan, Head Teacher of e-Sgoil commented:
“e-Sgoil is delighted to offer Senior Phase pupils from across Scotland the opportunity to participate in a wide-range of live webinar lessons that will reinforce school-based learning. Each webinar lesson is a stand-alone learning experience, so new participants are welcome to sign-up to join future sessions”.
Young people can sign-up directly by simply accessing the e-Sgoil Study Support registration form at
(Pupil Glow login details and Scottish Candidate Number (SCN) are required as part of the registration process).
28 July 2020 (Hodder Gibson)
Publishers, Hodder Gibson, are keen to commission new resources to support Modern Languages departments at National 3-5 and would be grateful to hear directly from teachers to establish what they would find useful.
Please help by taking part in the research survey. It will take about 10 minutes to complete.
17 April 2020 (SCHOLAR)
The schedule for online SCHOLAR tutor sessions for the coming term is now available online. Modern Language students should note next dates are:
- 20 April - Introduction to Higher Modern Languages
- 27 April - Introduction to National 5 Modern Languages
- 4 May - Introduction to Advanced Higher Modern Languages
Sessions are all led by Modern Languages tutor, Douglas Angus, and commence at 6:00 pm.
Visit the SCHOLAR website for more information.
12 March 2020 (SQA)
The SQA is currently recruiting for new markers who would like to be considered for a marking team for 2020.
A Marker marks candidates’ work in line with detailed marking instructions and in accordance with SQA policy and procedures. The prime role is to ensure consistent application of national standards when marking candidate submission(s).
Applications which meet the selection criteria will be accepted on a first come first served basis. Thereafter applications will be reserved for future opportunities in marking in your selected subject.
Visit the SQA website for more information and submit your application by 27 March 2020.
3 March 2020 (SCILT/CISS)
Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT) requires a Professional Development Officer to support the network of Scotland’s Confucius classrooms and the learning and teaching of languages across Scotland. This is an exciting opportunity to work at national level and drive forward the strategic languages agenda in Scotland. The successful candidate will be part of the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools team based within SCILT as the Ramshorn building in Glasgow’s city centre. The centre leads 44 Confucius classrooms across Scotland, including secondary, primary and specialist classrooms.
The Professional Development Officer will be responsible for developing and delivering a broad range of support measures to develop the learning and teaching of Mandarin in Scottish schools and communities. This would include, for example, leading professional learning workshops and managing projects such as national awards/competitions and other promotional events.
The post holder will support practitioners to turn policy into practice in order to create a positive impact on learners. This will be based on identification of practitioners’ needs, with particular reference to the place of Mandarin and languages in general, within the National Improvement Framework and the Scottish curriculum. The post holder would, therefore, need extensive experience of leading recent initiatives that promote and support language learning.
Please note, the successful candidate need not be a fluent Mandarin speaker.
Visit the University of Strathclyde's vacancy portal for full details about the post and to apply by 22 March 2020.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Language Teaching,
National Qualifications,
Teacher Education,
SCILT news,
CISS news
25 February 2020 (SCHOLAR)
SCHOLAR’s next on line tutor sessions with tutor Douglas Angus will be as follows:
- Monday 2 March at 6pm - Higher Modern languages and will focus on preparing for external assessment of Reading Listening and Directed Writing. There is an associated worksheet available from SCHOLAR, which includes a task learners can attempt in advance
- Monday 9 March at 6pm - Advanced Higher, looking at preparing for Reading, Listening and Discursive Writing. There will also be a worksheet accompanying the session.
Visit the website for more information and login.
25 February 2020 (Alliance Française)
The Alliance Française in Glasgow is running semi-intensive revision courses in April for Secondary School pupils and University students who are due to sit their French examinations in 2020.
Visit the website for more information and to enrol by 30 March 2020.
Gaelic Sports Leader SCQF Level 4 Award
14 February 2020 (Highland Council)
A Gaelic sports leader’s level 4 will be running in Plockton High School for pupils aged 13+ between Monday 30 March and Thursday 2 April (3 overnight stays).
The feedback from previous courses has been positive and this gives participants a great chance to enhance their leadership whilst also using Gaelic as the tool to do this.
There are up to 16 places available (8 Highland 8 Western Isles to begin with but this could be flexible depending on demand).
The course is free of charge and all accommodation and hot food is provided - breakfast, lunch and dinner all served at the hostel which is on site at Plockton High School.
See the attached flyer for more information and the booking form.
4 February 2020 (SCHOLAR)
The remaining online revision sessions for this year for Modern Languages are as follows. Each will be presented by Douglas Angus, the SCHOLAR online tutor for Modern Languages:
- 2 March 2020, 6:00pm - Exam skills - HIGHER MODERN LANGUAGES
- 9 March 2020, 6:00pm - Exam skills - ADVANCED HIGHER MODERN LANGUAGES
Visit the SCHOLAR website for more information and log-in.
10 January 2020 (SCHOLAR)
The next online tutor sessions for Higher and Advanced Higher Modern Languages take place on Monday 13 January 2020.
- 6:00pm - Higher Modern Languages: Interactive translation
- 6:45pm - Advanced Higher Modern Languages: Interactive translation
Visit the SCHOLAR website for further information.
25 November 2019 (SQA)
SQA has published updates to the Advanced Higher Modern Languages course. The document outlines changes to take effect from 2020 and can be found on the SQA AH Modern Languages webpage under subject updates.
Advanced Higher pupil workshops - bookings now open
8 November 2019 (SCILT)
Returning for session 2019-20, SCILT will be delivering workshops for pupils studying Advanced Higher modern languages. Bookings are currently open for:
- Stirling - Tuesday 26 November 10am-12, University of Stirling (this workshop is now fully booked, however you can register on the waiting list via Eventbrite in case of any cancellations)
- Glasgow - Wednesday 4 December 10am-12, University of Strathclyde (this workshop is now fully booked, however you can register on the waiting list via Eventbrite in case of any cancellations)
- Glasgow - Friday 6 December 10am-12, University of Strathclyde (this workshop is now fully booked, however you can register on the waiting list via Eventbrite in case of any cancellations)
- Dundee - Monday 9 December 10am-12, University of Dundee
- Edinburgh - Tuesday 10 December 10am-12, University of Edinburgh
- Inverness - Wednesday 11 December 11am-1pm, Millburn Academy
This is a pupil workshop which will focus on what is required at Advanced Higher level and give tips on how to approach key elements of the course. We will look at ways of tackling:
- the overall purpose question in the reading
- the discursive writing
- the portfolio
- the talking
This will also be an opportunity to meet with your peers and set up links so you can support one another in your studies.
Schools should register on behalf of their pupils. Please indicate when registering how many pupils will be attending. While this event is for pupils, teachers may wish to attend and this should be reflected in the numbers when you register.
14 October 2019 (SQA)
SQA has published Advanced Higher Gaelic (Learners), German, Italian and Chinese languages course reports for the 2019 exam diet.
The reports provide information on candidates’ performance.
Visit the SQA Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage to access the reports.
9 September 2019 (SQA)
SQA has published Advanced Higher Spanish and French course reports for the 2019 exam diet.
The reports provide information on candidates’ performance.
Visit the SQA Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage to access the reports.
4 September 2019 (SCHOLAR)
Our upcoming Online Tutor Sessions for Higher and Advanced Higher Modern Languages for the academic year 2019/20 have been scheduled.
For more information please visit the SCHOLAR website.
23 August 2019 (TESS)
Earlier this month the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) published annual data on qualifications at all levels.
Tes Scotland has examined the figures to find the most popular subjects at Higher level in 2019, a list that includes all 27 subjects with at least 1,000 entries. Also included are four subjects which had more than 1,000 entries in 2016 – the first year that only the new version of the Higher was run – but which have now dipped below 1,000 entries.
In brackets are the number of Higher entries for each of the 31 subjects in 2016. This offers a better comparison that the figures for 2015, the first year in which the new version of Higher was offered, as for that year only the old Higher was also available.
Finally, below that, we also take a look at which subjects are losing popularity at Higher level, and which are on the rise, by calculating the percentage difference between entries in 2016 and 2019 for each of the 31 subjects.
The figures suggest that social subjects are being squeezed, with geography, in particular, seeing a fall in entries of almost 16 per cent between 2016 and 2019.
But there are even bigger falls in some subjects, including computing science (27.5 per cent) and French (25.4 per cent) and – the biggest fall proportionally – philosophy (34.8 per cent).
Few subjects have seen rises in entries, with Spanish among those to increase (17.5 per cent), although by far the biggest rise proportionally is in politics (55.3%).
For context, overall entries fell from 197,750 in 2016 to 185,914 in 2019, a drop of almost 6 per cent. In italics are all the subjects where the percentage drop in entries is Higher than the overall percentage drop in entries across all subjects.
(Note - subscription required to access full article).
19 August 2019 (SQA)
SQA has updated Listening and Discursive Writing and Reading and Translation specimen question papers for Advanced Higher Modern Languages.
The specimen question paper updates can be accessed on the SQA Advanced Higher Modern Languages page.
6 August 2019 (TESS)
Higher computing entries fall by 21%. Setting aside computing, the sciences fared better in terms of changes in uptake than the social subjects.
French experienced a 10% dip in entries, whilst Spanish saw a 9% increase from last year.
7 November 2018 (SCHOLAR)
SCHOLAR online tutor sessions for Modern Languages start again on Monday 12 November 2018. At 6pm it will be Higher, and the session will be on translation. It will be accompanied by worksheets sent out in advance to teachers for pupils to help prepare for the interactive parts of the session. Languages addressed are French, German and Spanish at both levels. Access is by:, and you do not need a SCHOLAR password to attend, just log in as a guest.
The new ‘Directed Writing’ for Higher will form a session on 26 November, again at 6pm.
Advanced Higher translation and the overall purpose question will form a session on 3 December.
29 September 2018 (The Scotsman)
Scotland’s independent schools maintain a track record of academic excellence, and this has continued in 2018 with another set of outstanding exam results, which is only strengthened by individual and collective success in sports, art, music and other community endeavours.
With upwards of 30,000 pupils across Scotland, these schools, represented by The Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS), strive to deliver the best level of service to their pupils and parents.
Independent schools aim to prepare their pupils for further and higher education, their chosen career and their place as global citizens. As an education sector that can design and implement a bespoke school curriculum, we are seeing modern languages continue as a popular and desired subject of choice within schools.
Nelson Mandela said: ‘If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language that goes to his heart.” This is a powerful reminder that we can’t just rely on English when wanting to build relationships and trust with people from other countries.
From this year’s recent exam results, we can see that languages are topping the league tables with the highest pass rates within independent schools. A total of 68 per cent of pupils who studied foreign languages achieved a Higher grade A.
The data, collected from SCIS’s 74 member schools, showed that 72 per cent of students achieved a Higher grade A in Mandarin, while 72 per cent of those studying German, 69 per cent of those studying French and 63 per cent studying Spanish also achieved an A.
This demonstrates that independent schools in Scotland are supporting foreign languages as vital skills that children and young people will undoubtedly require in the future. Languages now, as a subject choice, are being held in the same regard as STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in independent school curriculums and elsewhere.
19 September 2018 (SCHOLAR)
The schedule of online tutor sessions for Higher and Advanced Higher Modern Languages 2018-19 is now available online.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Curriculum for Excellence,
Language Learning,
National Qualifications,
News from language & education organisations
3 September 2018 (SCHOLAR)
SCHOLAR has updated the Higher French, German and Spanish pages to reflect the changes to Higher which are now in place. SCHOLAR on-line tutor, Douglas Angus, will be hosting a webinar on Monday 17 September at 6pm for an hour to look at the changes, and to talk about the implications for teaching and learning of the new format for Higher Modern Languages. To take part in this event please log in as guest. The webinar will be broadcast live and recorded so it can be downloaded if you miss it.
There will be sessions for pupils at Higher and Advanced Higher level this year again, starting in November. For Higher, amongst the sessions will be on on the Assignment-Writing and for Advanced Higher on on the Portfolio and Specialist Study. Meanwhile, last year’s sessions are still available on the SCHOLAR website, but are open to all and do not require a password.
27 August 2018 (SQA)
SQA is running three webinars in September covering updates to Higher Modern Languages:
Tuesday 4th September 5-6pm
Monday 10th September 5-6pm
Thursday 27th September 5-6pm
Content will be the same on all three dates. Register on the SQA booking system.
If colleagues are finding they cannot get a place on the webinar they can contact the SQA events team or 0345 213 5580 who would in turn contact colleagues if spaces on webinars become available.
24 August 2018 (SCILT/SQA)
Revised Higher Specimen Question Papers for use in session 2018-19 onwards are now available on the main Higher Modern Languages webpage. Revised marking instructions for Directed Writing are currently only available in the Specimen Question papers.
Exemplars of Higher Directed Writing valid from session 2018/19 with associated commentary written in line with the revised marking instructions for Directed Writing are now available. There are currently 8 exemplars in French and Spanish with other languages available in due course.
Exemplars of Higher Assignment-writing valid from session 2018/19 with associated commentary written in line with the marking instructions for assignment-writing are now available. There are currently 6 exemplars in French, German and Spanish, with other languages available in due course.
All exemplars can be found on
Exemplars of talking performances at Higher valid from session 2018/19 are now available. These include associated commentary written in line with the marking instructions for performance-talking. Exemplars of talking performances at National 5 are also available. Both can be found on the understanding standards area on the SQA secure website.
Gaelic eLearning by eSgoil available to learners all across Scotland
20 August 2018 (eSgoil)
Comhairle nan Eilean’s eSgoil is offering National 5 and Higher Gaelic (Learners) via computer - these will be open to school pupils and adult learners anywhere. All you need is a computer with internet access.
Get in touch with Angus MacLennan or Catriona Currie at if you or learners within your school would be interested in this opportunity
This is the timetable for the classes.
- Monday 8:50-10:30
- Wednesday 14:00-14:45
- Thursday 13:55-15:35
- Friday 12:25-13:15
7 August 2018 (Relocate Magazine)
Scottish exam results are in - and more than 2/3rds of independent school pupils sitting exams achieved a Higher grade A in foreign languages, including Mandarin.
Although the number of entries for Highers and the proportion of students who received a pass mark has fallen slightly, data from the Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS) reveals that 68% of pupils studying foreign languages have achieved a Higher grade A.
The data, collected from SCIS’s 74 member schools, shows that 72% of students achieved a Higher grade A in Mandarin, while 72% of those studying German, 69% of those studying French and 63% studying Spanish also achieved an A.
21 June 2018 (SQA)
The SQA has published a recording of the Higher Modern Languages webinar that took place on 19 June. The webinar provides guidance on the revised course assessment for session 2018-19.
Webinars can also be accessed from the Understanding Standards website.
11 June 2018 (SQA)
Course support notes and coursework assessment tasks for session 2018-19 are now available, including the new assignment-writing task and performance-talking. Download them from the SQA Higher Modern Languages website ‘2018-19 session’ section.
8 June 2018 (SCILT)
New for session 2018-19, SCILT will be delivering three workshops for pupils studying Advanced Higher modern languages. These will take place in:
- Glasgow - Wednesday 5th September 2-4pm, University of Strathclyde (Please note this event is now full. You can join the waiting list on Eventbrite in case places become available closer to the event)
- Dundee - Thursday 6th September 2-4pm, University of Dundee (Please note this event is now full. You can join the waiting list on Eventbrite in case places become available closer to the event)
- Inverness - Monday 10th September 11am-1pm, Millburn Academy
This is a pupil workshop which will focus on what is required at Advanced Higher level. We will look at ways of tackling;
- the overall purpose question in the reading
- the discursive writing
- the portfolio
- the talking
This will also be an opportunity to meet with your peers and set up links so you could support one another in your studies.
Schools should register on behalf of their pupils. Please indicate when registering how many pupils will be attending. While this event is for pupils, teachers may wish to attend and this should be reflected in the numbers when you register.
17 May 2018 (SQA)
Dates for the next Higher Modern Languages webinars are now available to book on the SQA website (login required).
Sessions are available:
- 4 September
- 10 September
- 29 September
6 May 2018 (Daily Record)
The number of Scottish pupils passing foreign language exams has halved over 10 years.
The total at all levels has plunged from 60,176 in 2007 to just 28,503 in 2017.
The fall has been most severe in basic qualifications, raising concerns the figures could get worse in coming years as youngsters lack foundation skills.
Opposition politicians and business leaders have voiced fears that Scotland’s ability to compete as a global economy could be at risk.
26 April 2018 (The Times)
The number of pupils taking Higher French and German has fallen as interest in Italian and Chinese rises.
The number of pupils studying any Higher modern languages fell 6.2 per cent between 2016 and last year. Pupils studying Higher French fell by 14 per cent to 3,918 and German was down 13 per cent from 1,020 to 89. The number of students taking Higher Spanish hit 2,809, up 8 per cent on 2016; Italian rose 21 per cent to 264; Chinese languages grew in popularity by 16 per cent to 129; and Urdu rose by 13 per cent to 104. Those learning Gaelic at Higher level fell by 18 per cent, to 69.
(Subscription required to read full article).
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Language Learning,
National Qualifications,
Languages in the press,
26 April 2018 (SQA)
SQA is developing a new range of Awards in British Sign Language. The first two Awards will be available from Autumn 2018, at SCQF level 3 and 4. Further Awards at SCQF levels 5 and 6 will be available from Autumn 2019.
The Awards will be aimed at young BSL learners in schools and colleges. These new qualifications will offer an attractive addition to the choice of languages already available to young learners in Scotland. The Awards will be similar in length and demand to the existing National Courses in Modern Languages available from SQA.
The units that make up the new Awards have been adapted to respect BSL’s difference from spoken/written languages, and learners will also have the opportunity to develop their understanding of the Deaf community and its culture and history.
23 April 2018 (SQA)
SQA has published the revised Course Specification for the Higher Modern Languages course (version April 2018). This is available from the Modern Languages Higher webpage. To access the document please go to the tab ‘2018-19 session’ and under the ‘Essential Information’ heading click on ‘Course Specification’.
12 April 2018 (SQA)
The SQA is running an evening webinar on 5 June to provide an overview of the new Modern Languages Higher course assessment arrangements which will be implemented from session 2018-19 onwards.
This will cover the performance–talking and there will be a particular focus on Higher assignment-writing.
To book a place, please visit the SQA online booking system.
Additional webinar sessions on the new Higher Modern Languages Course assessment arrangements will be running in September 2018.
27 March 2018 (Consejería de Educación)
The Ministry of Education of the Embassy of Spain in the United Kingdom, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Junta de Castilla y León, annually announces the award to the student with the best results in Spanish in the United Kingdom that has, in addition, the best academic record.
Applications are now open for the 2018 award and should be submitted by 30 April. Visit the website for more information.
22 March 2018 (SCILT/SQA)
We have summarised the Course Reports for National 5 Modern Languages. These reports highlight areas where candidates performed well in the 2017 exam and areas where they encountered difficulty.
They contain sound advice for both teachers and pupils in the run up to this year's exam diet.
The full report for each language can be accessed on the SQA website under the Verification and Course Reports tab.
16 March 2018 (SCILT/SQA)
We have summarised the Course Reports for Higher Modern Languages. These reports highlight areas where candidates performed well in the 2017 exam and areas where they encountered difficulty. They contain sound advice for both teachers and pupils in the run up to this year's exam diet. They can be found in the
Senior Phase section of our website.
The full report for each language can be accessed on the
SQA website under the Verification and Course Reports tab.
16 March 2018 (SCHOLAR)
SCHOLAR’s last Modern Language webinar of the session is for Advanced Higher French, German and Spanish. Douglas Angus will give advice on tackling the reading paper, in particular the overall purpose question. Afterwards he will look at suggestions for revising for the final exam, and answer any questions on writing either the discursive writing or the folio.
The session is on Monday 19 March at 6pm. Like all the other sessions, it is recorded and available on the SCHOLAR website. Enter as a guest. No password necessary!
9 March 2018 (SCILT/SQA)
We have summarised the Course Reports for Advanced Higher Modern Languages. These reports highlight areas where candidates performed well in the 2017 exam and areas where they encountered difficulty. They contain sound advice for both teachers and pupils in the run up to this year's exam diet. They can be found in the Senior Phase section of our website.
The full report for each language can be accessed on the SQA website under the Verification and Course Reports tab.
SQA course reports
7 November 2017 (SQA)
SQA has published the National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher course reports for the 2017 examinations.
These reports contain information about the performance of candidates in the examinations as well as advice for teachers.
SCILT will summarise these reports in due course, but in the meantime they can be accessed by clicking on the following links and selecting the ‘Verification and Course Reports’ tab:
30 October 2017 (SQA)
Develop your knowledge of assessment requirements. SQA is recruiting for Event Verifiers for National Qualifications in ESOL, Chinese, Gaelic (Learners), Gàidhlig, German, Italian, and Urdu.
SQA Spanish Appointee Opportunities – 2018 Exam Diet
18 October 2017 (SQA)
SQA is currently advertising the following 2018 Exam Diet Appointee roles for Spanish:
Team Leaders will assist the Higher Principal Assessor with post-examination procedures and support a team of Markers during marking activity.
The Senior Marker will support the AH Principal Assessor with procedural activity across Talking Performance, Portfolio & Papers 1&2.
Support and training will be provided.
Further detail about the roles is available via the links above, where applications may be submitted. Closing date is Sunday 5 November 2017.
Please feel free to forward this information to any practitioners who may be interested in applying.
If you have any queries please contact Elaine Clusker, Qualification Officer:
12 October 2017 (SQA)
Are you looking for CPD opportunities? Become an appointee for SQA – apply to be an Event Verifier in Modern Languages. It's a really worthwhile role and great professional development in relation to building confidence about national standards.
Visit the SQA website for more information and to apply by 29 October.
6 October 2017 (SCILT/SQA)
The course specification for National 5 has been updated following the Scottish Government announcement that unit assessments will no longer be mandatory from session 2016-17 at this level. As well as extracting the key points providing an overview of the content and assessment requirements, we now have links to SQA's recording of the National 5 webinar held in April/May and repeated in September/October 2017 on our website.
Other National Qualifications will be reviewed and updated in due course.
15 September 2017 (Education Scotland)
This video resource contains the key messages by speakers from the Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES), Education Scotland, the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS), and SCILT, Scotland's National Centre for Languages, on the 1+2 approach to language learning and the impact of the policy in the secondary sector. The resource also contains key PowerPoint slides.
This resource can be used in modern languages departments, to support discussion around transition, entitlement and effective timetabling for L2 (first additional language) and L3 (second additional language).
Visit the Education Scotland website for more information.
25 August 2017 (SQA)
Eight pieces of candidate evidence with commentaries for the new Assignment – writing component of the National 5 Modern Languages course for 2017-18 have been published on SQA’s Understanding Standards website. These contain examples in French, German and Spanish. Further examples in other languages will be published as soon as these are developed.
9 August 2017 (The Herald)
THE number of pupils choosing key modern languages has fallen sharply.
Figures from the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) show the number of entries for Higher French dropped from 4,581 in 2016 to 3,918 this year.
The figures for German have also fallen, with entries declining from 1,019 to 890 year-on-year.
However, the increasing popularity of Spanish has continued, with entries rising from 2,600 last year to 2,809.
Entries at the lower National 5 level for French and German have also fallen.
9 August 2017 (Evening Times)
One student has defied the odds to become one of Glasgow’s top achievers while attending not one but three city schools.
Valentina Kanife moved to Glasgow from her home country of Italy in September 2015. When the 16-year-old joined the S4 class in St Margaret Mary’s in Castlemilk, she could not speak any English. Soon after starting the school, it became apparent that Valentina had a skill for languages and began working towards gaining her National 4’s.
Staff at St Margaret Mary’s staff organised for Valentina to attend Holyrood Secondary for Higher Italian and Kings Park Secondary for Higher ESOL, while being taught Higher Spanish and National 5 maths at her own school. With the help of a bus pass, the teenager travelled between the three schools, sometimes on the same day. After a year of handwork, Valentia managed to gain all three Highers and a National 5 Maths qualifications, all within two years of being in Glasgow.
8 August 2017 (The Guardian)
The number of Scottish school pupils and students taking modern languages, social sciences and arts has fallen, prompting warnings from opposition parties over the dangers of a narrowing curriculum.
Official data showed the number of exam passes at Higher, a near equivalent to English A-levels, across Scotland’s schools and colleges held steady at 77%, falling very slightly by 0.2%.
But Labour and the Conservatives expressed concern that the Scottish curriculum was narrowing after the Scottish Qualifications Authority figures showed the numbers sitting modern languages at Higher fell by 6% overall, with history down by nearly 4% and geography by 2.6%.
5 August 2017 (The Herald)
FRESH concerns have been raised that not enough youngsters are learning foreign languages, as figures show a slump in applications to study the subject at university.
The numbers of applications for degree courses linked to European languages have fallen by almost a quarter in the past five years, while the numbers for other language courses have dropped by almost a fifth, according to an analysis by the Press Association. At the same time, there has been a decline in the numbers studying languages traditionally offered by schools, such as French and German, to GCSE and A-level.
The analysis indicates Spanish has grown in popularity in recent times along with other courses, such as Arabic and Chinese.
The British Council, which specialises in international cultural relations, warned that if the UK is to remain globally competitive in the wake of Brexit it needs more young people to be learning languages.
Posted in:
All Languages,
Cultural Diversity,
Language Learning - Decline,
Language Learning for Work,
Language Skills,
National Qualifications,
Languages in the press,
31 July 2017 (The Scotsman)
Scotland has seen a “worry-
ing” fall in the number of pupils studying languages, it has emerged.
There are now fears that the next generation will not be equipped to deal with the demands of the global
There has been a dramatic fall in the number of
youngsters sitting French and German, although more are learning Spanish.
Opposition parties called on the SNP to focus on the “day job” of running schools. But ministers insist there has been a rise in the number of pupils gaining languages qualification at Higher level.
There were more than 56,000 pupils taking modern languages at Standard Grade level a decade ago. By last year, under the new exam system, this had fallen to just over 23,000 – a 59 per cent decline.
Labour’s shadow education minister Daniel Johnson said: “Learning a foreign language is such a valuable skill for
Scotland’s next generation.
“Whether for travel, employment or just breaking down barriers between people from different countries, a new
language can open up the world to a young person.
“It is therefore incredibly worrying to see such a huge decline in the number of pupils sitting modern language courses. The SNP talks about connecting Scotland with the world, but that can only happen if people are equipped with the
languages they need. In the 21st century, the workforce is becoming more global and economic growth here in Scotland depends on interaction with our European neighbours.
“We need to reduce as many barriers to economic growth as possible, and these figures show how important it is for SNP ministers to get back to the day job of improving
standards in our schools.”
SQA (23 June 2017)
The following documents will be available for all National 5 Modern Languages courses by the afternoon of Friday 23 June:
- Coursework assessment task - assignment (writing)
- Coursework assessment task - performance (talking)
- Course support notes
The course support notes will be added to the National 5 course specification as an appendix. The course specification will then be updated to version 2.0 and the date will change to June 2017, but there is no further change to the content of this document.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Language Teaching,
National Qualifications,
News from language & education organisations,
30 May 2017 (Institut français)
The Institut français is offering a series of 4 workshops from September to December 2017 to help S5 and S6 students preparing for their exam.
Visit the Institut français website for further details and to apply by 23 June.
4 May 2017 (SQA)
SQA has just published the revised National 5 Course Specification.
This document contains important information about the changes to the Performance of Talking and the new Assignment-Writing.
The document can be accessed on the SQA website.
31 March 2017 (SQA)
The SQA is running a series of subject-specific continuing professional development (CPD) webinars to help you prepare for the revised National 5 course assessments that are being introduced in session 2017-18. The Modern Languages webinars will take place on Thursday 20 April, Monday 24 April and Thursday 4 May, and will focus on the requirements of the revised assessments.
Further details of the webinars are provided on the SQA's
NQ events page. Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please note also that the content of Modern Languages webinars is the same, and colleagues need only attend one of the three scheduled.
For those unable to secure a place, recordings of the webinars will be published on the SQA website within six weeks of the webinar date. This will be accompanied by a transcript of any questions and answers discussed during the webinars.
Details of published webinars will be provided in SQA Centre News over the coming months.
23 March 2017 (Education Scotland)
The Benchmarks in modern languages provide clarity on the national standards expected from first to fourth curricular level.
They draw together and streamline a wide range of previous assessment guidance (including significant aspects of learning, progression frameworks and annotated exemplars) into one key resource to support teachers’ and other practitioners’ professional judgement of children’s and young people’s progress.
The Benchmarks will also support consistency in teachers’ professional judgements and will help teachers to ensure that young people achieve the pace of progress they need right across the Broad General Education.
Benchmarks can be accessed on Education Scotland's National Improvement Hub along with
Benchmarks exemplification to support practitioners to use the Benchmarks.
23 March 2017 (SCILT)
We have summarised the Course Reports for National 5 Modern Languages and Gàidhlig. These reports highlight areas where candidates performed well in the 2016 exam and areas where they encountered difficulty.
They contain sound advice for both teachers and pupils in the run up to this year's exam diet.
The full report for each language can be accessed on the
SQA website under the Verification and Course Reports tab.
The summary reports are attached below and can also be found on the Senior Phase, Essentials for Planning page on the SCILT website under the SQA Qualifications tab.
16 March 2017 (SCILT)
We have summarised the Course Reports for Higher and Advanced Higher Modern Languages and Gàidhlig. These reports highlight areas where candidates performed well in the 2016 exam and areas where they encountered difficulty.
They contain sound advice for both teachers and pupils in the run up to this year's exam diet.
The full report for each language can be accessed on the
SQA website under the Verification and Course Reports tab.
The summary reports are attached below and can also be found on the Senior Phase, Essentials for Planning page on the SCILT website under the SQA Qualifications tab.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Language Learning,
National Qualifications,
SCILT news,
17 February 2017 (Institut français d'Ecosse)
The Institut français offers classes and workshops for all ages (toddlers to adults), from complete beginners to fluent speakers.
Enrolment is open for Spring term classes beginning in April.
Students undertaking National 5, Highers and Advanced Highers can also register for a preparation course running 3-7 April.
Visit the website for full details and to enrol.
27 January 2017 (Education Scotland)
Streap, the Postgraduate Teaching Certificate for teachers of GME will start on 4 September 2017. There are a limited number of places available. An induction event takes place in Glasgow on 14 and 15 September 2017. There is now a Facebook page relating to this professional learning. Please email for more information. This programme is currently fully funded by the Scottish Government.
Find out more about the programme on the University of Aberdeen website.
27 January 2017 (TESS)
Education directors have dismissed fears that pupils’ subject choices are narrowing under Curriculum for Excellence, insisting they have “far greater” choice than in the past.
MSPs have raised concerns that many pupils are only taking six subjects in S4 under new national qualifications, whereas eight would have been typical under the previous system.
Terry Lanagan, executive officer for education directors’ body ADES, said it was a mistake to look at S4 in isolation, since the “senior phase” was built around pupils accruing qualifications over a three-year period.
The former West Dunbartonshire education director also highlighted that schools could take more flexible approaches, such as joining forces to offer certain subjects or bringing in college lecturers to work with pupils. Greater priority was now given to so-called vocational qualifications, he added.
[..] Figures published in December show the numbers of secondary teachers by main subject taught from 2008-16. TESS examined subjects with more than 500 teachers in 2016 and found that French, computing and home economics are under extreme pressure.
The article can be read in full in TESS online, issue 27 January 2017 (subscription required).
Principal Assessor and Deputy Principal Assessor - Higher Chinese languages
23 January 2017 (SQA)
SQA is inviting applications for a Principal Assessor in Higher Chinese Languages to lead the team as well as a Deputy Principal Assessor (DPA) in Higher Chinese Languages. The DPA is a new role in a slightly altered structure which will become operational for Diet 2017. The primary role of the Deputy Principal Assessor is to support the Principal Assessor.
Details of both roles can be found by following the relevant link below to the SQA website:
Training and support will be provided for both roles.
19 January 2017 (The Herald)
Schools are having to cut the number of subjects they offer to pupils as a direct result of cuts, teachers’ leaders have warned.
An education union said current budgetary pressures meant courses such as extra languages and sciences could not run unless at least ten pupils were interested.
The concerns were raised at a meeting of the Scottish Parliament’s education committee which is examining the roll-out of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) reforms.
16 January 2017 (SQA)
The SQA has produced updated guidance documents on the use of past paper questions for Advanced Higher Modern Languages (Chinese, Italian, French, Spanish, German and Gaelic learners).
These can be found on the SQA Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage under the 'Specimen Question Papers and Marking Instructions' section.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Curriculum for Excellence,
Language Teaching,
National Qualifications,
News from language & education organisations,
12 January 2017 (SQA)
SQA currently has Marker vacancies in the following areas:
- AH French Paper 1 and Paper 2 (Reading and Translation and Listening and Discursive Writing) - this is a MFI Central Marking event which takes place from Thursday 1 June - Sunday 4 June 2017 inclusive
- AH French Portfolio - this is traditionally marked and the Marker meeting take place on Wednesday 10 May 2017.
If you would like to be considered for AH French marking please complete the online application form stating which components you would like to mark confirming your availability to attend either the marking meeting and or the central marking event.
Details can be found in the marker advert on the SQA website.
Current markers who wish to be considered for a change of level should also complete an application form confirming current delivery of AH French for at least 2 years.
9 January 2017 (SQA)
The SQA has updated the Course Assessment Specification document and several Specimen Question Papers on the Advanced Higher Modern Languages page of their website.
15 December 2016 (SQA)
SQA has now published the Modern Languages course reports for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.
These contain helpful information on candidate performance in the 2017 examinations as well as providing invaluable advice to centres. Teachers may find the information particularly useful in the run up to prelims.
To access the reports for all Modern Languages visit the SQA website and choose National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher.
The course reports can be found under the tab Verification and Course Reports at the bottom of the page.
SCILT will summarise the key messages and publish them on the website early in the New Year.
23 November 2016 (Alliance Française)
As in previous years, the Alliance Française de Glasgow will be running Higher and Advanced Higher Oral Preparation courses for pupils who will be sitting their French oral examinations in 2017.
The sessions will take place during February 2017.
Visit the Alliance Française website for further information and to enrol.
18 November 2016 (TESS)
Grade boundaries set at “ridiculous” levels are driving pupils away from languages and leaving talented linguists with lower results than they deserve, it has been claimed.
Languages teachers fear their subjects – which are already suffering from falling numbers – will be sidelined further as they gain a reputation among pupils as “hard” options that could put their university places at risk.
Of the 30 most popular Highers, German and French set the bar highest for an A grade (78 per cent and 77 per cent, respectively); Spanish is also above most subjects, with 73 per cent required for an A.
Gillian Campbell-Thow, chair of the Scottish Association for Language Teaching (Salt), said: “Learners who were expecting to get an A, having had high marks all year, were of course disappointed. For some, it impacted on their access to further and higher education.”
As TESS has reported, the situation for modern languages has already been described as “near critical” this year because of a decrease in pupils taking the subjects at S4.
Ms Campbell-Thow said that, at Higher, “we are now seeing learners opting for subjects where they feel they are more likely to get an A”.
Languages teachers are also reportedly narrowing their focus. Ms Campbell-Thow said that one Salt member “felt she had to take out a lot of the creative content…in favour of teaching to a test, which flies in the face of Curriculum for Excellence”.
She added: “We don’t want to find ourselves teaching to an exam, using rote learning and effectively putting a ceiling on skills development and language acquisition, but the worry of letting down learners and parents…has left our practitioners feeling both vulnerable and under pressure.”
The full article can be accessed on TESS online, 18 November 2016 (subscription required).
4 November 2016 (TESS)
Although archaeology is going to be withdrawn as an A-level option, there are other subjects that attract far fewer students.
[..] In Scotland, the lowest number of entries for a subject at Higher was for Gaelic as a foreign language, with 84, while 92 students took Urdu.
The full list of lowest entry A Levels / Highers is available in TESS online, 4 November 2016 (subscription required).
11 October 2016 (SCHOLAR / Heriot-Watt)
SCHOLAR would like to bring to your attention their support for learners at Advanced Higher French, German and Spanish tackling the Specialist Study and Portfolio. Within the ‘Culture’ area, there is an extensive set of activities taking learners through every aspect of these areas. There is also a record, downloadable as a word document in both French and German, to help learners keep a record in the target language. This has the aim of helping them both prepare for the visit of the external examiner, and collect information to allow them to present their evidence for the Specialist Study Unit in the target language.
Search for Scholar HW, or use the login link.
Log in with your ID and password, which your school has!
SQA news
29 September 2016 (SQA)
The following news items from the SQA may be of interest to language teachers:
Removal of Higher exemplar question papers
Exemplar question papers (EQPs) were created as a revision resource for learners during implementation of the new Higher and Advanced Higher National Qualifications. As we now have two years' worth of past papers for new Higher as well as a specimen question paper for each subject with an exam, the EQPs will be removed from SQA's open website in the week commencing 24 October 2016. Associated guidance documents and guidance on the use of past papers documents will also be removed at this time.
The Advanced Higher EQPs and associated guidance will remain for session 2016-17 and will be removed from the website in July 2017.
Marker opportunities 2017
Are you an enthusiastic and committed teaching professional looking for a new challenge? Do you want to gain valuable insight that will benefit your students? SQA markers are at the heart of our examination operations, gaining valuable insight into assessment and quality assurance processes.
We are currently recruiting markers across all subjects and levels for the 2017 examinations.
Please note that applicants must have at least two years of teaching experience at the level they wish to mark.
Find out more about becoming an SQA marker.
20 September 2016 (UWS)
The Languages for All team at University of the West of Scotland (UWS) are offering language immersion classes in French, German, Mandarin or Spanish to support Higher and Advanced Higher students.
The half-day classes are designed to suit the academic needs of students who wish to enhance essential skills in language such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. These classes will prepare students for their SQA final exams.
The classes can either be held in one of the UWS campuses - Ayr, Dumfries, Hamilton or Paisley. Alternatively UWS lecturers can travel to your local authority facilities.
To find out more and how to arrange a session, visit the UWS website.
5 September 2016 (SCHOLAR)
Need help with Computing Science, Maths or Modern Languages? SCHOLAR online homework sessions are back!
The first for Higher and Advanced Higher Modern Languages is 'Using SCHOLAR to help you succeed' on Tuesday 27 September at 6pm.
Visit the website for the full schedule of upcoming sessions this term.
15 August 2016 (The Scotsman)
John Swinney is being urged to ditch the SNP’s flagship Scottish Baccalaureate qualification after it emerged that only 103 pupils achieved the award this year.
The qualification was introduced seven years ago with the aim of raising the profile of sciences and languages in schools.
But it has suffered from a lack of interest among pupils more focussed on Highers, which are traditionally seen as the route to university and employment.
Labour now say it should be replaced with a new Scottish Graduation Certificate for the senior phase of secondary school, which would involve vocational courses, work experience, voluntary work and traditional exams.
21 June 2016 (SQA)
The SQA will be running a programme of subject-specific Understanding Standards events from October 2016 to January 2017 to help teachers understand the standards required for course assessment in National Qualifications. The majority of these events will focus on course assessment at Advanced Higher, although there will also be a number of additional events for other qualifications where a specific need has been identified.
The events will be led by our Qualifications Development staff and are intended for subject specialists from SQA centres. There will be a maximum of one delegate place per centre, per subject.
Attendance at any of these events can be used to contribute to Continued Professional Development (CPD). CPD certificates will be available on the Events Booking System shortly after each event.
Find out more about the programme of events and how to book your place on the SQA website.
13 June 2016 (SQA)
The SQA has just published Spanish Verification Key Messages Round 2. The document can be accessed on the Advanced Higher Modern Languages page of the SQA website, under the Verification and Course Reports section.
31 May 2016 (SQA)
The SQA has recently published their National Qualification update for Modern Languages.
19 April 2016 (SCILT)
We have summarised the SQA National 5 Course Reports for all languages. These reports contain important information on how candidates performed in last year's exams. Teachers may find it useful to share some of the key messages of these reports with candidates in advance of this year's exams.
The summary document can be found on the Essentials for Planning in the Senior Phase section of our website.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Language Learning,
Language Teaching,
National Qualifications,
SCILT news,
19 April 2016 (SCILT)
We have developed a pack of resources on Silence de la Mer which are suitable for Advanced Higher French pupils who have limited teaching input.
The pack includes information on the Specialist Study Unit; suggested timescales; character analysis; themes; suggested portfolio titles and a glossary of vocabulary.
The resource can be accessed on the Senior Phase French AH resources section of our website.
31 March 2016 (SQA)
Latest updates on the new National Qualifications are available on the SQA website.
If you're a teaching professional looking for a new challenge, included in this update are additional marker opportunities in 2016 for French and Spanish Higher exams.
31 March 2016 (SQA)
SQA has published Modern Languages Audio Presentations providing additional support for centres and practitioners. The presentations provide a detailed overview of the standards and assessment for both Unit and Course assessment.
The presentations can be downloaded from the SQA website.
7 January 2016 (SCILT / SQA)
We have summarised the Higher Modern Languages Course Reports and highlighted the key messages across all the languages.
These reports contain information on how candidates performed in the 2015 exam diet and give important advice on how to prepare candidates for forthcoming examinations, as well as for the Performance of Talking
The full reports can be accessed on the SQA website.
Posted in:
National Qualifications,
SCILT news,
News from language & education organisations,
14 December 2015 (SQA)
The SQA has updated a number of files on their Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage.
A list of updates is attached and the files can be accessed on the SQA website.
20 November 2015 (TESS)
The Scottish government’s drive to close the attainment gap will fail to boost the life chances of deprived children because many are not choosing the right subjects, research suggests.
The University of Edinburgh researchers call for academic subjects such as English, maths, sciences and languages to be compulsory for longer and for schools to give pupils better advice about the long-term implications of their decisions.
(Please note a TES/TESS subscription is required to access the online article in full).
5 November 2015 (SCILT)
We have conducted a brief analysis of published SQA language statistics at SCQF levels 4-7 in 2014 and 2015.
See the 'Language Trends in Scotland 2014-15' report on our website.
30 October 2015 (SQA)
SQA has published its Course Reports for Modern Languages containing the key messages from the 2014-15 diet.
Read the document on the SQA website.
21 October 2015 (SCILT/SQA)
We have been advised by the SQA that there are no plans to remove 'old NQ' materials out with the SQA retention policy. That is that all past paper materials on the site is available for 5 years after the examination - so from now 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011 materials are available.
SQA only clears copyright for the years the materials are published and therefore centres should not store materials out with that period.
There has been no specific communication to centres on this matter as there has not been a change to policy or practice.
Past materials can be found on the SQA website.
8 October 2015 (Heriot-Watt University)
The SCHOLAR programme offered by Heriot-Watt University offers a number of support sessions in a variety of subjects for students undertaking National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher examinations.
Attached is the programme of online events taking place from October 2015 to March 2016 to support Modern Languages.
For more information about the SCHOLAR programme visit the Heriot-Watt SCHOLAR website.
SQA vacancies - Visiting Assessors for AH Modern Languages
28 August 2015 (SQA)
SQA is currently seeking to recruit additional Visiting Assessors (VA) to conduct Talking assessments at Advanced Higher level in Modern Languages.
Applications can be found following the relevant links below. You will also find information here relating to contract specification, selection criteria and key performance measures.
Closing date for all applications: 1 November 2015.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
National Qualifications,
News from language & education organisations,
20 August 2015 (TESS)
Recent improvements in uptake do not spell the end of the decline in language learning, the president of the Scottish Association for Language Teaching has warned.
Gillian Campbell-Thow told TESS this week that while there was a “need to be optimistic”, she did not believe “the magic wand has been waved and all is rosy in the garden”.
Figures released by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) on exam results day earlier this month revealed an increase in entries for most modern languages at Higher level, leading some to believe that the decline of recent years had been reversed. The number of students sitting the new or old Higher exam in French was almost 10 per cent more than last year at 4,572 compared with 4,157.
The increase in Spanish was even more significant, with entries rising 28 per cent from 1,880 last year to 2,413 this year. In German, the total increased from 1,006 in 2014 to 1,114. Pass rates were also up.
However, the number of Chinese language Higher entries dropped from 100 to 89. This was despite significant investment in this area and news that a further 21 Confucius Classrooms would be set up to teach Mandarin to primary pupils in Scotland, on top of the 14 that already exist. Funding for the extension of the programme will come from Hanban, a public institution affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education.
“I don’t think we are anywhere near addressing the decline in languages but it is a step in the right direction,” Ms Campbell-Thow said. While there was a mix of old and new Highers, “we don’t really have a firm grasp on how much impact the new qualifications are having on uptake,” she added.
10 August 2015 (The Herald)
A long-term decline in the number of pupils studying languages at Higher appears to have been reversed.
New figures show most modern languages have seen an increase in entries in 2015 after years where numbers have fallen.
Statistics from the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) show French has seen a 10 per cent increase with entries rising to 4,572.
Spanish continues a remarkable rise over the past decade with entries rising 28 per cent to 2413.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Language Learning,
National Qualifications,
Languages in the press,
8 August 2015 (The Scotsman)
Our children’s lack of foreign language skills cry out for a shake-up in education policy, and yet constant upheaval in our schools may be one of the problems, writes Dani Garavelli.
Posted in:
Senior Phase,
Curriculum for Excellence,
Language Learning,
Language Policy,
Language Teaching,
National Qualifications,
Scottish Government,
Languages in the press,
5 August 2015 (Scottish Government)
43,911 qualifications specifically recognising skills for life and work have been gained this year – a rise of 18.3 per cent compared to last year. [..] With more relevant work-related learning for all young people at the heart of Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce, Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy, key increases in attainment include:
- Modern Languages for Life and Work SQA Award, has almost doubled at SCQF level 3 and 4 since 2014 with increases from 383 to 720 and 750 to 1,444 respectively
4 August 2015 (Scottish Government)
Students across Scotland achieved a record 156,000 Higher passes this year – up 5.5 per cent on 2014.
Results certificates have been sent to 142,862 candidates sitting a wide range of qualifications – including new Highers for the first year and Nationals for the second year; and existing Access, Intermediates, Highers and Advanced Highers.
Figures released by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) show attainment is again high this year, with Higher English passes up 17.7 per cent to 27,902, and Higher modern languages passes increasing by 15.2 per cent to 7,419.
4 July 2015 (The Herald)
Japan's top diplomat in Scotland has called for the introduction of Japanese language exams in Scottish schools.
Japanese Consul General Hajime Kitaoka believes there is a enough demand for the language and culture of his homeland to be taught alongside other modern languages.
Mr Kitaoka has approached the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and asked them to consider the introduction of Japanese qualifications - including a Higher.
18 June 2015 (SQA)
The latest SQA issue of updates on the new national qualifications is now available.
11 June 2015 (Education Scotland)
Assessment route maps providing key guidelines, advice and support for qualifications at Advanced Higher modern languages are now available on the Education Scotland website.
30 March 2015 (The Herald)
For a decade the Polish language has been heard in the playgrounds of Scottish schools as thousands of children whose parents moved to Scotland with EU expansion settled in alongside Scots.
Until now there was no prospect of a formal route for young Poles to be able to take Polish language as part of the fourth and fifth year curriculum despite the research showing Polish is the language young Scots are most likely to hear in school other than English.
Talks are under way, however, to make the provision a reality for the first time.
24 March 2015 (National Parent Forum of Scotland)
The National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS) has published a series of New Higher Revision guides. These resources provide a clear, straightforward explanation of what learners need to know in order to prepare for the new Higher exams. For each subject, there are links taking you directly to specimen papers, exemplar question papers and sites where you can access other useful information. Please note that these resources are for the new Curriculum for Excellence Highers. Guides for French, German and Spanish are available.
These NPFS National 5 Revision in a Nutshell subject guides supplement learning and revision in class. They are organised alphabetically, by subject, covering 20 subjects which have exams and for which the SQA has provided relevant past paper questions. Guides for French, German and Spanish are included.
All the guides can be accessed under the 'For Learners' section of the NPFS website.
5 February 2015 (SQA)
The latest update from the SQA on the new Modern Languages qualifications focuses on the development of Advanced Higher, with information relevant to the subject and details of the support available to teaching professionals.
The update also details a series of implementation events for Advanced Higher Modern Languages taking place on the following dates:
- Friday 20 February (Glasgow)
- Monday 23 February (Stirling)
- Wednesday 25 February (Edinburgh)
- Friday 27 February (Aberdeen)
There is a link within the document to register attendance.
3 February 2015 (SQA)
SQA has published package 1 of Unit assessment support for the new Scots Language Award. Package 1 includes Unit assessment support packs for the Understanding and Communicating and History and Development Units at SCQF levels 4 and 5. The Unit assessment support packs are now available from our secure website, and teachers and lecturers can arrange access to them through their SQA Co-ordinator.
Package 2 will be available by the end of February 2015 and will include Unit assessment support packs for the Understanding and Communicating and History and Development Units at SCQF levels 3 and 6.
See the SQA website for more information.
26 January 2015 (The Herald)
Moves to scrap the Russian language Higher in Scotland's schools have been attacked by the Kremlin's most senior envoy to the United Kingdom.
Dr Alexander Yakovenko, the Russian Ambassador to Great Britain and Northern Ireland, urged ministers to protect the qualification, describing it as culturally significant and vital to our future economic competitiveness.
The intervention comes after the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) decided to axe Higher Russian after 2015 because too few pupils were sitting it.
However, figures published last summer show there was a 44 per cent increase in entries in 2014, with number rising from 36 to 52. Although the number is still relatively small, there are now more entries for Russian Higher than at any time since 1992.
20 January 2015 (SQA)
An updated Modern Languages Common Questions document has been published on the SQA website today.
This can be accessed on the SQA website by selecting the Modern Languages common questions tab.
20 January 2015 (Scottish Parliament)
On Tuesday 3 February we will hold an evidence session with the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning. The focus of the meeting will be the new Highers.
We welcome your questions for the Cabinet Secretary on the new Highers or other topical issue relating to the Curriculum for Excellence. We would also welcome written submissions in relation to the new Highers.
Send your questions or written submissions to by 27 January.
16 January 2015 (SQA)
Higher Exemplar Question Papers are now available on the SQA website for all languages other than German and Urdu reading, which will be published by the end of January.
On the SQA webpage, click on “Specimen and Exemplar Question Papers and Marking Instructions”.
18 December 2014 (SCILT)
We have extracted and summarised the key messages from the SQA external examiner's reports for Higher Modern Languages 2014, which can be found on our website.
9 December 2014 (SCILT/SQA)
SCILT has extracted and summarised key messages from the SQA N5 Modern Languages course reports for 2014. These can be found in the attached document, which is also available on the Essentials for Planning in the Senior Phase section of our website.
This is a generic summary across all N5 Modern Languages. The full reports can be accessed on the SQA website.
28 November 2014 (The Guardian)
Despite the fact almost one in five young people have a first language other than English, research reveals their skills go unsupported and unrecognised by exam system.
Most young people in Britain whose native language is not English believe speaking a second language is an advantage in life. However only just over a third take a qualification in their mother tongue, according to a Guardian/ICM poll.
7 November 2014 (TESS)
The reports, compiled by external assessors for the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), identify the main issues picked up by markers. The first batch of reports, published today, covers the 10 most popular subjects.
[..] There is also good news for French teachers, who are told to be “very encouraged” by the first year of National 5 – even though some pupils were “clearly not presented at the appropriate level”.
22 October 2014 (Education Scotland)
Education Scotland has produced a comprehensive range of Professional Focus Papers to assist those supporting learners as they work towards the new qualifications and highlight important features of learning which are enhanced or different from previous arrangements.
The papers are available on the Education Scotland website where the document for Modern Languages National 1 can be downloaded.
8 August 2014 (Education Scotland)
The route map for Gaelic (Learners) Higher is now available on the Education Scotland website.
Route maps are a sequential list of the key guidelines, advice and support for qualifications at N4, N5 and Higher. They include important information about assessment, learning and teaching. These papers are for teachers and other staff who provide learning, teaching and support as learners work towards National 4, National 5 and Higher.
Related Links
The route map for
Gàidhlig Higher is also available on the Education Scotland website (Education Scotland, 25 June 2014)
5 August 2014 (SQA)
The Attainment Statistics (August) 2014 report in relation to SQA qualifications has now been published in Microsoft Excel format and can be viewed via the SQA website.
25 June 2014 (Education Scotland)
The route map for Gàidhlig Higher is now available on the Education Scotland website. This paper is for teachers and other staff who provide learning, teaching and support as learners work towards Gàidhlig Higher.
This route map provides a link to Education Scotland’s support materials together with a number of other subject-specific links staff may find useful as they develop programmes of learning.
9 June 2014 (NPFS)
NPFS have published some new resources for parents and learners in their Curriculum for Excellence in a Nutshell series: Progression in a Nutshell, Skills in a Nutshell, Higher English in a Nutshell and Higher Mathematics in a Nutshell. Launched at St Ambrose High School in North Lanarkshire, these will help parents and learners to understand how skills and knowledge gained throughout Curriculum for Excellence map onto qualifications and learning in school, college, university and the workplace.
Printed copies of these four nutshells were sent out to all secondary schools for each S3 -S5 pupil. If you haven't received your copy, ask in August.
A full series of Higher Nutshells will also be launched in August.
Related Links
See all the
Nationals in a Nutshell documents - all subject areas listed alphabetically
31 March 2014 (Education Scotland/SQA)
Materials have been published on Education Scotland's GLOW site for the new Higher languages exams. You will need a GLOW userid and password to access the materials.
Higher specimen question papers and the second Unit Assessment Support Pack for Higher have also been published by the SQA. Specimen papers are available on SQA website and UASPs on SQA secure site.
13 March 2014 (SQA)
For the attention of teachers with responsibility for National Courses at National 3/4/5 Gàidhlig and Modern Languages.
Following the update to SQA Coordinators on 07/03/14 Verification Round 3 Selections we would like to provide additional clarification in relation to National Courses in Gàidhlig and Modern Languages.
See the SQA website for details.
5 March 2014 (Education Scotland/SQA)
Minister for Learning, Dr Alasdair Allan recently put in place a package of support for secondary schools to help deliver the new National Qualifications. This support included new route maps through Assessment and these are now being published on the Education Scotland website.
Developed by Education Scotland, in partnership with the SQA, these provide sequenced list of main messages and links for National 4 and National 5. These guides will provide reassurance of the key documents and the sequence they should be used in. This can help teachers to reflect on their approaches this year, ensure they’ve done all they need to do and prepare for next year. They are step by step guides and will help practitioners ensure they have referred to the key guidelines and advice for learning, teaching and assessment in the new qualifications. The route maps are being developed for all subjects for the new National Qualifications. They will also be developed for the new Higher courses and these will be available from the start of the new session.
27 February 2014 (SCILT/SQA)
Are you aware of the latest changes to the SQA Verification process which will take place with immediate effect? The main changes are highlighted below:
- “The third round (of verification), due to start in April, will now focus on verifying the Added Value Unit assessment and the internally assessed components of Course assessment, with a greater emphasis on subjects where there has been most change.”
- “For the 2014/15 academic session, the approach to verification will involve supporting and strengthening teachers’ experience in applying standards. The first round of the quality assurance system will involve the delivery of understanding standards events using exemplar materials. There will also be more targeted quality assurance activity of Unit and Course assessments, with the second round focusing on Unit assessment and the third round focusing on Course assessment.”
Further information and details can be found on the SQA website.
25 February 2014 (SQA)
SQA has published tables which outline some of the changes for each of the new Higher Courses in comparison with the existing Higher Courses. This is intended to help teachers/lecturers identify what is changing, and what will remain the same, within their subject.
The information in these tables is not exhaustive, but provides links to more detailed subject documentation that can be accessed from the SQA's subject pages.
Course comparison documents can be found on the 'Related Information' panel on each of the subject pages on the SQA website. See the panel on the Modern Languages subject pages.
12 February 2014 (Education Scotland)
Education Scotland has new Urdu teaching materials for National 4 and National 5 available on GLOW. You will need a GLOW userid and password to access these resources.
31 January 2014 (SCILT/SQA)
We have begun extracting the key messages from the 2013 SQA Principal Assessor reports and reports for French and German 2013 exams are now on our website with data for Chinese, Spanish and Italian to follow shortly.
Practitioners may find these condensed versions useful for sharing information with colleagues and learners and could be used as part of your quality assurance to inform your improvement agenda.
12 January 2013 (Glow Scotland)
Glow TV is delighted to offer Higher Students the opportunity to join sessions on Modern Languages provided by SCHOLAR on Tuesday 14th January. These sessions will be presented by Douglas Angus, SCHOLAR Online Tutor for Modern Languages.
There will also be an opportunity for students to participate in a Q&A session at the end of the session.
Higher students: Prepare for Speaking Test – 7.15pm
Advanced Higher students: How to prepare for External Examiner – 8.15pm
10 January 2014 (SCILT/SQA)
We have produced an at-a-glance summary of the National 3, 4, 5 and Higher Qualifications for languages in a table format.
The document can be downloaded below, or found on the Senior Phase section of our website.
12 November 2013 (SCILT/SQA)
In September we compiled and published a list of questions we have been frequently asked at Outreach events regarding the New Qualifications and worked in partnership with SQA to answer these questions.
The SQA have now requested the following amendments to the Q&A document, which are highlighted in bold text:
Section B
How many contexts must be covered at National 4?
A minimum of two of the four contexts of Society, Learning, Employability and Culture, must be covered at National 4 (this previously indicated all four contexts).
Section D
How many contexts must be covered at National 5?
All four contexts of Society, Learning, Employability and Culture, must be covered in order to prepare candidates for the Course Assessment where all 4 contexts are represented across Reading and Listening assessments.
You can see the full list of FAQs on the Senior Phase section of our website.
31 October 2013 (SQA)
The latest update from the SQA on the new qualifications is now available. The following updates will be of particular interest to language practitioners:
- Updated Unit assessment support for National 3 to National 5 Modern Languages
- Case Studies on new Awards – Modern Languages for Life and Work
SQA Frequently Asked Questions
26 September 2013 (SCILT/SQA)
We have compiled a list of questions we have been frequently asked at Outreach events regarding the New Qualifications. We have worked in partnerships with SQA to answer these questions as fully as we can.
Download the attached document.
9 September 2013 (Education Scotland)
Over the past few weeks, Education Scotland has published a number of new assessment and moderation exemplars, produced by practitioners, on the National Assessment Resource. This includes examples of innovative assessment practice in Gaelic in both primary and secondary sectors. The Gaelic exemplars may also be of interest to teachers of Modern Languages looking for creative ways to assess the broad general education.
Access the materials (you will need your Glow username and password)
6 August 2013 (SQA)
The Scottish Qualifications Authority today announces details of the results for National Courses and Awards 2013.
There was an increase in the pass rate for the Scottish Baccalaureate – 85.9% (+6.7). The percentage point difference from 2012 is indicated in brackets.
The number of candidates sitting Chinese languages across all levels (from Access to Advanced Higher) continues to rise, up 36.3 per cent since 2010. Courses in Mandarin (Simplified) are the most popular and are usually taken by learners from a non-heritage background.
Download the attached pdf for a full summary of the 2013 performance across SQA courses in Modern Languages.
17 June 2013 (BBC News)
(Applies to England) Ministers are facing calls to make British Sign Language count as a modern foreign language at GCSE level. A modern language is defined in England as one that can be spoken or written - so BSL cannot qualify at the moment. But deaf awareness charity Signature points out that sign language is included on the education curriculum in Sweden, Norway and Finland.
30 April 2013 (SQA)
The SQA’s latest update on the new national qualifications is now available, including finalised documents for the new Advanced Higher Courses commencing in August 2015.
28 March 2013 (SQA)
The SQA has issued its latest update on the new national qualifications including the second release of National 4 Added Value Unit assessments and coursework information for non-question-paper components of the National 5 Course assessment. Draft Course/Unit Support Notes for the new Advanced Higher Courses are now also available.
30 November 2012 (SQA)
The latest progress on the new national qualifications from the SQA, including a reminder of the CfE subject implementation dates being run throughout Scotland. Modern Language events are taking place in February 2013 and places can be booked via the SQA website.
Posted in:
Early Years,
Senior Phase,
All Languages,
Curriculum for Excellence,
Language Teaching,
National Qualifications,
News from language & education organisations
31 October 2012 (SQA)
Visit the SQA website for the latest information and advice on the new qualifications.
Related Links
Modern language teachers will be particularly interested to review the Advanced Higher Modern Languages draft unit specifications via the SQA's
Advanced Higher Modern Languages webpage.