Northern Ireland
6 February 2025 (The Irish Times)
Primary school teachers will get training over several years to teach foreign languages such as French, German and Spanish over the coming years as part of a planned shake-up of the curriculum.
The draft syllabus states that classroom teachers will be expected to teach foreign languages from third to sixth class when it rolls out from 2026.
It will begin with simple awareness of different languages and greetings before moving to basic communication in fifth and sixth class with a focus on oral skills.
Under the draft plans, foreign languages would be introduced to schools on a phased basis and upskilling for teachers would take place over a five-to-six year period.
29 January 2025 (BBC)
Irish is the latest language nine-year-old Soham can now confidently speak.
The St Malachy's Primary School pupil also speaks Marathi, Hindi and English.
The Belfast school is one of over 80 in Northern Ireland taking part in the Scoil Spreagtha scheme.
Organised by the language organisation Gael Linn, it encourages English-medium schools to use Irish too.
Soham told BBC News NI that Irish is used widely in his school.
"In assembly, we talk to each other a bit in Irish," he said.
"It's fun just switching from one language to another.
"During the day in school we mostly use English and Irish, but in my house I use English, a bit of Irish sometimes and Hindi and Marathi."
According to Soham's teacher at St Malachy's, Colette McSherry, learning a second language when young brings many other benefits for pupils.
22 August 2024 (The Conversation)
The 2024 GCSE results reveal that more young people in schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are opting to study a language. French and Spanish remain the most popular languages, with increases of 2.9% and 6.2% from last year respectively.
German, once in steady decline, has gone up by 3.5% compared to last year, but has still seen fewer entries than in 2022. Meanwhile, only 16,429 students took a GCSE in a classical subject – which includes Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew and Latin.
The most significant surges in interest have been for Irish (a 14.8% rise) and what is referred to as “other modern languages” (8.1%). This relates to all modern languages except French, German, Irish, Spanish and Welsh. It includes non-European languages such as Mandarin and Arabic as well as some common home and community languages, such as Polish, Portuguese and Urdu.
9 May 2024 (BBC)
Sharing knowledge between schools is a "win-win situation" when it comes to learning a second language, according to a Ballyclare teacher.
Pupils in the County Antrim town have come together to tackle the falling numbers of children who learn a second language in Northern Ireland.
Sixth form students from Ballyclare High School teach language classes to pupils in several local primary schools.
Jonny Nelson, head of Spanish at the school, said the lessons are mutually beneficial for the students.
Learning a second language is not compulsory for primary school children in Northern Ireland.
The 'Language Leaders' scheme allows primary school pupils to get a taste of German, French and Spanish, which they would not otherwise learn on the primary curriculum.
The sixth form students lead lessons including games and interactive activities for younger pupils, while they in turn are provided with leadership and teaching experience.
"Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK at the moment that doesn't have a primary languages programme as part of the curriculum so we have to take the steps to try and instil that knowledge and enthusiasm from day one," Mr Nelson told BBC News NI.
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Language Learning,
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Promoting Languages,
Languages in the press
3 October 2023 (TES)
Learning a language is seen as too hard by many pupils in Northern Ireland, leading to concerns among teachers about poor uptake of languages at GCSE level.
The finding is particularly galling for languages teachers because it emerges in a new report that shows students who do take these subjects typically find them “fun and engaging”.
These concerns about the uptake of languages echo trends in other parts of the UK, with data from Scotland in August showing a downturn in interest at exam level - despite a long-established policy to teach two additional languages in primary school - and similar worries about GCSE and A-level entries in England.
(Note - subscription required to access full article)
24 August 2023 (The Conversation)
Figures for GCSEs taken in 2023 show that entries for GCSEs in languages have increased slightly from last year. Despite this, the number of pupils taking a modern foreign language stands at less than 60% of those that did in the peak year of 2001.
The decline in the number of pupils taking modern foreign languages at GCSE dates back to the government’s decision to make the subject optional from 2004. At this point, the number of students taking an exam in the subject declined sharply and have never recovered.
24 August 2023 (The British Academy)
The British Academy welcomes the growing popularity of economics, history and some modern languages such as Spanish, Arabic, Urdu and Chinese at GCSE level, but calls for more work to arrest the decline in other humanities and social sciences.
Earlier this month, the British Academy joined forces with the British Science Association to urge teachers, parents and students to consider the benefits of studying a mix of subjects across the humanities, the sciences and the social sciences, in line with the British Academy’s recently launched Connected Knowledge campaign.
13 June 2023 (The National / British Council)
The popularity of learning languages at Northern Ireland’s schools is “slowly recovering from the pandemic”, a report by the British Council has found.
The Language Trends Northern Ireland report found that the decline in language learning at post-primary schools is plateauing, with Spanish emerging as the most popular, overtaking French.
The research was led by Dr Ian Collen, director of the Northern Ireland Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research (NICILT) at Queen’s University Belfast, and follows a previous report which found that language lessons were “hardest hit” during Covid-19.
This year’s report found that Spanish is now the language most frequently taught in Northern Ireland’s schools at both GCSE and A-level, overtaking French as the most popular GCSE language in summer 2021.
5 June 2023 (The Scotsman)
Wales has 900,600 speakers of Welsh (impressive for a nation of around three million) but of Scotland’s five and a half million roughly 60,000 alone speak Gaelic - how did this happen?
According to data published by the Welsh Government in last year’s Annual Population Survey, an estimated 29.5% of their population was able to speak Welsh i.e., 900,600. Impressively, of our Celtic heritage languages in Britain, Welsh is the only one that is not considered endangered by UNESCO.
For others like Scottish Gaelic and Irish, the census data instils less confidence. Gaelic inclusion has been fostered by the likes of Outlander and Duolingo, yet at most only 87,000 Scots have some ability in the language.
5 December 2022 (BBC)
"I find it respectful that the Irish students are learning my language."
These are the words of Mohammad. He is 14 years old and moved from Syria to Northern Ireland in 2019.
In school, his Northern Irish friends come up to him and speak to him in Arabic, greeting him with "Marhaba (hello)", "Sabah alkhaer (good morning)," and "How are you (kifak)?"
English-speaking students in Sacred Heart College Omagh, County Tyrone, are learning his native language as part of a five-week online course.
Pauline McAnea, a language teacher, said the main motivation for wanting her students to take part in the course was due to an increase in Syrian students who have attended the school in recent years.
"It is important for us to show that we respect them and their language and culture," she said.
"They have made such an effort to learn our language so it is important that we reach out and make a bit of an effort to learn theirs."
28 November 2022 (BBC)
From building a connection with a family history to challenging the brain to think a little differently, there are many reasons why people choose to learn a new language.
Michelle Furey has heard many of those motivations given that she is teaching the Irish language to some 200 people from all around the world.
She runs online lessons for people in countries such as the United States, Canada, Argentina and Finland, as well as closer to home in the UK.
"Within the demographic of my classes we have people from all aspects of all communities and I am very much Irish for everybody," she says.
Michelle, from Plumbridge in County Tyrone, was working part time as an Irish teacher at a secondary school and running classes through her local council before the Covid pandemic.
But when lockdown hit she had to move her teaching online, allowing her to spread the word globally.
18 August 2022 (TES)
The latest A-level results broken down by gender, subject and grades show language entries were down.
(Note - subscription required to access full article)
Related Links
ALL Statement on 2022 A level results (Association for Language Learning, 18 August 2022)
28 June 2022 (BBC)
Primary 2 pupils at Omagh Integrated Primary School have learned sign language this year.
They were keen to learn the new skill to support their classmate Callum.
They have also inspired their local neighbourhood police and other emergency services to learn the new skill.
27 June 2022 (Belfast Telegraph)
A new online series is exploring Ulster-Scots words and phrases and their influence on modern-day language.
In A Word In Yer Lug, broadcaster Jane Veitch and native Ulster-Scots speaker Liam Logan travelled throughout Northern Ireland to discuss the words used in our everyday vocabulary (and some that aren’t... yet).
“Most people use Ulster-Scots words every day, but they don’t necessarily recognise or understand them,” said Liam.
“Did you ever ‘footer’ with anything? That’s Ulster-Scots, but it’s got its roots in medieval French. The Scots had a great connection with the French back in the medieval times.
“All the Scottish people used to go to France for education, and all the rest of it. They brought that back from France and then they sent it over to us here in Ulster.”
With 20 short episodes, the web series is the ideal introduction to Ulster-Scots, showing the richness of the language.
8 May 2022 (The Travel)
If one goes to the United Kingdom - what language can one expect people to speak? The easy answer is of course English - and naturally, everyone speaks English there. But there are actually many languages in the British Isles. For the purposes of this article, we will include the British Crown Dependencies of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands - even though technically they are not part of the UK.
15 February 2022 (Irish Times)
Roll call sounds different in fourth class at Mother of Divine Grace National School in Finglas. Here, students are more likely to respond to their name with a variety of languages such as “thi ni” (Thai) or “tutaj” (Polish) than the traditional “anseo”. Encouraging students to use their heritage language during roll call is just one way teacher Phil McCarthy promotes linguistic diversity in his classroom.
“The Thai answer is really popular because you have to hold the sound at the end. They’re all screaming that every morning,” says McCarthy.
“This is a school with diverse student population. I think there’s about 13 languages spoken in my class this year; it’s a very language-rich environment.”
McCarthy says his initial teacher training did not prepare him for teaching in a multilingual classroom.
13 November 2021 (The Irish News)
From four-year-old to 90, age is no barrier to learning a second language.
That's according to South Eastern Regional College (SERC), which says it is never too late, or early, to pick up a new language.
The college's language students' range in age from Alec Thompson (4), a pupil at Bangor Central Integrated Primary School, to David McShane (90) from Helen's Bay - both of whom are enjoying learning French.
Mr McShane has progressed from basic French to an advanced level speaker (level 4) after attending the college for several years.
"A second language is a social skill and I have found it does help when you get older," he said.
"If you don't use it, you can quickly lose the vocabulary and the feel for the language.
"I think it is so important for children to learn a second language from a young age and the younger they start, the better."
7 October 2021 (BBC)
More than 70 Irish teachers and speakers have warned of a "critical decline" in pupils studying Irish and other languages in schools.
They are calling for the Department of Education (DE) to recommend that all pupils should study a language at GCSE.
It is currently not compulsory.
Signatories to the open letter from the Irish language body, Gael Linn, said "urgent and decisive action" was needed to reverse a decline in pupils studying languages.
A survey carried out by the BBC in 2019 found that more than a third of schools in Northern Ireland had stopped offering French, German or Spanish at GCSE in the previous five years.
Separate exam figures also showed the number of pupils taking modern languages at GCSE had fallen by more than 40% in the past 15 years.
A more recent study from the British Council said that teaching children modern languages at primary school "all but collapsed" during the Covid-19 pandemic.
A scheme to teach primary pupils additional languages was scrapped by DE due to financial cuts in 2015.
25 November 2020 (Press and Journal)
With voices changing every 20 miles, it’s difficult to quantify exactly how many dialects come under the Scots language umbrella.
But a rough count suggests lucky number 13, divided up as Orkney, Shetland, Caithness, Black Isle, Moray, Aberdeenshire, South Northern (South Kincardineshire and Northern Angus), North-East Central, East Central, West Central, South Central, Boarders and Ulster (yep, Scots made it over the water to Ireland too with Irish Gaelic).
Inverness and the Outer Hebrides may seem curiously absent from this list. But as these regions were predominantly Gaelic speaking areas, the Scots language didn’t take hold with the same intensity, meaning there’s no specific Scots dialect recorded for these regions – though we have included them on the map here for comparison.
The article also includes links to other features in the Spikkin Scots series.
9 January 2020 (The Guardian)
Learning a new language should be compulsory for pupils up to the age of 16, according to a new report highlighting the UK’s recent abysmal record in encouraging young people to study languages other than English.
The report published by the Higher Education Policy Institute (Hepi) cites an EU-wide survey showing that just 32% of young people in the UK say they are able to read or write in more than one language, compared with 79% of their peers in France and more than 90% in Germany.
The report calls for the overturning of the government’s 2004 decision to drop compulsory study of languages at key stage four – when pupils take GCSE exams in England, Wales and Northern Ireland – which has led to a steep decline in the numbers in England going on to study languages at colleges and universities.
It also recommends that the government should start subsidising the teaching of languages at universities, “in light of declining enrolments and growing vulnerability for lesser taught languages”, for strategic and cultural reasons.
6 December 2019 (Irish Times)
Some 3,000 students attended an event in Dublin’s Convention Centre aimed at highlighting the personal, social, professional and economic benefits of language learning.
While most Irish students study foreign languages in school, surveys show Irish adults lag behind other Europeans in language competence.
Karen Ruddock, director of Post Primary Languages Ireland, said the global dominance of English has given rise to the mistaken belief that “English is enough”.
This, she said, can result in complacency and a lack of motivation to learn other languages.
“Today’s event is about delivering a message that learning a foreign langauge will create more work opportunties, more chances to make friends and have great life experiences,” she said.
17 September 2018 (Department of Education and Skills (Ireland))
(Applies to Ireland) The Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton T.D. today (17th September 2018) launched a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of foreign languages and announced new funding for teacher upskilling and school language exchanges.
The campaign is aimed at school principals, teachers, guidance counsellors, parents, students and higher level institutions. Embassies, cultural services and bodies such as IBEC and Enterprise Ireland (EI) are also involved in supporting the campaign to raise awareness of the importance of learning foreign languages. The campaign will be supported by a new website ( which will act as a one stop shop for schools, parents and students on language learning.
10 September 2018 (Irish Times)
Lithuanian and Korean will be taught from this week as part of a drive to diversify the number of languages on the curriculum in Irish schools.
Lithuanian will be a short course for junior cycle in schools in Dublin and Monaghan where there is the highest concentration of the country’s natives in Ireland.
According to the last census in 2016, 36,683 Lithuanians live in Ireland. However, the Lithuanian embassy estimates the real figure is twice that if the number of children of immigrants are taken into account.
The course is for a minimum of 100 hours over two years. Some 43 applicants were received from teachers of the language.
The introduction of Lithuanian into Irish school is part of the foreign languages strategy which identifies the need to support immigrant communities to maintain their own languages.
It was introduced last year as part of a 10-year strategy to prepare Ireland for Brexit through a series of steps such as potential bonus Central Applications Office (CAO) points for studying foreign languages.
The Korean language, the 17th most spoken language in the world, is being introduced as a module for transition year. Trade between South Korea and Ireland reached €1.8 billion in 2015.
The language will be introduced into four schools in Dublin.
French accounts for more than half of all language sits in the Leaving Certificate, followed by German (13 per cent), Spanish (11 per cent) and Italian (1 per cent).
Minister for Education Richard Bruton said the teaching and learning of foreign languages is a priority in the post-Brexit world.
27 March 2018 (Irish Times)
Ireland is speaking more languages than ever before with Polish, French, Romanian, Lithuanian and Spanish all echoing through our family homes.
For years, there was a belief that bilingual children lagged behind academically and intellectually.
More recent studies, however, comprehensively show this is untrue: switching between two or more languages gives the brain a dexterousness and improves our attention, planning, memory and problem-solving skills.
Evidence shows bilingual children score better across a range of cognitive tests than their monolingual classmates.
In an Irish context, speakers of a second language have an advantage in a jobs market that places significant value on both their linguistic and cognitive skills. And bilingual children who sit minority language subjects in the Leaving Cert consistently get top grades.
In spite of the clear benefits, many newcomer parents have concerns about bilingualism.
Dr Francesca La Morgia is assistant professor in clinical speech and language studies at Trinity College Dublin and the founder and director of an organisation called Mother Tongues, which supports parents in passing on their native language.
27 February 2018 (BBC News)
There are about 90 different first languages spoken by pupils in Northern Ireland's schools.
Newly published Department of Education figures for this academic year show schools in Northern Ireland are becoming more ethnically diverse.
23 May 2017 (Belfast Telegraph)
Belfast City Council is to transform how it treats minority languages, with a major promotion of both Irish and Ulster-Scots.
In a new policy, which was revealed on Tuesday, May 22 as a public consultation was launched into the proposals, the council will create micro-sites on its website in the languages, as well as responding to correspondence in both.
11 May 2017 (Irish Examiner)
(Relates to Ireland) In a series of reports on student performance in language exams last June, chief examiners say students must learn how to adapt, instead of using learned-off answers.
The issues were most acute in the 2016 Leaving Certificate exams in Spanish, French, and Italian.
There are many positive aspects, particularly about the competencies of more able students of the six languages, which also included German, Japanese, and Russian.
But in oral exams, which are worth between 20% and 25% of marks in language subjects, a common concern is that students have prepared answers.
The Spanish Leaving Certificate examiner reported, for example, that a number of students had been taught in a “rote-learning” manner that prevented the natural flow of conversation.
“Many candidates had prepared a range of topics in the general conversation, but, when gently disengaged from rote-learned topics, found it difficult to communicate effectively in the target language,” the reports said.
The reports are published today by the State Examinations Commission (SEC), whose chief examiner in Leaving Certificate French said most students were well-prepared for the orals and had a high degree of proficiency and fluency.
However, at the other end of the scale, some of the 25,758 students examined in the subject had difficulty answering even simple questions.
Posted in:
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Languages in the press,
19 April 2017 (News Talk)
(Applies to Ireland) All pupils will study a foreign language for their Junior Cert by 2021 under ambitious new plans being announced by the Education Minister.
The strategy also aims to increase the number of Leaving Cert students studying a foreign language by 10%.
Chinese will be introduced as a Leaving Cert subject for the first time, while so-called 'heritage languages' such as Polish, Lithuanian and Portuguese will get a proper curriculum.
Speaking to Pat Kenny, Minister Richard Bruton explained: "We are going to have to, post-Brexit, realise that one of the common weaknesses of English speaking countries - that we disregard foreign languages - has to be addressed in Ireland.
"We need now to trade in the growth areas - and many of those speak Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin. Those are the languages that we need to learn to continue to trade successfully."
On the subject of Eastern European languages, he observed: "We now have many Lithuanians and Polish here, and we can develop those languages.
"We also need to use programmes like Erasmus - we want to increase our participation there by 50%. Clearly it has to become more immersed in the language.
"At the moment if you look at Leaving Cert and Junior Cert, French dominates. French is a lovely language, but we need to recognise that we need to diversify into other languages."
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16 March 2017 (BBC News)
(Applies to Northern Ireland) Learning a foreign language should be made compulsory in primary schools here, a new report has said.
In Northern Ireland, learning a second language is not a statutory part of the primary school curriculum.
In England and Scotland, by contrast, primary school pupils are expected to learn a foreign language.
The review of primary languages in Northern Ireland has been carried out by researchers from Stranmillis University College. The authors surveyed language learning at over 100 schools.
They found that Spanish and French were most popular in schools where languages were taught. Some pupils also learned German or Mandarin.
However, not all primary schools taught an additional language.
This led the authors to conclude that there was "a lack of equity in provision for children" across the country.
1 December 2016 (The Guardian)
What languages should we teach children in schools, and why? The question came to the fore on Monday after the Polish prime minister, Beata Szydło, called on Theresa May to introduce Polish classes in British schools.
With 831,000 Poles living in Britain – they make up the largest immigrant group in the UK – introducing the language certainly could help communities feel more integrated.
Traditionally in secondary schools in the UK, the most widely taught languages have been French, Spanish and German, according to data from the British Council in collected from 2013 to 2014. In 2010 the government also decided to train 1,000 Mandarin teachers to work in secondary schools in England thanks to China’s increasing influence on the global economy.
How should we select languages for the curriculum? Should we choose those that are spoken the most in Britain? What languages have been most helpful to you? We asked our readers these questions and this is what they said.
23 October 2015 (BBC News)
Modern languages staff at Ulster University (UU) have warned its vice-chancellor that its Confucius Institute may have to close.
Opened in 2012, the institute aims to develop academic, economic and social ties with China.
The university's vice chancellor Prof Paddy Nixon has said the institute is not at risk.
UU decided to close its school of modern languages earlier this year as part of a response to budget cuts.
However, it said they would "continue to support the teaching of Chinese" in schools across Northern Ireland.
21 October 2015 (BBC News)
The vice chancellor of Ulster University (UU) has said demand for modern language learning in Northern Ireland can be met by further education colleges.
Professor Paddy Nixon was giving evidence to the Stormont Committee for Employment and Learning.
In September, UU said it would close its school of modern languages.
He said the university was "no longer funded to provide the degrees people might like."
Responding to a question from committee chair, UUP MLA Robin Swann, Prof Nixon said that FE colleges could teach languages at the level needed in Northern Ireland.
"The FE provision in languages is actually - particularly when it's about spoken languages as opposed to what a university should be doing, which is a different thing altogether - quite extensive."
"So there is an ability for the system in Northern Ireland to support language provision at the level we need it for business and industry."
2 September 2015 (THE)
Ulster University has confirmed the closure of its school of modern languages while identifying another four subject areas for “rationalisation”.
[..] Robin Swann, an Ulster Unionist member of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the chair of its employment and learning committee, said that the closure of the modern languages department would be particularly damaging.
20 August 2015 (The Guardian)
Fewer entries for GCSE French, German and Spanish, though grades for languages have improved.
Related Links
Drop in take-up of foreign languages prompts concerns of UK's ability to trade globally (The Independent, 20 August 2015)
GCSE results: fall in numbers taking foreign languages 'a cause for concern' (The Guardian, 20 August 2015)
Why has there been a drop in students taking language GCSEs? Teachers' views (The Guardian, 20 August 2015)
GCSE results: Language entries drop for second year running (TES, 20 August 2015)
GCSE exam results: The top 10 best performing GCSEs of 2015 (The Independent, 20 August 2015) 'Other Modern Languages' in second place.
GCSE Results Day 2015 live: top grades drop for fourth year in a row following efforts to fight grade inflation (The Telegraph live blog, 20 August 2015) [..] 10.20 Figures from today reveal an overall drop in the number of entries to modern foreign language exams.
GCSE results 2015: pass rate rises but A* grades dip (The Guardian, 20 August 2015)
[..]Modern languages French, Spanish and German all saw falling entries, with the numbers taking German this year dropping by nearly 10%.
GCSE results remain stable but major concerns emerge over top grades in maths (TES, 20 August 2015) [..] The number of students taking language GCSEs fell for a -second consecutive year, despite the subjects being included in the government’s English Baccalaureate (Ebac) performance measure.
CBI responds to 2015 GCSE results (CBI, 20 August 2015) On languages, Ms. Hall said...
British Council comments on GCSE languages 2015 (British Council, 20 August 2015)
EBacc effect wearing off on GCSE languages (Alcantara Communications, 20 August 2015)
GCSE exam results for languages (UCML, 20 August 2015)
Speak to the Future calls for Head Teachers to implement the EBacc and support an outward-facing Britain with an outward-facing curriculum, which includes languages (Speak to the Future, 20 August 2015)
12 August 2015 (Irish Independent)
Many multinational and domestic companies have jobs they cannot fill because of a lack of candidates with the necessary language skills.
Fewer than half - 49pc - of this year's candidates took French, while those taking German stood at just 13.2pc. Meanwhile, only about 10pc of candidates sat Spanish, one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
Ibec's head of education policy, Tony Donohoe, said that student interest in languages had declined when compared with a decade ago. He warned that it was "vital that we don't find ourselves at a competitive disadvantage when it comes to selling into global markets and attracting foreign investment".
7 April 2015 (RT London)
Watch British Council's Vicky Gough and lead researcher Bernadette Holmes from Born Global in this RT news piece on native English speakers being the worst language learners in Europe.
More information about the Born Global project can be found on the British Academy website via the related link below.
Related Links
Born Global: Rethinking Language Policy for 21at Century Britain (British Academy, 2014) A new policy research project into the extent and nature of language needs in the labour market and the implications for language education from school to higher education.
31 March 2015 (BBC News)
Tuesday was the final day of funding for the foreign languages programme for primary schools.
The Primary Modern Languages Programme has been scrapped as part of Department of Education's cuts for the new financial year.
Four hundred and thirteen schools in Northern Ireland have had staff come in to teach Spanish, Irish or Polish. Eighty-six teachers are employed under the scheme, most working in a handful of schools for a few hours at a time.
The Department of Education said the decision was regrettable but necessary, given the budget cuts they are facing and the fact that the scheme cost £900,000 a year.
9 March 2015 (Women in German Studies)
The University Council of Modern Languages (UCML) has recently announced a new strategy to influence the debate surrounding modern languages, and to highlight the potential languages have to inform UK issues such as immigration, terrorism, and social cohesion in the run up to election day.
Using Twitter as the primary social media platform to encourage this debate, the UCML are calling on corresponding organisations – and individuals – to promote the importance of modern foreign languages, and to connect on the aforementioned issues using the hashtag:#languagepolicyUK.
Every fortnight there will also be a twitter ‘chat’ session that will last for one hour. The first of these #languagepolicyUK hours will take place on Saturday 21 March 10am and will be repeated on Sunday 22 March at 2pm for those who could not take part in the first hour. Both sessions will focus on the topic: ‘Connecting for Languages – Why?’.
23 October 2014 (Irish Times)
Calls have been made for the Department of Education and Skills to reinstate a modern language programme at primary level that was shut down two years ago.
In a consultation document on its planned strategy on foreign languages, the department said the decision to terminate the Modern Languages in Primary School Initiative had been made “in light of concerns about curriculum overload at primary level”.
14 August 2014 (The Telegraph)
A-level results published by exam boards show the number of A to E grades awarded to students has declined this year, although elite A* grades are up.
[..] Students continued to desert foreign languages following Labour's decision in 2004 to make them option at GCSE, with French, German and Spanish entries all down.
16 January 2014 (BBC News)
The Northern Ireland Executive has been strongly criticised over how it promotes the Irish language in a report published by the Council of Europe. The council is a human rights organisation with 47 member states.
Stormont failed to provide the council with information on the use of both Irish and Ulster-Scots, because the NI parties could not agree a submission. The council's report said more should be done to promote Irish, including in NI's courts and the assembly.
22 August 2013 (ALL)
Languages entries are up significantly (likely to be due to impact of EBacc). German up 9.4%, French 15.5%, Spanish 25.8%. Increase in other MLs as well. 44% of cohort took a language.
GCSE results: the headlines for languages.
The JCQ press release ‘languages’ section gives full details.
Related Links
'Dramatic' rise in number of foreign language entries (ITV News, 22 August 2013)
GCSE results: ministers hail 'revival' of foreign languages (The Telegraph, 22 August 2013)
GCSE results: At least foreign languages provided a bright spot (The Independent, 22 August 2013)
EBac kickstarts languages revival, but there's still a long way to go (TES, 22 August 2013)
EBacc to the future? Languages results rise at GCSE but is the crisis really over? (Speak to the Future, 22 August 2013)
Why I’m not jumping for joy at the increase in GCSE entries for languages (Alcantara Communications, 22 August 2013)
GCSE results 2013 - live! (The Guardian, 22 August 2013) 09:36 item ‘Language learning on the increase’
GCSE results 2013: science grades fall after papers are made tougher (The Guardian, 22 August 2013) Figures show dramatic rise in students sitting GCSE languages, including Urdu, Arabic and Chinese.
GCSE results 2013: record fall in pupils getting C grades or higher (The Guardian, 22 August 2013) [..] However, there were many bright spots around the country...There was also good news for supporters of modern languages, with a dramatic rise in the number of entries. French, German and Spanish saw a combined increase of nearly 17%.
GCSE results 2013: headlines in vines (The Guardian, 22 August 2013) This year GuardianData has summarised the UK GCSE results in short videos known as datavines. View the key points emerging from the results statistics here...French shows a rise in popularity.
GCSE results 2013: the complete breakdown (The Guardian, 22 August 2013) The three core subjects of English, Maths and Science continue to dominate the list of most popular subjects - no modern languages make it into the top 10 despite a rise in their popularity this year.
Thousands of pupils get GCSE results (BBC News, 22 August 2013) GCSE results in Northern Ireland have stayed almost static this year. [..] Meanwhile, Northern Ireland pupils are becoming less keen on taking French and German at GCSE level but Spanish and Irish are more popular.
Russell Group warning on GCSEs (THE, 22 August 2013) The Russell Group has warned that private school pupils are more likely than state school counterparts to choose science and languages subjects at GCSE, which could give them an advantage in university entry.
English Baccalaureate brings languages bouncing back (London Evening Standard, 22 August 2013)
15 August 2013 (UCML)
The A level results came out today (15 August 2013). What's been the impact on languages?
15 August 2013 (The Guardian)
A major inquiry is under way after the number of teenagers taking traditional modern foreign languages at A-level fell to its lowest level for more than a decade.
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A-level results show rise in science entries (The Guardian, 15 August 2013) Economics, further mathematics and Spanish also rise while PE, German and drama fall.
A-level results: live (The Guardian, 15 August 2013) (Relates to England) Trend information shows that application rates to traditional language subjects continued to suffer, with German and French application rates dipping 14.53% and 9.9%. But more students opted to study Spanish (+4.08%).
Full results breakdown can be found on the Guardian Education webpage.
Grade inflation is over: Top A-level grades down for second year running (TES, 14 August 2013) ….But the overall decline in the popularity of modern foreign languages at A level continued. French, German and Spanish have seen a collective 17.8 per cent fall in entries since 2008.
Gap widens between A-level students in Wales and England (Wales Online, 15 August 2013) ...Interest in foreign languages dropped again, with 139 fewer French entries this year than in 2012.
33,000 Northern Ireland students get A-level results (BBC News, 15 August 2013) The results show that Northern Ireland students have performed particularly well in subjects such as mathematics, chemistry and modern languages.
Minority languages report top grades (Irish Times, 14 August 2013) (Relates to Ireland) Russian is top for A grades, while science subjects perform poorly.
Ofqual to probe ‘inconsistency’ of top A-level grades (The Telegraph, 9 August 2013) [..] It raised particularly concerns over modern foreign languages such as French, German and Spanish, with warnings that examiners award “relatively few” elite A*s compared with other disciplines.
ASCL congratulates A level students for another year of excellent achievement (Association for School and College Leaders, 15 August 2013) ASCL congratulates this year’s A level students and teachers for another set of excellent results. However the overall decline in the number of modern language entries is a concern and ASCL is calling on Ofqual to address the grading issue urgently.