Latest News

A selection of language-related news. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.


Primary languages eTwinning in the UK - sign up to participate

28 September 2023 (Open University)

Give your language lessons some real-life purpose and make connections with colleagues across the UK!

Are you looking for some new ideas to make foreign language learning fun, engaging and relevant? Would you like to find new ways of embedding language policy in the classroom whilst developing your own foreign language speaking and teaching skills? Would you appreciate some help and guidance with planning your language lessons, ideas, and have someone with whom to share your reflections, successes and failures?

Then look no further! Frogston Primary School in Edinburgh in collaboration with The Open University are offering a brand-new eTwinning opportunity for all primary practitioners across the UK. It’s free, totally colleague/pupil-led, designed to enhance and practice your languages teaching, learning and assessment.

In this eTwinning initiative, teachers organise and run on-site and online activities with their students. This involves planning with colleagues from other schools around the UK using ready-made lessons and timeframes provided as a guide.

This is an ideal opportunity to meet teachers and educators who share a vision of engaging and impactful learning, using ICT in a meaningful way, and making the most of 21st-century skills. We will provide lessons, resource ideas, guidance, and an online platform where eTwinners can communicate, create projects, share, and learn together at their own pace in line with their interests and the needs of their classes.

The programme begins on 1 November, after the mid-term break. By signing up, you will:

  • Be put in contact with an eTwinning partner… a class of similar age/stage in a school in a different location from your own, who are learning the same language as you.
  • Be given a portfolio of 6 fully planned eTwinning lessons which are completely adaptable and flexible.
  • Be given a secure digital space where you will find all related materials and in which you can plan with your colleagues.

 To participate, sign up on this Eventbrite page and we will contact you by 1 November 2023 to explain the next steps.


eTwinning Spring Campaign - Climate Change and Environmental Challenges

2 March 2020 (eTwinning)

We are launching the eTwinning Spring Campaign around the annual theme of Climate Change and Environmental Challenges on 2 March.

Our Spring Campaign in 2020 celebrates eTwinning and eTwinners on a local level while raising awareness on climate change and environmental challenges.

During this campaign, eTwinners are encouraged to get inspired by the annual theme and to create on-site events in their schools and the classrooms! Activities and resources are aimed at both experienced eTwinners and newcomers.

Visit the website for more information about how to get involved.


eTwinning 2020 Annual Theme - Climate Change and Environmental Challenges

12 February 2020 (eTwinning)

Supporting the European Green Deal, eTwinning acknowledges that students of today are the adults of tomorrow most likely to experience the effects of climate change. That is why it is imperative to learn to live sustainably in order to counteract climate change and other environmental challenges.

2020 is the year of 'climate change and environmental challenges' for eTwinning. It's free to sign up, meet and partner with teachers from schools in 44 countries and start an international classroom project.

See the website for more information and get involved.


Award for lecturer that likes to teach the world to sign

8 October 2019 (Deadline News)

A University of Dundee lecturer has been honoured for using sign language and music to bring youngsters together in harmony.

Sharon Tonner-Saunders, a lecturer in the University’s School of Education and Social Work, has been named as a recipient of a British Council eTwinning National Award for using songs and Makaton to break down international language barriers.

Unlike British Sign Language, which is the language of the UK’s deaf community, Makaton was developed to assist hearing people with learning or communication difficulties. Signs are developed to look like a word and be as simple as possible to perform, making it particularly easy for children to learn.

Her project, Hands of the World, has brought together learners of all ages and student teachers in schools from more than 40 countries, with classes contributing video clips of themselves singing and signing along to popular songs.


eTwinning – what it is and why UK educators should get in quick

4 October 2019 (London Connected Learning Centre)

London Connected Learning Centre’s Peter Lillington reports back from last week’s UK eTwinning Conference.

If you’re a UK educator of 3-19 year olds and you haven’t yet heard of eTwinning – get up to speed and get in quick (and certainly before 31 October). eTwinning is a free online community for schools in Europe and some neighbouring countries, which allows you to find partners and collaborate on projects within a secure network and potentially access Erasmus+ funding.

This fantastic initiative is supported in the UK by the British Council and of the 670,000 registrations on the platform, more than 27,000 are teachers from the UK. Take a look to get a flavour of some of the projects that show the power of online international collaboration between schools: from coding, robotics, Lego and laughter to challenging perceptions on migration, language learning, history and inclusion.


How to make children citizens of the world

9 August 2019 (TES)

One head explains how a partnership with a school in Palestine has helped pupils to gain a new perspective on the world.

In the 21 years that I have worked at Lockerbie Primary School, we have developed our international curriculum to help change the perception of what most people think of when they hear Lockerbie – the air tragedy in 1988 – and instead showcase our town to the world in a more positive light and help broaden pupils’ horizons, too.

We’ve done this in numerous ways, from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, which provides funding to schools for international activities, to working on a number of British Council eTwinning projects, most notably Hands of the World, which brings children of the world together through music and Makaton.

But the international connection that has sparked the most joy over the years has been our link with the Al Shurooq School for Blind Children in Palestine.

The partnership began in 2005 after a series of emails between me and Al Shurooq’s founder, Helen Shehadeh. Our local minister, who met her on a visit to Bethlehem, introduced me to her.

By the end of the year, as pupils, parents and members of the wider school community looked on, I was using my mobile phone and a microphone to talk to Helen during our Christmas assembly. Two of our P7 pupils, aged 11, then spoke with two pupils from Al Shurooq about their respective schools and how they celebrate the festive season, before wishing each other a “happy and peaceful Christmas”. It was one of the most moving moments in my whole career.

Around five years ago we moved on to focused, whole-school joint curricular projects after Ruba Aburdeinah was appointed as the new director at Al Shurooq.

These mini-projects have primarily centred on the United Nations’ International Day of Peace in September. Every year each of my 12 primary classes, plus our nursery classes and Learning Centre for children aged 2-18 with complex and continuing needs, exchanges work on the theme of peace with a different partner school from around the world. Last year, we exchanged items with schools in 15 different countries, with our Learning Centre pupils making “peace postcards” to send to Al Shurooq.

Music has proved to be a unifying force, too, with students using the World Voice Songbook to learn about each other’s cultures through traditional songs in each other’s language.

We have also enhanced pupils’ understanding of life in Palestine through the Culture in a Box project. This eTwinning initiative asks pupils to choose 10 items they think best represent their culture and explain why. These items then go into a shoebox, which is exchanged with boxes from schools in other countries.

Refugee Week is also an important focus for us, once again prompted by our connection with Al Shurooq. This year we took part in Refugee Week’s Ration Challenge, which asked people to eat and drink the same as a Syrian refugee living in a camp in Jordan for a week. Our class teachers also led themed activities throughout the week and we invited parents and the wider community to attend a Time for Reflection assembly.

(Note - subscription required to access full article).


Bring the world into your school

24 August 2017 (British Council)

We offer many ways to help enhance learning and teaching in schools in Scotland. Raising attainment, building literacy and numeracy, and helping bridge the attainment gap are high on the schools agenda. An international dimension can be motivational for staff and learners, and has been shown to make a real difference in these priority areas.

Our professional development opportunities, curriculum resources and international linking programmes offer a range of exciting and innovative approaches to learning and raising attainment.

Our Bring the World into your School booklet details each of our programmes and shows how they have been developed to strengthen the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence. We also outline how international education can be used across Scotland to improve whole school performance.

Visit the website for more information about the Bring the World into your School initiative, the Learning for Sustainability programme, eTwinning, Erasmus+ funded projects and Language Assistants programme and how these can support and benefit Scottish schools.


Commission gives a boost to youth mobility in Europe

27 March 2017 (European Commission)

The European Commission presented today an initiative under the Erasmus+ programme which further supports learning and mobility of young Europeans. Called "Move2Learn, Learn2Move", it will enable at least 5,000 young citizens to travel to another EU country in a sustainable manner – individually or together with their school class. The one-off initiative, which is linked to the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus programme, is consistent with two central priorities of the Commission: to put a renewed focus on Europe's youth, and to facilitate EU citizens' mobility, particularly low emission mobility.

Move2Learn, Learn2Move builds on an idea put forward by the European Parliament in 2016. It will be implemented through eTwinning, the world's biggest teachers' network. Part of Erasmus+, it enables teachers and pupils across Europe to develop projects together through an online platform.

[..] The initiative will be open to school classes of students aged 16 and above taking part in eTwinning.


eTwinning Professional Development Workshops - Autumn 2016

19 September 2016 (eTwinning)

Secondary school teachers and school leaders interested in embedding international practices in their classrooms are invited to apply for one of the professional development workshops taking place this November.

Each workshop aims to share good practice, meet project partners and set up high quality eTwinning projects on the themes below. The selected teachers and school leaders will have the opportunity to meet like-minded educators from Europe, learn innovative approaches and practice new skills.

  • Workshop 1 - Immigration and tolerance (17-19 November, Greece)
  • Workshop 2 - Storytelling (18-20 November, Iceland)
  • Workshop 3 - Strategic Leadership for high quality eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects (24-26 November, UK - Cardiff)

For more information about each workshop and to apply, visit the eTwinning website.


Mock Council of the European Union 2016

16 May 2016 (British Council eTwinning)

Do your students want to learn to negotiate in an international environment?

Don't forget you can now apply to be one of 30 schools from across England and Scotland to take part in the annual Mock Council of the European Union, to be held at the Foreign Office in London on Thursday 17 November.

In the Mock Council, 30 schools are each assigned the role of an EU member state or an EU institution and simulate a meeting of the EU's Council of Ministers on two topical EU policy proposals. Two students from each school must research these policy areas and represent their adopted country or institution at the Council meeting.

Students are encouraged to use foreign languages where possible in the discussions to reflect the multilingual nature of the EU; interpretation into English is provided.

This year there will be an additional role for one school to represent 'the media'. The aim of this role will be to generate interest before, during and after the event, through interviewing participating schools. 

Applications are welcome from secondary and further education colleges across England and Scotland. The application deadline is 29 May 2016.

Further information and application forms can be found on the Mock Council 2016 website, along with highlights from the 2015 event.


An exchange with a visible difference

16 May 2016 (British Council)

Transferable and vocational skills are providing a focal point for an exchange between specialist colleges for visually impaired students in the UK and France.


eTwinning improves teachers' cross-curricular skills and much more!

4 May 2016 (eTwinning)

A recent survey carried out as part of the eTwinning project, which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2015, shows incredibly positive results about its impact on the teachers' community. An overwhelming majority of the project's participants say that it has helped them improve their skills in various different areas.

eTwinning is, evidently, affecting teachers’ professional practice and development substantially. More than 90 per cent of the 6,000 teachers who participated in the survey said eTwinning had improved their competence in teaching transversal skills. In other words, team work, creativity, problem-solving and decision-making.

What’s more, 89 per cent of the teachers reported that their foreign language skills for teaching and project-based teaching skills were improved due to the eTwinning community. 80 per cent said that they were better prepared for multicultural and multilingual scenarios after joining eTwinning projects.


Related Links

eTwinning online training, workshops and courses - information about webinars and short online sessions taking place between May and June 2016.

Burscough Village Primary celebrate eTwinning Day (eTwinning UK, 11 May 2016) - Year 5 pupils from the school tell in this video what eTwinning means to them.

eTwinning webinar training May 2016

3 May 2016 (eTwinning)

Want to get started on your eTwinning journey? The following two webinar sessions will help you find out all you need to know.

  • Step 1 - Finding your eTwinning partner (17 May, 4.30-5.30pm)
  • Step 2 - Starting your eTwinning project (19 May, 4.30-5.30pm)

Visit the webinar website to find out more and sign up for one or both of the sessions.

For more information about eTwinning generally and see example projects, visit the British Council's eTwinning website.


eTwinning Generation - Celebrating Ten Years of eTwinning

29 March 2016 (eTwinning)

Thinking about linking your class with another through an eTwinning project? Read the latest publication from the British Council eTwinning team which contains an inspiring collection of testimonials from former participants in eTwinning projects.

Many of the interviewed young people consider eTwinning to be the most motivating
and enjoyable way to learn. Their experiences with eTwinning have helped them to
develop their language and ICT skills, as well as an understanding of different cultures,
in line with the goals set out at the launch of the platform back in 2005. But there is
much more to it.

See the book 'eTwinning Generation - Celebrating Ten Years of eTwinning' and visit the website to find out how to start your own eTwinning journey.


'Get students to create a buzz': how to show the impact of eTwinning

15 December 2015 (The Guardian)

More than 341,000 teachers from across Europe have registered on, a programme which enables schools to collaborate internationally using a safe, virtual environment.

Managed in the UK by the British Council, the initiative has grown in size and impact since it launched 10 years ago, with benefits including improved academic achievement for students – especially around communication, language and ICT skills – and increased motivation for staff and students alike.

But timetables are under pressure and accountability is intense, so proving the benefits of the approach in the classroom is of the utmost importance.

As international education co-ordinator, Andrée Jordan, says: “We know that international collaboration leads to improvement of motivation, learning and inspiration, but it’s so hard to prove – and people need proof.”

Here’s how some of the UK’s most successful “eTwinners” have evaluated and communicated the impact of their projects.



27 November 2015 (British Council)

Do you want to add an international dimension to your school?  Would you like to know more about eTwinning and collaborating with partner schools overseas?  Then sign up for the British Council's mini-series of webinars. The first 'Finding your eTwinning partner' takes place on Monday 30 November.

Visit the British Council eTwinning website to find out more and to register for the webinars.


Global Education Conference 2015 - recordings available

23 November 2015 (Global Education Conference)

The 6th annual Global Education Conference, a free week-long online event, brought together educators and innovators from around the world from 16-19 November 2015.

The conference seeks to present ideas, examples, and projects related to connecting educators and classrooms with a strong emphasis on promoting global awareness, fostering global competency, and inspiring action towards solving real–world problems.

Recordings of the presentations at this year's event are now available online.  In addition to a host of sessions on the theme of connecting classrooms worldwide for cultural understanding and collaborative projects, language teachers may also be particularly interested in the sessions 'Technology as a possibility to value language teaching profession' and 'Global collaborations: world language and STEM '

Visit the website to access the full list of recorded sessions.


eTwinning Weeks

1 October 2015 (eTwinning)

Want to start your eTwinning journey?  "Follow me" is the theme for the 2015 eTwinning Weeks, which run until 9 October.

During this time you will have the chance to get all the information you need to embark on your eTwinning journey by exploring sample projects and reading testimonials from ambassadors who'll provide valuable tips to help you on your way.

Visit the eTwinning website to find out more.



10 August 2015 (British Council)

eTwinning is a free online community for schools in Europe which allows you to find partners and collaborate on projects within a secure network and platform. So teachers, why not get involved and start the new term collaborating with schools across Europe by registering with eTwinning today?

Participating in eTwinning projects can have a positive benefit for both pupils and staff alike. Teacher, Pauline Walsh, tells of her eTwinning journey with St Clare's Primary in Glasgow following her attendance at a professional development workshop in Portugal in 2014.

Visit the British Council website to find out more and register for eTwinning now.

You can also see highlights of the 2015 eTwinning UK National Conference via the link to YouTube below.


Related Links

eTwinning UK National Conference 2015 - video highlights on YouTube of the eTwinning Conference which took place 5-7 June 2015.

eTwinning Awards 2015

25 June 2015 (eTwinning)

The British Council celebrated the 10th Annual eTwinning UK conference at the National
College for Teaching and Leadership in Nottingham from 5-7 June.  The main event of the conference was the 2015 UK eTwinning National Award ceremony, celebrating those who have produced outstanding collaborative work as part of the eTwinning programme.

There were 13 awards presented in various categories, as well as one award for the overall
winning project.  Congratulations to Balfron High School who won an award in the student engagement category.

See the press release for more information and a full listing of the awards presented.


School Education Gateway

13 February 2015 (Erasmus+)

School Education Gateway is a new European Commission (EC) portal, launched in February 2015, to support schools in planning Erasmus+ projects, including help with partner-finding. You can also find news and events, policy updates and information on good practice.


Related Links

School Education Gateway (eTwinning, 29 January 2015) - the new School Education Gateway website offers a collection of good practices from educational projects in Europe.

eTwinning case study

9 February 2015 (British Council)

Neil Redman from Chichester College tells us about how eTwinning enhanced his vocational students’ work experience project and gave them a great opportunity to team up with a school in France.

See this and other case studies on the British Council website.


Franco-Scottish school links

16 December 2014 (Institut français)

There are many advantages for establishing links between a Scottish and a French local authority. These links are a natural element of your local 1+2 strategy, with school twinning, expertise sharing and training opportunities.

Check out the blog of the Académie de Lyon primary teachers about their visit to partner schools in Renfrewshire.

If you need help to identify a partner, or if you want to make more out of your current link, email Thomas Chaurin at the Institut français -


Christmas Truce eTwinning Project

11 December 2014 (eTwinning)

Steeton Primary School has been taking part in a unique Christmas-themed eTwinning project with nine other partner schools across Europe. eTwinning ambassador Diana Linford, whose classes are part of the project, tells us more.

This project links with our remembrance of the Christmas Truce in 1914 in World War I, when the soldiers sang Christmas songs together and exchanged gifts. The highlight of the project will be a video conference call in early December when the schools involved will sing carols together.

To prepare for the video call, schools in Croatia, England, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Ukraine are exchanging video recordings of a verse of Silent Night and a carol in each language on the project Twinspace. Pupils in each school are learning the songs and the verses of Silent Night in the different languages of the project.

Read more about the project, and others, on the eTwinning website.


eTwinning Conference 2014 blog

3 December 2014 (eTwinning)

Resources, workshops, pictures and videos from this year’s eTwinning conference are all available now on the blog.


eTwinning Kits and Projects Gallery relaunch

2 December 2014 (eTwinning)

The Kits and Project Gallery sections in the eTwinning portal have been completely redesigned. The main objective is to improve the usability and better showcase the projects’ outcomes, through a brand new layout and a better structure.

Among the new features in the Kits and Projects Gallery is an improved searching tool, to browse projects by language, subject and key competences. You will easily find the type of project you are interested in!


International Education Week Case Studies

24 November 2014 (British Council)

Do you want some inspiration for activities or trips to run in your school? Read our case studies written by teachers about their international activities, including advice and experience from their own school exchanges. Included is the feedback from Saint Roch’s school in Glasgow about their trip to Sarajevo.


International linking for Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) schools

12 November 2014 (eTwinning)

Angela Chapman, International and Global Education Co-ordinator at Woodfield School in Hertfordshire, walks us through her international school linking journey.


The European eTwinning Prize Competition 2015

6 November 2014 (eTwinning)

To join the competition, projects must have been awarded the European Quality Label in any year of the project’s lifespan. Only the partners of a project who have received the European Quality Label can apply for and win a European Prize. All projects must demonstrate that they have been active in the 2013-2014 school year.

Prizes are available for primary through to secondary ages with special category prizes also being awarded in the 2015 competition.


New eTwinning website

28 October 2014 (eTwinning UK)

If you’ve already been involved in eTwinning, enter the competition by 3 November 2014 to tell us how eTwinning has influenced your teaching.

For those yet to experience eTwinning, the site contains information on funding available, professional workshops and resources to help you get started and a video and case studies outlining eTwinning projects and their impact.


Using Skype in the primary language classroom

12 May 2014 (eTwinning)

Diana Linford, French teacher at Eastburn Junior and Infant School and Steeton Primary School, not only gained a national Quality Label but scooped the ‘Creative Language Learning’ prize at the 2013 eTwinning Conference in the UK.

Her eTwinning project used Skype in the primary classroom to enable effective communications between pupils at Eastburn (near Keighley, Yorkshire) and l’Ecole de Vouillers (Champagne-Ardennes, France).

Diana Linford gives us her account of how she created such an innovative project with Magali Grapton from her French partner school.


E-twinning - Gain recognition today!

17 April 2014 (British Council)

Have you completed, or are you in the final phase of your eTwinning project? Would you like recognition of your hard work? Then apply by Monday 19 May for the highly regarded eTwinning Quality Label.

As a recipient of a Quality Label you can:

  • motivate pupils - show them their work is valued outside the school 
  • share your successes with your wider community by placing your certificate and online banner in pride of place
  • use your Quality Label to support accreditation for the prestigious British Council International School Award
  • have a chance of winning a National Award and attending our high profile annual awards ceremony in June 2014 
  • maybe even win a European award and an invitation to the international awards ceremony in another European city

Don't just take our word for it. Visit our blog where you can hear about the successes from previous Quality Label recipients Winchester College and Mid Calder Primary School.

The application process is quick and easy. To learn more please visit the eTwinning website.

Application deadline: Monday 19 May 2014.

If you would like to discuss your application or have any enquiries then please get in touch with us - email


Mid Calder Primary School scoops an eTwinning European Prize

2 April 2014 (eTwinning)

Next week, Wilma Gordon (Mid Calder Primary School in Scotland) will be travelling to Brussels, joining 150 teachers and pupils from across Europe, to pick up an eTwinning European prize.
‘eCultural Kaleidoscope’ has won the Mevlana Prize for Intercultural Understanding (Sponsored by the eTwinning National Support Service of Turkey).

This is a huge achievement and down to the sheer dedication of pupils and teachers involved in the partnership. Wilma tells us all about her involvement in eTwinning as well as the award winning project.


Erasmus+ Advice Sessions

20 February 2014 (British Council)

To help UK organisations apply for decentralised Erasmus+ funding opportunities, we are offering a range of advice sessions to provide tailored guidance by field.

On 11 March there are two sessions in Edinburgh to assist schools through the application process for Key Action 2.

For information on all the workshops available to different organisations and to book a place, visit the Erasmus+ webpage.


Embedding the international dimension at Milton School

18 February 2014 (eTwinning)

Milton School, which caters for children with complex learning needs, has become a model of how to use international education to improve standards within the classroom and support the professional development of teaching staff.

The situation at Milton in April 2012, when the school first joined eTwinning, was extremely challenging. Staff morale was low following an HMI inspection in early 2012. However, with follow-up support through HMI Education Scotland’s Transformative Change programme, staff at Milton were able to work together to develop a whole-school strategy for improvement. In particular, they were interested in exploring how international education and ICT could help transform teaching and learning.


You BETT it's about collaboration

4 February 2014 (eTwinning blog)

Our British Council Ambassador, Andrée Jordan (International coordinator, Global Education Consultant), tells us all about her experiences of online collaboration.

Walking around the BETT show it seemed to me that the theme this year was collaboration. With Office 365, SharePoint and other collaborative programs on display, it does seem that someone is getting the message that we work best as collaborators and how better to collaborate than with other students around the world through the internet. Barriers are becoming removed, we no longer have to travel to experience life in other countries and language barriers can be overcome with increasingly sophisticated communication.

The article features ways in which technology is being used to help develop language skills through collaborating with pupils in other countries.


Free classroom resources for international learning

23 January 2014 (British Council)

Bring the world into your classroom.  Our new guide to international learning gives you easy access to our projects, resources and professional development courses. Whatever your current level of experience, we have a wealth of opportunities to suit you. From setting up a partnership, to running a project and achieving the International School Award, there is plenty to explore as you embark on your journey with us.

British Council Connecting Classrooms also offer grants of up to £1,500 for partnerships between schools in the UK and other countries.  Applications are currently open until 31 January 2014.


New future for the Auld Alliance

16 December 2013 (The Scottish Government)

Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop today visited a school near Paris to see the benefits of partnership between France and Scotland in Education.

Ms Hyslop visited École Marbeau, le Plessis-Trévise, which is twinned with St Kenneth’s RC Primary School in Lochgelly, Fife, to see first- hand the teaching of language, ICT and Science, Technology and Maths related activity.

She met with pupils from the school and read with them from Asterix Chez les Pictes, in which the French cartoon hero visits Scotland.


Related Links

Hyslop's tale helps the French connection (The Herald, 17 December 2013)

Become a British Council Ambassador

2 December 2013 (British Council)

Becoming an Ambassador is the sixth stage in the British Council’s guide to international learning.

At the British Council we believe that the best-placed people to convince teachers of the value of engaging classrooms in international work are teachers who have this experience and have seen the impact this can have on students.

Everything we create to support teachers in their international adventure is developed in partnership with educators and educational consultants. And we like to tap into the enormous bank of expertise that our participating teachers have developed. If you have progressed through the various steps of the international learning journey we want to hear from you. Apply by 6 January 2014.


eTwinning and Comenius themed week - Guardian Teacher Network

8 October 2013 (eTwinning)

Log in to the Guardian Teacher Network eTwinning and Comenius themed week this week. The focus is on Professional Development and we have some great articles and features lined up.

The campaign kicked off on Sunday 6th October with the Guardian Teacher Network’s weekly newsletter.


eTwinning opportunities for Scottish schools

3 October 2013 (SCILT)

The following opportunities have arisen for Scottish schools to become involved in an eTwinning project. These teachers would like to find schools in Scotland to partner with: 

  • Spain - secondary school with pupils between 12-18 years
  • Italy - primary school with pupils between 6-13 years

If you would like further information on either of these schools you should contact SCILT in the first instance on

eTwinning in the Classroom

11 September 2013 (QLocal Lytham St Annes)

LSA's MFL students have something to be proud of by working on eTwinning in the classroom! Sandra Underwood, School Link Coordinator and MFL teacher has been busy working on eTwinning projects with her students and has been recognized during the 2012-13 academic year by the British Council with Quality Labels for two projects: Aliens Just Like Us? and Grow with Us!

For more information on eTwinning and how you can apply for a Quality Label for your eTwinning project, follow the link below to the British Council website.


Get Funding for your UK/France Partnership

19 August 2013 (British Council)

The British Council administers the distribution of grant funding from the Lefèvre Trust and grants are now available to secondary schools embarking on projects in 2013.  These programmes support collaboration between the UK and France on educational opportunities that prepare young people to become global citizens.  

Please note the deadline for applications has changed: final closing deadline is 30 September 2013.

Visit the British Council website for a guide to the programme and to download a grant application form.


eTwinning: Transforming Teaching and Learning

12 August 2013 (British Council eTwinning)

eTwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This YouTube film illustrates how eTwinning can transform classroom practice to motivate teachers and pupils and help raise standards. Children and young adults of all ages from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland all feature in the video celebrataing their success through eTwinning partnerships. 

The video contains a strong focus on eTwinning partnerships providing a collaborative tool for language learning.


Related Links

More information on eTwinning can be found on the British Council eTwinning website.  There is also free support available to help schools set up their eTwinning partnership.

Opportunities and funding for your UK-German school partnership

15 June 2013 (UK-German Connection)

Would you like to undertake a joint project with a German school? Are you interested in professional development? Could your German do with brushing up?

Visit the UK-German Connection website for up-to-date information on UK-German opportunities for you and your pupils, including seminars, events, courses and funding programmes.

The next funding application deadline is 31 October 2013.


UK eTwinning Awards 2013 - apply for a Quality Label by 12th May

25 April 2013 (eTwinning)

If you are at or near the end of your eTwinning project, you can apply for an eTwinning Quality Label.

Quality Labels give you and your pupils recognition for the work you have done with your European partners and is also a great way to evaluate the success and impact of your project. The achievement can also be used to gain further accreditation through the International School Award.


eTwinning Network event in Sofia, Bulgaria, 25nd-28th April

26 March 2013 (eTwinning)

Are you interested in finding a partner school from Europe to start an eTwinning project?

The British Council eTwinning team is giving up to 4 teachers from the UK the chance to travel to Sofia to meet and network with other European teachers at a joint eTwinning event

Taking place from Thursday 25th to Sunday 28th April, this event is open to teachers working with students aged 3-11 teaching any subject. It will include sessions on how to use eTwinning, how to use ICT tools and how to fit eTwinning into your school life.

All workshop sessions will be delivered concurrently in German, French and English, so this event would in particular suit someone who can speak either French or German. However, this is not a prerequisite.

The British Council will cover travel, accommodation and meal expenses as well as your participation fee. Supply cover is not included.

Visit the eTwinning website for further information and to apply by 7 April 2013.


Get Funding for your UK/France Partnership

18 March 2013 (British Council)

The British Council administers the distribution of grant funding from the Lefèvre Trust and Charles de Gaulle Trust and grants are now available to secondary schools embarking on projects in 2013.  These programmes support collaboration between the UK and France on educational opportunities that prepare young people to become global citizens.  

A case study of Portlethen Academy in Aberdeen demonstrates what can be achieved through partnership working.  Here their international work has evolved from a simple pen pal project in one class 25 years ago, into an exciting programme of projects, visits and international connections which permeate the whole curriculum and involve the majority of pupils across all year groups.

See the guide to the programme on the British Council website for more details and to download a grant application form.


eTwinning: best cross-border school projects of the year

14 March 2013 (Europa)

The best school twinning projects of the year will be honoured at the 2013 eTwinning Awards in Lisbon today. This year's top prize is awarded to the 'Rainbow Village' project which brought together 12-15-year-olds in France, Greece, Romania, the UK, Turkey, Italy, Slovakia and Poland. The pupils created a virtual post-Armageddon world and explored themes such as survival, conservation and citizenship. The eTwinning network is a virtual classroom in which pupils and teachers from 100 000 schools in 33 European countries take part in interactive projects via the internet.


eTwinning Plus launches on Monday 4th March 2013!

1 March 2013 (eTwinning)

Ever wondered what is life like in Lviv? Or what’s on the curriculum in Chisinau? What kind of technology is most popular in Tbilisi?  From the 4th of March 2013, you’ll be able to find the answers to these questions, and many more, with the official launch of eTwinning Plus. eTwinning Plus is a pilot that will see a select number of schools and teachers from Ukraine, Tunisia, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan join the thousands of eTwinning teachers who are already collaborating online.


New study underlines benefits of eTwinning

15 February 2013 (European Commission)

The European Commission has just published an independent study on the impact of the EU's eTwinning scheme.  The study found that teachers who had participated in eTwinning improved their skills, their relations with pupils and developed their professional networks. Pupils felt more empowered and motivated and were better at team working. The study found eTwinning to be an easy and cost-effective way for schools to engage in international cooperation.


Meet, network and learn with eTwinning teachers in Cardiff, 22nd-24th March 2013

6 February 2013 (eTwinning)

Are you interested in finding a partner school from France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands or Luxembourg to start an eTwinning project?

The British Council eTwinning team is giving up to 15 teachers from the UK the chance to travel to Cardiff to meet and network with other European teachers at a joint eTwinning event. Taking place from Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th March, this event gives you the opportunity to explore how to enhance your students’ 21st Century skills through eTwinning, find a compatible partner and discuss project ideas face to face.

Apply for your place by 17 February 2013.


Bring Spain to your Classroom

14 January 2013 (eTwinning)

Spanish primary and secondary schools are looking for English speaking partner schools. eTwinning provides advice on three easy ways to link up with schools in Spain.


New report published on Sustainable International School Partnerships

23 November 2012 (Education Scotland)

British Council Scotland and Education Scotland have recently published ‘Sustainable International School Partnerships – Make the Difference’.

Effective practices, challenges, opportunities and a framework for reflection combine to illustrate how the development of sustainable international school partnerships can ‘make the difference’ within Curriculum for Excellence. This new publication draws on the experience of practitioners who have been closely involved in developing international school partnerships.


Teaching and Learning in the Global Classroom

5 November 2012 (eTwinning)

This week the Guardian Teachers Network are exploring issues around global awareness and understanding in schools. Various articles and blog posts will be available to explore throughout the week.


University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages
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